#-I'm not updating for a while as I'm taking a break from the fandom
master-of-the-railway · 2 months
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Me when two people have told me that my fic is really in character ^^
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
Heads Down, 7 Up; Romance Snippet Tag; Last Line Game
So @cursedvibes tagged me a few times in these and I really wanted to take part but the thing was I wasn’t writing. I started a new job recently and I’ve been completely mentally and emotionally drained. I started writing last weekend after a month of just being completely creatively numb. But I have this to offer, and it kind of works for the tags, the first chunk is a bit longer than 7 sentences but it kind of makes sense as a whole. The second chunk is for the other two tags: the romance snippet and last line game.
Rules of the games:
Last line is self explanatory.
Romance Snippet: Share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your WIP. 
Heads Down, 7 Up: Seven sentences from your last WIP
This is from my vaguely Beauty and the Beast inspired AU, it borrows some mechanics from the fairytale but it’s not a retelling by any means. That’s why they talk about magic, mages, spells and so on. It’s not jujutsu, it’s a completely different made up magic system
“Isn't it always like that, though?”
“Here we go again.” Yuuji let out an exasperated whine. 
“Hear me out.” Sukuna paused. It took a moment, punctuated with a sigh and a slight grimace before he continued. “Please, I'm trying to understand.”
“You truly are an Archmage, you actually know all the magic words.”
“Brat.” Sukuna made a face. “But you aren't as unlike me as you believe.”
“Excuse me!” Yuuji took full offence at that comment.
“You've just snarked at my lack of knowledge. And I'm actually turning to you for guidance. It's very hard for me, I've never relied on anyone to understand something, well not since I learned to channel energy and read.”
At the last second Yuuji swallowed a brash comeback. It sounded very self-aggrandizing but Sukuna had been at the pinnacle of magical skill for over a thousand years and knowing his character Yuuji had no problem believing that he was mostly self taught.
“That's a fair point.” The last thing Yuuji wanted was to turn into Sukuna, it had been his fear for months and apparently not unfounded. He needed to rectify it immediately. “Alright, go on.” 
“Did you really mean it when you said you don’t understand why you grabbed me mid air?” Yuuji asked finally. 
“Of course, it was pointless, the spell was too weak to work, I didn’t put any thought or power behind it. And I could’ve just teleported to the bottom of the stairs.” 
Internally Yuuji was facepalming, so this was what he was working with.
I tag, only if you want to, and also how many of these you want to, one, two, all three. @ishouldgetatumbler, @yuujispinkhair, @voidcat-senket, @mysterypond @kirishimasmom, @twila-star, @canzie-gumm, @clood
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dreamisols · 7 months
。⋆.luxiem + the things they do for love
—headcanons for how the boys show their love for you in their own little ways —fluff, gn! reader, i dumped this all in one night, update i finally proofread it!, the boys are their personas in the fic, i'm not including a certain someone out of respect :(, please remember that fiction is not equal to reality, always respect the livers! —rimi's ramble: i've always wanted to write for niji (T v T) i'll write for other fandoms too soon!
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shu yamino
... entertains you with little light shows
if the people from shu's past life saw him now, he's sure that they would've had a whiplash
the sorcerer admits that he's handled his fair share of deadly curses, especially back in his prime. the delicate fingers brushing through your hair as you lay peacefully on his lap were the same fingers that conjured nightmarish realities towards those who truly deserved his wrath
does he still know all of these curses now? obviously.
can he still cast them as proficiently as before? absolutely.
shu simply chooses not to, so really, he wouldn't blame the people for whatever presumptions and thoughts they would've had about him. he's a man with a notable reputation—though good-natured, still fearful in his own right
his mind drifts along with daydreams as he continues combing through your hair, amused while imagining the terror on their faces upon seeing you so casually sprawled on his lap. no care whatsoever of the fact you're dating a sorcerer, because you trust that you can be vulnerable around your beloved shu
it was a nice change of pace. you're a nice change of pace.
your soft whine breaks shu from his daydream and he can't help but chuckle at the sound. it sounds irritated, but still playful and light. his eyes meet yours when you blink up and speak in a confused daze, "why'd you stop?"
in response, he sends you his signature cheeky grin, "you're gonna grow spoiled if i continue," he jokes, booping your nose "i also wanna show you something."
mumbling a few things under his breath, shu's hands gracefully draw shapes in the air. immediately, a humble array of beautiful sparkling lights and mythical looking creatures dance around the both of you. your mouth gapes in awe, looking at the fantastical sky
"it's a little thing i learned," the sorcerer perks up, adjusting from where he's seated so your back's leaning on his chest. a perfect view to gauge your response. "it's one of the few spells i know that doesn't hurt others. is it nice?"
you nod, still not looking away from the view, "nice? shu, this is breathtaking. i love it"
he leaves a small kiss on your temple, and you feel the smile on his lips as he murmurs a quiet thank you
shu hopes you never find out that he's spent a good chunk of his time learning that spell for you because he knew it would make you smile. and he definitely hopes you never find out that he's willing to do this over and over if it meant you two could always be like this. (that's a lie, he really wants you to know)
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ike eveland
... immortalizes you in his work
to say your lover is currently inspired is an understatement
you were convinced that all nine muses had suddenly bestowed gift after gift to him, because you've never seen ike create works at such a speedy rate. he reminds you of a cat overwhelmed with the amount of treats and toys around him, because he keeps on alternating between one thing and the other
though you support your lover's endeavors and encourage him to work to his heart's content, you couldn't help the concern that washes over you when you register the amount of work he has on his plate
now you stand before his room with a mission in mind: make him take a break
maybe also grabbing an opportunity to take a little peek at the content of his works....
you march up with a tray of snacks and a drink in hand, "ike," you call out softly as you shut the door behind you, "i've got some snacks for you"
the novelist perks up at the sound of your voice and immediately turns to face you with a smile
"hello darling," he greets you softly, melodiously, while making quick steps towards you. ike kisses you as gently as he speaks to you, before he flashes an appreciative smile at the sight of your little gift "you really shouldn't have, thank you"
"you need to take a break too, you know" you're quick to comment as you trail after him while he carries the food to his desk. the novelist just hums and nods, and you get the lingering sense that what you said entered one ear and went out the other
you don't even hide the sigh upon noting all the papers scattered around his desk, "i'm serious, ike.." judging by the unfinished thoughts and abruptly cut paragraphs, it seemed like they were all unfinished drafts. "what's gotten you so worked up anyways?"
it's like he's stating an obvious fact. he replies so quickly and so casually, so unlike the deep thinker you're used to.
you stare at him shocked, while he reaches out to grab some of the said sheets of paper
"i was initially just going to write a cute romantic letter for you, but in the process of writing it, i realized i could somewhat incorporate everything that i feel for you into my actual working project. so i paused in writing the letter and went to writing my draft."
he grabs another few pages from a different pile, and dramatically continues, "but then the more i was thinking of how i felt for you, the more i thought about you in general. you and your pretty self, you'll be the death of me."
"then i realized that if i suddenly started writing about you in that draft, it wouldn't make sense, so i made a new draft just for that."
ike sighs, looking at you with a small pout, "now you can see how it became a cycle from there. really, if anything, you're..." he stops mid-thought, looking straight into your bewildered eyes. you're sure you look like a flustered mess, but you catch the way his eyes carefully map your entire face in adoration as his hand blindly reaches for his notepad
"hang on, i need to hold that thought. i'm getting an idea for yet another work."
