#<- im so scared of main tags but this is so serious.
lesbiangiratina · 27 days
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HI!!!! Im celebrating testament’s birthday by sharing scans of 3 testament-centric doujinshi anthologies: totentanz (2007), gentle grim reaper (2014), and potatoment (2015), as well as a collection of short stories by 1 of the writers as a bonus. Generally sfw, untranslated. Dizzy sol and johnny are also in there sometimes, some others too.
Google drive might not be the neatest way to share this, but its the best ive got right now. Hopefully anyone else out there finds these as extremely charming as i do. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TESTAMENT YAY
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
any hopes for kiwami 3? like things u wanna see added or changed stuff like that
if they dont keep kiryu's goofy walk stance and the hoof-like walk sounds i dont wanna play it
#snap chats#no one understands how much i love that from y3 and y4 its genuinely one of my favorite things about the game#oh but i guess i have to give an actual answer now. HMPH.#id scream if they revived kanda calling mine limp wristed. homophobia in 4k#OK BUT TO BE SERIOUS uhhhh i dont know. im a real simple guy i think#my only like. If This Isnt There Im Leaving deal is mine's palette and im so serious#rgg's scaring me with all the black-hair/purple-suit mine stuff as of late and i cant stress how hard ill vomit if thats in the final#HYPOTHETICAL final anyways. yk3 isnt coming out for. IDK A WHILE#i wanna say i hope they highlight daigo and mine's relationship more but i dont know how theyd do that#i really like how mine's handled in y3 as is so i dont think i want scenes injected like what they did with yk1 and nishiki#someone said a Mine Saga after the game and... hm ... sounds too unrealistic for me to hope for it#like im REALLY trying to think how they could possibly reference the rggo stories in y3 since those are EXCELLENT but#i think . MAYBE. you could reference the story where richardson calls mine as he's driving to the hospital#the only thing you'd have to exclude though is mine stopping by the bar- like JUST keep the phone conversation maybe#cause in that scene that subordinate does question mine if he can really kill daigo and i think thatd be neat. in my opinion.#yeah i dont know. in regards to rggo its hard to think of what i want without intervening things i already like about y3#its a real head scratcher ...#a really good epilogue addition would be adapting that RGGO bit where daigo ruminates on mine. that's a fair ending for him i think#it also fulfills the need to see how daigo saw mine even if its just a little#and to non-rggo readers it could start to answer 'how does daigo feel about everything that happened'#im still so curious as to if daigo was briefed on EVERYTHING that happened but .... anyways....#sorry all my hopes for y3 are just mine/minedai centric fLVKELKA BUT LIKE. i really am content with everything else with y3 surprisingly#idk. i want kiryu fucking up that curry in high definition tho. thats important to me#THEY HAVE TO KEEP THE QTES DURING THE RICHARDSON FIGHT ILL BE PISSED#i need the fight to be AS CAMPY and unnecessary as it was in the og. INCLUDING richardson's voice acting i need it wack as hell#is it weird i actually appreciate the Diet Building Loredumping being like. in replayable-cutscene form#i thought id prefer just One Long cutscene but im glad theres the option to skip those segments#BUT being able to get a refresher in case you missed something somehow#im running out of tags jesus christ i shouldve put this in the main text but vjALjlagj those are all my thoughts for now bYE
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adolescenceknight · 3 months
i feel like it's easy to forget that self shipping is literally not serious at all.
like i'm not saying it CANT be. i am incredibly serious about some ships. but it's not INHERENTLY some huge serious deal.
no one gets hurt from you adding a new f/o to the list. or f/o-ing a character after seeing them for a total of five seconds. or switching main f/o's every two days. it's just not serious. none of this stuff is a problem. none of this matters. you're just having fun. compartmentalizing your favs for fun. adding new emojis to your tag list and new pictures to your carrd for fun. and if someone doesn't like it? too bad. your blog, after all.
i feel like i'm constantly on my own ass about how serious i think this is. "this is too many from one source" i say. "you've only known of them for a day, give it a while and maybe it's just a phase". LITERALLY who cares? this does NOT matter. these are not real problems. i will call a character my partner for weeks before ever "making it official" because im scared. of what? my own made up rules that don't apply to anyone but myself. we're all just having fun and no one, including ourselves, have the right to tell us there's a problem with it.
so go ahead. f/o that character you've known for 4 seconds. change your entire blog theme to your brand new partner. f/o the entire cast of your favorite media. this is supposed to be fun.
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Hotel Room
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PAIRING: Tangerine x fem!reader
SUMMARY: changing plans midway into a mission in Tokyo- you, Tangerine and Lemon decide to stay in a hotel instead of taking the bullet train.
TAGS/WARNINGS: 18+ only. dry humping, pinv, unprotected sex, pull out. no use of y/n MINORS DNI.
A/N: this is my first post and im a little scared to post it, so please plz be kind. I tried to keep it as accurate as possible, however I accidentally made Tangerine kinder than I had originally planned and changed some things about the film plot so it doesn’t create a domino effect in this- aka Tan dying
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rewritten 09/12/23 - no change to the plot, just made it less crap
"I don't think we should be getting this train," you mutter like you were talking to yourself, eyes darting across the busy platform of the station. "Guys?" you repeat, turning to see only Lemon behind you. "I don't think we should get this train."
"Yeah?" Lemon hums, sounding distracted.  
"I have a bad feeling. The next one is in thirty minutes. I say we wait," you respond, wary eyes glancing around.
Tangerine joins you both, looking over the tickets he just collected. "What's that now?" he questions, brows furrowed.
"I got intel someone I used to know might be on here," you murmur, avoiding the Twins' focused gaze.
"Like an ex?" Tangerine prods, his tone slightly cautious.
"No— stop it. I'm being serious," you emphasise, eyes squinting to show your annoyance.
Usually, when others act possessive around you, you'd turn the other way - having no interest in games. But when you talk about other guys in front of Tangerine, you'd often notice how his forehead vein would subtly protrude, like he was bubbling with rage from the inside - keeping it hidden. Though you'd always notice. It wasn't hard to tell when he was jealous. His quick, snappy comments are often the main giveaway.
"Alright, alright. Keep'ya knickers on, bellend," he scoffs, crossing his arms and widening his stance as if he was trying to intimidate you - which it doesn't.
"Okay, so, you remember Johannesburg? When we saw that guy— dirty blonde, mid-length hair? Facial hair? Yellow outfit. Looked like a prisoner? That one?" 
"No, not really," Lemon adds, shaking his head - looking clueless.
"Lemon. You shot him— a few times."
"No, not ringing a bell," he continues, just as clueless as before. "Oh, you mean Joburg?"
Tangerine pipes in, sighing. "Yes, you daft fuck."
"Well, I was just checking."
"Yeah, but it ain't important now, is it?" the twins bicker, overlapping each other.
"Oh my god," you mutter, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "Right, anyway, none of that's important. I used to work with him— Ladybug, like way way way back. I got a tip-off he's gonna be getting this train, and he's clearly been assigned to snatch that case," you nod to the silver briefcase tucked under Lemon's arm. 
"We can keep the case safe. We got hired for that reason," Tangerine adds, subtly reassuring you. 
"No, no. That doesn't matter. He's seeing a new therapist, and he's got some weird fate, destiny thing protecting him— like everyone except him gets hurt. I dunno about you, but I don't really feel like getting shot at again today."
You look between the brothers, eyes softening like you are talking without words - telling them things to make them take your side, to make them see that you're trying to protect them. You find it harder to pull away from Tan's fixed blue gaze, feeling strangely hypnotised under his attention.
