#(while trying to figure out how much time I found at the that explosion happened at 10:56 est but that’s ok since it’s a tv show)
stewystew · 2 years
That man paid $83,000 a month for the ability to fire his ex whenever he wanted and then he didn’t even do it
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(H:SR/Genshin Impact) March 7th, Stelle, Himeko, Lisa, Eula, Navia, Furina, and Shenhe in a hot tub with their S/O
No one requested this, I just recently took used a jacuzzi and that was pretty swell. This is non-spicy, just fluff with mentions of no clothing because, ya know, you don't take a bath with clothes on.
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March would love the idea of getting to share a hot tub with her S/O!
After all the running and chaos of being with the Astral Express, it was nice to just unwind with her loved ones.
She moves to sit right next to S/O, and enjoys the warmth of the water and their proximity.
Hot tubs were meant to be enjoyed together, not sitting across from each other!
March resists the urge to splash water onto them like they were in a bath, and instead decides to take it slow for once.
March 7th exhaled dramatically as she sank into the waters and closed her eyes.
(March 7th) "Finally, just some you and me time."
(S/O) "March, we've been together all day-"
(March 7th) "Shush, I meant just us! We've been shopping all day!"-
-March corrected S/O, leading them to roll their eyes playfully.
The sound of the jets inside the tub blasting at full power was the only sound for a little while, besides their relaxed breathing.
March opened one eye and peeked at S/O, who she noticed was trying not to glance too much at her.
(March 7th) "Aw, feeling shy?"
(S/O) "I just want to be respectful."
(March 7th) "Psh, what are you, some kinda monk? We're already in a tub, no need to be that shy."
March teased, kissing their cheek before relaxing again.
(March 7th) "Now, what did you buy? You never told me what was in that bag-"
March and her S/O make small talk as the aches in their muscles slowly faded away.
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Stelle doesn't recall if she ever used a hot tub before, but sharing it with someone she loved would not be a bad first time.
She sits somewhat stiffly onto the seat next to S/O and doesn't move as she feels the water flow against her skin.
It's relaxing, doubly so with her S/O nearby, but she doesn't know what to do.
Beats using her shower alone, that's for sure though.
(S/O) "Not used to sitting?"
S/O joked, nudging her shoulder a little. Stelle chuckles lightly and nudges them back.
(Stelle) "I'm used to something happening if I try sitting down for an extended period of time. Usually an explosion."
S/O wrapped their arms around Stelle and laughed at her response.
(S/O) "A nice change of pace then?"
(Stelle) "Hm, I guess so."
Stelle replied again with a small smirk growing, relaxing into their embrace.
(Stelle) "I'm counting down until someone interrupts us while we're in here. Want to make a bet?"
(S/O) "Fifty credits for the next ten minutes."
(Stelle) "My bet's the next five."
The two shared playful banter as they enjoyed the time together until the Astral Express reached its next destination.
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Himeko gladly takes the chance to share the hot tub with her S/O.
She gives them a teasing wink before stepping in, waiting for them.
Other than the initial tease, she doesn't torment her S/O as much as they were expecting, deciding that this moment shouldn't be wasted.
Part of her wishes that it could have scents or bubbles, but knows that it'd ruin the tub. Oh well, there's always the actual bathtub!
(Himeko) "You know, I'm quite glad we were able to get this in here."
Himeko lets her body lean onto S/O, closing her eyes as she felt them adjust their position so they could both be comfortable.
(S/O) "I'm surprised Caelus, March, and Dan Heng could even fit it through the doors."
S/O chuckled, recalling when they somehow found a functioning one and brought it into the train cars.
It took the entire crew to find a place for it to stay in while figuring out how to get running water into it.
(Himeko) "Well, if it lets us experience this, I'm willing to not ask a few questions."
(S/O) "Fair enou-Pwuah! Y-Your hair is in my mouth!"
Himeko lets out a beautiful giggle as she moves out the way, enjoying the sight of S/O without her imagination having to do the work.
(Himeko) "We should do this more often.~"
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Lisa absolutely melts the moment she relaxes into the tub.
The sigh she lets out is enough to distract S/O momentarily before they joined her.
Lisa's gaze softens as she brushes one hand across their face, the water dropping from her arm.
(Lisa) "Thank you for inviting me to this, S/O. I needed this."
S/O raised an eyebrow.
(S/O) "Darling, all you did was read a book today-"
Lisa gasped, faking her surprise with a barely held back smile as she put a hand onto her chest.
(Lisa) "I'm hurt, I did some very hard work, I'll have you know!"
(S/O) "Mhm, I bet you did."
Lisa turned her attention back to the important task at hand: relaxing.
(Lisa) "I could get addicted to this hot tub, the way the waters soothe my feet feels so good."
(S/O) "How about we save this for every once in a while, that way it feels like a reward?"
(Lisa) "Hm, good idea.~"
Lisa notices immediately how S/O is trying their best to not stare too long at her, something she appreciates and finds cute.
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Well, this wasn't the nice cold waters of the Dragonspine lake, but it could do.
The experience was made better with her S/O's presence, though that wasn't something she would share out loud.
At least not with S/O teasing her at this very moment.
Eula shifted in the tub, trying to fully relax but the warmth of the water made it difficult to do so.
(S/O) "Hah, now you have experienced but a taste of my vengeance on you!"
(Eula) "Hmph, it will take more than lukewarm water to dishearten me, S/O."
Eula shifted over to her S/O, the heat rising to her cheeks nearly matching the water.
Her hand enveloped theirs as she did her best to get used to the feeling.
(Eula) "Next time, the waters I will put you in shall be even colder."
(S/O) "Assuming you don't melt first."
Eula made a grunt, trying her best to not let the blush on her cheeks be too obvious.
Whether the water be cold or hot, being this intimate to S/O always made her heart race.
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Navia was the one who brought S/O to the hot tub, insisting they get to use it first!
Although she blushes lightly from wearing nothing, it doesn't take her long to eagerly jump into the hot tub with them!
She has one arm resting around their shoulder as she hums in content.
(Navia) "Aaaah, this feels fantastic!"
Navia felt S/O lean into her, which made her heartbeat quicken.
(S/O) "How much did this cost? This doesn't look cheap-"
(Navia) "It isn't but we can't spare any expense when it comes to this kind of thing!"
(S/O) "Well, no complaints from me. And thank you, Navia."
(Navia) "Don't mention it...Seriously, don't. No one else but you and me can use this."
(S/O) "My lips are sealed."
Navia kissed them on the lips before giving them a toothy smile.
(Navia) "Now it is!"
Furina at first rejected the notion of going into the hot tub with her S/O, because she thought they were telling her to take a bath.
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The Hydro Archon doesn't need to clean herself with water, she IS water!
(Furina) "Are you trying to insinuate something, S/O?"
(S/O) "Furina, a hot tub is just a way to relax your muscles. It's not meant for actually cleaning-"
(Furina) "Hmph, then why not just lead with that? Let's get straight in!"
Furina dramatically tosses her clothes and hat away as S/O hurriedly tries to join her after it almost lands on them.
Once they're both sitting in the waters, her lips are making random sounds as her hands are idly creating bubbles that emerged from the water.
Hearing S/O stifle a laugh, she turned to them.
(Furina) "What, pray tell, is so amusing?"
(S/O) "N-Nothing. It's...just that you're cute."
Furina is stunned for a brief moment before her smirk comes back.
(Furina) "Well. I know I am quite dazzling, doubly so when I am surrounded by water~."
She then takes another peek at S/O, who is still staring quite affectionately at her, leading Furina to begin pouting.
(Furina) "S-Stop staring at me like that!"
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Shenhe was sitting nearly as still as a rock inside the hot tub with her S/O.
Was she...doing this right?
How would the heat of the water help her clean?
(Shenhe) "Is there no soap that we can use?"
(S/O) "Ah, no this isn't something to clean yourself in, Shenhe. It's something to relax. Basically you can meditate in here, in a way!"
(Shenhe) "I see. The waters do feel nice."
(S/O) "I'm glad!"
Shenhe turns to S/O without too much change in her expression.
(Shenhe) "However, this is not good for meditating. The noise the water is making is quite loud, and the constant brushing of it on my skin is...strange.''
(S/O) "Hah, then I can move a little so you're not sitting in front of a jet."
She nodded in thanks and sat closer to S/O, almost squishing herself against them.
(Shenhe) "And...there is the problem that you are here. My mind cannot seem to focus."
S/O smiled at that.
(S/O) "Want me to leave?"
She shook her head, her arm grabbing theirs gently.
(Shenhe) "That is not what I meant. I mean that you have no clothes on, and it is very distracting."
(S/O) "...Oh. R-Right."
(Shenhe) "...I do not dislike this at all."
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Clandestine. Part Two.
The affair was always a ticking time bomb. No one could have predicted how big the explosion would be.
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Part One. Part Three.
Pairing - Stewy Hosseini x Female Roy Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing. so much angst. sorry not sorry <3
Word Count - 1.7k
Author's Note - thank you thank you thank you for all of the love on clandestine!! it makes me so happy that so many people love reading stewy fics, because there is a criminal lack of them on here. i am more than happy to provide <3 as always, feedback and reblogs are massively appreciated !!
Series Masterlist.
Masterlist. Requests.
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
Your eyes blink open, sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains. You’re resting comfortably on Stewy’s chest, both of his strong arms wrapped around you. You yawn sleepily, wondering what’s awoken you.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Oh. That. You check the clock on the nightstand, realising that it’s only 7am. On a Saturday. Who’s knocking on the door at 7am on a Saturday morning?
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Fuck, is the noise getting louder? You nudge Stewy carefully, waking him.
“There’s someone banging on your door,” you whisper.
He groans and untangles his legs from yours. He throws on a pair of boxers, and moves to investigate the source of the knocking. You listen intently, curious to know who’s trying to gain Stewy’s attention so determinedly.
The door swings open.
“Ken?” Stewy questions, and you can almost hear the fear in his voice.
“Hey, man. Where the fuck is my sister?”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You're half awake and disorientated. Stewy got up to find out who was at the door 10 minutes ago, and frankly, you're getting worried. Against your better judgement, you throw on his shirt from the night before and make your way out of the bedroom.
You enter the living room to be met face to face with Kendall. Shit.
You briefly wonder if you can play it off, fabricate a story, tell him it's not what it looks like!
Apart from, it's exactly what it looks like.
Someone from Kendall's team saw you and Stewy leave the gala together. And now you're here, in his living room, wearing nothing but his shirt. And your shoes are by the front door. And there's a wine glass with your lipstick print on it abandoned on the counter.
There's no getting out of this one.
Stewy wants to scream, yell at you to go back to his room. He wants to pick you up and throw you out of sight, praying Kendall hasn't noticed all the tell tale signs. But it's too late. He has.
"Okay. Uh - what the fuck is going on?"
Kendall asks the question while looking between the two of you like some sort of cartoon character doing a double take. It doesn't require a genius to figure it out, but Kendall needs to hear one of you say it out loud.
"Listen, Ken-"
"Ken, don't get mad-"
You both speak at the same time, verbally tripping over each other. You've never actually discussed what you'd do or say if you got found out. You both just always naively assumed it wouldn't happen.
You sit down on the edge of the couch, and look at your brother earnestly.
"Ken, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you. It isn't fair. But you can't get mad when I tell you the truth."
"I'll be the judge of that," he mutters sassily. You decide the backtalk is a result of his confusion, and give him a pass.
"Will you come and sit with me, please? The standing is making me nervous. I feel like I'm on trial."
"You might be. I haven't decided yet."
You can't tell if he's joking. He's certainly not smiling.
Kendall moves to sit down next you. Stewy follows, perching himself on the opposite end to give you space. Close enough if you need him, far enough that it won't upset your brother more.
"Start talking," he commands, still confused.
"It's... well I - we - me and Stewy, we're -"
"Together," Stewy finishes for you. Kendall glares at him, and he decides he'll keep his mouth shut for a while.
"Yeah, we're together," you continue. "We have been for over a year. It isn't just sex, or anything. I'm in love with him."
It's weird to finally bear this truth after keeping it a secret for so long. It feels wrong, but also refreshing - like a bitter lemon on a hot day.
Kendall is scarily silent.
"You're... kidding, right?" he asks, finally breaking through the quiet.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" you question, anger bubbling up. "It's my life, Kendall. It actually doesn't matter who I date. It doesn't change anything. It doesn't make a difference."
He looks at you incredulously.
"You're so fuckin' naive. How can you sit here and tell me this doesn't change anything?"
You go to speak, but he continues.
"You lied to me, first off. Both of you. For God knows how long-"
"Let me fucking finish."
You shrink back into the couch, willing it to swallow you.
"You both lied to me. You broke my trust... and uh, that fucking hurts, actually. And then there's the business side of things. You work for Waystar. Stewy is a board member. That's a conflict of interest."
You scoff at him, but then realise he's deadly serious.
"... A conflict of interest?"
"It's against company policy. How am I going to trust you? How is anyone? Information might get leaked. What if I tell you something, and then you tell Stewy? And he tells Sandy and Sandi, and then the Pierces, and all of a sudden nothing is private anymore. I. Can't. Trust. You."
Tears are welling up in your eyes quicker than you can control. You're trying to take deep breaths, begging yourself not to cry in front of Kendall.
"You're breaking my fucking heart, Ken," you whisper.
"Yeah? Well I walked in here this morning, and you broke mine first."
A choked sob escapes you, and the floodgates open. Fresh, hot tears sprint down your cheeks, landing in your lap. Stewy can't stand to sit and watch any longer.
"Okay, man, that's enough. This isn't fair."
