#( venti thats not how things work )
blooming-cecilia · 11 months
5 am feeling emotional over venti out of nowhere thinking about how good and kind and loving and full of hope he is and how every action of his expresses that and how he always encourages peace and love and happiness and it sounds cheesy as shit but dear god i would not have him any other way and i am so glad and happy he is the way he is and he brings me hope and happiness and makes me feel at ease and looking at him makes me feel like everything is okay and im actually literally close to tears and i love him very much
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justablah56 · 2 months
hmm I think instead of feeling bad I will simply project this bad onto The Character . for funsies .
#just blahs#not gonna do anything abt it bcs idk how i could but ovuehncke sparrow with scrupulosity ocd <3#just consider with me sparrow being terrified of accidentally saying anything wrong or offending literally anyone#and her completely accidentally saying smthin offensive and trying to figure out how to properly deal with that#without just making the whole situation about herself rather than the person she actually offended#bcs shes afraid that makes her a bad person who just didnt care enough to be aware of herself#gets a bit venty past this point but guys im literally pinky promising you rn I'm ok and ill figure it out please no one bring it up to me#and nobody think about the fact that im projecting rn just think about sparrow ok#this is my way of dealing w similar stuff w/o making it about me bcs ik that thats a shitty thing to do and i need to work it out myself#aughhncns literally every time goddamnit . i accidentally do smthin wrong and then someone (very kindly !!!) tells me hey that was wrong#and then i have a breakdown about it and feel bad and overthink it for the next like week#jesus fucking christ ok it's fine im being patient with myself and i know no one thinks im a bad person#and i know that they know i didnt mean it#and i know that i did say smthin insensitive and thats just something i have to be aware of#and the fact that i said it doesn't mean that im a terrible horrific irredeemable person#i'm trying my best now to be aware of it and be better and think abt whst they said and that's all i can do and thats ok#its fine .#anyways .#also hi cookies if you see this genuinely thank you for telling me tho like i do appreciate it and i am ok dw
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aria0fgold · 3 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @misty-wisp :D This looks so fun!
How many works do you have on AO3?
12! And it's steadily increasing as I get more (and randomly) ideas to write fics bout >:3c
What's your total AO3 word count?
126,004! Whoooaaa... That's a lot :o Ngl, I barely visit the statistics of my ao3 account so I didn't expect that one.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, so... it's 5? I think. On my main ao3 account it's 2 though! OMORI and Mahoyaku! Buuuut! I've written for Persona 5 (with Magic Kaito) but I'm... too shy to put it in my ao3 account so it's just in my tumblr. The other 2 is somewhere else... (I've written a oneshot for Genshin Impact in an old ao3 account that I don't wanna open up again cuz it's so embarrassing for me... I don't even wanna read that oneshot, I'd die of embarrassment. And the other one is Honkai Impact 3rd, I forgot where I put that one but I do know I wrote a oneshot with Bronya and Seele for it).
Top five fics by kudos:
It's all from OMORI!
Once again, from the beginning - I did not really expect this one to have as much kudos as it has now, like, tbf yea it's my most well planned one but it's still so crazy to see the kudos on it-- wai when did it pass that number-- I never really check the kudos but wtf happened here.
The Tune of the New Morning - How did this one get that many kudos too??? This is my very first OMORI fic and ngl, whenever I look at it I get the very strong urge to rewrite everything from the beginning cuz of how badly planned it is. If OAFB is well planned, this one is terribly planned. I literally make things up as I go.
Magician in the Mirror - Is in the top 3!!! Lookit!!! :D The work I'm proudest in cuz this is my 2nd fic and also the one I just went ham on! I wanted it out during anni and it was all a last minute thing but I'm so glad it turned out well despite that!
The Pawn and the Bishops - I didn't expect to see this one here but alas... it is... I quite like this one though! It's the first one I've written with a fairly heavy and gloomy atmosphere and I think I did pretty good on it!
And thus, the snake ate no more - I see you're here too... This one is actually like a mix of my planning between OAFB and TNM in which that it's in the middle of well planned and terribly planned. Think of it as the middle child of my longfics. With OAFB being the spoiled youngest and TNM the unplanned first child.
Do you respond to comments?
YES! As much as I can! I like receiving comments and I like responding to them as best as I can but I also get pretty nervous bout it... so I end up barely responding anyway oh boooooo.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
I??? Don't think? I have written any with an angsty ending yet? I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort so most of the fics I've written so far always had a happy ending so! Maybe in the future 👀 Maybe.
Do you write crossovers?
Is the Kaito Kuroba from Magic Kaito in Persona 5 now as Akiren and Co.'s friend stuff I've written considered crossover? If so then yes! It's actually pretty fun to write one! :D
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I don't think so? Pretty happy that I haven't yet, thank goodness!
Do you write smut?
Nope! I don't know if I would though, truth be told I don't have much knowledge with writing smut, I barely read any stories (novel wise) with it as a guideline cuz I... I can't visualize it well enough, my brain is not equipped for it (I try to read smut and spend the next few minutes figuring out the characters' positions. Yall smut writers out there impressive with it cuz honestly how).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and thank god for that!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I HAVE!!! AM SO HAPPY BOUT IT!!! :D Someone translated Magician in the Mirror to Chinese and it's so cool!!! I think there's only a Chapter 1 of it but it's so cool and nice and sweet and awwwwww.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Alright, sit down. This is very important. I need you to listen closely, attentively, and carefully... I Love CaiOwe/OweCai. I LOVE CAIN/OWEN!!! OWEN/CAIN!!! CAIN&OWEN I LOOOOOVVVEEE ANYTHING WITH CAIN AND OWEN!!! It's my all-time favourite ship, nothing can compare to Cain and Owen from the hit japanese game, Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku aka Mahoyaku aka mhyk aka Promise of Wizard. They're my most favourite ship I'd go to war for em, I love em so so much, I adore em sooooooo much, I see any fanart of em and my day gets better immediately. They're my lifeblood, my ambrosia, my everything. I love caiowe/owecai with all my heart...
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Looks at oafb, tnm, and attsanm... I'd like to believe that regardless of how much time had passed, I would be able to finish any of those three though. Hyperfixation gone or not, I wanna finish em!
What are your writing strengths?
I think it'd be monologue? Inner monologue? What do you call that thing where it's just the narrator focusing on the characters' thoughts and feelings and their overall view on the situation??? I think I'm pretty good at that, maybe. And somehow I'm good at accidentally setting things up, I don't know how but I just accidentally do things that connects stuff.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogues... I'm so bad with dialogues most of the time I spend in writing is getting the dialogues right. I'm also really bad at descriptors, I'm bad at describing things so I just try to either describe something as best as I can with the help of searching through the internet or get around that part by just being poetic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's pretty neat! :o I feel like I've seen fics like that before but can't really remember though I did think it added detail to the story of it!
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Uhhh, I think it waaaaass Honkai Impact 3rd? I think it was the Bronya and Seele fic I've written somewhere that or it was the Genshin Impact fic instead. It was either of those two.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Magician in the Mirror!!! It's my favourite I've written so far and the one I'm proudest of! And a lil biased, but the latest favourite one that I've just recently written is Look back, Orpheus which is a fic for caiowe from mhyk! Once again, from the beginning is the 2nd favourite though :3
Thank you again for the tag! Dunno who to tag though but for anyone that sees this, feel free to do it! :D
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i should draw
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wendeiwisp · 1 year
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@holymost asked: ' you've figured out how to avoid being captured by the police knights of favonius . '
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" Well you see, it's not the knights of favonius I would be avoiding. Instead it would be our favorite bartender and winery owner Master Diluc. He still demands that I pay my tab when he should just consider this an act of good will! I perform in his tavern after all! "
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ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ ʙʟᴜᴇʏ ǫᴜᴏᴛᴇs ;; accepting
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gludgenbell · 2 years
you draw a lot but you hardly get any notes... why?