"Okay," Tangerine agrees simply. "We'll wait," he nods, extending his hands towards you, resting them on your shoulder as if he's comforting you - telling you in his own way that everything will be okay. He rips his hands away when he hears a cough from beside him - Lemon suspicious at the placement.
The kind gesture wasn't long-lived, but it helped. A lot.
You suggest staying in a nearby hotel for the night, offering to try again in the early hours of the morning. The case would be safe, and that's what mattered.
You and the twins walk into the quiet hotel lobby, asking for three rooms - preferably all next door to each other. Once collecting the key cards, you make your way up to your floor, letting yourselves into your rooms with a quick nod to one another, silently saying goodnight.
After the nonstop events of today, all you wanted was to shower. To wash away the grime of the day, literally.
You throw your overnight bag on the floor and do a quick sweep of the room to check it's safe, then head into the bathroom, stepping into the shower to begin a lengthy wash.
Afterwards, you pat yourself dry with a fluffy hotel towel, dressing in an oversized tee when you hear a few rhythmic knocks at the door. You look through the peephole to see a wet, curly-haired, ‘stached man - there was only one person that could be.
You tug on the hem of your t-shirt, covering your exposed thighs as you open the door, greeted by Tangerine on the other side wearing a baggy tee and a pair of boxers.
His eyes leisurely travel over you, slowly pulling away from your thighs that you subtly tried to hide. He coughs, clearing his throat like he's refocusing, diverting his attention from your lower half back to your fresh face.
"Just doing bed check. And you are... ahem," he masks the pause in another cough. "You are accounted for. So that's. That's good."
"Right, okay," you murmur, purposely keeping your gaze fixed on his face - stopping your eyes from glancing lower.
He hesitates, lingering like that wasn't all he knocked for. You wanted to invite him in. To hang out for a bit. But you get all finicky and squirrely when it's just the two of you, and you never know what to say or do. It was like you couldn't think straight, his aftershave and biceps acting like a barrier in your brain. Besides, it's not like anything can happen between you anyway - he didn't like you in that way.
He clears his throat once more, scratching the back of his neck. "My tv ain't working. I don't wanna watch Lem's shit, so can I watch some in your room?"
Letting out a small puff of a sigh, you agree and move aside, allowing him to walk past. He settles in almost instantly, shimmying himself under the covers and flicking through the channels, trying to find something good to watch.
You sit down awkwardly beside him, leaving a safe and comfortable gap between you, subtly scootching away when he moves closer to you.
"What's up with you? You're being well weird," he asks, diverting his attention from the Japanese game show to you, looking over you with furrowed brows.
"I'm not being weird. You're being weird," you divert, crossing your arms over yourself, trying to minimise space. "Just trying to get comfy."
"That's cos'ya hanging off the bed, knobhead. Get closer, then."
He swiftly pulls you closer, gently dragging you towards him so that both of you are leaning against the headboard, his arm draped over your shoulder.
It was the complete opposite of what you were trying to accomplish - now smushed up close to his side, forced to smell his masculine shower gel. You had no idea what to do with yourself.
You have only been this close in proximity a few times. And on those occasions, one of you would always be drunk - never to be brought up again. But when you're sitting so close to him, both completely sober, your brain can't help but stir up those feelings you've been trying to suppress.
Lewd and vulgar thoughts spiralled around when you feel the steady sound of his heartbeat against your arm, everything so casual and natural - like everything was a breeze with him. Your mind begins to wander when you feel him shift beside you, legs spreading, groin adjusting like he was making himself comfortable - like he was situating himself in your bed for the night.
In your line of work, you don't often experience genuine human interactions - ones that are soft and gentle, ones filled with tender love and care. Every encounter lately has ended in a blood bath - literally. 
So when you feel Tangerine's hand slip into yours, you can't help but overthink it. It was so unlike him to physically show how he felt, so it was tricky not to question his motives.
His thumb swipes over your hand, softly squeezing yours, so you decide to look up at him, but he is already focused on you - the tv a mere thought away. The way he looked at you was so unexpected, so different to all the other times. 
All you could offer under his concentrated attention was a faint and gentle smile, nose softly scrunching as you held his gaze. He returns with a boyish grin, tache twitching with the movement.
You momentarily break eye contact, quickly glancing down at his lips. You thought you were sneaky, but the way his breathing ever so slightly faltered told you otherwise. 
He slowly leans towards you, his movements articulate and calculated as he pulls you in for a kiss, working over your lips carefully and considerately. His large palms nestling on the side of your face, cupping your cheeks as he deepens the kiss - everything turning somewhat desperate. Hasty.
His mouth travels away from your slightly bruised lips, now working along your jaw and down the side of your neck. Muttering faint groans into your skin as you tug on the damp curls at the back of his head - holding him close to you.
Tangerine's movements remain dominant. In charge. Guiding you and bringing you down the bed, laying you flat on your back so he can situate himself between your spread legs - hovering atop of you with his chest pressed to yours.
His cock feels firm against you, tucked and slotted perfectly between your thighs, nudging and brushing your clit with every subtle move he makes. 
It wasn't long before you found yourself whimpering into his mouth and toying with your hips, the dry humping working you up more than you had thought.
He parts from your lips, looking into your hazy, blissed-out eyes -ones that mirror his own- and begins to lazily push up your tee, stroking up your stomach, exposing just what he wanted to see; plushy tits and cute soft tummy. 
You help him out of his t-shirt, wanting to see more. Eager fingers trailing over the contours of his stomach before pulling him back to you, his happy trail brushing against your abdomen - chests sandwiched together. 
He trails a faint line of kisses down your neck and along your collarbone as he slips himself from your grasp, sitting on his knees between your thighs. He picks up your hand, sliding his gold rings onto your fingers. "Look after these for me, would'ya?" he whispers, kissing the back of your hand.
It's then that he finally slips a hand between your legs, faintly trailing up and down your slit, teasing you as he palms his cock through his tented boxers, circling over the wet patch of fabric - right by his head.
His gaze remains lidded, lazily looking over you as he dips his hand into the waistband, rolling over his aching cock a couple of times. Your eyes respond pleadingly, silently begging him to hurry up.
Your keen fingers make haste movements, brushing over his boxers like you were trying to strip them from him - doing his job for him. 
He answers your prayers and tugs down the fabric, flinging his briefs to the edge of the bed, letting his thick, hard cock spring free. He grips himself at the base, guiding his head towards your slick hole - rimming his tip around before slowly easing in. 
He goes slow, steady. Like he has all the time in the world. Letting you adjust and accustom his size, deeply filling you. Bottoming out.
With his cock stuffed inside, he leans over you once more, hovering over you and caging you to the mattress - your arms and legs clinging onto him, wrapping around him like a monkey on a tree. 
"Fuck me," Tangerine blabbers, voice hoarse and incoherent. Hot grunts against your throat as he winds into you, cock grinding inside you. "Christ."
He brings his hands up to your face, cupping your cheeks, holding you still so he can lap over your lips, swallowing your whimpers - your sweet pretty sounds muffling against his tongue. 
Your touch mirrors his, moving your hands from his back to hold either side of his face, pushing away a stray curl that fell. Holding him close. Keeping him there.
Tangerine quickens the pace, fucking into you a little better. More deliberatly. The curve of his cock rubbing against your gummy walls in the most sinful way.
He chases your release, wanting to feel you shudder and tighten around him - wanting to feel you cum on his cock. So, he parts from your lips and trails messy open kisses over your cheek, halting when he reaches under your ear. 
"You feel so perfect wrapped around me—  you're so perfect," he hazily whispers, talking low. "God— yeah, that's it," he nods slowly, encouraging you. "You're right there, pretty girl. I can feel it."
