herbiemikeadamski · 1 year
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 11月11日(金) #先負(戊辰) 旧暦 10/18 月齢 16.7 年始から315日目(閏年では316日目)にあたり、年末まであと50日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 先週は三日の木曜日が文化の日で 休みでしたので、一日足りないの で楽でしたが、今週は月曜日から きっちりと毎日付合い猛残業の日 が続いたので偉く長く感じました✋ やっとラストスパート金曜日でござる😅💦 今日は席替えがあって今まで恰好の 隠れ家的な席でしたから気兼ねなく マイペースでやれたが、今度の行き先 は、まるで晴れの大舞台に追いや られた感じの場所ですからドンドン 追いやられ益々と酷酷酷になるわ💢 折角、隅っこ角っこで昼休みでも 寝袋広げて寝れたけど今度の所は まるで公共の大通りみたいな所で そうは行かなくなりました🤣😆🤣 現在、20人の大所帯ですがもっと 増えるらしくデスクが六個も入って 来ると💦ちょっとした中小企業の 会社みたいになってますわ🤣😆🤣 . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍♂お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #シマリスの日.  シマリス愛好家でシマリス写真家のBikke the Chipが制定。  ブログなどでシマリスの魅力を広めるとともに、飼い方や一緒に生活する上での心構えなどを発信している。  シマリスの愛らしさや名前の由来でもある「縞」の魅力などを多くの人に知ってもらうことが目的。  日付はシマリスの背中の5本の縞を11/11と見立てて11月11日としたもの。  2015年のこの日に自身のインスタグラムとツイッターで「シマリスの日」を提唱して以降、この日に「#シマリスの日」で  数多くの写真が投稿されるなど、多くのシマリス愛好家から認知される日となっている。 . . #先負(センマケ=又は、センプ・センブ・サキマケ、とも言う).  「先負日」の略。  陰陽(おんよう)道で、急用や公事(クジ)に悪いとされる日。  「先ずれば即ち負ける」の意味で、「何事も先に急いではいけない」とされる日です。  午前中はとくに悪く、午後はしだいによくなるという俗信がある。 . . #ヘアドネーションの日.#おさかなのソーセージの日. #ゴボチの日.#東筑軒の立ち食いうどん・そばの日. #ハイブリッドキャリアの日.#笑ってOne for Allの日. . . #シンボリルドルフ三冠馬. 1984(昭和59)年11月11日(日)京都競馬場でシンボリルドルフが第45回菊花賞で勝利した。  2年連続、日本競馬史上4頭目の三冠馬となる。 . . #煙突の日.#ダブルソフトでワンダブル月間(#ダブルソフトの日). #ヤンヤンつけボーの日. #キリン一番搾りの日. #夢をえがくバルーンアートの日.#棒ラーメンの日.#キットパスの日.#いただきます、やますの日.#うまい棒の日. #十一の奈良漬の日.#スティックパンの日.#もやしの日.#電池の日. . . ●配線器具の日.●ピーナッツの日.●チーズの日.●くつしたの日(ペアーズディ・恋人達の日). ●西陣の日.●下駄の日.●きみしゃんいりこの日.●YEGの日.●勇者の日.●わんわんギフトの日. ●生ハムの日.●串カツ田中の日.●ライスパワーNo.11の日.●プラズマクラスターの日. ●いい獣医の日.●ベースの日.●サムライの日.●たくあんの日.●チンアナゴの日. ●スーツセレクトの日.●まつげ美人の日.●いい出会いの日.●ジャックポットの日. ●豚饅の日.●モールアートの日.●美しいまつ毛の日.●立ち飲みの日.●ネイルの日. ●おそろいの日.●ミュージカル「キャッツ」の日.●コピーライターの日.●鏡の日. ●介護の日.●ジュエリーデー .●ポッキー&プリッツの日.●磁気の日.●サッカーの日. ●きりたんぽの日.●おりがみの日.●鮭の日.●長野県きのこの日.●クラブツーリズムひとり旅の日. ●ととのえの日.●シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ『キュリオス』の日.●岩下の新生姜の日.●イオン液体の日. . . ●生命保険見直し月間(1日から30日).●おかあちゃん同盟の日(毎月11日). ●ロールちゃんの日(毎月11日).●めんの日(毎月11日). . . ■本日の成句■. #上には上がある(ウエニハウエガアル). 【解説】 最高にすぐれていると思っても、更に優れたものがある。 うぬぼれや欲望を戒める言葉。 . . 1952(昭和27)年11月11日(火)友引. #吉幾三 (#よしいくぞう) 【歌手、シンガーソングライター】 〔青森県北津軽郡金木町〕. . . (Saburou, Kumamoto-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cky-O4HhSq-B2uxmvhNc6PdRtLlC0CmVZOvEp00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angryborzois · 6 months
最後に乃木がノコルに伝えたことわざ 「皇天親無く惟徳を是輔く」 はベキがまだ生きてる事を案じている…(ことわざは徳を行う者を援助するだけであるって意味…つまり乃木は「徳」を行ってきたベキを助けた)
つまりタイトルはそれに繋がって 「ベキはまだ生きている」 という意味ではないかって…
これ凄い納得した(今まで 「ヴィヴァンってタイトル、結局意味なんか一切無かったじゃん」 って思ってたw)
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flovverworks · 1 year
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gdmtblr · 8 months
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Hi, dear friends💙 How have you been?
I am so fed up with this summer heat☀️🥵🔥But according to the long-term weather forecast, the extremely hot days will still continue for a while… ahhh, What the heck!!!
Nico is the only one in our pack who is always in good spirits✨🐶✨Awww… it's wonderful to be young!!🐾🐾
それにしても、いつまで暑いんでしょうかねー(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) 9月になっても厳しい残暑が続くとの予報に心が折れそうです💧そんななかでもニコだけはいつも元気いっぱい、散歩道や公園の広場をぴょんぴょんと脱兎のごとく駆け回っています✨🐶✨健康優良で実に素晴らしいことですが、涼しい時期ならいざ知らず、この夏場にそんな仔犬のメガハイテンションさと延々付き合うのは正直大変だったりします😅しかしながら、肉体的にも精神的にもタフでなければイヌの飼い主なんか務まりませんから、僕も「ヒャッホーー💕」なんつって自分を鼓舞しながら、年甲斐もなく(笑)ニコと一緒にはしゃいでいるのでした🤣🤣🤣その前に早朝4:00から6:00くらいまでハグの散歩に行っているのは言うまでもありませんwドMな自分バンザイww
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straycatj · 3 months
We all know Mr. J is a toasted marshmallow, but has he seen a toasted marshmallow (food)? Do they have marshmallows in Japan?
This is one of Japanese marshmallows...
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vashtijoy · 7 months
haru: "we'll just take him out again"
Ah, this 1/10 line of Haru's, about what they should do if Akechi betrays them all a second time.
I've talked about Haru and Akechi before—she is overwhelmingly compassionate towards him. She shows him understanding he has not earned and does not deserve. She contrasts, in fact, with Futaba, who takes a consistently harsh tone with him—and well may she do so.
Haru is done dirty by the bulk of the fandom with this flanderised crazy axe mean girl schtick, and this translation does not help. So it's time for another big red....
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Let's take a look.
tatakau: "to fight or battle"
Haru また裏切るようなら戦うだけだよ。 mata uragiru you nara tatakau dake da yo Plus, if he does betray us again, we’ll just take him out too.
mata uragiru you nara—"if he betrays us again, then we'll...". tatakau dake da yo—"we'll just tatakau him". But what's that verb; what's tatakau?
