#japanese studyspo
atypicalmee · 2 years
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my current inspiration: studio ghibli characters working hard at what they love
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anza-langblr · 4 months
銀(ぎん)silver (Ag)
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アルミニウム aluminum (Al)
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金(きん)gold (Au)
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銅(どう)copper (Cu)
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鉄(てつ)iron (Fe)
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水銀(すいぎん)mercury (Hg)
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ニッケル nickel (Ni)
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鉛(なまり)lead (Pb)
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プラチナ・白金(はっきん)platinum (Pt)
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錫(すず)tin (Sn)
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チタン titanium (Ti)
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It’s raining! And I have to walk home in a bit…without my umbrella…
Things I’ve done:
Grammar review
Things left to do:
I’m really tired because I didn’t sleep well last night so…probably gonna take a nap later. But we’ll see.
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~ん坊 (a person who...)
attached to verbs or nouns to indicate a person who does an action/possesses a certain quality
※Also commonly written as ~んぼ.  
甘えん坊 - spoiled child; person who likes to be pampered
けちん坊 - cheapskate
食いしん坊 - glutton
忘れん坊 - forgetful person
通せん坊 - standing in the way, blocking the way
慌てん坊    - flustered/hasty person
暴れん坊 - rowdy person
真似しん坊 - copycat
隠れん坊 - hide-and-seek
聞かん坊 - naughty/unruly child
立ちん坊 - standing without doing anything; beggar; prostitute; day laborer standing and waiting for a job etc.
怒りん坊 - short-tempered/irritable person
去られん坊 - divorcing woman
卑しん坊 - greedy person
吝ん坊 - miser
寂しん坊 - lonely person
裸ん坊 - naked person
悔しん坊 - spiteful person
威張りん坊 - boaster; bossy person
The words may be written fully in hiragana, including the preceding kanji.
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kenziegram0704 · 2 months
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Another magazine study session. What’s your go-to thing when you’re tired of textbooks and flashcards but still want to be actively engaging with your target language? I’d love to hear what others do! 😊💕
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
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Happy New Year!
It's 2024 and a whole new year lies before us. I hope that this new year will bring you closer to all of your goals! Here are my 2024 Japanese Language Learning Goals!
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) every day in 2024.
This book introduces an interesting or important Japanese historical fact for elementary school students every day of the year (including February 29th for leap year). I started this book in 2023 but didn't have enough time to read it ever day. I'd like to try again in 2024 (wish me luck!).
2. Review and learn grades 4, 5, and 6 of the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) - elementary school kanji.
In 2023 I mastered grades 1, 2, and 3 of the 教育漢字, and so in 2024 I'd like to finish up elementary school with the rest of the grades! That's a total of 566 kanji in 4, 5, and 6, which I think is a manageable goal for one year (the first three grades have 440 kanji total). When I say master, I mean that I'd like to be able to remember the definition and pronunciation, and be able to read the kanji, but I'll skip writing from memory because that would just take too much time with this many kanji.
3. Read at least one book every three months.
I have found that time constraints and life in general make it difficult for me to read a lot of long books in Japanese, but I think reading a book once a quarter might be manageable. I'll have to be very picky about the books I choose and keep them at or under my level for this to work.
4. Write at least one sentence in Japanese every day.
I think that one of my weakest areas is writing in Japanese. Written Japanese is different than spoken Japanese, and I'd like to be able to consistently write coherent sentences and learn where I could improve. Nothing helps you improve like consistent practice! I'd also like to try to post the sentences on HelloTalk for revisions and comments, and to push myself out of my comfort zone.
5. Practice Japanese at least 10 minutes every day.
Speaking of practice, this habit is one that I have kept up consistently for years. I try to spend at least 10 minutes of even my busiest days doing mindful review or learning, whether it be flash cards, looking up vocabulary words, looking up a kanji in the dictionary, or having an intentional conversation. Despite not having studied formally for almost 10 years, I attribute my continued growth to consistent and purposeful study.
I look forward to your support this year, too!
I enjoy posting my successes as well as my trials and tribulations on this langblr, and I look forward to see how everyone else takes on their goals in the new year!
