#'he's maturing a little bit he's got a bit more facial hair these days' what else đŸŽ€
grogumaximus · 5 months
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heavenlycloud · 5 months
all my thoughts, they're shaped like you: huh yunjin x fem! reader
request: i was wondering if you could write smth about yunjin and reader having a sleepover? it can be a smut or not js however you'd like <3
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a/n: i decided to write this as sfw instead of smut just bc im...not confident in my smut writing abilities rn so i hope this will suffice! enjoy and thank you so much for requesting. *please note all pictures and videos are used for creative reference to give readers a visual of hair, makeup, clothes, shoes, etc. ONLY*
guilty was your first comeback in six months and by far your most successful since your debut four years ago. originally the song was to go to one of your seniors, but it was pushed your way when another caught his attention. the song was much more mature than the other songs you'd put out in the past which increased attention towards this new side of you as an artist. the past four weeks were filled with long schedules of music and variety show appearances, photoshoots, and too many fansigns to count. however, today was the last day of schedules before you got a two week long break to rest and recover.
you stood in front of your manager who was pressing you to take pictures for instagram before you got whisked away elsewhere. he smiled as you posed and the rest of your staff members made positive comments about you and your performance outfit. you didn't even bother settling back into your dressing room because not even two seconds later there was a knock at the door. you rushed over to open it and a small face peeked through as you beamed from ear to ear.
eunchae shyly greeted your staff members and you before she stepped back and onced you over with a gasp, "you're so pretty!" you reached forward and pulled her into a hug, "you're so precious oh my god." she giggled and led you down the hallway to the room where she films Eunchae's Star Diary. when you both got inside she motioned for you to sit down and she followed behind you.
for a moment there was silence after you introduced yourself before you and eunchae began laughing and you admitted in english, "i'm sorry i don't want to be awkward...it's this is just a little funny to me because we've never actually met." eunchae agreed and answered in korean, "yeah this is our first time meeting, but i feel like i know about you a lot because yunjin unnie talks about you all the time." similar to a professional she continued, "with your new comeback, can you tell us a little bit about the album and your favorite song?" you nodded and explained more professionally, "guilty is my first album since six months ago. it's also a different sound than what i've put out before. this time i wanted to focus on something that everyone can connect with."
eunchae looked at you with wide eyes and prompted you to continue so you added, "guilt is an emotion that everyone has to some extent or another. it's a feeling that has a negative connotation and that's something i wanted to change. of course singing about positive things is good, but i think singing about negative things and presenting them in a beautiful way is equally as important. more specifically, my single guilty’ is about a selfish love that hurts the other person. it’s not coming from my experience, but i used it as a way to define what love is and express it on stage.”
the younger girl looked at you and sighed, "everything you say sounds so smart." you laughed and shyly dismissed the complement out of habit before she asked you, "who was the first person to hear the single?" you side eyed her and she grinned because she already knew the answer but for the sake of her show you sighed, "huh yunjin of le sserafim." eunchae pointed and laughed at your facial expression and you playfully rolled your eyes but she shared happily, "yunjin unnie has been singing the song nonstop since it came out. when it dropped she was telling all of us in the dorm that she heard it first! she kept bragging that it was so good but didn't tell us any hints! but it was worth the wait because the comeback is incredible, unnie!" heat bloomed in your chest at the thought of yunjin listening to your music and bragging about how talented you were to those closest to her.
the minute you got back into your apartment after your schedule all of your messages came rushing into your notifications. your best friends had blown up your phone all day which honestly wasn't new, but scrolling through 100+ messages was kinda annoying when you were tired. then, like clockwork your phone started ringing and you answered to see one of your best friends on your screen, "hey i don't know if you saw somi's texts or not but we're having a sleepover at your place tonight." immediately you responded, "who is we? you speak french now?" on the other line she laughed and said, "don't be like that y/n."
you whined, "aeri! i just finished promotions im TIRED! and why my place and not somi's?" aeri let out a small huff and said, "somi's apartment flooded like ten minutes ago so we can't stay there. you know the rest of us aren't allowed people to stay overni-" you cut her off immediately, "hold on it's not just you and somi?" aeri looked off to the side and bit her lip, "uh...so funny story..." before she could answer someone snatched her phone and continued, "jen is coming too." you spat out the water you were sipping, "WHY WOULD YOU INVITE YUNJIN?!" somi answered casually, not taking her eyes off of the road, "i thought you would've worked stuff out by now. besides it's kinda shitty if we have a sleepover and exclude one person. it's called a friend group for a reason, right?" you huffed, "yeah i guess..."
the friend group started just as you and giselle when she entered SM entertainment back in December of 2019. the two of you clicked immediately even though you were technically her senior, having debuted that past summer. along with her members, they were the only girls close to your age in the entire company so you were quick to befriend them as soon as you were allowed. months after meeting giselle, you met somi who debuted a month before you as a soloist. then you introduced the two and the three of you were a trio of best friends...until yunjin came into the picture.
you and yunjin were familiar with one another but you only met once at a music show when you were promoting at the same time. from there you introduced her to somi and aeri, and she was added into the friend group. once you added her into the small bunch of friends you all were complete, and dubbed, The Plastics, by fans.
for the most part everything was fine with you four except that there were times when it was hard to meet up because of busy schedules. however, you started trying to distance yourself a bit when you realized that you had a crush on yunjin. the cardinal rule of friend groups was don't date other people in the same group. despite aeri and somi swearing up and down to you that yunjin liked you back, you refused to feed into it. your best friends weren't liars but you just couldn't bring yourself to believe them for whatever reason. besides even if you confessed to yunjin you didn't think much would come of it besides a ruined friend group. so you decided that you were just going to continue trying to compartmentalize your feelings and gaslighting yourself into thinking you didn't like her.
you ran to your room trying to get everything ready for your friends, the least you could do is have a clean apartment. the vaccuum drowned out the sounds of the city streets below your building as you dragged it across your area rug. you hummed along to oceanfromtheblue that blasted through your headphones, further muting the noise from the outside world. unbeknownst to you, yunjin had already entered your apartment. she got in using the 10 digit code on your door that she memorized just in case because that's what friends do...right?
a pair of hands gently caught your hips as you backed up with the vaccuum in hand making you scream and jump. you whipped around to see yunjin standing before you looking perfect as usual. she was only in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with those ugg slippers she liked to leave in your apartment for when she visited you. even in a basic dressed down outfit she still looked like an angel with her red hair pulled into a messy bun with a few loose strands framing her face. the pair of glasses she wore sat low on her nose causing her to push them up before pulling you into a hug. she laughed and apologized, "y/n i'm sorry! i called out your name a few times i thought you would have heard me." you let out the breath you'd been holding and assured her, "no it's fine i shouldn't have had my headphones this loud..."
there was an awkward silence and her eyes found yours bringing out a pinkish hue to her cheeks that was only reserved for you. her hands remained on your hips and you brushed a piece of her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. the simple action sent butterflies straight to her stomach and made her catch her lip between her teeth. neither of you knew where this was headed but right before you two could figure it out, the front door swing open and aeri entered with somi, "HEY BITCHES- oh." the two of you jumped and yunjin inched away from you, "heyyyy!" somi motioned between the two of you, "did we just interrupt something or?" immediately you refused, "no we were just um... yeah anyways hey guys." you paused and realized the two let themselves in, "wait- how did you two get inside?" yunjin and your manager were the only two people who knew the password for your apartment so how did they manage to get in?"
somi pointed to her phone and said, "i wrote it down the last time yunjin and i were over. the real question is why does yunjin know it and we don't. i thought we were friends." the blonde placed her hands on her hips and pouted to which aeri added, "how do you even remember all those numbers anyways?" yunjin responded, "i memorized it after seeing y/n do it once. and it's not hard, i just remember important things." both aeri and somi shared a glance and you joked, "so basically i need to make a new passcode. got it." the three of them laughed and put their bags down so you could start your plans for the night.
yunjin pulled out a vlogging camera from her bag and said, "i know we usually have a 'no work stuff' policy for our hangouts but i have to vlog and this is the only interesting thing i've done all week." your other friends started getting baking utensils and ingredients out of your pantry and cabinets while you preheated your oven.
the american idol stood in front of the camera and started speaking, "hi everyone! today i'm with my friends- and we're going to do the blind, mute, deaf challenge while cooking. y/n is being so kind to let us use her kitchen today!" you fake side eyed her and muttered, "you all showed up on my doorstep unannounced but okay." the three laughed and finished setting up the things you'd need.
since it was yunjin's vlog she decided how roles were split up and it was through rock paper scissors: aeri was deaf, somi and you were blind, yunjin was mute. for the sake of your kitchen and everyone's safety she decided to have two people who weren't allowed to speak. before starting the challenge yunjin explained, "so we already have the roles assigned. basically we are going to try to cook dinner together with our roles and we aren't allowed to switch or break character. so aeri is deaf- she already has her headphones on." she pointed the camera to aeri who was in her own world listening to some tyga song on blast, not paying attention to anyone else. yunjin continued, "somi and y/n are blind- wait do we have a blindfold?" she turned to you and you shook your head, "why would i have a blindfold? somi smirked and winked, "i have many blindfolds." yunjin slapped her arm and she laughed, "what?" you huffed in fake annoyance, "we should have made her one of the mute ones. yunjin finished explaining, "and i'm mute so i'm going to be silent because i didn't want to tape my face. anyways, aeri is the only one that can see the recipe and we have to follow her directions." you ended up finding two scarves in one of your drawers to tie around your and somi's heads and you all started the challenge.
"OKAY! BOIL THE POT OF WATER!" aeri shouted loudly making you flinch at the sudden outburst. you reached your hands in front of you as you cautiously dug a pot out from your cabinet and placed it in somi's hands. the blonde started to slowly walk to your sink, hitting the front of it with a soft thud and a whine while the rest of you laughed. somi filled the pot up and gently walked it back with the help of yunjin before she turned on the stove. the rest of it went like this, yunjin slightly helping you while aeri screamed the directions to you all.
when it came to cutting the chicken somi backed away from the counter, "i don't wanna touch it ew." you muttered, "you big baby." aeri asked in confusion, "YOU SAID YOU HATE ME?" the three of you burst out laughing while aeri stood still confused, looking around then into yunjin's camera as if it would talk back to her. you stood in front of the cutting board with the raw chicken and grabbed the knife that was within reach. you thought aloud, "this is probably a bad idea having the blind one do this part of the challenge but...i have bandaids."
somi was busy trying to drain the pasta from the water with the help of aeri guiding her as yunjin nervously watched you handle the knife and raw meat. yunjin tensed as she watched you nearly cut your finger once and then placed a hand on your arm. this time you didn't jump at her touch and let her come behind you. her hands placed gently atop yours and you giggled before playfully asking, "oh my god what is this? so romantic." beside you somi and aeri pretended to gag, somi not even facing the right direction as she teased you. when you both finished cutting the meat, yunjin moved from behind you and immediately you missed her body pressed against yours.
the remainder of you all cooking was a hot mess. from aeri forgetting she was in charge of instructions to take mini dance breaks, to somi trying to spoon in pasta water into the sauce with a fork by accident, yunjin trying to mime out her questions about the recipe to aeri, and you walking smack into the open refrigerator door- the whole thing was a mess. but an entertaining one that fans would love to watch once it was uploaded. somehow by some miracle you all managed to make the food exactly how it was supposed to taste which paid off at the end.
hours passed and aeri and somi had fallen asleep after crying their eyes out to the notebook that just finished playing. you poked aeri with your foot and her head lolled to the side limply making you and yunjin laugh. you pointed to your tv and asked, "did you like the movie?" the red aired woman nodded and mumbled quietly, "yeah, it was good. i understand the hype now but it was sad too. i love a happy ending but leading up to it was sad, you know?" you agreed and admitted, "i was mad when they made me watch it for the first time so you're better than me. all of that emotion just for me to get something kinda nice at the end, it was exhausting." she hummed in agreement and you both fell silent.
yunjin's hands brushed your hair gently, the softness of your silk press beneath her fingers was different from the way you usually wore it. unlike when most people touched your hair, you didn't pull away or dodge her hands running through the strands. instead you scooted closer to her and smiled when she began dutch braiding one of the sides on your head. the two of you basked in the quiet which was the first of it's kind tonight.
there was a small snag in your hair that caused you to almost whimper when her long fingers tugged at it. yunjin murmured an apology and pressed a gentle kiss to the spot before continuing. she then spoke up, "imagine just...forgetting who you are and everyone you love like that."
you didn't think before answering, "i almost did. when i left home and came here. i was around people that said i needed to leave my old life behind if i wanted to be successful here. i was naive and thought it was true, that my past would hold me back so i tried to let it all go. i only realized they were wrong after i was all alone." yunjin began braiding the other side of your head and asked, "so how'd you fix it?" you answered, "i met people who were like me and i made friends and talked to people. i tried to do things that reminded me of home, like being around you guys." yunjin finished your two braids and you turned around to see her smiling at you fondly. she could see the slight pain hidden behind your gaze as you recall one of the harder times in your life.
yunjin sighed and blurted out, "you smell like home." for a moment she froze and you pulled away and asked, "like new york? cuz that's not a complement if i smell like a new york street." yunjin laughed and answered nervously, "no you just...i don't know you're just- whenever i'm with you i feel at home." she moved down to the floor mattress you laid out earlier that night, knowing somi and aeri would be laid out on the couch like they are now.
you laid side by side as you told yunjin, "it feels like that with you too, like i'm back in the states just living without worries like now." yunjin bit her lip debating on if she wanted to do this now, but she caved into herself, "that's not what i meant but it's okay." you turned to face her, now laying on your side as you asked, "what did you mean then?"
yunjin felt her heart begin to race and she tried to brush it off, "no there's nothing." but you were determined to understand what she meant so you asked, "no, talk to me. what's going on in your head? tell me. i want to know, i want to know everything about you." of course yunjin knew that you weren't ever going to force her to speak, so she still had an out if she wanted to just not continue the conversation. however, she was tired doing this same dance with you where she almost admitted her feelings then ran away at the last minute. she knew that even if you didn't feel the same way that you wouldn't let that ruin the friendship you already have so she bit the bullet.
there was a pause then yunjin huffed and confessed "when i'm with you i feel safe, like i have nothing to worry about. i can just be myself and i know you'll never judge me or leave because i express myself the way i want to. whenever i'm not with you, you're still living in my head...all of my thoughts, they're shaped like you. i love you and i love being around you and being with you and i never want to leave your side which is why i try not to come too close because i can't risk fucking this up. but here i am telling you what i told myself i'd take to the grave so...just promise me if this screwed everything up and judging by your silence i think it did- just pretend it never happened and leave somi and aeri out of thi-" you refused to let her talk herself into thinking she ruined everything, "i love you too."
yunjin's breath caught in her throat and you repeated, "i love you too, huh yunjin. i love you so much and i love being around you and with you too." she sat up so she was upright then looked back down at you until you were sitting beside her. the small nightlight on your hallway outlet was the only thing allowing you to see her eyes locked on yours. you inched closer to her and brought your arms to rest on her shoulders while her hands were on your waist. her long fingernails scratched the ribbing of your tank top while your fingers twirled with a piece of her hair.
her forehead pressed against yours and you whispered, "what does this make us then?" yunjin shrugged and giggled which made you smile, "i dunno but we can figure it out together?" you asked, "yeah?" she nodded and you noticed how she eyed your two friends who were asleep tangled together yet half off the couch. she looked back at you and asked, "so when do we tell them?" you scrunched your nose and placed a gentle peck on yunjin's lips. the red haired woman paused then kissed you twice more, "who says we have to?" right when you pressed your lips against hers for the last time, a bright flash lit up your entire living room. you both looked over and aeri smacked somi's arm as she soft whisper yelled, "what part of NO FLASH did you not understand?" the two smiled as big as they could from ear to ear before yunjin let out a huff and sighed, "you all suck."
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sadesluvr · 5 months
Idk if you can do requests, and I don't know what you into buuuuut~
College student femreader, William as dormitory janitor and reader welcomes her on her room in a lone night
*runs away laughing like Skeletor*
A/N: TY for being patient on this req fill Anon!! I hope you like it! :) Warning: Steve is a bit of a perv in this - Read at your own discretion. Reader is in their early 20’s. Minors DNI.
Cawthon Hall, second floor, Room 113. Steve knew where you lived like the back of his hand. He didn’t frequent that particular block often, but when he did he knew he was always in for a treat. He’d seen you from your window as he cleared the bins early in the morning, sometimes peppy and ready to face the day, and other times sluggish. He didn’t care what state you were in though, just the fact that your thighs were always exposed since you slept in nothing more than an oversized sweatshirt. He’d spent countless nights, or even quickies in his car, jerking himself off to the thought of burying his head between them, and, eventually, grabbing onto them as he fucked you.
You’d seen Steve too. You didn’t really know his name until you’d seen his badge, but you knew he was certainly older, with large rimmed glasses and greying facial hair. His hands were large but veiny, clearly indicating experience and maturity. To be honest, you were rather missing maturity in your life.
Things were going steady with your boyfriend Chad. He was well liked; the head of his fraternity and the football team, and the relationship was fun, but it didn’t really have a destination. You weren't looking to be married anytime soon, but a bit of stability outside of frat parties would’ve been a plus.
I’ll see you later, yeah?” Chad said, stretching as he pulled on his jacket.
“You’re not staying?” you whined, fixing the blankets around yourself. You’d just come off your high (in both ways), and was hoping for a little bit of emotional intimacy. Chad wasn’t distant, just clueless. 
“I can’t stay baby,” he said softly, softly pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Big game tomorrow. Coach is taking us to the stadium and I gotta be outside my dorm to meet him,”
You huffed, blowing him a small, somewhat sarcastic kiss as you watched him leave. You heard him mutter to someone in the hallway, and whilst you immediately brushed it off, the sound of wood scraping against the wall shook you from your thoughts.
You abruptly opened the door, only to find that Steve was outside, fumbling around with his cart. Your eyes locked, and you could tell that he was undressing what was left of you with his eyes. Pulling the sweater tighter around you, you raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry to disturb you, Miss,” he said with a dorky smile. “Just finishing up my rounds,”
“I haven’t seen you here before
” you said sceptically.
“This is my usual route,” he said affirmatively. “You’re never home so early. Out dancing, I presume,”
“Hm,” you hummed, watching him as he got back to work. “Well, keep it down. I’m trying to sleep,” you said curtly, and now it was the man’s turn to cock a brow. He laughed knowingly, and waved a hand dismissively.
“You of all people should be worried about volume. I’m fairly certain you woke up the entire hall with your screeching,”
Realisation sunk in, and your eyes widened in fear, which Steve seemed to enjoy. Composing yourself, you scoffed.
“Whatever. Just because I’m getting some, and your dick dried up in the 60s,”
“How old do you think I am, young lady?” He chided, setting down his equipment, and inching closer towards you. You hadn’t noticed his full height - over six feet, for certain - and his slightly dirty overalls, a distinct pale yellow colour which for some reason made him more attractive. You stumbled back slightly, retreating into your room, but cocked your head and stared at him, eyes half lidded and slightly red from their high.
He was beginning to grin, and dimples spread across his cheeks.
“Old enough to be a grandpa
” you smirked, watching as he leant against the doorframe, the material of his trousers shifting so that you could see his bulge.
“Oh really?” he laughed. “Well, this grandpa knows that he could fuck you better than that boyfriend of yours,”
You didn’t miss a beat.
“Better not leave me hanging then, hm?”
Steve smirked as he shut your door, blue eyes lighting up as you realised you had no escape. At this time, everyone was either out or sleeping. In short, no one would hear you scream. He took your face in his hands, gazing at you predatorily before he kissed you, groaning as he began to slide his hands up the side of your body, reaching under your shirt to cup your breasts.
“Such a pretty thing,” he muttered. “I’ve been dreaming of what you’d taste like,”
He chuckled when you gasped, your shock swallowed by his never-ending kiss. With a squeeze of your breasts he pulled away and instructed you to get on your knees.
You knelt on the rug beside your bed, licking your lips in anticipation as you watched him zip down his overalls - leaving him in a purple top and boxers - before pulling out his cock. It looked over five inches, with a good length and girth to it. He lazily jerked himself off before running his thick head across your lips, giving you the way to take him in your hands. Holding him still, you swirled your tongue over his tip, holding the taste of his salty precum in your mouth before you swallowed him further. 
Steve threw his head back in pleasure, looking down at you through his glasses in admiration. He couldn’t help but begin to pump himself in and out of your mouth, grunting at the way you whimpered as you began to choke and strain your jaw.
“You’re even better at this than I expected,” he hummed. “Looks like your boyfriend has trained you well
You moaned at the fact, peering up at the older man through your lashes. He cupped your cheek and steadied himself before fucking into you further, making your eyes water and mouth fill with spit, only making him thrust harder. He was so desperate; so perverted that he hadn’t even given you the chance to suck him off on your own terms.
