moon9931 · 9 months
this fucking comment
i was just scrolling through my yt recommendations, then I found this
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I watched it, and went into the comment section, and somebody said this
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and a small voice in my head was sobbing very very loudly
And someone replied with
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I'M GONNA- 💥💥💥😭😭💥😭😭😭💥😭😭😭
the tags describe what is going on in my brain
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
Roommate!Sukuna weekly drabble part 3
"How much longer is this going to take, woman?" Sukuna grumbles as you hover over him, it's been long since he felt that pesky a pain. "Just a little - " You drawl, placing the tweezers between his eyebrows again, trying to catch the hair you've been eyeing all day, "longer."
“Fuck,“ He hisses when you finally pluck it out, his eyes scrunching in pain as his fingers dig into the couch’s fabric.
“You’re acting like a baby,” you chastise, “don’t you want to look nice for your date?”
“How many time do I have to tell you?” He snatches the tweezers out of your hand, smacking them on the table, “it’s not a date.”
“Oh, so just a dinner then?” You chuckle, trying to hide the notes of unhappiness in your voice, “..Is she pretty?”
“Breathtaking,” he responds, watching your eyes drop to the floor before coming back up to meet him with a smile.
“Good,” you utter, pushing out an arm to grab the tweezers from the coffee table, “then let me finish -“
Sukuna slams a flat palm on the tool, “I really don’t think my mother will mind the eyebrows.”
“It looks fancy,” You mutter when he shows you the restaurant on his phone, “you have to wear a suit.”
“A suit?”
“Maybe a tie, too,” you look him up and down, “don’t want to embarrass yourself, do you?”
When he finally comes out of his room you can’t stop the giggling fit that follows, holding a hand over your mouth to bite back the laughter.
“Quit laughing, brat.”
But you can’t keep the grin off your face, coming closer to straighten his tie, too busy fondling the silk to notice how his face grows red at the proximity.
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w2soneshots · 29 days
Could we do like a skincare moment of us making harry put on a face mask and we shave his eyebrows and do the filter on tik tok so he thinks they are super thin
Self care -W2S
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Words: 0.3k+
Warnings: none.
In which you spend a self care night with Harry but just when he thinks he can relax you decide to… prank him.
a/n: this request is so cute! I feel like Harry secretly loves this kind of stuff (as he should, who doesn’t love a good pamper?) 😂🤍🫶🏼
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"Please?" I begged as I stuck out my bottom lip and put on my best puppy dog eyes. His eyes rolled to the back of his head "alright, fine." My mouth curved into a massive grin "Yey!" I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to grab the face mask, a towel and some tweezers. "Uhm. What are they for?" He eyed the tweezers as I laid everything out on the bed. "Your eyebrows just need a little shaping, that's all," I could tell he was hesitant so I continued "I'm just gonna pluck a couple hairs it'll only hurt a bit, I promise." He sighed "ok." The smile returned to my face "good, I'm going to start with the mask."
I gently applied the clay like substance to his t-zone. "That actually feels quite nice." Harry's eyes gently flicked shut. I giggled. Once I was finished with the mask I began to pluck the stray hairs around his brows. "Ah, ow," he flinched "I thought you said this wouldn't hurt?" "No. I said it'd only hurt a little, you donut." He took a deep breath "ooah." I burst into I fit of laughter. "I can't concentrate when you're making all those weird noises!"
Once I was done I grabbed my phone and clicked onto tiktok. Then onto the thin eyebrows filter. "Ok, close your eyes." "I better have eyebrows y/n." I giggled. His eyes closed so I sat myself next to him and put my phone in front of his face. "Open." "What the fuck y/n! Oh, it's a filter." He quickly realised. He turned to me with an unimpressed look on his face. I smirked "they look good tho." "Yea to be fair you did a really good job."
"We should make this a weekly thing." Harry whispered as we lay in bed, about to fall asleep. "You enjoyed the face mask did you?" I whispered back. "Mhm. Just don't tell the boys that." I sat up to face him. "Haz. It's not weird for men to enjoy a little self care." He nodded "yea I know. But the boys will definitely make some joke about me being whipped." I chuckled. "Night." I lay my head back onto his chest. "Good night, I love you." "Love you too."
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gojo-enthusiast · 7 months
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Master Zenin - Toji Fushiguro Series — Reblog & Like🫶🏻 Read Other Chapters Above 👆🏻 🖤
Chapter Three
“TTTOOOOOJJJIIIII!!—“ you’re laughing, and squealing throwing your head back. The big man who you were sitting on his lap, trying to help him trim his eyebrows, because the last time he went and gotten them done– the woman at the salon made them to thin. So he vowed to never let another person touch them again, until one day, you said you would do it.
Seventeen year old you, sitting in 28 year old Toji, the tweezers in hand, plucking out the stray hairs. “You damn woman, that hurts!” He groans, flinching his eye. “You better not poke my eye.” He howls. “Oh hush, I know what I’m doing.” You giggle. These were rare moments where it was just you and just Toji. He had picked you up from your college classes, you had already graduated high school, and gotten started with finding your career, taking your basics. “Thanks for picking me up by the way, mom’s book club ran late, plus I wasn’t ready to go home.” You sigh, “this is nicer anyway than being there.” You add on, causing a frown to appear on his face. “Why do ya say that doll?” He asks, “I don’t know, sometimes I just feel like my parents expect so much of me, but give so little to me. They don’t pay much attention, yet they want me to do and be so much. My dad is really pushing me to go into law, or become a doctor.” You sigh again. “What do you want?” He says, turning his head slightly, investing himself in every word you say.
“I wanna be a —“ the sentence is faint, as you feel your eyes flutter open, you had been dreaming. A old memory that you shared with Toji, a memory you had forgotten about. The tears in the corner of your eyes, peaking out. Heavy and cold, they sunk down into your skin, staining it.
“I see sleeping beauty has decided to join the world of the living.” You hear, a voice that is all to familiar. You lean up quickly from the mattress, your head feeling dizzy. Your eyes focus onto the chair that sits across the room, in front of the bed. There he was, the man you had been dreaming of, the man you shared these intimate memories with. Your first love, the man that you swore to never love again. Toji Zenin.
“T-Toji.” You whisper, “Hey pretty girl.” He smirks— “Been searching for ya for ‘while.” He huffs, running his fingers through his jet black raven colored hair.
“Fuck you.” You muster out, tears peaking out of the corner of your eye. You’re so infuriated with the sight of him, but you can’t help but deep down, want to be cradled into his huge chest, because that’s how safe he made you feel even in this situation. “Hey doll, let’s tone down the language. I’m in no mood to be fightin’, I mean didn’t you just get here? Already causing trouble I see.” He says, throwing his hands up, in this “defeated” look on his face.
“Who do you think you are? Picking me up! Taking me to this place, getting me all pampered to be what? Your plaything? Fuck you Toji!” You scream, you’re beyond mad. You just see your father’s face in your mind, the disappointment in his eyes he had when he came home after the fight he had with Toji occurred. “Don’t look at me like that, don’t pretend like I hurt you. I just saved your ass.” He scoffed, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, opening the window to the room you were in, lighting it up. “Saved me? Are you fucking serious right now? How is this saving?” You shout, no response. He was lighting up his cigarette, taking a drag. “ANSWER ME!” You scream, “hey! Lower your voice, aight?” He says in a stern tone. “Oh and what are you going to do? Whoop me? Beat my ass? Punish me? Is that what you leaders do, after taking us innocent civilians, who just want to live a peaceful life?” You say, at this point you’re standing up, and you had finally pushed him to his limit. He flicks the cigarette out the window, turning around. Grabbing you by your wrist and slamming you back down on the bed. He had each knee on either side of you, while his left hand held both your wrist above your head.
“Shut the fuck up.” He mutters, “fuck you!” You say, spitting on his face. You almost freaked out yourself, you couldn’t believe you had just done that. He stands up, putting his hand to his face where the spit was at, wiping it with his fingers, then inserting it into his own mouth. “I always wanted to know what your mouth tasted like.” He smirks.
“YOUR FUCKING DISGUSTING!” You scream, throwing the pillow at him, jumping up running to the door. He lifts you by your waist into the air, pushing you back onto the bed. “How about you behave aight? ‘M sleepy.” He groans, lying down on the bed, letting you free after putting in the bed next to him. “What the fuck?” You’re eyeing, sitting up. Rushing to the door of the bedroom. “I am leaving! You’re not going to stop me.” You say, going up to the door, while he hums a “Mmhmm okay.” Getting to the door, you had realized it’s locked from the outside, and need a key to get out. “Let me out Toji.” You say calmly. “No, I’m sleeping.” He says childishly, closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around one of the pillows. “Fuck you mean you’re sleeping?” You scold, “look it’s been a long day. How about we sleep, and when it’s dinner time, we will eat, and we will talk. As of right now, I’m tired. So quiet down will ya?” He groans.
You’re on fire, all you want to do is hurt him. But you also want to curl into his arms and fall back asleep yourself. Toji felt your conflicting, bringing himself up, walking over to you, throwing you over his shoulder, then placing you on the bed next to him— now cradling you. “Well doesn’t that feel better? I miss ya’ smell.” He says, nuzzled into your neck. You feel his nose tickle your throat. “Don’t hurt me T-Toji.” You sniffle out. “Haven’t I always taken care of you? Why would that change now?” He whispers, and in a swift instance, you hear his slight snores in your ear, and in some sick way it lulls you to sleep, the man that you swore to hate, was the same man that was holding onto you, and you in a way let him hold onto you. You let his head be nuzzled into your neck, and you let his arms wrap around your waist, you blamed it on the fact that he was much bigger. But you know it was your own biased opinion that you tried to convince yourself it was him, and simply not you. You convinced yourself that you simply weren’t strong enough to push him off. That was what helped you fall back asleep.
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nametakensff · 4 days
Eyebrows (S/teddie)
I had to get this little scenario out of my head, so here's just over 2K of S/teve plucking E/ddie's eyebrows until it makes him sneeze 💗
M/M, established relationship, both S/teve and E/ddie have the fetish, E/ddie gets off to his own sneezing, sneezing induced by eyebrow tweezing, mentions of allergy sneezing, sneezing in someone's hand, some nose rubbing, brief over the pants hand job, teasing, I guess fetish 'dirty talk' lol
CW: tiny little bit of misogyny / gender stereotyping (they're young men and in the 1980s, so)
NSFW, minors please DNI!
“This is stupid.”
“Yeah, man, I heard you the first fifty times, already.”
