#<- understand the storyline and the appeal i mean
yazthebookish · 19 hours
A Mate Rejection storyline is an easy cop out if you want a mated character to end up with someone that is not their mate.
It CAN be an interesting storyline if we get the opportunity to explore the dynamics and the journeys of the mated pairing to understand what got them to decide not to pursue a soul-level bond.
But from a storytelling perspective for this series in particular? It has implications for several reasons:
1. Each book is confirmed to be a standalone following different couples that deal with their own arc that also gets tied to the overarching plot.
2. Each interconnected standalone is confirmed to be a HEA, and in the bookish community a mate rejection is unpopular because it's a miserable trope. That's why it's rare in books and when a mate rejection happens in the story, it's usually accompanied by second chance romance OR if there is foul play which the narrative reveals the real mate—that's why you would really count on the possibility of a fake bond or a secondary bond plot to make this work (which re-emphasizes on the appeal of the mating bond trope).
3. How would a rejection be explored if it lacks the POV of one of the characters involved in it? And we know each book is going to be dual POV. Are going to wait for one character to explore it on their own in one book and the other character explores and deals with the rejection in the following book? That would not only be waste of page time, but also would be a bore. If it's expected that it's easy to move on from a soul-level bond, it cheapens the concept of a mating bond.
4. Elain and Lucien are kind of in a stagnant situation where there wasn't much that was explored with their mating bond and I think this has to do with their current journeys—Mor said both Elain and Lucien need to figure out who they want to be and where they want to be before dealing with anything else—that sounds to me like they're in parallel journeys. This is important because how are you expecting the author to write a compelling rejection story for something that wasn't even explored much? Just ask Elain to say the word "No" and that's it? Isn't it a waste of a storyline. It's not interesting. There are no stakes.
I think if Sarah plans to ever do a Mate Rejection storyline (which I doubt it it's not popular), she would have to do it in a Multi-POV series like Throne of Glass where we follow the journey of these characters through multiple books. That could offer a better story without cheapening the concept of the Mating Bond which is literally the trademark of her series.
The formula for which Sarah called the books a traditional romance route meaning that the characters will go through their journeys and experience all the ups and downs of their relationship to attain their Happily Ever After in the end.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
This feels like my ga viewer parents or my sister who do not like byler because they do not like mike. The classic 'i do hate mike and will deserves better' mindset. I am afraid the duffers consequentially created negative outcome when they tried to make the ga feel sorry for will and wanted to tank mlvn by making it more cringe than it already is. it made many people either dislike mike, see will as a ''crybaby'' and not care for byler because they did not enjoy their dynamic.
yeah exactly like i think people are supposed to not be enamored with mike rn but idk i find it crazy in general that people who do think he's queer (twt bylers) and thus have some idea of what he's been going through seem to still have little to no empathy for him. because that's supposed to be the missing piece that's keeping the general audience from connecting with him yk so if you have that and you still barely like him it's like...idk. then it's kind of on them but also maybe once it's on screen and it feels more tangible they'll feel for him more. i feel like the lack of empathy might also have to do with the difference in time period a bit? like with people insisting (not in so many words) that he has to not know he's gay or he would be an awful person for still being with a girl etc. i think like you said and like people have said before instead of leading to people disliking them as a couple all the bad mlvn scenes made people not only dislike but hate mike. and like i just said i think part of it's intentional they had to know people would be frustrated with him but they're sooo frustrated with him...and i think part of the reason why is like anon said the only thing people remember him doing this season is complaining about his girlfriend to the guy who's in love with him. which sounds frustrating just writing it
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dancermk · 10 months
I’m a little disappointed to see so much discourse, fandom competitiveness, and plain arguing going around at the moment in regards to queer film/TV. People complaining about too much sex, not enough sex, too cheesy, made for the hets, too happy, too sad, too realistic, too unrealistic, and a million other petty issues. I, for one, am a queer person in my 50s and I grew up with practically zero representation! Yes, we want to continue onwards and upwards with quality and varied shows BUT let’s be HAPPY we now have representation! Like, actual shows where the central characters are queer, not just a side character who gets f*cking murdered! There is room for all different types of representation - so enjoy the types you like, and let others enjoy what they like.
And on a side note: progress is progress and film/tv is a business that has to turn a profit! If some queer content is made to appeal to the straight community, and will also act as a means of reducing homophobia and increasing understanding, then that’s a good thing. That means in the future more and more content will include queer stories and representation. If only 10% (ish) of the population is the maximum target audience then shows won’t keep getting made!
There is a huge backlash all over the world right now - a “push back” by conservatives and religious groups that want to wind back the clock, and specifically the last decade of advances.
So stick together queers and LGBTQIA+ allies.
I’m super happy knowing I don’t have to wait years between content anymore. And I’ve loved all different types of shows over the last 5 years, for lots of different reasons!
Interview with the Vampire - is giving me the toxic, passionate gothic love affair I’ve always wanted. And addressing interracial relationships.
Heartstopper - is filling me up with pure joy and hopefulness for the future.
Shameless - gave me Ian and Mickey - unique, anti stereotypical gays with a tragic yet ultimately beautiful love story spanning 11 years
Lone Star 911 - is giving me TK and Carlos whose sexuality barely factors into the storyline! Yay!
Looking - gave me an authentic queer experience and an intoxicating love triangle.
Red, white and Royal Blue - gave me a sweet, cute romcom that allowed reality to be sidelined. Fun escapism!
Young Royals - had me captivated by first love and intense angst.
Fire Island - an underrated romcom that made me laugh so hard I cried.
Sex education - shoved the realities of sex in our faces and provided me with laughter and drama and a range of queer identities.
Gentlemen Jack -gave me historical lesbians with spectacular wit, and feminine power.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg- because there’s SO SO SO many more shows I could mention! Don’t at me because I didn’t mention YOUR favourite. This is my point! There is SO much great content it would take all day for me to include everything. This is just a sample - and that’s f*cking brilliant!!
