#. ˚◞ ⠀★⠀—⠀ASTEROIDS
moonastro · 2 months
Solar Return chart notes ii
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**not my images**
ᯓ★ chart ruler of SR in 3rd house may mean you will have a new (younger) sibling (or cousin).
ᯓ★ pluto in 1st house of SR is the year that i had a transformative overall year. I wouldn't call it an identity crisis but i was questioning who or what i am or what i need to be doing.
ᯓ★ IC ruler in 4th house in SR can make you more family oriented. i had this one year and i had a closer relationship with my household family.
ᯓ★ another indication of studying the occult is having vertex in the 8th house. i had mines in Gemini (mind, studying, writing).
ᯓ★ venus in 4th house in SR can mean you loving your culture and your traditions more.
ᯓ★ the ruler of 5th house in 6th house can be an indication of starting to move your body for fun. i had my ruler of 5th house (hobbies) in the 6th house (physical body, routine) and it was in Aries (fast moving, fast pace). i started dancing more that year as a hobby and for fun.
ᯓ★ 11th house SR in cancer can make your friendships very confusing. For example i had my 11th house in cancer and moon (ruler) in 3rd house (of communication, talking), there was lack of communication which led to confusion.
ᯓ★ vertex in the 8th house of SR can mean earning money/ getting money from other people. i had this in gemini (rules social media, and communication) in 8th house.
ᯓ★ when i had mars (action, messages) in the 9th house (higher learning, education) i had multiple of university offers. Mars was trine Neptune and the courses were art related. very interestinggg.
ᯓ★ ruler of 11th house square mars can bring conflict to your friendship circle.
ᯓ★ the ruler of 2nd house in Aquarius can make your senses change. what i mean by this is that your taste may change or say your sense of smell can become weaker or sharper etc etc.
ᯓ★ in your SR, when the 4th house ruler trines Venus, you may create a beautiful bond with your family members. This can also enhance your love for your heritage.
ᯓ★ Jupiter trine asteroid Aphrodite (1388) can influence self care. i had jupiter in Aries and i was very focused on the head/face and taking care of these areas such as my skin and my oral health. The asteroid was in the 2nd house which rules the face and teeth in medical astrology. very cool.
ᯓ★ when i had moon sextile uranus in my SR i was very chronically online. i had comfort in that area and would almost allow what i saw on the internet control my mood.
ᯓ★ venus trine saturn in your SR can make you become stricter on your appearance. this may cause you to be very aware of how you look and be quite strict about it.
ᯓ★ SR sun in 7th house, expect to be more confident. i had this trine pluto and went out of my comfort zone lots of times even if i felt a bit anxious.
ᯓ★ Mars in cancer in your SR can make you bicker with family members tremendously. i had this placement in a taurus degree (2,14,26) and there were topics related to finances being discussed quite often (mostly the females).
ᯓ★ ketu in 1st house of SR can make you more isolated. not always a bad thing this can just mean that you don't crave spending time with other people and enjoy your own company.
thanks for reading, have a nice day!🤍
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uyuforu · 3 months
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Uyu's Astro Observations IV
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Some observations are +18
ᯓ★ Do I have playlists for every mood ever or do I just have Leo placements?
ᯓ★ Boda conjunct Boda in Solar Return Synastry... you are either getting proposed or getting married lol.
ᯓ★ Vertex is so important in any chart, look at it always please!
ᯓ★ I was wondering why people found Jack Harlow so attractive with the way he talks, and I found out he has 3H Leo lol! True rizz placement.
ᯓ★ Erda (894) is an asteroid that tells you about your past life. So Erda conjunct Erda in synastry means you were def in each other's past life and played an important role towards each other.
ᯓ★ I'm studying Transits these days, and the day I met my FS, I had North Node in 7H, he had Sun, Mercury and Venus in his 5H. His Groom was also conjuncting his DSC. My Moon was also exactly conjuncting my IC.
ᯓ★ Boda in 7H synastry: Boda person could want to marry 7H person and is most likely to propose in the future.
ᯓ★ Also, Jack Harlow has Ceres conjunct Mercury, this could explain also why he is so smooth with the way he speaks to people.
ᯓ★ Sun in 7H in Solar Return Synastry means this person wants to marry 7H person, and may realize it this year, or propose. If Saturn is also there, something is blocking this union, and this person may see obstacles.
ᯓ★ Your Neptune & Venus falling in another person's 11H in Solar Return Synastry means you are stalking their social medias a lot this year because you have crush lol.
ᯓ★ If your Neptune & Venus fall in your person's 8H, you are obsessed with them, you can't stop thinking about them and fantasizing about them either. Might also stalk.
ᯓ★ Mars in 1H synastry... Mars person wants to do 1H person so bad.
ᯓ★ If you have Boda falling in another person's 3H in Solar Return Synastry, you might propose to them this year. Or you will want to.
ᯓ★ Vertex conjuncts Vertex in Solar Return Synastry means something will happen this year between you two that will change your life forever. The themes are the houses where the Vertex are. For ex: 5H for both means you can enter in a relationship, or get engaged, or have a baby...
ᯓ★ The year I wasn't working, I had Saturn 10H in Solar Return.
ᯓ★ In the same Solar Return, I had Moon Scorpio 20°, I was depressed, I did tons of tattoos and dressed in black every time. I was looking very cold and detached too.
