#. . . vamp!jason
vampsickle · 3 months
ex-bf jason todd is so sexy. he’s the one who broke it off with YOU because he couldn’t stay committed and was too busy to properly spend time with you. you cut all contact with him as a result, and a couple months later he sees you with another man, his arm wrapped around you, holding you right against his waist. he doesn’t understand WHY he’s so jealous, jealous enough that he sneaks into your dinky apartment, waiting for you on your bed the next night. he’s scowling under the mask, not even listening to what you’re saying to him, how angry you are with him, but he’s yanking your bottoms down and shoving you into the bed.
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arkhamslvts · 7 months
ooo imagine when jason first turns into a vampire and he just doesn’t want to hurt anyone or suck some random peoples blood so he comes to you, whining and kissing your neck before asking if he “can just have a little taste. please, baby?” and who are you to deny him?
he’s so grateful for you that he shows you just how grateful by fucking you so good and hard, making sure you know how appreciated you are
listen, im a firm believer in the erotic nature of a vampire drinking their lovers blood. tbh i think i treat it more like an aphrodisiac than anything. so yeah, jason’s new to all this, to that unbelievable thirst that makes him almost forget who he is, but he would never drink from anyone else, that’s too.. personal to share with anyone. “baby, can i drink… promise i won’t take too much” and of course you let him, you’ll indulge him whenever he wants. and his fangs press against your neck, you let out a little sigh, your life in his hands..between his teeth. the way his grip tightened on your thigh didn’t go unnoticed either.
he presses a kiss where he drank, and his kisses dance across your neck, over your chest, down your torso, and then he’s at your thighs. and then he’s between them he’s drinking you in as of his hunger wasn’t for your blood “fuck.. every part of you just tastes so good, all of it how could i not want to taste you all the time”
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deansapplepie · 21 days
In your Dreams
Summary: After an almost fatal incident your friends can’t do anything but request the “person” you mostly despised to save your life. You just didn’t expected ending up in this situation.
Pairing: f!reader x Vampire! Daryl
Warnings: oral (female), bitting, thigh bitting, femoral artery, mentions of accidents, smut, blood drinking, blood, enemies to vampire bonded thang (?), swearing. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: This Vamp! Daryl is in the universe of True Blood, so it means vamp blood cure and all the other rules from this universe applies here. Not saying much more or I’ll give away the plot lol
Also, Daryl got a little half-bro here. Jason Stackhouse-Dixon, cause yes in my mind Jason looks a lot like young Daryl, bye!
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The pleasurable sensation irradiated from your heat throughout your whole body, your hand firmly grasping his brown locks while he worked his tongue and fingers in your cunt. The sounds and profanities that left your mouth were sinful and unspeakable. Soon you felt a sharp pain in your thigh, right at your femoral artery and you could feel your blood flowing directly into his mouth.
Anyone would guess it hurt and that the moment was ruined, but it wasn’t. You didn’t know if it could get any more pleasurable, but it did. Out of your mind you pressured your thigh against his mouth, if it depended of only that moment he could suck you dry and you wouldn’t mind. The pace his fingers still worked coming in and out of you, his thumb pressing your clit, oh, so precisely and his mouth sucking and licking you. Your body shaked, you whimpered and screamed while your walls contracted his fingers, and you saw nothing but pleasure.
Until he raised from between your thighs and you could see his handsome bloody face. Daryl Dixon.
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You woke up startled. What the freaking fuckering was that? How could you have erotic dreams with HIM? From all the people in the world, him???? You wouldn’t mind having the hottest of the dreams with some of the ‘finest’ gentlemen from the town, but Daryl Dixon was everything but a gentleman. You prayed you hadn’t moaned or anything during sleep, cause you knew he would be able to hear if you did, you were in the same house afterwards.
You looked for your bedside watch and it was already night, you had slept the whole day. Shit. It was expected, you had lost so much blood after being attacked, drinking his blood sent you in a slumber you wasn’t expecting, being cured just made your body relax and take the rest if needed so much.
Half an hour later you went downstairs, some of the humana around and some of the vamps too. Once you entered the kitchen your eyes found Jason Stackhouse-Dixon, Daryl’s lil brother, and something occurred to you… he had drunk vampire blood before, he’d know something about it.
