#‘i have a friend i can set u up with’ after seeing ur choice in men no thanks !!! lol
lovelaetter · 7 months
henlo hope ur doing well
idk if asks r open but had a thought and was wondering what u thought
been thinkin about older step!sis reader who houses younger step!sis sakura cause sakura got kicked out of their parents house for wanting to become a streamer
at first everythinf was chill with sakura bumming a bed off of you
but eventually because she doesnt pay rent to u start to use her for ur own pleasure as payment
freely using the baby when shes gaming on lounging
hating it at first but eventually being conditioned to love ur fingers and tongue :)
her being so scared and “disgusted” at first :( so scared to say no to you and risk being kicked out again but you’re her sister! and you support her dream and gives her lots of gifts, she doesn’t want to come off as ungrateful, that’s why she let’s you do what you want, totally not because she secretly thinks you’re hot or something, no…
god, there’s so many possibilities. the first thing that comes to my mind is making her cockwarm your strap while gaming with her friends :( like, the torture, the constant need to mute the mic so they won’t hear her whines as you kiss her neck and bounce her up and down, the unexpected gasp she lets out when it hits her g-spot… and i really think she does quite well for some time until you start playing with her little clit, that’s when she totally loses focus in the game and is forced to tell her friends she needs to go because she isn’t feeling well when in reality all wants is to be free to ride you.
remote controlled vibrator on at the highest setting while she’s streaming… she’s so lucky she is known for having loud reactions, that way she can sneak a few moans and whimpers here and there. kneeling in front after she says her goodbyes and turns off the camera, saying you watched everything, it was so cool, she should teach you a few things about the games she plays so you guys can have some fun together and the poor girl for sure isn’t hearing a thing, too focused on the way you drag her shorts and panties down her legs :( her being uncomfortably wet, taking the toy out of her and holding it against her clit, her on the verge of tears because she came so much already, stop torturing her this way!
jealous stepsis kkura would be sooo cute too, seeing the comments in her live go crazy if you show up and she gets embarrassed and annoyed, “yeah guys that’s my sister.. stop saying she’s hot that’s so weird” but in reality she’s just so deeply jealous!! or maybe her friends. some of them coming over once and you overhear them saying you’re attractive and confronting her about it later just to see her reaction and she tries really hard to act nonchalant but ends up asking if you find them attractive too and you have no choice but bend her over and fuck some sense into her since all she has in her head is bright colors and games and whatever-
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bebe-writes-stuff · 5 months
Hey lovely!! I love your work and I was wondering if you can do a baji x reader smut with like a friends to lovers where he gets jealous when one of his friends make a move on you as a joke but he can’t take it seeing y/n all happy’ with a. Anna that’s not him and can u please include where someone walks in on them at the end and he says something about how they became a couple like someone walks in and he he’s like “ can you ye out I’m trying to help my girlfriend clean up!” I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH I have read so much of ur stuff BbBbdbdbbdbd
Ima be honest, I wrote this when I was high so like, idek if this makes sense
Jealous! Baji x Reader (Smut)
Annoyed by your lack of attention, he huffed and puffed, and you still didn't say anything,
"What are you even reading that you are so invested in?" He muttered glancing at your book before pouting and setting his eyes aside.
"Huh, you don't know?" You turned to him and showed him your book cover.
Romeo and Juliet
"Ew, what the hell. Who the hell even reads that in their free time." He cringed at your sappy choice of book taste.
"Shut up will you, it's for the Drama Club. It's the annual play, other schools come and parents also come. I auditioned for fun, but I got the main role, Juliet." You explained, before someone abruptly opened the empty classroom door, it was lunch time.
"Woah, Y/n, did you actually join the annual play?!" It was Chifuyu, he was breathing and seemed...flustered.
"Oh, yeah. how'd you know?" You asked, tilting your head a little worried.
"The flyers are literally being passed out everywhere, look!" He unrolled the flyer and then slammed it on one of the desks.
You took a peek before,
It was you and Ryusei Satou on the cover. You had a dagger in your hand aimed high at yourself as you knelt on your dead lover's body, Ryusei was lying on the floor with poison that fell in drops from his mouth, the tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet. On the cover, you looked just so beautiful, you looked alluring. Your eyes were magnetic, drawing people in with a combination of elegance and genuine warmth. Baji understood why you would be Juliet, no one fit better, you were beautiful both in and out, gentle, graceful, oh he could go on and on about you. He never liked to admit it, he loved you too much. But why was that asshole Ryusei, Romeo, he thought angrily.
The next couple of weeks, Baji has barely seen you. So imagine how he felt when he heard that the entire time you were with Ryusei practicing for the upcoming play. Almost as if you cheated on him, not like you were dating anyway. He didn't mean to stop, he really didn't. But when he heard your voice from outside the theater room, he stopped to listen. Even your voice made him flushed and nervous. However, he froze when he peeked in and saw how Ryusei had you in his arms as he performed dramatically. You were smiling and laughing even. You looked so happy with another guy, it broke his heart. He felt like punching him, or anyone at this point. It was now after school, Chifuyu stopped by Baji's apartment to study for upcoming exams and projects. Then he asked when he noticed how Baji seemed more angry than usual.
"Are you upset that Y/n and Ryusei are gonna kiss?" he shouldn't have said that.
"WHAT, THEY KISS?!" He shouted
"Ohh, I shouldn't have said that..."
"She can't- No- UGHH CAN SHE QUIT THAT STUPID PLAY ALREADY?" Baji groaned, throwing his books to the side before slamming his head on his desk.
"This is so stupid." He pulled onto his hair. He stopped and turned to Chifuyu, who muttered something.
"You got something to say?"
"Baji, she was gonna ask you to do the auditions with her but you turned her down for the gang, Also the play is in a couple days so I think it's too late to pull out now." He repeated himself, a little anxious.
Wait, he thought, was it that one time? Shit, he does remember when he turned down your request, you looked so sad and he promised to make it up to you, which he forgot to do. Fuck.
Now, it was Chifuyu's turn to be worried because of Baji's sudden absences. He couldn't be that affecting because of a silly play, right? C'mon that's Toman's First Division Captain, he can't be acting all childish and clingy when it comes to you, right? Wrong, he was in his room walking back and forth, whining about it.
Baji stayed home the day of the play, until he got a text from Chifuyu.
-- Holy shit, there's so many people at the school dude!"
He groaned and put his phone down, obviously people came. You were too unreal, too siren-like. He heard a knock on his door, it was his mom.
"Chifuyu told me what's been going on. I'm not here to talk to you because in truth, I think you deserve it. You had a chance and you wasted it and made her wait. And you know worst of all, YOU DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT UP TO HER, and here you are being all childish and sad about the consequences to your own actions. If I were you, I would take my ass there and make it up to her." She scolded him, maybe it sounded harsh, but it was out of love, she was sad that he was putting himself through this.
"yeah, LIKE I KNOW HOW. AT THIS POINT, just let them be." He sighed defeated,
"Don't give me that bull. You know how Kei, I know what you've been doing." She said in a smug motherly tone.
He felt his face grow hot quickly as he glanced at the copy of the play he had read.
Stupid, he thought
He heard his mother's footsteps fade as she walked away once their conversation died out. She was right, Baji knew what to do, and he was gonna make it up to you, tonight!
Backstage, you were nervous, shaking even. You were wearing a silky and fancy long nightgown. It was a scene where you are on the balcony of your room confessing your love to the hidden Romeo as he listens to your heart-filled speech. The play was nearing its end, which meant it was closing to where you had to kiss Romeo or more specifically, Ryusei. Which you found extremely awkward. You noticed Chifuyu in the crowd earlier in the play, he was waving and cheering. However, it saddened you how Baji didn't come, he probably had another important gang meeting, you thought. It was the final scene now. You were getting ready to step on stage before you heard some ruckus in the background, before you had time to figure out. The play started and you stepped onto the stage. You talked clearly and passionately, You called out to your lover, this is when Ryusei was to step out and capture you in a breathtaking kiss after some sensual words. You waited, but no one came out. You called out again, nervously.
Suddenly, from the opposing curtain, he walked out. The stage lighting made the moment feel unreal, wait am I imagining this? Why was the one that stepped out of the curtain, it was Baji, it was really Baji. You gasped before you continued with your act. it was subtle but you glanced at Chifuyu who seemed also equally confused. Finally, the play was gonna end, the last scene was a recreation of the Flyer. Romeo and Juliets end. You stabbed yourself with Romeo's dagger as you fell onto Romeo's poisoned body. The crowd roared with 'woos" and cheers as they applauded loudly. You felt hands grip your waist, Baji whispered,
"Y/n, meet me in the costume closet after this. It's important."
What the hell was going on? you thought, first, Baji is distancing himself from you, then he shows up randomly in the play you in AND KISSES YOU. and NOW, he wants to talk to you alone after the play. But if you wanted to find out, you'd have to confront him. It was later after the show now, you were in front of the costume closet, no one was back there. You took a deep breath before entering, Baji was waiting, leaning against the wall.
"Hey Baji, what's up?"
"Keisuke, My name's Keisuke."
He hated how awkward you seemed around him, he wanted you to laugh and smile like how you were with Ryusei. He sighed as he stood up and approached you, suddenly you were pushed against one of the walls.
"Y/n, do you hate me?" He whispered, coming in closer, leaving little space between your lips.
No, quite the opposite actually, you thought, but you couldn't say that. You just looked to the side avoiding his gaze. He gritted his teeth harshly
"Look at me damnit!" He growled as he forced you to look at him directly.
"Tch, you like this don't you?" He smirked as he toyed with you. He grabbed your face, roughly and chuckled. You glanced at his lips as you both closed in on each other, your eyes locked in an electric gaze, anticipation hung in the air like a delicate melody. The world seemed to pause as your lips met, creating an intimate universe where only the soft whispers of your breaths and the tender exchange of kisses existed. His hands delicately cradled your face, and your fingers entwined in the strands of his hair. The kiss unfolded like a choreography of emotions, starting with a tender exploration and building into a passionate crescendo. Time seemed to slow down, allowing you to savor every fleeting moment of this shared intimacy. Your breath hitched as you felt Baji placing soft kisses and even nibbling on your sensitive neck. The warmth of his lips, coupled with the gentle pressure and softness of the kisses, created the obvious tension and the sense of both of your intimacy and arousal.
"Y/n, I'm gonna fuck you now." He already had his hand in your costume.
"Fuck, your this wet because of me, you're not scared of being caught, You little slut." You whimpered as you rode his fingers,
"K-keisuke, wait- I-" You tried to formulate a sentence but your moans cut you off.
"Uh, Y/n! Baji! Are you guys here?" You gasped as you put both your hands on your mouth, controlling your moans.
"Huh?! What you want, Chifuyu! Can't you see I'm helping my girlfriend change out of her costume, go now!"
Embarrassed, Chifuyu runs out, He sighed,
"You were right... Ryusei."
"Told ya." He smirked as he knew, the only way to get Baji to make a move on you was to make him a little jealous. 
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mellowwillowy · 7 months
WOWOW OMG WAIT. ur into dol too!!!
what do you think ur ocs are like in a dol like setting? like uhmm their stats and stuff yk like averys rage and like an example maybe blue would have a stat for anger
how do u think they will interact w the other canon love interests too??? would yulian hate dr. harper because harpers drugs might not go very well w the mind altering drugs he gives his darling????
- bub anon 🫧‼️
Warning: suicide, physical and mental abuse
Yulian's love stat will be maxed out immediately the moment you trigger a meeting with him! It will never go down even if you piss him off so many times BUT I'll have to add a new stat for him, let's name it 'Control' ...?
If you annoy him by doing something dumb or anything that causes harm to yourself, the stat will go up~~
Control 20 - Yulian thinks you are indifferent.
Control 40 - Yulian thinks you are wild.
Control 60 - Yulian thinks you are too wild.
Control 80 - Yulian thinks you are a brat.
Control 100 - Yulian thinks you should be caged.
Take him like Avery, always giving you money but he ends up buying you off from Bailey if the Control stat reaches 100. Starting from here, you'll only have 2 choices.
To get the 'Stockholm Syndrome: Yulian' achievement or always tries to escape. You can escape only if your physical and skulduggery levels are high. That said, you'll have to live undercover in the town and always get the 'You feel like someone is following you.' warning.
(You are not safe in the forest too because he also has his men guard the whole place)
If you get the stockholm syndrome achievement, you'll be wed to him and live a happily ever after life <3
"This way you will not do anything foolish that could cause harm to you anymore dear."
In order to trigger a meeting with him, you'll have to visit the club with the trauma, stress stats reaching 75 and the fatigue stat being at least 1200, and control being at least at the state 'You are worried'.
With this stat, you will be able to get the option to dress as someone else or not. Should you choose to dress as usual, Blue will not appear in the club with his friends.
Then, the alcohol/drug stat reaches at least 70.
You will then be notified of the option to approach this good-looking person and flirt with them.
Blue will first dismiss you but if you keep on bothering him, he will drag you to the bar inside, having a chat with you there. Blue will notice how some of your appearances feel artificial, as though you are trying to hide your face or identity from the public. From this choice itself, you have already triggered the ability to make Blue feels interested in you. (If he isn't, you can't increase the love stat at all)
You can increase the +Love stats by listening to him rambling, being sympathetic, and joining him along by talking shit about the people.
