#(smh rip buddy)
mother-goose-honk · 2 years
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more art of my Reincarnated!Reader!
this is another one that’s been floating in my head for a while so it’s nice to finally get out
I HAD A TERRIBLE THOUGHT WHILE DRAWING HER-- I would describe her style of dress as “knock off disney princess” but tonight I was like “...fuck, she looks like Jessica Rabbit.”
and now I wanna draw her in a sparkly dress ala I’m not bad I was just drawn that way
maybe later
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jackfrombaskinrobbins · 11 months
baking contest w/ the avengers!!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: reader, scott lang, nick fury, clint barton, harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, tony stark, pietro maximoff etc
a/n: HECK YEAH I CAN!!!! i loved this idea sm i was so excited to get this request :D i'm getting back into writing so sorry if it's a lil bad lol. also guys i'm gonna open requests again so feel free to submit!! i have a lot of muse for spiderverse stuff atm hehe so i may post again today!! tysm, hope u enjoy!!!
taglist: @shefollowedthestars @thecloudedmind @ayohitmanddaeng
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
so there’s this thing that the avengers do
in order to do team bonding
they’ll assign partners in the beginning of the year
& each month, a new set of partners will choose something to do
and it’s always super fun
like that’s how u ended up at the trampoline park last month
& how scott ended up with a broken arm rip king
so this month had to be something a little less dangerous
kinda funny when u think about it like it’s literally the avengers they’re in dangerous situations all the time
and while you wanted to do something different, certain ~forces~ kept preventing that
like y’all were watching a movie a couple weeks ago
and fury came on the screen 
how he could hack into it idk hes nick fury dude he can do anything
but he just looked at the camera and said “no more dumbass trampoline parks”
so yeah it had to be something tame 
anyway so this month was you and scott!!!!
best duo ever!!!!!!
so you had to plan what to do
& scott refused to go skydiving bc that was your first choice
smh scott it would be so fun!!!!
his arm was still broken & he said that was why he wouldn’t go but like…. scott we know ur a scaredy-cat
anyway you were trying to decide when suddenly he was like
“y/n!!!! i totally forgot! the great british baking show just premiered and i promised clint we could watch it together!”
and that gave you an idea
scott LOVED it
but y’all needed a couple things before 
first of all, u needed baking supplies
when i say baking supplies i mean BAKING SUPPLIES
there’s like a thousand avengers at this point bruh :’)
scott almost got one of those instacart orders for it but u hated the thought of an instacart person getting ur crazy order
so it was store time :D 
let’s just say tony’s credit card was used very well that day 😛
then it was time to pick teams
not everyone had to participate
wanda said she wanted in
so pietro joined too which was slightly concerning
the man literally burnt a bowl of cereal once
and ur probably thinking “how—”
only you and harley saw it and honestly it rendered u both speechless
tony joined too
but you and scott made sure he knew that there could be NO robots 
vision asked to be a judge
scott said “vis, we really appreciate that but… uh… don’t you like not eat?”
“ah! you are correct, scott. i do not consume food in the traditional way. however, given my vast knowledge & global database, i do believe that i would be a very good judge of presentation and overall ingredient chemistry.”
“alright, you do that buddy!”
also off topic but why do i just know that tony would give vision the nickname “chat gpt”
 sorry i had to get that out ANYWAYY
you got a few more people to participate 
sam and bucky wanted to be a team, and harley peter & miles wanted to be a team too
yknow what that was fine by you
so the day came.
you had turned one of the empty conference rooms into a crazy kitchen setup
thx party city for the confetti & balloons!!! ;)
in came your loyal hosts, scott & clint
(clint begged you and scott to let him host, he kept using a british accent until you said yes & just trust me it was good that he finally stopped)
you, natasha, and vision were the taste & presentation judges
you surveyed scott’s & your work, pretty proud of how it turned out
vision shot you a quizzical look, but you just shook your head.
scott & clint rly were a…. hosting duo
yep, the most… hosting duo of all time
the hostiest hosters to ever host
omg the funniest thing was that they kept eating the cookie dough from harley peter & miles’ station
they literally had to push them away
peter & miles webbed their hands shut HAHA
everyone else seemed to be doing pretty well though
aside from their usual arguing, bucky & sam seemed to actually be making something good
wanda was perfect as per usual
and pietro was zipping around the kitchen, causing tony’s flour to rise up in his face
steve came over, blowing a whistle and pointed at pietro
you and scott had enlisted him to be the referee
yes, cooking shows don’t normally have referees, but think abt the ppl we’re dealing with here 😀
anyways finally time was up!!!
but you and scott still had a trick up your sleeves.
“and now presenting our special guest judge… GIVE IT UP FOR NICK FURY!!”
yes that’s right, he had said yes to this
after you promised to finish a mission report for him
and bought him some new eyepatches
which was why he was wearing a navy blue one complete with rhinestones
pietro was up first, and he placed four slices of chocolate cake in front of all the judges.
“i gotta say p, this actually looks really good!” you spoke, and he beamed.
natasha didn’t look so sure
“as y/n says, it does look alright on the outside. however, it does seem like there’s some sort of… strange ingredient in the chemical makeup… i am going to analyze for a moment.” said vision
“aw, let’s just eat the damn thing already!” fury spoke, and so you all did.
“mm, it’s good!!” you said, and natasha nodded in agreement.
but did not have the same reaction. 
he had stopped chewing, and his eye had narrowed. he was giving pietro a death stare.
“uhm… fury? what is … jolly wrong with you?” scott asked, his british accent wavering.
“yeah… guv’nr?” said clint.
“who the hell puts hot sauce in a damn chocolate cake. you better start runnin’ maximoff, because i’m comin’ for you!!” fury spoke, getting progressively louder.
“that one was supposed to be for y/n- i mean vision! yeah! oops. um…” pietro spoke, before disappearing from the room in a quick streak.
after that, fury left. 
and that's why now cooking/baking competitions are banned on the premises of SHIELD!!
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hit-tab · 1 month
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Guess who's back! Yep, it's @insufficientchill's Conall and @ritens' Lane! I took a few too many screenshots, so brace yourself. <3
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Yeah, bud, that's the whole point of this party comp. I thought it'd be fun. Don't you worry about it! It'll be fiiine.
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I'm sure Conall and Lane only have the best of opinions after seeing me fail this levitation-jump five times in a row because I refused to waste a harpy snare beacon. I mean, it's a jump over the brine so I can try as many times as I want without consequence...except for the rapidly dwindling respect of my pawn's friends.
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Speaking of, check out this cool underwater shot I got while getting eaten by the brine. Neat, huh?
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Here's a shot of Conall being awesome. Fire suits him so well! Mage vocations have such a cool aesthetic, I swear.
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And here's Lane kidnapping a knacker(?) that knocked me down. It always tickles me when pawns do that.
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"Lane, was that your arrow?" "'Twas not me." "..."
Guys I know you're very excited to pal around but please look out for monsters.
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I think René misses being a warrior...
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I managed to get a cool shot of Lane, finally. Look at him! He's so ready to wreck face!
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My new favourite hobby...equipping a bow specifically so that I can kick rocky saurians. And maybe also other saurian-type monsters. I'm really not too picky.
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The whole team is working together! Look how cool everyone is! It's so rare to get them all in one shot that doesn't look like they're all doing their own, random thing.
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Conall helping me out after I got wasted by a goreminotaur...thanks, man. Sorry it wasn't the monster you were after. Where's Lane and René? Just over there? They're high-fiving and/or fist-bumping? Oh... ;-;
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I was trying to capture a bunch of little victory poses and Lane was having none of it haha.
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I don't think Conall knows how to deal with René's shenanigans, the poor guy. (Also check out Lane hiding in the tall grass like a wild pokemon pft.)
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Look at these two and their lining up perfectly and their matchy bows. I forget what they were aiming at...probably a bat.