ᯓ★ This Solar Return I met my FS, Groom conjuncted Vertex this year.
ᯓ★ Also, Groom conjuncted Vertex in the 6H, and this meeting forced me to realize my toxic patterns and heal myself. It was the start of a healing journey.
ᯓ★ Any years I had a toxic relationship, I always had Venus 8H in my SRC.
ᯓ★ Gemini Moon in 8H is an insane placement, people like that can really get in dark places when they overthink or are depressed. Their mind can be scary for other people. But those people need the most help in the end.
ᯓ★ While Vertex 5H means you want and will have children, Chiron in 5H means you are scared to have children, some traumas will prevent you from having some.
ᯓ★ Juno/ Groom/ Briede conjunct Jupiter means your FS will make you very happy, and cheer you up. They will bring you sunshine. You will feel more lucky after marriage.
ᯓ★ Juno/ Groom/ Briede conjunct Pluto means they will totally transform your life. If it is in the 6H, it means this person will heal you, despite that it can be scary for you.
ᯓ★ Vertex PC will tell you way more about your destiny. Check it to see the whole ride.
ᯓ★ Asteroid Kreusa (488) can mean where you escape in life, how you escape, and what you abandoned, what abandoned you. It's a theory of mine since the asteroid never had an observation before. I checked it for me and my friends and it is in fact a verified theory! Give credits for @uyuforu on this one please!
ᯓ★ I noticed my MC PC and Briede PC looks very much the same, and I have Sun & Mercury Capricorn in my Briede PC, I'm gonna be the leader in that marriage lmao.
ᯓ★ In my Boda PC, Part of Fortune conjunct Union, meaning a lucky marriage that will make both of us happy.
ᯓ★ I also have DNA asteroid (55555) in my 7H in my Boda PC, there are high chance to be pregnant when I marry...
ᯓ★ Moreover, my FS has Vertex 5H in his Boda PC, so the child theory for the wedding can be very true lol...
ᯓ★ In the Child PC, my FS has a stellium in 7H and Boda is inside of it ;-;
ᯓ★ If we continue on the child theory, my FS has DNA asteroid in his 7H of Groom PC, he also has Juno and Vertex there, so it's reassuring lol!
ᯓ★ Juno 7H in Groom/ or Briede PC means you marry your destined person. My FS has Juno 7H in his Groom PC, and I have Juno 7H in my Briede PC. We will both think we married "the one".
ᯓ★ Saturn in 10H transits is a hard time to find a job... or to get a promotion.
ᯓ★ Last thing about Jack Harlow: he kept saying he wants 8 children, so I checked his chart. Vertex 5H lmao, am I shocked?
ᯓ★ I lied, it wasn't the last thing about Jack. He also said he was into sweet girls. I am not shocked, he has Briede Cancer. He will def marry a sweet girl.
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*This is the only email address I have!
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themedialmercurial · 4 months
🌟Asteroid Abundantia (151) and where you may be blessed🌟
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Asteroid Abundantia represents the area(s) of your life in which you can expect to be extra plentiful.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
Greater self-perception, more favourable impressions amongst others, improved physical appearance, improved health
Better finances, increased personal possessions, experience ease in making money, greater access to ressources, improved self-worth
Ease in producing thought, communication comes more naturally and wanting to do so with others, uptick in short trips, greater early education experience (if in natal chart), more learning, more siblings (if in natal chart)
Several family members, a prominent relationship with the mother, several familial traditions, many properties (real estate), a blessed early life (childhood)
Great creativity, comfort in self-expression, having several children/pets/relationships, numerous vacations, hobby-lover, several talents, attracting a lot of attention naturally
Manifests as many employment opportunities or having an abundance of work to do, overall health, a busy daily routine
Experiencing many relationships or one in particular that brings about blessings, several enemies
Having many transformations in one's life (rebirth, leaving behind old thinking patterns/perspectives), immense interest in spirituality
To speak several languages, experience many different cultures, numerous long travels, religion is prominent, to gain knowledge through higher education, luck through one's media/internet access
Great public reputation, great ambition and work ethic, attaining a prestigious career, many responsibilities, a prominent relationship with the father
To have many goals, very involved in humanitarian endeavours, many acquaintances and/or friends, to experience an abundance of money from one's career
To love sleep, spirituality is prominent, many fears and secrets, a need to withdraw, many hidden enemies, a need for privacy
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
ABUNDANTIA IN THE SIGNS (how this abundance is expressed)
ARIES Emphatically, energetically, enthusiastically
TAURUS In a stable manner, practically, aesthetically, patiently
GEMINI Adaptably, curiously, communicably
CANCER Sensitively, emotionally, in a nurturing way
Dramatically, generously, creatively, in a fun way
Cautiously, critically, usefully
LIBRA Peacefully, indecisively (back-and-forth), diplomatically
Powerfully, intensely, persevering, passionately, extreme
SAGITTARIUS In a scattered way, exaggeratively, restlessly, idealistically
CAPRICORN Responsibly, efficiently, ambitiously, insensitively
In an original, unexpected manner, rebelliously
Sentimentally, spiritually
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
Abundantia/Sun benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength and peace in self-identity, creativity and leadership
Abundantia/Sun malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of ego, will power, identity (self-absorption)
Abundantia/Moon benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in feeling one's emotions and emotional responses, nurturing qualities and habits
Abundantia/Moon malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of feelings, sensitivity, overwhelm of emotion
Abundantia/Mercury benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own thought (rationality), all forms of communication, local travelling
Abundantia/Mercury malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of thought (overthinking), constant travel (perhaps as a means of escape or for work)
