#(ages are specific for no reason insert whatever ages you need)
bigothteddies · 19 days
oh and btw, that 39 year old telling you how mature you are for your age is a manipulation tactic. It’s not a compliment.
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flowersadida · 5 months
I know people have already talked about this topic, but I want to too.
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There are a lot of jokes on the Internet about how Katara constantly mentions her mother as if it were the most important event, but...
Isn't that so? I mean, in the life of a little eight-year-old girl, this is truly the most important event in her life and she wants to share it.
Katara took on the role of an adult too early, and she didn't have the opportunity to work through this problem with anyone, because she's already an adult => she cannot afford to rely on someone. But she needs it, and that's what traveling with Aang gives her: the opportunity to find children like her and share with them the burden that she has been carrying all this time. Note that Haru, Jet, and even Zuko are people who not only have experienced loss, but also have some kind of responsibility for others: for their family or even for a group of people. She doesn't tell adults about this because she isn't looking for care, she's looking for understanding of her feelings.
The problem is that it's not enough for her. Her sadness turns to rage because the further the story goes, the less satisfied Katara becomes.
The closer the heroes get to the end of the war, the more angry Katara gets: first at her father, then more specifically at Zuko. And, in the end, she finds the cause of this anger, as well as the opportunity to satisfy the thirst for understanding of her grief - the murderer of her mother. She needed revenge not just because it was fair, but because from the very beginning of the series, Katara was looking for an opportunity to calm those feelings that were rushing out. And her attempts to do this by expressing the problem were not enough. She needed more, and she got it by facing the biggest monster in her life.
In general, the “monster” metaphor obviously speaks not only about Yon Ra, but also about Katara herself. Or rather about her anger. Judge for yourself: she had to restrain a storm of emotions from the age of eight; she began to reveal her grief only in the first season, that is, at the age of 14. She ignored her pain, pushing it deep inside until it became a raging monster rushing out. And what Katara really needed was to face it. So when she flies to find Yon Ra, she also finally meets the version of herself that she has carefully ignored and hidden for the benefit of others.
It's funny that Zuko is the one who helps her. In general, it was his complete understanding of Katara in this matter that amazed me. He, like no one else, knows what it’s like to face your inner demons and knows how useful it is for knowing yourself. And how dangerous it is when you're alone in it. So he accompanies her to keep her safe. So that she has a person on her side who will be there, no matter what choice she makes. He will support anyone. (I'm crying because of how beautiful it is wasgffv💖)
(A small antikataang insert: this is the reason why their relationship doesn't work. Aang only supports the right decisions, even if they require Katara to sacrifice inner harmony, while Zuko will simply support her for whatever choice she makes. It's funny because Aang has to keep balance and as a monk he knows a lot about that. The show focuses heavily on the theme of yin and yang, that is, the balance of good and evil. In order to achieve internal balance, Katara needed to turn to internal evil, because she tilted this scale towards good. She was imbalanced to begin with, and instead of understanding this, Aang insisted on continuing the preponderance of good. It’s as if he doesn’t understand that the preponderance of good is as bad as the preponderance of evil, and this will only harm Katara. I hope my point is clear)
Finally, Katara finds inner peace when she faced everything that was raging inside her, when she did what she needed and poured out everything she ever wanted. Every word about her mother led us to this moment, as did Katara herself.
And do you know what the point is? Why am I telling all this? It's all a character arc that unfolds linearly over three seasons.
Now think back to the arc of Aang, the main character of the show, in relation to his family. Did he bring them up in seasons two and three in a way that was linear? I mean, the one who constantly grieves over his father's death should have been Aang, because he learned the pain of loss so recently, he didn't have a chance to get used to it. But even in the episode SR, Aang compares the loss of mother not to the loss of his mentor and father, but to the loss of Appa and his people. It’s as if he doesn’t care about the individual connection with Gyatso and it’s nominal.
Katara, on the other hand, has emotions that she smoothly carries throughout the show and resolves in it. She has a huge number of Chekhov's guns, which each fire at its own time. Her feelings about her mother, the development of these emotions and their resolution are the most beautiful thing about this show along with Zuko's arc (even though I have problems with him in book 3).
And making derogatory jokes about it like Katara is whining and annoying is blasphemy. After all, she's the only one of the Gaang who has a single development arc throughout all three seasons, this must be respected
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fuck-customers · 5 months
Kind of a fuck customers but also a satisfying story at the same time.
My role in the call center I work in involves taking specifically corporate calls, which means I spend all day talking to “business professionals” (and I use that term loosely) including CEOs. As you can imagine, over 90% of these CEOs are the scum of the earth and the most entitled assfaces on the planet.
A week or so ago, I took a call and went through my usual routine of greeting the cardholder and then began going over verification questions. Since we’re A.) a bank and B.) a bank that handles corporate and government credit cards, we take security seriously and require a caller to be able to verify 3 pieces of information based on what the person responsible for their credit cards put on the account. If they don’t pass, we refer them to their company to get the right details.
So as I’m doing this, the guy on the phone is getting increasingly irritated as he keeps getting the security questions wrong. I’m calm and professional the entire time but firm. Eventually I run out of things to verify with him and tell him that we won’t be able to assist and that he needs to contact his administrator. This is apparently where I went wrong.
“LADY I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!!” He screeches. Ok, great. I look him up and that’s true but there’s a second admin listed, so I ask him to check in with him. He then yells “THERE IS NO OTHER ADMIN! I’M THE CEO OF THIS COMPANY FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!”
I apologize and tell him while that may be true, he still got his security questions wrong and needs to reach out to his account coordinator then. This man then proceeds to scream at me for the next minute or so saying how we’re an awful bank, how he’s had problems with us for years, blah blah and how we have the worst customer service ever. Keep in mind, I’ve been nice and empathetic this entire time but also I’m not gonna lose my fucking job just because a guy in a suit doesn’t know his shit. I give him the email to his account coordinator and stress again that he needs to talk to them. Then this exchange happens:
Him: “So let me get this straight. You are saying you are REFUSING and UNWILLING to help me, right?
Me: “No, actually I’d love to help you, however we have these security procedures in place for yours and your company’s protection and cannot make exceptions for anyone.”
Him: “This is fucking UNBELIEVABLE! I’ve HAD IT with this bank!!”
Me: “Ok, I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else I can do for you before we disconnect?”
Me: *gives my first name and spells it for him even though it’s a very basic 4 letter name because I’m a bitch*
Me: “We don’t give out anything but our first name for the safety of our employees.”
Him: *insert that condescending, pissed off chuckle middle aged men do when they’re mad here* “Well I’ll tell you what (My Name), when I close this account and pull my MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of (bank name) and they ask me why, I’ll make sure to tell them that it’s (My Name)’s fault. And I will see to it that you won’t be able to get another job outside of the minimum wage fast food job or whatever you had before this. How does that sound?”
Me: “Sounds great. Now seeing as how this conversation is no longer productive or professional and threats are being made, I’ll be terminating the call, have a nice day.”
Me: *click*
And that’s how making rich, powerful men rage-cry became my new favorite hobby. Thankfully, I haven’t gotten any feedback on that call; not that I would, seeing as how I did my job exactly how I was supposed to. Anyways I hope I’m his 13th reason. ❤️
Posted by admin Rodney.