"What's not fair is the two people I trust the most both lying to my face for a year. That's what isn't fucking fair."
With that, Kendall stands up and strides towards the front door, slamming it behind him as he leaves. The minute he's gone, Stewy is wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"It's okay, baby," he murmurs, stroking your hair. "He'll come around. We'll be okay. If we stick together, we'll be okay."
His reassurances are only making you cry harder, sobs escaping you uncontrollably. You eventually exhaust yourself, falling into a restless sleep in Stewy's arms on the couch.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You wake up in bed. You've temporarily forgotten the events of the morning, before it all comes crashing back down around you suddenly. Distantly, you can hear Stewy in the kitchen, talking on the phone. You look around the room, and know what you have to do.
You leave the bedroom with a bag in hand, throwing it onto the ground as you grab your shoes. Stewy clocks you, and hangs up the phone.
"Can I call you back? Thanks, man. I'll see you tomorrow."
He runs over to where you're slipping your heels on, precariously balanced against the side of the couch.
"Honey, where are you going?" he questions, panic washing over him at your frantic state. "Wait, have you packed a bag?"
He's trying to catch your eyes, but you keep looking away, desperate to avoid his unrelenting gaze.
"I'm going home."
A pause.
"... This is your home."
You knew he'd say that. It hurts just the same.
"No, Stewy, this is your home. My apartment is across town."
"You haven't been there in months. All your stuff is here. Baby, talk to me. What's going on? Did Kendall get in your head?"
"Kendall's right!" you shout, trying to pick up your bag. Stewy gets there first and grabs it, flinging it behind him, out of your reach.
"About what? He's just in shock, baby! He's confused and he feels betrayed. You don't owe him fuckin' anything. Not after everything that family has put you through."
"They're still my family. I can't lose my entire family, Stewy!"
"What kind of fucking family stab each other in the back? Lie to each other? Sell each other out for business? You're better off without them and you know it."
You know he's right. You're trying to convince yourself he isn't.
"You heard what he said! He won't trust me anymore. No one will. It's shitty, but my job is important to me. I can't be known as the Roy liability."
"Trust me, honey, you're the least likely to be named the Roy liability."
"That's not the point! You're not listening to me. I'm the youngest, I've had to fight for respect every fucking day of my life. I'm finally where I deserve to be. I can't throw it all away for... for love!"
Stewy flinches like you've punched him in the gut. He takes a step back and leans against the kitchen island, trying to keep his balance.
"What happened to 'you and me against the world', huh?" he murmurs.
"I think I got too wrapped up in this - in us. I was stupid to think it could work. We both were."
"I wasn't," he replies defiantly. "I knew exactly what I was getting into. I knew it would be really fucking difficult and I loved you anyway."
Stewy swears his hard breaks so hard, the both of you hear it shatter. A silent tear rolls down his cheek, big brown eyes filled with sadness.
"I'm not sorry for loving you," you whisper. "I'm sorry for a lot of things, but never for loving you."
"If you meant that, you wouldn't be giving up."
You duck your head, unable to look at him any longer.
"This isn't giving up. This is... quitting while we're ahead. If we keep going, we'll just end up having a huge, horrible, public breakup," you stop, and take a deep breath. "I think we were always doomed to fail."
Stewy thinks about the diamond ring that sits in a box in the top drawer of his nightstand. Doomed to fail.
You finally look up at him, and all the air leaves your lungs. You've never seen him look so defeated, so vulnerable. You're the cause of this. And you hate yourself for it.
You pad across the kitchen and pick up your bag from where he threw it, before stopping in front of him.
"I don't regret you, Stewy Hosseini. I never will."
With that, you stride out of the front door, closing it gently behind you. Stewy is left, cold and empty, in the apartment that no longer feels like home.
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so... part 3??
Stewy Tag List -
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
I am once again humbly asking for more Brainstorm.
Brainstorm with a human buddy that, while not the most scientifically inclined, is very chaotic and excitable and is just a pure enabler for his bullshit.
Like Brainstorm will just be going on about his latest invention, and Buddy will just be sitting there listening to him, not really understanding what he's saying but they heard the words explosive, so they're on board.
dealers choice for platonic or romantic, i just want to see more of this funky little man
Hello again! It's nice to see people appreciate this mad scientist. I know Buddy surely appreciates his more explosive weapons.
Hope you enjoy!
Brainstorm and Human Buddy who loves explosives
SFW, platonic, mentions explosions, Human reader
Ever since they met, Buddy had been drawn to Brainstorm.
They couldn't tell you when their friendship started. Brainstorm couldn't tell you either.
But Ultra Mangus can tell the exact moment when his processor ache started.
Buddy and Brainstorm start clicking.
Ultra Magnus in his office.
"Someone is thinking about shenanigans..."--Magnus
It's no secret to everyone on board that Buddy loves explosives. The crew found out about it during the Pepper spray Incident.
An incident consisting of Pepper spray, pepper, a battery, engex, and Whirl.
That was also the day Whirl swears he found his soulmate. Or a good friend. He still doesn't know yet.
Brainstorm quickly figures out that Buddy isn't as scientifically inclined as he is. But then again not many bots are, besides Perceptor of course.
"Hey Brainstorm..."--Buddy
"What is it?"--Brainstorm
"In the hypothetical situation, I managed to set a binary gun on fire from the inside. What would happen if I put water on it?"--Buddy
"Well that a strange-wait you did what?! Where is it?!"--Brainstorm
"Oh it's right over there."--Buddy
"Why is it there!?"--Brainstorm
"I don't know I thought it was a good idea!"--Buddy
"How is putting it on the top shelf a good idea!? How did you even get up there?!"--Brainstorm
"I don't know!"--Buddy
Brainstorm does appreciate Buddy making an effort to understand his science rambles.
Does Buddy space out sometimes? Yes, they do.
Does Buddy try to contribute the conversation with zero understanding. Yes, they do and Brainstorm loves them for that.
Buddy wants to be in on any experiments that have explosives involved. Brainstorm, while he loves the enthusiasm, knows that Buddy shouldn't be around so much of it.
"Please, Percy! I want to see the cool experiment!"--Buddy
"I'm sorry Buddy but this one is simply too dangerous, especially for your organic nature can't withstand these conditions."--Perceptor
"Percy's right Buddy. Your organic form can't handle this one."--Brainstorm
"Thank you Brainstorm."--Perceptor
"Which is why you need this exosuit to watch us do it!"--Brainstorm
"Yeah Brainstorm!"--Buddy
"No Brainstorm!"--Perceptor
If someone tries to give Buddy a hard time for not being intelligent enough, Brainstorm is ready and armed. No one is going to make his friend feel like a worthless intelligent slug, they are the ones who are the worthless unintelligent slugs!
"So you thought it was a good idea to go and tell Buddy that they were some dumb organic. Your words to be exact."--Brainstorm
"So? They are. All organic life forms are dumb and worthless.""--Random bot
" Oh I think my accomplice and I would disagree. Isn't that right Whirl?"--Brainstorm
Whirl with two blasters in his claws.
"You picked the wrong fleshy to mess with."--Whirl
Shoots Random bot in the knee.
"That's for messing with My Buddy!"--Whirl
"Your Buddy?"--Brainstorm
"I'm still working on it!"--Whirl
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 10 months
Answer The Phone (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Mycroft X Daughter!Reader, Sherlock X Niece!Reader
Universe: Sherlock
Warnings: mentions of being drugged via gas (fun story, this happened to me once lol), bomb, explosion, burns, unhealthy relationship with parent
Request: Hello could you do mycroft x daughter reader. Final problem the two have really broken father and daughter relationship and they haven't express themselves and because of it sherlock is kinda the father figure of the reader. So instead of Sherlock doing the phonecall its the mycroft who did the phonecall and reader almost said 'I love you ' to mycroft but its time up and mycrift witness the explosion in reader apartment and the Holmes are broken as they heard the shrill scream coming from the reader. Its up to you if you wanna turn out to let reader died. 😊
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It had been a long time since you had actually gotten along with your dad. A long time since tensions weren’t running high when in his presence, well aware that things were one thoughtless comment away from a bicker or an argument. Whether it was wanting something from one another- more affection from him, or a more agreeable personality from you- or just not agreeing on things in general. He often commented on how you were more like your uncle Sherlock, even when you were young. Back then you took it as a compliment, seeing your uncle as a genius who adored you and was by far the funnest uncle in the world, but in your pre-teens you realised he meant it as an insult.
You could never forgive him for doing that, even if he didn’t mean it, or didn’t even realise what he was saying. Everytime he said it, it made you pull away from him even more. Spend more time with the man he compared you to, the only person who seemed to actually care about you. Of course, that was until you met Mrs Hudson and then John moved in with Sherlock. Mrs Hudson kept you company when your uncle was busy and you were avoiding your dad, and she’d softly poke into your home life and your relationship with your dad and try and give advice. John thought you were Sherlock’s assistant for a short while before Sherlock corrected him, acting insulted that he thought you were ‘just an assistant’. When he met Mycroft, he immediately began to understand why you weren’t close, and tried to be a responsible adult you could turn to. In the end, when you became a legal adult, you moved to an apartment much, much closer to Sherlock than your dad, and never in the 3 years you’d had it, had your dad stepped foot inside of it. He wasn’t allowed to. 
You had a lot of feelings towards your dad from childhood to now. Anger, resentment, distrust. A disconnect you never thought and come to accept could ever be fixed. Whenever you needed support, you went to Sherlock. John. Mrs Hudson. Never him. But this time was different. 
You were currently trapped in the said apartment. The one place you were supposed to feel safe no matter what, yet here you were, eyes focussed on the bomb that had been planted in the middle of your living room, the heart of your apartment, with several wires linking to it all across the apartment like spiderwebs. Linked to every possible escape route- the windows, the fire escape, and the only door in and out. You didn’t remember what had happened- you vaguely remember an odd smell as you wet to sleep last night, and when you awoke, you found yourself laying on the floor of your living room, and sitting up and seeing the device. Whoever had done this, had been nice enough to leave your phone right beside the bomb. You didn’t call anyone or even turn the phone on for several hours, scared that it had been tampered with as well and that was also a trigger, but you grew desperate. The first person you tried to call was your dad. You didn’t get through, so then you called Sherlock, and he picked up almost immediately, and you told him what was going on. 
That was about two hours ago now. The police cars littered the streets outside, the complex and surrounding buildings completely evacuated. It was just you and this bomb within a 50 foot radius. Well, for a period of time, both Sherlock and John were on the other side of the door, asking you a billion and one questions about what you could see, and you described everything to the best of your abilities, and it was useful. One, Sherlock was able to piece together it was well made, and whoever made this was an expert and had experience with this- probably a military man, working in a bomb squad or something, and that this was purely explosive, no nails or anything to cause more damage, and due the size, the blast wouldn’t go far past the walls of your home. However, after demanding his honesty, he admitted he also had no clue how to diffuse it, or if that was even possible. It seemed too fragile, that even a light breeze could set it off. That solidified your decision to remain perfectly still within two of the wires attached to your windows, too scared to even touch the glass or move to quickly, remembering his comment on a breeze, and didn’t want to risk vibration. 
You still hadn’t been able to reach your dad. 
“John?” You had asked over the phone. The phone was often being in call between people, mostly Sherlock and John, though Mrs Hudson had called when neither were available to try and keep you calm. It was John’s turn as Sherlock was following leads. 
“Yeah? Is something happening?” John asked. 
“No it’s just… I can’t reach my dad. I keep trying to call him but he won’t pick up… I… I just want to hear his voice.” You admitted. It sounded ridiculous, childish, but you were tired, hungry, and the adrenaline had drained your energy a while ago now. “Does he know what’s happening?” You asked. He was silent on his side for a minute. 
“I don’t know, but I tell you what, I’m going to personally find him, and drag him here, and make him answer his phone, okay?” He promised, and you could hear the anger oozing over the phone, which you couldn’t help but smile at. “In the meantime, I think Sherlock is going to call you later, I think he’s onto something. Hang on, alright?” He said, before handing up. You placed the phone on the floor, carefully standing up, and with distance between yourself and the window, you peered out of it, able to see John as he dashed off towards Lestrade, telling him something, before the pair got into a car and took off presumably to go and find your dad. Looking around more, you spotted Mrs Hudson peering up. She waved when she saw you, and you waved back. With nothing else to do, you sat back down in front of the bomb, trying to examine it to the best of your ability, seeing nothing of importance, before you laid down on the floor, closing your eyes, and waiting.
You flinched when your phone rang. You flinched every time it rang, even if someone had told you just a minute prior it was coming. You reached over, picking it up and placing it to your ear, remembering what John had said. “Sherlock?” You asked. 
“How many pieces of furniture in your flat can you crawl under?” His question was far from reassuring, as you bolted up, on high alert. 
“U-Um, I don’t know, why? Do I need to hide? Take cover? What’s going on?” You panicked. 
“The wiring to the bomb is far too fragile for someone to be able to rig it from the outside after escaping. They must have either found or made another way inside, somewhere where you wouldn’t have noticed. If we can find it you can get out yourself, or we can get inside. Think. Lay on the floor and look around for anything, furniture that you can get under, or furniture light enough but large enough to cover an escape but be able to move from below. Be. Careful. Watch the wires. Call me back if you find anything, I’m on my way back.” He said before hanging up, leaving you alone with silence and overwhelming pressure. You looked at the wires around you, before trying to think of the best places for someone to hide a hatch- under the coffee table, the recliner that you knew was easy to move, your wardrobe in your room which had some crawl space underneath, and for you, the most creepy- under your bed. You quickly checked under your coffee table in front of you, of course finding nothing, because of course that would be too easy. Your recliner was across from you, so after a deep breath, you got down on the ground, and carefully crawled under the wires, spotting a wire that was too low to crawl under, and you stood and carefully stepped over it. You then carefully moved your recliner, checking underneath, and found nothing. That left your bedroom. 