“Good evening, sleepyhead!” He greeted as you approached him. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine… I guess.” You vaguely answered. “I need to ask you something…”
“Yeah?” He opened a beer bottle for him and Abraham.
“What exactly are the side effects of drinking vampire blood?” You practically whispered.
“Well… there are plenty of them. Your senses become heightened, you may have hallucinations, the vampire will be able to feel if you’re in danger and…”he was enumerating the ‘symptons’.
“And waking up with a moist mountain after dreaming of praying with the knees upward.” Abraham completed after sip on his beer.
You stared at him blankly, the gears in your brain trying to understand whatever he tried to tell you. “He means, having wet dreams.” Jason spoke after clearing his throat.
Oh! You have almost forgotten Abraham dated Rosita, who was a vampire, so of course he would know. Before Jason connected the reason of your question with the embarrassment on your face, Daryl entered the kitchen and went to fridge to get a bottle of Tru Blood.
“Good evening sunshine, how did ya sleep?” He leaned on the counter a smirk on his face. He knew. God, he probably even had the same dream. You didn’t know what were the rules of this connection thing you now had with him.
“Awfully.” That was the only answer you could give while images from your dream came to your mind and blush crept through your face.
“Nah, it looks like ya slept too damn well.” He told you, that freaking smirk never leaving his lips.
“Next time I’m almost dead, y’all better let me die.” You advised the others in the room. No way, you wanted his blood in you again. No way, you wanted to experience those wonderful sensations from your dream. No way, you got curious about how would it feel in real life. No way!
“In your dreams, sunshine!” Daryl shout at your back while you left the kitchen bothered, flustered and hot with the recent happenings.
Final Note: It all sounded a lot better when inside my mind. Thank you so much @celtic-crossbow for the help with Abe’s language 🩷
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998
Divider and MDNI banner by @anitalenia
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ophii · 3 months
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@sunny8011 requested wolf phase and vampire phase valgrace so. here u go.
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webdollzz · 2 years
Luke: Don't get me wrong, I'm straight, but we've all thought about being in the arms of derek right?
Spencer: yes
Aaron: no
Spencer: noo
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Uhhhhh yall wouldn't happen to have any headcanons or thoughts of werewolf jason and soft vampire dad bruce right?? Just checking because my inbox is free...crazy right
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squicksquak · 8 months
my heart breaks every time i see robin dick and jason with proper pants on..... bring the worlds tiniest shorts back they're part of their charm
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grizguts · 15 days
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I made a silly spoof prayer candle, featuring our Lord of VtM; Jason Carl (Jason Fucking Carl - JFC) @vampiresnvino. Photoshoped him in the saint painting and added some kindred ankhs, book of nod and of course a glass of red. Got them printed as stickers, put them on some black prayer candles I got (opium scented), with some black and red ribbons for a finishing touch. Sent them out to my coterie today as gifts, so we all have one to pray to for crits on game night.
Our Father, who art in Darkness, hallowed be thy name; thy crits come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily blood. And forgive us our frenzy, as we forgive those who frenzy against us. And lead us not into bestials; but deliver us from bonds. For thine is kindred, the power and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen.
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abyssling · 2 years
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Is Jason rubbing Dick's hair? 🤔
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ragnarokhound · 7 months
HEE HOO HOO woe more vamp&wolf jaytim be upon ye [elmo on fire]:
"Will you control yourself?" Tim hisses, but it's not Jason's fault, Tim knows what it does to him when he puts on a dress. "We have more important things to-- Jason!"
"Sorry," he lies, panting against Tim's neck, hands flexing around Tim's hips, trying to fight back his growing claws before they shred the silky red fabric beneath his fingerpads. "Sorry."
He can practically hear Tim rolling his eyes, but he can smell the unnatural flush of blood rising under Tim's skin, and pressed right up against him, he knows that he's trembling. "Oh, well, as long as you're sorry--"
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ladytauria · 7 months
for the au game :) a supernatural creatures or shifter au for the batfam and/or pairing of your choosing!
thank you!!! this one was a lot of fun <333
i didn’t end up with either a pairing or a plot for this one, exactly, (there’s kind of a bunch of mini plots tbh) but i had a lot of fun imagining what supernatural creature each of the batkids could be~
i also went over 5 facts but. i blame bruce for that, tbh. he has too many kids :P
After Bruce’s parents are killed by some kind of creature, Bruce becomes a monster hunter. However, one way or another, all the children he adopts turn out to be monsters.