Eddie huffed, squirming where he sat on the edge of Steve’s bed. Steve was in front of him, cradling his chin in his palm and forcing him to look up. His boyfriend stood awkwardly, angled so that the sunlight from the window wasn’t entirely obscured by his body as he worked. Eddie felt fucking ridiculous with one hand holding back his bangs, giving Steve easier access to his brows. He eyed the tweezers in his boyfriend’s right hand warily.
“Do you really need to do this? What’s wrong with my brows? Don’t you think I’m handsome?”
Steve rolled his eyes at him.
“You’re overreacting. Your eyebrows are fine – and yeah, you’re handsome. I’m just – leveling you up a little bit?”
Eddie scoffed in response.
“I think you’re being vain. I think you care too much about appearances.”
Steve chuckled, and Eddie nearly jerked his chin away in irritation.
“Sorry, sorry. It’s just – funny. That you would accuse me of being obsessed with appearance when your whole thing is anti-conformity. You care a lot, just in a different way. You don’t not care, is what I mean.”
Steve ended on a clarification, watching as Eddie narrowed his eyes at him.
“I never said ‘obsessed’. And not dressing like a conformist douchebag isn’t the same as plucking my eyebrows like a chick.”
“I pluck my eyebrows. You like my eyebrows. Am I a chick?”
“No. Stop putting words in my mouth.”
“Then stop squirming and let me do this. You’re dragging it out like a baby. It won’t hurt. All that much, anyway.”
Eddie hesitated. He honestly hadn’t even considered the potential pain, having been too focused on the principal.
“I would like your eyebrows in their natural state, for the record.” He mumbled as Steve loomed closer.
“Thank you. Now shut up. If you hate it we never do this again, okay?”
“I already hate it.”
“Fine, fucking fine. Just hurry up so we can do something halfway interesting.”
It was Steve’s turn to scoff, rolling his eyes in the face of his boyfriend’s sulkiness.
“Pizza and sex can wait, dude.”
"Who are you??”
“Quiet.” Steve muttered, ever so slightly tightening his grip on Eddie’s chin and leaning forward with the tweezers. “You’re so dramatic, you geek.”
Eddie didn’t offer any kind of retort in response – Steve noticed he had started to cringe away and close his eyes as the tweezers drew closer.
“I promise it doesn’t hurt much, babe. I’ll be quick about it - honest.”
Eddie didn’t open his eyes, but he didn’t move away. Steve took a moment to admire the way his dark lashes fanned delicately over his cheeks, then closed the tweezers around the first stray hair he could find. He yanked fast and hard. When Eddie hissed and jerked a little in response, Steve gently rubbed the pad of one finger over the pinkening skin.
“Sorry, honey. Not too bad, huh?”
“Ow, mother fucker. That sucks.”
“It doesn’t feel great, I know. But the faster I go, easier it’ll be.”
Eddie opened his eyes and looked at Steve. His boyfriend was smiling encouragingly down at him. He was stupidly attractive, irritatingly so – Eddie thought this was the dumbest shit ever, but he was a fucking fool for Steve, and knew he would continue to acquiesce even as he fought it every step of the way.
“Don’t you like my eyebrows?” He asked, feeling like a pathetic broken record as Steve closed the tweezers round another hair.
“Of course I do! I just want to see what they look like a little more – manscaped. You ready?”
Eddie gritted his teeth and tensed in preparation.
“Yeah. Hit me.”
This hair felt even worse as it was yanked away – a cruel prickling sensation that rippled outwards from the source and through his scrunched-up face.
“Fucking shit, Stevie!”
“Sorry, fuck. I’m gonna go faster and get this over with, yeah?”
“Ugh, fine.”
“I’ll make it up to you. I’ll suck your dick for hours.”
Eddie huffed out a little laugh, wincing as Steve readied the tweezers again.
“You don’t have to repay me in sexual favours, Harrington. Besides, that would be a double win for you.”
“Asshole!” Steve laughed, and Eddie grinned for all of one second before another hair was yanked free.
“Fucking christ, that shit sucks.”
The sensation was more than just a sharp little spike of pain; it made his face itchy, bringing tears to his eyes and putting a tickle in nose. He sniffled and squeezed his eyes shut tight. Reaching up with his free hand to scrub under his nostrils, he started to mash his nose around more violently once he found the sensation continued to linger. His wrist bumped into Steve’s hand, still cupping his chin.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, it just – is it supposed to, like – tickle?” He sniffled, feeling his nostrils dampen in response to the mischievous itch and manhandling both.
“Oh, um…Yeah. That can happen.”
Eddie looked up at Steve, taking in the sheepish expression on his face. He blinked at him before narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Steve seemed to squirm under the scrutinization.
“…Does it happen to you?”
“Um. Sometimes. But I’m pretty used to it.”
Eddie continued to peer up at Steve, and Steve continued to squirm.
“…Does it ever make you sneeze?”
Steve’s eyelashes fluttered a little. His nervous, guilty reaction said it all, and Eddie’s jeans instantly felt far too tight.
“Sometimes.” Steve flashed him a little crooked smile, and Eddie swore under his breath.
“Harrington, you dirty dog.” He was smirking now. “If you wanted me to sneeze for you, honey, there are plenty of easier, less vapid ways to get there.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at him – perfectly sculpted, to his credit – and secured the tweezers again. The nervousness was gone from him, replaced with a determination that made Eddie’s cock twitch happily in his underwear. He looked up at Steve with a dumb grin. Perhaps he could get behind this bullshit now, savouring this delicious new morsel of information. He’d happily watch or even help Steve the next time he was fixing his own brows.
“You’re right - there are plenty of other ways, and you’d jump at the chance no matter what. This wasn't intentional, Munson. Either way, you’re not much of a challenge.”
“So first you hate my eyebrows, now you’re calling me easy?”
“Oh my god, shut up.” Steve smirked down at him. Eddie smirked back. “Will you let me get this over with now? Pizza and sex at the end of the tunnel, remember?”
Eddie nodded, locking eyes with him.
“Sex first, pizza later.”
“Deal.” Steve closed the tweezers around another hair.
“Don’t go slow, Stevie. I really think if you go faster, I’m gonna – Oww, mother fucking shit fuck!”
Steve just laughed at him, squeezing his chin securely and starting on another hair. He certainly had picked up the pace now, and Eddie winced again as several more hairs were plucked away in cruel succession.
The bizarre combination of sharp pain and aggravating itchiness was taking hold in earnest as Steve worked. Eddie was definitely going to sneeze – he could feel it building, an incredibly irritating swell of sensation. It was almost unbearable, sort of how his nose might have protested had he stuck his face right into a bouquet of flowers and inhaled as deeply as possible. But it was less sharp than the tickles that pollen would induce, somehow – the buildup was simultaneously agonising and strangely pleasant. He sniffled, nostrils beginning to twitch and flare.
“Mm, fuck. Gonna s-sneeze soon, Stevie.”
“Mff. Okay.”
Eddie smiled even as his eyes slipped shut and his mouth started to fall open in preparation. Steve sounded breathless already, something he allowed himself to take a great deal of pride in having caused. Who wasn’t much of a challenge now?!
Steve yanked another hair out along the underside and middle of Eddie’s right brow, the most painful removal yet. It brought genuine tears to his eyes, but it was the final push he needed. That buzzing, tickling sensation began to crest, forcing his eyebrows upwards and sucking a desperate breath into his lungs. He lingered for just a moment on the precipice of release, the tickle unbelievable as the post-plucking waves of irritation turned the centre of his face into a miasma of itchiness.
Steve’s grip on his chin had loosened a little to accommodate his slackening jaw. Quickly, Eddie dropped the hand that had been holding back his fringe to Steve’s wrist, urging his palm in front of his nose and mouth. Steve complied immediately, releasing his chin and holding his hand out expectantly to catch the oncoming release.
One final, desperate gasp, expression cinching tight, and then Eddie was crumpling forward, nose bumping into the skin of Steve’s palm as he sneezed vigorously into it.
“Hh-!! EhH’NGXt’Tsieww!! IHG’TChieww! Hh’DZZztschiew! ESHHh’ieww!! IGSHHHhh’uu!!”
Ohh, they had felt amazing. He had only a moment of luxuriating in the relief of them before he felt Steve rubbing with the tips of his fingers on the flexing arch of his nostrils. He was ticklish enough that the motions urged the irritation to swell anew - he lurched forward again within seconds, this fit even more cleansing and violent.
“-!! HDDdDzz’TCHieww!! EhDDT’TSchieww!! Hh! Hih’TSCHhh’iew!-TSSCCHhh! HaAHGT’TSschhh! GXXT’Tshiewww!...Hh-H-HH!! HAAH’GITSCHh’iewww!! Ohh my god. Shit.”
“Ohh, baby. Bless you so much.”
Eddie sniffled, peering up at Steve and rubbing his damp nose into the protective cradle of his boyfriend's hand.
“Thank you, honey. They felt really good.”
“Fuck, Eds. You’re so hot.”
“Mm. You too, Stevie.” Eddie murmured, taking in the sight of Steve’s obvious erection practically straining against his tight Levi's. The sight almost made him drool. He wanted that cock in his mouth five minutes ago. He wanted to reach out and squeeze it through the material, watch a wet patch form as Steve leaked in desperation. He did just that, listening to Steve moan, ragged and surprisingly loud. He grinned and huffed a satisfied little ‘hah’ as Steve started to buck against his hand, gripping his wrist and fucking into his tight embrace.
The strangled groan of frustration Steve couldn’t curtail as Eddie yanked his hand away mere moments later made him giggle. Steve was so responsive, got just as worked up as Eddie did for him. It was intoxicating, how much they got each other going. It was a high unlike any other drug he’d ventured to try.
“Eddie, please!”
Steve started unzipping his pants, one handed, open hand searching for Eddie’s wrist to draw him back and finish what he started.
“Not yet, Stevie.”
Steve groaned and lunged for him, attempting to push him backwards on the bed and plant a kiss on his mouth. He was semi-successful, managing to tilt Eddie backwards just so, wedging a leg between Eddie’s thighs and pressing up against his own erection, which throbbed in response. The resistance made him lean back at once, searching Eddie’s face wordlessly for an explanation. Eddie smiled at him, then humoured him with a response.
“You’ve only finished my right side, yeah? Can’t leave a man with uneven brows, now.”
Steve blinked at him in surprise, before his expression slipped into a giddy look of recognition. He scrambled around on the floor, locating the tweezers he had unceremoniously dropped when Eddie had started to sneeze.
