#100 Prompts
oldestandonlygirl3 · 2 years
Prompt #100
"You mean to tell me my 9 bullet wounds, 7 stab wounds, broken arm, and 16 lacerations magically completely healed all by themselves?"
"You are the worst liar I've ever met."
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Prompts List
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Pick from this list of many prompts. To send in requests just click 🦝 Give me a number and a few details. Let's have fun with this prompts list!
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"Your hair is so soft..."
"It's too cold! Come back!"
"No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed"
"C'mere, you can sit in my lap until I'm done working."
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention
"Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go."
"What? Does that feel good?"
"Just pretend to be my date."
"He/she did it." "No he/she did."
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
"It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling."
"No no - it's alright, come here."
"I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise."
"Look, I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone."
"If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars."
"I think I might be falling in love with you."
"Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day."
"It's not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger."
"Mmm... you're warm."
"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this.."
"I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with..."
"No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today."
"Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream okay? None of it was real."
"You know I'm/we're always here for you, right?"
"Please talk to me about it."
"You have something in your hair... um-do you want me to get it out?"
"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.."
"I would've had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you."
"I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please."
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"Wanna, like- I mean, it you're not busy... we could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?"
"So I was driving past a pet store and couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home."
"Let's just stay in bed."
"We live together. You can't blame this on anyone else."
"You're beautiful, you know that?"
"Shooting star. Make a wish."
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Wow, you're hot."
"I want to marry you."
"I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water."
"You're just not the same anymore.."
"It's midnight! Where the hell were you?"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"Why do you run away from your problem all the time?"
"You can't keep it all inside, you know?" Bottling it up won't do any good."
"Hey, I know you're hurting.. but, you're not alone, okay?"
"I hate you! I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize that."
"You lost your chance."
"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
You can'y just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset."
"calm down! You're scaring me!"
"Don't look at me like that."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"I'm done trying to help you!"
"Sorry doesn't fix anything."
"You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing."
"It isn't up for debate."
"I don't know what's wrong, okay? I'm just… really tired."
"I'm fine. Stop asking."
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and don't try lying to me."
"I hope someday you get a taste of your own medicine."
"Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight!"
"Is this how little you think of me."
"I can't do this anymore… not with you."
"Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?!"
"You said you'd always be ther efor me… so how did this happened? Why weren't you there?"
"Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too?"
"I don't need help! I just want the pain to stop!"
"We can be friends instead."
"I tried to move on, but nobody is you."
"Do I look like I've moved on
"I don't remember a fight or a rason, so what happned? Why did we break up?"
"Can I at least buy you a coffee? For old times sake."
"I can't take the loneliness anymore."
"I feel like everyone just forgot I exist."
"What are you talking about? You're married."
"Maybe I'm meant to be alone…"
"I gave you your chance, and you just used it to stab me in the back."
"I've been alone for so long…"
"But you promised."
"Isn't this, like illegal?" "Probably."
"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this." "No, i'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry."
"I have a feeling we should kiss." "Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling?"
"yeah, well, I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier. "
"You're jealous, aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"I can't beliece you dragged me into this."
" Bite me." "Eat me" "Kiss my ass."
"You think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid move."
"You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that's going to stop us, but at least I'll have all the facts. "
"You weren't supposed to laugh! I'm so embrassed."
"I vote today is a pajama day."
"You aren't supposed to laugh! I'm embarrassed."
"It's a real shame nodody asked for your opinion."
"There's been some real friction in our friend group lately. I sugget an orgy to save out friendship."
"I saw that, You just checked me out."
"Are you stupid or stupid?"
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Posted on: 01/21/23
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charmedenchantment · 3 months
34. Stars
You'd think you'd find them
so easily
in the big cities.
The glitz and the glam,
drawing them in.
And some you'll see, for sure,
sharing their light,
so bright,
for all to see.
The majority are so hard to find,
They like to hide in the sea of
well lit cities.
But find some space
in the outskirts of their limits,
free from the shine of neon and strobes.
Out in the quiet dark of the country,
let your eyes adjust,
and simply
look up.
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rinascente · 1 year
He wakes into a rare moment of clarity, sensing everything around him a way he hasn't in a long while. The shard of winter daylight on the wall, a wool blanket crumpled under his hand and the most familiar whiff of jasmine, so soft and so sweet, flowing up his nostrils to rest somewhere behind his eyes. He blinks slowly as his mind wakens, corners of it rolling and extending in turns, with his body still he basks in the energy of whirring neurons.