Oh uh
I mean it's probably because I draw genshin art? Kind of exclusively? And not the popular characters...
uh yeah! And I think I'm still trying to improve with my drawings! Honestly the brush I use for lighting always looks... dingy? to me? It makes my drawings look dirty or lower quality
I draw genshin because I really love genshin characters and I'd like to draw interactions and fun things! But genshin is REALLY popular and there's not much I can do to boost my standing other than... draw popular characters
I have 60 followers as of two months ago, and only seven people interact with the blog roughly? Not that I mind, I mean seven is genuinely a lot more people than I show my drawings on a daily basis so... there's no real downside in my mind
I mean I know what I can do if I want more interaction, more notes, more followers etc. etc... I just don't want to
I really physically cannot draw something I don't want to draw- I can be uninterested in a drawing, I can be distanced, but if I genuinely don't want to draw it my hands go numb and it's hard to work after that
It's tough, because I do want more interaction! But it's not a main focus of mine and I'm not willing to like sacrifice what I want to draw for a heart
it's not a balanced thing
So I might never move up, I might never get any attention other than what I already do get, but I don't have many qualms with that! It just is what it is
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thatdeadaquarius · 5 months
GREETINGS! How are you doing? I've been practically gobbling up your posts (there very tasty)
Ok so hear me out- I've seen a couple posts like this but imagine-
The almighty all powerful wise creator isss
✨️A literal child✨️
Thanks for hearing me out! For you ->->❤️
Baby you taking on the world aw
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DAMN SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER!! i started fics before i answered my askbox :/
Aw i fucking love child reader stuff,
Lots of isekai animes/manhwa/manga do it and i eat that shit up everytime-
I also deeply appreciate when its not done creepily, like being turned 8 again, and having crushes on others who are... yknow, actually 8 yrs old or sm fucked up shit, like even if its 16 yr olds that doesnt make it any better, bc the protag will actually be like,, actually 20?!?!💀 the straights r wild man, i feel like it happens either way too, like its usually a male MC but thats just bc theyre more common tbh, like regardless of gender of protag 🥲
Sun: Child God Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short Headcanons
Stars: Mondstadt ppl bc i don't show them i love them enough
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment any I missed. /gen
Klee has recruited converted you to throwing bombs with her.
You are the only leash on that child too and the only thing standing between Jean and full head of gray hair. 💀
Kaeya doesn’t know whether he’s endlessly worried or endlessly amused that the most powerful god is currently a child
if Jean isnt freaking out over ur whereabouts, Diluc is instead, and worst case scenario, Noelle/Lisa/Albedo is in charge of you
and YES someone has to look out for you, bc ur ass will just start making a hot springs spot like ur in ur teapot or smth in dragonspine (Albedo was fascinated it stayed warm despite the weather so he let you make it/enjoy it before asking u to restore natural order lol)
(Albedo has definitely asked to study you and, unfortunately for Jean, asked u to demonstrate several powers u have)
You do work as a lucky charm for Bennett tho so he does babysit u sometimes
it mostly consists of Fischl, Benny, and Razor “adventuring” by trying to do smth like who can jump on the Anemo slimes and ride them around longest
(the answer is you btw, u managed to get a small fleet of them to bus you around, the teens were simultaneously terrified running around below u to catch you and also amazed)
Noelle is so happy making toddler you all the pancakes you can eat, Sucrose had to stop her from going overboard and not just listening completely to kids when it comes to food
She is now very concerned with making you a balanced diet, tho she will still make u an ungodly tall stack of pancakes every now and then <3
They kind of all equally provide for you, obv ur their god, and ur a literal cutie patootie child, they cant just leave you
(also u might like move a mountain or change the weather or smth if they don't watch you so most are a little paranoid of that too)
Lisa gets u all kinds of cute outfits, still stuff you'd like, but definitely snuck in some sumeru looking clothing lol
Fischl lends you all kinds of books to read, Bennett shows u all the cool views in the city and outside of it (when Jean lets him get away with taking u that far), and Razor…
Razor brings you to Andrius and the wolf pack for a wolf pack party and gives u all kinds of shiny trinkets he’d collected for you
Diluc/Jean/Noelle/Eula nearly had a heart attack when they found out
Amber lets you have all the piggyback rides you want lol
she even managed with her own crafting powers (and your probably editing the game code or smth) she somehow makes a reinforced glider with a small harness on the back for you to glide with her
(Venti has definitely helped for some fun flights by boosting the winds for you two)
ur absolutely spoiled rotten by him (and Dvalin, and Andrius, and the wind sprites)
if this god had money he’d spend it on wine and you lol
takes u flying all the time, any time, would drop everything to go to Mondstadt wilds and use his archon form wings to take you wherever you wanna go
tries to bring u to Angel’s Share but Diluc nearly hits him on the head with a wine bottle and brings you back home after kicking Venti out and giving you grape juice (yes you get all you want, within a healthy amount)
anyway the most important part abt you being a god and child is that you can now fulfill your childhood dreams of riding a dragon whenever you want
(one way to quickly get Mondstadt citizens to trust Dvalin again was just constantly seeing him flying overhead, occasionally seeing a small child on his back also helped lol)
(neither you nor Venti tell Jean you ride Dvalin and keep it an active secret from her.)
srry i took so long! i hope u liked my hot mess of writing (i think its even sloppier than usual bc of all the fic writing full sentences lately)
and if not, I'm sorrryyy 😭😭
I'm focusing on getting thru a haul of asks before getting around to posting that Eldritch AU Part 2 if anyone reads this :)
hope u guys are have a great weekend, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! :D
Safe Travels Anon,
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If you wanna join a taglist, DM me what for! "Pspspsss, please tag me for [All SAGAU posts, Only SAGAU Language AUs, diff fandom, etc.]!"
(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks / @devilangel657 / @esthelily / @justinsomniachild / @nanithefuck / @questionotmystopit
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hetaherr · 9 months
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playing video games with them | anemo boys <3
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: kazuha, xiao, venti, wanderer
:mostly crack, a little suggestive but no warnings
well anyway this is another reupload!! added kuni’s part also got lazy to proof read its just a headcanon anyway!!! i play wayy to much video games and id love to share my hobbies with these sweet babies <3
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i think this baby is a really chill gamer, he enjoys the cozy aspect of video games. thats why i think games like minecraft, stardew valley, animal crossing and the sims!! cozy video game dates are a norm for you guys when its too hot outside or too rainy.
imagine playing stardew valley with him, curled up under the covers with your MATCHING SWITCH CONSOLES. you guys working through the first few years of the game as little farm people doing little farm things. he’d even find some helpful guides online so you guys can maximise your finances in the game. honestly i can see how he gets a little petty at the fact that you MARRIED some npc in the game and he had to watch the whole cutscene while you joked around that he hadn’t given you enough attention and this was all his fault. now kazuha hates that particular npc, and he’s definitely pouting the whole night. give him lots of smooches, tell him that no video game code can replace your pookie wookie baby boy <3
but there, of course are other ways you can make up for it, like asking him to marry you- in animal crossing duh!! he’d take this whole thing very seriously obviously, its a wedding silly. he’d prepare a little wedding venue in his world by the beach, even going as far to design a cute little tux. it’s adorable, also don’t think for a second that he wouldn’t give you a kiss (giggling after) when the wedding officiant says you may now kiss. i also can picture kazuha buying you a promise ring irl , with a maple leaf engraved onto it. yes it was a animal crossing wedding, but it was YOUR WEDDING non the less.
another thing i can imagine is while you were playing the sims kazuha would 100% ask to create a little family with you. he’d even help to go “shopping” online for CC that would fit your characters or homes. kazuha DIES A LITTLE inside as you carefully curate each of the characters, spending hours deciding on the perfect outfits, hairs and personalities. coming up with mini fantasy stories about the mini yous and giggling along with him when they get a little too absurd. your cute family consists of you, kazuha and a little white cat. kazuha likes watching you get a little flustered whenever his character flirts with yours, sending a romantic haiku your way. not to mention the first time your character’s woohoo’ed he teasingly said:
“its honestly a shame that they’re the only ones that get to woohoo you know?”