Abundantia/Venus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own beauty, the beauty of the world (seeing the little things), balance and harmony
Abundantia/Venus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of desire for beauty (obsession with aesthetics), constant need for balance and harmony
Abundantia/Saturn benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in structure, discipline, responsibility and maturity
Abundantia/Saturn malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus in responsibilities, authority and restriction
Abundantia/Mars benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in assertion, initiative, independence and competition
Abundantia/Mars malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of aggression, competition and initiative (restlessness)
Abundantia/Jupiter benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in higher education, growth, long distance travel
Abundantia/Jupiter malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of growth (too many things all at once to tend to), long distance travel
Abundantia/Uranus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in the unusual/unexpected, individuality, reform
Abundantia/Uranus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of uniqueness, sudden unexpected/undesired changes
Abundantia/Chiron benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in heaving, teaching and innovation
Abundantia/Chiron malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Surplus of hurt and pain
Abundantia/Neptune benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in imagination, spirituality and arts
Abundantia/Neptune malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of fear, confusion, and mental sensitivity
Abundantia/Pluto benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in finances, transformation, intimate encounters
Abundantia/Pluto malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of transformation (unable to get one's footing)
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
Don't forget to apply this to your solar (year outlook) or lunar return chart (monthly outlook)! Also transits!
For example, in my 2023-2024 solar return chart, I have abundantia in scorpio 2H. This placement predicts that my year will be plentiful when it comes to personal finances and possessions (2H). This is expressed very powerfully and intensely and should also be shared with others (scorpio). Based on what I've seen thus far, I’d say yes in the sense that I had a solid income source and have been able to treat myself and my loved ones (the urge to do so has very much been intense, especially as Christmas is right around the corner).
Natally, I have abundantia in sag 3H.
Thoughts come naturally to me and I tend to express myself exagerratively ngl (my words tend to come across more harsh than I'd like)
Also, I do tend to go on small road trips with my family. My early early education experience was amazing (I honestly miss it so much and I love love learning but that could also be my scorpio 3H and pluto 3H interacting lol).
-->Ironically, I don't have any siblings! It's also worth noting that abundantia quincunxes my mercury. A quincunx is a rather "negative" aspect and represents a disconnect or compromise.
-->I nearly forgot to mention that the asteroid itself is in retrograde...great. Perhaps delays in abundance are expected
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
What’s your abundantia placement? How does manifest either natally or in your solar return chart?
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s-telar · 2 years
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🪸 ♡ ᄎ 𝖺𝗊𝗎𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖾 くコ:彡 🫧
꒰  ⑅◞ ◟꒱ ⭐️🪡🍎 ೨ セーフ
꒰ ★ : cometa ׅ ̸ asteroide
✿𝆬 ƒƖօr dᧉ 𝗉𝖺r𝗂s ♡ ^ ㅇ ^
❪ ♡ ❫ ⛤ ҂ 666 ⏤ 𝗹𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗵
🎻 𓏲 ♥︎ 𝘃𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻 ᘍ 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 ᘊ
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pretty-purpple · 1 year
Do not copy or steal my work.
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Mostly Sun is regarded as the "Father" in astrology, however , it is important to check saturn too, in Vedic astrology , Sun or Surya Dev was the Father of "Saturn" or Shani , they never had a good bond , in astrology too, if a native has an afflicted sun or afflicted Saturn , it can cause problem for the native with his/her father.
The sign in Saturn in your natal chart can show where your father didn't understand you or where he doesn't support you. (i would like to listen to your experiences with this observation)
People with Moon conjunct Neptune had health problems in their early childhood , it gets worse if moon is afflicted
Mercury aspecting Jupiter possess a good sense of humor , hard aspects may cause the native to be boastful and be a little to much while joking.
Jupiter in Scorpio is such an interesting placement along with Jupiter in Gemini, they know almost everything related to their sign's themes.
Neptune in the 9th house makes a native question his religion and his position in society....
During retrograde periods , always check for the placement of the planet in your chart, lookout for the house placements and it's relation to body parts (the specific planet that is about to be in retrograde)
Asteroid Apollo can show where you enjoy things and get attention but also get over indulged in.
The Sun's placement in your chart can show where you help/heal others , sometimes in a way , you don't even realise.
Neptune aspecting Lilith are so good at blending in with people , almost like they can shapeshift while being in presence of others but most of the time , they are unconscious about it.
The house where Neptune resides in your chart is where people tend to be skeptical of you, spread false rumours about you, if it aspects mars , its even worse.
Venus in leo is such a fab placement, the way they project how self love is done is really aspiring.
A prominent Saturn-neptune conjunction/opposition can show that the native is often clueless about facing hardships.
The placement of moon in your chart can show where you are prone to adaptability
The sign of your venus + moon can tell you the element which you should connect with.
South node in 2nd house or 12th house can indicate eye problems
The Placement of Ketu/south node is what you put blind faith on or easily believe in (check sign n placements)
The Placement of North node/Rahu is where you tend to assert your dominance and rules.
