#—♡nb rambles
nonymous-nb · 23 days
Yes.. you've read it right, there will be a Phighting x Reader story made by yours truly, NB and @sourle , both of us will be having a collab on this and we wanted to know if y'all want the father or the son LMAO so go on and vote✨
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pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 ♡ 𝘏𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘴
❥ REQUESTED: Anonymous
"Can I request all of the rise bro's (separate hc's) with nb s/o who gives them lap pillows and forehead kisses? Fluff fluff fluff pls"
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♡ Melts at any type of affection you give him but specifically these two actions make his heart pound in his chest so much
♡ Like- He actually has to kneel down for you to be able to kiss his forehead? Because of his height you usually make yourself taller by standing on top of something such as the couch; Raph, finds it very cute of you
♡ Fun fact, I personally like to believe that Raph enjoys receiving most of his smooches from you on his forehead out of anywhere else
♡ As for lap pillows...
♡ As much as he loves to hold you protectively in his arms, this big dude deserves to be held just much as well!
♡ His physical body frame has its pros and cons, BUT when he lays his head on your lap it's makes him feel so loved and so much smaller than he actually is
♡ Most people would be quick too assume that he'd be the one always big spooning and such, which they'd be right sometimes
♡ But whenever he gets to enjoy moments like these with you it makes him feel so so so so so giddy! His stomach fluttering with butterflies as he lays his head on your lap
♡ He had a long day❓ Loves nothing more than to lay his head on your lap as you ask him about his day, what he was up too, and how your own day was. You may or may not know it but just being able to do this with you makes so much of the stress on his shoulders disappear
♡ Not only can you give him lap pillows, you could also give Raph his forehead kisses! It just makes this whole experience even better for him to be honest 😊
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♡ Mikey already loves and appreciates anything romantic you do for him! He treasures any precious memory that is with you as every small thing counts
♡ Probably lets out a small squeal or has a beaming smile on his face after he receives a small kiss on the top of his head from you. Depends on the situation, like he just won his favorite video game
♡ In return he'll kiss you all over your face as well! You deserve to get some love dovey kisses from him as well otherwise it wouldn't be fair
♡ Love and I mean LOVES when you give him lap pillows! Mikey just loves that his upper view when he lays on your lap is just you
♡ When laying on your lap he just enjoys you and himself rambling to each other about your special interests, how your day was, and other sweet conversation stuff!
♡ His favorite times to lay on your lap is when you're both watching or having a movie night.
♡ Something about it just feels awesome to him as he will look up at you throughout periods of the movie and make comments or ramble about the movie, especially the characters
♡ "(Y/N)! Did you see that! That dude totally got his butt kicked by that other dude!" He points and does exaggerated hand movements lmao
♡ Will sometimes fall asleep on your lap, hope you don't mind that
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♡ Takes every single kiss you give him as an award for how awesome of a boyfriend he is too, so Leo wouldn't mind kisses anywhere on his face as long as you're giving him some sort of loving affection
♡ Nothing else to comment other than the fact he always has a very big and proud smirk on his face after every smoochie woochie you give him
♡ Leonardo loves to be the bigger spoon and be the one to give you all of the acts of affection such as cuddling, being the big spoon, etc. It makes him feel like he is protecting you and that he is such a knight in shining armor; your knight in shining armor
♡ Though, whenever it's his time to be held he acts all pouty.
♡ Claims that he doesn't want to be the smaller spoon but his actions say otherwise. Psst...secretly, enjoys being held by you but won't openly admit to it because he has a very prideful ego.
♡ So, whenever you are giving him lap pillows he tends to whine a bit the first minute but then stops after a minute
♡ Snuggles his head into your lap as he lightens the mood by telling you some of his dad jokes, oneliners, punchlines, etc
♡ Another thing, he enjoys hearing you talk more than he likes talking himself. Like to listen to you talk about everything and anything you like, dislike, etc as you mess with the tails of his mask. Maybe...it's because he stated more than once that you have an angelic voice
♡ Doesn't realize it but he lays on your lap more than he planned. 5 minutes? My guy, it's been a whole hour!