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tryzine · 2 months
General Questions:
What is a fanzine? - A fanzine is a little magazine made up of contributions from fans of a certain series/show/sport/whatever. In this case, "The Reason is You" is a zine focused around Spiderbit/Guapoduo, and it'll have people contributing from all over the globe!
What is this zine about? - This zine is specifically about Guapoduo as they are on the QSMP Minecraft Server. That is to say: a canon setting with canon relationship dynamics.
Can we include Obsessedduo/Devotionduo/Mafiaduo/the Guapoverse? - Unfortunately, not this time. This zine focuses specifically on their canon relationship. You don't have to write specifically about canon events like the wedding or Festa Junina, and you can include just about any headcanon you like- Catboy Cellbit, Spider-Roier, Trans Headcanons, etc- but it will be set within the canon setting.
Is this zine related to [Insert Fandom Event/Zine Here]? - Nope, this is a standalone project, but those other things sure sound cool!
How old do I have to be to apply? - Technically you can be any age, but what will actually matter is the portfolio you'll be submitting on the application. Unfortunately there will be a bias towards experience, but don't let that get you down! Feel free to try, you never know!
When will the applications go out? - The actual applications will go out as soon as they're finished being written and translated into Spanish and Portuguese, so give us a week or two. They WILL be out by the end of April, though.
When will we know if we got in? - Since we're expecting over 100 applications, it'll take us a minute to go through them all and decide who gets in! It'll depend on exactly how many applications we get, but we're anticipating reaching out to contributors via email sometime in early May.
How will we know if we got in? - On the application, you'll be giving us your email address. If you get in, you'll get an email from us with the discord server's link and a big ol' Parabens!!!
Do we have to have both a Twitter and a Tumblr? - Nope! Not necessary, just come with what you've got!
Do we have to have a Discord account? - Yes! After emails are sent, it will be mandatory for all admins, guests, and contributors to be part of the Discord server for the project. You won't need to be online every day, but you will need to have @ notifications turned on, and you'll need to be open to receiving dms from admins when it comes to check-ins.
What is the zine's exact schedule? - We're actually finalizing the dates as I write this post, and we'll keep you guys updated. Because of the bug impacting our collective ability to enter Twitter, the project may have to be pushed back a week or so just to keep things even. We're having to adjust for that. But we WILL get a schedule out ASAP, and it will be before the applications go live.
Will we have to do anything in November as contributors? What do you mean by it "ending" in November? - The way the schedule is currently projected, writers and artists will actually be done with their work around the end of August/beginning of September. After that, translators will have September and October to translate. Then, the people helping put everything together into the zine proper (graphic designers, admins, etc.) will be working through the end of October into November to finalize things and get the zine out by the end of November.
What do you mean by "applications", anyway? Do we have to try out for this zine? - In order to keep things fair, we're going to have people apply to be in the zine. This will eliminate bias and keep us admins from just letting Big Creators and Our Friends in. This way, everybody has an equal shot!
What do you mean by "writer and artist collaborations"? - The way these would work is that we the admins would pair together a writer and an artist who both indicated in their applications that they would be cool with a collaboration with a random person. After matching them together, we'd tell them in their emails that they're working with each other. From there, they'd come up with a concept together, and the writer would write it and the artist would Art it. The specifics would be up to them.
Are collaborations mandatory? - Nope! There will be an option on the applications that tell us whether or not you want to do a collaboration. It's totally optional.
Are we only working with people we share a language with? - While we might stick, say, two Portuguese speakers together for easier communication when it comes to collaborations, the zine will be made up of people from all over the globe speaking all sorts of languages! The discord server comes with a translation bot in it and everything.
Will there be merchandise? (Ex: wallpapers, icons, physical merchandise) - Unfortunately, no. This will be a free zine, and we will not be accepting personal donations from readers or contributors. This is for several reasons, but the most important reason is that it's for Legal Reasons. We don't own the copyrights to these characters or the QSMP Server, and we don't feel comfortable profiting off of them.
Then how can we pay for the zine? - You don't! BUT, if it can be worked out properly, there will be an option to donate what you want to a charity of our choice. If you want to pay for this zine, just pay what you would want to to that charity when the time comes.
Will there be a physical version of the zine? - Nope! This is a digital zine only. It will be released via pdf and maybe epub for anybody to download for free. This is for cost reasons, yes, but also because we want anybody anywhere to be able to read this zine regardless of whether or not they can afford international shipping.
Writer Questions
What am I supposed to write? - Pretty much anything you like as long as it's set within canon! No need to stick with actual events, again, just no crazy AU stuff. If you have specific questions, you can ask an admin once the writing process begins in May.
What is the word count? - Writers will be expected to write within a range of 1,000 to 3,000 words, but allowances will be made for more or less upon discussion with an admin.
Will poetry be allowed? - Sure! Any kind of writing will be allowed, just have it in your portfolio when you apply.
What do you mean "portfolio"? - When you fill out the application, you will be asked to submit 2-3 previous works. Threadfics, Wattpad fics, Ao3 links, whatever it is! The will be more details within the application itself, don't worry.
Do we have to write in English? - Nope! Write in your native language... but I will say that there will only be translations for English, Spanish, and Portuguese. We'd love to have, say, a German or French translation, but we only have so much manpower, and we don't want translators working overtime for free.
Artist Questions
What kinds of art are allowed in the zine? - Any kind of art! It can be digital or traditional. As long as you can provide a clear and clean scan/photo of any traditional work and provide that to the admins when the time comes, it'll be fine!
What about non-traditional artworks? (Ex: crochet, sculptures) - That's all fine! Again, just give us a clear photo, and it's fine!
Do we have to draw Guapoduo themselves? Or can we draw things related to them? - As long as it relates back to Guapoduo as a focus, it's fine. So you can draw a landscape of, say, Cellbit's Castle or the wedding venue.
What will be on our applications? - Just like writers, you'll be asked to provide a portfolio of 2-3 previous works. More information will be on the applications themselves.
Translator Questions
What will our schedule look like? - As mentioned earlier, you won't be doing too much work until the last bit of the zine's creation. Don't sweat it.
What languages will we be translating from/to? - The three languages the zine will be translated into are English, Spanish, and Portuguese. To be a translator, you'll need to have a level of fluency in at least two of these languages.
What will be on our application? - You can provide a portfolio if you have experience with translating, but there will also be a little bit of a test on your applications. If all goes according to plan, you'll indicate what language you would like to translate from and then into, and you'll then be given a passage to translate. That translation will then be checked by our admin team.
Do we need heavy translation experience? - Not necessarily, but, again, there will be a test on the application. It's just a necessary precaution.
Graphic Designer Questions
What do you mean by "graphic designer", exactly? - By this, we're talking about someone who knows how to do page layouts. We're gonna need your help putting the zine together and then exporting it in a pdf. (Like, Adobe InDesign type of stuff.)
What will be on our application? - Again, a portfolio will be required. For this, we won't require as many pieces, though. As long as you can prove you know how to use programs that can Make Book, or as long as you can show your expertise in page layout and management, we're good.
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trulybetty · 10 months
I should also start off with this is not aimed at anyone - because if I had a real issue on something I wouldn't be amiss at reaching out to them directly to have a conversation. Because disclaimer, I follow people who both write and don't write age gap tropes, so in saying that...
