#trainer robin
kourabiedes · 1 month
I would love to hear more about Robin, specifically :3 Gimme deets, please!
Oh yeah I guess I should do that
In an out of universe sense, Robin is my particular brand of Juliana. I designed her to fit the experience I had with Scarlet... which basically involved me poking my nose into every. single. corner. of Paldea. She's a hiker, backpacker, and budding photographer, because all those things are what I spent the entirety of my playthrough doing. I think I got like forty hours in before I finally was convinced to stop fucking around and go for the non-Path of Legends badges. A lot of the DLC I did as wing-sister to @the-starkindler, who was playing Violet, and we developed a lengthy headcanon winding the two versions together using our respective characters -- you know, like an Emerald version. This bit is key because it means there are two bike-dragons running around Paldea and the Academy, instead of being represented by one fruit, is more of a basket of them. (Insert jokes here.)
I'm going to put a cut here, because I have a lot to say about my silly girl. Beware all who enter here, for there are OC headcanons afoot.
In-universe, Robin is an established student at the Naruva academy, in her second year, arriving sometime after the Team Star dust-up. She is Kalosian, from somewhere in the vague area of Anistar City (if you don't remember your Kalos locations, that's the place with the big red sundial). She's an introvert who grew up in a family of extroverts, and, as you can imagine, that need for a moment of peace fueled her early interest in backpacking. This got markedly worse when the little sisters started arriving. She has five younger sisters, all between the ages of eight and four at the time of her second year. For context, she's going on sixteen at that point.
(I love my little sister dearly, but she alone was almost enough to send me howling into the wilderness. Five of those? Yeah, Robin's a backpacking pro for a reason.)
At ten (because that's such a sane age to do this), Robin's mom nudged her out the door to do the traditional Kalos Gym circuit. Robin came home from that with a level 100 Espurr, several memory cards' worth of pictures of Kalos, and like, two badges. Her mom wasn't overly surprised.
This is kinda how Robin is. She doesn't want to be a powerful Trainer for the sake of being powerful. She makes herself strong so that she can easily do whatever it is she actually wants to do, which is See All The Things. She's not real worried about whether those Things are supposed to be Off-Limits or not, either. So, as you can imagine, she's fascinated by the stories of the mysterious and/or off-limits places of the world. Cerulean Cave. Mount Silver. Mirage Island. The Great Crater of Paldea.
So when her mom suggests Naruva Academy for her, well, she leaps at the chance. Mom figures hey, her kid may be a little odd, but she clearly has a way with Pokemon, and she's sharp, so send the kid to a good school and see what develops. Robin, on the other hand, is plotting her first Great Crater expedition within seconds of the conversation.
Does this mean she's in and out of the Great Crater a lot? Well, not really, though it's not for lack of trying. The Great Crater really is hard to get into without a flying Pokemon at the very least, and the strength of the wild Pokemon there is considerable. She never gets very far in before having to turn back for simple survival. Nevertheless, she's determined to see the bottom of it someday. (Also she does have to attend classes, which cuts into her exploring time severely. Gotta keep dem grades up or mom might pull her home! The grades net her a Tera Orb though, so hell yeah.)
One question that could be asked is, did she know the Paldea Pals before, since she's an established student? Well, yes and no. She knows of Arven, because the poor guy is utterly overshadowed at this point by his shitlord parents. She knows of Nemona -- there probably isn't anyone in the school who doesn't, to be utterly fair. She doesn't really have any opinion on either. They run in different circles, and the most she's interacted with either is whenever Nemona pounced on her looking for a battle. (Yes, she accepted. No, she never won!)
So how does she get pulled into the Scarlet story? Well, one weekend, while she was out chilling with her Pokemon in the wilds of Paldea, there was a really loud sonicboom overhead, and a few minutes later, a tired-looking red lizard Pokemon walked into her campsite. Like most people, she assumed he was a rare breed of Cyclizar at first, because who expects an ancient legendary Pokemon to just waltz into your life and ask for a sandwich? He's injured, but not badly, and she has the brilliant idea to take him back to the Academy with her and see if the teachers can help. She cuts her picnic short and does just that. No problem, right? Nothing life changing about that.
As you have no doubt guessed, the sonicboom was Miraidon fleeing the crater after being attacked by his nasty counterpart. Koraidon, in this melded universe, was brought over as well before <redacted>, and he and the Miraidon actually bonded and are buddies. When Mirai ran for his life, Kori tried to follow, but he's not as fast and had to land. (Miraidon has that jet butt, after all.)
