#(I mean it in a /pos way for the record.)
travalerray · 2 months
finished episode 34 and what I am getting is that Shan Gudao is basically going "You be better than shixiong? You be better than shixiong at martial arts and be the favourite of our shifu? SUFFERING FOR SHIDI FOR TEN YEARS, SUFFERING FOR SHIDI FOR TEN YEARS!!!!!"
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[image id: the seinfeld ‘you’re crying from blank’ ‘the blank got to me’ meme, with the text “You’re crying from inscryption?”, “The ending got to me.”, and “All right.” end id/]
hey there card gamers,
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dreamiara · 1 year
in this fandom why is being drolo/drolo leaning acceptable but being a golo/sapolo gets you cancelled?
you've really sent this everyone huh
idk it's not that serious i prommy
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mattynmarns · 2 years
i was looking at mrbeasts exgirlfriends insta (😳😳btw) and she posted a link to some steve madden pink boots (x) and I'm sitting here like maybe i Do want to dress like barbie actually
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
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analyzing some images (for fun)
so i found this pair of promotion images for good omens season 1 on the good omens reference library server and it’s hooked me so so bad im having feelings about it. we’re analyzing them now. not really for meta purposes just fun to see the parallels and differences :)
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everything under the cut !
unique traits
1) his plank background. its older, its crisp, it smells like wood from the screen. mmmm
2) the pencil shavings at the bottom. he does a lot of writing honestly, so i like this. also adds a messy and cozy vibe he always seems to have in that shop…. i like that blessed shop fr
3) his SUSHI. little soy sauce drops near it too—just the right amount of deliberate mess. our first formal introduction to aziraphale in the present day and beginning the Tomfoolery just happens to have sushi... i watch that scene and i go “yeah, that sums up aziraphale i suppose” very nicely. (they dont have sushi Up There) (im literally never gonna forget that)
4) the ray of light shining on the scene. tiny thing, but a bit of the heaven is peeking through..it also sort of blurs the whole image but i think thats just me.
5) and we’ve saved the best for last: the big whopper. the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter, witch. I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!! i cant remember if that ring stain was there but if it isnt in the show on the actual book i’d assume thats to add that ‘thy cocoa doth grow cold’ thing. ALSO. you know what’s being used as a bookmark in the pages?? a check for the ritz. he bookmarked their one chance for living . with a ritz check . MMMMMM. my GOD. that means so much to me even if i cant convey it in words. he KEEPS THE CHECKS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
1) let me get my favorite out of the way. crowley’s glasses have fire in their reflection. we’ll talk about the glasses themselves later but the REFLECTION IN THEM. fucking FIRE, BOOKSHOP fire, PAIN, SRIVING THROUGH THE M-25, HELL, I DONT KNOWIM HAVING FEELINGS!!! i do believe this is a bookshop fire reference though, the flames feel too Familiar. the lengths people will go to to attack others 🤧
2) the leather seat background!!!!!!! probably meant to look similar to the bentley’s seats but i cant recall their texture, exactly. maybe just meant to convey modernness—unsure. still, its there <3
3) the tiny little crisp plant </3 its trying his damned best to stay perfect. it might a specific plant that means something, but i cant tell at thsi angle, so i’ll assume its a mini version of the ficus he keeps in the flat. its so SMALL and sitting in ANOTHER POT i CANT
4) the snake slithering!! black and red (in this image it looks orange lol) bellied scales!!!! slithering there, chilling, being crowley, showing hints. love it
5) QUEEN RECORD!!!!! TRYING TO OVERRIDE IT WITH TCHAIKOVSKY!!!!!! the tape over it does a reminisence to crowley’s handwriting, but in a clean ‘this made made to be a font’ way. not exactly just yet. ive become a fan of tchaikovsky recently. amazing darling wonderful crowley, trying to push the rock up the hill for eternity 😞
6) HIS LITTLE DEMON KEY THING. HOLDING A TINY LITTLE BENTLEY CAR KEY OHHH. thats how he doesnt lose the tiny key despite probably not needing one of those. and he CHOSE that intentionally probably. little wings and red circle….URGHHHHHHH
mmmmm now here’s the good shit. similarities! i’ll bullet point most of them but ohhhhh. ohhhh these. i’ll go from top to bottom as best i can….
1) one of their shoes, obviously. crowley has them iconic snakeskin shoes while aziraphale has his old loafers like the old loafer he is /pos
2) chateauneuf de pape wine bottle labels! (crowley’s is under his glasses, aziraphale’s is next to his shoe). oh my fucking god theyre MATCHING. the labels are old, battered, of course labeling the drink’s age, but mmmmm its these tiny details that get me going….
3) their respective drinks in their mugs—crowley’s a black mug coffee (or what looks to be coffee) and aziraphale’s angel mug tea (or what looks to be tea). i think about that mug sometimes. where did he get that from?? mystery for the ages….
4) their glasses, of course. crowley’s iconic sunglasses and aziraphale’s reading spectacles. i cant really tell the reflections in this pair, but if its supposed to be fucking fire, im done with this. im giving up forever
5) their own watches! aziraphale’s is visibily older while crowley’s is visibly modern, but they function just the same. also, crowley’s is set to 2:56:59 (presumably PM), which is around the time we see when crowley starts checking his watch at warlock’s birthday party. its almost time for disaster to strike!! 😃
6) and finally….their ties!! they have their own ties!!! or more accurately, neck accessories, but i digress. i mesn i assume its crowley’s neck tie, because the fabric looks… different. either way, crowley’s neck thingie is very whispy and aziraphale has his funky little bowtie i love so much,,,
okay thats it. there’s no canonical implications, any fantheories, none of the sort. just saw a pair of images and my mind went GOD DAMN!!!!!! theyre very important to me. i need to look at more promo material 😔
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
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Summary: anon request - "can you do a zach one where he like exposes him and readers secret relationship and she just goes with it , like " you weren't so quiet last night " and she just has her jaw dropped and says something back and it ends with smut" 
Warnings: this one shot will contain reader having sexual daydreams during the podcast, those dreams will include, oral (m rec), unprotected sex, the rest will contain Zach's usual banter and fluffiness
Word count: 2.1 k | not edited 
Also - I know it might get confusing, but the italics are what happened the night before, but in the form as if it's happening right now, like you're replaying the night in your mind. Hope that made sense, enjoy! 
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"You want to know what I think is crazy?" Zach asks as his fingers drag up and down your arm. 
"Hmm?" You hum quietly as you keep your head on his chest. You feel him laugh slightly, "That no one has figured us out yet." 
You laugh, moving your head to look up at him, "Well now you just jinxed the hell out of that." 
He shrugs, a smirk on his face, "I mean I like us being a secret and all, but it's so hard for me to not say certain things when you're on the pod with us." 
You nod, "Yeah, I know what you mean." You smirk, "So what, is that your way of telling me you're going to out us at tomorrow's show?" 
He raises his brows, "I'm full of surprises babe. Guess you're going to have to wait and see." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The next day, you're sitting on the red bench, headphones on and you're getting ready to do the show, but your mind just isn't there. 
Instead it's elsewhere. 
Specifically, replaying the time spent with Zach the previous night. 
The way you felt coming back from the restaurant, you needed him, his hands resting on your hips as you unlock your door made you crave him. 
When you finally got the door open, it was like the energy that craved one another clashed, As soon as you push the door open, he spun you around, lips on yours as he backs you into your apartment. 
"Hey." A hand is woven in front of you, "Earth to y/n." 
You look over at Tara and blink as you take your headphones off, "Yeah, hi. I'm here." 
"Where the fuck did you go. You were like-" she mimics how you were staring, "Zoned out." 
You laugh, "Sorry. I'm tired. I was up all night." Zach and Jared walk onto the set, "Oooh. Up all night doing what?" Zach teases and you roll your eyes, "I was coming up with a list of places that've already been to for Sam and Colby." 
Zach sits down and raises his brows, "Wow that was very specific." Zach sighs, placing his headphones on and you can't help but laugh. 
Friends around friends, lovers when it's just you two. 
You lean back, placing your headphones back on and Tara speaks up, "So I have to ask, how does it feel being better than two of the most liked ghost hunters in the world?" 
You laugh slightly, "What do you mean?" 
"I know you do paranormal investigation stuff too, and just the fact that Sam and Colby are coming to you for stuff.. I don't know that just.." Tara laughs and you tilt your head, "Are you just saying that to make a jab at them?" 
She nods and lean in to your mic, "Well then it feels pretty damn good." 
"Alright, alright. Anymore and we'll be scraping your brain off the walls from your head swelling to the point of exploding." Zach tries not to laugh and you shrug, "Hey, I take it when I can." 
You give him a quick and subtle wink then quickly change the subject, "Cat got Zach's tongue so I'll just go ahead and do the intro for him." You laugh, "What's up guys, we're here with Tara, Alyssa, me, Jared and oh, I guess Zach is here too." 
Zach just stares at you and you can't help but laugh. 
"Okay, but I love the fact that she announced Tara and me first." Alyssa laughs and you point to her. Tara nods, "Yeah, I'm going to have to say that we need to all vote to make y/n the person who announces the show." 
"Like a pre-recorded track because there are days she isn't here." Alyssa points out and you nod, "I agree. All in favor." You raise your hand and instantly say, "Three versus two. Girls win." 
"Youre ridiculous. Who invited you here anyway?" Zach rolls his eyes and you furrow your brows, "Um, you?" 
"Can you just like, zip it." Zach motions at his mouth and you smirk, "Make me. Take my headphones away." 
Zach tries not to laugh, "I mean, I can. But you might moan a little." 
"Oh my god. No. No. No." you close your eyes and look away from him, but in secret, you'd be on your knees in seconds for him. 
Zach places his hands on your shoulders, urging you to your knees. You drop down, complying to his every silent request. 
You stare up at him as he shrugs his black jean jacket off, eyes locked on yours as his jaw is slightly slack from your hand sliding over his throbbing cock that's being held back by his jeans. 
"I don't think.. you should say that to our guests?" Jared says with a nervous laugh, "I'm actually surprised you haven't gotten sued yet." 
"Please." Zach shrugs, nodding to you, "She won't sue me." 
Tara points to you, "I think you should just for his reaction. 
You laugh, "Thinking about it." 
You weren't thinking about that at all, Zach undoes his belt, followed by his jeans. The quick sound of the zipper going down causes your skin to perk up with goosebumps, caused by excitement. 
You rise up from your calves, licking your lips as you work fast to free him from his boxers. 