Unfortunately, you won't remember how he previously looked after the day changes due to the alcohol/drug state you were in. You didn't get to ask for his numbers and name as well but he will soon be spawned into your class, introduced as the student who just came back from 'vacation'.
Although you will not recognize him as the person you were talking to in the club, he will not mention anything about it. Despite how different you look from your initial appearance, he will still be able to recognize you.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Blue. Please take good care of me, yeah?"
Blue's Love stat is also maxed out immediately after you manage to capture his heart on the first meeting. Although it can go down, he will not end his relationship with you.
In order to trigger his appearance, you'll have to have Trauma, Stress, Fatigue, Control HIGH (90), and consume hallucinogens/drugs. (Yes I'm not joking.)
It is impossible to turn him into a love interest and he will have these rage stats just like Avery ^^
"You see someone who mirrors your appearance. Is she/he your twin?"
(Casually spills lore)
He will mostly appear in your room, taking care of you, or in the forest looking for valuable items.
There will be +Love and +Rage in his system. Should you enrage him too much, he will turn violent on you, increasing your Pain stats.
Should your trauma, stress, fatigue, and control stat be maxed out, you will find yourself drifting away from your sleep after overdosing on sleeping pills and straying into the unknown world, giving you a bad ending.
If you somehow manage to befriend/date Blue or Lemon beforehand, the possibility of you coming back will be 1 and Eleanor will never appear anymore.
Eleanor's dismissal events are:
Trauma, stress, fatigue, and control below average and to stop consuming hallucinogens/drugs if you are addicted to them.
To be saved by Blue or Lemon and wake up on the hospital's bed after ??? Times have passed.
There are actually two ways to trigger a meeting with him but since we are talking about DOL... I'll just take the latter.
Due to one thing and another, Seth has to be aged up since he is originally younger than Darling by two years. PC's age is canonically 18 so- (unless Darling is somehow above 20 then he'll stay true to his age)
You can meet him in the Arcade and initiate an offer to fight against him in a game. Starting then, you can always find him there on Wednesday and Friday playing from the time school has ended until 6 PM.
Once the Love stat has reached over 40 or above, he will sometimes offer you to play with him in a multiplayer game (maybe like Metal Slug), and when it reaches 70 or above, he will ask you if you want to play in his place.
Just pure Vanilla bun... I can't write anything about the transmigration because it's DOL.
(Ps: he's not a sulky player like Robin wheeze)
Yulian, Eleanor, and Blue wouldn't even let you go any closer to Harper and all the shady bitches in the town.
Blue will always ensure you are free from that perverted ass Leighton.
Yulian will somehow ask for Bailey's assistance in capturing you.
Eleanor is always present in the asylum should you be sent there.
Yulian also has his hands on Quinn's dirt.
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junoswrlld · 9 months
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plus one
CHAP 8 — party time
summary: Kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friend's birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
warnings: alcohol and jealous yn i think thats it
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March 18th, 2023 aka party time
having never been to a party before it's only natural for you to stress out a little. if "a little" meant a lot that is. your especially nervous since you aren't exactly allowed to be going and It seems impossible to be going to your first real high school party in your senior year but here you are, contemplating what to wear. casual? formal? shit why didn't you ask if there is a dress code. too late now, casual it is! Sure, it's a safe choice, but you're only looking for one person's attention, so it shouldn't matter, right?
looking at yourself in the mirror, you wonder whether or not beomgyu will like your outfit. who am I kidding Of course he'll like it, he complimented your outfit the first time you hung out, and that was just your school uniform, so this should be okay.
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turning your phone off and throwing it in your bag so you can be out of the door as fast as you can, you run down the stairs to the front door, trying to be as quite as possible so your mom doesn't know your going out. seeing Kai waiting impatiently at his car.
you run up to the car, quickly opening the passenger door, and jumping in the car. you wince at the sight of the car, empty water bottles everywhere, and fast food bags scattered around.
"Jeez Kai, do you ever clean this thing?" you question, throwing handfuls of empty water bottles into the back seat to make room for your legs.
"Don't disrespect the mojo dojo casa car y/n" he said "Also Soobin and I share this car, so this isn't my mess," he added while starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway.
"Is Soobin already at the party then?" you questioned, getting your phone out of your purse to tell beomgyu that you were on your way there.
"Yeah, he stayed the night at Yeonjun's place the day before to help set up the party," he tells you.
"Well How long will it take to get there?" you asked, looking at the time on your phone, wanting to see your friends already there as soon as possible.
"around forty minutes, but yknow we would have been there sooner if you hadn't taken so long to get ready."
"Wooooooww the disrespect is crazy, I just wanna look cute for pictures okay?"
"More like you want to look cute for Gyu."
"Maybe you're right" You pull out your phone and connect it to the Bluetooth in the car, playing a favorite song of Gyus that he told you about on your study date.
"Isn't this Gyu's favorite song? jeez y/n you're really down bad"
"Whatever you say Kai"
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gyu❤️ ur on ur way right? i cant wait for u to be here
you yea im omw but apparently yeonjun's big ass mansion is forty minutes away so it'll be awhile </3
gyu❤️ i feel the struggle man but i just want all my friends to be here asap (by stayc omg) cuz of all the model people Yeonjun invited
you i will go faster gyu ill make kai go 100mph lightning McQueen style
just dont get arrested at my bday party yn ill see u soon yn bdshmvbsbsdvgsjeusdk
omg acgnasmefvafjwvwk okay gyu ttyl
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after a surprisingly pleasant and calm car ride of listening to chill music Gyu has reopened to you and let the air breeze through your hair, Kai, and you are finally just around the corner from the party. even if you're at the end of the street you can already hear the faint sound of music and the smell of alcohol coming from yeonjun's house.
"I can already hear the music, Kai." You close the window on your side of the car and text beomgyu telling him you're right around the corner. "Yeah well Yeonjun is kinda known for throwing parties," Kai says pulling into the driveway.
you slowly step out of the car, closing the door behind you. the sound hits you in the face immediately, Putting your hands over your ears you try to look for beomgyu, You thought it would be easy but there is just enough people in the front yard for you too not be able to see the front door from where your standing. thankfully Kai grabs onto your arm guiding you to the front door, maneuvering through the sea of people. the second you reach the front porch you see beomgyu standing there waiting for you.
"Hi gyu!! Happy birthday!!" You run up to him embracing him in a hug, then slowly pulling away not wanting to make him uncomfortable at the sudden affection. "Hey y/n!!" from Beomgyu's pov though it felt as though a million butterflies flew through his stomach, heartbeat going up to one hundred, making him a little nervous.
"I'm gonna play pinball with taehyun in the basement, Text me when you wanna leave y/n," Kai says, leaving the two of you alone at the front door.
"wanna get a drink? nothing with alcohol of course." he chuckles, gesturing for you to follow him to the kitchen, and of course you do. "Is Jiung here with haerin yet? I think they left to get here before me," you say checking the time on your phone, really just wanting to be around your mutual friends to start having 10x more fun.
"Yeah they're here, I'm pretty sure that there in the kitchen so we're going in the right direction if you wanna see them."
"cool, cool cool cool."
"You seem a bit nervous y/n, are you okay?"
"Well im not exactly allowed to be here."
"oh my god just don't get in trouble cause of me."
"I'll try not too"
After a little bit of back and forth talking and walking through a maze of hallways you finally make it to the kitchen, You see your friends talking among themselves and with someone you don't quite recognize.
"Hey y/n!!!" haerin yells out to you. "This party I really fun, I already made a friend, and she's like totally awesome," she says gesturing to the girl standing opposite to her, damn she's really pretty, is beomgyu friends with her?
"Hello! Y/n right? My name is Rami, so nice to meet you!" Maybe it's just you being a lil jealous of her beauty but you're getting major bad vibes from this girl.
"Hey, Rami...do you know the bday boy?" you ask, intertwining your arm with beomgyu's as if your dating. he doesn't seem to be at all surprised with your behaviour though, even leaning into you.
"No actually, Yeonjun invited me" she giggles. "I only came to make friends honestly. I did get you a present though beomgyu!" She reaches into her bag pulling out a $100 dollar gift card and hands it to beomgyu.
"Oh my god Rami this is too much, You really didn't have to." beomgyu muttered, moving away from you slowly taking the gift into his hands. feeling a bit like you've been showed up, you reach into your bag hoping that he would prefer a gift that had a lot more thought put into it. but you feel nothing. the book you bought for him is nowhere to be seen. you forgot it.
"What did you get for beomgyu, Y/n?" she says, clearly seeing the distraught on your face from not having the gift with you. and beomgyu looks at you the a look of excitement as if he's been waiting for this.
"Oh...umm" you don't know what to say, opting to lie about where your present is. "It hasn't come in the mail yet" You hope and pray that beomgyu couldn't tell you were lying. it doesn't seem like he did but everyone else definitely did.
"Oh well that's a pity," Rami says, jeez What was her problem. you might have been a little jealous of her beauty but what did she have against you?
"That's okay y/n, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait." beomgyu tells you, giving you a reassuring look, and patting you on the back.
"Well I dunno about you guys but I could really use a drink right now!" Rami says, only looking at beomgyu, then dragging him away by his sleeve towards the drinks station, looking you in the eyes the whole time.
"what the fuck" you say, crossing your arms while giving haerin the nastiest death stare.
"Don't look at me Y/n! I didn't know she would practically steal your man okay?" Hearin announced as if pleading her case. "Also..."
"I may have already given her your number"
"I thought you two would get along okay? so like sorry in advance if she texts you later"
"You better be sorry, if she gets to beomgyu before me I swear to god man"
"Yeahhh, it does look like she wants him too. I guess this is just the universe telling you to ask him out already"
"I'm working as fast as I can okay?" you say, defending yourself as you try to peek over to where beomgyu is. haerin does the same, looking in the same direction as you.
"You have got to be kidding me" You see what might be your biggest fear right now. Rami has her hand rubbing up beomgyu's arm, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, as she pours him a drink. thankfully he declined it.
"Jesus fucking Christ dude, why would she offer him alcohol?"
you basically spend the rest of the party trying to watch the two of them without them noticing, a little thankful when your mom calls you asking where you are. in the end, Kai takes you home having to apologize for sneaking you out.
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previous chapter -- masterlist -- next chapter
taglsit (always open): @heyanonymous123 @wccycc @beomomb @sweetheartsaku @woncheecks @gyuszie @kaewonie @flowerbe0m @tocupid @imsiriuslyreal @starsforbeomgyu @moa4lifeee @jype2papi @destairea @stqrrian @n034sy
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mateoluvr · 1 year
hii! can i request a jealous!gekko x gn!reader where he does a bunch of physical touch in front of the person who's a littleee bit too close to the reader as a way for him to show that the reader is his??
thanks if you take the request!! your gekko writing has been an amazing gift to feed my gekko brainrot <3
a/n: hello!! thank u for requesting i saw this at like 2am around my time last night and quickly just finished it just now- hope u like it!! ( sorry there might not be that much touching from him in there ;_; ) but i'm glad i've been able to feed ur brainrot <3
gekko/mateo x gn!reader
wc: 1k
you were invited to one of your friend’s parties and the invitation let you have someone of your choice tag along with you. of course you asked your boyfriend come along with you, since the two of you were inseparable. 
[ y/n ]
hey mateo!! wanna come with me to my friend’s party today?
[ mateo ]
yeah sure bebé!! what time?
[ y/n ]
i think it starts around 8 does that sound good? 
[ mateo ]
yep it does! just let me know the address later, i’ll ttyl my break just ended, te amo <3
[ y/n ]
love u too!! <3
so later that day after you both got off work, you both went home since you decided to meet up there first. after you took a quick hot shower to ease yourself, you changed into worthy party attire after searching deep into your closet. when it was time to leave, you got into mateo’s car and he drove you two to the party. on the drive there he was complimenting on how nice you looked.
“mi amor, you look amazing.” 
“aww.. thank you teo you’re too sweet.”
when you both arrived at the given location your friend gave you, you could already see the vibrant lights through the window. as you were about to ring the doorbell, your friend opens the door on coincidence.
“oh hey y/n!” 
“wow.. that timing, I was just about to ring the doorbell.”
“there’s a delivery that’s supposed to be here any minute so i’m going to wait outside, feel free to go on in.”
your friend scoots over to the side, and you hold onto mateo’s hand as he guides you both through the door. once you stepped foot in your friend’s household, you were greeted with blasting music. you could basically hear it everywhere throughout the house and it made it feel like the walls were made of paper. 
“god, it’s so loud in here.” you complained, but you looked at mateo, but he had the opposite reaction to yours. he was full on grooving with the music, which was kinda cute to you.
“yeah it’s kinda loud, but I dig it.”
your friend came back with the food delivery she mentioned earlier and set it out on the long countertop near the kitchen. she offered you and mateo to help yourselves, but you turned down the offer since you weren’t hungry yet. mateo on the other hand, was slightly hungry but since you weren’t eating he didn’t either. so he just offered to grab a drink for the both of you and nodded.
“i’ll go grab some drinks for us, you stay right here, okay cariño?” he says, patting your head.
