#/ignore mick being grumpy
jrooc · 10 months
Heat Syncope
A.U.gust 2023 - Day 16, Soulmates, @gallavichthings
Here's a little something I whipped up this morning for A.U.gust.
It was mid-summer and hot as hell in Chicago. The heat had reached that peak where it just beat down on you, radiating off the concrete and making you feel like you were baking. It was making Mickey grumpy as hell.
Mickey being grumpy in the mornings (or in general) wasn’t exactly news, but it was especially bad today. He lit a cigarette and poured the freshly made coffee into a mug adding his three sugars and some cream, walking out onto his tiny balcony that a tiny table and two small chairs. He sat down in his usual seat. Ian usually sat in the other chair.
Normally by 9am he’d start to feel more human but his black mood just hung over his head. It wasn’t just the heat, if was being honest with himself - and he definitely wasn’t - it was that a certain redhead he’d recently started seeing had had to work the night before and got stuck at work. He'd had texted late the night before saying he couldn’t make it over. So Mickey had woken up alone and hot, his apartment feeling like an oven. A miserable empty stupid oven. He ignored the irony that his huge ginger.. whatever he was to him, ran hot and an extra body in his bed would only have made things hotter but he didn’t care. That redheaded asshole had wormed his way into Mickey’s life and bed and now he seemed to sleep terribly without him.
They hadn’t been dating that long.. dating.. fucking.. whatever. But Mickey felt like an addict. He felt totally outta control around the redhead. He wanted to be around him all the time. He said and did all these stupid soft things now, who was he even? He basically couldn’t say no to him. Would do anything for it. It was fucking terrifying. It always felt so big, like he’d jumped - or been pushed- off a cliff and was free falling. He kind of hated it. But also didn’t hate it at all.
Fuck. He shook himself. There was a tiny breeze on the balcony but no reprieve from the intense heat of the sun that was already picking up momentum this early in the day. He didn’t work until that night but didn’t know if he could stay in this apartment all day. His mind turned to Ian but he shook his head. That was it, he hated feeling like a little bitch. He was done. No more messing around with Gallagher. That asshole thought he could just come and go as he pleased? Probably already moved onto someone new. Maybe he didn’t even have to work? Maybe it was an excuse. Maybe he’d gone out to some bar. Mickey got madder as he sat there.
His phone buzzed.
Gallagher: Hey Mick, how’d you sleep? Sorry I couldn’t make it. The hospital was crazy busy last night.
Mickey read the message and he felt his resolve fall away a little. He put his phone down. He wasn’t going to answer.
Gallagher: I missed ya. Gallagher: It’s hot as fuck today. I think my brain is melting. Would you wanna go to the beach with me? I know it’s far but I don’t think I can’t stand the city today. Gallagher: I’ve never really gone to the beach, but I dunno. Thought you might come with me. 🤷 Gallagher: Probably not your thing but thought I’d ask.
Mickey swallowed hard. He knew Ian rambled when he was nervous. He reread the messages 3 times over.
I missed ya.
Ian missed him.
They’d only spent one night apart in days. His reflex was to reply with something that was snarky. Or call it gay. But he couldn’t stop rereading it. He couldn’t even remember why he’d been mad before. He saw the 3 dots appear again, probably meaning more nervous rambling from Ian was on its way.
Mickey: Calm your tits Gallagher. Fine I’ll go to the fucking beach with you.
The three dots disappeared and reappeared.
Gallagher: Ya?? I’ll bring towels and snacks. Do you think they sell snacks there? Wanna meet me at the L in 30 mins?
Mickey: Better bring some sunscreen. I bet your freckled ass burns like a motherfucker.
An hour and a half later Mickey found himself standing in freshly purchased bathers in a place he never really pictured he’d be.
At the beach.
Stood next to a man who in this moment he really wanted to fucking kiss. He looked up at Ian who was standing in his bathing shorts and a white t-shirt. He held a hand up to shield his sunglass covered eyes and took in the scene before turning and grinning at Mickey.
“It’s nice!” Ian decided. “It’s hot. And crowded.” Mickey countered. He felt nervous. He couldn’t swim and didn’t know how to tell the redhead that. Which made it even more ridiculous he’d said yes to this plan in the first place. Fucking Ian. But the water did look cool and inviting.
Ian grinned at him, “Okay Mickey. We just need to cool you down.” Mickey’s stomach did an uncomfortable flip when Ian grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the water, their towels safely stowed under an umbrella behind them. Mickey followed a few feet behind, looking down at where their hands were clasped. In public. For anyone to see.
Ian pulled them until their toes touched the cool water. Mickey felt the sweet relief of the coolness sweep up him and he did feel better. He felt like he’d been hot for days.
“Oh god that’s nice.” Ian groaned beside him, tugging him a step further into the water and not releasing his hand. Mickey felt his blood speed south at the sound.
“Not sure you can make sounds like that here, Gallagher. These shorts don’t leave much to the imagination.” He hissed back.
Ian looked at him, his grin growing even wider, an evil glint in his eyes. “Oh? You’re that easy to get going, Mick?”
“Well no one was in my bed this morning to suck my dick so I'm a little on edge.” He grumped.
Ian’s eyebrows lifted and he chucked. All sorts of amused by Mickey’s grumpiness. It kind of blew Mickey’s mind, while everyone else in the world seemed to fear him and his moods, Ian seemed to take it as an invitation.
Ian let go of his hand then, pulled off his shirt and sunglasses and tossed them on the beach. Winked at Mickey and then ran a couple steps and dove into the water.
Mickey stepped backwards, hands up to shield himself from the splash.
Ian surfaced, flipping his red hair back, water pouring down his head and strong shoulders when he stood up again in the waist deep water. He looked hot as fuck. If the cool water hadn’t been enticing, Ian in it certainly was.
“Come on in, Mickey, the water’s fine.” He called.
Mickey took another tentative step in and stopped, “Think I’m all good here, Gallagher. Cooling down already.”
Ian frowned, a thought crossing his face. He walked over to Mickey and reached out, putting his hands on the brunette’s hips.
“Can you swim, Mick? I didn’t think to ask.” He asked quietly so no one could overhear. Mickey didn’t know how he always seemed to read his mind. Also he was being so considerate, how was this guy real.
He swallowed and without thinking answered honestly, “No man, when would I had had time to go to a pool. Who woulda taught me? My asshole Nazi Dad?” His cheeks burned red.
Ian nodded, Mickey had told him a bit about it.
“Right!” He said, decided. “Guess you’re just gonna have to trust me then.”
“Wha-?” Mickey started to ask but Ian had already grabbed his hand again and was pulling him gently into the water.
“Come on, Mick. I promise I’ve got you. You need to cool down.” He stopped their plight and turned around, “Do you trust me?” He asked, suddenly sincere.
Mickey looked into those green eyes and couldn’t help himself, his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. “Yeah, man, I trust you.”
“Good, come on then.” Ian said and pulled Mickey into the water.
When it got deep enough, Ian pulled Mickey towards him and made him wrap his arms around his neck.
Mickey couldn’t believe he was doing this in broad daylight with another man, but it just felt so good. Ian felt strong and his muscles hard in Mickey’s arms. Their chests pressed against each other, hearts beating against each other. The water was deliciously cool and refreshing, giving him a reprieve he hadn’t felt in days. He glanced around, there was no one near them in the water. He relaxed into it.
They floated together for a few mins, Ian’s long legs resting on the sand keeping them above water. Mickey wrapped his legs around Ian’s hips. Ian pulled him closer and nuzzled into his neck.
“Mmmm you smell good.” He mumbled. “I missed ya last night.” He said quietly. Mickey’s heart skipped a beat and then restarted at double the pace. He knew Ian could feel it with their chests pressed against each other under the water.
“Ya man, I, uh, missed ya too.” He mumbled back, the big feelings were back making his chest ache.
He didn’t get how Ian’d known. How he’d figured out exactly what Mickey had needed all day and made it happen. This wasn’t a sex thing, I mean the sex was fantastic but this was more. His heart felt like it was going to explode.
Ian pulled his face back and placed a chaste kiss to Mickey’s lips. He looked into Mickey’s eyes, an emotion shining there that Mickey knew was reflected in his. It felt too big, he didn’t feel ready to talk about it.
Ian opens his mouth to speak and closes it. Seemingly changing his mind.
“Wanna ditch work tonight? Just say fuck it. Stay around here, maybe get some tacos and beer?”
Mickey knows in that moment. Such a small thing. But it just hits him. He thinks he’s known for a while. But it’s in all the little moments of their day. Everything leading up to this moment.
Ian’s his soulmate.
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madewithspice · 2 years
Plzz hcs with Eren, Marco and Jean acting jealous
Apologies for it taking so long. I gave up on life itself and have recovered enough will to live to finish this off.
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Eren Yeager
Everyone agrees Eren is a clingy mofo so seeing him attached to your side is nothing new. As your 24/7 accessory, he’s seen first hand all the glances and stares you get and it does not bother him. I mean he’s just showing off what’s his and as he rightly should.
But then all the glances start building up and occasionally someone plucks up the courage to walk over to both of you yet only speak to you and it infuriates him.
It's not the being ignored that angers him, it's the audacity of the person flirting with you IN FRONT of him. Who the hell do they think they are?
After they leave he's all furrow browed and grumpy. Just like a sulky toddler. Arms crossed. Huffing and puffing. Replying to every request of yours with "why don't you ask your new partner?"
Just the epitome of 😐🙄😤
Only after you squish him tightly in an hour long hug and you let him take the mick out of the person "I mean did you see their shirt? It literally screams my mother dresses me" then and only then does he stop overreacting and wears his shit eating grin whilst proclaiming himself to be the only one for you because no one matches up to his awesome self.
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Marco Bodt
Sweet sweet freckled child. Shame on you for making him jealous though at the time you wouldn’t even think he was.
The seemingly “friendly” touches and flirty jokes go right through Marco or at least that’s what he tries to make it seem like. But really he starts questioning himself. Is he treating you as well as he can? Did he allow your relationship to wither down?
He gets super insecure about being with you and it lingers in his mind how to be better for you. He starts doing grand gestures to show you that he still feels the same because somehow he’s convinced himself that the reason others flirt with you is because they think he’s unbothered about your relationship.
Flowers turn up at your door daily and he starts paying for everything and constantly doting on you until you finally ask him why he’s spoiling you to which he confesses how he hasn’t been a “good” boyfriend, much to your shock and disbelief.
After what seems like hours of convincing him that he is literally THE sweetest thing ever and how the only way you’d leave him is if you lost your mind, he realises that maybe he thought too much into it all. Boy you think?!
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Jean Kirstein
Prepare your ears for this man because a jealous Jean is a whiny Jean and a whiny Jean never shuts up. I love this man but flipping hell he’d be insufferable.
He’d pout dramatically and tug on your arm if he suspects someone is flirting with you which is pretty much anyone who speaks to you, according to him. Like Eren, he’s a sulky toddler. He is just a tall baby.
I can already hear him stretching out your name to get your attention whilst, God forbid, you speak to another human. Will literally hold you in a bear hug, throwing subtle shade as you speak until you have to secretly pinch him to shut him up.
When you’re alone he will just vent about it with his hands flapping everywhere as he paces the room. “Like what the hell? Am I invisible?! The balls they had to flirt with you when I was RIGHT there. Right there! Some people have no shame!” *insert grumpy giant*
Low-key he is insecure about it and you, knowing this, can only shut him up once you start listing the reasons he’s better than every being out there. Slowly a smug smile grows on his face and with his ego now boosted beyond the moon, he is now “the best boyfriend ever to exist” 🙄
- Kiki.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Would it be possible to have something about being longtime friends with Mick thus knowing him very well and being there for him after this crazy weekend?
I feel like he really needs some hugs, cuddles and love but seems to be the kind of guy that would be really closed off and would reject at first all kinds of reassuring (he totally is a grumpy guy).
Thanks <3
Part 1. Best friends to lovers MASTERLIST
"Mick" You pocked his arm and watched him. His eyes were on the TV and he was ignoring you. Or trying at least. "Ey. Mickey"
"Don't call me that, YN" He said frowning.
You got closer to him on the sofa. He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed on his chest.
"I don't want to talk about it." "I know." "Then?" "You are like an old man, Mick" You smiled.
You knew him so well. He didn't want to talk but sure he wanted you there.
You hugged his arm and laid your head on his shoulder.
"I'm proud of you." "I had a shitty weekend." "It doesn't change anything" You kissed his cheek.
Minutes went on and he slowly let himself lay more relaxed. His arms were no longer closed on his chest. His hands were now laying on his abdomen.
Something came to your mind and you couldn't contain your smile.
"Hey." You looked at him. His eyes were beutiful, but he looked tired. "Why don´t you go and shower, relax a bit and I order food?"
"I already showered"
"YOu cleaned yourself. Go and get a warm shower, put some music on and relax a bit, okay?"
He seemed to think for a while, but nodded and got up. You saw him get inside the hotel's room bathroom. "Okay, let's do this"
You got up from the couch and took some cushions, also some sheets from the bed, the pillows, a couple of chairs and blankets. And you started building. Once you were happy with your piece of art, you called the room service and ordered his favorite food. You also set you pc. Finally, you took some fresh clothes from his suitcase and knocked at the bathroom.
"Mick? Can I come in?" "Yes! I'm decent."
You opened the door. He was sitting on the toilet covered in towels and with his hair falling on his forehead. You bit your lip. How could he be so cute?
"Do you feel better?" "A bit" "Here, some fresh clothes. It's your favourite hoodie."
He smiled a bit.
"I will let you get dressed"
When he came out, the food was already there.
"What..." He was open-mouthed looking at what you have built.
"A fort. Like the one your dad used to build for us when we were kids."
He crossed the rooms with big steps and trapped me in a big bear hug. You laughed a bit as he lift you from the floor. "Thank you so much"
Your heart was beating fast. "Let's get inside, Mickey"
He rolled his eyes. Once you were both inside the fort, warm and comfy in a nest made of blankets and cushions, you press play.
"Cars?" "Mhm. Your favourite." "And yours." "Only because you made me watch it a hundred times"
You had already finished the dinner and were already watching Cars 2 when you felt Mick's hand on your own.
"What's going on?"
"Can we cuddle?" He asked shyly. Your not so grumpy friend was all soft now"
"OMG Mick. Of course. Come here, babe"
He cuddled into you, his face in your chest and his arms around your waist. You grazed your hand through his messy blonde hair and kissed his forehead.
"Thank you" He softly whispered.
You hugged him tightly and he hid in your neck, ready to fall asleep. You smiled and caressed his cheek softly.
"I love you so much, Mick. And I'm so proud of you. Even on bad days.
You felt his smile against your neck's skin and his warm breath as he spoke.
"I love you so much too. Thank you for being there for me, YN"
"Always, Mickey"
I hope you liked it ❤. And yes, Mick is such a grumpy boy.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
”You’re such a fucking barbarian,” Ian says and Mickey grins into the compliment – because that's what it is – and into the kiss. Ian tugs at his arm and wants to be held; Mickey is happy to comply, putting his hand on Ian's cheek and then behind his head as he allows himself to be pulled closer.
The relief of having the weird tensions that’s been between them all day dissipate is overwhelming.
As the kiss deepens and their caresses become a little more purposeful, Mickey shifts to straddle Ian's thighs. Ian makes a happy little moan at that and it goes straight to Mickey's heart and to his already hard dick.
Still, after a few blissful moments, Mickey pulls back a little. ”You know I ain't ever gonna be like one of them hipster motherfuckers, right? No matter how often you take me on fucking organic fruit sightseeing.”
Sure, they just had this whole talk, but it's important that Ian is absolutely clear on this, and fine with it.
Ian nods. ”I know,” he says softly, lifting his hand to run his thumb over Mickey's cheek and lips. His lips twist a little in a self-reproach, as if annoyed that he's made Mickey question this, and his voice is entirely serious as he adds, ”I married you, Mick. Don't need you to be somebody else, just don't want you getting caught and being sent away for doing stupid shit. Okay?”