戦う tatakau means to fight, or do battle, or to make war on someone, or to oppose them. It's a common word. ALC has a number of examples:
戦うか逃げるかの反応 tatakau ka nigeru ka no hannou, "fight-or-flight response";
戦うことを諦める tatakau koto o akirameru, "to give up the fight";
戦う必要なく tatakau hitsuyou naku, "without even having to fight".
It is excessively common in P5:
Ryuji (before one of the robot minibosses in Okumura's Palace) こりゃもう戦うしかねーな! korya mou tatakau shika nee na! Looks like we're gonna have to fight. Haru (when you try to switch her into the party too early) 私も戦えるよ! watashi mo tatakaeru yo! I can fight too! Haru (before a robot miniboss) こうなったら戦うしか⋯! kou nattara tatakau shika...! It looks like we just have to fight!
tatakau is the word we translate as "fight"; "a fight" is often tatakai, from the same root verb. When the PTs fight in the Metaverse, they are tatakau-ing. And when they fought Akechi in the engine room? They tatakau-ed him:
Ann 同じヤツを憎んでるのに、なんで戦うの!? onaji yatsu o nikunderu no ni, nande tatakau no!? We both hate the same guy! Why do we have to go against each other!? Morgana 戦う前に笑ってたの⋯あれ、本心だろ? tatakau mae ni waratteta no... are, honshin daro? That smile before we fought… Isn't that how you really feel?
See? Let's look at Haru's line one more time:
Haru また裏切るようなら戦うだけだよ。 mata uragiru you nara tatakau dake da yo Plus, if he does betray us again, we’ll just take him out too. And if he betrays us again, we'll just fight him again.
the phantom thieves' ghost murder victim
The other key point is this: though this isn't present in the Japanese, the localisation still says "too". "we'll just take him out too". Who's that "too"?
They're not killing Maruki, despite Akechi's efforts. They didn't kill any of their targets. They didn't even kill Shido, who they all held responsible for the murder of Haru's father, and Futaba's mother, and who knows how many others.
In short: nobody is getting murdered in this line—except Haru, by the localisation.
"take him out"
In fairness to everyone who fast-forwarded all of Haru's dialogue and so thinks she's even worse than Akechi, cold-bloodedly planning murder as a form of revenge, "take him out" is a confusing choice of words.
"take him out" means to disable a target. This is how it gets its primary meaning of "kill him". It means to get something or someone out of your way, in a way that corresponds with its death or destruction—or, as in this case, with extreme violence; remember they KO Akechi in the engine room, just like every other boss.
This is why it's common in so many contexts—sport, business, politics. You take out targets in many fields, but you don't kill them! In the same way, Haru intends for them to eliminate Akechi as a threat, if he ever makes it necessary again.
Futaba makes this explicit to him the next day, on 1/11:
Futaba けどまた裏切ったりしたら、絶対許さない。 kedo mata uragittari shitara, zettai yurusanai BUT if you ever betray us again, we'll make sure you regret it.
Futaba says this right to his face: "if you betray us again, don't think you'll get away with it"; "if you betray us again, you're done for." She tells him this is his one and only chance.
(That zettai yurusanai, of course, is the same wording she uses about the men in black suits, and the men who killed her mother—it's fighting talk, blood debt talk. And it's interesting that she has clearly not yet put Akechi into that category. yurusanai is also the word Haru uses to him in the engine room, often translated as "I can't forgive you".)
context matters
Many common misunderstandings of P5's characters and plot boil down to something like this: an overfocus on one memorable line, at the expense of the bigger picture. Again, in fairness, P5 is a huge game, which makes this very easy to do.
But the fact that the Phantom Thieves have chosen not to kill comes up over and over. It is absolutely fundamental to them: their justice does not include murder.
Again: the fact that they don't go in for vigilante killings is what makes them better than Akechi! Part of the essence of their conflict is that Akechi has made bad choices that the PTs avoided—such as Ann's fateful choice to let Kamoshida live:
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Just as with Ann and Kamoshida, I don't think the Thieves would stop Haru or Futaba, if they decided Akechi should die. But I also don't think it would pass without question, as Haru's "take him out" line does. Even if nobody else said a word, Makoto would say something. Because the Phantom Thieves are not murderers.
when someone shows you who they are, believe them
On top of that, if you want to read Haru's "take him out" as meaning she wants Akechi dead, you have to ignore everything else she says about him—and, frankly, every other time she's onscreen. Because Haru oozes kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness from her every pore.
Remember, Haru expresses compassion for Akechi, not hate. Here she is on 12/25:
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Look at that. Commit it to memory. Show all your friends. Haru is glad Akechi is alive. She's glad he turned himself in and thinks he should pay for his crimes—but she didn't want him dead, and she certainly doesn't want to kill him.
In the engine room, when he's at the point of death, she's afraid for him. She runs forward to call to him; note that Futaba does not, and is at the back of the group, furthest from Akechi.
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Even when Haru judges Akechi for what he took from her, she is sympathising with him:
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When Cognitive Akechi arrives, Haru isn't just trying to stop Akechi turning on them to save his own skin. She empathises with him, and understands how complex his feelings towards Shido truly are—and why that puts them all in so much danger:
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Say it again and say it loud: Haru understands Akechi.
but how does she really feel
Haru tells us her secret feelings in the safe room:
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See? Just like Futaba, she doesn't want to be around him; she doesn't want him as part of the group. But she doesn't want to kill him.
That's not her nature. Haru is not a murderer. I'll say it again for the kids at the back: Haru is not a murderer. Her compassion is what makes her unlike Akechi. It's what makes her so much better than him.
She doesn't need to be his best friend to understand him. She doesn't need to hang out with him to see herself in his situation—because the two of them have so much in common. She can acknowledge that he wronged her without secretly (or not-so-secretly) wishing him dead. Haru is a better person than most of us, and her feelings about Akechi are complex.
what is the line actually about?
The sad thing is that Haru's "we'll just take him out" is a beautiful line.
Remember, Haru could be justifiably afraid of the prospect of being around Akechi. He's not safe. He's responsible for one of the greatest traumas of her life. But she shuts that fear down: "if he betrays us again, we'll just fight him again".
She removes his power over her—power to control her, to intimidate her, to make her afraid. Haru can stand up to Akechi and look him in the face, because she's surrounded by her friends. And her friends will stand with her. They prove it over and over in the third semester, when they repeatedly prioritise her feelings and Futaba's. It's made clear repeatedly that if either of them have a problem, Akechi will not be on the team.
So Haru is prepared to work with the scorpion by the river. She understands what made it how it is, and that it can only act according to its nature. But she'll be watching—and she'll be ready. Just like Akechi, who steps forward to fire on Maruki when the rest of them are paralysed.
It's just that Haru's bag of tricks doesn't include murder. Akechi has kept that in his back pocket—but Haru never had it in hers. It's a shame that Haru's clearsightedness here, and her readiness to act—something else she shares with Akechi—is so badly misunderstood as "lol funny murder psycho girl".
Akechi's second betrayal looks like them beating the shit out of him. I'm sure Haru would shoot him in the face a second time, and good luck to her. I'm sure the Phantom Thieves would, each and every one of them, make him deeply regret it before he was again turned in—voluntarily or otherwise.
But murder? No. That's never on the table. That's not Haru, and it's not the Phantom Thieves. And, ultimately, that's why they're the good guys, and Akechi is not.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/10/13)—first published.