Your phone rang again, and your cursed yourself, realising you left it beside the table, and you hurriedly but carefully moved back, grabbing it and answering it. “Hello? Sherlock?” 
“Y/N?” Your dad’s voice caught you off guard, and you gasped in surprised. “What’s going on? John told me to call you and said it was dire.” He asked. A relief came over you just from hearing his voice, your eyes burning as you sniffed. 
“Dad… it’s bad.” You started, getting silence on the phone. “There’s… someone put some sort of sedative gas into my flat when I went to bed and broke in- they moved me into the living room and- there’s a bomb. There’s a bomb in the living room and it’s wired up to every escape and I can’t get out and I’m scared and I don’t want to die-” You rambled to him before you heard him finally repeating your name to try and interrupt you. 
“Y/N, Y/N, breathe. Is Sherlock working on it?” He asked, that last sentence sound a little distance, and you faintly heard John confirm in the background, before he returned to the phone. “Alright. Sherlock’s working on it. What has he told you?” 
“He um… He said that he thinks there’s a secret entrance somewhere- and that’s how the person who did this escaped after rigging everything. He told me to look for it- I’m going to check in my bedroom next.” You explained to him, looking over, being relieved when you saw no wire attached to the door. 
“Is that door rigged?” 
“No. Hold on, I have to crawl under the wires.” You explained, getting back down, crawling under the wires, before reaching it the door, and holding the phone to your ear. “Okay, I’m at the door.”
“Do you feel like a secret agent?” He asked, catching you off guard. 
“What?” You asked, pausing in your plan. 
“Crawling under and over the wires. It’s like the laser lights and those agents avoiding them. You used to love those movies when you were little. You thought that was what Sherlock did in his cases.” He reminisced. A faint smile met your lips. You’d totally forgotten about that. 
“Yeah… I remember one time when I pulled out all the red thread from a jumper you had gotten me, pinning it all over the house so I could pretend to be a secret agent and then using it to make an information board… you were so mad when you came back home because the jumper was some expensive brand and I’d made the board on a wall and wrote on it and everything… sorry about that.” You told him, somehow finding the energy to chuckle pathetically. 
“Don’t apologise.” Mycroft told you. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. You were 6, you were just being a child.” He pointed out. “I’m… I’m also sorry that I didn’t answer your calls. I should have known something was wrong when you kept trying to reach me.” He apologised. You hummed, before you realised something. 
“This is the first time we’ve been able to actually talk without bickering or arguing in years.” You pointed out. You heard him sigh. 
“When this whole mess is over, I promise you we’re going to have a proper family dinner, catch up, and actually talk. No bickering. No arguing. A genuine conversation. How does that sound?” He asked. You smiled to yourself. This was the best thing that had happened all day, not like that was hard. 
“Yeah. Let’s hope the escape is in my room.” You said, remembering your task. You reached out, grabbing the handle of your bedroom door, and opening it, and pulling the door open. “Hey, you know, despite not really getting along my whole life, I want you to know that I do love-” You looked up to search your room, but the sound of a beep made your eyes focus on the bomb attached to your bedframe, this one a lot bigger, that was rigged to your bedroom door, that you had just set off.
Mycroft heard you gasp, the sound of you running, hearing you muttering repeatedly ‘no, no, no, no”, the sound of you trying to open a door before the call ended. “Y/N?” Mycroft asked. He heard nothing. He tried calling you back, and it didn’t even ring. He got an awful feeling in his stomach and he wanted to be sick, but he looked up at John who looked confused at what was happening, having not heard what he’d heard. “Get me to her flat right now.” 
By the time the pair arrived on your street, it was already blocked off and there was more than one firetruck trying to subdue the fire that was blazing where your flat used to be. Mycroft didn’t speak as he approached, seeing the sight, realising what it was exactly that he heard. He heard his daughter realise she triggered an explosive. He heard his daughter run across the one place she was meant to be safe to the front door. He heard his daughter try and open the door, and realise it was locked and she was trapped inside.
He heard his daughter die, terrified and alone. And for what? Why? Why not him, or Sherlock? He wanted to be angry, demand answers, find who did this and get revenge even if it isn’t lawful, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t find it in himself to be angry right now. Only guilty. He should have spent more time with you. He should have tried harder to be a better parent to you, he should have been kinder, more understanding. He should have been there. 
“John! Mycroft!” Mycroft didn’t hear Mrs Hudson at first as she dashed over as quick as she could- she was sobbing and sniffling, clutching a handkerchief to her face as she approached. 
“Mrs Hudson, what happened?!” John asked alarmed and out of breath. 
“There was a second bomb in the bedroom, when she opened the door it set it off.” She explained. Mycroft finally looked away from the blaze to look at the woman. The call had ended only 20 minutes or so prior, and since the flat was still in fire, so there was no way to examine the scene. 
“How do you know that?” He asked her. She didn’t say anything, simply grabbing his arm and pulling him down the street, pass the firetrucks, past the police who looked defeated, and towards an ambulance. The back doors were open, and inside he was able to see two paramedics tending to someone in the bed. He felt his heart leap into his throat as he sprinted to the edge and jumped inside, able to finally see your face, an oxygen mask over your face, burns littering your body, and you were unconscious as a paramedic was placing bandaging on one of your burns. “Is she okay? Is my daughter okay?” He demanded answers, one of the paramedics looking up at him. 
“She’s suffered burns and blunt force trauma from the explosion. She was conscious when she was able to get out, but she fell unconscious, and we need to get her to the hospital now. Please sit down if you’re coming with her.” He instructed, and Mycroft followed and sat down. He turned, seeing John and Mrs Hudson stood, staring at you. 
“Please make sure Sherlock finds out who did this. They need to pay for this.” Mycroft demanded. John nodded firmly, before the doors shut, the sirens turned on and the ambulance began to move. Mycroft put his whole focus on you, making sure your chest moved up and down, looking for any sign of you waking up, and more importantly, any sign you were in pain. He only saw you breathing, and he decided for now he should be thankful for that. He didn’t know what exactly he was going to do, but he knew that somehow, someway, he was going to fix this. He was going to make everything better. He had to.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @holy-tea-cup-blog @sassy-specter @keenmarvellover @multifandomfix @sleutherclaw @otterly-fey @courtneychicken @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines@huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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Hey again, for the dad!fred request, no I don’t have any specific ideas! :)
I figured something out, hope you like it!
Pairings: Dad!Fred Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: Fred as a dad of a son that doesn't seem to like tricks and pranks Warnings: nothing
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Fred had tried countless times to get his son, Hugo to laugh at his tricks and try to get him to be interested in them, but Hugo never satisfied Fred in that department
Fred would put on a firework show every now and then but Hugo would focus on a stuffed toy he had in his hands, and when Fred took the toy off him the next time he did it, Hugo just played in the grass, sparing no mind to the explosions of bright colours.
it annoyed Fred that he couldn't bond with his son over pranks and tricks. and it wasn't that Hugo was too small, he was 5 years old, which Fred found is the perfect age to start.
Fred always told you that he would go out to have fun with Hugo but when they got home he never said anything about how it went
you just assumed it was good and that they had so much fun that Fred was too tired to tell you. and you loved that they had that bond
you often found yourself wanting to go with them to see their fun and spend time with them but you knew it was their time together, you had him all day most days while he ran the shop so when he went out with Fred you didn't really want to intrude on their time alone
"I'm taking Hugo out to play, we'll be back before dinner" Fred informed you, his trick suitcase in his hand as he held Hugo's hand
you smiled at him, letting him kiss you on the cheek
"take a jacket, please, it's cold out there" you said before they walked away.
Fred put down the suitcase and let go of his hand before going to your room
you leaned down and ushered Hugo closer to you
"give mummy a hug" you opened your arms, smiling when he ran to you, giving you a hug, leaning up to kiss your cheek
Fred came out holding his sweater and Hugo's coat, passing it to you
you helped Hugo put it on and kissed his head, letting them go
"have fun you two!" you called as they left
"I love you" you heard Fred yell out to you
you sighed happily as you let yourself relax before you started dinner.
you heard the door open and panicked as you heard them walk in, you checked the clock and noticed that they had only been out for 20 minutes and that dinner is 2 hours away
they would usually be out for hours doing things and come home just before dinner, so you suspected something might've happened
"is everything ok?" you asked as they walked into your line of sight, Hugo ran to his room crying as Fred rubbed his face
"what happened? is he ok?" you stood up
"something's wrong with him" Fred huffed, seeming annoyed
"what?! what's wrong, Fred?" you rushed, worried something bad
"he doesn't like anything I do, he doesn't smile at fireworks, he doesn't laugh at the stupid tricks and he doesn't even bat his eye at any product, are you sure he's my kid?" he questioned
you stared at him, not knowing if he was joking at the last question or not
"are you kidding?" you frowned
"he's not interested in anything I do with him, what type of father am I if I can't bond with me son over anything?" he threw his hands in the air
you sighed and went past to him and walked to Hugo's room.
you opened the door and shut it behind you, seeing him on his bed, underneath his blanket
you sat down on the edge and slowly pulled it off him
"Hugo? honey what's wrong?" you whispered, stroking his hair
"does daddy hate me?" he sobbed
"what? no, of course not, he loves you more than anything in the world, what makes you say that?" you helped him sit up, watching as he wrapped his arm around you.
"he started yelling, and took my toy off me" he cried
you closed your eyes and shook your head
"stay here, let me go talk to him, ok?" you kissed his head, getting up, leaving him on his bed
you walked out and heard Fred in your room, you went in and saw him packing his things up, a frown on his face
"you yelled at him?" you raised your eyebrows, he looked at you confused
"no, I didn't-" he huffed out
he shook his head and walked out, going to Hugo's room
all Fred wanted was a little him, a little him that would cause mischief with him, to play pranks with and have fun with.
Fred just seemed upset that his own son, his little miracle wasn't like him, that he didn't seem to care about what Fred did for a living.
Fred believed that it meant that Hugo wasn't proud of his father, that he wished he was something better and it made him feel ashamed of himself, wishing he did something better with his life
he never said anything to you about it cause he thought you would think it's stupid, that you would remind him that Hugo is only five years old and doesn't know what's going on
he walked in to Hugo's room and felt like crying when he saw Hugo's red face and puffy eyes.
he made his son cry
Fred gulped as he walked to him, he kneeled down in front of him and watched as he moved back.
did he scare him too?
"I didn't yell you" he started
never in his life did he think he would have to apologise to his child, but here he was, and it slightly broke his heart
"I don't want you to think that I did, because I didn't, ok? I wasn't mad I just got a little frustrated s'all" Fred sighed
"at me?" Hugo wiped his nose
"no, not at you, I could never be mad at you, Hughie" Fred cleared his throat, getting up to sit on his bed, bringing Hugo onto his lap
"then why'd you take my toy?" he sobbed in Fred's arms
"I just wanted you to focus on the trick, I'm sorry" Fred apologised, kissing his head
"but I wanted you to play with my truck with me"
it was only then when Fred realised that Hugo always asked Fred to look at his toy when they were out.
while Fred was setting off all of the pranks and sparks every time, Hugo was sat down, playing with his toy, asking for Fred to look at what he was doing
Hugo wanted as much attention from Fred as Fred wanted from him, but they wanted different things
he realised that Hugo's idea of fun is playing with toys with his dad and it made Fred mad at himself, knowing that Hugo would be sad every time he would turn him down, making him watch what he was doing instead
all he wanted was for Hugo to have fun with him, not understanding that Hugo only wanted to have fun with him
Fred felt more ashamed in himself, not only was what he did for a living not good enough for Hugo, but he turned him down when he wanted to spend time with him in his own way
"I'm sorry Buddy, we'll play with your truck next time" Fred wiped Hugo's tears
"promise?" Hugo spoke softly, holding out his small pinky
"promise" Fred laughed, trying to interlock pinkies with him
as the years went on, Hugo began more curious in what Fred does for a living, he begged him to show him more and they went out every weekend to set fireworks and play pranks of random people they came across
Fred didn't know where the sudden interest in it came from but he enjoyed every second of it, his son was proud of what he does
he smiles at the fireworks, he laughs at the stupid tricks and he even stares at all the products, suggesting things that Fred could make, causing Fred to chuckle and say he'd think of it, knowing that the product wouldn't work.
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birdlungg · 1 year
Hi hi! The HC for Harry really got me thinking about the under the bed scene from the 2009 version. Is it possible to request something along those lines, but with a little more "wall-pinned-choking-roughly-and mercilessly-fucked" type action to it instead of being slaughtered? 😫🤞
Tweaked the plot a liiiiittle bit
Angst then smutty
Let me know if you want a part two!
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Your relationship with Harry was beautiful. He was the most wonderful man you’d ever met. And then the explosion happened. Harry was in a coma and they said that he killed the other survivors to preserve his own air, but you didn’t believe it. Your Harry could never do something like that. Your Harry would bring you flowers to make up for the fact that he tracked soot into the house every time he came home from work. Your Harry would always remember special dates. Your Harry had an engagement ring hidden in his bedside drawer, that you only found after he was in his coma and have worn ever since.
You didn’t care that people whispered and glared whenever you were in town or when you went to visit him. He was still your Harry. You went to see him everyday, telling him about current events and how much you missed him. You had already been to see him that morning, so you weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary when you arrived home that night.