The whole dbf! thing is escalating again, and I may regret trying to voice some reason here, but what's the saying? In for a penny, in for a pound?
The trouble with this trope is that you have impassioned people on both sides, and it appears their voices are the loudest ones drowning out any kind of reasoned conversation.
There are also those too who need to learn the difference between having an opinion on something vs. open criticism. I can have the opinion that I don't like age-gap fanfics and that there's a lot more dbf! fics than same age etc. fics in the tags.
I can't stress enough, opinion vs. criticism are two different things:
The purpose of criticism is to direct a commentary on someone or something with the particular goal of change. A person who criticizes the behavior of another is specifically hoping to effect a modification. The purpose of opinion, on the other hand, is simply to offer a viewpoint that does not require a change.
I can have the opinion that I don't enjoy the trope, and I can have a discourse on why I think a certain character wouldn't partake, BUT that does not mean I'm shaming anyone for writing it (a reminder that's why AU's exist).
It's just me reaching out to others of the same opinion and who may be writing what I'm looking to read (or read what I've written) but getting lost among the tags.
Because everyone should have respect for people's preferences/kinks/whatever and I feel like some people need a reminder to not be a dick and everything (despite the reader insert popularity) is not written with you in mind.
Because between complaints about the crowds asking for less dbf! on their dash, I'm sadly seeing equally if not more posts about writers talking about people coming into their space and trashing their fics and stopping people from enjoying the fandom. If someone has appropriately tagged their fic and written their warnings and it's not a topic you want to read about? Then why are you reading it and leaving comments, or jumping into asks on annon? You had your warning - it costs nothing to scroll on.
The same goes equally for anyone voicing their opinion - doesn't pertain to you and your preferences and you have nothing constructive to add, scroll on - because opinion doesn't equate to criticism of what you enjoy remember?
I think everyone on whatever side you fall on can agree on the following:
Tumblr needs to work on its filtering tags/content situation
Everyone should be filtering topics they don't enjoy or find triggering
Everyone should be using tags appropriately on their posts for the above to work
And if someone has come after you for wherever you stand on the topic, I'm truly sorry you experienced that because it's not a true representation of the fandom on either side ❤️
No Pedro tax today, but I'm open to an adult conversation on this topic though if anyone wants to participate.
B x
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
I know you’re not a big fan of CC, but I adore your takes and meta, so, how do you imagine Delphi and how would you improve her character?
Or headcanons, to put it more simply hshshs
Errr not an easy question, actually. I'm going to imagine two different scenarios for this because this character is such a blank slate that she could be taken anywhere.
Scenario n°1 - Bella&Vold die (follows canon)
Delphi was a Dark Magic experiment that Vold&Bella did for whatever reason. Either that or she was an accident (the more I think about it, though, I'm starting to believe that maybe Vold wanted to involve her in some kind of magic experiment, maybe even to get a new body/get a better grasp on immortality and he needed his own child's flesh - think Abraham and his sacrifice to God, just twisted)
They just don't have the time to do it. The Battle of Hogwarts happens suddenly when Vold realizes that Harry & Co. have the Cup, so there is just no time. We all know what happens.
In the aftermath, Lucius/Narcissa/Rodolphus/whoever tells Harry (not the Ministry, Harry specifically) about Delphi, in exchange for a better plea deal. It's up to Harry to decide what to do.
Harry (who is the same character as he was in the books, not that weird OC that has his name in CC) has a little crisis: he doesn't know what to do with this information. His first impulse is "oh no, oh God, Bellatrix and Voldemort's lovechild, let it die". I think he would tell Ron and Hermione, and Dumbledore's portrait. He also tells Andromeda (together with Narcissa - *insert their complicated reunion HERE*)
After much reflection and discussion (and Dumbledore's help, and the fact that Harry is an empath with a huge heart in canon), he would come to the conclusion that they cannot fail this child: they cannot have another Tom Riddle, shunned and abandoned by the world. They cannot let another monster be born out of neglect.
Andromeda still hates Bellatrix and she has Teddy (she needs time to love her daughter's murderer's child), Narcissa&the Malfoys have their trials going on (also hated Bellatrix and Vold by the end), Hermione has to go back to Hogwarts, so Harry & Ron raise her ???
It's mostly Kreacher, in truth. They all stay at 12 Grimmauld Place.
It takes years for all the adults in her life to check their fucking biases, but in the end, they all have a hand in raising her: Malfoys, Tonkses, and the Golden Trio. Draco likes her especially.
They keep her identity hidden for her own safety (and even just to give her a fair chance at life). They say she was Rodolphus' secret niece or something. She still has access to a part of the Lestrange fortune.
Speaking of Rodolphus, he is horrified that the girl doesn't know who her parents are (they decide they'll only tell Delphi when she's a little older), and he asks for visitation rights for years. Finally, they grant them to him for good conduct, with the promise that he'll be supervised and won't try anything funny (like prophecies or time-turners, which just do not exist in this version).
Delphi isn't stupid, though. She's incredibly magically talented, looks like Bellatrix & Tom Riddle (Rod might have cried the first time he saw her), she's a Slytherin, she can speak Parseltongue (her biggest secret, no one outside of her closest family knows) - she starts having suspicions at the age of 9. She finally asks Harry, one day, when she is 13. He tells her that he would have liked to wait, but that he never wanted to hide it from her - yes, your parents were Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange.
Of course, she knows who these people were. What they did, even just to some of the people who are closest to her (Andromeda, Hermione). She denounces their actions, and yet she feels an ache for the family she'll never know.
She'll also never be able to claim her own surname out in the open - she'd be lynched in the streets.
She starts asking about them. She always has to preface it with"I know who they were, but". Harry understands. Oh, no one understands better than him. And while Ron&Hermione don't know much, Harry tells Delphi all he's gathered on the Dark Lord in those years, especially when he was still young, bright, Tom Riddle.
Andromeda is still very hesitant to talk about Bellatrix, but Narcissa likes to show her old photograph albums, and talk about her childhood, and Rodolphus never shuts up about Bella. They tell her how talented she was, how bright, how powerful, how passionate.
They tell her how she had been conceived as a Dark Magic experiment, her father never really paid her much mind, but how her mother couldn't help but get attached - even though she fought it, even though He told her not to. She couldn't help but love that part of Him that was in her. Rodolphus had adored that child too, from the beginning.
She has always been loved, from the start. She does not become Tom Riddle 2.0
Her parents were horrible people, but they were people. She was going to be just like them: powerful, ambitious, determined, studious, the best.
I feel like she would become a teacher, like her father had half-wanted to do, many many years before. Maybe not at Hogwarts, maybe even in higher education, but she would become extremely respected in her field and is remembered as a researcher and a great witch.
Rita Skeeter or whoever tries to come out with a theory about "Voldemort's secret child" when she's 30 or around that age. She's already so respected (not to mention, Harry Potter's goddaughter) that she is able to just laugh it off. "Even if I was, suck my dick" is basically what she says (in more elegant terms, of course).
She does have her parent's temper, though. And, just like Harry, her mother's eyes.
I also like to think that she took care of Rod in his old age, after he gets finally released from Azkaban (<3). In his deathbed delirium, he sees Bellatrix and dies in a Snape-way, happily.