♡ Whenever you eventually try to get up Leo starts making excuses for you to stay for a bit extra
♡ "Wait! You know- all of sudden I have this very big and very bad headache and I need a something soft to rest my head on-"
♡ Dramatically puts a hand up to his forehead for extra effect 🙌
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♡ Donnie used to scrunch up his face a bit whenever you planted a kiss on his forehead. It's not because he didn't like it, but because he isn't used to such affection like that, and now with how often you do it he's gotten used to it and stopped that repetitive reaction
♡ Donnie kisses your forehead back. He just feels the very strong need and urge to give you something back in return or else it'll bug him for the rest of the day
♡ Openly shows that he loves your lap pillows that you give him, probably way more than his brothers in my opinion
♡ Bro is literally a workaholic and it'd make sense as to why he loves to lay his head on your lap so much.
♡ He'll ramble about his next greatest invention to you, all his ideas, plans, etc and what makes it even better is that you actually listen to him as he rambles!
♡ This action almost becomes a daily thing due to how much Donnie loves it! For many reasons too: You listen, you compliment him, you give him some ideas for a next big tech project, give him constructive criticism, etc
♡ Leo and the rest of his brothers are surprised but also thankful of you to listen to their dear brother talk about his interests.
♡ Like- How are you able to listen to him talk and keep about such boring [their words not mine] science-y things that they can barely even comprehend, and now they don't have to be the ones to listen
♡ "Darling (Y/n)! You have yet again given me another brilliant idea. Oh, I could just kiss you!"
♡ And he does lol
♡ Like everyone else, Donnie enjoys it whenever you talk to him about stuff too!
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bakurasvampire · 9 months
 🦇 ⋆。° ♱
haiii!! my name is michael, but you can call me any variation of it if you'd like. my friends like to call me mike or mikey! i like to ramble here and make art. ♡ my art requests are currently open! ♡ PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG ANY OF MY ART LIKE IT SAYS IN MY BIO!!! PLEASE ASK FIRST! my pronouns are he/him and it/its. im also transgender. please refrain from feminine or nb terms/pronouns when referring to me!
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my special interests are yugioh/ygotas (MOSTLY thiefshipping and the bakuras), ok k.o, and alternative music/fashion (specially emo or scene)! i also like to sing, and have been singing and drawing for a long time. i do also just rlly like fashion in general! my other interests consist of a lot of things like FNAF, the outsiders/a handful of other books, nintendo games (especially animal crossing and legend of zelda), writing, and a handful of other genres of music. but these are more minor, so ill probably rarely talk about them.
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| some things to note before interacting with my account ; ♡ im a minor (pls dm me for my specific age if you want it!) ♡ im neurodivergent (adhd) and overall mentally ill ♡ im a furry ♡ my messages/asks are open, but it WILL take me a while to respond. im very introverted and unfortunately a busy kind of person DNI - basic dni criteria, anti-trans youth, dsmp fan, gacha community, genshin player/fan, 30+ im kind of new to tumblr so pls be patient with me!! enjoy ur stay :3 ♡ >_<
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alerudys-bf · 2 months
bug's blog <3
status: ON
all writing is tagged #bug.txt, non-writing is #bug rambles i write sfw & nsfw cod x reader (mostly modern warefare) mostly gender-neutral/(trans-)masc reader content but i write for (trans-)fem/nb reader as well characters i write for: alejandro & rudy (the beloveds (≧ω≦) ♡), roach, ghost, soap, gaz, price, könig, laswell (wlw only), horangi, makerov, mace, nikto
minors: do not interact this blog is 18+, you will be blocked things i wont write for: scat, ageplay, pedophilia/underage characters, necrophilia, feederism, race play, vomit this list may be incomplete and i will deny any request that make me uncomfortable
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blackenedrosary · 6 months
I have to have some amount of organization! So here's my tags!
Directory | Tags & Info!
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Trigger warnings or content warnings
Ask box rules!
Things I like or are interested in
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Welcome to my Tumblr art blog! Address me as Rosario, Rosaria, or Rosary. I don't mind! I'm just someone who draws and does crafts! I use He/Him.
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⚠️ Content / trigger warnings
• My blog features aspects of organized religion, religious imagery, and such. If you can not handle it, please do not keep reading and exit my blog! /nm
• Artwork or stories I make about certain fandoms may be dark or very dark due to the nature of certain games or fandoms I'm interested in, such as DL. I'll be sure to tag accordingly and add trigger warnings. Please make sure to avoid my posts if certain topics may trigger you. Trust me, I want all of us to enjoy ourselves, and having someone panic, feel anxious, or spiral due to my work is not the type of thing I am striving for.