From here, she gets enmeshed in the Scarlet and Violet storylines -- or, well, some of them anyway. The storylines are divided between her and Mirai's rider Alanna. They sort of swap between player one and player two frequently. Robin was involved the most with the DLC stories and Starfall Street. She was the one Ogerpon chose as a partner (maybe it was all that little sister experience!), and she ended up with Chien-Pao out of the four Treasures. (This is not quite as cool as it sounds. Pao just wants to PLAY. All the fuckin time.)
Let's see, what else. Oh, she has a massive crush on Perrin (unrequited), and though she starts out wanting to shove Carmine into the river, they bond over time and Robin kiiiinda thinks she's cute. (Does this count as Carmine x Juliana shipping? Probably not lmao)
Tl;dr, my Scarlet character is pretty fun.
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dollya-robinprotector · 10 months
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Worlds crossed! Gender bends meeting
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A.k.a PCs and School LIs dress in Vietnamese student attires (modernized áo dài and áo tấc)
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At this point, many have known I am Vietnamese, so I take the chance to finally do what I always had done when entering new fandom: MAKE CHARACTERS WEAR VIETNAMESE TRADITIONAL CLOTHES!!
I hope you guys can appreciate the beauty in our culture~🫶✨✨
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0rb1s · 5 months
Y'all wanted the Pokemon Au y'all getting the Pokemon au, explanations for the Pokemon and more Au info under the cut. Feel free to put questions about the Au in my Ask box
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The Au is focused on Pirate captains being Pokemon trainers and their crew their Pokemon, with exceptions like non pirate characters who have Pokemon based on their personalitys.
The world is a mix out of the op world and Pokemon universe, so instead of canon Pokemon regions the regions are based of the op islands, as an example, Luffy is from the Goa Region and travels to other Regions like the Alabasta region or Wano region, in order to beat the strongest trainers in each place he visits in order to become world champion.
Luffys team
Zoro as Chine-Pao: Zoro is often associated with tigers (big cats) and obviously his swords. Luffy also meets him for the first time while he is tied up, wich can parallel how you optain a Chien-Pao wich is locked away
Nami as Liepard: Luffy would meet Nami as a Purloin, wich are known for tricking and stealing from people, her title is also “Cat burgler”
Usopp as Inteleon: Luffy would meet Usopp as a Wobble, since he's such a coward at the start of the series. He would evolve into Drizzile during Water 7 and latter into Inteleon. Inteleon was kind of a no brainer since it's the only sniper Pokemon.
Sanji as Cinderac: Cinderace's Signature move is a Flame kick of sorts. Luffy would meet him as a Raboot, and evolves intomCinderace during Enies Lobby. (British opla sanji…)
Chopper as Sawsbuck: Reindeer, Cheery blossoms.
Robin as Runerigus: Robin is an archaeologists who specifies in finding all of the poneglyphs so her Pokemon being made out off rune tablets makes a lot of sense. Plus the ghost typing can be a hint to her title of “Devil child”
Franky as Blastoise: Franky is basically a weapon himself so making him the literal Tank turtle makes sense to me, also remember the Squirtle with the sunglasses? yeah.
Brook as Houndstone: There aren't a lot of skeleton Pokemon so there was little choice. Houndstones is part of the Ghost gym leaders team, who is a Musician.
Jinbei as Empoleon: Jinbei used to be one of the seven warlords of the sea and is a very honorable person wich works with the personality of Empoleons. He's also shown using a Trident as a weapon.
Kobys team
Milotic: Both of them start of as ugly little loser boys but have one hell of a glow up /affectionate + Milotic would be a great swimming buddy.
Lycanroc: (dog boy koby is so real to me) Dog Pokemon, though more commonly Arcanine, are used as police Pokemon, most likely given to him by Garp.
Gallade: The Fighting type fits Kobys swinging hand approach well and the Psychic type his Observation haki plus being quite the noble Pokemon.
Togekiss: A flying type to reference his Moonwalk ability and generally seeming like a Pokemon would put the effort into raising.
Lucario: dog.. Again, Another Pokemon I feel like Koby would put the effort into raising, fighting type, and the Aura gimmick just matches the vibe as well yk.
Blissey: A healer Pokemon that would assist both hurt trainers and Pokemon, god knows it's good to have one on you when you travel with Luffy.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 116
Give Battinson robins but it’s DCxDP style with ghosts. 
His kids are… technically not from his world and technically not alive either, but that doesn’t stop him from adopting them. Even if he wasn’t aware of them being literal ghosts for the first few hours of encountering them. 