Scenario n°2 - Voldemort wins AU
First of all, I guess it really depends on whether Bella dies. And I'm sorry to say that Delphi's survival chances increase if Bella does die (because there's something just so heartbreaking about Vold not being able to kill Bellatrix's daughter now that she's gone, now that she's the only part of her left).
Also, now he does need a new second in command. He can find another way to reach immortality but Bella's magical skill cannot go to waste.
Who raises her?
Do the Malfoys still betray Voldemort? If they do, which leads to Bellatrix's death, they are soooo fucked. There is no way they survive.
So Rodolphus, maybe? I'm going with him.
Voldemort isn't father of the year, guys. He's hateful and bigoted and utterly unaffectionate. Also, he misses Bella, although he'd never admit to it. He never talks about her. Ever. In his twisted, dark, mind he hates her for leaving him, for letting herself get killed, for dying. She betrayed and failed him.
Rodolphus, in all his grief, cannot shut up about her. As soon as Delphi musters the courage to ask him, Pandora's box opens and she learns everything and anything about her.
I don't know how her personality evolves in this scenario. I can't imagine her being particularly stable. She vows to become like her mother, better than her mother even. She failed her father, in the end, but Delphi won't (I imagine she also thinks of Voldemort's word as Gospel).
Vold trains her, of course, as he did Bella.
He cannot help but notice her and Delphi's similarities, but also their differences. Delphi is more subtle, quieter. Like Bella, she's naturally skilled at offensive magic. Unlike Bella, she's cold. Sharper. Hides her emotions more. She's reserved, and flighty. And yet, she craves his approval just like her mother did.
She grows up quite lonely, with no friends, possibly a tad socially awkward.
I think she'd have a hard time dealing with people outside her comfort zone, but also nobody would ever treat her like they would a normal person, they'd always be too afraid. It probably gets lonely.
She would call herself either Gaunt or Black, I feel. Voldemort wouldn't like her having the Lestrange name, Rodolphus' name, but all three are pureblood houses with no heirs, so at least one of them has to be picked up again (also, unless the Malfoys have some distant cousins tucked away somewhere, they're also gone)
I never really know what to make of Voldemort wins!AUs because these characters, to me, are somewhat doomed by the narrative. There is no happiness for them, even when they win. Voldemort is so full of rage that, once England is at his feet, Harry Potter is dead, he realises just how empty immortality is. A black pit even deeper than death and yet he knows that he cannot die, because he cannot feel guilt for his crimes, and therefore if he were to pass on to the next life, there would simply be no next life. His soul is destroyed, it's eternal nothingness. So he's fucked himself, basically.
Rod dies, eventually, and she mourns him deeply. She cannot bring herself to realise that he was more of a father to her than her own father but she feels his absence, and only understands how much she took him for granted when he's no longer there.
She and her father have this weird attraction/repulsion relationship where he wants to have her close but then cannot stand it when she is. She is at the same time too much of Bellatrix and too little of Bellatrix.
Much more depressed than in the other version of events. Her father is an immortal God who can't love her or be close to her in any way that matters, she's mostly alone (when she's an adult, it's by choice, because she just can't stand other people). She's immensely powerful, much more than her other self, but it just means nothing.
Loves her mother much less, in this scenario. She is too obsessed with Vold to really care about her (much like in the original play).
I cannot really imagine a happier future if Bellatrix had lived, because I feel like Voldemort would have even less need for Delphi. I could write a very long post about why it makes absolutely no sense for either of these characters to choose to have children, so this is the best I have.
I think that Bella would have loved her daughter but never more than the Dark Lord - and that in itself is tragic.
I'm sorry if these suck, I've tried my best.
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fightabear · 8 months
nah i'm gonna say this on tumblr for good measure.
The whole “you only headcanon this character to be gay to get them out of the way!” thing is exhausting at best, and thinly veiled homophobia at worst.
My friend, if I wanted to “get them out of the way” I just wouldn’t include them in the magical mind theatre that is my imagination. None of us would. I understand we've entered into an exhausting age where shipping is viewed as some sort of extension of activism, but that's bullshit. I am not wasting time imagining characters in scenarios that I'm not personally interested or invested in.
There is literally no need to “get them out of the way” when I could just not include them or write them out. I don’t have to be consistent with the shows lore if I don’t want to be and NEITHER DO YOU. Welcome to the wonderful world of fandom!
I am so tired of people being fucking assholes and going out of their way to invent reasons why a ship is "problematic" if it potentially breaks up their intended ship.
Stop taking it as a personal attack or trying to make it a moral failing. It’s fiction! It’s preference!
And I GUARANTEE you will be happier if you stop trying to argue the merits of personal preference and twist yourself into knots to make anyone who doesn't like your preferred ship out to be some kind of unrepentant monster that ships insert whatever bullshit has been invented or blown out of proportion to invalidate it.
Christ almighty.
The same goes for the people now losing their minds over the age gap between Eddie and Chrissy on the Steddie side. Like. Don’t act like you’re not throwing that out there to make the other side of this insipid debate seem like bad people.
This isn’t new. Stop fighting with each other. I don't care 'what side' started it - hold individuals accountable if they're being reprehensible and off the walls and learn to block when people are posting content that doesn't adhere to your headcanons. Blocking is how you curate your space.
Stop having stupid, stupid slap fights and taking swings at random people because you apparently can’t differentiate between “a specific person who caused harm” and “random internet user who likes what you don’t.” All you do in that situation is become a loose canon that is going to cause harm to people who have done nothing to you.
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kourabiedes · 28 days
I would love to hear more about Robin, specifically :3 Gimme deets, please!
Oh yeah I guess I should do that
In an out of universe sense, Robin is my particular brand of Juliana. I designed her to fit the experience I had with Scarlet... which basically involved me poking my nose into every. single. corner. of Paldea. She's a hiker, backpacker, and budding photographer, because all those things are what I spent the entirety of my playthrough doing. I think I got like forty hours in before I finally was convinced to stop fucking around and go for the non-Path of Legends badges. A lot of the DLC I did as wing-sister to @the-starkindler, who was playing Violet, and we developed a lengthy headcanon winding the two versions together using our respective characters -- you know, like an Emerald version. This bit is key because it means there are two bike-dragons running around Paldea and the Academy, instead of being represented by one fruit, is more of a basket of them. (Insert jokes here.)
I'm going to put a cut here, because I have a lot to say about my silly girl. Beware all who enter here, for there are OC headcanons afoot.
In-universe, Robin is an established student at the Naruva academy, in her second year, arriving sometime after the Team Star dust-up. She is Kalosian, from somewhere in the vague area of Anistar City (if you don't remember your Kalos locations, that's the place with the big red sundial). She's an introvert who grew up in a family of extroverts, and, as you can imagine, that need for a moment of peace fueled her early interest in backpacking. This got markedly worse when the little sisters started arriving. She has five younger sisters, all between the ages of eight and four at the time of her second year. For context, she's going on sixteen at that point.
(I love my little sister dearly, but she alone was almost enough to send me howling into the wilderness. Five of those? Yeah, Robin's a backpacking pro for a reason.)