• Please keep in mind that the characters' words or actions do not reflect the beliefs of the author.
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✝ I won't answer ask that make me uncomfortable! I'll just delete them.
✝ Please make sure to use tonetags, I would greatly appreciate it.
✝ Nothing too NSFW please.
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Needy Streamer Overload, Diabolik Lovers, Obey me / Obey me NB, Reverse 1999, Sanrio, PMMM, to name a few.
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🎼 Tags !!
Please remember not to repost my art without my direct permission!
#ִ ࣪𖤐Church of Rosario – Any of my rambles, me speaking in general!
#ִ♱ First | No Betrayal – Reblogs of any kind, but mostly art!
#♱ Second | No Deception – Art tag! This is what I'll put my art under.
#♱ Third | No brutality – Ask Answer tag!
#♱ Fourth | No Insolence – I might post writings under this tag!
#♱ Fifth | No Falsehood – OC's will probably be posted to this tag! <3
If my OC's get too much to keep a number on, I'll make specified tags for them, but for now, that's fine.
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Aponia graphic banner by @horrorification on Tumblr.
White dividers by @pommecita on Tumblr.
My current pfp (K-ange) is by @epsiloner
My banner is by @yamiistein
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scbrvght · 1 year
♡ open to: m/f/nb ♡ connection: friends ♡ plot: last bullet here !
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" look I don't even want to go, the only reason I said yes was because you kept pushing it. " an exhausted sigh floated from her lips as she rambled off the words. " I'd rather just hangout here, I feel like I've made that entirely obvious at this point. " being single was easy, hook ups were easy -- uncomplicated. for logan, that was why she never went for a relationship or a date. the whole thing just seemed unnecessary when she could care less about the other person. " it's all a lot of effort. if I wanted that I would do it for someone I actually gave a shit about -- like you. "
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roseborough-if · 2 years
Juniper and Sage my beloved! would the two of them ever consider dating the same person, or if poly asks are not encouraged, what would each of them be like towards an MC who is dating the other? Like, how do they act around their best friend's partner? Thanks! and this is a lovely game! - 💜Felix
hey, thank you so much!! ♡ i'm glad you like juniper and sage, so often nb ROs are overlooked and it makes me really happy they're getting love too!
okay, so not to ramble, but when it comes to poly options, i'm still undecided because i want to focus on the invidual routes first. i've said in the past that the possible poly would be between juniper and sage, but now i'm not really sure anymore after further planning their romance routes and personalities. sage's romance is pretty intense with just one person, MC, and i'm not sure if another person would fit into that scenario. or at least, it would be very, very, very slow burn and getting thosr particular three people together would basically take the whole damn book's timeline which is just one year.
both juniper and sage could date the same person, hypothetically. but it probably wouldn't be possible to do that in the book, i'm not sure yet, tbh. sage is just a really special case and their romance is very different from the rest of the ROs.
anyway!! to answer your question. 🥴
juniper is protective of sage so fae is very suspicious of MC who is interested in him, tbh. fae thinks that they will hurt sage or seek to take advantage of him in some way because he isn't used to interacting with anyone else than juniper and is pretty clueless when it comes to other humans.
juniper just... straight up doesn't tell sage that fae is dating the farmer. they will only know about the relationship if MC is their friend and MC tells them about it. 🤷‍♀️
hope this answered your question. ♡
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angelthlng · 1 month
Intro Post Yippee!!