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luca kaneshiro
... has a whole folder in his notes app dedicated to you
the life of a mafia boss is no joke, you could practically imagine how hectic the day-to-day workload must be
despite your knowledge about luca's line of work, your sweet lover refuses to ever expose you to such ministries underground. he'd indulge you with scraps of information, sure; and the people under him all recognize (and adore) you, yes. but that's just as far as you're gonna get! he doesn't want to risk your safety, and you're beyond grateful for that
but imagination does wonders in filling up for whatever information you're lacking, and you pride yourself with how much your brain's able to conjure on what luca could possibly be doing (though you believe you need to tone down with the gruesome details)
one thing's for certain, there is a lot of things going on in the underworld. a lot of stressful things that leaves even your beloved sunshine of a boyfriend frustrated
his preferred method of blowing off steam? ranting to you
you really don't mind whenever he does since he'd always ask whether you're fine with him talking about it or not, and even with your consent, he really tries to keep everything to a minimum for you. still, that doesn't stop you from empathizing with the struggles and frustrations that come along with his line of work
"i'm really gonna make it up to you, okay?" luca mumbles into the crook of your shoulder, his arms securely wrapped around your frame. you just hummed and kissed his cheek, hugging him back
you regret not taking his words much more seriously
"mister luca kaneshiro, what on earth is this?"
you desperately wish the content of this clipboard was all a joke, or probably something you misread. but judging from the way he giggles like an excited child (which fits the charming grin on his face), you don't think there was a mistake at all
"i said i'm gonna make it up to you! remember?" he chirped before kissing all around your face "we're gonna start with this!"
you blink dumbly at him, "luca... this is a whole week's worth of high class things"
his grin falters and he looks at you with a quizzical stare "wait, does that mean i forgot to print out next week's cruise trip there?"
sometimes you want to take his brain and study it under a microscope.
for a good chunk of time, you scolded luca with how careless and hasty he is with spending, especially when it comes to spoiling you. he retaliates with whines of his own as he childishly pouts and points at the agenda he made for the both of you
"but you said you've always wanted to visit this pop-up cafe since the collab featured is one of your favorite shows! and since you wanna go, then i wanna go too! it even has your preferred drink on the menu, see?"
at some point you tuned out his nonstop rambling, especially when the contents on the clipboard caught your attention. you're quick to realize the entire week's plans are fit exactly to your tastes. all the places and activities are more or less suited to your preferences, and you couldn't help but inwardly applaud luca's attention to detail (he even placed the preferred time according to convenience and comfort)
you don't realize that luca's stopped his persuading rambles when he caught you studying the paper. immediately, a proud grin etches on his face at your astounded look and he puffs his chest in pride,
"i take note of aaalll the things you like and tell me about, y'know? what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't know whether- i dunno- my lover would prefer their coffee iced or hot? or, trick question: if they even like coffee at all?"
upon seeing your poorly-concealed smile, he beams a smile of his own and kisses the corner of your lips, "just allow me to spoil you and show you my love, yeah?"
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vox akuma
... makes a promise ring
"red really does suit you, darling"
vox chuckles when he sees you visibly shiver from the sheer intimacy of his actions. he can't blame you though, not when he's looking at you so affectionately as he gently plays with your hand
one by one, he leaves trails of kisses on your fingers. his lips trailing and mapping each and every area as if he was worshiping you. it feels light and dreamy, the way he's showering you in affection, you really can't help the way your heart swells
the demon is truly a man of his word, an ironic statement you've come to realize given how long you've been dating him. where in stories demons are usually depicted as deceitful beings, the one standing before you is nothing but sincere
he had always been someone who emphasizes the importance of promises, and with his background, you've come to understand why
it's in his principle that promises are meant to be taken seriously. they require mutual trust and a deeper sense of connection between the individuals after all. for instance, when you broke down and told vox all your troubles one time, he wrapped you in his wine colored coat and held you to his chest. you can hear the silent oath he made to always be there for you like you were there for him
but some promises between you two are more silly. like the time he accidentally ate the remaining dessert in the fridge despite you clearly stating over and over again how it was yours. the poor man had to endure your glares and pouts through fits of amused laughter. he finally gave in when he realized you'd playfully dodge his kisses, and made a lighthearted promise to not touch whatever food you said is yours and even compensate by cooking for you that night (the food was divine)
other times, it would sometimes come in the form of affection. simple and direct to the point, but as effective as ever. if he ever had to run late due to some errands or because he's meeting up with his friends, he'll always let you know prior with a gentle kiss on your forehead. a silent way of saying that the moment he's done, he's rushing home to nobody but you
vox really is a man of his word
the ring fitting snuggly around your finger is yet another form of his vows
the red jewel glimmers and winks at you, a lustrous ruby shade strikingly similar to the shade of red your beloved voice demon loves to parade around in.. and the fact that the both of you are wearing similar rings is surely bound to have heads turning to your direction.
you're snapped out of your trance when you feel vox playing with the cool metal wrapped snuggly on your finger. instead of a smug smirk or a devilish grin, his lips are formed into the smallest of smiles. a soft and content smile. he looks at the ring like it's the one thing that genuinely makes him happy, and you understand why
vox gave you a ring not because he wants to own you, but because he trusts you'll never break his greatest oath
"promise you'll take care of it?" he asks, guiding your hand to rest where his heart is—his greatest and most vulnerable vow
"i promise"
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t copy or repost my work! [edited and proofread: 110623]
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shadesofecclescakes · 3 months
Are you a big fanfic reader? What have you read lately and what's been your favourite fic so far?
Oh mannnnnnnnn. Why don't you ask me to pick a favourite child while you're at it???
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Just kidding. I don't have kids. But I assume having to pick a favourite would be hard if I did.
So, am I a big fanfic reader? YES. And what haven't I read lately? We are lucky enough to have so many talented writers in this fandom that it's possible to subscribe to numerous multi-chapter fics to the point where you're just constantly getting update emails. Which I do. It's great. It gives me something to do at work aside from, y'know, work.
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*Me at work being smug about being paid to read porn* (Also I just wanted to look at this gif)
So what is currently on my endless update list? Coming up after the cut!
I am an absolute whore for human AU, so if you like that then you will probably like:
The Cure for a Broken Heart by @rofell
a medical student AU based in the Canadian medical system (I'm a Canadian so I was pretty excited about that). It manages to tackle the continued systemic discrimination of Indigenous people in our medical system (and in general), homophobia and the ensuing trauma from those things all while also being informative, funny, sweet, romantic and hot af. Like. It's so good.
Free by @maaikeatthefullmoon
This is another one with with a heavy topic that also does a great job of making sure to break it up with some excellent fluff, hurt/comfort and humorous moments. And it's handled with the sensitivity and thoughtfulness necessary to write something that takes place in a mental health ward and deals with some intense situations. Definitely make sure to read those author notes before diving in. They lay it out very thoroughly.
The Sincere Way by @tsyvia48
A martial arts AU. Crowley is a karate sensei and Aziraphale is his student. Slow burn that keeps you on the edge. The screams I have scrumt at my screen over this one. Plus you learn a lot about karate (but it never gets boring or over-explainey. Excellently balanced) which is pretty cool. Mostly light (there is some angst. This is the Good Omens fandom. I think we are all sad, wet chihuahuas at heart). Funny and sweet.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley
Plus One by @caedmonfaith
Astronaut AU. Aziraphale is an astronaut who meets his mission controller, Crowley, over the comms system when he finds himself in need of assistance.
Super cool concept and really well-done in my opinion. Like, I don't do any space or physics-related work (ok I straight-up failed math 9) but I find it entirely believable. And it's well-written which is the entire point. Cute, funny slow burn with an intriguing mystery happening in the background.