With his soft praise, you find yourself gripping onto his dick, tightly clamping around him as you cum. Moaning sweet cries senselessly into the crook of his neck.
Your release triggers his own, pumping his thick, warm load onto your stomach, biting back broken groans as he milks the rest of his cum onto your jittering tummy. 
He leans back over you once more, placing a lingering kiss on your lips before pushing himself off the bed, heading for the bathroom.
Returning with a lusty smile and a wet washcloth, he sits on the edge of the bed beside you, gently wiping it over your stomach before doing the same with his cock, rubbing the fabric over his leaking, messy tip.
"We should've done that years ago," you whisper, flattening your tee down your stomach.
"Fuckin' years ago," he coyly grins, raking back his now-dried curls.
Your smile widens, meeting his eyes. "You, uh... you can stay over? If you want... so you— you can watch tv?" you offer, trying to persuade him - finding a reason for him to stay.
"For the tv," he chuckles, nodding. Playing along
He slips into the bed beside you, tugging the covers up and settling himself next to you. His large, warm arms find you under the sheets, holding you to his side.
"We got an early start. Get some sleep, love," he whispers, placing a delicate kiss on your temple. "Goodnight."
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candyredappledragon · 5 months
h-hi! the name is kieran. nice to meet you! ive been here for a bit and uhm.... sadly figuring out how to use this site! ( kind of afraid of interacting with others especially but im trying my best to not be easily scared ! ) i am not familiar with technology and or online things/words so please be patient with me. i know there are other kierans here too and honestly theyre pretty cool! ....d-dont tell them i said that. im not really a battler so if you are trying to look for one then im sorry to say that you will be disappointed but you can ask the others though. really sorry
..uh thank you for checking my blog— furret youre on my facEXSFDGCVHH
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🍎 Please no genuine anon hate, nsfw, or anything really bad. ( You can be mean to Kieran! ) Pelipper mail is okay ( but malice is off for now ). Sapient Pokemon or the likes of interacting are fine too, Kieran is too much of a goofball to notice it. Please don't give him Pokemon the thought is appreciated but if you do they'll turn into stickers lol.
Please don't be weird. I'm serious. As well PLEASE be patient with me and not be pushy. I'm trying my best!
This Kieran is in AU as to what happens if Florian doesn't lie to him about Ogerpon and whatnot! Kieran still doesn't get Ogerpon and is fine with it ( kind of, as in this made him feel inferior to having friends and will always be chosen over by other people. ) His way of thinking is that maybe he should try to be nice and kind to others so that will help him get friends as he sees Florian do this the same to others. ( The only thing Kieran thinks he's not good at is having a funny personality. He is very awkward in person. ) Blueberry Academy was hard on him as he was almost practically as ignored and students tend to forget he is the champion because of his cowardly personality. Florian took over later as champion. Okay there.
(By the way this is a summary please don't hurt me. 💔)
Plus I will try to draw for asks but they won't be the best but surely will motivate me to draw! If there are no asks then I'll just draw daily things with Kieran so it's a win-win for me!
💥 This Kieran doesn't like to get involved with stuff so feel free to drag him into antics! He isn't the one to approach people either so if you are wondering why I don't start convos with other blogs with asks that's why. ( I'm shy too. ) He's a bit of a coward online and in person but he won't shy away trying to be friends with others.
🍎 Posts are tagged to make things easier! Feel free to block one of them to make your experience smooth!
Art related: art tag , art reply , daily Kieran art
Text related: text reply/reply text , text ask , text post , ooc post , reply reblog
Other: long post
Anything you want to be tagged? Please let me know! :)
"Can we use your art?" Feel free to use the art or whatever! Don't need to credit and I prefer not to be credited. You can edit it too! Idgaf just no bigotry. :,] "What do we call you and do you have pronouns?" Uhm, you can call me Eight or any other version of the number 8 itself. [ Ex: Ocho, Hachi, Acht, etc ]. No pronouns! Refer me to by name or just call me mod or some other third thing lol. "What art program do you use?" Clip Studio Paint! "Are you okay with collabs?" Of course! Please feel free to message me anytime. :] "What time do you post art/responses?" Uhm....... anytime to be honest? My sleep schedule is ABYSMAL. I am very much online unless I'm busy doing comp. "Are replies time sensitive when interacting with this blog?" Nope! Take your time with your replies. I am pretty chill and everyone is pretty busy with real life. Fair warning I'm a ditz. :( "Why did you make this blog?" To draw Kieran a thousand times over until I'm dead lol. ( Even if it isn't posted on this blog!) And world build my stupid au. :u I'm just currently on a small burnout on drawing. I'm sorry. :c
"Is this a sideblog?" Yeah, you are never going to find out my main!! It's very cringe ( it has different media art ). I will interact with my other sideblog with thoughts and reactions at times. [ if you are curious @/hahahasquib ]
"Do you like Kieran?" No. ( Yes. A normal amount. )
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knific · 4 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
wh- hey- HEY COME BACK do NOT make me add a Draw Four Cards in the same color to your pile!!! COME BACK HERE AND TALK ABOUT CHARACTERS!!!!!
not yet tho. it's my turn 😌 going for twst for both of these 🕺
sorry. i talked a lot. this is why no one else sent me questions probably. bc i can and will do it again given the chance 🧡
1- the character everyone gets wrong
i. 🧍 ok so ive been more in my bubble lately so perhapeth my frothing at the mouth will be a bit more outdated idk. im scared of the main tags LOL but. ahem, i am torn between wanting to pick riddle, maybe cater, or ROOK. im a rook apologist til the day i die i s2g. however i am a heartslabyul stan first and a person second, as i have said many a time, so im going with CATER MY BELOVED CAYCAY ACTUALLY.
listen i admit here that i could also be Fully Wrong bc tbh cater's whole Deal is so vaguely hinted at and peppered in at the most spaced out moments and we know so very little about his Secret Sadness and more somber side, there's probably more that we still dont know that maybe [I HOPE] they will spring on us over time. however. HOWEVER. i do not think cater's sunshine upbeat persona is 100% "Fake". like i think there's more to it. yes sure he is implied to be putting on more of a peppy face for the sake of people around him and gets exhausted by it, but i dont think that means it's ALL A LIE and that the sad boy cater is the REAL cater. like i think it's all real, to an extent? something i really like about twst are how, at least to me, everyone seems to be pretty well rounded and multifaceted. there's not really a one note character. everyone's got their own personality and backstory and some we just have learned more about than others. but the way they react to certain situations and certain people and certain environments... just like in real life, it's going to change sometimes depending on the situation. so maybe he masks a bit and pushes out the negativity bc he's def the mediator type who tries to keep up morale, but i dont think that means he's never once experienced Real Joy in his life. i know the lab story with the madrake had those more morose sadlad mandrakes he desperately wanted to hide from lilia and vil [even tho they saw right through him] but the other ones he made still reflected him too! aspects of him, for better or for worse. i'm just saying i don't think it's gotta be all or nothing. there's def more to him under the surface, but i don't think that means everything he shows is all a complete lie forever either.
to follow up on that, i ALSO don't agree w/the depiction that his friendships mean nothing to him / are also all "fake". listen. i have reread cater's wish from the starsending event SEVERAL times. i know. IT HURTS where trey implies he thinks cater isn't being fully open and honest with him. I KNOW. and the bit in cater's halloween card story (i'm pretty sure it was cater's anyway) where he thinks to himself that lilia has no idea what kind of helplessness he's feeling bc lilia has his diasomnia long term friends and cater's had to move around so much so he's never had that, and it kinda seemed implied that his old friends dont really keep in touch til hes relevant on magicam for the stuff going on in school . i get it! HOWEVER. i think it's again a more complex situation. i think, personally, cater as he's said few times in canon - he likes to live in the moment and make memories! but i don't think those good memories are fake. i think you can enjoy people's company and love them a whole lot and still keep them at a bit of a distance. i think cater does mask some of his more serious feelings, as trey implied he suspected. i think cater probably does get tired of being the mediator. i think being the third in command at heartslabyul is exhausting and cater's a teen boy with a lot of complicated feelings, but i think he has fun with lilia and kalim in pop music club. i think he and trey are genuine friends - they roomed together for 2 years! i think he loves teasing his little freshmen buddies like a big brother lol. i'm about to go on about riddle and cater in the next question but fkljsdfjlkse.
yes cater holds back, but i dont think that means he's never expressed genuine feelings either!!!