Zach speaking pulls you back into reality, "So now that we're past that embarrassing ensemble.." 
Zach trails off and so does your mind, You loved hearing Zach's little moans and groans as you held his cock with your lips and tongue. 
The way his fingers gentle drug over your head, slowly pulling your hair as his pleasure grew larger, "Fuck." 
Zach didn't really swear in general, so when he did, and it was because of you. It was even fucking hotter. 
You blink, snapping back into reality. 
"So I thought we could talk about something serious today." Zach says and Jared laughs, "Oh no. Someone's getting fired." 
"Yeah it's you." Zach says, pretending to be serious and Jared laughs, "I'd love to see you try, I'll just tell you no and you'll listen." 
You laugh and nod, "No that's so true." 
"Yeah whatever." Zach rolls his eyes, "No I have an exciting announcement." 
Your heart thumps and your head snaps towards him slightly. 
His eyes move to you and he smiles a little bit, "So, I have some news that may shock a lot of people, but I think everyone should know this, from me." 
"What's the fuck is happening?" Tara asks and Zach sighs, speaking quickly, "We're going to be doing a live dropouts show." 
You let out a breath and keep your stare on him, "Wow, Zach. That's great." 
"Better be, because they want all of us who are here right now." Zach gives a thumbs up, "What a relief it was to get that off my chest." 
You laugh slightly as your eyes trail down his neck to his necklace that's lying comfortably on his chest. 
Your back slams onto the bed, Zach's lips kissing over any skin they can reach. You let out a moan as he sucks a hicky into the skin over your hip. 
He kisses up over your boobs and up your neck. He leans up and you feel his cock slip between the folds of your pussy. 
The shiny necklace dangling from his neck as you feel him slide into you fully. You find it so hot when it swings back and forth with each thrust.
"Hey, I can't lie." Jared laughs and Tara cuts him off with a yell, "Say it!" 
You look over, at Tara, laughing as she keeps pointing to jared. You look over at Zach and he gives you a look that would make your legs go weak if you were standing. 
It wasn't a weird look. It was him just staring at you, knowing why you keep zoning out, and he was just making it worse. 
"I liked y/n's intro." Jared sighs and you look over at Jared with a clap, "Thank you." 
"You definitely thought it was better than Zach's intro, right?" Alyssa asks and Jared laughs, "I'm not answering that." 
You yelling with excitement, "Fuck yeah! Because you know that girls are just better than boys!" You motion between you, Tara and Alyssa. 
"Whoa, whoa!" Zach says waving his hand out in front of him a few times, "Settle down. Settle down, I'm getting flashbacks." 
"War flashbacks." Jared snorts and Tara asks with a laugh, "Flashbacks of what?!" 
You look at Zach, laughing and he shakes his head while furrowing his brows, "I don't know what you're laughing about because these flashbacks are of how loud you were being last night." 
It all happened so fast you blank, "What the fuck." 
"What did he just say?" Jared asks, mouth dropped with surprise. 
"Oh yeah, okay." Tara rolls her eyes and as you're still staring at Zach, he tilts his head slightly, giving his brows a quick flick. 
He outted you at tomorrow's show. 
Might as well roll with it. 
"You gonna tell them or you want me to, princess?" Zach smirks and you shrug, letting out a dramatic sigh, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." 
"Oh, you know exactly what helps me sleep at night." Zach winks as you look at him and you shake your head, looking down to rest it in your hand. 
"I can't tell if they're joking." Alyssa laughs and Tara cuts in, "Yeahhh, I mean, okay. I've actually been extremely suspicions about these two for weeks now."
"Oh please tell us what made you think that, Tara." Jared leans in, super invested into the conversation. 
You look up and look from Tara to Zach and he shrugs, "Hit me." He nods to Tara and she smirks, looking between you and Zach, "Well for starters, he stares at her every time she looks away." 
"I like looking at the back of her head. It makes it so I don't have anything mean to say." Zach shrugs and you  just laugh. 
"What else you got, Tara?" Jared encourages and Tara laughs, "Another thing is, they'll stop answering me at both at the same time. Like I'll be texting both of them and then all of a sudden.. radio silence." 
"I have a very strict bed time, Tara." You and Zach both say, just adding fuel to the fire and you just laugh, knowing that you're caught. 
"See!" Tara tells pointing, "See!" 
"Well.. if you don't know you do now." Zach laughs and Jared eggs him on, "Know what? Zach. Care to enlighten us with a perfect confirmation?" 
"What's my lawyer?" Zach yells looking around as he raises his hand. 
"So isn't true? You and.." Alyssa points from you to Zach and you laugh, nodding your head slowly. 
"Wow." Jared says, "I honestly did not expect this is come out onto the podcast today." 
Zach reaches for his water and takes a sip, "Listen, we played dumb, but we knew what we were doing." Zach scoffs, "Alright. You can't tell me that you weren't fooled."
"I knew my suspicions were there for a reason." Tara laughs, "How long?" 
"Two months." You laugh and they don't believe you.  Zach nods, "No she's serious.  It was after the episode with Jake and Johnnie." 
"Oh shit, yeah I guess that was two months ago." Tara nods, "I'm just like.. having a holy fuck moment." 
"Yeah." Zach laughs, "She came to see if I was as rich as I bragged that I was, and I must have passed inspection because she didn't go home that night." 
"Oh my god." You laugh, "That's not.." you shake your head and Jared laughs, "I just.. that really does shock me, like.. y/n. Why him?" 
You shrug, smiling as you look over at Zach. He glances at you and smirks, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thank you for reading! Let me know how you liked it. Love you all! Thank you so much for reading! 
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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confessedlyfannish · 7 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #8
The day Bruce Wayne knocks on her apartment door Sam knows it's going to be a doozy.
"Mr. Wayne, I really do hope no one saw you," she says, ushering him in. "And for the record, a text ahead of time would be appreciated."
"I parked the car a few streets away," Bruce says, sticking a finger in his heel to peel his polished leather shoes off. Sam raises an eyebrow. "It's a sedan, not a Lamborghini."
"You own a sedan?"
"Taught Dick to drive in it...after he crashed the Lamborghini."
Sam snorts despite herself. The charm Bruce Wayne exhibits would usually rub her the wrong way, too reminiscent of wealthy men that feel comfortable placing a hand on the small of your back at a crowded gala, but Bruce is honest enough about his playacting that she has come to find its insincerity comforting. She's actually sought him out more than once, leading to several annoying headlines that can't seem to decide if she's aiming to date him or one of his eligible sons. None of whom are eligible by the way, as they are a) taken, b) legally dead, c) practically a minor, and d) an actual minor.
Sam's generational wealth is peanuts compared to Wayne Industries, so naturally her parents have been thrilled and rooting for option c.
"I also didn't want Danny to see I'd texted you. Or force you to lie to him."
Sam doesn't quite tense, but it's a near thing. She does slide to the other side of her kitchen island, under the context of finishing prepping her feta fried eggs, laid on a bed of smashed avocado and warm tortilla. She pulls a bottle of crunchy garlic oil out of the fridge and drizzles hot red crisps across the runny yolk. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, not so much as offering him a glass of water.
"You realize, Mr. Wayne, I have no intention of lying to Danny now?"
Bruce sits at the stool on the opposite side of the island. "I understand. And if you want to ask Danny to return home before we continue, I'd understand that as well. I didn't mean to discomfit you--"
"Please do not lie to me now, Mr. Wayne," Sam says, rolling her eyes. "By your own admission you showed up at noon without warning knowing my superhero boyfriend wouldn't be present. If I am discomfited, all the more likely you get your information, right?" Golden yolk runs down her fingers, and she sacrifices it to the napkin rather than lick up her arm in front of her boss, with no small amount of resentment. The yolk is the best part.
"Get to it then," she demands.
Bruce straightens in his stool, chin raising and firming in a jawline she most often sees under a cowl. His eyes attempt to pin her in place, but Sam has stared the Master of Time in the face and demand he reschedule so she is built. different. She takes another bite of egg taco.
"I was not aiming for you to feel threatened, and moreover, I doubt you could be."
Except a smart person should always feel threatened by a threat, no matter their capability of handling one. It keeps them alive.
"Can you tell me how I'm not like all the other girls after lunch? You'll spoil my appetite."
Bruce clears his throat. "I'll get to the point--"
"Thank you."
"--Danny has been exhibiting paranormal behaviors beyond his baseline. We welcome all biologies; human, alien, and paranormal alike, but I have observed actions unlike what he had previously established as his, for lack of a better word, 'normal'
"I want to make sure he is not experiencing any unwelcome outside influence. Or, if this is merely a facet of his evolution, I'd like to know if this is something we or his family should be monitoring."
Sam has been an eco-consultant with Wayne Industries and unofficially, the Batfamily, for half a year now and this is the most she's ever heard the man speak in one sitting.
"Wow," she says. "How long have you been rehearsing that one?"
"A while." Bruce grunts, voice finally taking that final drop into Batman's gravelly rasp. "I see you're not surprised by any of this."
"No, not really," Sam says. She pours him a tall glass of lemon water from the pitcher, freshly sliced that morning, and he takes a polite sip.
"So what can you tell me?"
"Probably a lot. And Danny would probably prefer that I do, knowing him, the big baby," Sam sighs. "Listen Mr. Wayne, I can appreciate that you came here from a place of caution rather than intrusion. And if Danny was undergoing something negative or from an 'unwelcome outside influence' that would be the right call, and I, albeit begrudgingly, encourage you to do so in the future."
"But he's not."
"He's not," Sam confirms. "And in fact, I think he could really use someone to talk to about it. Outside of his family."
"I see..." Bruce says, shifting.
"If you want to tag team this one with one of the higher EQ players, such as Superman, I give you permission." Sam does not think she's imagining that slight sag of relief.
"Thank you," Bruce says, sliding off the stool. "I don't suppose you have material we could consult...?"
"Actually yes, I happen to have a pamphlet right here. 'So your ghostly body is changing, and how.'"
"You're being more sarcastic than usual."
"You interrupted my lunch, Mr. Wayne."
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sunboki · 9 months
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PAIRING. Christopher Bahng x fem. reader | WORD COUNT. 3.3k & 20 minute read | SERIES PLAYLIST. | WARNINGS. cursing | TROPE. enemies to lovers (somewhat), fishing town au, friends to lovers, coincidences, making-up (in a way)
( ✉️ ) — if you want an idea of where the small town boy! chan brainrot came from, seek this post back in july.. it only got worse from there(><)
There’s a new guy working at the Record Shop you’d been to countless times as a kid. So when you show up and see a stranger working the register and not the sweet old man who’d give you lollipops, you’re not too pleased.