He can see that it had been snowing. There’s the foamy roll of snow resting on the window ledge, and the strange flat clearness of the air visible even through the window. He feels rather warm. The heater must be on and someone, whoever it may be, is taking care of him on this frigid day. His mind twists on itself, an old cat stretching its limbs after a long nap, preparing for action- now where is the jasmine and why are there pangs in his chest?
He leans forward and peeks through the window.
The street below is a canal of soft cream with the tops of cars reflecting the dove-grey sky. He feels such an intense bout of delight that he started, trying to stand up and push aside the glass. His heart feels strong as a sail brimming with salted air yet he sees his hands trembling in front of him, senses the fragility in his bones. He is confused, for an instant, before realising that none of this matters. None of it matters because today is the day!
Today is the day he meets her for the first time, today he asks her to have coffee with him, today he tells the silly story and stutters- ruining- absolutely ruining a perfect moment and it is today, so he must go now. He turns with some effort to look at the clock on the wall. Seven minutes to put on a jacket and dash down the stairs. He knows he can do it, he's done it before, he just needs to find the big blue jacket. Right now.
It's only when the hands arrive on his shoulders that he notices the fallen cup on the floor, poised perfectly above a spreading stain. The hands are speaking soft words, soothing him, while he feels his limbs rattling like loose keys in a pocket. He needs the blue jacket! But he is being lifted by other faceless hands, cocooned in bedsheets on a small bed, and why? Why is he not upright and rushing through the snow? Why is he not making jokes with her, hoping she likes him maybe a little bit, in his wet shoes and the edges of him darkened by melting snow?
Who owns the white hands stroking his own, wafts of jasmine bringing him closer to her but not her? The skin on his hands have lost their softness so long ago, he can almost hear the rustling of aging cells, chafed and floating into the ether. He remembers holding her jasmine-scented hands, softer than a dream, the day they first met and then a long, long time afterward, when she drifted from this life into the next.
He feels himself fading inside the husk of this body, whoever thought a long life is a blessing is an abject fool. Look at him now! Heavy with loss and numb as a log of petrified wood. His eyes and his mind flutter to a halting close while the hands smooth over his bedcovers, leaving him to another dreamless sleep.
In his last moment of lucidity he gives himself a silent wish- to be outside, free, buried beneath the memory of this snow day with her.
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bisexualgoth · 11 months
all workers' strikes are good. yes even if they're inconvenient. even if they're making your life harder. even if you don't get to watch your favourite tv show. workers fighting for their rights is ALWAYS a good thing
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grendelsmilf · 7 months
succession was truly a show , brave enough to ask, “what if we gathered some of the greatest living theater actors onto a yacht and had them call each other ‘cromulent fuckcrustables’ while fighting over the fate of fox news?” i miss it every day.
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Tim gives Bernard an old puzzle box with a morbid history and ties to a few conspiracy theories as a birthday present.
Naturally he calls in a favor or two to make sure that it isn't cursed or anything before he gives it to his boyfriend.
Bernard is in love with the thing, and when he's not working or spending time with Tim he's trying to crack open the box.
That's fine, all well and good; until Bernard actually manages to open the thing.
Inside is a glowing, crystalline sphere that radiates cold.
Bernard loves it.
Tim's freaked out by it.
Bernard starts to...get weirdly obsessed with it. Treating it like it's a baby or something.
Buying a crib for it and onesies and toys and stuff.
Tim's convinced he accidentally cursed his boyfriend with some horrible demon or something that'll kill Bernard the second Tim lets his guard down or leaves him alone with it.
Then he has to leave Bernard alone with the sphere to deal with an Arkham breakout
When he come back...
The sphere is gone.
That's a baby in Bernard's arms, wearing one of the pun-onsies he'd bought for the sphere.
Or: Danny, ages ago and many dimensions away, got seriously hurt and reverted to his Core form. The damage was so severe that Clockwork warned Jazz and his friends that even once he came out of his Core form, he would most likely be a child. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz designed a box with the help of Clockwork that would protect him until he was with people who would keep him safe. Time passed, and the box exchanged many hands, until it came into the possession of one Bernard Dowd. The One Who Proved Himself Worthy.