And yeah, fine, that's okay. Not like Mickey's dreaming about getting locked up again either, even though he think Ian worries way too much about it. But as long as he knows that his husband isn't itching for him to turn into someone he's not, he guesses he can make a few minor concessions if that will keep Ian's mind at ease and Mickey out of jail.
They ignore the sound of someone coming up the stairs as they fall back into the kiss and each other, but then someone is clearing their throat very loudly and very pointedly right outside the open door and with a groan Mickey pulls back from the kiss to glare at the intruder.
Who is a hugely disgruntled Lip. Fucking obviously.
”Listen, I'm ecstatic you've worked out whatever shit had Mickey running back here every other second,” he says, ”but you've literally got a whole apartment just for the two of you, so maybe not fuck in the bed I'm sleeping in?”
Mickey is halfway tempted to ignore his brother-in-law and keep going, because a, he's hard as hell, and b, he's still stubbornly annoyed with Lip for making them move in the first place, but in the end he's too happy to have things be right with Ian again to really want to pick a fight with anyone else.
Besides, Ian is already apologizing and pushing at Mickey to get off of him. That earns him a reproachful glare, and Ian pauses to place a quick peck at Mickey's pouting lips.
”Make it up to you when we get home,” he murmurs, and then he grins wickedly: ”Make all sorts of things up to you.”
”You better,” Mickey says, and it comes out grumpy enough but he knows that stupid grin on his face gives away the way his heart (and groin) flutter and stir at the look in Ian's eyes; at the desire and teasing and promises there.
They get off the bed. Mickey puts on his shoes, and they head for the door, for the West Side.
”Thank you,” Lip calls after them, the words laden with sarcasm. Mickey flips him off without looking back, but he's already forgetting all about the oldest Gallagher brother in favour of following the second oldest down the stairs, and Ian's hand is warm and firm around his, and Mickey still ain't so sure about this West Side shit and maybe he'll never be, but he’s known for some time now that his home isn't a place anymore but a person.
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Sorry I've been away for a while, just been trying to settle back into uni and been going through some personal things, hopefully I can get back to normal now!
His favourite thing about you...
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He loves the way you can make him smile. Even when he really doesn't want to, you somehow manage to pull him out of his darkest moods.
You manage to do this by all sorts of necessary means, whether that's being silly; making faces, tickling him (that one he wasn't the biggest fan of), doing silly things.
Your favourite thing to do was a head stand on the couch, often dangling your feet in the air. Sometimes he would be stood close enough that you can tickle your feet on the side of his face.
"You're so weird." He would comment, batting your feet away from his face, the corners of his mouth, so tempted to flick up into a face splitting smile.
"And you're so grumpy." you would shrug, often losing balance and rolling onto the couch, sitting on your hands, looking up at him, "How can I make Grumpy, Happy?"
"I don't know." Mick would huff, flopping onto the couch next to you. You would slide into his lap, and wrap your arms around his neck, his would instinctively go around your waist, pulling you tight to him.
Sometimes it wasn't silliness he needed, but instead he needed your touch.
"I love you, Grumpy." you promised, kissing his lips strongly, you felt him smile into the kiss, before he pulled away.
"I love you too, Weird."
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Sebastian always admired how kind and gentle you could be. It amazed him, how calm and well mannered you could be around some people, even when they weren't on their best behaviour.
You had time for everyone else's problems, you never brushed people away in there hour of need, even when they didn't quite realise it was their hour of need.
He would watch you sit with anyone and everyone; young, old, poor, rich. Sitting with some of the engineers whilst they complained about the hours they worked, and lack of time they had for family, you always had kind words to say, kind words to motivate them.
Seb always asked you, how you had so much patients for people, how you could be so gentle, for example, when a shop assistant wasn't providing quality customer service, you always had an excuse for them. Their lives were busier than yours, their lives were more problematic than yours, that's all you would say to him.
Sometimes your kindness and generosity would mean you would ignore your own issues, but that's where Seb knew he was needed. You only had some much kindness to give, and sometimes you would forget yourself.
You had subconsciously taught Seb well enough, when it was you, who needed kindness and patients, and he would always be there to give it.
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glorified groupie ~ tommy lee;the dirt
word count: 2181
request?: no
description: tommy’s fiancé makes sure you know exactly how she feels about your friendship with tommy, and tommy isn’t exactly a fan of that
pairing: tommy lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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You had been friends with Tommy long before the days of Mötley Crüe. In fact, you had been friends with him for so long that when the band was formed and started to get big, he insisted you come on tours with him and the boys.
“Come on, it’s only for a couple of weeks,” he’d say. “You can take a couple of weeks off work, right?”
“I can’t just up and leave work out of nowhere, Tommy,” you told him. “I don’t have that many vacation days saved up, if I leave for that long I’ll get fired.”
“Then quit! I’ll find a spot for you on tour, you can be like our roadie or something!”
Eventually, he managed to convince you to go. Deep down, you knew he’d eventually get the yes. You were so proud for him, you knew you couldn’t turn down the opportunity to watch your best friend achieve his dreams.
Of course, “just a few weeks” turned into a few months, and then about a year, and before you knew it, you were touring with Mötley Crüe basically every night. As he promised, Tommy did get you a job on tour as a sort of roadie, but their manager liked you enough that he didn’t put you to work constantly.
As to be expected, with touring came groupies and girls who wanted to get with the band members just because they were Mötley Crüe, and Tommy, the poor hopeless romantic he was, always fell for these girls. He could never see past the facade of the dazzling smiles and the meaningless words and only saw what he wanted to see, a new potential girlfriend in his eyes.
This resulted in an engagement to a very obvious groupie, Roxie.
Being the only other girl on tour with the guys, you could see right through Roxie’s loving facade. You saw the way she looked at other guys, especially members of other bands at clubs. This, unfortunately, was not limited to Tommy’s own band mate, Nikki, whom you caught sharing looks with Roxie every now and then.
You knew you had to tell Tommy, but you didn’t want to break the poor guy’s heart. He was so in love with Roxie, and he genuinely believed she loved him, too. He was constantly talking about his upcoming marriage, and his dreams for the wedding.
“Okay, check this out,” he said to you one day, falling into the chair next to you on the tour bus. He laid out a piece of paper in front of the two of you and began to draw. “The dream is an outdoor wedding. Somewhere nature-y. Have the chairs set up here, like this, and have some sort of archway here that Roxie and I will stand under. And you and the boys here - ”
“Wait,” you cut him off, “me? With the boys?”
“Yeah, I want you to be my Best Man, or I guess Best Woman.”
This was the first time Tommy had mentioned this to you. You figured he was so excited for the wedding that he forgot the part about actually telling the Groom’s Men what role they were going to play. Of course, you didn’t expect Roxie to ask you to be in her Bridal Party, not with your differences and her knowing that you saw right through her bullshit, but you were shocked that Tommy wanted to choose you over one of the guys to be his Best Man.
“I’m honored, Tommy,” you told him. “And I love your idea for the wedding, but shouldn’t you be discussing this with your bride to be?”
“She’s asleep, I’ll show her when she wakes up.”
You two sat for some time, discussing the wedding. You were making some suggestions for the reception and Tommy was crudely drawing it the best he could. Neither one of you heard Roxie walking in until she spoke.
“Well, don’t the two of you look cozy.”
You realized then that you had your head on Tommy’s shoulder and the two of you were basically cuddling. You pulled away from Tommy, trying to seem nonchalant but realizing the speed in which you pulled away made it look a little more suspicious.
“Hey baby!” Tommy said, with that goofy smile on his face. “(Y/N) was helping me place everything for our wedding! Come look.”
“Yes, for our wedding,” Roxie said, sneering the word in your direction as she sat on Tommy’s lap. You suppressed an eye roll as she kissed Tommy deeply before kissing his neck in the spot that you had become all too familiar with as being his sweet spot. “Looks great baby, I can’t wait.”
She hadn’t even looked at the paper.
Before Tommy could say anything else, one of the boys called him over to discuss the stage show. He placed Roxie on the seat next to you and left the two of you. You smiled briefly at her before going back to the book you had been reading before Tommy interrupted you.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” Roxie sneered in your ear.
You looked at her in confusion. “I...don’t know what you mean?”
“You and Tommy, you’re trying to make a move on him.”
You scoffed. “Please! Tommy’s been my best friend basically my whole life. He’s in love with you and no one could take that from you. I was helping him with the wedding, that’s it.”
“My wedding,” Roxie hissed. “Please bitch, I can see right through you. I know you don’t like me because I’m on his dick and you’re not, and you’re just waiting to ruin our relationship.”
You looked over to see if Tommy was paying attention to the situation before you leaned in to whisper to Roxie, “If I wanted to ruin your relationship, I’d bring him to Nikki’s dressing room when you and him are ‘visiting’. Tommy is a good man, Roxie, and he genuinely loves you. If you don’t feel the same, I think you should end the engagement.”
Roxie scoffed this time. “There you go again! Trying to ruin my relationship!”
“Roxie, we’re friends!”
“Please, you’re a glorified groupie.”
Her words rendered you speechless. She seemed proud of that. She sat back in her seat and smirked at you as you struggled with a comeback. You were trying to hold back the lump that was growing in your throat, but it was nearly impossible. Tears were welling in your eyes, but you didn’t want to admit defeat. You had nowhere to go, though. Roxie was blocking your path.
“What did you just say?”
Neither one of you had noticed Tommy standing over you. He was looking between you and Roxie with a shocked look on his face. Roxie’s smirk didn’t go away as she openly repeated her insult.
“She’s a glorified groupie! She’s just hanging around because she wants to try and fuck you. Why else would she uproot her entire life and follow you during your entire career? She’s desperate!”
The whole bus was silent. The boys were looking at you and Roxie in shock as well. If there was one thing everyone knew about Tommy, it was that you did not insult his best friend.
“Fuck you,” Tommy hissed, which shocked everyone even more. “Jesus Christ, Roxie, how can someone be such a bitch to absolutely everyone? (Y/N) has never done anything to you, why would you say that shit about her?”
Roxie tried to stutter something out but Tommy cut her off by calling to the bus driver, “Stop the bus!”
He took a hold of Roxie’s arms and roughly pulled her out of her chair. You stood, although you weren’t sure why. You didn’t mind seeing Roxie getting what she deserved. “Tommy, what are you doing?”
“I’m done with this, Roxie,” he said, ignoring your question. “I’m done with hearing you bad mouth (Y/N), as if you’re not the one fucking Nikki. Oh yeah, I know. I’ve known for a long time, I had just hoped that if I married you, maybe you’d leave all that behind. How fucking naive was I?”
“So you’re just gonna end our engagement and kick me off the bus for that skank?” Roxie shrieked in anger.
“The only skank here is you, Roxie,” Tommy retorted. “Now get the fuck out!”
Roxie huffed in anger and exited the bus. She slammed the door so hard behind her that the entire bus shook, and as we left her, we watched her flip us off while she called out muffled insults and profanities.
Tommy was seething in anger. He went to the back room in the bus and shut the door without another word. The guys and I looked at one another, unsure as what to do.
“One of us needs to talk to him,” Vince decided.
“Not Nikki,” Mick said. “If Nikki goes in here, the kid might cut his dick off.”
“Listen, it’s not my fault, I didn’t know he was that serious about her,” Nikki tried to defend.
“Not the time, Nikki,” you cut the bassist off. “I’ll go talk to him, I technically caused all of this after all.”
You went to the back room and slowly slid the door open. You expected Tommy to yell in anger for whoever was just barging in to leave, but you were shocked to see he was looking up at you, almost expecting you to have followed him.
As if reading your mind, he explained, “You always came to check on me when I was upset.”
“That’s what friends are for,” you told him. “Are you okay, Tommy?”
“I can’t believe I tried to convince myself I was in love with her,” he sighed. “I mean, she was hot and she was an excellent fuck, but she was a fucking bitch to absolutely everyone. Do you know I haven’t brought her to meet mom and dad yet? All the times they’ve come to the sets of music videos or have seen us on tour and I made sure they wouldn’t meet Roxie cause I knew they wouldn’t approve. Roxie is not the type of girl you marry, she’s the type that...”
“You sleep with,” you finished. “A groupie.”
Tommy scoffed. “I can’t believe she called you a glorified groupie, as if you’re the one who has been sleeping with my band mate.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, like that’ll ever happen. I wouldn’t touch those boys with a ten foot pole. Nikki and Vince surely have some sort of STD, if not several, and Mick is too grumpy to want to fuck anyone.”
You and Tommy laughed together. With the threat of his awful ex-fiancee gone, you felt comfortable enough to rest your head on his shoulder. “If you didn’t really love her, why were you so excited about the wedding and planning it earlier?”
“You know me, I’m a hopeless romantic. I want to find the right girl and settle down and get married. Even if I knew Roxie wasn’t the right girl, she was the girl I was marrying. I wanted it to be a good wedding, even if I was sure the marriage wouldn’t even last.”
“You shouldn’t have to settle for whichever girl says yes to your proposal, Tom,” you told him. “You deserve a girl who will give you as much love as you give her. A girl who will give you her heart and soul, the way you give yours. A girl who loves you, and only you.”
“What if I’ve already found her?”
You lifted your head to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “Well, if you have I’d hope you’d tell your best friend.”
Tommy smiled. “I think you know her pretty well.”
You couldn’t understand for a moment, but it clicked in when you saw the look in Tommy’s eyes. You had seen that look many times before; when he was looking at one of his girlfriends. It was a look of love, as if you were the only girl on the planet. Receiving that look, you really felt like you were.
“You like me?” you asked in disbelief.
“Took you long enough to figure out,” Tommy laughed. “I mean, I’ve only been trying to make a move our entire friendship. At first I thought you just weren’t interested, and then I realized that you just didn’t know how I felt.”
“You should’ve come out and said it!”
“But what if you said no?”
“Well, I’m not saying no, am I?”
Tommy perked up at this. “Wait..so...are you saying?”
You giggled and pulled Tommy forward to give him a small kiss. It took him by surprise and, by the time he realized and went to kiss back, you were pulling away.
“Next break you get, take me on a proper date drummer boy,” you told him.
Tommy nodded quickly. “Yeah, yeah. I mean...okay, I will.”
You giggled and kissed Tommy again, relaxing into his arms as you both decided to utilize the privacy of the back room for yourselves.
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phobiadeficient · 3 years
BLU M!Sniper and RED F!Sniper split roasting their lover M!Scout?
(warnings for roughness and mention of jealousy, possessiveness, etc)
He had to know it was a long shot, but there he was, giving her puppy eyes and trying his best to explain himself.

It was a bold thing to ask. And he admitted as much, admitted that he knew she hated the guy, and besides that he didn’t know how fond she was of... well, sharing. She spent probably half the time she complained about things complaining about the guy being a bastard, and a shitty sniper overall, accusing him of being a prick and having a big head and being a coward first and foremost. But also, Scout just thought, y’know, maybe...
And she had a very confident ‘no’ locked and loaded, ready to go, but then she looked back over at him and saw those puppy eyes again, and the only word that she managed to say after a minute was a particularly grumpy “Bugger.”
And when she eventually said yes—with a few stipulations—he didn’t exactly need to know, that... some of the problem was the fact that after a few years, her frustration with the other team’s Sniper had gotten a bit... charged. In a few ways. And she made sure to stress that she wasn’t going to be the one putting in the leg work to try to convince the bastard of anything, but she would be calling the shots.
The speed at which Scout agreed to all of that made her a little concerned that she was somehow being played, still.
Then apparently he actually managed it, then they were meeting at a bar, and Scout tactfully placed himself between the two of them at that bar so they wouldn’t strangle each other before they could talk, and she knew him well enough to be able to tell that his smile was just slightly forced as he looked between them.
“Uh, so, Snipes,” he said, and she raised an eyebrow at him. “Uh, we figured the name thing might get confusing, so I’ll still be callin’ you Snipes, but, uh—“
“Mick,” the other Sniper cut in before he could keep rambling. “Just call me Mick.”