Aziraphale has family money but a shitty family (except for Muriel! Never Muriel!) and his shitty brother Gabriel is getting married to shitty Michael, an Earl's daughter.
Aziraphale's family disproves of his entire life pretty much and he has been lying to them about having a boyfriend. Now they are expecting him to bring said boyfriend to the wedding. His famous footballer friend sets him up with their mechanic, Crowley.
It starts as a slow-burn but becomes a hilarious, smutty romp that just gets more and more insane. The chapter titles alone have made me cackle out loud.
Some older human AUs I'm a huge fan of include Old Vines by @sevdrag. Crowley owns a vineyard and Aziraphale is a wine critic. It is so amazingly written. It makes me think of the author Joanna Harris (Chocolat, The Five Quarters of the Orange) because it's SO beautifully, vividly descriptive that I end up craaaaaving wine. So have a bottle on hand if you're giving this a read.
Also the love story in this. My god. I devoured it. The story and the (many bottles of) wine.
There is also Loosely Ballroom by marginalia_device and mortifyingideal. It's a Strictly Come Dancing (Dancing with the Stars in North America) AU and it is so. Fucking. Good.
But it comes with a disclaimer. It's unfinished and looks likely to stay that way. But honestly? Still worth it. It's nearly finished (I think) so you have most of the story. And it's just SO good. It's been a while since I read it but it was one of the first human AUs I read and what got me hooked on them.
If you're still with me...nice! Just know that was me holding back and that isn't my entire list by a long shot. If you want more recs, feel free to message me and also share your own!
I just finished Slow Show the actor AU by @mia-ugly and yes please.
Some serious angst, pining and hot hot smut.
There is another long-form multi-chapter actor au I loooved but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Just that the show they were on was basically good omens and that they swapped roles with great success (inspired by the whole Michael thinking Neil wanted him to play Crowley when he wanted Aziraphale thing).
Thanks for the ask! That was really fun!
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fourswordsannotated · 7 months
akira himekawa are unbelievably cool.
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soooo here's the thing. i was looking at akira himekawa's website on a whim and found a public blog, with posts that go all the way back to 2009. many hours of google translating later, and i've developed an even stronger admiration of these two women and their exceptional career as manga artists. they share so much in these posts about the creative process, their thoughts on social justice, their connections with nature, and their most major original story, gliding reki, which seems to have always been a passion project in the midst of commercial work.
from what i could gather, reki is unique in that they were determined to do it in full color. and they did it, because after reading about their career, it's clear to me that when these women set their mind to an idea, they make it happen. see also: they just recently produced and distributed their own art book, because no publishers were offering to do it in a way that pleased them.
their stated goals for reki were to make something more adult than their previous children's manga, taking place in a city, involving a lot of mechanical art, and featuring stronger romantic and self-described erotic subtext. good for them. before i get into the four swords-related stuff, i'm sharing what i could find on the internet about reki.
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more under the cut, because there's quite a bit to discuss :)
not much that i could find on the blog specifically references four swords, but they have many fascinating insights about nintendo, the zelda fandom, and the franchise as a whole. i can't know for certain because this information was surmised from translated text, but it seems as if their manga with chibi link made them feel a little stifled, which is why they took a long break before returning to do twilight princess. it's not lost on me that even a work like four swords, which they may regard as not their favorite or best, still has inspired and brought together so many passionate, creative, and diverse people. this is especially sweet because it seems as if they met each other, and formed their creative partnership, because of a shared fandom interest of their own.
honda and nagano have shared their thoughts and feelings on this blog for more than a decade, and they have a lot of thoughts and feelings. throughout their entire career they've made commentary on work-life balance, their experiences as women in a male-dominated field, and their desire to create original art while simultaneously enjoying some commercial work as well. they are passionate about social justice, particularly re: women and indigenous people, and offer insights on aspects of culture and history and the state of the world that really could resonate with anyone. and they really seem to appreciate fans of their work, and emphasize repeatedly the care and thought they put into their manga in the hopes it will inspire and bring catharsis to readers. they love animals (especially wolves), being outside in nature, being nerds about art they enjoy, a certain subgenre of romantic manga that appealed to and empowered female readers in the 90's and 2000's, and traveling around the world to partake in activities like horse riding and falconry.
the coolest part is, they're still updating the blog to this day :) in fact they seem to have recently returned to it, reflecting that twitter is not their preferred manner of sharing things online. they seem very familiar with and fond of older-school blogging culture.
there's a lot more i could say here about my findings, some of which do pertain to... certain ships 💜🖤 . but i don't want my genuine appreciation for these authors to be overshadowed by that kind of conversation. in addition to a link to the blog itself, i'm including a few translated posts of interests, which you can interpret and incorporate into your perception of the media however you please. at the end of the day, it's a really cool gift that these artists have chosen to share so much over such a long period of time. by making their personalities, beliefs, and insights more visible to fans of their work, i hope it brings new context to the stories we already love.
a modern-day insight:
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re: the zelda mangas. these are from several points throughout their career. please note that they have so many fond things to say about zelda as a franchise and their work on the mangas, especially regarding the way they've affected fans. i encourage you to look for yourself, on their blog and their other socials!
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re: gliding reki
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re: the creative process (and in the latter two, the fandom that seems to have inspired them!)
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re: their two goofyass adorable tiny dogs that they dress up in outfits while also loving wolves like a lot, they love wolves (both domesticated and wild), they really love wolves
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re: wolf day (every day is wolf day,)
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re: indigenous rights
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re: painting serious works on commission vs their manga. i can't know for sure exactly what it means, but it really does kinda hit
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re: a fan and manga artist in training bringing them art and a note
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and a moment from a twilight princess manga interview i found very sweet :)
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okay. you've made it to the end. i know you're wondering. here you go. please remember that this is and always has been a public blog, and these posts are actually from 2009 and 2010. also please remember that the point of this post is not to cause or fuel fandom discourse, but to appreciate these authors and the things that they choose to express.
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(also, this is the column they were referring to in image 1. it's FASCINATING. give it a read if you'd like!)
the dots are there. you're welcome to connect them.
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thank you for your beautiful work and insights, honda and nagano. please never change.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/22/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been a long day huh? I wanna apologize ahead of time, whatever sickness my kiddo had last week finally got me so I'm not feeling terribly well. I'm gonna do my best to articulate todays events for ya!
===Renew As A Crew====
So the very first thing I want to touch on today is updates from @renewasacrew. As you may have heard, they were going to be changing leadership as the shift in priorities changed from renewing to saving OFMD. That being said, the leadership change happened over this weekend with some hiccups (I don't know what the hiccups were entirely and I'm not going to speculate, if you wanna delve down that twitter hole you can, but having been in it for today I'd recommend against it for your mental health, and we don't want to be drawing a bunch of media attention to it) there's a lot of confusing information, and as we know things can get conflated fast if we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle-- let's not speculate and wait for the to come out with more info.
So what I'm focusing on today is @renewasacrew's message to please give them some time and practice some patience while they get back up and running. This also includes anyone you happen to know on twitter working with them, for example: @TheCozyPirate. Let's give them some grace, they've been steering us well so far.
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The good news is, several folks, on tumblr: @iamadequate1, @quirkysubject, @asgardian--angels, On twitter: @havethisonelife @yougotoofast @Lcmwriter100, we have all we need to keep going for a few days while things get ironed out. (If I forgot someone please let me know, sorry I am half awake tonight)-- see the HOW CAN YOU HELP section below.