anyway kazuha is 100% down to try as many games as he can with you, playing games with him is 10 bells out of 10 bells hehe
gamer xiao… yea he kinda scares me. xiao plays shooter games for sure, like obviously he’s had an eboy valorant phase but lets skip past that for now. its definitely more than normal to hear him grumbling how “dogshit” some of his teammates are. he’s definitely muted from chat on several games, also banned from league most of the time from being toxic in the chats.
playing competitive games with xiao is definitely an experience, and it definitely does not feel like the stereotypical pocket sage and hyper-carry jett. so please proceed with caution. the first time you and him played together, he may have gotten a little TOO HEATED and may have cussed you out on accident forgetting it was his loving, doting and caring partner who just wanted to participate in one of his hobbies. xiao doesn’t mean to get angry at you, please bare with him when the words “how is this person so fucking bad, how are they SO USELESS JUST GET OFF THE GAME DUDE” slip out. and oh boy… xiao immediately regrets his words, he feels so bad. he was actually overjoyed when you asked to play with him, even if he doesn’t actually show it, now he definitely assumes that you won’t ever want to play games with him EVER, hell maybe you want to break up. he’s spiralling. he apologises so much and he’s so awkward and so fidgety. its hard to stay mad at him, when he’s like this you have to admit he’s a little cutie. the next few days he’s definitely cautious and on edge around you, he finds it weird that you let go of the situation so easily and just moved on. he cant believe he let such vulgar words be thrown towards you. so after a conversation about his behaviour, you both decide maybe its best you just be an observer. you’re more than happy to straddle him, chin on his shoulder when he plays at his pc. and xiao LOVES IT, there is honestly nothing more comforting than you give him a little kiss when he starts to get a little too tense. occasionally when you face the screen and watch his games, he gets so nervous to play well. and xiao absolutely DIES when you compliment his abilities. bro needs the praise please, in that moment he thinks you’re so sexy and you have such a caring soul and his ears are tinted so red. don’t tease him though, he won’t be able to play the game properly.
another thing xiao is so weirdly good at is arcade games. i can picture arcade dates and xiao is just godly at them, claw machines, those basketball ones, car racing- you name it sweetheart and he’s earning those tickets like he needs to feed his 20 kids as a single dad. xiao acts so nonchalant about it, shrugging his shoulders as if this talent of his isn’t a big deal, but inside he’s so proud that he’s managed to get you that plushie he knows you’d been eyeing the whole day. he loves the way you grip onto his biceps pulling him to another machine to test his abilities, he may grumble about you overreacting but he’s so happy just to see you smile. and having you cheer him on the side is such an added bonus, you’re such a cute cheerleader. anyway i rate xiao a “please dont scold me baby im trying my best” out of “FUCK YOU FUCKING SUCK”
horror games. literally venti HATES THEM but he cant get enough of it. playing phasmophobia would be so incredibly fun, but also a total shitshow. like im talking him making you do all the work while he intentionally provokes the ghost. at the same time he’s too scared to do anything so, he’s always really close to you. so if anything ever happens, you’d be a total idiot to think he’d try to help you, venti would be the first one out the door and running away. venti is also so horrendously LOUD, literally half the time instead of getting spooked by the game, your having a heart attack inducing jump scare from his random screaming. don’t even get me started on roblox horror games, every week there’s some new game he discovered on tiktok, and you are playing it with him, you have to.
another game venti loves to play is sims, but he’s about 100 times more chaotic compared to kazuha. he loves those ridiculous challenges and he wants to have like 10 babies with you, and then proceeds to cry when they are taken away from the sims version of cps. for some reason he has all the packs and likes to screw around with everything. he makes silly little bets with you in any game, for example in the sims he’d bet with you whether your 23rd child is going to be a boy or girl, most bets are harmless like a kiss or cuddles, unless he’s in the mood.
speaking of intimacy, venti needs to be holding you while playing games. arms linked, lying on your lap or you in his, honestly you just let him because he’s so cheeky about it anyway. venti also loves playing music related games with you, duh!! karaoke, guess the song, finish the lyric. ANYTHING!! whether you can sing or not, he just loves to hear your voice, definitely teases you if you cant though hehe. karaoke is so fun, if your shy he definitely eases you into letting lose and breaking out of your comfort zone, duetting with you is something he loves because music is his passion and honestly it hits so close to home for him. you’d often find him squeezing your hand as a form of encouragement.
im rating venti a solid 8 red bulls out of “i’ve already had 15”.
this little emo baby is 100% only ever playing single player games, things that are extremely grindy and super lore heavy (bro is on subreddits looking at game theories and conspiracies, he would love to talk to you about them if you ever asked)!! im talking about bloodborne, doom, assassin’s creed and dark souls. he hates online multiplayer games because he doesn’t want to interact with “idiots” as he’s mentioned numerous times. so unfortunately its not often that you have a chance to play any type of multiplayer games with him.
however when it comes to his gaming sessions, he’d subtly invite you to come watch him because you’re like his own little streaming audience, and he loves it. the way you comment about how cool his character looks, or ask questions about gameplay mechanics. he loves how you involve yourself in his hobbies, it turns him to mush. he also loves how you play with his hair while peeking over his shoulder to look at the tv screen as he taps away at the controller. sometimes when the game gets a little boring he notices how your breath bounces off his neck, needless to say, those nights end up a bit more differently than how you originally imagined.
also if your ever interested in the game, kuni would “hesitantly” offer you to play on a new save file. but he’s actually elated that you’re going to try his FAVOURITE video game ever. you take your place in his lap as he explains to you the basics, not many would notice but you can ever so slightly hear the excitement in his voice. kuni complains about you being so lost but he’s so careful with explaining certain things, he’s also so patient as you take hours designing your character, well he’s okay being patient since its you. kuni absolutely DISSOLVES when facing a difficult boss, puzzle or obstacle, you kinda go into a slump against his chest and beg him to help you get past it. he snickers that your so weak, but somehow he manages to get through so swiftly- i guess he needs to show off a little to you. he also may complain a lot but thats just how this baby boy is, dont get discouraged he actually thinks you’re so cute.
also if you ever find yourself playing overcooked, moving out, gang beasts or any of those party games with kuni… good luck, just because he doesn’t like competitive games like valorant, DOES NOT MEAN HE ISNT COMPETITIVE. he gets so worked up and its honestly a little cute if you can look past the crusty white dog behaviour. if you do end up getting into an argument over these games, dont be surprised. im lazy to give a rating so im giving him 10/10, again minus the crusty white dog.
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edit: if you saw “anyway wanderer is a straight” HAHA i apologise maybe thats why i should straight proof reading oops hehe
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hihellomy · 1 year
How some characters would go about courting Paimons mama
-you would pick up on your daughter calling Barbatos,The god of freedom,the anemo archon,"tone deaf bard",made you hold in a laugh not be disrespectfull
-Venti will think that you agree with him being tone deaf and feel sadness wash over him,do you not like his songs? He'll be better at them he promises!
-god your daughter knew that she would get away with it,not just cause shes a child,but cause shes your child
-you reassure him dont worry and his happy
-but man dudes is love starved
-he clungs onto you like a new born (if you allow him to even be near you)
-Paimon isnt too thrilled about him acting like hes your kid,she is,you came down here to reunite with her
-Paimon wouldnt mind a second parent,that means more love,and you'll be happier (you did tell you wouldnt leave her again)
-but Venti? Yeah no,mans has to prove himself one way or another
-he will sing Paimon and you so many songs
-spoil you with everything he can (he admitted being Barbatos to be able to have VIP acess to you like all the other archons and important people)
-Paimon and him share a playfull tone and would absolutely mess with others,so this might actually work
-what do you say your grace? Venti is already worshiping you like never before
-1# follower comin' throught
-hes so polite and devoted,being your slave would be such an honor to him,but being your husband? Your daughters father?