“don’t worry I’m not going anywhere,” you gave him a thumbs up, as he slipped through the crowd of people, and before you knew it his vibrant green hair was no longer visible.  
you decided to sit by a nearby couch and scanned around the room, you had a tad bit of social anxiety. you sometimes attended parties, but have never been to one this packed. you suddenly hear someone sit beside you, and you turn thinking it is mateo.
“welcome back- oh.” the smile on your face quickly fades away.
“hey there,” the unfamiliar individual greets you.
you glanced at the man, breaking eye contact instantly not knowing what to say.
“what’cha doing all by yourself?” he questions as he slowly checks you out.
“oh i came with someone, they’re just away for a bit.. he’ll be back soon.”
“doesn’t matter ‘cause he’s not here so..” he coos, as he leans towards you.
you scoot all the way to the end of the couch to get away from the creep. but he still proceeded to inch closer to you, too close. mateo witnesses the whole ordeal and his grip firmed on the cups in frustration; nearly crushing them.
why the fuck was this guy that close to you? he thought to himself.
he immediately barges in before anything too serious happened. he aggressively set the drinks down on the side table to free his hands. then he places his hand on your shoulder, and you turn around from the sudden touch; relieved to know it was your boyfriend. mateo glares at the man, unhappy that he was trying to make a move on you. 
“hm? and who must you be?” the stranger asks as he notices mateo's appearance.
mateo stays silent, and took the opportunity to sit right in between you and the guy with the space that was left on the couch. his eyes still locked onto the man, mateo’s arm slowly finds its way around your shoulder. he tugged you towards him, and you could see one of the man’s eyebrows arch in confusion on what he was trying to prove.
“does this not say enough?” 
“doesn’t excuse you leaving ‘em all alone like that.” 
mateo gets tired of his bullshit, so he gently touches your chin so he doesn’t hurt you, and pulls you in for a kiss. it surprised you a bit since it was so sudden, barely got to process what was happening. you just went with the flow though, it ends up lasting for a few minutes with the guy staring with a blank face. as you both pull away, mateo emphasizes his feelings towards you to grab his attention.
"te amo mucho y/n," he boldly blurts out in front of him.
“get the memo now dickhead? they’re mine. vete de aquí.” mateo says in assertively which ends up making the man scurry off. i mean, mateo was never the type of person to get mad, so it was a bit scary to see him this way.
mateo’s face slowly grows a grin, as he watches the man run off into the sea of people in defeat.
“thank you.. that guy was a total creep.” you sighed slumping onto his shoulder. 
“anytime bebé, i wasn’t about to let his hands on you. only mine can.” 
“someone’s jealous! but, i think we both knew that already.” 
“maybe a tad bit.. oh and the drinks are to the side, sorry the cups are kinda crumbly.. i mayhaps nearly crushed them.” he points to the cups on the table to your left.
“it’s okay, don’t worry about it teo.”
“let’s just never go to a party again.. don’t want any more men near you.” he mumbles as he holds you close to his chest.
you giggle, agreeing with him as you weren’t that fond of attending parties too. you just made an exception since your friend was the hostess. 
“you wanna just go home and maybe.. watch a movie and cuddle?” you suggest as the party wasn’t too enticing to you.
“sounds like a great idea, that way no more men can pry on my y/n.” he jokes, eliciting an eye roll from your end.
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voiceofsword · 1 year
I'm gonna set up a little tent in your inbox sorry it's cosy here :)
I still think about this so much like what does he mean by this. The shipper brain in me just sees it as rinniki real but I doubt they had that intention like????
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Also when he and mayoi talk and niki denies seeing rinne as family only to proceed defending him by claiming he's human like everyone else and he's just shown his "total bastard side" to everyone (but niki knows his true side because he trusts him enough. kinda 🏳️‍🌈)
I've just kinda rambled in your inbox but if you wanna add anything (or delete my ask fair lol) feel free ^^
omg why would i delete this u guys know i love any excuse to talk about them
ill put this under a cut bc screenshots, dont wanna clog ppls dashes !!
my shipper brain AGREES and in large part i think its intentional (not romantically? probably. will i see it that way? well 😏) because these two guys find it impossible to be open about how much the other means to them.. and through that weird tsun-ness it becomes obvious that they're both tiptoeing around it, so much so that when they do, it makes it even More apparent to everyone that something is up... but they both think they're very good at hiding it.
i think niki is especially a worse offender of this bc admitting rinne's just as important to him as it is the other way around is an IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE.. like with kohaku there hes like ew rinnes so gross his face makes me sick and not want to eat. hes definitely exaggerating here... what are u overcompensating for. ehem
but niki's love language is literally acts of service, and, well, it's pretty obvious how often he manifests this towards rinne
and in the mayoi conversation you mentioned it's SOOO.. when mayoi mentions that c:b are going to be their coperformers, when niki starts talking about rinne in response, it's almost like.. he's thanking them? bc to him he couldnt care less if they're invited on stage again. but rinne's the first thing he brings up because he knows how much it means to him, and that if anyone deserves a second chance, it's him:
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after mayoi says this, niki goes hell no but regardless his next lines all sound really fond:
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and i think the underlying sentiment here is that niki thinks rinne deserves the world. that even though hes sometimes an asshole, that beneath it all he's still a Good Person, and niki would give anything to make other people see that. it's not an explicit declaration of love but reading between the lines, hes pouring his heart out to mayoi like, hey i really love this guy. and even tho its not put into words, not properly, anyway, mayoi himself can see it
(especially taking into account that immediately afterwards he asks mayoi for a favor (that would benefit rinne, in the end))
just like him regularly feeding rinne (although sometimes rinne doesn't give him a choice — on several instances where rinne comes up to him like 'im hungry make me food', nikis like 'oh i cant Not feed you. youre being annoying but i cant have you be hungry', bc to him that's how he shows he cares, about rinne or about anyone), insisting that he'll go back home with him, and always, without fail, getting roped into his schemes and ending up enjoying it, bc time he spends with rinne is ultimately time spent with his best friend.
so yeah nikis a little 🏳️‍🌈 ur right
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
can u write headcanons how the Lis characters would comfort u after u have just been stood up by your "best friends" on your birthday because they wanted to get their stuff because they were supposed to sleep at ur house but they didnt came back?
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 - Chloe, Rachel, Victoria, Nathan, Kate 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, semi-angst, fluff, sad reader at parts, more fluff, name calling (mostly me to ur friends), fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - screw them, i bet you're awesome and super swag and you deserve much better friends because they obviously can't handle your super cool prescence. there's always more fish in the sea, don't take the poisonous ones home take care hon <3
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☆ 𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞 - Ooo, she might commit a crime, but for better judgement decides not to. So instead, she's ready to rumble. Karoke, dance party, snacks, baking and laughing. All of your favorite movies ready to go and even TV shows if you want.
Chloe would do anything for you. You want something to do, tell her. She would absolutely do it, even if she hated it. Chloe would hold back every complaint because you were smiling, and looking at her with glee. And not remembering the shitbirds who left.
Because who needs them? They're obviously not good friends, she's your friend and there's a million more out there. So screw them, it's time to go to the convenience store to get your favorite snack so that you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows with her until the sun rises.
And probably piss off a few neighbors with your spontaneous karaoke party Chloe hosted to get you laughing.
☆ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 - Ready to get the hell out of there. You both sneak out on a long drive, she doesn't care where and doesn't 'borrowing' her or your care even one of your parents cars to do it.
You guys just drive, every fast food place becomes your victim, eating random shit you've never tried from the dollar menu. She will pay for you, she does not care how much you argue.
It's your birthday, and even when you guys get back and tumble back into the house, laughing trying to stay quiet. She's ready to do whatever you want. Any show or movie, any game or stupid activity like playing charades while trying to stay quiet but it being almost impossible.
She believes the best comeback is showing them how unbothered you are about them leaving. Bye bye bitches, Rachel could care less about your presence because yours... yours is one to pay attention to.
Also, yes, your friends regret everything because Rachel shows no mercy.
☆ 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 - Ooo, they better be ready to apologize. Victoria Chase will reign terror. But for now, she's on a mission to make you smile and have a good night. It's spa night baby, with your favorite things set out that she'd already planned to do when just you and her hung out the next day.
But you're doing it now, not that she isn't happy to spend time with you. She loves you with all her heart. But Victoria wanted your plans to go your way, but now she's here to save the day.
Watching every show and movie you love, even if she minds them incredibly stupid or just not interesting. Definitely makes you do a facemask with you and posts tons of pictures to make sure your 'friends' know that you still had a good time.
Also makes sure that you get enough sleep for all the activities and fun things she had planned. So F them, Victoria Chase is always the better choice.
☆ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 - FURIOUS. He already didn't really care or like your friends. But seeing you sad really makes him mad, especially on your birthday. So, he does everything for you, waiting on you hand and foot.
Massages, dumb pictures, facemasks, terrible singing, a very aggressive game of truth or dare that distracts you after he drinks a very gross concoction. Your laughing your ass off at his jokes about those baboons who thought they would have a better night then you.
Even posts some cute pictures of you, an the very expensive present he made sure not to forget to flaunt.
☆ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 - Feels terrible. She's so upset for you, probably more so seeing your sad face. Get ready to get the hugs and kisses of your life because Kate isn't letting you go.
Comfort movie already on the TV along with her freshly baked cookies you both made to distract you, music playing in the background making her laugh while you spun her around.
By the end of it, those dickweasels have been forgotten because you've got Kate Marsh reading to you in funny voices while some weird movie you found plays on the TV.
By the way, Kate is hilarious while pretending to me someone opposite of her personality. She's quite the actress.
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vintagedoctor · 2 months
my friend is discovering fallout 4 for the first time
i love fallout 4. ive played that game to death and beyond. i know most details and all the endings and many of the quests and weapons and - yes im well aware of its problems, but i still enjoy it. i did enjoy it. ive moved on to other, better rpgs *cough cough baldurs gate 3 cough cough* and didnt think much of my beloved 1st person post apocalypse talking simulator. until my friend told me he got it and started playing it. for some reason i had already assumed he already played it but to my surprise, he knew nothing of the franchise. he had dabbled in skyrim for a bit, sure, but apparently he had no knowledge of bethesda's 2nd masterpiece. when i was in a voice call with him next, he of course, shared his screen so i could watch him stumble along the commonwealth, dying to bugs and raiders alike. he had gotten to the raider gang in the corvega assembly plant, the one in power armor and with a rocket launcher. i misremembered what the raider had and told my friend to beware the fat man. he didnt know what that was. he didnt know what the fatman was. thats when i realized something.
i had played fallout 4 for well over 400 hours, pretty low compared to other people but enough to where i can spew out random facts about that damn game. but my friend not knowing what the fatman was- the most iconic weapon in the fallout franchise- made me realize how fresh this is all to him. here is someone who is discovering this world with new eyes, not knowing a single thing abt the commonwealth or the minutemen or the shitty story or the repetive quests. when people wish to relive their favorite games in fresh eyes, they wish for this. here i was, as my friend's guide thru this junkpile of a game, seeing it thru new eyes once again. the thrill of discovery, smth i strive for but shy away from. im scared to try new things. i love my sameness. but that gets boring. it sure as hell gets boring. but not anymore.
i saw this as much when my friend stumbled upon covenant and i told him it was a good quest. i maybe shouldnt have even told him that but i wanted him to see it for himself and made sure he did it before it locked him out. he did the entry quiz, making a joke about how hes not getting let in and showed surprise when he was. now for me, i know u r let in no matter ur answer- a mix of irony w the whole synth test and also bethesda game design- so it was fun to see his shock. he walked around covenant and i suggested to him to get deezers lemonade. he tried to get infinite but sadly, all you get is what deezer has in stock. that started the quest and he was making comments about how sus the town was. yes! hes on the right track. he now had to track down a caravan and got mighty lost. i had to explain to him how quest markers work and surprisingly how to access his quest log. i guess its not all obvious to many. he had to leave shortly after but in dms he was telling me how he wanted to save a certain npc in covenant. my heart sank. bethesda doesnt work like that. if he turns against covenant, that npc that he loves will turn on him and he will be forced to kill her. idk if he has gotten that far in the quest line (i'll see later when he wakes up) but i dont want to imagine the disappointment.
thats what i realized with besthesda games. while they make great atmospheres and music and lore, the actual gameplay and rules are never clear. its not like baldurs gate where larian thought of every possible outcome for every quest. its more bethesda knows rpgs must have differing outcomes but doesnt understand what that means. when they market their games to be freedom of choice and play how you want and "see that mountain, you can climb that", it sets an expectation. an expectation they dont follow thru on. i hope this doesnt dissuade my friend from continuing. i think he will really enjoy some of the quests and especially power armor. he already decided to play for a power armor build. it would be very funny if he sided with the brotherhood of steel for his first run, as i did since i was a dumb kid and didnt understand the blatant military critique that it was. he might, as i did, think, big gun means fun time. thats perfectly fine. the factions in fallout 4 arent as deep philosophically as bethesda treats them to be.
all in all, watching my friend discover this great game for the first time has reminded me of my struggles with the game. he even had his first bugs due to modding. a bug i had similar issues with but we quickly solved. my hope for him is that he finds as much passion in the game as i do. theres a reason its in my top 5 games.