One thing I will mention-- we are moving so very fast right now. It's only been 13 days since the announcement that OFMD wasn't renewed, and we've accomplished SO MUCH. So when there's a lull, it's going to feel like things are standing still and maybe something is going wrong. Don't fall into despair, that's just how things go with negotiations. Take a break, take a breath, and just keep on Polite Menacing until we hear more from the leadership team.
===How can you help?===
**Go to visit the DAILY RENEWAL TASK LIST there's lots of ideas and ways you can help! Have more? Shoot me a dm! I'm happy to add stuff!**
*Note: To our international fans, I promise I'm working on a write up for you as well I've just been sick today and have been able to finish!*
Something new today-- a lot of you have expressed your desire to help in the @renewasacrew efforts. Well if you did-- and still want to, now you can volunteer! Many thanks to @redshiftsinger for getting this up so quick!
Please visit their survey: Volunteer Intake form and fill out how you may be able to help!
=== Cast and Crew Sightings ===
As if on cue, Chaos dad reached out to everyone on twitter today to express some encouragement!
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He also saw we were at 77K and posted his astonishment!
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Some folks have been a bit weary about his vagueness today, but as we know, Daddy Jenkins is the king of vague-- and he has to be! If there are contracts in the works, he can't be hinting at things. Don't lose hope!
===Samson Kayo ===
Our beloved Oluwande updated his IG with some pictures and a message. If you have IG I'm sure he'd appreciate some love!
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Next up was our favorite Captain, Rhys Darby, promoting a fellow comic @jamesroguecomedy over on IG!
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And our pirate queen Ruibo Qian was making posts about saving ofmd and fanart about Zheng! Featuring folks you probably know around tumblr: @mistysblueboxstuff and @tsutsu_ya over on twitter
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=REMINDER: Cross Fandom Watch Party! on 01/23/2024 1 PM PT, 4PM ET=
Looks like there's gonna be some cross fandom watch parties on twitter you're welcome to tune in for Jan 23-26 on twitter. They'll be watching good omens in an effort to try and get engagement up with PrimeVideo. It sounds like it'll be similar to the LubeAsACrew but with Good Omens fans! Thank you to @Dandeebakes on Twitter for getting these organised!
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Hashtags to use: #PirateOmens #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD, and helps to @PrimeVideo
New article, but take it with a grain of salt, see @TheCozyPirate's message:
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Our Flag Means Death's marketing was concerned about the shock of violence in the show
Alright lovelies. Here we are again, I told you it'd be quick. Today was very very very busy. Take a break and get some sleep ya? Lean on your crew, we are here to support each other. I'll end with a quote from Tolkien (it being all of us in your crew):
"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
Tonight picture features Taika and his "I love you eyes" at Rhys. Thats me, I'm Taika, I love you all.
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PS: Idk why this isnt showing up in my recaps repository but ill figure it out in the morning.
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missingn000 · 3 months
a note about tpg's hiatus
hi everyone!! i've missed y'all <33 i want to share a quick note on tpg's hiatus, and how long it will last.
first and foremost, the tl;dr: i will not abandon tpg. the story remains incredibly important to me, and this hiatus is only that: a hiatus. i will return eventually, and while i am not exactly sure when "eventually" is, i hope to begin updating again soon.
now the long explanation. tpg's hiatus has lasted much, much longer than i expected. it wasn't until i took a break that i realized how mentally and emotionally drained i was after writing 600k+ in 2 years, along with being an engineering master's student then starting a job in aerospace. especially after writing sukuna's backstory (75k+ words in one month), my brain was utterly fried. all in all, it's been a lot.
as some of you may know, i started watching one piece in september. and i love it! it's an incredibly fun, well-written feel-good series. it's been a refreshing mental break to engage with a new series, especially since jjk canon has been so disappointing in both content and writing quality. 
if you check my ao3, you'll notice i took a break from jjk with other series in the past: namely dr. stone, sxf, and natsume yuujinchou. this is necessary for me to remain creative and explore narrative themes that i bring back to tpg when i return to it. but by the time my recent hiatus started, it had been well over a year since i engaged with any other series than jjk, and it was starting to take its toll on me. i'm almost caught up on one piece now, which means i'll be able to focus on tpg again soon.
when i return from tpg's hiatus, updates may be slower. releasing 15k+ word chapters every 2-4 weeks was incredibly mentally taxing and required much of my time and focus to constantly be on the story. it wasn't healthy, and other areas of my life were impacted negatively. it can be easy to forget that i'm a real person with real-life responsibilities writing this story in my spare time for free -- even i sometimes forgot this. 
another note on why taking a break has been so necessary is my mental health. when season 2 released and toji + satosugu was animated, the fandom exploded and tpg's readership drastically increased. while this meant an influx of amazing love and support, i also started to receive rude and hateful comments and messages.
don't get me wrong: not everyone has to like tpg. that's totally fine! but as a very sensitive person, receiving hate took a huge toll on my mental health and motivation, and i have needed time to recover from it. i've been doing better mentally lately, and have taken some measures to reduce unkind interactions. i'm working on becoming less sensitive in the meantime so i can handle it better if/when it happens again.
since i've been feeling guilty about not posting jjk content, i haven't been on tumblr quite as much, but i'm still around online on both discord and instagram. mutuals can request my priv @chiidoriii on IG, and my discord is @MissingN000 -- just shoot me a message with who you are when you request! i'll still post fic updates on both new stories as well as tpg content and previews on tumblr, so please stick around :)
thank you so much for your patience with me! i love you all so much, and truly appreciate your support. love, chi <333
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 9 months
A little update
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Ngl, I've enjoyed my break away... maybe a bit too much? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm finding it hard to go anywhere near writing right now. I don't even think it's because of everything that happened, I think I'm just burned out.
I did some quick math, I wrote 65k words this year, across two series and a couple of one/two-shots, not even counting the drabbles I wrote for my milestone celebrations. And somehow, I still feel like I can't keep up? That it's not enough?
Even though you guys are the absolute best and have never, ever rushed me for updates, I got to be honest - I feel the constant pressure to create because I think people will lose interest if I don't. There are so many writers in the fandom who write so much faster than me, I can't fight the sinking feeling that I won't be missed if I took too long, or if I stopped.
At the same time, I've been discovering new outlets for my creativity, and I've been having a lot of fun. I'm not saying that writing isn't fun for me anymore - but there is a lot of expectation, stress and hair-pulling involved, and it's felt good stepping away from that.
At the beginning of the break, I thought I'd come back with an announcement of my upcoming fics. But right now, I'm not so sure. I mean, I still want to write that Hallow'seams idea, and I want to finally write Butter, but I can say for sure I'm in no state to start a series, so Summer House is shelved. I don't have a timeline, I haven't even touched a Google doc since I finished Palomino, so... yeah, I don't know.
For now, I'm going to take it easy and see where inspiration takes me. In the meantime, I'm just planning on replying to your wonderful reblogs and comments. I will be tagging Palomino spoilers as such when answering asks if you haven't read it.
I am so eternally grateful for your love and support, I hope you'll stick with me while I figure things out ❤️
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
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Hey everyone! I'm Sundrop, but you can call me Sunny. I am a fanfic writer, and this is my fanfiction blog where I post all of my newest fics. Right now, my main fandom is DC Titans.
CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - hey everyone! I am on a hiatus from writing because I am moving. I have made a long queue of my previous fics for you guys to enjoy while I'm gone, and my requests will still be open if you wanna send in something while I'm gone. If you wanna chat with me, I might be online on my main @tenpintsof-sundrop when I'm not busy with packing and other things. I should be back around the end of July or the beginning of September, maybe later. I am likely planning on taking a break after the move to rest because I know it will be an exhausting ordeal. Updates about this will be over on my main.