So maybe we could all start posting/tweeting etc about what WE DO LIKE / LOVE / MAKES US FEEL LOVED AND SEEN and put down the device if we’ve got nothing nice to say.
Sending everyone a love filled week! 💜
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soleminisanction · 1 month
re Batman '66 and the idea that Bruce is Dick's father is a super recent phenomenon, isn't it also simultaneously an old idea? since there was plenty of Golden Age before the '66 show when Dick was a child, he only wasn't adopted as Bruce's son because that wasn't something bachelors could really do back then, and Alfred wasn't always around as a parent figure to them both like he is in later eras (especially to Bruce, since back then Alfred only showed up after Bruce became Batman and didn't raise him)
I mean that's kind of a complicated question. I actually can't find any evidence that bachelors couldn't adopt in the 1940's, it just wasn't considered typical. Moreover, the narratives they appeared in were less refined, with less overall detail, and less grounded in reality, so their relationship tended to be based more on... for lack of a better term, vibes. It was often up to interpretation.
Dick was a child, yes, and some readers did project onto him and Bruce as a father-son duo due to lack of a strong paternal figure in their own lives (Superman and Captain America got a lot of that, too). But it wasn't a defined role.
Dick in Golden Age comics isn't treated as Bruce's child, he's treated as Bruce's equal, his partner. That's something that a lot of people who don't really "get" the appeal of child sidekicks don't seem to understand, they weren't conceived of as being lesser than their adult counterparts, they were supposed to be on relatively even footing. The whole point was to make a child reader feel like they could stand alongside their icons; whether that was a "realistic" relationship between an adult man and the young boy in his care didn't matter.
The one role besides partner that it can be definitively said Dick plays in the narrative is that of "the Beloved," the person Bruce cares about whose safety can be imperiled to raise the stakes of a story. But that still leaves the actual nature of their relationship pretty open and undefined -- and it didn't help that most other superheroes at the time filled that role not with their sidekicks but with their girlfriends. (This, plus living alone together and several storylines where Bruce getting a female love interest is positioned as a threat to the Dynamic Duo's partnership, is the source of many of the "Batman and Robin are gay lovers" accusations.)
Also, in the Golden Age, and even into the Silver Age to an extent, adult superheroes weren't always treated as fully, well, adult. Sometimes they came across more like bigger kids that young readers could project onto, or imaginary friends who were there to play with and empower them in ways their parents couldn't or wouldn't. A parent's presence would ruin the fantasy, after all. That's why a lot of stories in those eras lean towards the over-the-top and goofy, they weren't going for anything more or less than mimicking children playing pretend, and the characterization reflected that.
So yeah, it's... complicated.
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wenellyb · 2 months
Random thoughts on Bucktommy and Buddie
Please bare in mind that I'm only sharing my personal opinion and that I'm always open to discuss.
The discussions I've had over the past couples of weeks have been very interesting and I wanted to add my 2 cents.
Before season 7 episode:
I'm a causal viewer of 911 and I'm also on Tumblr so of course, I know Buddie, but I've never really shipped it... I can understand the appeal and I think the ship has potential but I never felt like the writers ever intended to go there. And I'm not a big fan of non-canon ships.
If they had gotten together, however, I think that I would have enjoyed it.
What has always bothered me was the behavior of some Buddie shippers who would complain about queerbaiting on the show, when there were already several Queers characters in it and one character (Hen), who's part of the main cast. I always got a weird feeling that those shippers didn't care about Queer characters if they weren't White. There is also a spinoff of the show, 911 Lone star with Queer characters who are also part of the main cast.
To me, the fact that Buck and Eddie never got together was a writing decision, not queerbaiting or anything like that... the writers had decided this wasn't the way to go for Buck and Eddie's chatacters, because if they had wanted to write a storyline between them, they could have.
I've seen a lot of people being happy about Buck being confirmed as Bi, and I get it. But to me, it was confirmed he was bi in the 911/911 Lone Star crossover when TK told Buck he had a boyfriend after Buck asked him out. I was just waiting for a storyline to confirm it. Obviously, I always thought the storyline would involve Eddie, but I was wrong.
After Season 7 Episode 4:
I follow some 911 accounts so I knew something was happening before the episode aired and I saw a preview of Buck seemingly being jealous of Eddie leaving with Tommy and I thought... this is it, this is where the writers are going to confirm Buddie. Buck will realize his jealous and realize he has feeling for Eddie or something like that.
I was very curious so I tuned in for that episode and imagine my surprise when I realized at the end, that the jealousy wasn't about who we thought and all this time the writers had been planning a storyline with Tommy.
So to me, it doesn't look like the writers are planning a Buddie storyline. Otherwise they would have prepared it gradually after the Buck and TK's discussion.
That doesn't mean it won't change in the future, writers and showrunners can change but I have never noticed them introducing a storyline that could lead to a Buddie relationship.
Everytime I see a post "proving" Buddie, it's always showing something friends or best friends do (hugging, being affectionnate), even Eddie making Buck Chris' legal guardian is something a best friend could do.
I'm not saying that they couldn't be romantic in another context, but there hasn't been any indication that the writers are planning a romantic plot for Buck and Eddie.
The writers decided to go there with Buck and Tommy. They're treating their story like a romcom, with the kiss, the hearteyes and everything. Buck is obviously into Tommy and being ready to tell the world about him.
That's the storyline the writers have decided to give us and it's a very nice one.
I know a lot of people are expecting Tommy and Buck to be temporary but to me that's wishful thinking. It wouldn't make sense to have Buck invite Tommy to his sister's wedding just for them to break up a few episodes later. If a breakup is what the writers had in mind, they would just set up another normal date.
Shipping goggles are ok, I have other ships for which I have shipping goggles on and for which I'm not very objective.