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Note :- Some observations may apply and may not apply to you, this can be due to aspects with other planets ... remember that Astrology is a science and it is experimental.
Thanks a lot for reading this post! I would love to know about your experiences! Comments , reblogs , likes are always appreciated ❤️✨!
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wonyscafe · 1 year
asteroid kitty[#9563] obs
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↳ Please note that these are my own, personal observations and that they're all from my own experiences!! <33
⋆ 。 ˚asteroid kitty(#9563) mainly represents femininity, seduction and is often seen as a rather sexual asteroid. it can also be considered as a femme fatale asteroid. for men, on the other hand, it could show how they treat and respect women. it's definitely one of my favs together with asteroid katz(#22981) (which I will also make a post about soon) !𖹭
warning!! could include some sexual themes!
ֶָ  ׁ ⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ here are some observations about asteroid kitty :
• kitty conjunct ascendant often acts like a cat!!
• same with kitty in the first house, not only do they act like cats but they also look like cats!! they could have feline eyes
• kitty in gemini looks good with their hair up, same goes for kitty in taurus
• having kitty in the 2nd house/taurus could indicate that the person loves jewelery!
• having kitty square ascendant could mean that the individual is prone to getting used :(
• kitty trine venus might indicate really liking cats!!
• 4th house kitty/cancer kitty might have a breeding kink 🫡
• honestly, water sign or libra/cap kitty are often really good femme fatale's
• ppl with kitty in 3rd house/gemini often have like- a phonecase or lockscreen w a cat or something
• kitty making a positive aspect to your mc might show that the person in question attracts many people at her job
• kitty conjunct mercury 🤝🏻 dirty talk
• having kitty in 5th house makes you someone who loves attention or gain attention without even wanting to. pretty much like cats.
• 8th house kitty... theyre so seductive... natural charmers
• I've noticed that 12th house kitty ppl often look alot smaller!!
• 12th house kitty can also mean that you were a cat in your past life (same as 8th house, as I mentioned before in this post)
• people who's kitty makes positive aspects to their mars are individuals who know what they want. very independent
• you have your kitty in the 9th?? go to a country w many cats. trust me, they will love you.
• someone who has kitty in the others first house in synastry could indicate that this person likes to act cat-like around the other person!
↳ a/n : my tumblr is 1 year old today!! woo!!! I don't usually do asteroids, but because I got so many requests regarding asteroid kitty, I just felt like it would be necessary to make a post ab it as well :)
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bunnitenshi · 1 year
18+ Astro Observations 🩰
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★ Mars in 12th house placements like bdsm and being dominated
★ People with a strong moon presence love foreplay
★ A strong Saturn presence means messy and wet sex
★ Aries moons are childlike and may like cgl
★ Taurus may like foodplay (eating off their partner’s body, especially sweets)
★ Klet asteroid in Gemini placements are smooth talkers and like dirty talk.
★ Virgo in 6th house placements can be into doctor roleplay
★ Capricorns are not into quickies or sex at work
★ Aquarius may be into erotic hypnosis. They are the mind-fuck sign.
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splashingcupcakes · 1 year
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꒰ ★ : cometa ׅ ̸ asteroide
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✿𝆬 ƒƖօr dᧉ 𝗉𝖺r𝗂s ♡ ^ ㅇ ^
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spir4nts-lun4r · 7 months
hi ✩
I'm not new to Tumblr but this is a new account, so here's a get to know me ig;
I go by crowen on here
I'm 17 y/o
I'm already gladly infatuated with someone so please refrain from any flirting
I am deeply in love with music, poetry, books, good films, the universe of cinema in general and black coffee.
I feel very connected to space, stars and the moon especially, hence the space themed username.
I am heavily fixated on solitaire and have been for about 2 years now. It haunts my every thought and I associate everything I do or say to solitaire.
my favourite tv shows are bojack horseman, queens gambit, sherlock holmes BBC, anne with an e, young royals, umbrella academy, heartstopper, gilmore girls, I am not okay with this, the end of the f***ing world, fleabag, everything now and life is strange (not a show but feels like one)
my favourite films are the perks of being a wallflower, girl interrupted, fantastic mister fox, coraline, moonrise kingdom, all the bright places, the edge of seventeen, call me by your name, asteroid city, watership down and dead poets society.
my favourite books are solitaire, loveless, the Harry potter series, the perks of being a wallflower, a good girls guide to murder series, Mathilda, the secret garden, metamorphosis, the bell jar, the narnia series and les misérables.
I major in biology, physics, chemistry and math but I suck at most of it, I'm not really good at studying generally, but biology and chemistry is pretty interesting otherwise.
I really like cats, crystals and insects, I particularly like to collect dead insects and pin them into frames for my room. I also collect animal bones for similar reasons.
I'm pretty sure I have depression among other issues but it's rather complicated to get a diagnosis and medical help because of some personal issues, so yeah that's fun lols.
I kin tori spring, bojack horseman(not a flex.) , chloe price, charlie kelmeckis, mia polanco, sydney novak, remus lupin AND sirius black(the marauders fandom versions), anne shirley, susana kaysen, theodore finch, fleabag, nadine byrd, ladybird, matilda wormwood and alyssa foley.
i also own another blog solely dedicated to poetry and maybe eventual writing (I really love literature a lot), the blog is called @aionios-monaxia
that's all for now lmao good luck to anyone with the patience to read it all, bye ★*・゚⋆ ༄
btw, please send me anons I find them very entertaining!