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unamusedyams · 1 year
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gay men solidarity
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call-me-strega · 4 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #10: Inter-Dimensional Bake-Off
Alfred was checking the mail the manor had received that day when he found it. In between bills, fan mail, and company missives was a regal purple envelope addressed to one Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. Intrigued, Alfred set aside the rest of the mail and sat to open the letter.
Inside was a high quality cardstock invitation of a metallic silver color decorated with luxurious midnight green script. It declared on the front:
“You Are Cordially Invited”
Alfred raised an eyebrow and flipped open card.
Dear, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth You have been cordially invited to participate in the first annual inter-dimensional bake-off to celebrate the coronation of the young, King Phantom, age 21, Ruler of the Infinite Realms, the Great One, Protector of Souls, Keeper of Peace, The Perfect Balance, The Infinite King, Ancient of Space and Reality. We have discerned that you are among the top 25 bakers in the 11 most stable and prominent dimensions with an open connection to the Infinite Realms. Thus, we would like to offer you the opportunity to show off and test your skills against talented competitors. Should you accept, all transport, accommodation, amenities, materials, and potentially needed medical care shall be provided by the King and his court. If you would like to bring any specific ingredients or tools you are welcome to file a request for them when you arrive and they shall be summoned to you at the start of the competition. You are allowed one plus one either as an assistant or moral support. Should you have any questions please write them down and place them on the sigil on the next page and recite the incantation bellow: “bonvolu respondi mian demandon” The event shall occur in a fortnight upon the weekend before the kings official coronation ceremony. In order to confirm your participation in the competition please burn this letter with one of your most recently made baked goods. In order to decline simply dissolve this message under running water. Please confirm your attendance or absence within a week’s time. Kind Regards, the Council of Ancients Advisors to the Good King Phantom
Well, it seemed like Alfred had earned a place in a rather prestigious event. ‘It seems a finally have a reason to make use of all those vacation days Master Bruce keeps insisting I must utilize.’ He smiled to himself, tucking the letter into his pocket. ‘I wonder if Master Jason would be amicable to accompanying me for a weekend of baking in a magical dimension?’
~ Just in case anyone has trouble reading the letter:
Dear, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth You have been cordially invited to participate in the first annual inter-dimensional bake-off to celebrate the coronation of the young, King Phantom, age 21, Ruler of the Infinite Realms, the Great One, Protector of Souls, Keeper of Peace, The Perfect Balance, The Infinite King, Ancient of Space and Reality. We have discerned that you are among the top 25 bakers in the 11 most stable and prominent dimensions with an open connection to the Infinite Realms. Thus, we would like to offer you the opportunity to show off and test your skills against talented competitors. Should you accept, all transport, accommodation, amenities, materials, and any potentially needed medical care shall be provided by the King and his court. If you would like to bring any specific ingredients or tools you are welcome to file a request for them when you arrive and they shall be summoned to you at the start of the competition. You are allowed one plus one either as an assistant or moral support. Should you have any questions please write them down and place them on the sigil on the next page and recite the incantation bellow: “bonvolu respondi mian demandon” The event shall occur in a fortnight upon the weekend before the kings official coronation ceremony. In order to confirm your participation in the competition please burn this letter with one of your most recently made baked goods. In order to decline simply dissolve this message under running water. Please confirm your attendance or absence within a week’s time. Kind Regards, the Council of Ancients Advisors to the Good King Phantom
The Esperanto translates to “please answer my question"
Edit: now with possible contestants
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whoreraccoon · 1 year
Dp x dc crossover
Danny’s got dozens of favors to cw to pay back so when the bats get stuck in time shenanigans cw gets Danny to pull them out and fix it for him to pay back the debts
Danny’s annoyed and wondering how one family who don’t even have superpowers can get into so much time shit (it’s the flash family’s fault)
Batfam are confused abt who this time traveling/fixing kid is and why he owes so many favors to a mysterious powerful figure
Cw is laughing bc he knows no matter how this pans out it’ll be deeply entertaining in a non apocalyptic way
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thewritersaddictions · 7 months
1k is so close
We are getting closer and closer to 1k followers, and I just wanted to brainstorm before; poof magic, we are there, and there's nothing planned for it. Because a thousand people is a lot, we should celebrate.
So, I'd like to do a prompts request challenge. So you would pick a prompt, and I'd write it all out with characters in my master list. Please tell me the prompts you chose and the character you want, and I'll take it from there.
There would be a time limit on when the requests could be sent in for the prompts, but if you were sending in something that had nothing to do with the prompts request challenge, you wouldn't have to follow those rules.