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The last time a new face showed up in your town had to be before you were born, and as someone nearing twenty-one, that said a lot.
On the bright side, there wasn’t much judgment unless it came from choosing the wrong batch of strawberries in front of a grandmother, or perhaps that was simply your experience living here all your life.
Although, twenty-one years later, you didn’t expect for someone new to show up.
Familiar chimes clatter above your head while opening the door, bright blue label reading “Po’s Vinyl” decorating the windows and staining the tile floors an iridescent tone from the midday sunlight. It’s pretty, it’s ordinary.
Except something isn’t ordinary, because after a good few minutes or so of browsing, your normal stop by the register stops you in your tracks.
Clad in a black beanie with bouncy, tangled curls peeking from the fabric is a stranger. A stranger with toned arms and a pretty nose and kind features you stare at for too long.
But he’s not the grandpa, not Mr. Po who’s been dearly greeting you each and every day for more than twenty years.
Your stomach drops.
“Excuse me, excuse me,” You scramble to the counter, his warm pools for eyes flickering up with surprise. “Where’s the old man- Mr. Po- the one who works here?”
“Oh! Mr. Po? He retired a few days ago.”
Now your stomach decided to do backflips, and there’s a pit of nausea climbing up your throat.
Curse the boy in front of you for looking so happy-go-lucky. This moment is detrimental, why is he smiling? …And why is he cute?
Preparing to ask a billion questions, you pause, fixing the handsome man with an incredulous look before he catches onto your confusion.
”Sorry sorry, I’m Chris, ‘moved in last night. And you?”
Debating upon either running out the door right now to end up apologizing later, you crack a small smile you hope looks a tad bit more graceful than earlier.
Chris, huh.
“Y/n,” You reply, noting the soft dip of his dimples. “And uh.. you haven’t met Miss May yet, right?”
The question, coming off as more of a warning than anything, earns a sheepish shake of his head noticing your pitying expression.
Granted, the woman wasn’t that awful, she’s just.. Miss May. An unmarried, stubborn, seventy year old prune who will rightfully argue with anybody about anything and rightfully enjoy it. Not to mention her addiction to finding a suitable lover, and not just for herself.
Trust, once she lays eyes on this breathtaking hunk of husband in front of you she’ll never leave him alone. Might as well treasure your days until you’re stuck in the witch’s dungeon.
“Can I ask what you mean by that?“
Spaced out watching his lips move, you barely caught the question till he cleared his throat and every particle in your body resorted to self sabotage.
Way to make an introduction.
Opening your mouth to respond, you choke on your words, hastily run behind the counter and whisper-scream for him to duck at the sight of said woman passing by the window.
Speak of the devil.
At his attempt to peek out, your hand unconsciously forces his head down, slapping on your best “nothing to see here!” façade while the heel-wearing matchmaker saunters in.
“Why hello dear,” She casually drawls, thin brows raised.
The woman slowly grins, stepping forward to lean over the counter and peer down where Chris hides blinking up beside your calf.
“You can come out now.” She says with a chuckle, and he hesitantly raises up, face blooming pink.
Erupting with obvious delight, she claps her claws hands together, and you can feel the dread creeping in from a mile away.
“My my, I didn’t know you two knew each other- -“We don't!” Shouting in unison, you synonymously turn to each other, nothing but utter puzzlement etched across your faces. It’s like something out of a sitcom. Literally.
“He’s Chris,” Nervously, you refer to the man with an uncertain point of your finger, him doing the same.
You’re certain if this situation got any more awkward you may win a spot in the book of world records.
Miss May amusedly shook her head. “So you do- -“No!”
She might as well have been internally arranging a wedding by the way she stared through your souls, neither of you daring to move a muscle out of fear she might pop a ring out of her ass and declare you engaged if you breathed loud enough.
“Alright alright, I’ll leave you two to your business then.” Waving like some pretentious heiress, you make sure to mock the action once her back is turned—Chris stifling a bubbling laugh beside you when she finally leaves.
You have an itch this won’t be the last time she stops by. You’ll just pray it won’t be when you’re within a six foot radius of both this shop and the man next to you.
Sorry Chris, it’s every man to themselves with Miss May.
Brushing off your clothes, you step back slightly, not realizing how close you’d gotten to him before nearly bumping into the dark-haired man. And, in the least weird way possible (that's still weird), from your closeness, you discover he smells like the ocean. Not too salty, not too strong. Like the sea’s air clings to his clothing.
Considering he got here a day ago, he must’ve stopped by the harbor on his way here. Strange.
“I’m.. gonna go. See you sometime?” Heading toward the door, you spare a glance behind you, vision again magnetically pulled down to his lips—so plush and pretty, then back to those equally pretty eyes that crinkle when he smiles goodbye. A nervous habit.
Who knew a potential heartthrob would show up here out of all places.
Guess things were finally getting interesting.
Your trek home wasn’t too eventful, unless you counted locating Mr. Po, begging him to come back, and avoiding the severely bitter tea he kept offering—then yeah, not too eventful.
Jamming the key in your door and being sure to successfully waste at least three hours forcing the newest addition to town out of mind, you’d like to say by the time 6pm rolled around he was completely void of your thoughts, but the coffee stain on your shirt after imagining his face said differently.
Best part about not having a neighbor? Walking around without a top, bottoms, or anything on was always on the table. Sort of gross, but you get the picture.
Best part about not having a neighbor yet.
You should’ve put the pieces together sooner, because already halfway into pulling your shirt up off your head did you notice a pair of eyes meeting yours from the other, usually vacant house next door.
Chris’ eyes. Unmistakable and currently swimming with horror.
It wouldn’t surprise you if you looked the same right now.
Urgently yanking the fabric back over your body, you practically throw yourself down, met with nightmare-fueling reality and too much embarrassment to properly function nor rise from your squat on the floor.
Moved in last night, he’d said. But the one thing he forgot to mention was that he moved in right next door.
Fucking. Fantastic.
. ..
Over the next five days, you’ve come to the conclusion that Chris makes music. Or something involving headphones, his finger tapping a beat, and the occasional nod of his head to a rhythm—observations made from peeking out the window each evening.
It’s sort of mesmerizing watching him routinely click buttons. Like, in a sense, you learned the first clue about his life before telling him your name.
That is until he rises and you prepare to duck, fixated on his adam's apple bobbing when he swallows, pretty, still damp strands of dark hair crowning his forehead.
The last thing you need is for him to catch you ogling after having witnessed you half naked, something that would, quite literally, be the cherry on top of demolishing your ego.
Knowing him though (after only physically meeting once), he’d probably gladly forgive and forget, but you couldn't, and that was the problem. Couldn’t shake that incessant pit in your stomach telling you if it were anyone else you’d be able to move on.
Anyone other than him, other than Chris.
Something about him. There was something about him.
On the other hand, Chris couldn’t forget either. The image permanently tattooed in his brain for what felt to be eternity.
Not just your body (and also your body), but you, the incredibly attractive new acquaintance he’d met hours beforehand was, coincidentally enough, his neighbor.
And it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were avoiding him since, frankly, it was virtually impossible not to run into everyone in this town at least once a day.
He was a nice guy, so he gave you your space. Nevertheless, that didn’t keep him from picking some fun from time to time.
Like yesterday when he’d noticed you standing by your sink, repeatedly stealing not-so-sneaky glimpses.
Slyly deciding on honing the most nonchalant move in the book, he stretched. Rolling his head back, a tiny bit of his abdomen becoming visible when his arms raised up, and even sighing just to add to the ambiance.
Trying not to laugh had never been so difficult in his life.
Regardless, avoidance never lasted forever, and seeing you practically tiptoe around town was too obvious not to pay mind to.
So when the door to Po’s Vinyl creaked open during his evening shift, he craned to greet the customer, only to be met with bare space. Well, prior to noticing your hunched frame stalking through aisles, crouched down rather comically.
Biting his tongue, he watched you scour like a mad-woman, finally stilling in front of at a new arrival, the latest album restocked yesterday.
Turns out you were fated to run into each other again somehow. One way or another.
Maybe this was his chance to clear things up, or maybe that was the wrong move, maybe it would mess everything up and you’d move away and— Oh. You’re in front of him now, pale as a ghost and religiously averting eye contact.
“This,” You mutter, barely forming coherent sentences while sliding the album forward, hand wildly fishing through your bag in search of your wallet.
He stays quiet, periodically fixating on your expressions while scanning the barcode. Debating, contemplating.
“Hey can we—“
“Sorry! I really need to go to the vendors today, another time?” Scrambling, you snatch your purchase and rush off, ceasing to take note of the playful smirk painting his features.
He has an idea, an idea that may or may not work.
He’ll test his luck.
Spending the majority of his shift waiting for you to pass by again, he immediately locks onto your frame sprinting past an hour or so later.
Stepping from the store and calling out your name multiple times, it only makes you walk faster in response, leaving him to gradually catch up and move in front of you.
You try slipping past each side, finding yourself blocked every time. Your brows knit frustratedly.
“Y/n, can we talk, please?”
You sigh, stalling your movement to cross your arms and send him a taut gaze.
He can tell you hate this, hate standing here and especially hate his invitation, but the small, curt nod he got after a few seconds was enough.
Perhaps, that “maybe” would turn out true. The chance to clear things up.
He hoped.
. ..
“Look, I didn’t see anything.”
“Liar.” You grumble, jogging to keep pace without heading anywhere in particular.
If only you were a toddler and could throw a tantrum to get out of this due to simply being petty. Except you couldn’t. You were an adult, and you had to handle the situation like one.
What bullshit.
Flailing his arms helplessly, he tugged his jacket tighter against his body, the chilling air only dropping further as you neared the ocean.
“I’m not lying! Seriously!” Voice childish whilst avidly squirming around, the sound of gray rocks clattering beneath your shoes muffles your conversation.
He halts suddenly and you do the same, ceasing to acknowledge how far you’d aimlessly walked till the Lighthouse, located on the furthest side of town, looms above.
There’s a good minute of silence, interrupted by clearing his throat and simultaneously sending you a mischievous glance.
“Although,” He begins. “That red color was cute.”
You blink, watching as he gestures to his chest before swiftly dodging your swinging fist, looking mere seconds from exploding.
It’s sort of adorable.
Adorable in a dangerous, likely-to-kill-you way. But adorable.