If you want to know about the fandoms I'm interested in generally, check out my Main Masterlist. Requests are currently open. Please read my rules page before sending in a request. If you want to be tagged in future fics of mine, you should read my rules for taglists first, and then you can send me an ask about it (or leave a comment on this post and I will add you to the taglist). If you have a question about my fics or about my blog in general, it might be answered by my FAQ.
About me: I'm a 90s baby (I remember Blockbuster lmao), my pronouns are she/her (but I don't mind being called dude or other masc nicknames), I am autistic, bisexual, and polyamarous (and those things often heavily inspire my writing). I am chronically ill; I have POTS, EDS, and some of my fics may go behind schedule or may be cancelled due to flare-ups of my illness, just so you guys are aware.
All of my fics are subject to The Autism Clause. This means that I could randomly lose interest in a fandom, an idea, a WIP, or a series that I’m writing at any time. If something is victim to this Clause, it means that I will stop working on it before it’s finished, and I will likely never mention it again unless asked about it.
If you are curious about what happened to a fic that was planned or you want to know why I haven't updated in a while, definitely go over to @tenpintsof-sundrop to see updates about my personal life and my creative process and how that affects my fanfiction posts. This is not my main blog. This is just a blog I use for posting fics, so if you wanna know more about my interests and the progress of my fics, then definitely head over to my main.
Please do not follow me if you support using AI to generate fanfiction or fanart, or if you use c.ai. I have worked for many years to cultivate my writing talents and I think it is a huge insult to writers to do these things. If I find anything on your blog that is AI generated, I will block you.
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I would highly recommend downloading the Interactive Fics Extension for Google Chrome - it turns every use of Y/N into a fanfic into your actual name, and it works very well with my fics to turn the reading into an immersive, personalized experience.
If you are looking for more of my older fics, then definitely check out my AO3 - which is the largest living catalogue of my fics in existence with over a million words on it. If you enjoy anything that I have posted here, you can go there to check out more of my work. However, please keep in mind that all of my work over there is archive locked to keep it out of the hands of AI scrapers and bots, so you will need an account to view it. And you need to make sure that you're logged into your account on all browsers before you click the link.
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Most Recent Work: Precious Time Alone - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader (aka the Gar Knot Fic)
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Currently Working On: on hiatus
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Coming Soon:
My fanfiction schedule is very up in the air right now because I will be moving soon, and everything involved with packing, moving, preparing my new room, and unpacking is going to be very tiring. I hope to be posting a lot more fics toward the end of this year, so stick with me. If you have any questions about upcoming fics or WIPs I have mentioned that have not yet been posted, feel free to politely ask me about them! And please be patient about my slowed posting/lack of posting during this time.
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kradeelav · 4 months
Hey Krad, do you have any advice for starting a website like yours? I love the idea of starting a website to host my fandom and personal portfolio, and maybe get back a piece of the old internet. How did you put yours together?
hey there! great question, and the good news is there's a lot of ways to go about it.
the bad news is, there's a lot of ways to go about it.
to simplify things, there's kind of ... three "tiers" to the back-end of how to create a website. let's break it down below.
high ease, low customization. (wix, weebly, squarespace, etc. you pay a company + they give you a bunch of themes and pre-made pages for you to drop images in.) can have one of these online in 2-3 hours, but it often "feels" templated and sterile.
medium ease, medium customization. (making a theme from scrach with tumblr's custom code editor, hybrid sites with some pages in pure code, some with wordpress grafted onto some subdomains). this is what i'd classify my site as, as I use wordpress for my logs for brainless updating. while i'm confident coding single/static pages, i just don't have the time or brainwidth right now to make a complex archiving system.
low ease, high customization. (neocities, pure html/css/coding). the downsides to this is oftentimes these sites are not phone-friendly, and there's a steep learning curve. but for the quintessential "old internet" experience, by far the best route to take. there's also something really empowering about learning why things work the way they do.)
some of this can be super intimidating if you're starting from 0 coding knowledge; there's no shame in switching to a templating software. hell i started with weebly and dicking around in tumblr's custom code template for a solid 5 years before making my current site, and that was with a previous 5 years of sketchy html experience) you're not gonna learn everything overnight.
but! as long as you keep a curious and inquisitive mind, you can't go wrong.
one last encouragement: there's kind of a mini renaissance with custom sites right now, especially in neocities circles, so you're kinda in luck in that there's more resources than ever. i love scumsuck's guides, and fancoders (the community) is also all over this too.
good luck!
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
I'm seeing a large amount of anxiety posting or doomposting here tonight so I'm just gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone here that it's okay to feel that way but if it ever gets too much, it's okay to just walk away.
Even just for a little bit, close the tab and go get a drink of water or just take a minute to yourself.
Don't feel obligated to interact with anything that causes you to feel stressed out.
It's okay to be optimistic about the situation in the same way that it's okay to be more critical. Unfortunately in the grand scheme of things, we don't have all the answers or the knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes, we won't know how things are happening until it's publicly announced.
The dismissal of the update account admins isn't really something that any of us wanted to hear had happened but it's at least a sign that things are actually being done behind the scenes.
Even if it may not seem like much it's at a small piece of proof that the admin funding issues are being addressed. Of course it unfortunately meant that it was revealed that they couldn't afford to keep the updates accounts admins but it's a small modicum of knowledge that they're at least looking into funding admins behind the scenes.
It's still frustrating not knowing what's going on and being left in the dark but ultimately there's nothing we can do except wait for news from an official source.
If I'm being honest stopped really watching as much Qsmp since the admin break, I've watched a couple past vods here and there and obviously I still watch Bad everyday (it's literally a part of my daily routine at this point) but I've not really been marathoning povs like I used to.
The admins were the life of the server and without them it just feels wrong, I was remaining hopeful while I watched Bad play on the server but his statement about reaching his limit today sorta hit.
Because yeah, I've reached a limit too.
I still love Bad and my other cubitos but the server right now just isn't hitting the same. So I'm gonna take my own advice and step back from the content and its fandom for a little bit.
Ultimately there's nothing I can do to help the situation at all and contributing my thoughts on something I have no real knowledge of just isn't really helping anyone.
I'm not getting overwhelmed by the doomposting or anything, I'm just choosing to distance myself for a little bit.
Although I do have qBads backstory to thank for reminding my old Ancient Mythology special interest from years ago which has overpowered my recent Qsmp fixation, so at least my brain has something to do while I take my little Qsmp break for a day or two :)
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My You-niverse: Richard Alonso Munoz
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Richard Alonso Munoz x F!Reader, throughout the series: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
Warning: mentions of domestic abuse
A/N: sorry its been almost a month since i last updated...i can't promise that it wont happen again.
Series Masterlist
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"You've been coming around here a lot lately," you state as you take your mail from Richard.
"Dana's on maternity leave, so I'm taking over the women's block as well."
Your brows shoot up, "Oh. I didn't know she already had the baby. Tell her I said 'Congrats'."
Richard gives you a nod and a soft smile, "Will do."
Steven groans and wipes his mouth after throwing up. America gives him a sympathetic look, "Yeah, that happens sometimes."
"Strange, not that I don't enjoy all this universe hopping and what not, when will we find, Y/N?"
Stephen rolls his eyes at Marc's alter, "It's not like I put a tracking on her."
"There's no spell of some sort that could help us track her?" Steven asks in desperation.
Stephen thinks and then his eyes widen. He turns to Steven, "Do you have anything of Y/N's?"