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René, buddy, I'm not sure that's going to work. Max rank and he still isn't quite sure how to be an archer smh. Glitches are fun.
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Er...Conall? I'm not sure we needed this spell for one teeny little minotaur that had a sliver of its health left, but at least we completed your quest.
René is way too happy about the meteors.
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Camping: miserable and wet edition. The poor pawns sitting in the rain...
I had so much fun with Conall and Lane this past couple of sessions! We all got a little dinged up (no tank no real healer) but that might have also been because I went wandering around the volcano area and everyone kept stepping in lava rip. Nothing a little more resting couldn't solve. Sorry in advance if they complain about their burned feet when I send them back.
I actually did Lane's quest first, but sadly didn't get any pictures of us fighting the golem...s? I think we fought two of them. Yeah, one on the volcanic island and another in mainland Battahl, I'm pretty sure. Something about golems makes me forget to take pics I swear.
Anyway, this party comp is surprisingly viable. I only switched to my magick bow for things like spooky ghosts and dragonkin. Everything else was three bow one sorc baybee! SO much fun.
(I haven't sent them back yet! Will do soon.)
Bonus victory pose I have never seen:
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Behold. René's applauding. And because there's an enemy in the distance, he's applauding angrily!
I love it so much?? He just-- looks SO mad haha.
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random-twst-things · 5 months
do u know what level crafter gauntlet open? I did searching yet find nothing like literally so i kinda clueless here
I hate how unclear some of the instruction are smh, I wish they make the tut much more detailed cus Im dumb and slow af
also please do share some tips for beginner I literally crying screaming throwing up ripping my hairs off over here cause I didnt understand a single shi
thxxxx and have a nice day btw🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😘😘😘💕💕💕
- 🦙
The Crafter Gauntlet is unlocked at Room Rank 3!!!
I totally understand what you mean though, I had so much trouble trying to understand the game mechanics as a beginner 😭😭
I researched a bit and added a few of my own tips for beginners, hope this helps! 🩷✨
Some tips I can share for beginners would be:
Send and accept friend requests: When going into battle you're able to use their cards. Some of those friends could have some really useful cards to use. I've had many instances where a card from a friend that I needed really helped.
Do not skip events: Many events can give you valuable resources and materials. These events may not give SSR Rank cards but they will give you an R Rank or SR Rank card if you participate in them. They give gems, thaumark and keys and other useful materials.
Save your gems: The game is playable in f2p and gives a normal amount of gems to do so, but do save your gems and don't waste them unless you really want or need a card. When it comes to Sam's shop there is a set that comes with 10 magical keys and is only 250 gems though it's only available once a month. By buying this set, it does save you a few gems. A normal 10 pull is 309 gems.
Team: When it comes to forming your team I recommend teaming them up based on the cards Duo Magic and Buddy Level. Train the cards that you would like, level them up and team them up based on Duo Magic/Buddy Level. The Characters give each other important boosts during battles based on their buddy level and could be a great help.
Lesson's: History lessons grant EXP that contributes to the cards level. The additional rewards are "Blooming Honey". Flight lessons grant EXP that contributes to the cards vignette level. The additional rewards are "Snacks". Alchemy lessons help increase the Buddy Level of cards, additional rewards are "Alchemy Tokens" and spell upgrades.
Card Ranks: Three different types of Rank cards. A R Rank card has a max level of 40 that can be extended to 60. A SR Rank card has a max level of 60 that can be extended to 80. A SSR Rank card has a max level of 80 that can be extended to 100.
When TWST allows you to pick a card to start the game, these are some beginner cards lots of people and I recommend (their info in there as well):
Riddle Dorm uniform – Highest ATK.
Leona Dorm Uniform – Highest HP.
Trey Dorm Uniform – High DEF and great healing.
Cater Ceremonial – His power boost is very good during the early game.
Rook Labwear – Decent HP and attack which helps beginners.
Malleus Ceremonial Robes – Gives power boost.
Card's: I recommend leveling and upgrading your cards one at a time. You want to upgrade all the cards or at least a few cards in each element. By doing this you can have a pretty big upper hand when doing battles because elementary bonuses play a pretty role in the game.
Tests: You should do these and try them as much as you do with the lessons. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know how much of a help doing these would have and didn't do them. Doing tests can give you interesting and good things when you get good results. They also help train your cards faster.
I really hope this can help you on your gameplay and journey for Twisted Wonderland!! ✨🍬
I can always go into more detail or add more things if they still seem a bit hard to understand 🫶🏽✨
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Today on Me Not Shutting TF Up About OrangeJuiceVerse:
The only person in the world that Moose doesn’t like is Randy Jackass Marsh
(Also you can find more Moose lore and his origin story, his lore-igin story (sry the wife is rubbing off on me w the puns) in these posts here and here)
Help ok so like this cat takes after Stan in that he is a total sweetheart and wouldn’t intentionally harm anyone, but when he met Randy for the first time? It was ON SIGHT!!!
Ok so a while after the bestest lil cat in the world comes into our lives, Kyle and Stan go on down to South Park to Have Themselves A Time (aka see their families for the holidays or something) and Moose is being Very Good in his little carrier (bc kyles driving and Kyle’s notorious road rage stresses Moose out to the point where he’s running all around the car smh hence the carrier) and ofc they go see Sharon first and then kys family and that kitty is a HIT! (Gerald’s dumbass is a lil wary bc he starts having cheesing flashbacks lmfaoooo idiot) Moose is so nice to everyone and Sheila’s out here stoked about what is essentially her first grandchild! But then…..
Eventually our lead boys have to make their way over to Randy’s Fuckass Farm. “Kyyyyy I don’t want to go see my dad.” “Stanathan you know he’ll bitch about it if we don’t” “ughhhh” rip lmao neither of them are in the mood for Randy shenanigans
And ofc when they pull up his deranged ass is all “STAHHHHNNNN you look more and more like your old man every time I see you!” (Stan did not appreciate this in the slightest) “yeah, yeah, hi. Hi Towlie” “well hi Stanley, Kyle, you boys wanna get a lil highhhh?” “We’ll pass, dude.” (Human Towlie lmfao) and then oh my god Kyle and Randy are attempting to be civil it’s like “Randall.” “Kyle.” Smh the beef.
So then they’re inside hearing about the latest adventures of Randy wreaking havoc and shit and Randy’s all “so you’re working at a vet clinic now, really still a shame about the football thing, buddy” as if this man was even AT any of the games and Stan’s like “yeah anyway” and pulls out the carrier and produces Moose “figured you’d wanna meet this guy” and Moose, ohhhhh lord he’s IMMEDIATELY like BAD VIBE BAD VIBE
Randy goes to pick him up and Moose, who has never scratched anyone in his entire tiny life, just claws and bites the SHIT out of him and Kyle’s swooping in to save his son from the clutches of Randy and going “oh my GOD you can’t just SNATCH him he’s just a baby!!!” Like Kyle and Moose are both SEETHING
Randy’s holding his bleeding face all dramatic like “Stan you should keep that little bastard in a cage!” And Towlie goes “the cat or the boyfriend?” Lmfaoooo
Needless to say the visit is cut short smh and Kyle is grinning the whole way home.
Yeah, Moose is not a fan of Randy.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
I am here to drop more nudist Bakugou in your lap that somehow converts you into being a nudist yourself and then somehow has a baby w you that also never wants to wear clothes either. hm. hi caitie ily mwah
oooooh my god... (sorry to diverge immediately but) I'M ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT BAKUGO'S LITTLE NUDIST BABY!!! I think I mentioned it in the tags of one of my barbarian!Bakugo posts... how they'll always be running around, having all this fun in the nude, and when you go to try covering them up... Bakugo is literally trying to stop you LMAOOO.
Tbh, though? Yeah, he is probably like that in every universe. Gets all pouty when you even just mention a shirt or something, because "they don't need that. Lookit, they're having fun," or even, "we're at home. Stop."