Albeit expecting you to drown him, sucker punch him or suffocate him (quite possibly all three), you alternatively grab his hand, dragging him towards the Lighthouses’ entrance and up the winding rails.
Chris doesn’t interject nor pull away, face instead broken into a sweet smile while following you, observing you.
Arriving at the top that overlooked blue cascades, you sit down, not caring to explain with your knees pulled to your chest. He doesn’t mind.
It’s hard not to admire the endless abyss of water overwhelming every expanse in view, the moon’s glint scattering upon its surface. Wind whips your hair in wild directions, and it’s rather cold now above ground level.
Chris quietly hikes up the last few stairs behind you, easing off his jacket to drape around your shoulders—earning a hum of appreciation as he drops down on your right.
“Hey, um, thanks.” He speaks, but his voice is softer this time, sadder this time, and if it weren’t for you two being mere inches apart you doubt you would’ve heard it.
“For what?”
“Nothing important. Just, thanks.” Peering at you with a tilt of his head, you decide not to pry, reflecting his subtle happiness.
Being completely honest, you don’t have the first clue of what Chris’ life was like before here. Somehow, it felt better staying that way. We all have secrets, and in a sense, this seemed to be his escape, his own secret.
Whatever his history entailed, you’re glad it led him to Seoul. Lead him to you.
“Awe,” You shove his shoulder lightly and the man pouts, cheeks dusted pink from the biting cold while his eyes stay trained on the sea, glimmering.
You sit there for a few minutes, listening, appreciating.
“Say, ‘wanna swim?”
The sky dark overhead, Chris gives you an incredulous look, wondering if you’re joking.
He’s quiet, eventually nodding and nearly toppling down the circular stairs after you, hastily pulling off your shoes to run through sand and scattered shells.
It’s stupid, so stupid swimming in freezing cold water at night.
Something the you who didn’t know Chris wouldn’t ever consider. But now he was here, currently taking off his shirt and— shit. He’s taking off his shirt. Holy shit.
Unfortunately, you weren’t given much time to be shocked (and mystified) before being picked up and literally thrown in, clothing and all very much intact.
Sputtering as you surfaced, you instinctively covered your top half, earning a giggle from the greek god of a man a few feet away, calf deep in the water.
“What’re you all shy for? ‘S not like I haven’t seen your—“ Now it’s his turn to be dunked, and you’re more than happy to force his curls into the water below, both drenched and shivering.
This is like a fever dream. Like you’ll wake up in your cozy bed to never have any of this happen in the first place. Never have had Chris happen in the first place.
Unable to contain the question, words basically pour out at an alarming pace the moment you open your mouth.
“Are you real?”
Because the moment feels too good to be true.
You both stop.
“Am I real? What, wanna find out?” He cockily points to his flexed arm, leaning your way while you shrink back, face contorted with disgust.
Best to have kept that one to yourself, but hell, you’d give in just this once.
Wading closer, you wrap your arms around his tummy in a sticky, uncomfortable hug. Chris doesn’t pull back though. Alternatively, he reaches up to pat the back of your head, surprised expression transforming into that of fondness.
You stay that way, wordlessly confessing so many things in a minute and a half as the stinging breeze seems to rattle your bones. Things you don’t have the courage to say aloud, things Chris understands all the same.
Walking home was a blur, filled with shapes and colors you barely recognized till the sound of a door opening knocked you back onto your feet.
Too cold to comprehend anything, you both race into separate rooms, coming to the realization this isn’t your home when searching for a towel to cover yourself.
Not your home, but his.
And you wonder if his setup is still situated directly in front of your window like normal. Wonder if, possibly, it was a coincidence you were now in the house you’d been staring daggers into for weeks, or if it all was a twist of fate.
How funny.
There’s quiet, childish interaction as he knocks on the door, sheepishly handing you a pair of his shorts and a t-shirt while his eyes stay glued to the floor.
Yet you can’t bring yourself to tease despite how bad the urge is, because he’s just him.
And you’re wearing his clothes. That too.
A hair dryer seated on his bathroom counter catching your eye, you pop your head out the door, yelling to Chris who’s busied himself somewhere in the living room.
“Hey Chris! Want me to dry your hair for you?” You shout, and he shuffles to make out what you said, practically lighting up witnessing you wearing his clothes.
The view is better than he could’ve ever imagined.
Laughter fills the air, all squeaky and high-pitched with you seated above him on the couch, occupying the floor while drying his wild curls that fly in every direction.
Clicking the off button, his head falls back to look at you, long eyelashes dusting and perfectly framing chocolate brown orbs. He’s practically glowing, and cupid has to be lingering nearby by how fast your heart thumps in your chest.
“…Can I spend the night?”
Whispering, you carefully place your hands on either side of his face, glancing back and forth erratically between his eyes and lips.
You don’t notice how close you are, a habit picked up from the start. He draws you in like a Siren, and you’re more than happy to senselessly follow his song.
His lips part, breathlessly uttering.
And before you know it, you’re capturing his lips just as senselessly, kissing the man as if a near microscopic thread connected the both of you.
That is until Chris took charge, pulling your right-side up face against his upside down lips. Deeper, hungrier.
Crashing, like the moon-reflected waves you’d seen earlier. Messy and greedy, fervent. So many feelings, so many words without sound. You were good at doing that.
You’d like to admit it lasted for a few seconds, but from how you managed to somehow end up in his lap in the process, that definitely wasn’t the case.
“Here,” Chris says, handing you a warm mug of tea and settling beside you on the couch once you finally finished eating each other's faces, TV playing continuous episodes of Friends that numbly buzz your eardrums.
Neither of you spoke apart from exchanging drinks, atmosphere comfortable, exhaustion growing the longer you sat. Your eyelids began to droop before your head (unbeknownst to you) plopped onto his shoulder.
Initially Chris tensed, waking up from his own dazed daydream to marvel at the now sleeping beauty, you, cozied up against him.
He stared for a while, taking in what small interactions deprived him of. Those tiny details of you, the imperfect perfections. Beautiful.
Brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, he smiles—one that he can’t contain, one that hurts his cheeks from how big and bright it is.
“I’m so glad we met.”
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> SERIES TAGLIST. @phtogravi @liknws @luckieleaf @jhstayy @meloncremesoda @chans1aptop @eternitywaveshello @meanergreener @ladylexis @love-gy-u @hanjingin @idkluvutellme @dark-anxel @yubinism @rachabreathing @seung-scrittore @fylithia @skzsupremacy @alrm02 @ener-energy @koliki @anskiiz @dprkbyn @bellamuerte1987 @ylixbok @hanjisung-enjoyer @youngunknownwitch @hwangflora @hanjiingin @starlost-andfound @taeriffic @flwerfield
sunboki, may 2022 ©
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outofgloom · 8 months
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The tone sounded in the deep tunnel, and the Turaga scratched his head with puzzlement. He was sure the council hadn’t ordered any new workers. He checked the piles of tablets stacked along the walls. Yes, the last order was not for some months. Nevertheless, the Rala was winding up. 
He sighed and set his lightstone in its niche as the tone sounded again, then took up his position on the special stool at one side of the tunnel, just beyond the dividing line, which even Turaga may not cross.
If it wasn’t a new order of Matoran, then that could only mean…Well, he’d find out soon enough. Deep in the earth, down the tunnel, there were halting footsteps. Just a single pair. The elder leaned forward, squinted into the dark. Two eyes glowed, and a small figure stepped forward, hand braced against the slanting wall. A Po-Matoran.
"Well, come along on then," the Turaga said kindly, gesturing to the Matoran. "Let’s get you registered and on your way."
The Matoran stepped over the dividing line and moved toward the Turaga’s stool obediently. The Turaga picked up a tablet and prepared to carve a new name, then stopped.
"Oh, you have a name already, I see," he said, surprised. "Pawha, is it?" That was a knack of his, knowing the names. Didn't even have to look them up.
The Matoran nodded. He still had not spoken. 
"Well, now it makes sense, I suppose. Let’s see, where did I put the other tablet…There. Now, Pawha, tell me where did you, uh…Ahem, where did you die?"
The Matoran shook his head.
"Come now, I know it was probably a shock, but it’s done now. All mended. If you can tell me where, I’ll get the records updated and we can get on with the day."
"Po…" the Matoran said haltingly, each syllable an effort. "Po-Metru. Statue Fields."
"Something wrong with your voicebox?"
"Some-thing…something wrong."
"That’s what I asked."
"Yes? Well?"
"Turaga, I…fell."
"Ah, that’s what did it, then?"
"I fell…and…and…"
"And then you were back here, yes? It’s a quick process. No more than an hour or two of work-time lost though. Don't ask me how it works--we're not meant to know everything!"
"No. I was not here. I was…in the dark."
"Down the tunnel, remember? It’s dark down there, and then you just walk toward my lightstone here and–"
"Not there, no. Not that dark. Another dark. Dark and…and red."
"Er…well. That’s all very interesting."
"They hurt me there, Turaga. The ones without faces, they…it hurt."
Words began pouring out of the Matoran in a rush:
"I fell from high up, so I was smashed, and I hurt. They put hooks in me, and popped my joints apart. They took my arms and legs away into the dark, and they…" He gestured vaguely. "They took off my head…my head, Turaga…it was broken, my head."
"What in Mata's name are you talking about?"
"Turaga, they were like Matoran, but they had no faces and no…no eyes. Their eyes were little holes, maybe not eyes…They had tools. Sharp tools, saws and welders I recognized. They cut out my broken eye and took it away. I could feel my arms and legs somewhere else too. They cut them and burned them back together. Then they put their tools inside my broken head, and their fingers…and they took things out, and put things back in...inside my head."
The Matoran put his hands up to his face, to the side of his head, started scratching. "In there…in there…what did they put in? What did they take out?!"
"Hey now, none of that! None of that," the Turaga caught the Matoran’s hands, tried to steady him. "Calm, calm."
The Matoran relented. His arms hung limp. His gaze met the Turaga’s at last.
"Turaga, I was broken from the…from the fall, and they…They put me back together after."
"But who--"
"They don't have faces, Turaga, nor masks I think. I screamed at them, when my lungs were back, and they put my throat back in. I screamed hard, and I think they heard me. They flinched, like they didn’t know I was there before, that I was alive. One of them sniffed at me with its…with its eyes…But then another hook came down and…a red tunnel…And then I was here."
The Turaga blinked, swallowed. He could feel the Matoran trembling.
"Ehm, well…What a tale. I should say you are a bit more imaginative than most Po-Matoran I know."