Who am I?- How I tag things- Boundaries- DNI/Before you Follow
Who am I? ♡ I’m Travis, Laika, or Cami/Cam, but my name changes sometimes. Travis is a good constant. ♡ I use they/them, it/its, ny/nym pronouns (ny/nym is basically just he/him pronouns but replace the h with n and the i with y). I use he/she in a silly way (primarily when joking about myself in the 3rd person. you can do that if u want as long as u 1) understand i am nb and my gender has no relation to the gender binary and 2) you are also silly). ♡ I was born in 2006 and I am 18. ♡ I’m non-binary, aromantic, sapphic, and butch. I’m a white American who lives in Appalachia/Piedmont. I'm fluent in English and know a bit of French. ♡ I am not going to disclose all my mental issues, but I am diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, and ADHD. I have speech & auditory processing issues, low empathy, and dissociation+depersonalization symptoms. I probably have other stuff up with myself but it's not diagnosed and it's a secret so shhhhh. ♡ I primarily post digital art (I use Procreate (or IbisPaintX, not super often tho) w/ an I Pad + Apple Pencil or I use jspaint with a trackpad), but I do a lot of traditional art (graphite, colored pencil, gouache, pastels, collage- basically any medium I can get my hands on. Primarily graphite though). I also knit and dabble in other physical arts like that. I’ve made a long furby and my current pipe dream is to make a BJD. ♡ "Fandom/media" Interests- Half Life but the AI is Self Aware, Half Life, TF2, Dungeon Meshi, Comic Girls, DND, Fin fin (on teo the magic planet), I have no mouth and I must scream ♡ General Interests- Angels, Armor (specifically medieval european armor), Wizards, biology, conservation, activism, the Bible/Christianity (I am not Christian I just think it's neat) ♡ Creators/Groups I like- Radio TV solutions Crew, Slimecicle, Just Roll With It Crew, Jerma, Snapcube ♡ I like Nu Metal, 80's-90's pop, K&J-Pop, Country, Rap, and a lot of other genres! I love music and listening to things.
How I tag things ♡ Not Mine- Self explanatory. Posts that are not mine that I’ve reblogged. ♡ Mine- Writing, drawing, or other things I post. ♡ My Art- My Art ♡ Sorta mine/kinda mine/stepchild post- Usually a reblog response/ collaboration that I feel I haven’t contributed to enough for it to be mine. ♡ Important/Fundraiser- Important resources or fundraiser I encourage y’all to check out. ♡ Musings/rambling- Rambling I have done (either in tags or as a text post). ♡ Good shit- Stuff I really like! ♡ mecore/me core- things that are just like me fr fr ♡ I have other things I tag a lot (10/10, 0/10, silly, sillies, etc.) but they’re pretty inconsistent. I don’t tag things I don’t make with fandom tags (ex. If I reblog half life art, I won’t tag it half life).
Boundaries ♡ Likes w/ no reblogs- Absolutely! ♡ Rambling in reblogs- Please! I love to hear people’s thoughts on my stuff :) ♡ Tagging me- Sure! If you think I’d like something, lmk! ♡ Using my art as a PFP or banner (or as anything else)- Please ask and credit me. ♡ Reposting (not reblogging, re-uploading my stuff here or on another site)- Usually no. Ask me and I might make an acceptation, but usually no. If you're going to do it at least credit me and link my post though. ♡ Venting on my posts- Unless it’s a vent post itself, No. ♡ Requests- Sure! If I like your idea I might draw it. If your idea doesn’t interest me I won’t draw it. You are not entitled to my time. I am not going to draw your dog. Unless it’s cute. DMs- Sure! Again, you are not entitled to my time but if you want to DM me, feel free. ♡ Critiques- Sure! I’m always looking to improve and if something looks weird, lmk! Art is a hobby for me. I do not have a lot of time to spend on it. Do not be rude/condescending and do not be mad if I don’t follow your advice. I am not responsible for anyone else’s mental health. I am not an art machine. I am not a therapist. I do not owe anyone anything. You do not need to know everything about me.
DNI/Before You Follow ♡ Bigots of any variety (transphobia, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, ableism, sexism, etc), Pro-Israel people, Eco fascist, any fascists, people who actually like Joe Biden, libertarians- just don’t follow if you’re a dick. ♡ I feel like i shouldn't have to say this but pedophiles/zoophiles DNI. ♡ Endogenic/pro-endos DNI. I will not debate you on anything. Go outside. ♡ I don’t care what media you like. I am highly critical of certain medias, and I am not responsible for warning you about that. If you will have a meltdown over criticism of your favorite show, assume I hate it and don’t follow. ♡ If you're going to get up on my ass about media I like, do not. I will not engage in that. I was a DSMP fan when I was 13. ♡I engage with NSFW creators. I might reblog explicit or NSFW posts. I might not tag them because my bar for explicit/NSFW content is pretty high (I went to art museums as a kid so nudity isn't inherently erotic to me and I'm bad at reading intent). If you have a problem with that, do not follow.
