kurr-dappya · 1 year
Even in senior high school, we still had to sneak out to get lunch thats actually good bcs cafeteria lunch all sucked.
i feel like high school/middle school sitcoms set the unrealistic expectation of being able to have lunch time outside
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kurr-dappya · 1 year
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kurr-dappya · 1 year
Gsnk is a romantic comedy not because it's a romance series with jokes and funny elements but because it's a comedy where all the romance is a joke
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kurr-dappya · 1 year
I thought flashdrives get virus from ppl. So when my flashdrives dont have caps on, i avoid sneezing near them.
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kurr-dappya · 1 year
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
Yes but the fact that they used to be the EXACT opposite of what they are now is what makes kakairu also such an interesting ship
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There’s that whole ‘best ship dynamic’ thing going around lately, i feel this is a suitable submission for ‘One person tries their very best to follow the rules, the other finds it fun to be a massive troll <3′ But mainly this is my submission for @andythelemon’s sensei appreciation zine: “SCHOOL’S OUT!” PDF’s and some limited physical copies are available HERE
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
I feel like we've lost something linguistically with the rise of professional subtitles for everything because they just adapt jokes and idioms into their nearest English equivalent and lose cultural context. I miss watching anime in 2002 with subs by some guy who was just really passionate about japanese and would fill half the screen with an in-depth breakdown of why a pun works. I'm serious I want that again.
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
they call me the worm wizard
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
I love that Sherlock and Liam are both disasters in their own right. Sherlock is a bipolar, compulsive, self-proclaimed detective who solves crimes for fun, and Liam doesn’t know the first thing about taking care of himself. I mean, the man falls asleep at random intervals, eats like maybe one biscuit a day, and is willing to sell his soul to fulfill Robespierre’s revolutionary ideals. Like wtf. I like how they both saw each other and went “yes, I want that one”— and I like even more that they then had to suffer the consequences and learn how to respectively take care of their chosen disaster. They both have to learn how to grow up for each other. I think that’s beautiful.
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
Juza, banri, azami, and sakyo: *are killing each other*
Omi, walking in on the scene: you guys get along so well! Dinner will be ready in ten, boys. Taichi please dont sleep on the floor, you'll catch a cold.
Taichi, who attempted to prevent a bloodbath: *is literally ded.*
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
Every time Disney or Pixar makes a movie with a one word title I just think, how dare you actually, who the hell are you to attach an ordinary everyday word to your IP. The sheer audacity to presume every film they make is that important. It's such transparently cheap viral marketing logic it's obscene.
The worst offender is still "UP." Fucking "UP?" A two letter word everyone says a dozen times a day? Besides the greed of planting a little Disney flag on the word UP of all things, it was empty of any fun or whimsy and communicated nothing about the film except that something or other goes "up," which is technically true of every film ever made, at some point. A single word as mundane as UP or FROZEN or TANGLED does not capture a child's imagination. Words like DRAGONS or ROBOTS, yes, but in Japan they changed the title of "UP" to "Grandpa Carl's Flying House" and whose curiosity wouldn't be piqued by that?? Of course I want to know why grandpa Carl has a flying fucking house you morons
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
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I saw someone on Twitter saying chiaki was Izumi and Sakyo’s son and like I know it was probably just a joke but I think about it sometimes
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
Thinking abt wreckingball again and how it was never really clear if eijun actually believed that magic wasnt real or if he just knew that it had costs. Thats why he kept telling ppl that it wasnt real and relying on it always cost. At first it sounded like he was just saying that something that didnt exist couldn't actually save u, and if u just waited for smth that would never appear in the first place, you'd just be killed without a fight.
The ppl in wreckingball were reliant on mages and their magic, but no one really knew where it came from. They just used it bcs it had always beeen there. But demons had always been there too, and they just accepted that as a fact of life as well, and continued to fear them. No one even considered that they were scaring them back. Only eijun treated them like the animals they were, who approached them like a friend, and eijun was the only one they didnt hurt.
And in the end, eijun had to sacrifice himself and kazuya to close the holes that were apparently connecting their world and the demon world.... Holes that were created by the existence and usage of magic...??
And w that revelation, it felt as though eijun had always known. Im not sure, he didnt exactly feel like he was faking it??? But it also felt like he wasnt as ignorant??. His actions never felt deliberate but somehow everything he did felt like it held significance to himself, like he knew something others didnt?? Eijun in wreckingball was one of the most enigmatic characters i have ever read. And ive reread it countless times and it just... Makes me think EVERY SINGLE TIME.
A lot of stories about learning magic hide the cost of magic: they tell a story that you can have magic through your own individual efforts, i.e. that magic comes by studying hard, learning something, and you just have it! You get this magic, and it’s yours.
Our own society encourages us to pretend that magic is free in similar ways. “I worked hard, I got paid, and I bought this iPhone. It’s magic! And it’s mine!” But we know, we all know deep down, that much of the actual costs are being paid by other people somewhere else, or will be paid by you in the future and in your children’s future.
Magic isn’t free. Whenever there is real magic, someone pays for it. And trying to claw apart the story to get to that truth, to expose and show that truth on a visceral level, is part of what I’m trying to do.
— Author Spotlight: Naomi Novik
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
No youre wrong. Its 3000+ years in the future and it will be by a japanese man called ishigami senku.
The light bulb was invented almost a hundred years before the candle.
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
Shelock to william: If you really want to atone for your sins, stop running away and choose the thorniest path!
The thorniest path, apparently: a life being doted on and coddled by sherlock.
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kurr-dappya · 2 years
"can you explain how your education and previous work experience qualify you for this position?" How about I kill myself in front of you instead?
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