Soon, your nose became buried in the man’s happy trail, inhaling his musky scent. Spluttering, you pulled away, lips raw and throat suddenly dry as you gasped for air. Steve hummed as he watched you compose yourself, and tutted.
“Oh, too rough am I?” He purred. “Looks like your boyfriend has been too sweet to you. Don’t worry doll, I’ll straighten you out,” he chided. “Spread those legs for me,”
Hastily, you climbed onto the bed, pulling the thin material of your shorts down your legs along with your panties. Just as you began to prop yourself up, Steve drew your legs to the edge of the surface, face lightening up as he took in your wet, desperate pussy.
He licked his lips and adjusted his glasses as he rubbed your thighs, fingertips brushing over your folds before he shoved his face inside of you. He lapped eagerly at your lips, grip firm on your legs as his long, skilful tongue explored you in a way Chad had never done so before. 
You moaned as his beard tickled you, your juices coating the strands as he motorboated your cunt.
“You taste better than I thought,” he said, flicking his tongue on your sensitive bud. “So fucking sweet
It wasn’t long before you came, practically humping yourself on his face as he cleaned you up. Even between layers of skin and sweat you could feel him smile between your thighs.
Smug bastard.
“It’s my turn, baby,” he grinned, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips before rising to his full height, positioning his pelvis between your legs, wrapping your own around his waist securely. He stared down at you hungrily, and you could tell he was ready to fucking devour you - but found it within him to reluctantly roll on the condom that you’d given him. They were still at the side of your bed from your session with Chad. 
Steve pressed his tip against your entrance, but not before rolling it against your sensitive folds teasingly. He chuckled when you whined, body desperate and wanting, and pushed himself inside of you, making sure to sheath himself to the hilt in your wet cunt. You clung onto the sheets at the sensation of Steve’s mature cock filling you up, and the older man was equally as pleased to see (and feel) how your pussy stretched around his dick. 
Once you’d taken all of him he began to move himself in and out of you, enamoured in the way your slick juices coated his cock, glistening against the material of the condom. 
“How’s it feel to be stretched out?” he said mockingly. “Bet your little boyfriend isn’t as big as me, huh? Fuck, doll, this pussy is just how I imagined
” he rambled, hair clinging to his forehead as his thighs made contact with your own, balls slapping against your pussy. Through your high you couldn't formulate a response, but your mouth remained agape as you whined, biting your lip at the fulfilling pressure. Apparently this was the type of maturity you were looking for - Steve was pleasuring you in ways you hadn’t even known existed.
“I’m gonna let you in on a little secret,” he chuckled, stabilising himself with your own body, angling your hips upright. “Let’s just say that there was an accident with your keys once. I happened to run into a copy, and, well, I may have taken some things that don’t belong to me
Your eyes widened, and Steve’s own met your gaze at your nightstand where you kept your panties. He laughed for what felt like the millionth time; this time coming from deep within his chest and running off his tongue like poison. 
You hated the way your stomach knotted up at the fact. How long had he been stalking you? Why hadn’t you noticed before?
Biting your lip, Steve placed a large hand down on your stomach as his thrusts got faster and shallower, building himself up to his crescendo as he rocked his hips into you with one last deep push. He let out a guttural groan as he came, eyes shut and shaking as he filled the condom with his hot cum, wishing that it were your raw pussy instead.
Perhaps next time he’d paint himself all over your face.
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@lvlymicha @melanie-moonlight-tonight @dumb-dumb-idiot-girl
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 2 months
Are you taking request? I saw someone on here ask for a JJK man request. Just would like to know so I know when and where to send my submission bestie. đŸ©·đŸ„č
What Spoiled Girls Get (Pro!Bakugou x Dabi x Plus-Size!Black!Fem!Reader) [REQUEST FILL]
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Touya "Dabi" Todoroki x Black!Plus-Size!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You get whatever you want as Bakugou and Dabi’s shared GF. You’re their pretty princess. Their baby. Their spoiled little girl. You wouldn’t have it any other way and don’t know any different, so when they take you shopping to get some clothes for your birthday and you see a dress in the window that costs a bit out of their bracket, they get it for you
but not without you showing how thankful you are.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; Polyamorous; Aged-Up!Bakugou; Musician!Dabi; Ex-Villian!Dabi; Reader is Described as Having Rolls & a Tummy; Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy Undertones; MMDoms/fsub Relationship; Spanking; Double Deepthroat; Spit Play; Hair-Pulling; Multiple Creampies; Doggystyle; Spitroast; Orgasm Denial/Control; Facials; Dabi Has a Tongue Piercing; Aftercare 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Thank you for choosing me to do your request fill & especially for giving me the okay to just do your request for Dabi & Bakugou (just to make it clear for the readers too). I hope you enjoy this! -Jazz 
“So what does my baby wanna do next?” Katsuki whispers to you, his hand on your thigh like you aren’t sitting in a public space. 
Or right next to your second boyfriend who isn’t too keen on Katsuki keeping you to himself when this is a “shared effort”. “Our baby,” Dabi corrects him, scooting his chair closer to you and putting a tatted hand on your other thigh. His fingers, adorned in rings, gently squeeze the soft flesh there. 
Katsuki’s vermillion eyes flick to Dabi’s ice-blue ones, a secret rivalry between them despite having been with you for over a year now. “Our baby,” he growls out. “It’s your day after all.” The scents of his and Dabi’s cologne begin to cloud your senses, the two bottomless mimosas you consumed at your birthday brunch. 
” Your mind wanders, short-circuiting as your boyfriends squeeze between you between their big, muscular bodies at the table. 
The two smirk at each other, for once not bickering or shooting each other dirty looks when one of them gains your attention over the other. “What’s up, doll?” Dabi purrs into your ear in his raspy, graveled voice. “Too shy to tell us?” 
Katsuki, too, leans in closer, pressing his big, tatted arms against yours, his pecs pressing against his white tee. He looks so good in white, especially with the chains hanging from his neck and the rayban sunglasses clipped to his collar. His platinum blonde hair is cut into an undercut, making him look sexier and more mature. Very appropriate for one of the most prominent and wellknown pro heroes in the world. 
Dabi looks just as fine for your birthday, his black tee and leather jacket standing out against his snow-white hair. You’ve always loved how the bright, white locks contrast with the black ink coating his arms and body. Though older than Katsuki by a couple of years, he is just as handsome and is always turning heads, mostly because of his prior status as a villain who turned into a famous rock musician. 
And despite these men both being wealthy and hot, they are completely infatuated with you. You, who works a regular degular 9-5 job and isn’t a celebrity or a model. And you couldn’t be happier with them. They were floored by your beauty and your body the moment they met you. After you got closer to both of them, they agreed to both date you at the same time, spoiling you with their riches. 
You could barely believe your luck and almost thought it was a dream. It took some time to get used to things and the way your boyfriends spent their money on you. Katsuki loves you being is passenger princess, dropping a bag on your nails and any clothes you want. He is a “I’ve got it, baby” kind of partner, always paying the check at dinner and taking you on expensive nights. Nothing is too good for his baby. 
Dabi is the same way, always surprising you with a trip here or a random weekend at a five-star hotel there (Katsuki is usually there too so both of them can spend the weekend fucking you stupid into the hotel mattress again and again). You once spent a month traveling with Dabi on a tour around Japan, sight-seeing and watching him perform on stage.
Over time, you started feeling more comfortable asking for things. You want money to get your hair done? “Sure, baby.” You want some new kicks? “Okay, but not those ugly ass Yeezys. I see in those and you’re gonna get it bad.” You want to get a pretty skirt to make your plump ass look plumper? “Of course, doll; just as long as I can take it off later.” 
You love them. And they love you, especially how easy it is you tease you. “You know I can’t think straight with all this attention,” you whisper, squeezing your thighs together under your pink dress. They love it when you wear your tight, short dresses and skirts. Anything to show off your rolls, ass, hips, and soft, pudgy belly that they just love to kiss, squeeze, and bite on. 
“You sure it ain’t them mimosas? You downed those like they were water, baby.” Katsuki snickers at you, Dabi joining in. As if telling on you, the waitress comes over to clean your dishes of your two mimosa glasses and plates from a delicious brunch. “Hey, it’s my birthday!” you scoff. “I can drink all I want to.” 
Katsuki’s eyebrows raise, a playful and mischevious look appearing in his eyes that makes you feel hot. “Oooh, there’s that mouth we both love so much. Maybe you need a third drink, huh?” He goes to wave down the waitress, but to stop him. “Stop,” you giggle. “Besides, I don’t know what else I want. Y’all have already done so much for me today.” 
And they have. Between surprising you with a flower delivery this morning, picking you up for a brunch date at an expensive bistro, and driving you around in Dabi’s range rover (which he insisted to drive), you don’t know how much better your birthday can get with your two rich boyfriends. 
“And it’s just the beginning, babe,” Katsuki says, taking the bill from the table while Dabi reaches into his jeans for his wallet. “Just think. What’s something we can absolutely do for you?” You think about it for a moment, wondering what haven’t you done lately that would make this birthday extra special. “Um
.maybe take me shopping?” 
Your boyfriends stare you down, creating a tingle in your core. “Please?” you add, staring up at them both through your lashes. Dabi practically groans at your sweetness. “I do love a polite girl. It’s fine by me, doll, but let’s just hope this chihuahua has enough in his pocket to one up me.” He smirks at Katsuki over your shoulder. 
The blonde glares daggers at him as he smacks down his black card. “Bitch, you’re actin’ like I didn’t pay for the rounds,” he scoffs. “Why don’t you try matching up to my birthday gift? Did you get her another stupid trinket you thought she’d like from your tour?” He grins maliciously at Dabi who you can tell is simmering. 
“Guys, no fighting,” you sternly say, placing a hand on their hard chests. “Not today. It’s my day.” The two look at you as if realizing you’re still here. “Yeah, your day,” Katsuki sighs, pecking you on the cheek. “We can’t help fighting over our baby though.” 
Dabi presses a kiss to your face too, both of their lips making your heart leap and your pussy throb excitedly. You just love their kisses! “We’ll make it up to you later, babe. Right now, let’s get you in some stores.” You smile and take each of their bigger, calloused hands in your smaller, softer ones. 
“Thank you, Daddies,” you whisper, low enough for only them to hear. You see their gazes sotften before molen lust takes over. “Such a good girl,” Dabi says, giving your ass a smack when you stand. It catches the eye of an old couple who glare at such an inappropriate display, making you jab Dabi in the stomach while he laughs. 
For the next hour, Katsuki and Dabi take you shopping after leaving the bistro. They take you to a small strip on the richer side of the city where designer stores line the block. You pick out bags and clothes, shoes and jewlery. While you don’t keep too many items in fear of overflowing your closet, you do pick out some nice keepers: Jimmy Choo and Saint Laurent heels; Prada sunglasses; a couple of designer dresses that fill out your curves; a Fendi purse; a set of earrings and a diamond anklet to make your French tips looks even sexier. 
Through it all, Katsuki and Dabi patiently follow you around and carry your shopping bags for you in one hand. In the other, they hold you by both of yours, making you feel small between the two of them despite your size and weight. As a plus-sized girl, you always feared that they would someday reject you, but they remind you every day how sexy and cute they think you are. 
Finally, after stepping out of a Versace store and putting your bags in Dabi’s car, Katsuki grabs you by the waist, his hands grabbing a handful of your ass. “So where to next, baby girl?” he asks, staring down at you from behind his designer shades. 
You would say his or Dabi’s place judging by the way he’s palming your behind, but something catches your eye. “Um
.oh!” You break away from him much to his dismay and walk over to the boutique window where a beautiful, sexy red dress stares back at you. You marvel at it, pressing your hand adorned in pink nails on the glass. 
“I knew you’d have your eye on that,” Dabi chuckles, puffing on a cigarette next to you. He laces an arm around your plump waist, gently rubbing your side. “What? You wanna try it on?” Your eyes trail down to the price tag on the dress, gaping at it. “W-Well, it’s kinda
“Pricey?” he finishes, smirking at you. You flush, biting your lip. “I was gonna say small. You usually don’t find bigger sizes in dresses like these.” Katsuki narrows his eyes at you from behind his shades. “Dummy,” he scoffs. “Don’t do that. We always find the cutest shit for you in your size. This dress is no different. Now, come on.” 
His tone makes it clear he ain’t up for debate, so you walk inside with boutique with Dabi (after he puts out his cigarette). The place is small but high class-looking with marbled floors and walls, champagne flutes set out on lounge seats, and racks and racks of designer clothes, bags, hats, and accessories. A woman greets you three at the front desk, immediately going wide-eyed at the sight of Katsuki and Dabi.
“She wants to try that dress on in the window,” Katsuki gruffly says, nodding at the red dress. “Please,” you add sweetly, knowing that your men can seem rude sometimes. 
“And any bathing suits you have,” Dabi adds. “Add a round of champagne on that too.” You furrow your brows in confusion at this. “Why do you want me to try on bathing suits too?” The two men give each other a secretive look, making you feel like they know something that you don’t. “Just to see this sexy body in somethin’ small,” Katsuki chuckles, once again grabbing a palmful of your ass. “Now be a good girl and go model for us, babe.” 
How could you deny them? The employees gather together all the bathing suits they have that will fit you and guide you to the try-on section where Katsuki and Dabi sip on champagne and wait while you try on the clothes. You try on a pink bathing suit first that is low cut in the front so your juicy breasts look enticing and has a thong bottom that makes you want to squeeze your own ass. 
With a deep breath, you step out of the small try-on room and model for your men. “Um
how do I look?” you carefully ask, popping a knee up and putting a hand on your hip. They stare at you, not saying anything for a moment. “Like you need to get fucked,” Dabi finally answers, nearly making you choke. “I had alcohol, so I don’t wanna say
.I’d much rather show you.” 
Katsuki jumps up and has his hands on you before Dabi can do so himself. “You look absolutely stunning, baby,” he sighs. “Just look at you.” He turns you around to face a mirror, wrapping his arms around your waist. And he’s right: you do look stunning. “I still don’t get why y’all want me to try on bathing suits in spring,” you laugh. “The summertime isn’t for another two months!” 
“Well, you’ll need new bathing suits for our trip,” Dabi says, downing the rest of his champagne. “Especially since it’s Mexico.” You look at him, confused. “Mexico?” you parrot. “When are you going to Mexico?” 
The two share a look, just as confused as you. “You deaf?” Katsuki asks, pinching one of your cheeks. Not us, baby. We are going on Mexico.” He then reaches into his pocket and hands you an envelope. You open it and find a plane ticket to a resort in Cabo, Mexico in it. “Happy birthday, Y/N,” Katsuki says with a smile. 
“Oh, my God!” you gasp, immediately throwing yourself at your men. “When did you–“ 
“We planned it for June so you’ll have time to put in your PTO,” Dabi explains. “And if your boss has a problem with it, he can talk to us. Either way, you’re going. You deserve a little break.” He smiles adoringly at your joy, both of them always wanting to see you happy. “Daddies,” you gasp. “I don’t know what else to say.”  
Katsuki’s gaze turns firm, making your stomach flip in excitement. “Try on the dress then,” he orders. “And don’t say shit about the price to your Daddies, got it?” You button your lip and nod, too aroused to speak. 
You then hurry back into the room to try on the dress that you carefully take off the hanger. After taking off the bathing suit, you put on the dress and immediately fall in love with how soft, flexible, and sexy it feels on you. Your thighs look juicy and despite your stomach not going anywhere, you don’t care and you know your boyfriends won’t either. 
So you walk out to them and drap yourself across the wall, posing for them. “I love it!” you squeal before they can tell you what they think. “I look so, so cute in this!” Both of them walk up to you and squeeze you between their bodies, theirs hard while yours is soft. “Then it’s yours,” Katsuki whispers against your cheek. 
“And you don’t have to tell us thank you, doll,” Dabi says, “but you’ll have to show it later.” Pressed against your back, you feel his hard-on pressing against your backside. Katsuki ruts his hips into your front, giving you a taste of his hard cock too. All for you. 
You shiver in delight, relishing the fact that they want you just as much as you want them. “Why later?” you purr. “Why not right now? After all, I need to make sure you know how much I appreciate you both.” You run your hands over Katsuki’s biceps while you press your ass in Dabi’s bulge. “Whose place?” he growls, his sel-control quickly leaving him. 
You decide to go to Katsuki’s place since its closer and twenty minutes after leaving the boutique with some new shit, you find yourself on your knees still in your new dress on Katsuki’s king-sized bed with your boyfriends’ big, hard, throbbing cocks in your hands and in your mouth. 
As soon as you got into Katsuki’s penthouse after a long day of shopping and being pampered, your men had their lips and hands all over you. Squeezing your tits and ass. Leaving hickeys on your neck. Kissing your lips so much that you got drunk. They couldn’t wait to finally have you all alone, feening for it. 
Which is why they can’t tear their eyes off of you now as you slobber, spit, and slurp all over their cocks, loving how much their bodies contrast you. Katsuki is beefier due to many years of training as a pro hero with smooth, tanned skin, hard, pierced nipples, and a smooth V-line traveling down to his thick, throbbing cock where a happy trail of blonde hair lies. 
Dabi is leaner with his entire body inked in tatts and covered in staples, but they don’t scare you away. His cock is longer and cures slightly, protruding from a cut nest of white curls. “What a thank you so far,” he hums, his black painted nails curling in your hair. “Such a big girl takin’ two big dicks at the same damn time.” 
You pop him out of your mouth and instantly take Katsuki’s cock into it again. He takes a handful of your titty hanging out of your dress like fruit dripping from a tree, slowly grinding his hips into your hot, wet mouth. “Fuckin’ greedy thing,” he grunts. “We spoil your ass too much.” 
And spoil you they do. To have two hot, loaded men with big dicks and skillful hands all to yourself? What more could you ask for? Katsuki slips his cock out of your mouth, leaving a trail of saliva connected from the tip to your bottom lip. “Open that mouth up,” he demands. You do so, sticking out your tongue like they like and allowing them to tap their cock heads against your tongue. 
“Spoiled litle girl,” Katsuki taunts you while Dabi relishes how slutty you look right now. “You gonna suck these dicks like a good little slut for us, hm?” You swallow the pre cum you collected on your tongue and obediently nod, leaking all over your panties and the bedsheets. “Yes, Daddy,” you whimper. “I promise.” 
That’s all they need to hear. Despite always bickering, Katsuki and Dabi know how to share you in the bedroom. They take turns fucking your mouth off its hinges, fistfuls of your hair in their hands and filling your tongue with the salty taste of their pre-cum. You love this. You love being used by them. You love being the only one to make them feel good. 
Katsuki makes sure you know this as he fucks your throat, making your mouth sloppier and wetter the more he pumps into it. “Fuck, baby,” he moans, his handsome face flushed. “You’re so good at this shit. You make me feel so good!” Dabi slides his dick out of your hand and shoves the blonde out of the way. 
“You’re takin’ too long,” he growls. “C’mon, doll, don’t forget about me. Lemme fuck that pretty face.” He slides his dick in this time and nearly touches your vuvula with how long he is. Though you gag and your eyes sting with tears, you take his cock like a champ down your throat, relishing his breathy swears and groans. 
“Time’s up, dickhead,” Katsuki growls, pushing Dabi away. “My turn. You ain’t the only one who wants to see that mascara run.” He tilts your face up to meet his eyes, making you show him your glassy eyes and ruined makeup.
“Open that mouth,” he demands. You do so and he leans in as if kissing you. A glob of saliva drips from his mouth onto your tongue, much to Dabi’s delight and arousal. “Now spit it back on my cock, nasty girl.” 
You do just that, spitting Katsuki’s saliva onto his dick before he shoves himself deep into your mouth, his balls hitting your chin. For a while, they take turns fucking your face and watching your cheeks fill with their cocks until they’ve had their fill and finally want a taste of you. Dabi shoves you onto your back, exposing your sodden, wet panties to them.
“Fuck, look how wet she is!” he cackles. “Just from gettin’ that pretty face fucked! What a little slut we got on our hands.” He gently brushes his finger down your slit, making you shudder. “Does that pussy need somethin’, doll?” he whispers, pressing his knuckles into your clit. 
You pathetically moan, shivering in pleasure. “I
I need you,” you beg, staring into your boyfriends’ eyes. “Please, Daddies, touch me.” Your soft voice forming those dirty pleas do it for them. Katsuki dives in immediately, hiking up your dress and ripping off your panties. “W-Wait, the dress!” you protest. 
He gives you the evil eye as yanks your panties down your luscious thighs and legs. “Fuck the goddamn dress,” he snarls. “If we ruin it, we’ll just wash it or buy you a new one. Now shut the fuck up and get your legs up.” Helpless to argue, you put your legs over his shoulders and all thoughts cease to exist the minute he gets his tongue inside of you. 