Updated- June 5, 2024
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nonymous-nb · 2 months
Bro I cant rn I was just looking for inspiration to continue writing and some Wattpad story really just gave me a boombox foot pic. IM LOSING MY COMPOSURE I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE—
I'm sharing the pain I feel rn.
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love/healing potions= fluff, antidotes= comfort, poisons= angst, aphrodisiacs= smut, felix felicis= shitposts/ edits, custom potions= my oc; ༊*·˚= personal favourite
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Love Potions:
Gamer Boyfriend: Leviathan || 890 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ levi ࿐ྂ
Character Class: Comfort Gamer Profile: Levi understands how exhausting life can be, especially in this household. So he’s really glad you can find comfort in bingeing anime or TSL and playing games with him for however long you want. Still, Levi’s convinced you’re some kind of angel for listening to his long-winded ramblings and if you ask him literally anything about the plot or characters he has half a mind to marry you right then and there.
Kiss me more || 2k || Multi-Character || ༊*·˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ demon brothers + barbatos ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: the types of kisses the demons like to give and receive warnings: i totally never play favourites ever
Hold me close || 1.1k || Multi-Character
⇢ ˗ˏˋ mammon, belphie, barbatos, dantalion, valefar ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: just some short and sweet cuddling headcanons warnings: only me playing favourites again ♡ + one teeny tiny allusion to lesson 16
Hollysm: Day Two [Event] || 940 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ barbatos ࿐ྂ
event prompt: baking
Nighttime Routine Drabble || 800 || Drabble || ༊*·˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ mammon ࿐ྂ
summary: a pouty demon has become part of your nighttime routine warnings: fluff with mentions of insecurities (skin/appearance related)
Catherine Crossover || Blurb/ Hc
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ft. demon brothers but more so belphie ࿐ྂ
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Bloody Hell || 3.3k || Multi-Character || ༊*·˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ mammon, belphegor, barbatos ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: having your period is already stressful enough and being in the devildom doesn't make it any better; luckily, these demons are here to help warnings: period-having reader (gn pronouns), blood, mild cramps
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ no potions brewed yet ࿐ྂ
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Aphrodisiacs: [Nsfw, minors dni]
Gamer Boyfriend: Leviathan [NSFW] || 3k || One-Shot
⇢ ˗ˏˋ levi ࿐ྂ
Stats: nsfw/ minors dni, jealous/ possessive! levi, cream pies, monster/tail fucking, mean dom! levi, levi with two cocks, degradation/ name calling, marking, double penetration, unprotected sex (stay safe everyone!), hint of/ alllusion to exhibitionism towards the end Profile: It’s not fair! Why do his stupid brothers get to hog your attention all the time? He’ll make sure you’ll pay attention to him and only him. You’re not leaving his room for quite a while; there’s lots of fun stuff Levi wants to try with you. And when you do limp out of his room, his brothers will certainly get the message.
Sinful Indulgence || 5.8k || One-Shot || ༊*·˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ asmo ࿐ྂ
summary: losing your virginity can be daunting, even more so when you’re dating the avatar of lust; luckily, asmo is only interested in making this as comfortable for you as possible warnings: nsfw/ minors dni, slightly angsty (insecurities) but with comfort, porn with a hint of plot, loss of virginity, corruption kink, use of toys (vibrator), fingering, asmo being a demon+ demon form! asmo, soft!asmo, consent king asmo,  cream pie/ unprotected sex, use of petnames (sweetheart, darling, love, hon/honey), marking
A tricky treat || 5.7k || One-Shot
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dragon! barbatos ࿐ྂ
summary: the plan was to spend a chill movie night at the castle but when was the last time anything went according to plan in the devildom? warnings: nsfw/ minors dni, dragon! barbatos, dom! barbs , aphrodisiac spit (idc if i made it up, deal with it), double penetration, two cocks, monster + tail fucking, breeding kink, oviposition, cream pie, pool sex, marking, a little bit of possessiveness (as a treat)
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Felix Felicis:
Exchange Student Diaries ༊*·˚
The Devil Demon Wears Prada ༊*·˚
Behold, The Avatar of Pride
Belphie NB icons/pngs
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Custom Potions:
Dantalion, Owner of Majolish ༊*·˚
Valefar, Casino Owner ༊*·˚
Stolas, Popular Streamer ༊*·˚
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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➺ send in an ask to be added to or removed from my tag list
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cottontailx · 2 years
💙 - READ ME - 💙
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Hi hello! This is my brainrot page. :)
🐇, 24, they/them, switch. Into men/masc nbs! Any gender or sexuality can follow though.