At ten (because that's such a sane age to do this), Robin's mom nudged her out the door to do the traditional Kalos Gym circuit. Robin came home from that with a level 100 Espurr, several memory cards' worth of pictures of Kalos, and like, two badges. Her mom wasn't overly surprised.
This is kinda how Robin is. She doesn't want to be a powerful Trainer for the sake of being powerful. She makes herself strong so that she can easily do whatever it is she actually wants to do, which is See All The Things. She's not real worried about whether those Things are supposed to be Off-Limits or not, either. So, as you can imagine, she's fascinated by the stories of the mysterious and/or off-limits places of the world. Cerulean Cave. Mount Silver. Mirage Island. The Great Crater of Paldea.
So when her mom suggests Naruva Academy for her, well, she leaps at the chance. Mom figures hey, her kid may be a little odd, but she clearly has a way with Pokemon, and she's sharp, so send the kid to a good school and see what develops. Robin, on the other hand, is plotting her first Great Crater expedition within seconds of the conversation.
Does this mean she's in and out of the Great Crater a lot? Well, not really, though it's not for lack of trying. The Great Crater really is hard to get into without a flying Pokemon at the very least, and the strength of the wild Pokemon there is considerable. She never gets very far in before having to turn back for simple survival. Nevertheless, she's determined to see the bottom of it someday. (Also she does have to attend classes, which cuts into her exploring time severely. Gotta keep dem grades up or mom might pull her home! The grades net her a Tera Orb though, so hell yeah.)
One question that could be asked is, did she know the Paldea Pals before, since she's an established student? Well, yes and no. She knows of Arven, because the poor guy is utterly overshadowed at this point by his shitlord parents. She knows of Nemona -- there probably isn't anyone in the school who doesn't, to be utterly fair. She doesn't really have any opinion on either. They run in different circles, and the most she's interacted with either is whenever Nemona pounced on her looking for a battle. (Yes, she accepted. No, she never won!)
So how does she get pulled into the Scarlet story? Well, one weekend, while she was out chilling with her Pokemon in the wilds of Paldea, there was a really loud sonicboom overhead, and a few minutes later, a tired-looking red lizard Pokemon walked into her campsite. Like most people, she assumed he was a rare breed of Cyclizar at first, because who expects an ancient legendary Pokemon to just waltz into your life and ask for a sandwich? He's injured, but not badly, and she has the brilliant idea to take him back to the Academy with her and see if the teachers can help. She cuts her picnic short and does just that. No problem, right? Nothing life changing about that.
As you have no doubt guessed, the sonicboom was Miraidon fleeing the crater after being attacked by his nasty counterpart. Koraidon, in this melded universe, was brought over as well before <redacted>, and he and the Miraidon actually bonded and are buddies. When Mirai ran for his life, Kori tried to follow, but he's not as fast and had to land. (Miraidon has that jet butt, after all.)
From here, she gets enmeshed in the Scarlet and Violet storylines -- or, well, some of them anyway. The storylines are divided between her and Mirai's rider Alanna. They sort of swap between player one and player two frequently. Robin was involved the most with the DLC stories and Starfall Street. She was the one Ogerpon chose as a partner (maybe it was all that little sister experience!), and she ended up with Chien-Pao out of the four Treasures. (This is not quite as cool as it sounds. Pao just wants to PLAY. All the fuckin time.)
Let's see, what else. Oh, she has a massive crush on Perrin (unrequited), and though she starts out wanting to shove Carmine into the river, they bond over time and Robin kiiiinda thinks she's cute. (Does this count as Carmine x Juliana shipping? Probably not lmao)
Tl;dr, my Scarlet character is pretty fun.
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battydora · 1 year
there is always something so weird about my self-inserts and it's that most of the time they look like regular oc's, they have their own personality, their own physical features, their own attributes, their own age (which is usually different from mine, they tend to be older than me most times); i even sometimes consider them my oc's because it also feels right but the real reason they're still self-inserts and not just oc's it's the fact that i choose these characters to reflect on them very specific traits of my personality and more often my issues.
this is why self-insert is so personal to me, because i'm letting all my creativity and emotions pour into a specific character, all of my self-inserts are the purest form my imagination can take because i. do. whatever. the. hell. i. want. it's top tier creative freedom, i swear. i love this character from media and i want to interact with them? i'll grab my sona and make her interact with them even when for the plot that doesn't make a bit of sense. i'm suddenly crushing on a different character than before? no deal, let's make another selfship just because i like them. even when i'm not necessarily venting through my self-inserts, even when i draw my sona just to have silly interactions with my favourite characters from the media i love.
and yes, my sonas usually don't share any similar features with me, i normally like making sonas who are just an idealized version of myself (which is a valid way of self-inserting too) and that's okay with me, that's what makes self-inserting such a lovely experience for me and that's why it's a very abstract concept, because you don't need to have the most elaborated self-insert lore nor the simplest to interact with the media you enjoy, maybe it's just the idea of letting your imagination and sentiments flow the way that fits you the most, after all, it's a way to express your love and enjoyment for your favourite stories and characters.
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mlobsters · 29 days
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supernatural s1e3 dead in the water (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
i'd like to present some of my very early reports to someone about watching spn
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forgot i was trying to watch this over lunch LOL. backed up drain water is a hard pass for mealtime. god that reminds me of a gross bathtub drain moment with my girl lydia in teen wolf. *shudder*
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i get it, the jaws of it all, but also rolling my eyes at the repeated cuts to her ass underwater :p
DEAN You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while. DEAN points to WENDY walking away; she's wearing short shorts. DEAN That's fun.
i like how sam shuts him down without a word
SAM Closure? What closure? People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them. DEAN Something you want to say to me? SAM The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day. DEAN Exactly. So what are we supposed to do? SAM I don't know. Something. Anything. DEAN You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do? SAM Yeah, I know you do, it's just— DEAN I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?
again kind of framing dean as being tough but fair and sam being impatient (dare i say bratty) kid who ran away. i don't think i really caught so much that sam wasn't really that invested in finding john specifically, but that it's also about the as-yet-unnamed demon that john's going after having killed jess too, need to get to john to assist the revenge plot. though he does go more sympathetic to john for other reasons when dean goes the opposite direction. but anyway i semi-regularly think about how sam was to be the audience insert-ish, he's who we're supposed to sympathize with more. but i don't think anyone quite anticipated the extent of the jackles-whammy
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cheesy rock and this shot, feels like a laundry detergent commercial. ok so the cheesy rock is a netflix special, supposed to be round and round by ratt which isn't completely not-cheesy, but it's better :p
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s1e3 daniel hugh kelly as sheriff jake devins / star trek: insurrection (1998) as sojef
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ANDREA Must be hard, with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line. Enjoy your stay! SAM 'Kids are the best'? You don't even like kids. DEAN I love kids. SAM Name three children that you even know.
sam was very amused by the bad attempt at flirting and her shutting him down. also, how many opportunities does the unattached drifter get to even meet kids, sam? :p anyway the very special episode where we learn dean is actually great with kids (and totally should have the chance to have one in the future)
padalecki with the extra crispy R on "theory", there. also dean doing the sniff test. reminds me of the post with a snippet from one of the novels having an outsider pov saying they're stinky boys :p
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Supernatural: Bone Key (Supernatural Series, 3) August 26, 2008 by Keith R.A. DeCandido
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lol and somewhat related dean crowding sam and getting his face very close to the laptop
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s1e3 / s5e22 swan song
it's fine, everything's fine 🥲
DEAN You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something.
oh, dean.
the official website's journal entries for john via wiki
December 4, 1983 [...] Dean still hardly talks. I try to make small talk, or ask him if he wants to throw the baseball around. Anything to make him feel like a normal kid again. He never budges from my side – or from his brother. Every morning when I wake up, Dean is inside the crib, arms wrapped around baby Sam. Like he’s trying to protect him from whatever is out there in the night.