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_Art Book of Naruto Uzumaki_ Part-5
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もう単純に普段と違う絵が描けたのが楽しかった。 こ それはもうほとんど、 ナルトとサスケを描いた、という よりカエルとタカを描いて喜んでました。
This one was fun simply because I got to draw in a different style. It was great to depict Naruto and Sasuke, or I should say, toad and hawk.
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ナルトとサスケが 対立していく本編の図式を、一枚の絵で表現したかったんです。共にお互いのことを良く分かっているので、 刃を交わしながらも険しさは見せず、表情はむしろ冷静なくらい。ここでわざとらしく表情を 露にしてしまったら、冷めてしまうと思うんです。感情を出さない、その静けさが逆に恐いかと。背景にも対立・対比を表現するために、"空と海”という2つのモチーフを入れ込みました。決して交わることのない緑と赤、空と海ですね。
I wanted to express the concept of the main storyline, where Naruto and Sasuke come into conflict, in a single image. Since they know each other so well, they aren't showing hostility even as they cross knives. They look rather calm. I thought that if I gave them obviously antagonistic expressions, it would come off as too deliberate. By hiding their feelings, I hoped the calm atmosphere would seem chilling. I put the two motifs of sky and sea in the background in order to express a sense of the characters' conflict and contrast. The green and red, and the sky and sea, represent things that never mix.
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対称をイメージした構図で、ナルトがサスケの背中の上をぐるんと回っています。ふたりとも手足が同じ様なポーズになるようにして、背景に物を印で配置することで全体のバランスをとってます。さらにナルトの巻物が◯印になっていて ...そう、実は◯と×にもなっているんです(笑)。とにかく対称ということで、バランスをすごく意識して描きました。 今見るとアニメの影響からか、絵柄が少し変わり始めてるんじゃないかな? 結構お気に入りの一枚です。
I wanted a sense of symmetry in this picture with Naruto rolling over Sasuke's back. I positioned these two with their arms and legs in similar stances, then I balanced the overall composition by putting two crossing scrolls in the background. Also, the scroll Naruto is holding forms a circle...yep, it's an X and an O (laugh). Basically, it was symmetry that kept me focused on the overall balance in this one. Looking at this picture now, it appears that my drawing style has changed a bit since then. Maybe I've been influenced by the anime? This is one I like a lot.
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これは好きな絵ですね。この構図も、左右対称を意識して描きました。鎖と紐... あと腕も対称なんです。こじんまりした絵になっちゃいそうだったので、マントで風を表現して動きを出しました。ナルトとサスケのからみ合っている手足が うまくいった かな、と。
This is one of my favorites. I focused on making a symmetrical composition here too. The symmetrical elements include the chain and the cord, and Naruto and Sasuke's arms. To keep the picture from looking cramped and static, I added the cloaks blowing in the wind. I think Naruto's and Sasuke's tangled limbs turned out nicely.
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ジャンプの表紙に載った絵ですね。戦隊モノっぽいものを描いてくれ って言われて。戦隊モノって見栄切るじゃないですか。決めポーズですね。で、サスケがキャラ的にそんな ポーズをとるものか? と悩んだわけです。でもナルトはノリノリで、サクラも楽しそうにポーズをとっている。じゃあサスケは恥ずかしそうに・・・みたいな感じならOKかな、と。
This was on the front cover of Jump. I got a request to draw something like a superhero team for kids. Those heroes really strike great poses, don't they? This is Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura in hero poses. I wondered if Sasuke's personality would allow him to pose like that. But I knew Naruto would be willing to pose for sure, and so would Sakura, so I thought it'd be okay for Sasuke to strike a pose, if somewhat bashfully.
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months
ことわざ 17/?
ことわざ are Japanese proverbs, and I have listed some basic proverbs, their equivalents in English, and a rough translation of the meanings of the Japanese phrase.
There is a test for ことわざ called the ことわざ能力検定 (ことわざのうりょくけんてい) and these are some of the phrases that appear in level 9 or 9級 (10 being the lowest level). For the time being, try one or two of these out the next time you speak with a native Japanese speaker!
ことわざ (こと検9級): 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 More ことわざ (こと検10級): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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to furrow your brow
furrow your brow
lustrous black hair
black hair with a greenish sheen
to be deeply moved; to have wind/cold pierce the body
a feeling that permeates the body
to be touched by another's plight
feel a pinch of guilt on your body
hair-raising; spine-tingling
have your body's hair stand up in fear or from cold
hitting close to home
accurate criticism that is painful to the ear
in the know
ears are quick to receive new information
to inform
put into someone's ear
to hear ad nauseum
told something so much it creates calluses in your ears
irritating or annoying (sound)
a sound that sticks in the ear
a topic of interest
talk that makes ears approach
to doubt your own ears
doubt your ears
to lend an ear
lend an ear
to listen closely
tilt your ear over to listen
to focus your attention (and listen)
clear out your ears
to get the money together (to pay a debt)
arrange the ears (edges) of your coins
to give it your all
put in your whole body
a thought that cuts your body
to work yourself sick
whittle away your body with work
to work hard without complaint
work your body into powder
to make something of yourself; to make it on your own
raise up your body
to feel great sympathy
chest in pain
to be overcome with emotion
chest like a cupful of joy or sadness
excited; psyched up
chest dancing with joy or in anticipation
to feel uneasy
chest disturbing you with feeling something bad is going to happen
to be relaxed, worry-free
chest clear of worry
to feel uneasy
chest stuffed with sadness or worry
to take something to heart
engrave on your chest
to cause someone emotional distress
cause pain in another's chest
to touch someone's heart
strike someone's chest
to train with a superior
in sumo, to borrow someone's chest is to have the honor of training with them
to let out a sigh of relief
rub down your chest and let go of worries
to be wide-eyed and full of hope
inflate your chest with hope or joy
to have the scales fall from your eyes
to have the scales fall from your eyes
sharp as a tack
from a story where a craftsman enters the eye of a Buddha statue to affix the eye from inside. since he’s trapped he has the brilliant idea to escape through the nose of the statue.
to see stars
sparks coming out of your eyes
to be discerning
effective eyes
to be discerning
eyes grown fat with experience and knowledge
to tear up with emotion
eyes and head warm with emotion
to be highly discerning
so learned, it's as if your eyes are surveying from high above
① to have no eye for something; ② to lose objectivity
① have no eye for something; ② no eye for, or blind to, reality
to be extremely busy
so busy your eyes are spinning
to needlessly nitpick
raise up the speck in the corner of someone's eye for all to see
the pot calling the kettle black
eye crud laughing at snot
extremely close together
as close as the space before your eye and nose
to be unforgivable, unable to be overlooked
too much for your eyes to handle
to teach someone a lesson; to show someone what's what
show something before someone's eyes
to put on your game face
change the color of your eyes to indicate seriousness or anger
a thorn in your side; a pain in the butt
a person whose existence is like a lump above your eye
while you still live; while you still draw breath
while your eyes are still black (grey/white pupils indicate death)
something you really don't need to see right now
poison for the eyes because it will trigger craving/desire or cause discomfort
a sight that is too much to bear
so horrible, eyes can't hold witness to it
to completely ignore
not give an eye (attention) to something
to not be able to believe your own eyes
doubt your eyes
to be captivated
have your sight stolen and held captive by something
to cover your eyes
cover your eyes in fear
to show favoritism
place eyes upon, watch over someone
to keep an eye on
distribute your gaze around the area
to widen one’s eyes in shock
make your eyes like plates
to be shocked and flustered
eyes darting so fast they look white and black
to fix your gaze upon something
attach your eyes
to do something in secret
steal someone's eyes, act outside their vision
to keep careful watch
shine your gaze upon someone/something
to draw attention; to create a distraction
pull someone's gaze
to smile warmly
smile so that your eyes narrow
to open your eyes wide in shock
make your eyes round
to be impressed or moved emotionally
eyes open wide in pleasant surprise
to have eyes wide in shock or anger
eyes peeled wide open
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somewhatprofesional · 26 days
I've been watching Conan voice imitation streams of the Conan crew playing among us. There's these yearly stream where they sometimes invite Hattori vc and everytime he's on he's just automatically become a Kudo bot.