-he doesnt care who he has to go through
-Paimon doesnt know if she wants a dad whos so bad with the literal thing he made from his hands
-Zhongli will serve you and praise you theres no tomorow,Paimon aswell
-hes telling her the best tales he knows,spending way too much on food and toys (thats more like a point for childe but-)
-his shield is on him 24/7 with either of you with him in the wild
-but like you have power over all the elements and slay so like dont know why he does this but oh well
-he is and always will be your most devoted your grace, isnt that worth something?
-spoils you and Paimon
-Zhongli isnt getting that much money from him cause now hes competiton
-Paimon and Teucer deffinetly are having playdates to get to know eachother and have fun
-they might end up being family if Childe succeds after all
-Paimon didnt like the idea of you marrying a fatui harbinger,so childe is on thin ice
-but Paimon is only so young,she could be convinced easily
-he is such a family man,hes perfect to be her father and your lover
-hes killed so many in your name,and he will leave the fatui if you wish,just consider it
-this is probably the easiest and we all know why
-they were with your daughter for so long,no one knows them like you both do,its only natural
-Paimon will however go "oh come on! Not you too! Why is everyone so intrested in Paimons mom!?"
-after all you both have control over all the elements in a way,so theyre perfect
-you took them as a vessel for a reason,right?
-but abyss twin?
-alot of drama
-Paimon is gonna tell them that if they even wish to be near you,theyd have to reconcile and apologize to the traveler!
-"say less" Paimon isnt even able to finish her sentence
-but yeah things will be difficult but oh well
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loverofdiluc · 1 year
ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖
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Headcanons | Aether, Diluc, Kaeya, and Venti x Gn!Reader | Romantic Fluff (Reader is afab just to make it clear | ummm theres a bit of suggestive actions but like...not that bad)
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Aether could only frown as he watched you stare into the full body mirror. Your eyes were focused on your chest. You had always expressed how insecure you were about them -- how small your chest was compared to many other people.
Walking up behind you, Aether wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're perfect, nothing can change that Dear"
"No Im not" You had mumbled back, poking at your chest. "They're so small...."
Rolling his eyes, Aether spun you around. He leaned his head down and began to pepper kisses along your exposed collar bone and upper chest. HE slowly lowered his head, stretching the top of your shirt.
"Its perfect. You got that?" He mumbled against your skin, lifting his head back up to look you in your eyes.
Humming, you avoided his gaze with a warm face. "Ok..."
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Diluc could hear your thoughts as you stared down at your chest. YOu had been sitting at his bar, waiting for him to be done with work for the past few hours. Your eyes trained on your top. At first, he thought it was something you spotted on your shirt -- then realized exactly what you were looking at.
With a sigh, he lifted your head, leaning forward and placing a quick kiss to your lips. "Stop worrying so much. There's nothing wrong with them"
He simply got a hum in response, your eyes trailing back down to your chest. He sighed, bringing your forehead to his lips.
"Continue with the negative thoughts and I'll have to show you how perfect you truly are" He mumbled against your skin, just loud enough for you to hear.
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Kaeya could only roll his eyes. You had been going on and on for hours now about how small your tits were compared to the others. He couldn't help but get bored after the first 15 minutes of listening to you rant.
With a hum, ignoring your voice, the male pulled you into a kiss -- efficiently shutting you up. He continued with his affection, bringing his hands up to your chest and squeezing. He could hear you gasp at the action, making him smile.
Pulling back, he smiled at you smugly. "You're perfect, My Love. I would change nothing about you"
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Venti could only giggle, cuddling into your chest. He could care less that they were small, they were still there aren't they? He never listened to your silly little rants about how small your tits wjere. He didn't care so he wouldn't listen.
In fact, hed worship your ches whenever you started to talk about them in a bad way. They where his pillows. The perfect things to rest his head on when he gets a little too drunk and sleepy.
"So comfy~" He slurred, placing sloppy kisses against your exposed skin -- just above your chest.
"Arent...Arent they small tho?" You questioned him for what felt like the hundredth time.
Scoffing, the male placed a large kiss on your lips. "Nope~! Just the right size~"
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I only did these four men, gope thats ok :3
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moonligyt1234 · 10 months
Dearest Manager
Sypnosis:You the manager of the six breeze but their attachment to you are so otherworldly.
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When you first started:
When you fist started it was just applies there was only Venti member during that time.
Venti was known on the social media for his melodious songs that he sing the many songs he have on cover.
He was so friendly to you something that gets away the stress that's been in you're heart the tightening grip was gone.
The next member that was recruited was Aether who is only a normal barista doing part time jobs with his sister.
How you two met: Well you and Venti usually stop by on the cafe he always work by where you planned things.
During that time the band that always play on the cafe was gone apparently something about one of the lead singer wife having their birth and the friends just tag along.
Aether was the one who stepped up to perform the voice it was so enchanting.
When you and Venti look at each other you both knew he have to get in.
Xiao was unpredictable coming off as a loner. But short.
Zhongli was one of the Venti's former coworkers on D. I. C. K. Z. weird name honestly.
They almost have a dirty mind.
Xiao was one of the guitarist he was a genius.
You and Venti seriously went on knees for him to join.
Aether was trying to stop you both.
The 4nemo was made.
During their first song there were chaos of course you have to be the peacemaker even though in reality you are the tiredmaker.
Until you meet someone.
"Hi there the names Jean this is Sucrose."
Jean a talented a female who is part of a rich family meanwhile Sucrose a colleague student who running low on money meet Jean by pure accident.
With that Jean become one of the managers a talented one Sucrose although a shy one was good at picking the tunes.
The first song was a hit.
Mainly towards at the female first.
A new members then joined two boys dragging a grumpy one.
Kazuha, Heizou and Kunikuzuhi.
Two sun shines and a grumpy one.
Of course with the new recruits and considering how the look like the fans immediately loved them.
Yeah you can practically hear the simping.
Faruzan your best friend become one of the managers when she saw how deep your eye bags were helping with the debut.
Another success.
Until your birthday came around.
At first you didn't pay attention to it until you noticed how not one of them are answering or reading your messages thats weird.
Considering how they quick they answer on your message.
When you went into the building it was so dark until you opened the lights.
Until a cake goes in your face courtesy of Wanderer causing for him to get chased by Xiao.
Where's Sayu?
Sayu is your little sister going to elementary school.
What Yandereness did they do?
Wandering on how you stayed as their manager for that long when in reality you are planning to quit after their debut?
Well they found out they're not very happy they threaten you're boss. It's not like someone will believe them though.
Heizou before joining the band was a detective so dealing with them is easy.
Every footage was deleted courtesy by Faruzan and Jean.
So there's no escape.
Do they have group chat about you?
Yes yes they do.
Bunch of it was pictures of you and learning you're favorite from the others.
Also looking after after you they see how worse your eye bags could get to.
They're so worried about you here have some bento and you're favorite drink.
Don't ask them how they know just eat you're making them so worried about you.
When they team up;
Why team up because it's so easy protecting you as a group. Plus fighting with one another is tiring.
Plus the other have advantage that they don't.
When they start picking up with the other becoming yanderes they wondered why not create a group to protect you.
It was Venti's idea.