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even without ghostly drownings, i am not sticking my hand in the gross backed up drain :S
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sam listening to this, see above gif
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
don't personally think that's a great approach with a traumatized kid, the whole being brave thing, but whatever :p
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SAM What you said about Mom... you never told me that before. DEAN It's no big deal. Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?
yes. yes, you are
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ghost aside--girl, turn off the water your tub is about to overflow
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gross ghost water turning her modesty garment thing green lol and good thing sam's jacked, no more dead moms on his watch
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look at those pretty eyeballs
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good grief, padalecki. arm veins poppin even back then
SAM Look, we're not gonna save everybody. DEAN I know.
and how the roles will be reversed by s2, but with way more angst
s2e11 playthings
DEAN Yeah, well, you can't save everyone. Even you said that. SAM No, Dean, you don't understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change! DEAN Change what? SAM My destiny, Dean!
i feel bad but drunk sammy so emphatically and earnestly saying "my destiny, dean!!!" makes me giggle. so much so that i posted the full clip of it with the same comment lol
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LOL sam and his too-small sweatshirt
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(script linked via wiki)
interesting, i don't think that's what ended up onscreen. more of feeling a little awkward/pleased about the unexpected kiss. also sam dimpling out in the background watching it go down
also via wiki
Jensen Ackles again cited this episode in the premiere issue of the Official Supernatural Magazine: "...but Dead in the Water holds a special place in my heart, too. I liked what my character had to go through in that episode. It was kind of the first time where I really got a sense of who Dean was, and I was able to peel back some layers. I thought it was a good story that was directed well, so that was definitely one of my favorites. When I had to hold my breath with that kid, holding him in my arms...I hope you've never had to experience something like that. When you're treading water, just getting your mind around having two people below you in the water, pulling you down...that was a really weird sensation that I wasn't prepared for, not to mention I was responsible for the life of this 10-year-old kid that was in my arms. He's supposed to be dead, so he's limp. I'm actually treading water, keeping us both afloat with my left arm. And when they say action and I have to hold my breath, he holds his breath, and I have two divers pulling me down. So after the first time, I kicked the divers loose and I sprung right back out of the water and I'm like, 'Okay, wait a second - I'm going to need a minute for this one.' But we ended up getting the shot, and it was nice."
woof, that sounds scary/unsettling indeed. especially for the kid, yikes
i was also under the jackles-whammy a bit the first time around (i love faces and he has an exceptional face), so i'm paying more attention to what's going on with sam/jared i think this time
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laffy-taffy-creations · 8 months
The Timeloop!
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Tag list: @athenswrites @lili-loves-whump (ask to be added/removed for this 'mini' series)
Okay so the first thing you need to know about OV is that they exist in the base world of My Hero Academia as my own personal fan character. The second thing you need to know about them is that they are a loaded character.
The third thing you need to know about them is that they are in a timeloop. Before all else, I’m going to establish the timeloop and it’s functions so that way we have a foundation for everything else, and nobody is confused on certain aspects like ‘well why do they have insert thing so early at this point in insert timeline?’
It was caused in their first life (no duh) as part of a human experimentation project they were part of (more on that later) and is what makes them so fun to play around with. After their first death, the actual timeloop functions started working, kicked off in a way, triggered by the death and sent them into a pocket dimension caused by the timeloop. This is a place of rest, a place that they are able to access from every point onward but needed to be initially opened and unlocked. Anything that they put in there will stay there, everything inside the space of rest is protected from any and all resets.
This is also an area where they can access all previous memories via an interface, it acts as the ultimate data bank, a place where they can store memories, can save certain files and songs and whatever else ‘digital’ that they dont want to lose/cant go into the next timeline with, the actual space space acting as the safe area for anything physical.
For things like quirks, these are preserved through the timelines via a manifestation at the earliest point they ever got each quirk, so in the second timeline they have all the same quirks past the point they would’ve manifested in the first timeline without ever having gone through the experimentation.
This applies to things that affect them physically, things that make sense to suddenly show up, their quirks, tattoos, and strength/power is something that will show up for them in every single loop, however their scars won since they aren’t something artificial that has happened to them, the tattoos are the result of something foreign in their body, an ink that isnt there naturally, the quirks are caused by essentially the same thing, the strength and power build-up over time is something that just feels right to me as the writer, something tied into this function of the timeloop but not entirely caused by the same thing (we in the writer’s sphere refer to this as ‘it’s my story and I’ll do what I damn want’).
Their strength/power build up is another small point on it’s own, I’ll talk about that when it’s time for their abilities.
Now OV can remember everything from their past lives, however there are times where they can choose to leave certain memories behind, purposefully removing them from their brain and locking them away from themselves because it feels right, it wouldn’t be fair otherwise, any number of reasons. They are the only one who can remember these things, unless I, the writer, decide that it would be interesting if for one timeline there was the tiniest ever glitch in the system that allowed someone else access to some sparing memories really late in the timeline.
Within the timeloop’s functions is the ability to alter their own past/backstory. Because they’re an MHA oc and MHA takes place in Japan, there are plenty of timelines where they have decided they want to grow up in Japan, so before starting a new loop they can use the interface to alter some events that specifically pertain to them and their parents and that alone in order to alter their backstory. I should also mention every time the timeline is reset, they start over again at the age of 4 years old, the day after whatever the current day was when they died/decided the timeline had gone to shit and there was no choice but reseting early. This helps me as the writer with dates and ensures their birthday is 100% still their actal birthday even with all the timeloop shenanigans accounted for.
The purpose of this function of the timeloop is my own personal fun, I mean, how exactly would everyone else in the story react if they were actual royalty, had ties to the crown in a different country, and has personal relations to many high-up government officials and access to really high-class information?
* We take a small break so the author doesn’t write temselves to death. If you have any questions about this section please ask them now before we continue.
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cometsama · 1 year
Blue Lock AU Thought Dump
Hi, I'm Comet and I have this massive AU that's taking up way too much space in my mind. So I'm just gonna dump it all here. This is basically a self-insert in second person pov lmao (if you recognise me no you don't)
I'm not a writer so it's just going to be random plot bits. Had to guess parts of the timeline to make it work...
Parings: possibly Sae x reader??? Idk lol, Ness is pretty cute
Age 2:
Your family moves into the Itoshi's neighbourhood
Your mom becomes besties with Mrs Itoshi
You befriend Sae (3) and Rin (1)
You enter kindergarten a year early (with Sae)
Age 5-10:
You attend primary school and develop an interest in data analysis while observing the Itoshi brothers' football practice (think Momoi from KnB)
Age 11:
You enter middle school with Sae
Sae (12) gets scouted and goes to Spain
You go abroad to study and get into coding (and eventually machine-learning + AI)
You remain close with Rin (10) but drift apart from Sae
Age 15:
Sae (16) briefly returns to Japan at the same time as you
The fated fight occurs and you take Rin's (14) side
While you understand Sae's pov, you do not agree with his approach and additionally blow up at Sae for being distant and not communicating
Communication with Sae completely stops
Age 16/17 – Present:
You graduate and return to Japan after deciding to take a gap year
You land a job as a lab assistant at a university research lab which somehow leads to you becoming a part-time manager/data analyst at Blue Lock
Rin views you as a big sibling and calls you (name)-nii/nee (gender neutral honorific where?).