8- common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i am biting anyone that tries to imply cater and riddle arent friends or that trey prefers riddle over cater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN listen listen. ok i get that it can be an interesting concept to explore of the potential tension between cater riddle and trey w/like childhood friends trey and riddle but then bestie 3rd years trey and cater but then riddle shows up and takes control- i get it! i dont necessarily think it's wrong to explore that potential area.
however. HOWEVER. we are talking about MY options and thoughts and feelings on beloved heartslabyul LOL. And I think cater and riddle ARE FRIENDS!!!!!!! i think all three of them!!!! are!!!!! FRIENDS!!!!!!!! THEY GET ALONG THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!!! some people portray riddle as being annoyed with cater or whatever and like , on one hand riddle is annoyed at many things and caycay's kind of a goofball so like yeah to a degree that's true LOL but!!!! BUT!!!!! riddle trusts cater. riddle likes cater!!! if you've read the heartslabyul card stories as many times as i have fjlksjkejs you would KNOW that riddle trusts cater enough to have him and trey at his side constantly and gives them BOTH roles of leading the underclassmen for stuff like preparing for the unbirthday parties!! and when he's having his little meltdowns in book 1, trey and cater were the ones he had kind of on the front lines of ejecting ace or whatever klsjfv they are his trusted boys!!! AND in halloween 2 when cater was missing, riddle said usually he'd get on cater's case for talking too much (lol) but he, along with trey and ace, were 😔😔😔 making the saddest of faces as he said it felt weird to NOT hear cater making his jokes to lighten the mood, and trey ALSO commented on how cater's usually there to smooth things over. cater is a mediator and a morale booster and he is recognized as such!!
plus!!! riddle made a point in his dorm outfit story of helping cater study, as he does with all the heartslabyul boys that are struggling, but in a way cater could understand. he literally made a magicam and used it exclusively to help cater focus better and learn in a way that worked for him. like yea he loses his temper, bc hes Like That, but he ALSO cares. he also tries! he's got his flaws but he's still in spite of those flaws doing what he can to try and understand the people around him and especially his TRUSTED FRIENDS LIKE CATER!!!!
and trey loves cater too!!! they are friends!!! yes yes whatever i read the cater gym story where trey goes "u and me are tight but riddle and i are tighter as his housewarden lol" listen to me. LISTEN TO ME. grabbing u all by the shoulders and shaking you so much LISTENNNNNNNNNNNN. again i get it that it can be fun to explore that further of like "ough he chooses riddle over cater cater is all alone" and like im not the fun police people can do what they want. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not think it was That Deep. like maybe it was, maybe a little bit. but i did not read that as "trey doesnt care about cater" or anything like that. i very much see trey and cater's bond as like easygoing well oiled machine but also with a lot of banter and teasing. trey has said on a home screen line (i wanna say it's his ceremony robes card) that he and cater's friendship just kinda naturally fell into place bc cater's really easy to get along with and trey feels like he can be himself around him [which yes coupled with the line he says in starsending about how he feels like maybe cater's got more personal wishes that maybe he doesnt feel like he can share with Trey Specifically is. painful. LOL] and actually!!! in both their ceremony robes stories they are together and trey is teasing cater i think lol. like in cater's they're doing the guessing game of which dorm each student would get sorted into. theyre playing a game!!! cater's being silly sometimes and treys kinda shaking his head at him for some of his comments, but theyre getting along and are comfortable and it's a lighthearted thing. then in trey's story, theyre panicking about how the roses arent painted how they should be, trey says caters gotta split card and go for it and is like "lol thanks for ur sacrifice ♥", caters like THATS EXHAUSTINGGGGGG and treys like "yea yea ill listen to you complain all you want later". and trey smiles to himself at caters magicam post right after! it's endearing. panic together, solutions together, complaining and teasing but ultimately they work well together! they are friends who get along! trey is kind of a goofy guy but it's not as apparent, but i think we see it a little more especially within heartslabyul and especially with cater. maybe thats part of what he means by feeling like he can be more relaxed and stuff around cay. god theres so much of cater and trey being absolute besties - even grim and lilia have separate lines commenting on how theyre like bffs. grim mentions it in the scalding sands event, something about how it's no surprise that cater invited trey to come on the trip. and lilia in book 5 straight up says [in the engtwst translation] "I'm surprised you didn't invite your partner, Trey." and then i mean yea cater immediately is like "wahhh i DID but hes busy helping riddle he rejected meeee we are rejected buddiessss" and later is like "wahhh riddle stole trey away~!!!" when theyre checking on everything lol. BUT i think a lot of that is like just caycay bein silly and trey not only had other obligations but also was likely not going to want to do a performance thing anyway [trey even says later like 'i told you im bad at song and dance lol'] fsjklejkf like i dont think it's that deep here, i think cay was just havin a goof complaining and wanting to hang with his buddies lol. but my point was lilia basically being like "hey man where is your other half that you are constantly with" BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS!!!
ok. ive. been typing for like an hour or so JKLjfldjsf I AM SO SORRY I LOVE TALKING ABOUT CHARACTERS SO MUCH I CANNOT BE BRIEF ABOUT THESE STUPID PIXEL BOYS!!! THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for enabling me 😌
[VIOLENCE QUESTIONS] [if this essay wasnt enough LOL]
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ocarinaofpride · 10 months
fucked around and assigned mario kart mains for some ff7 characters. ill do more if anyone truly wants it but here we go
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ill explain these as shortly as possible here so bare with me. if these dont make sense im sorry
- these arent chosen by stats mainly just by Feeling . my gut feeling
- characters are mainly chosen bc of how they act/who i think they’d like. I feel most confident in those ngl
now that those 2 main points have been stated ill just. ramble on about my thoughts for this:
sephiroth would cry and throw up over rosalinas backstory so of course he’d main her. why wouldnt he. thats their girl they love her so much
(not in a weird way need to preface that)
mashing other hcs in here as well I think seph would dabble in playing videogames in general, so they’d kinda care about stats? but not too much. theyre not like rlly rlly serious about mario kart but when they are He’d have a completely different loadout lol.
genesis would absolutely not gaf about stats he just chooses what represents him most or some other bullshit reason like that. king boo bc hes a KING , fire motorbike because hes COOL, and bowser glider because hes SUPER STRONG!! pretty straightforward. he would be horrible at mariokart btw . he normally falls into 6th place or under
hes such a sore loser he blames every single bad thing on everyone else he plays with EXCEPT himself
zack is so obviously a yoshi guy that i didnt even have to think about it. he’d love yoshi!!! so ofc hes gonna play as him!!! likes the buggy and glider bc it looks funny.
genesis gets pissed off over the fact zacks better at mario kart than him. how could I get beat by a guy with THAT loadout? Unbelievable . hes just super jelly of his awesome skills
id feel like angeal would want to make his loadout match, he’d choose matching vehicles and tires as much as he can. Yes he chooses the mercedes benz No i will not explain this you just have to get it. Also! yeah he plays as himself. Self explanatory i think he just would play as his mii. He’d be alright at the game, not too good not too bad.