I wish everyone a wonderful New Year full of language learning success!
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zzzzzestforlife · 27 days
每日は同じだです、ても私は続けておします 🤍🌸
(everyday is the same, but i will continue 🤍🌸)
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(after work, i do my homework. on the weekend too, i do homework. but when homework is done, i'm still not okay. why?)
(i watch TV. i do my language studies. i listen to music. i eat. i'm very tired. i want to sleep.)
(my Japanese is still very bad. but before my Korean and Chinese were also very bad. now my Korean and Chinese are only a little bad. someday my Japanese too will be the same.)
(until that time, i will continue. i can do it.)
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shalomnihongo · 4 days
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15dots · 2 years
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30.8.22 || Japanese notes
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog and even longer for adding to the studyblr. So here we are with some Japanese notes for my upcoming writing test. Took the liberty to go to a cafe and study for a little and it was really nice change of pace. And I actually got a lot of work done so a very successful day I would say. Romanticising studying actually is really fun to do ^^
And ofc I won’t forget the song playlist:
Only Then - Jungkook (cover)
Old Love - Yuji ft Putri Dahlia
Snowfall - Oneheart
Prelude: Seesaw (+instrumental) - MDP (cover)
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peistudies · 1 year
25-1-2023 Study Log
Finished my WaniKani reviews. I reset my WK so it was just 26 radicals.
Bunpro Genki II (chapter 13) "cram" study session for audio comprehension. Felt highly effective, but didn't get thru it all.
Bunpro reviews for grammar are done.
Learning 3 more N4 grammar points: がほしい、かもしれない、Number+も. Grammar info below!
I already reviewed my vocabulary today. Time to learn 16 N4 words and 32 N5 words. (These are mostly katakana, so I'm learning a lot at once to actually get to difficult words).
Noun + が + ほしいい > To want something, to be in need of
が combined with い adjective ほしいい is simply describing a noun as desirable. There's nothing new about this concept of nounが[い adjective]. I barely consider it a grammar point lol. HOWEVER, this is only for nouns.
There is an instance where you can use ほしいい for verbs, when you want someone else to do something. It comes in the form of [てform verb]ほしいい. For example,
私の彼氏(かれし)に大事(だいじ)にし てほしい。I want my boyfriend to treat me like I am important.
More examples:
使いやすい箸がほしい。I want chopsticks that are easy to use.
いい服などがほしいです。I want things such as nice clothes.
かもしれない - Might, maybe, probably (Colloquial: かも or かもしらん)
Plain Verb + かもしれない [い]Adjective + かもしれない [な]Adjective + かもしれない Noun + かもしれない
*To make polite, change ない to ません (かもしれません)
This one is sooo easy. SCORE! You plop it on the end of any sentence to express uncertainty. No fancy conjugating or funny business. Amazing. Here's some more example sentences from Bunpro.
このいい服を買えば、人気になるかもしれない。If I buy these nice clothes, then I might become popular.
彼は何にも調べないで、日本に行くかもしれない。He might go to Japan without researching anything.
Number+も- Emphasis, As ~ as, Not even
Number + Counter + も
When used like this, it indicates that the amount was excessively too much (or too little). This is really part of a larger group of grammar points: Expressing amounts. Here's a guide: http://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/amount#Adding_the_particle_to_express_excessive_amounts
For those who made it back from that rabbit hole of an article, here are some more example sentences. I'm adding a lot because this grammar point is kind of confusing to me. lol.
この家にはお箸一膳も置いてないの?This house doesn't even have as much as one pair of chopsticks lying around?
このビルは出口が何箇所もあるので、とても安全です。This building has exits in many places, so it is very safe.
ティムは日本に5回も行ったことがあると思う。I think that Tim has been to Japan as many as 5 times.
「掃除をして」って何回も言ったでしょう。I told you to clean many times, right?
学校で鉛筆を100本も売った。I sold as many as 100 pencils at school.
Tomorrow's Lesson Plan: Review WaniKani Review Bunpro Grammar +3 Grammar. Next up is: たらどう、(Number) + しか〜ない、and よう(volitional) Learn 32 N5 words and 16 N4 words :)
This lesson plan is the bare minimum. I also need to enhance what I learned by doing extra research and review (mostly through reading and actively studying audio input) outside of these sessions.