Like last year (2023) his kudos count is 155 compare to last last year (2022) with the count of 416 (thanks you the one who counted them in the comments). I swear his Kudos haunted me even when I'm sleeping.
Bonus content is when Heiji is being voted off he said something along the line of "There's no meaning if Kudos is already dead, just vote me off)(?) And my he goes full yandere sometimes while the Conan vc just keep trying to run away.
Conan even said once: "If I'm an imposter this guy right here would already been dead!"
Even funnier when Heiji and Kid surrounding lil cone and them both keep going :"Meitantei" "Oi Kudo"
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pikahlua · 8 months
MHA Chapter 398 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 弟子にして下さい でしにしてください deshi ni shite kudasai Please make me your disciple.
tagline 1 No.398 八木俊典:ライジングオリジン  堀越耕平 ナンバー398 やぎとしのり:ライジングオリジン  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 398 Yagi Toshinori: RAIJINGU ORIJIN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 398 Toshinori Yagi: Rising Origin  Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 飛来するのは⁉︎ ひらいするのは⁉︎ hirai suru no wa!? As for the one flying!?
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sound effect キュウ KYUU [grip]
1 超酸注入 ちょうさんちゅうにゅう chousan chuunyuu Super Acid Injection
2 "ピンキー"‼︎ "PINKII"!! "'Pinky"!!
3 巻き戻ったそばから まきもどったそばから makimodotta soba kara "Right after you rewound"
4 腐食し続けちゃうなあ⁉︎ ふしょくしつづけちゃうなあ⁉︎ fushoku shi tsudzukechau naa!? "you're continuing to corrode, see!?"
5 オオルマイト OORU MAITO "ALL MIGHT" (Note: This line is written with nigori on each kana for extra emphasis.)
6 "生ゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "なまゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "nama GOMI" ja nakatta kke!!? "Didn't you say I was 'Raw Garbage'!!?"
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1 手伝わせて下さい てつだわせてください tetudawasete kudasai "Please let me assist you."
2 バカ言え"個性"も無いんだろ? バカいえ"こせい"もないんだろ? BAKA ie "kosei" mo naindaro? "That's crazy talk, you don't have a quirk, right?"
3 ついてくんな tsuite kunna "Don't follow me."
4 お願いします おねがいします onegai shimasu "Please [take me on]."
5 棒切れで半径3メートルを守りな ぼうきれではんけい3メートルをまもりな boukire de hankei 3 MEETORU wo mamori na "Aren't you protecting a 3-meter radius with a stick?"
6 家族は昔殺されました かぞくはむかしころされました kazoku wa mukashi korosaremashita "My family was killed long ago."
7 私もだ わたしもだ watashi mo da "So was mine."
8 他人の復讐につき合う程暇じゃない たにんのふくしゅうにつきあうほどひまじゃない tanin no fukushuu ni tsukiau hodo hima ja nai "I don't have time to get involved with other people's revenge."
9 …許せないんです …ゆるせないんです ...yurusenaindesu "...I can't stand it."
10 奪った者が得をする世の中が… うばったものがとくをするよのなかが… ubatta mono ga toku wo suru yo no naka ga... "A world where those who steal profit..."
11 奪われた人の悲しみが憎悪に変換される…この螺旋が… うばわれたひとのかなしみがぞうおにへんかんされる…このらせんが… ubawareta hito no kanashimi ga zouo ni henkan sareru...kono rasen ga... "and the sadness of those who are robbed is transformed into hatred...this spiral..."
12 ーーで?それをどうー…… --de? sore wo dou-...... "--So? What will you do about-......"
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1 皆が笑って暮らせる世の中にしたいです みんながわ��ってくらせるよのなかにしたいです minna ga waratte kuraseru yo no naka ni shitai desu "I want to make a world where everyone can smile and get along."
2 その為には象徴が必要です そのためにはしょうちょうがひつようです sono tame ni wa shouchou ga hitsuyou desu "For that, a symbol is necessary."
3 …何の …なんの ...nan no "...What kind?"
4 平和の へいわの heiwa no "Of peace."
5 どれだけ建物を生やして どれだけたてものをはやして dore dake tatemono wo hayashite "No matter how many buildings are rebuilt
6 復興したように見えたとしても ふっこうしたようにみえたとしても fukkou shita you ni mieta to shitemo "and things seem to recover,"
7 人は依然怯えて暮らしています ひとはいぜんおびえてくらしています hito wa izen obiete kurashite imasu "people still go on living in fear."
8 心は闇に覆われたままです こころはやみにおおわれたままです kokoro wa yami ni oowareta mama desu "Their hearts remain shrouded in darkness."
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1 …力を…ひけらかせと? …ちからを…ひけらかせと? ...chikara wo...hikerakase to? "...You're saying you'll put on a display...of power?"
2 皆半径3メートルで手一杯です みんなはんけい3メートルでていっぱいです minna hankei 3 MEETORU de te ippai desu "Everyone has their hands full with their own 3-meter radius each."
3 だから私がやるんです だからわたしがやるんです dakara watashi ga yarundesu "That's why I will do this."
4 "無個性"には "むこせい"には "mukosei" ni wa "Because the quirkless"
5 役割がないから やくわりがないから yakuwari ga nai kara "have no assignments." (Note: This word "assignment" means also "role, part, duties, etc." Yagi is basically saying that the quirkless have no assigned role in this world, which leaves him free to take on this task.)
sign 田等院駅 たとういんえき Tatouin eki Tatooine Station
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1 AFO雄英に更に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワンゆうえいにさらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN yuuei ni sara ni sekkin!! "All For One is getting closer to UA!!"
2 ただ軌道がズレてる‼︎ ただきどうがズレてる‼︎ tada kidou ga ZUREteru!! "It's just that his trajectory is off!!"
3 オールマイトを追ってます‼︎ オールマイトをおってます‼︎ OORU MAITO wo ottemasu!! "He's chasing All Might!!"
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1 肋骨骨折 ろっこつこっせつ rokkotsu kossetsu "Rib fracture."
2 全身打撲 ぜんしんだぼく zenshin daboku "Entire body hit."
3 呼吸器ニ異常アリ こきゅうきニいじょうアリ kokyuuki NI ijou ARI "Anomaly in respiration."
4 私もかつて同じ"若さ"を持っていた おまえもかつておなじ"わかさ"をもっていた omae (read as: watashi) mo katsute onaji "wakasa" wo motte ita You (read as: I) once had that same youth. (Note: All Might is saying this to himself, hence he's calling himself "you.")
5 オールマイトという人間が オールマイトというにんげんが OORU MAITO to iu ningen ga The person called All Might
6 そのようにしか生きられぬのだ そのようにしかいきられぬのだ sono you ni shika ikirarenu no da could not live [his life] any other way.
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1 また少し幼くなったか…? またすこしおさなくなったか…? mata sukoshi osanaku natta ka...? Did he get a little younger again...?