LAST ONE!!! cloud. he chooses toad not only to annoy everyone else but also bc zack said toad reminds him of cloud and he forever stuck with it because of how absurdly dumb that is. OF COURSE he’d choose the badass motorbike with a black and gold glider. all bc he thinks it makes him look cooler, despite being a TOAD MAIN… whatever . he plays this game so much, yet has the worst fucking luck EVEERRR. he would get red shelled 4 times in a row and then slip on a banana peel as he gets struck by lightning back to back
would they all play with eachother? maybe. genesis and sephiroth cannot play competitive games with eachother because they always end up fighting the entire time but other than that im SURE THEYD ALL HAVE A GREAT TIME… hopefully
anyways i apologize for the length of this post i put a lot of thought into this can you tell. im trying to get used to sharing my own headcanons publicly 😭😭😭 scared to tag this but whatever.
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codecicle · 9 months
3 and/or 18 for the ask game?
3: this might be misinterpreting the question a little bit but dear fucking god i remember this one clear as day. it's about an nfsw x reader rpf writter sorry in advance ‼️
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that's a screenshot of a draft i made right after seeing it. i was being really dramatic to be funny but have you ever had a "he would NOT say that" moment but with a real person?? BECAUSE I FUCKIN DID
i was just scrolling the main slimecicle tag and someone had made an UNTAGGED rpf mini-fic about charlie edging the reader with a vibrator. i have never felt more viscerally uncomfortable than in that moment im so serious. i normally block x reader tags whenever i enter a new fandom but ITS CHARLIE SLIMECICLE????? EVERYONE IS USUALLY NORMAL ABOUT HIM
then i accidentally stumbled down a rabbit hole of blocking charlie x reader writers (<- insane sentence to type) and i found a whole group of people who are dedicated to writing about chuckle sandwich?? there's an entire secret part of the internet i didn't know existed before that day. i also found a separate x reader fic (i swear i wasn't going out of my way to read them i was just making a personal blocklist for when i got home LMAO) where he called the reader m'lady completely seriously and i actually laughed i don't think that person has any idea who charlie slimecicle is and im low key very scared of them
ALSO POMME!!!!!! she's a fighter through and through she could solo the whole server fr fr someone let that child shoot cucurucho
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bi-polar-geminii · 11 months
i don’t mean what i’m saying with malice, however, can you please stop putting all your inbox asks regarding the issue of listener designs on the main tag. i understand you want people to know about this issue (if this is your intention), but all you’re doing is making the artists who draw as a hobby feel bad, and just adding negativity to the main tag. i understand how it feels to not see yourself represented, but that’s where you come in. for those wanting rep, you can either draw it yourself or if you can’t draw it and are so adamant on wanting rep, commission and support an artist! consistently complaining won’t get anything done but draw artists away from the fandom itself and make art we see for these characters we all love become sparse and less.
additionally, listeners, at the end of the day, are us. if an artist is an afab female, chances are that listener will also be an afab female. some artists may not draw pocs not because they just don’t want to, but because they aren’t well-versed in depicting their features and don’t want to do it an injustice. there’s no need to rush to the worst possible and negative explanation. i have never seen myself represented in a single piece of redacted fanart, however i know better than to just nonsensically complain about it — because complaining won’t get anything done (it’ll only do more harm if anything).
thank you for making your points known, and i hope what i’m saying comes across to you as i intended it to
Out of respect, I did remove the unnecessary posts from the tags bc they did clog up the main tag (my bad, but also if its that bothersome, you can literally scroll past it, your not obligated to read everything)
I’m not slamming anyone or shaming people, that was never the intention here. It was to make light on how some artists choose to make characters (not self inserts) white simply bc of mainstream/kinda racist ideas that characters in media can only be portrayed as white to be popular or liked bc of white beauty standards. I want people to reflect and think about that, but I never said ppl *couldn’t* make them white or afab. Im not trying to gatekeep or force people to suddenly get rid of all their white characters just bc i said there isn’t enough representation
Also *I do* have characters for fandom rep, I have lots of them. The only reason why I don’t post them is because they aren’t finished yet. But what’s wrong with having an opinion on something? You have to admit, people wouldn’t be in my inbox telling that *I* have to create the representation needed and that my opinion is hurting everyone’s feelings if I was a white creator. Just think about that
Also im sorry but the whole “some ppl dont draw poc characters cause they dont know how to!” is an argument thats just very fucking tiring to hear. It truly isn’t that hard, like im being serious. There are *a lot* of free recourses out there to learn if your super keen on learning how to draw the different ethnic facial features. But if you wanna create a black/brown person for example, this is what you do; draw the character, make their skin color a darker brown. Congratulations! You’ve made a poc character! Ladies and gentlemen its really not that difficult, if your not willing to challenge yourself on how to draw different types of people or your too scared to- its gonna stunt your growth as an artist
This was the first time I opened up about an opinion I had seeing in this fandom, so idk what you mean by ‘consistently complaining’ when this whole situation has only happened once (for me)
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boyfhee · 1 year
tagged by · @dearhee
tagging · @koishua @yujipg @amakumos literally don't have anyone to tag 🤣 just do this even if ur name isn't here
birthday: 25th may, i wish i shared it w someone
favourite colour: rose gold, gray rose / gray lavender, ice blue
do you have pets? no, but i do have a stray cat i feed and she basically lives in my backyard
how tall are you? no
how many pairs of shoes do you own? 😵‍💫 around 20
favourite song: sherlock ( oceanfromtheblue ) 긴밤 ( seori ft GIRIBOY ) mimi ( youra ) by my side ( junny ) i have so many help
favourite movie: interstellar, literally the best thing ever directed. also, these are not movies but 2521 ( kor. ) first love ( jap. ) threads our tapestry of love ( jap. )
who would be your ideal partner? lee heeseung yeah, he is the standard. but fr i like people who i can communicate with easily, without much issues ( i mean, we can understand each other ) the main thing i look for is probably, how they are under pressure or how they deal with things / serious things. this is very important to me because i need that person to be there when we're going through something so it's really important that they don't avoid problems ( besides, people like that annoy me help ) also someone who's fun but is also smart ? like, we can joke around and also discuss about something academic, it's fun. i mean i love to talk about interests and how things work, everything logical. i also like pretty ppl and heeseung is very, very pretty.
do you want children? ok i'm gonna be honest. like a few years ago, i was so against it, but now, i can consider. i mean, i'm not saying i will have kids in future, but i can consider. i can at least adopt one so yeah, can consider.
have you gotten in trouble with the law? no
what colour socks are you wearing? i don't wear socks off season ( no one here does )
favourite type of music: classical, but most recently added is krnb
how many pillows do you sleep with? one
what position do you sleep in? straight ?? it's good for posture
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: noise. loud music, or talking too much. u want to talk, go do it somewhere i am not sleeping
what do you have for breakfast: fruits / fruit juice, milk ( with toast, optional ) on school days. when i'm home, i usually have a bowl of fruits with coffee ( odd choice, i know, but it really gets me through next 5-6 hours that are very crucial )
have you ever tried archery? except in amusement parks, no
favourite fruit: guavas, grapes, kiwis, bananas
are you a good liar? very, very good liar
what’s your personality type? intj, i like being smart fr
innie or outie? former
left handed or right handed? ambidextrous hehe i can write + draw with both hands ( love me for that )
favourite food: we have these dishes called pav bhaji & idli sambhar, honestly heaven
favourite foreign food: pasta ( creme cheese one especially )
am i clean or messy? both, more on the clean side
most used phrase: innit, "just like me fr," at the most random times, "help me" as a way to express delight "sweetheart," to call my friends help does that count?