...which just fuels your kid to be bare even MORE, since daddy is always on their side and supportive of it.
("But daddy says it's okay," while glaring at you smh.)
And I'm crying laughing at the thought of... having a kid who knows how to take off their own diaper, too. Like idk, maybe they spill something on themselves, or it's hot out, right? So you let them strip down to their undies... only for them to, five seconds later, rip off their diaper and try to hand it to you, too.
Big "I had an accident" vibes except... without the accident. It's just, "mommy, mommy... here. I dun need," and then they're running back off to do whatever wearing ONLY their little sandals LOL. It's the same with clothes, too... but the diaper always goes eventually.
(Thank god Kiri isn't bothered by this and his kids probably do the same LOL. Makes playdates so much less awkward, even if your kid is the bad influence in how they're always the first ones to do it adkjfaksd)
BUT LMAOOOO... gotta be like, "no, baby. Go and give that to daddy." (since he's the reason you're like this). That being said, however... Bakugo's probably all for it and doesn't even mind. Letting the cheeks get some air... "healthy," as he calls it.
Besides, what is life's purpose (not really) if not to watch your offspring run around nakey...? For Bakugo, at least: ACHIEVED. And he's so contented by it. His own lil nakey buddy.
(God... and the first time you're finally comfortable enough to walk around fully naked in front of him... boner immediately. He has to fuck you. It's honestly sorta concerning how caveman-y it makes him LMAOOOO. Love it though.)
anyway, boo bear :((( tysm for this + i love u, too!!! how are u doing? good, i hope!💕💕💕
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kelbunny · 1 year
Hikari's story completed :D
Like with Osvald's/Temenos's ending thoughts it'll be below the cut
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He's kiiiing!
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And his Latent Power has changed ever so slightly. Same abilities, now with 100% less even intrusive murder curse. Bye bye Shadow "Hikari", no one loved you anyways haha.
But more importantly...
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Oh no it comes in a set. There's probably more too.
Also Corupted Mugen be ripping of Winnieheld smh
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6 arms holding each of the different weapon types was her thing buddy.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok we are SO back 1 hour yet again let's get these redeads
EWWWW the weird tree from before is like...birthing them. so gross
ZELDA?????????????? omg evil zelda time!!!
lol how buliara in these voiced cutscenes just grunts. cmon just dont have her here
i saw something flying that looked like a giant dragonfly? but it had limbs? glowing eyes????
and im like: no way. no way no way no way. but i shot it down. killed it with fire. gibdo bones. THEY HAVE INSECT WINGS AND THEY FLYYYYYY
cathy did say "wait for it" when i asked if they were scary. kill it WITH FIRE those bitches are NOT gonna get the jump on me i'm a seasoned veteran
oh wow. theyre called gibdo HIVES. whats worse than redeads? making them BUGS!!!
oooh am i gonna build town defenses...that's really cool
ok. ive prepped!!!! im nervous!!! but we are doing it!!!!!!!!!
absolutely WICKED thunder and lightning happening outside rn. totally rainless. the ambience.......
that was really. really scary
lol and immediately a blood moon. rip.
awww barta let me fire the canon and got scolded lol
EWWWW gibdo WING!!! gross loot
oh man going thru the sand shroud and getting beset upon by redeads...bad. they were shambling slowly and i got em fast but i don't like not being able to see them from a distance
oh my god this light puzzle 🥺 it really IS like the spirit temple...i LOVE that throwback weh
um.......idk what to do at this second pillar lol. do i like turn it? hit it?
sidetracked by a shrine. monsters around it, quicksand, the works. walking in quicksand is CRAZY i just noticed how fast it drains your stamina......
found a travel korok lol. sorry buddy you're gonna have to wait. i cannot see shit
i'm just gonna look up this pillar thing. rip.
YES ok theres a pushing wheel thingy i missed bc of the shroud. ok
tbh thank fuck for my sandboots i could never do this with having to walk slowly
AAAAAA i found more redeads. a trail of arrows stuck in the sand leading up to them...spooky
this puzzle being a triangle <3 triforce iconography
it's fake zelda........................................
i gotta admit, it's less shocking once you know she's really flying around up in the sky lol
oh my god oh my god oh my god THIS IS ITTTTT this is the thing from the trailer!!!!
oh. gibdo hives bad
lightning temple! i knew it would be lightning
weh the music.
my god it's HUGE...i guess i just have to get to the top?
remind me of the pyramid from alttp lol. like The one yk
every time i think i'm at the top i find more layers!! am i even doing this right? if there's a cool way to do it i don't want to miss that...
i made it, but nothing up here...there must be a way inside i'm missing
omg you can blow away sand with tulin's ability lol
ok i went back down and...nothing. i guess i gotta look it up :/
ok, maybe i did it wrong
What The Fuck Is That.
i don't have this desert armor upgraded like at all <3 i'm getting my ass beat <3
lol and now i'm supposed to get to the roof from INSIDE...girl i already did that from OUTSIDE
i wanna see the temple tho so i'm going
oh wow this is AMAZING...this feels like a proper dungeon
there's bones in the hole below this bridge. like, gibdo bones. like loots. feels like a trap
only one way to find out i guess
and a keese wing. no trap. that's so weird has someone been fighting here or something
eugh a redead in this room. as creepy as it is when they shamble just watching them lie there is somehow worse
this bobby trap just scared the SHIT out of me. wtf
just checked my map. this shit has SEVEN FLOORS and a basement??? no wonder the climb took so long.......truly a proper dungeon...........................
A TRAP!!!!! there was a hive in a hole and TREASURE in the hole but i couldn't attack the hive until i got the treasure!!! when i was in the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, im getting ym ass kicked. gotta change back into real armor. much as i love dressing to match the set
this construct did scare the shit out of me btw
OHHHH the mirrors :( just like the spirit temple...
ok, i made it to the temple proper. gotta quit here bc i have an early morning, rip :( i cant waaaait to sink my teeth into this one!!!
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 Live Blogging
They really filmed the episodes for this in parallel and it was fun and chaotic to get all the spoilers for them. This is one my GMMTV's 2023 most anticipated shows, so I'm very excited.
My most anticipated are Bad Buddy, My School President, and The Eclipse. Then, NLMG > 1000 Stars = SIMM > Vice Versa and I don't plan on watching ABAAB. Bad Buddy was my most anticipated when the announcement happened because it's my favourite BL and I miss Pat and Pran so much T.T but since then, My School President has aired and I care about seeing both the characters and actors in that (NobiGun I'm gonna scream for 80 years); I don't care about ONN as a ship for Bad Buddy and I don't really care about seeing more of The Eclipse but rather am mostly excited for KhaoFirst. So now it's MSP > BBS > Eclipse
Never Let Me Go Apr 19, 22, 23
The actual show left me with a meh feeling but I really liked this historical time travel soulmates nonsense. It was cute and fun and I'm happy to have seen Nueng and Palm one more time. Also the Ep 2 part 1 beach kiss from the present time took me by surprise but it was great. Also think it's funny that we traded 1 Dangerous Romance couple in NLMG (Perth/Chimon) for another (Marc/Pawin).
I do like Pond/Phuwin and wonder if they'll get another show next year or not.
Rating: 6.5/10 - same as NLMG
Star In My Mind
I don't care about or remember this show but I like JoongDunk enough and idk, I'm in the mood for cuteness
Ep 1 (Apr 26): they're soo cute and also even though it initially seems like Kluen's always scheming to or pushing for more physical affection from Nuea, Daonuea's the same way with the kissing in part 2 end and part 3 beginning. Daonuea's just a schemer in general (with Maitee and Sean for example) and I like that
Ep 2 (Apr 27): So much more boring rip it's like how Kluen and Nuea got boring in the actual SIMM show once they got together. also sad that we didn't even get Nay/Sean but still had to abandon Sean/Maitee for them rip.