What's not ok is trying to ruin the fun of Bucktommy shippers who are trying to enjoy this beautiful storyline but can't go in the tags without seeing a post about the ship's impeding break up.
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dreamsicle262 · 10 months
why is chuuya's jacket red in s5 (+ unhinged and yet somehow still professional rant)
no seriously, why. like ok bones, i get it, the red is for blood. woohoo you know your colors. but this isn't the first time you've fucked up a character's outfit because just look at what you've done to the hunting dogs. bones. bones, look at me. i have you by the shoulders now. look. at. me. do you understand foreshadowing. or parallels. or callbacks to an earlier time. do you understand ANYTHING about narrative storytelling. chuuya's jacket was supposed to be green because then it would obviously have a bigger effect on the audience as well as dazai himself due to his past and his memories of when they first met, aka the ENTIRE FUCKING 15 ARC. the outfit similarities would be a nice callback to simpler times, to times when they had only just met and he was already practically smitten with him, and then seeing it in the prison with him as a vampire should've been soul crushing to him. it should've rightfully obliterated dazai after seeing how drastically chuuya had changed by having his humanity, the thing he was so uncertain about in his teenage years, forcibly stripped away. it should've ruined him knowing that he still viewed chuuya as human and even made it quite clear that he did back then but now he's something that isn't human. dazai should've also been pissed by this, seeing the partner he'd work with for years being reduced to a mere chess piece on the board he and fyodor are fighting for control over. and to have him show up in a similar outfit to his outfit when he was 15 should've been the damn tipping point. but no, you just had to go and make it red because "oh haha red is a prominent color this season because of vampires and blood!!" BONES. who the FUCK cares about the color. it would be so much more impactful to everyone inside AND outside the storyline if you had just altered that one, tiny detail. but you didn't. this is your downfall. the entire s5 budget went DOWN THE DRAIN because you wanted to add the sigzai dancing scene but remove dazai's capability to express human emotions which in the end makes him seem shallow and for fanservice only because he's 'visually appealing." if you fuck up the drowning speech i am going to RIOT. do NOT make him smirk, do NOT make him seem amused, and do NOT make him assume that his plan will work. no matter how he views himself, he. is. human. during that scene, he must have been willing to sacrifice even chuuya for the greater good because he's always been an 'ends justify the means' kind of guy, but that doesn't mean that he enjoys what he tried to do. sure, make him mask his concern later though. if i know one thing about this man, it's that's showing genuine emotions and baring his heart is an uncomfortable experience for him. if you can't accurate capture that within animation, then let some other studio pick up the bones of your mistakes and actually make something worthwhile.
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ghoulinfuschia · 2 months
Hi there, follower since your Amphibia themed days. May I ask, are there any connections you could make between Amphibia and Murder Drones in plot, structure, characters, etc. that you love?
I think a common thread that appeals to me in both stories has to be the element of finding love when you feel lost. And I don’t mean romantic love. Uzi and Anne as characters are both incredibly flawed. Anne started off as selfish, dismissive, pushy, and overall rude. Uzi starts off being abrasive, standoffish, and it’s made very clear that she has zero friends. While both shows have very different storylines and plots, both have a protagonist who has a lot of growing to do and a lack of bonds.
Anne’s a bit better off since she had Sasha and Marcy. She wasn’t straight up alone, and she had family that loved her, but her friendship was very toxic. It felt like it wasn’t until she landed in Amphibia that she was able to find a community to flourish in. She became kind and understanding because of that, and she learned to stand up for herself. She found family when she was scared and struggling to find herself.
Uzi’s case is like on the complete opposite end of the spectrum in regards of severity. Though we don’t know much about her life before the beginning of the series, we can infer that she’s been isolated for a long time. She doesn’t have a friend group, her teacher doesn’t want to deal with her, her mom died but not really, and her dad might as well not even be there. Khan tries, but with his track record he could be categorized as an absent father. The show plays up her angsty teen bit for comedy, but in reality she’s kind of a tragic character. She doesn’t know how to make connections because no one bothered to give her the time of day. She’s also awful with dealing with her emotions since she was never taught how. Once again this is all speculation but I’m pretty confident that p much everyone in her life failed her in one way or another.
It wasn’t until Uzi became friends with the disassembly drones that she found people to connect with. I mean, moreso N than V since V seems to have her own walls up (which she wouldn’t fucking explain because HHHHHHH LIAAAAAAAAM).
N seems like one of, if not THE ONLY person in Uzi’s life who’s genuine and actually gives a shit about her. He’s patient with her and incredibly caring. In turn he was the key to helping her make a real connection and open up. She’s still um. Kind of emotionally janked but she’s getting better WAHAHA
Also this is less of a “I can fix her” situation and more of a “finally I’m not alone” sorta thing I feel.
I think overall what hooked me into these series was how both of the protags fall under the category of “People who seem insufferable but really just needed a hug”. Watching someone become a better person is just v tasty to me.
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wasyago · 2 months
Hey I just came to my senses and Binged your Recks au Tag, and Boy do I wish I've been here from the Beginning. Curious if you're mostly keeping the Au based in season 8 or if you just take inspiration from the series as it comes.
Either Way, I've been in a long-time hermit-art slump and your stuff is Mad inspirational. Maybe it's Corny... I know I'm just a rando on the internet, but I hope you can understand how personal i mean this when I say your Recks Pearl has One. Of. The. Most. Appealing. Character. Designs. I have seen in Forever. Been months since I've reacted to a piece of art in the same way as seeing that one.
thank you so much for sharing your art
Also what kind of robot would Joel Be: closer to grian or pearl?
the au is mostly based on s8, but there are elements from previous and later seasons! plus it has its own "storyline" going so i pick and choose which elements to keep and which to pass.
and im so happy to know that you like pearl's design :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's one of my most favorites, both in form and function the design is so fun and unique! like, changing forms and transorming while still staying pretty much the same, her arms being able to switch positions in the shoulder joint, the three bends in the limbs, her being absolutely massive..... pearl is just so cool 🤧
for your joel question.... im not sure, again i haven't thought about his role yet, where he would be or with who if anyone... but, hmm. i might take some inspiration from his empires1 "lore" and his hc intros, by him having a lot of copies who are technically the same robot but also different somehow? in which case he would be more easily manufactured so uhhh... i guess somewhere in the middle between pearl and grian? maybe a more humanoid model? sorry i have no idea, i really need to sit down and draw to figure it out
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sunreys · 1 month
As much as I love the netflix shadow and bone and I really enjoyed watching it, let's be so fucking for real: it's not a good adaptation.