Do NOT interact or look at my page if you're under 18.
Do NOT send asks if you are below 21.
I block ageless blogs. Put your age / adult in your bio.
Don't int if you're a men dni page (im nonbinary but still feel uncomfy)
I'm not your dom, i'm not your sub, I'm just some guy talking about my fantasies. Literally only looking for friendly engagement.
I do not sext in DMs.
Please don't tag my posts with, or send me, anything regarding age play, incest, cnc, misgendering, or feeding
Send me brainrot/filthy ideas and your thoughts on kinks in my anon box. I love to hear why people have kinks.
I love when ppl tag characters in reblogs! (NOT characters who are minors, don't do that.)
Interact and talk with me on here!
Nsft text posts and thots mainly
Character imagines sometimes, though I'll probably keep it general. I MAY do fandom stuff if my brainrot for a character gets too bad and infects my brain
#rabbit rambles = my posts
#txt = text / #fic = fic / #pic = picture #asks = asks + anons
I also try to tag dom vs sub posts depending how I visualize them!
If something is a tw, let me know and i'll tag it.
That's all I can think of for now! ♡
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bunbunlovesdonuts · 2 years
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ R P - S T A R T E R - Nº50 (open to anyone! M/F/NB etc)
♡ When You Love Someone - Day6 ♡
♡ Plot Inspired By: i know we’re just friends but like i cannot stop looking like you’re the galaxy and oh my god them lips! || very much inspired on this plot idea. ♡
james felt like he was very much close to eating his hand like it was a sweet delicacy and this would be the fault of their friend…their friend that james keeps reminding himself that is all they are.
yet, james couldn’t help himself sneaking off quick peaks whenever he would think their friend wasn’t looking. listen intently to their rambling about whatever was going on through their head or find the small actions they would like scratch their nose with the end of their pencil to be oddly adorable. these things were stuff that the male knew he was going to keep distance with and he always did that, including today where they were having their weekly netflix marathon. keeping a safe distance from their friend that isn’t awkward but my god did they have to lean against him!? where the gentle scent of their shampoo attacked his nostrils!? this was far more painful than him having his colored pencils breaking and having to buy all of them again. this is much, much more maddening. james wasn’t helping his inner issues by allowing his eyes to linger on their lips as if he was at an art museum
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littlepawpads · 3 years
Ask Box: open n ready
Number of asks: 0 (it’s lonely in here)
(If you are thinking of sending a request please read the rules thoroughly before doing so! ᵕ̈)
Mal - 18 - talented at being untalented - They/Them | He/Him
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ RULES ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
↓ I only (currently) write for the following fandoms ↓
SuperGiants Hades Game
Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
Genshin Impact
Fairy Tail
Legend of Zelda Series
Occasionally I will do some Obey Me stuff (I tried to escape but that game holds me by the throat)
I do matchups, HC’s, Reactions, and Fanfics (though I am not very confident in my writing abilities, I’ll do my best).
Keep in mind that I do work a full time job and do a lot of overtime to support my Genshin addiction, it’s depressing and my job is fast food so it’s extremely exhausting and absolutely soul sucking, basically: I will get to your ask it just might be a few days before it’s finished and polished off.
I will also not be writing anything that will potentially make other people and myself uncomfortable (writing a non-ab*sive character or a child/minor character as ab*sive or anything nsfw related to said child character(s), romanticization of ab*se, SA scenarios, or topics that I generally do not have experience in). If I do write for a potentially triggering topic I will mark it in RED and put a warning before hand, If the topic isn’t triggering to me but it is to you and I haven’t put a warning or any red you can message me and ask me to put it in red and add a warning so we can help protect others in the simplest of ways from experiencing anything unnecessary^^
Minors can interact with this blog generally but NSFW and potentially triggering posts or posts featuring acts like smoking or anything like that will have a warning before hand asking minors not to interact (MDNI) and though that obviously can’t stop anyone, if you don’t have an age in your bio when you interact with said content on my blog you will be blocked.