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lower than SIMM
The Eclipse - May 5
It's my first week at work + my laptop charger stopped working, so I didn't watch this during release but am watching on Friday.
Ep 1: My beloved beautiful KhaoFirst back on screen, hello. I'm actually a big lover of established relationships + conflicts in such a relationship, so I like this in theory but I feel like I couldn't quite understand what was going on or what was making them be so irritated at each other and also the characters esp Ayan were a bit ? to me if we compare them to their The Eclipse selves; I think a longer show where we could see patterns of behaviour would've been so good if this was a longer series. Also they're sooo cute in part 4 ahh Ayan trying to make up with sulking Akk and Akk just being like ">:( sometimes you make me feel so good and other times you're horrible"
Ep 2: ahh friendship is magic Akk-Wat-Kan conversation with them wholeheartedly supporting Wat without glorifying his decision - even if his directorial dreams fail, they'll still support him T.T
I got spoiled since ep 1 aired that Aye was planning a surprise while pretending to forget Akk's birthday and yeah, it's dumb to make somebody sad for 2 weeks for a surprise smh also since his friends knew, they should've shaken some sense into him .
Anyway, very horny ending, nice.
Overall: They have some very good things I love (established relationships going through some problems or navigating things, lovely friendships and supportive friends, lots of pecks and cute kisses) with some things that will forever annoy me (I think this sort of "surprise" is bad and mean agh) and also Ayan didn't quite feel like The Eclipse Ayan. The parts that were good made me smile though, I like KhaoFirst a lot.
Tangentially related but now I'm wishing KhaoFirst are in a slightly serious drama about an established couple going through a rocky period - but not like tooooo dramatic or with big consequences like divorce or custody battles or anything. more like alan/wen where they still love each other but keep hurting each other (not via cheating though) and make it back together by the end.
Rating: 6/10 - significantly lower than The Eclipse
Vice Versa - May 10
I get why people keep up with weekly shows, I haven't been able to binge any show since I started work/internship but coming home to watch an episode is fun and doable. But I think this pretty much only works because it's a 2-episode arc that's gonna end the same week rather than watch 1 ep and think abt it the whole week.
Ep 1: I didn't really care about Vice Versa or Puen/Talay or JimmeySea but this episode was fairly cute, good for watching while somewhat paying attention but not really analyzing or thinking. I also liked that the kid shows up like 2/3 of the way in and we get some o the couple being coupley before that
Ep 2: Boring and idc and also slightly annoying with the secret thing
I'm so excited for next week MSPxOurSkyy, idc if people are sad it's the same scenes and not college Tinn/Gun. i’m forever a lover of flipping dynamics + we get Nobigun so i’m hyped
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lowe than VV
My School President
My most anticipated (beat out Bad Buddy because for that one I'm only interested in the characters but not the actors whereas I'm into both the actors and characters here)!!
OST: Love Love Love (May 16) - I smiled through the whole thing! It's It didn't beat out any of my MSP OST faves after 2 listens but that might change later who know
Ep 1 (May 17): They're just cute! Tinn was soooo into Gun knowing how to ride a bike lol. Also the switching of cute scenes among pairs was interesting too, like Tinn/Gun getting the motorbike scene and Sound/Win getting the homework scene.
they made fans guesses with TiwPor secretly dating come true and they're even scheming. that's cute even though i don't really feel any attachment toward TiwPor
Ep 2 (Ep 18): I’m watching MSP Our Skyy and if I liked SoundWin more, the “Why? do you want us to be friends?” reenactment would have done me in fr
Tinn my sparkly-eyed boy!! Gemini's eyes were so beautiful in part 2? 3? when he and Gun were lying down beside each other ah pretty boy. Also, so adorable that Tinn fell first in this universe too and he was so cute talking to his mom when Gun came to the store that first time.
Although to have the previous Our Skyy eps be full of kisses and not even have cheek kisses in this one, forget lips is like why
Overall: The MSP Our Skyy eps are just okay, i don’t think they needed to do a play by play of the original series squished into 2 episodes and they could’ve been more clever if they were set on doing the body switches. I just dont care that much though because I got 2 more hours of TinnGun and also GemFourth
Rating: 6.5/10 - lower than MSP
Bad Buddy (x ATOTS)
MY BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!! ohmnanon this ohmnanon that idcidcidc my beloved PatPran are coming back to me! as are Ink and Pa~~~~
Ep 1 (May 31)
gonna only get to watch part 1 during lunch so I debated just watching it at the end of the day but no, I'm impatient
they're so dumb, they're so cute, they're so horny, I can't handle it my head is in my hands
ink peeling shrimp for pa ah. i love their nonchalance at ruining pran and pat's moment but rubbing it in their face with their own cute feeding moments
phi pran not pat roleplay i die i cry i scream forever
they would not make me witness Pat playing porn in front of everybody, would they?
oh, they would...
ah they're so T.T now it's snow white roleplay
oh pat really would back out, the dumbass is so in love
also they're so bad at hiding this relationship, just handing out on campus in broad daylight, n wonder Prom's character saw them talking from time to time
Pran dumbass pulling the "i like it." "you mean the stars?" "i like you" line ah
kiss kiss kiss !!! what is up with these interruptions !!!!!!! i needed it to be like the eclipse, simm where it's kiss after kiss but somehow my horniests faves are getting no kisses? it won't end up like MSP no kiss right?
oh my godddddd I'm so done, why is Pran overhearing Pat's drunk ribbing at him?
well at least Pran seems to take it more as a challenge rather than getting sad about it
Pat accidentally cuddling and kissing Wai T.T but also they kissed this ep before Pat and Pran did? be fr
Pran really has a kink for embarrassing Pat in public T.T Pran's putting Pat through public humiliation kink
lmao why'd Phupa faint?
not the Pran-Phupha stare and then Pran-Tian staredown pls
next episode nowwwwwww
Ep 2 (June 1)
oh pretty long ep, like 70 mins?
lmfao Pran really getting their in the middle of Phupha and Tian's argument T.T
somehow doesn't feel weird to see Pran in this village and setting of another show. somehow he and Tian conversing just makes sense
oh Pat with his cheekiness, him getting here feels like more of a difference in the setting
ah Pat Pran i love them
Tian clocked them in 1 second
I didn't really like Phupha in the original ATOTS, let's see if I'll care about him now
not Phupha Tian arguing about who threw themself at who first T.T
these fuckers T.T running Pran around to get the other to admit they liked the other first
"following what's in the diary" ep 7 flashbacks, Pat Pran are experts at doing cute couply things without just admitting that they're both liking it and doing it
silly boys T.T playing in water soooo cute
ah fucking mosquito net phupha-tian roleplay T.T finally a kiss but why would Pran push him away T.T they kissed with ease in Bad Buddy, what is this
askldfjalskdjfakldsfj they're soooo horny "have you ever wondered how much this can withstand the shake?" adsfsadfkl but they won't even kisssssssssss
Pat's obsession with smelling Pran
ah Bad Buddy song - secret
ngl I wish this was a little less about Phupha-Tian and more about Pat-Pran since it's still their week of Our Skyy
lmfao pls not Pat and Phupha waking up shirtless beside each other also are you guys stupid really counting down to check if they have their pants on
girl what's happening
Cute and fun and I love PatPran, so I wish there was a bit more of them than there actually was. Can't believe I only watched this because I'd get to watch it weekly but instead I have to wait until next week D: Though at least it's good that we get PatPran for 1 whole week instead of just 2 days.
A Tale of Thousand Starts (x Bad Buddy)
I finished The Devil Judge on Monday and was still in that sort of mood on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'm gonna binge both episodes from this week on Thursday - the last Our Skyy episode day.