“Funny, rhymes with ‘prick’,” she quipped.
His jaw tightened. Scout fidgeted, hurried to cut in again.
“Uh, but, yeah, I couldn’t get into details much since I figured we could kinda figure that stuff out a little better once, uh... once we get there, y’know?” he trailed, glancing around their vicinity briefly, self-consciously.
“I get the gist of it,” Mick said. “Agreed enough to show up, at least.”
“Not worried we’re here to ambush and kill you?” she asked.
“Implying I’m scared of you,” he said, and her grip on her glass tightened, and she was about to say a few choice words when she felt Scout’s hand on her knee, squeezing lightly, and she just huffed, taking another drink.
“So, if you’ve got any, uh, questions—“ Scout tried.
“Here’s one,” Mick cut in. “What are we all telling our employers?”
And he was surprisingly civil after that while they talked briefly about the implications for their jobs, and came to the collective conclusion that if one of them was screwed over, they’d all be screwed over, so they didn’t particularly plan on being rats. Sniper then informed Mick about a few house rules, mainly that if Scout told him to stop or let up, he’d damn well stop and let up, and that he could get rough if Scout asked, and Scout flushed all the way up to his ears during the entirety of it but for the most part she considered this important enough to ignore him.
And then they were finishing off their drinks, and then they were heading to the motel, and then Scout was getting them a room key and left the two of them alone for a moment.

She had Mick by the collar in a moment, yanked down to make up for the two or so inches of difference in their heights. “Alright, you listen here,” she growled, sunglasses pulled off for the moment. “I bloody well mean it when I say that I don’t want you trying to make this into a contest. He’s my boyfriend, end of story. No matter what happens, I had him first. Clear?”
“Too bad you apparently need to bring someone else in to help keep him pleased,” Mick smirked, grinning like a bastard, and the only thing she could think to do that would wipe that stupid fucking smile off his face better than a swift punch to the nose was to kiss him like she wanted to maim in the process, so that’s what she did.
When Scout came back not even five minutes later, he found them both flushed, hair a mess, looking borderline murderous. “So... we’re doin’ this?” he asked feebly, and was yanked bodily towards their room.
She found herself on top of Scout in bed, boxing him in and kissing him like the world was ending while Mick mucked around in the bathroom. She didn’t waste time before starting to pull him free of his shirt, of his belt, and wasn’t surprised to find him already half-hard by the time she got a hand into his pants to cup at him.
When she pulled away enough to try and get her own shirt off, she registered the surprise that seemed to be evident on Scout’s face, the vague confusion largely overshadowed by awe. And she took the opportunity to bend down, mouth finding the space just under his jaw, stopping there to nip and suck hard enough to make him jolt, groan, grip at her shoulders—not pushing or pulling, just holding on for dear life as she sucked a mark and finally pulled away to look down at him again.
“Mine,” was all she said, voice a growl, and he nodded vigorously, clearly already dizzied by the entirety of what was going on.
And then she heard the door to the bathroom opening, and she pulled back enough to glance back in the direction of it, and was only half-surprised to see Mick already shirtless. Still had the shades on, though.
“Be patient,” she murmured to Scout, pressing a brief kiss to his cheek to quiet the beginning of a complaint when she sat up and climbed off him, moving to her bag to get what she’d need.
And by the time she’d untangled the increasingly-familiar harness and gotten it most of the way on, she was distracted by the sound of a stifled groan. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that apparently Mick had taken over for her, and was two fingers deep and carefully spreading Scout open, quieting how loud Scout tended to get with a biting kiss.
She paused entirely to watch for a few seconds, surprised by how hot that visual was making her, sending a shiver clambering up her spine, and even slightly more surprised at how quickly he was working. Clearly he had some experience with this.
“Bring a lot of men around seedy motels?” she couldn’t help but quip, trying to distract herself from the heat thrumming through her.
Mick pulled away from the kiss to raise an eyebrow at her. That was when she noticed that apparently Scout had coaxed him out of his glasses. “Enough,” he admitted casually, tone entirely more level than it should have been given the way that, now without a kiss to distract him, Scout had needed to bite down on the meat of his own hand to keep quiet, a litany of pleased little noises pouring out of his mouth.
“I imagine this is just another Saturday for you, then,” she huffed, finally managing to get that one buckle that always stuck to cooperate with her.
“Nah,” Mick replied, glancing back down at Scout for a moment while he reached and took his by then straining dick in his hand, giving it a brief pump just to hear the way Scout’s voice cracked high for a second. “Have to admit, this one here’s been caught on my scope a few times besides just to shoot him. He’s good-looking.”
Scout looked like he very much wanted to reply to that somehow, but his first word was replaced by a choked noise as Mick twisted his wrist just so and squeezed around the head, thrusting his fingers once, hard. She caught Scout’s eye, saw the same awe on his face, like he wasn’t entirely sure this was really happening, then saw the hunger flit into his expression as she pushed the toy into place on the harness and finished tightening it. “You’re right on that,” she agreed, moving over and cupping at Scout’s cheek, feeling the heat of his face under her hand and grinning at the fact that he couldn’t seem to decide whether to look at the strap or at her face. “But if you think he looks good now, you should see him here in a few minutes.”
“Might not be that long,” Mick replied, glancing over at the attachment and pulling his fingers free, wiping off his hand.
“I’m, I’m good,” Scout agreed, nodding hard. “So, how are we gonna do this, are we—“
Mick shut him up with a pair of hands bodily flipping him over and promptly pulling him up onto his knees, and Scout’s shiver of pleasure at the manhandling was misread by Mick, who squeezed his hips comfortingly for a moment. “Me in front, yeah?” he asked Sniper, who nodded, Scout hurriedly stammering out in the affirmative as well.
And she was slowed down in her attempt to arrange everything how she pleased at the visual of Scout fumbling his way through trying to open Mick’s pants one-handed, just a little bit too pleased at the notion of sucking him off, taking him into his mouth with enthusiasm that was just a touch too much, made that jealous streak flare up for just a second, and she didn’t bother reining herself in as much as usual as she dug fingernails into his hips, pushing in.
That groan he always made at that initial push was muffled, then echoed by Mick as Scout sank further forward and apparently did something very right. She couldn’t tell as well from the angle she’d found herself in, and didn’t particularly care. She’d only care if those noises started sounding too strained.
“Pull his hair,” she suggested, pleased to find that at the very least, she got to be the most put-together. Mick glanced up, expression hazy. “He likes it.”
He did so without further commentary, threading a hand in through the longer hair up at the top of his head and tugging, using it for leverage to push him down further. Scout groaned his appreciation, a distinct flex in his back letting Sniper know he was honestly leaning in to it just as much as Mick was pulling.
Alright, she was coming around. He won. Scout was right. This was a good idea.
She didn’t bother warming him up into things, knowing that he’d sometimes complain about her going too slow when she did it on normal nights, and he’d be even more frustrated if she did now. She just started straight into rocking her hips in steady motions, knowing by then just the right rhythm to leave him breathless without making her get too out of breath. She could keep it up for a good, long time, and always ended up enraptured at the way Scout melted, arching into it and gasping and moaning and gorgeous.
This time, he was a little distracted by clearly putting a good amount of effort into sucking off the other man, but even then he was noisy, and that only made Mick buck into his mouth all the more often.
“Gorgeous thing,” Mick choked, petting through his hair for a moment before snaring it and using it to buck into his mouth with more intent than before, and Scout just moaned, tilting slightly to accommodate. “God. Like you’re bloody made for this.”
“You have no idea,” Sniper said, breath a bit hard but still even, rhythm speeding for a moment to make Scout squirm. “I go too long without doing this to him and he gets so needy. He’d probably beg, if I made him wait too long. The way he begged for this tells me that much.”
“He’s blushing,” Mick informed her with a breathless sort of chuckle, and she saw that his ears were indeed turning red. “Poor thing. Can’t even defend himself with his mouth full.”
Scout made a quiet noise in the back of his throat that might have had something to do with the little extra roll Sniper put on the end of her next thrust, but Mick raised an eyebrow, pulling him back from his hair.
“Somethin’ to say, there?” he asked, hand falling to tip Scout’s chin up, and Sniper heard the way he was panting and slowed down her thrusts, knowing how close he had to be if he was making that kind of noise on the exhale.
Scout panted for another few moments, and finally made a disgruntled noise, shifting his weight. Sniper had to move forward with him a little bit, and he choked on breath for a moment before he recovered enough to speak. “If you’re gonna fuck my mouth, do it already,” he said, voice harder than expected. “And, and you can pull my hair harder than that.”
Sniper chuckled at Mick’s expression, slightly taken aback but clearly thrilled by this turn of events. “Alright then, get back down here,” he rumbled, and Scout did with enthusiasm, and then the pace was shifting.
She waited until Mick found his rhythm before she matched it, stepping up a notch, moving in double-time with the thrusts into Scout’s mouth. The skin of their thighs slapped together and Scout made desperate little noises every few thrusts, clearly completely overwhelmed by the way he’d gone so lax she needed to hold up his hips some amount for him. She only stopped occasionally to try and catch her breath or to readjust, shifting to long, slow strokes aimed as best she could to drag mercilessly against his prostate, and Scout whined helplessly each time it happened, bucking for emphasis until she started back up into the speed she’d had before again.
Mick seemed to sense something she didn’t—probably aided by the fact that he could see Scout’s face, feel his moaning—and told Scout to stroke himself. He did, moaning kicking up in pitch with his desperation, and that pushed Mick over the edge, swearing and fucking more roughly into Scout’s mouth before he spilled with a hard shudder. Scout moaned his pleasure when he could get air, strokes slowing down as he focused on not choking, and then his mouth was freed and he was panting and groaning against Mick’s thigh, rocking more firmly back into Sniper’s thrusts.
“Gonna come for me?” Sniper crooned in the sweet, teasing voice that always made him shiver when he was like this. “C’mon, we wanna see.”
Mick hummed in the affirmative, petting through his hair. Scout’s head was tilted a bit now, and Sniper watched Mick’s thumb drawing across his bottom lip, watched Scout’s eyebrows screw together with it, eyes falling closed, and Sniper filed it away as something she should try on him later. She moved to those long, firm strokes again, and Scout choked on nothing, going tense, jerking under her.
“Gorgeous,” she praised, rocking once and twice more for good measure, and he unclenched his teeth enough to gasp at it, and then he was relaxing, breathing hard.
She pulled free slowly and carefully, and Scout’s grunt of vague discomfort was muffled, Mick having leaned down to kiss him, still dominating but considerably more gentle than before. She left them to it as she stood to unclasp the harness, a little out of breath herself.
She’d only gotten one leg free when a pair of arms snaked around her waist, a familiar nose pressed into her hair, a breathless little chuckle fanning against her overheated neck. “Hey, c’mon, what about you?” Scout mumbled, half teasing and half hopeful.
She scoffed, but it was hard to get much feeling behind it. Seeing him like that, and the way the strap pressed against her as she’d been fucking him, and how hot the whole situation was, it all added up to make her feel… well. A good bit more turned on than she’d thought she would be. “What about me?” she asked, kicking free the rest of the way and trying not to separate from him.
“I want you to like this, too,” he said, and she jumped a little at the feeling of fingers trailing at her inner thigh.
“You don’t need to do that, I’ll be—“ she started, and was cut off as her breath hitched, Scout having gotten bold enough to push his fingertips against her more firmly. Her exhale was shaky as he trailed his fingers against her, the slickness there under his callouses apparently taking both of them by surprise if Scout’s little gasp was any indication.
“Jesus,” Scout whispered, sounding a little awed, a little desperate. “C’mon, please? I can’t just leave you like this, I wanna—“

His index and middle fingers found either side of her clit, rubbing with just the right amount of pressure, and her knees threatened to buckle for a moment. “Ngh,” was what she managed instead of a proper response, pulse hammering, and she gasped outright as Scout’s other hand rose to cup and squeeze at her breast, making her arch. “Christ, I, fine, just—“
He nosed her hair aside, pressing a kiss into her neck and kneading at her just so, his own breathing a little shaky.
“Wait,” she bit out, and he stopped, freezing in place.
That gave her time and brainpower to move, turning around and pushing him down onto the bed again, boxing him in with her legs before leaning down, kissing him absolutely silly. His noise of confusion morphed into a noise of contentment, hands finding her waist almost automatically. When she pulled away again a long moment, he was flushed and clearly a little dizzied, his lopsided smile on display. “That a yes?” he asked, hopeful.
She glanced him up and down. “Mostly I’m just surprised you’re still up for more,” she admitted. “Figured we’d put you through the paces already.”
“Nah,” he said, squeezing appreciatively for a moment. “You know I’m always up for more of whatever.”
“Even after getting fucked two ways in one go?” she asked, eyebrows raising.
“Especially,” he admitted, head turning for a moment to glance at the other man, who admittedly she’d almost forgotten about. Mick appeared to be about halfway through a cigarette, shamelessly ogling the two of them, making no attempt to cover himself up and grinning a little when she met his eyes.
Mick looked at her for a moment, then down at Scout, who she felt shift a little under her, clearly preening at the attention, at the heat there. Mick stretched his neck from one side to the other languidly and reached to tap out his cigarette before he looked back over at Sniper. “You’ve got rubbers, yeah?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She nodded. “How about I take back and you take front this round?”
She blinked, glancing him over, then down at Scout. She was honestly a little surprised to hear they were ready to go again already, having not expected much more than that first round and maybe an attempt to crowd into one mattress if Scout was feeling particularly needy after. But then she looked at his face, and Scout seemed to be trying his hardest to give her his best puppy eyes.
“Bugger,” she sighed, and Scout grinned.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
What are the best episodes with Castiel to watch?
Hello! Sorry, this took me a while to answer but here you go! If I miss some it’s cause I don’t remember anything or I was just Bleh about it.
Castiel Epiosdes
4x01 ICONIC 
4x20 Jimmy is important to Cas and I love him. 
4x22 ICONIC Greenroom. Cas picks a side aka Dean.
5x03 Cas and Dean being friends! Gay panic is real my friends. 
5x04 THE END. “It's the end, baby. “
5x13 “Sam is my friend.” 
5x14 Cupid (He made a cameo video it was cute) and Cas eating raw meat off the floor.
5x16 “You son of a bitch! I believed in-” OWW
5x17 Drunk Cas.
5x18 At this point he’s just done with everything. So he just carves, YES CARVES, an angel banishing sigil into his own chest. He does not hesitate.
Season 6 is good for Cas because the whole time he’s apart of a civil war and is just a terrible liar.
6x06 I am trying not to make this list about Destiel but the scene where Cas pours Dean’s drink. 
6x10 Pizza Man.
6x19 Baby in a trenchcoat aka leader of the heaven rebellion but sure Dean. He’s just cute. 
6x20 ICONIC 
6x21& 22 Both show that Cas is slowly realizing that he is not in control. 
7x01 The whole episode is wild but Cas just going to heaven and saying I’m Daddy now really takes the cake. (not the actual words he used.)
7x02 Cas’s death #3?
7x17 MISHA -- OH um, I mean CAS to the rescue lol
7x21 His cute little laugh! Honey!Cas has my heart and soul. Bonus Destiel: “ When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!” RIP Hester Queen
7x23 “Cursed or not.” Also his little smile when he asks for the plan ahh!
aka all episodes in s7 with Cas in it is worth watching.
Okay, I’ll try to control myself now but watch all of s8 cause its beautiful.
8x02 We see Dean’s POV to the purgatory portal scene. Also, hear Cas’s reason for leaving Dean.
8x07 We see Cas’s POV of the purgatory pov scene. Also, learn how Cas escapes purgatory. 
8x08 “I’m gonna be a hunter.” He’s so CUTE!
8x10 Cas needs a hug. Please.
8x17 ICONIC. “what broke the connection?” AHH
8x21 Badass Castiel
8x22 & 23 Castiel wants to do good. He wants to help but he just puts his trust in the wrong people. It hurts me so much. Look he’s just a small child and he is dealing with a lot right now. 
Season 9 Cas looks good. Like fanservice time father of two!