“You sure?” He asked, panting and wild-eyed as he resumed his position in front of Eddie. Eddie smiled, holding his bangs back out of the way. He sniffled, partly because he needed to and partly because he wanted Steve to follow the motions of his nostrils as they flared. He flared them again, just for a moment, getting off on being a tease.
“Absolutely. Can’t be looking lopsided. And besides, those sneezes felt so good, and I’ve still got such a tickle in my nose, Stevie. Help me get it out?”
“You’re not real,” Steve breathed out, reaching out to steady his boyfriend by the chin again. “This isn’t real – I’m gonna wake up in two minutes with spunk-stained underwear.”
“Oh, I’m very real, honey. This tickle is very real too. Don’t leave me hanging. I want to sneeze.” Eddie murmured, every word loaded with sensuality. It worked him up just to hear his own voice, knowing it was turning Steve to jelly before him.
“Okay. Okay,” Steve sighed, securing the tweezers back in place.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Reading about Marvolo and his hair, do you think there would be a time when MC walks in on him hacking at his hair with a razor and offers to help him out? I don’t know why but I imagine her giving him a full on spa treatment😂
I can see that haha, and I can see him hating it, I did a post ages ago of MC doing spa stuff to Ominis and Seb too haha, and Ominis loved all that shit hahaha.
Marvolo: *hacking off bits of his hair in the mirror*
MC: *walks in* (?!) What are you doing?
Marvolo: What does it fucking look like? *chuckles* My hair was getting long, I'm cutting it.
MC: With a razor blade?!
Marvolo: Yes! Leave me be will you.
MC: Get me some scissors, I'll do it properly.
Marvolo: *small frown* MC..No..I'm fine.
MC: I'll do it how you like it? Messy and wild *smirks*
Marvolo: *smirks* Messy and wild, much like how I enjoy...Other things *smirks*
MC: *giggles* Exactly.
Marvolo: ....Fine.
(After doing his hair)
Marvolo: *looks in the mirror* I'll accept it. *playful smile*
MC: Come here and lay down, and close your eyes *smiles*
Marvolo: *rubs his hands together* mmm are we getting down to that "messy and wild" business? *wicked grin*
MC: *giggles* Just lay down.
Marvolo: I like where this is going.. *lays down and closes his eyes*
MC: *goes to her bag and gets tweezers and wanders back over to him, leaning over him, putting a hand on his cheek, then plucks out an eyebrow hair unexpectedly*
Marvolo: (?!) Oof *instantly slaps her hand away* Absolutely fucking not..
MC: Pleeeeease!?
Marvolo: You can fuck off with that..Leave my brows alone. *chuckles*
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
*Kakuzu trying to pull out ingrown hairs on his legs* Kakuzu: *groans* Shit, this hurts like hell ... Kakuzu: *plucks another out and yelps* Goddamn! These little fuckers pack a wallop! Hidan: Oi, old bastard? What are ya doin' in here?? Kakuzu: Trying to get rid of these abominable ingrown hairs, brat. Leave me alone. Hidan: That shit looks like it hurts like hell ... Kakuzu: *plucks another as tears spring to his eyes* It does. So once again ... Hidan: *takes the tweezers and kneels at Kakuzu's side* So let me do it for you. Kakuzu, doubtfully: Well, okay ... *Hidan reaches down and very quickly plucks out a long one, making Kakuzu roar* Kakuzu: Ooooow! Fuck you; that wasn't any better! Hidan: It wasn't supposed to be better, jackass; I just wanted to be the one hurting you, that's all. Kakuzu: You are the most messed-up person I've ever met in my life. Hidan: Okay, okay, I'll make it better. Hidan: *roughly yanks out another hair, but right as Kakuzu is about to yell, he covers his mouth with his own, giving him a deep kiss* Hidan: ... better? Kakuzu: Kakuzu: ...Continue. *half an hour later* Deidara, poking his head in: Oi, Kakuzu? Do you have that -- Deidara: *stops, sees Hidan laying across Kakuzu while they make out, Kakuzu grunting while Hidan furiously plucks the hairs from Kakuzu's legs with the tweezers* Deidara: S-sorry to bother you, hm ...
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bloodyknucklesforme · 11 days
Sauvignon Blanc | Guest Check
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Tags: Nina first person POV train of consciousness, suicidal thoughts, self harm, substance abuse, it's a heavy one, sorry
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The year I was born was the year that the government made it so that paracetamol had to be sold in blister packs rather than bottles. It was meant to prevent suicides as opening up individual packs was harder and gave a person more time to think. I want nothing more than to kill myself every time I have to dig my nail in to pop the foil but whatever. It worked, at least from what I've been told, never bothered to actually look it up.
Paracetamol poisoning is lousy fucking way to go anyways. Very English to choose a slow and miserable death. On par with the other preferred, yet slow, method of alcoholism. Nothing beats a destroyed liver and kidneys, I suppose.
I decided years ago how I'd kill myself. I won't mention it here in case someone gets nosy and gets me sectioned. It's not something I dwell on, but it feels like a back up plan, I guess. Like how some women have a secret cash fund in case their boyfriend beats them, I have my suicide plan.
I don't want to kill myself. More out of not wanting to hurt Kyle than anything else. It also seems like too much work most days. Why kill myself when I can drink a bottle of wine and curl up in bed?
There are rough days.
Like a spring is being compressed inside me and one day it'll release in some violent display against myself. I have to gently release the pressure. Always quietly. Always invisibly. Fear of my father trumped all other emotions growing up.
Plucking body hair (avoid the face!) and skin picking and scratching (avoid face and hands!) being two particular favorites of mine. One pair of tweezers can reliably do both. Sit in the tub to clean away any hair, skin or blood. Come out and present myself like the glossy, red eyed girl I am.
It's my biggest secret, strangely proud of that. Kyle doesn't know, despite once walking in on me aggressively plucking arm pit hair out (Do you not own a razor, you weirdo?). Growing up in the early era of "mental health awareness" that hammered in this behavior was not done for attention. That only made me feel worse as a teen, who fantasied whole heartedly about her father walking in on her, razor in hand, who would then fall to his knees and sob out apologies for not paying enough attention to her to notice. I never good at getting his attention in the first place so feeling like it was faux pas only increased my covert skills.
None of that helps with the post pain shame. The patheticness of it all. If I was a man I could simply punch a whole in the wall and break my fist. I don't want any more pity. My family is already dead.
Everyone looks at me different now. i try to act like it doesn't bother me and most of the time it doesn't. I'm not really friends with the rest of the staff at work.
It's Kyle though. Twenty odd years of friendship and he looks at me differently. I don't know if its pity or something else but I hate it. It's like he gets sad looking at me. I don't want to be that. Sex was never rough rough but now its like he doesn't want to break me, like he's afraid to touch me.
We broke up. I couldn't fucking do it. It was like chewing glass.
The only person who doesn't look at me differently, abiet he rarely looks at me at all, is Simon. Maybe it's why I let him take me home and basically give him free reign.
I don't have to think about it. I don't have to worry about him telling me he loves me. I don't have to worry about disappointing him. It might be because he doesn't actually like me so nothing I do will make him think less of me. I can just lay there. He does the work to make me cum and that's it. Wears a condom without complaint too.
It's easy.
He doesn't stay the night, which is fine, I can just enjoy myself with a bottle of wine in bed.
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Tag List: @queen-ilmaree@macravishedbymactavish@gogh-with-the-flow@water-bearz @pvssytrux
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rreskk · 1 year
Make me
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Boohoooooo, I’m copying some fanfics from my Ao3 (WHICH YOU CAN CHECK OUT BY THE WAY~) 
Right here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/RRESKK
TW: Bottom boy Trevor, and implied smut at the end Summary: To all the hotties who’d like to see more of bottom boy Trevy Trev.
He flared his nostrils and breathed in the intoxicating smell of gasoline from his red plastic cup. Trevor lets out a satisfied groan from his throat and leaned against the kitchen counter, hazily watching the News. It was sunset and he had an exhausting day of dealing with business (totally not assassinating anymore of his enemies).
“I found it!” He heard from his bedroom.
“Found what?”
You appeared in the doorway and smirked, raising a visible steel tweezer. “This.”
Lowering his cup, he stood alarmed. “Don’t you go anywhere near me with that fuckin’ weapon.”
“Yeah… But your eyebrows need plucking.”
Trevor shook his head. “My eyebrows are fuckin’ beautiful, leave ‘em alone!”
You squinted your eyes at his dismissive behaviour. You could see his monobrow from here. Where did it even come from? Who knows. You only hope you pick it.
“Come here.”
“No,” He refused. “You drop that fuckin’ thing or I will make you regret it.”
You rolled your eyes and walked closer. Your smile grew wider with every step you saw him took back. Big bad Trevor afraid of some tweezers? Priceless.
“Don’t you FUCKING dare!”
“It’ll be fine if you lowered your voice, sweetie.” You teased with a laugh. It took several minutes to properly hold onto Trevor, managing to reach his shoulder despite his cries of help. Dramatic.
Trevor tried to corner himself in the kitchen and failed TERRIBLY. He lifted his head up, soon feeling your harsh grip around his neck. Suddenly his fears were not existent. He tilted his head and smirked widely.
“Babe… If you wanted to fuck me, just say.” He cooed.
You scoffed. “I’m not fucking you. I’m trying to pluck your goddamn eyebrows.”
Your hand dug deeper on his throat as he slowly dropped to his knees, watching you closely.
“You know, your tattoo should say ‘choke here’ instead of ‘cut here’.”
Trevor licked his lips. “Are you suggesting that we-“
“Oh my God, no Trevor. Just let me fucking pluck your eyebrows!” You protested with frustration, forcibly pushing his head back against the cabinets so he sat stationary.
“Fuck babe,” He choked out, impressed. “You never told me you were a good choker.”
To shut him up, you dived into his eyebrow and yanked out a mismatched hair which led to him yelping.
“Fuck! You sadist!”
“Stop being a baby,” You winked. “Only a few more hairs and we’ll be done.”
Trevor gulped but remained silent. His hand found your wrist, using it for support whenever he can feel the cold steel move closer to his face.
You managed to pluck as much hair as you can, releasing your grip from his neck, “We are done here.” You moved to the sofa and sat down.
“You can relax now.”
With a sly grin, he lifted up your right leg and moved it over his shoulder. His scarred hands began moving up and down your leg, squeezing and rubbing.
“I can’t relax.”
Using your free foot to press against his forehead, you showed no mercy and threw him back. He liked it rough.