You are super observant and have an innate talent for spotting trends.
Where you study doesn't really matter but I did it with the UK (England specifically) in mind. Cuz I studied there and they have an extra year of secondary school compared to Japan. Also, the UK does year group cut-offs at September while Japan goes by birth year (I think...) so international students usually round down even if they can technically enter the year above. But you're smart so they put you in the year above.
Also, British slang is fucking hilarious and I want silly Manshine antics.
Unlike the US, it is really hard to skip grades in most other countries since the curriculums are so rigid but with this I can make Reader graduate early without making it too contrived lmao.
Also, independent schools (private schools but that means something else in the UK) tend to force you to learn all modern foreign language in lower years before you decide on your GCSE language. So I can have Reader have rudimentary understanding of French, Spanish and German. Full coverage baby!
The specific language you pick doesn't really matter but it's NOT Spanish (cuz Sae)
It's actually pretty much impossible to get a placement at a research lab right out of highschool cus demand is insane (I would know 😭😭) but let's pretend you have a super banging resume cuz you're smart as fuck idk
Still undecided on exactly when you join BL tho cuz I need Sae to be taken by surprise about you being there but I also want Reader to bond with the boys before NEL. Especially Shidou. So after third selection but a few days before Sae takes Shidou? Coincidentally, you are off-site for whatever reason.
Also, I want Reader to drag Rin out for the outing during the post U-20 break.
Hmm introducing Reader right after the win would also be interesting. Especially with Rin being in peak-angst mode. I want himself to do another behavioural 180° (more like 120°). Sae wouldn't be there cuz he'd be in the U-20 changing rooms. The outing thing could still happen if you exchange numbers with Bachira.
Actually, I like this idea more so I'm going with that. The Shidou bonding could wait.
Job description:
The next bits are completely pseudo-science and I'm bs-ing 💀💀
Anyway, the lab develops simulations of athletes as a training aid. They're collaborating with Blue Lock cuz where else can you find such a large sample size of athletes at a similar stage of development who also conveniently wear fancy biosignal-recording suits 90% of the time? Literally no where.
The only issue is that all the data is stored in servers located in the compound and, for data-protection reasons, need to be completely anonymised. For plot reasons, someone needs to be on-site most of the time to sort out server shit.
The data stuff is real in the UK and EU btw. That's why there's such a big fuss about certain US corps selling personal info. Not sure about Japan in particular tho but most BL participants are also underage so...
This is actually the reason they hired you lol. Especially since you're already familiar with the sport.
So you now have the job of making sure the data is being anonymised and transferred properly while the lab sends you occasional projects to work on. Which isn't too bad but Ego decided to make you a part-time manager to assist Anri (who's super busy with BLTV's explosive popularity) after witnessing your analytical skills.
At least it's amazing for your resume and you're paid EXTREMELY well...
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i was born in 1989
new romantics - idk why but this song is soooooo addicting. the way the music sounds should feel annoying to me but it just feels really nostalgic and fun instead (which is kinda how i feel about the whole album).
wonderland - i’m totally biased bc when i heard the lyric about the green eyes i immediately thought of wolflet…
style - love the screambility. love the very unsubtle reference to harry. love the lyric good girl faith and a tight little skirt.
blank space - boyssssss only want love if it’s torture… dontttt say i didn’t SAY I DIDNT WARN YAAAAAAAA (so it’s gonna be forever—)
wildest dreams - i don’t think there’s anything specific i like about this song, but i remember only liking this one on my first 1989 listen.
shake it off - this song is. lowkey pretty good. my anthem in third grade.
i know places - do not like the intro but i do like her riff on hiiiIIIiIiiIiide.
bad blood - will forever associate this song with that concert moment. ykwim
out of the woods - archer vibes. makes me anxious.
clean - iconic but i don’t get how this is some people’s favorite ts song.
i wish you would - it’s. fine
welcome to new york - not my favorite but not bad for an album opener.
this love - the whiplash i get from hearing this song right before i know places??
all you had to do was stay - nope. sorry. i don’t like the high-pitched stay. why is her voice up there.
you are in love - not my jam tbh but it has fairy godmother talking to cinderella vibes.
you’re my lover
lover - i kinda want to tie it with cruel summer but imo it’s a little better. i love the dreaminess and simplicity and the BRIDGE is just chefs kiss (even though my heart breaks a little whenever i listen to it after seeing a clip of her performing it live after the breakup).
cruel summer - clenches fist with the fact that i will never be able to scream the bridge at an eras concert
london boy - as an immigrant this song to me is about like. finding your home in someone else’s culture. and also kinda exploring your own? idk i am so projecting but this song makes me think of that so that’s why it’s higher up than it should be.
death by a thousand cuts - even though it’s a breakup song it still sounds very lovey dovey for some reason?? whatever love the bridge (i keep saying that—).
cornelia street - STOP YOURE LOSING ME
miss americana and the heartbreak prince - very sweet but i have yet to watch the documentary
afterglow - sorry for ranking this so low but like. is it really that good
false god - i don’t listen to this song very much but the religious imageryyyy.
i think he knows - very sweet but sounds too similar to cornelia street imo so it didn’t really stand out to me. 
you need to calm down - it’s giving supportive white mom at pride.
it’s nice to have a friend - so cute but i wish they actually. stayed friends
daylight - how can i listen to this song normally anymore?
i forgot that you existed - i mostly listen to this song for nostalgias sake but other than that it’s. pretty mid
ME! - despite its low ranking it’s really not as bad as people make it out to be, it’s just that the rest of the songs are too good.
soon you’ll get better - i feel so bad for putting this song at the bottom but. it’s just okay
meet me at midnights
would’ve could’ve should’ve - rips john mayer into pieces
the great war - insert bloody stick man meme
you’re on your own, kid - gut wrenching.
maroon - DO NOT. expect me to listen to what is basically an aged job red and act normally
anti-hero - this song is so funny like wtf 😭
dear reader - this song makes me feel like she’s my mom
question…? - once again in love with the bridge.
sweet nothing - oh, domestic love. oh, humming in the kitchen.
snow on the beach - I LOVE THE MORE LANA DEL RAY VERSION (also on my first listen of this album i remember not liking any of the songs except for this one lmao).
karma - THIS SONG IS ALSO SO FUNNY BUT I LOVE IT. karma is a cat ??? my mom hates this one though.
bejeweled - KNOW YOUR WORTH!! this music video is one of my faves.
high infidelity - taylor is writing too many songs about cheating. they’re all blurring together
vigilante shit - this song is lowkey hilarious like. girly thought she did something
lavender haze - good opener and it sounds cool on a record player.
mastermind - cinder vibes!
midnight rain - yk i never knew that some people thought it was about lautner? that would make sense actually. anyway this song is good but really mid as a title(?) track
bigger than the whole sky - not the best 3 am track
glitch - this is just okay??
labyrinth - sorry ellie i know this was your number one but 🥲
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
I just want to say that of all the blogs that have been discussing this whole CE and AB situation this one is one of the only ones I’ve come across that approaches it reasonably. I don’t think you guys are rude either, some anons just won’t be satisfied unless you tell them what they want to hear 🙄
Thank you! We really do try to be mindful of what we post, especially lately, when there are so many crazy conspiracy theories running rampant. And on top of that, so many people who are taking theories and opinions as hard facts when they’re not.