Ep 1 (June 8)
fucking smell kink freak Pat
this ep is kinda boring ngl
these horny mfers really fucked in the tent lmfao
bro this ep is just annoying like why is everybody getting lost and both Tian and Phupha are just annoying characters this whole crossover
Mostly a boring (and repetitive - why get lost twice in the woods smh) episode except for certain Pat/Pran moments ah my beloveds
Ep 2 (June 8)
won't like i'm just skipping through the second half of part 1 bc I don't care about Phupha/Tian and I'm bored already
watched a bit more of part 2 bc they were cute enough
is that the P'Aof cameo as the solider in the play
lol Pat as Tian and Pran as Phupha cute
plssss InkPa at the back - I wish they were there a biiit more
Pa heckling them to kiss and Wai + Korn making it happen pls
wtf the WaiKorn? did they acc kiss?
yaas PatPran as PhuphaTian kiss even though we haven't got a regular PatPran good kiss except that 1 surprise one
yeahhh kiss as Pat and Pran or I kill you - oh this is the finger-sucking scene, horny bastards okay we did get a kiss
plsss my beloved Pa pee interruption scene recreated
oh, I don't give a fuck about engagements
Okay yeah sure idk Pat and Pran are great as expected but the first ep of this week was fairly boring (and mostly Pat and Pran apart) and 2nd ep was Phupha/Tian heavy (That's expected)
Rating: 6.5/10 for both weeks BBSxATOTS eps
In the end, some were good, some were meh, some I was disappointed by but oh well. It was still fairly fun and I liked watching it weekly since I get a new story every week. NLMG = MSP = BBSxATOTS > Eclipse > SIMM = Vice Versa
Rating: 6/10
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missiodei · 1 year
I need ride the line and vibe check STAT SIR
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
Ride the Line
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks) 💗💗💗💗💗
He loves a fellow man in uniform and even his off duty attire he can admire. Big fan of the leather on him especially; loves staring at his piercings and likes the cocky lil grin he's always wearing even if it makes him mad.
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them) 💗💗💗
Listen... He would not ever call Havero his friend BUT Havero knows more about him than anyone and if that's not gay and friendly I don't know what is.. He DOES consider Havero to be close to him.. Close enough that he's had thoughts like "If he ever leaves/betrays me I'll have to kill him and not just off principle... 🤨He knows too much.."
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them) 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Havero is so good at getting him riled up and he will die MAD about it.
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship) 💗💗💗💗💗
Everybody point and laugh at Clay cause he got caught slip slidin in his feelings. He won't let me elaborate further.
Vibe Check
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks) 💗💗💗💗💗
He's complaining about his silly little cat fits, socks and goofy ass shirts but he likes it he thinks Kitten looks good in them.. He thinks his glowy skin huge fangs and splayed out hair is so cute but he will pose his compliments as insults. smh
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them) 💗💗💗💗💗
Kitten got access to his baby pics... They buddies. And it's true Aessyr does indulge Kitten's cravings for cartoon marathons and even his outfit requests for him to put on (or rip off). He certainly does enjoy Kitten's company I think he genuinely would be bored if it wasn't for him and Domino.
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them) 💗💗💗💗💗
... Aessyr is constantly thinking about having his face buried between Kitten's legs smh.
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship) 💗💗💗💗
He likes what they got going on and that says a lot. LOL He really doesn't get attached to folks but it's true Kitten FEEDS his ego so badly and he does like spending time with him so..
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tripleaxeldiaz · 1 year
its been a fun ride rip buddie....:( just cause of one bts pic
so many QUITTERS’ ATTITUDES in this fandom smh. half of these people have been in the true trenches i know that just from all the whining
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rosemariad · 1 year
SPN Season 8
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Dean & Cas ended up in purgatory 😨
But Cas had disappeared just before the end of the S7 finale, so its going to be interesting to see where he went. Dean, meanwhile is totally fucked up, which makes sense cuz he was stuck in purgatory for a year. To me, he's become more militant than ever, like his father was after John lost Mary. Doubt John would have worked with a vampire but it seems like new ally Benny was Dean's only way out of there so 🤷
Interesting that Dean said purgatory was pure to him. I guess it was basically simplifying his life down to fighting monsters and having someone at his side to help him through. Also I interpreted it as he was so far removed from normal life, for conventional norms and societal expectations. The rules were different in purgatory, which was basically to survive, no matter what, which Dean managed to do the whole time he was there. So anything else he did, didn't really matter, because everything/everyone else around him was a monster, supernatural creatures, who don't care about anything humans do. In a way, you could say Dean was free to be whoever he wanted to be, just you know in a place full of ravenous beasts.
Sam buddy, how could you neglect Kevin like that, smh 🙄, he was counting on you. Did his new ex-girlfriend die by the way? Cuz considering Sam's track record, my money's on dead.
When they were interrogating the prisoner and Dean flashbacked to his time in purgatory interrogating a monster, yikes. Yup, Dean is definitely fucked up. I mean more so than before.
Kevin's mom may be a tiger mom, but she is a total badass 😎
We finally see Cas again, it was cute seeing Dean hug Cas after finding him again. It made sense that Cas would be on the run to protect Dean, but it would be nicer to see them survive together. Maybe we'll see that in the next couple of episodes?
Garth came back! It was nice to see him again. I guess his Bobbyisms (that's what I'm calling it) were his way to honor Bobby since he's dead 😔 RIP Bobby.
Dean yelled at him :/ not cool Dean, but Garth stood up to him, good on you Garth!
Cas returned to the world finally. But I agree him just showing up again out of nowhere is hella shady, but of course heaven is behind it. We meet Naomi, who seems controlling and manipulative like all the other heavenly beings on the show, so greaaat!
Poor Samandriel 😔
Cas is still taking things so literally, its hilarious!
Cas wants to be a hunter like the Winchesters. But they were so mean to him, being all condescending like yeah we get it Cas is an odd fellow who doesn’t know how interact with humans or understand their behavior as only fellow humans do. The cartoon stuff was interesting, something new and funny.
Benny's a great grandpa? Are we just going to ignore that? Dean you think you slick not telling the vampire you hit on his descendant? That storyline had a tragic end, doubt we'll be seeing his great granddaughter again…
Sam and his overarching story with this latest girlfriend of his - I'm just waiting for the part where she dies - again nothing personal that’s just what I’ve come to expect. That was cold of Dean to make Sam think Amelia was in danger. Like dude the what the hell. If it had been Dean, worse shit would have popped off.
😭 Samandriel is still getting tortured, so again I say, poor Samandriel and then he gets killed by Cas who was getting mini flashbacks of being tortured himself by Naomi. Poor little angel dudes 🥺
The LARP episode! I was looking forward to this one! I know about Dean's actor falling in the blooper reel, they made it into a whole thing in the conventions around the time… 😂
Charlie’s back, and as the queen of the LARPing stuff. Cool! But she got her chances of getting with a fairy ruined by the Winchesters, of course!
When Charlie and Dean mentioned the same porn star by name 😂🤣🤣
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That little Braveheart scene at the end was so corny 🤣
It was interesting and somewhat ironic that Sam and Dean meet their grandpa who they never knew of, since their dad lost contact with him when he was really young, and that he was part of this (club?) group called the Men of Letters who are apparently this organization with books on supernatural creatures, spells, etc. their grandpa had no respect for regular hunters 🤣🤣🤣🤣
RIP Grandpa Winchester. And we have a new villain – Abbadon
Kevin you poor bastard, all isolated and run ragged from your duties as a prophet. He really got a raw deal when Castiel plucked him into this shit.
Sarah noooooooo RIP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And Castiel, honey you should know better. I mean the minute that bitch ass Metatron was talking about trials and what has to be done, I knew he was playing you. Honey no!!!! 😔🤦🏾‍♀️
One last thing - y’all thought I’d forget didn’t you. I could never!!!
Dean buddy - wtf is up this season.
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First you stay a whole ass year for an angel you were previously mad at.