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nyaagolor · 10 months
First up- I LOVE your analysis and lore and everything, and as the number one Geeta lover you are literally one of the only people who I would see write "Geeta team edit" and actually keep reading. Most of these are done in such bad faith, so thank you for just not. I DO however have a few thoughts.
I think Espathra as a lead is actually really good. The opportunist ability stops players from boosting at the start of the battle, lumina crash is an absolute menace, and espathra's association with being beautiful and viscous I think really fits the overall theme of Geeta and her team. I would love to see espathra running stored power, but that's a nitpick.
Armarouge/ceruledge are absolutely amazing picks and definitely should have been on the team, 100% agree. I think ceruledge would again fit her overall look and theme better.
Gholdengo...like I fully get what your saying about it being rare to find and a good choice in that sense, but I really think champion teams should show off their personality first and foremost. And gholdengo is so gotdamn silly, I just can't see it working with her team/vibe.
I actually really like gogoat tbh. Ik it's not a Paldean Mon but idk the rest of the team around it just really pulls it in thematically. Theres not a lot of reasoning here I just like it lmao. Same with veluza tbh, although again I think this one fits her theme really well. Also I despise rabsca. Personal opinion on that one lmao
10000000% agree about putting glimmora with Geeta in the same way as Nemona and pawmot, absolutely! And also making glimmora way harder to find in game, yes! I admit I did like finding out about the connection between Geeta and area zero after the fact, purely because it keeps Geeta relevant in the post game lmao. It's just nice to have her continue to be mentioned even while off screen and in theory done story-wise. I will say that glimmora can hit like a special truck, and I personally love using it as an ace/sweeper, but again thats my preference. I find it's actually kinda wasted potential using it for just set up. The ability is honestly more of a nice bonus than something to hinge the whole strat on.
That's all! Again, love your analysis sososo much! I just read it and got thoughts and wanted to share because I am constantly rotating Geeta and her team in my mind. And also like. The aesthetic and the theme are sooooo important
hiii thank u!! Talking about Geeta in any capacity is a goddamn nightmare bc there's like a 50% chance that if you don't have a giant blocklist someone is gonna come into ur notifs like "well um Actually" about something. We in the trenches out here. Anyway
Espathra: So a few people have pointed out that Espathra fits her really well either as an lead or just for the vibes and after thinking about it I'm inclined to agree. I didn't include it at first because it's Tulip's Paldea ace and I hate repeats but tbh? Tulip can find another psychic type. Geeta gets the bird now. Maybe that's why Tulip hates her so much
Celruedge: So I uh. Actually made a slight mistake in my original post. I meant to update it so she always has a Celruedge bc Mela has an Amarogue and then forgot to update the post before it posted so. Oops! Anyway yeah agreed Celruedge is cooler for this
Gholdengo: Imma be real with you I hate this thing. I included it on her team because no one else uses it and it would be a fun surprise but also I hate it. It doesn't fit her vibes whatsoever and I just wanna know Why it looks like that. A debateably necessary evil
The only reason Gogoat isn't in this team is bc I made a rule that they had to be exclusively Paldean pokemon. I am her Gogoat's number one fan I am ride or die for that thing. Giving him a little kiss on the forehead. I'm a Geeta's Gogoat apologist
I don't know anything about comp but I have friends that do and they mentioned Glimmora being her ace would require a lot of teambuilding around it which I don't know how to do nor do I want to. Lead or ace or whatever-- it's her little guy
Thanks for the ask!!
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diorleclerc · 2 years
for the uni/college i’m vibing w a frat/house party setting
ur friends had to drag u out but u end up having have fun n u meet a guy and start chatting
then he asked to b pong partners n u guys are obvi winning
night goes on n they take a body shot off u then u guys disappear and end up fucking somwhere😵‍💫
ur choice of who for this one ;)
happy college/uni tuesdays :)
your friends end up ditching you when you get to the party, even though they were the ones who dragged you here in the first place.
you were walking around the party, trying to find at least one of them but you couldn’t. you did end up bumping into one of the frat boys of the house though.
like, literally bump into him.
pierre ends up spilling half of his drink on you on accident, both of you apologizing immediately.
“oh my god! your drink, i’m so sorry!”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart. i’m sorry about your dress. let me grab you some napkins to dry off, come on,” pierre says, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the kitchen.
he grabs some paper towels and hands them to you. you dab them on your dress, trying to dry yourself off as much as possible.
“all good sweetheart? do you need to borrow one of my shirts?” he asks and you quickly shake your head.
“no, no. i should be heading back to my dorms anyways,” you say. “heading back? the party’s just begun! you can’t leave yet!” he exclaims.
“there’s not really anything here for me… my friends all ditched me,” you shrug. “i’m your new friend then. so we’re gonna hang out and party together. and we’re gonna start off with a game of beer pong,” he grins.
“what- i don’t even know how to play!” you exclaim but he’s already leading you to the table with all the cups.
pierre teaches you how to play and you mess up on your first few turns but after awhile, you get the hang of it.
and of course, you end up winning the game.
“see? you’re a pro at this!” pierre turns to you, hi fiving you.
“we need to celebrate this with shots!” he adds, before leading you back to the kitchen.
“alright, so we’ve got beer pong crossed off the list of things you’ve never done before. anything else we can cross off tonight?” pierre asks as he pours two shots of tequila.
you were a little tipsy already and now that you saw the tequila shots, you decided to just go for it.
“i’ve never done body shots before,” you say, shocking him. “i definitely wasn’t expecting that from you, sweetheart,” he starts before sliding the shot glass over to you.
“but i can definitely help you cross that off your list.”
before you could even think of saying anything, he’s already hopping onto the table, laying down and lifting up his shirt.
“what do you say, sweetheart?”
“i say… pour the shot,” you say and he smirks before placing the lime between his teeth then spilling a little bit of tequila onto his abs.
a few people had gathered around to watch and were cheering you on as you licked the tequila off his abs.
you keep eye contact with him the entire time your tongue is dragging against his skin and all the way up to his lips, taking the lime into your mouth.
pierre watches as you suck on the lime before taking it from your mouth, pressing his mouth to yours.
“alright fuck off! show’s over!” he yells out to the crowd once he pulled away from your lips, making you giggle a little.
“you know, another thing i’ve never done before is fuck a frat boy.”
“well then it looks like we’re gonna have to change that. let’s head up to my room for some privacy, sweetheart.”
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onyxmilk · 5 months
I saw some of your match up posts and I'm so curious (and exciting, too) about it. So I would like to ask for a sfw and nfsw HSR match up.
My pronoun is she/her. I'm a bi so I'm fine with whoever you'll choose for me!
I'm an INFJ with Scorpio sun. I would say I'm an old soul with a carefree, sometime childlike, personality. Let me make it clear.~ I enjoy philosophical topics and deep conservation. And history and historical things always get my attention. I'm always attracted to vintage or academic things and activities like museum, classical literature and music, languages studying... Even my fashion style get affected by my academic aesthetic obsession. But I know how to make a good joke and enjoy my time, too. When I'm surrounded by my familiars, I can get childish and clingy. That's how I show my trust, by putting down my hyper-independent mask and letting myself get vulnerable around them. Towards strangers, I can be seen as aloof and quiet. And it needs many many and maaaaany effort for me to warm up to anybody.
I'm quite competitive, at least in academic field. Maybe it's the post-gifted-kid syndrome, lol. When I set my eyes on something, I will neglect everything to achieve my goal. So you can assume that my health is not always in good shape (the truth is I get sick often, haiz). But that doesn't mean I don't know when I should stop. Instead, I'm proud to say I know how to keep myself in check when my competitive tendency could do bad things to other people. Normally, I'm type of people to just go with the flow. Some of my friends may say I'm a softie if the problem doesn't bother me too much to make me feel annoyed. And when I'm annoyed, that's a different story. Safe to say I can make a grown-up man cry with my words. You don't have to always use violence to solve things.
I think I have talents in learning languages. I can speak 3 languages and currently I'm learning another one. Yet, my major is business administration. You know, economy major is always a safe choice.
I'm quite short. But I think 155cm is an average height for an Asian so never mind. I have long black hair (oh I loooove long hairs in general, including my hair too, safe to say I love playing with my friends' hairs dguahuihhwh), dark brow eyes and soft feature with plump lips (my favorite features~) and a beauty mark on my right chin, right under my mouth (yes my favorite features again hehe). But my friends prefer my round full cheeks or my doe eyes (hm, and I think my eyes are rather sad, not doe-eyes much).
I adore cute and girly (?) things. Like flowers, small animals, moon, rain, autumn, soft color like pink or lilac... My fashion style mixes with feminine, classic and academia style. In conclusion, you can imagine some long black skirts, long dresses with flowers patterns and laces, white blouses, trench coats, a pair of marry janes...
My hobbies includes reading, journaling and just sleeping. My love languages are physical touch, quality time and acts of service. I prefer calm, collected, mature and gentle people and genders don't matter with me (if it helps).
I apologize in advance if I overdo it. But I believe the more details, the easier for you to finish my request! Have a great day or night and remember to take care of yourself.~
AHHH!! thank u for all the deets, and i'm glad ur excited!! :D, nsfw under the cut! minors/ageless blogs dni!!
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SONG; Always Forever - Cults
Jing Yuan loves to listen to you ramble about the history of.. anything! Even stuff that he has deemed irrelevant, he will listen to you talk about it's history because you love to.
He admires the fact you can journal, because personally he could never do that since he sits in his office and fights sleep to do paper work.
He loves being able to fall asleep with you in his arms, even after a long day or during his lunch break, he's happy to see you're free too and the two of you can take a nap.
He absolutely loves your sense of fashion and finds that it compliments your personality quite well.
He feels beyond lucky to have scored such a wonderful woman, falling in love with you over and over again each day.
Jing is a lazy but rough lover, often leaving marks on your skin that he expresses his desire for you not to cover up if you could help it.
He absolutely will have you seeing stars and white while he fucks you roughly, even on the nights he's not feeling particularly energized.
He'll use to the ribbon in his hair to tie you up, either it be to the bed or keeping your hands behind your back.
He seems to enjoy missionary position the most? Probably because its simple, and he can see your reaction as his cock abuses your the walls of your pussy.
He can't keep his mouth to himself, either it be on your neck, shoulder, or breasts, he will have it in his mouth and he will be marking you up.
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cleetus42 · 1 year
chamomile tea has no effect on me except making me need to pee. like staring at my computer screen to develop eye strain is the only way i can get to sleep. i sleep at like 2-3am get up at 11am. and i only feel a drive to do things after the sun sets :(
like i really dont care about establishing a harsh routine . i just. aah i hate how at school they say shit like treat school like a 9-5 job and work 5 hrs after school too. load of bull. i dont see the point in depriving urself of momentary joys just bc ur working towards a goal - both can happen at the same time. but its not like schools care about learning, or nurturing young minds. its about conditioning you into working hard and obeying authority, waking up at ridiculous hours to do the same thing over and over again. break times are loud and there are too many people and too much noise. hallways are filled with people with no spatial awareness of others, the common room has been taken over by a bunch of nitwits, people think its funny to take my seat in the computer room.
and now that im gone people are extending their condolences like ive died. only in my absence do people stop and reflect. my empty seat in class. my name thats called out with no response. my so called friend whos eating alone, she convinces herself its out of choice, but she knows the only girl who gave her the time of day is gone. no text. no messages. no calls. not like there were any. i have disappeared, albeit only for a week and people are already mourning me.
i mean, im better and alhamdulillah i am. but its so funny to just think about. and i appreciate people. i appreciate the kind people, and i dont really want them to worry, but i dont really think i need to do anything. ill go back. but ill go back without relapsing. in minecraft you dont go into a cave without torches. i mean you can but you can run into danger pretty easily. sometimes you can go in with just torches and a pickaxe, granted u dont run into too many mobs and u dont go too far into the cave. but if ur searching below that specific coordinate for diamonds, or you hope to find a mineshaft or a dungeon - you go with armour and a good sword. to protect yourself from the hostile mobs so you can appreciate the treasures you find in the chests, in the nooks and crannys . in the twists and turns of the cave.
prozac. cbt . eating well. sleeping earlier. they will be my armour. ive already recovered somewhat from my sadness, and i dont feel tempted to throw myself off something tall to relieve myself of my suffering. so. its working.
ya Allah forgive me for my sins, maintain my happiness and grant me rizq in all aspects of my life. guide me, and continue to guide me, protect me from the grievances of this world and let me find solace in your remembrance. ameen
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
every time i hear abt my irl friends relationships, the happier i am that i get my serotonin from a gacha addiction and not from relying on someone else who acts like they don’t give a single shit about you
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achoonihaachu · 2 years
God Must Hate Me; Ch. 5
A/N: boom! double update! a gal's gone mad! i hope you like the storyline and i hope ur as excited about the future chapters i've got planned as i am! thank you once again to @its-dari (i'll always tag u >:)) ) enjoy! <33
pairings: Simeon x mc, Solomon x mc, Diavolo x mc, Barbatos x mc, Demon Brothers x mc (individually), Luke x mc (PLATONIC!), MC x Fem!OC warnings: cursing, fighting, mc has a panic attack :(, mentions of m*rder, spoilers for chapter 16, not proofread (im sorry for any and all mistakes) :<< reminder: take care of yourself! you're like a priceless gem that deserves to be taken care of so self love is the most important thing! love yourself and always stay safe!