"Not imaginative." The Matoran shook his head, rubbing his right arm slowly, feeling the armor, good as new. "I’m not. I didn’t imagine."
"There's no other explanation, I’m afraid. We all have dreams on occasion, even strange ones."
"Not a dream, no–"
"Well, let’s get you settled and back to the jobsite, shall we? The Statue Fields can’t be missing a laborer for too long.”
"Back? Of course, I must go back…" The Matoran's eyes darted around. "But, Turaga, what if…what if I fall again? It’s so high, and my chisel slipped. I’ll fall again for sure. I can’t…I can’t go back."
"Can’t go back to the Statue Fields? Why of course you can! It’s all very routine–"
"No…back there. If I fall. If I’m hurt…If I die. What if I go back to…to them? To the ones without faces?"
"There are no such creatures, I assure you. It was just a dream; perhaps from the shock! Very understandable." The Turaga patted the Matoran's shoulder reassuringly. "Look, I shall tell you a story. I myself experienced grave injury once before, long ago, before my days as an elder. Hard to imagine, I know! But it happened. I perished then, but I was brought back, and nothing of what you describe happened to me. There was no dark place, no strange creatures, no pain. My memory is crystal clear: A short time of rest and a pleasant noise, and then back forthwith! This is the grace of Mata Nui. It shows that we are valued, that we have an important purpose in the world–too important to waste! There, does that help?"
"What noise?"
"The noise you heard…What was it?"
"I don't...Who can say?"
"They breathe," the Matoran continued. "Their breathing makes a sound. I could only hear from one side, until they soldered my other ear back in. What noise do you remember, Turaga?"
"Nonsense, I–"
"It was…a sound of waves. That’s it, yes. Very calming, like a rise and fall of waves, or a pleasant whisper. Refreshing, even."
"Their breathing was like words, I think. It wasn’t words, but sounded like them. ‘Toh-rah-kesh-toh-rah-kesh’ is what it sounded like. On ‘toh-rah’ they breathed in, and on ‘kesh’ they breathed out. Is that what you heard, Turaga?"
The elder's heartlight was suddenly beating very fast.
"No…no, that is not what I heard," he said, and his expression was hard. "Not at all like." 
He turned to his tablets abruptly, clattered a few aside. "Now, Pawha, you are to report to the surface and give the Coliseum wardens this token." He thrust a sliver of stone into the Matoran’s hands. "They will send you on your way. It is time for you to return to your Duty."
"I can’t go back there, Turaga. I can’t–"
"Enough! Out!"
The Matoran flinched away, stumbled, and then fled past, up the tunnel, out of the Rala. Gone. 
The Turaga shook himself, dusted off his robes. His heartlight was still beating fast. Much too fast. He was usually such a calm person, not prone to outbursts at all. How strange. 
He took up the lightstone from its niche, pushed the stool back into its alcove, began to walk back up the tunnel himself, back toward the surface. Behind him, the deep passage of the Rala stretched back into darkness and unknown, but that was alright. We know only what we must know, in order to perform our Duty well, after all. The unknown is nothing to be afraid of.
The trudge of his feet made a little rasping noise as he walked. He tried his best to walk silently, but still there it was. Scrape, rasp. Scrape, rasp, traveling away down the tunnel. 
Down the tunnel, into the dark, like a whisper, like a breath. He did not remember that…that sound. Surely not. It was not at all familiar, was it? His hand went to his chest, to the place where the Jaga-stinger had ended him, back then. No marks, of course. Good as new. It was the grace of Mata Nui, he reminded himself. Showed that we were important, could not be wasted. So we are repaired…repaired by…what? In a dark place, long ago...
Scrape, rasp. Scrape, rasp. Like a whisper, like a breath. It was nonsense, that other dark. His memory playing tricks, of course. Dark and red. A red tunnel. He did not remember that. Preposterous! And things without faces, things without eyes?
No such thing.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Take my hand and find out
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Sirius Black x shy! fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n's morning was going okay until new information causes her to have an attack in the middle of breakfast
Warnings: swearing, comfort, mentions of food, eating, not feeling hungry, feeling sick, shortness of breath and sex, detailed descriptions of a panic attack, gryffindor reader, reader has panic attacks, friends to lovers, mutual pining, first kiss, Sirius being a sweetheart, minor James and Lily and Marlene being a simp for her slytherin gal
A/n: 2k words, thank you for the request, I hope I captured it okay I used to do this went I panicked in large crowds to help calm down xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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“Morning” Marlene's voice sings as she enters your dorm room “How are my two favourite girls?” she asks, walking towards you but pats Lily’s head on the way 
“If I can get breakfast without being bothered by Potter I’ll be grand” Lily huffs, shaking her head as she finishes her hair
Marlene plops herself beside you on your bed with a snigger, turning to you with a sceptical look that elicits a giggle from you
“I mean it” Lily turns around, a frustrated look on her face
Marlene holds up her hands “Sure you do” she replies, voice dripping with sarcasm before she puts on her best impression “My wonderful, beautiful, sweet, sweet Lilypad!” she presses the back of her hand to forehead and falls back onto the bed
You giggle at her theatrics “Hey” your eyes go to LIly as she scolds you lighty, a smile cracking through her frustration “You’re supposed to be on my side…Marlene!” she pleads but giggles herself at the end, blushing lightly as the blonde starts to go on about her thighs and arse
“What?” she sits up and looks at you “She has a great arse, right?” she asks and you nod shyly, causing Lily’s blush to deepen “Lils why can’t you admit you like the specky weirdo already” 
“...don’t like him” you and Marlene say together, you a lot quieter but they hear it and despite it making fun of her Lily is just as proud as Marlene
“We should get to breakfast” Lily stands up the smile finally breaking through as she grabs her robes, avoiding the question as she always does “I need to get to those blueberry muffins before they’re all gone”
You and Marlene smile, gathering your own robes and bags. Marlene slips her robes over her satchel while you put them on, fixing the hood as you head out of the dorm and down the stairs
Sniggers escape you as Marlene mutters “Think that’s a new record” under her breath while Lily eyes the boy jogging towards her 
“What Potter?” she crosses her arms, pressing her lips together as she takes an annoyed breath
“We got a meeting with Minnie this morning, head boy and girl thing” he informs her with the biggest smile on his face “You look wonderful this morning, beautiful” 
You had to give it to James, he never faltered in his affections, if anything over the years they grew more and more sweet, just like another boy you know…even if he was a little more of a natural flirt
“Hey pretty girl” Sirius greets as he and Remus come down the stairs behind you “Hey Marls”
“Hey Sirius, Remus” Marlene nods to them
You turn around to look as well, finding Remus wearing a kind smile while Sirius smirks and winks at you causing your cheeks to heat but a small smile plays on your lips as you look back towards Lily and James
“Oh” Lily pouts “I forgot about that, sorry…I haven’t had time to get break…” she starts but James gently cuts her off revealing two blueberry muffins
“I already ran down and grabbed you something” he offers them to a now wide-eyed Lily
She just stares at them for a moment before taking them “Thanks Po…James” she corrects making the boys soft smile grow significantly “Don’t get any ideas” she points at him before smiling at the muffins again “Let's go” she hithers saying her goodbyes to you, Marlene, Sirius and Remus before heading out
As she turns away you all chuckle at James, watching as he jumps and punches the air in a quiet victory before following along behind her
“So breakfast?” Marlene claps her hands together earning hums and nods from the three of you “Where’s Pete?” she asks as you all make your way down “Feel like I haven’t talked to you all in ages”
Sirius steps forward and beside her “He’s not feeling great unfortunately, stomach bug” he shrugs before falling into conversation with her while you and Remus walk along behind “I’ll tell him you’re asking for him”
“Hey love” he nudges you gently to say hello, looking down at you with a smile
You smile back, Remus and you got along well, both being the shy anxious hermits of each of your respective friend groups “Hey Rem” you greet him, tapping your head on his shoulder as you walk, missing the raven haired boy slight jealousy as he catches it when he looks back
“Are you ready for the presentations today?” he wonders and you look up at him confused “Binns moved the oral presentations to this morning, you didn’t know?” he informs and while you nod anymore conversation is cut off as you enter a loud and busy great hall, your friends ahead finding seats on the top end of the table
Remus seems to get the hint of what the two are doing before you do, in fact you’re too busy dealing with the forming lump in your throat and sickness in your stomach to realise until you sit down
“Hi” Sirius smiles at you while you turn to him shocked, you were expecting Marlene or Remus, not him
You give him a nervous, timid smile before you turn away and stare at your plate, hands shakily grabbing food you know you won’t be able to stomach nor eat before picking up your fork and beginning to play with it. Desperately you tried to calm yourself, trying all your usual tricks but the thought of talking in front of everyone in less than an hours time was terrifying
“Woah” your eyes flick up to Marlene, seeing her mouth ajar as her eyes are locked across the room “Just me or does she look extra good today?” she points at her girl 
Sirius leans to the side, shoulder touching yours by accident as he looks between Remus and Marlene. You look as well, trying to focus on something else but you struggle, more so when Marlene stands, quickly grabbing some food and running after Dorcas as she heads out with an ‘I’ll see you and those two losers later honey’
“She’s a loser” 
Sirius huffs but you barely hear it, only Marlene and Lily knew you had anxiety, you were sure Remus understood it to a degree but he’d never seen it at its worst, he couldn’t talk you through an attack and realising that caused your chest to tighten that little bit more
“Sorry insult Pads” 
Your hands find each other under the table, nails digging in as nerves overcome you. Suddenly the room felt small, and you were aware of how many people were here, how loud it all was, how many people were walking behind and around the table, the clatter of cutlery, bangs on the table, laughter and shouting merging into the same scary hum
“So’s your mum” 
Running away was the best option but you also couldn’t move, you were glued to the chair
“No I take that back your mums lovely moons…oh hey Prongs, Red and Minnie get tired of you already?” 
It felt like the world was closing in, the weight of it all pressing on your chest…
“Hilarious Pads but no, in fact things were going well but we’ve ran into a hitch and I need Moony's help” 
“Why his help?”
“Because he’s tall like me”
“I’m tall!”
“No next to us you’re not”
“You two suck”
“And you blow…anyway moony you mind helping me and Lily with the banners? She’s just a little short, it’s adorable but impractical ya know?”