Katsuki and Dabi take turns slurping on your cunt, each one having their own fun with you while the other sits between your thighs. Katsuki drowns in that pussy, putting his whole face in it while his hands pin your thighs apart, forcing more out of you. His tongue is magic, doing all kinds of tricks as it swirls around your clit and pussy lips, making you drip increasingly more than before. 
While he does this, Dabi holds you down, watching your cute face contort in pleasure and your plump lips form Os as you moan and whine against Katsuki’s tongue. “So loud for him, little doll,” he chuckles. “You’d better be this loud for me.” 
And you are. You can’t not be when Dabi gets between your legs and gets his tongue on you. Your favorite part about his pussy eating skills is his tongue piercing that feels cool and hard against your clit while he sucks on it, drinking in the way you move under Katsuki’s veiny hands as he holds you down. “Take it,” he growls. “Take his fuckin’ tongue, slut. You wanted this so bad, right?” 
You whine, unable to form words, grinding your cunt shamelessly into Dabi’s skillfull mouth. When you cum, you cum hard and fast. “F-Fuck, Dabi!” you whine, your voice bouncing off of the bedroom walls. “M’cumming!” You make an absolute mess on Dabi’s tongue much to his delight who moans appreciatively into your cunt. 
“No fair,” Katsuki grunts, irked at Dabi’s cocky smile his way as he continues to slurp at your creamy pussy. “You make a mess for him, but not for me?” He wraps a hand around your throat, somehow making your orgasm more intense as it rocks through your body. “That ain’t gonna fly with me, baby girl. We’ll have to fix that.” 
That isn’t the only mess you make. Your boyfriends also take turns filling you up and letting you cream on their cocks. Again and again and again. And like Katsuki wants, you make a huge, sloppy, creamy mess for him. You can’t even count how many times you cum or how many positions they put you in. 
They fuck you in missionary, your legs on their broad shoulders and eyes staring into theirs as they put you into the mattress again and again. Their cocks fill you up to the brim, making you see stars. They fuck you with your head hanging off the bed, their balls making your clit tingle. They fuck you on your stomach, their hands massaging your ass and causing delicious sparks of pleasure to explode in your core. 
They fuck you doggystyle, hands smacking your ass, loving the recoil and the way it jiggles as they slam their cocks into your sobbing, wet pussy like they’re trying to hit a home run. Katsuki is particularly fond of this position. He grips your hips for dear life as he nails your shit with every pump of his cock, loving how pathetic and needy you sound. He especially loves fucking you in your new dress. 
Dabi stands on his knees in front of you, fucking your mouth and watching you take the blonde’s cock, hypnotized by your jiggling tits and ass. It should be illegal to be this hot. 
“You gonna cum for me, mama?” Katsuki grunts into your ear. “You gonna cum on this cock while I fill you up? You gonna take it like a good girl for me?”
You can’t speak through your moans, so you nod. It’s enough though and Katsuki rams into you until he lets out a loud moan worthy of audio porn and explodes inside of you. It triggers your own orgasm and you cream all over his cock, your pussy walls squeezing him tight. 
“Shit, boy,” Dabi chuckles, watching you both cum at the same time. “I can’t wait to feel her pussy do that to me too.” And you do. Without a moment’s hesitation, he turns you around and fucks your wet, dripping, sore pussy into the mattress, relishing your mews and whines of protest. “D-Dabi, wait!” you sob. “Too much, Daddy! Too much!” 
“Almost there, doll,” he pants, his hand on your throat. “Don’t disappoint me. C’mon, be a big girl for me and take that dick.” You have no choice in the matter anymore. You’re forced to take his cock while Katsuki spanks you, mixing pleasure with pain and making you howl. For two men who argue, they sure know how to work together in the bedroom. 
But when it comes to making you beg, scream, and cry? Of course, they do. 
“Oooh, I can feel that pussy gettin’ tight,” Dabi groans, putting his foot on the bed to get a better angle so he can fuck you even dumber on his cock. “You gonna cum again, slut? You wanna give me that nut?” Katsuki bends down to whisper to you, his lips at your ear. “Talk to him,” he demands. “Say something now or you ain’t cumming.” 
Tears spring into your eyes and a wail of pure desperation leaves your mouth. “Yes, Daddy!” you moan. “Yes, I’m gonna cum! Please let your baby cum!” But Dabi slows down, making you cry in pure agony. “Say thank you then,” Dabi demands. “Tell us thank you for all that we did for you today. Say it, you spoiled little brat.” 
You then feel Katsuki’s fingers on your clit and damn near lose it. “Thank you!” you scream. “Thank you for the dress! Thank you for the shopping! Thank you for everything! You’re both so, so good to me, Daddies! I love you both so much!” 
Both men audibly groan at your hot and sweet confession and profession of love. “And we love you too, baby,” Katsuki says. “Now fucking cum. Give it to us like a good girl.” Unable to hold back anymore, your walls clench around Dabi’s cock and you cum again, your orgasm making you and writhe against him. 
“Ah, shit, I’m gonna cum!” Dabi warns and grips your ass as he explodes deep inside of you, filling you up with his cum. There is so much that it drips out of you, mixing with Katsuki’s and creating a creamy ring around Dabi’s shaft when he pulls out of you. “Shit,” he laughingly pants. “Such a good girl.” He gives your ass a feeble squeeze. 
But they’re not done quite yet. They turn you over and like desperate men who haven’t had sex in decades, once again lap at your cunt. They take turns doing so, busying themselves fucking your mouth. While one is between your thighs, overstimulating you, the other straddles your chest and pumps their cock in your throat like it’s a flesh light. “You don’t gotta do a thing, baby,” Katsuki says. “Just let us do everything.” 
You gladly do so, too exhausted to move or complain that they’ll ruin the dress. You let them do as they please until they’ve finally had their fun and both kneel in front of you. They begin stroking and pumping their cocks in your face, your body and face the best porn they could ask for. “Look at us,” Dabi demands. “Take our cum again like the cumslut you are.” 
Without a warning, both he and Katsuki cum together, their moans, grunts, and whines of pleasure echoing throughout the bedroom. Their cum, warm and sticky, spurts out of them and onto your face, tits, and unfortunately, your pretty dress. You are coated from head to toe in them and their scent. “So pretty!” Katsuki grunts. “So fuckin’ adorable! How the fuck are you this cute?” 
You don’t answer, too exhausted to do so. You can only weakly mew and pant in response. Finally finished, the two quickly begin aftercare. They strip the dress off of your tired muscles, wipe the cum off of you with lavender-scented baby wipes, and rub you down with oil that smells like mangoes and pineapples. 
Finally, the two get into bed and snuggle you on either side. Dabi tosses one arm around you while Katsuki snuggles your head into his chest. “Sorry about the dress,” he chuckles. “But I’m sure we can wash it out. We’ve done it to all your other pretty shit.” 
“And then we’ll ruin it again,” Dabi adds, making both men cackle evilly. You softly moan into Katsuki’s chest, half in protest and half deep in sleep. Exhausted from getting your shit beat, it doesn’t take long for you to drift off
But not until after you feel your boyfriends press two soft kisses to your lips. “Happy birthday,” they whisper to you and you sleep with a smile on your face. 
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creedslove · 9 months
Pedro is so much not my type, yet I'm so in love with every character he plays.
Like. He is not my type of handsome, but oh my god he is so handsome sometimes. Like. The smile?! Nose wrinkles?! Crows feet around his eyes?! Patchy beard?! How someone can be opposite of what you like, and be at the same time this beautiful handsome person you just LOVE to look at. So weird.
Marcus with and without a beard is stunning!
Can you imagine you see him for the first time with a stubble and you just can't stop staring. Touching his scratchy face. You kiss his cheeks, because it's a new feeling, and you like it. But Marcus is little shy about all the attention 🙈
Marcus Pike x f!reader
A/N: I understand it completely anon, as I said here a couple of times, before liking Pedro, I never thought he was the kind of guy I would like when it came to his looks; I never really paid attention to him, but the little I had seen him on Twitter or passing by when my dad was watching tlou was that he was a normal looking guy. And then once I started really liking him I got more and more used to his features and to me there isn't a more handsome man in the world! I agree with everything you said! He's the whole package, everything about him is beautiful and the best part is knowing he's beautiful inside and out, so it's not only looks, he's also a great person and idk I just really like Pedro and I don't mean to be NFSW but I want to hug him so tight lol 😆
Also, I'm sorry but your ask exceeded the cute limitℱ so I had to kidnap it and turn it into a headcanon ❀
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‱ you couldn't wait to see Marcus after nearly three months of going undercover; you hated he had to do that kind of job, not only was it extremely dangerous but you hated that you completely lost touch with him
‱ so you were very excited to meet him again after all that time, your feelings for each other were growing but were also unresolved and you deeply regretted not coming forward about it sooner
‱ the moment you walked into the office and saw Marcus there, your heart felt like it was about to burst out of your chest; his hair was longer now, you could even see some curls forming at the same time he let his beard grow a little
‱ you'd always been used to his clean shaven face and you loved it; you loved his sharp jaw, his dimples, his beautiful lips, you loved all of him, but you were also so mesmerized by his stubble, though he looked more mature with it, his boyish smile hadn't changed one bit
‱ you squealed running to him, he held his arms open for you, but you stopped inches from him, your hand carefully stroking against his cheek, feeling it underneath your palm and loving it
‱ he was a little shy at first, you had never stroked him like that, but he also enjoyed it
"I was going to shave it as soon as I got home..."
‱ he blushed softly but you shook your head
"leave it for a couple of days at least, it suits you"
‱ you giggled and kissed his cheeks, loving how your lips felt against the burn of his recent beard, you knew you had never taken such liberties with him before but at that moment, it didn't really matter, it felt very good
‱ when you were finally done with his facial hair, you wrapped your arms around his body, pulling him for a tight kiss, burying your face into the crook of his neck, you felt so safe and so happy to have him back
"please, never go undercover again, I missed you too much"
‱ you gave him the puppy eyes and he nodded, his arms wrapped tight around you as he thought that maybe his feelings for you weren't as unrequited as he thought they were
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peaceloveandstarrs · 11 months
For the Ship prompts, could you do #1 or #16 (your choice) and I would like to ship George and myself lmao
Need me some sleepy snuggles with older George if you could đŸ„°
(Also yes I'm on anon but you know who this is lol đŸ€­)
i absolutely do know who this is!!! <3
good morning, lazily
The early morning sunlight filtered in through the blinds, casting a dreamy glow over you and George. You were drifting in and out of sleep, only vaguely aware of the light coming in. You made a soft, sleepy sound. It was too early to wake up. Plus, you had George beside you, still sleeping peacefully. You opened your eyes and gazed at him. He was the picture of tranquility. His chest rose and fell with each deep and even breath, and he snored softly. George turned over onto his side, facing you and nestling further under the covers. He had no intention of getting up either. Not that you minded.
You wanted to spoon, but at the same time, you didn't want to take your eyes off of George. He was so handsome. Yes, he had the lines and wrinkles from aging, and his body and face had filled out from his Beatle days, and his hair had gotten a salt-and-pepper look to it, but to you, that made him that much more handsome. To him, he was even more handsome now than he was in his Beatle days. Something about that age and maturity was incredibly appealing to you.
You sighed softly. How had you gotten so lucky? Of all the people in the world, George had chosen to be with you. You! He loved you, absolutely adored you, and sometimes you wondered why he did. But when you got into your head and convinced yourself that you were unlovable, unworthy of anyone's love, much less his, George was always there to bring you out of the spiral and show you all of the things you couldn't see about yourself. You loved him. Oh, did you love him. And each morning, you thanked your lucky stars that you got to go through life with him.
You reached across and grazed your fingertips over George's skin and mustache, admiring the contrast between his warm skin and the scratchiness of his facial hair. He'd grown the mustache at your recommendation, an off-hand mention that you loved how he'd looked in the late 60s when he'd first grown it. And his skin... you didn't know how he kept it so soft, but whatever he did, you were grateful. You felt him twitch under your fingertips, like he was trying to get rid of a fly without touching it, and bit back a giggle. All of his little sleepy motions were so cute. You saw him open his eyes and smiled gently.
“Hi,” you whispered.
George groaned softly as he stretched his body and felt his muscles wake after a good night's sleep. Still not awake enough to speak yet, he pulled you close to him. You cooed softly and rested your head on his chest. It was strong. Solid. Firm. It provided you with a sense of comfort and security that nothing else did. And you didn't know how to show him just how grateful you were. Your breathing synced with George's as he played with your hair. God. This was what you'd craved for your entire life. Safety. Security. The sense that everything was okay. And it was. George was your rock, your safety net, the one on which you could depend.
“Good morning, darling,” George whispered after a few moments. “How'd you sleep?”
“Wonderfully,” you said gently. Because I was with you. “You?”
George hummed softly, a low rumble that resonated in his chest. “Best night I've had in ages.”
You smiled and nuzzled against his chest, listening to the steady heartbeat. The two of you stayed there for a moment, just enjoying the lazy morning. But after a few minutes, you felt George's fingers under your chin, gently lifting your head. You knew what he wanted. You sat up with a warm smile on your face and shifted closer.
And as soon as you were close enough, George leaned in and met your lips with his. It was a soft peck, but he went in for another, and another, and another... you happily obliged. The two of you kissed slowly and lazily, wrapped up in each others arms. George gave you a gentle hug as he kissed you with the energy of a man who had all the time in the world. You made a soft sound in his mouth as his tongue lazily explored your mouth. Yours slid languidly in and out of George's mouth, only stopping when he needed to pull back for air.
George rested his forehead against yours as he caught his breath, smiling and pushing a strand of hair away. Unable to resist, you gave him one last kiss.
“How's that for a good morning?” he said playfully.
“Absolutely perfect.”
And it was. You had your love, you were well-rested, you were happy. It didn't get any better than that.
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pavo-ocxllus · 1 year
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« rewind. / pause. / fast forward. »
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"it just so happens that i don't mind either."
"wonderful, the two of you are getting along!"
you had a feeling that shinobu doesn't get to sound so enthusiastic very often—and a glance in ALHAITHAM's direction proved your theory. 
after a few begrudgingly long seconds, the two of you answered in a way that definitely didn't return the green-haired woman's energy in kind. 
"okay, alhaitham, are you sure you got this—itto, what the heck did i say about the cops—"
her voice trailed off while she started walking farther and farther away from the two of you. you'd much rather be getting an actual tour from her than an impromptu one with alhaitham... so much so that you didn't even clock that he was moving away from you.
eventually, he noticed that you weren't following him, evident by him turning around to face you. "what are you waiting for?"
his words bringing you back to reality weren't exactly appreciated, but you still followed him wordlessly as you passed through an aisle of cubicles.
"one of these doesn't have your name yet," he said, not looking back at you and continuing forward. "it should probably be yours."
well no shit, you bit your tongue, but you figured your facial expression was more than enough to display your sentiment if he'd just look back at it.
"we already walked past heizou's office... hr is over there to your left, and yanfei's office is right here to your right," his directions were clear and concise, something you wished he wouldn't be so much of in regards to you.
it was if memories from your first day of university were rushing back to you right now...
fresh out of senior year and thrust into your first year of university, if everybody didn't know any better, they would've assumed you were a fresh-out-of-middle school student at their first year of high school. 
wandering the halls, you couldn't believe that a few months ago, you were given your acceptance letter in the postbox.
it was obviously bigger than your high school... you really can't believe you go here—
"can you walk any faster? i need to get to class."
poor, naïve little you. you thought that you'd see the last of him. it was university after all, there was no way you'd have to see him every day. maturity regression aside, that one lecture turned into too many, disagreements over the last ramen cup in the convenience store nearby turned into full on battles, and eventually, the two of you had learned each other's names.
"if you keep walking slower, i'm going to have to leave you behind lost and confused."
"i'm not lost and confused! it's my first day!"
"which i believe is one of the few requirements to be lost and confused... anyways, my office is here, where we'll meet DILUC for the case later, and that over there should be the pantry—"
"what," your question came off as more of an demand. "you have your own office?? we've only graduated a few months ago..."
"closing a case in a day has its benefits. let's say i'd prefer to get this one done quickly... it might benefit you as well. it seems to me that you're already behind in your career."
"right..." you snidely replied, for a lack of anything better to say.
for a moment of brief silence that, for some reason, felt a little uncomfortable, alhaitham led you into his office. it wasn't anything grand, understandably, though you had to admit—you were a bit envious.
"get yourself situated, mr. ragnvindr should be coming in very soon."
speak of the devil, a knock on the door caught his and your attention while you were just about to get your papers out.
"i'll get it," the silver-haired man said before briskly getting to the door. in spite of alhaitham, shinobu, and you discussing the case a few minutes prior, you couldn't help but still be surprised at the scarlet-haired businessman standing before you in a matter of seconds.
there was something rather threatening about him, in spite of his arm in a sling and bandages still covering parts of his face. maybe vulnerability can make someone that scary.
"mr. ragnvindr!" once you got a hold of yourself, you quickly greeted him, trying not to be so affected by his frightening face. "it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
seemingly surprised at the energy you tried to put out, he quickly returned the favor and shook your hand. "the pleasure is mine. and please—refer to me as diluc."
"ah, i'll keep that in mind." 
he glanced behind you to find alhaitham, diluc seemingly not being as fazed as he was with you.
"i'm glad to be working with you."
"i'm sure."
good! the two of you aren't at each other's throats so far! (of course, a high profile client is right there, but baby steps.)
the three of you were quick to get situated: diluc was sitting on the couch in front of alhaitham's desk, facing you and him. 
"can you get us all some coffee?" alhaitham asked, his face remaining blank at the way your features twisted up at his question. unfortunately it wasn't like you could say anything right now...
"of course," your voice seethed through your plastered grin, then going past diluc and outside in search for the machine. fortunately enough, there was one conveniently located right outside of his office—close enough to eavesdrop, yet far enough to get under diluc and alhaitham's notice. "is this your first time seeking for legal aid, sir?"
"yes. i tend to settle things quietly, but as of late, that seems as though that's not an option."
"i see... i don't mean to pry, but you're saying that as if you have been in altercations like this before."
"...you can say that."
you noted how he worded that in the back of your mind as you moved on to diluc's cup. suspicious, but it wasn't like you were playing detective or anything... it wasn't your business.
"okay... did you bring your documents with you?"
"right, of course," you only just noticed that he had a backpack with him rather than a fancy briefcase. he pulled out a folder and slipped it towards alhaitham.
after squinting your eyes, you came to realize it was a hospital bill. the one too many zeroes on the bill aside, you took note of the services charged. anesthesia, surgery, pharmacy, physician fees, pulmonary services... how bad was this crash?
"you plan to sue them...?" 
"that's correct."
"..." you took a good look at your co-worker, almost forgetting that you were close to overfilling what was now your mug of coffee. for once, he seemed absolutely astounded. "this provides very little—if not—no basis to take legal action—"
"that's the point," diluc cut him off. "fontaine legal firm has the reputation to taking matters into their own hands to get the to bottom of their clients' case. my name may have been through a lot, buti trust that you can help prove my innocence."
for a second, you noticed alhaitham flickering his gaze towards you (well, more like the wall), and back at diluc. "...alright then, let's get to work."
then it hit you.
you blinked once.
then twice. 
diluc isn't taking as you as seriously as alhaitham...?
maybe you were look too deeply into it—for all you know, it could've been a poor choice of wording on his part! never mind him being a millionaire from an established family with undoubtedly high education... though, if that's the case, maybe tonal issues would be at fault...?
though, alhaitham was the only one talking with diluc right now... maybe you have to step it up.
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↳ take charge of the conversation.
↳ stay quiet.
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đ„đšđŻđž 𝐱𝐭 𝐬𝐹 đŸđšđ«? đ©đ„đžđšđŹđž đ«đžđ›đ„đšđ  𝐭𝐡𝐞 đŹđ­đšđ«đ­ đ©đšđ đž! <𝟑
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littlelionpaw · 10 months
Thanks @xxxhellfireravenxxx for the tag! :)
(I went a bit overboard, I think....)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. BUT, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t really see Erend’s appeal at first. Loud and macho and horrible facial hair... uurg, not my type of man, at all. I did like him as a character, but not as a romantic option. When I played the games first I didn’t ship anyone with Aloy. I didn’t even know what shipping was until recently :D At some point I stumbled over a ship-war post/comment on reddit in which everyone was losing their minds, shoving their opinions and ships down each other’s throats and I was like
 how can you be so obsessed with pixel people? (I was still so young and naïve back in March
) but it got me curious, and I stumbled across godliath's AMAZING Ereloy art and somehow landed on AO3 and a wonderful fic (The Implication of a Kiss by Emtaz. If you are an Ereloy and haven’t read it yet, or want to become one, GO READ IT, it is so lovely) and was hooked. I decided to write my first own fic, got invited to the two minutes server after publishing it and started to pay more attention to Erend while playing the games and fell in love.
2. most annoying ship: None. I’m only annoyed by people who are mean/condescending/superior idiots about other ships.