During a moment of complete panic, your vision is clouded; like a smoke machine whirring in your face, making you practically blinded to everything else. All you can focus on is your fear. All you can hear is the wild beating of your heart in your chest. Solomon has lived for millenia, outliving his friends, his lovers, his followers- he has experienced every possible emotion in the book, as one does when living with the curse of immortality. He’s grieved over countless deaths, he’s felt afraid for his own life. You’d think that it’d numb after a while. He knows exactly what timeline he’s in, he’s seen the choices made and the choices that will be made, thanks in part to Barbatos. He knows.
Knowing doesn’t make fear any less intense.
Seeing you in a state almost catatonic, seemingly so close to death, has his blood running cold. He hears the knock at the door, he knows who stands beyond the hard wood. He knows everything- Is this what Barbatos deals with everyday? What a difficult life to live. The knocking grew intense but it sounded muddled in his ears; almost as if he heard it through a wall of water.
Simeon moves from beside him, gingerly stepping away from you so as to not to bother you. The angel’s eyes were blue blazing hot coals at a fireplace; his anger seems unprecedented. He’s never seen the side of Simeon, but the minute he looks back at you, his eyes are soft like the clouds in the Celestial Realm.
The angel clad in white hurriedly opens the door and his glare hardens more when he sees the demon brothers looking around nervously, “You’re not allowed to be here.” He practically growls. Lucifer stands his ground, standing at the front of the group with a letter in hand. Wordlessly, he hands Simeon the piece of paper, letting him take his time to read and process every single word. Behind the eldest, the 6 other brothers were on the brink of meltdown; looking like atrocious messes, they all donned on their pajamas and their states were obviously frazzled. Any demon in the vicinity could smell the fear reeking from the group.
“Solomon.” Simeon spat out, teeth bared like fangs as he sped off back to your room. He left the door open.
Never leave the door open lest you want demons to enter.
Solomon had resigned himself to stroking your cheek, breathing ragged as he stared down at you, “Oh, (MC). “ His voice sounded watery, to match his eyes swimming with unshed tears. Barbatos, I wonder how you manage to do this every single day. The sorcerer glances at the tiny clock on your vanity, the long hand ticking so slowly he feels as though it’s mocking him.
3:28 A.M. 2 more minutes. 2 minutes before the timeline is set.
Right on cue, Simeon bursts through the door, practically foaming at the mouth with anger, and he’s followed quickly by the Demon Brothers. Strange, he read in the file that Yuki would be with them. Lucifer slowly approached the sorcerer, who refused to look up at him as he held your cold frame close, “Solomon, please let us give this to (MC). We have to at least try.” Pride’s voice was soft, unlike his normal snappy tone the sorcerer was used to hearing. It was almost as if the demon representing Pride was… begging. Solomon looks up at him, eyes still brimmed with salty tears as he lets out a bitter laugh, “We’re too late, Lucifer. I’m sorry-”
“Wait! Please! Solomon!” Yuki.
Unsteady feet beat against the hardwood floor of Purgatory Hall; the sorcerer sees Yuki run in with Diavolo and Barbatos. Ah, that’s the signal, I suppose. The long hand moves so slowly, but it shows the time.
3:30 A.M.
Solomon wept silently, holding you close before the necklace on your chest breaks out in a cacophony of colors; first blue, then yellow, followed by orange, then green, then pink and as it flashed red and purple at the same time, your body started shaking violently. Not in the way possessions occur in movies but it almost seemed like you were freezing.
The necklace shatters on your neck, leaving behind nothing but dust.
Your eyes crack open, your chest heaving violently as you gasped; the fear traveling in your veins was too much. Diavolo and Barbatos pulled to take Solomon away from your side and the sorcerer all but moved along like a puppet on strings. What’s done is done. You blink slowly, breathing sporadically as you grasp at your face. You sit up and eye everyone in the room, eyes full of fear as you slowly back away into a corner of the room.
“W-Who are you?”
Yuki’s the first to break down in tears after Solomon; she bites back the ugly sob threatening to escape her as she turns away. The Avatars of Sin were all silent, spirits seemingly downcast as they watched you with remorseful eyes. Simeon stood by Lord Diavolo, eyes flaming with anger and defiance, as if tempting the Prince to a fight over a single question,
“What is going on?!” He grits his teeth.
You tuck your knees to your chest as you shake like a leaf, who were these people?! You had not a clue of who they were or where you were; this wasn’t even your bed! You glance at all their faces and all you can feel is a sickening sense of fear and torment.
“Who the fuck are you? What do you want with me?! P-Please just… leave me alone.” You croak out.
Your pacts with the brothers were fading, they felt it evidently so and their panic took too much of their attention to realize that though they were faded, that didn’t mean you had no control over them. One by one, the brothers filed out of the room, legs moving on their own as they marched out of the house. Solomon approaches you cautiously, earning a scared whimper from you that breaks his heart. He dared not touch you in this state, instead he put his hand out. He chants an ancient spell and slowly, your limbs drop to your side as you curl up into a dreamless slumber.
The remaining few in the room shared a glance before coming to an unspoken agreement.
A council meeting was to be held immediately.
Diavolo sat at one of the ends of the table, his seat much larger than the rest; As the Prince, he could command a room with one nod or quirk of his eyebrow. The rest of the group were scattered randomly, the rest of the student council members weren’t seated where they normally sat. Everyone was tense as they stared at the only empty seat. Your seat, they dared not try to occupy it.
“Can someone please explain this stupid letter?” Yuki asked, exasperated as she tossed the letter to the middle of the table. Solomon, having kept his gaze trained on the table, looked up for the first time since they all came and he felt so… small under the group’s scrutiny. The most powerful sorcerer in all of history was shivering in his boots from the judgement he felt.
“I… I had asked Lucifer for the letter. I’m not quite sure who it’s from, it wasn’t signed-” As Solomon spoke, Asmodeus pushed himself out of his seat, tears running down his face as he hiccupped, “How do you know it wasn’t signed? You haven’t even glanced at the disgusting thing!” He cried.
Lucifer was glaring at him, eyes so deadly that he felt like the demon was drilling holes into the deepest depths of his soul. “How did you know that it was in my possession in the first place? You called me up at this strange hour, telling me something so ominous-” Images of you in Simeon’s arms, looking so lifeless were burned into his mind. He was sure they would haunt him for a long time after this. The eldest sat in his chair defeatedly, “You knew exactly what was about to take place. You knew, Solomon. Why didn’t you try to stop it?” He asked tiredly.
“It is because we had agreed on it, Lucifer.” Diavolo said. Silence befalls the group, with the exception of Yuki’s chair screeching against the flooring. The girl walks over to Diavolo, arm raised and before she could even strike the Prince across the face, Barbatos grabs her forearm tenderly, “Please wait for the Young Lord’s explanation.” He says, his normal smile replaced with a sad frown. Yuki falls to the ground slowly, weeping silently as Barbatos wrapped his arms comfortingly around her, “My Lord, they all deserve an explanation.” He said softly as he rubbed circles on Yuki’s back.
With a sigh, Diavolo folded his arms on the table, “As you all may know, I’ve worked hard on this little passion project of mine. I had set out to strengthen the relationships of all Three Realms; I wanted to lead our generation and all future generations into a world where we can all live in harmony. Our first year went marvelously, thanks to (MC). They were tasked with doing so much for all of us and they did everything without question. They managed to live past certain… traumatic incidents that other humans would’ve surely lost their minds to. They learnt to love you, for all your flaws, for what you stood for.” The Prince slowly rises from his seat, eyes shifting from one Avatar to the other but never once shying away from their gazes.
“With how well the first year went, I thought that another year of the exchange program would only bring about a stronger bond. A stronger sense of family in the House of Lamentation. Yuki was a stellar candidate but I would’ve never taken her into the Devildom had I not known of (MC) and Solomon’s plans on coming back. At first I expected your resistance, I wouldn’t put it past you all to try and rebel against my idea but you took her in with open arms. Perhaps (MC) was an even better influence on you all than I thought but after a while, things took a turn.” Diavolo stalked around the room, walking by each Avatar. His presence was one that demanded attention, he walked with such an air of dignity and power that you’d be a fool not to hang off of every word he spoke.
He frightened the Avatars, even if they deny it.
“You were tasked with watching over both Yuki and (MC) but you decide that one is enough and you all slowly start leaving (MC) out of everything you did. They never once got angry, never once complained or tattled, no, they protected you through and through. Yes, you’re all demons, beings formed from the basis of all forms of Sin but I must say, even this is too low for you. I never once imagined that a group so obsessed with family could turn against a person who loved them so.” Diavolo’s voice grew darker with each syllable that left his mouth, his steps grew heavier and his gaze glinted with what can only be described as murderous intent.
“I had Barbatos look through every timeline, we can only hope for their forgiveness for this but what we saw only further strengthened our belief that… You, the Avatars of Sin, do not deserve them. I try not to play favorites amongst my exchange students but (MC) has captivated me in the way they captivated you. In all the timelines we saw, these are the timelines where (MC) chooses to forgive you.” From under the desk, the Prince pulls out three thin files.
Three files, only three chances.
“After putting them under Solomon’s care, I decided that enough was enough. You are not allowed to mistreat any of the exchange students that have and will walk the Devildom invited in the name of strengthening bonds. As punishment, I have told you all that you will not be allowed to approach (MC) without their permission, of course, and the permission of Solomon or Simeon. One early morning, I asked Solomon to meet with me because Barbatos had completed his tasks. We read through each file and agreed on narrowing down to five possible timelines. We have been pulling strings to ensure that you all made the decisions that would ultimately affect your relationships with (MC). We left their future in your hands and once again, you all acted selfishly. You acted for your own happiness, for your own pleasure and this is what resulted.” Diavolo’s gaze was pointed, he stared directly at his Right Hand Man. Lucifer couldn’t hold his stare.
“D- Lord Diavolo, does that mean you know who wrote the letter?” Mammon asked, voice wavering. Solomon glanced at the Avatar of Greed before reluctantly nodding, “We’ve known for a while.” At lightning speed, Mammon flies across the room to grip Solomon's neck. Horns poked through the mop of silver hair on his head, his wings beating angrily behind him as he lifted the sorcerer in the air,
“What kind of guardian are you?”
“Mammon, enough. Put him down.” Lucifer commanded. His other brothers were somewhat pleading with Mammon as well, specifically Asmodeus, but there was reluctance in their voices. In the same way you’d reject an attractive stranger hitting on you in a club. The, “Aw, no… but I wouldn’t mind if you continue...” tone of voice.
With a low growl, Mammon lowers himself back on the ground, his grip on the sorcerer loosening when his feet grazed the marble flooring. Solomon gasps for air, his knees going weak for a moment but all he did was stumble; he was definitely not going to fall on the floor in front of Mammon of all demons. “I know you’re angry but quite frankly, you have no right to blame Solomon. You pushed them away.” Simeon says, grabbing the attention of the group from the heaving sorcerer. He stares the Demon Prince down, nostrils flaring as he sighs, “ I do not condone any of the actions you both have agreed on, believe me when I say that I’m infuriated, but I can see why you chose to do this. Somehow, someway, you left the future in their hands and they messed up again.” The angel stands by Solomon, rubbing circles on his back as he slowly guides him back to the table.
“My Lord, if the timeline has been set, is there any way we can make it up to them? They… They don’t deserve this.” Lucifer breathed out; he eyed his brothers, their faces wore physical evidence of lethargy and panic.
“You’ll have to get them to trust you again. When they see you, they feel fear and panic and… disgust. Get them to trust you and find out who did this. We have an inkling but we need evidence before we can lock them up in the dungeons.” Diavolo states.
They’re back to square one with you.
You woke up in the same ivory room decorated with trinkets that you held close to your heart; your mother’s necklace, an expensive looking hairbrush someone gifted you, those kinds of little knick knacks. You saw polaroid photos hanging on the walls on twine of faces you couldn’t quite put names on. You stared at your feet, your skin tone clashing a beautiful contrast against the satin sheets. The mirror on “your” vanity was chipped and cracked, not fully broken but you couldn’t bear to look at the multitude of reflections of you that stared back. You didn’t feel at home but you didn’t fully feel like you were abducted.
You just simply… were.
A soft knock echoes from the door and you flinch, hands grabbing hastily at the sheets to cover your body from whoever or whatever stood on the other side of the door. The door clicks open and in walks a tiny blonde child clad in white and blue pajamas. “(M-MC)!” He cried, rushing over to wrap his arms around you.
You didn’t feel scared, you didn’t know this child but… He seemed to care deeply about you and he made you feel safe somehow.
“I-I’m sorry but… Who are you? How do you know who I am? I woke up and I was surrounded by a bunch of strange men. They were so… scary. Please help me, I… I’m scared.” You whispered. The blonde boy falters, arms loosening around you quickly as he stares up at you in disbelief. Have you really forgotten them? His lip quivers ever so slightly, “What do you mean? (MC), t-this isn’t funny! Did those demons put you up to this?! Did Simeon ask you to help him with another one of his mean jokes?!”
Who on God’s Green Earth is Simeon?