how long does it take for you to get ready: 20 minutes, at most. i don't use makeup except eyeliner & gloss but even if i opt for anything more like blush or eyeshadow, it takes 30, at most
do you talk to yourself? it's a coping mechanism
do you sing to yourself? all the time
are you a good singer? i think? i mean, i passed 2 rounds of sm global auditions so that says something
biggest fear? yk deep water? where you aren't able to see anything except pure darkness? the eerie feeling it carries? that. it's not a phobia, but it's to the point that i get scared even by looking at it in pictures so i avoid those
are you a gossip? we all are, to an extent
do you like long or short hair? medium to long
favourite school subject: science, biology specifically ( zoology, in that ) and that's why im pursuing med lolol, also i love english, engineering graphics and math minus commercial mathematics and trig
extrovert or introvert: introvert but i talk quite a lot when i'm with family or with close friends ( the classic, yk )
what makes you nervous: doing something for the first time, going to a place i've never been, MAKING SPECIMEN SLIDES i swear i've spent my highschool years making microscope slides but it never fails to make me nervous like what !! if !! there's !! an !! air bubble !! v good at it but i still have tendencies to mess up
who was your first real crush? this guy from tenth grade, we went to a competition together from school and got lost in the city so ig that's where my feelings originated from
how many piercings? 2
how many tattoos? none
how fast can you run? idk bro but it's pretty decent
what colour is your hair? black
what colour are your eyes? black
what makes you angry: when i can't do something that i know i can do ( like when i mess up a painting, or some questions ) people who think they're entitled to everything, people who talk shit behind others ( i mean we all do that, but like, i dislike ppl who use others and then talk behind their back ) people who avoid responsibilities, PEOPLE WHO ARE CRUEL WITH ANIMALS i swear if u dont treat animals nicely you will have a miserable life
do you like your name? definitely
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? can't pick
what are your strengths? i am very, very calculative so i make decisions i do not regret ( slay ) my determination is through the roof, i've been told that i'm eloquent & clear with agenda which is such a plus point for me, i have experience with tons of things ( science, math, art & painting, music, dance, basketball, volleyball, swimming, cricket, badminton, chess, baking, finance, coding & computer science, writing, tutoring, public speaking, basically everything that my parents ever made me learn plus it's v fun tbh ) i can adapt quickly, i am amazing memorizing skills, quick learner
what are your weaknesses? i know i sound like im bragging in prev question, but i have so many weaknesses to cover my strengths up . major one being finding it hard to concentrate and staying motivated, getting things done on time, my laziness god i am so lazy. it's super hard for me to build a habit and ever harder to get rid of one, i can't cook for the life in me and i have so much trouble trying to mix up with new people
what is the colour of your bedspread? teal
colour of your room: one wall is pink while rest 3 are off white
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couple of things:
okay so first of all i may take a break from tumblr soon because the Bad News is a bit too much for me to handle while literally homeless. however, i'll still be checking my inbox and notifs pretty regularly, so i won't be totally offline. feel free to send in / tag me in as many birds/bird posts as u like!
secondly, for those that struggle with bfrbs (under the cut, cw for dermatillomania and trich mentions):
okay so. if you don't know about plurality - and maybe even if you do - i might sound crazy here for a moment. stay with me because this is the only thing that has worked for me in all my years of having excoriation disorder (dermatillomania) and i want that for y'all. you might wanna go check out pluralpedia to familiarize urself with some of the terminology im about to be using.
anyways. i got multiple entities living in my head 24/7 (headmates). for a little while now, we thought that the front space (where whoever is in charge resides while controlling the body) was empty whenever the body was picking. it was like we had no control over the body. took some time to come to terms with the fact that we really didn't have control while we were picking.
then something made a noise. and wouldn'tcha know it there is someone in the front when we're picking. let's call him Kea, after my writer friend and one of my favorite kinds of birds. Kea doesn't really have any words of his own. sometimes he can borrow words or i can speak for him, but he mostly just makes noises.
more importantly, though, is that Kea is scared whenever we're picking. he doesn't want to be picking any more than we do.
and then it clicked. this whole time, i've been yelling at myself and everyone in the system has been panicking whenever an episode starts. and that's why the frustration/fear/punitive solutions only make it worse. because it's anxiety. of course it's anxiety. it's a compulsive behavior.
Kea is (like) a scared, wounded animal. of course getting angry and yelling would only make it worse. Caretaker was the main person who was awake and conscious when this was all happening, and the moment he realized what was actually going on and reacted accordingly - by soothing and handling the situation gently - the episode ended within seconds.
and sure, because he'd just been picking, he did start up again soon after and did so a couple more times, but it just took another few seconds of soothing each time to stop it. before any serious damage could be done. and after a few times, he was calm enough to go for longer without picking. it even worked with my trichotillomania - he only pulled one hair and didn't go looking for more.
so, idk, maybe if y'all can remember when you're picking to be extra gentle with yourself - as difficult as that is - you might actually find yourself picking less.
and if you're plural, like me, there might be a headmate hiding in there that's afraid of what will happen if you discover them. but if you're gentle and soft with yourself when you pick, they may just start cooperating with you.
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orowyrm · 2 years
brooo do you have a laz lore master post i wanna see more about this guy . blorbo from my person i follow on tumblr
waaa im so glad u like him!!!!!! his lore is kinda.....scattered all over unfortunately hdsjnkfdjkfn im very unorganized. the main big posts that ive made about him in recent memory that i havent accidentally retconned are here (eternalism bullshit and how the his drifter and operator selves tie into the version we know and love) here (answering a bunch of questions about him) aaaaaaaaaand here (explaining a little bit about how his oculus and void echolocation works)
his tag is kinda sparsely populated cuz a lot of his character building has been happening behind the scenes and i havent shared much due to being forgetful as hell and for the longest time sorta just assuming nobody cared about him but me lmao BUT i can give you a rundown of everything ive got so far: (it's gonna be long, sorry in advance)
on the zariman, he was separated from the other kids and ended up hiding in a ventilation shaft to avoid the adults. he hid so well, in fact, that the orokin actually almost missed him entirely and nearly left him there when they were collecting the tenno after the void jump. he was so paralyzed by fear and pain that at first, they had assumed he was a corpse, and only realized otherwise when he freaked the hell out and blew a massive hole through the poor bastard they sent to go drag him out of the vents.
in the aftermath of the zariman and for most of the old war, he was sort of just... squirreled away and treated more like a feral animal than a kid. he was jumpy and uncooperative, his connection to the void was strong enough that he could do some serious damage when startled, and he didn't remember most of his life before the zariman incident at all, so he was difficult to reason with and in their eyes a waste of time. he didn't even remember his own name, so they called him 'Lazarus' as a reference to the fact that he was assumed to be dead when first recovered, and seemed to be pretty good at surviving against the odds. eventually he just accepted this as his name.
im not entirely sure if margulis knew about him or not... i feel as though she would want to help him, but he probably wouldn't trust her one bit. ive been tempted to go all in and say he couldve been the tenno who accidentally blinded her, which would lend credence to why the orokin felt the need to isolate him so thoroughly from everyone else, but i dont know if im gonna commit to that. as far as being a 'weaponized' tenno, he was treated as sort of a last resort.
he only had the one frame during the old war - he was paired off with a particularly uncooperative umbral ash that they weren't sure would even be able to be 'controlled', but despite most of the handlers assuming theyd tear eachother to shreds, they ended up sharing a really close bond. This ash is his primary frame, Styx! styx is like a father to him, really. they only ever had eachother for a very very long time.