3. second favourite ship: This is hard. So many lovely characters to choose from. Personally, I always had a crush on Petra. I guess I have a thing for Oseram. I also adore the way Abadund worships Morlund.
4. favourite platonic relationship: I love how Aloy and Morlund click.
5. underrated ship: Uuuh, I know lots of people hate Avad for being so forward with Aloy
 but in all honesty – he has been completely courteous and nice about it. He likes her and tells her. He doesn't even want to make her his queen or pin her down or anything
 he just wants to get to know her better and accompany her on her travels. So
 yeah. I kinda have a soft spot for him.
6. overrated ship: Please see answer number 2. :P
7. one thing i would change in canon: (*three major things i would change in canon:)
The way Varl’s death is handled. I really hate that he is dead, but to be honest, I do like a good major character death in any story, because knowing something like this can randomly happen keeps me on my toes. The world they live in is extremely dangerous, it’s more or less logical for one/or more of them to die. I was actually convinced Erend would die during GEMINI. The way him and Aloy looked at each other when he rode off to his own cauldron gave me chills and a sense of foreboding. Then I thought it would be Beta. OK, back to how it was handled: Other than it sucking and emphasizing the mortal danger they are in and the ruthlessness of the Zeniths it didn’t have any real impact on the story. Aloy had another grave to visit and contemplate over. Yey. I don’t know, it felt flat, empty and in consequence unnecessary.
Second major thing I don’t like in HFW is the way Erend is handled. When you play HFW right after HZD it is especially jarring. The Daunt reunion is still awesome and gives us a matured, badass, no nonsense Erend. It’s one of my favorite scenes of the entire series. But after that? He is reduced to a blundering, insensitive oaf. I can understand that he is uncomfortable inside the Base, sitting around all day studying and reading, right after he tells us what he is actually forged for (paraphrasing: no ledgers, no boring afternoon patrols, just the hammer, just the fight). So, really, him being awkward and a little too loud and too much is to be expected. But there is really no need for the others (including Aloy) to be so mean/superior/condescending about him. Everyone is like haha will Erend even understand anything? Haha can he handle that? Haha please don’t get yourself killed you fool haha. He is loud and funny and a bit crude in HZD too, but he is also VERY competent despite is constant self-doubt. He picks up the pieces after Ersa’s death, cleans up his act and when he is faced with the truth right before the final battle he swallows down his fears and INSTANTLY turns to his comrades boosting their confidence, taking away their fears, showing excellent leadership. He is passionate and eloquent and empathic (see his speech in Mother’s heart!!). There is really no reason or indication for Aloy (or the others) to put him down so much or to not expect him to be able to handle/understand things. *grumble*
Third major thing: Burning Shores. I was so bored most of the time. Glittering, beautiful, masterfully rendered exterior – mostly hot air inside. When I was fighting the Horus I thought oh wow, why place a major boss battle right at the beginning of the DLC? And I laughed out loud when the screen announced it was over, thanks for playing. Yeah. SO MUCH wasted potential. Loved Gildun though.
8. something canon did right: >>>Horizon Zero Dawn<<< It is a masterpiece. And although I’d love for Aloy to get more smooches and experience more love and friendship
 I will gladly go without any of that in favor for more of the gripping, deep, excellent storytelling that is HZD.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: I’ve only just started to create things and feel very humble and self-conscious about it. But I’m actually pretty proud of my first ever fic Something New, because it got me into this whole world.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Bright eyed Morlund! My god, I want to reach inside the screen and squish him. Also: Sylens, *chef’s kiss*
11. the character i relate to the most and why: That’s hard. I guess I can relate to Erend’s constant self-doubt. And his tendency to self-medicate to make things easier. But I can also relate to Aloy’s “I can do that alone, I don’t need any help”-attitude.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Tilda. What a wonderful villain. That person makes my skin crawl. She is creepy as hell and doesn’t have this touch (or more like HUGE GLOB) of megalomaniacal madness that clings to Ted or Ceo. Being so self-centered, cruel, ruthless, and cold while apparently very clear-headed makes her very hard to grasp. Expertly done by the writers. And I want to punch Lanzra. Was there ever a bigger, more hypocritical BITCH than her?
13. something i've learned from the fandom: I’ve learned SO MUCH! I’ve joined the fandom in March/April 2023, I’m still very new here. But since then I’ve started to create things for myself again! Which I haven’t done in almost 20 years. I’ve always loved drawing and writing, so much so that my parents and teachers all encouraged me to do more, to be better, to “do something with it”. Ultimately these expectations/the pressure killed my drive, because whenever I did something that was just fun the question of “what can you DO with it? Can you sell it? Will others like it? Will it bring you fame?” inevitably followed. Drawing or writing about Blorbos is SO useless (in the grand scheme of things) that it is extremely feeing. It gives me so much joy. Second thing I’ve learned: It doesn't matter how “good/perfect” anything is, as long as it gives you joy. I was so confused when I joined the two minutes server, everyone was so nice to each other. So many compliments! No criticism, no tips how to do things better
 until I realized that creating for a fandom is supposed to be simply fun. For yourself mainly and for people who happen to like the same things you do. There is no point whatsoever to criticize other peoples work unless they ask you to. Very freeing. It gave me a whole new perspective! I would have considered myself a nice person before, but now I think I’m more considerate too.
Please people, be nice to each other.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Don’t have any preferences
 I randomly read what catches my interest!
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Funny story: Shiver, by Coldplay. The thing is, at first I didn’t realize it’s a song about stalking :D lol. I thought it was a song about pining
 Erend watching from the sidelines, in love with Aloy, waiting/hoping for her to finally notice him. Haha, although now I know the true intention behind the song I CAN’T get it separated from Erend
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
I Hate That I Like You - The Premiere (Part 3)
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x f!reader
Word Count: 2600+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW
Warnings: Mature themes and some canon mentioned. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.
Notes: This is a one shot set after the events of the main story, I Hate That I Like You.
I originally posted the fic as partly as a thank you for reaching 300 followers (and partly because I couldn’t resist that man), but as I go to schedule this one, I hit 400! I am absolutely FLOORED and I can’t eve find the words to thank each and every one of you who followed me, reblogged my writing, liked it (which I know does nothing in the algorithm, but I still see it and it makes me smile), commented, pm me, told me you were re-reading fics I’ve written (cried about that one for a while!), all of it. You all mean the world to me and just know that if you’ve interacted in some way, I have seen your name and I recognize it and you make my day every time.
**Reader is ethnicity inclusive despite stock photo bias
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
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The day you got out of the bubble, Dieter took you out on your first date. You expected something lavish and over the top, considering her personality, but it was surprisingly simple and low key. He even rented out an entire back room just so you could have your privacy. When he had arrived at your door, he asked you bluntly if you were sure about dating him because once someone recognized him and saw you with him, you couldn’t take it back. And while the majority of his fans were great people, there’s always those select few that are not. You were sure and happily went on that date.
That was nearly 8 months ago.
Editing takes longer when people are working from home, communicating being a little more difficult, edits and re-edits needing to be discussed. But finally, Cliff Beasts 6 was ready and the premiere was looming.
Dieter had asked you to accompany him and you happily agreed, never having been to a premiere before. He told you it would be different, as there were new procedures in place due to the pandemic. But you didn’t care - you were there to support him. Although seeing your work on the big screen was a definite plus.
A knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts and you glance at the clock, surprised he was on time for once. You plan to make a remark about this, but all words leave your head as you open the door and see Dieter standing there.
He’s in simple black dress pants and shoes, no tie, a white long sleeved top buttoned all the way up under a black coat that walked out of your fantasies. It reminds you of something Mr. Darcy would wear. The long black coat comes down to his knees, with a simple 3 buttons and 2 pocket flaps, one on either side of the coat. His hair is wild, his curls roaming free after letting them grow just a little. He’s let his facial hair grow a bit, knowing you love the bald patches on his jawline. He has his glasses on, the ones with the thicker black frames that you adore. He looks up at you, smirking at the look on your face.
“You look like a fish.”
Snapping yourself out of the trance, you retort. “Yeah, well you’re a jerk.”
He smirks. “Not your best work.”
“Yeah well. They can’t all be winners.” You gesture towards him and he gives you a couple claps.
“Much better.”
He finally takes a look at you, eyes roaming up and down your body at the ridiculous dress you have on. You’d never been to a premiere before and had no clue what to wear, really, since you weren’t a star. The minute you asked Dieter for help you regretted it, getting sent pics of increasingly slutier dresses before you finally asked if he preferred you go naked, to which he replied “Only for me.”
The dress was gorgeous and fit your body like a glove, showcasing all of your best features. It cost more than your entire apartment and was definitely not something you would’ve picked out, but you have to admit - you did rock this thing.
“You look beautiful, Bee.”
“As do you.”
He looks at you expectantly and you sigh, giving in only because this was a big premiere night.
“Big D.”
“That’s my girl!”
He helps you into the limo, where you sit with your leg bobbing up and down in anticipation. He places a large, warm palm on your bare skin and your knee stops bouncing.
“You don’t have to be nervous.”
“I know, I know. Everyone is just a regular person, but it’s all the cameras and-”
He lets out a raspberry. “Ignore that. Big D will show you a good time.”
“Oh God let me out.” You pull at the locked door handle as Dieter chuckles.
He chats with you, a constant stream of words and random stories - his attempt at calming your nerves. And fuck if it didn’t work. His voice was actually soothing to you, calming you down no matter how wound up you were..but you’d die before admitting that to Dieter.
Pulling up to the front, someone walks up to the door to open it. Dieter squeezes your hand.
Letting out a breath you nod. “Ready.”
Dieter gets out of the limo, lights on cameras flashing away and the distant sound of screams from where they kept the fans away, having to keep everyone at a social distance. Dieter still walks over towards them, waving and turning around to pose in a giant selfie with them all. He waves and chats as well as he can and you can see how it kills him to not be in the crowd with them, interacting on a personal basis. Someone taps his shoulder and leans in his ear and he waves bye to the fans, turning back towards the main carpet. He offers his arm to you and you take it, allowing yourself to be led down the red carpet, lights flashing before your eyes as photographers yell for Dieter to turn to them. You gently let go of his arm and he looks at you, giving you a small smile as you nod and step back, walking back several steps and standing out of the way as he poses for pictures.
His whole face lights up with a smile, turning left and right, throwing up hand signs as he could and you find yourself getting warm between your thighs as you take him in. A couple minutes pass before you feel a hand on your arm. Turning, you see Carol Cobb’s long time girlfriend, Amy. You smile a hello and she jerks her head, away from where Dieter stands. You follow, keeping an eye on Dieter so he knows you didn’t ditch him. She leans in to speak in your ear.
“This is where all of the others wait.”
Chucking, you ask “Others?”
“Yeah. Significant others, friends, parents. The others. We’ll meet them at the other end of the carpet. The press needs their pics.”
“Oh right. Dieg-Dieter mentioned that. Thanks for grabbing me.”
“Welcome! You can hang with me.”
A bit goes by before you and Amy make it to the end of the red carpet, waiting for Dieter and Carol. They arrive and you all exchange the basics before turning to head inside. You mill around, speaking to random people and waiting by Dieter’s side as he makes the rounds, always making sure he’s touching you, as if he’s checking in. You squeeze his hand or touch him back to let him know you’re good.
About 20 minutes goes by before a man comes up to Dieter and speaks in his ear, Dieter nodding.
“Come on, Bee. They need us backstage.”
You both follow the man to a backstage area. It’s basically empty, no one milling about or even walking by. The stage where the giant screen is is just beyond the curtains. The man ushers you both off to the side before leaving.
“I gotta say a few words before the premiere.”
“I can’t believe they picked you for that.”
“They said I was the most charismatic.”
“Then we’re all screwed.”
He scrunches his nose up at you in response and you wink at him as you turn to try and peek out of the curtains, Dieter moving to stand behind you. His hands come to your arms, tracing light paths up and down your bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Then his fingers start dancing towards your cleavage and you grab his wrist.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
His voice is in your ear, speaking low. “Touching my girlfriend.”
Heat rushes your body at the thought and Dieter notices, taking advantage of the moment to slide his hand down the front of your dress and pinch your nipple.
” You get lost in the sensation for a moment, the heat between your thighs getting louder. But then you remember where you are and you pull his hand out, pushing it off to the side. He lets out a huff, momentarily letting you be. Suddenly, Dieter pulls you to his chest, wrapping you in his coat with him.
“What are you-”
“Sshh. Hold this.” You look down and see the opening of his coat, being held together by his hands. You grip it, brows furrowed in confusion. But before you can ask again, his lips are on your exposed neck, biting, licking, sucking, kissing. Your knees go weak for a moment but you don’t fall, Dieter holding you up inside the coat.
“You gonna be quiet for me?”
“Why would I n-need..oh!” The last word is whispered out as Dieter’s hands slide into the coat, finding the slit in your dress and slips his hand inside, running his fingers along your seam. He grunts in your ear when he feels how wet you already are.
“Already waiting for me, huh?”
“Fuck you, Diego Morales.”
“That’s the point, Bee.” He chuckles and you can hear the smirk on his face.
“God, you’re insufferable sometimes..” His fingers found your clit, rubbing circles there.
“I think you’re ready.”
“What? No, Diego. We’re in public.”
“That’s never stopped you before.”
“I only did it to shut you up.”
“Well then, hold tight to the coat.” He grabs at your dress and lifts it up towards your hips, unzipping his pants to free his hard cock. He slides it through your folds and you moan, unable to stop yourself.
“Now now, shush. Big D will give you what you want.”
“Oh God, don’t you shut up?”
He plants his hand on the wall in front of your face, gently leaning over your body to bend you over slightly. He thrusts up into you and you whine, his other hand flying up to your mouth.
“You need to be quiet or we’ll get caught.” His voice is low and raspy, and you hate how much it turns you on.
He sets a rough, quick pace, knowing that you’re playing with time. Your fingers clutch at the opening of the coat, holding it together as if the coat could hide the way you’re practically slamming into the wall. Dieter’s hand is on the wall slightly above your face, bracing himself as he fucks into you. His hands are so large, the little bullseye tattoo straining with the pull of his skin as his fingers grip the wall. You remember exactly what those fingers could do and you can’t help the cry that escapes your lips before slamming them closed.
“You like that? Like how Big D fucks you?” he whispers in your ear.
“Fuck, you’re so annoying.”
“Yeah, but you love it.”
“Don’t let my feelings fuel your ego, Big D.”
“Ah ha! See?”
The idea of getting caught, the way you and Dieter verbally spar as he fucks you fantastically grows your orgasm quickly. You grab his hand that’s not on the wall and bring it to your clit, rubbing circles there. He thrusts into you twice more before you come, squeezing him as the hand on the wall flies to your mouth so you can moan into it. Once you start to come down, Dieter’s hand returns to the wall and he resumes his pace, chasing his own high. It only takes several more thrusts before he’s grunting in your ear, spilling himself inside you.
He places two soft kisses on your neck before pulling out, stuffing himself back in his pants. His hands ghost across your hips, finding the edge of your dress and pulling it back down, smoothing it out as you drop his coat. You turn around to face him, still slightly out of breath as you look into his eyes, which are now soft.
“I hate that I love you so much.”
“I hate that I love you so much.”
Smiling at each other, you kiss, several moments passing before you hear someone clearing their throat. Breaking apart, you see the man who had escorted you backstage.
“Are you all set, Mr. Bravo?”
“We’re good, kid. Thanks.”
The man turns back around and starts to usher some people back into the area where you had previously been alone. Realization sets in and your eyes grow wide as you turn to Dieter.
“Did you have that man keep the room empty so you could fuck me?”
His eyes sparkle. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Your jaw drops open, but you don’t have time to respond before hair and makeup rush Dieter, dabbing at him before his time on stage. He kisses the back of your hand as you’re escorted to the main seating area, sitting down in your designated chair next to where Dieter will be sitting.
The nerve of that man! You find yourself trying to stifle a smile. But he did it for you, knowing he could help you relax. And ensure you wouldn’t actually be caught.
The lights dim and Dieter steps on stage, a spotlight following him around as he starts his speech. You watch him, his eyes sparkling still as he gestures around, his hair looking impossibly soft as it curls up at the ends, his face animated in his speech. And that’s when it clicks into place -
You would spend the rest of your life with him if he asked.
The movie was
well it was Cliff Beasts 6. But everyone seemed to love it and you watched Dieter maneuver around the journalists, answering questions and posing for pictures, but this time, his hand never left yours. You would shift yourself behind him, wanting him to have his time in the spotlight but he would pull you back around, inevitably bringing up the fact that you were the one that styled his hair during the entire experience of being in the bubble.
Back in his apartment, you stand in front of the window, admiring the night time view of the city, lights twinkling and cars zooming by on the road below. Diego walks up, handing you a glass of wine and you clink it on his, taking a sip after. You both stand there in a comfortable silence, content to just be around the other.
“Marry me.”
You nearly drop your glass as you stammer out, completely caught off guard. “Wha-what?”
Diego turns to face you and gets down on one knee, taking your hand in his. He pulls a small box out of his coat pocket, neither of you having undressed when you got back. He opens it to reveal a gorgeous ring, completely your style, and you realize that he had to have had it in his pocket the entire evening.
“Bee, I know we started out hating each other, but you somehow crawled into my heart. I love how we get each other riled up, but we also use that same energy to love each other so intensely that sometimes I’m overwhelmed with how I feel. I know I can be an asshole sometimes, but that’s only because I’m used to being the only one who looks out for me. Now I have you
if you’ll have me. Will you marry me?”
Staring down into his eyes, which were now round and glossy, just like a damn puppy, you remember your realization from earlier and know what your answer will be.
“If only so I can continue to knock your ego down a few pegs.”
He smiles wide. “That’s a yes, then?”
“Yes. I’d follow you anywhere, Diego Morales.”
He slides the ring onto your finger and stands up, crashing his lips to yours before pulling back.
“I love you so fucking much, Bee.”
“I love you so fucking much, Diego.”
His lips find yours again as he walks you backwards towards the bedroom door. Wedding planning can wait until later.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @softpedropascal @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21@gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711
All One Shots/Writing Prompts/Ficlets:
@itspdameronthings @Whovianayesha @anaaaispunk @tanzthompson @thatpinkshirt @petersunderoos96 @mswarriorbabe80 @hotchlover
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magpie-to-the-morning · 2 years
Insatiable - Part Two
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Frankie Morales x OFC
Word count: 2.5k
Tags: Wolf shifter AU, Supernatural AU, Slow burn, Mating bond, Canon typical sex and violence, Attempted kidnapping, Blood, Injury, Hurt/comfort, Eventual smut
Summary: You’ve travelled the world looking for home, but what if it finds you?
Author’s Note: I promised more would be here soon. 😘 Thank you @acrossthesestars​ for the very necessary edits!
Missed part one? You can read it here. 
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Moodboard by @acrossthesestars
“Looks like a mild concussion so you’ll need to take it easy for a few days. Ever had a migraine? Treat it like that.”
You nod, though the doctor’s words weave in and out of your still blurry focus. You’ve been conscious for a while, more or less - aware of the bright fluorescent lights, worn turquoise pleather, and tired white walls of the clinic, all bathed in that sickly, intense glow most medical centers seem to share. 
Grasping onto a single coherent thought with relief and a renewed sense of your own capabilities you ask “Can I sleep when I get home?”
The doctor (or nurse? You’re not quite sure) frowns. “I’m not comfortable releasing you on your own. Unless one of your friends is going home with you
Her question startles you and it’s only now that you realize there are two men standing behind you, both vaguely familiar though otherwise strangers. They’re of age, dark haired and dark eyed with varying shades of light brown skin and you can’t help but pick up on a current running between them, a sense of kinship that makes you wonder if they might be related. But no, that’s not it. Looking closer, you can see the features that set them apart. 
The man closer to you is slightly shorter, his upright bearing and watchful eyes commanding. Standing straight in dark jeans and a black t-shirt that set off his compact, muscular frame, there’s something about him that gives off an air of quiet, steady competence. He’s not someone you’d want to mess with but he also seems
 approachable, his quick eyes and generous mouth hinting at good humored intelligence.
His partner is taller, rangier. His shaggy brown hair is a little untidy and his facial hair is slightly patchy. He looks a bit softer around the edges, though no less capable than his friend. He’s not missing a beat either but he stands slightly to the side, his arms folded, looking somehow less at ease. 
Your gaze meets his and you feel a jolt, placing that concerned look. He’s the man who’d knelt to check on you while his partner ran to-
“Is she ok? The girl, I mean.” Your pulse kicks up, adrenaline surging through you once more as memories of the past hour come flooding back.
“She’s fine,” the taller man reassures you. “Found a cousin in the crowd- she said thank you, by the way.” His voice is soft and he moves to stand a bit closer, uncrossing his arms and jerking his chin towards his companion. “Santi got the guy to the authorities, you don’t need to worry about him, either.”
“Santi” shoots a look at his friend and mutters something you can’t catch about names.