Steven rummages through his pocket and pulls out a necklace, "Here. I gave this to her on our first wedding anniversary. She makes me hold it during missions because she doesn't want to lose it."
"Perfect. Hold it up." While Steven holds up your necklace, Stephen does several hand movements, creating different glowing magical shapes. He pushes the shapes to your necklace and it proceeds to glow. The light from it then fades and the necklace is just the same as it was.
"...soooo...what was that supposed to do?" America asks with a cocked brow.
"This," Stephen points to your necklace, "will glow if it senses any trace of Y/N."
America threw up her arms, "Why didn't you think of this earlier?"
"I didn't think of it until now."
Steven groaned, "Would've saved us a lot of time, mate, if you did!"
"Doesn't matter now. All that matters is that we're closer to finding Y/N." Stephen created a portal to the next universe, "Shall we carry on?"
Twenty-five years to life. Shit. Well, you suppose that's what you get for killing someone. That someone being your sister's abusive ass ex-husband.
"I'd do it again," you murmur, pushing your food around your tray while Richard sat across from you, "No one, especially my sister, deserves to be treated the way he treated her," you spoke, the memories this universe' version of you flooded your brain, "If I didn't do it, there would've been another woman after my sister that he'd use as his personal punching bag. I couldn't have that."
"I get it. I don't condone what you did, but I get it. I've read the letters your sister sends you. I can tell she's very grateful of you."
You nod and let out a deep breath, "So you probably know everyone's dirty secrets, huh? Having to read everyone's letters and whatnot."
Richard smooths over his mustache and shrugs, "I try not to really get into all. Just have to make sure no one is trying to break out of here or trying to hurt someone."
You smirk at him and lean in closer so that he could only hear you, "Have people sent nudes?"
He gave a nervous laugh, "Oh God," he shakes his head, covering his blushing face, "I'm surprised how many people send naked photos of themselves to these inmates."
"Oooouu, Ritchie!"
"I don't look at them long. Just to see it's nothing harmful and then set it back in the envelope." he scoffs, "I've seen more naked women here than I do outside of work."
Your brows rise in surprise, "Really?"
He shrugs, "Yeah, is that surprising?"
It's your turn to shrug, "I dunno. I just-you're sweet and funny and handsome. Thought you'd have someone to give you some lovin'."
Richard sighs, "Unfortunately, there is no love for me."
You prop your elbows up, resting your chin on your hand, "I'd date you if I wasn't locked up here."
"Yeah?" Now it's Richard who looks at you with surprise.
You nod, "Yeah. Like I said, you're sweet, funny, and handsome. Very understanding and a great listener."
One of the guards then announces that lunch is over and that everyone should be heading back to their cells.
You groan and hang your head low, "Guess I'll see you around, Ritchie."
"So all of these versions of Marc's are just a bunch of tossers, aren't they?" Steven says with a snort, but then he punches himself in the face.
"Shit!" he cries out, "Unnecessary!" He begins to start arguing with Marc.
America starts slowly moving away from them but closer to Stephen, "So, Doc, are we getting closer to finding Y/N?"
"I think so," he fiddles with your necklace in his hand, "It's getting warmer, so we might not be that far behind." He looks back at Steven and calls out, "If you two are done bickering, I'm sure you'd like to get back to finding your wife?"
Steven nods, "Right," he straightens his jacket, "Let's go then." He catches up to Steven and America.
He and America trail behind Stephen and as he follows wherever your necklace is leading him. He's fully concentrated on the task at hand.
America then speaks up, "So, Steven, I know Y/N and Marc are married, so does that mean you're married to her too?"
"I suppose yes, in a way," he holds up his left hand to show his wedding ring, "But technically no. On the marriage certificate, it's Y/N and Marc's name. To be fair, I was never really a relationship person. That's all Marc with the romance and sweeping her off her feet. It took me a while, but I've come to love her as well. There's no title, really. She's mine just as much as she is Marc's and vice versa."
The teen suddenly looks upset, "I really am sorry I got her into this mess."
"It's not your fault. Marc's pissed, yeah, but it's at himself. He gets hard on himself whenever something happens to Y/N. And this is unknown territory for, well, all of us. But Marc doesn't like being so blind to all of this."
"What about you? How are you feeling about all this?"
Steven chuckles, "It's rather thrilling, innit? Visiting multiple universes and timelines and all that?"
America chuckles, "Yeah, it's pretty cool. Maybe once I really get the hang of my powers, we can do this again sans losing Y/N and trying to get her back."
Steven winces and rubs his belly, "Maybe not for a while," remembering how many times he's thrown up already from the universe jumping.
America laughs, "Fair enough."
Richard should be keeping watch of everyone else in the courtyard, but he can't. His attention is captured by you.
You're laying in the grass, soaking up as much sun as possible. He can tell you're at peace in this moment. He doesn't want to disturb you, but he can't help the pull that draws him to you.
He crosses the basketball court, to the area of grass that's starting to yellow as the summer heat is rolling in.
When he approaches you, your eyes are focused up at the sky.
Your eyes go to him and you smile, "Care to join me?" you pat the grass beside you.
He shakes his head, "I'm alright. I just wanted to check up on you."
You hum, eyes going back up at the sky, "When I look up, I'm taken away from this place. I'm not in prison, I'm somewhere else. Somewhere I'm free." You look back to him, "And you're there with me."
"Am I?" Richard gives a chuckle.
You nod, "Of course. You're sharing all of the poems that you've written and read to me." You sit up and turn to him, "Have you written anything new?"
"I'm...working on something."
"Can I get a sneak peek?"
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?!"
"Because I only want to show you when it's finished."
You hold up your hands in surrender, "Fine, fine. I won't budge."
You put your hands behind your head and lean back to lay back down. Once your head hits the grass, you're suddenly somewhere else.
You're on a cold floor. Standing above you is another version of your husband. His hair is slightly longer, more salt and pepper. He's also donning a beard similar to Nathan's.
"I win again, stardust." this version of Marc holds a baton towards you.
You groan, sitting up, "Ow."
He offers a hand to you and pulls you to your feet, "What's hurt?"
"My ego," you answer with a pout.
He gives a low chuckle and kisses your head, "You're fine."
"My Duke Leto," a man enters the room, "your meeting ," he reminds Leto, as you've learned his name.
"Right. I lost track of time." He hands you the baton, "Maybe you should join Paul in his lessons." he playfully nudges you.
"Ha ha."
Leto gives you a chaste kiss on the lips and heads for the door, "I'll see you at dinner, stardust."
You wave at Leto and then take a look around the room you're in. It's all stone of some sort. You walk towards the only window in the room and peer through it, seeing waves of water crash against a cliff.
The sky didn't look right. Were you on some other kind of planet?
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 6 months
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Taking a break from my accomplishments, to celebrate the accomplishments of others. These were the most memorable fics I read that was updated in 2023! I am quite certain I've forgotten some REALLY awesome ones too, so feel free to reblog and add on!
Sunny's 2023 Fic Rec
G Rated Fics:
Happy Accidents by Fantasyinallforms- This is one of my favorite modern universes! Just super sweet, complete with idiot in love and clumsy Thorin.
Of Hobbits and Dwarves by Wannano- This is just a really sweet story where Bilbo takes in a family of dwarves and they change his life completely.
Stoneborn by Porphyrios- In all the cabbage patch hobbit/stone born dwarf fics, this one just really stands out all on its own with Bilbo's utter bafflement of the situation at hand.
T Rated Fics:
The Antidote by Atisenia- This is such an interesting premise to a sort of Sleeping Beauty AU.
My Ego Dies by Conkers- This was the unrequited pining but not actually unrequited fic I absolutely 100% NEEDED.