Season 1 was not a bad start. Like yeah you can have your complaints about certain acting choices and cgi and whatever (it is a Netflix show let's keep our expectations,,,,,level) but it was not that bad! It was fun, it was pretty faithful to the characters! In terms of book adaptations, it's honestly up there in quality. Season 2, though.
This whole show has been compared to a crack fic, and I second that---its not really the grishaverse. It's like someone's six of crows/shadow and bone crossover fic. Meaning we're smashing together two stories that are each already full of so much content on their own that it would be hard to do it all justice in an 8 episode netflix series. Even harder when you're combining 2 books, random storylines we pulled out of our asses, and scenes from soc and ck that had no business being there. I understand why they did this: six of crows is much more popular than shadow and bone, and the people at netflix wanted to get the most money possible from this. Alas, this hinders the story of the show so so much. For all it's flaws, there is so much good shit in the shadow and bone trilogy. There is SO MUCH that is so interesting, so poignant, so fun, etc etc that we entirely skipped past and cut out because we jammed so much other shit in there that had no reason to be. We skipped almost the entire plot of book 2! And while there's stuff in there that certainly drags on and could be cut, why did we cut out Alina and Mal's time in hiding? The Darkling finding them and everything else with Sturmhond? All the political shit that goes down with Vasily? Alina's struggle with being seen as a saint, her genuine struggle with being plagued by the Darkling? The reveal that Vasily was a fucking idiot and led the Darkling and the Fjerdans to the capital? The CHURCH SCENE??? WHITE HAIRED ALINA??? And that's just book 2! And then we get the canon divergence. Now I'll admit, I was slightly curious to see where they were gonna take this plot. However, if it was gonna go how they seemed to be setting it up, it would've been disappointing. I'm not a fan of stories where after the big climax the female lead loses her magic powers in favor of some peaceful life as a housewife or whatever. However, I loved the way the shadow and bone books ended. It was set up and foreshadowed that using merzost would have a cost. Alina willingly chose that cost to save mal, to have her happily ever after and her normal life which is what she always wanted. To prove the Darkling wrong. That's the important thing. Instead I guess mal goes "damn I know u literally brought me back from the dead but I'm gonna break up with u now bc I hate destiny I guess". And it seems as though the show was planning to have a storyline where Alina deals with having the Darklings power and struggles with whether or not she should succumb to the Darklings ideals or whatever. Which sounds like an interesting plot right? But guess what? WEVE ALREADY SEEN THAT SHIT IN THE BOOKS. IF THE SHOW ACTUALLY SHOWED US WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BOOKS WE WOULDVE HAD ALINA STRUGGLING WITH HER LITTLE VILLAIN ARC INSTEAD OF WHATEVER TF WE WERE HEADING TOWARDS AT THE END OF SEASON 2.
Anyways. Netflix execs get ur shit together and start greenlighting adaptations that fans of the original material---who you are literally appealing to by making this adaptation in the first place---will actually enjoy.
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
I think it's also interesting to see how things change depending on the time in which they're being engaged with. so I see things about rose today that point out that she's written to be 19 when she meets the doctor and that's a big age difference (which... I understand the point is it's a big age difference because billie piper was 23 and eccleston was 40, and then dtennant was like 34/35 when he started which isn't so big of a shift but anyway the optics I get what people are getting at, but also I think it does oversimplify a lot of what's actually going on in the written dynamic, anyway-)
and also that the rtd run's Themes start coming together properly around s3 (although they are present from day one), and in some ways at this point, because nu!who has been running for... fuckn. actually quite a few years, which is wild to me as someone who started watching as a kid, and I wonder if classic!who fans felt the same way about their show and anyway -- she shifts from being Literally The First Companion You'd Seen For 17 Years (not counting the movie and fan things and the sketch) Who Was Defining A New Era For A New Generation to... a companion
comparable to other companions, comparable to the rest of the show
we sift through the writing to see what worked and what didn't (in our opinion), and we know how the ten-and-rose storyline Really ends, and how the ten storyline ends (sort, of because now that doctor and donna are Back), and we know what happens afterwards, and we talk about tenrose with a 2020s eye, and rose is "just" one of the people that travels with the doctor, one of several, and notably the one who gets most of the sunshiney doctor that buries a lot of the (wonderfully portrayed) angst of the latter half of the rtd show, and doesn't have as much lore as everything after that, so the story is "just" more simple overall
and to me she's kind of incapable of being just that. doctor who was still a risk that first season, it wasn't a done deal that it would have legs at all, never mind that it would continue for as long as it has. rose was created to be the Face of what nu!who was, moreso than nine/eccleston, because even with the extra angst and the eccleston gravitas, we know the doctor, the doctor is established, it's not actually the doctor that needs to sell what the new show is going to become and what the Feel of that new show is going to be (I mean, partly ofc, but-)
rose was doing so much heavy lifting and she succeeded! she was the face of who before dtennant or any other doctor or companion of his era and subsequent eras. she was created to appeal to a demographic of girls who wanted someone relatable in science fiction, because rtd wanted this to be for the girls, and billie piper came into it off the back of being a popstar and it changed her entire trajectory (for the better I think/hope -- there's a lot of bad shit in billie piper's past and I'm always sending her a fond thought)
nine/ten-and-rose were It! not calling it romantic or platonic or any secret third thing (haunting the narrative), but simply It! that's why it has so much staying power as a ship (which, my opinion on shipping has been somewhat *eh shrug* in later years, but in early-days when that was how you engaged with dynamics that got to you, of course it was going to be massive). it's so hard to properly describe how "for the time in which it was made" that this dynamic was written for, and how successful it was. it was rose that breathed doctor who -- and the doctor's character -- to life, as much as herself
she sets the stage for everything that comes next, both within and without the show proper
and I'm always so pleased that rtd at the time was thinking about what was needed to create this character and he opened with a shot from a girl on the estate with messy hair, clumpy eyeliner, and a minimum wage job, and went "that's the girl who's going to go on the adventure of a lifetime, that's the girl we're seeing the story through and relating to, because that's what girls (and uh... those who were girls at the time - and their parents and the boys) should be seeing."