9x01 First look at human Cas!
9x03 I can’t watch this ending again. It’ll make me spiral. But it’s a good human Cas and destiel episode. Also, fuck April. She gross. 
9x06 ICONIC BLESSED jilted lover. 
9x09 He looks good.
9x10 “I prefer the word trusting. Less dumb. Less ass.” They are both dumbasses.
9x11 Sam & Cas chaotic vibes
9x14 Cas storyline with the angels starts or at least makes it more clear idk
9x18 Gabriel! Also, “Damn it, Dean!” and Cas accepts his role as a leader. The angels are dumb. 
9x22 Sam & Cas dream team lol Also, Cas picks Dean over heaven again.
9x23  “--and for what again? Oh, that's right -- to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too.”
10x01 Cas draped across the bed like a victorian lady waiting for her husband to come back from the war
10x03 You know that scene where he’s lying on the floor bloody and dying and the Crowley saves him. And then Cas glows and heals with grace and he’s glaring up at Crowley? You know that scene. Yeah. Bonus: I’m gay and bloody Hannah is also hot. Small tip: Ignore the creepy/gross Hannah and Cas set up the writers are trying to do. They are siblings. 
10x09 Claire! That’s his daughter!
10x10 Claire and Cas make me cry.
10x14 Deleted scene of “Maybe he’s your boyfriend.” 
10x17 Sam & Cas! They are best friends, you guys!
10x18 Charlie and Cas meet! AND THEY ARE ALL HAPPY AND I CRY
10x20 Claire! Cas get’s her a birthday present, grumpy cat stuffy, and she keeps it! And I cry. And she saves him. And she cares about him. 
okay 10x21 cause of Charlie and Cas but also fuck this episode. Charlie deserved better. 
10x22 ICONIC gosh damn it. I-
10x23 Just for backstory for Cas in s11. Our poor boy can't catch a break. 
I worked on this for two hours now Nonny and I don’t even care. I miss Cas.
Season 11 hurts my damn soul because of Cas. I won’t include Casifer, though it was A LOT of fun to watch him.
11x01 “Dean, did it work?” I wanna hold this poor sad madly in love man. 
11x02 I can’t handle the torture. He looks so sad.
11x03 Bless you director, Jensen Ross Ackles.
11x04 Okay, not a lot of Cas but I love this episode. 
11x06 They don’t talk about his trauma but they show us a little when he tries to leave the bunker. And I cried. Once again. Let. Me. Hold. Him. 
11x10 Ambriel glad you are dead cause you were SO rude. Also, Amara girly, queen, I love you but apologize. Stop being mean to Castiel.
11x22 Cas get’s to talk and that’s nice
11x23 “I can go with you.” Sir, you just came back from being possessed by THEE satan and now you are ready to die by your future husband's side. You need therapy. 
Okay, I stopped watching live after season 11 because of the way they treated Cas so these next seasons I binged watched ( a couple of times) but wasn’t apart of the fandom so it feels like I didn’t fully grasp them. But here we go!
12x01 Cas meets his mother-in-law. Also the little, “Dean!” when he hugs him. 
12x02 Cas and Mick :)
12x03 Agent Beyonce and Zee lol Cas and Crowley and should have had a sitcom 
12x08 Cas gets a text (angel radio) that he’s gonna be a Dad and it looks like when Alice had a vision of the Volturi in Breaking Dawn Part 2 lol
12x09 Let me hug Cas! He’s sad over his family being gone. Also, Mary, I love you but I don’t forgive anybody for being mean to Cas. All the Winchesters are on thin fucking ice with me. 
12x10 ICONIC destiel. Cas in a female vessel. 
12x12 ICONIC “I love you. I love all of you.” 
12x19 Worried husband Dean. Excited soon-to-be father Cas.
12x23 Cas dies (again) from child birth.
Watch the first few episodes of season 13 for the famous widower arc cause wtf they gave us THAT. Also, I don’t care for the other world storyline so I pushed that out of my head. 
13x04 Cas annoying a cosmic entity. Fun fact! I dislike the trenchcoat cause it looked so stiff and the color was off idk didn’t look great but Cas looked beautiful when he looks up at the sun! Ah!
13x06 ICONIC BROKEBACKNATURAL Also, Jack and Cas meet and I cried damn it. “I missed you.” That’s his son!
13x07 Cas doesn’t put anybody or anything above his baby boy
13x12 Cas has the dumbest husband but at least Cas stabs lucifer. Bet Misha felt good
13x14 Badass Cas. He’s a top. lol 
13x16 ICONIC Cas looks...great. Like, watch it. I would do anything for cartoon!cas
13x19Just cause Cas faced someone who tortured him and it’s made to seem like he should get over it and it pisses me off. But Naomi is so cool so idk I like her but would fight her
13x22 Otherworld Cas is there and Cas just kills himself. He needs therapy. 
13x23 Cas’s face when Dean says yes. Also, family hunting trip yay
14x01 Dadstiel! Also, Cas looks good. 
14x03 Dadstiel.
14x07 Dadstiel. “Losing a son feels different.” And I cry. 
14x08 “because I love you Jack. And Sam and Dean--they love you.” THEY DO LOVE HIM AHHHH! Also, Empty deal is made as an excuse for the writers to do something with Cas later. 
I just realized season 14 is just Cas trying desperately to keep his family together. He’s trying to take care of them and he has the right words to say to everyone but not much happens besides him wanting to be a family man. 
14x14 gay on gay violence lol Also another family hunting trip! 
14x15 Fav episode! I just love Sam & Cas’s dumb chaotic energy in this ahaha! They are best friends damn it!
14x18 Cas is trying desperately to keep his family together and he feels responsible for Mary
14x19 Cas should have been allowed to kick Sam and Dean’s dumb flat asses for locking his baby boy in a box. 
14x20 AHHH
Divorce arc! All of s15 is great! Except you know...19&20 but we ignore that in this house. 
15x03 ICONIC but I will never watch it again
15x06 dude, they really be broken up. Cas kicks ass by himself and he’s fishing and he’s so cute. 
15x09 ICONIC Let him talk, Castiel!
15x11 Cas is THEE best Dad and let’s Jack eat hearts
15x13 Just for the family.
15x15 :(
15x17 Cas working to keep his baby boy
15x18 :( I mean at least he’s out but :(
Okay, this took me all day and I had fun! Nobody is gonna read it but who cares cause I just spent my day thinking of Cas when I had a pretty shit day so thanks, Nonnie! 
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jade-marie · 3 years
Top 10 books fics I read in 2020
Tagged by @sothischickshe
I don’t read books. I’m trash. So have my top 10 fics. These aren’t in any real order, btw.
Finally got round to adding some content to each one. Send word to my family, I died doing this. All the fluffy goodness is hitting me right in the feels😭😭😭
Do not collect $200 by @mrslackles
My OG favourite series. I will talk about this till the cows come home, I will read it over and over again until the day I die. So fucking good. The plot, the characterisation, the angst, the fluff, it just has everything and I fucking love it.
Favourite snippet:
Her touch is so light that Rio shivers and his tongue darts out for a second, meeting two of her fingers, and it makes their eyes meet.
And the look she finds there, god, it’s indescribable – no words, there are no words. Yet she knows what it means. Nobody’s ever told me I’m a good kisser and nobody’s ever touched you like this.
She doesn’t say it aloud but it doesn’t matter, not really. They both know it.
And Beth doesn't know when she falls asleep, only that it's with her palm on his throat and her fingers splayed over his lips.
Lush life by @hereliesbb
Lush life is basically my comfort blanket. I have a bad day, I read it and I’m smiling again. Every time. Without fail. The fluffiest fucking shit I’ve ever read in my life, even the angst is fluffy. I love it so much, I cannot find the words. 
Favourite snippet:
“What?” she asked when she saw he was staring. She looked back in the mirror to make sure she didn’t have anything in her teeth.
“You’re beautiful,” he said and then huffed like he was making fun of himself. Beth felt her face flush and about a hundred thousand butterflies take flight inside of her.
Warm water by @inyoursheets
Angst, yearning, friends to lovers, slow burn AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. Such a good read omg 😫
Favourite snippet:
She kisses him.
Elizabeth. Elizabeth kisses him.
He can’t move—can’t think, not with her up close, her scent overwhelming him, her soft body pressed into him—when she’s already pulling back, jerking to a halt.
And just like that, he’s done. Finished. Can no longer find it in him to keep it up, his carefully crafted indifference, the control he tried to grasp so eagerly. No point guarding it from her any longer, not with those wild, wide eyes peering up at him like he can give her something, here, now.
Good sport by fireinsideforfun
Again, phenominal characterisation. I love the way she portrays their vulnerability. It’s just so so so beautifully written. 
Also, the image of Rio drowning in a pair of ginormous pyjamas makes me feel some shit🤣
 Favourite snippet:
“You’re not going to go rotten on me, are you darlin’?” he quietly asks her.
The question takes her aback, because although his voice is gentle his eyes are speaking volumes, something dark and desolate brewing.
“No. Never,” she says to him and means it.
He scoffs. “How can you know?”
“Because we’ve already been there before,” she says, and she can tell he knows what she’s referring to. “I already tried to get rid of the king and I couldn’t do it. We’ve been through those motions together. It’s done.”
Milkshakes by @emilykolburn
Dad Rio vibes, Rio and babies. Milkshake meetcute. I cannot. Literally so adorable.
Favourite snippet:
Rio was looking her up and down, slowly taking in every inch of her that he could, and she noted that he had that twinkle in his eyes again. When his eyes eventually found hers, he tilted his head to the side a little, tongue running slowly across his bottom lip. The intensity in the eye contact alone made her want to shrink away. She wasn’t used to it, she realised, but the longer they looked into each other’s eyes, and the way the corner of his mouth slowly twitched up into a smirk, she found she liked it.
Irresistible by @wakeupflawless
Highschool au. Enemies to lovers. I eat that shit UP.
Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him down to her for a very public, very dirty kiss.
“Oh, shit,” She heard Pedro say.
For once in his life Rio must have been stunned, because he was frozen against her for a moment. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him and deepening the kiss. The bystanders erupted, she heard hoots and hollers coming from the guys and exclamations of “Oh my God!” from the girls.
“Hey! That’s enough” Called the Vice Principal, “Everyone get to class!”
Beth broke their kiss, panting slightly and grinning ear to ear.
“What was that?” Rio asked, raising his eyebrows.
“So everyone knows I’m hittin’ it,” Beth replied, smirking, “And also to say sorry,”
Love despite by @itsbriology
Dad Rio strikes again. If Lindsay throws in one more big-hand-small-baby-ratio reference... i’m pretty sure my ovaries will explode inside of my body and I’ll die of internal bleeding 🙃🙃🙃
Favourite snippet:
The hiccups lasted longer than he thought, almost to the point he wondered if there wasn’t something else he could do for her. But they eventually slowed and so did her tears, and then he stopped and looked down at her little head full of soft brown hair that had landed on his chest and watched her eyes drift shut again from the pure exhaustion of the near traumatizing event.
“There ya go, sleepy head. See, I told ya.” He laughed down at her as he continued holding her and pushing the cart down the aisle. A little old lady stopped and took in the sight of them.
“Someone’s a good daddy,” She smiled up at him with Jane cozy in his arms and he stopped. The lady looked to be about eighty and probably weighed seventy pounds.
“Uhh, no… this ain’t…” He tried telling her but she interrupted.
“What an adorable little girl you’ve got there.”
The lady looked up at them grinning.“Thank you.” He smiled back, not knowing what else to say in that moment.
Criminology 101 by @sdktrs12
College au. Cars being destroyed. Fluffy shit. Idiots being idiots. LOVE ITTTTT
He moves one hand up to brush her hair out of her face. “Do you trust me?”
I do that’s the whole problem, she wants to scream. She finds herself nodding quietly instead.
“That’s good.” He leans down, presses his lips against her temple in a soft kiss that makes her heart skip a beat.
Beth closes her eyes as she leans into him, giving in and letting herself fall into the dark abyss that is his touch, his smell, his voice.
She’s in so much trouble.
Both sides of the law by @joeyjoeylee
Slow burn. Y E A R N I N G. But they don’t even know they’re yearning. Taking the constant oneupmanship and translating it into a law school setting - genius. So so good.
Favourite snippet:
“Shouldn’t you be at the bar?” She really needed to let Gretchen know some of the staff had a distinct professionalism problem. If, or when, she was in charge of throwing the party next year, she’d have to make sure they did a better job of recruiting the help.
“Was just there, actually.” He wiggled his hand to show her the beer bottle he was holding. “But Gretch got on me ‘bout not having my nametag.”
She was confused and a little scandalized. Was he really drinking on the job? And…”Gretch”? He had to mean Gretchen? Granted, Beth barely knew her, but Gretchen hadn’t seemed like someone who would be on a first name basis with the staff. And why would he have a nametag? Nametags were for the students, and he was just a bartender…
Oh no.
Everything seemed suddenly to be moving very slowly and she seemed to be watching it all unfold from outside her own body.
She watched him lean closer again to reach behind her and pick up the last nametag from the table.
She watched him pluck the Sharpie from her hand and use it to cross out “Christopher” then write “Rio” in big block letters that still managed to look messy.
Then she watched as he made a production of pinning the nametag just so to his lapel, mirroring her, exact and mocking, grinning down at her all the while.
Oh no.
A time to kill @sothischickshe
JUSTICE FOR MICK. And his shirt. Poor bby did not sign up for dealing with these two dumbasses and their dumbassery. Grumpy Rio pov is always a winner in my book. It’s comedy gold.
Favourite snippet:
Jesus, her hair is past lank. He sniffs. “You’re ripe. Go shower, man.”
Elizabeth grumbles incessantly until he agrees she can have coffee first, but he draws a line under a single cup, demanding she hurry.
Rio opens the windows wide as they allow. There’s a distinct scent of manure in the air, but it honestly might be preferable.
“That shirt needs washing too!” he yells from a safe nasal distance.
She literally punts the shirt at him from the bathroom, before slamming then locking the door. The handle vibrates for ages after.
He debates sourcing some tongs to handle the offending item with. When he can’t find any, considers setting fire to it instead. Surely Elizabeth can make herself a dress outta all the hair she incessantly moults over every inch or some shit.
Eventually he chucks it in for a wash with some other bits, holding his nose closed.
Elizabeth’s in the bathroom for fucking ages. He assumes it’s payback for pointing out she stunk, or whatever. But it ain’t cute.
He jiggles the handle, knocks on the door. There’s no response.
“Oi!” Rio shouts. “Hurry up, I gotta piss!” It’s not, strictly speaking, true. But. It could be. Hogging the bathroom’s just rude.
“Go away!” she squawks. Then, “Go outside!”
He keeps it up, and she mostly ignores him. Though when he insinuates she’s taking the world’s longest shit, she does straight up tell him to fuck off.
Tagging @purplemagic @wakeupflawless @00gangfriend00 @joeyjoeylee
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could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on Mick Rory 😍 from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow he's my favorite character (Where he falls in love with the newest member of the team (who's skilled in martial arts, skilled with hacking into computers, and loves to design clothes) after meeting and befriending her new teammates: Sara, Ray, Nate, Zari, Charlie, and John Constantine. The reader was aware that rory has a crush on her when he flirts with her a bit, the team didn't know that the reader had a genetic power called: Replication (that allows her to clone herself), rory was hoping to ask the reader out and also steal her first kiss after easedropping on the reader and sara telling her that she never had her first kiss)!
(The reader's a vegetarian, loves to read and it's always been her dream to be a fashion designer, she doesn't drink: wine, beer, liquor, or, alcohol of any kind. her favorite flowers are blue orchids, and her favorite color is blue. she lived in Lynchburg, va before joining the legends)!
okie dokie it took a few days but i have it, i tried to fit everything you asked for in and i hope it’s okay!
mick rory x reader, no warnings apply
Prompts: mick rory in love with reader, reader is: martial arts/fashion design/hacking trained, rory flirts w reader, she has replication and nobody knew, she tells ava and sara she’s never had her first kiss and rory overhears and wants to ask her out, reader is vego and bookaholic, doesn’t drink, likes blue and blue orchids, lived in lynchburg virgina.