We are honestly always in a “you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t” type of situation here. We have definitely noticed a pattern where people get angry at us in our inbox if we’re not saying exactly what it is that they want to hear. But we’re not here to tell you what you want to hear, we’re here to try and dig up the truth (if we ever can) and share our thoughts and opinions on specific things when asked. Compare and contrast to things we’ve seen in the past, because let’s be real, we’ve been around awhile. If you only want to hear from people who are going to tell you what it is, you want to hear, then we’re not the space for you. And I’m sure there are plenty of other blogs and websites you can go to find opinions that match yours.
Tying to hold a nuanced conversation over certain topics can be really difficult, too. It’s hard just to have simple conversations anymore without people taking our comments and trying to turn them into an argument or turning them around on us. People no longer know how to have a discussion, but go straight to assumptions and arguments. There are so many issues that are not simply black and white, but actually contain a lot of gray area (like the age gap or how or what we view as PR). I’ve got plenty of opinions on those things, but it’s easier to just keep it to myself because too people now lack the conversational skills to HAVE conversations about those things. Plus, when we do try to discuss some theories, the immediate type of comments we get in the inbox are “why are you even talking about that? Why are you giving that any attention? Now the crazies will run wild.” But if we DON’T post about something it’s “why aren’t you talking about this or that? Why are you covering up for people? You must be on payroll! Why are you ignoring this?!” And as soon as we say something that someone disagrees with, no one can just agree to disagree or share their own opinion without being condescending or rude. There’s nothing wrong with saying “hey I saw what you said about xyz and I personally disagree because (insert opinion).” Instead, we get things like “unalive yourself!” “You’re just a bunch of cunts!” “Delete your account!” “No one likes this page anyway!” “You’re the worst!” And so on and so forth. We obviously don’t post those things because they really don’t need the air time. But trust me, we’d love to have deeper conversations about so many things but this fandom can make that extremely difficult sometimes.
If we don’t immediately drag Chris (or Alba) we’re massive shippers and on payroll. If we call out something we don’t care for, we’re suddenly haters. This kind of goes back to what I said about some concepts not being simply black and white, but instead subjects that deserve nuance and fair conversation. If we’re asked about something that happened in the past and people don’t like whatever it is we’re “trying to ruin Chris” but if we’ve got hot gossip and receipts we’re suddenly the best and everyone that sure loves to shit talk us are showing up to take those receipts to post elsewhere. And the minute we match the energy of the people in the inbox, we’re suddenly the worst.
I’m not posting this for any time of sympathy or attention, but to maybe give some of you insight into what it’s like to run a space like this. It’s not always as glamorous as it seems. It’s certainly not as simple as it might seem. But for the most part, we do enjoy being here. I don’t want this response to sound like we don’t because I really do enjoy talking with other people from all over the world about a multitude of different topics, not just the Chris tea flavor of the day.
Anyway. I think I’ve rambled enough. As we’ve said, before, if we’re not the space for you, then that’s fine. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here and you’re free to find spaces you like better than ours. For those of you that you enjoy being here, thanks for sticking out the chaos with us. We’re glad you’re here! 🦎
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 7 months
was having some discussions with a friend and...realising I haven't done any proper roleplaying in a while. So...I was thinking about maybe looking for people who'd be willing to potentially RP this current hyperfixation (La Squadra) with me, and then the idea evolved into getting together a small group of La Squadra RPers, each with a designated character, to all, yknow, hangout and rp together.
Some issues/things about that, though:
given that I (and my semi-interested friend who hasn't decided if he wants to take part or not) am a minor, I would likely make this an under 18 only group, or at least a strictly SFW group (beyond like...jokes or suggestions ig)
Only canon characters allowed - I think allowing OCs to be RPed would get too complicated or messy unfortunately
Shipping is a....maybe? with a group of about 7-9 people there's the issue of shipping views clashing or something. It would have to be discussed after a hypothetical group is put together.
Depending on the demand, it may have to be "first come, first serve" as to who gets to be which character. I kinda hope the demand is decently small because of this - i would hate for people to feel left out but i don't think I could handle too many people.
Given my technical limitations or whatever(?) the group chat would be on Discord
again, depending on the demand, it could either be just the post-ice-cream-whores team or Sorbet and Gelato can be included!
Despite all this....it's worth it to see the demand before making any real decisions.
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ilgaksu · 8 months
2, 29, 42 for the fanfic writer's ask game! :)
from this ask game, which I'm still answering if you're so inclined
I'm doing all of these on my phone so they're taking a little bit to complete, but I LOVE this meme and I love talking about my writing because who doesn't:
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Okay, I laughed, because they are as follows:
Trans Xie Yuchen (42)
Post-Canon (22)
Alternate Universe (15)
Established Relationship (14)
Character Study (13)
I....would say those are pretty accurate, yeah, but you'd have to tell me.
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want!
As a joke, I'm working on a playlist for blind boys don't lie, a vampire heihua fic inspired by the lost boys, where every song is period-accurate. I generally have a playlist for every fic I've written, even if it's just a handful of songs - for a long time, I made fanmixes rather than write in fandom - so do you have a specific one you'd want to see??? I can dig them up.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I'm actually going to discuss two of them, if that's okay, because they've stayed with me ever since.
The first one was on kick at the darkness, which is a klance fic that starts off as a queer pastiche of Dirty Dancing, and rapidly becomes a coming of age story about queer immigrants in 20th century America (the main three characters are a Cuban man post-Revolution who works in customer service in Florida, a disabled Japanese survivor of the WW2 internment camps, and the son of Koreans who fled the Japanese Occupation of Korea). The title is literally from a line in the song Lovers in a Dangerous Time (you gotta kick at the darkness/till it bleeds sunlight). I spent a lot of time researching the experiences I was going to be touching on in what was both an interracial but interclass love story that needed to feel hopeful and defiant without undermining the reality of being undesirable in America. Anyway, I once got a comment from a reader who said the backstory for Lance in it exactly echoed how their family had arrived in America, and that it was the first time they'd ever seen it be given to a romantic lead as a story. I think about that one a lot and how it made me feel all that risk and effort had paid off. I hope they're doing okay.
The other comment was on Twitter during my xiyao pandemic days, which I since deactivated so I'm going to have to paraphrase. I was basically told I view people in my writing with both warm empathy and a surgical precision, and am unflinching in facing the mechanisms of cruelty, but that the entire time it feels as if I'm holding the reader's hand. I love that. It speaks to a lot of how I perceive the world outside my work, but also makes me feel my ethos behind writing comes through: I don't want to be viewed as handing something down to an audience. We are in communion, despite never having met, for the time you're reading.
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