Or we could do something else: just wanted to see what you might all think of my idea. I will be putting out a poll later on this week or maybe next month asking for some more ideas, or what you might be thinking.
Remember my inbox is always open so shoot me a message and tell me what you're thinking.
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charmedenchantment · 1 year
15. Silence
an ability I sometimes too often lack.
I'm working on it, though.
Strategically choosing
when I step forward
and when I hang back
in vocalizing
There are so many...
But my mouth is tired
and so are my fingers.
So I must work harder
to choose silence.
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luxaofhesperides · 7 months
Danny accidentally appearing out of Duke's shadow. And doing it purposely every time after that. ; requested by @kyrianclawraith! (deviated from your original prompt a bit, sorry! the ghostlights brainworms got away from me)
Traveling through shadows has become second nature for Duke after using them so extensively over the years. He even uses them as a civilian, hopping between shadows when he’s running late to class so he doesn’t have to stress out over traffic. 
Not even Batman’s scoldings can stop him from making it on time to his classes. Risks need to be taken for the sake of his education!
The shadows are comforting. They hide him from sight, get him to where he needs to go, and gives him the alone time he needs when he’s been around people for too long and desperately needs some quiet to recharge. Duke would say that he’s well versed in the shadows at this point, no longer stumbling out into the light.
Even with all his practice and confidence, he still can’t prepare himself for tripping over someone in the shadows while he’s trying to escape some of The Riddler’s goons. 
They both go tumbling out of the shadows, landing in a corner hidden by storage shelves. The poor tripping hazard of a person is under him, groaning lightly as he reaches up to press a hand to the back of his head, where he hit the concrete floor. 
“Oh, shit,” Duke whispers, “I’m so sorry. What are you doing here? How are you here?”
“I was hiding,” the guy hisses back at him. “I wanted to get out of the rain and dozed off and when I woke up, guns were being shot! I was up in the rafters, so excuse me for thinking no one would find me up there!”
Another gunshot rings out, alarmingly close to where they are.
Duke curses under his breath, then picks up the guy and hauls him over his shoulder. “Time to go!” And then he’s disappearing into the shadows again, following the line of them outside the warehouse and down the street. 
As soon as they’re safely away from the goons, Duke steps out of the shadows and carefully sets the civilian back onto his feet.
“So sorry about that,” he says, “But I need to get back and deal with them. Stay safe!”
He’s gone before the civilian can say anything else, and though it’s embarrassing that he tripped over someone while shadow hopping, at least it ended relatively well. It’s not like it’ll happen again.
Duke, sweet, naive Duke, doesn’t think much of the civilian again. He’s a busy guy with a busy life! Lots of things to do! Lots of embarrassing moments to keep secret from the other Bats! No one has mentioned it at all, so he thinks he’s safe from being teased about it.
That is, up until he’s training with Dick and a hand pops up out of his shadow.
“Um,” Dick says, backflipping away from Duke’s punch. He lowers his escrima sticks and squints at the space behind Duke. “Are you… trying something new with your powers?”
“...No? I’m not using my powers right now.”
Dick looks more and more alarmed. He won’t look away from the space behind Duke, and it’s making him nervous. He doesn't want to look, but he knows he has to. 
Steeling himself, Duke takes a deep breath, then turns slightly to see what’s behind him.
His gaze goes down, and he sees a pale hand sticking out of his shadow, moving back and forth. It then comes out some more, up to the elbow, and the hand pats the ground Duke’s shadow lays on, a stiff mat perfect for sparring.
Behind him, Dick turns on his escrima sticks, the electricity crackling through the air.
The hand disappears for a moment. 
Then two hands appear and grab the ground, hauling up a body from Duke’s shadow.
Duke is very well versed in shadows. He travels through them almost daily. He thinks he would know if there was some strange netherworld hidden in the shadows where other beings could pop out of shadows like portals. This is alarming, to say the least.
“Don’t move, Duke,” Dick warns, creeping closer, ready to attack.
A head pops out of his shadow. Whatever it is glows and their white hair moves softly as if underwater. They’re facing away from him, so he can’t see their face, but he can see the black, skin-tight suit their wearing as they float up from his shadow, no longer needing their hands to pull themself out. 
“Huh,” they say, looking up at the ceiling.
Dick grabs Duke’s arm and pulls him back, shielding him with his body. “Who are you?” he demands, voice cold. 