“Jesus!” Trevor laughed. “You can’t just do that and expect me to relax?”
“Oh my God, Trevor! Just sit down and chill!”
He looked at you through his eyebrows.
 “Make me…”
The next hour was a blur. You recalled grabbing his neck once again but what did you do? Out of your memory. Was it the adrenaline? Probably. You were tired, maybe you called it a day and forced him to sleep? Well… The position you woke up in says otherwise.
His face was buried in your lower stomach, hands cradling your hips and legs open wide. You were positioned beside him with your leg wrapped around his body keeping him close. You were still fully clothed, but Trevor was stripped naked.
His back was covered in claw marks and his neck, if you looked closely, was smothered with bruises and hand marks. He looked so peaceful sleeping? Like he doesn’t look brutally assaulted.
He unknowingly lifted up his and gazed over to you.
“Remind me to tell you that… You can pluck my eyebrows any damn day you want babe.”
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discordantdream · 3 months
So I have PCOS. One of my PCOS symptoms is that I have hirsutism, which can be defined as excessive male-like hair growth in a woman. For me in particular, I get hairs just under my chin in about a 2 inch by 2 inch spread. As I've aged it's gotten more pronounced. I started out plucking because it was maybe 10 hairs that would show up now and then. It is now far too many to pluck so I just shave every couple of days. I have joined the ranks of women who shave (much love to any woman who shaves, or any human whatsoever that identifies with this in any way, except terfs you can fuck right off), and honestly it doesn't bother me. It's just a thing my body does that I have no control over. I even now have opinions about razors, which I never really did in the past because shaving my legs was always a sometimes thing and is now a thing in the long past due to back problems. Sometimes if I forget to shave and I'm in public and someone is staring at my chin I get a little self conscious, but that has more to do with the fact that I have 0 self esteem and don't like anyone noticing anything about me. (Masks remain so great. Nobody can see that area when I'm wearing a mask AND I'm protecting myself and others from illness. Win fucking win.)
All that to say, I also have these rogue eyebrow hairs. It's like 3 of them. They like to blend in with the rest of my brows and then suddenly they're an inch long and sticking straight up.
This bothers me.
This bothers me so very much more than the fact that I grow a beard.
I can look in the mirror at my chin/neck and go 'Oh. I need to shave.' and deal with it and move on. But if I look in the mirror and see those sprouty fuckers in my eyebrow it just ruins my entire day after I pluck them and stare menacingly at them on the tweezers like that will stop them from returning.
And I won't even go into the very soft peach-fuzz texture hair (singular) that sprouts off my left jaw corner and grows to like 2 inches in length before I notice it because it's peach fuzz. WHY?
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
for pussy hair removal anon:
i kept a bush for a very long time and do not recommend it. it supposedly keeps stuff out of your junk however in my experience it made everything worse lol. my period clots would get stuck in my hair and then smell bad after a few days bc i didn’t visibly notice the clot. i got a yeast infection and it smelled bad for way longer than necessary and i think my pubes were like holding in the smell. lastly your pussy hair sheds just like your head hair, and it’s a lot easier to deal with short little hairs than long ass curly pubes. bc like the short hairs could be anything. but long pubes unmistakeably look like pubes.
i just take the kitchen scissors and chop off my hair decently short every few weeks. (don’t worry i sanitize the scissors before and after with alcohol). personally i think aesthetically the bush looks the hottest, but this short hair length is hot and convenient, so it’s what i go with.
lastly i have some unhelpful advice: the by far most painful junk hair removal method is epilating. so if you want extreme pain i suggest that. epilation is where this little machine (that my mom got me off qvc) is basically like a ton of tiny tweezers and plucks out all your hair at the root. it’s fucking awful and will irritate your skin a ton, but it lasts longer than waxing. it’s also more painful than waxing bc with waxing the pain is all in one go, like tearing off a band aid, but with epilating, it’s that but more painful bc it yanks hair from deeper in the follicle and also take torturously long lmao.
sincerely, a very hairy lez
so for your first point i just want to strongly counter that having pubic hair is perfectly normal and hygenic. just uhhh you know shower and wash yourself and you shouldn't have any issues.
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thatlesbiancrow · 4 months
im taking out all the hair on one of my customs but i fucked up her neck peg when originally making her so i can't just pop her head off so im plucking out all the plugs with my tweezers and i am in PAAAINN
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t0werg1rl · 2 years
i scratched my arm open on a tree. it was more of a rocking stim than... what that kind of thing used to be, but i have to call ahead about what sharps i can store and i'm going to have to explain to them that not all wrist bandages are equal; it actually takes a considerable amount of time to open a razor head to get the blades out. and yeah, sure, i've gotten the job done with tweezers, drawn blood by plucking at the wrist, but if you expect my mental health to improve while i'm there instead of deteriorating further, you have to let an adult woman have access to hair removal. it's not even a fucking question. you have to let me have tweezers, wax, and a razor this time. please. don't make me feel inescapably dirty in your sterile environment because you think i'm still a fucking sharps risk. i'm not a fucking sharps risk. that shit is cringe.
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
tw: post war, self-loath,
Fear haunts at night, when you're asleep and your mind is more vulnerable. It seizes your dreams, twisting them and turning them into nightmares, so real and dreadful you choose to stay awake.
Falling, falling, falling in a bottomless abyss.
The shouts and cries of his fallen comrades were deafening.
The iron-like smell engulfed him; blood splattered all over his face.
Then your voice calling his name, desperately, pierced though his ears. He closed the eyes and saw your lifeless body lying on a pool of blood.
Your blood.
Levi abruptly sat up, but the nightmare didn't abandoned him.
It started with a sob, bursting from his chest, without any warning. Then another, louder than the first one. Levi was startled by its sound. He couldn't remember the last time he had cried. The third teared from somewhere in his throat. It hurt as much as being forced to eat shards of glass or having his fingernails plucked off with tweezers. Fear gripped him and he began to cry inconsolably when he caught sight of the empty spot beside him. Your spot.
You were gone.
He wanted to scream but a lump in his throat was drowning him. He was heaving, clinging to the air that didn't reach his lungs. Cold sweat trickled down his face, back and chest; he was shuddering. Levi looked down at his fumbling hands, then removed the covers off his legs.
He had to find you.
He hissed when the pain flared in his leg, but immediately shrugged it off and dragged himself out of the bed.
"Fuck!" His leg gave out and Levi fell on his face. He tried to get back on his feet, but the damn leg didn't respond.
Levi wept uncontrollably on the floor, hiding his face in his hands. His stitched heart shrank, his entrails crumpled. He was pathetic. Humanity's strongest soldier bawling like a child.
Yeah, Humanity's strongest soldier. Fuck that shit. He was nothing but a cripple with one eye and two missing fingers.
Were they watching? What would they be thinking of him now?
"Levi!" You slapped your hands on your face as soon as you stepped into the room, and rushed towards him, steering around the bed. "Oh, Walls!"
You kneeled in front of him, and tried to take his hands of his face, to make sure he didn't injure with the fall. "Levi, I'm here," you whispered. "Let me see you."
He shook the head. He hated to show himself so bare and vulnerable in front of you.
"Levi," you cooed, wrapping your arms around him, and he rest his head on your shoulder. "I'm here now."
Levi held onto your hug and broke down. You stroked his back, crooning a lullaby for him. "It's ok to cry, Levi. You have nothing to be ashamed of."
You pressed your lips on the side of his head and didn't let go until his sobs faltered.
"Let me see you." You broke the embrace, cupping his face in your hands. There was a tiny cut on his left brow. You planted a kiss above it and helped him sit on the bed.
"I'll get the first aid kit."
He sniffled and nodded.
You cleaned the dry blood and put a bandaid on the wound. "What happened Levi?"
"I woke up, and didn't see you there and..." he looked away, embarrassed.
"I went to the kitchen for water. I'm sorry." You ran your fingers through his hair, sweeping the rebellious silky locks off his face, and kissed him on the forehead.
"Don't apologize."
He tucked your hair behind your ear. "Do you still love me?"
You snorted, lifting an eyebrow. "What's with that question, Levi?" You felt like smacking him on the face for coming up with such a silly thing.
"Of course I do, you dummy. Now let's get back into bed."
You curled under the quilt facing each other, and you placed your palm on his cheek. "I love you, Levi. You know my heart is yours."
"I love you, too." He nuzzled into the warmth of your hand.
He loved you because you made him feel that the world had a place for him.
"Levi." You moved closer, pressing a sweet kiss on his lips, and immediately pull apart, looking him into the eye.
"You're safe with me."
I just had a brain fart, not proofread
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amimimi · 3 years
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it’s so brand new, babe; kyan reki
request: “I was wondering if you could do like a one shot/drabble of reki and his s/o first? like it’s all soft and fluffy and awkward.”
pairings: reki x fem!reader
warnings: 18 +, smut, swearing, unprotected sex, reader and reki are first years in college!
word count: 5.0k +
notes: THIS WAS SO MFIN LONG. the title is from “our first time” by bruno mfin mars. i literally saw this ask and had to lie down for like an hour because my brain was going “-@$;);/&9”. i apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors!
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“oh my god—reki, hold still!” you chide for the fifth time as reki flinches as though you’ve punched him.
“you’re literally pulling hair off my face? how can i hold still?” reki cries indignantly, rubbing his left eyebrow and holding up your lavender hand mirror to examine the damage. “is this gonna bruise?”
“i’m only plucking your eyebrow hair...how would that bruise?”
you and reki were having your usual friday movie nights. usually, you’d have it at reki’s place considering his sisters demanded to join you both to watch disney movies. but you both had switched up for tonight. your parents were on vacation for the weekend so you two had the place to yourselves for the next day and a half.
you were straddling reki’s lap while he relaxed against a cushion chair. every now and then you would raise yourself up on your knees to make sure you were plucking at the right angle.
you watched as reki frowned at his reflection in the hand mirror, gently raising his fingers to his brows.
“why is the skin red then?” reki questioned, bringing the mirror even closer to his face.