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dottores · 5 months
okay well, i logged back in, obviously, because there are clearly some things that need to be addressed and have been taken out of context. just because i’m leaving doesn’t mean i should sit here and let my name be smeared. 
to preface this, anantaru and i had a discussion where we came to a congenial understanding of what happened, there's been an acknowledgment on both sides of misunderstanding and believing distorted rumors and people that we probably should not have, but i’m still going to give a full explanation as to the background of everything so you all can understand and come to your own opinions. plus, if there's going to be a call-out post directed majorly at me made, i want an official address of it.
please do NOT send any hate their way, we have ended this discussion on good terms and have worked out what exactly was stirring this discourse between us. (spoiler alert: there was a third-party shit-stirrer that we both considered a decent friend at the time!)
i don’t really need a reason to block someone, and i shouldn’t have to explain it, but i did and i will again but more explicitly this time: @/anantaru made a post that i did not like. it’s as simple as that. it was a post about genshin characters and sex icks and one of the lines were “venti: too drunk.” i’m not anti-dc, but there are topics that i am sensitive about because i was sa’d in my freshman year of college—that is something i have talked about on this blog before, many of you who've been around since my tr era are aware of it. i acknowledged, and tee acknowledged, that this was probably a joke and was not meant to be taken the way i took it, but the aloof/casual way it was mentioned without any TW of implied dubcon, and without acknowledging that it was at least dubcon and could border on noncon in certain interpretations made me uncomfortable. i don’t mind seeing it as long as i’m warned. if it was tagged properly, i would have moved on without much care, but it wasn’t, so i was scrolling through the post snorting and was hit with that and i was made uncomfortable because i didn't like how it was just being passed off as an ick, and i blocked. there was no reason for it to go beyond what it did, yet we are here. anantaru mentioned that if you frequent their blog, you would know that they often write about venti and reader being drunk—i don’t frequent their blog, in fact this was my first encounter with them being reblogged onto my dash by shared mutuals, so it rubbed me wrong. thats the end of it. 
i’m not sure the exact timing, but i believe it was two(?) weeks after this, when i reblogged an unpopular opinion’s post with an opinion that i thought was fairly harmless. sure, looking back on it i could have phrased it better, i’m not going to deny that, but pinpointing my one opinion out of the hundreds of others that were objectively far more controversial than mine and crucifying me for it is uncalled for. you guys know very well that i do not have the time or energy to sift through random people’s blogs to look for minors. every once in a while i glance at the notes of shit posts that happen to be on my dash and i’d be a bit startled at finding a minor in them because i still do think you should at least try to catch minors who interact with shit posts because that’s the easiest way to find them. but i was working at a medium sized firm for a year and a half at the time of the post and i am currently in law school, i do not have the time to be psychotic about people’s likes and interaction, and even if i did have the time?? i’ve always gotten incredible interaction from y’all lmfao, imposing the idea that i’m jealous is entirely inane. i do still stand by the fact that my words were twisted, i was made out, more than once and by more than one person after the next bullet point's events, to have been some psycho that stalks peoples’ posts for excuses as to why they get interaction when that is simply not the case. 
regardless, after this incident, anantaru made a vague post that was almost directly quoting my tags from the reblog and was thus sent to me because many shared mutuals put together that it was about my tags. this was upsetting for multiple reasons 1) i had blocked anantaru by this point so i felt a bit violated that i was being vagued for something by someone that i blocked. 2) i started getting hate anons en masse after it, some of which were very unnecessarily explicit. needless to say, i was very upset and made a subpost on my main account after noticing i’ve been blocked on ao3 because 1) i was already upset and i didn’t even know why anantaru seemed to have it out for me much less go to the point of blocking on ao3 which leads into my next point and 2) i thought it was a bit ridiculous because the only thing blocking on ao3 stops is people from commenting on posts and i clearly was not going to comment on a post of someone who i was not on good terms with. reasoning aside, anantaru can block who they want and i was out of line for making comments about that in particular. i’ll admit that, and apologize for it. 
a screenshot was taken from my personal—not a good moment for me, obviously, but anantaru claimed in their post that it was about them with no evidence. i dmed them about this in particular because i was genuinely confused, we spoke about it, i offered them proof that it was not them because i had a discussion about this post with a close friend at the time of posting it and they believed me. i will attach screenshots below (cropped because there's no reason to attach the whole conversation) because i feel as if this accusation was rather extreme and i wish it would’ve been removed because it was obviously not my best moment. an explanation for the post itself, i was upset over plagiarism accusations regarding something i put my heart and soul into and then seeing the same person that made them consistently on my dash just straight up triggered me, for lack of a better word lol, so i made a vent on my personal. how it got misconstrued as to be anything about anantaru is baffling to me but i suppose that's a question for the subject of our next bullet point. i don’t want to go into detail about the accusations in themselves because i don’t want people to send the actual person who it’s about hate. regardless, that post was not about anantaru, i have never called them a cunt nor have i ever called them a gatekeepy cunt, though i’m beginning to think i should probably remove the word from my vocabulary atp, i use it far too flippantly. anyway, i do not know them well enough to formulate any sort of opinion like that. aside from that, in our discussion we came to an understanding over it and i wish that would have been cleared on their blog as wel. so i'll attach here (i crossed some out because i don't want to breach any boundaries regarding what anantaru might be comfortable sharing but i do think it's fair for me to want this particular point fully cleared as it was a bold accusation remaining up):
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5. in our discussion, we came to realize that we have/had a shared mutual who was fostering discourse between the two of us. many of you will recognize her as audri aka alucrds, who has supposedly left tumblr by this point—i suspected this and anantaru has confirmed it while we were talking. audri was sending anantaru my posts claiming that they were about anantaru, but i will stress that the only actual discussions i ever had with anyone about anantaru was with tee and eris about that initial joke because it had upset me at the time, it never extended beyond that and it certainly was never with audri. my only conversation with audri that mentioned anantaru at all was probably around a week or so after i made the post in point 3, when audri asked me about ao3 blocking in casual conversation and i offhandedly mentioned that anantaru had blocked me on there—audri was a close friend at that point and iirc, she had actually told me right after that that anantaru had her blocked on tumblr, i had no idea that they'd been mutuals at all but either way, it was an offhanded comment that led to nowhere (or so i thought LOL). looking back on it, it was clearly her baiting me into giving her information about the post i made a week or so prior because after talking with anantaru, they explained that they got an anonymous message claiming that i was shit talking them for blocking them on ao3 and the only person that could have put together that the vent post from point 3 was about anantaru was audri herself. audri continued to evidently cherry-pick random vent posts of mine to show anantaru and claim that they were about them. why? i wish i could tell you. i considered audri a decent enough friend, and though she had her fair share of issues with mutuals and other friends of mine, i never really thought she’d stoop to this with me. but i guess there’s really no explaining people who thrive in discourse.
6. my comment in my most recent post about being harassed on ao3 and in comments and in asks was not about them at all. i thought it was very clearly about heliotropes (my dottore series) and pressure to update from certain readers, but i'm clarifying that now.
7. i never intended on directly addressing this, which is why i did not directly name anantaru in my post, if i’d known at the time that tee was going to end up addressing all of this, i would’ve just been straight up with all of it.
anyway, i think that’s all, hopefully this will be the last post for real as i am tired mentally and now i am also physically sleep deprived. i've been up since three so forgive me for typos and grammar errors. this all has gone on for over a year. sorry for all the discourse on y'all's dash, wish i could have left with a bit more grace than this. rumors have been blown out of proportions and blindly believed, things have been taken out of context, such is life. i made my fair share of mistakes on my personal blog with my vents, others have admitted and owned up to their own mistakes, some will never admit to their mistakes. such is life. it moves on, always does. i know all of y'all are smart enough to come to your own opinions.
over and out, sorry again, and logged out (hopefully for real this time),
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Uh...Hi 👋🏻
I'm not sure how this 'ask' thing works since I'm new to Tumblr, but my friend recommended reading one of your fictions and it was really well written, I don't usually like fan fiction since majority of the time its really OOC.
But I'd like to ask for one please, I'm a really big Xiao and Kazuha lover, so may I request a scenario where the reader {could it be female if thats okay?} is sitting in a nice little scenery with the lad, and she just admires them wholeheartedly and compliments their features like I for one love Xiao's eyes so much.
That's all for now, your creative brain can think up the rest. Thanks <3
Admiring them [anemo version]
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summary: you´re busy admiring your anemo boyfriend when he catches you staring
pairings: xiao x gn!reader; kazuha x reader; heizou x reader; venti x reader; aether x reader
warnings: kazuha´s and heizou´s parts are a little suggestive but nothing too bad; otherwise just fluff
a/n: thank you so much, nonnie!! hearing that my writing is in character is one of the best compliments i could imagine (also shout out to your friend) ♡ these are just some short scenarios bc my brain didn´t have the stamina to write long scenes but i might come back to this idea bc i, too, could stare at xiao´s eyes for hours~ and, as you might notice, i´m down bad for heizou
genshin impact masterlist
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Doesn’t notice at first but gets so shy when he catches your starstruck gaze
His gorgeous features are highlighted by the rosy blush dusting his cheeks as he turns his face away and tries to shield himself with his hand
But you don’t miss the way his curious amber eyes flit back to you to gauge your reaction
You were comfortably settled on one of the hilltops surrounding Liyue Harbor, granting you a grandiose view of the city below. The Lantern Rite Festival was in full swing and every street and house was lit alight by a multitude of colourful lanterns. From where you sat, the people carrying lanterns were unrecognisable, making it look like a thousand fireflies were dancing through the night.