You didn’t realize that the door was already open when you got in, too exhausted from the visit and the attitude you got from the townsfolk while you ran your errands. The house is dark, aside the the kitchen light you just turned on ou set your groceries down with a sigh. Staring longingly at your engagement ring, you start to put the groceries away, humming softly to yourself. You don’t notice the dark figure watching you from the living room as you go about your business, too far in your own head to be aware of your surroundings.
Once the groceries are put away, you make your way down the hallway to the bedroom, turning the light on as you go. When the light flicks on, it illuminates the figure standing at the end of the hallway, dressed in a miner’s uniform. You scream, backing up into the wall as he stalks toward you. You bolt into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door before he gets to it. He slams against it as you start to panic, trying to find anywhere to hide. A pickaxe pierces through the flimsy wood door and you scream again, looking around frantically for a place to hide. Your eyes settle on the bed as he keeps hacking away at the door, and you slide underneath it quickly, covering your mouth with a shaking hand.
He breaks through the door not a moment later. You watch through tear filled eyes as he slowly steps closer and closer to your hiding place. Suddenly, the bed is ripped up from the floor and thrown across the room and you scream again, trying to crawl away as he reaches for you. He grabs your shirt and pulls you up, dragging you to the wall and pushing you up against it.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you sob at the figure. He says nothing, but instead releases his hold on your shirt to rest his hand against the side of your face. You instinctively bring your hands up in a protective position, making your ring glint off of the moonlight coming through the window. He freezes, then steps away from you, bringing his free hand up taking off his mask in one smooth motion. It’s Harry, your Harry.
You gasp, staring at him in disbelief. You saw him just this morning in a coma, and now he’s standing here before you in the home you shared.
“Is.. is this real?” You whisper, not sure if to him or yourself. You reach out with shaking hands and touch his face, cupping his cheeks like you would after he had a long work day. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his face further into your hands. Dream or not, this was your Harry. You slam your lips to his and he’s quick to respond, dropping the mask and pickaxe and wrapping his hands around your hips to pull you to him. His kisses have always been passionate, but this kiss is different. he’s more forceful than he once was, kissing you like he needs you to breathe.
You pull away to gasp for air and he follows, notching his head into the nook of your shoulder and lifting you. He presses you against the wall again, wrapping your legs around his hips. It doesn’t even cross. Your mind how he can still be so strong after a year of no activity. You arch against him, finally feeling the closeness of another person after a year. You rock against each other for a bit as he bites and licks at your neck, making his way to the skin exposed by your top. He holds you up with one hand, using the other to free himself from his clothes and push your panties aside under your short skirt. You don’t need any preparation, already wet from dry humping him and he slides home easily.
“Harry,” you sob, crying for a completely different reason than before. He pumps into you roughly, taking what he wants from you and making you take what he gives. You move his face from your cleavage to kiss him again and he obliges. You teeth clack together as his tongue swirls with yours. You reach your end quickly, after a year of not being touched you stand no chance of lasting. He’s right behind you, coming deep inside you as you sigh against his mouth. You rest there for a few moments catching your breath against him before he pulls his face from yours. The activity tired you out even more than before, and you can feel your eyes fighting to stay open as you smile sadly at your Harry.
“This is the best dream I’ve had in awhile, all things considered.” You whisper to him. The last thing you see if his face before your eyes close.
A pounding on your front door startles you from sleep. You bolt upright in bed, glancing around your room. Your bed is put together how it always is and you sigh, upset at yourself for having another hopeful dream. Your heart stops as you see the door, smashed to smithereens. So then- you turn to the mirror on your vanity opposite the bed. Your neck and chest are full of hickies and your skirt is pulled up, exposing cum filled panties.
It wasn’t a dream after all! Then where is he? The pounding on your front door continues, and you scramble out of bed, pulling your skirt down and rushing to the front door. You open it to see a bunch of police lights and cops outside, all staring at your house with hands on their guns.
Just what the hell happened?
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or0ch1maru · 6 months
Akatsuki Beach day HCs?(also include orochimaru if you don't mind) kisame is thriving
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Anytime I think akatsuki and the beach I can only imagine absolute chaos
I’m loving all these fun and mushy scripts y’all are sending my way🖤🥺also, please don’t worry if it takes me a while to get to yours, my small business and my job(I work retail and it’s been a HOT MESS with Christmas right around the corner) tend to take up a lot of my time but I promise to get to every one you lovies send in<3
Okay, back to it..
🐚so for starters I could see Konan being the main planner. Food, drinks, making sure they have enough of literally everything they could need, as well as making sure everybody wakes up on time to leave.
🐠then for the majority of the time they’re at the beach she would be found relaxing under an umbrella reading or watching everybody have a good time.
🦞pain on the other hand would be trying to stop deidara from blowing up Tobi. (I’ll elaborate further down)
🪸pain would definitely be the ‘dad’ of the group, making sure things aren’t getting too out of hand, and failing terribly at it. Zetsu lost a sandal? Just go barefoot, what’s the worst that could happen? He gets a splinter or a rock scrapes his heel. Feels bad when Zetsu starts crying about his foot hurting, would buy him ice cream as an apology.
🌊I imagine Zetsu as being a big softie. Just like Tobi he wouldn’t know what to do first. I also see him having a slight fear of water? Someone tries splashing him he’d close his leaves? Pinchers? Locking himself in his own shelter
☀️he’d find a bucket, a cup, literally anything and start collecting all the pretty shells he spots, even when the bucket gets full, he’ll start stuffing them in his pockets.
🪼our gentle masked comrade Tobi would refuse to take his mask off, let alone his shirt🥺
🐙poor thing couldn’t figure out what to do when they first arrived; go swimming? Build a sandcastle? Collect shells? Stare at the fish and other sea creatures showing themselves in the water? Nope, he decided on doing what he does best, piss off Deidara
🐬doesn’t even mean to do so, deidara is as explosive as his art so of course he’s going to get mad when Tobi accidentally gets sand in his hair.
🐋would retreat far into the ocean on a floaty, avoiding Tobi as much as possible. His hair would be tied up into a bun to keep the sea water from drying it out. Would most likely be those floaties with the little cup holder in it, probably with a beer can or sake in it.
🦭Sasori my man, I can imagine him working on a sandcastle. Using his skills to make a large one with details that would be tedious to anybody but him.
🦐he would volunteer to run up to the shops to grab things his comrades may want. No matter how small or stupid that item might be. Would buy small toys and presents in the gifts shops for everyone. He really enjoys walking through the board walk, will take a break and hang out on the pier for a bit before returning to the group.
🐚the zombie combo would both be talking and trying to pick up the gorgeous women who also decided to head to the beach that day. Hidan of course would be much more outgoing and flamboyant about it. Showing off his muscles and abs.
🐠Kakuzu on the other hand, all he’s gotta do is show off that one smirk of his to have them hypnotized. Wouldn’t care if one of them felt up on his scars or touched his hair. He won’t voice it, not even to Hidan, but he enjoys the attention, even if nothing comes of it.
🦈oh boy Kisame. Do I really have to say anything? As you said, he’d be THRIVING.
🦈would be moving through the water with ease, not even a ripple would be seen as he swims. Within minutes, sharks and other large sea animals would be seen following him around. He’d be so cute about it too, feeding them random shit he’d find, knowing what they want, or giving the sharks little boops on their noses(you can’t tell me you don’t see him doing this) and would be the main one to eat like 90% of the food Konan packed. She would make him join Sasori when going to the shops so he can stock up on everything he devoured.
🦞our sweet boy Itachi would pop into the water for a little bit before wandering off to the tide pools. He would find a patch of sand to sit on, watching as the sea stars and small fish go about their business as they wait for the tide to come back in
🪸would eventually get tired of being in the sun and lay out a towel next to Konan to hang out under the umbrella. They would talk or sit in silence, depends on how either of them are feeling that day.
•snake boy orochimaru would LATHER himself in sunscreen, you see how pale he is? (No offense, i love him) and he would also wear sunglasses to protect his eyes.
🌊I could see him complaining about the sun and trying to avoid it like the plague, acting as if the sun is the worst thing imaginable. Not one to express his feelings well if at all and uses his complaints to hide the fact that he’s actually having the time of his life. Would put a fish or eel in a jar, wanting to bring it back to the compound to keep as a pet until Konan tells him release it. Promising to take him to a pet store to get one there instead.
☀️towards the end of the day, moving into the early evening the whole group would play volleyball or fuck around in the water, splashing each other until everybody’s out of breath.
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quillyfied · 1 month
Alright, reacting messy and all over the place to this trailer, LET’S GO:
Okay, strong opening: hooded figures (one of whom is checking his watch, which is hilarious, but the skin of the hand also looks red, so probably demons?), red background (good argument for Pride), Blitzo getting IMP out of dodge and then IMMEDIATELY crashing the van, good for you bud I’m so proud (but not as proud as I am of Moxxie chewing Blitzo out without a single “sir” thrown in there). Couldn’t begin to guess when this takes place, but since the van is crunched up later during a bit that is, I am 99% sure, Ghostfuckers, then this is probably Apology Tour. Hooded figures might not have anything to do at all with the gang running for it.
FIZZ THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A SEX TOY THAT IS TOO BIG. I’m not sure if you’ve found it but it’s close :P Lots of fun little clips, though Moxxie dodging a blue fire explosion in Lust doesn’t look good.
DHORKS AND CHERUB WORKING TOGETHER I KNEW IT I HECKING KNEW IT I’M SO MAD I NEVER MADE A POST ABOUT IT BECAUSE I’VE BEEN SO CERTAIN OF IT FOR MONTHS NOW. AAAARGH. AND I CAN’T PROVE IT!! But look at Collin, he looks so unsure compared to the other two. Poor guy. Okay, Blitzo is leaving a card of some sort in front of Agent One, and he’s using the crystal, so this is very much giving me Mastermind vibes (or even Sinsmas, if it's after the conflict and this is just Blitzo messing with them now). Humans being able to open a portal to Hell…that ain’t good!
Something coming at the gang from…looks like their office? And it’s round and spiky…could be whatever it is that’s making them go on the run, whenever that is (Apology Tour is my current guess).
(Listen I’ve been having visions about Blitzo being on trial for stirring up so much crap in the human world that it’s started to have repercussions in Hell so the fact that there seems to be a meeting or trial of some sort later having to do with Stolas is making me think maybe I’m a prophet. I’ll maybe explain more later in a different post but dropping it here bc it’s part of my thought process right now.)
Blitzo why did you give your fake ID such a rack and then neglect it as part of your human disguise XD I’m disappointed in you, babe. I’m also wondering what in the unholy hell a demon wants with a haunted house on Earth (and if that’s Leviathan like many people have been speculating, what is A DEADLY SIN doing in a HAUNTED HOUSE on EARTH???). (Also that is the single most awkward angle of Blitzo of all time, why on earth is he wearing white leggings because if he was naked we would be seeing some pixelation here…unless imps can retract their junk, which I’m open to.)
Ooh, quick shot of Loona operating a machine gun in Lust! Nice! (Hey quick Q where’s Blitzo in all of this??)
Helloooooo, Vassago! Excited to meet you! Really looks like there’s some sort of trial or meeting in Pride and Stolas might be either the topic of discussion or literally on trial, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all to have Andrealphus trying to get Stolas demoted or something similar without Stolas even being there. So Vassago actually wanting him present looks good on him for now. But this is a trailer, things can be misleading, but anyone who looks that fed up when dealing with Andrealphus can’t be all that bad :P Thinking this is also during Mastermind, or possibly Sinsmas.
Okay, first really significant shot I’m noticing of short-sleeve Blitzo makes me think it might be Full Moon, because he’s sort of off to the side while the focus is on Stolas talking about how this transactional thing between them isn’t right anymore. Though. Hmm. Stolas is in full regalia for this. And there’s a shot later of short-sleeve Blitzo trying to go for Stolas’ hand and winding up outside (portal? Didn’t seem like it) and Stolas is in his robe when that happens. Musical number with metaphorical sequences? I am jumping in here to correct myself bc I forgot that Stolas’ fancy cloak and romper are both red. Heck. Why does this show only have two colors XD
Sun/moon seems to be during Apology Tour, if that’s when Stolas and Verosika are on a stage together.
And short-sleeve Blitzo with a Dankee Candle, good on you man XD (that’s been one of the more compelling arguments for short-sleeve Blitzo being during Sinsmas, not Full Moon, because gift-giving, but the bits of deep conversation that keep happening with Blitzo in short sleeves sound very much like a conversation that needs to happen during Full Moon and I can’t imagine they’ll wait an entire season for it).
Now the heart-rending bit that’s definitely during a musical number with kiddo Stolitz and then grownup Stolitz, currently voiced over that heart-stabbing “you think you can toy with our feelings because we’re smaller and less important” monologe from Blitzo, it’s FINE I’M FINE (Though…looking really closely…I am not sure if that’s when that monologue occurs? The mouth movements ever so slightly don’t match up. But animation technically has some leeway when it comes to that kind of thing.)
OKAY CALLING IT NOW, TEEN BLITZO AND TILLA SCENE IS DURING GHOSTFUCKERS. I don’t even think it’s a flashback, I just think Blitzo’s brain is being fucked with and he’s seeing his mom and visually reverting back to a teenager. The carpet behind Blitzo and the lighting are mostly what I’m basing this on. Also how fucked up would it be if Blitzo sees a ghost of his mom only for it to reflect his internal monologue about how terrible he is back at him, amirite :P
Okay sassy short-robe Stolas is Apology Tour, calling it now; he and Blitzo have “we’re about to hatefuck” energy off the charts and Stolas in particular is being so bitchy and petty-looking. And angry. And kinda sad. Am I ready for their breakup era to be full of bickering? Yes. Yes I am. I’m also skeptical that the smile that’s on Blitzo’s face during Stolas’ sarcastic little bow is going to be the expression on his face when the episode comes out, but I’m ready to be surprised.