“Sure thing, I’ll see you two in class” 
“See ya” Sirius waves them off before turning to you “So I was thinking…darling?” his eyes brows furrow, noticing how distressed you look “Y/n?” he tries again but don’t react, your eyes still tracing frantically around the room, breaths shallow
His hand finds yours, stopping you from hurting yourself with your nails, thumbs softly rubbing into the left over indentations “I can’t…I…” you breathing gets heavier, no longer panicking in silence as everything gets fuzzy, loud, it’s overwhelming 
Sirius stays quiet for a moment bringing your hand to the centre of his chest and his to yours “In and out” he tries, and if you weren’t in your current state you would love him more for that “In” he over expands his chest “Out” he deflates, voice soft
You attempt to copy, it helps but it’s not enough, your chest still feels tight “I can’t” you shake your head, slipping back so he tries something else
“What can you see?” he asks, head dipping down to your eye line
“What?” you almost squeak
“Name all the things you can see around you” he expands and nods towards the great hall
You warily look, still struggling to breathe as you start “Umm…People…talking…laughing…eating…” 
“What else darling?” His fingers run over your hairline, knuckles grazing your cheek
You continue looking around, your breathing getting easier “…tables…food…pancakes…newspapers…some boy picking his nose…” a giggle escapes both of you at the last one
“Feel better?” he asks, the sweetest smile on his face
You nod, breathing returning to normal and you lean into his hand as he cups your cheek “How did you know what was happening?” you wonder a little surprised 
He looks down, face flashing with guilt “My little brother…he used to have them when we were young…maybe he still does I…I wouldn’t know” he confesses and your heart goes to him, you didn’t know much about what happened, but you knew enough to know how much he regretted it “”
“Thank you” you lean up and kiss his cheek, breaking him out of his own thinking 
His fingers graze his cheek, and your eyes widen at the blush that grazes them “You’re welcome, but I’d do anything for you” the words roll off naturally “What happened? Is it too busy? We can take our food to the courtyard or something” he offers
“Not at first” you shake your head “Remus told me they changed our presentations to first period” 
“Oh” he nods in understanding before kissing your forehead “Well I can fix that” he shrugs 
“You can?” your head tilts, cheeks heating at the ease of the kiss and that his hand hasn’t stopping cupping your jaw line
“Yeah! What can I do for you? I can cause a distraction and you sneak out, or just get it plain cancelled or I could forge a note that excuses you…oh or I could sneak you to Hogsmeade and we can just skip it entirely” his eyes light up as he speaks, excitement evident that he can help in the most him like fashion
“How would you get us to hogsmeade?” you inquire, though you should have guessed he would have a way
“Take my hand and find out” his hand slips from you cheek as he stands up, extending his hand back towards you
You don’t even think about it, just grab your bag from under the table with one hand and accept his with the other, letting him pull you up
“You won’t regret this” he promises as he leads you out of the great hall and down the corridor but you stop him just at the end “What?” he pouts, he must think you’ve changed your mind
“Sirius…” you bite your lip, psyching yourself up “…is this a date?” 
His mouth drops open in a happy shock, trying to contain it but fails in the best way “Do you want it to be?” he poses, hope evident in his eyes and tone
“Very much” you confirm smiling wide as lights up more than you’ve ever seen but you are sure you can beat that “Siri” 
“Yeah?” he beams at the new name but you don’t say anything just lean up and gently peck his lips softly “Umm…well…ugh” he struggles and your heart bursts that you’ve rendered him speechless after all these years
You step backwards in the direction he was headed, gently pulling him with you “Come on” you encourage and he snaps out of it, grinning as he starts dragging you down the corridors for your first official date
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Thank you for reading ♡
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
hi there, hope you’re doing well! i just read your scenario with yandere ranpo and a darling in danger and i am OBSESSED!! 💜 the dynamic is so freaking good, my favorite bit is when darling asks about the candy being drugged, i feel like it did so much to build up their past relationship and pique my interest. the way that ranpo’s darling was so resigned to their fate was heartbreaking but so well written, i love how much it implies about darling’s experience in captivity while also leaving so much up to the imagination. i have to say i was so thoroughly intrigued by the open ending! the idea that ranpo’s darling defeatedly agrees to go back to their prison, but also clearly still hates it and has simply lost all hope of ever escaping, and is now beginning to give in for the sake of making their miserable life easier..it has infected my brain man (/pos)!! so i saw that your requests were open in your bio and i was like i simply have to ask: would you be willing to write a continuation to that scenario that shows what it is like when ranpo brings his darling back to his home (prison)?
i’ve also written fanfic in the past, so i totally understand if it’s a situation where you had the inspo for the blurb but not really any ideas for past that! so, no pressure to write, but if you would possibly like a further prompt, the idea that i was picturing is a depressing fic where darling is giving in more and more to ranpo because they’re too tired of all of the punishments and they just want their life in captivity to be easier since they know they can’t ever escape him..but if you do decide to write, feel free to write whatever you feel like! Thank you, have a great night! 💜
AUGH thank you for your kind words, anon! they truly mean a lot! i showed this to my friend bc it made me so happy, i hope you don’t mind!! i was having a bad day when i first read your kind words so it cheered me up a lot LMDBF. anyways, here you go! i had fun writing and thinking about what would happen
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Coming Back Home; Ranpo Edogawa
Format: Headcanons and scenario
Possible warnings: Yandere content, dark themes, discussion of kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of injuries
Disclaimer: This is a continuation of Ranpos part of this fic! I recommend you read it first!
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When you were cleared to finally go home by Yosano, you felt as if you wanted to die. You’d be dragged back to your eternal prison by some man-child that claimed to love you like no other.
You knew what he was capable of, and he’d constantly remind you of it. He’d always tell you that he could frame you for the murder of people you hold dear. He’d make sure that you’d go to prison. The only way for him to prove your innocence and get you out of prison was to stay by his side. Though, all of this is a what if…
He’d make sure that you were his, even if it meant tampering with your criminal record.
Escaping while walking back was out of the question because of this.
When the both of you go returned ‘home’, you were more submissive than usual. You didn’t like it one bit, but it was your only choice at this point. You knew that he’d become more protective over this incident. He doesn’t want you to get kidnapped again…
If you even tried to defy him then things would turn out for the worst.
It was terrible.
If you started to comply more, then maybe he wouldn’t keep you in that one single room anymore. Maybe he’d be slightly kinder…
Don’t get me wrong, he was really “nice” to you even before you got kidnapped by that gang. He made sure that all your needs were met, it’s just the mental blockage of him forcibly taking you from your home that stopped you from returning his “kindness.”
The walk “home” was filled with a deafening silence. You could barely think straight as you walked throughout Yokohama. Your mind kept scattering to when you were first kidnapped by that gang—how they beaten and bruised you. Your body still ached from the beatings despite Yosano using “Thou Shalt Not Die” on you. It hurt to walk. It hurt to breathe. It was suffocating. You hated it.
Ranpo opened the front door to your shared “home” and motioned for you to enter. You reluctantly did so, not wanting to somehow manage to anger him by your hesitance.
You sat down on the nearest couch and stared at your lap. Your pants had several cuts in them, so it was clear that you would need new ones sooner or later. It was unfortunate because they were your favorite pair too! They provided you comfort when you so desperately needed it.
“Are you alright?” Ranpo asked as he sat next to you. “You seem sad.”
You bit your tongue, not wanting to say something that you would regret. “I’m fine, Ranpo.”
Ranpo took out a lollipop from his pocket and unwrapped it. He then plopped it in his mouth and hummed in approval. It was his favorite flavor.
“You don’t seem fine,” he said, the lollipop still in his mouth. “Talk to me.”
“Ranpo I told you I’m fine,” you said back.
You didn’t want him to see your weakness, but you already knew that he saw through you. He was the greatest detective out there, and that’s what scared you. He knew everything about you just by one glance. It made chills slowly creep up your spine, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Someone is lying to me!~” He spoke rather childishly. “(Name), I told you how I feel about liars.”
You tensed up at his words. When he first took you in captive he told you that he’d punish you if you ever lied to him. At first you didn’t believe him at all, but you ended up finding out the hard way that he was indeed speaking the truth. You still remember the day where he refused to feed you because you lied about something that was happening at work. You felt nauseous from the lack of food in your stomach at the time
“Fine. I’m just shaken up is all, alright? Nothing bad.”
Ranpo squinted at you for one moment, trying to see if what you said was the truth. He then nodded to himself then went to hug you.
“Oh my (Name), you’re gonna be okay! Well, you’ll be okay as long as you love me! You do love me, right?”
“I do love you,” you said. You knew that you didn’t mean your words—you never have. You only said it to appease your captor.
Ranpo hugged you tighter. He knew that you didn’t mean your words one bit, but he still accepted them. He knew that one day you’d eventually come around to his affections. That day may not come any time soon, but he’s willing to wait. He’s willing to wait only for you.
You slowly hugged him back, not wanting him to give you any lip about not returning the sign of love. In a gross way it felt strangely comforting, but yet at the same time it felt suffocating. It almost made your skin crawl.
“That’s so good to hear!” He said happily. “Anyways, what do you want for dinner, hm? I’ll order something! You deserve to be pampered after almost dying!”
“Uhm… How about your favorite? I want you to be happy,” you lied through your teeth.
You had to be considerate of his feelings. Otherwise he’d punish you.
“That sounds good,” he hummed.
Ranpo pulled out his phone and he started to order the food. Eventually he looked up at you and gave you a lazy kind smile.
“Go change your clothes.”
You nodded as you stood up. You then went into your bedroom and picked out Ranpos’ favorite outfit of yours. You stripped down and put on the outfit, then walked back out of the room. The outfit wasn’t sexual at all, but it still made you feel uncomfortable.
You sat down next to him and he leaned his head on your shoulder. “The food should be here soon, darling.”
He wrapped his arms around you delicately. You’ve been so good ever since you returned home with him, and he knew that you were sore, so he decided not to put more stress on your body.
“I love you so much. Promise not to leave me, alright?”
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youphoriaot7 · 8 months
QSMP RECAP : DAY 192 (9/30)
[note: there was definitely stuff i missed/was unsure of on this day too because the lore caught me completely off-guard ksjfgsk as usual, if you know more, feel free to add on!]
BBH, MAXO, and PIERRE ran into “juanaflippa” (a code in disguise, i think). code!flippa led them back to the maze, to a new(?) section full of black concrete. (now that i watch it back, it may have actually be the same section, but all black concrete instead of stone?) they found another white door with vines, and a room that looked very similar to the archive room. there seemed to be another recording there, but they couldn’t play it(?).
BBH, MAXO, and PIERRE found dapper’s hat in the maze.
BBH, MAXO, and PIERRE activated plan ab. (whatever that means.)