he only ever saw combat once before the war ended. the orokin were getting desperate, and threw pretty much everyone they had at a particular area-- including laz. he had no idea what to do with himself, but he was suddenly outside of his 'room' (more of a holding cell, to be frank) for the first time in years, so he did what any sensible scared kid would do-- he ran for his fucking life. before his handlers realized where he'd gone and tried to interrupt his transference to his frame, he transferred out of his chair completely and essentially escaped for good. they assumed he wouldnt survive on his own and marked it down as a loss, but he was ultimately forgotten. one less little void demon to deal with, really.
he ran for a long time, just sorta trying to get as far away from anything and everything orokin as he possibly could, but too afraid of being recaptured to dare trust anyone he met along the way. at some point before the end of the war, he had a run-in with a lone sentient that cornered him, and he had no choice but to try and defend himself.
he lost this fight. the sentient very much killed him, but in his final moments, all of the void energy trapped inside his body was released like a bomb going off, which killed the sentient pretty much instantly. the implosion also created a weird little pocket void of sorts that pulled in his body and the bits and pieces of the sentient that were left behind. slowly, over the years, the void pieced him back together, replacing whatever was destroyed with pieces of sentient technology, essentially creating the first amalgam.
the entire time laz was in his void coma, styx was helpless to retrieve him. he knew he wasn't gone - he could still feel his presence - but he couldn't get through to him.... so he waited. and waited. and waited some more. eventually, the ruined old building they'd been in all but collapsed, plants began to grow through the foundation, his joints began to rust and his blades tarnished. grineer and corpus and infested alike discovered the place over the years and all were promptly slaughtered in fits of protective rage. by the time another tenno stumbled across his resting place, the old war was ancient history, and the lotus had already located and awakened most of her children-- but laz had never had a chance to form that connection with her. he barely knew margulis, let alone natah.
the tenno who eventually found him and woke him up was none other than @helmofhades' specialest boy Rigel! they have a very special relationship. i love them both deeply. by the time rigel had found him, he'd been mostly put back together-- but the somatic scars on his face had progressed to the point where his eyes were damaged beyond repair. rigel and the other tenno who eventually made up their little clan helped him get back on his feet and adjust to this strange new world he found himself in.
laz and rigel are basically married if it wasnt obvious already. they are boy best friends <3
he went through the main story quest more or less the same as happens in the game, although he never really had a very close connection with the lotus and was more wary of her and confused by her for than anything for a very long time-- at least until the new war, anyway
the drifter and the operator are two separate entities - but there's also a third, completely separate laz who is basically a conglomerate of all of his alternate selves. i call this special third guy 'laz prime' to make life easier for myself, but neither of them are any more 'real' than the others.
operator laz is him but in babymode. nothing much else to that. hes just a little guy, and its his birthday, hes a little birthday boy!!!
drifter laz i uh... kinda havent touched on much. im waiting for duviri to drop so i can really get into the nitty gritty of all the time loop bullshit. hes kinda a bitter asshole though. not that i blame him.
laz prime is the funny guy i post about so much!!!! after the cutscene in the new war where the drifter and operator meet, neither of those two actually LEAVE that dormizone, at least not in the version of reality we see-- their meeting causes laz prime to just sorta... start existing! he remembers being both of them, although only vaguely. it's him who finishes the quest, and it's him who eventually returns to the zariman for the angels update and all that fun stuff. im sure driftlaz and oplaz are still out there, doing their own thing, but i havent the slightest clue what that may be.
laz prime is more severely amalgamated than either of his counterparts-- while theyve got the horns, hooves, and claws, laz prime takes it up a notch with an extra set of arms and a tail! he's also absurdly huge.
he has a cane to help with the mobility issues caused by having to balance on those teeny tiny itty bitty stick legs-- it's actually a little sentient! he calls it a mobilyst. it's his little buddy. i really like it
laz prime can't really use amps in the traditional way, considering his sentient parts react very poorly to large concentrations of void energy. he pieces together makeshift weapons with cores and fragments he scavenges from other sentients or amalgams that he kills to make up for it. he can also breathe void-fire, but he doesn't do that very often because it singes his scruffy little beard :( love loses
his lack of ability to effectively channel amps makes him VERRRY very interested in traditional weaponry. he's especially fond of incarnons-- JUST because theyre cool weapons. no other reason. none at all. unrelated, but do you think cavalero likes men? asking for a friend.
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wonderingduke · 2 years
╔══════════════ஓ๑Rules & Tags๑ஓ═══════════════╗
I have very loose rules for the blog but if you want to roleplay I ask you're 18+ (as stated in the about page).
I'm willing to roleplay pretty much anything (gore and violence doesn't trigger me most things don't) everything will be tagged though and under read mores for the comfort and safety of others. I will also do sexual roleplays with Vittorio but if you're more comfortable we can have the sexual part "skipped" in public rps and then rp the spicy stuff behind closed doors.
The main thing is just be respectful to me and not be rude when poking me for rps or when asking to rp. I do run other blogs and I might loose threads so don't be scared to poke/remind me just be nice about it is all!
For tags I try my best to keep things organized and easy to go through so here's the main tags I use.
#ooc - out of character posts #ask - any asks that have been answered #vittorio reply - any asks that are answered in character #mun reply - any ask that are answered by me out of character #Rp reply - any replies that are roleplaying #random title - any serious planned roleplays might have a specific name just to keep easier track off if anyone is interested in it #blognames - I try and tag all ask and replies to rps with the person im rping with so if anyone wants to look back on interacts with specific blogs they can find it easily
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a-dragons-journal · 2 years
not to bring kff discourse into your house, but recently i encountered some people who said that they “didn’t take kin that seriously” but also held spiritual beliefs about their kin types & seemed to genuinely identify as them to at least some extent. and that got me thinking: i bet there’s a lot of ‘kins who feel alienated from the whole otherkin/therian community & how, for lack of a better term, intense it can seem at times, and sort of end up downplaying their own experiences. i know that im not particularly active in the therian community for similar reasons — my theriotype is spiritually & personally important to me, but it’s just one aspect of my life & identity, and i don’t personally feel the need to blog about it or write essays about it or what have you. i think it might be just a more lowkey, not particularly exciting or interesting part of life for some ‘kins
You're absolutely right that a lot of people just don't care enough about their nonhumanity to participate in the community, and that's totally fine - and, let's be real, it's also just one aspect of my life and identity, y'all just only really see me talk about it because I have a sideblog specifically dedicated to it (unless you also follow my main, in which case you do see all the other nonsense I'm invested in and know just how true this is). That's always been the case and it's totally fine; you're not obligated to be super actively engaged with every demographic you're technically a part of.
There's also definitely a fair number of people who are legitimately nonhuman but feel alienated because the community is too intense, which might be a problem or might be fine depending on the individual (because again, you're not obligated to be involved if you don't really care about it enough to do so, but if you want to be involved and feel scared to be that's a problem) - or... because they feel like they're not allowed to have fun with their kintypes, which is the thing I feel like is most likely an actual problem.
But like... honestly, I don't actually know how to fix that at this point. If you're actually active in the community, or even just follow the otherkin tag, you see how much of the content posted there is extremely casual and having fun. I literally just reblogged a for-kicks-and-giggles silly 30 day challenge a couple days ago, and I'm probably on the more serious end of the spectrum as far as typical post content goes. The community is already a lot less hyperserious than it used to be (which I don't think is a bad thing, even if sometimes I wish there was a bit more in the way of serious discussion posts). It honestly seems to me like there's already plenty of space for people to joke around and not be super serious about their 'kinity. Very, very rarely you come across someone who genuinely thinks you shouldn't ever joke around about or have fun with being 'kin or you're a Faker, but it is most definitely not the majority of the community and those people usually find themselves pretty ostracized because they're usually not super enjoyable to be around.