How did they get here? Well, you see, sometimes child ghosts will run into each other, and they’ll form their own little friend groups. Or family groups. Especially if they lack a guardian. Who would tell them not to mess with natural portals. 
Or to kidnap a phantom to play with them, but hey he’s enjoying himself too and has a puppy! The bestest boy!
Bruce was not prepared for some sort of energy-thing to open and spit out a good half a dozen children. Nor was he prepared for these children to all have powers, or for another child (thankfully a teen) to fall into the cave a few weeks later. 
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i-have-no-braincells · 5 months
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polished and finalized design of my trainersona :]
plain version without text or glasses under the cut
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kaos-mass · 8 months
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Favorite Smash 4 Character Alts
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robboyu · 4 months
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(happy late anniversary smash!!)
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queensharotto · 4 months
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Smash Ultimate Formal Aesthetics (Part 1)
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lemonjestercoffee · 3 months
oc? oc!
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excuse the danganronpa ass pose, i was going to put him into a dynamic pose to showcase his unhinged personality but i couldn't get it to look good and drove myself insane.
anywho my partner is playing with their own pokemon gym-leader oc and i wanted to join in, but couldn't really settle on something fitting of a gym-leader so i went evil team leader rout instead. This guy's name is Robin, he specializes in Dark and Poison (also sometimes ghost) type pokemon. his whole gimmick is he's looking to throw the world into a whimsical, dionysian chaos- basically "what if Puck fused with the Mad Hatter and became a pokemon trainer"
his Mimikyu is his right hand man/henchman, he never puts it into fights and it tends to chill on his shoulder mimicking his body language and verbal tones like a little yes man. he's already lost his mind, but i think he'd lose it further if someone hurt his Mimikyu.
i'm sure he has followers, but i have no intent on drawing them, and they sure as hell ain't all that organized due to the chaotic nature of his goals and ideals
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funakounasoul · 3 months
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Drew this for Leigh. In her Scarlet file, her trainer (Robin) has this love/hate relationship with Carmine. She wanted to see some drawings of them together-together, so I've been doing that, but this is the first one that actually got a full color treatment.
They're just chillin'~
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thidwickdoodles · 1 year
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Scoops Ahoy trainers Robin and Steve want to battle!
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miqojak · 1 year
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I decided to do that Pokemon Gym Leader Quiz that's going around! Hilariously, Dark Type tracks for what I had in mind for Jak - I made a team for her ages ago, and pinned it in my Discord even. XD Once again, each one is kinda like her tattoos - representative of her in some way! Phoenix (she has phoenix down feather tattoos); the dragon-that's-not-really-a dragon; the lycanroc to represent her beast; the yamask since she has a lot of Egyptian themes and themes about death/family; and a liepard because: A) Spooky kitty like Jak, but also B) "Don't be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokémon." ...it even sounds like Jak! (And the gothorita seems self-explanatory given Jak's tiny-goth-girl-who-knows-too-much vibes, really!)
Do it! @archaiclumina@fanged-draidoix@mxkelsifer@but-first--tea@umbralaether@dragonsongmakhali@ascendedhypothesis@rylen-ashworth@yvesoix-sellemontiere@sundered-souls@illia-ast@isorawrites@briar-ffxiv@helenamnell@merlwybs-wife - and anyone else!
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simikae · 5 months
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always correct to give some of your favorite ocs pokemon assignments btw
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raven-cl · 1 year
I'm thinking of a st pokemon au perhaps
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maroonghost · 28 days
If every SSBU fighter had a catchphrase a la Skylanders, 41-60e
Lucario: No pain, no gain!
R.O.B: I'm built different!
Toon Link: A hero's work is never done.
Wolf: Shoot for the moon!
Villager: I run this town!
Mega Man: Built to last.
Wii Fit Trainer: Bend you till you break!
Rosalina: Star bright, star fight!
Little Mac: Punching in!
Greninja: Something never seen before!
Mii Brawler: Knuckle in!
Mii Swordfighter: Swing for the fences!
Mii Gunner: Target acquired.
Palutena: Let there be light!
PAC-MAN: You haven't a ghost of a chance!
Robin: To thunderous applause!
Shulk: Battle's an art!
Bowser Jr.: Can't hurdle this turtle!
Duck Hunt: Don't gotta throw me a bone!
Ryu: Learn to lose.
Ken: Punching up!
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dollicorio · 11 months
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The girls have been catching Pokémon 🌻
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