Before you could even ask, you noticed a tall figure standing in the doorway. You quickly pulled the blonde close to you and you let out this blood curdling scream. “Get away!” You yelled, moving the boy behind you.
Simeon stood in the doorway, watching you both silently but then… you see him. Hearing your scream of pure terror put him into a state of panic himself and he didn’t know how to soothe your fear.
He watched as you protected Luke, from a person you didn’t know and, for all he knew, someone you feared. His heart warmed seeing your heroism but it ached all the same.
You really didn’t know who they were.
“(MC), please, please calm down. My name is Simeon and… and we’re really good friends! You… got into an accident. You forgot me but don’t worry I- umph!” The poor angel was cut off when you threw a pillow into his face.
This was going to be quite the process.
You sat hesitantly on the opposite side of Simeon, your arms still tightly wound around the blonde, who you found out was a friend of yours named Luke. Simeon told you that you, him, Luke, and another man named Solomon all lived together before the accident, as he so ominously put it. He wouldn’t budge no matter how badly you begged for even the smallest detail regarding the thing that caused you to forget them all. You sighed as you hugged Luke, “I’m sorry for… forgetting.”
Oh, MC. You’ll be the death of them.
A man clad in this beautiful coat walks in and since Simeon and Luke seemed okay with his presence, you chalked him up to be the Solomon in their stories. In the memories you used to share.
“I see you’ve explained it all to (MC)? I’m glad to see that you’re awake.” He greets you gently; you noticed how he kept his distance, unlike Simeon or Luke who’ve been rather touchy and cuddly. “You’re Solomon, right? Hello um… come sit with us.” You say, patting the spot on the bed beside you.
You four sat and enjoyed each other’s company the rest of that dawn, the night turning to day as the sun rose to indicate a new beginning.
It had been about a week since your memories were taken away from you by a selfish demon. Lord Diavolo, with the help of the Avatars of Sin and the other exchange students worked day in and day out to ensure that you were comfortable through the entire thing. You were able to grasp the concept of the Three Realms with surprising ease, perhaps the demon who cursed you had worried about your sanity… How sweet? Your schooling was halted for the time being, each demon that entered the school grounds was heavily monitored but nothing seemed out of place… That was until you finally went back to school.
You had recently been re-acquainted with Yuki, the other human exchange student. She seemed quite… expressive when you first met her. When you first spoke with the boys in Purgatory Hall, you weren’t scared, if anything the trio made you feel extremely comfortable and safe.
With Yuki, you felt this sense of dread- as if you were afraid that she’d hurt you. You shook that feeling off and slowly, it faded like a shade of gray on a black and white painting.
It sort of just disappeared with enough time.
Yuki grabbed your bag from your arms, the girl had insisted on practically babying you the moment you first spoke. You sighed and simply went along with it; if you could keep note of just one thing about the girl, you’d say that she was incredibly stubborn regarding anything she put her mind to.
Simeon and Solomon had pulled you aside earlier that morning to warn you about a group of demons, seven to be exact, who would make their presence known to you. Simeon was adamant about having you promise to steer clear of them but when the protective angel wasn’t paying attention, the sorcerer had asked you to hear them out.
Solomon watched as Simeon scurried off to Luke’s room after hearing the younger angel whine about the hat he was told to wear as part of his uniform. Apparently it was a particularly bad hat day. He grasped at your arm and pulled you close to the heavily locked front door. “I know Simeon and I just instructed you one thing but if you could find it in your heart to listen to whatever those demons have to say… I’m sure it’d be worth your while. I promise that no harm will come your way.” He says, slowly moving to stand behind you. You felt his fingers brush along the exposed skin of your neck, his hands shaking slightly as he clipped something on you.
On your chest lay a pretty black stone attached to a simple gold chain.
Your fingers messed with the orb that knocked against your clavicle with each jolly step. What had Solomon meant with what he said? “Find it in your heart to listen”? He’s a strange sorcerer indeed.
Lost in thought you bumped into a figure dressed in a uniform similar to yours. A bag slung over his shoulder, he fixes the big black coat that hung on his figure, “Watch where you’re going- Oh. You’re that human exchange student… (MC) right? I could’ve sworn we've bumped into each other before. My name’s Merihem.” His voice was low, he sounded seductive in all honesty. He stuck his hand out for you, a toothy grin on his face.
He looked nice enough so… you took his hand.
With a firm shake, you fail to notice the way his eyes rake over your body hungrily. You glance over to where Yuki was heading and see that the girl was now booking it back to you like a frantic mother looking for her child, “(MC)! I thought you were walking behind me! I look away for two seconds and you’re left alone! I told you to stick beside me!” She yelled, arms flailing around to try and get her point across. You eyed Merihem; something about him seems off.
Yuki sniffs the air and gagged; it smelt like rancid, kind of like battery acid.
“Right, sorry about that, Yuki. I’ll… see you around then, Merihem.” You wave goodbye to your new demon acquaintance and you get pulled off by Yuki. Something about that demon rubbed the human girl the wrong way and her gut told her to get the both of you away from him as soon as possible.
You miss the way Merihem heaves like a dog in heat when you leave.
At the gates of RAD, you spot a group of seven demons greeting every single student that walks by… Well, greet is a loose word to describe what they were doing. They all seemingly checked everything about all the passing demons; from their bags to the tiniest hairs of their body.
They worked quite efficiently, you had to hand it to them.
The closer you approached, the more detail you saw with these demons. Something about them seemed so familiar. You couldn’t put a finger on it. You saw the ravenette bark out orders; he’s the man in-charge. One of the demons wore their uniform quite untidily and you watched in amusement as they grabbed change from the pockets of one of the demons they were searching. His hands were fast. You eyed each of them but one guy in particular caught your attention.
He carried around a cow-print pillow, that in itself was a strange thing to do in public but when he turns in your direction, your heart plummets. Your chest constricts and you have a hard time breathing. Something about his face brought about fear that you've never felt before. You need to escape before you pass out.
You thought it was bad but then you two make eye contact.
You fell down to the ground with a loud scream, drawing the attention of all seven. Your mind hurts with the flashes of what you can only describe as your biggest nightmare. Bony hands gripping at your neck, a sinister maniac laughing as your vision grew hazy. Cow print.
Seven pairs of feet beat against the ground, footsteps grew louder as yelling rings in your ears like white noise.
taglist for those who asked to be tagged:
@edible-sushi , @knmsapplepi , @kxyren , @its-dari , @izukulus , @farysblog , @atinyidea-bon , @affecteddream , @yunbedo , @raven-darkessence , @crystal-freak24 , @gallantys , @xfatefulmistyx , @crystalmystery , @another-one-again , @moni-sama , @giulia2372 , @mattxxamryli , @seaseachan , @airserylunalol , @mammonsleftkidney , @sasarii , @voidanon69 , @a-dorkier-book-keeper , @ikkomori , @chiefarcadesuujt , @mammonssheep , @ymjay , @milumine-draws , @beanybunzz , @marvelous-maniac , @setsubon , @v0id1nq , @lonely--witch , @trappola-caramel , @the-wonderously-strange , @star-child-love , @siniy606 , @ymjay, @0willowwisp0 , @yunbedo , @thirteenhub , @blessyblade8 , @niallerhere , @zero-nightshade , @my-comfort-space
crossed out names are of those who asked to be tagged but for some reason, i just couldn't tag you! :<< i'm not sure if it's because some of you are private accounts, im not even sure how tumblr works sometimes but i'm sorry! i'll keep trying to tag you in the future! <33
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frogtanii · 3 years
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℗ home
kenma x fem!reader (poker face ending)
series masterlist
wc. 2.9k (ahaha)
warnings. NOT PROOFREAD, liberal use of italics, soft soft, kenma in denial, allusions to marriage, bokuto and kuroo meddling, drinking, declarations of love, SMUT!!! (is marked off!), sub!kenma, handjob + blowjob, slightly insecure!kenma, meiko mentions, enthusiastic consent, one (1) katamari reference, vocal!kenma, uhh
an. good golly gee i HATE ending the endings m so bad at it AND the smut is lil weirder to skip??? like it’s not impossible or anything but it’s not as smooth as atsumu’s, m rlly sorry :((((( but i rlly hope y’all enjoy hehe don’t forget to feed me shawties :3
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the loud obnoxious pop music blasting in the crowded bar around kenma made him want to fling himself into the moon at the nearest opportunity.
okay, so that was a little dramatic but the fact still stood.
he was crammed into a tiny booth with kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi, the former brushing up against him with every little movement, making kenma bristle in discomfort.
why the hell did i agree to this, kenma thought while sipping on his cranberry juice. he’d never enjoyed drinking, his true thoughts and feelings coming out way too easily once intoxicated. it was so infuriating being a lightweight, especially when everyone around him was disgustingly drunk.
“are you having fun kenma?” bokuto half yelled, half slurred into his ear from across the table. kenma slouched further into the booth’s stained cushions in response, his lack of answer not bothering bokuto in the slightest.
with the boisterous man’s attention successfully diverted by akaashi, kenma allowed his eyes to wander out over the dance floor but he wasn’t really paying them any mind. instead, his mind was occupied with none other than you.
it shouldn’t have been that surprising considering all the time he’d been spending with you recently. it had been a few months since the hyper house had disbanded and while you were enjoying your time living with your best friends, they had way too much sex. like an abnormal amount.
it had gotten to the point where you were having to abscond from the apartment four times a week because they were just so loud.
at first you had found refuge in the 24 hour cafe a few blocks from your place but falling asleep at a hard wood table only to have to walk home at 2am alone was terrible for your peace of mind (and your back).
you’d started complaining about it at your weekly animal crossing hang outs with kenma and he’d offered the brilliant solution of you coming over to his place when makki and mattsun were otherwise... occupied.
you were shocked at his suggestion and aptly so. it was no news that kenma absolutely hated hosting and having people over, especially since he was one of the few former members that were able to afford their own place straight out the gate.
when you’d expressed this, all he had said was, you’re different.
that wasn’t enough for you, evidenced by your once again nightly stays at the cafe but when you had to run home because someone was following you, you begrudgingly agreed to kenma’s offer and started sleeping at his house multiple times a week.
it was a bit to get used to at first, seeing you first thing in the morning with messy hair and sleep-swollen eyes. you were beautiful jarring. but, as time passed, he got used to your presence, making your drink of choice and sliding him his tea in the morning, sending him a soft smile that had him running to the bathroom to hide his blush.
it was all... strangely domestic.
even now, the thought of you in your threadbare sleep shirt, standing in his kitchen while cooking breakfast sent a wave of heat across his face, spreading up to the tips of his ears.
“what are you thinking about that’s got you so red?” kuroo teased, pulling the glass out of kenma’s hands, laughing at his annoying glare. he hoped he could ignore the question as he so often did, but apparently he wasn’t so lucky.
bokuto cackled in his seat before calling out your name, sending a chill of fear down kenma’s spine. “bet he’s thinkin about her! about how he wants to smooch her and maybe more,” he waggled his eyebrows, “i’m just saying!”
the rest of the table let out good natured laughs but kenma was preoccupied with replaying what bokuto had said.
i mean, sure he thought you were pretty, but anyone with eyes would agree! and yeah, maybe spending time with you was the highlight of his week, but it wasn’t his fault you were so genuinely enjoyable to be around. and of course, sometimes when it was late at night, his mind would wander to you and how it would feel to wake up beside you instead of across the hall from you and—
fuck. he liked you. a lot.
then, as if you somehow knew exactly what was on his mind (a terrifying thought to entertain), his phone buzzed in his hoodie pocket. he pulled it out quickly to check it and he hated how his heart picked up in his chest at the sight of your contact name.
[sussy baka <3]: wya shawty 🤨 u have no food in ur fridge n m hungry seen 13:20
[player ew]: s boys night seen 13:22
[sussy baka <3]: 😐
[sussy baka <3]: are u having fun seen 13:25
[player ew]: ... seen 13:28
[sussy baka <3]: yeah that’s what i thought
[sussy baka <3]: bring home some ramen <3 seen 13:31
home. god, if he didn’t like the sound of that coming from you. it took kenma no time at all to start packing up his things, ignoring the knowing looks on his friends faces as he tossed down a couple of bills for his drink and left to go home, where you were.
after stopping at the convenient store, he headed to his apartment building, shopping bag full of ramen in one hand and heart in the other.
no matter what he did, he couldn’t get bokuto’s annoying voice out of his head, telling him that he liked you. and now that he knew it was true? he was kind of spiraling.
the ding of the elevator managed to somehow shake him out of his thoughts, at least for him to get to his front door, but once it was open, all coherent brain activity immediately dissolved.
you were sitting on his couch in the living room, bundled up in one of his mario blankets and wearing one of his hoodies as you watched some animal documentary raptly, sheer disgust written all over your face.
kenma gulped.
he managed to work up the courage to actually enter his apartment, kicking off his shoes by the door and beelining towards the kitchen, not missing your excited call of his name and wide grin.
biting down any other unchecked feelings, he quickly set to work boiling the water for the ramen and then... stood there. boiling water would take a while and he knew he couldn’t avoid you forever but he really, really didn’t want to go sit by you with all these emotions sitting right on his chest.