2 自覚はしているのだろうか じかくはしているのだろうか jikaku wa shite iru no darou ka I wonder, is he aware of that?
3 探りを入れて我に返られるのも嫌だな… さぐりをいれてわれにかえられるのもいやだな… saguri wo irete ware ni kaerareru no mo iya da na... The injecting of the probe and returning it to me sure is unpleasant for him...
4 体内にぶち込まれた"超酸"を体外に出す為自損する程の負荷で"個性"を使った…とするとダメージによって加速度的に巻き戻しが進行する…? たいないにぶちこまれた"ピンキー"をたいがいにだすためじそんするほどのふかで"こせい"をつかった…とするとダメージによってかそくどてきにまきもどしがしんこうする…? tainai ni buchikomareta "PINKII (read as: chousan)" wo taigai ni dasu tame jison suru hodo no fuka de "kosei" wo tsukatta...to suru to DAMEEJI ni yotte kasokudoteki ni makimodoshi ga shinkou suru...? In order to take out the super acid that was driven inside his body, he used quirks with the burden of self-damage... If he does that, does the rewind progression accelerate due to the damage...?
5 ハハッ HAHA "Haha"
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2 間断なく持って来いエルクレス‼︎ かんだんなくもってこいエルクレス‼︎ kandan naku motte koi ERUKURESU!! "No pausing, bring it here, Hercules!!"
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1-2 人の役に立てて嬉しい ひとのやくにたててうれしい hito no yaku ni tatete ureshii I am happy to be of help to people.
3 がんばれっ‼︎ ganbare!! Go for it!!
4 がんばろうっ!!! ganbarou!!! Let's do our best!!!
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1 なあ⁉︎ naa!? Right!?
2 スラスター"ウラビティ" SURASUTAA "URABITI" "Thruster 'Uravity',"
3 "インゲニウム" "INGENIUMU" "'Ingenium',"
4 出力全開‼︎ しゅつりょくぜんかい‼︎ shutsuryoku zenkai!! "Power output at full throttle!!"
5 勝とうぜ! かとうぜ! katou ze! Let's win!
6 ーーーーーー… ------...
7 ーー戦ってる…! ーーたたかってる…! --tatakatteru...! --They're fighting...!
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1 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! All Might!!
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1 緑谷少年‼︎ みどりやしょうねん‼︎ Midoriya-shounen!! Young Midoriya!!
tagline オールマイトの奮戦…デクに届くーー‼︎ オールマイトのふんせん…デクにとどくーー‼︎ OORU MAITO no funsen...DEKU ni todoku--!! All Might's struggle...reaches Deku--!!
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mofffun · 2 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.24 [fin]
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
timeline: ep5
Ohsama Sentai's first battle... and a surprise guest
FINAL chapter
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t/n: p14 りったん 偉い偉い (Rittan erai erai) Literally, Rita is praising themself "magnificent", as in they are completed a historic deed - which is true. Their tone sounds like complimenting a child with the repetation.
Wow, I never expect myself to translate a whole web manga, even though it's just 24 chapters, it's 24 chapters I've never done before. It's pretty set that this is the end, but there's one very slim chance to say this is merely the end to the Ohsama Sentai formation arc and one day the adaptation will continue?
Above all as a Rita fan and a King-Oh fan, I'm grateful to see Toei trying out different thing with such a loved story. Overall it's a good introduction to each country and Rita's dynamic with them for newcomers while supplementing interesting context to old viewers. After episode 5 is where I'd recommend reading this in one-go if you're a first-time viewer though.
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script: p1 p2 降臨せよ キングオージャー! p3 ハハハハ! 地獄に落ちろ! あ 構わん! 貴様ら俺様に続け! p4 あんだ その態度は コラァ! 俺がテッペンだ! 倒したいなら私以外降りねばいいじゃない! 民を守りたいなら手段(しゅだん)を選ばないことです! p5 ハ!! うおっ! 何をやっている 逃げたぞ! p6 執刀する! 俺な邪魔すんな! あら? !まずい! p7 p8 ギャッ 貴様ら何を考えている! この…っ スカポンタヌキ! 貴様! おめぇが… 「わちゃ わちゃ」 p9 ああーっ! もう! p10 いいから黙って… 引っ込んでろ!!なさい!! p12 グワッ p14 ついに 五王国同盟に代わるものが実現(じつげん)できた… りったん 偉い偉い 何か言った? p15 言ってない え~ 言った 言ってない 聞きましたもん! 絶対何か言って笑った 笑ってない 不動の王リタとモルフォーニャの旅はまだまだ続く—— p20 ——とさ
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rikeijo · 5 months
Yuuri's VA new song for Yuuri was released! I bought it online, so I still don't know the official lyrics 🤣 and I'm not very good at recognizing sounds that are heavily modulated?... like what he does at the end of words, so it still contains some mistakes, I'm sure.
But the song.... The LYRICS... It really made me cry... 😭😭
It's 10000000000% worth the money, so consider supporting the artist!
((Forgot the title... It's 氷上の翼 Hyoujou no Tsubasa (Wings on Ice)))
Kimi (you) - Toyonaga -> Yuuri
Anata (you) - Yuuri -> (most likely) Victor
独り 暗い 落ちこんでるの I Hitori kurai ochikonderu no? I Still not sure about this line, I can't catch the last sounds of the words... "Alone, in the dark, are you feeling down?" But I'm not sure if it's a question or what 🤔 Anyway, this part is Toyonaga -> Yuuri.
山の頂 夢もまた夢さ I Yama no itadaki, yume mo mata yume sa I The top of a mountain, but dream is just a dream.
期待に 押しつぶされ 今日も 君は萎れてゆく I Kitai ni oshitsubusare, kyo mo kimi wa shiorete yuku I Crushed under other people's expectation towards you, today as well you wither away little by little
周りのせいにしてまで I Mawari no sei ni shite made (??) I I'm very unsure about this line -> probably, "So much that you blame people around you for that"
自分を 信じられなくて I Jibun wo shinjirerarenakute I You can't believe in yourself
心のエッジ 削られてゆく I Kokoro no ejji kezurarete yuku I The edges of your heart are shaven off little by little
独り 暗い 落ちこんでた (??) I Hitori kurai ochikondeta I Alone, in the dark, you felt down (?) (But again, I'm not sure)
奇跡なんて 起こるわけない I Kiseki nante okoru wake nai I It's impossible for a miracle to happen
そんな出会い 信じられない I Sonna deai shinjirarenai I I can't believe for such a meeting (between people) to be possible
後ろ向きな その背中に 翼を生やす人がいる I Ushiromukina sono senaka ni tsubasa wo hayasu hito ga iru I There is somebody who makes wings grow on this back that always faces backward
この氷上で 君は自由になる I Kono hyojo de kimi wa jiyu ni naru I On this ice, you become free
誰も見たことのない 君にしか描けない夢を I Dare mo mita koto no nai kimi ni shika egakenai yume wo I A dream that only you can give a shape to, one that nobody has ever seen
<Next is Yuuri -> Victor>
あなたがいれば、僕は鳥になれる I Anata ga ireba, boku wa tori ni nareru I If you are with me, I can become a bird
もっと高く羽ばたかせて 信じてるから I Motto takaku habakasete shinjiteiru kara I Let me fly higher, I trust you
<This part, I think, is about Victor>
(OMGGGG in this next part strings are more in the front of the music????, just like in Yuri on ICE, when Victor appears in Hasetsuuuuuu.... TOOSHIIII... 💀💀💀💀💀💀 Strings = Victor 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
光と闇 背中を合わせた I Hikari to yami senaka wo awaseta I Light and darkness standing back to back (Whaaat...? Is Vicchan the light, you mean....? Tosssshi.....)