I know rose isn't the first working class companion including classic!who, but she set the tone for nu!who and her family and background are important to why she is who she is, and is explored
"I've got no A-levels, no job, no future-" said the girl about to see the universe
she was very much for teenagers, and so she reads differently when you're an adult watching it back (much like those "teenager saves the world," novels you loved as a kid), but that's why she's 19 at the beginning. that's why she's billie piper (who does a perfect job). she was there to bring a new generation into this story, and it was perfect. and then she grows up. and we grew up. and she had adventures and it was brilliant and she survived and she made a life for herself. that's her story
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I know that you have already talked about the "female gaze" more than once, but what do you say about this?
Let's get the easier parts out of the way:
1 - The showrunners consider Aang the angel on Katara's shoulder on The Southern Raiders because Avatar is a kids show and the moral of the episode was "Hey, kids, even if you ever meet a truly horrible person don't immediately respond with violence, it could backfire horribly or push you to do something you'd regret later" not because they think she's an object that Aang gets to posses and control - hence them having Aang give her advice on what to do, but not try to prevent her from leaving nor judging her for not forgiving her mother's killer.
2 - Katara's point was NOT central to Zuko in that episode, at least not at first. By the end of the episode he understood and felt compassion for her and her family, but at the start he was only looking for a cheat-code to make Katara stop hating him because it reminded him of his screw ups. It was Zuko being entitled and trying to avoid consequences.
3 - "This thing is like the PLATONIC version of a thing that sometimes happens in romance" If it's platonic (you said it, not me) then it's not a "win" for your OTP. Zuko and Iroh's falling out after Ba Sing Se has lots of dramatic, super intense and heartbreaking moments, just like romances do - but their storyline is obviously not a romance and they are explicitly treated by the narrative as father and son.
4 - "Katara isn't hiding any side of her personality from Zuko" Katara doesn't hide any side of her personality for ANYONE - family, friends, rivals, enemies, strangers. Highlighing that she is herself with Zuko is pointless because she is herself with everyone, including people she does not like, which was the category Zuko fit into at the moment.
Now, onto yet another absurdly long take by this annoyed feminist that has had enough to the "Male Gaze VS Female Gaze" bullshit.
(Check this previous post before reading the rant in case you don't know these terms or what they mean/were supposed to mean)
Zutarians gotta learn that just because a trope is popular, that doesn't mean it is present in every story, and that NO TROPE appeals to a whole group of people, no matter how much they keep insisting that their ship is the "female gaze" - like that thing could ever even exist.
To give a practical exemple so people understand what I mean: Imagine that a woman wrote screenplay about a lesbian romance, which is then filmed by a female director, and edited by a woman. The actresses playing the lead roles also have their own perspective on the story and characters. The movie is then shown to 200 women, every single one of them has their own opinion on it.
Which of the women I mentioned above is going to speak FOR HER ENTIRE GENDER, and decide if that romance fits "the female gaze"? Do we take a survey and whatever points are repeated the most are taken as objectively correct due to being how the majority feels, and thus any differing opinion is treated as lesser and "not what women like" regardless of how many women feel that way? Do we only listen to the proffessional criticts in that audience of women and completely disregard the opinion of any woman that didn't study anything regarding cinema and writting?
Even if somehow it is decided that the movie fits into the "female gaze" - if all those women rewatch the movie years later and some of them feel differently about it, would that affect the definition? If their grand-daughters watch it 50 years later and don't agree with their grandmother's takes on it, does the definition change? If the movie is shown to other groups of women, from different countries, and they all have their own opinion on it that is radically different from that of the first group, which group of women gets to say "OUR culture's way of interpreting this story is the TRUE way women feel about it, everyone else doesn't count"?
If the movie is then shown to 200 men and they all like it, does that turn it from "female gaze" to "unisex gaze"? Does it become "Male Gaze" if the guys get aroused by it, even if the movie was designed to appeal to women and not to them AND there was no exploitation involved? If the 200 women then watch a movie that has scenes that are considered as having been made to appeal to guys, but some or all of them ALSO enjoy it (story of my life), does that make it change from "male gaze" to "Female Gaze"?
Gender is simply ONE out of many, many, many things that can impact how one views fiction - and it doesn't exist in isolation, being affected by generation, culture, language, religion, class, etc. The "Female Gaze" doesn't exist. It CAN'T exist because humans are more complicated than that. It is a concept that is almost fully divorced from reality.
Also I can't help but notice that, because of the way these terms work in the assumption of absolutes, no room for nuance, "MALE Gaze" is meant to describe lazy writting/film-making that is sexist towards women and cases of full on exploitation and abuse in which men were the abusers, and sometimes the label even gets attached to harmless things as a form of bad faith criticism just because guys like it - but "FEMALE Gaze" is NOT about lazy writting/film-making that is sexist towards men (say stories that full on say that a guy hitting a woman is bad, but a woman hitting a man is funny, or using "guys always want it" as justification for scenes of female characters forcing themselves on the male characters).