“As I was saying,” the clinician says with a pointed look at her clipboard. You jerk back towards her with a guilty start, realizing she must have other patients to attend to.
“Right, sorry. So about going home?”
A sigh. 
“Do you have someone who can look after you?”
In your cheap vacation apartment in a city thousands of miles from anyone you know? You force your features into neutrality and away from the ironic eyebrow raise you can feel tugging at your stitches.
Stitches? Shit, another thing to think more about later.
Before either of the guys at your back can open their mouths to say they’ve never seen you before tonight and blow your cover, you nod. 
“Yup, my friends here can take me back to my place.” You cut them a significant glance, hoping they’ll play along. Your body is aching with bruises you know will flower overnight and you want nothing more than to go back to your own place and crawl into bed with a few bags of ice. 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, we can do that.” The taller man shifts from one foot to another, pointedly not checking in with his partner, who rolls his eyes skyward. This time, you catch something about “picking up strays.” 
Pasting on a bright smile, you turn back to the clinician. “Great, that’s all sorted, then. Thanks for the patch up, I’ll be out of your hair now.”
Sent on your way with a few more instructions and a follow-up appointment, you make for the exit before anyone can change their mind.
Rushing out into the cool dark you breathe in, out, letting the fresh night air fill your lungs and carry away some of the tension still lingering in your body. Everything has happened so quickly and while you wait for the guys to catch up, you take stock.
Your head feels like it’s about to split open, though that’s not much worse than the headaches you sometimes get. Gingerly, you run a finger over the numb tightness above your eye. There’s a pad of gauze there, covering the stitches you’d guessed at earlier. One of the kicks must have split your brow, you realize with a wince. You have a few other minor hurts and abrasions but all things considered, you got off pretty lightly.
“Thank you,” you say when Santi and his partner reach you on the pavement outside the clinic. “For playing along back there and, well, you know. You’re off the hook though, I can get back to my place just fine.” 
“You sure that’s the best idea?” Santi reaches out to take your arm- pulling back when he sees you tense up. “Easy, I’m not gonna hurt you.” His voice is a little deeper than his friend’s, though you wonder if he’s pitched it that way to lend weight to his promise. He looks you over and you wince, knowing you’re not exactly the picture of world-traveling independence you normally present. Clearly coming to some decision, he continues “Let us walk you back to your place, at least. You really shouldn’t be on your own right now.”
“I can take care of myself,” you shoot back quickly, defensive and less convincing than you’d like. 
He cocks an eyebrow, a smile tugging at his lips that puts your back up but it’s his friend who answers first.
“Would it make you feel better if we showed you some IDs?”
Santi groans. “Fish-“
“What? We’re strangers- she’s just being cautious.”
“She,” you butt in with a significant glare at both of them, “is tired and just wants to go back to her place after a seriously weird day. But yeah, that’s not a bad idea, all things considered.” 
The three of you swap proper introductions at last, and the guys show you their IDs- Santi with a little more reluctance, though you don’t really blame him. His partner hands his over easily after thumbing it free from a well-worn wallet and when you see the name on his license, you tilt your head playfully.
“Francisco, huh? I was just starting to get used to Fish.”
He chuckles a little shyly, dodging a pointed look from Santi as he slips the card back into place. “It’s sort of a nickname, but you can call me Frankie, if you want. So what are you doing in Cartago, anyway?”
You let the quick, evasive change in subject slide. You’re not one for getting too personal too quickly either, so you share the pared down version of your own bio as the three of you head for your apartment.
“I’m a travel writer. Well, blogger technically. I started off this trip in San JosĂ© but I wanted to see more of the country than just the capital, you know?”
You share a few anecdotes of your recent travels to pass the time, working in a few subtle questions about their own presence in Costa Rica. Judging by their accents, they’re Americans like yourself, at least some of the time, though all they’ll say is that they’re on vacation after a nearby job. They do open up a bit more after a couple blocks, trading a few of their own lighthearted travel stories along with some recommendations for local spots to check out, some of which you hadn’t heard of yet and note in your phone for another day.
By the time you reach your door, you’re feeling more at ease with Frankie and Santi, finding them surprisingly easy to talk to. As much as you love your job and the lifestyle that comes with it, getting to know some new people is
 kind of nice, actually. 
Reaching the steps to your building along with a decision you hope isn’t entirely driven by your recent head trauma, you turn to them and ask “You guys want a drink or anything?” 
After having one of those silent conversations that only people who’ve known each for ages seem capable of, they nod and follow you up the stairs. You wonder again at the nature of their relationship. Are they friends? Lovers? There’s some undeniable bond between them that’s obvious even to an outsider and it tugs at you. What would it be like to know someone that deeply? That well?
You banish the thought as you fit your key into the lock of your rented apartment, it’s temporary nature reminding you that any connection you make is sure to be fleeting at best and shallow at worst. Most of the time, you don’t mind it, not really. It comes with the territory. Tonight though, part of you longs for something to cling to, to shelter in when you feel as vulnerable as you do after the day’s events.
The overhead light you switch on by recent habit is far from forgiving and you squeeze your eyes shut to ward against its harsh glare, waving a vague hand towards the kitchenette. “I don’t have much here, sorry, but there’s fruit juice and beer in the fridge.” 
“I’ll get it.” Santi vanishes into the kitchenette and you can hear him rattling through the fridge and cupboards. By this point his distant grumbling (likely directed at your near total lack of food, beverage, cup and utensil offerings) is almost reassuringly familIar.
Frankie follows you to the threadbare couch, hovering at your elbow in case you prove unsteady on your feet and you realize he’s kept close the whole way back, likely for the same reason. It’s sweet, if a little old-fashioned. 
Santi joins you as you’re lowering yourself onto the worn couch cushions, wordlessly placing a large glass of iced mango juice, already sweating in the closed up room’s stifling heat, and a bowl of crackers in front of you. Frankie moves to open the shutters, letting the night breeze waft in over a rickety balcony, and swaps the glaring, artificial light for the soft glow of the moon and the city lights while Santi ducks back into the kitchen, returning with a pair of beers for himself and his partner. It’s smooth, co-ordinated, and while ordinarily you’d bristle at strangers moving so confidently through your space, they manage it without being overbearing or condescending, their easy motions and casual care seeming natural, effortless, rather than forced.
It also gives you another moment to yourself to take a breath. You tip your head back against the couch while they talk amongst themselves for a moment. You lose track of time and the next thing you know, Frankie is laying a tentative hand on your shoulder. 
“I don’t think you should sleep just yet,” he tells you, almost apologetically. 
“Right. Concussion,” you say, as if you need the reminder. You look around the apartment, searching for something, anything, to keep you busy. By some miracle, there’s a dusty stack of board games tucked into the bottom of one shelf that you hadn’t noticed before, left behind by forgetful guests or a thoughtful host. 
“Who’s up for a game?”
The three of you settle on Trivial Pursuit after rejecting Uno for being too cutthroat and Monopoly for being too dull. It turns out to be a great choice, allowing you to unwind and laugh over bits of half forgotten knowledge. You discover that the three of you are evenly matched when it comes to geography, though the guys have you beat on any sport other than hockey. You trounce them in entertainment and literature, though Frankie is a dark horse when it comes to films, and Santi’s knowledge of music rivals your own. 
The sounds of the city waft through the open window, distant car horns and music a soothing backdrop to your game. As the moon rises, you settle into an easy groove of bantering and teasing, until even Santi is trading barbs and laughing at your jokes. Your glass never runs empty and when you groan about a third refill, they just remind you of your orders to hydrate. 
Once the game is over, you’d won, but barely, your eyes start to drift closed once more. You lean against Frankie, sitting on the couch beside you while Santi looks on from a nearby chair. He rouses you gently once more and, noting the pained expression on your face, asks if you have any painkillers he can get for you. 
“I ran out the other day,” you mumble, exhaustion weighing heavier on you. “Migraine.”
“I’ll go out and get some.” Santi heads for the door before you can tell him that he’s already done enough, both of them have. 
Frankie sits stock still, your head on his shoulder, as though afraid any movement will startle you. When a lock of your hair falls against your tired face, he tucks it gently behind your ear. “Keep talking, ok? It’ll keep you awake. How did you get into travel writing? Did you always want to see the world?” 
Fighting to keep your eyes open, you give him the sketched out version of your life: foster homes and bookworm binges, using stories as a way to escape- especially ones that took you far, far away. Maybe it’s the late hour, or the way your head is pounding, but your usual defenses are down, and you tell him about wanting more than the world you knew, to make a name for yourself, to blaze your own trail. He’s a good listener, quiet but interested, asking questions whenever you start to doze off. 
Eventually though, you can’t hold out anymore, too exhausted to stay awake any longer. It’s probably fine, you reason with the last bit of conscious thought you can muster. The doctor wouldn’t have let you leave if you were in any real danger, and they hadn’t actually said anything about not sleeping.
Before sleep pulls you under, your body softens against Frankie’s, and you mumble a sleepy “thanks for taking care of me” that he has to lean closer to make out. If he replies, you don’t register it, already slipping into a soft, welcoming darkness. 
When you wake in the morning, you’re laid on top of your bed in the next room, the covers folded over you and a bottle of water on the nearby nightstand. You fumble for it in the gray dawn, sunlight just beginning to filter through pulled shades. There’s a bottle of painkillers next to it and a note reading simply “Cuidate. Take care of yourself.”
They’ve both signed it, though there’s a postscript crammed into one corner that you have to turn the note to read. 
“Restocked your fridge. -S.”
You turn the note over, hoping for a phone number, an email address, any way to get in contact with them- if only to thank them properly. 
It’s blank. 
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hi Hi could I request Kuroko, Kagamai, Akashi, Midorima and Murasakibara reaction to their s/o who's into photography and loves to take photos of them because they think their the most beautiful muse. They say things like "the light is hitting you perfectly please don't move until I take this picture." something like that lol
A/N: anon
this, THIS is a masterpiece of an idea and I love you for it (àč‘â™ĄâŒ“â™Ąàč‘) please enjoy! ♄
Tags: the boys [KKMMA] x reader ✅ SFW ✅ fluff ✅
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ok so the first time you took a picture of him was during lunch break
since he usually likes to spend his free time in the classroom while eating his homemade bento, the moment you became a couple you’d always join him
one day you were a bit late because one of the teachers had held you up, so you quickly texted him an apology for your delay and told him you’d be there soon so he can start eating without you
when you finally arrived, you immediately proceeded to apologize but promptly shut your mouth as you saw the scenery before you
Kuroko was reading one of his many novels, his elbows propped on the very edges of his desk, bento box and chopsticks untouched before him, blue eyes fixated on the text before him
everything about this was perfect as is, but what really gripped you and made you unconsciously reach for your camera, that you always had dangling from your neck, was the way the morning sun hit his face casting an ever so small shadow that only further accentuated his beautiful and calm facial features
as if in trance you gently push the small button on top of your camera and the shutter goes off
surprised by the sudden sound he turned his head in your direction and wanted to greet you but you cut him off even before he uttered a single syllable: “Tetsu, don’t move! The way the sun hits the back of your head right now is perfect
I just need to take a picture so bear with me for a moment.”
the way you had your left arm outstretched to stop any of his movements while your eyes were hidden behind the small rectangular object didn’t stop your boyfriend’s light blush to spread across his cheeks
he wasn’t used to being the only one in a photo so that alone made him a little nervous and embarrassed, but your silent comments and compliments on how his hair looked even more remarkable under the sunlight or how his facial features managed to perfectly cast shadows on his face that made him look more mature made his heart race faster than any game
luckily for your lover, this situation showed him another side of you that he rarely got to see, and who was he to interrupt your adorable mumbling just because of his embarrassment?
since then you used any and every opportunity to take his photo, whether it was in Maji Burger as he drank his usual smoothie or when he waited for you in front of a fountain in the park where you scheduled your date
when he finally asked you about it you proudly announced: “I’m sorry, but I can’t help the fact that my lover is such an amazing model for basically any type of photo! I always thought that you were hiding your beauty beneath those bangs and turns out I was absolutely right!”
you continued showering him with compliments until he couldn’t take it anymore and shut you up with a gentle kiss
“If it weren’t for your keen eye, I could’ve continued hiding myself and avoid the other’s gazes”
“Do you hate being the center of attention that much?” you whispered out, your eyes directly peering into his own big ones
with a smile he gently caresses your cheek and answers: “Your attention is all I need.”
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Kagami was aware of your fascination for photography, I mean how could he not be when every time the two of you were out together for different reasons, you’d always take your camera with you and snap a photo or two
what he wasn’t aware of though, was what or better said who the subject of your images was
every time you reached for your camera the lens was always aimed in his direction and it never bothered him, because he figured that you were taking a photo of the scenery behind him so he never bothered to pose, smile, or anything of that sort
one day though it made him wonder whether his presence might disturb whatever images you’d taken so the next time you aimed your camera he turned his head, looking directly into the object’s circular lens, and just as he was about to say something the familiar sound of the shutter shut him up
that might be the best one yet” you silently praised and smiled to yourself
W-Wait a second

“What did you just photograph?”
you looked at him with slightly wide eyes, confusion spreading across your face as you answered: “Why of you of course”
and that’s when it clicked
all this time you’d taken pictures of what he thought to be the nature and scenery but in actuality, it was him you’d focused on
“W-Wait! You mean to t-tell me that I wasn’t in the way of your photos a-and that you actually photographed–“
before he could finish his sentence he realized something else that made him blush even harder
Absolutely breathtaking
I’m so glad that I took my camera with me
The lighting and wind make you even prettier
What tranquility and gentleness, I’m in love
You’re so beautiful
all these comments that he’d brushed off, thinking that they were some kind of weird quirk of yours that resembled his captain’s whenever he talked about his samurai series, now made perfect sense
when the reality of the situation hit him he couldn’t help but bury his face in his hands and grunt at his stupidness, meanwhile, you tried to wrap your head around what Kagami had been believing up until today
looking at him being that frustrated with himself made you chuckle, but it also made you feel bad since you never directly told him so you decided that now might be the best time
with a gentle smile, you once again raised the camera to your face, waited until his figure became the focus and blurred the background, and gently pressed down the shutter
the sound made the young man beside you flinch and ever so hesitantly glance up to you with a dreading expression on his face
after pushing some of the buttons you cozy up to your boyfriend until your shoulders touched and showed him the image you had just taken with a proud smile
“I’m sorry for not telling you about it, but if I shared the fact that you’re my muse with you, you probably would’ve never allowed me to take any” you reasoned as you looked into his eyes and observed the way his cheeks reddened the moment you called him your muse
“I’m your muse
you nodded and showed him a few other photos that all showed him do average everyday things such as eating something, chatting on his phone, warming up, etc. and even though they weren’t that special, the way you managed to capture him, his expression, and even some of the background made them all look professional
“Taiga, you’re such a nice guy that you would’ve probably offered to be my model if I had asked you to, but I wanted to capture that raw beauty of yours, the one that you display on every basketball match and that was the only way to do it
or at least that’s what I thought”
you paused before returning to the most recent image
“Having you being aware might be better after all
just look here at the way your eyes sparkle and your posture, both tense and relaxed at the same time gives off the impression of confidence and a tinge of uncertainty, both summing up your profound character that I love so much”
listening to your explanation made his heart beat harder against his chest and to stop you from fawning even more he covered your camera with his big hand and murmured: ”I-It’s fine already
I get it”
after seeing yet another unexpected expression on your boyfriend’s face you tried to get another shot of him, but this time he tried his best to avoid you and the two of you ended up chasing each other around the park, attracting the attention of many fellow visitors, but to you, it was as if only Kagami and you existed
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one afternoon during the end of basketball practice, you had joined your green-haired boyfriend with his supplementary exercises, observing him and the perfect way he shoots one three-pointer after the other
you’d asked him long ago whether it was alright with him to take his photo and despite the many protests he’d agreed under the condition that it happened during basketball practice
unfortunately, the way he played didn’t manage to ignite the spark you needed to snap that one photo you’ve always been hoping for, neither his skills nor his playstyle were to blame for that, there was just something missing that you couldn’t name
the way you sighed caught Midorima’s attention and made him stop mid-throw so that he could take a glance in your direction and when he saw the disappointed face you made it made his heart ache
“Is something the matter (Y/N)?” he suddenly asked as he sat beside you, towel in one hand and his drinking bottle in the other
you shook your head and tried to play it off, blaming your bad mood on one of your earlier classes and the complaisant boyfriend he was he let it go (also partially because he was afraid that if he prodded further you’d get mad)
out of the corner of your eyes, you could see how he took off his glasses and started cleaning them
and that’s when your heart throbbed
the way his long fingers carefully handled the fragile black frames, the skillful and cautious way he removed any speck of dust from the glass, mixed with the way some of his green hair’s strands stuck to his slightly sweaty forehead, and lastly his beautiful long eyelashes were what won you over
before you knew it, you had grabbed your camera and had taken a photo of his profile, the shutter’s sound startling both him and you
“D-Did you just take a ph–”
“Shush! Stay just like that!” you blurted out, your hand on his chest to restrict his movements and keep him in that exact pose he was right now
with a reluctant expression on his face, he avoided looking in your direction, hoping that you wouldn’t notice the light blush spreading across his cheeks, meanwhile you smiled to yourself at his futile attempt and once again snapped another picture

thanks to that one coincidental photo you managed to take back then, you finally knew what you have been missing all this time, namely your boyfriend being himself and not the Midorima Shintaro from Shuutoku who never missed a shot
in order to achieve that “normality” you had to take as many sneaky shots as possible, but they unfortunately never stayed as secretive as you would’ve wanted them to be because he either caught you mid-photo or your own comments betrayed you
Just like that Shin, look more to the side!
Leave your glasses be, you’re even more beautiful without them!
Don’t touch your hair! The way it is right now compliments your face perfectly!
Even if you scowl at me, you still look good!
he’d always run up to you afterward, blushing at the entire situation and no matter how much he ended up protesting, scolding you, or trying to take the camera from you to delete the photos, he never truly was upset about it
the reason Midorima let it all slide was because he enjoyed the way you smiled when you looked at the images you’d taken
the way your eyes practically sparkled mixed with the slight flush of your cheeks made his heart race every single time
“Is something wrong Shin? You’ve been staring at my face for quite a while.”
embarrassed of being caught by you, he squeezed your nose and stuttered: “I-It’s nothing, k-keep looking at y-your photos!”