“because you keep moving and I keep accidentally pinching you” you reply, trying to loosen reki’s grip on the mirror and put it to the side. “lemme finish up!”
reki hesitates, but places the mirror down beside him. “i’m trusting you, y/n...”
you grin and lean down to kiss reki’s nose. “i know and i appreciate you for that” you say allowing your hand that isn’t holding the tweezers to lift reki’s chin up. his eyes twinkle up at you as you lean in again to lightly kiss him on the lips this time. reki tilts his head back, allowing you more access and you give a pleased hum against his mouth. at one point, you drop the tweezers to the floor and drape your arm over reki’s neck to brace yourself. eagerly, reki sits up straighter to appease you. he’s always likes how easily you both slipped in and out of physical affection—sure it flustered him to know end but he loved it so much.
your kissing is getting sloppier by the second and you both are now openly moaning into each other’s mouths. reki just barely places his hands on your waist before loud, discordant chords blare from the horror movie you had been watching, followed by an equally loud screech. reki jolts with a gasp, almost throwing you off his lap.
“holy fuck!” he wheezes, shutting his eyes bringing his palm up to his forehead. your heart is still hammering in your chest, but you can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of your chest. reki opens his eyes to weakly glare up at you.
“you jumped so hard” you bring the back of your hand up to your mouth to stifle your giggles.
reki slightly thrusts one of his legs up from under you in retaliation, earning a squeak from you as your balance was momentarily thrown off. he chuckles as you lightly slap his chest with a pout.
you turn your torso around to grab the remote on the coffee table and turn the volume down. with the movie now barely audible, you turn back around to reki and set the remote down.
“don’t want my baby getting scared again” you coo teasingly, wrapping your arms around reki’s neck and pursing your lips out at him.
“shut up” reki warns you, but holds no heat to his words. not when he’s grinning up at you so sweetly with his hands gently placed on your waist—as if you were the most precious being in the world to him. he notes that you’re wearing one of his t-shirts, yellow with a gear depicted in the middle. it’s slightly oversized on him, so you’re practically swimming in it, the sleeves stopping right above your elbows.
reki loves you, he knows he does. but every now and then, you’ll say or do something—even as simple as shooting him a look and he’s gripped with an overwhelming sense of fondness that surprises even him. and right now, seeing you in his shirt, straddling his lap, smiling at him like it was the only thing you knew —he feels that same sense of fondness urgently clench in his stomach.
“come here”, reki half begs pushing his head forward, his voice slightly cracking. he wants you to do something about the fondness—the adoration that expands in his chest, threatening to steal his breath. he needs you to kiss him—to do something.
you slowly inch your face forward until your lips ghosts one another. when you both kiss again, it’s a lot more gentle and slow. you pull back, breathing slightly hard, to kiss the right side of his brow bone, then his temple. reki let’s his head tilt back gently, struggling to control his breathing as you litter kisses down to his neck. he runs his hands up and down your waist repeatedly, in an attempt to conceal the way his hands are shaking.
suddenly, he feels you place a soft kiss on the part of his neck just beneath his earlobe and he can’t help the harsh gasp that flies from his mouth. his hips automatically buck up into yours, causing you to give a stunned moan right into reki’s ear.
shakily, you stop kissing reki’s neck as you opt to bury your face into his shoulder, gasping back another moan, very much aware of reki’s semi hard on pressing against the inside of your thigh.
reki isn’t fairing much better.
his eyes are squeezed shut as he bites the back of his hand, breathing harshly through his nose. you both struggle to gather yourselves while reki repeatedly apologizes.
“m’sorry, i didn’t—i didn’t mean to do that, i’m sorry” reki’s very much aware of how small and shaky his voice sounds. he feels you slightly shaking against him, so he wraps his arms around you, one hand rubbing up and down your back. “didn’t mean that, i’m sorry, angel”
dazed, you pull your head up from reki’s shoulder to gaze at him. his cheeks are flushed, as he slightly pants through his mouth. he’s looking at you apologetically, puppy dog eyes and all. you realize then that reki is equally affected by you as you are by him. you can’t take your eyes off of his lips, wet and pink from kissing you. you start to feel feverish, every inch of your skin tingling with desire.
“i—” you pause, fidgeting under his gaze. even in the throes of desire, you still find it in you to be slightly embarrassed about what you want to say next. reki sees your hesitance because he sits up even straighter, furrowing his brow as he rubs his hands along the side of your arms.
“baby, what’s wrong?” reki gently questions and you can’t miss the concern in his voice.
steeling yourself, you place both of your hands on reki’s chest. “reki, i wanna go all the way” you declare, before quickly glancing up at him to meet his wide eyes. “with you, that is—only if you’re comfortable!”
reki is frozen, looking at you like a deer in headlights. he doesn’t know why he’s so stunned. you both have been dating for a while now, and you both had been sexually intimate before so why is his brain malfunctioning. and it’s not like he hasn’t thought of having sex with you, he has—a lot. he just never made a move in fear of pushing you or making you uncomfortable.
reki continues to blink at you and you rush to backtrack.
“it doesn’t have to be tonight—or even this year! it’s whenever you’re ready, baby” your hands travel up to cup reki’s face, who still can’t find it in him form any words. “i just wanted to let you know that i want you—in every way possible.”
“i-i want you too” reki manages, still looking at you like a deer in headlights. he notes that his throat is startling dry before he swallows. “i want you like that too”
“you do?” you ask him and he can’t, for the life of him, figure out why you sound so surprised.
“yeah”, reki croaks, his shock wearing off only to be replaced by embarrassment. his ears are burning and he knows he’s blushing straight down to his chest. “i have for a while...”
“oh” you breathe, your hands still cupping his face. the both of you stare at each other a little more, before you break the silence. “your face feels warm”
“you just asked to have sex with me, what did you expect?” he murmurs, trying to look anywhere but at you. you feel your face slightly heat up at his words, but you giggle and rub your thumbs across his cheeks.
“why are you surprised? have you seen how you look?” you grin at him and reki sighs, covering his face with one hand. “i’m also, you know, very much in love with you, so there’s that”
“why are you bent on embarrassing me?” he groans, while you try to remove his hand from off his face.
“why can’t you take a compliment?” you ask back. reki drops his hand from his face, his eyes narrowed at you. paying no mind, you lean forward and pepper his face with kisses.
“do wanna—go to your room then?” reki’s breath catches in his throat, as you continue to kiss his face. you pull back, staring at him cautiously.
“do you want that? i mean, to have sex?” you question, not breaking eye contact with him. “like, right now?”
“yes” he breathes, even though his hands are shaking as he grips your waist. he let’s his forehead rest against yours, maintaining eye contact with you.
“are you sure?” you whisper, brushing your nose against his. he moves to press his lips against yours.
“i’ve never been this sure in my life” he murmurs against your lips and you shiver in response. cautiously, he wraps his arms around your lower back and hoists you up, standing to his feet. gasping slightly, you wrap your legs around his waist and tighten your grasp on his shoulders.
reki carries you over to the base of the stairwell before giving you a nervous smile and a quick smooch. you grab at the tuft of hair at the base of his neck and watch him concentrate on walking up your staircase whilst carrying you. his eyes fixed downward making sure he doesn’t miss a step and want to coo at how cute he looks right now. but also, you’re mentally swooning at how steady he’s carrying you up the stairs, his arms not faltering even once.
“mmm, so strong” you murmur and kiss his cheek. “very strong, indeed”
reki glances up and shoots you a look of fond exasperation before he nearly trips up a step, one hand grasping for the rail as he falters. you both squeak, as you tighten you’re grasp around his neck and he squeezes his arm around your waist.
“y-you’re distracting me!” reki fusses, taking a moment to regain his balance before letting his hand drop from the railing and placing it around your waist. “i almost dropped you...”
“sorry” you reply, burying your face in his shoulder so he won’t see that your smiling.
reki finishes his ascent the stairwell and walks down the hall to your bedroom. his heart hammers in his chest as he quickly fumbles with the door knob, because wow, this is really happening. pushing his way into your room, reki kisses you softly before gently laying you down on your bed, settling over you before he leans down to kiss you again. you wrap your arms around his neck in an attempt to bring him closer, moaning wantonly into his mouth. reki pulls back and grins, but you only begin kissing up his neck
"a little impatient, huh?" he gently teases, reveling in the fact that in this moment, he slightly has the upper hand. your lips still pressed against reki's neck, you scoff through your nose and rut your hips against his pelvis, eliciting a strangled cry from reki.
reki squeezes his eyes shut, bowing his head beside your neck. "fuck" he pants, trying to breathe through a head rush as you giggle. his cheek is pressed against the side of your neck, taking in how feverish your skin feels.
when he feels less dizzy, he turns his head to the side and softly kisses your neck. "how do you want to do this, baby?" reki whispers between kisses. something about hearing him say that with his breath fanning against your ear makes you want to cry.
you arch your back, so that your chest is flushed against his, your thighs slightly rubbing together for some kind of friction. "i, uh--" you pause, trying to form a coherent sentence with the one braincell that isn't painting mental images of reki's face screwed up in pleasure, or his voice cracking with desire, or his hiccuping moans--
"maybe, use your fingers first" you sigh airily. reki sits up, supporting his weight on both his elbows and looking down at you. his eyes are practically glowing, glittering as they reflect the lamp from your bedside. he's gazing at you so softly with his brows slightly furrowed, you almost sob.
"you gotta show me" reki murmurs, reaching down to take one of your hands in his and interlocking his fingers with yours. he brings the back of your palms up to his lips before giving your hand a quick squeeze. "i wanna do it right"
you and reki have definitely been sexually intimate before--you initiating most of the time. he's maybe fingered you once or twice and he did surprisingly well.
"you do do it right" you tell him, smoothing his bangs back from his forehead and he gulps, shaking his head slightly.
"i want to do it right-right, like--" he hesitates, wondering how explicit he should be before squeezing your hand again. "i want to do it right so i don't hurt you later..."
"oh" your prop yourself up on your elbows, resting your back higher up against your pillows before smiling up at reki. "alright, come here"
reki crawls up beside you, until your faces are both leveled. you both peer at each other through heavy lidded eyes.
"hi" you whisper, your face almost hurting with how hard you're smiling.
"hey" reki breathes, grinning oh so prettily back at you. he pushes himself up on one elbow, gently placing his other hand on your inner thigh. his hand on your thigh trembles and you place your hand over his in an attempt to soothe his nerves. you nuzzle your face closer to his and kiss him, pulling back to press your nose against his.