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a-d-nox · 11 months
menu of astrology readings
status: closed as of march 28th, 2024
the blog's masterlist
general astrology reading reviews: no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, & no. 5
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★ FAQs to read before purchasing ★
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★ first submit your payment and then completed google form.
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★ in full and before the reading is drafted. you can send your payment via paypal, ko-fi, or blog tip jar. all readings are non-refundable.
"can i purchase multiple readings at a time?"
★ yes! just make sure you select them all on the form and send the adequate amount for your purchase.
"how long does it take to receive a reading?"
★ anywhere from 1 day to 10 days, on average 7-10 days. it all depends on when your reading request comes through and what my schedule looks like because i do work full-time. if it will take longer than that, i will communicate with you and let you know before that 7-10 day range.
"can i share what i learned in your reading online?"
★ all information provided in readings may NOT be reproduced on a separate blog/account apart from this one as they are MY personal remarks - thus they are subject to my copyright policy.
"what if i have a question or want a specific reading that is not listed?"
★ DO NOT SUBMIT A FORM OR PAYMENT! please dm or email me at [email protected] your question or the type of reading you are interested in so that i can provide you with a monetary quote!
★ prices and readings ★
mirror of aphrodite
cost: 2.00 USD
an assessment of beauty that can be found in your chart.
ode to cupid
cost: 2.00 USD
where you are likely to meet the one.
hymn of protagonist
cost: 4.00 USD
a myth in your chart: pick an asteroid already covered on my blog (must be on the masterlist) and i will interpret how that myth would be written into your life using the relationships of the other asteroid characters and/or planetary aspects made to this asteroid.
review no. 1
bare bones
cost: 6.00 USD
house, degree, and sign of one asteroid (must be on the masterlist).
ode to chaos
cost: 6.00 USD
my favorite aspect in your chart and why.
review no. 1
review no. 2
sunny d
cost: 12.00 USD
pick three things you wish to know about the year (fertility (this is NOT a medical assessment simply hypothetical), relationships, what's going be a struggle, how to combat struggle, etc). i will add in the asteroids that will help determine these topics and analyze your year ahead via a solar return chart regarding those topics.
tendons and bones
cost: 12.00 USD
house, degree, and sign of one asteroid and its aspect(s) of note.
the alter
cost: 16.00 USD
a deity scan. i'll tell you if the deity (must be on the masterlist) in question reached out to you first and a rough estimate of how, then how they could help you, and what you can do to make an offering to them.
midas's thumb
cost: 18.00 USD
money reading using my hypothesis.
crystal or rock
cost: 20.00 USD
do they like you? a short consultation of important aspects i see in the synastry and composite dynamics of the connection.
curio kit
cost: 22.00 USD
career reading using my hypothesis.
review no. 1
review no. 2
review no. 3
NEW i am the mage
cost: 33.00 USD
basic astrology reading regarding your planets' signs and house placements.
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
copyright terms
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Masterlist of Original Posts by Type
Favorites are starred with ★, peer-reviewed posts are marked with ✔︎, and old posts from before I took a break are marked with ♻︎.
Defining My Approach
➤ A Proposal for Studying Tropical and Sidereal Placements in Tandem ★ New
➤ Context for My Readings: Faith, Education, and Perspective
➤ Defining Mythic, Divine, Godly, and Religious Asteroids ★ [introduction to the series on Mythic Objects]
➤ Determining the Prominence of Asteroid Pairs
How-To Guides
➤ Introduction to Astrodienst for New Astrologers ★ ✔︎
➤ Quick and Basic Guide to Finding Your 10th Lord [optional introduction to the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ Identifying Your Prominent Godly Objects ★ [part one in the series on Mythic Objects]
➤ Using Asteroids with Divisional Charts, using my own D20 [qualifies as a rant due to lack of structure]
Cheat Sheets and Concept Explanations
➤ Simplest Guide to the House Domains ★✔︎ New
➤ Types of House Systems Explained ✔︎ New
➤ Explaining the Sister Signs - Virgo and Pisces ★ ♻︎
➤ Cheat Sheet for the Vertex
➤ Ask - Asteroid Hatshepsut's Meaning
➤ What is a Persona Chart? (Reblog Response)
➤ Ask - Who feels overlays more: the house person or the planet person?★ ✔︎ [also contains information on Moon in the 8th overlays]
Resources and Quick-Lists
➤ PDF Compilation of Degree Theories from 14 Different Astrologers ★ ✔︎
➤ Astrology Quick-Lists: The Chthonic Gods of the Hellenic Pantheon ★ ✔︎ [contains information about major objects as well as many asteroids related to the Hellenic underworld and Eleusinian mysteries]