HELLOOOOOO NURSE! YES TODAY SATAN! (Deeply curious about who’s the disgrace, have a current bet going on whether it’s Ozzie or possibly even Stolas, but I could be pleasantly surprised and it’s Mammon :P) Pretty sure the trial/meeting is happening during Sinsmas, actually, it would be too funny to call an episode that when introducing a new Sin. Also short moment to appreciate that Mammon brings fidgets to meetings, of course he does. My guy. My dude. Also his reaction is what makes me think Satan is talking to Ozzie, because Mammon would have no reason to look that gleeful at anyone but Ozzie.
WHERE DID BLITZO GET THAT SWORD THO. (AND ALSO HOW BADLY IS IT ACTUALLY GONNA FUCK UP ANDREALPHUS’ WHOLE DAY BECAUSE THAT’S DEFINITELY ANDREALPHUS ABOUT TO COME DOWN ON THEM LIKE A SACK OF FROZEN HAMMERS) Blitzo trying to protect Stolas, kill me ;A; Stolas looks like he’s in regalia, though sans cloak or hat…why is he at Andrealphus’ place, and why is it looking like he can’t fight back? Stripped of his powers, maybe? Anyway this is Sinsmas, no doubt about it, it’s got season finale energy.
If the haunted house guy is actually Leviathan, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Why is IMP in Lust getting attacked by CHERUB/DHORKS? I have more questions.
“Everyone’s shitty, we live in Hell!” Valid, but also, cop-out.
I’m very curious about what is making Blitzo make that face, because it’s not the cake; it looks like Verosika is cutting it but then she’s also sitting next to him on the railing where he’s sitting, so…? Anyway, it’s Apology Tour, and can I just say how EXCITED I am to get to know more about what happened with Blitzo and Verosika and maybe see some closure for them both on that front? Because YIKES their dynamic means there is a good, juicy story behind it. But also, Blitzo why are you wearing a bloodstained sheet?? (Presumably to sneak around but why did he choose THAT OBJECT, is really my question.)
Millie fighting possibly possessed Blitzo and what appears to be a flashback to Millie and Blitzo’s first fight (could be a time skip but it makes more sense for it to be a flashback given Millie’s hair and Blitzo’s fashion) (side note but dammit why are they both so hot) let me know something new about myself, and it’s how very, very much I want to see Millie and Blitzo kicking the crap out of each other XD Blitzo and Moxxie got to spill their guts in a drug-induced hallucination; I want Blitzo and Millie to fight each other bloody. They’re bonding and sharing deep intimate feelings, guys :P
And the Millie voiceover where she’s telling Blitzo how much he takes from others? Probably during whatever weird hallucination (PLEASE be a hallucination) involves Millie with tied wrists, a branch in her hair, and a ton of glass sticking out of her eye. Ghostfuckers, perhaps? Would make the most sense but how much stuff could that episode POSSIBLY have, oh my word.
(Short-sleeved Blitzo dropping a ton of paperwork on Moxxie also makes me think that’s his date outfit for Full Moon; can’t do this mountain of paperwork, sorry Mox, he has a daaaaate)
Panning to Verosika at the part when she gets to “and leave them worse than when you found them” holy HELL
“Do you feel any remorse for the things you do” yeah somehow I think that’s aimed at Blitzo, y’all. Just from what we’ve seen of Stolas in that particular robe and his general expressions and actions that whole time, and the fact that he seems to be talking to Blitzo (if not an imagining of Blitzo) the whole time. But it panning to Andrealphus about to go super Saiyan does make me laugh super hard actually (bc NO THAT BITCH DOES NOT).
ENTIRE MOMENT OF BREATHLESS SILENCE FOR OCTAVIA CALLING STOLAS OUT. It’s been so complexly beautiful to watch this show not shy away from how much self-hatred and low self-worth hurts loved ones too, and especially to watch that play out with how Octavia and Stolas’ relationship is changing and hurting from Stolas himself changing and hurting, but to have it called out so bluntly really makes me wonder what in the high holy heck is about to happen and when this conversation takes place. I have a horror that it’s during Mastermind or whenever the trial/meeting is, because perhaps Andrealphus and Stella manage to turn Via on Stolas and tell her that whatever is about to happen to Stolas is deserved or for the best, but. Uh. Hmm. Hmmmm. (Because all of Stolas’ power and possessions passing to Via doesn’t mean that Via is old enough or prepared for them and giving them to her would put all that power somewhere that is potentially much easier to manipulate/control, but I have a lot of thoughts about how Stella feels about Via and how that colors how Andrealphus treads around the subject of Via when talking to Stella about her and it’s not for this trailer reaction.)
(Apology Tour involving not just apologizing to Verosika, but to Stolas, too? I can only hope, though it’ll be far from simple; I don’t think Stolitz is going to sort out their issues and get together fully this season, but I’m hoping for some steps.)
(Also PLEASE can we get some Stella development that maybe sheds some dimension on her spoiled brat personality)
VIA SONG VIA SONG VIA SONG VIA SONG (maybe about her own magic and her life and how it all kinda fell apart so fast even as she’s growing up so fast poor girl)
Pretty sure the mirrors shattering thing is happening during the Stolas Apology Tour song, but we’ll see. Gosh there’s gonna be a lot of songs this half of the season.
Millie getting a short is such a good thing for her as a character, but I also love that she’s getting an episode with Blitzo, because out of everyone at IMP, I’ve been waiting for her to be the one that Blitzo has a major breakdown in front of; seems like Ghostfuckers is going to give me my wish! I don’t think she’s gonna coddle him or be overly sweet about it, but I do think she has a way of getting through to him and handling him in a way he wouldn’t let Moxxie do and couldn’t handle Loona doing either. Tough love but sweet? Idk man. Unless this is the moment he starts getting possessed. Who knows.
I am SO CURIOUS about who is going through the movie of Blitzo’s past traumas where he ruins the lives of everyone he loves; I’ve heard speculation that it’s haunted house dude, which would match up with Blitzo having a nervous breakdown in Ghostfuckers, but I dunno.
Oh that soft Blitzo look from under the bloodstained sheet. Oh that happy smiling Stolas that I’m now more convinced is taking place in the same general episode, if not sequentially after each other like that. Blitzo goes from looking so miserable to maybe looking more hopeful. Or perhaps yearning. I’m not sure how to interpret the expression, it’s just really heart-wrenching okay. And Stolas is wearing the same outfit as he is when he’s onstage with Verosika so what even IS this episode.
The very businesslike way Stolas says “Thank you, Blitzo” before he softens up makes me think THAT is what’s gonna finish up the Full Moon argument, but it does make me wonder what on earth Blitzo says that gets Stolas acting the way he does in potentially the very next episode.
Overall it’s a well-produced trailer that I’m sure we’re all going to be dissecting frame by frame for a long time! Whee!
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desertfangs · 5 months
Not gonna lie, I would’ve loved for a more polished version of this to have made it into the book, the potential is there IMO as well as all the elements that make Devil’s Minion such an explosive, intense, compelling ship. The fighting, the yearning, the weird sexual analogies (this one didn’t quite land but it kinda always goes back to sex with them, doesn’t it?), the kissing in between hurtful statements. Daniel using INSECT parts for his models, Pandora trying to make him pay attention to Armand, Armand being sad and kissing Daniel while trying to fix things, but Daniel being too far gone at the time to even register the impact of his words. I NEED MORE.
Anon, I have so many thoughts, my brain is spinning.
I'm not sure I'd want this in the book or not, it's so hard to say now. I was absolutely baffled by Daniel's lack of inclusion in TVA when it came out, and and then suddenly he's there in B&G mad and being cared for by Marius, and I had to do a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how I thought he got from A to B. I eventually decided him thinking Armand was dead drove him mad, which made the most sense to me. That is clearly is not what Anne had pictured, but at this point I'm honestly pretty happy with that conclusion instead.
I'm trying to imagine how it would have felt if this was included in TVA. What else does that change? Is Armand still bitter and angry? Is he more regretful? Does this mean we get any of his POV of the Devil's Minion years, including their break up? (Because that is the piece I feel is most missing from that book and what I deeply wanted from it in addition to filling in Armand's background.)
The idea that Armand abandoned the island to mortal hands--a reference to him selling it, I guess--would absolutely break Daniel apart. It does feel very much like something he would be devastated by but I don't feel we're given enough on this one page to really understand what happened. Armand left the others? That doesn't gel with anything I've ever thought. Armand always struck me as the one who was holding things together and was then heartbroken when everyone else left. So I'd need a more context into Anne's idea of how things played out there.
That said, there are pieces I like!
I love the idea of Pandora and Marius looking after Daniel together and Pandora trying to get his attention.
"I have no maker!" I mean, if Daniel and Armand had a vicious fight and Armand all about renounced him and left him wandering to the point where the loneliness and devastation of it drove him mad, then this is absolutely something I can see him saying. The way he talks about how Armand doesn't make others so clearly he has no maker is so full of bitterness and resentment I would love to see a fic unpacking that (Someone should write it! Maybe several someones!)
Daniel building his worlds with found objects and weird shit is amazing. Like it's so deeply unhinged that I can't help but applaud the creativity. I honestly wish I'd known about this months ago because I can totally see this happening as Daniel sinks into madness and I would have loved to have added a scene to my fic about that where Daniel is building a little town on the floor of some seedy motel with bugs and matchbooks and rubber bands or something. It's delightfully freaking weird and I dig it.
I love Armand asking after Daniel, which is another thing I think was sorely missing from TVA. The fact that he doesn't seem to care where he is just explained by his assumption Daniel hates him, but it still feels exceptionally weird to me that Armand wouldn't even ask, particularly after he almost died, and he doesn't know if Daniel may have tried to follow suit? This whole big thing just happened and Lestat is catatonic on the floor, I'd be accounting for my loved ones, no matter how we left things.
Armand losing all his anger and bitterness (does he have that in this version? He must have some, right?) when he sees Daniel in a bad state, clearly struggling, and offering him comfort is so precious. But also can we talk about "I didn't mean to abandon you..." ????? Armand ABANDONED Daniel in this version??? I just... that's so wild, I have so many questions. And then he kisses him??? That is precious. Look, I have wanted an Armand and Daniel interaction during his madness since we learned Daniel was in Marius' basement playing with model trains in Blood and Gold. And I think I would have been okay with this if we got some satisfying resolution between them afterward - we can have this hurt, but we need some comfort to end it on, you know? And I don't think that would have happened. I think Armand would have left defeated and we'd have been stuck with that in our heads for decades until PL came out and we get one freaking line about them hunting together, so.
I think I am glad this version did not make it into TVA, but I would also love to read a dozen fics that try to make sense of all this because there are some delicious tidbits I think talented fic writers could explore and really work into something great.
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sillybucket · 11 months
Hii 💜
I'm really sorry if I've freaked you out by liking all your posts, I've just really really enjoyed your writing. The Angst had me by a choke hold.
If at all possible would you be interested in writing a piece where gn reader has a nightmare about losing Spot (because maybe they are concerned that Spiderman will take him away or something idk😭I'm bad at explaining I've never done an ask before I'm sorry.)
If you are willing to do this feel free to ask me more questions. I'm really sorry again for not giving more details 🙈Thank you! 💜
Aa - thank you so much for all the support , you’re so kind :,D ❣️❣️ Your writing idea was so neat I immediately rushed to write it as soon as I woke up , I’m always up to do more Spot content :D
I apologize for possible ooc moments in the story , I really hope I did your idea justice !
Can’t lose you { Jonathan Ohnn/Spot x g/n reader }
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🍃 Warnings 🍃 : there is a bit of angst at the start , with the reader being scared for Jonathan’s life during their nightmare , but other than that it’s just fluff :) ❤️
🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 .
“Johnny ?” 
(Y/n) walked around the apartment , feeling more and more puzzled as they checked the bedroom once again .
“Where are you ?”
They had already looked for him all around their little house , but it didn’t seem like he was nowhere to be found … 
Could he have gone looking for more materials for his experiments perhaps ? 
And if so , why didn’t he tell them about it ? 
It seemed very strange of their partner to just walk away like that without a word …
But maybe they were worrying too much . 
As (y/n) moved the window’s curtain to look outside , meditating on trying to call Jonathan or maybe send him a text , their eyes widened : 
the sky … it was full of black portals , constantly disappearing and appearing in another spot , and … was it their impression or there were webs covering all the nearby buildings ?
(Y/n) shivered at that uncanny sight , and they were about to focus on trying to find out where Jonathan went once more , when suddenly …
“Johnny !?” 
Yes , that was him , just outside ! 
He was jumping from portal to portal , followed by an ominous looking black and red figure …
They immediately recognized him from the symbol on his suit .
“Spiderman …”
They narrowed their eyes while rushing to grab their coat : 
they weren’t going to let him harm their Jonathan again , not now that he was starting to build a new life for himself , that was not gonna happen .
(Y/n) ran out of the apartment and chased after the two as fast as they leg could muster , realizing that the streets were completely empty …
But why ? 
Something about that whole situation was very wrong …
But they didn’t have time to think about that , saving their partner was their priority now . 
As they reached the old Alchemax lab with the destroyed Collider ( which was also odd , considering it was on the other side of New York … how did they get there so fast ? ) , a massive explosion sent (y/n) flying backwards , hitting the ground with their back as a deafening ring filled their ears .