Secret Angel by DomesticGoddess- This just such a fascinating AU with Thorin being an angel in a secret research facility and the twist ending was awesome!
There and Not Back Again (or, The Saving of Erebor) by femmebingley- The dwarven politics in this fic is astounding, and all the characters are so richly enhanced.
When Darkness Shines Brightest by LordOfTheRazzles- This unique take on a Persephone/Hades AU has some of the best character introspection in the fandom.
M Rated Fics:
All Ahead, Full Sail by durinsheir- This is the mermaid AU of mermaid AUs! Full of action and adventure and pirates!
Erebor Books&Cafe by thorinsbeard- Thorin is so cute in this modern soulmate fic that I can't wait to see more of!
The Kitchen Thief by mordelle- "Oh no, it's the nutty baker." BEST LINE EVER!
Makes the Whole World Blind by Chrononautical- This was such a good POV swap for a one-shot I absolutely ADORE!
Show Me My Silver Lining by BiSquared- I am still searching for a male cover of Jolene that would fit to this fic. ALL THE KUDOS!
Stranded by Ticklesivory- I really enjoyed the Sci-Fi/Fantasy clash of this fic and will be here for any and all additions to this fic!
E Rated Fics:
Bruises on the Heart by thehufflepuffhobbit- Of course Robyn never lets us down in smut, but this little soulmate AU was exactly what I was looking for with this kind of trope!
Everybody's After Love by Isclanel- I think I've reread this fic 3 times, the characterizations are just perfect in this modern best man meets the best man fic.
If You Lend a King a Hand by Cranbear- This just so well done with a PWP beginning that grows and adapts to the characters and the interactions and the relationships.
Intertwined by badskippy- I absolutely neeeeed to know the ending to this messed up Greek tragedy of a fic (affectionate).
Nothing Gained by Not Gathering Roses by rosasynstylae- Promiscuous hobbits are always a good idea, even better when they have tails.
Of Palaces and Ruins by livelongandgetiton- In the process of rereading this incredible slowburn modern AU.
Through the mist (I find you) by MiraHerondale- I can't get enough of the 'Thorin has amnesia' trope and when you add on a slice of angst and a dash of guilty smut you get this masterpiece!
Not Rated Fics:
Ambassador to Madness by SunnyRose- Because I might as well sneak a self-rec in there while I'm at it. XD
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prince-liest · 9 days
dr prince!
I was so busy waiting for the next update of once bitten that I didn't realize until yesterday that you'd posted something else! I just read lady's first and oh my god. oh my god holy shit oh my god.
I almost cried several times, and somehow, against god's will, you've caused me to develop a crush on your fem!alastor specifically. I just want to hug her so bad. your writing never fails to be funny, sexy, emotional, and thoughtful all at the same time; I love love loved reading your note at the end about alastor's relationship with gender. your portrayal was such a perfect balance of her still being alastor while also clearly being affected by a different upbringing/socialization. ugh, I love your writing so much.
I also think this and your 666 series has proven to me that I am SO here for alastor tentatively asking for friendship and vox not being an asshole about it. I love -- and I think this is what I find appealing about hazbin in general -- seeing the worst sinners in hell find something warm and happy together in the middle of all the bleakness. lady's first and I love her, I love her not are going to be tucked into a warm place in my heart for a while, I think. maybe forever.
Aaaaa, thank you so much! Yeah, Once Bitten is going to take a minute to update because I've been on a road trip and not written anything at all for over a week, haha. But Lady's First was my mental break foray into a softer radiostatic dynamic and also because I cannot seem to unhinge my jaw from the death grip it has on putting Alastor into compulsory heterosexuality situations and all the processing required to deal with them. Yes, there IS more coming. Sorry, blorbo, you are now here for me to work through the current concept I'm hyperfixated on.
I forget if I've mentioned elsewhere, but I actually expected a lot of people to give Lady's First a pass because it's M/F and because it's a genderbend, so it's genuinely really touching to me that what possessed me in the writing of it has resonated with many others as well! I'm especially glad that the characterization came through and made sense with the specific changes I made—and big handshake on wanting soft resolutions for these literal demons from hell, hahaha. Unpicking their humanity is my favorite part of this fandom!
Anyway, thank you so much! This ask made me really happy to receive, haha
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sundeathh · 7 months
Aizawa’s sick day. Part III
- The following evening -
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Part 1 here  | Part 2 here |  Masterlist
Pairing: Aizawa × Reader | Word count: 1.6K
Fandom: BNHA | MHA | Tags: reverse comfort, home life, romance, fluffy & cute, SFW.
CW: Sickness, stable relationship, cheesy stuff, married couple dynamics.
A/N: Long time no see. Probably the last part of this piece. One of my favorites, though. I hope you all like it!
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3:36 P.M.
After finishing the call, you put your phone back down, wondering if you should head there or wait for him to get home. You put your bag on the coffee table and plopped on the couch with a sigh. 'A severe case of the Flu' - the words spun through your head. It was worse than you thought.
You pondered if you should go for a check-up, too, since it is contagious. But, so far, you weren't feeling any different than your usual self. Your immunity was quite worse than Shōta's, so you were surprised you didn't show any symptoms yourself.
But anyway, it was good that at least you were okay. You needed your strength to take care of your husband. Still with your phone next to you, you grabbed it again, sending him a text message.
"Should I go pick you up?" It read.
No response. And it stayed unread for a while. You resisted the urge to go there since Shōta was already at the infirmary, so you assumed he was receiving the treatment needed.
Distracting yourself wasn't easy, though. You went back and forth through your hobbies since you had done the home chores already. But neither was enough to keep your mind at ease.
5:19 P.M.
You were cleaning the floor for the second time that day when the bip of your phone notifications made you stop to get to it, anxious about if there was any update about your partner.
You got a text message. After tapping on it to read Shōta's words, you read: "Sorry I didn't answer sooner. Recovery Girl asked me to put the phone down so she could examine me again. It seems I'll be fine. She insisted I should take at least three days off, though."
You typed back: "Good. I'm glad you'll finally have some time for yourself. You needed a break. Are you coming home?"
"Yes. I'm walking to the bus stop right now."
"What? Why? Why didn't you ask for a cab?"
"No need. I'm feeling well enough to go home by bus."
"You better sit at that bus stop and wait for me to get you. I'm not letting you come back in a crowded bus."
"You don't have to, I'm OK."
"On my way." You typed, throwing your phone into your bag, and grabbing your car keys. He may be stubborn. A lot stubborn. But you could beat him easily when it came to that.
6:22 P.M.
The familiar rumble of your car engine pulled Aizawa up from his seat at the bus stop. The tired expression on his face subdued a little to show you a small smile instead. He opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. Aizawa greeted you.
"Thanks for coming to pick me up," he said, his voice a bit raspy but filled with gratitude.
You gave him a soft smile, reaching your hand over to gently pat his forearm. "Of course, Shōta. I wasn't going to let you ride the bus in your condition. Now, let's get you home and into bed."
Aizawa nodded, leaning back into the seat with a smile stamped on his lips. "Of course, you wouldn't," he said, amused.
You rolled your eyes and giggled. "You would do the same. Or worse yet, maybe carry me instead of letting me walk myself". You said back.
He huffed but smiled. The drive was quiet after that, a comfortable silence between you two that shared care and understanding. As you approached home, you couldn't help but glance at him, concern etched on your face.
"How are you feeling, really?" you asked, your eyes focused on the road but attentive to his response.
He sighed, a mix of exhaustion and contentment in his voice. "Honestly, better now that I know I'm heading home. Recovery Girl worked her magic, but nothing beats being in my own space."