You had some sort of intense relationship (I’m not even sure what to call it) with benny the vamp (I felt like there was so much more unseen)
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A guy flirts with you when you’re acting as an FBI agent, and it flusters you completely, referring to it henceforth as ‘your gay thing’ in tones that make it seem commonplace. Is it commonplace, Dean? Cuz Sam wasn’t the only one who did a double-take
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When Castiel beats you and has you on your knees, you beg him telling him you need him. OML!
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You get all sad when Naomi says you’re expecting Cas to return to you UGH!
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Seriously WTF Dean?!?!?!?!
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chaosiztrendy · 2 years
I'm in love with him. He says all the stuff he assumes I want to hear to keep the charade going. Its been over a year. I'm seeing the sham that is our relationship and I want peace. I don't want to wonder who he's sexting at work or planning to meet for a hook up when he visits his fam back home. I don't want him to delete his tinder or stop getting on chat to initiate more sext buddies. By all means be you. I'm just tired of the lying and when I say we should end things, I don't understand your need to keep up with the show. It's all very confusing when it doesn't have to be. Right? I end this like ripping off a band-aid and then boom go through the process of losing another friend, letting go of sincere heartfelt feelings for someone. It's scary. Yet here I am starting this note of raw thoughts all while you sit there in front of me on the bed playing halo. Still with your claims of love for me smh. I'm dumbfounded why you don't just go when you clearly feel nothing for me. Going in circles...
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bumbleclan · 10 months
BumbleClan: Moons 31-33
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One very long wait later, we got another quarter of a year in! Sorry it took so long, you know how it is- onto the update!
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Rainkit has tiny little paws....damn he sure does
Mudfur tries to enjoy some time under the sun, but Claykit and Poppykit are working together to pester her to play with them. Flowerpaw attempts to ask her what it's like being an elder. "Just great." she replies, voice dripping in sarcasm.
Stoatskips eavesdrops on Quartermoon. The older she-cat is feeling underappreciated if u mfs do NOT start appreciating my girl-
Hazelbloom and Buzzardpoppy make plans to visit the medicine cats. Hopefully it's not something serious.
Yewpaw daydreams about the day he becomes a warrior....one day buddy i believe in u
Howlfoot wonders how Mistykit is doing, the small kit is still cooped up in the medicine den :(
From StarClan, Moonthistle is looking to visit Kokichi in a dream... ruh roh?
Outside Clan territories, Whisker thinks they saw Razzle earlier today, but the kittypet recently coward back into his Twoleg den to hide from a strange noise he heard, so it's unlikely.
CW: Cat Injury | we make it another quarter with no deaths, but some folks get kinda beat up
Moon 31
Mistykit has recovered from kittencough! Just in time for the ceremony!
While he was excited for it, it takes a bit of coaxing from his mother for Mistykit to exit the nursery to come with his siblings to the tree trunk. Shenzibat watches with pride as Sunstar names them apprentices. Poppypaw looks bored, but as she touches noses with Brokenspots, on the inside she's bouncing for joy as if she's still a small kit! Rainpaw touches noses with Stoatstalk, tail lifted high. Mistypaw watches his siblings and their new mentors leave for the clearing, and nervously touches noses with his own mentor, Buzzardpoppy, before joining them.
Stoatskip feels like a small litter is on the way, and promptly moves to the nursery in preparation.
Featherfoot, Flowerpaw, and Haventail have recovered from their sores. As the three join the other medicine cats in herb inspection, it's noted that they'll also have to keep an eye out for mullein this moon, as some of the stock went bad.
Mudfur gots a running nose :(( world cruel to little old ladies
After the ceremony, Sunstar picks up some fresh-kill for her and Gracklegorse to share, the leader and deputy spend the afternoon chatting, Sunstar letting out a long purr at one of her mate's lame jokes.
What she doesn't notice in this time, however, is Claykit sneaking out of camp. Hazelbloom's not gonna forgive this one i think
Golddawn is spreading rumors about Shenzibat???? what'd she do to you wtf she had a fight with Mistypaw before the ceremony but she's literally helping Mudfur get burrs out of her fur right now.
Kokichi also heard a rumor about Yewpaw... was that you too Golddawn what da hell girl
Pong got into a fight with Sunstar??? hellaur...... just after I read that Brokenspots feels safe around you....smh
Howlfoot also took the last of Valentino's favorite nesting material. rip
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Thoughts and In-Camp Actions:
Golddawn plays with some wind-swept catmint... again. Featherfoot and Squirrelface successfully bring back mallow and tansy to the herb stores, and the latter leaves the medicine den to check up on the warriors, while Featherfoot tries to talk to Golddawn about how he would be involved more in combat, the older she-cat does not hear him.
Plumshine tries to set a good example to the newly appointed apprentices. They pay the cat no mind. Mistypaw feeling rather lazy on his first day, and Poppypaw seeking out Flowerpaw for some older apprentice advice. Rainpaw is thinking about a time he caught a huge rabbit... That was a dream, of course, and the young cat hasn't gone out hunting yet.
Stoatstalk, in his usual bachelor fashion, has received multiple invitations to share tongues, and is trying to decide which one to take.
Brokenspots stands tall, hoping Sunstar has finally noticed her improvement with her newly found status as mentor.
Outside the Clan, Whisker is glad he chose a life of freedom, noooo but ur retirement plan bestieeee come onnnnn
From StarClan, Fawnroot saw Pong's fight with Sunstar, and is highly disappointed in the warrior. Runnelkit meanwhile has been walking in the dreams of Quartermoon for a few nights now
Gracklegorse has Stoatstalk lead a patrol consisting of the newly appointed mentors and apprentices to check on the borders. While passing under the canopy, Brokenspots alerts her fellow warriors of some suspecious pawprints in the mud. Stoatstalk boldly follows the trail to a tresspassing rogue, Buzzardpoppy commands the apprentices to stick back, and the three warriors fight off the intruder until they flee out of BumbleClan territory.
Howlfoot and Kokichi decide to take Yewpaw out for some training, Squirrelface requests for them to gather some herbs while they're out as well if they could find any. While on the hunt for said herbs, Yewpaw stumbles across a bush or bright red berries. He recognizes them as raspberries and gathers a pawful to bring back to camp, receiving praise from the medicine cats for properly identifying the berries.
Golddawn notices Pong glaring at Sunstar with an odd look in her eye, and offers for the young warrior to join her in gathering some herbs as a distraction. Pong agrees, and the two set out to gather moss. Golddawn leads the way to the best moss patch she knows of, and the two make quick work cutting off bits and pieces to put into their respective piles - once the piles become mouthfuls, they pick up the bundles and start back towards camp.
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Golddawn informs Quartermoon of the fight between Pong and Sunstar earlier this moon, and while the warrior isn't ready to face the leader quite yet, she's willing to sit down with the older medicine cat and talk through things.
Plumshine and Valentino set out to go hunting, as they treck through the territory, Valentino comes across a rabbit burrow. He tells Plumshine to go on ahead, and waits next to it, still as stone, until... bam! They pounce the unsuspecting rabbit before it has time to flee.
Featherfoot and Squirrelface stroll through the forest, chatting while they embark for an herb patch the medicine cats haven't visited in a while. Squirrelface lets out a humming noise, "Say... Have you ever thought much about death? Your own, that is." the tomcat swishes his tai "... No, I can't say I have." he mews back "Not past knowing I'll go to StarClan in the end.". It certainly makes for an interesting conversation, and it's all too soon that they have their mouths too full of betony and moss to continue.
Hazelbloom and Shenzibat invite Haventail and her apprentice, Flowerpaw, to join them on a hunting trip. Flowerpaw agrees before Haventail, excited to do something outside of helping the medicine cats. Once they exit camp, Hazelbloom brings up a rumor she's been hearing about a badger denning somewhere in BumbleClan territory. Carefully considering their options, Shenzibat proposes they set up a stakeout outside the supposed den. Once dusk arrives, and the badger pokes it's head above the ground, the patrol is prepared, and everyone turns for home in unison. The cats fade into the underbrush before the predator even has the chance to blink the sleep out of its eyes.