Instead, Female Gaze is meant to either neutral or POSITIVE. "This appeals to women" is used for praise, "this appeals to men" is used as criticism. Women are harmless, men are dangerous. Women are helpless victims, men are evil abusers. Women need to be protected and put on pedestal, men need to be hated and feared. Female desire is inherently pure, male desire is inherently objectifying. And, of course, any woman that disagrees is bad and a traitor and needs to be "called out for being anti-feminist" (aka be condescended to or full on attacked).
This is sexism, pure and simple. Anyone can be a victim, anyone can be an abuser. Anyone can like any kind of story, trope, genre, ship, etc. Desire is a morally neutral thing, and it doesn't become "pure" or "inherently corrupt" depending on the gender of the person who feels it.
The "Male Gaze VS Female Gaze" thing is nonsensical at best and perpetuates a dangerous double standard at worse, and I'm so fucking tired of it never being questioned because people are afraid of being labelled misogynistic.
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queertwilight · 9 months
Under threat from my sister @awkwardlysarah I have been forced to return to this hellsite in the middle of a delirious long day to post what she has informed me is the best idea she has ever had. please share and show her some love so that she thinks i’m a cool older sister and not just a tired grad student with a nostalgic affection for this series. Seriously she’s really excited about this post and I love her so make her happy or else :) Without further ado:
The Cullens as Different K-Pop Fans
Disclaimer: this is all my @awkwardlysarah head canons not my sister’s @queertwilight. I decided to combine my love for K-pop with my sister’s love for twilight. My qualifications are that I’ve been listening to K-pop for 6 years, so I kinda know a lot. Also no hate to any of the artists mentioned, you can have your own opinions and I’ll have mine. Silly little post enjoy!
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-exclusively listens to K-drama OST’s
-mainly for the instrumental and piano
-listens to the Best KDRAMA OST: of all time playlist and ranks them by instrumental
-secretly does watch K-dramas but claims its to help “appreciate” the music, has cried to almost every drama he’s seen
-Does not understand the appeal of K-Pop groups, prefers what he believes to be the classics
-Though, Alice once showed him RM’s album Mono and is now his biggest fan
-“No, you don’t understand guys if I met Namjoon we would get along perfectly. We could go on a museum date together and talk about life.”
-Loves RM’s newest release Indigo and locked himself in his room to reflect on the lyrics in the album.
-He too, mourns the loss (of what would have been) his 20’s
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-she is such a baddie with her K-pop taste
-mainly a 2nd gen girl group stan, but dips her toes in 4th gen (mainly AESPA) because Emmett showed her a couple groups
-also loves soloists-mainly IU and BIBI and DPR
-BIGGEST 2NE1 and 4minute stan there is (prays on YG and Cube’s downfall)
-if the songs are about being bad bitches then Rosalie is listening to them
-she can low key body any rap by CL
-has her more mellow moments when listening to Girl’s Generation and IU
-overall supports her girlies
-will fight trolls online that try to discredit any of the girls’ careers (
-has made multiple accounts deactivate because she proved them so wrong they could not show their faces online again
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-when Emmett discovered K-pop it was like opening up a portal that could no longer be closed
-he had casually stanned 3rd gen groups (since Alice listened to them)
-but then he found LOONA and other girl groups
-Rosalie low key curses this day btw
-became the biggest Orbit and Chuu stan
-“Emmett we have to go save Bella, she’s in danger.”
“Idk, maybe if she stanned LOONA this wouldn’t have happened.”
-is a photo card collector (Rosalie put a stop to this after he spent 3K on a Chuu broadcast photo card and getting scammed trying to buy other pcs)
-when I tell you he was so devastated that Chuu was kicked out of LOONA
-he didn’t have the strength to go hunting for DAYS
-helped boycott BlockBerry Creative #freeLOONA
-he does also dabble in boy groups; mainly Enhypen because he thinks they are actual vampires. (No one tell him it is just a concept it would break his heart, he streamed Bite Me for days because he felt SO seen).
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-she knows everything about every group (obvi) and knows which groups are unproblematic
-runs an undercover KPOPpredictions twitter account where all her visions go
-Loves groups mainly for lore/storyline purposes
-like TXT, BTS, ENHYPEN, ATEEZ, EXO, etc. she LOVES a good storyline
-does theories on her main stan blogs about what she believes the MVs mean for the overall story
-always has people commenting on her theories about how right she is.
-is also a K-pop dance/lifestlye influencer
-give her 10 minutes and she WILL know the entire dance-will upload and edit it almost instantly
-has been featured in KCON dream stages and has been able to dance alongside some of her fav groups
-love planning her outfits for concerts and giving people inspiration on her social media platforms
“You need help coming up with vampire themed outfits for Enhypen’s upcoming concert, say no more I’ve got just the looks for you!”
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-some of y’all may be a bit mad about this one…
-he’s the problematic K-pop stan
-like his playlist is CONTROVERSIAL
-liked sticker when it first released (believed the flute is what tied it together)
-low key a Jay Park stan on main
-…and a super junior apologist
(what did you expect he literally was a confederate solider)
-If a group has a cowboy concept he will be all over it tho, “takes me back to my roots.”
-will start shit online because he knows in the end he can control their emotions
-loves those unpopular k-pop opinion videos
-Alice does try to get him away from the problematic side of K-pop and it does kinda work, but like quitting human blood it takes him some time
-not a big stan, he’s kinda in it for the drama and to be an instigator
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gratuacuun14 · 1 year
This is fucking bullshit. Filoni has done some incredible things in the past, but clearly he has no idea how to handle Thrawn if he thinks he's evil or a bad guy.
By making Thrawn pure evil, he completely ignores Zahn's development of 6 canon novels in which Thrawn demonstrates time and again a self-sacrificing nature, kindness, nurturing tendencies and an urge to protect the galaxy from threat.
Thrawn is not evil.
Thrawn is not an enemy.
Thrawn is not the villain, and I'm tired of people saying he is.