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taking Murasakibara’s pictures wasn’t an issue, you simply asked him and he agreed with no resistance whatsoever
you were over the moon at first and even made sure to have your camera with you at all times so that when an opportunity presented itself you’d be ready
from a pedestrian’s point of view, you looked like a cute touristic couple which consisted of the somewhat bored boyfriend, who agreed to have his photos taken for your happiness, and you, who couldn’t hold the excitement of being together with this young man back while happily snapping one pic after the other
their thoughts weren’t that off from the truth, you truly were delighted to be able to practice your hobby, and even having the tall young man as your model made it even better
thanks to the amount of muscles he’d gained from his daily basketball training, his height, his beautifully long and purple hair, his constantly relaxed expression, and his surprisingly gentle facial features, your boyfriend was already photogenic as is so any photo you took was downright breathtaking
and yet, those fulfilling feelings were rather short-lived
as time went by and you shot one photo after the other you came to realize that you hadn’t managed to take a single photo where he genuinely smiled or grinned
getting him to do either was nearly impossible, even for you
all you ever managed to summon was a very loving and gentle smile that resembled that of an angel; it was so pure that you could read all of his emotions from it, but that smile was reserved for your cuddle sessions that always ended up with him almost crushing you with his embrace and his low giggles as the result to your mixed reactions
“(Y/N)-chin, let’s go over there and sit down
I can’t walk anymore”
you giggled and took his hand that he’d extended to you, following him to a bench that was protected by a couple of trees, which cast down a perfect shadow on the wooden surface
the young man plopped down as if he’d ran for hours without a single break and wrapped his big arms around your waist, burying his face in your tummy
his childish behavior made you giggle and you softly caressed his head
“Didn’t you want to eat your snacks?” you asked after a short while, only to receive a silent growl as an answer
“Let me stay like this for a while
his cute way of pleading with you only broadened your smile, which turned it into a grin as soon as an idea popped into your mind
with one hand still on his head, you used the other to aim the camera lens at the young man’s head as you asked your lover to look up at you
it took him a short while to comply because he kinda had the feeling that you wanted to ask for yet another photo, but he ultimately gave in and cast his purple eyes up to you
still smiling you glanced at the small screen on your camera in order to make sure that everything was perfect when you subconsciously blurted out: “Everything about you is charming Atsushi, the way the wind caresses your hair, perfectly accentuating your gentle face’s features
I’m so glad to have you as my muse”

your eyes went wide as you noticed the change in his expression
his cheeks had taken on an unexpected shade of deep red, one that you’ve never seen on him before; his eyes were a bit glassy and maybe equally as wide as yours, and his mouth was slightly agape
“Wha-! What are you saying (Y/N)-chin?!” he screamed out and once again hid his face before you could manage to snap a picture of this rare expression
“Atsushi, wait don’t hide! Let me take a photo!”
your protests fell on deaf ears and no matter how much you struggled or tried to loosen his grip around your waist, his strength made sure to make all of your attempts futile
“I-If I let you see me like that
I won’t be cool in your eyes anymore a-and I don’t want that” he finally admitted in a low voice
it took you a short while to comprehend what exactly he was trying to say; and when you did you couldn’t hold your laughter in any longer, ruffled his hair, and kissed the top of his head, waiting until he had regained his composure and returned your affectionate gestures
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having the famous Emperor as your lover was like a dream, but when it came to keeping things a secret you were at a clear disadvantage because this man read you like an open book
no matter how hard you tried to act innocent or clueless, he’d always be able to add two and two together and expose whatever you were hiding within a matter of minutes
same goes for your fondness of photography and the fact that you had your eyes set on him as your muse
one day when you visited his home the two of you were in the living room and he was playing a round of shogi against himself while you sorted your camera’s gallery
when you took a glance at the young man your heart throbbed
the soft light of the sun that managed to come forth between the many clouds of that day shone right at him; in order to block the light from disturbing his vision, he’d leaned his chin on his hand and let his fingers extend to the corner of his mesmerizing eyes; a soft smile adorned his lips as his left hand stretched out to move one of the many wooden pieces before him
you couldn’t help it and immediately proceeded to take a picture, successfully catching him off guard
“Did you take a picture of me?” he asked without shifting his line of sight from the board, a hint of amusement in his voice
“Mhm, I did
sorry” you apologized before sighing to yourself, “it’s just that you looked really beautiful and I thought it’d be a shame if I didn’t use the opportunity.”
being called beautiful was something he wasn’t used to, so as he heard that word pass your lips, he froze up and finally tore his attention away from the game, and now gazed at you with a warm smile
“You can take more if you’d like.”
and with that, he became your conspirator in your mission to take as many photos of him as your camera’s storage could handle
“Just like that Sei
look more to the lef- yes, perfect!”
you spat one command after the other as the young man before you held onto the reins of his gorgeous white horse and let his hand gently run along the animal’s head
after snapping a few more photos you looked at them in silence, an unusual scene for your boyfriend
“Is something the matter (Y/N)? Aren’t you satisfied with these?”
your head shot up and you violently shook your head, explaining that it was nothing and you were just lost in thought; even though he quickly realized that you weren’t telling the truth, he chose to keep silent until you were ready to tell him what truly bothered you
unexpectedly, your silence lasted longer than he’d hoped for and no matter how unique he tried to organize these little photo sessions you did, your mood never seemed to improve which frustrated him
when he saw you sitting on the couch all sad and unmotivated while you scrolled through your camera roll, he immediately turned around and went back outside to his garden to mull over ways in which he could help you out
so to distract himself, he picked up his basketball, started dribbling, and began perfecting his shooting
the sound of the ball hitting the wall caught your attention, causing you to get up and search for its source
when you opened the front door you were greeted by a similar sight as the one back when you’d first taken Akashi’s photo which made you smile
“Sei-chan, that’s what I was looking for” you whispered as you subconsciously took a photo of the exact moment where the young man jumped and gently threw the ball against the wall, simulating a layup shot
still unaware of your presence the young man wiped his sweat with his shirt’s collar and the moment he felt your arms wrap around his body he jumped ever so slightly
before he could ask you anything, let alone say something, you kissed his cheek and whispered: “I knew it
you’re always beautiful, but the moment you shine the brightest is when you’re being yourself”
moved by your words he turned around, returning your embrace and kissing your lips as he then proceeded to hide his blushing face and glassy eyes from you by pressing you closer to himself
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matwith1t · 3 years
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A/N: ‘Tis the season for playoff beards so ‘tis the season for playoff beard fics. Thank you, thank you for the words of encouragement!! They mean the wooorld to me 🌍🌎🌏 !! Wherever you call home, I hope you’re having a great day/night!
Request: Could you maybe write a blurb about the reader being excited for the playoffs beard?
MASTERLIST | LET’S CHAT đŸ„‚ | Mat Barzal x Reader
Warnings: Allusion to smut  // WC: 2.1K // Fluff
You got the notification just as you finished paying off your tab at the bar. It had come after the blaring siren noise signaling the end of the game, after congratulatory hugs from your friends, and after the players raised their sticks up in appreciation for the fans in attendance.
With a win over the Rangers, The New York Islanders officially clinched the last playoff spot in the Eastern Division.
You had been a fan of hockey long before you somehow ended up with a professional hockey player for a boyfriend. The feeling of your favorite team extending their playing into the postseason always caused excitement. But there was a different sort of pride you felt coursing through your veins as the camera panned to show an exceptionally smiley Mat.
“You know what this means,” one of your friends leaned down to whisper in your ear, a smirk on their face and a devious gleam in their eye, “Playoff beards.”
You sat frozen in your seat as the world continued to move around you. A vertigo sensation caused you to feel dizzy as the words grew with meaning. Again, you had been a fan of hockey before you somehow ended up with a professional hockey player as a boyfriend. You had seen playoff beards before.
But you hadn’t seen a playoff beard on your boyfriend.
Knowing that their words caused you to silently spiral alone in your head, they patted your shoulder as a way of saying good luck.
When the waiter came back with your card, you slipped it back into your wallet, and bid your friends goodbye as you had to pick Mat up from the arena. They all waved goodbye with wicked smirks on their faces.
On your drive to the arena, you blasted music in hopes it would drown out the thoughts in your mind. You wanted a clear head when you talked to Mat about the game tonight, he would no doubt be excited about clinching a playoff spot, and you wanted to concentrate on driving safely. Once you made it to the arena, you parked where you always waited until Mat came out from the players exit.
Sitting alone in your car, with your knee bouncing, you turned the music up louder.
You needed to calm down, it was only the beginning of May and the playoffs wouldn’t start until a few weeks. It was too early to feel this excited about playoff beards. But when Mat texted you saying he would be a little late to your car because everyone was celebrating in the locker room
 You succumbed to your desires and pulled out your phone.
New York Islanders playoffs 2020 was what you typed into the Google search bar. And when all you saw were team pictures, you narrowed down your search: Mat Barzal playoffs 2020. And low and behold
 You were graced with images that your mind could only conjure up in your dreams.
To anyone, the pictures basically looked all the same: Mat in his New York Islanders gear, skating on the ice. His face was mostly hidden by his helmet, but you could still see him. And you could still see his playoff beard.
You inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly through your nostrils as you continued to scroll.
The pictures ranged from clean shaven Mat, him growing out his scruff, and then to a full beard with long hair when the Islanders reached their furthest point in the Stanley Cup playoffs. You saw different versions of Mat, but the pictures on Google were more of an in your face kind of growth of his facial hair rather than a slow progression. While playoff games were played fairly close together, the press pictures weren’t privy to seeing the official start of his facial hair. 
The media wasn’t granted access to see how his facial hair progressed from the moment he went to sleep to when he refused to wake up in the mornings. But you would be able to see that growth. From the light stubble growing into scruff that would eventually grow to cover his jawline––
A knock on your window startled you and you locked your phone when you saw Mat wave at you through the window. With a smile, you unlocked the door and he opened it.
“Do you mind if we drive Beau to his place?” Mat said as he reached over his shoulder for the seat belt to buckle himself in.
You nodded repeatedly, and when Mat didn’t hear a verbal confirmation from you, he lifted his head at you with raised eyebrows. You cleared your throat and blinked a few times, “Yeah––Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Cool,” he smiled as he texted on his phone, presumably to Tito, “He had to go to the bathroom so he shouldn’t be far behind.”
You nodded your head again as you took in the way his clean shaven face lit up by the artificial lighting of his phone. He felt your stare on him and looked up with a tilt of his head.
“Good game,” you congratulated him and his smile widened. Mat dropped his phone to his lap, wanting to take in all of your words, “It was good, You were really good. Everyone played well and not to mention the playoff spot.” You leaned over the center console to press a kiss to Mat’s soft, clean shaven, face, “I’m proud of you.”
Mat playfully shrugged his shoulders, knowing that he played a good game, “Yeah it was exciting.”
You and Mat fell into a silence as he picked back up his phone, nudging Tito along, and you stared at him. More specifically, stared at his bare face. Your mind wandered from innocent thoughts to how facial hair would make him look older than his age, to more impious thoughts of how his beard would feel across your skin.
The back door opening stopped your thinking and caused you to jump as you and Mat turned your heads to see Tito duck into your car.
“Jeez, turn the music down.”
Bashfully, you turned the volume knob down and took your car out of park, “That was a nice goal you had, Tito.”
“Thanks,” you saw him smile brightly from your rearview mirror, “If only we could start growing out our playoff beards now.”
Mat laughed at Tito’s joke, but your grip on the steering wheel tightened.
The two friends continued their banter, while your mind continued to spiral at the thought of Mat and his playoff beard. And after you dropped Tito off at his place, the silence between you and Mat continued as you drove to his apartment. You parked in the spot that you unofficially claimed as yours and walked into his building hand-in-hand.
Once he unlocked the door, and hung up his suit jacket on the coat rack, Mat circled his arms around your waist and pulled you in close for a hug. You hugged him back just as tight, eyes closed with a soft smile toying at your lips. While Mat played aggressively during games, when he got back to his apartment, he liked to wind down.
Mat nuzzled his head further into the crook of your neck and you felt a breath of hot air fan your neck. You felt content standing in the entrance of Mat’s apartment; strong arms around you, as he began to softly press his lips against your neck. His kisses weren’t urgent, they were gentle, and lingering in one spot. His slow pace also clued you into that he didn’t expect his kisses to lead to anything further.
He just wanted to press his lips to your skin to feel you.
“Are you excited for my playoff beard?” Mat mumbled into your neck.
Your whole body froze up.
Mat let out a small chuckle, and with your arms still around him, you slightly leaned back to look at him, “What?”
With one last kiss to your neck, Mat pulled away and looked down at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “After the game, the boys were talking about how their wives and girlfriends get all excited for the beards in the postseason,” his smirked widened as he pinched your waist, “And you were very quiet tonight.”
“That’s not true,” you tried to cover yourself as you felt embarrassment brewing in the pit of your stomach, “I––I said you played a good game.”
“Mhm,” Mat hummed with a proud smile, “But after Beau brought up the beards you were dead quiet.”
And just like how you went quiet in the car at the mention of playoff beards, you went quiet now. Because how were you supposed to verbalize your excitement? You knew you could say anything and it would feed into Mat’s ego
But how were you supposed to tell him how unimaginably excited you were to see his playoff beard while also expressing the tiniest bit of disappointment mourning his clean shaven face?
With his clean shaven face he looked so youthful. You could clearly see his smile lines when he tipped his head back in laughter, feel his soft skin on yours when he brushed his cheek against yours, and it was the version of him you fell in love with. Not to say you still wouldn’t love the version of Mat with a playoff beard.
Because when you really thought of him growing out a beard
All you thought about was how the dark facial hair would enhance the strong dark color of his eyes. How he would look more mature. And how the short hairs scratching against your skin would drive you absolutely insane. You would love that Mat just as much, but you had to keep your thoughts in check.
“I am excited to see you grow out a beard,” you breathed out a laugh and broke eye contact with him after you saw his eyebrows raise with enthusiasm. You played with the fabric of Mat’s dress shirt between your thumb and index finger, “I just can’t think too much about it.”
He sounded intrigued.
You poked his stomach and rolled your eyes, “I looked at pictures of you from previous seasons and it
” you took a deep breath and looked up into his greedy eyes, wanting to hear all of your thoughts about him, “I had a lot of emotions.”
“Care to share those emotions?” He tried to keep his mischievous tone to a minimum, but with the way his smirk widened and his hands crept under your t-shirt, you knew he was losing a battle with himself.
“They’re private.”
Mat tipped his head back in laughter; eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, crinkled nose, with those smile lines you loved so much. He squeezed your hips once more and pressed a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth. At his close proximity, you let your eyes close at his close proximity; always captivated with the feeling that encased your body when his lips kissed your body.
Still keeping his face close to yours, he dragged his nose across the side of your face until his smooth cheek rested against yours, he breathed in your ear, “I’m good at keeping secrets.”
Your chest expanded with the deep breath you inhaled. His face was so clean––so soft––as he brushed his skin against yours. There wasn’t a feeling you loved more than his skin on yours. And thinking about the new feeling of his facial hair on your skin sent your body into overdrive.
Your voice slightly wavered as you continued to rub the material of his shirt between your fingers, “I think we need to set a precedent.”
He sounded like he knew exactly what you were proposing.
You shrugged your shoulders, shyly looking up at him as his eyes darkened with every second of silence that passed. With Mat’s hands placed directly on your skin, his thumbs slowly started to rub small circles on your waist.
“You know
” your small voice trailed off, “To see if I prefer you clean shaven or with facial hair.”
Mat’s smirk transformed into a full blown smile as he hooked an arm around your waist to pull you right up against his body. You felt his chest expand a few times as he let out a confident chuckle, “Say no more.”
After both of you agreed on the proposal you brought forward, and Mat dragged you into his bedroom, the only word you said was his name as he ducked his head under the sheets and began to kiss down your torso.
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floraltypes · 3 years
Ohshc Headcannon
OHSHC - Y/n in a uncomfortable situation head-cannons
saw someone else do something similar and wanted to put my own spin on it :))
TW: creepy males making y/n uncomfy
gender neutral x host club members
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Haruhi 💗
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You’ve decided to go visit the girl while she’s working.
She’s busy talking to one of her guests so you decided to wait and sit at one of the couches
One of the men quickly walked over, he was here to drop off some shipments but thinks that now you’re a new host/hostess
He sits across from you, just staring for a moment before striking a conversation
“So, you seem like a cutie, are you new here?”
Your eyes widen a bit, taken aback by his presence and how blunt he was
“I’m not apart of this club,” You awkwardly chuckle, hoping that Haruhi is almost finished because now you are starting to feel uncomfortable
“Good, good, that just means I don’t have to share you with anyone,” They wink, standing up and now sitting besides you
Haruhi, stops her conversation with the girls, hearing that awkward chuckle of yours her head turns
At first, she just thinks your talking with one of the boys, one telling a inappropriate joke and you just trying to be kind
But soon realizes that’s not the case, and excuses herself
Haruhi doesn’t exactly feel jealous, just a bit confused, and frankly worried
She can tell by your apparent facial expressions that you’re also worried yourself
Finding a empty tea tray, she grabs it, and rushes over with it, then taking a seat besides you
“Y/n!” She smiles, handing you a tea cup, not even filled. “I’m glad you waited for me, sorry to waist your time,”
You’re overjoyed she’s here, the man sending you some interesting glares and you didn’t want to cause a scene
“I’ll do better at watching the time. Um, i’m sorry you don’t look familiar,” She looks at the man while taking one of your hands and intertwining it with hers
“Oh, you were waiting for someone?” He asks you. “You should have told me, it was like you were leading me on,” he scoffs, standing up and leaving
Haruhi looks at you with a small smile
“What a jerk, would you like me to make some actual tea now?”
The both of you laugh, you feeling much more comfortable with her being by your side
Tamaki 💞
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He was so excited to spend today with you!
You didn’t feel like doing much, just wanting to maybe go to a cafe with the man
He had tons of things planned, zoos, cafes, shopping, musicals, etc
If there was something fun, he had it planned for you two to do soon
After spending half a day planning the dates you’d have when you both had off, today the both of you would go to a pet shop
Tamaki always expressed how much he loved animals, ever since he was able to go to one, and it’s something he still enjoys indulging in
The both of you were outside the shop, he had some money almost spilling out of his wallet, prepared to buy some animals
Leaving you to make sure he doesn’t, or at least doesn’t go overboard...
Once inside the worker set up a room for you two to play with the puppy
Unfortunately, today was a busy day and many people were also coming, so you were paired up with another group of guys
They had a harsher look, not being so friendly, and smelled kind of gross
You weren’t one to judge, sometimes, but something about them gave off a weird feeling
“Gosh, aren’t these puppies adorable!” Tamaki beamed, picking up the little dog into his arms, then bringing it up to his face
“Tamaki, you have to share with the rest of us,” You reminded him, taking the puppy from him and placing it on the ground
The man sat on your other side, quickly went to grab the dog, his hand touching yours a bit
“But Y/n, I didn’t get enough time with him,” He whined, shaking your shoulders a bit while the other men stifled chuckles
“Y/n, that’s a nice name,” The man on your side commented, sending a smile
“Um, thanks,” You just messed with your fingers, not looking at him
“So,” The one man tried to start up a conversation with Tamaki, giving his friend the chance to talk to you
Tamaki knew they were trying to do something, so he made sure to keep a eye on you, making sure you felt okay
“You know, we don’t have plans after this, what if you came and hung out with us?” The man asked you, moving closer
“Sweetie! Don’t forget that you promised to go get ice cream with me after. It’s the perfect end to our date,” Tamaki smiled widely, grabbing your arm and standing up “Ah, I think i’ve seen enough puppies for today,” He put a hand on your cheek and kissed your lips. “Bye now!”
Kyoya đŸ€
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His father was hosting a dinner party tonight
The Ootori group just opened a new high tech hospital, with the helps of your families business
It was great to see both families interacting well, and felt good to have his father like you, even if you didn’t really like him
Kyoya was thankful that his father was okay with you, worried it would affect his opportunity in being the heir eventually
You were all dressed up for the night, told to keep a smile and kind words the whole time
But you were mostly planning on spending it by Kyoya’s side..
Eventually he was moved away because his father wanted to introduce all his children to a potential business partner
Your family did the same, to a different man, one who kind of seemed to take a particular interest in you
“I love your hair,” The older, 40 year old man complimented you, your father just smiling lightly and soon walking away
“I should go find, uh, Kyoya!” You smiled oddly at the older man, about to walk away
“Wait up handsome/beautiful,” The man wrapped his chubby fingers around your wrist, tugging on it, and pulling you to stand right in front of him
You frantically looked around, your father talking to someone else, and the mans smile was fretting away from friendly
Kyoya had just finished talking to some painting company CEO, someone he could care less about
He wanted to use this time to do things with you, talk more, hear about your day maybe, just see your smile and hear your laughter
Luckily he turned around at the right moment, seeing the man yank you back and his facial feature turning to a wicked expression
He quickly, but respectfully, whisked over, titling his glasses down a bit and reaching a hand across your lower back to wrap around your waist, pulling you into his side
“Darling, who is this?” Kyoya asked, seeing your expression change to a grateful one
“Um, I never caught his name....?”
“It’s Toling, from America,” He smiled at you, his ‘smile’ changing when looking at Kyoya. “You have a boyfriend?”
“And your from America?” Kyoya questioned back, not letting you answer his. “What exactly is your position, my father, Ootori, he also told me no one from out of country would be here. Why are you here? I don’t think you were invited, this seems like a appropriate moment to call security, do you agree, dear?” He looked at you
“Yeah, I think so,” You grinned at him, pecking his cheek while the older man ran off towards the front door.
Hikaru 💓
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The two of you heard about this new performance group in the area
They weren’t anything professional but still interested you both, maybe being so bad you could make a couple jokes about it
It started off... well interesting to say the least...
You both couldn’t figure out where it was going, what the overall theme of it was, I mean someone spilt their ‘prop’ on the stage floor
It was a disaster in the beginning, the both of you already having jokes in mind, but being respectful to wait till the end to say them
During the performance a hand intertwined with yours, that being Hikaru’s of course
When it was finished, the both of you had no words, just tears?
You didn’t know when they got there, or how the performance all of a sudden changed sad, but it was there
You got up to walk by a concession area, hoping to purchase a pack of tissues
Someone was behind you in line, and you could just feel their gaze on your behind
“Do you have a pack of tissues on hand?” You asked, pulling out some money and the women handing it to you
“Tissues, I could have given you those for free,” The man behind you smiled. “Now, what’s a attractive kid like you doing here?”
“Watching a show, like everyone else,” You motioned with your hand, taking a tissue and wiping your eyes
“You’re a funny one, sparky. How about I treat you to a meal?”
“No, thanks,” You scratched the back of your head, trying to step away, but him just blocking you
“Come on now,” He chuckled, reaching for your arm before you pulled back.