Sunstar has a crazed look in her eyes. Gracklegorse offers for her to join him on one last round around the territory before the sun sets. She agrees, and the two set out. While walking along the border, they catch sight of an OatClan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead. When they get close enough to cross paths, the patrol leader gives Sustar a respectful nod, which she returns. The two patrols refocus on their tasks without stopping for conversation, but there is a feeling of mutual respect in the air.
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Mudfur tells the story of how she lost her tail to a very interested Claykit. the young kit has tears in her eyes
While the apprentices take a break from their training, Howlfoot has a few of them engaged in a very, very tall tale. Mistypaw listens intently as he sunbaths, and Rainpaw is taking mental notes as he picks burrs from his pelt. Stoatstalk watches form afar, wanting to get to know his adopted sister a little better.
Plumshine has been caught faking a bellyache, and is getting a stern lecture from the medicine cats.
Kokichi wonders how Featherfoot is doing. well he's currently thinking abt taking on a new apprentice and I mean there's Claykit still and she has some little siblings on da way- i believe in u featherfoot...
Outside camp, Whisker feels as if they saw Buzzardpoppy recently... pspspspspsps come hoooome cmooon
From the comfort of his Twoleg home... Razzle has gotten stuck under the couch. this is so sad
From StarClan, Fawnroot watches over the Clan, and Moonthistle looks to send a message to Stoatskip...? inch resting
(Bonus) CLAYKIT IS SCARED OF SUNSTAR??? why :((( she is so silly and nice
Moon 32:
Sunstar gazes proudly at her son, Yewpaw. He had spent this entire apprenticeship helping the Clan, and handled his sister graduating before him well, and so, with a nose touched to his forehead, she names him Yewsong for his altruism.
Squirrelface, who recently always seems to have herbs stuck to her, was bitten by a snake, but has miraculously survived!
In the quiet of the nursery, in a nest they've spent so long preparing, Stoatskip and Hazelbloom welcome a litter of two kits, Goldkit and Burrkit. While gathering horsetail to help with the birth, the medicine cats notice the lungwort has gone back, they will need to restock soon. Once the stress of the birth is over, Hazelbloom pulls Claykit close to help pick burrs out of her fur, it may or may not have been the inspiration for her younger sibling's name.
Haventail heads out for a walk, keeping and eye out for lungwort after asking Featherfoot what herbs she should keep and eye out for, and gets her paw stuck in a twoleg trap. She manages to get out and returns to camp gravly injured. Yewsong finds Hazelblooms choice of name for his kit annoying. well good thing its not YOUR kit huh
Featherfoot jokes about OatClan's scent with Pong, and also shares a complaint of his regarding Quartermoon, which the mediator overhears. In her mix of emotions, they end up getting in a spat with Buzzardpoppy over a pice of fresh-kill. Buzzardpoppy then gets into a fight with Rainpaw. horrible chain-reaction there.
Stoatskip talks to Golddawn, confessing that their second kit is in fact named after the elder, and goes to spar with Shenzibat after the conversation. Estatic at the news, Golddawn misses Gracklegorse when going to pick up the last of his favorite nesting material, drawing the ire of the deputy. He decides not to confront her, however.
Mudfur thinks Shenzibat hasn't been entirely honest with the Clan about her recent whereabouts lately. Poppypaw doesn't seem to care too much, thinking the warrior was nice today :)
Kokichi and Brokenspots share the latest gossip the older cat overheard over the border, before he goes to check on Squirrelface, and the two talk about recent Clan happenings.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
returning to camp with a bundle of dandelion and betony, Featherfoot looks to apologize to Quartermoon. Golddawn successfully gathers mullein, despite hearing the voice of Bushrush in her head.
Gracklegorse is also looking to talk to Quartermoon, but the older cat is currently working out Pong and Sunstar's differences, While Pong is stubborn in her dislike for the leader, she's able to trust her a little more.
Valentino eavesdrops on Stoatstalk while the younger warrior spars with Yewsong and Kokichi, what they're eavesdropping for is anyones guess.
After Squirrelface and Haventail's accidents, Buzzardpoppy offers to gather herbs for the medicine den in his sisters stead.
Howlfoot has been caught imitating her mother's behavior a couple times. cuuuuuuuuuuuute
In the apprentice's den, Flowerpaw gossips with Mistypaw as they sharpen their claws. Poppypaw talks about a large rabbit she caught a while back, which makes Rainpaw hungry.
From StarClan, Fawnroon looks to send a message to Stoatskip....about what he just got done giving birth
Gracklegorse confides in Sunstar, doubting his abilities as deputy. To help lift her mate's spirits, she takes them out of camp to train, the older she-cats insecurities don't fully deminish, but it did cheer him up a little. The two walk back to camp in a slightly better mood.
Howlfoot feels a sense of dread as Pong heads out to hunt alone, the warrior previously contemplating to her if she could kill a fox all by herself, Howlfoot decides to follow somewhat behind to keep an eye on her. Thankfully, no foxes show up, and Pong returns to camp none the wiser of her secret patrol companion with a large rabbit in her mouth.
Kokichi takes up mentoring Flowerpaw while his mentor is in the medicine den, and, much to the apprentice's dismay, takes him to accompany Featherfoot in some herb gathering. He tasks the two cats to assist him in gathering plaintain. Flowerpaw feels it more as their clearing a path than gathering herbs, but grows less irritated the more they gather, and the three return to camp with a decent stock of it.
Stoatstalk and the felow mentors take their apprentices out on a hunting patrol. As they walk along the border lines, the patrol hears a strange noise coming form the bush. Mistypaw takes the lead and checks it out, only to come face to face with an angry fox! While he backpedaled before it could bite his face off, it still manages to take a good bite at his leg before the rest of the patrol can back him up.
Golddawn goes out to attend one of the grimmer jobs of a medicine cat- tending to the grounds where BumbleClan mourns their dead. Hazelbloom offers to accompany her on this, which the older she-cat agrees. While there's nothing different about the place, Golddawn always feels that the greif and love their Clanmates express here has seeped into every corner. The two cats tidy the grounds, gathering rosemary as they work. Golddawn thinks it feels appropriate for the plant to grow here, when it's herbs are used to cover the scent of death.
Thoughts Before the New Moon:
Gracklegorse organizes some final patrols, checking in with Sunstar to see if they seem right to her. She isn't really hearing that much of it, has she's kind of been zoned out most of the day. Rainpaw approaches the deputy to see if he needs any help, which they happily accept and use it as a good teaching moment for the young apprentice about patrols.
Stoatskip silently contemplates the Clan's ancestroy while Golddawn enters the nursery to check on him and the kits, she gives a warm smile to Goldkit as he mewls for what the two older cats assume is milk. What their unaware of is that the late Runnelkit stumbled into the kits dreams on accident the previous night.
Squirrelface interprets an omen from her spot in the medicine den while Featherfoot walks around camp to check on the warriors. Yewsong enters afterwards to help organize the herb storage.
Pong mentions to Featherfoot that she's felt the need to wash her paws a lot lately, and that she saw Shenzibat leave camp without talking to anyone but where she could be going. The medicine cat thanks her and tells her to update him on if her paws get further irritated.
Plumshine and Valentino are feeling sassy today. oooooooo
In the apprentice's den, Poppypaw is basking in the sun while Flowerpaw frets over an assessment the warriors gave to him. Outside the Clan. Razzle is missing Whisker, who just got invited to spend the night with a group of loners! good for him now pspspps come join the clan thanks
I totally didn't restart the game to save rainpaw from certain doom at the cost of mistypaw's leg. anyway onto the next moon-
Moon 33: Leaf-Bare
Mudfur's nose has cleared up, and watches Claykit from a distance as she is named apprentice. Claypaw bounds over to Shenzibat to touch noses with her new mentor. Mudfur doesn't entirely understand the choice, but notices that Stoatskip might be even more against the idea, seeing the tom glare Shenzibat's way, keeping his kits close by him.