Leaning your head against Xiao’s shoulder, you let out a deep sigh “Isn’t this beautiful, dear?”
“I guess so,” he mumbled as he hesitantly brought his arm around your waist. When you snuggled into him more, his action gained more confidence though and he lightly tugged you further against him. “People don’t believe in the adepti as they used to but they still throw festivals for them. How ridiculous.”
“I think that’s the case with most traditions. Their original meaning fades over time but because people grow up learning this way, they’ll continue to do it like that in the future. And their kids will grow up learning it too…and so on and so forth.” Xiao merely scoffed but you knew he wasn’t as averse to the people of Liyue Harbor as he let on. 
You sat in  peaceful silence for a while, letting the bustling of the city mixed with the sounds of nature from the mountains serve as background noise. Then, the first light of a xiao lantern floated into the night sky and thousands followed its path. The sea around the harbour was set ablaze as people set lanterns out on the water. Reaching for your boyfriend’s hand, you intertwined your fingers and gave them a playful squeeze.
As more and more lights filled the air, you turned to Xiao who was curiously watching the scene unfold before him. The lanterns’ shine was perfectly reflected in his gorgeous amber eyes as they seemingly glowed from the inside out. The night breeze gently twirled the strands framing his face and you couldn’t help but be in awe “Truly breathtaking…”
“Aren’t you exaggerat—“ Xiao faced you but was cut off by you already looking at him. “Why are you giving me that look??”
“What? I’m admiring the view, that’s what we came here for after all,” you teased, giving him a gentle nudge with your elbow.
“I will never understand you mortals”, he grumbled without any malice as he whipped his head to the side to hide his rosy cheeks from you, of which you had already gotten a glimpse.
Sitting up on your knees, you draped yourself over his back, your head resting on his. “It’s true though. You’re absolutely stunning, whether you can see it yourself or not. But that’s what I’m here for, right? I’ll remind you everyday if I have to, that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever had the luck of meeting, both inside and out. If you know that, then it’s okay.”
Tentatively, Xiao slipped his fingers between yours, tenderly returning the affectionate squeeze you gave him earlier. He needen´t express himself with words when you knew it was a grateful "I know."
Kazuha’s pleasantly surprised, his features soon morphing into a serene smile
Conveys how much he appreciates your affection before returning the favour and showering you with the most eloquent of verses
He’s always been very secure in your relationship and has never been shy to voice how charming you are to him, so catching you admiring his features feels very intimate in a non sexual way
You were sitting beneath a crimson maple tree a few kilometres away from Liyue Harbor as you watched the falling leaves dance in the breeze before gracefully landing in a gentle stream carrying them away. But this wasn´t the only view to marvel at. No, if anything, the sight which caught your eye was even more beautiful than the landscape surrounding you.
Enraptured, you followed each elegant move your boyfriend executed as he practised his sword technique. He might have discarded the title of samurai but he was still diligently improving his fighting prowess and you certainly didn't mind “reviewing his form”.
The polished silver of his blade gleamed as it passed through the sunrays filtering through the tree crowns above. He had tied back both sleeves of his haori jacket and his hair, the short ponytail exposing the curve of his neck. Every now and then, you were even granted a peek of his collarbones when the garment slipped slightly open at the front. The muscles in his forearms flexed with each rise and fall of his katana, which subsequently made heat rise to your cheeks.
“You have a curious way of observing my technique, love.” Kazuha´s low chuckle brought you out of your daydreaming fantasy and you quickly averted your eyes, your face and neck practically burning in shame. The action caused him to laugh a little more as he lowered his sword and slowly approached your sitting form. “It´s alright, darling. After all, you need to get a very close look to help me with the fine details of my practice, isn´t that right?”
“Point taken, now stop embarrassing me!” The measly cover your hands provided only lasted a couple of seconds before two hands -one bare and one bandaged- gently closed around your wrists and exposed you to the inquisitive gaze of your lover. As your eyes found crimson ones, your heart beat started irregularly jumping up and down at the depth of emotion you found swirling within.
“There we go, that's much better.” Light as a feather, Kazuha trailed millions of fluttering butterfly kisses first across your wrists, palms and fingers before making his way up your arm until he had pulled you close enough, so his warm breath fanned your neck. If he couldn´t hear your heart before, he certainly could now. You were surprised it hadn´t leapt out of your chest and into his hands, where it metaphorically had already made its home.
More kisses bloomed along the skin of your collarbone and up your neck, stopping right underneath the sensitive spot behind your ear, his low hum sending shivers down your spine. “You needn´t be embarrassed, my love. On the contrary, I quite enjoy having your attention on me, considering how your alluring charms occupy my mind nearly every waking second of my day. Even at night, your magnificent figure follows me into my dreams, so it seems only fair that this feeling is shared by us both, don´t you think, darling?”
“None of this is fair!”, you whined as the vibrations of his voice seemed to reach even the deepest part of your soul. As if to prove your point, Kazuha cupped your cheek with one hand to keep you in place while his soft lips worked their way up your jaw. Yes, you were certain: whatever game this was, your boyfriend was definitely cheating.
“Ah but don´t you remember, love?” The skin around his eyes crinkled lightly to reflect the scarlet mirth staring back at you, the small smirk he adorned tangible against the corner of your lips.
“´All is fair in matters of love and war.´ But if you think this is foul-play,” he contemplated while his thumb traced the arch of your lower lip, “I might have to throw my morals to the wind more often.”
(Why would you do this to yourself? /j)
The smug smirk he wears when he catches you staring tells you that you’re in for it now
It’s nearly impossible to slip anything past his trained detective eyes and when Heizou studies your expression, he’s naturally quick to put two and two together
But don’t you dare look away while he’s cooing at how adorable you are, he’ll tilt your face back towards his with two fingers placed on your chin to further continue his investigation~
You’re not sure if either of you had moved within the last hour. And you’re not sure if either of you wanted to move for that matter.
For context, your boyfriend was completely absorbed by a new puzzle he had gotten, so much so that you doubted he could see or hear anything that was farther than 10 or 20 centimetres from reach. By now you were used to his moods and just let him be, having learnt the hard way that there’s no way to get him back to the real world in a time like that.
As for you, well, you were completely absorbed by…him. The way his brow creased, how his teeth worried his bottom lip when he was stuck on a certain part, his bright eyes that narrowed in deep concentration and his moles…those goddamn moles!!
For now, you were torn between admiring him and scowling at him for being so beautiful it was maddening. Frustrated, you scoffed under your breath.
“Drives you that crazy, hmm?” he said without looking up from his work, mischief swinging in his voice. Chuckling when your head snapped up in surprise, he raised his eyes to meet yours, amusement evident amidst olive green. “What, you thought I wouldn’t notice when you’re basically burning holes into my head with how much you’re staring, baby?”
“I’m glad at least one of us finds this amusing,” you grumbled, defiantly looking away from him. If you had kept your eyes on him a little longer though, you would’ve noticed how he rounded the table and came up behind where you were sitting. But because you didn’t, his voice ringing out directly besides your ear nearly made you jump out of your skin.
“For someone who’s been so observant up until now, you’re quite easy to sneak up on, you know.” His teasing snicker set the back of your neck and most possibly also your cheeks on fire. When you turned around to give him a piece of your mind, you were playing right into his hands, which came down on either side of you as he crowded you against the table, his smug smirk even wider now. “Tell me baby, what’s got you so upset?”