You were two months into your most recent career, and every day you considered yourself grateful. Your whole life, you wanted nothing more than to be part of a team or a family, and accomplish something wonderful. You had wanted to be a fashion designer since you were young, but your attempts hadn’t yet reached the heights you craved.
You wanted it all, and little did you know it was possible to have everything at the same time. You had been helping Gideon write period accurate designs into her program, adding your own details and revelling in the compliments you received. They were kind people, more so than anyone you had met in your other careers. 
And yet, you still had secrets that you tried your best to hide from the team. You were brought on with several recommendations, and the reasons why was only a resume. Accomplishments you had worked harder than anything to achieve lay on a few pieces of paper, but you knew there were still things to be done, and to see.
Time travel seemed a good way to do and see it all, but you weren’t expecting them all to be so accommodating. Although you first thought of some of the crew a little more rigid, you made friends with them all quickly, but tried to stay out of the way of the more quiet one they had warned you about.
They called him grumpy or rigid, a criminal even, but he barely spoke to you, only a few grumbles or glances. Still, he seemed nice enough, once tossing you a blue coat when the ship’s AC was broken. You had insisted you help Zari fix it, and she finally gave in, only the pair of you working together finally fixing it. 
You tried to give him the jacket back, but he looked away and mumbled “Keep it”. You wondered if he’d overheard your favourite colour was blue, or maybe it was just coincidence.
Seated in the kitchen, you were reading as Ava and Sara entered. Joking around with each other, they greeted you with matching mile wide grins. Sara started playing with the food fabricator as Ava joined you at the table.
‘Hey, Y/N, wanna weigh in on a discussion Sara and I are having?’
You lowered your book, morbidly curious. ‘That depends, do I get kicked off the ship if I side with the wrong captain?’
Sara turned to shrug, ‘I won’t, but Ava might. We’ll decide later.’
You were now concerned more than curious, but figured why not, surely it was a reasonable discussion. 
‘So, Aves and I were watching tv and making out, you know, like people do,’ Sara started, ignoring the embarrassed sigh from Ava, ‘and suddenly, I hear this noise-’
You grimaced, and Sara stopped, waiting for you to say what was hanging on your tongue. ‘I can’t weigh in.’
‘Why not?’ Ava asked, absentmindedly rubbing Sara’s shoulder.
Wishing more than anything you could have what they did, you glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. ‘I haven’t… kissed anyone.’
‘What, in like a while, or…?’ Sara started, shutting up as your cheeks grew red. ‘Oh…’
Maybe you should have checked the hallways before saying something so loudly, as they weren’t exactly empty. Mick had overheard, and quickly disappeared before he could be spotted eavesdropping.
The following weeks, Mick seemed to speak more per day than he had your entire time on the ship. After a mission to Assam in the 1800s, you returned to your room to find a blue orchid taped to the door, one that you had mentioned in passing about being your favourite to Zari and Nate.
You looked for the culprit in the halls, but whoever it was seemed to be long gone. It made your heart buzz, and you quickly hid in your room as your powers began to override you. Replication, your doctor had called it, and you couldn’t think of a more fitting name.
Your body quickly split in half, followed by three more splits. You tried to calm yourself and rejoin, but each part of you was as excited and energetic as the last. Bursting from your room, all but your original form spread out across the ship ins search of stimulation.
One ran to the gym, practising the martial arts skills you’d been gaining since childhood, and another for the library, to study up on all the monstrous and mysterious missions you’d missed in the years the Legends had run prior to your addition. You couldn’t keep track of where they had all gone, but you collapsed in exhaustion, only hoping no one saw more than one of you together.
Mick mumbled over and over to himself as he paced the halls, stopping short as he saw you run from the laundry down the hall, frowning and starting to head after you. Quick footsteps sounded behind him, making him turn, only to see you again, but running from the library to the kitchen.
He growled and spun around to follow you again, when another you appeared to the side and vanished before his eyes. ‘Y/N, I don’t like tricks,’ he hissed, but you weren’t there to calm his anger.
Mick appeared at your door, pounding hard with the side of his fist. Some of your replicants had returned to the host body, but you were still down one, and answering your door right now was something you didn’t know if you had the strength to do. And yet, you did it anyway.
‘Hi, Mick,’ you smiled, exhaustion plainly clear on your face. ‘How can I help you? Did your typewriter ribbon get caught again?’
He growled a response, and you smiled kindly at him, but your eyes widened at the sight of yourself standing behind him.
‘Gotta go!’ you grinned, quickly shutting your door and barricading it with your body. A soft knock sounded then, and you hoped it was yourself.
Opening it, you swallowed heavily as Mick still stood there. He seemed to have a strange look on his face, and your eyes trailed down to see his hand tightly holding a clump of blue orchids.
‘You’re from Virginia, yeah?’ he queried, forcing a smile as you nodded curiously. ‘I had a mission to break at least ten laws there, maybe you can help.’
Positive that wasn’t what he came there for, you gestured to the flowers. ‘You brought me flowers to ask if I wanna help you break laws?’
He tightened his fist around the flowers and finally blurted the true reason he was there, and the air immediately softened. ‘I uh… wanted to take you to dinner.’
‘That’s what I said. You don’t have to drink, I know you don’t do that,’ he said, not even remotely tripping on his words, and his grumble was reduced to only a light grizzle.
You were stumped to say the least, and only when your last replicant returned to your body did you realise that the whole time you had been onboard the WaveRider, Mick had been flirting with you. He was asking you out, and you were about to say yes, until you realised he had just seen your powers.
‘Mick, wait, I can explain-’
‘No need, I’m caught up,’ he muttered, holding out the flowers. ‘So, dinner or breaking the law?’
taglist: @marvelfansince08love @mymarvelwomen @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @monihaswritersblock @natasharomanoffswife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
the descent into hell isn’t easy
s1 ep 2
so i got 2 notes on my last post so imma keep going
did simon just compare jace to mick jagger?!? HA!
did clary just say that she thinks jocelyn is at the center of their war?!? WhAt? look, i get that this girl wants to find her mom, but assuming that the entire shadowhunter race (also they call themselves a race) is fighting over her mom is just... idek what to call it? Arrogance? Naïveté?
also did noone think to bring the body inside?
i swear alec is so done with jace and his mundanes. his entire thing is just ‘another one?’
i’m sorry, i think my eyes just rolled down the back of my skull with the whole ‘best friends’ thing. 
can i just point out that matthew daddario is just watching isabell flirt with simon with such amusement? it’s adorable.
my god, i forgot that they torture their tutor to get info on the circle. i know hodge deserves this later, but seriously, how could clace do that?
‘i hate to make you suffer like this.’ are y’all serious? she’s borderline torturing this guy for info. somehow she makes me angrier by apologising. 
also this kinda thing is so classic. ofc none of them know their own violent history. did no-one bother to find out growing up? i hate to say this but if clary’s right about one thing, it’s the insanity behind not knowing their own history.
also, this scene is one of the first that made me sorta dislike clary. rewatching it just makes me angrier.
‘what is a g. i. joe?’ them not knowing clary and simon’s pop culture references is the funniest. refer to mick jagger above
also where the hell was she planning to go? and clary’s explanation of what a g.i. joe is is kinda off. i always assumed a g. i. joe was like an all-american hero (see steve rogers)
yikes! clary stepped on mom issues. i have no empathy/sympathy for her, she needs to calm down
‘in the shadow world, no training and no plan gets you killed’ - the first sane thing i’ve heard jace say all season.
kay, jace has got to be some kinda genius to go from ‘my memory’s blank’ to ‘your memory’s been wiped’. my memory goes blank all the time. i don’t remember what i had for dinner last night.
one more implausible thing, how doesn’t she know what a warlock is? i mean she’s 18, it’s 2016, has she not heard of Harry Potter, or LOTR for that matter? she’s simon’s best friend, she has to have come across it at some point in time.
kay, first of all, we all saw dot fall through a window about maybe 10 ft high, crack her neck on a fence and fall on the pavement. how is she still alive? 
also, i know luke’s meant to be a good guy and all, but he literally just treated dot like crap considering all she’s been through. and insinuating that she can’t be trusted when he himself was a circle member is just plain discrimination. 
also, she gets it. ‘if anyone can help, it’s magnus bane’. i get it, my baby is super powerful, but please don’t get him killed. i can already sense the magnus bane sass™️
izzy’s so pretty! and her hair is flawless. but the way she says ‘he’s the ultimate protector’, i just can’t
btw, love the inclusion of the ‘izzy can’t cook’ gag from the books. but kinda implausible that she can make porridge but completely burns toast. nvm, the porridge looks nasty (sorry, iz, i still love you though, bad porridge and all)
can i just ask that if jocelyn fray’s real name is fairchild, why would searching her pseudonym come up as restricted? also, hodge very conveniently forgot to tell them that jocelyn was married to valentine or that her real name was fairchild. that’s just sloppy.
also luke’s friendship with his boss is so pleasing to watch (terrible phrasing i know) i mean so often female captains are seen as these stoic, always angry and fierce officers with terrible relationships with their underlings. it’s nice to see her joking around with a colleague. 
clary’s uncomfortability with izzy’s clothing is canon, but she’s basically wearing a camisole. it’s a lot less revealing that izzy’s regular clothes. at least there’s no slutshaming! plus she’s gonna be wearing a jacket on top, but ofc everyone’s comfort levels are different.
I’m so glad that Clary and Izzy are both so positive towards each other. I mean compared to the books, not that bad
‘do you know how to fight demons?’ to ‘i’m an internet search away.’ simon’s the best. 😍😍
i mean, who in their right mind would approve the mission? sure, they’re not teenagers, but they’re messing with Valentine, for crying out loud. besides, we all know how much the clave prioritises down and out warlocks.
‘little girl’
‘clave thing,’ someone needs to educate this selfish matchstick. first of all, she can’t expect alec to turn his back on the clave, they need the clave’s resources to keep the institute running. second of all, she doesn’t really need to go. think about it, if alec, jace and izzy can track down a shapeshifter to a nightclub, they can handle a warlock. besides, she’d just be dead weight anyway. i just hate that clary doesn’t get better than this.
haha, alec’s salt kills me. ‘well, since you have all the answers...’ 
oh, so she’s not gonna explain the vision giving gemstone lolling around her neck? fuuun
‘you were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me right?’ alec’s smile aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i love one grumpy cat smile so much. also this is like his first smile in the 2 eps
sorry, but magnus’s face when dot grabs his arm, just like ‘bitch who do you think you are?’ 
instant priorities people. see, magnus understands the concepts of ‘risk’, ‘danger’ and ‘consequences’, unlike one matchstick i won’t name. (“I’ve been busy trying to save our people from certain death”)
hahaha, the foreshadowing -> “are you really gonna risk your life for a shadowhunter?” - this is why magnus is my fave.
okay, couple really weird things i have to point out. first off, clary sucks at running. i get that running in heels is hard, i can’t even walk in them, but i can’t believe that the entire institute doesn’t have one good pair of sneakers. second, alec is just walking in the back, that’s how slow they’re going. third, are they seriously just following clary around the club on some strange whim instead of attacking the club strategically? 
but seriously, her running though. her arms are just waggling around. seriously, guys, sneakers.
kay, clary is way too hyper right now. alec never said they were giving up, just that it wasn’t safe and they had to get back to the institute. which is absolutely true, if circle members are after dot in pandemonium, they’re probably in the vicinity
im sorry, but watching alec and izzy know exactly what jace is planning with the silent brothers and in sync just going ‘jace, no’
‘a process that can also kill you, so there’s that.’ i mean, what’s the downside?
‘your bedside manner is abysmal’ - kay, i’m still kinda pissed off rn so that’s probably coming across here, but dude, you are both adults and she needs to know the risks involved. how tf was he supposed to say that...not abysmally? sorry, im a big alec defender. i think its an older sibling thing.
wait, 18 rules? damn, jace has to have like a record or something. i reckon 18′s probably exaggerating. i’d guess at 10, maybe 12.
hold up, he’s asking clary to decide whether she should get her memories wrenched out of her by the silent brothers w/o knowing the risks involved? not a sound decision.
why is she so fucking smug towards alec? it’s kinda hard to see at first, you have to replay it a couple times. maybe it’s just me cuz im writing this late at night but her attitude towards alec really gets under my skin.
also, i think satan is on simon’s van. that’s not at all disconcerting
also, why is this all happening at night? and wasn’t isabelle making breakfast before? 
‘are you kidding? i was born afraid.’ first of all, mood. second of all, proof why simon is my child.
tbh, i really wanted to see a better brotherhood between jace and alec. like, it is still better than in the books, where jace practically ignores alec’s existence until he gets injured by Abaddon. (a moment i wish was in the tv show, but too complicated, i understand.) but i think in this scene, where they discuss the steps they’re taking, you kind of see the chemistry between them. well, not really chemistry, maybe more just their relationship. 
first off, alec tries explaining to jace that even though clary’s made the decision, they’re responsible for her wellbeing, something that isn’t in the book. i really appreciate this bit, primarily because you see why alec is so fussy about missions. as the season progresses, you see the kind of pressures that are on him, something that makes me hate clary all the more
second, jace counters this by giving him the bigger picture. this is a step they need to take to find valentine. i think that’s something the books don’t give you either. you kinda start seeing that without jace, alec gets stuck on the minor details i.e. rules, stipulations etc. and without alec, jace wouldn’t be able to calculate the risks of each decision, which i think is key to understanding them as parabatai.
third, alec’s soft little ‘you were never a stray’ tugs at my heartstrings every time. jace really is family to them, a brother for them and i love that he sort of forces that down; that despite their last names, despite their bloodlines, they will always be brothers, a sentiment i absolutely adore
haha, jace c*ckblocking simon since 2016
i’m still not over the notion that valentine is holed up in chernobyl, of all places. i am really glad though that they didn’t follow the trope of the US being like the only country in the world, or New York being the only city on the planet.
did i mention how confused i am that dot is still alive?
yeah, did not miss jace’s arrogance
‘kay despite the fact that i hate everything about her, i have to commend clary on how much she loves her mom. i mean, i know a lot of people who wouldn’t do the same. and despite the fact that jocelyn lied to her for 12 years (based on what she tells magnus later on) she’s still willing to do whatever it takes.
‘you’re clary freaking fray, you can do anything.’ cue alec eye-rolling in the back. look, it’s not that i have anything against simon and clary being vocal about their bff status, it’s just that a) i would never talk to my best friend like that and b) it is thoroughly making me cringe
kay, i’ve rewatched this scene a dozen times and here’s what i noticed
‘i have seen every horror movie ever and the funny best friend who gets left behind...dead man’
cue isabelle laughing
jace: you’re not that funny
alec is just so done with these f*cking mundanes. “the rune energy will kill any mundane that dares to enter, so please.” motions for the mundie to keep going. 
kay, before i keep going, i’ve noticed this post is going on for a bit, and re-reading, i feel like i have to clarify why i dislike jace’s arrogance but not alec’s. i think it’s mainly because jace’s arrogance stems from a need to be superior to others, which is common with victims of child abuse, or so i’ve read. knowing this makes it a little harder to hate him, but this kind of behaviour, while is justifiable, often leads to them tearing down another person’s self-worth, which you can kind of see in the books. alec’s arrogance mainly stems from being exhausted from dealing with other people’s bullshit, which i can’t really dislike. i’m an older sibling myself, so i kinda know what he goes through dealing with siblings and such. you’ll see with the next point.
‘talk about sacrifice, i’m missing a financial analysis class.’ first off, what kind of class starts in the middle of the night? second, i’d rather be in the city of bones than in financial analysis. third, i feel alec’s exasperation.