They slowly got up , finding it rather difficult given how dizzy they felt , and as they looked forward an amalgamation of portals and dark matter was towering over them , but Jonathan was nowhere to be seen …
Spiderman was right next to them , staring at the portals without moving a muscle .
Everything about him seemed very uncharacteristic … he hadn’t said a single joke like he usually did when fighting against someone , he was just … still , like a statue .
“Where is he ? Where is Jonathan ?” 
, (y/n) asked , the tension beginning to rise … 
A horrible thought had just made its way into their mind , but they were refusing to even consider that possibility .
Spiderman didn’t reply , he simply pointed to the darkness in front of them with one finger , and when (y/n) carefully stepped forward to look at it closely the truth finally hit them …
That was what was left of their partner .
He was …
gone . 
Tears begun to fill their eyes and they collapsed to their knees , trying to control their frantic breathing .
“How could you …” 
(Y/n) looked back at Spiderman , a hatred they had never felt before for anyone overwhelming every fiber of their body …
Their scream echoed all over the ruined lab , as well as (y/n)’s desperate sobs and cries . 
This couldn’t be happening … it just wasn’t possible …
“No nono no … please come back p-please I need you Johnny … how can I … how am I supposed to keep on living … when … when you’re not …”
Tears fell down on the metal floor , they had never felt that lonely and hopeless … their heart felt like it was tearing apart …
(Y/n) gasped , finding themselves sitting on their living room’s couch .
Their heart was still beating fast , and when they passed one hand on their face they realized that their cheeks were wet : they had been crying …
They took a deep shaky breath , slowly getting up while looking around the apartment and praying that he would be there …
When the door opened revealing Jonathan’s tall silhouette a sigh of relief escaped their mouth , and (y/n) watched him walk inside with a weak smile on their face :
they were so happy …
“Hey honey , I’m back ! Sorry , it took a while to gather some materials I had left back at my old hiding place , but now everything should be ready to start some tests on -“
Jonathan instantly stopped talking as (y/n) wrapped their arms around him , holding him in their arms like he had been gone for weeks .
“Woah hey , you okay ? Did something happen ?”
, he worriedly asked while putting down the machinery he was holding on the nearby table to gently hug them back .
“N-no … no , it’s fine , I’m fine Johnny , I just …”
A little sniffle escaped their mouth , and (y/n) wiped their eyes with one hand while trying to keep their voice from shaking .
“I had a nightmare about … losing you , like , for good , and it felt so real … I’m just … so happy to see you , to see you’re okay …”
Jonathan looked down at his partner’s teary eyes , stroking their humid cheeks with his hands while speaking with a soft , calming voice .
“(Y/n) … my sweet (y/n) , there’s no way I’m ever going to leave your side . 
You’re the person I care about most in the entire world , I’d never forgive myself if I abandoned you .”
He picked them up from the floor , walking back to the couch and sitting down while positioning them on his lap . 
“I know what I’m doing is dangerous , but I’m not going to let anything happen to me , and I promise I’ll be careful to not let the police or that Spiderman catch me , you have my word .”
(Y/n) leaned on Jonathan’s chest , looking up at his blank face while listening to him : the way he spoke to them so gently had already managed to calm them down , and they could feel their tensed body relaxing more and more …
“Okay … thank you Johnny , sorry for making you worry .”
He smiled in response , holding them close to him while caressing their back , now more determined than ever to make his partner feel safe .
“You don’t have to apologize , (y/n) … just know that no matter what happens , I’ll be with you .”
(Y/n) took a deep breath , the comforting feeling of Jonathan being right there , so close to them , making them forget about their fears .
As long as the two of them were together , everything was going to be just fine , and they were going to make sure that nothing bad would happen to their beloved partner :
no one was going take him away from them .
🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 . ⚫️ . 🕸 .
Thank you for reading this little story until the end , I hope I got everything right ! Feel free to leave some feedback if you want :) ❤️
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stormdragon23 · 5 months
Choi Jong-In Character Analysis
We'll stick to five different things for now (because this post got long)
Choi Jong-In's vision
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Jong-In doesn't like bright lights. It might be because of that firecracker that went off in his face before (according to the dossier from the game), but I wonder if it hinders him when he's hunting in closed spaces other than the fact that fire is just dangerous in such places
I'm also curious if he wears the glasses to help with the brightness since they seem tinted and tend to reflect light a lot, but both could be because of the art style.
The lenses on his glasses seem rather thick, so it's either to help him with bright places or his vision really is just that bad. He's probably blind without them either way though-
2. Choi Jong-In's age
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If Jong-In got his passport when he turned 18 and just renewed it, he’s probably around 28 at the youngest since he might have gotten his passport when he was older. He could have renewed it earlier than that, but no one does that- (at least not more than a year before it expires)
This also means that Jongin might have been around 18 when the gates first appeared though he didn’t know he awakened until around six years later according to the game dossier. This means he was probably around 24 by the time he knew he was awakened (although he actually awakened earlier without noticing)
3. Choi Jong-In's leadership skills
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Jong-In seemed to assume the role of leader during the raid by making sure the others would be safe and efficiently clearly obstacles that made it harder for them to get to the queen. This was interesting considering there were three other guild masters there (and likely with more experience based on Jong-In awakening six years after the gates appeared, whereas Lim Tae-Gyu and Baek Yoon-Ho awakened soon after the gates appeared). While the reason could be because of how versatile his powers are, he appeared to naturally make the first move rather than let someone else try their idea or wait for someone to ask him what they should do
He also explains what he’s doing calmly to the other hunters. While this could just be for the readers to know what he’s doing, he doesn’t make any rude comments to anyone. Like when Baek Yoon-Ho asked what he was doing, Jong-In explained how the explosions from the fire would show where the queen was. It could be argued that the two were too busy to be arguing like usual, but Yoon-Ho and Min Byung-Gyu were bantering quite a bit as they were making their way inside
Jong-In also knows how to make Yoon-Ho mad as seen throughout the series, so he’s actively not picking a fight when he certainly could have at this point when they weren’t fighting the ants yet. It could be that Jong-In’s too focused on the raid despite his calm demeanor, or he knows it would distract Yoon-Ho too much as he’s very capable of reading Yoon-Ho’s body language
4. Choi Jong-In's perceptiveness
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Yoon-Ho is the one Jong-In tends to read the most in terms of body language and emotions, so this part will mostly be about Jong-In reading Yoon-Ho
While Jong-In knew exactly why Yoon-Ho was at the building, he didn't indicate that he figured it out other than his usual smile. He's good at drawing conclusions based on what he observes and reacts in a way that prevents others from knowing what he's thinking. (This might be why Yoon-Ho dislikes him as he knows how well Jong-In can read him)
When the other major guilds were glad that Sung Jin-Woo was no longer taking gates, Jong-In found it suspicious rather than being glad that his guild could get more gates. Jong-In seems to question why things happen and how they work. This was shown in the game dossier when he wanted to test his powers before finding out his rank and ended up burning down a whole building
Despite Yoon-Ho making a provoking comment, Jong-In either knows that Yoon-Ho is avoiding the question and chooses to ignore it or knows that's just Yoon-Ho's way of answering him. In either case, Jong-In understands him enough to try to help him
Side note: Yoon-Ho tends to be the one to start arguments with Jong-In, making Jong-In defend himself
5. Choi Jong-In's self-confidence
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While Jong-In seems like he would be an arrogant person, especially with his title, there are actually more moments of Jong-In being aware of his limits rather than being overconfident
When he first heard about Jin-Woo's powers, he believed what Son Ki-Hoon said and immediately understood that Jin-Woo was much stronger than him, compared to Thomas Andre or Hwang Dong-Soo who refused to believe it at first
Jong-In is also aware of how much damage he is capable of as shown throughout the Jeju raid. After assessing how strong the flying ants were, he was confident enough to jump off the helicopter to take care of the ants below alone. However, he did not take the same risk when the S-Ranks entered the anthill as he did not know what would be ahead
That's all for Choi Jong-In in this post, but I do plan on making another one about him. If anyone has specific things they want to hear, feel free to ask for them. If you made it this far, have this picture of Jong-In
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He's so precious
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zoyaofthegardvn · 1 year
New Friends, Old Insecurities (2)
A/N: Finally! Here is the second and final part of New Friends, Old Insecurities :) Thanks so much to everyone that was so kind about that fic and really encouraged me to write a part 2! I hope you all enjoy <3
CW: Angst to fluff!
Read part 1 here first....
It's been weeks since your explosive fight with Mor, and you were miserable. Looking back on it, you decided that perhaps you had escalated things too far, too fast, too dramatically. But you were truly heartbroken, and angry, and the damage has already been done, anyway.
Gwyn and Azriel, the friends that they are, have been letting you stay with them. You had shown up on their front porch in tears, stuttering and blubbering about what happened. Gwyn had brought you inside, made you a cup of tea, while Azriel started a fire and prepared the spare room for you to sleep in, carrying your things out of the room to give you and Gwyn some time to talk.
They've been incredibly understanding, even reassuring you that you can stay as long as you need every time you mention that you're going to start looking for somewhere else to stay soon. Truthfully, you think they just don't want you to pay for a place to live alone, all too confident that you and Mor will find your way back to one another eventually.
And that's not to say Mor hasn't tried. It wasn't hard to figure out that you'd started saying with the Shadowsinger and the Priestess, and Mor even showed up, trying to persuade them to let her see you, before Azriel very firmly told her no, that you needed time.
Gwyn said Mor asked about you every single day at training. She wanted to know if you were sleeping well, if you were eating enough, if you were ready to talk yet. Gwyn merely nodded at most of her questions, but always refused to answer the last one. When you were ready was entirely up to you, and Gwyn would never say so on your behalf. Gwyn did report back that Mor looked awful, bags under her eyes, sluggish like she hadn't slept or eaten anything. She said that she stayed to herself, showing up to training late and leaving early. She didn't go to family dinners, and Rhys had stopped asking her to patrol because her heart wasn't in it. That always made your chest ache, but you weren't doing any better.
You also found out that a rift had grown between Emerie, Nesta, and Gwyn. And that made you feel guilty. You had never intended to cause something between the three, knowing how deeply they love and admire one another. You apologized several times, but during one evening that Nesta and Cassian had come over for dinner, Nes and Gwyn both explained to you that it wasn't your fault. They said that Emerie had abandoned them, too, and that they were upset with her for interfering in a mated friend's marriage. Again, you tried to apologize, tried to tell them that it didn't have to be that way, but they shot you down.
"I love Emerie, and I'm sure we'll make up, but she messed up, that's all there is to it," Nesta had told you.
"She feels bad about it, I can tell, but she has to work up the courage to make amends. We can't make her do that," Gwyn had replied.
And that was that. But still, you couldn't shake the guilt. Though, a small part of you was thrilled that Mor and Emerie had been staying away from one another.
Your days mostly consisted of reading, paperwork, lunch with Gwyn, cards with Azriel, and dinner with the pair of them, or alone if it was family night. They had offered to stay home and eat with you, but that you adamantly refused. Just because you couldn't stand to be around everyone right now didn't mean you would keep your friends stuck at home, too.
So, while you had an amazing support system, friends that rallied around you and refused to let you go through anything alone, you were still, quite frankly, miserable.
During the third week of staying at Gwyn and Azriel's house, you were spending another night alone, cooking a small dinner for just yourself. The pair had just left, and they'd likely not be back for several hours. So, it surprised you when you heard footsteps at the front door, before a gentle knock sounded from the foyer.
You placed the spoon you'd been stirring your pasta sauce with on the counter before making your way to the front, a confused look on your face. As far as you were aware, Gwyn and Az hadn't been expecting anyone to stop by. They would have told you.
Another soft knock makes you walk faster, and you don't think to peek out of the window before you pull the door open.
There, on the front porch, looking sheepish and a bit scared, is Emerie.
You're a bit stunned, and all you can do is gape. The stare obviously makes her uncomfortable, and she looks down at her boots, sniffing a bit before saying, "Hey."
You swallow thickly, making no move to let her into the house. "Gwyn just left, she went to th-"
"I-I'm not here for Gwyn. I came to speak to you, Y/N," Emerie replies, pulling her gaze up to look at you. She looks braced for rejection, but ultimately, you don't hate her, you don't even dislike her. But there are, of course, harsh feelings.
"I don't know that that's a good idea, Emerie..."
"Please, Y/N, I came to explain, to apologize. I-I know why you won't speak to Mor," the sound of your mate's name makes you flinch, but Emerie just continues, "I understand it, I do. But please, at least, just hear me out."
You're silent for a few moments, contemplating how to proceed. You could shut the door in her face, go inside, make your dinner. You could keep looking at apartment listings, make a plan to move the rest of your stuff out of your and Mor's once shared home. You could avoid your mate like the plague. You could never see Emerie again. You could keep ditching family dinners, live a life of loneliness. You had always been so stubborn, so determined. Even if it was about making your own life a living Hell.
Or, you could let Emerie inside. You could hear her out. Let her convince you to reach out to your wife, to go home.
You sigh, you step aside, and you pull the door open wider. "I was just making dinner. Do you like pesto?"
You and Emerie share a quiet dinner, bowls of pasta and glasses of wine consumed with little conversation. When you're both finished, you take the dishes and rinse them in the sink. Wordlessly, Emerie cleans up the ingredients you had laid around the kitchen, and you're reminded that she's been here before, several times. Gwyn is her best friend, and you're not the only one here that's lost someone important.
When the kitchen is tidy, you make your way towards the living room, gesturing for Emerie to follow.