Even in Legends he wasn't this bad. I was willing to forgive Rebels Thrawn, since it's primarily-child target audience might not quite understand the moral complexity of Thrawn (sweeping generalisation, I know, but the children I know generally hate bad guys unless it's Darth Vader or something - a strategic genius isn't quite as appealing).
I was looking forward to Ahsoka. I still am. But now I'm anticipating the complete butchery of my favourite character ever written, and the fact that Thrawn's the villain means we have to ignore THE GIANT GRYSK NAVY FLOATING AROUND THE UNKNOWN REGIONS.
I'm really worried, and losing faith in this storyline.
Reblog, like, and engage in any way. Get this seen.
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constantineshots · 3 months
Keanu's Constantine movie is a bad adaptation but it does provide you some "Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme" moments if you have read Hellblazer, like that scene where he traps the cockroach with glass,the chair :( ,the security guy with cards,the part where he spits on the sink (imagine if he did spits a parts of his lungs there).... still confused why they made John American and why is chas..like that...I guess I just don't like shia Labeouf:]....
I guess... it wouldn't be that "bad" if John is atleast British?cause I think they capture the vibes better than the NBC show...i think it's better than the show(I haven't watch the show yet)
You know like ur typical comicbook movie from the early 2000
In other Universe there's probably a decent hellblazer live action movie from the 2000 and it's directed by Guillermo del Toro....(My dream hellblazer director) He did Blade 2 and Hellboy 1&2)
i’d say watch the show, but that wasn’t the best adaptation, either. they have zed, but i’m not really sure where they were going with her to begin with because she was just. around john. for some reason. throughout most of the show and had some romantic? plotline? that i still don’t entirely understand but.
anyways, the show feels like a cw show. the movie is not a great adaptation of hellblazer. but there are references to the comic series in a few medias he’s in- they even reference a little bit in dc’s legends of tomorrow ( WHICH IS NOT THE BEST ADAPTATION OF JOHN, EITHER. AGH! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I WATCHED IT ), where he goes back in time and talks to his mother at a bar and essentially has a moment of “if i kick my dad so hard in the balls here, he would never have me” which kinda neglects his sister.
also, yeah, the american vibe did feel very weird to me. which is a shame because i love keanu reeves ( who doesn’t let’s be honest ). but i can agree, there are moments where i’m like “oh that’s neat that they added that!” but they do that with a lot of the media he’s in, you just have to scope it out. hell, they have hellblazer references in supernatural.
i’d have to watch the hellboy movies myself, but i have a friend who was/is in love with them, and she’s a film nerd ( love her tho don’t tell her i said this ) so i’m going to take her word for it honestly and assume he could probably do good. she’s heard me ramble about hellblazer so much that she could give an answer about his ability to direct something like hellblazer- which, i mean, he does a lot of things, so i wouldn’t be surprised if del toro could do a halfway decent job at it.
i’d like a more concrete adaptation of hellblazer, where it’s rooted in the hellblazer comics and not some weird storyline to appeal to mainstream television and media. because hellblazer was never meant to conform and didn’t even conform to the time period it was placed in. that’s all <3
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spicybylerpolls · 4 months
Regarding the poll about Byler's appeal being due to Finn and Noah's chemistry... that's kind of a weird one to see crop up on the ~spicy~ blog with options like "I believe this but I'd never admit it openly" getting a good quarter of the votes.
I can see where the anxiety is coming from, because there are folks out there who cross the line into shipping real people, and I guess the anon who sent that ask is worried they'll be accused of that.
But I promise, noticing that actors have chemistry is not even close to being the same thing as shipping them. It literally just means they vibe well together on screen, and actors will often be hired specifically because they displayed good chemistry in screen tests. (My understanding is that this was the case for Finn and Noah.)
Not only is that not an inherently romantic thing, it doesn't even have to mean they like each other. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey famously had amazing chemistry in Dirty Dancing, but also didn't get along irl at all.
Yeah I agree completely! Recognizing chemistry is a neutral thing. It just requires observational skills to notice the elephant in the room. And you're right: chemistry tests are a huge part in casting too. (Side note: there's a huge reason why co-stars do often end up dating).
Byler could be animated characters with the same storyline, and we'd love them, but there's no doubt in my mind at least that Noah and Finn have been a huge part of bringing Will and Mike to life. And if they didn't have chemistry, people really wouldn't be hooked.
I totally get why people might feel anxious about openly acknowledging this (I am too sometimes). Historically it has led to people being weird about actors, especially in the ST fandom where parasocial relationships are at an all time high. But as long as you aren't being creepy, and you aren't actually shipping real life people, in my view acknowledging IRL chemistry is totally fine/neutral.
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ladyhindsight · 3 months
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It has become increasingly difficult to make progress with this book. It’s the sort of slump I get into with each installment, which is ridiculous considering how much time I actually spend thinking about the series and forming my thoughts. But hey, back again with another chapter.
One of the reasons why returning to the story sucks is that I remember this book better than City of Fallen Angels, and I don’t know how to internally deal with how bad the storylines of (especially) Alec, Maia, and Jordan are. But as always, let’s give it a go anyway.
The chapter opens with Alec having secretly slipped away from his post in order to meet up with Camille and accost her about the spell that could make Magnus mortal. At this moment, there is no narrative reason to think Alec is playing Camille in order to learn more about Magnus (unlike Clare once states that that was the very reason why Alec went to repeatedly see Camille), and considering that the only thing Alec inquiries about is the spell itself, that whole idea holds little water as of now. Anyway.
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→ No comma before “and”
→ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Being gay does not mean you cannot appreciate female beauty or “appeal” since not everything is about physical attraction anyway. Also, funny but petulant: “I guess you’re beautiful, but I hate you so, no.”
→ This is also inconsistent with an earlier scene with Alec and Camille in the book where it says that "She was as beautiful as Alec remembered her."