‘yeah, i can’t be around this, so imma mind the perimeter.’ *gestures to simon’s entire body*
i dunno why clary’s hugging simon like that, it’s not like he’s the one going down there. i’m gonna move on before i overanalyse and come up with more ways why i don’t like clary
izzy keeps making simon uneasy and I LIVE FOR THESE MOMENTS
aight, imma keep it honest, i skipped the whole city of bones/clace section the first time cuz they’re so boring. but it’s pretty much just jace making stupid jokes and clary being kinda whiny.
‘looking better in black than the widows of our enemies.’ a line that lives rent-free in my head.
also, he keeps saying she’s a shadowhunter now, but she hasn’t done much shadowhunting. she doesn’t even know what the clave is
aand now they’re holding hands. great. very professional y’all.
silent brothers. looking creepy since the dawn of nephilim. but for my book stans, where’s brother smackariah?
imma be honest, i feel bad for the silent brothers. i mean, they’ve devoted themselves completely to the shadowhunter profession, mutilated themselves for the attainment of knowledge, and yet, the first thing that comes to mind is fear instead of admiration. yikers.
“if you are not strong enough, the soul sword will kill you.” this show needs to stop getting my hopes up
“it literally never stops talking.” i love alec with all my heart.
i know i shouldn’t but it’s so funny that they keep referring to simon as ‘it’
“my father is valentine.” cue matchstick running. 
alec is the only sane person on this team. how is he the only one that doubts clary’s loyalty? i mean, i’ll admit he could have phrased it better, but book!Alec is canon for being straightforward so i’m shrugging it off. jace should’ve been a leetle understanding and for once, i think clary’s reaction towards alec was justified. finding out she’d valentine’s daughter, and then being accused of espionage isn’t a fortunate series of events. but alec is correct in his own right. as head of the institute, he needs to make sure. again, he’s always mindful of the consequences behind his actions. even when simon is kidnapped, he doesn’t act rashly, even though no-one would blame him for sticking an arrow through Raphael for kidnapping Simon. (don’t get me wrong, i love raphael.) but he doesn’t, keeping the accords in mind. they’d all be screwed if they broke the law, and alec would be held responsible.
that’s all folks. tune in tomorrow for episode 3
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Cold As Ice
The Flash Captain Cold stars in: Cold As Ice
Dramatis Personae
Captain Cold, the pragmatic, constantly grumpy leader of the Rogues, alias Leonard Snart
Pied Piper, a Robin Hood-esque thief, alias Hartley Rathaway
Heat Wave, the dimwitted but surprisingly friendly pyromaniac, alias Mick Rory
Iris Allen, the daredevil reporter who is also the wife of Barry Allen
Mirror Master II, an extremely odd, extremely Scottish criminal, alias Evan McCulloch
Act I
(Captain Cold is onstage. Enter Heat Wave)
Heat Wave: Captain Cold! It’s so good to see ya! (Hugs Cold)  
Captain Cold: Two words, Mick: Personal. Space.
Heat Wave: Oh. Sorry, boss. I just got excited. (Releases Cold)  It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Are you okay, buddy? Where’ve you been?
Captain Cold: Mainly, the prison infirmary. Got double pneumonia, and somethin’ called septic shock along with it, so I was in there for like a month. And then my ulcer started actin’ up again, so I was there for even longer. And THEN I had appendicitis on top of everything else. So, long story short, I was stuck in there until last week, and I only escaped two days ago.
Heat Wave: Oh, so THAT’s why I couldn’t find you!
Captain Cold: Yeah, that would probably be why. (Pause) What happened while I was out? I spent most of my time in the infirmary coughing, vomiting, or unconscious, so I wasn’t able to keep track of nothing.
Heat Wave: Well, the Trickster’s back in town, Captain Boomerang’s broken leg is healed, and your sister and the Top are in Hawaii for the fifth anniversary of their first date.
Captain Cold: WHAT? Heat Wave: Don’t worry, boss. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.
Captain Cold: That’s not what I’m worried about.
Heat Wave: Then what are you worried about? It’s not like they’re chasing tornadoes or anything.
Captain Cold: I’m worried about what that stuck-up snob might do to my baby sister when I’m not there to protect her. He thinks people like us are trash, and it would be just like him to decide that she’s not worthy of his affections and dump her. I don’t want her to get hurt like that.
(Enter Pied Piper)
Heat Wave: Boss, the Top wouldn’t do that. He’s our friend.
Captain Cold: No, he ain’t. He’s an arrogant creep who thinks he’s better than us.
Heat Wave: If you say so, boss. (Notices Piper) Boss, look who’s here! It’s the Pied Piper! I’ve been trying to find him for weeks! (To Piper) Hiya, little buddy!
Pied Piper: (Slightly surprised) Hello, Mick. It’s a pleasure to see you.
Heat Wave: How are you? Pied Piper: Homeless. Again. You see, I was going to get a nice little cottage in the suburbs somewhere, but then I ran into a very pregnant woman whose husband had just lost his job, so I had to give her some money, and then I met a poor little boy who really wanted a football, so I bought it for him, and then I stumbled upon a youth center that was about to close for lack of funds, so I gave them some money, and then I met a really nice old lady who needed an operation that she couldn’t afford, so I gave her some money, and then I heard about a flood in India, and so I had to donate some money to that cause, and then I met a family with a little girl who needed a wheelchair, so I gave her some money, and then I was broke, so I couldn’t buy the cottage.
Heat Wave: I can give you some money, little buddy.
Captain Cold: Don’t bother. He’ll just give that away, too. (To Piper) Kid, how many times do we have to go over this? You ain’t rich no more. If you don’t wanna be homeless, you have to keep some of the money you steal for  yourself.
Pied Piper: I can’t do that! I spent the first twenty years of my life in palatial luxury. If I’m going without now, it’s only fair. My family has utterly ignored the plight of the poor in this city, and if I have to be homeless to make things right, so be it!
Captain Cold: You’re crazy. (Pause) When was the last time you ate, kid? You’re so thin I can see your ribs!
Pied Piper: Um ...three days ago? I think?
Captain Cold: Three days ago? Are you tryin’ to kill yourself? You ain’t used to bein’ cold and hungry. If you keep this up, one of these days the Flash is gonna be arresting your corpse!
Heat Wave: The boss is right, little buddy. It ain’t healthy to starve yourself to help people.
Pied Piper: I wasn’t planning to not eat for three days. It just happened.
Captain Cold: Then plan better, you idiot!
Heat Wave: (pulls out granola bar) Here, little buddy.
Pied Piper: Thank you, Mick. (Takes bar, eats ravenously) Do you have more? Heat Wave: No...but I can take you to lunch with me.
Pied Piper: That would be nice….
Heat Wave: Okay! Then let’s go eat! I’ve found a really great new barbeque chicken place!
Captain Cold: And by really great, you mean “full of chicken so spicy that no normal person can eat it”.
Heat Wave: Oh, yeah. I didn’t think about that. (Pause) Okay, how about we go to Steak ‘n’ Shake? I love their sandwiches.  
Captain Cold: After three months of eating the stuff they give you in the infirmary? That’d be good. They have some great milkshakes.
Pied Piper: Right now, I’m so hungry that I could probably eat dog food. I’m happy with anything that won’t make my mouth catch on fire.
Heat Wave: Okay, then let’s go! I can’t wait to talk with you guys and catch you up on what you’ve missed while you were gone!
Act II
(Iris is onstage)
Iris: I’ll say this for being a superhero’s wife-it gets you the best stories! Unless I miss my guess, the information Animal Man gave me will get me on the front page. Why, this is the biggest government cover-up since Watergate! Just wait until Barry hears about this! He’ll be so proud! Maybe it’ll even cheer him up a bit. (Pause) Poor Barry. He just hasn’t been the same since Abra Kadabra stole his super speed. I hope Wally’s mission to get it back is successful, because he feels so bad about not being able to help people as the Flash. (Pause) Oh, well. Worrying about it won’t help, so I’ll just go back to my investigation. Watch out, bad guys-Iris Allen is on your case!
(Enter Evan McCulloch, the second Mirror Master)
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan, Mrs. Allen?
Iris: (Spins around) Who are you? And how did you get in here?
Evan McCulloch: My name is Evan; Evan McCulloch. As for your second question: well, I’ll give you a wee hint: it’s all done with mirrors.
Iris: With mirrors? (Pause) You’re a Mirror Master, aren’t you?
Evan McCulloch: Mirror Master? That’s a well good name, but up until now it wasnae mine.
Iris: But you can use mirrors as weapons or for transportation?
Evan McCulloch: Aye. Wasnae aware doing that came with a title.
Iris: My husband’s a superhero, and he fights a criminal named Sam Scudder, who calls himself the Mirror Master. By all appearances, you’re using his tech, but the only people who have access to any of it-besides Scudder himself, unfortunately-work for the government.
Evan McCulloch: Aye. How do ye think I got ahold of it?
Iris: You work for the government?
Evan McCulloch: Officially, nae. They’ve made it well clear that if I get lifted, they’ll deny that they had anything tae do with me.
Iris: So you’re working for the government.
Evan McCulloch: They’re paying me, aye. Ye see, in Glasgow, I had a reputation for making people's ...problems… disappear, and apparently your government decided that I’d be useful in making their problems disappear.
Iris: And I’m a problem? Evan McCulloch: Aye. Certain members of your government will be in big trouble if ye reveal what they’ve been up tae, so they told me to make sure that ye cannae tell anyone about what ye’ve found.
Iris: My husband and nephew are superheroes. If anything happens to me, you’ll answer for it.
Evan McCulloch: Calmy doony. I’m nae here tae kill ye. I’m nae saint, but I’m nae going to kill a woman, especially nae tae keep a secret that will come out anyway.
Iris: Then why are you here?
Evan McCulloch: Tae warn ye. I’m nae the only dangerous man on their payroll. They need ye silenced, so when I refused to kill ye, they sent another man.
Iris : Forgive me if I’m less than convinced that your intentions are benevolent.  
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. But I’d still advise ye tae come with me.
Iris: I’m licensed to carry a gun. I think that I can handle myself now that I’m forewarned.
Evan McCulloch: Not against the man they’re sending. I’m nae the only one they gave well dangerous technology, ye ken?
Iris: Is that so? Then I think I’ll borrow this! (Grabs mirror and disappears)
Evan McCulloch: Jings! She’s clever, isnae she? (Shakes head) I’d better follow her. She’s brave, but she does nae ken what’s after her.
(Exit Evan)
(Pied Piper, Heat Wave, and Captain Cold are onstage)
Heat Wave: Are you feeling better, little buddy?
Pied Piper: Yes, and thank you.
Heat Wave: You’re welcome. (Pause) By the way, do you know when Golden Glider and the Top are coming back from their vacation?
Pied Piper: Wait. You didn’t hear?
Heat Wave: Hear what?
Pied Piper: The Top and Golden Glider never went on vacation. They’ve been in Central City the whole time. James even told me that he, Sam, and Mark did a heist with the Top.
Heat Wave: They’re still in Central City?
Pied Piper: It seems that way, yes.
Captain Cold: Then where’s my sister?
Pied Piper: That’s the thing: no one knows. James said that he never saw her-although he does think that the Top knows where she is.
Captain Cold: If he’s hurt her, I’ll kill him!
Pied Piper: Captain Cold, the Top worships your sister. He would never hurt her.
Captain Cold: Then where is she, and why isn’t she with him?
Heat Wave: You know, boss, just because your sister’s not in our immediate line of sight doesn’t mean that she’s in trouble. She can take care of herself. After all, up until a few years ago, we only saw her a few times a year.
Captain Cold: She wasn’t dating the Top or a member of the Rogues until a few years ago either.
Heat Wave: So, uh, why don’t you just call her if you’re that worried about her, boss?
Captain Cold: Don’t be stupid, Mick. (Long pause) Hey, I’ve got it! I can just call Lisa and make sure she’s okay!
Heat Wave: You’re so smart, boss.
Pied Piper: Wait...didn’t you just say that Mick was being stupid for suggesting that idea?
Captain Cold: We’ll talk about it later. (Pulls out phone, dials number. Pause) Lisa! Hi! It’s so good to hear from you! (Pause) I was in the prison infirmary. I had double pneumonia, septic shock, and appendicitis. Oh, and my ulcer acted up some, too. What have you been doing? (Pause) You’re doing what? Why? (Pause) He’s sick, too? What are the odds? Do you know what his problem is? Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh. Yes, I’m sure you’ll get whatever it is he needs to get better. (Pause) No, I don’t want him dead. I hate his guts, but for some mysterious reason he makes you happy, so I want him to stay alive. (Pause) Have you been feeling all right? Has anyone tried to hurt you? No? Good. (Pause) Are you sure ? (Pause) Okay, okay, I’ll stop asking. Good luck, little sis. I love you. Good-bye. (Puts phone away) My little sister’s a genius.
Heat Wave: Where’s she been?
Captain Cold: Apparently, her snob of a boyfriend is dying, and the only cure is at CCPD headquarters, so she’s posing as a police scientist named Patty Spivot in order to steal it. She’s even befriended Barry Allen! I’m so proud of her.
Heat Wave: Aww, that’s adorable! I always knew that little Lisa was one smart cookie.
(Iris appears in the background, then disappears again)
Pied Piper: So, um, now that we’ve finished eating, are we going to do something, or are we just going to go our separate ways?
Captain Cold: I’m not going to lead a heist today, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m still too far behind on recent events right now.
(Enter Evan McCulloch)
Evan McCulloch: Have any of ye seen a bonny woman with red hair around here?
Captain Cold: Who are you? And where did you come from?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have time for that right now! I need tae make sure that a hitman does nae kill a woman named Iris Allen!
Pied Piper: Iris Allen? The wife of the Flash?
Evan McCulloch: Aye, that’s the one.
Captain Cold: AGGH! (Collapses)
Heat Wave: Boss, what’s wrong?
Captain Cold: I ...I think it’s my ulcer. My stomach is-ARGH!-killing me!
Heat Wave: Bros befores wives of heroes, random guy! I’ve gotta get my boss to the hospital, so we can’t help you save Iris. Sorry. I’ll buy you dinner later to make up for it if you want.
Captain Cold: I’m-UGH!-fine, Heat Wave!
Heat Wave: No, you’re not, boss. You just collapsed, and you’re obviously in pain. We are going to the hospital.
Pied Piper: Can you get him to the hospital without me?
Heat Wave: Yeah. Why?
Pied Piper: Because Iris Allen is an amazing woman who definitely deserves my help.
Heat Wave: I guess I can get Captain Cold to the hospital on my own. So yeah, if you wanna go help the Flash’s wife, I guess you can.
Pied Piper: Great. (To Evan) I’ll help you.
Evan McCulloch: Ah’m glad for your help, wee man in green. Now brace yourself. Traveling through Wonderland is well tricky at first.
Pied Piper: What’s Wonderla-AAAH!
(Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper disappear)
Heat Wave: (Pulls out phone and dials) Hello? Operator? My friend needs an ambulance…
Act IV
(Enter Pied Piper and Evan McCulloch)
Pied Piper: Could you give me a little warning the next time you pull me through the Mirror Realm?
Evan McCulloch: The Mirror Realm? Is that what ye call Wonderland?
Pied Piper: No, it’s what the Mirror Master calls “Wonderland”. How did you get ahold of his  technology, anyway? And who are you?
Evan McCulloch: Evan. Evan McCulloch. I was given the tech by members of the US Government who are buried so deep in a scandal they’ll do anything tae keep it covered. They hired me tae kill Iris Allen, but I refused, so I dinnae think they’re still paying me. In fact, if I’m nae careful, they might try tae off me tae cover all their loose ends. Who are ye?
Pied Piper: I’m the Pied Piper, one of the Rogues. The other two men you saw with me are Heat Wave, another member of the group, and Captain Cold, our leader.
Evan McCulloch: Rogues?
Pied Piper: Yes. We’re a group of thieves who work together to fight the Flash.
Evan McCulloch: What sort of thieves are so concerned about each others’ health that they’ll call ambulances for each other?
Pied Piper: I don’t know. What sort of hired gun refuses to kill a target and then goes out of his way to warn her about the planned assassination?