"I suppose this is the part where we talk, huh?"
Emerie nods, sitting in the chair closest to the fireplace while you sit on the edge of the couch.
Again, silence fills the room. But eventually, Emerie clears her throat and begins. "I think that first, I just need to apologize." She shifts so her body is facing you, she makes eye contact even though you can tell she feels a bit embarrassed. "I am so, so sorry for how I interfered with your marriage. I never had any intentions of breaking the two of you up, I truly hope you can believe me. I-I feel like I've done something... awful, and I am just... I-I'm so sorry."
You dip your head, trying not to cry. "Thank you, Emerie. I... I believe you."
She sighs, like she was expecting you to call her a liar, to kick her out. But you can tell that she's sincere, and you know her well enough that you don't think she'd ever want to or try to be a homewrecker. That just isn't her intent.
"And Emerie, truthfully... I don't want you to feel so awful."
She looks at you, confused, but before she can speak, you continue.
"Mor neglected me as a mate, as a wife. Yes, you encouraged her, certainly, but Mor chose to do what she did all on her own. You can't shoulder the blame for our failed relationship when it was her responsibility."
Emerie nods, but that guilt still paints her face. "I can't... I know it's not my place, to give you any sort of relationship advice..." She trails off and looks at you, anticipating you cutting her off, but you don't. "But Mor, she's... she's miserable. She doesn't talk to me anymore, and I don't blame her. Not many people do." And that statement breaks your heart a bit. You truly feel guilty that Emerie, likely more than you do, feels so lonely. "But I can just tell. She isn't sleeping, or eating, the only time she speaks is to ask someone about you. She.. she loves you, Y/N, adores you. You're the only person she'll ever want."
"It sure would've been nice if she had treated me that way the past few months," you spit out, your bitterness revealing itself.
Emerie flinches, but she doesn't disagree. "You're right, and I imagine she hates herself for it. A-And I know you probably don't want to hear this from me, but I never, ever had any romantic feelings for her. What I felt for Mor was strictly platonic, I swear to you. And never once did I get even the slightest idea that she felt anything beyond friendship for me. I would not lie to you about that."
And though you had tried to hold them in, the tears start falling anyway. You sniffle, quickly swiping your cheeks with the back of your hand.
"I don't know what do, then. I want to believe you, Emerie. But Gods, the way she treated me, made me feel. I can't ever go through that again."
Emerie nods, understanding and compassionate. "I know, Y/N, I know."
For a few beats, the room is silent save for your sniffling and the crackling of the fire.
"I... I'm going to stay away from her. I had already decided that when I heard about what happened between the two of you, but you should know... if it'll help convince you to reach out to her... I won't ever be a problem again. I'm going to stay away, I swear it."
You scoff. "And what happens when another female comes around to woo her? Again Emerie, I appreciate you coming here, but the problem lies with Mor. And anyway, I'd never ask you to not be friends with her. If you say friendship is all that it was, then I believe you."
"Yes, she is my friend, and I know how devastated she is to have lost you. So if it takes me staying away, so be it. I'll do it. And as far as other females go... Y/N... she would never, ever cheat on you. Do you know how much she loves you?"
You don't get a chance to respond before she continues. "You're all she ever talked about. In the mornings, she'd talk about how pretty you looked when she woke up, how she couldn't wait to see you later. When we'd be at the shop, she'd constantly talk about your studies, your work, how proud she is of you, how you've been working so damn hard. And that night... at dinner... she was telling me about how she missed you, and she was starting to get worried, because you were never late, and you never left without telling her where you were going."
Emerie's details make you start crying harder, quiet sobs shaking your shoulders as you keep trying to wipe the blurriness from your eyes.
"I-I don't know what to do," you cry, embarrassed to be so vulnerable in front of her.
Emerie stands from her chair, she moves to be beside you. Her hand falls to your shoulder, and she squeezes. "Please, just.. just hear her out. For both of your sakes."
You don't answer, and Emerie pulls her hand away. "I know you have a lot to think about, so I'll go. Again, I'm sorry for my part." She begins making her way to the front of the house, but stops to add one more thing. "Thank you... for the dinner... and for hearing me out." Then she lets herself out the front door.
You spent a few days mulling Emerie's words over, coming to terms with what you wanted to do. She had convinced you to talk to Mor, to try to work things out, but you just didn't know how to proceed. How to forgive and move on.
Eventually, you decided you'd speak to her at home. You wouldn't confront her in public, not when emotions are as heightened as they are. And you didn't want to invite her to Gwyn and Azriel's house, even though they would have no issue with it, you didn't want to impose on their home anymore than you already had. And truthfully, you wanted to see your house again. You wanted to be able to return to it one day.
And so, after days of contemplating, talking relentlessly with Gwyn and Az, losing sleep from the anxiety, you've finally decided to show up at your house, where you know Mor is currently at, if the candle glow from the windows were any indication.
Your hands tremble with nerves, your stomach doing flips. You debate knocking, but shake your head at the idea. This is still your house, anyway. If you keep thinking like it isn't, it'll be harder for you to see a way forward with Mor, and that's not why you came here.
However, you don't want to scare her, so you do softly rap on the wood before pushing the door open, softly closing it behind you.
You hear gentle footsteps sound from the living room, but you make no move to meet her, your nerves keeping you firmly planted in the foyer.
She stops in her tracks when she rounds the corner, and your heart sinks when you take in her form. Her hair is a mess, pulled back in a knot, some loose tangles plastered to her sweaty skin. She looks pale, her eyes bruised and sunken in. A blanket is wrapped around her shoulders, and she's dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She brings a shaky hand to her mouth that's fallen open, clearly shocked to see her wife has come home.
"Y/N?" she asks, her voice quiet and broken, like she's hardly been using it.
And then she's bursting into tears, her shoulders shaking, her chest heaving as she struggles to breathe.
"Oh, Mor..." you sigh, rushing forward, grabbing her by her forearms and pulling her into the living room. You set her down on the couch, then fetch her a glass of water from the kitchen, urging her to drink it before she has a full blown panic attack.
When she comes down a bit, she sets the glass on the table, then brings her teary eyes up to look at you. "Are you h-here to get the rest of your stuff?" Her voice is muffled from her tears, her throat raw. "Did you come to... to e-e-end it o-officially?" She stutters over her words, the panic creeping up on her again.
You shake your head, sitting next to her on the couch, but keeping a bit of distance between the two of you. "No, Mor. I came to talk."
Her head whips to the side, her face in shock. Clearly, she hadn't expected you to ever hear her out. "To talk?" she asks, like she can't quite believe what's happening.
You nod. "Emerie... she came and... explained things a few days ago. She told me to hear you out... she said you're not doing well."
Mor shrugs, but she doesn't respond, like she doesn't really care about her physical and mental health. The thought stabs at your gut.
"Mor.. I-I'm done running from this. You're my mate. My wife. As hurt as I am... I've been wrong, to stay away from you for so long. So for that, I apologize. But I just... I needed tim-"
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N, please. I know why you left."
You don't argue with her, but still, you feel guilty for your part in your separation. "But still, I'm sorry."
Mor says nothing for a few tense beats, she just sniffles and wipes at her eyes.
"Can.. can we fix this, Y/N? Please? I can't... I can't lose you. Not for good. Not forever. I-I can't," Mor starts crying again, gentle, silent tears. "I won't survive it. I love you, Y/N. Please, let me try and fix this."
You reach a shaky hand out, placing it on her shoulder. "That's why I came here, Mor, to try and fix things. I came here to talk. But I think that you're the one that needs to explain things, not me."
Mor reaches her hand up to sit on top of yours. She releases a deep breath, clearly relieved to hear that you want things to work out.
"I have to start by saying I'm sorry. I'm so, so fucking sorry, Y/N."
Her words bring fresh tears to your eyes, and you try to keep them from spilling over, though it's useless.
"So why, Mor?" your voice cracks, but you keep going. "Why did you.. treat me like that? I-I want to understand."
She shakes her head. "There's nothing to understand. It was wrong, stupid, awful of me. I neglected you, I made you feel like I wasn't in love with you anymore... and even if you can forgive me, I'll never forgive myself for that."
A few more beats of silence, then Mor continues. "I want you to know, Y/N, that you're perfect for me. What you said that night... about us being mates... about it being wrong" she shakes her head like the thought disturbs her, like she's trying to rid herself of the memory. "That's not true. We belong together. I have never wished you were different. I have never wanted you to be more like Emerie, if that's what you had been thinking."
And she's right, that's exactly what you had convinced yourself she wanted. It had hurt beyond belief, but the ache lessons hearing Mor so sincerely tell you otherwise.
"I just... it had been so long since I had made a true friend, outside of the family. I have Feyre, but she's Rhys' mate before she's my friend, and she's been so busy lately, with her growing family."
"Were you not... were you not happy being my friend and my lover?" you whisper, always prepared to face the fact that you couldn't give Mor everything she needed.
She turns her whole body to face you, her features crumpling in devastation and shock.
"What?! Gods no, Y/N, no, that's not it at all. You're my best friend, and my wife. But we're not together all of the time... we.. we have our differences. Ones that I have never, ever wished didn't exist. It was just nice, to have Emerie, to have someone to talk weapons with, someone that could keep up with me in training, someone that understands what it's like to be a warrior and a female."
You could never fault her for that. Mor, after having gone through so much, deserved a friend she could relate to more than anyone.
"I... I understand that, Mor, I do. What I don't understand is why... or how she became more important than me. Than us." Your tone is firm, straight to the point.
Mor shudders, she squeezes her eyes shut in shame. "She never was. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I swear that no one has ever been more important to me than you, no relationship more important than our marriage."
You're reminded of Emerie telling you how Mor always talked about you, bragged about you, asked about you. You find yourself believing her, your anger slowly ebbing away.
"I got way too caught up in having fun with her, in being able to relate to her. It made me abandon you, neglect our relationship, and again, I am so sorry, baby."
The nickname tugs at your heart, the ease of slipping back into it.
Through tears and a shaky voice, you ask, "When you saw me... when you would come home at night, it felt like all you really needed me for was sex. Do you know how badly that hurt, Mor? To know that after you slept with me, we were going to wake up just for me to be alone again while you spent the day with her?"
Mor cries out, both of her hands coming to rest on your legs. "Gods, Y/N, I'll never forgive myself for making you feel that way. You were the only one on my mind, all day every day. When we made love, I was entirely there, with you. I missed you, every day, even if it was my own fault, I missed you. I just... I wanted to show you how badly I did, how much I loved you, through being intimate. I didn't realize what kind of message I was sending, and I'm so fucking sorry. You're so much more to me than sex, baby, you know that. I love you, I love you, I love you," then she brings one of your hands up to her mouth, planting a kiss to the smooth skin.
You take deep breaths to steady the overwhelming emotions, but the tears remain constant. Her words soothe your anxieties to some degree, but the hurt isn't entirely gone.
"I forgive you, Mor, but I don't know what to do, how to proceed."
Mor's breath catches in her throat, and she doesn't breathe for a few seconds. Eventually, she inhales, shakily, then speaks with a wavering voice. "I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you, Y/N, please give me the chance to prove to you, again, that you're perfect for me, the only person I'll ever need. Please, baby."
She sounds terrified, and you feel a bit guilty, because you hadn't meant to imply that you weren't sure if you'd able to continue being mated to her. Just that you weren't sure how to go from here, how to keep working on making this better.
"I-I don't want to... divorce.. or.. Gods forbid, break the bond, Mor, I don't." Mor shudders with relief, her shoulders relaxing, her hands start shaking a bit less.
"But, we can't just go back to before... we can't act like nothing happened. Things have to change."
"I understand, Y/N, I do. Tell me what you want from me, and I'll do it."
You huff a laugh at her eagerness, your tears finally ceasing to roll down your cheeks. You wipe your face with the back of your hand, but keep the other intertwined with Mor's.
"Well, first, I need to move back in, I guess."
Mor nods rapidly, "Yes, yes, please. I'll help you get your things. Come home, tonight, I can't stand being here without you."
You give her a soft smile, one that she returns. "Okay, we can do that."
She kisses your hand again, rubbing along your knuckles with her thumb.
"But, I don't think..." Mor looks at you expectantly, urging you to continue your train of thought. You clear your throat and begin again. "I-I don't think I'm ready for us to be.. intimate.. again. I-I'm sorry, I just need time, and I nee-"
"Don't apologize, Y/N, it's not necessary and I don't deserve it." Her voice is stern, and it shuts you up immediately. "I told you that you're not just sex, baby. I'll wait as long as you need. All I want is you, back home, with me, in whatever capacity you'll have me."
You nod, a bit stunned by how sincere she is, and relieved that she isn't upset with your decision.
"And, things have to be different. You have to spend time with me again, Mor. I won't be treated like that again." She nods while you talk, and it makes you grow more confident as you assert your needs. "Mornings belong to us again, and you'll speak to me, read with me, before we go to bed. You'll go into town with me, we'll go on dates several times a week, and we'll sit together at family dinner, every single time." Mor's smile grows, like she's proud of you for your demands, demands she would never dream of protesting, demands she craves, too. "You'll speak to me when you see me, you'll kiss me hello and goodbye, you'll ask me how my day was and you'll tell me about yours, even if it's something you think I can't relate to." Mor hums, she nods, she says, "Of course, my love," but you're not done yet. "You're my wife, Mor, my mate. But you're my best friend, too. You'll have to treat me as such again, if this is going to work."