Kokichi overhears Buzzardpoppy complain that Flowerpaw isn't very helpful around camp, and assigns the older apprentice to help fix up Mudfur's nest, much to Flowerpaw's dismay. Claypaw disagrees with Buzzardpoppy, however, and offers to help Flowerpaw out!
Chain reaction of some kind: Kokichi tells off Featherfoot for checking on him too much, and he wants to spend more time with Pong, who just got into a fight with Quartermoon. whats going on here.
Hazelbloom got into a fight with Mistypaw over a feather...Gracklegorse somehow finds Mistypaw to be the annoying one despite Hazelbloom being the older cat in this situation??? hellaur.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Squirrelface, Haventail, and Mistypaw are all treated with wild garlic for their wounds, unfortunately, there's only one left in stores, and Golddawn and Featherfoot failed to find anything in their start of the moon patrol. Golddawn hopes that StarClan gives them a good sign soon.
Shenzibat hopes to set a better example to the younger cats, now that she has a apprentice of her own. Perhaps Sunstar knew that giving her more responsibility would help keep her out of trouble?
Yewsong, Stoatstalk, and Hazelbloom spar in camp while the apprentices watch. Flowerpaw is nervous about upcoming patrols, but Buzzardpoppy assures him that today will be a good one. Brokenspots watches the sparring warriors a little further back, pondering what Hazelbloom might be thinking about.
Claypaw isn't paying attention to the sparring though, instead is eating her fresh-kill near the medicine den while Haventail tells her a tall-tale. Rainkit is with them, but is also keeping a close eye on the spar, and a closer eye on Brokenspots, wanting to get to know his brother's mentor a bit more!
Outside of Clan borders, Razzle feels he saw Whiskers again, but isn't entirely sure. Whisker herself is hiding under an old barn, wishing newleaf to come around already.
Things are rather down in StarClan, Fawnroot is missing Sunstar, Moonthistle is sad to see how much the Clan has changed without him. And poor Runnelkit is wishing she got to be a medicine cat. i WILL reincarnate you i promise just let me find the right cat--
Shenzibat takes Claypaw out for her first hunt, and the two find a pair of squirrels chasing one another across the forest floor. Taking the oppertunity, Shenzibat teaches Claypaw how to properly remain undetected, and, with the squirrels distracted, they both successfully catch one. Hazelbloom gives Claypaw praise for the catch.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse lead a patrol, taking Stoatstalk and Buzzardpoppy with them, along with the two toms' apprentices. The patrol discuss the badger that has been found denning in the territory a few moons ago, and decide to go and check and see if it's still there. They locate the den and begin sniffing along the outside, when a rustle is heard-- the badger emerges, more confused than the cats are surprised. A rush of confused claws and flying fur fills the area as the patrol scatters and the beast charges for them. Poppypaw's leg is injured in the process, but everyone makes it home safe... Including the badger.
Brokenspots notices Burrkit attempting to sneak out of camp, but quickly stops the kit alongside Rainpaw. It's far too cold for her to leave the safety of the nursery, and the two escort her back to Stoatskip, who gives his daughter a proper scolding. Brokenspots worries for Burrkit, noticing the symptoms of her headache. Rainpaw feels a sense of dread, thankful they they spotted her before it was too late. Fawnroot watches the incident. and plans to warn Brokenspots of something.
Golddawn and Featherfoot exit camp, determined to find herbs this time around. But, while exploring, they find a nice rock to sunbathe on, and seize the chance to take a break and warm up a bit. Unfortunately, they doze off, and it's far too late to gather any herbs by the time they awake.
With her apprentice and his mentor both stuck in the medicine den, Brokenspots offers to train Flowerpaw, and the older apprentice happily agrees. Once they reach the clearing, Brokenspots declares that nows a good time to practice his climbing skills! Flowerpaw quickly picks up her tips, and backs it to the top of the bare tree and back down with ease.
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Brokenspots and Haventail have a long discussion, with Quartermoon there to mediate. It goes extremely well, and both she-cats find themselves quite fond of each other.
Hazebloom and Kokichi catch scent of a fox out on their hunt, and track it down to find the stocky animal feasting on a small deer carcass. Fresh-kill like that is perfect for this early into leaf-bare. The two cats leap into battle, but with just the two of them they begin to tire quickly keeping the fox on the defensive. In a swift act of bravery, Hazelbloom ducks under it's jaws and seeks her teeth into the fox's throat. It's not that deep of a bite, but enough for the fox to give up and flee.
Valentino, Pong, and Plumshine head out to patrol the border, coming across a OrioleClan patrol renewing their own scent marks up ahead. Valentino and the patrol leader give each other a quick nod of acknowledgement as they pass by before they both refocus on their own tasks.
Howlfoot and Yewsong go out for one final hunt before dusk sets, and discover a Thunderpath running through the forest. Paying attention to the sounds of upcoming monsters and the vibrations on the ground, the two cross it and continue their hunt successfully, though they find an alternate route back to camp when it starts to get dark.
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Final Thoughts:
In StarClan, Fawnroot plans out his message to Brokenspots, and Runnelkit looks to warn Poppypaw about the badger, but Moonthistle gently informs her that it's too late, but Poppypaw is okay.
Rainpaw is dreaming abt having a mate and kits someday.....awh.......
Flowerpaw attempts to eavesdrop on Buzzardpoppy, but the warrior isn't saying a lot, preferring to be left alone today.
Goldkit has tiny little paws. just so you know.
Pong looks to the medicine den, wondering if Featherfoot has gotten any prophecies, lucky for us, he has! He's interpreting one right now.
Outside the territory, Whisker chows down on some food given to him by a Twoleg. The first moon of leaf-bare is over with no casualties, but the winter cold isn't over yet...
Okay! So! 4 Injured guys! Not Great start to leaf-bare. Hopefully this does not lead to anything bad happening start of next moon. I hope you guys enjoyed, and sorry for the long wait again!
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icharchivist · 1 year
Belial: Ah, Lucifer! Just so! Perfect, free of desire, innocent of sin...
And then hates on Lucifer and doesn't try to... Corrupt him? 🧐 My day is ruined, damnit. Also since Lucifer is observing evolution and given that sex is required part for population to survive over time, I think he knows what's going on and as research buddy, he would be perfectly fine with life presentation smh Belial just needed to ask damnit
Also the more I learn about Lu Woh, he is just so 🥺 I saw his sidescrolling lines, so sweet 🥺 lil baby, so caring 🥺
I will never forgive Belial wasting occasion like that!
Also in these lil comics, appeared plushies of Six Dragons and Orologia was saying something 🥺 yes, Logia, make these plushies in game and give MC 🥺
I suppose since Lucifer is the blueprint of why he hates it so much and it was before he really went down the "gotta corrupt people" path, it never occured to him there. And he probably hates Lucifer so much because of all of this that he doesn't even want to consider it sobs.
and. and i'm not even going to touch on the sex thing 😭
And ooooh 🥺 he seems very the caring type, i should really read his FE when i get the chance.
rip Belial he doesn't know what's good for us.
i've seen people on twitter joke around that Logia would probably, secretly, leave us gift during our life (like around bday and stuff) and someone replied to it "bro who do you think is giving us our daily login rewards" and i've been in shamble ever since. It's my canon now. The rewards are brought by Logia who wants us to thrive and be happy, they pass them out so that Vyrn is the one who finds them and gives them to us but that's it... i'm just very emo about it. Logia spoiling us...
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turnip-o-lantern · 2 years
When you listen to foundations of decay so much your left earbud is like decay? Ok got ir will do
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