➤ Astrology Quick-Lists + Informal Survey: The Muses ★ [contains information about the muse asteroids: Kalliope, Klio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Urania, Thalia]
Notes and Observations
➤ Asteroid Pan in Natal and Synastry Charts ★ ✔︎ New
➤ Orpheus and Eurydike Notes ★ ✔︎
➤ Nessus and Dejanira Notes ★
➤ Short House Overlay Notes ★ ✔︎ [contains information on major objects as well as asteroids: Pholus, Lacks, and Split]
➤ Quick 8th House Notes ★ ✔︎ [contains information on major objects and signs as well as asteroids: Academia, Angel, Dejanira, and Eros]
➤ Quick Asteroid Synastry Notes ★ ✔︎ [contains information on asteroids: House, Union, Fanatica, Hazard, and Dominona]
➤ Some House System and Overlay Notes ★
➤ Notes on Writing and Storytelling in Astrology ★
➤ The 1st and 8th: Mars as the Ruler of Birth and Death ★
General Natal Interpretations
➤ Asteroid Pan in Natal and Synastry Charts ★ ✔︎ New
➤ The Water Houses: Unseen and Unknown ★ ✔︎ New
➤ 10th Lord in Ketu Nakshatras ★ [part one in the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ 10th Lord in Venus Nakshatras ★ [part two in the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ 10th Lord in Sun Nakshatras ★ [part three in the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ 10th Lord in Mars Nakshatras ★ [part five in the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ 10th Lord in Rahu Nakshatras ★ New [part four in the series on 10th Lord Nakshatras]
➤ Aphrodite Conjunct Saturn in the Natal Chart ★ ✔︎
➤ Ask - Hatshepsut Sextile Vertex at 0º
➤ Ask - Aphrodite Conjunct Ascendant
➤ Ask - Vishakha Pada 1 Libra Moon conjunct Swati Pada 4 Libra Ascendant vs Tropical Double Scorpio
➤ Hatshepsut in the Natal Chart of Queen Elizabeth I ★ ✔︎
➤ Orpheus in Fiona Apple's Natal Chart ★
➤ Orpheus in Tamino's Natal Chart + Who is Tamino?
➤ Rahu and the Sun: Looking for Icarus Narratives in the Natal Chart ✔︎ [also contains an informal survey of relevant figures]
General Synastry Interpretations
➤ Asteroid Pan in Natal and Synastry Charts ★ ✔︎ New
➤ Ask - Moon in 8th House Overlay ★ ✔︎ [also contains information on who feels overlays more: the house person or the planet person?]
➤ Ask - Mutual Moon in the 8th Overlay
➤ Ask - Mutual Saturn in the 8th Overlay
➤ Ask - Mutual Overlay + Composite Moon in 6th
➤ Parasocial 12th House Synastry (Fandom, Crushes, etc.) ✔︎
Transit Interpretations
➤ Ask - Saturn in the 1st and Pluto in the 12th Transits
Informal Surveys
➤ Atma Karakas in Old Hollywood: The Sun ★
➤ Rahu and the Sun: Looking for Icarus Narratives in the Natal Chart ✔︎ [also contains interpretation of natal connection between these objects]
➤ List of 1st House Sun Celebrities by Moon's Houses ♻︎
➤ 12 Celebrities with 8th House Suns ♻︎
Rants and Discussions
➤ Me vs 'Couple Posts' ♻︎
➤ How the Elements are Quick to Judge ♻︎
➤ Freaking Out Over Synastry with [Redacted]
➤ Mother's Natal Moon is in Her Own 1st ♻︎
➤ Using Asteroids with Divisional Charts, using my own D20 [technically a how-to guide, feel free to ask for clarification]
Aesthetics and Fluff
➤ Aesthetic - Sun in the 8th House ★ ♻︎
➤ Aesthetic - Sun in the 9th House ♻︎
➤ Aesthetic - Sun in the 10th House ♻︎
➤ Aesthetic - Sun in the 12th House ♻︎
➤ 8th House Sun Mood ★ ♻︎
➤ Capricorn and Pisces Mercury Best Friends ★ ♻︎
➤ Saturn in the 2nd Problems ♻︎
➤ 8th Dominance, Scorpio Lilith in 5th Problems ♻︎
➤ Stop Comparing Economics and Astrology >:( ★
➤ "They Don't Know" About the Roots of Economic Theory in Astrology ★
➤ Who Says "i love you" and Who Replies "good! thanks" (Reblog Response) ♻︎
➤ Placements that Would Wield a Scythe (Reblog Response) ♻︎
➤ Uranus in the 8th (Reblog Response)
More About the Blogger
➤ Ask - My Big Three
➤ Tag Meme - Pinterest Aesthetic ★
➤ Some of My Underworld Object Aspects
➤ Persephone's Influence in my D1 and D9 Charts ★
➤ My D7 is crazy tbh... ★
284 notes · View notes
welcome :D
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(images above is not mine, it's an art req by @pokimoko[a cool person :D]!) (i will hold onto these forever tysm dude)
(tw!!! I swear here(got that American and Scottish in my dumb self), if you don't like it, you should probably go!!! I don't wanna make people sad :<) 🦑 ★ this abt me temp is by @electricalstemplatesᔦꙬᔨ—!! ╰━ Name: Spike ↭ Age: not telling but here's a hint: I cannot drive a car┊🎮 Pronouns: any! she/her is preferred tho!!! ﹅ __gender: Transfem | orient: lesbian__ꕀ🏆 ✮ l [link]() 🔫➜ I (surprisingly)have a gf who likes to be called Eight/Agent 8!!!↯ . . ੭ ⁠くコ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
⁠ C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 hello, I'm Spike! you can call me Goldie if you want, too. i go by any pronouns! i have ADHD so i may forget to do things... if i do, remind me! ;-;
cake day: jan 19 :D
a furry/avian/lgbtq+ safe space! (if I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me!!! I don't wanna make you feel that way!!!!)
i am opening art requests again after like 3 months lol i can draw:
ocs(that aren't complicated)
reaction images
art prompts
please send asks on @askbfdicharactersorocs i wanna draw objects more
Bubble rp blog! @thebubblebfb!