“kenma, they’re gonna eat the seal!” you yelled from the couch, waving him over frantically. how was he supposed to say no to brutal animal murder on tv? kenma chuckled dryly at his own joke as he made his way over to where you sat, plopping himself on the side of the couch furthest away from you.
he told himself he just didn’t want to bug you when he had to go check the water but he knew it was a lie. he was running from his feelings, from anything that could ruin this.
you shot him a concerned look which he caught out of the corner of his eye but he kept his head firmly forward, unwilling to look at you if he didn’t have to. “kenma, what’s wrong? was boys night that bad?” you asked gently, and fuck if that didn’t make him feel worse.
kenma just shook his head, still choosing not to face you. you let out a long, arduous sigh before scooting across the couch and pressing yourself to his side, pulling his head down to rest on your chest while taking one of his hands into your own.
what the fuck. what the fuck?!1!?1!!?1!
you were so soft and warm and your arms around him made him feel things which was exactly what he was trying to avoid but then you actually started to speak and oh shit it got worse.
“kenma,” you started, running your hands through his deep brown locks, “you know you can talk to me about anything right?”
of course he knew that because this was you and you were so kind and considerate and badass and cool and that was all precisely why he couldn’t talk to you about everything, especially when it came to his emperor of the cosmos sized feelings for you.
but, instead of saying any of that, he allowed you to continue, his body relaxing into your hold against his will.
“i bother you because i care about you and i worry, you know. i know you’re strong and you can take care of yourself but i can’t help it...” if kenma was really listening, he would’ve heard the shakiness in your voice, the apprehension in your words but he didn’t. “i can’t help it because i like you, kenma.”
you... what?
kenma pushed himself off of you to look you in the face, to find any sign that you’re pranking him or just being cruel but he couldn’t find any.
still, he couldn’t take you at your word, after all who would like someone like him?
“say it again,” his voice comes just under a whisper, his words stilted and unsure but he needs to know, he needs to believe you. he wants to believe you.
“i like you.” you don’t use any big, flowery words, nor do you try and justify why you like him and still, somehow it’s enough. kenma’s eyes filled with tears as they’re trained on you but your eyes were occupied elsewhere.
staring at his lips.
“can i kiss you?” you asked softly, not pressuring or forceful but like that was truly just on your mind and you had to ask it. kenma wasn’t sure how he was supposed to resist when you asked him like that. “please,” was his response, already breathy and absolutely wrecked.
you obliged.
•••smut begin•••
surging forward, you pressed your mouth to his, soft lips meeting chapped ones as you moved them insistently against his own. kenma let out an embarrassing whine at the contact, his hands balling into fists by his sides.
yours, on the other hand, wandered, tracing over the hills and valleys of his chest and back before landing right under the hem of his hoodie. you pulled back, laughing quietly at the way he so eagerly chased your lips while halting him with a hand to his sternum.
“can i take this off?” kenma nodded enthusiastically before he could stop himself and you let out another soft huff as you busied yourself with getting him naked.
he tried to help you where he could, but he was ultimately resigned to bask in your movements, in your control as you manhandled him out of every article of clothing he was wearing until he was as naked as the day he was born.
immediately, the insecurities took hold of him, his mouth opening to stutter out an apology for how he looked. meiko’s voice played in his ears, reminding him he wasn’t what the girls went for being too skinny, too sensitive, too loud.
kenma moved to pick his clothes back up to cover himself before retreating to his room where he could die of shame but your firm hand kept him where he sat.
“you’re beautiful,” you said, like you were saying the sky was blue or the grass was green — as an irrefutable fact. your brows were furrowed at first but the expression melted away to show a softer one, one full of love, admiration, and... lust.
a high-pitched whimper left his lips at your gaze, his cock throbbing against his thigh. you grinned and moved back in to kiss him, your hand moving to his throat to hold him in place, his adam’s apple bobbing against your palm.
your other, unoccupied, hand traveled down his body to rub over a nipple, his back arching into your touch as his breath hitched against your mouth. you let out a hum of approval, continuing your ministrations of pinching and plucking the hard bud before moving further down to take a hold of his cock.
kenma broke away from you, a choked wail erupting from his chest as he bucked up into your grip. “can i make you feel good? can i show you how beautiful you are?” you asked earnestly, your thumb gently caressing his jaw.
“please, please, please,” he begged. under normal circumstances, he would be embarrassed at how easily he’d been folding for you, but it was so much easier to just submit to your capable and willing hands.
“good boy,” you tacked on mindlessly, your blown eyes and kiss-swollen lips only adding to your debauched look. internally, kenma preened at the fact that he was responsible for you looking like that, so feral like you just wanted to eat him up.
which was apparently exactly what you wanted to do, evidenced by you sliding onto your knees in front of him, pressing kisses and sucking marks into his pale thighs.
kenma’s hips stuttered beneath you as he watched you get closer and closer to his throbbing member, the tip already bright red and leaking precum.
suddenly, your eyes shot up to his, pinning him with an intense stare as you slowly, slowly brought him to your mouth, the wet heat enveloping the head before you closed your lips around him and sucked.
holy fucking shit.
his reaction was instantaneous. his eyes rolled back into his head, his hips bucked up into your mouth, and a filthy moan escaped from him as you started to get into a nice rhythm sucking his cock.
kenma could barely keep himself quiet, especially when you began toying with his balls, the feeling adding to the coil tightening in his gut.
you pulled all the way off of him before sucking him down the hilt, his mouth opening in a silent scream as you choked around his length, the pleasure that your throat was bringing while you pulsed around him was otherworldly.
he was going to die, he resigned. he was going to die by the biggest orgasm he’d ever had with his penis in your mouth and he was going to love every second of it.
a sharp tap to his inner thigh brought him back down to earth, this bleary eyes trying to focus on your face and once they did, he was taken aback. your eyes held such fondness, such love that he could hardly take it.
kenma couldn’t hold back his thoughts, especially under the intensity of your gaze, his mouth opening to gasp out, “i love you, shit, i love you.”
you pulled off him with a pop but you didn’t stop stroking him, your hand picking up the pace to the point that his thighs were quivering with the strength of his oncoming orgasm.
“say it again,” you threw his words right back at him and if he’d been in his right mind, he might’ve laughed but since he was drowning in pleasure, he immediately followed your orders, groaning out those three words over and over until he was hoarse.
you seemed to enjoy it, so much so that you took the palm of your hand and toyed with the sensitive tip of his cock, sending him right over the edge.
his vision whited out completely as he came with a loud cry of your name, tears trailing from his lashline from the sheer severity of his orgasm, one hand grasped tightly in yours.
•••smut over•••
as kenma came down from his high, he watched you brush his hair from his face before pressing a kiss to his hairline.
“you know, i love you too,” you stated, pulling him up to rest his spent body against your own. he scoffed while playing with your hand, toying with your bare ring finger in a way that you knew was deliberate.
“i figured, you just sucked my dick.” you protested loudly, smacking him gently on the arm when he snickered at your reaction. after your laughter died down, he rested his head back over your heart, listening to the steady beat thrumming beneath his ear.
your hands tangled back into his hair and he felt himself drifting off into dreamland when a loud meow startled him awake again. kyabia (or caviar) stared up at him with unblinking feline eyes, her tail swishing silently against the floor. “oh god, my cat is seeing me naked,” he gasped in horror, your chest heaving against his ear as you cackled.
kyabia quickly got bored and scampered off to who knows where and by that time, kenma was ready to knock back out. you were still laughing though and since you were his human pillow, that just wouldn’t do.
shoving you down on the couch, he buried his head in your chest and muttered a blunt, “sleep,” ignoring the way your giggle made a smile spread across his cheeks.
obviously, you could tell if your own matching grin was anything to go by but you let it be, instead choosing to wrap your arms around him and hold him tighter to your body, like you were trying to pour all your love into the embrace.
kenma only hoped that you would also “let it be” when you caught him ring shopping on his phone just a few weeks later.
it was only a matter of time. why delay when he loved you and you loved him? he knew he couldn’t wait until he could officially call you his.
after all, kozume yn had a nice ring to it.
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
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the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Ok but can u also do this but with ron + the twins, I love ur smuts !!!!!!!
pairing: reader x ron weasley x fred weasley x george weasley 
warning(s): 18+, unprotected sex, foursome, double penetration, oral (female and male receiving), face fucking, fingering
word count: 4.2k 
a/n: soooo this is the longest thing i’ve ever written on this account but if anyone deserves it its the damn weasleys. i tried to make this as non sweet home alabama as possible and that’s probably why it’s so long. anyways, enjoy this ungodly amount of smut while i decompress. 
You had been spending a majority of your summer at The Burrow, where you boyfriend Ron lived. You spent day in and day out with him, practically on top of one another whenever you could be, but that didn’t stop you from spending time with his family. His mother was incredible, albeit a little scary at times, his father was charming, and Ginny was becoming a fast friend. But you couldn’t help the particular draw you felt towards the twins, Fred and George. 
You couldn't deny they were attractive, the genes were strong in the Weasley family. And you often did a poor job at hiding your attraction. 
You didn’t think any of them had noticed your subtle glances or blushes. Little did you know, all three of them had noticed over the few weeks you had been there. They were just waiting you out. 
Tonight you were all cozied around the fire pit, drinking some firewhiskey, taking advantage of the fact that Molly and Arthur had gone to visit Ron’s oldest brother Bill and his wife, Fluer, for the weekend. You weren’t drunk by any means, but you were certainly feeling good. 
You were cuddled up to Ron’s side, his arm slung around your shoulders, a knitted blanket draped over your laps. You were so wrapped up in your boyfriend that you had barely noticed that Fred had taken the spot on your other side until his leg brushed against yours, making you still. 
“Do you need another drink, sweetheart?” Fred asked when you finally looked his way, his face far too close to yours in the situation to be normal. 
You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. “Um, yes, thank you,” you added bashfully. 
Fred dashed a charming smile at you and placed a soft kiss to your cheek before dashing off to get you another glass of whiskey, your blush only intensifying when you felt his lips on your skin. You prayed no one could see it through the light of the fire. 
Ron tugged you back into his side and dropped his lips to your ear. “Whatever you think you’re doing, stop,” he said lowly, clearly not pleased by the situation. 
“He kissed me,” you argued softly, your head turning to press a kiss against his neck. He pulled back and shot a look down at you, his brow raised. A look you couldn’t exactly argue with. You got caught and you knew it. 
You stayed quiet, trying to keep your eyes anywhere except the two men that currently had your stomach in knots. But that effort was broken when Fred made his way back over to you, plopping down beside you. He passed you your new drink and you thanked him for it, sitting up straight to take a sip. 
You were caught off guard when you were pulled into his body and away from Ron, Fred’s strong arm now wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Have you been enjoying your summer here so far?” He asked quietly, making sure only you could hear him. 
Your eyes flitted cautiously over the group around the fire, making sure no one was noticing the strange behavior. You paused when you met George’s eyes, his own trained on the interaction between you and Fred, but you tried your best to ignore it. 
“Um, yes. You’ve all been quite lovely. I like it here,” you told him genuinely. You had been enjoying your summer despite tonights most recent turn of events. 
“Mm, good,” Fred mused, shooting another smile down at you. You couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous glint in his eyes that he got every time he was thinking something that was likely to either end brilliantly or disastourly. “I saw we play a little game. Are you in?” He asked. 
You swallowed nervously, knowing this could end very poorly. “And what is this game?” You questioned. 
“Let’s see how jealous we can get Ron,” he whispered, the smile never leaving his face. 
“I- I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you argued, knowing fully well Ron had already told you to stop… doing whatever you were doing. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. Live a little. Anyhow, you already know how this is going to end,” he told you. 
“And how will this end?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. 
He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your whole body was hot and the blush was creeping back onto your face and you knew he could see it. 
“Judging by the noises I hear coming from his room almost every night, he’ll fuck you stupid. And I get to hear those pretty noises again,” he told you shamelessly, pulling you into him closer. 
You shot a nervous glance at Ron, only to find that he was already looking at you over the rim of his own cup, fire in his eyes. He raised a brow at you and you could see the way the corners of his lips were tugging up into a smirk, practically daring you to continue on. As if he knew exactly what you and Fred were talking about. 
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind,” Fred added from behind you, making you whip your head around back to him. 
“Of course he’d mind. You’re his brother,” you argued incredulously, still not believing this conversation was even truly happening. 
“You think he doesn’t see the way you look at me and Georgie? You look at us like you want us to devour you,” he told you. 
You snuck a glance at George only to find that he was still looking at you. You could feel Ron’s eyes still on the back of your head. You gulped nervously, your brain short circuiting for a half a second. Did they… did they plan this? 
“I - I haven’t been -,” you went to argue, but Fred cut you off. 
“Don’t play coy with me. Maybe if you beg him nicely like I hear you do so well, he might let us join you tonight,” Fred teased, causing your core to pulse and drip with arousal at the thought. 
You could only stare back at him, his breath fanning your face as you took in his words. He knew he planted a seed in you that wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied. The smug look on his face only proved it. You didn’t get the chance to reply before you could hear Ron getting up from his place on the bench. 
“Bunny, come with me,” he said innocently enough to the ears of everyone else in the group, but you could hear the edge in his voice. 
You detangled yourself from Fred and rose up from your spot, taking Ron’s hand as he silently led you back into the house. Once you had passed through the threshold into the kitchen and away from the eyes of everyone else, he spun around to face you. 