"we don't have to do this, sweetheart" you tell him, gazing at him intently to let him know that you mean what you're saying. "i want you to be comfortable"
reki kisses your forehead, before shifting back to press his nose against yours. "i'm feel the most comfortable when i'm with you, y/n" he says sincerely, and you slightly melt forward into his face. "and i wanna do this, i just—i don't wanna disappoint you"
"you won't, baby" you smile and reki feels his heart squeeze at you blinking up at him so cutely. "we're just, figuring it out. we got all weekend"
reki takes a shaky breath before smiling down at you, feeling reassured. "besides, i'll literally be turned on by whatever you do. i get wet watching you do a railslide—no joke" you grin sweetly up at reki, despite the explicit nature of your words. reki opens his mouth like he wants to respond, but he just shuts his mouth and shakes his head at you. "don't shake your head at me, i see you blushing!"
reki, who is in fact blushing, shakes his head again and giggles. "i don't know what i'm gonna do with you..." he pinches the inside of your thigh, causing you to squeal. you squeeze your hand over his and direct his hand higher up your thigh.
“i can think of one or two things” you murmur, guiding his hand over your clothed sex. reki’s eyes widened at how soaked the cotton fabric of your panties are. he’s whimpering slightly when you urge his fingers to push your panties to the side. you arch your back, inhaling shakily, as reki’s fingers brush against your folds, collecting your essence along his fingertips.
“fuck—” reki moans, his head spinning from how good you feel against his fingers. he can’t help when his mind replicates the sensation of how warm and wet you feel around his cock. “fuck”
hearing reki like that only spurred you even further, your pussy clenching around nothing. “wait, wait—” you gasp, your hand dropping from reki’s. reki pulls his hand back like he’s been burned, peering up at you anxiously.
before he could ask if you were okay, you pull the shirt your wearing (his shirt, reki notes) up to your stomach before harshly tugging down your panties down your legs. reki watches, slightly amused at how hurried and frazzled you seem, as you tug your panties off and toss them towards the far end of your bed.
“you okay?” he asks, slightly smiling as you lay back down, wiggling around to get comfortable beside him. you nod, breathing a little fast, gazing up at him.
“i just wanted to feel you a bit better” you sigh, leaning up to give him a sloppy kiss.
“can i take my shirt off?” he asks, sounding a little shy.
“please” you groan, tugging at the hem of his shirt with one hand. he giggles and you can’t help but laugh with him, your desire mixing with adoration at the sound of his giggle. you both tug his t-shirt off, leaving him in just his basketball shorts. smiling, reki repositions himself alongside you, placing his hand on your thigh.
you guide his hand back over your wetness before reki stills. “wait” he says, gripping your hand. you look up at him, heart dropping when you see how solemn he looks. “your plushies”
you blink up at reki, wondering if you heard him correctly. “my what?”
“your plushies.” he repeats, with a lot more emphasis, still looking very serious.
“w-what about them?” you asked, properly confused and frantic from the loss of reki’s touch.
“they can’t watch us!” reki finishes urgently, glancing up at the row of sanrio and dolphin plushies by your head. reki looks back down at you to find that you’re staring up at him, unimpressed, and he presses his lips shut before bursting into giggles. you flinch when you feel drops of reki’s spit hit your face.
“you spit on my face!” you moan, tugging your cinnamoroll plushie from beside your pillow and throwing it to the carpeted ground.
“oh my god, y/n—don’t throw them!” he gasps between laughs. “lemme put them at the end of the bed...faced away, of course!”
reki sits up and scoops the remainder of your plushies, aligning them at the end of your bed. you prop yourself up on your elbows, watching him with a frown. he’s so annoying—wait, fuck, when did his back get so toned?
“i can’t tell if you’re doing this to me on purpose or if you actually are concerned about the welfare of my plushies” you say, transfixed by how toned his back is. there are scars littered from previous beefs and a little birthmark under his left shoulder.
he turns back to you, shooting you lofty grin before crawling back over to you. “a little bit of both” he replies, positioning himself alongside you as he supports himself up on one elbow. he tilts his head to the side, still giving a shit eating grin.
“my plushies have seen me masturbate before, they’ll live” you roll your eyes, laying your head back on your pillow. reki’s mouth drops, looking sincerely shocked and you almost want to laugh.
“that is...so wrong” reki whispers, looking genuinely horrified.
“yeah, i know, i know” you rush, looking up at him pleadingly. “can you please fuck me, now?”
reki hears the urgency in your voice and places his hand back along your inner thigh. “okay, baby, okay” he murmurs as you catch his lips in a desperate kiss. you slightly hitch your shirt up, revealing your naked pussy and reki practically vibrates at the sight of it. it’s glistening with your essence, swollen and so fucking pretty. reki has never really seen you nude like that, the few times that he has fingered you he was too shy to fully look. but now, he gets to take your pussy in, in all it’s glory and fuck, does it go straight to his dick.
“do you still want me to guide you, baby? i don’t mind” you ask, peering up at him through your eye lashes. he looks back over to you and kisses you on your open mouth. he pulls back, a string of saliva connected to both your lips and you clench around nothing at the sight of it, your hips rutting up.
maybe it was seeing your pussy, completely naked and glistening, but reki felt himself getting slightly nervous again. “k-kinda? i like feeling your hand on mine” he whispers sheepishly. you grin up at him, snaking your arm closest to him around his neck.
“awww, baby. you like me holding your hand?” you coo up at him and he can’t help but grin, cheeks flushed despite himself.
“should i get up and move your plushies to the closet?” he threatens teasingly and you whimper, placing the hand that isn’t hooked around his neck, over his hand on your inner thigh. you guide his hand back up to your pussy and reki shudders when his fingers reconnect with your wetness.
you grip the back of his hand, while he gently slides his fingers up and down your folds. reki leans down to kiss you all alongside your jaw as you pant.
“you can—put a finger in now, reki” your breath catching on a moan, eyes squeezed shut.
“okay” he whispers, against your jaw. his fingers brush against the opening for a bit before he gently pushes his index finger in. you give a shaky sigh while reki groans as you clench around his finger. he rubs his finger upwards against the spongey part of your walls, letting his thumb brush against your clit—eliciting a low moan from you.
you let your hand travel from reki’s wrist up to his forearm and grip tightly. you’re half aware that you’re grinding against reki’s hand in an attempt to increase the friction. reki brings his head down, kissing the part of your collarbone that peeks out from his oversized shirt you’re wearing.
“another finger, reki, please” you moan as reki sucks a bruise on the right side of your collarbone. he obliges readily, sliding his middle finger inside your pussy, sighing dreamily at how easily you take it in. you tilt your head back, reeling at the feel of reki’s calloused fingers—so much thicker than yours, as he curls them and begins slowly pumping them in and out.
“is that okay?” he murmurs with his lips pressed against your collarbone. your chest is properly heaving now, the hand that isn’t hooked around reki’s neck grasping onto his bicep.
“yes, you’re doing so well, i love you so much” you whimper, feeling reki groan against your chest. he peels his head off of your collarbone to glance at your face to already see you staring up at him, eyes half-lidded and glossed over as you writhe under him. “ ‘want you, reki, i want you so bad”
at your words, reki whimpers as his body is racked with desire. “i know, baby, i want you too” he replies shakily, rutting against your thigh. his cock is straining painfully against the front of his briefs. “shit, you’re gonna wreck me, sweetheart”
“oh~” you moan so sweetly and reki leans down to press his mouth to yours, as if to swallow your moans. you’re tingling all over, brain turning to mush as all you can feel is the mounting pleasure between your legs. you can hear reki breathing harshly, moans clipping his breath now and again. you hear the lewd sound of reki quickly pumping his fingers in and out of your wetness. the feeling of his chest heaving against yours, and his cock, swollen and hard, against your thigh.
your lower stomach tightens harshly as you clench hard around reki’s fingers. “reki, i’m gonna cum” you warn, a frantic edge to your voice. you’re panting now, chest heaving wildly as you grind in time with reki’s hand. mind reeling, you tighten your grip around reki’s neck, trying to brace yourself as your oncoming orgasm threatens to knock the breath right out of you.
“it’s okay, baby, i got you” reki voice cracks, sliding his free hand under your back and pulling you closer to him. he presses a kiss against your forehead, before resting his forehead on top of yours. “i’m here, angel, go ahead”
you whine at his words, only managing to cry out reki’s name before giving a full bodied shudder as your orgasm crashes into you like a 18 wheeler truck. reki kisses you through it, moaning as he feels you gush around his fingers. you sob against his mouth, your body trembling from the aftershocks of your orgasm.
reki pulls back to take you in. your hair is matted with sweat against your forehead, eyes glossy with lust, mouth slightly gaped open as you pant through the last of your orgasm.
“you’re the most beautiful person in the whole world” he smiles down at you, kissing your eyelid and slightly giggling when he feels your eyelash flutter against his lips. “i’m so fucking lucky, i can’t believe i get to be your boyfriend”
“don’t say that...” you gasp, hips twitching as reki slightly curls and uncurls his fingers inside of you. “don’t say that because i’ll literally have your baby—don’t”
reki’s giggles, nose scrunched up and his eyes glittering. you reach up and gently pinch his nose, earning another round of laughter. he gently slides his fingers out of you, marveling at the string of cum that connects from his fingers to your heat. his cock throbs at the sight, and he’s suddenly reminded of his painful erection.
reki realizes you must’ve noticed too, because you hook your fingers under the band of his basketball shorts. “can i take your pants off, baby?” you murmur, sitting up against your pillows. reki audibly gulps, before nodding, giving you permission.
you tug his basketball shorts down his hips, to reveal the outline of reki’s cock, strained against the fabric of his briefs. the front of his briefs are darkened with pre-cum. you press your palm against reki’s clothed sex and an airy moan escapes from reki’s lips.
you palm him though his underwear for a couple of seconds before you look back up to him. “can i take your underwear off?” you ask gently, feeling as reki begins to shake against you again—nerves or arousal, you weren’t sure.
“please” he begs weakly and you oblige, hooking your fingers under his waistband and shimmying his underwear down his hip. his cock springs up against his toned stomach and you feel yourself getting wet again at the sight of it. the head is darkened, red and glistening with pre-cum. he’s a little more on the longer side, average girth and prominent veins.
you gently wrap your hand around reki’s cock and reki all but chokes, shifting himself over you. he barely manages to support his own weight in his elbows, harshly trembling. “you okay?” you ask, slowly pumping your hand up and down his shaft. your eyes flash up to watch reki’s face. his eyes are closed and his mouth hangs open as he winces in pleasure.
reki nods, giving a choked “yeah” before bowing his head as you continue to pump at his dick.
“it’s so cute” you coo, squeezing tighter around reki’s shaft. reki bucks into your hand, a whine forming from his chest.
“please don’t tease me right now, y/n” he begs, sounding near tears. he’s sweating with how worked up he’s getting.