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bonbonmacaron · 2 years
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Over the weekend during #minimmersion I started reading the first volume of さくら荘のペットな彼女! I swear it’s not what it sounds like 😂 I watched the anime a few years ago and got the first three volumes and they’ve been sitting on my shelf for a long time now. I wanted something fun and easy to jump into as a break from novels. I started to look up words while reading the first chapter, but I realized it was just banter and none of the vocab was useful, so I let go of my need to look up every single word I didn’t know and just enjoyed it. It was so much better that way!
I also rewatched Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop! The wordplay made me really appreciate knowing Japanese and the animation was stunning. I also added 等一個人咖啡 (Café. Waiting. Love.) and Le sommet des dieux (The Summit of the Gods) to my list.
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atypicalmee · 1 year
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redid my notion homepage and back to it with my korean studies! i’m excited to read more in this korean stories book i just bought, especially since my favorite method of learning languages is by reading.
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anza-langblr · 2 months
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This post is an addition to 敬語の5分類|The 5 Types of keigo.
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1日4月2024年 「月」
I’ve already gotten a lot done and it’s not even noon. Yesterday I didn’t post because I barely left my dorm, but I got a lot done yesterday too.
What I’ve Done:
Writing drills
Watched one episode of Given (no spoilers, I’m up to episode 9 so I’m almost done)
What I Have Left To Do:
Genki Chpt 4 review
I’m glad I took a rest day on Saturday, but also I realized Friday night that I was kinda gonna be forced to because I went to my girlfriend’s brother’s house to see my niece and nephew.
I’m taking a break for a few hours and then I’m gonna get back to it.
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kenziegram0704 · 3 months
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Another sunny weekend afternoon study session from a while back. 😌✨ Featuring Hey! Say! JUMP, my lunch, and my study materials.
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months
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Photo by Samuel Berner on Unsplash
It's been a while since I've done a goals update, but here I am! I'd like to do a quick comparison between how last year ended up and how things are going this year. Then, I'd like to preview what I'd like to do in February.
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2023 Wrap Up
In 2023, I spent the most time with Vocabulary, Kanji, and Listening and the least time in Grammar and Writing. I started off strong with Reading in January, but gradually that fell by the wayside over the course of the year as I got busier with life things. I focused on Listening the most in the last few months of the year, and August was the month I spent my time mostly evenly divided amongst the 7 main areas of study. I tried a lot of new things, like new apps and daily reading goals, but as usual I didn't have enough time to do everything I wanted to do.
I most wish that I could have kept up with the daily history reading (日本の歴史366) but I am glad that I stopped trying to vocabulary mine with novels (I just don't have the time for that, and reading is easier without doing that).
2023 Successes
Studied lots of kanji
Lots of speaking and listening practice with Japanese mom friends
Finished the Sou-matome N3 workbook series
Began teaching my son hiragana (and he recognises some characters!)
2023 Challenges
Less writing than I'd hoped
Not a good time to find a tutor
Not much reading progress on the novels I've started
Need to work on grammar more consistently
So with that said... let's move on to 2024!
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January 2024
Now January is over and 2024 is in full swing, but let's take a quick look at what I did in January.
In January, I spent the most time Reading! Starting the year off strong with novels, I made a point to read each day before bed, even if it was only a few pages. I also spent a lot of time Listening to podcasts, dramas, and shows.
I did very little Grammar or Writing practice, but the year is still young. I also focused a lot less on Kanji than I would have liked to in January.
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February Goals
For February, I'd like to continue with Reading but also focus more on Kanji, Grammar, and Writing. I get lots of practice with Speaking and Listening thanks to the moms at my son's Japanese preschool, and I continue to pick up Vocabulary when I research words or read novels.
So, my February goals will be:
Read daily
Write sentences once a week
Review kanji flashcards daily
Review 1-2 grammar points weekly
Learn 1-2 new grammar points weekly
How are your goals for 2024 going?
Is there anything in particular that you want to focus on this year?
Best of luck with your studies!
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