“Oh come on. I’m your boyfriend, remember?” he cooed. One of his hands cupped the side of your jaw, high enough for his thumb to trace circles onto your cheek. “But I’m not a mind-reader. I can’t make you feel better if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. My, with how you’re burning up, I might just think you have a fever.”
“Oh, shut up,” you mumbled and turned your head away again. “You know exactly what’s going on.” 
“Mhm, I do.” His voice low, barely above a whisper and oh so close to you, made goosebumps rise along your arms. “But I like to hear you say it.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Aww, you’re breaking my heart, sweetheart. Say,” two of his fingers rested under your chin to tilt it back to his, making it impossible to escape his half-lidded gaze, “am I really that bad?”
Your eyes flitted down towards his lips as Heizou leaned in. Winding your arms around his neck with one hand settling comfortably in his auburn hair, you straightened to meet him halfway. 
As your lips nearly touched his, you whispered “Yeah, you drive me out of my mind.”
Cheeky, cheeky bard
Thrives with your attention on him and will tease you about it
As he flirts back and returns your compliments tenfold, his bright eyes seem to hold an even livelier spark than usual
When he shows you the most recent song he wrote, you’ll find the person who inspired it feels rather familiar 
The fresh breeze curled around your face and tugged at your clothes but it didn’t chill you. On the contrary, it was a welcome sensation that brought with it the scent of flowers and apples.
You were sitting on the stone parapet surrounding the plaza in front of the cathedral. At the foot of Mondstadt’s Barbatos Statue there was a little get together of bards from all over Teyvat, swapping stories and presenting their newly written works. 
And in the midst of it all was your lovely boyfriend, who naturally attracted the people around him. Whether it was because of his charms, his talent or because he was literally the patron of bards you didn’t know but you were happy he could share his passion with like-minded people. In fact, it was your idea to come here in the first place. But at one point you had taken a step back from the conversation and let Venti do his thing.
Your attention was drawn back to the crowd though when the familiar tune of a lyre reached your ears. From how often you got to listen to it, you’d be able to pick this instrument from hundreds of its kind each time. Or maybe it wasn’t the lyre but the person playing it.
Slowly you approached the bards and pushed your way to the front, where you had perfect vision of Venti strumming his lyre with lithe fingers and humming a new yet comfortingly familiar melody. With his eyes closed and a serene smile on his face, he swayed in time with his piece. Although it was an action so simple, you found you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the sight of him so in his element, as if nothing or no one else was there.
You were so lost in him that it took you a couple of seconds to notice he had finished performing and was making his way over, teal eyes already fixed on you. There was a playful grin tugging at his lips, getting more excited the closer he came.
“Did you like it, dove?” Venti immediately grasped both your hands within his and brought them up to his lips to press quick pecks to your knuckles “Or were you too busy staring to notice who this song was dedicated to, ehe~?”
“Well, I can’t help it that my boyfriend is so beautiful, can I now?”, you teased back, one hand straightening the cap on his head before twirling one of his braids around your finger.
“It’s a tragedy, really,” he sighed, wiping a fake tear from the corner of his eyes. Then he lifted his hand to your face and gently smoothed the knuckle of his pointer finger across your cheekbone, all the while giving you the softest look you’d ever seen a person muster “But this does not even compare to the hardships I go through, all because my partner is so gorgeous. Especially when they look at me with eyes so full of love, how can I keep myself from writing a million songs about them? How do I endure the constant thoughts of them crossing my mind? The burden, it’s near impossible to bear!”
“Oh, woe is us! Fate can be so cruel,” you mock sobbed before you both erupted into a fit of giggles. When you calmed down you fixed him with the most loving gaze “I love you, Venti.”
“I love you, too, dove.”
A smile so bright it could replace the sun and the matching warmth on his cheeks
Followed by the most adorable giggles which envelope you like a cosy blanket
Very expressive about his gratitude and even more vocal about his adoration for you
Expect more ‘random’ compliments and small gestures from him from now on
You were lazing around on your shared bed as you waited for your boyfriend to grace you with his presence. And luckily for you and your ceiling, which you probably would've turned into a donut if you had stared any longer, the characteristic sound of the front door opening, followed by the hopeful call of your name, had you sitting up straight fast enough to make the room spin.
Aether had been away on commissions for too long in your humble opinion. So, when the bedroom door opened to reveal your sunshine of a boyfriend, he thanked the Archons for his fast reflexes, otherwise both of you would´ve gone down with how you threw yourself at him. But luckily, Aether is Aether and twirling you around upon catching you was one of the easiest parts of his life.
“You're finally back! I missed you so much!”, you exclaimed while throwing your arms around his neck. You couldn't help but giggle when he returned the sentiment as sincerely as you gave it. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, you slid back down and intertwined your hands. “Come on, you must be tired. Let's get you washed up and then let's eat!”
No matter how often you saw it, there was something entrancing about the way Aether carefully removed piece after piece of his armour until only his pants and crop top remained. When all his discarded clothes found their way into the hamper, he sat down in front of your vanity and reached for the end of his braid.
“Here, let me help you with that.”  Aether offered no protest as he relaxed fully into the chair and basically melted as your fingers trailed up his arms and massaged some of the tense spots around his shoulders. Then, just as carefully, your fingertips brushed along the expanse of his spine and you prided yourself on the little shiver that visibly ran through him. “Relax, honey. Let me take care of you.”
By the time your fingers gently removed the hair tie from his blonde strands, Aether had his eyes closed while his breath had evened out. If it weren't for the little hums he left out as the pressure on his scalp ebbed away when you slowly undid his braid, you'd have thought he was asleep. After tenderly running your fingers through the entirety of his hair to get out the biggest tangles, you reached for the brush on the vanity.
Making your way from the ends of his hair to the roots, you found that there wasn't much to do actually. Sure, there was one or the other tiny knot but otherwise his hair had inexplicably remained pretty tangle-free. You couldn't help but wonder how your boyfriend managed to do that because you were quite sure if you had his hair, you´d have brought at least half a forest worth of twigs and leaves home with you.
So, who could blame you that you kept smoothing over his beautiful locks long after you were done brushing them out, especially when the sinking evening sun turned them into liquid gold between your fingertips. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt right?
“You´re so cute, you know that?” You tore your eyes from the strands in your grasp to the mirror, wide eyes meeting his half-lidded ones. In your surprise you had let go of the hair you were holding as you fumbled for something to say. But Aether beat you to it. “Please, keep going. This feels so nice.”
Who were you to deny him? He needn't ask twice before your fingers had picked up their earlier ministrations again as the light falling through the window made your boyfriend glow brighter than any treasure ever could.
„How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?“, you mused, small smile visible in the vanity mirror. At that, Aether craned his neck to look up at you, his eyes wide and curious at your sudden declaration. But then an equally adoring grin tugged at his lips as he turned around in your arms.
„Isn’t that my line?“, he chuckled. Looping his arms around your neck, he cradled the back of your head in his palm as he pulled you down to his height. Every kiss you shared didn´t last long as you both smiled into them, leading to you breaking apart after only a few seconds. Giving his nose a quick peck, you settled for resting your forehead against his, basking in your boyfriend's contagious giggles. 
You´d often heard people say that home was not a place but a person and while you understood the meaning of the statement, you could never reflect the sentiment. But after meeting Aether and travelling Teyvat with him, you started to see the truth behind the phrase. After all, you couldn´t care less about where you were as long as you were with him.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
It feels a little weird and awkward to say this but thank you? For doing so much accidental baby acquisition/baby acquisition stuff in general? Its kinds always been my favourite thing to both read and write (has consistently been for over 10 years now) but people seem to majorly have a thing against it (especially when the parents are teens, which like, kinda fair because thats not SUPPOSED to happen irl, but thats also what makes it so interesting to explore in fiction yknow? Especially as a teen pregnancy baby myself) so I always feel very discouraged from writing that stuff. People go on and on about "kids not being a mandatory life step that everyone wants to do, stop giving these characters kids" and I'm just sitting here, absolutely certain I'll never want kids myself, wanting to explore the topic in fiction, and feeling super hurt by that. Why cant those people just leave it alone if they don't like it? What happened to dont like dont read? Why do they have to pick on people who write these topics?