SINCE THE @ ISNT WORKING, here's a link to my Black Hole rp blog!!
you can also find me on: Roblox Wattpad Beta.Character.AI Scratch Reddit Twitter/X
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here's Root Beer V3!
about the Salmonling:
ROOT BEER?!?!/!(REAL)(AT 3 AM) :000000000
Spike - yea sure, anybody can call me this Salmonoid - it's salmonling, but they get mixed up often so yea :) Salmonling - sure :) Golden Egg: godamnit 8 I will get you back for that (she kept calling me this when we were at a cafe and due to me having the 'ability' to get embarrased easily of a glass ant with broken legs I was a blushing mess for the rest of the time I was with her--) THING - w h y d o y o u c a l l m e t h i s Person - ok???????? Root Beer - go for it :D Spika - this one's your fault irl fren/silly Pika - other sona's name so ye :D Asteroid - old roblox name, ye :D Asriel/Alphys - my kin so ye :) legal name - big no-no >:( Any other silly little nicknames: go for it!
i run a BFDI/TPOT/II ask blog called @askbfdicharactersorocs! if you wanna ask stuff there, to to that :D i also have a blog that just puts Root Beer in random ass places that y'all ask me for called @puttingrootbeerinplaces!
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i'm a young artist trying to build my following on Tumblr! I draw many things, including;
-{memes(sometimes)}- -{CHANGED}- -{Bugsnax}- -{fanart(sometimes)}- -{Battle for BFDI/TPOT}- -{Mysterious Object Super Show}- -{Otherworldy Ravenous Beast}- -{Animated Inanimate Battle}- -{Open Source Objects}- -{Excellent Extraordinary Entities}- -{Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm}- -{The Daily Object Show}- -{The Nightly Manor}- -{Inanimate Insanity Invitational}- -{and other object shows!}- -{smaller game characters}- -{splatoon}- -{transfurs}- -{My own OCS}- -{UNDERTALE}- -{Cookie Run}-
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and more to come in the future! my blog is mainly for wholesome content cuz do a lot of meme/just straight up wholesome art.
i'm alright with nsfw art of my ocs although i wont draw any nsfw myself. i'm not ready yet...
my asks are always open, I would love to answer questions for you all on both accounts! :D
my account isin't that active with posts since i often forget to finish or just start another drawing...
i appreciate likes and reblogs and I would love for you all to follow me on my adventure through Tumblr! be sure to stick around for stuff like work in progress animations and artwork. <3
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birthday: jan 19 :D
fav colors: 💜purple💜 💙blue💙 💖pink💖
Object Shows
Spongebob(ik sounds generic but yea i love that show)
Roblox: @mayab3020
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Remote (Tpot/Bfb)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
thank you for reading :>
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26 notes · View notes
cupidastrology · 6 months
Hello, I have read your articles about the asteroid Aphrodite and I am very impressed. Your interpretations are really wonderful. There is an aspect that I am curious about based on my own chart. What does Aphrodite-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius / 12th house mean? The only thing I know about it is that people find me scary and don't communicate with me much. What else can you tell me?
Take care 🌌
first of all, thank you so much for your kind words. I am happy to share my knowledge with you and many on this blog.
asteroid aphrodite in sagittarius ♐︎ conjunct pluto ♇ in sagittarius ♐︎ in the 12th house
lets break down who asteroid aphrodite is first; the woman of dreams, of loving fantasies, and of emotional and romantic seduction from the ocean. she is focused on the natural ability to bring love into her life, this including peoples flocking to her. she is irresistible, but has the touches of jealousy, vanity, and deceit through her ways and from others.
asteroid aphrodite will show you where you can bring in the genuine love and seduction into your life. it is the humanly experience of the art of seduction of Robert Greene, the asteroid that brings you the ability to attract and get what you want through nothing but love. planet venus ︎ ♀︎ is similar, and may connect with this planet easily, but aphrodite shows you just a bit more on what it means to be irresistible to the eyes of another.
this asteroid's connection with your pluto in sagittarius ♐︎ ; asteroid aphrodite in sagittarius ♐︎ is wild, breathless, and ready for constant movement. she can never stay home, she can never rest from a long day of studying, and there is more to uncover. her natural ability to connect with her studiousness is attractive, and many peoples of intellect wish to share their life with her. the topic of all knowing, intaking knowledge, and understanding life perspective is very important here.
this asteroid position in the 12th house also shows a studious person of the dark arts, of the subconsciousness, and of understanding the fears of the self or of another. you are able to naturally attract those with dark tendencies, but be the kindred spirit of those with pains, healed through your energy and touch.
sagittarius and the 12th house are serious pointers, especially with one of the asteroids of that represents direct/sensual romantic and seductive attraction. the notion that people are afraid of communicating is due to your ability to attract or coax the truth or honesty out of others. you have a strength of knowing the pains of another, holding it in your hands, and deciding what to do with it. this is due to not only the asteroid sign itself but where it is positioned, which is the 12th house.
this house can be a place of loneliness, but it's influence presents you having a raw form of attraction that not many can figure out, which shouldn't be viewed in a negative way. I highly advise to ignore others' negative words about communicating with you, because this position shows me that you have raw honesty in how you wish to experience your life, how to take care of yourself, and how you wish to perceive romance in your own eyes.
if you wish to know more about this position, you may message me to book an asteroid aphrodite reading. blessings.