You smiled, appreciating the sentiment. "Well, you're going to get plenty of rest now. No hero work, no meetings, just relaxation."
He chuckled, a sound that warmed your heart. "Sounds like paradise right now." He smiled, feeling relieved for the first time in a long while.
6:55 P.M.
Once home, you guided Aizawa inside, ensuring he was comfortable before disappearing into the kitchen to prepare a light meal. The aroma of chicken soup filled the air as you carefully monitored the pot on the stove. Aizawa settled onto the couch, looking around with a faint smile.
"You really didn't have to do all this," he commented, his eyes lingering on you. You turned, meeting his gaze with a determined look. "Well, I wanted to. And don't argue. Recovery Girl's orders: plenty of rest and a good meal."
Aizawa chuckled again, a softness in his eyes that spoke more than words could. "You're overprotective, you know that?"
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes. "Only when it comes to you. I learned it from the best teacher, anyway." You teased.
Aizawa settled further into the couch, his eyes never leaving you as you moved around the kitchen. The warmth in the room seemed to intensify, not just from the simmering soup but from the shared understanding between the two of you.
"Well, I appreciate the overprotectiveness," he admitted, a soft smile on his lips. "I guess I'm lucky to have someone looking out for me."
The comment made you smile, and you couldn't help but feel a swell of affection. As you plated the soup, you grabbed a couple of spoons and made your way to the couch.
"Here you go," you said, handing him a bowl. "Hot chicken soup, just what the hero ordered." Aizawa accepted it with a grateful nod, the aroma instantly enticing his senses.
As he took a spoonful, Aizawa's eyes closed in appreciation. "You might be onto something. This is really good."
"See? Overprotectiveness has its perks," you teased again, sipping from your own spoon. He smiled. "I guess it does".
The evening continued in a similar way – a shared meal, light banter, and the comfort of being in each other's company. Aizawa, despite the lingering exhaustion, seemed to relax, the care and attention you provided working wonders for him.
You both knew the unspoken agreement: Aizawa needed this time to recover, and you were more than willing to provide the support he needed.
As the evening settled into the night, you found yourself on the couch together, a cozy blanket draped over both of you. Aizawa, still looking a bit tired, leaned into you, finding solace in the warmth of your presence.
"Thank you," he murmured, his gratitude evident. You placed a soft kiss on his temper, a gesture filled with tenderness. "Always, love. Now, rest. I'll be right here."
8:02 P.M.
The evening breeze gently rustled the curtains as you watched the credits rolling up on the TV screen. Aizawa leaned back on the couch, the signs of exhaustion more apparent now. His eyes drooped slightly, and you could tell that the toll of the day was catching up to him.
"I think it's time for you to get some proper rest," you suggested, untangling from the embrace. "Let me help you to bed."
Aizawa hesitated, glancing at you with a mix of gratitude and stubbornness. "I can manage, you know."
You raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in your eyes. "Sure, you can. But it's more fun when you let me take care of you in the end," you said softly. He chuckled, realizing the futility of arguing with you when you had that determined look.
Slowly, you helped him stand, supporting him as he swayed slightly. His usual stoic demeanor softened as he leaned on you for support.
Guiding him to the bedroom, you could feel the warmth of his fever against your touch. Concern etched your features as you helped him settle into bed.
"Looks like you've got a bit of a fever again," you observed, adjusting the covers as you tucked him in. "Let's try to cool you down a bit, okay?"
Aizawa sighed, appreciating the care. "I'll be fine, just need some rest."
You nodded. "Rest is exactly what you're going to get. I'll be right here if you need anything." You said before walking out of the room to get a damp cloth.
The room was dimly lit, and when you returned, you sat beside him, watching over as he already drifted into a peaceful sleep. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional creak of the floorboards created a soothing background.
"Rest well, Sho." You whispered, carefully placing the damp cloth on his forehead.
And as the night progressed, you continued to monitor his condition, occasionally replacing the damp cloth to ensure his fever stayed in check.
This quiet moment allowed you to reflect on the bond of care and vulnerability you both shared. Aizawa, despite being the stern hero in the light of day, looked so vulnerable in his sleep.
You couldn't help but feel a deep sense of protectiveness, a desire to shield him from the challenges the hero world imposed on him. It hurts so much to watch him endangering himself over and over again due to his work demands. Still, you admired him just as much.
You could never protect him the way he did with you or with his students, so instead, you sat by his side, a guardian in the quiet hours, ready to provide comfort and care until the morning light of each day. Even though you were not a hero, this was your way to protect him. And it worked just as any hero work does for people.
The love you felt suppressed all the worry you had. And although you would never stop worrying, having him there to rest for a few days, beside you and safe from his work hazards, felt like a touch of heaven in your heart.
Leaning in gently to place a peck on his cheek, you whispered "I love you" for the hundredth time to his unconscious mind.
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archiveikemen · 25 days
💌 From: Erie
Previously, I announced a hiatus because I had some personal matters to attend to and with my awful self-control I couldn't really focus on them while balancing TL stuff at the same time. I was also feeling pretty burnt out and needed a break.
Now that I've settled what's important, I think I'm ready to continue running this blog. However, as mentioned in another post, I decided on certain changes I want to make to how I run my blog.
Some of these changes are going to upset some people, but I've been thinking about this for a long time and only made this decision after choosing to prioritise my wellbeing + this is my blog.
Continue under the cut.
First of all... this one isn't a change and you guys already know this because it's in my FAQ post + you can tell by how often I post new stories — unlike some other blogs, I'm not able to translate new stories every single day aka I'm not going to be posting daily story chapter updates. It takes a lot of time to TL and a lot of proofreading before a story is deemed ready for uploading.
Moving on!
I've probably said this at least 5 times by now and keep going back on forth on the decision but this time I'm dead serious.
There will be a change to the order in which I prioritise which game's content I TL. The new order will be: Ikemen Genjiden, Morganatic Idol, Ikemen Villains/Koihana Bakumeiroku/Ikemen Live.
You read that right. I'm going to start TL more MoruDoru content and slowly get back into KoiBaku. The reason for this specific order of prioritisation is simply because Genjiden is getting discontinued in August and we don't know whether the app will even still be on the AppStore like IkeRev or it'll end up like IkeLive (IFC) or it just vanishes off the surface of the earth. Moreover, MoruDoru and KoiBaku don't have EN versions; IkeLive is because I want to finish Henri's main story.
Ever since Ikemen Villains EN server launched, I noticed that majority of the fandom is now focused on that and no longer reading translations of JP events even though they're not on EN yet. Which I think is understandable and great because now it's much more convenient for the english speaking fandom to enjoy the game without having to wait for someone to translate stuff. All the events and stories on JP will be on EN eventually. Therefore, I'm going to stop translating main stories and events for IkeVil — this excludes any paywalled stories I may be interested in i.e. ECB, 95K LP bonus, story sale, birthday stories. I'll still TL paywalled stories because I understand that not everyone can obtain them, even when they're out on EN. However, IkeVil remains at the bottom of my priorities.
I'm well aware that I built this blog up and gained majority of my audience from the Ikemen Villains fandom, so I'm truly sorry things turned out this way. But I want translating to be fun again and most of my enjoyment back when I first started my blog came from being able to just TL whatever I'm reading at the time, instead of rushing to TL stories before the next event starts and beating myself up over being slower than others.
That's all I have to say. I don't mind if you want to unfollow me after this, because being "popular" was never my goal to begin with. I thank you for all the support you've given me so far, from the bottom of my heart.
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