あなたは 何を求めているの I Anata wa nani wo motometeiru no? I What it is that you want?
笑う顔が ただ見たくて I Warau kao ga tada mitakute I I'd just like to see you smile
見るとなぜか 泣きそうになり I Miru to naze ka nakisouni nari I But when I see it (you smile), for some reason I feel like I'm about to cry
僕よりも僕を信じて I Boku yori mo boku wo shinjite I Believing in me more than I myself believe in me
翼は気まぐれに空を飛ぶ I Tsubasa wa kimagure ni sora wo tobu I The wings fly in the sky at whim (as they want)
この氷上であなたのために舞う I Kono hyoujou de anata no tame ni mau I On this ice, I dance for you
他の誰でもない あなたと描きたい夢を I Hoka no dare demo nai anata to egakitai yume wo I The dream that I want to give a shape to (paint) with you, nobody else
僕ならできる 信じてくれるでしょう I Boku nara dekiru shinjitekureru deshou I I'm able to do it, you believe that, don't you?
最後まで見届けてよ 変われるから I Saigo made mitodokete yo Kawareru kara I Watch me till the end, because I can change
この氷上で 僕は自由になる I Kono hyojo de boku wa jiyu ni naru I On this ice, I become free
誰も見たことのない 僕にしか描けない夢を I Dare mo mita koto no nai boku ni shika egakenai yume wo I The dream that only I can give a shape to, one that nobody has ever seen
あなたがいれば、僕はどこまでも 飛べる I Anata ga ireba, boku wa doko made mo toberu I If you are with me, I can fly no matter how far (everywhere)
愛をこめて届けるよ そこで見てね I Ai wo komete dotokeru yo, soko de mite ne I I'll deliver it to you, with my love. Watch me from there.
I meaaaan.... Tosshi... OMG 😭😭😭😭😭
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anza-langblr · 4 months
名詞 // Nouns:
権威(けんい)authority 清楚(せいそ)neatness 苦笑い(にがわらい)bitter smile 微笑(びしょう)smile 名誉(めいよ)honor
動詞 // Verbs:
朽ちる(くちる)decay さらす expose しらばっくれる play dumb ずば抜ける(ずばぬける)stand out  はぐらかす dodge (a question), evade 微笑む(ほほえむ)smile
形容詞 // Adjectives:
後ろめたい(うしろめたい)have a guilty conscience 薄気味悪い(うすきみわるい)eerie おんぼろの shabby, run-down, worn-out 気だるい(けだるい)listless 微妙な(びみょう)subtle, delicate, fine 素っ頓狂な(すっとんきょう)wild, hysteric
その他 // Other:
概して(がいして)generally どうとでも one way or the other, either way なぜか for some reason, without knowing why なにやら some kind of
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The Contradictory Grim the End
A certain craftsman made a key
The door it opens no longer exists in this world
理不尽な運命 その果てに倒れた
Having succumbed at the end of an irrational, unfair fate
Were two opposing souls of light and darkness
That was "Grim the End"
The symbol of the sin of wrath
The man of darkness was Twiright
Who sought for evil to prosper by splitting up the original sin
The man of light was Moonlit
Who sought its destruction for the sake of the one he loved
It would change its form for each era--was it
A vessel to make sin?
A tool to kill sin?
A cruel fairytale over hundreds of years produced
A vessel that drew out people's innate rage
The rage of someone who's lost their love
Would likely put an end to it
It contradicted its own existence
偽りの公爵 女を拐かし
A false duke kidnapped a woman,
And incurred the vengeance of her lover
A starved noble woman was poisoned
By a prince who'd been charmed by her past self
That was a judgment to hand down punishment
To those grave sinners
Though the Daughter of Evil killed her dear friend
The Daughter of White forgave her
Unable to achieve his goal, the man of light
少しずつ魂 すり減り始めた
Felt his soul begin to wear down, little by little
If he kept living on this way with his memories intact, eventually
By the Rules of the gods
His soul would break down
My rusting, chipping gear
Doesn't have much time left
Still, until I've erased all of the sin
I won't give up
Until the day I can see you again
The heartbroken judge
Had the end goal of gathering the fragments of sin
The gear of light that came to possess him
Had already rusted and broken to pieces
Though it had existed to kill sin
Now it sought sin out
That was the contradictory Grim the End
The man of darkness' roar of laughter
Could be heard from somewhere
A cruel fairytale over hundreds of years produced
A vessel that drew out people's innate rage
The rage of someone who's lost their love
Will likely put an end to me
It made a contradiction...
I'll go to see you very soon
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tamayula-hl · 7 months
Very funny when I asked the AI to tell me the title of Sebastian's favourite erotic book.
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The third one in the last picture is In The Shadow Of The Study? 🤣🤣🤣
By the way, this is what you get when you ask Ominis
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It is very interesting that the titles of the erotic books are determined based on the personalities described in each AI!
The Japanese translation by Chrome is also strangely interesting, so we've put an image of the Japanese translation on the undercut!
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unar-mage-ddon · 5 months
focus group test q&a (and the stuff before it)
i decided to sit down and translate all of 蒼's tweets about the focus group test to have them all in one spot, since i haven't seen them all anywhere. i've also copypasted their exact words in jp so that if anyone who knows more than me wants to double check the wording, you can do that easily (also there's one specific answer that i just don't understand. i got a friend to help me but i left a note on it just in case)!
also excuse the formatting, it's awful but tumblr won't let me do anything on shift-enter'd lines
under a readmore because it's super long:
Lead Planner: Shirokami (白神さん) Character Designer: Yamashita (山下さん) Brand Manager: Aida (間さん) And of course: Nomura (野村さん)
But first, the stuff before the Q&A:
—About Remus: designed by Yamashita; "he's a guy who helps pull Player along, so he's a reliable older brother type" (タレ目 just means drooping eyes) —レムスは山下さんがデザイン。山下さん「プレイヤーを引っ張ってくれるお兄さんなので、頼れるタレ目のお兄さんに」
—The designers check in with Nomura when deciding on characters —野村さんと相談しながらキャラクターを決めていく。
—There are plenty of other characters outside of who's shown in the closed beta, along with other Societies —CBTで出てる以外のキャラもいっぱいいる。結社も他にいっぱいある。
—Aside from Nomura, there are three other character designers —キャラデザのデザイナーは野村さん他3人、みんなでやってる。
—Freya was designed with the image of a cat in mind because she does navigation, and her hair is also designed with that in mind; OP's comment says "so basically Chirithy!" (メッシュ means hair highlights i think??) —フレイヤはある猫ちゃんをイメージ。ナビゲーションしてくれるから。メッシュもその子の柄を意識している。(チ○シィじゃん!)