The creature/person startles and whips around to stare at them with wide green eyes. His gaze darts down to the electrified escrima sticks, then back up again, visibly nervous.
“Um, hi! Sorry, I didn’t know anyone would be here. Wherever this is.”
“How did you get here?”
“I was practicing a new portalling method. I found a ghost to teach me how to move through shadows, since my usual portals are very bright and noticeable. Not great when you’re trying to be stealthy! I did not mean to end up here.”
Duke stares at him. “You came out of my shadow.”
“Sorry,” the guy repeats. Then he squints at Duke. “Hey, didn’t you save me the other day? From the warehouse?”
It’s been a while since Duke’s saved anyone from a warehouse. Criminals and goons have moved on to condemned apartment complexes and the back rooms of bars. The only person he’s saved is the tripping hazard…
“Man, what is up with you and getting caught in my shadows?”
“This is your fault!” the guy insists. “I associate shadows too strongly with you! That’s why I’m here! Probably. I don’t actually know how this works.”
“You don’t know how it works but you did it anyways.”
“It sounds bad when you say it like that.” The guy floats down to the ground and offers Duke a hand. “I’m Phantom, by the way! Figured I should introduce myself because this will happen again.”
Duke considers introducing himself as the Signal, but Danny is looking directly at his bare face, so it’s lost cause. Talk about an unexpected security breach. “Duke. You looked a little different when we first met.”
“Yeah, that was my human form. This is my ghost form.” A watch on his wrist, some clunky looking thing that looks like it came from the early 2000s, beeps and Phantom frowns at it. “Shoot, I need to go. I’ll see you later!” And he dives right back into Duke’s shadow, disappearing.
Duke blinks at the empty space where Phantom used to be, still reeling from the shock of it. He’s so busy processing the last few minutes that he doesn’t hear the escrima sticks turn off until Dick is dropping a heavy arm around his shoulders, holding him in place. There’s a smile on his face, but it’s not happy; it’s a warning that he’s at his limit and is barely hanging on to niceties.
“So,” he says as Duke cringes, “Looks like we need to have a talk about the things you’ve been hiding from us, Duke.”
He can’t do anything but resign himself to his fate.
After that conversation, he’s instructed to let them know when Phantom pops up. Which is fine until he realizes that Phantom really did mean it when he said that it’ll happen again. 
Phantom pops up constantly. Most of the time, Duke is lucky enough to be at home, or in the Manor, or in the Batcave away from the public where no one will freak out about a glowing boy popping out of his shadow. Sometimes, he’s in the middle of the street as a civilian and has to sprint away, ducking into the first empty alley he can find in order to climb up onto the rooftop where no one will see him.
It’s stressful and confusing and he wishes he could be more upset about it, but Phantom is fun. He’s funny and charming and tells the craziest stories about ghost fights that Duke can’t help but hang onto every word.
He dutifully updates his Phantom Log, noting each time he’s portaled through Duke’s shadow, any information he’s revealed, and an injury count after Duke noticed a concerning pattern of Phantom often showing up after he’s been in a fight.
Duke begins to get a feel for when Phantom is about to show up. A shiver runs down his spine and his awareness of the shadows around him grows. Sometimes, he could swear he could feel something tear apart in his shadow. He feels it then, a tear that stitches itself up almost instantly, a ripple in the shadow, before that familiar hand pops up again and Duke grabs hold of it to haul Phantom out into his bedroom. 
He is, once again injured. There’s a large gash running down the length of his other arm, bleeding a toxic, glowing green. 
“Dude,” Duke says, unable to keep the judgment out of his voice.
“You should see the other guy,” Phantom snorts. “I slammed him through five streets, then ripped his limbs off.
“Just to be clear, they weren’t his real limbs. He has a robot suit he uses like a body because he’s like a tiny little bean.”
“Yeah, I don’t know how to take that. Anyways, have you still not figured out how to open portals that aren’t connected to my shadow?”
Phantom shrugs. “Nope. And I’m not really trying to figure it out. I like hanging out with you. Plus, it’s nice to see a friendly face after a fight.”
“Can’t you like, go home and have your family take care of you first.”
“Uh, better not,” Phantom laughs nervously. “They’d probably kill me for real if they saw me like this.”
Duke quietly notes to himself to add that statement to the Alarming Things Phantom Says list. 
“Does it… bother you? Me always coming to you?” There’s a smallness to his voice, a fragility that makes Duke want to beat himself up for making Phantom feel like that.