That got a little venty, sorry
Anyways, I just really want to thank you for writing kidfics so often, as weird as that is. I've only been following you for a month but its already made me start feeling better about my own writing and favourite tropes. Its dumb to let assholes get to me, but they do start wearing you down after 10 years yknow?
Thank you, I'm so glad you're liking my stuff! And don't sweat it on the venting, I get it, lol. Sometimes you just gotta vent some.
Honestly I was kinda meh on kidfic/baby acquisition fics when I was younger and tended to go the "don't like/don't read" route on them myself, but these days it's just kinda helpful to be able to get out some of my feels about both how I was parented and how I'm very unlikely to ever BE a parent despite having previously wanted to, so like, accidental baby acquisition especially has just been REALLY vibing with me as a genre. Like--in the sense of if I ever end up with a kid myself, it almost definitely will BE unplanned and accidental, and also in the sense of my feelings about the idea of making a very deliberate Choice about being a parent, as opposed to just kinda doing it as another checklist item on the list of expected things you just do as you go through life.
Also I'm glad to hear you're feeling better about your writing, it's nice to hear I could help with something like that. ❤ I've been very lucky with the reception I've gotten for my stuff, generally speaking my readers either just don't engage with what they're not into or tell me "hey I'm not even into this, but actually I really enjoyed the way you did it once I tried it". So like, usually I prescribe to the theory of writing about things I care about and trying to be honest and not self-censor too much about the feelings and thoughts I have on those topics, and just try to let my audience find me via tags and word of mouth. If there's people who aren't into my preferred genres, then they can just go play in their own corner of the sandbox and I'll play in mine.
Plus fuck it, man, I just like writing cute kids and also working out personal trauma and helping other people just, like, get the catharsis of reading a healthy parent-child relationship. It just feels good, y'know?
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shiori42art · 6 months
Here's my Ice Skating AU! and some history 🫶🏻✨
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Venti and Bard are twins who have been figure skating all their live! They have won many tournaments, Bard is the support and Venti is thrown into the air, but Bard loves to try new things! then he proposes that one of the movements be to throw Venti and then Venti throw him! Venti is not very sure but he will try! In training they have some failures, but Bard wants to go ahead with it! and in the tournament...Things go wrong! Venti throws Bard wrong and he ends up doing his spin wrong and falls breaking his leg on the ice!!
They have to operate and the doctor says that he will not be able to do jumps or pirouettes again, his knee could dislodge very easily (That's why now he usually wears a medical knee brace) Venti feels guilty about this, so if his brother is not going to skate anymore neither does he!! Bard wants Venti to continue, but Venti doesn't want to... One day, they both go to the ice rink in Mondstadt, Bard wants to work there and Venti accompanies him, not liking the idea, while his brother is in an interview with the boss, he listen to someone on the rink and see Zhongli skate beautifully!
At first Venti doesn't recognize the best solo skater in the world lol! They skate together and it's wonderful! Bard sees all this and is happy that Venti is skating again! Zhongli had previously skated as a pair but his partner became ill and did not return (Azhdaha!) So he has bittersweet feelings about this but accepts Bard's offer to do a collaboration with his brother! Bard becomes Venti's trainer (Zhongli has Cloud Retainer lol) In training they meet more characters!! Knight is Diluc and Kaeya's trainer (He is a Bard fan AJFJSJS) Knight will be excited to have Bard so close now (Although Knight is sad about the accident, he wants to continue watching him skate) since they are all from Mondstadt Bard dared to approach Knight to ask for some advice! They end up getting together ehehe I have their lore in mind but that for another day! There are more characters from other nations here!
About the frog mitten... I did a roleplay with the homie about how they meet on the ice! And Zhongli was wearing fancy gloves while Venti was wearing those… frogs PFFPFP THATS ALL! Im so happy with this AU! 🙏🏻✨
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albedosarmpit · 2 years
Oof after reading your venti cock rant I AM DOWN BAD my size kink is going FERAL. It's not gonna fit tho like that thing can't go inside me,,,,
if you feel like writing for this, can i please request a smut where Venti and his s/o have sex for the first time and his s/o is like "it's not gonna fit" but he ends up fucking them anyways hfksljdkd (preferably gender neutral reader)
yesyesyesyeysyesy i'd love to- i also wrote an actual story before hand??? this is crazy for me, sorry if it doesnt go exactly as you wanted i think i got carried away idk hdoihsoihv also reader is literally a spaceholder im deserate for venti aoichdsoihvoi sorry if it doesnt make sense and sorry for the rushed ending sodichsoihvos
tags: gn reader, morning sex, morning wood, Venti thinks sex is so normal, ameno powers (i dont know how ameno powers work)
Going out with to the pub with Venti was almost always a bad idea. not only was the invite random, you'd think he would invite you out on fridays or weekdays but no, any day of the week was perfect for him, Other than the random invite you always felt bad leaving Diluc to clean after him.
thankfully, today you were able to join him. somehow, this was the drunkest you've seen Venti, his voice loud and irritating as he stumbled around flirting with almost everyone he sees (as a good bard should) causing Diluc to force the two of you to the attic where he left a spare bed just for this occasion because leaving a cute drunken bard in the streets honestly made Diluc loose sleep.
your arm wrapped around Ventis shoulder, helping him up the stares as he yells down to the other patrons about how he needs to go save the world and how the god of wine needed him to leave, the secondhand embarrassment making your cheeks burn as you finally carried him into the room "w-why are you s-so embarrased?" Venti almost yelled as he fell ontop of you landing on the bed, his hand stroking your cheek, his breath smelling of alcohol as he instantly passed out, you hugged him close to you making sure he was on his side as you made him rest his head on your shoulder.
you wake up just laying there, your head pounding, you couldnt tell what the cause was, a hangover or Ventis constant snoring in your ear, you woke up with him pretty much connected with you, a leg over both of yours and a arm over the top of your chest. this would've been find except you could feel it. something rubbing against you through his tights, you tried to pry away but he wouldnt let you, his eyes opened as he moved a hand to your cheek "5 more minutes? pleasee" Ventis breath stunk of alcohol. you tore his arm off of you and sat their waiting for him to notice the main problem.
Venti didnt say anything but moved his hands up to stretch, letting out a groan as he looked down at his own body, his face red "i-i suppose this is the reason you woke up? there a things even a god cant control im afraid" Venti instantly pushed a blanket off of him and pulled his cock out, the 7 inches instantly making your eyes widen. Venti put his hand at the base and slowly jerked himself off from there, driplets of precum already landing on his clothes "After this we can go back to sleep right?" Venti smiled as he said that. he was pure evil.
you began to get aroused looking at it, seeing him slowly shiver as he put his palm on his tip, Venti looked down to your crotch and smiles "Seems you're enjoying yourself as well, care to join?" Venti put his hand out, the same one he was rubbing his tip with, reached for it, feeling his precum in your own hand as you just watched him continue to jerk off, Venti swirled his hand around and instantly you were floating, Ameno energy swirling around you, taking your clothes off "i suppose we should speed things up" Venti looked at his cock, throbbing in his hand "I am getting pretty desperate~"
Venti smiled again as he moved his hand, forcing you forward onto him, his tip against your hole "V-Venti- thats- i-it wont fit" Venti smiled as he began to hold your right hand with his right hand, his left hand going to your thigh, pushing you down so the tip is inside, the precum acting as lube "come onnn, even i've had bigger" Venti winked as he lowered you down causing you to moan "You do know Morax don't you?" Venti laughed as he got slightly frustrated, forcing you down on his cock entirely, filling you up with his cock causing you to instantly finish causing the god to laugh at you as he came inside of you, cum dripping out of your hole and onto his own cock, he sat you there and made sure you stayed ontop of him, if you were to move the bed would be stained beyond saving. Venti yawned as he closed his eyes, hands wrapping around you as you began to drift off to sleep
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