“i’m not, baby” you murmur, increasing the speed at which you pump reki’s dick. a shaky moan warbles from his lips and he presses his forehead against your collarbone. “i mean it, you’re perfect—every inch of you”
reki continues to make the most prettiest sounds as he hovers over you. the anticipation of having sex with you incites a round of full bodied shudders and he slightly sinks his teeth into your collarbone.
“i-i don’t think i’ll last long, angel” he whines, sounding thoroughly apologetic as he ruts against your palm.
you turn you head to kiss reki’s temple. “s’okay, reki” you tell him honestly, loosening your grip around reki’s member.
reki sits up on his knees to fully remove his shorts and underwear. he shimmies them off hurriedly and places them on the edge of the bed. “how do wanna do this?” he asks shyly. “i read it’s easier for you if we do it with me on top”
you giggle, sinking further down into your pillows. “my studious boyfriend” you sigh, reaching your arms out for him. reki shoots you an unimpressed look, but still crawls into your arms like a cat caught in the rain.
“s-shut up!” he says, but it doesn’t sound too convincing. especially when you grab his member and run it along your folds to collect some of your wetness. reki’s head spins at the feel of you, letting out a low groan and bracing himself on his elbows yet again.
“you ready?” you ask beneath him, directing his dick just over your entrance. reki starts shaking again, but he manages a frantic nod.
“yes, yes please” he squeaks. you take a deep breath and insert the head of reki’s cock into your heat, eliciting groans from the both of you. with your guidance reki slowly slides in, shaking above you at how tight you feel while you wrap your arms around reki’s neck and moan.
by the time reki bottoms out, you’re both trembling and whining in each other’s grasp. reki peers down at you to see your eyes squeezed shut, your lips forming a perfect “o”. the way your face scrunches up as he feels your walls, wet and warm and tight, clench around him as you adjust to his girth almost makes him cum right then and there.
at one point, you wiggle your hips to try and accommodate reki’s cock and a jolt travels straight up his spine. feeling his balls tighten, he groans and hangs his head. he’s not gonna cum. he’s not gonna cum. he’s not gonna-
“reki?” you whisper, gently rubbing his shoulders, concerned about how quiet he’s been. the sound of your voice almost makes him cry. “baby, are you okay?”
“give me a second, p-please don’t talk” he wheezes, sounding apologetic as he desperately tries to gather himself. he takes controlled breaths, counting down back from 100.
reki’s around 54, when he finally opens his eyes to see you peering up at him, concern evident in your face. he’s still shaking, but he’s sure he won’t cum right then and there.
“sorry, i was close just then...” he mumbles, face burning even brighter if that was possible. you smile softly up at him and bring him down for a kiss. gently, you thrust your hips upwards and reki chokes, fisting the bed sheets.
“you can move, darling” you tell him, breathing heavily as your pussy continues to flutter around reki’s cock. he feels so good, so good. and every so often, you can feel him twitch inside you and it makes you want to flip him over and ride him into tomorrow.
reki is looking down at you apprehensively as he chews his bottom lip, whines catching in his throat. “i won’t hurt you, right?” he asks weakly, as you rub your hands up and down his back.
“no, just go gently for now” you assure him, your hips slightly bucking up into him. “mm—you feel so good”
reki knows he isn’t gonna last long—he knows that. just from the couple minutes of you adjusting around him and wiggling your hips to accommodate him already has him panting like he’s sprinting laps.
nevertheless, reki slowly pulls his dick out and pushes it back, his eyes watching your face for any signs of discomfort. you melt into the mattress, shutting your eyes as you shakily sigh. reki shakes his hand under your oversized shirt and places it on your waist as he continues to languidly thrust into you.
he leans his head down to kiss you, sloppy and wet. “y/n” he groans at the way you clench around him as his pace slightly quickens. “i-i love you, so much”
you whine, hooking your legs around his waist and tightening your grasp around his neck as he continues to thrust into you. the way his head drags against the spongy part of you pussy, has your toes curling and you rut your hips up to meet his.
you open your eyes to see reki, lips wet and eyes teary, gasping over you, face flushed, and eyebrows furrowed. reki, your boyfriend, your high school sweetheart, your baby. reki, who smile tiredly as he walks you home after his late shift, who is pretty good at karaoke but convinces you otherwise, who kisses you like you’re the most precious being, who makes it his personal mission to make you feel safe. reki, your reki.
“you take such good care of me, reki, you’re such a good boyfriend” you whine out and reki sobs, hips beginning to falter. “i love you, baby”
reki’s lower stomach and thighs tighten as his orgasm rapidly approaches. drool begins to pool in his mouth as he pants harshly, moans catching in his throat. the sound of skin slapping and both of your moans floats in your bedroom.
“i’m gonna cum” he gasps, slightly unnerved by how rapidly he seems to lose control. his vision is beginning to go white around the edges and his arms shake uncontrollably. “y/n”
“s’okay, baby” you murmur, as reki begins thrusting erratically. you kiss his shoulder before settling back against your pillows. “s’okay, reki, go ahead”
“i’m sorry” reki whines as he pull his cock out, pumping it only twice before he cums on your upper thigh. the groan that tumbles out of his mouth sounds so heavenly, that you sigh dreamily as he collapses against you, shuddering in the aftermath of his orgasm.
you wrap your arms around reki as he rests the side of his face against your chest, still panting like he’s ran a marathon. “you okay, baby?” you murmur into his hair, rubbing your hand alongside his arm. reki only gives a small whimper, his eyes half-shut and he still trembles on top of you. you feel something wet pool at your chest and you look to realize reki is drooling. “baby, you’re drooling”
“s’my shirt, let me drool” he murmurs and your chest jumps with laughter. reki wraps his arms around your torso and nuzzles his face into your chest. “thank you, i love you”
you smooth the hair plastered to his forehead back as he begins to drifts off into sleep. you purse your lips when you realized you were gonna have to wake him up in a bit to go pee. but for now, you could enjoy the afterglow, warm in each other’s embrace.
“i love you too” you whisper into his hair, thinking he had fallen asleep until he shifted to kiss your neck. it grew silent for a bit, until you spoke up. “what if we make it a tradition to dap after we have sex?”
reki is still for a bit, and you think that maybe he actually did fall asleep. suddenly, he shifts up and bites you at the base of you neck, eliciting a shriek from you.
“shut. the. fuck. up” reki mutters into the crook of your neck as you dissolve into a fit of giggles. he begins to laugh too, tightening his grip around your torso.
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notes: this...was so long...i'm sorry.
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
Lucky (Part 3) NSFW
Summary: Or, Silco finds the fanart. (Finale)
Part 1 | Part 2
Warnings: NSFW|MDNI, Silco X GN!Reader, established relationship, bit of fluff/rom-com, teasing, toys, dom/sub elements, edging
There were images that could never leave your brain.
In the quietest of moments, they lingered, demanded your attention as they whirled in the back of your mind. Sometimes they would already be moving your muscles for you, your hand making loops and curves in the edges of paper, before you stopped the details from coming in. You stopped, your brain was already consuming your thoughts with memories of making the initial image come true, and while the images you put to paper were necessary, were needed, you still found them to be a poor substitute.
Because how could ink, paint and pen even compare to the real, raw vision you have spread out before you?
His mouth dropped open, head pressed back into the pillows and cushioned bed beneath him as you jerk, and slick your hand around him. Slowly, to purposefully graze your warm palm over the aching, flared head of his cock as you trace veins.
You are rewarded quickly with the stunning, beautiful sight of his hair flying as his head slams back. Arching up with an almost-animalistic growl as he fucks into your hand, orgasm all but ripping through him as you bring him to completion. Spillover leaking from his tip, spilling down his pulsating length in your loose grip, down to his thighs and even splattering his abdomen...
You don't just want to stare at the image forever.
You want to make it happen, again, again and again, but since human capacity for such exhilaration is only so finite, you have to come up with a different way to keep such pictures of Silco coming undone by you  in your mind forever.
Which is where the book came in. Your book.
Your sketchbook.
The image couldn't leave your brain, but it had to be put to paper. Had to, for you had seen the consequences of letting it stay and linger in the back of your mind. More than a couple of broken-glasses were on your tab down at the bar, something that Sevika only raised a brow higher and higher at. Especially when, in your mindlessness, you had tried to scoop up the glass with your own hands, and immediately had red gushing from your palms.
"What were you thinking?" The scolding was worse than the pain, even with the annoyance in his tone kept to a minimal, you shifted, but hid your modified state with a wince as another piece of glass was plucked from your palm. "...nothing." You finally decided on.
The hand curled around your wrist stilled, than tightened minutely to catch your attention. "Nothing?" Silco said flatly, in disbelief. "You've never been the one for slipping up, making mistakes. Forgive me if I find it difficult that nothing would make you drop three glasses in one week."
No, but saying nothing was much easier than admitting the truth. Of course, one would expect their thoughts to linger on the mental-picture of their partner throughout the day- such was normal. Expected, even, and you knew that even in the busiest of moments, in the worst and most clustered meeting with Chem-Barons, or when he was in a faraway, solitidary zone with his paperwork, some part of Silco's mind held some regard for you.
He wouldn't be surprised that you were thinking about him. But you imagined telling him that one of the only images circulating your mind, was of him fucked-out and still leaking from your touch, would raise a brow.
"Just... a lot on my mind," You said, with a smile you hoped would erase his suspicions. "I'm starting to think you're more accident-prone than just mindless," Silco retorts dryly, plopping the silver tweezers down before tilting your hand this way and that in the light. Deeming it glass-free, there's a tug as the bandaged is wrapped around your palm. "Take the rest of the night off."
On one hand, that was great. Now you had the opportunity to actually get the image out of your head, now that you had some additional free-time to yourself. On the other though, it sounded closer to an order than a suggestion, which made you frown. "My hands are fine, I can-"
"Based on your track-record, they'll be falling off at the sinews by the end of the week."
But he seemed to be right, as you visibly winced when curling your hands into fists. There was a sound of another sigh from him, but the kingpin grazes his touch from your wrist, to cover over your hand with his palm covering the back of it. The warmth made you smile through the sting, even though Silco kept his face impassive in his small comforting.
"You know I'm not usually such a klutz, Sil." "Exactly what I was thinking; so any explanation that you can provide would be appreciated to what's actually on your mind."
You and the Eye of Zaun could be open with one another, in most things. The man with so few to trust leaned heavily on you for support, and while you knew there was some demons, some memories and thoughts that he simply could never share with everyone, even you, Silco could be open with you.
And you had no problem being openly communicative with him.