Dick has siren heritage (of the bird variety, not aquatic). It remains dormant until the Court of Owls brings it out of him. He adores the ability to fly, but it leaves him far more careful about his voice.
Jason is killed by Joker, a demon. His return is bathed in hellfire, now a lesser demon himself. He’s managed to keep a tight grip on his humanity, though—even if Bruce doesn’t always appreciate that.
Cass is half-vampire (a dhampir?). Though her need for blood isn’t as all-consuming as a full-blooded vampire, it’s still present, and something she struggles with greatly.
Steph is turned into a werewolf when Black Mask captures her. It’s part of the reason she fakes her death—she leaves to spend time learning to control her shifts.
Tim is a changeling—either he knew the entire time and hid it from everyone, or discovers this himself later in his life. It comes with some small ability to shapeshift and sense what people will find most pleasing. He is able to lie, and well, but is quite sensitive to iron.
Duke has angel blood—maybe he’s nephilim, or the child of a nephilim. (So half- or quarter-angel.) Bruce makes the mistake of thinking that his angel blood means Duke will be the most well-behaved. He’s wrong :)
Damian is half- or quarter-demon, and Bruce really only has himself to blame for that one. Because Talia is a major demon, though, or the descendant of a major demon, he’s about equal to Jason in power. Yes, this causes a lot of problems, lmao.
BONUS: Oracle isn’t just a title; Babs does have some minor precog powers. Alfred is either a (very old) fey or a vampire; he’s just been waiting for Bruce to notice :)
[ AU ask game ]
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vampsickle · 3 months
the idea of grinding on jason’s clothed cock and smearing your wetness on his underwear while he just has to lay there and take it. his eyes swirling with lust but his brows are tightly knit, he could flip you over and take you right there, but instead he chooses to take this torture from you, occasionally whining and moaning like a sweet whore :)
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remosdeerica · 2 years
Bonding Time with Your Grandson
Vampire!Martha: So, the Joker killed Jason...
Vampire!Martha: And he's still.... Alive?
Bruce: Mom, it's a complicated situa- Mom? Where are you going?
Vampire!Martha: Oh, you know! You're always telling me I should try bonding more with the kids! So, I just figured I'd take Jason out and have a little fun!
Bruce: Mom!
Vampire!Martha: Jason, Honey? Grab your guns! We're gonna go bag ourselves a clown.
Jason: Fucking finally!
Bruce [frantically running]: No-
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The plus side of my current depressive ep/self loathing is it’s a lot easier to look at something and go ‘yeah i deserve a lil treat’ for that 24 hours worth of serotonin
Anyway i went to the comics shop today 😂
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sanguineterrain · 28 days
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4jarCo/ do u think that dc comics wasted dc vs vampires?
Yes 180% yes!!! Not only was the concept wasted but the characters overall were OOC, especially Dick. There's no way he would've just killed Bruce, Jason, and Tim. NO way. Forget the fact that strategically, they would've been unstoppable if all of them had been turned (and yes, I am full of lust: vampire!Jason would've been sexy).
But they're also all codependent on each other. Bruce "I fight alone" Wayne is a big ol liar. Dick is too attached to his family to kill them so savagely. He would've spent way more time convincing them. And it would've been far more interesting if Bruce had tried to cure Dick and gotten turned, or if Dick had used his master manipulation to turn Bruce and the others. The plot was weird and messy and escalated too fast. Dick just acted like a dick!
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 2 years
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Vampire Appreciation Week 2022: Day 7 - You choose!
Moonlight (2007 - 2008)
The series follows private investigator Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin), who was turned into a vampire by his bride Coraline (Shannyn Sossamon) on the couple's wedding night fifty-five years earlier. In the present day, he struggles with his attraction to a mortal woman, Beth Turner (Sophia Myles), his friendship with his mentor and fellow vampire Josef Kostan (Jason Dohring), and his dealings with other vampires in Los Angeles.
Closed after the first season, it's a pity that they didn't give this series a chance
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