I also will try not to post anything that I may have done before in the past, please check the masterlist if you think your request may be considerably generic or if you’re just not sure.
This blog is of course LGBTQA+ friendly and personal/intimate posts will always be gender neutral and use gender neutral pronouns unless the person asking requests otherwise or it is an ask about a very specific situation.
Requests for matchups, reactions, headcanons, and fics with y/n, that are gender or pronoun specific will always be tagged appropriately (ex: F!, M!, NB!, GN!, He/Him, They/Them, She/Her, Ze/Zir, etc). If you’re looking for specific gender/pronoun requests, you can search my tags or you can check the Menu!
It’s really nothing personal if your request doesn’t get posted so don’t worry lol, remember that I might just be late on it.
If you’re including a lot of people in your ask then it will take longer and may even be a few parts (I will link them and/or tag you so it’s easy to find parts!)
Please ask beforehand If you want to post any of my content on other social media handles!!!!!
Types of content maybe be highlighted a certain color on my masterlist so here’s a guide!
<Me rambling or talking to people is just the basic color and is not usually included in the master list unless it’s important to my work>
-Normal post-
;;General Angst;;
<no meaning yet>
-making life easier-
Regular headcanons will be under “bees general [insert content or character] hcs”
For example: bees general Genshin hcs
Character headcanons will always be tagged with that character instead of general. So “bees [insert character] hcs”
Random posts that are just me… Uh.. talking ig?? Will just be tagged bee rambles.
For fics it’s just ‘ bee fics’
- it’s so empty in here -
☤Hades ☤
Nothing yet (be the first(^ν^) )
☼ My Hero Academia ☼
Nothing yet (be the first(^ν^) )
❀ Demon Slayer ❀
Nothing yet (be the first(^ν^) )
𖤍 Genshin Impact 𖤍
! Fairy tail !
Nothing yet (be the first(^ν^) )
ʚ Legend of Zelda ɞ
Nothing yet (be the first(^ν^) )
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
So, I checked my.. Medkit vs Subspace x Male!Reader one-shot; it has a bit of errors here and there with the colorings and some missed colorings so that's a quick fix— I'm thinking if I should continue the colorings LMAO
I'm also thinking to stay on [gender neutral reader] too.. the male reader one-shot.. will be staying unless the requester is okay for it to be changed to gender neutral
[also thanks for playing evade with me Axol/Sour/"Sourlotl" :D ]
[Here's also a very, very.. tiny sneak peek of something that's supposed to be done..]
'[Data_not_loaded.]..? Wonder what they want or need right now so early in the morning..'
Staring at your phone wondering why they're calling but finding none to be right or accurate, you gave up on trying to think of possible ways and reasons why. Not too long you answered the call from them.
[That's all you're getting out of me :3]
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
What if I randomly wrote and publish an angst story that isn't a part of the request list😍😍
And yes, I may or may not make one for every fandom in my fandom list..... *Smiles innocently.*
Saying this because I got inspiration by someone in the comment section
[sharing the pain I felt reading smth on wattpad soon🥰]
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
{Upcoming Special Event}
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So, I'ma just give y'all a heads up for a future event..
I will be having a [small event] containing both fluff and angst.. it'll be a song kind of event and all of it will be oneshots.
But.. the catch is, you wouldn't know if the song is either fluff or angst :)
[or would you guys want to pick a random number? make it a little more exciting or nerve-wracking..?👀 + will laugh if gotten all the angst first if this was picked]
The start of this event will be unknown, so it will be announced after maybe [data_undetected.] is achieved or something has been done
I will be either making polls for the list of fandoms and whoever got the most votes would win. the character chosen will be random for the song they have/get (Aka the wheel of DOOM and FATE)
Unless I decided to just write it lol
{Informations Regarding the Event}
• The poll would take a whole week to finalize the chosen fandom
• It will be having 1-30 one-shots
• One-shots of this event would be separated from the Roblox Masterlist and will be in [Special Song Event Masterlist] unless I decided to change the name in the future
• The one-shots of this event would probably be publish randomly
• Currently there's more Fluffs but that doesn't mean that there's less angst :]
• The list had been changed.. it now has the equal amount of fluffs and angst
• The song will not be leaked, you're just there waiting for the surprise :]
• Unless I give you guys some little hints that is..
• Will mostly be in character's POV lol
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