—About avatar outfit coordination: "The person who designs weapons also designs the outfits" -Nomura —野村さん「武器職人が衣装職人やってる」武器のデザインやってた人がコーデデザイン
—There are a bunch of outfits modeled after different jobs, like Fighter, Hunter, Wizard, Healer, variations of Soldiers, Hunter(again), Black Mage, and White Mage —いくつかジョブをモチーフにしている衣装がある。ファイター、ハンター、ウィザード、ヒーラーは、それぞれ戦士、狩人、黒魔道士、白魔道士をイメージ
—There are also outfits designed to look like Scala civilian wear, like the ones working at the reception desk or the Top Hat outfit. "The order called for 'People from Scala'" -Yamashita —スカラの街の人っぽいデザインも。受付の人やシルクハットのコーデ。山下さん「オーダーが『スカラの街の人』だった」雑、と(笑)
—There's also one that looks like a flower shop owner —お花屋さんっぽいコーデも『スカラの街の人』っぽいデザイン。
—Other job motif outfits that haven't been shown; a Thief design that's predominantly black and green, includes goggles; a Dark Knight that has a sword accessory —ジョブモチーフ衣装、まだ出ていないものも!シーフは黒と緑の衣装、ゴーグルつけてる。暗黒騎士は使えない飾りの剣もついている
—The Red Mage outfit is predominantly black and red, with a cape on left shoulder; "To me it doesn't really look that red, just black" -Nomura —赤魔道士は黒と赤の衣装、左肩のみ肩マントつけてる。野村さん「俺から見ると赤くない、黒い」
—The Dragon Knight outfit is very spiky. The design for the hat is having trouble coming together so just that part is under revision —竜騎士はトゲトゲな衣装。帽子がまだしっくり来ていなくて帽子だけ監修中。
—The designers all have their opinions so there'll be a lot of different clothes —色んなデザイナーが関わっているから色んな服が出る。
——About the Guide Moogle: —Yamashita: They got their own new clothes, too —Nomura: (about the clothes) I was asked if the Guide Moogle could wear those outfits early in development, so that's why you see them in these outfits. Then I was asked if there could be one in each Society, which had to be turned down.* —山下さん「モグちゃんにも新しいお洋服を」 —野村さん「(ガイドモーグリの服について)開発から着せていいですか、って言われたから。結社一つモーグリでもいいですか?って言うから、それはダメだよ、って言った」 *(take this with a huge grain of salt. these two sentences are the most confusing lines i've ever read in my life. i have no idea who's saying what to who. help me)
—There are other Moogle designs too, such as flower shop and cafe employee outfits, and others can wear crowns and top hats; they mostly wear different hats and aprons —モーグリのデザイン、他にもあり!お花屋さん、カフェ店員さん…王冠かぶっていたり、シルクハットかぶっているのも!ほとんど帽子をかぶりエプロンをつけている。めっちゃかわいい。
—Outfit revealed for a character who can't be shown yet, outfit is mostly dark colors; "I can't say if they're an enemy or an ally yet. A name has been decided on, but I can't say that either. They aren't the only one" -Nomura —まだ出しちゃいけないキャラの服も公開!黒い衣装。野村さん「敵か味方かも言えない。名前は決まっているが言えない。…一人じゃない」
—There are subspecies of Behemoths, and one kinda looks a little like leopard print; "The closed beta testers are seeing them more often than their parents' faces" -Nomura, when looking at the Behemoth —亜種もあり。ちょっとヒョウ柄っぽい。 野村さん「(ベヒーモスを見て)CBTやっている人は親の顔より見てる」
—Scala was designed after the image of a main street at night; "It turned into the view of my childhood home…" -Nomura —スカラの街のイメージ資料。大通り(夜)。野村さん「��家と化した…」
——About the Dive Station: —Nomura: It went through a lot of name changes —Nomura: After the first time we showed it on Twitter, people thought maybe it was under construction, but like it was mentioned in the closed beta prologue, it's a place that's no longer in use —Nomura: Something that happened back when the cranes were still in use… You'll understand once the live service starts —野村さん「名前何回か変わった」 —野村さん「(ダイヴステーションについて)Twitterで初めて画像上げた後、建設中かなーと言われたけど、今回のCBTのプロローグでも言っていたように、今はもう使われなくなった場所」 —野村さん「クレーンを使っていた頃の何がしかは…正式サービス開始時にわかる」
—About the scenery of Scala: Since the design is the basis, it's been drawn with care by the same person who did the background scenery for Union Cross; "Everyone is living here now" -Nomura —スカラの全景。デザイン画なのでしっかり描かれている。このデザイン画はUχの背景を描いていた人が描いている。野村さん「皆さんはここに住んでいます」
Now to the actual Q&A section (where Nomura says, "You guys wrote way too many questions"):
—Q: Will Guilds or Friendlists be added? (a lot of this same question) —A: If possible. Stay tuned. —やれたら。お察しください。ご期待ください。
—Q: Is there compatibility with the Apple Watch, like being able to use it in hands-free mode? —A: With the step counter, yes. We'll see what we can do with the hands-free mode. —歩数で連動しています。ハンズフリーは善処します。
—Q: Will other raid bosses like the Guard Armor be added? —A: I can't say for all of them, but yes, there will be more. —全部とは言えないけど、出ます。今後増えます。
—Q: Will we be able to obtain more Keyblades such as Kingdom Key? —A: There will be more Keyblades, but I'm not sure about adding Kingdom Key. —キーブレードの種類は増えます。キングダムチェーンが出るかどうかはわからない。
—Q: Will Pieces have voices or BGM (like some medals did in KHUX)? —A: We're discussing it with Disney since the game is Global. Please be understanding. —ディズニーと相談中。お察しください。グローバルなので。
—Q: Is it possible to rollback a material you've already used? —A: That'd be difficult because of the Strengthening Record. —強化レコードの関係上難しい。
—Q: Will there be more clothing options and/or Pieces? —A: For clothing options, like we revealed earlier, there are ones that haven't been added and ones that we still can't show. They will be added gradually. The rest depends on our effort. —アバターはさっきお見せしたようにまだ出していないもの、そしてまだお見せしていないものもある。順次増える。他は頑張り次第。
—Q: The music is beautiful, so I was wondering if there would be an album release? —A: We still don't have many songs, so that will depend on if service continues. —まだ数曲しかないので、サービスが続けば。
—Q: What are Glow Pieces? —A: Special pieces that shine. Please wait for live service. (laughed at that one ngl) —光ってる特別なピース。正式サービス開始をお待ちください。
—Q: Do you recommend any specific Pieces or skills for battles? —A: (Shirokami) "The King. He can sweep the map in one shot." / (Nomura) "For me, it's Gothel. Though I feel a little bad when everything on the field gets Slow'd." *(edit: i just realized i misread this and it doesn't say "slow," it's "through," but i genuinely have no idea what that even means in the gameplay sense nor have i seen someone use gothel. maybe it takes aggro off of you??) —白神さん「王様。一発で一掃できる」野村さん「俺はゴーテル。みんなフィールドでスルーするからかわいそうだなって」
—Q: Will there be an easier way to save specific colors on clothes when you want to change them to something else temporarily? —A: That's under consideration. —やりやすくするよう改善を検討中です。
—Q: Since you can share raid boss URLs, are there any plans to create an official community? —A: If Disney's alright with it… —ディズニーがよければ…
—Q: If the game can be played at home, then is there a reason for it to be a mobile app? Wouldn't it be better to just make it a console game at that point? —A: (Nomura) "Staff have told me that mobile games nowadays can be made with the same quality as console games, so I thought it'd be worth a try to bring the normal KH experience to mobile. I wanted to use the hardware features that can only be accomplished on a smartphone, so I went with a location-based concept. Console games can accomplish different things. And, well, if we did make a console game that would be a separate thing, while this is its own thing." —A: (Shirokami) "With Party creation, for example, it's more interesting because you're interacting with the people around you and showing them this fun new thing and getting to play it together, which makes it a bit easier for you to expand outside of already existing communities." —A: (Nomura) "Keep joining more and more raids." —野村さん「今のスマホは家庭用のクオリティでできるとスタッフから言われて、じゃあスマホで据え置き並のKHやってみよっかと。ハードの機能を使いたいから位置ゲーに」 —野村さん「家庭用は家庭用で別にやる。まあ、今後家庭用で出してもそれはそれ、これはこれ」 —白神さん「パーティー機能など、リアルの近場の人だからこそ、これ面白いよ、やってみようよ、と既存のコミュニティから飛び出していく内容」 —野村さん「どんどんマルチ入れて」