Evan McCulloch: Point taken, laddie. I’d like tae be in a group like that. I have nae been able tae trust anyone since I left Mrs. McCulloch, and it’d be nice tae not have tae watch my back all the time, ye ken?
Pied Piper: You abandoned your wife?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have a wife. Mrs. McCulloch ran the orphanage where I grew up. She’s the closest thing I have tae a mother.
Pied Piper: My apologies.
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. Ye didn’t ken.
Pied Piper: Well, if you really want to join the Rogues, you’ll probably have to ask Captain Cold. He’s the one who makes the final decisions about who becomes a member of the group. (Pause) Oh, and you’ll also have to come up with a supervillain name.
Evan McCulloch: Oh, I’ve already got one. I can be the Mirror Master.
Pied Piper: I don’t think Sam will like that. It’s bad enough that you’re using his gear. I don’t think he’d take very kindly to you taking his name, too.
Evan McCulloch: Then I’ll call myself Mirror Master II.
Pied Piper: That would probably just make him angrier.
Evan McCulloch: Well, if he makes a fuss aboot it, I’ll just punch him.
Pied Piper: (Aside) If nothing else, he’ll fit in well. (To Evan) Why don’t we talk more about potential names later?
Evan McCulloch: That would be fine, aye.
Pied Piper: Good. So where do you think Iris is going?
(Enter Iris)
Iris: Hello, Evan. Hello, Pied Piper. What are you doing here?
Pied Piper: I’m helping Evan rescue you, I think.
Iris: That’s sweet of you, Hartley, but I don’t need rescuing. Thanks to the Mirror Gun, I took out my would-be assassin, and Jay’s taking him to jail right now. Now I just need to finish writing my article, and I can put this whole mess behind me.
Pied Piper: Well, I’m very glad you’re alright, Mrs. Allen. Good luck with your expose. I’m sure it will have the high quality of all your work.
Iris: Thanks, Piper.
Evan McCulloch: (Aside) If she defeated that assassin, we’d better get oot of here before she defeats us, tae. After all, we aren’t exactly innocent ourselves. (Aloud) In that case, my work here is doon. Ta! (Evan grabs the Mirror Gun, then grabs Piper, and both disappear)
Iris: Looks like I’d better tell Barry, Wally, and Jay that the Rogues have a new member. Hmmm ...that could actually be a story all on its own! If I play my cards right, I could have two award winning stories and help defeat two separate groups of bad guys all from one investigation. This is awesome! I love it when I help my loved ones bring justice. (Pause) I should probably get back home, though. Those stories aren’t going to write themselves!
 (Exit Iris)
Act V
(Captain Cold is lying down onstage; Heat Wave is standing by him)
Heat Wave: You feeling better, boss?
Captain Cold: A little. I can’t believe that my stupid ulcer put me in the hospital twice in less than three months!
Heat Wave: Maybe it’s all the stress in your life. I’ve heard that stress makes ulcers worse, and your job is really stressful. Maybe you should take a vacation.
Captain Cold: And let the Top run the Rogues into the ground? Not a chance.
Heat Wave: It wouldn’t have to be for very long ...just a couple of days, maybe.
Captain Cold: I’m not taking a vacation, and that’s final!
Heat Wave: I guess you know best, boss. If you don’t want to take a vacation, you don’t have to.
(Enter Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper)
Pied Piper: Hello, Mick. Hello, Captain Cold.
Heat Wave: Hi, little buddy! How’d the rescue go?
Pied Piper: As it turned out, she rescued herself, so our presence turned out to be completely superfluous. That being said, I think I did find us a potential new member of the Rogues. His name is Evan McCulloch, and he wants to be part of a group that he knows will have his back.
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan?
Heat Wave: Hi, Evan! I’m Heat Wave, but you can call me Mick Rory. Where are you from?
Evan McCulloch: Glasgow, Scotland. The city of culture!
Heat Wave: Oh, so that’s why you sound so funny. (To Captain Cold) Can he stay, Captain Cold? Please? He’s funny sounding, and I like him.
Captain Cold: I can see that you have Mirror Master’s gear. The original is one of my best friends, and I don’t think he’d like you using his tech. That being said, my health hasn’t been great lately, so we could probably use another guy with his powers in the case of an emergency. (Pause) All right, Scostman, you’re in…...but you’re on probation until I say otherwise.
Evan McCulloch: That’s good eno for me, Captain Cold.
Captain Cold: In that case, your first job is to help me find the other Rogues. When we face the Flashes next, I want to be as well prepared as possible.
Pied Piper: Well, if everything is all right here, then I will be going. You know where to find me if you need me, and this city has a lot of people who need my help.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Idea for the Mick series, you haven't told anyone yet about your relationship and he gets jealous at a party. Aka he is once again an adorable grumpy boy 🤣
Part 3. Best friends to lovers MASTERLIST
Anyone knew yet because you wanted to take it slow and be careful. You knew each other since you were kids and your friendship was something both of you highly valued. You wanted to take a step at a time and for the moment your relationship with Mick was still just friends discovering how a relationship between them could be. It wasn't much different, you still did the same things during the whole day. The only difference was that you would hide for hours embracing each other and enjoying a few kisses (which sometimes became long make-out sessions).
You were at a party after another GP. Everyone around the paddock knew you and you had pretty good friends, some of them being also drivers.
You were at the bar waiting for your drink and keeping an eye on Mick, who looked exceptionally good that day. Suddenly, you felt someone on the bar next to you.
"Ey, YN. How are you?" "Charles! Hi. Pretty good, and you?" "Good too"
You talked to Charles for a while and when you both got your drinks, you went back to where Mick and the other guys were chatting. You went to his side and sat next to him. Nobody knew about your thing but they were all used to your affective friendship.
You were expecting Mick to drop an arm around your shoulders or to smile at you at least, but he didn't. He kept talking to Pierre on his side. It went on like that the whole night, Mick almost ignoring you.
When you arrived at the hotel, you locked yourself in the bathroom. Maybe you had done something to get him angry at you. You were doubting if maybe all of it was a mistake, if you should go back to being just friends and if it was even possible after tasting his lips. You decided to talk to him, so you left the bathroom.
He was already on the bed, he had tucked himself under the sheets and you could only see his ears and blonde hair.
"Mickey?" You had no answer, so you changed into more comfortable clothes and got inside the bed too. You hugged him and he tensed for a few seconds. He was only wearing his underwear, so you could feel his warm skin under your hand. "What is going on Mickey? You haven't been yourself tonight."
"I don't wanna talk about it"
You frowned. He always had to be like that.
"Mick, we need to talk out issues if we want our thing to go somewhere."
"Go and talk to Charles"
You propped yourself on your elbow. He had his eyebrows frowned and his eyes tight close.
"Mick? Are you jealous?" "No" He answered. Then he covered his face with the sheets. "I want to sleep, I'm tired"
He was jealous because you had talked to Charles.
"No, you are not." You pulled the sheets off him and pushed him until he was laying on his back and not his side.
He looked at you with those big blue eyes. Grumpy Mick was so cute.
"Hey, tell me. Are you jealous or not?" You were sitting on the bed crossed legged with one of your hands on his.
"Can I have my sheets, please? This room is so fucking cold."
"OMG! You are swearing, you must be so jealous!"
"What if I am?" He crossed his arms on his chest and looked at the ceiling. You smiled and leaned so you were now hovering over him, both of your hands on the sides of his head.
"Why are you jealous of Charles?" You said softly.
"Because... Well. He is cute." He said blushing.
"You think Charles Leclerc is cute?" "You always say it and I have eyes, YN"
He turned his face to de side to not have to look at you. You gave him a big kiss on his cheek and smiled.
"Mickey, look at me" "No" "Mick. Look. At. Me."
He did then. He knew you well enough not to mess with you.
"Charles is cute. But you are even cuter. With your soft hair and your beautiful blue eyes. And... I'm in love with you, not him. You know that."
He slowly uncrossed his arms and you grabbed his hands.
"You don't have to be jealous"
"It scares me to think that you can leave with someone else"
"Mick... I love you... We are..."
"Still friends. I want to be more."
You smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.
"Let's be more, then" "You really want to be more? Like my girlfriend?"
You nodded.
"I need to hear it" "I would love to be your girlfriend, Mick"
He smiled then and the muscles on his forehead relaxed. He grabbed your face and crashed your lips. YOu smiled in the kiss, letting him drag you to the mattress. You stayed like that for what felt like hours, slowly kissing the other with hands everywhere.
"I love you" He said finally looking at you. "So much"
"I love you too. But you will look like an old man if you keep frowning like that, you know?"
He rolled his eyes and kissed you once more.
"I'm sorry" "Just talk to me next time" "I will"
This time it was you who kissed him and cuddled onto his side. He finally got his sheets back over both of you and kissed your forehead.
"You are my girlfriend then?"
"Yeah, Mick" He kissed your forehead.
"I'm your boyfriend."
"My grumpy boyfriend"
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jaxl-road · 4 years
The League of Extraordinary Rockstars, ch.7
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Summary: LA is a hub for music and mutants, making it the perfect place for Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, and countless other mutant musicians to call home. But it’s not all easy, especially when it comes to finding a decent place to live. So what better solution than moving in together in the mansion of an immortal? Love, drama, and super powers. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting.
Chapter Warnings: Language, genderswap!Steven
AN: This is a collaboration between myself and @the–blackdahlia! It combines elements from her fic “It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” (specifically her genderswapped!Steven) and my super powered GnR series. It is completely AU and ignores timelines like Woah, but hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading it as we’re having writing it! Let us know what you think!
Stevie could only watch as Izzy rushed out, ignoring her call, Axl darting after him determinedly. Her heart ached at having caused the guitarist pain. She had spent so long assuming her feelings for both boys were unrequited that she felt a tinge of disbelief that he could be so distraught over her.
“That went well,” Slash muttered, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.
“I’m going to my room,” Stevie whispered, running off. Duff groaned.
“Stevie, wait!” He called out to her, chasing after her. “Stevie!”
“He was so upset,” Stevie told Duff as they made their way into her room. “God…” She sat down on her bed and grabbed Mr. Cuddles, holding him close to her chest. “Duff, this screws everything up…”
“Not necessarily,” Duff wrapped an arm around her shoulders, trying to be soothing, “He’s upset because he thinks you don’t like him. You can explain and it’ll fix everything!”
Internally, Duff knew it was a bit more complicated than that. After all, Izzy liked Stevie, not him, and there was no guarantee that he would be open to the type of relationship they had discussed, and if she was forced to choose between the two of them Duff felt a stab of certainty that he’d be the one let down gently…. But he just couldn’t stand to see her upset. So he shoved the insecurities down and smiled comfortingly as he rubbed her back.
“I don’t know if he’ll even listen to me,” She rested her head on Duff, “I mean, I wouldn’t listen to me if I was in his position.”
“Well, that’s just because you’re a stubborn little shit,” Duff teased.
“Are you calling me short you damn giant?” Stevie glared at Duff. Duff started laughing loudly.
“Of course not, Sunshine,” he snickered, “I’m calling you hardheaded.”
Stevie huffed in offense, shoving a still laughing Duff lightly. Their joking was cut short as they heard the sound of a door slamming on the floor above them. They exchanged worried looks, and a few moments later they heard heavy footsteps and then another door slamming down the hall. Axl’s and Baz’s door.
Sighing, the sad, conflicted look returned to Stevie’s face. Duff hugged her close, “It’ll be alright. Let’s just… let him cool down a little, and then you can talk to him and clear everything up, okay?”
"Yeah…" she nodded. "Maybe we could get the three of us food and that will make him think we're sincere?"
"Brilliant idea babe." Duff kissed her.
Vince grinned widely as he slid across the countertop in the kitchen, seating himself next to where Kelly was reading the instructions on the back of a box of frozen pizza. “A pretty face and you cook? You really are a catch,” the blonde drawled.
“Damn straight I am,” Kelly smirked back, “although you seem to be implying I’m gonna share, which I am definitely not.”
“Aw, don't be that way, Nickels!” Vince pouted, “Come on, you know what they say about the way to a man’s heart.”
“Through the third and fourth ribs.” He snickered as Vince gasped in offense.
"Did you hear that?" Kelly asked suddenly, looking around.
"All I'm hearing is this tension between you, me, and that pizza." Vince smirked.
"No, it sounds like scratching," Kelly told Vince.
"Probably that so-called raccoon Tommy's been chasing," Mick grumbled as he walked into the kitchen. "Your dad is probably under the house."
"Which dad?" Vince asked.
"Neither of them are my dad," Kelly sighed.
“Don’t tell them that,” Mick replied.
"I hate all of you," Kelly rolled his eyes.
"Even me?" They heard a voice. Freezing, they all looked around in confusion.
Vince and Kelly had only a moment to notice Mick close his eyes and sigh heavily before they nearly jumped out of their skins as the door beneath the sink burst open. Vince screamed, high pitched and shrill while Kelly tripped over his own feet as he scrambled away from the petite figure crawling out of the cabinet.
“CC what the actual FUCK!” Kelly was clutching his chest as CC Deville stood and grinned at him, “How fucking long have you been here??”
Beside them, Mick calmly snagged a bottle of vodka from the counter before turning and walking away without a word.
“Awwwww,” CC pouted as he watched the guitarist leave.
“Focus, CC!” Vince snapped, “What the hell are you doing here??”
"Well I was sleeping until someone started slamming doors," CC leaned against the counter before turning to smirk at the bassit, "Hey Kelly. Looking good as always." Kelly sputtered and turned to go put the pizza in the oven while Vince glared.
Before they could say anything else, Stevie wandered in, jerking to a stop when she saw the blonde guitarist waving at her, “What the fuck?”
“That’s the mood for the night,” Kelly sighed.
“Why is-”
“Don’t,” Vince interrupted, “Just ignore him and maybe he’ll go away.”
“Wow, someone’s in a bitchy mood,” CC grinned.
"I was just fine until you interrupted the moment…" Vince spat.
"From what I could tell, the only moment was you being shot down," CC teased.
"Okay, I'm just gonna go now," Stevie backed out of the kitchen.
"Stevie, don't leave me!" Kelly begged, “Please! I’ll share my pizza with you!”
“Hey!” Vince’s voice was indignant.
“I just wanted to use the phone,” Stevie groaned, “I’m ordering food tonight.”
“Ooooh, what are you getting?” CC questioned with far too much enthusiasm.
Narrowing her eyes, the drummer huffed, “It’s not for you guys. It’s for… it’s for Duff and me,” she decided to just leave it at that.
Pouting, Vince leaned dramatically against Kelly’s side, “Why is no one is sharing tonight? You’re all so mean!”
“You guys give me a migraine,” Stevie sighed.
“You love us,” CC smirked.
“I don’t even know why you’re here!” Stevie exclaimed.
CC shrugged, “I was taking a nap. Sue me.” Stevie groaned, grabbed the cordless phone, and marched into the living room.
“I’m moving out,” Kelly sighed. “Y'all can keep the house.”
Vince started pouting, “Aw, don’t say that,” he leaned against the counter beside Kelly, “We’re not all, bad, right?” he winked.
Before Kelly could respond, CC was snickering, “He’s just grumpy cause he needs to get laid,” he announced as he casually slapped Kelly’s ass.
“CC, shut up!” Vince hissed. Before he could respond, Mick made his way back in, grabbing CC’s arm and dragging him away.
“Can’t even hear myself think in this damn place,” Mick grumbled. “I’ll deal with him.”
Laughing, CC waved his fingers, “See you guys later! Good luck Kelly babe!”
Huffing, Vince turned back to the bassist, relieved that at least that was over with. “This place is crazy,” he grumbled, “Although, to be fair,” he grinned slyly, “I wouldn’t mind getting laid soon.”
“Well,” Kelly smiled. “If you want, we…”
“Hey guys!” Slash greeted as he came into the kitchen. “What’s up?” Vince groaned.
“Are you kidding me?”
“What?” Slash frowned, “What did I do?”