“Y/n, hey, you got them,” Hikaru pushed past him, planting a longer kiss on your lips and swinging his arm to rest over your shoulders. “Do you mind? We’re on a date,” He told the older man, guiding you away from him. “You okay, that man sure was a idiot trying to take you away from me,”
Kaoru 💝
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He was honestly super pumped about getting to spend time with just you
He saw how much his stubborn twin could fall in love with Haruhi and become a better person, to mature, he wanted that with someone and that was you
To say he was nervous, was a understatement, this was your guys’s first date and he wanted it to be great
Sure you had been dating for a while, but still
You both decided on just going to a carnival thing in town
Sounded fun and would let you both get loose a bit, chat about life, truly have a break from everything and everyone
(not everyone, the club was secretly there making sure it went great)
After a long day, and many rides, Kaoru went to go order some food for the both of you while you waited on the bench
“Is this seat taken?” A man around your age questioned, you nodded you head no, and moved over on the bench to give him some space
“Go ahead,”
“Thanks, wow, uh your eyes are really pretty,” He complimented, taking a sip of his drink
“Oh, thanks?” You shyly smiled, tapping you finger on the bench to a beat, waiting for Kaoru to come back
The man kept asking random questions about yourself though, like ‘how old are you’ ‘what do you think of the weather today’ ‘did you like that ride over there?’ it was awkward for you to answer
Kaoru had just bought the food, starting to walk over, but quickly noticing you chatting with the man
He felt, jealous?
This perfect day he was having, and you’re talking to another guy?!
But wait, he remembered his brother talking about really looking at someone’s actions to truly understand, things they say, really paying attention
He soon realized that you weren’t really liking the conversation, your eyes widening after he spoke, slowly returning the comment to him
He whisked over there, honestly just plopping himself in between the two of you, in the (little) empty space
“I, uh, got the food,” He waved it in the air a bit, not spilling it. “You still hungry, babe?”
“Thank you Kaoru, you’re so kind,” You grinned, kissing him on the lips, his cheeks beating up.
“Mhm, let’s go eat somewhere else, just the two of us!”
Mori 💜
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Mori and you weren’t big on doing a bunch of stuff for dates
You both mostly ended up at one another’s house, lounging there, maybe a cafe, who knew
But today he kind of wanted you to watch his practice, he was a bit awkward which you noticed quickly
“Takashi, you okay?” You asked him, tapping his shoulder. “What do you want to do today?”
He wanted to straight out say ‘come watch me practice’ but also didn’t want to be inconsiderate of what you wanted to do
He shrugged his shoulders, cracking his knuckles a bit, hoping you got the sign...?
“You know, I haven’t seen you practiced yet, that could be fun!”
He was beaming inside
So it was set, the two of you planning to meet up at the place he practiced at
It was something nice to do, he worked on his moves for a while, you starting some homework but still watching
One of his partners he worked on some of the skills with sat near you
“Hey, what are you working on?” You two chatted a little, trying to be kind, but you knew he was just trying to speed up the small talk into something more fun, for him
“Anyways, I need to focus,” You told him, standing up and getting prepared to move to a different space
“I think you should take a break, what do you say?”
“I can’t, I have a test tomorrow, need to get this done,”
“Don’t be like that, i’ll help you study after our break,” He was slowly/quickly closing the distance between you two
Mori just finished throwing a man, going to have a drink of water and see how you’re doing, but seeing that ‘opponent’ of his flirting with you?
“Y/n,” He walked up, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “I’m done here, let’s go,”
You nodded, the man across from you shaken up a bit at the stare Mori sent afterwards
Honey 💛
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Honey was babbling about a new cafe that popped up, very VERY excited about it
Apparently it was cute, had a nice seating area, and the BEST cake in town
So, of course, he had to decide that himself
(I think he secretly has a blog online dedicated to trying and critiquing cakes)
He thought this would be a perfect time to catch up and share the lovely moment with
You agreed, wanting to spend time with the boy you liked so much, always enjoying sharing treats with him
After school you both headed right there
The place was nice, and a little packed, since it did just open
You both found a little booth in the back, away from the crowd a bit
Honey ordered, almost, one of every cake they sold
“I’ll just try one of his,” You told the waitress, who looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head due to Honey’s order
“If you want Y/n-chan!” He smiled at you, soon going into a ramble about one place he bought a bad cake at
Usa-chan also wasn’t pleased with the taste of it
Once a few of the pieces came, he gave you Usa-chan to hold, to make sure he didn’t get dirty
You spent the time, watching him eat cake, feeding him cake, eating some yourself, and chatting about the Host Club
He eventually had to go to the bathroom, telling you he would be right back and to watch Usa-chan
While he left another man came up, figuring you were by yourself
“Aren’t these a lot of treats for you?” He asked, secretly judging you
“I’m sure it’s not your place to decide what’s enough for me,” You scoffed, looking the other way
“And you have a stuffed bear? So cute. Let me buy you something else, for a little kid like you,” He placed some money on the table, trying to reach for Usa-chan
major pedo vibes ....
You moved away from him, not letting his dirty hands touch your boyfriends precious bunny
“Aw come on now,”
“Y/n-chan, let’s go now!” Honey walked over, you climbing out the empty way of the booth, standing near Honey
“Aw you’re here with your brother,” The man cooed, standing up himself.
You grabbed Honey’s hand, not wanting to interact any longer with the man, and leaving the cafe
“Sorry Honey, I- I just really don’t-”
There the man was, he followed the both of you out
He was moving to touch/grab you from behind, Honey quickly noticing and pushing you out of the way a bit
Pulling a classic move, the older man was on the ground
The surrounding crowds were in awe, you were still a bit surprised from his strength sometimes
“That’s not nice, please don’t touch Y/n-chan or I’ll have to call the cops!” He smiled at him, soon grabbing your hand and the two of you walking away like nothing happened
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
first position | one shot
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summary: your bestfriend’s ex ain’t shit, especially if he’s never made her orgasm. (based on this ask)
pairing: jungkook x reader x reader’s bestfriend
genre: (18+) college au | smut
words: 2.3k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, threesome, protected sex, multiple orgasms, breast play, oral (f. receiving), cum eating, ass smacking, pussy smacking, doggy style, hair pulling, slightly rough sex
note: drew some inspiration from lani’s “first position” song (linked above); please know that this is an entirely new level of smut for me so i apologize if shit sounds kind of off. super unfamiliar with threesome scenes, but i did my best to read up on actual accounts to see what people describe it to be like ahaha ALSO - wips are updated, feel free to see what my messy brain is working up nowadays lol enjoy ya’ll đŸ€“ this goes out to you, anon! i tried! lol
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"Baby, open up!" Jungkook says, knocking on your door. You stumble a bit, laughing with your bestfriend. You both had been drinking wine all night and shared a blunt together before calling your boyfriend, whining for some food.
"Gookieeee." You giggle as you open the door and throw your arms around his neck. He pulls back to kiss you on the lips before helping himself inside and tossing off his shoes.
"Jungkook! The savior!" Your bestfriend says as he sets the food down onto the kitchen counter.
"Yeah, yeah. Thank me later. I'd rather grab the food then let you two drunkies head out like this."
"We aren't drunk, silly."
"Okay." He chuckles as he plops onto the couch, manspreading as he flips the channel on your tv to the Warriors vs. Pacers basketball game. "That's more I like it."
"Excuse me." You say as you shove fries into your mouth, your bestfriend devouring her burger next to you in the kitchen. "You're getting comfortable."
"Mhm, I sure am."
"Babe, it's a girl's night."
"Mm no, it's no longer a girl's night after my babygirl asks me to leave the comfort of my bed just to bring her food."
"Sorry to interrupt your jacking off session."
"Yeah, exactly." He says. "What'd you guys drink tonight?"
"Wine, wine and more wine. Smoked a blunt too." He laughs.
"Time of your lives, ey?"
"Lana just got dumped by that ungrateful dumbass, of course I gotta treat her."
"Hey, for what it's worth Lana - Namjoon didn't deserve you." He looks at your bestfriend, sympathy poking through his facial expression. Lana and Namjoon had been dating on and off for almost 2.5 years until that stupid ass decided he wanted to cheat and pursue other women like he had it like that. He for sure didn't though. He couldn't even make Lana cum properly. At all, even.
"Yeah, he didn't even know how to make you cum." Jungkook's eyes widened.
"The fuck?" He chuckled. "Really? After all these years?"
"Um, yeah. I guess that's just how he gets down." She says shyly. She was so innocent, being that she hadn't really been in a relationship besides with Namjoon. She hadn't explored much being that he was so narrow minded and she did a lot to keep him happy in the relationship.
"So.. would you like, fake it?" Jungkook asks, curiosity in his eyes.
"No, she wouldn't even get there babe!"
"Huh?" He's utterly confused and he's not even trying to hide it.
"He would like, you know, do it until he came then that was it."
"Huh." He nods. "He wouldn't even try? Interesting." Kook says, making you laugh. "I make Y/N cum at least 5 times a day."
"Shut the fuck up, boy. No you don't." You throw a fry at him.
"Boohoo, okay. It's like 3 at the very least. I could make her cum more but she's always crying for me to stop cause she can't take it." You raise your middle finger at your boyfriend.
"H-how does it feel?"
"To cum?" Kook asks.
"Euphoric. Like no other." You respond. Jungkook looks at you, then back at her, a little turned on by the conversation. Lana was pretty, and she definitely deserved better as both you and Kook stated. She was innocent at best, but you knew she was curious.
"I wish I knew." She says, sipping on more wine, making a bright idea pop into your head.
"Hey." You lightly squeeze her side. "I have an idea, but it's totally okay if you don't wanna go with it. I don't wanna make you do something you aren't comfortable with."
"Hm?" She hums as she watches you give Jungkook a small smirk that he returns. He honestly doesn't know what your crazy ass is thinking about, but whatever it is, he's down. He always is, and that's what he loved about you - you were always down, and you taught him that. Life's too fucking short.
"Let's put you on." You say nodding to the room. "Let me and Kook show you what it's like." Jungkook almost chokes on his water.
"I-I— like a threesome? I don't know, I'm not that experienced, I wouldn't—"
"Girl, we'll guide you through it."
"But Jungkook, he's your boyfriend, I can't—"
"And that's not gonna change. He's down, trust me. Look at his stupidly cute face." You both turn to him, his doe eyes wide with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Seriously though, Lana. If you aren't comfortable—" Jungkook chimes in, reassuring her.
"I'm down." She spits out and nods. "I'm down. Let's do it. As long as things don't change between us."
"It won't, I promise, okay?" You grab her hand and lead her to your room.
"Oh shit." Jungkook says, throwing the remote aside to catch you two. He walks in and stops at the door frame, watching you two sit on your bed. Honestly, he was down but he was also still feeling a little concerned about how this would go down. Of course, he was the only sober one here, you two being crossfaded almost out of your minds and more relaxed than he was. He didn't really have an issue though. As long as nothing changed between you, Lana and himself, then things would be fine. Especially between Lana and you. You had been bestfriends since college started.
He didn't think it would though, so fuck it.
"Just, follow along. Okay? If you're ever uncomfortable or want us to stop, just say so."
"Say ex or something weird." Jungkook spits out.
"Um, okay." You sit up on your knees as she leans back into your pillows, and gently start feeling up her arms.
"Relax, Lana." You say at a whisper, your lips about to fall onto hers. She takes the kiss as it builds up slowly. You feel her ease up, her arms climbing up yours as her tongue begins to explore and fight yours for dominance.
"Jeeeeesus fucking christ." Jungkook says, swiping his hand down his face as he continues to watch you and Lana tongue each other down. He felt himself getting harder by the minute, watching as the sound of sloppy, wet kisses began to fill the room and your shirts began to fly off. You pull away for a second to look back at him and signal for him to come over, his baggy long sleeve immediately coming off as he climbs onto the bed. You direct Lana to release your bra as you with hers. You're practically straddling her at this point, Jungkook's hands now roaming up your body. His hand grips your neck as he tilts it back, laying kisses along your jaw before nibbling your earlobe. You let out a breathy moan, your hips grinding against Lana's, causing her to bite her lip and let out a small moan as your hands begin to feel up on her breasts.
"Lay back." You say softly, Lana silently following the order. You begin to take off her leggings, throwing them across your room as Kook is gently laying kisses down your back. "Behind me, babe." You give him a quick look with Jungkook fully understanding the request. He steps off the bed, giving you space to lower yourself onto Lana's clothed clit. You press your lips against it while Jungkook is wrestling to take off your sweats and toss them aside, his fingers already getting busy with rubbing your clothed pussy as he tries to work with it from behind you and off the bed. Lana lets out a moan as she watches you closely, your finger hooking her panties to the side and your tongue giving her pussy a good swipe up. She trembles a bit with the contact, but settles quickly as you begin to work your mouth against her folds, then back up to her clit.
"Ohhhh shit. He's never done it like that." Lana says as she lets out a few breaths. You moan against her clit as Jungkook is now pumping his digits in and out of you quickly, his tongue continuously teasing, tip penetrating your entrance whenever his digits aren't doing the work. Lana's hips begin to buck upwards and grind onto your tongue, fucking her pussy more and more into this unfamiliar pleasure. "Oh fuck, oh my god! I don't know if I can do this." She whines as she grips the sheets, her knuckles turning white. You nod, signaling for her to let go as your tongue is now teasing her clit, working in up and down motions.
"Fuck, Kook!" You manage to spit out. You're so fucking turned on by the sight in your bedroom right now, and you have no idea if it's because you're pretty crossfaded, but this shit was pretty and all you wanted to do was feel good and make your bestfriend feel good. After all, she deserves to feel it once in her lifetime and if Namjoon wasn't gonna do that shit, then you'd gladly be the one to let her experience it.
"Cum for me, baby." He says as he quickly pulls back to give your pussy a good smack before he latches on again. "Let me feel it." The words alone, along with your moaning into Lana's clit, sends her over, her body trembling graciously in your grip.
"Fuck! What the fuck!" She screams, whining moans leaving her mouth quickly afterwards. You soon let yourself go, detaching yourself from her clit, your body trembling on all fours with Jungkook rubbing your clit like there's no tomorrow. The pain quickly turns into more pleasure, you crashing your body ontop of Lana's as you both try to regulate your breathing and come back down from your highs. Jungkook is hard as a fucking rock seeing the both of you completely fucked out already, especially you having done work on Lana at the same time as he pleased you.
"What do I do next?" You look at her as you finally gain the energy to raise your body a bit, shaking your head.
"Stay. Kook, get in her first." Jungkook is already unwrapping the first condom and sliding it down his dick.
"You both okay?" He manages to ask, Lana simply giving him a nod as he warns her with a tap of his reddened tip against her folds. "I'll take it slow. You just let me know what you want." You smirk down at her.
"Use him, Lana."
"W-what?" Her back slightly arches as her eyes roll to the back of her head feeling Jungkook fill her up. Although she had agreed to it, she didn't think her first fuck out of a relationship was gonna be with you and your boyfriend. Let alone did she ever think Jungkook would be penetrating her the way he was right now.
But fuck it. There's a first for everything.
"Use him." You repeat as you situate yourself on top of her, your lips landing back on hers with Jungkook's hand in your hair. "Tell him what you want to make you cum again."
"F-faster." She spits out in between kisses. Jungkook obeys, his thrusts now becoming quicker.
"Shit, dude." He says, his head tilting back in pleasure. "This is so fucking hot." You lower yourself a bit, your mouth latching onto her nipples one by one. You tease her a bit, your tongue flicking in and around her hardened bud, smirking into it when you hear her let out a loud moan.
"Fuck, yes. Please. Just like that." She begs. "Rougher please." You pull back on her nipple with a pop, lightly blowing air onto it as Jungkook begins to sloppily ram into her pussy. Caressing her skin, you can feel the goosebumps radiating throughout her body before you lower yourself back down onto her other nipple and repeat the process.
"Cum, Lana." Jungkook groans. "Cum all over this dick. It's your playing field right now." You smirk as your tongue continues to tease her nipple, her moans getting louder the more he hammers into her.
"Cum, babe." You say as you hop off and reach down to rub her clit. With just a few rubs, she's hurdling over the edge, her body trembling once more as she yells.
"Holy fuck! Ugghhhhhffffgod." Her breathing hitching as the aftershocks ripple through her.
"On your knees, babygirl." Jungkook orders you to get on your fours while switching out the condom to a new one, Lana slowly slipping out from under you to get on her fours and face you. Jungkook doesn't waste any time, roughly inserting himself into you and filling you up until he bottoms out. He feels a little more comfortable, knowing he can roughhouse the fuck out of you more than he could with Lana, so he begins to hammer into you and tug onto your hair at the same time.
"Jungkook, fuck." You moan, his large hand smacking your ass as he quickens his pace. Lana's now planting kisses along your neck while Jungkook holds you steady with your hair, her hands roaming around your breasts and giving them a good, gentle squeeze.
"Shit, I-I'm gonna cum soon." He says, biting his bottom lip. "Cum with me baby." He moans. Lana's hand travels down to your clit, copying what she's learned from you by rubbing it in circular motions.
"Ohhhhhhgod, yes!" You moan, but aren't able to release any other noise afterwards. You continue to whine as the loud, lewd noises of skin against skin continue filling the room. Sooner or later, you feel yourself unraveling, Jungkook's nails digging deep into your hips while Lana continues to rub your clit gently to help you ride out your high. "Oh my fucking god." You say as you try to regulate your breathing. Lana immediately throws her panties and her clothes back on, feeling shy with Jungkook being in the room.
"How'd that feel?" He says, throwing on his clothes while handing you yours. You look at her and smirk, licking your bottom lip.
"Good, I hope." Lana chuckles.
"Fucking amazing."
"Maybe we should do this more often."
"Baby, wait." Jungkook laughs. "You're fucking wild."
"She is, isn't she?" Lana rolls her eyes playfully.
"Hey, at least we gave you the ride of your life." You all make your way out of the room to get a little air and step away from the post sex-smelling room. "Next time I see Namjoon, I'll let him know what you look like when you cum." 
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jaehyunzzmilk · 3 years
dinasty (part 2)
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pairing: prince jaehyun x concubine reader
word count: 3.4 k
genre: Historical Mafia AU, smut, light angst
summary: after the perfect escape, you have to find a way to fit in your new life, leaving the past behind may seem easy when you're working for 4 princes and one of them is interested in you, right?
notes: hello again, part 2 is up and we have a new love triangle, thank you for liking the first part so much, and prepare for even more surprises
this doesn't have any relation to real facts and history, it's just pure fiction for entertainment purposes
warnings: violence, blood, cheating, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving)
main characters: jaehyun (prince), yuta (samurai, villain), ten (thai mafia, villain), kun (China's emperor warrior)
Reality - Part 2
Part 1 here
"- Nice tattoo!" the man says.
It was dark and his face was only visible through the moonlight.
You freeze, the man stays still looking at you like you were his prey.
You try to cover your body but your only reaction is to grab your stuff and run, praying he wasn't gonna come after you.
Arriving at your room, breathing heavily you try to think about what just happened. A guy like that had to be a prince or someone really important. Ms. Lee told you to be lowkey and on the first day you let a man see you naked in the bath area. "Whatever" You were just too tired to think, you didn't do anything wrong anyway, so you were gonna pretend that it didn't happen. The Korean Palace was gonna punish you for going to the wrong bath?
Suddenly you realize Kun's necklace isn't with you. "Fuck, I must have dropped there" but now it's too risky to come back and look for it so you decide to do that tomorrow. You lay down on your mattress and try to fall asleep.
Next morning Ms. Lee showed you the rest of the Palace, the kitchen and assigned your tasks. It was a lot of work and details, each of their meals had to be perfectly planned. They had someone even to taste the food before them so they know it's not poisoned.
"- I'm gonna be responsible for the King's meal and you're gonna be responsible for the four prince's meals."
"- Yes, Taeil, Doyoung, Johnny and Jaehyun. Now you should prepare their tea, they always drink green tea in the morning."
While preparing the tea you wonder which one you saw at the bathing area and if you should tell Ms. Lee what happened yesterday.
You're walking with the trays to the dining place when you try to talk to her.
-Ms. Lee!
-So yesterday...
You realize you still don't know much about Ms. Lee and even if Kun trusts her, you don't. Also you can't help but think that serving tea was much better than your life at the concubine's house, so you try quickly to think of something else to say.
-Well, yesterday
 Before I met you
 this man helped me at the harbor, he was wearing black clothes and had a samurai sword.
-"Stay away from him!" She turns at you. "They are dangerous, they will kill everything and everyone on their way, people you don't want to mess up with."
By Yuta's facial expression when you mentioned Ms. Lee's name you weren't surprised she said those words, you wonder why but she wasn't gonna be the one to give you the answers. Otherwise, you still weren't afraid of him, he was gonna be the last of your problems here.
-"Now let's get in there, first you bow and then you serve them the way I showed you, don't look at them in the eye and don't say anything." She says.
In silence, you enter the dining room along with the other servants behind you bringing the food plates and you stop in front of the tables on the floor where all the princes are. There are two on each side, the two oldest and the youngest, all of them are sitting on cushions, they all have long hair and are wearing beautiful hanboks.
-"Your highness, may I introduce you to your new servant 'y/n', she is my niece and she is gonna work with me in the kitchen from now on." Ms. Lee said while you bowed, you were still too nervous to look up and look at them. "Now, may we start with the tea." Ms. Lee turns to you and signs that you can go and serve them.