—Q: What's something that you had the most trouble with during development, but actually ended up working out pretty well? —A: (Shirokami) "Getting the Pad function and the GPS function to coexist. It's hard to set up servers for that." / (Nomura) "Getting the vertical and horizontal orientations to coexist. It's ridiculous. Doing checks on it was even worse." —白神さん「パッド機能とGPS機能の両立。サーバー置いたり大変」 野村さん「縦画面と横画面両立。正気じゃない、狂気。チェックも倍」 縦横画面の両立でメニューなどコントローラーのこと追いついていない。
—Q: If someone disconnects and reconnects during a raid, are they able to continue? —A: Since it's in real-time, they can't continue. —リアルタイムなので継続はできない。
—Q: The miasma is so dark that I can't find the Area Enemy within it. It wasn't that strong during the prototype test. —A: I agree with that, and we tried to fix it after the closed beta started but it wouldn't work. It'll be fixed in the final release. —確かに濃すぎてCBT中に直したかったけど直せなかった。正式リリースでは直します。
—Q: Will there be costumes of characters such as Sora and Riku like there were during KHUX? —A: That kind of thing usually happens because the main producer brings it up… so if they do, then we'll do it. —野村さん「そういうのやるときはプロデューサーが話を持ってきたときだから…プロデューサーがそういう話持ってきたらやる」
—Q: Is there anything specific that you really like and want other people to pay attention to? —A: (Shirokami) "The Lock mode uses a seventh of the battery, so it's great to use to defeat enemies while in the car or on the train." —A: (Yamashita) "The scenery is pretty so please take a look at it. I'd like if you could climb the walls and look down every nook and cranny." —A: (Aida) "GPS games usually have some regional disparity, but this doesn't." —A: (Nomura) "There's a big reason why I wanted to use GPS, but I can't say. People have been speculating about it, right? On social media and whatnot." —白神さん「ロックモードはバッテリー消費7分の1になる。ロックモードは車や電車でも敵を倒せる」 —山下さん「背景が綺麗なので見てほしい。壁を登って隅から隅まで見てほしい」 —間さん「GPSゲーは地方格差あるけどこれはない」 —野村さん「GPSを取り入れようとした大きな理由があるけど、言えない。みんな書きますよね?SNSで」
—Q: I wish it was easier to collect jewels all in one place outside of checking the mail. —A: That will be addressed accordingly. There will be other ways to receive your items besides checking the mail from the Astral Plane. (Nomura: I find it annoying too) —順次対応します。メールがアストラル界以外でも受け取れるようにします。野村さん「僕もこれめんどくさい」
—Q: Will the Pieces be made into figures? —A: (Matsushita, present and in charge of merch) I wanna make them! I'll see what I can do! —イベントに立ち会ったグッズの松下さん「作りたいです!善処します!」
—Q: Can you make parties with the story characters? —A: There will be opportunities in the story to be joined by other characters, like Remus in the prologue. However, there are currently no plans to create parties freely with them. —ストーリー内では今回のレムスのように機会があります。自由に、というのは今のところ考えていない。
—Q: What Disney worlds will be in the game? —A: That's a secret. —秘密。 - They're shown anyway at the end of the Q&A: the player is seeing running through a forest, in a cave, on a shoal, near a beach, and finally Olympus (the only one OP was able to identify) - Disney worlds will work like they always have; they're places you can visit, have their own stories, and you can meet the inhabitants. There's one other thing, but OP can't say what it is - Other descriptions: A large lake? The ocean? Mountains, a moon in the night sky… A townscape from afar that you can see the lights from, and a boat on the wharf (Nomura: The colors were adjusted to get them as close to the original as possible)
—Q: Will there be a way to rewatch cutscenes within the game? —A: We're thinking of a theatre mode. (Nomura: There are people who skip cutscenes because they don't have time to watch them, so to make sure they don't miss out, it'll be added.) —シアターは考えている。野村さん「やってて今見てる時間なくてって飛ばしたい人もいるので、飛ばしたらもう見られないってならないよう、入れてもらいます」
—Q: Will there be time-limited events? —A: Meetings about events have already been arranged, but we can't say anything about the details. —イベントはもう打ち合わせ済み。内容はまだお答えできない。
—Q: How much of the story will be available when service starts? —A: Since there are so many characters, the modelers can't keep up, and aside from that, it's voiced with animated cutscenes. While we're trying to fix up the structure, we don't intend of making it more compact. It'll be about the same as a traditional Kingdom Hearts game. —新キャラばっかりでモデルが追いつかない。声もついてるしムービーも出る。構成見直し中だがコンパクトにする気はない。従来のKHと同じくらい。
About the pacing of story releases: (Nomura) "How many months did it take for KHUX? Nowadays that pacing is unacceptable."
—Q: Will Scala get any bigger? —A: Yes. —広がっていく。
—Q: Who are the staff's favorite characters? —A: Since there have only been two new characters shown so far, this is about Pieces instead. (Nomura: Gothel) —キャラは2人しか出ていないから、ピースを。野村さん「ゴーテル」
—Q: Will cutscenes look like the prologue instead of the text-based cutscenes that KHUX had? —A: If all the cutscenes were on the same level as the prologue, they would take a year to come out, so not all of them will. They'll be more lightweight than the prologue, but they will be voiced. All the cutscenes for the live service release have already been shot. There are very little to no cutscenes that are text-based like the KHUX ones are. —すべてを今回のプロローグレベルにすると出るの一年後になるので、すべてがそうではない。プロローグより軽量になることはあるけど、ボイスは入る。正式リリース時のカットシーン分は撮り終えてる。Uχみたいなテキスト送りイベントになることはよっぽどない。
—Q: Since Freya wears a skirt, are there any outfits that are gender-restricted? —A: (Yamashita) "Outfits are unisex. There's no restriction against what you can wear. Just like how the player can freely change bottoms, this is simply how Freya decided to coordinate her outfit." —山下さん「コーデは男女兼用。男性用、女性用と区別はなく、どちらも着られる。プレイヤーがボトムを変えられるように、フレイヤがそういうコーディネートをしているだけ」
—Q: Are Navigators different from Keyblade wielders? Are there others across the different Societies? —A: They are Keyblade wielders, but they just don't use them. Navigators don't exist in other Societies; Freya is the only one. By the way, you can't select a Society to join like you could with Unions in KHUX, the choice is fixed." —野村さん「キーブレード使い。使わないだけで。ナビゲーターは各結社にそれぞれはいない。フレイヤだけ。ちなみにUχみたいに好きな結社選ぶとかなく、プレイヤーが入る結社は固定」
(scenes in the closed beta are very cut, like with freya suddenly being friends with the player. the conversation with freya as seen in the closed beta is a discarded cut. that conversation will be in the final release, but the cut is different. / CBTのイベントはかなりカットしてる。フレイヤと突然仲間になってる。フレイヤの会話シーンはCBTのみの捨てカット。リリースであの会話はあるが、カットは違う。)
—Q: Is the Guide Moogle part of a Society? —A: We said earlier that they weren't, but maybe just that one is. —先程モーグリ結社はないと言ったが、このモーグリだけはどこか所属するかも。
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