“No! No, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t keeping you from anyone else.”
Phantom brightens. “Oh! Well, no need to worry about that. No one’s worried, back home. They know I disappear sometimes.”
…Another concerning thing. Duke is considering bribing Phantom into staying in Gotham forever, living in his shadow, just so he can take care of him. Just to be sure Phantom’s safe. “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asks, eyes flickering down to Phantom’s bleeding wound.
Phantom futilely tries to hide the wound with a hand. The green blood leaks out from between his fingers, and he applies more pressure to the wound with a faint wince. “Nope! All good here. I’ll heal in no time, honest.”
“Then, do you want to just hang out? I really don’t know why you’d chose to keep coming to me.”
“You’re good company, dude. Very chill. Very fun. And you’re a hero! That’s so cool. Why wouldn’t I keep coming back?”
Duke shrugs, not sure how to put his insecurities into words. He’s already starting to get the Bat-specific inability to communicate emotions, which is definitely a problem. He’ll need to spend time with other people to be normal again. 
As if sensing that Duke’s mood is falling, Phantom launches into another tale, complaining about people who bother him, teachers who are terrible at teaching, having snark-fights with the embodiment of Time itself, and so on. He always has the craziest stories, and he tells them so casually that Duke has to second guess himself, wondering if he’s overreacting when he’s shocked by what Phantom tells him. 
He starts telling his own stories as well, mostly fun civilian interactions he’s had since they last spoke, villain fights, the ever changing theories on the ‘Who is Batman Sleeping With Now?’ shared document all the other Bats have. By the time an hour passes, Phantom’s arm is fully healed and he’s flying in lazy circles above Duke.
His watch beeps again in the middle of him recounting the insane drama happening at his school. Phantom sighs and sinks back to the floor, hovering just above Duke’s shadow.
“Thanks for letting me stay,” he says, voice warm.
Duke shrugs. “You’re good company. I like when you visit.”
A slow, soft smile spreads across Phantom’s cheeks, making him glow even brighter. “Sweet talker,” he accuses fondly, then flies in for a quick, tight hug. He pulls back before Duke can reciprocate, and salutes him with a cheeky, “See you soon!” and is gone, flying into Duke’s shadow before he can respond.
Shaking his head fondly, Duke falls back against his bed.
Despite how unconventional their friendship is, he is glad Phantom keeps coming back. He hopes he’ll get to see Phantom’s human form again.
…And get more used to the horror movie scene that is Phantom clawing his way out of his shadow. No matter how many times he sees it, the sight still makes him jump.
Not that he’s ever going to admit that.
If Phantom thinks he’s cool, he’s going to do whatever he can to keep that impression from changing. It’s only reasonable, really.
(“Shut up, Dick,” he says later when he recounts this encounter with Phantom. Dick just keeps laughing, endlessly amused that Duke got ‘jumpscared into a crush’ as he phrased it. That’s definitely not what happened.
Next time, he’s definitely convincing Phantom to scare Dick with him. 
Revenge will be his.) . . .
[send me ghostlights prompts! one day left before they close on 11/17]
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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inktober 01: dream
it wasn't real, but it was real to him
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rinascente · 1 year
In the late summer dusk she is wistful as always, perhaps more so than any other time of the year. What is it about the golden hour of the day that brings on this amalgamation of sorrow and hope and a small madness, because after reflecting on the day's passage there comes the realisation that this is yet another day departed. The desperation to claw back a sun that has already set, to release the dread in her chest and rush at the gathering dusk, to part the midnight of blue darkening all that is around her.
She finds this to be the best time for journalling. Nothing other than the movement of her hands and the gushing of her words could possibly soothe her at a time like this. She writes with fervour fuelled by the fear of time lapsing, or morphing with the same predictability of the waxing moon floating outside.
She stands outside facing the last of the fire for this day, her room behind her and the surrounding bushland fading into the first shades of night. The envelope holding her words sealed and dated as she breathes in the last of the warmth and dust of day, wishing herself peace for this night and luck for the next day.
Her hands bring the envelop to her lips. A spark from her throat catches the paper and she watches as the red flame bloom and waver. She leaves it floating where she had stood. The burn of her words and the light of her magic. Her very own sun- if only for a few seconds.
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hypewinter · 8 months
When Danny joined the family, Duke finally found someone who valued sleep as much as him and a daytime patrol partner. He never knew how fun it would be to have someone to banter with as he took down bad guys.
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