Holding the teapot you go to the first prince, the oldest, Taeil, he is very handsome, with his light brown hair, face delicate and mature at the same time. Slowly you pour the tea into the cup by his left, he doesn't do anything, just stays still looking down and you wonder if you did something wrong. On his right it's Doyoung, after you pour the tea he gives you a small nod which makes you feel calmer. He is also very handsome, shiny black long hair, perfect posture, he sure looks like a prince. On the other side, Johnny, you can feel he is looking at you, the first to say "thank you" after you pour the tea. His face is gorgeous, even if he is sitting down you can feel how tall and strong he is. And then, Jaehyun, the man from the bath. You freeze when he looks directly at your eyes, you try to stay calm and pour the tea but can't help but shake a little bit. He is the definition of perfection, he had perfect skin, perfect face, everything about him.
Jaehyun keeps staring at you even when you stand up and comes back to Ms. Lee side.
-"Seems like someone likes our new servant!" Johnny says laughing. The other boys look at him but Jaehyun remains silent and serious, still looking at you.
They give the first sip to their tea. Taeil stops and smells the cup.
-"Did someone
 put ginger on the tea?" He asks.
Ms. Lee turns at you with her eyes wide open.
-"Did you put ginger when you were making the tea?" She says in a low voice. - Yes, that's how we usually drink it in China, I'm so sorry.
-"Don't..." Taeil says taking another sip "- From now on keep in that way". You see Jaehyun smirking with the corner of your eyes.
Your whole body relaxed, you felt like you were going to faint. Ms. Lee bows and tells them to excuse both of you. As soon as you enter the kitchen's door she grabs your arm.
-"You have no idea how lucky you were this time young lady, Taeil is the most picky to all the food we make, when he started speaking I thought I was gonna have a heart attack"
-Me too! But I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not doing anything again without asking you first.
-"Good! Now get back to work"
Later after you finish your schedule you come back to the bath area to look for Kun's necklace. You look everywhere but it's nowhere to be found.
-"Looking for this?" Jaehyun stops behind you holding your necklace.
You turn around and he comes closer to you.
-"I asked if you're looking for this?" Now he is inches from you.
-Ye- yes!
Jaehyun walks behind you and gently moves your hair to the side, putting the necklace on you.
-"Does that belong to your boyfriend?" He is so close it's almost he's whispering in your ears. You get goosebumps.
-Excuse me?
He smirks and comes back to look you in the eyes.
-"I fought in the war 2 years ago, I remember those from the chinese soldiers." He tilts his head to the side and looks at you from head to toe. "Or you did?"
-A prince fighting at the war?
-"And a very bloody one but yes... it would be a shame being a prince and let your people alone bring victory to your country"
-It does
 belong to my boyfriend.
You hold your necklace in your chest.
-"And where is your precious boyfriend when a pretty face like you is talking to the enemy in another country?"
-It's complicated!
-"I have time!"
-Why? Do you want the full story to snitch on me?
-"Sweetie if I wanted to snitch you out I would have already!"
He was right.
-You wouldn't believe if I told you anyway!
-"Try me, I've seen it all"
You both sit on a stone beside the water.
-Well, when I was 9 my family was struggling, we didn't have food, money, anything
 so my father sold me and my sister to a concubine's house. She went to a different house than mine so I never saw her again actually. But anyway after years of being a slave in all forms to that house I fell in love, to someone from the thai mafia, of course things got out of control, I was so dumb. When I tried to run away he found out and did this tattoo on me, I was in so much pain because I fell off the roof trying to run away that I didn't even felt the pain of the needle, I just stayed there, still. Then I met Kun, I fell in love again, he helped me to escape, and it worked.
-"And I assume that story of being Ms. Lee's niece is all lies."
-Yes! She helped to raise Kun and met his mother so it's the only reason she's doing this until he arrives.
-"Oh so he's coming."
-He works for the Emperor and he said they would kill both of us if he ran away, so he is gonna wait a little bit and ask to retire, he wants to do it the right way, then he'll join me.
-"If you allow me to say this but
 I would never have let you to come alone, sometimes you don't have to do it the right way" He gets up and walks to the exit of the bath. "But I'm glad he did and we could meet"
You give a small smile with the corner of your lips.
-"Oh and by the way..." He turns at you. "The staff's bath area is on that way." He points to his left.
-I know now. Thanks.
He smiles and leaves.
Weeks passed and you were getting used to your new life. You were doing your job right, even making some different dishes from your hometown to the princes. Meanwhile you unexpectedly started spending time with Jaehyun. Since your conversation at the bath, you both got closer in a natural way. On every free time you had you spent time together, you mostly liked to walk on the garden because it was more private, he told you about his childhood, how he had to give up on so many things to be who the kings expected him to be, how he felt like he was on a prison his whole life and how he found joy on learning how to fight because it was the only way he had to express himself and not follow the rules. You were surprised at how wholesome he was, he made questions about your life in a way that you know he wasn't being just pity, he was interested in how other realities exist outside the Palace.
One afternoon Ms. Lee asked you to go to the flea market to buy fruit for the dinner's banquet. You went alone since now you were familiar with that.
Because of the summer there were a lot of different kinds of fruits on sale. You bought peaches because you knew Jaehyun likes it. After buying everything you needed you see some crowd gathering between the market, you approached them and notice some weird men you've never seen before. They were thieves. They were on their horses, destroying the sellers' stands, pushing everyone in their way, they even tried to put a food stand on fire. You saw a little kid who got lost from their parents and was crying right in the middle of the path where the thieves were. You run in his direction and catch him, putting him safely to the side of the road, when one of the men slaps your face "Get out of the way slut!"
The slap was hard so you fell on the ground when suddenly you see another group of men coming that way, they all had black clothes and katanas. The samurais. They were so fast, they fought the thieves in a blink of an eye. There are people running and dust everywhere, you feel a hand on you. "Let's get you out of here" you recognize the voice, Yuta holds you and takes you to a safe place.
-"Why every time I see you, you're in trouble? Didn't I tell you to not walk around alone?"
-I was just buying stuff at the market when they came out of nowhere.
-"You're bleeding, let me see your lips" Yuta takes the fabric that was covering his mouth and carefully wipes the blood on your lips.
-"You're gonna need ice if you don't want to get bruises..."
-Don't worry, I've had worse wounds! - You laugh.
-"You didn't tell me where you came from"
-You didn't either, and why are you doing this? Helping me when you told me to stay away?
-"Well you should!"
-I'm not afraid of you.
Yuta looks at you, his mysterious gaze turns into vulnerability.
-So, I will tell you my story if you tell me yours! - You say.
-"Years ago the king had a deal with Osaka’s emperor, since he traveled there and they proposed to do an alliance and protect each nation together, but when the war happened and the emperor asked for the samurais to fight on their side here in Korea. We came and it was all a trap, a lot of us died, the emperor stole our ships and made all his people be afraid of us spreading lies, that we were dangerous. Since we couldn’t come back home we settled ourselves here, but the funny thing is every time the small villages are in danger, like what you saw today, it’s us who come first to help them. You asked me why I saved you, where I came from, we take care of everyone, no matter what."
-I'm sorry!
-"Now your turn, what’s your dark pass?"
-Apparently like you I was also a victim of the war in my country, but other than having a sword and fighting I was just a concubine trapped in a house for so many years, let’s say I just involved myself with the wrong people and ran away.
-"It’s called a katana
 the sword. And maybe I can teach you how to fight." He smiles.
He gives you the sword.
-It's much lighter than I thought.
-"Careful, it's lighter but the blade is gonna be the sharpest of all swords. Here... You must hold like this!" He took your hands and taught you how to hold the sword, carefully he showed you some self defense moves.
-"Now if someone ever tries to slap your face again, you do this..." Yuta grabs your wrists and pins you agains't a tree, you can't move obviously, he is so close to you and you feel the sexual tension building.
-"Get away from her!" You hear a familiar voice screaming. It's Jaehyun.
Jaehyun gets off his horse, he was mad, you never saw him like that. You jump in front of Yuta.
-No wait! He saved my life! - You scream.
-"What? Y/n do you know who he is? He is a murderer." Jaehyun looks at you.
-"If you arrived 10 minutes earlier you could have joined us but the little prince was busy at his Palace right?" Yuta provokes him.
-"That's enough!" Jaehyun comes closer but Yuta doesn't even flinch.
-Please Jaehyun, let's go!
You grab his arm and take him away from Yuta.
- "This doesn't end here bastard!" - Jaehyun spits at Yuta's direction.
You come back to the Palace with Jaehyun and he takes you to the bath area.
He is sweating, you could see his veins popping because of how mad he was.
- Jaehyun please, everything is alright, you need to calm down!
- "No it's not, look at you, you're hurt" he grabs your face and touches your lip with his thumb.
- It's ok now, I was at the market when some thieves arrived, I was protecting a little kid who was gonna get hit by their horses, they got mad because I was in the way but I swear it was nothing and Yuta helped me and everyone in there!
- "What? How do you know his name?"
- When I arrived from China he saw me at the harbor, I was so weak from the trip he helped me and even took me to Ms. Lee! I don't care about your old family issues, he helped me and that's all.
- "I'm sorry I'm just
 the Palace guards heard the thieves were at the market and when I knew you were there I got my horse and went after you, I just couldn't let anything bad happen to you y/n!"
He grabs your face with both of his hands and kisses you. You try to push him but still can't open your eyes and break the kiss completely "Jaehyun we shouldn't..."
- "If you don't want it then tell me to stop" your heart is beating so fast, you swallow hard and look up at Jaehyun, "I know I'm not the only one feeling this" He says kissing you hard again.
He is right. "Touch me" you say, grabbing his hands and placing them on your breasts. When he is caressing his hands on your breast he removes your necklace, dropping it on the ground. He unties your dress and slides the fabric until your lower body, he is on his knees in front of you and he passes his hands on the back of your thighs until your butt and kisses your thighs slowly. He keeps eye contact with you and licks your clit, you moan and grabs his hair in response to his tongue going faster.
In your head it felt so wrong because you were in love with Kun, but Jaehyun made you feel so needy, mind and body.
Jaehyun gives a hard lick on your clit and makes his way up to your stomach leaving a tray of kisses until your breasts, he sucks one nipple while his other hand and flicks the other one. He gets up and kisses you, the kiss was so wet, for a moment you forget that anything else exists while he kisses you hard, licking and sucking your bottom lip. He takes off his clothes, his hard dick slaps on his toned abs, pre cum leaking over his tip. Jaehyun lifts you up "Let's go inside" taking you to one of the hot tubs.
When you felt the heat of the water on your body, the feeling of pleasure and lust took over you, Jaehyun pulled you down onto his lap and gave you another kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck when you feel his tip on your core. "Oh my god" you scream while his hands holding your waist puts you down until his whole length was inside of you. The feeling was so different, you got a harder friction because of the water and you start moving up and down to get used to his size. Jaehyun's shoulders and biceps tense while his cock is stretching you out. You bounce on him screaming in pleasure, body trembling as he helps you to move faster.
He was pushing all the way into you, hitting your g-spot. You arch your back and moan his name, clenching every time he enters you. You're almost out of breath when he sucks your neck and presses his thumb against your clit. "Jae, I'm gonna..." you can see he is close as well as he sucks your neck even harder and moves his finger faster. You scream when you feel your orgasm, your arching pussy made his cock tighter while he couldn't hold it anymore and released into you as well.
You both stay in the water for a bit recovering from the climax, he pulls you to his chest and you close your eyes.
-Am I dreaming?
-"I think the reality right now is better than your dreams."
"Reality" you thought, back at your own senses you couldn't help but be disappointed at yourself. Because of you Kun was risking his own life to help you to run away and now you're with the prince of the place he arranged you to work for. Maybe you were just a filthy concubine, maybe you deserved everything they did to you, even your tattoo. You roll your body and rest your head at the border of the hot tub, a tear coming out of your eye.
Part 3 coming soon
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ghostietea · 3 years
Furuba autistic headcanons
With it being April, or autism acceptance month, I wanted to finally drop my list of characters from Fruits Basket that I read as autistic! This is based a lot on my own experience, as well as that of other autistics I know or have seen talk online. I hope some people can get something out of it, feel free to tell me what you think 😊, though please refrain from getting upset that I would dare suggest your fave is autistic.
Before becoming able to better control her powers, she would be constantly overwhelmed by the things she heard to the point that she couldn't even really go out in public. This reads a lot like sensory overload.
Constantly picked on in school because other kids thought she was weird. Eventually reclaimed this weirdness and turned it into a whole persona.
Seems to talk usually in a relatively flat tone.
Had trouble socializing with no friends outside her family until middleschool.
Has a very funny, dry sense of humor that I find very similar to a bunch of autistics I know, including myself.
Listen. You have seen the funky little man, you have seen the way he talks, the way he acts around others. He is, and I mean this in the best way, a weirdo. I do not know how you could look at him and see a neurotypical.
Once again, like Hana, Haru is funny in a way that feels very autistic.
Very flat, dry, tone delivery. Sometimes just Says Things that make everyone else go huh??? Suuuuper blunt. Doesn't emote facially a lot of the time.
When this man sees a social norm he doesn't get he WILL NOT follow it. Pierces his ears just because his hair got flak, defends Momiji wearing whatever he wants because sometimes y'know the social rules are just dumb and don't make sense. Especially dress codes.
Sometimes says things not befitting the current tone of the situation.
Represses (masks) a lot of his emotions, leading to outbursts that seem uncharacteristic.
His main childhood trauma revolves around adults branding him as "dumb" and ridiculing him. Haru, however, is super smart and wise!! Just in an offbeat way that not everyone may get.
Reads as very "flat" emotionally to the point that others would call her boring. Also has a flat vocal delivery.
Relies on specific habits or ways of doing things or else she gets super upset (her hatred of imperfection.
Has trauma surrounding adults completely misconstruing her intentions and thinking she's doing something malicious when she's not.
Generally behaves in a way that's hard for others to understand, one of her formative moments with Yuki was him saying he wanted to "see how the world looks" through her eyes.
Once again, trouble socializing.
Tries super hard to please her parents but in the end they still see her as somehow inherently "defective."
Listen. A lot of this one and the last two are mostly vibes, hard to verbally define. You just have to look at them and trust me.
Displays behavior very reminiscent of masking throughout the story, a huge part of her arc is about how she hides a lot of herself and has a very controlled persona. I think it would fit very well if she had other autistic behaviors that she suppresed also it helps explain why she is relatively socially adept, it's learned behavior to make people like her more.
Yes she is very good at saying what others need to hear, but especially early on she is pretty blatantly imitating her mother's words. She only gets better at getting through on a more personal level later on (see her with Rin and Akito v. early series Tohru). She does this by relating her own experiences, a very autistic way of showing empathy that often gets us written off as self centered. The way she relays things her mom said could also be seen as this, and she even worries at a few points that she's being insensitive for going on about things like that.
While emotionally repressed she is hyper empathetic and feels other's emotions so strongly she cries.
Her speech patterns are all imitated from her father and she often copies verbal things from others (see Ritchan-san). Noted in canon that people think her way of speaking is slightly off/not befitting of someone her age. Additionally, her father was polite more sarcastically, while she plays it straight and sometimes takes things very literally or fails to get the message, indicating trouble with reading tone. Has numerous strange verbal tics, including saying parts of her internal monologue out loud without context.
Very expressive with her hands including waving them around and flapping them up and down.
Does have a bit of trouble with accidental insensitivity in social interactions, like how she constantly fixates on her mom and realizes that might bug the Sohma.
Has trouble paying attention in school since it doesn't have much to do with her interests
Her only friend until she was a middle schooler was her mom
Has a pretty unique outlook on things compared to others, people seem to think she's pretty eccentric. There's always a "this girl is nice but in an odd way, she's our weirdo and we love her" vibe.
Sometimes has an "inappropriate" emotional response to situations
Has a lot of trouble with change, similar to Akito. Which oh, look at the time, next hc coming up.
But first, a disclaimer. It is cathartic for me to read Akito this way, but with that reading comes the baggage that she would, mayhaps, be showing a more negative side of things... It doesn't bother me since it's a joint hc with other characters and she does develop at the end but yeah, general villain hc baggage. This is in no way me trying to excuse her being The Worst being autistic doesn't absolve you of being able to do wrong . Also, a lot of these points can and do have other explanations related to her upbringing, but things can be for more than 1 reason. With that said, she really strongly comes off as autistic to me, in a way that's sorta hard to explain. I wrote a lot more for her than the other, both because I felt I needed more to convince people and that this headcanon was more sensitive and I needed to be careful in my explanation. Also hey! She's my special interest within a special interest.
Shown to have a dislike of summer weather due to heat and brightness, could be due to sensory issues in tandem with sickness things. Also covers her ears when people raise their voice sometimes which is partially her trying to shut down opposition but also đŸ€” can read a different way. She'd also avoids louder Juuni like Ritsu and Ayame because she can't handle them.
Wears pretty much the same outfit every single day. Said outfit is also pretty loose fitting.
Always seen sitting in a pretty unconventional way. Evidence:
Tumblr media
Of course this is also the isolated in a cult thing and there is a level of her purposefully doing things to intimidate but: doesn't follow a lot of social rules (overly touchy with strangers, legit doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong, ect.). Repeatedly confused when people indicate she should act otherwise without explanation. Has a breakdown when this comes to a head and approximately says that "they" shouldn't expect her to know "common sense" if "they" never explained it to her, that the way that she was was her "common sense."
Often talks in a way uncharacteristic of her age when shown as a child in a more faux mature/pretentious way. Might just be the translation and idk how to explain it but her speech as an adult also seems off from what one would normally use in conversation. Additionally, when she tries to fake being friendly in her intro chapter, it comes of as extremely stiff and unconvincing.
Generally displays behavior that could be thought of as childish as an adult, but a lot of this behavior could also read as autistic (covering ears, emotional deregulation and meltdowns, ignorance of basic social norms, ect.). It's also important to note that she knows that this behavior makes her seem younger and more helpless to the older zodiac and uses it as a manipulation tactic. Has issues regarding people treating her like a child or only hanging out with her because of pity. While she does weaponize it, we can tell that this grates on her, as seen with her finally blowing up on Kureno, which is partially triggered by the maids saying some sorta infantalizing stuff about her. Irl, a lot of autistic adults and teens struggle with being infantalized for our behavior generally or treated as little babies that can do no wrong. Even in fandom, you see people doing stuff like jumping to call autistic adult characters, such as Entrapta from Shera, "minor coded." It is also common for us to have at least one bad experience with someone hanging around us out of pity. This is something that really gave me a similar feeling in Akito's arc. She's not a baby and she can understand and do better if she is given the chance to learn and break from all the freaky cult indoctrination she's been subjected to instead of just being constantly enabled. In the end, a lot of her growth is represented by her showing that she is capable of changing and being independent.
Shows particular difficulty with socialization, often sits by herself spacing out at social events. A lot of her fear is rooted in the fact that she doesn't know how normal relationships work, becoming overly reliant on the curse because she doesn't know how to make friends.
Clings desperately onto the notion of being "special" and in some way superior to others to be worthy and to make up for perceived inherent "flaws." It's the nd gifted kid burnout vibes for me.
Easily bothered by things that don't bother others. Feels emotions very strongly to the point of getting physically ill and has bad emotional regulation.
Relatively good at reading others in an analytical sense (though has more trouble when it comes to seeing how they feel about her since she's wildly delusional) but brings up her observations in a very cold, detached way and hurts people even on the rare occasion she didn't mean to. Has extreme trouble connecting to others and understanding their point of view. This makes her come off as pretty unempathetic even though that might not fully be the case. Also thinks that people like Momiji are trying to look down on her when they try to empathize with her. A lot of why Tohru can get through to her is that she manages to convince Akito that she's not condescending by relating shared traits and experiences. As I said earlier, autistics often empathize by sharing their own experiences with someone, and I know I often have an easier time confiding in other autistics because of a fear of being seen as lesser by those that don't understand me. I think the connection between these charachters and the way that Tohru manages to reach Akito like that while others couldn't makes a lot of sense through an autistic lense!
Additionally, when Akito herself gets around to trying to help others instead of just projecting trauma, she tries to reach out to the old maid by relating back to her own experiences. This however, doesn't work.
Has "cold" emotional reactions sometimes even to things that do make her upset. For example, how sort of calm and detached she acted after her father's death can make her seem uncaring. However, we know that this event did mess her up a lot and she is still (poorly) dealing with a lot of grief from the death of her father years later.
Copies mannerisms from others, the most blatant example is with Ren, who she directly parrots lines from as a child to Yuki.
Partly just her posturing, but gestures a lot with her hands when she talks. Also seen several times clutching her hands in her hair.
Deals extremely poorly with the idea of things changing to the point that it is a driving force of the story.
Does not understand when people tease her.
Ect. Ect. Ect. Listen, I could go on for ages but just trust me, the mean gremlin lady is autistic.
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