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Propping up Jace and also tooting your own horn. Additionally, Jace’s “cleverly disguised put-downs” are never cleverly disguised, they are always just plain old and rude put-downs.
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Imagine being so jealous that you have to bully a teenager. Also, let’s leave Jace’s amazingness out of this. And no, that wasn’t something. That isn’t anything.
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Imagine being so jealous—and inappropriate—that you have to flaunt your previous sex life with the ex to a teenager. Also no comma before ‘and’.
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→ Considering if there is such a spell at all, why isn’t everyone just taking other people’s immortalities away left and right? Use your brain, Alec.
→ Shadowhunters can learn to work spells (like Valentine, hello?)
→ I like how Alec does not question at all how this supposed spell even works, like how would Magnus know who it was? This storyline and dialogue are so asinine that Clare wasn’t even trying to make it anything.
Alec and Camille reach an impasse, and we cut to Isabelle and Jocelyn making their way to the Adamant Citadel.
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Because Jocelyn is uh-mazing. If there is one thing we have learned about Shadowhunters is that they have to rigorously train when they are teenagers but once they become adults, all the training ceases because they have apparently reached the max capacity in skill that never deteriorates. See: every adult Shadowhunter in the series ever.
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The only reason why Isabelle might currently dislike Jocelyn is the fact that Jocelyn refused her the information about Robert’s affair, but otherwise there is nothing narrative-wise (considering that later in the chapter Isabelle brings up this fact again).
Also I don’t understand how any of these clauses are related:
→ Jocelyn was only a step behind her, (she was nimble and fast)
→ and as aggravating as Isabelle found Clary’s mother, (Isabelle is annoyed by Jocelyn. Additionally, I really dislike constantly calling Jocelyn what has basically become her moniker, Clary’s Mother)
→ she was glad in a moment, when Jocelyn raised her hand and a witchlight rune-stone blazed forth… (Isabelle, though being annoyed by Jocelyn, is glad that she illuminates the space?)
Okay, great. But why was Isabelle glad about it? She wasn’t worried about not knowing where they had arrived, she wasn’t afraid of their strange surroundings, she wasn’t anything about anything.
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→ Then a portion of the wall slid back
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Per Collins Dictionary: “You use as well when mentioning something which happens in the same way as something else already mentioned, or which should be considered at the same time as that thing.”
Per Cambridge Dictionary: also; too
→ What do you mean demon-stone as well? What is demon-stone? Another name for adamas like the demon towers in Alicante?  I can’t remember (nor find) an instance where any material, especially adamas, was referred to as demon-stone. So you now just figured to call adamas demon-stone?
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See the point above. What is demon wire?
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→ Iron Sisters should have the courtesy of calling people with their preferred and up to date names. But barely anyone in the series actually do so anyway.
→ Being outcast means being ostracized by the society or a group, which Jocelyn sort of is, but also no because she left on her own volition. She wasn’t rejected or cast out. Also she had the freedom to prance around Alicante in City of Glass and no one made a huge fuss nor intended to escort her back to the border.
→ I also don’t particularly like the style of Cleophas’ speech, just complaining on my part
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→ Meaning Silent Brothers can read minds whenever
→ Meaning Iron Sisters can read minds elsewhere but in the Citadel. Do they though?
→ Also Jace Lightwood, woooo
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→ Fingers of her hands as opposed to fingers of her feet??
→ …fiery gaze. Her fingers were very long—not elegantly…
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→ …adamas wall. A second Iron Sister stepped through, as if emerging from a haze of white smoke.
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→ though her hair was gray and the ends of her two braids bound by gold wire.
Because what the hell is that original mess of a blurb.
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→ It is a very shitty thing to entrap an angel, don’t do that.
→ In case you happen to do so, you could never force it to do your bidding.
→ You cannot force them to give you holy weapons but you can take something (undefined) by force
Okay, makes sense… until later.
The Sisters tell Isabelle and Jocelyn the nature of the demonic bond between Sebastian and Jace, essentially what everyone had already gathered but like, really honing it in.
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→ Isabelle throws a Clary-esque tantrum at the Sisters and storms off very Clary-esque way.
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Again, Isabelle not much liking Jocelyn though they have never interacted in any meaningful way, never built any sort of relationship where Isabelle would dislike Jocelyn for any reason, so again, there’s no reason for any of this narrative-wise.
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I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: Jocelyn is a prop character, a plot point, an exposition regurgitator. There is no reason why she would even know about any of this. See this post.
We cut to Clary in the magic house, and Jace comes to get her from her room.
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These sort of musings make me rip my hair out (figuratively) because these are so wholly empty and meaningless thoughts in order to add drama and flare and angst. Clary know Jace is not himself, he is somehow, someway tied to Sebastian and is not behaving right at all. So yes, he must be happy!! Why is she here to save him at all from all this happiness with Sebastian!!!!! Good lord.
Not much happens then, Jace takes Clary out on a date, and we cut to Maia and Jordan arriving at the Praetor headquarters. The word “alpha” did not age well and I cringe every time it is used.
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Yes, it is, in fact, bad. This is not the time to gaslight yourself.
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→ which was build a blocks of golden stone (stop filtering)
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I love that we are getting brand new werewolf facts like the eyes and the protein intake in the FIFTH INSTALLMENT OF THIS SERIES.
Then cut to the Gang discussing the findings of the chapter:
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→ If you happen to summon an angel, prepare to be blasted with divine wrath
→ but remember, you can take weapons by force, unless you get blasted, you know, with the divine wrath
→ Did you know that two things can be true at once? The ritual allows you to summon Raziel (because it does, duh) and be protected from his divine blasting. Also why the fuck did Raziel give means to summon him if his going to be a little bitch about it.
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→ Just use their names, please.
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Oh my god, how does he know anything. Not like he hasn’t been sharing almost esoteric knowledge before in the series, and Alec finds it himself to be surprised by it only now.
Wow, I truly loathe this. Surprise
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