Mor wastes no time agreeing. "Yes, to all of it, a million times, yes. I was a fool for not doing those things these past few months, it's a mistake that will never happen again, I promise you, Y/N." She leans in, and when you don't pull away, she presses a soft kiss to your lips. It feels like coming home, like everything falling back into place. She pulls back, cupping your cheeks with both of her hands. She stares into your eyes, an act of intimacy you can't, won't shy away from. "I'd do anything for you, give you anything, all the time in the world, if you wanted it. I love you, Y/N, and I'll forever be grateful for you, for this second chance you've given me."
You grin, then it's your turn to kiss her. "I believe you, Mor, I really do."
A/N: Ahhh! Part 2 is finally done! Once again, thank you so much to everyone that encouraged me to write the continuation, and all the enthusiasm you showed me! I really really appreciate all of you guys <3 I hope this part was satisfying and worth the wait :)
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cartoonrival · 1 year
hii can you tell me more about that time sonic yelled at silver in a hospital (◕‿◕✿) <- imagine that thing is fluttering it’s lashes convincingly
HELLO i would love to. so silver's story in archie is that they are CONVINCED that there's a traitor amongst the original knothole freedom fighters. in archie, their future is a lot more in tact, so theyve been doing research in decrepit libraries and stuff trying to figure out what happened, and they're certain that 200 years ago, one of the freedom fighters double crossed their teammates and doomed the world.
silver tends to. jump to conclusions. a lot. and this is understandable considering everything is fucked and its scary and terrible and the weight of fixing it is on One Teenager's Shoulders. so they are wrong A Lot. they bring it up pretty much every time they see sonic, accuse rotor, etc, and the ffs find it a bit ANNOYING that someone would think one of their closest friends would turn against them, but ultimately its water under the bridge once silver realize each theory wasnt true, apologizes, they move on, silver keeps searching.
the hospital scene is sonic's final straw. ixis naugus took the throne, sally was roboticized, and antoine is in a coma. quack can't even be sure he'll wake UP. and while sonic is grieving in his room, picking at his guitar listening to amy sobbing in the living room with his parents, silver shows up and declares that they've FINALLY found the true traitor of the freedom fighters: it's antoine. and sonic fucking LOSES IT. he grabs silver by their quills and DRAGS them through the city, bursts into antoine's room where he's prone in bed, unresponsive, surrounded by flowers and balloons and well-wishing cards, and throws silver against the foot of the bed so they can see the man theyve just accused of being a traitor. really looks like he's about to walk off to join eggman doesn't he.
sonic's closest friends, the people who he has lived and fought alongside for basically his entire life, are kind of being shot down like FLIES, and here comes SILVER THE HEDGEHOG (who the hell even is this guy, where did they even come from), waltzing in and insisting that THEY know sonic's friends better than he does, so well in fact that they're sure they've been lying through their teeth to him.
that moment is veeerry much an explosion of a LOT of pent up anger and grief over the current state of things; the freedom fighters are LOSING. the people who carried sonic through some of the worst points of the war are being captured, dying, nicole was banished from the city, bunnie feels so guilty over antoine's fate that she's RUN AWAY without saying where she's going, geoffrey is back and ruining everything, its all gone to SHIT.
sonic doesnt really give a shit how well-meaning silver is, if theyre going to show up without having experienced any of the horror that sonic is currently living through and accuse the ONLY PEOPLE who have been with sonic through EVERYTHING of being BACKSTABBERS, several of whom have all but SACRIFICED THEMSELVES to save the world, then they should get fucked. to put it simply.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Father figure!Trevor Philips x De Santa!Reader
Y/F/N = Your fake name.
Ever since you could remember, you had been living out in Sandy Shores with Trevor Phillips. You didn't much know of your actual parents, but you knew they fought. A lot. Your mother was involved in the stripper business, and your father was a notorious robber. Whatever they were like, one day, while you were out alone in the snow, Trevor found and ran away with you.
And you never saw your family again.
Today, you walked into the trailer you and Trevor shared covered in blood, finding Wade there. After a few seconds silence, you explained, "Oh, uh, don't worry, none of this is mine." Wade replied, "OK...You seen Trevor?" You shook your head, and went to shower. After a quick 10 minutes, you left the trailer with Wade, only to find Trevor walking up to the porch, causing Wade to hide.
"Heya, dad," you said, before looking to Wade, as Trevor said to him, "Get back here...You're not even hidden. Have you got it?" Wade then defeatedly said, "I've been trying, Trevor." Trevor then gestured to him to climb up, only to punch him as he did, causing you to laugh. "Ah, so, uh, I thought you were locating Michael Townley," you asked.
"There's two Michael Townley's living in Los Santos. One is 83 and the other one is in Kindergarten. I asked her to put him on the phone just to be safe...She threatened to call the cops. I ain't no molester, Y/N!" Trevor angrily respon to Wade with, "Shut up before I molest you, alright! Now, is there anything else?" Wade slowly got to his feet and responded, "I-I looked through the photo directory. I did find a Michael De Santa. About the right age, married with two kids."
"What's his wife's name?", asked Trevor.
You and Trevor knew it was Michael.
"It's him. I'll wait in the truck," you said, getting into Trevor's truck. After another few minutes of talking between Trevor, Wade and Ron, all of you except for Ron set off for the trailer park of the Lost MC, set to tie up a loose end. "So, how we doing this?", you asked, causing Trevor to reply, "We're gonna be giving them quite the explosive suprise, my dear son/daughter/child." You were quick to catch the hint.
"Um...that might be nice, but, y'know, I'm starting to get a little wet over here," said Wade, as rain started to pour as Trevor drove. "Hey, so am I, and I ain't complaining," you responded, causing Trevor to laugh. After a few more minutes of driving, you pulled up just outside the Lost MC base. Trevor said, "Wait here, kiddies. Daddy's going to work."
You and Wade were talking when multiple trailers were blown up, catching you both off guard. As you looked to the scene, you spotted Trevor walking back, a smile on his face. As he got into the truck, you noted, "Well, the Lost are gonna be living up to their name." Trevor nodded, and said, "That they are, kid. Now, let's waste no more time. Let's go find my old buddy." And with that, you three set off on the drive to Los Santos.
"This Michael Townley must've pissed you off real bad, if you wanna find him so much," said Wade. "He didn't piss me off. The guys that killed him, the government bureau. They pissed me off," replied Trevor, before he noticed a bit of blood on your knuckles. "The fuck happened?", he asked, causing you to reply, "Oh, uh, some homophobe was preaching. I preached into his face." Trevor smiled.
As the drive continued, you could sense Wade getting bored. Your sense of compassion took over, and you asked, "Hey, Wade, I got a story if you wanna hear it." Wade immediately, joyfully said, "I like stories!" You smiled and said, "Of course you do. This one's about a troll named...Y/F/N."
"Y/F/N was born to two other, shittier trolls named Amy and Michelle. Amy worked at a strip joint before and Michelle robbed people from under his bridge. Now, Y/F/N wasn't happy. Amy and Michelle argued a lot, and Y/F/N's siblings, James and Trishie, weren't any better. One day, when little Y/F/N was five years old, and left alone in the cold, Y/P ran into a boy named...Trisha. He ran way with Y/F/N, away from the snow, away from the police, away from everything."
"And they lived happily ever after?", asked Wade, to which you answered, "In a way. But the details are for another day." As you replied, you spotted it. The big sprawl of fake and greed.
Los Santos.
You drove to a nearby hill. As you pulled up, you and Trevor got out and walked to the edge, and Trevor said, "So, Michael...this is where dead men come back to life, hmm?" You followed up with, "...Nearly 10 years. Oh, but you didn't even bother looking, did ya, father?...You fucking fuck!" Trevor finished with, "I grieved for you! You weren't even fucking dead...you were my best friend. Well, guess who's coming to shit on your doorstep, you fuck!" With that, you both walked back to the truck, and drove off.
"My cousin lives in a condo in Vespucci Beach," said Wade. You nodded, and you were headed there. "So, Y/N, what you gonna have to say to your old pops when you see him again?", asked Trevor. You thought for a second, before saying, "Well, he certainly won't like my words, that's for fucking sure."
And after another drive, you arrived at the condo. Wade got out and quickly made his way to the front door, you and Trevor not too far behind. "Floyd, it's me, Wade!" "Who?" "Me, Wade, your cousin!" "Who?"
Trevor then kicked the door open, knocking over Floyd in the process.
"Your cousin! Fuck! He's come to visit you, you rude fuck." You three made your way inside. You looked around, and told Floyd, "Nice place. Now you got any Sprunk, E-Cola, shit like that?" Floyd gestured to the fridge, in which you found a can of Sprunk, and swigged it down.
You were gonna need the energy for what you and Trevor had planned.
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houseofhollows · 2 years
Hi so I was wondering if your requests are open? If so I thought of something along the lines of the that the reader was like a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw and at the Battle of Hogwarts she ends up died and buried under ruble but She’s dating either Blaise,Theo, or Draco you can pick it’s up to you if you like it enough to write? 🙃🤙🏻💛
beneath the rubble
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
genre: angst
warnings: war, death
notes: sorry that it’s so short but i hope you like it :))
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Draco never knew what it was like to love someone. To trust someone so deeply. To want to be with a person every second of the day. He never felt like he had much to live for, other than being Lucius Malfoy’s heir. And he certainly never knew what it was like to have someone love him. 
He remembered the nights when he would lay in bed wondering when he would be enough, not only for himself but for his father. It seemed that his purpose in life was to please those around; those who held such high expectations, ones he knew he would never be able to achieve. There was so much he was passionate about, and so many things he wanted to accomplish in life. No one listened or cared. And when they did listen they would tell him how stupid his ideas were. 
Except for Y/N, who listened every time he spoke about what he wanted in life. She encouraged him to follow his dreams, to not care about what his parents thought. And he never got the chance to tell her just how grateful he was. 
Hogwarts was especially loud that day. The sounds of spells bouncing off walls, of students yelling, screaming. Footsteps echoed in the empty corridors of the castle, where students were running from Death Eaters or trying to find their friends. Never in his life did Draco think something like this would happen. Never did he think he would have to see death so close. 
He had no idea where to go or what to do. He wasn’t even supposed to be there. His parents had left him at the Malfoy Manor, but he apparated to the castle once they left. He couldn’t sit at home in safety while his friends and girlfriend were in danger. Both, however, were nowhere to be seen. Draco had been around half the castle and there was still no sign of anyone he knew. Though, even amongst the emptiest corridors were students. As he expected, many of them were dead. 
Ravenclaw Tower was empty save for a few. Draco had only been in there a few times when he found his nightmares to be too distracting. He would often find himself in Y/N’s dorm after they got too bad. She provided him with great relief. 
Walking up the steps to the girls’ dorms, Draco could feel his heart pounding. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to find. She could be alive, in her dorm, but she wouldn’t be okay. Or she could be lying on the floor, body still, eyes open, unable to be woken. He didn’t want to imagine it or even think of the possibility, but he knew there was a chance.
Stepping inside her dorm, Draco’s eyes immediately went to her bed. Not surprisingly, she was not there. However, there was a mess around the floor. He examined the items, noticing clothes, books, and food wrappers. But amidst the mess was a box that Draco had gifted her. He had never looked inside it to respect her privacy, but this time he did. In it were photos of the two. Hundreds of them. Some she had taken, others were candids of them that their friends had taken during trips to Hogsmeade. As he shuffled through the photos, he felt a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite figure out. There was love, yes, but also heartbreak, for he knew these might be the last photos ever taken of them. 
An explosion erupted from somewhere, and Draco began shaking. He looked out the window and saw that below were hundreds of people, fighting on opposing sides. He was too high up to decipher whether they were his classmates or Death Eaters. The bright colors of spells and charms and jinxes lit up the darkness.
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The front of the castle was bustling. Every corner and entryway was filled with students or destruction. Rubble and broken columns littered the ground. Draco had found Blaise who was equally as terrified. God, there were so many of them. So many lifeless bodies and innocent eyes. To his left, to his right. He tried to look away. 
Blaise dragged them to a secluded corner, hopefully, safe enough for a few minutes. Draco felt like he couldn’t breathe. The Dark Mark on his left arm was burning. He could hear people fighting, hear them whimpering and begging, pleading. 
There was something shiny in his peripheral vision. At first, he thought it was a spell being launched at him but when he turned his head to look, he saw the familiar gold and diamond ring his Y/N wears. It was his body that reacted, throwing an arm out to move the rubble away. 
“No, no,” he whispered, tears immediately blurring his vision. “Blaise, help me.”
The two boys moved the heavy stone that had landed on her. His body buckled and Blaise caught him and sat him down. She was bleeding, everywhere. Her beautiful face was grey with dust and ash. Her clothes were ripped. 
“She’s not moving,” he said quietly. “She’s not moving.”
He touched her gently like he would if he were trying to wake her up. He brushed the hair off her face, moving his hand to slowly caress her face. He choked and sobbed and shook. He shook her harder, but she did not wake. He buried his head in her chest and sobbed loudly, not caring about vulnerability or pride. If anything, this was his parents' fault. If they hadn’t forced him to become one of them, to be a “follower” of the Dark Lord, he could have been there with her. He could have protected her. Instead, she lay lifeless on the ground in a place that should have kept her safe. 
Her soul was traveling to an unknown place. Death was claiming her, collecting her. Draco hoped she could see him, hoped she knew just how much she meant to him because now he would never be able to tell her. 
“She’s in the clouds, now,” Blaise whispered. 
He wished nothing but to see her eyes once more. To hear her laugh. Smile that smile he knew was reserved only for him. He wanted to tell his beautiful raven many things, if not out loud then on paper. He would visit her every day and read aloud his thoughts. And he would mourn her forever.  
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