BBH, MAXO, and PIERRE worked their way through a separate maze that teleported them back to the beginning if they got it wrong. at the center of the maze were three dice—black, red, and white. they chose bbh to play, and he rolled the dice, rolling a “7” altogether. after this, he received a ticket addressed to him with the number #0003, and they were all teleported back to spawn.
BBH remembered finding a book at spawn addressed to him that simply said “october 10th.” (i do not know when he saw this book.)
cucurucho gave ETOILES an assignment. the assignment mentioned that the structure above luzu’s house was not authorized by the federation, and they wanted etoiles to give any information he knew to them.
ETOILES ignored cucurucho’s task
the codes left ETOILES a book (binary that translated to “tomorrow” and a set of coordinates)
BBH talked with etoiles about his low spirits
ETOILES completed cucurucho’s task (and burnt the duckcoin reward)
[ooc] ETOILES mentioned that the admins thought he would’ve died 10 minutes earlier in his previous fight. (goddamn french beast /pos)
[ooc] CELLBIT, BAGHERA, ROIER, PAC, FOOLISH, BAGI, and QUACKITY played part two of a one-shot in cellbit’s rpg universe ordem paranormal!
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tangledinink · 11 months
I just found all your swanatello posts and I am obsessed. I don’t know if this is just a me thing, but when I see a piece of media that really gets to me and brings me the verge of tears, I get these aches in my hands. It just sort of means that the work has done it’s job incredibly well, and I like media that makes me cry as long as it has a happy ending!
anyways, your swanatello au gives me the hand aches /pos
Also, I have a question about the lake’s magic. Does it kind of “speak” to Donnie? Is that how he knows he’s supposed to be its guardian? Or does it like, impact his emotions instead? Something you wrote in the tags that made me think about this was when you said that Donnie didn’t react to his outfit because the lake made him feel like it was always been that way.
or does the lake not only erase Donnie’s memories but also re-write them?
Sorry for the ramble, I’m just really enjoying your au!
ahhhh thank you??? ; w ; i'm very glad you like it!!!!!!!!
the lake doesn't always speak to donnie, though it has before and he has heard its voice. but typically, it manipulates his emotions and thinking directly rather than speaking to him. the lake does erase memories, though it less 'rewrites' them and more compels donnie to simply not question the gaps. up until leo visited him on his own, swanatello felt that it made perfect sense for him to be at the lake; he innately understood his role as guardian and he didn't question at all how that came to be. he just accepted it.
and then he was able to recognize leo for the first time. and then suddenly he DID question how he came to be here, and why, (which he is not supposed to do,) and he realized that the pieces didn't add up and that something was wrong. he does remember things. he remembers that he loves science and how to code and engineer. he remembers all his ninja training and combat experience. he even remembers things like how to navigate the sewer systems-- but if he looks any closer at those memories, tries to ask himself, "why do i know how to navigate the sewer systems? where did i learn that? who was i with?" then things start to get fuzzy. it's a lot easier for him if he has cues or visuals reminders. (that, or a sibling nearby to help him.) he's started trying to keep physical record of things when he figures them out, but sometimes he'll find that portions of these notes will go missing or not make sense to him later.
right now, swanatello is almost constantly fighting to remember his life before the lake, as well as figure out a way to return to his family. the curse is constantly trying to undo any progress he makes.
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mrsbakashi · 1 year
Can we please get one of Kakashi significant other going to the hospital sick while Kakashi goes to work. Than the significant other does testing at the hospital but the results won’t be in till later so Sakura will send the results home with Kakashi so she goes home. Later in the day Sakura drops the paperwork off to Kakashi & says “congrats your going to be a father” and Kakashi has to let his significant other know? If that makes sense! Thank you ❤️
this is so cute! i wanna thank you for requesting this (and trusting me to write it) 💕 because it's holiday season i turned it into a holiday-themed thing, i hope you don't mind!
this was super fun and sweet to write (tho i still don't feel 100% with it).
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words: 3K
a/n: i took inspiration for pregnancy symptoms + reasons from google and my friends (specially one with pos who got pregnant the same way), but i'm sorry for anything (?). also, this is unedited and english is hard.
⚠️ c.w.: afab reader, unplanned pregnancy, pos (polycystic ovary syndrome), christmas, the mention of sex while pregnant.
you flushed the toilet again and got up, opening the faucet and washing your face. the mirror told you you looked like a mess, absolutely horrible. deep dark circles, pale, dry lips, and, besides that, it felt like your body was fighting against itself and apparently it was winning - or losing. you lost count of how many times you threw up in the last couple of days and you were feeling all over the place. such a great way to feel on christmas eve.
kakashi opened the door of the bathroom, worried about you.
"come on, let's go to the hospital." you could tell he was worried, but tried to maintain his voice firm.
"no, i'm ok! i'm just a little dizzy, that's all."
there was no way in hell you would go to the hospital. you hated hospitals! no one has ever received good news in a hospital. best case scenario was "you're not sick" which is not exactly a good new, it didn't change anything. a good new would be "hey, we just discovered you're immune to every disease that has ever existed and you're practically immortal" or something similar. also there was the smell, the freaking white walls white everything. ugh, absolutely not!
"you've been throwing up for four days now, please, y/n."
"mind your fucking business, rokudaime." you told him, pushing him aside to leave the bathroom.
"you're my fucking business."
"how sweet." your voice was filled of sarcasm. you weren't usually this mean, but kakashi sounded like a broken record, insisting you went to the hospital when you clearly didn't want to.
you sat on the bed and closed your eyes, trying to make the world stop spinning. your mind was desperate trying to remember if you'd eaten something that could've caused this. maybe a new virus? either way, your body would get rid of it naturally, how it's supposed to do.
"no, really, go to work. i just need to eat something and lay down a bit." you tried to calm him down.
"you said that yesterday and the day before that, i can't leave you like this, come on."
"kakashi, drop it, i'm not going to the hospital!" he was starting to get on your nerves.
"i'm not asking, i'm informing. you can choose to go wearing what you are now or put something else on. you got 5 minutes."
"touch me and i swear to god i'll make you regret the day you were born!"
"honey, please..."
kakashi kneeled down before you and took your hands in his.
"i can't leave you like this, i haven't been able to focus properly because i'm worried about you, i'm running behind schedule at work. i'm asking you, please, let me take you to the hospital."
you sighed, looking at him. as the hokage, kakashi couldn't skip a day of work, he was responsible for absolutely everything, and he would work the whole day on christmas eve.
"i hate hospitals. i really do."
"i know. but we have to find out what's wrong."
you got up and changed from your pajamas to a loose dress, grabbing your purse on the way.
kakashi practically carried you to the very christmas descorated hospital, but you couldn't blame him, you knew he was worried. that was the only reason you were there, actually. you were sure there was nothing wrong, you could feel it it was only temporary, probably just something you ate, but you were doing this for him, to make him feel at ease.
he only left after putting you in one of the beds, as if you were so weak you couldn't walk or sit. taking one of the hospitals beds was ridiculous, but the place was nearly empty anyway, people seemed to avoid hospitals during the holidays.
the holidays.
you couldn't help but smile at the memory of your first holiday with kakashi, when he asked you to be his girlfriend under a mistletoe, and exactly a year later he proposed. you had had a crush on him for months before he actually made a move, and now there you were, six years later, married and happy. you wondered if he remembered, now that he was all busy with the hokage job. you couldn't blame him if he didn't, he was working late on christmas eve, he had a lot going on... but at least he would be yours tomorrow. all yours.
"hi, y/n!" sakura greeted you.
"hi, sakura."
sakura was wearing a santa hat and there were tiny reindeers and christmas trees on her scrub.
"i heard you're not feeling well today. what's wrong?" she asked, holding a clipboard, ready to write down everything and anything you said.
"it's really nothing, kakashi's just being dramatic..."
"well, you're already here, we can check it out, it's no trouble. so, what are you feeling?"
"well, the main thing is this sickness, my stomach feels so weird i can't eat anything, i just throw up right away."
"hm... what else?"
"well, this is what concerns kakashi the most, but i also feel tired all the time, you know? it's like i ran a marathon, i just want to sleep."
"ok, so basically you're throwing up, feeling nauseous, can't eat and feel super tired?"
"yeah, that's basically it."
"okay, and when was your last period?"
"shit, i have no idea... my cycle is not really regular... i have pos, i take the pill but it doesn't really help with the cycle, sometimes it's 20 days, but sometimes it's like 45, so i don't really pay attention to it. i should, i know, sorry. it also doesn't help that i take the same pill since forever."
"okay... did you take any medication lately?"
"oh, god... nothing special, just the occasional aspirin. but i did have to take antibiotics for my throat a while ago ago, but it was nothing serious."
"okay..." sakura was writing everything down and had a little smile on her face. "question: is the sickness worse in the morning, like right after you wake up?"
"yes! why is that?"
sakura smiled and kept writing down your symptoms.
"so, do you know what's wrong? it's really nothing, right? probably just something i ate?" you asked, hopeful.
"well, in a way, yes." she giggled, but you didn't understand why. "come on, i need to take your blood and run a few tests in order to be 100% sure."
ugh, needles.
your body shivered at the idea, you absolutely hated needles, but what were you going to do? you were at the hospital anyway, might as well do everything. you were sure sakura had a pretty good idea of what was wrong with you, so if she wants you to take a blood test, you will take a blood test... that somehow made you feel quite anxious. if sakura wanted you to take a blood test, and she had an idea of what was going on, then maybe it was not "nothing", or simply something you ate. the idea of it being something serious caused panic to wash over you.
sakura was very skilled, she took your blood quickly, you almost didn't feel a thing and you were so so thankful for that.
"can you tell me what do you think it is?" the panic in your voice was obvious.
"we better wait for the results, but don't worry, it's nothing bad, i promise." she replied, tagging the blood bottles.
you nodded, looking at the perfectly painted white wall. nothing bad... as if something good was an option. in hospitals. haha.
"so, because it's christmas eve we're really short on people and the results may take a while, but you can go home if you want. i know you hate hospitals, it'll only make you anxious staying here... i'll send the results to kakashi."
"really? thank you!"
"yes, just make sure you rest, get some sleep and drink loads of water, ok? and try to eat something. a fruit, a glass of milk, anything is better than nothing, your body needs it." she recommended.
"okay, doc."
sakura smiled and touched your arm.
"and don't worry, everything's okay. i'll ask konohamaru to take you home."
"oh no, don't worry, i'm ok, i can go by myself."