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mogwai-movie-house · 5 months
The Best Films of 2023
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What little good could be found in the present-day wasteland, ranked and rated high-to-low. Some were made the previous year but only entered general release this one.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023) ★★★★★★★½✰✰
Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰
Talk to Me (2022) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰
Asteroid City (2023) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰
No One Will Save You ★★★★★★★✰✰✰
The Killer (2023) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰
Fall (2022) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Pt. 1 (2023) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰
Lady Ballers (2023) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰
Beau Is Afraid (2023) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰
Dream Scenario (2023) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰
Sisu (2022) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰
The Holdovers (2023) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰
Anatomy of A Fall (2023) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰
Oppenheimer (2023) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰
Godzilla Minus One (2023) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰
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sixtiesgogobootz · 7 months
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The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023) dir. Wes Anderson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am literally speechless, this was absolutely perfect. I remember reading this story as a child and being completely captivated - Wes Anderson's rendition of this story has captivated me once more.
He clearly has a love for literature, having his characters narrate their own actions as well as the story. Through words he creates part of the atmosphere and pitch-perfect pacing, setting a lovely rhythm and cadence, and an almost comfort; and we feel the absence of words in a pause more profoundly as a result.
Again we see Wes Anderson employing the russian doll-like conceit of the story within a story within a story; the execution of which is on an exponential scale with each new film he directs. The stage sets and in camera practical effects bring to mind the play in Asteroid City, although this time done as an audience might actually watch the play rather than as half imagined. The entire environment is held inside the confines of a set. Although we can see between the cracks of backdrops and even stage hands interact with the characters we are never distracted - our attention always captured by the story at hand.
The thought and care gone into this film shines through with each scene. The detail is absolutely insane, multiple tiny moments sparked absolute delight. I'm sure on a rewatch I will spot things I hadn't noticed before, a pandora's box constantly revealing new treasures.
Absolutely impeccable and dare I say Wes Anderson's best film to date. It's certainly instantly become one of my favourites!
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kosmictales · 2 years
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彡★ artistic asteroids in yunho’s chart (mini overview)
let it be known that i am in my yunho brain rot era and for fun, i thought it would be nice to explore some asteroids in his chart
⊹ terpsichore (81) — muse of dance and choral song
makes exact contact with his mc (careers/reputation), meaning it is conjunct his ic (imum coeli), ic can give us insight to a native's inner world, their inner child. for yuhno, dancing can be the time where he is most childlike — free, lively, and expressive. with this direct contact to his career, yuhno may always try to find a balance between dancing, because it is his career, and making sure the joy of dancing always remains. dancing must always be joyful for him
it is in the sign aquarius which is ruled by saturn. this can show a great deal of discipline in regards to dancing. he may have a great understanding that he will have to work hard to develop his craft and it may take time before he reaps the benefits of it. (this can include his trainee days to know a full-fledged idol)
since terpsichore is at the lowest, most private part of his chart, it can show taking on more private roles in dancing, such as choreographing.
⊹ euterpe (27) — muse of music, song, and elegiac poetry
9° sagittarius euterpe in his 2H trine aries jupiter in the 6H
music being a big part of his everyday life, routines, and work (6H themes). this is harmonious. both placements are fire, allowing this to excite him, energize him. fuels his soul
euterpe in the 2H means that it is something he values. it is also a source of income!! (emphasized by the trine with his aries jupiter in the 6H)
⊹ polyhmnia (33) — muse of hymns (linked acting, poetry, and creativity)
20° sagittarius polyhmnia in the 2H
acting as a source of income!! (literally imitation lol)
would probably do well in comedic roles, considering that sagittarius is a rather humorous sign!
international acting roles can be a potential source of income
⊹ melpomene (18) — formally the muse of chorus, now is the muse of tragedy. can be used as an indicator of singing abilities and/or acting abilities
29° pisces melpomene in the 5H (conjunct his mercury and sun)
honestly, this is SO SO cute i could cry. found im his 5H of pleasure & joy, we see that singing is something he enjoys. in his chart, his melpomene is sandwiched right between his mercury (communication) and his sun (our core being). singing is an outlet for communication, a form of expression. a big part of his joy
29° is a critical degree, often (degree wise) the strongest that a placement can be in. 29° is indicative of fame and widespread notoriety.
pisces melpomene can give him a beautiful, dream-like voice
⊹ harmonia (40) — musical talent
17° leo harmonia rx in the 10H
can astrology get more literal than this?
found in his 10H dealing with his career/reputation, he is known for his musical talent and ability. its a broad term but singing is included in music talent. you can even argue that there is a certain level of musicality and musicianship one must have to be an incredible dancer — which yunho is
17° is another fame degree (all leo degree’s are — 5°, 17°, and 29°). it happens to also be in the sign leo, a sign that oftentimes gets attention.
please do not repost without crediting me! i hope you all enjoyed this short little post about yunho! feel free to inbox me and questions, comments or requests!
© kosmictales all rights reserved.
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