“And what was all that about?” He asked, stepping right into your space so you had no other choice but to look up at him. 
“N-nothing. We were just having a chat,” you stuttered out, trying to not seem intimidated. 
“Wasn’t what it looked like to me. Spill it,” he said roughly, continuing to back you up until your back hit the counter, leaving you nowhere to go when his hands were placed on either side of your body. 
“Promise you won’t get mad,” you half heartedly requested. 
“Just tell me.” 
“He- he said, um, he said that we should try to make you jealous,” you told him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it was only a half truth at best. 
“That’s not what has you blushing like a virgin though, is it? What did he say to you?” He pressed, the fire in his eyes growing larger by the second. 
You swallowed and took a deep breath before you even opened your mouth, knowing this could only go one of two ways. He’d either blow up entirely, or you’d have a night you’d never forget. “He said that if I begged you you’d let him and George join us,” you said quickly, all in one breath. 
You shut your eyes, waiting for his response. But when a chuckle fell from his lips your eyes shot back open in shock. 
“Is that what you want, bunny? Do you want them to join us?” He asked, his eyes now more playful than they had been just seconds prior. 
“Are you serious?” You asked after a moment, you head spinning that he was just offering this to you on a silver platter. You expected yelling, anger, the whole fit. You didn’t expect a cheeky smirk and twinkling eyes. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?”  
“They’re your brothers,” you argued. Why you were even arguing this, you weren’t sure. You wanted this and he knew it and they knew it. You just couldn’t understand why he was letting it happen. 
“It’s not like I’ll be fucking them,” he said with a laugh. “So, tell me what you want.” 
“If it’s okay with you…,” you started, trailing off. You looked up at him nervously, hoping your eyes conveyed enough of a plea that he would continue agreeing with you. 
“So beg,” he said, his voice dropping low as he continued to stare down at you. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. Just this once. I just - I - please,” you said, launching right into it but quickly running out of words as you watched the smirk grow on his face. 
“Go to my room. Strip. I’ll be up in a minute,” he told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back outside. You watched his figure walk away for a moment, letting your mind race until you booked it up the stairs not wanting to wait any longer for the night to truly begin. 
You were waiting in your position on the bed for what felt like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes before you heard multiple sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. You moved to cover your chest when you heard the doorknob turn, unsure if you should be exposed or not right away. 
Ron came in first but left the door open just enough so your guests could hear. “Last chance, bun. Do you want this?” He asked, slowly coming over to rest his hands on the bed, leaning over slightly so his tall form was eye level with you. 
You knew it wasn’t your last chance to say no, but it was your last chance before the twins waltzed in. 
You took a shaky breath and nodded your head, saying “Yes,” loud enough so Fred and George could hear. 
The door was opening once more, the twins walking through, both pairs of eyes immediately on you. When the door shut, you stared up at them, unsure what to do or say, but their matching smirk told you they already had plans. 
Ron walked around the bed until he crawled on to it behind you, his legs bracketing your hips as you knelt between his spread thighs. 
“Let them see you,” he coaxed gently, hands coming around you to grip your forearms. 
He only put a light pressure on your skin, letting you move on your own as you exposed your chest to them. They took you in with hungry eyes but they didn’t move from where they both stood before you, waiting. 
“All of you,” Ron spoke again, his hands trailing down to your thighs, gently prying them apart. 
You leaned back and hid your face in his neck as he repositioned you, unable to look the two men in the eyes as your entire body got exposed to them. You knew you were a dripping mess over the situation and the embarrassment of it being so obvious made you squirm. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re more perfect than I imaged,” you heard George say, the bed dipping down infront of you. 
Your eyes snapped to him, watching him as he looked down at your glistening sex. His eyes were hungry when they met yours, desperate. Probably the exact mirror of your own. 
“Can I touch you?” George asked, his fingers twitching against the sheets, waiting. 
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for one of them to do anything right now. 
George wasted no time in bringing his fingers directly to your cunt, trailing one long finger through your slit while his thumb trailed soft circles onto your clit. You couldn’t hold back the moan that fell from your lips when he pushed his finger in, immediately searching for you g-spot. 
As if your noises were a cue for Fred, the bed dipped on your other side and without a word, he was kissing down your chest. Soon enough, he was attacking your nipples when George was working your from the inside out. Your back was arching and your hips were moving at their own volition, unable to stop yourself under their ministrations.
“Does that feel good?” George asked you softly, placing kisses on your shoulder. 
When you only nodded, Ron grabbed your chin and forced you to look directly at George. “I won’t remind you again, bunny. Use yours words,” he said sweetly, but you knew there was danger laced in his words. You knew better than anyone else what he could do to you if he reminded you one more time. 
“Yes. Feels so good. Please don’t stop,” you told George, already breathless from the three men surrounding you. 
You felt Fred chuckle against your skin and you knew the smirk George was wearing was only mimicked by Ron’s behind you. They knew exactly what they were doing to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whine that left you when George removed his hand, but your eyes lit up when you saw him go to kneel at the edge of the bed. He pulled up his to the edge, draped your legs over his shoulder, and started trailing kitten licks all along your slit until his tongue was swirling around your clit. 
You held fell back against Ron’s shoulder, a moan falling from your lips as Fred moved to your other side to attack your opposite nipple. 
“Having fun?” Ron asked, beaming down at you. 
You nodded breathlessly, your eyes rolling back in your head with a flushed smile on your face. “Want you too,” you told him. 
“Of course you do, my greedy girl,” Ron mused, his finger coming to tilt your lips back and locking your lips in a kiss. 
Your body was overwhelmed with just their lips. You weren’t sure how you would handle it when their pants came off. 
Your hips were grinding down onto George’s face without you sparing it a second thought and you kept pushing your chest into Fred’s lips, your entire body grinding back on Ron’s body. 
“She tastes like fucking heaven,” George said, finally coming up for a breath. His entire chin was soaked in his own saliva and your juices and his eyes were blown with lust. 
Ron made a noise of agreement that was swallowed up by your lips, but you were ripped away from your boyfriend by George’s grip on your neck. He pulled you into a kiss with him, tasting yourself on his tongue, as Fred trailed kisses down your body until he was getting a taste of you for himself. 
Fred quickly brought you your orgasm, his tongue so deep inside of you that your toes were curling. Your hands had a monster grip on Ron’s thighs and every noise you made got swallowed by George, his lips hot on yours. 
You finally relaxed your body against Ron’s, his chest being the perfect place to settle against, as your body calmed down. 
“Think you can handle all three of us?” Fred asked cheekily, looking up at you from his place on the floor. 
You gave a shaky nod, but in your head you were unsure how this would even work. You never thought you’t get this far to even have considered it. 
That line of thought was abruptly cut off when Ron grabbed your hair and yanked back so you were looking up at him again. “What did I say about using your words?” He asked darkly.
“Yes, I want to. I can,” you got out breathlessly, still basking in the sting of your scalp. 
“Good,” Ron said, now satiated with your words. “Get on your hands and knees for us, bunny.” 
He gave you one last searing kiss before releasing you, letting you adjust your own shaky limbs on the bed until you were in the position he instructed you to be in. As you did that, the boys began stripping themselves of their clothes, Fred and George both strategically in your line of sight depending on which way you turned your head. 
You watched as they both ripped their shirts over their heads, a sight you were accustomed to thanks to many sweaty afternoons in the yard playing Quidditch. But you didn’t know where to look as they peeled down their jeans and briefs, relieving both of their impressive lengths. They were both around the same length, but Ron was thicker than both of them. No matter what, you knew you’d be sore in the morning. 
“This is how it’s gonna work, bunny,” Ron said, finally rounding the bed so he could see you. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little cunt,” he told you, adding emphasis of his possession when he bent over and easily hooked two fingers inside of you, pressing directly on your g-spot. You jumped at the abrupt action, but you never broke your eye contact with him.
“Fred’s going to fuck that tight ass,” he continued, and you watched as Fred rounded the bed until he was behind you. 
“And George is gonna fuck that cute face,” Ron finished, George coming up on the other side of you to grip your face to force you to look at him. 
“Does that sound good, sweetheart?” George asked, looking down at you fondly. 
“Yes, fuck. Please,” you said, your hips beginning to move against nothing now that Ron had removed his fingers, searching for any ounce of friction you can get. 
They moved in almost perfect sync. Ron maneuvered his way underneath you swiftly, George pulled your head off to the side so your mouth was lined up with the tip of his cock, and you could feel Fred’s lube covered fingers breach the entrance of your tightest hole all at once. You were overwhelmed in the best way, unsure what to do with yourself but totally just along for whatever ride they were about to bring you on. 
When Ron fucked up into you roughly, George immediately pushed your head down to feel the full effects of your moan of his cock, causing a shiver to run through his body. They were practically fucking your mouth and core in tandem, one pulling out while the other brutally thrust in. 
You felt as if you were splitting open for them already, but when Fred’s cock finally lined up with your entrance and began pushing in, you practically saw stars. 
George let you pull away from him for a moment so you could breath through the new pressure inside of you, your head now buried in Ron’s neck as you panted and moaned. Ron had slowed down his thrusts to match with Fred, balancing you on the precipice of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so fucking good for us, Y/N. Just give it a minute and it’ll feel so good. You’re gonna be so pretty when you cum for us,” Ron mused quietly in your ear, knowing that you’d latch on to his voice to get you through the intensity. 
Finally, your hips starting moving against theirs, a silent signal you were ready for them to fuck you, all three of them truly went wild with you body. 
George dragged your face back over to him, letting you do your own thing but keeping a steady hand in your hair in case you tried to pull away. Ron and Fred were fucking into you in perfect sync, pulling out and fucking into you at the same time. 
It was so intense you were shaking, only being held up by three strong pairs of hands at this point. But you couldn’t hide how good it was making you feel. Even as deep as George’s cock was down your throat, it was barely muffling the screams of pleasure you were giving them. You just hoped someone remembered to cast a silencing charm. 
You could hear them talking around you, a mix of praises directed at you and words shared between themselves. “Fuck, you feel so good” and “Just like that” mixed with “She feels like fucking heaven” and “Her mouth is a dream”. You could barely hear them over the blood pumping through you, but you knew you’d remember it later with a blush and a smile. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. Swallow it all for me,” George told you, bruising your hair out of your sweaty face. You felt the unmistakable twitch of his cock just before he spilled his cum inside of your mouth and fucked it down your throat, giving you no choice but to follow his request. He came with one of the prettiest noises you had ever heard, and you knew you’d want to hear it again someday if you were lucky enough. 
You pulled away from George panting, finally able to have a minute to catch your breath as Fred and Ron continued to pound furiously into you, your body jolting with every deliberate thrust. 
“Ron, please I’m so close,” you begged, for what you weren’t entirely sure, but you knew he’d know what to do. All you could focus on was how close you were, how tightly you were gripping both of your cocks, and trying your best to balance on shaky arms so you didn’t collapse. 
Without missing a beat, Ron turned his head to George. “Touch her clit,” he told him, finally sounding breathless from all the work he was putting in. 
Fred’s arms came around you to pull you up until your back was against his chest, giving George full access to your most sensitive spot. 
“Cum for us. Show us how much you loved this and cum for us,” Fred said low in your ear. 
Your eyes never left Ron’s as all three of them worked you closer and closer to the edge. As much as the twins were turning you on, this orgasm was for you boyfriend. Everyone you had was. He was the one that let this happen. Let them take you like this. And he was the one currently fucking your g-spot with every thrust it made your head spin. 
“Cum for me” was all Ron had to say, seeing and feeling just how close you were, for you to explode. 
Your vision went white and your whole body shook, the only thing keeping you grounded was Fred’s warm chest pressed against you. You knew the scream you were hearing was your own, but you couldn’t keep it quiet no matter how hard you tried. You pulsed around their cocks, milking them of their own orgasms as you were going through yours. You felt their cum fill you completely, another moan leaving your mouth at how erotic it felt. 
When you finally felt as though you had come back down to real life, you were settled against Ron’s chest, his cock still in you, while the twins were busying themselves with getting dressed. They were talking quietly while Ron ran his hand up and down along your back, just waiting until you were finally back in the present. 
George was the first one to notice your eyes had opened again when he finally got his pants back on. He walked over to the bed and knelt down so he was almost eye level with you. 
“That was wonderful, darling. You were perfect,” he told you, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before righting himself only for Fred to take his place. 
“What he said,” Fred told you with a smirk and mimicking his twin's kiss to your forehead. “We’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning,” he added with a wink. 
They both made their way out of the room, the door clicking behind them, leaving you and Ron in a blissed out silence. 
“Did you have fun?” He finally asked, tilting his neck so he was looking down at you. 
“I did. Thank you,” you said with a soft smile. 
“My girl always gets what she wants. You just have to ask, bunny,” He said, placing a kiss on your nose. 
When you moved your lips up to move against his, he stopped you with a chuckle. “No offense but my brother did just cum in your mouth. So let’s go get you cleaned up so I can kiss you properly, yeah?” He asked, wrapping a blanket around you so he could get you down the hallway and into the bathroom. 
“I thought you weren’t going to be weird about it,” you grumbled under your breath as he adjusted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. 
“That’s different and you know it,” he said defensively as he made his way for the door, making you giggle.
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