But, to your point on KFF discourse and how that's affected this whole thing, there are people who see "stop claiming this is something you do for fun and that's the entire purpose" and somehow read that as "you're not allowed to have fun with being 'kin at all," and genuinely I do not know why people think the former leads to the latter because it doesn't imply that at all, that's actually a pretty giant leap in logic from one to the other in my humble opinion. Which means I don't really know how to fix it other than to keep banging pots and pans like I already have been about how those two statements are not remotely the same.
But that's just my two cents' worth on the whole "the community's too serious and it drives people away" thing.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
AN | This is one of my favorite prompts! You know I love Spooky Szn more than anything!
Warnings | mentions of dying (as a joke); reference to ptsd (in passing); use of pet name (bunny)
Prompt Used | “I paid $50.00 for this haunted house. I better die.”
Masterlist | Bucky, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I can't believe you managed to convince me to do this," Bucky's face was pulled into a dismissal expression as you beamed at him. You tugged on his arm with excitement as the line moved forward, throwing him a smile almost as sweet as the Halloween candy that had been everywhere for the last two months. He looked over at you, and opened his mouth to say something but stopped to lean down to give you a kiss first, "all I'm saying is that for all the hype this place gets it should be good."
"It will be," you insisted excitedly, "and ugh...it's basically a premium haunted house so...its a little bit more than the average haunted house."
"Premium haunted house?" he raised an eyebrow in surprise as you took his hand and laced your fingers together, "what do you mean?"
"Well, ugh, this is supposed to be really creepy and realistic and actually scare you," you explained sweetly, hoping he wouldn't flip out too much when you revealed how much this place was going to cost, "so you know the saying, you get what you pay for…"
"Oh no," he appeared worried for a moment before being unable to conceal the grin on his face, "alright, out with it. What are you hiding, little bunny?"
"Well, this is the hip, cool haunted house and-"
"How much is it?" you gave him a little smile as he just huffed in bemused exasperation.
"Fifty dollars…"
"Fifty dollars-"
"Fifty dollars each?!" for a moment his expression grew worried as you just give him a nervous smile, "you know, back when I was young-"
"I know, I know," you pulled him forward with you, "you walked twenty miles to and from school in old shoes, and you worked for a dollar a week. Well times are different and these days we're paying for premium haunted houses. Besides, I asked you on this date, so it's technically my treat. Just relax and have fun!"
"Fine," he agreed, "you're an odd one, little bunny. But I still love you."
"And just how am I odd?"
"Who enjoys paying money to get scared?"
"A lot of people apparently since haunted houses are a huge commodity!" you huffed and lightly stomped your foot as if to prove your point, "I promise it'll be fun! And if for some reason you're still Mr. Grumpy Boots afterwards, we'll do whatever you want."
"Fine," Bucky was never one to turn down a challenge, "for someone that gets frightened by her own shadow, you sure do love Halloween a lot."
"Halloween is everything baby," your eyes practically lit up at the mention of your favorite holiday, "you know it's the best time of year for so many reasons! Foods, the aesthetic, fall - all of it. You can't out argue me on this one!"
"I'm not even going to try and bother," you were nearing the ticket booth and growing more and more excited by the second. Bucky could practically feel your excitement radiating onto him as you clutched his hand tightly, "I'm glad you're happy. That's all that matters."
"I am happy. You make me so happy," you promised and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "I love you, James. Hey - are you okay with this? Like really, if you don't want to, we can figure something else out."
"I'm okay," he promised, offering you a small smile, "really. I love you too. Now, let's go and get scared."
"Yay! Oh Bucky, you're the best! I love you so much," you almost jumped into his arms when he so easily acquiesced to your request. When it came down to it, you knew he would do just anything for you, "if this totally sucks, you know I'll try and make it up to you."
"All I'm saying is that I'm going to pay Fifty-five dollars for this haunted house. I better die," he looked at you with such a straight face, for a moment you couldn't tell if he was joking or serious; but you both quickly burst into laughter, "come on!"
“Alright - but don’t get mad when your wish comes true and you die!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“That wasn’t too bad at all,” you shrugged as you walked out of the haunted house, into the now chilly autumn evening. You stopped for a moment to admire the stars before noticing that Bucky was slowly trailing behind you, no longer at your side. You snorted lightly before crossing your arms over your chest and raising an eyebrow at him, “what? James...did you…did that actually scare you?”
“What?! No,” he insisted with a dramatic scoff as a grin stretched across your features, “that was child’s play at best. The costumes weren’t even that convincing. But I hope you had fun, baby.”
“I did,” you held out your hands towards him, still not convinced that he was telling the truth, “why don’t we-”
“BOO!” the voice behind Bucky was enough to make him jump out of his skin as he yelped and practically sprinted over to you. You almost doubled over in laughter as Bucky shoved you in front of him as a human shield, “you jumped! Actually jumped!”
“Sam!” Bucky groaned at the sight of his best friend wiping tears of laughter from his eyes as he walked over to you, his girlfriend Leila at his side, and shaking her head at his childishness. You exchanged a look with her and rolled your eyes at your silly boyfriends, “you’re an asshole.”
“Had to capitalize on the moment,” Sam laughed as Bucky sighed, “man, I can’t believe you didn’t realize we were behind you. What happened to the White Panther - too busy being scared?”
“I was...I was not scared!”
“You were too!”
“Boys,” you quickly interrupted the two of them, “why don’t both of you shut up and we can all go out and get dinner? Then the two of you can be idiots and argue and I can actually spend time with someone with a brain.”
“Hey!” they echoed in unison as you linked arms with Leila and the two of you skipped away to your cars. They would catch up soon enough.
“Love you!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings!)
@qhbr2013 @greeneyedblondie44 @april-showers-and-flowers @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish @patzammit @niki-xie @xxlovingfandomsxx @startrekkingaroundasgard @welcometothepedroverse @actual-spawn-of-satan @punkerthanpascal @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday @neptunesglow @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi @ironicfoxes @cc13723things @gooddaykate @natthebattygeologist @sociallyantisocialbutterfly @n3ssm0nique @daughterofthenight117 @riddikulus-obsessions @imaginelover88 @saint-bvcky @sleep-tight1 @missstef23 @moonlacebeam @asylummara @wakandabiitch2 @hoodedbirdie @mysweetlittledesire @reallyloudstarlight @vintagepigeon @froggyy06 @fleurydelacoury @veil-of-time @queenbeean @deedepee @kenzieam @luxeavenger @dobbyjen @bbl32 @frickin-bats @caprisunsister @spacedadmando @bucks-bunny @starlightcrystalline @jensenswinchester @simonedk @keithseabrook27 @cloverrover @jedi-mando @fyeahatised @allforkook @bibliophilewednesday @doozywoozy @drayshadow @hellothankmas @milkxxkookies @ironicfoxes @livstilinski @siriuslyslytherin @leyannrae @randomfavtingswall @bbl32 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lharrietg @maresmiley @justreadingficsdontmindme @coffeebooksandfandom @doolemegan @megzdoodle @jedi-mando @till-my-feet-are-wet @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @mysweetlittledesire @general-latino @afraid-to-be-me @voteforpedro09 @golden-hoax @themarvelbunch @cosmoschick @recklessworry @baconmuffins1216 @moonluasstuff @thatnerdwriter @rosie-posie08 @adhdbaybee @beautifulrose0809 @daydreaming-lightly @kirsteng42
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