"it's no trouble, he's got nothing better to do. besides, kakashi would kill me if he found out i let you leave alone."
that was true and there was no doubt. kakashi was overprotective - it would be ridiculous if it wasn't somehow sweet.
konohamaru walked you home taking very seriously the mission of taking the hokage's wife home in safety, it was adorable.
as soon as you got home you boiled water to make a cup of tea and tried to keep your mind free of worries, but it was difficult. sakura's questions brought up a fear you were working really hard to ignore, specially because it matched your symptoms, but it couldn't be true, it just couldn't. not with you.
you snuggled up on the couch with your cup of tea and turned on the tv to try and distract your mind.
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.
kakashi was finishing signing a huge pile of documents when sakura entered the office.
"hi, kakashi sensei!"
"hey, pink hair! i hope you didn't come here to deliver bad news... how's y/n? or did you come to talk about something else?"
"i brought her blood test results."
"is she ok? please, tell me she's ok!"
"she's ok, sensei!" sakura smiled. "she's home, that's why i'm giving the results to you."
kakashi took the envelope from sakura's hands, but didn't open it, instead waited for her to say what was really written in that piece of paper. he was trying to hide the fact that he was anxious and worried, but a bit calmer now that he knew you were home - if you were home it meant you didn't have to stay at the hospital, so it was nothing too serious.
"so?" he asked when sakura didn't speak.
"congrats, sensei, you're going to be a father!"
sakura couldn't hide her excitement, she believed children were a blessing and she was so happy her beloved sensei was going to be a father! being one of his genins she knew he would be an amazing father. kakashi, on the other hand, was frozen, still holding the envelope, not even blinking.
"sensei... are you... ok?"
"she's... pregnant?"
"yes!" sakura confirmed, smiling. "isn't that wonderful?"
"are you sure?!"
"yes! look at the results, she's around five or six weeks in!"
kakashi still seemed really confused, as if sakura had said that the sky is in fact green.
"how is that possible? you're not lying to me, are you?"
"no! see, she takes the pill, but antibiotics cut the effect of the pill, i don't think she was aware of that."
kakashi was so shocked he didn't reply, still trying to process the information, envelope in hands.
"sensei... is everything okay?"
"yes, of course!" he gave her his signature smile, his eyes becoming little crescent moons.
"i have to get back to the hospital... tell y/n i want to talk to her asap, we need to run other tests, start the antenatal check up, see if everything's okay, if she'd like to keep it..."
kakashi nodded, but he didn't seem to have listened to her, so she left and went back to the hospital. it took kakashi a while to fully process the new information, he was caught so off guard. after a few minutes he left the hokage tower telling shizune he had to rush home and not stopping to hear her complain about how late they already were with things.
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.
you woke up with a little jump when you heard kakashi call your name, realizing you had fallen asleep on the couch, the empty cup of tea on the floor. at least it didn't break.
"y/n!" kakashi called again.
"in the living room!"
three seconds later kakashi appeared with an envelope and a box in hands, almost running towards you.
"how are you? are you feeling better?" he asked, hands cupping your face, eyes analyzing every millimeter of your skin.
"i'm ok, i'm better. i told you i only needed to eat something. and sleep apparently. i'm better, there's no need to worry. is this the test results?"
you reached out to the envelope, but kakashi didn't let you touch it. weird.
"well? can i please see it?" you asked, sarcastically.
kakashi shook his head, then sat by your side.
"i'd like to talk to you first" he said.
"you're acting weird... are the results bad? am i sick? what is it?"
"you're fine."
you raised an eyebrow, not believing him. your heart was beating fast, and you started to feel a little anxious with the idea that something was, in fact, wrong. maybe you really were sick.
"if i'm fine, then why you don't want me to see the results?"
he handed you the box, which you accepted suspiciously. you untied the ribbon and opened it up, seeing a pair of tiny tiny socks inside it. your heart skipped a beat.
"uh... what's this?"
"y/n, you're pregnant."
the words hit you and made the room spin. you dropped the box and time stopped while your mind tried to process the information. that's exactly what had crossed your mind at the hospital, but you were too afraid to even consider it. it might have been seconds or minutes before you looked back to kakashi.
"i'm sorry... what?!"
"you're pregnant." kakashi said the words very carefully, seeing how you received the new.
"no... no, it doesn't make sense. let me see this!"
you finally took the envelope from kakashi's hand and opened it up, taking a quick look at the numbers and then seeing the high number on hcg hormone.
there was probably a question mark tattooed on your face, because you were so confused. it just didn't make sense! you took the pill and, even without the pill the chances of you getting pregnant were lower than average because of pos... at least that's what the doctor said when you you were diagnosed. it didn't add up.
"you see, apparently antibiotics cut the effect of the pill."
antibiotics! of course!
you closed your eyes when it all started to make sense. the sickness, the mood swings, the sleepiness... you touched your stomach unconsciously, the sudden awareness that there was a life evolving there was mindblowing. your eyes burned and you started to blink to contain the tears.
"i'm sorry..." you said with a weak voice, trying to contain the scream in your throat.
the tears fell from your eyes nonetheless and you felt ridiculous. you had one job! and now it was all ruined. kakashi and you never really talked about having kids, but you could tell from the way he talked about his father that he was scared, probably terrified at the idea of traumatizing someone same way his father did. he loved his genins, he really did, and he was some sort of father to them, he'd go to hell and back for them, but that was different. he had already lost so many people, he didn't want to go through the pain of losing a loved one again - you were the only exception, the only one he had let in, the only one who was worth it enough to risk it, but that was it. and it's not like you were dying to be a mother - sure, you loved children and the idea of a mini kakashi running around the house made your heart feel warm, a little package of love, the result of how much you and kakashi loved each other, the chance to make it right, the way your parents hadn't... but to be honest the idea of being responsible for a life scared the shit out of you.
"you're sorry?" kakashi chuckled.
you nodded, the tears never stop falling.
"i'm sorry i was so stupid, i know you don't want to be a father... i'm sorry i don't know what to do!"
it was getting harder to speak and impossible to contain the tears. kakashi pulled you in to his chest and kissed the top of your head.
"honey, we're in this together. it's ok, you're ok."
he kept repeating you were okay, massaging your back while you held on his shirt for dear life and tried to pull yourself together.
finally, a few minutes later, you felt calmer. kakashi pulled your chin up to look at you. you could tell he was smiling under the mask.
"you're right, i didn't want to be a father. past tense. that was before you. you can't imagine how happy i am, how full i feel!"
"honey, i love you! nothing could make me happier than starting a family with you!"
the tears came again, but this time it was because you felt incredibly happy and emotional. yes, it felt like you were all over the place.
"oh no, what's wrong?" kakashi asked, wiping away your tears.
your answer was to hold him tight and plant a kiss on his neck, which made him smile.
"so it's safe to say you also want a family with me?"
"of course i do!" you told him.
kakashi ran his fingers through your hair, something he knew made you feel calm and safe while in his arms and you two just stayed there for a while.
finally, when you were almost asleep he asked:
"what do you think it is? a boy or a girl?"
"hm... i think it's a boy. a silver haired boy that looks just like you and will annoy the hell out of me just like you do. i just know you two will be full of shenanigans."
"what if it's a girl? a beautiful lovely girl just like you that will be the center of my world just like you are. too clever for her own good, will always be on your side, even when she knows you're wrong."
you giggled, painting the picture in your head.
"what if we have twins? a boy and a girl." you asked, intertwining your fingers with his.
"then we're lost. completely. they would destroy the house while we'd watch in awe."
"i bet they would destroy the whole village, and no one would dare to stop them because they're the hokage's kids. they'd be little terrorists."
"oh yes, i can already picture them... shit, i'll have to hide my books."
"and the dogs, oh god... the house will be a complete mess 24/7!"
kakashi laughed.
"i can't wait for them to be here, i wanna hold 'em and smell their tiny head..."
"i have to say that the way you're so excited to be a father it's so hot and if i weren't already pregnant i'd ask you to put a baby in me right now."
"shit, i love you" he said, before pulling the mask down and kissing you passionately.
you weren't sure how it happened, but you were suddenly beneath him, your fingers pulling his hair while he kissed your neck. now that you knew you were pregnant you could blame it on the hormones, even though you knew that the truth was that, when it came to your husband, you were insatiable.
"thank you for the greatest christmas gift of my life." he whispered between kisses on your lips.
"the gift is not over yet. pants off, hatake."
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kakashi's taglist: @smutteedreams @justmyownreality @nightingaleflow @allyallygator @thetimelesschild @jyotsna-d @rocknrollsoul76 @crimsonxuchiha @hellogecko-blog1
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daydreamtoropov · 7 months
Pomni - Remember
So I found this comment on one of Gooseworx's posts:
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As a Russian person who knows Russian, this was an interesting idea to come across.
I would like to add that the way "remember" is said in Russian doesn't reflect the way they pronounce it in the original English show. "Remember" in Russian is pronounced like "po-mni" where the 'o' sounds almost like 'oh', where the first beat is on the first syllable. It's a bit hard to describe so I have taken the liberty to record myself saying it:
(Sorry for the sound quality, my nose is a bit clogged up and my voice is quiet from being sick...)
But as you can hear, it doesn't sound like the way it's originally pronounced in English. Where it's pronounced like "pom-ni" where the 'pom' sounds like the way it's said in the word "pom-pom", where the 'o' also sounds almost like an 'ah'.
On the first few watches of the first episode before knowing this information, I did not notice this. I would have to say that if it was intended to be that, it would have to be pronounced a bit differently. I would have to have this be chalked up to a coincidence or something else.
Her "pom-pom"-sounding name I alluded to her jester attire (big poofy clothes and her being small). Just as Zooble and her name is a reference to Zoobles!, a miniature figure toy line created by Spin Master, that name fits her because she is comprised of many little toy-like parts. I have created many characters before and some names can just be the way they are just for fun.
However, there is the possibility this is not just a mere coincidence since there is a strong resemblance in that word and name. In the original first episode, it has been shown that the possibility of an exit exists. There could be the possibility that her name, sounding almost like the word "remember" in Russian, could mean to the character "Remember about finding the exit," "Know what you remember," or something along those lines. Or we know that she was a human before with an original life before she put on the headset and came into the Amazing Digital Circus which could mean "Remember your past life."
But now we're heading into the territory of where you grab something and put it way out of what information you're actually given, which I don't like to do. For now, I would just have to say it is what it is. But you can think what you want to think about this theory and idea. You can speculate your own things, and I do love hearing those ideas. Have fun with this information.
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