Except, in the case in which you had been filling an entire sketchbook filled with all the images of your partner. Those that would seem mundane, sweet even, as you had woken up a couple times to commit the view of Silco in sleep, in peace, to paper.
And then there were those that were a sight for your eyes alone. Gratuitous, explicit, and insanely hot, but not exactly something you wanted to excitedly race to Silco's desk to show.
"Nothing," You said with a smile, leaning over to kiss the corner of his mouth, the scars that reached past his cheek brushing against your touch. "Got nothing on my mind, Silco."
Nothing except, the mental image of his face twisted in anticipation. Eye flaring with the other squeezed shut, hips arched up in enticing anticipation for touch, for relief, for release, for-
"Fuck, dammit," You grumbled as your hand winced, and you relaxed your grip around the pen. Perhaps Silco wasn't wrong about your mindlessness, you said as you plopped the book on your lap. Head resting on the headboard, you stretched out your fingers as you gazed at the page in front of you.
You didn't regret it, although you were sure Silco would either raise a brow and politely distance himself from you if he ever saw it, or immediately burn such damning evidence of him in any sort of vulnerable state. In person, any vulnerability was hidden beneath shirt-collars and suitcuffs, behind glares and that glowing, flaming red eye to pierce those in place until he had need for them to move.
But those were a visual he gave to those outside, in Zaun and those foolish enough to cross him from Piltover. Then there visuals he gave you, burning in your brain, only settled when put to paper.
Flicking away from the more graphic of your artwork, you caught smiles on the next page. Rare, fleeting ones, that were able to twist into a wicked-smirk in a moment's notice, but the evidence that they existed was clear on the pages.
Another few flicks, and you let out an audible chuckle at the next memory you had raced to put to pen. Silco's hair was practically an entity of itself, able to be poised and dignified one second, ragged and ruffled in every which direction in the next.
But there was something almost charming about the way it could stick-up after being towel-dried, that had to be put to paper.
It made him look... spiky.
Chuckles melted into a sigh as you took a peek at one of your earliest works. Again, vulnerability was a rare look for Silco. But in sleep, there was abundance of it, and though you admit your art wasn't quite a masterpiece when you first started putting your mental images of this man onto paper, you trace the curve of his face on the pages. Lax, but wrinkles smoothed and dull aches fading for a brief moment.
It'd been what inspired you to grab the book in the first place, as a matter of fact. Silco often awoke before you, meaning the true rarity of those moments where he seems totally wholly in peace, were basically impossible to catch in the moment. It had been a look you had to commit to paper, if even only for your eyes. While it may have been burned into your memory, you needed a physical recollection of it to see it.
Silco, relaxed or in true, honest-to-Gods, restfulness.
A few more page flicks, and another snicker.
Silco, scowling but more exasperated than annoyed, as he peels off a paint-splattered coat.
Another page-flick, this one softening your smile.
His hand firmly clasped in yours as he leans an elbow across the dining table. You've often thought about coloring in the pages, for you watched to capture the detail of the red-wine matching the dark fiery hue of his eye, while the other glints at you with a look he shared with no one else.
Another page flick, and you swallow. Feel your thighs rub together as you shuffle on the bed.
You never forget for a moment, what a physical marvel Silco's body is.
But it's always nice to have a reminder, even when your mind keeps the images tight in your mind, the study of his physique on page is something you enjoy coming back to. Lean, sharp, imposing even in a slimmer stature, it's not just the face nor infamous eye that attracts the sight, but how his expressive visage seems to reflex the rest of this body.
Sweet Janna, is this man expressive.
Lips biting down, nails digging and clawing into sheets or into your skin. You outline the detail where you drew of his knuckles strained, from where he gripped your leg to hoist high onto his shoulder as he pounded into you.
Gritted teeth and sweat shining on the remaining brow, as he rocks into you, gazing down to where your bodies were joined. You think you captured his expression of pleased possessiveness well, for your breath catches just from seeing the image on paper.
Swallowing again, you close your eyes and tilt your head back with a small exhale as you force the grip on your pen to relax. The stings return from under the bandage and you force a slow inhale at the pain. Perhaps Silco had a right idea to let your hands rest... but there was some details missing, that you mind wouldn't allow you your hands to rest until you committed them to page...
The ballpoint of the pen just barely-touched the surface, before long fingers curled over the top of the book, and pulled it from your grasp.
The shriek you gave was quite embarrassing, but Silco's dry look didn't break for a second as you lunged for it, his hand slightly out to catch you. "I thought I said to give the paperwork a rest for a night," His voice was on the urge of being cross, expression only growing flatter at your frantic widening eyes. "I think you can survive an evening without work, darling."
"That's-" You swallowed, mind coming up blank. "It's... my diary?"
A brow rose halfway up to his hairline. But while he didn't hand it back, he also didn't look at the pages only slightly obscured by his fingers on the page, meaning there was still some hope. "... your diary?" A small nod, and you held your hands back out, not needing to fake the embarrassment on your cheeks, but forcing a smile and a careless little laugh, like he wasn't holding the bane of your existance in hand.
"Yeah! You know, jotting down notes and stuff from the day, p-putting all my little thoughts onto paper..." You stretched your smile wider and forced your hands not to jerk out when you saw his grip flex on the book. "... You don't have one?" You asked innocently.
The ruling crimelord, the man who flooded the streets with Shimmer and had an iron-grip around Zaun, looked down at you over the arch of his nose in disbelief.
Right, well... worth a shot.
Plus, it caused a distraction, and your hand jerked out to snatch it from his hand. The worst thing he could've done then occurred, when the man flicked the book up, closer to his face, and as his face melted into bewilderment at your actions, his eye caught sight of the page you had been on.
Immediately, he took a step back while your jaw clicked shut, sitting straight up and watching his expression. As expected, in the privacy of his own territory, Silco's immediate reaction was completely open bright seagreen eye widening as he pulled the book closer to his face, gaze darting over the details.
"... I... it's better than bringing a camera into bed." You joked weakly, recalling the handheld devices of Piltover-origin beginning to make their rounds in the Lanes markets. Silco did not respond verbally, his own jaw shifting as his teeth grind and you watched as he did the second-worst thing, and flicked to the next page.
"... I can see why you would consider these to be putting your personal thoughts to paper," He comments lightly enough, turning to the next page. "Because, I'm fairly certain all these are sights from your own point of view."
Face burning, you sputtered to try and find a way to respond, but are muted by his eyes glancing over to you. "No no, there's no need to dispute it." He snaps the book closed, and gives it a lazy wave in the air. "I don't think you can at this point."
You really couldn't, but that didn't mean you weren't mortified at being caught red-handed with them. His tone drawled as he spoke, but even with laissez faire look in his eye, you knew who he was.
"... I wanted to find a way to keep your hands idle for this evening," He said suddenly, seemingly changing the subject, but again, you knew him too well. "Originally, to prevent further straining of your hands. For I can imagine even the slightest provocation has caused some discomfort, and that's the last thing I'd want for you while you're healing, darling."
Pretending like you could see where exactly his calculating mind was going with this, you nodded, holding your hands in your lap and curling them tightly on top of one another- "At your sides. Palms on the bed, relax your fingers." Breath hitching, but after a beat you did as he asked. Tilting his head, Silco hummed at the sight, before trailing his unmatched gaze from you, to the book in his hand. You saw a tongue prodding the inside of his cheek in thought, which put you on edge.
Not necessarily in a bad way. But a way that you knew it was going to be a long night.
In the way that you imagined this was going to be a big of a lengthy evening for you indeed, which he confirmed with his next casual remark as he picked up a slim, small box he'd gotten from the marketplace.
"As much as I'm eager to witness your hands in action, after seeing so much work you put into this... craft, perhaps we should let them rest for an evening."
Soon, there's a hand on your shoulder as you're reclined back onto the bed. Facing the ceiling, you swallow as you felt his fingers trail on their way down, brushing over your collarbone, along your chest, over your abdomen... "Are you... upset? That I drew you?" "Furious," He confirms with a hitched breath in response from you. Partially from his words, mostly because his fingers have found the hem of your pants. "Not that the world is privy to see such talent of course, but hiding your skills from me, darling?" Silco tsked as you shuddered, bare skin soon hitting air as his palms found your thighs, nails digging into the skin once as he spread them open, before he reached over to the box.
The box containing his new favorite device, since it would indeed fit with his original, and new goals for the evening.
Keeping your hands unoccupied while it worked at you, and his own free to go through the entirety of your sketchbook, which he was very curious to see the rest of, especially after such a sneak peek...
“You have a hand for details… something I can appreciate. It’s preferable to cut to the chase in business, but in pleasure, one should take their time.” A pause, and after a moment, a click. The King of Zaun spoke under your sudden rasp for a full-breath of air into straining lungs.
“I could tell a lot of work went into these. I'm very impressed, darling,” A page flick, not quite muting the sound of your keening whine, but Silco kept his focus on the sketchbook in his hands. It was only right, he could see your skills coming to life on the pages. A foolish man he would be, to not give such work his full-attention, and while you were already getting the right amount of attention you deserved.
Though, judging by your moans and whispers of his name, you desired more. You could wait though. “How often do you think you spent on these designs?”
A series of gasps was his only reply. Granting some sense of mercy, there’s another click, and an audible sound of your body slumping back in temporary, physical relief. Devastating, as you could feel the pleasure ebbing. “An hour?” He asks, too innocently while you shudder, catching your breath. “Perhaps two? Several?”
“F-for sketches like those?” Licking your lips, you could taste the bit of salt from the sheen of sweat that was building on your face. “Fuck, S-sil… I don’t know, j-just kept going until I liked what I was seeing-!”
You are cut off with a cry, after another click. The vibrations within you were maddening, and racing you closer and closer to the pinnacle of insanity. Insanity, that you could be brought to these heights without his hands on you, or vice-versa.
It had to be an insanely erotic image, but you were too focused on chasing your release without moving your hands to care much about it now.
Again, his too-innocent tone called out over the sound of your gritted out groan and writhing on sheets, “Good to know. Perhaps I shall take inspiration from that sort of mindset, taking one's time to make art...” He smiled slightly, as he turned to the next page, finding a delightful little detail.
Your face of desperation almost matched the one you had etched into the book.
"...I wouldn't mind having a collection of your own image to look back on, darling. Self-portrait, as it were... perhaps I could inquire you on a commission of sorts?" He could wait to discuss that later. As much as he enjoyed seeing the way you had depicted him onto paper, he liked the picture of you arching up on the bed and crying out his name to be a much more beautiful image.
An image that wouldn't leave his mind for a while yet.
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