Kelly looked between the two of them, “Y’know, I was actually wondering-”
Suddenly there was the sound of crashing and loud swearing from what sounded like Nikki and Tommy as CC, apparently having escaped from Mick, ran through the kitchen again, diving back under the sink. “I was never here!!” He shouts as he slams the door shut to hide.
Nikki came sliding in, “What the fuck?? Where is he?!”
Vince dropped his head onto the counter, Slash stared at the cabinet wide eyed and confused, and Kelly realized forlornly that his pizza was burning.
“I’m moving,” he said to no one. “Stevie!" he shouted into the next room, "Will you order me food?”
“Why should I?” Stevie called back.
“I’ll take you to your favorite store at the mall!”
Kelly turned off the oven, ignoring the smoke escaping from it, “I’ll deal with that later,” He muttered before walking out.
“Okay, what did you do to my son?” Nikki asked, “And where the fuck is CC?”
“Also, why the fuck is CC here?” Slash chimed in.
“Your son is fine and who knows why CC is anywhere,” Vince snapped.
“Wow, you’re bitchy,” Nikki gave him a smirk. “CC cockblock you too?”
“YES!” Vince threw his arms in the air, turning and stomping out of the room before anyone could question him further.
“He was trying to get with Kelly, wasn't he?” Nikki asked.
“He better not be,” Slash growled. Stevie finished hanging up with the restaurant just as Kelly stormed by.
“You okay Nickels?” She asked.
“No, but give me a half hour and I will be,” He headed up to his room.
Shaking her head fondly, Stevie looked back down at the phone in her hand. They had said the food would arrive in roughly 45 minutes. That was plenty of time to steel herself and plan what she wanted to say when she talked to Izzy.
Unfortunately, it was also plenty of time for her to freak the fuck out. Duff tried his best to keep her calm, but she couldn’t stop pacing back and forth in her room, flickering like a strobe light as she mumbled different ways to phrase her argument to herself.
“Okay, Sunshine, seriously,” Duff sighed as he stood, putting his hands on her shoulders to still her, “I understand you’re nervous. I’m nervous too. But you have got to get a grip,” he grinned teasingly, feeling a small spark of relief when she huffed and smacked his shoulder playfully.
“I just don’t want to mess this up,” She told him. The doorbell rang and she went running to the door before people could steal her food.
“Back off!” Stevie growled when Tommy reached for the bags, “This is mine!”
“But, don’t you want to share?” He asked, pouting.
“This bag is Kelly’s. Maybe your son will share with…”
Vince snagged the bag, “I’ll take it to him!” He called out, heading towards Kelly’s room.
“Goddammit!” Stevie and Tommy jumped, Slash appearing next to the door. Grumbling to himself, the guitarist stomped after Vince.
Groaning, Stevie clutched the bags of food to her chest, “I don’t have time for this,” she mumbled, turning to head back to her room where Duff was standing waiting in the doorway. Holding up the bags, she grinned weakly, “Well, we have our offering now. All that’s left is the actual conversation part.”
Duff tried to look reassuring, but he couldn’t hide that he was anxious too. “Right,” he shuffled on his feet, “So… should we…?” he trailed off, gesturing vaguely.
“Yeah...yeah…” She sighed. “Will you take the food? I’ll get the Izzy.” She handed Duff the food as she headed towards Izzy’s room. Take a deep breath, she knocked on the door.
“Go away Axl,” She heard Izzy growl.
“Not Axl,” She replied, “Duff and I got food and we wanted to talk to you. Please?”
Behind the door, Izzy dropped his head with a soft ‘thud’ against the wall. He turned to glance at the half empty bottle of whiskey on his side table, snatching it to take a quick swig, “Look,” he ran a hand over his face in frustration, “I’m sorry I made practice weird, you don’t need to tell me off or whatever. I’ll have my shit together tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to tell you off,” She told him softly, trying to fight back tears. She wasn’t going to cry. “I just want to talk to you Iz…”
“Well, there’s nothing I want to talk about!” he snapped. He knew Stevie had a big heart, and she probably felt bad about breaking his. But he really didn’t want to stand there while she tried to let him down gently or whatever, “It’s fine, I’m fine, just go back to your boyfriend, okay?” That’s when he heard something on the other side of the door. Crying.
“S-sorry,” Stevie whispered, tears streaming down her face. Izzy’s heart hurt, hearing her soft sobs.
He didn’t want to see her. But he didn’t want her to cry even more. Rolling over, he slid through the wall next to his bed, gracefully landing on his feet to stand in the hallway outside, just a few feet away from where Stevie was standing in front of his door.
“Fine, we can talk,” He sighed. “Just please stop crying.”
“Okay,” She wiped her eyes. “I got Mexican. I ordered your favorite. Duff’s waiting for us.” Izzy sighed but followed her to her room, where Duff had cleared off the table Stevie used to “customize” her t-shirts (and by customize, she meant butcher the hell out of them) and set the food up on it. He sat it at the foot of her bed, so the bed could be a seat, and got two chairs for the other two dinner guests.
Izzy nearly winced when he saw the set-up. This seemed very… formal for what he assumed was a pity party for him. But he really didn’t want Stevie to cry, so he figured the least he could do was grit his teeth and bare it. At least he was getting free food out of it.
He sat tensely in one of the chairs, looking around the room in order to avoid looking at either blonde, “So… what’s all this about?” he finally asked.
“Well, you see,” Stevie started as she opened her shrimp meal. “We, uh, wanted to discuss something with you.”
“And you can say no,” Duff added.
“But, I was talking to Kelly the other day…” Stevie started.
“Oh god, that’s never a good idea,” Izzy scoffed.
“Anyway,” Stevie shot a glance at him. “We were wanting to...we would like it if...you would join us.”
Izzy felt his brain short circuit, immediately dropping the taco he had hesitantly picked up, “Join you?” he repeated slowly. He was sure there was a more elegant way to phrase his thoughts, but he found himself blurting out, “I didn’t know you guys were into that.”
“We didn’t either until we started talking,” Duff admitted. “Because we both might kinda like you, and it really hurt to see you upset.”
“And of course, you can have time to think it over,” Stevie added. “Don’t think you have to rush. The offer isn’t going anywhere, no matter how much Kelly begs to take your spot.”
For a long moment, all Izzy could do was stare at his two bandmates and friends. Of all the ways he thought this conversation would go, this hadn’t even crossed his mind. It seemed too good to be true. So he figured it probably was.
Duff and Stevie were both too kind-hearted for their own good, Izzy knew that. As he took in their bright eyes and soft smiles, he realized that he had probably been too open with his heartbreak, had probably made the two of them feel guilty for their relationship and now they were just trying to offer him something to make him feel better. No matter how much he liked Stevie, and Duff, it didn’t change the fact that they probably just felt sorry for him and figured they could put up with a threesome once in awhile for his sake. That was all. Was he really so desperate and lovesick that he’d take the scraps they were offering him now?
"Yeah," He nodded, "Okay."
Yes. Yes he was.
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mrmatthew · 3 years
How successful the drivers would be if they created a YouTube channel
Why am I on here? Just why? Well it's my first and most likely last post here so I will just list the drivers here
Sir Lewis - Already has a YouTube channel, doesn't use it that much but has 92k subscribers; if he posted more he would have like a million subscribers
Valtteri - Would be grumpy and just not interested, still would probably get like 200k subscribers
Max - Probably would get like 400k subscribers and would ignore all hateful comments and just be a guy who takes everything on the chin
Checo - Has a YouTube channel with 117k subs; if he uploaded more videos probably would have 600k subs plus
Lance - Makes good content but is one of those guys who only gets hate and more dislikes than likes on his videos :(
Seb - Probably would get a million subscribers after being on YouTube for one day and the content he makes would be amazing
Daniel - Has a YouTube channel with 155k subscribers and makes good content
Lando - Has a YouTube channel with 510k subscribers and probably would have more if he posted more videos
Charles - Has a YouTube channel? Has 27k subs but hasn’t posted since 2019
Carlos - Has a YouTube channel with 102k subscribers and posts good content about Ferrari
Fernando - Had a YouTube channel? Hasn’t posted since 2015 but if he returned he probably would get way more subscribers
Esteban - Hardly any one would subscribe because they would all forget it existed after a few days. Poor Esteban :(
Pierre - Lots of subscribers and would probably make great content on YouTube
Yuki - Poor guy would be made fun of for his height and would definitely make great videos on YouTube but probably would disable comments after like 5 videos because of the comments making fun of his height
Kimi - No interest but gets a million subscribers but makes videos only as a hobby of his
Antonio - The only comments he gets on his videos are 'Italian Jesus' but gets like 50k subs and probably would make funny content
George - Uploads funny stream moments and gets 750k subs probably
Nicholas - Does the same as George but only has 200k subs and the only comments in his videos are about Nutella
Mick - Has a lot of subscribers and gets a lot of views
Mazepin - Deserved hate and gets way more dislikes than likes on his videos. End of story.
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Kind of got the idea from S2E4 of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (I know, I know, it’s an old episode). Hope you like it! 
Sara Lance x Reader
Summary: In the future an anachronism is created by the Legion of Doom (Eobard Thawne) to distract the Legends from finding the Spear of Destiny. The team needs to fix this, hopefully in time before someone gets hurt.
Word Count: 4,930
I feel a bit… light-headed, dizzy, nauseous. A violent pain radiates from my forearm through my upper arm and promptly I feel it in my whole body. I see the warm blood seeping out of the fresh wound on my left arm, but I can’t concentrate on it. I’m cold. Strange images flash through my mind and my vision gets blurry. I’m losing control. I can’t… it’s... I fall to the ground on my knees and use my hands to cover my face completely. I start to hyperventilate and don't even notice that painful spot on my knee anymore. Suddenly my body is packed with adrenaline, I sense it from head to toe. I don’t feel like myself. It’s spreading like poison. Poison inside my veins. I can see Sara. She looks worried and doesn’t know what to do. That’s a first. Mick is standing next to her with his usual grumpy expression. I speed towards them. Why? I don’t want to. Not like this. I’m losing control. All I crave is blood. Human blood.
“I’m seriously not built for this…”, you pant, exhaling your breath in a strong blow with drops of sweat coating your forehead. “Don't be such a whiner and keep running!”, Sara exclaims while looking over her shoulder with a troubled expression. Both on foot inside a dark, abandoned building with Sara taking the lead. Industrial lights flicker along the route, yet barely providing any guidance for your getaway. “Didn’t they train you for this? In the army?”, Sara mocks, glancing at you but swiftly averting her gaze to something shady in the distance. Her face shows a subtle grin. However, you can sense that she’s scared as hell, just like you are. “The army?! Yes they did, miss Lance. But you damn well know that I was Special Forces”, you scoff. “You make it too easy for me (Y/N)”. Sara laughs, but quickly stops. She doesn’t want to waste any oxygen desperately needed to fuel her even more fatiguing muscles. “I was just making small talk you know”, you mutter, lying, considering your legs are burning as if they’re on fire. “Sure you did”, Sara teases, occupied with figuring out how to open the rusty emergency exit that leads to your great escape. “It's stuck. I can't…. Can't. Get. It. To. Open”, she argues whilst battering the metal structure with her shoulder repeatedly. “A little help please?! (Y/N)?!”. “Um… Sara…”, you whisper with a higher pitch than usual, back turned towards her. “I'm asking for your help (Y/N)!? I can’t get it open. It’s just, stuck”. “Yeah, about that…”. You’re tapping on her shoulder like crazy, similar to an annoying toddler begging for candy from their mom, which causes Sara to jolt her head away from the exit to face you. “What!? We don’t have time for th-”. She immediately mirrors you, locking her eyes on the same spot.
“What the h- You couldn't have warned me earlier?!”, she criticizes, staring with her eyes wide open at the sight of a disturbing image approaching fast. “Well, I-I thought you had it perfectly under control. You know, like always”, you counter while raising your shoulders. “Okay (Y/N), that’s enough ass kissing for today”, Sara declares, lifting an eyebrow. “What- no, I wasn’t- That’s not-”. “Come on! We need to move. Now!”. Sara grabbed you by the wrist, and pulled you with her. She drags you by your arm towards the staircase nearby, being the only way out of this desperate situation. “Faster (Y/N)!”. “Yes, yes. I’m right behind you!”. What should’ve been a simple scouting mission, turned out to be something rather... different. Though, you would never refuse an assignment if teamed up with Sara. Like a well-oiled machine you guys work good together. Flying up the stairs, you take two steps at a time to reach the top even faster, trying to get away from the nearing danger. In between the heavy breathing, faint low growling sounds can be heard as they become louder and louder. It’s not the sound of hungry animals, it’s ...something else. 
“Guys, can you hear me?”, Sara asks over the comms, reaching out to the rest of the team who are all back on the Waverider. “Yes miss Lance, what can we do for you?”, a peaceful, silvery voice answers. “Where are you? Where’s the Waverider? We need you guys to come pick us up. ASAP.”. “Calm down miss Lance, we-”. “Calm down?! You try to calm down while being chased by bloodthirsty-”. In the middle of your outbreak to Professor Stein you trip with your concentration shifted to the ongoing discussion. Irritated, but also jealous at the stay-home-squad, who are probably relaxing or partying right now without their Captain present. Only thinking about it makes you wish you were there too. A nagging pain originates from your knee that just hit the blunt concrete and you reach for it with both hands. Get up and ignore the pain, you repeat inside your head, pushing yourself off the cold ground and quickly gripping the rigid stair railing with your left hand. Wanting to move your leg to take the next step, but you can’t. Someone is holding you back. A frigid hand grabbed your ankle real tight. You try to shake it off in an instant, instead the person is pulling you down. “We’re being chased by-”. “Don’t you dare say it Sara! Stop!”, Stein intervenes, but to no avail, as Sara shouts: “by zombies!”. Hearing Sara’s voice fade away slowly considering you’re stuck. Staring down, rattled, because all you can look at are the bloody, sharp teeth and pale skin of the one hanging on to you. You have never seen anything like this before, only in the movies. Charging up, and with all the strength you got, you shoot your leg down. A powerful kick on the head caused the hand to disappear, and you sprint towards Sara who didn’t even notice you’d fallen behind. “Zombies are not real Sara. I don’t like that word. There must be a scientific expla-”. A static noise replaced Stein’s lecture while the loud beep continues to ring in your ear. “Stein? Professor?! Can you hear me?”, Sara repeats, finally able to catch her breath because she stopped running. 
“Can't get this to door open too!?”, you shout in anger, “Too bad I don't have the power to turn into steel”. “Or wear an exosuit that can blast through these doors…”, Sara adds. “That suit is totally overrated”, you claim, even though it would be of much use right now. “Jealous much? Good thing Ray can't hear you”, Sara jokes while punching your shoulder in a playful way which makes you laugh. Her short touch caused the tension to flow away as you immediately relax. The light from the fluorescent tube attached to the ceiling makes her blue eyes sparkle and her long, blond hair is a little messy due to all the chaos of today. Her skin is glowing mildly as she’s heated up from the amount of stairs you and her just covered. You keep staring at her lovely features for a second. However, it feels like time’s standing still. Sunken away a bit too long, because Sara detected a pair of eyes fixed on her. 
“(Y/N)? What are you doing?”. Sara’s voice snapped you out of your magical gaze and you start blushing a little, cheeks turning light red. A wide grin appeared on her face. “Were you checking me-”. She abruptly turned her head to the left and doesn’t finish her sentence. Interrupted, again, by a bunch of insane, bloodthirsty people. “You try the door, I’ll fight them off”, you command and draw Sara behind you. Close to the exit and away from the approaching wild.
Fighting off the Z’s by pushing them down the stairs, or punching them in the face and then kicking them down the stairs. Whatever works in the moment. Without getting bitten of course, we all know what happens then... 
“Makes it a bit more difficult considering I can't shoot them”, you complain to Sara who’s busy with the door while on occasion looking at you. Without hesitation or an answer, Sara grabs the gun that was tucked in the back of your jeans, which catches you off guard for a second. She takes a step back, towards the danger so to speak, and fires by pulling the trigger without blinking. A loud bang fills the small space and causes everyone to freeze for a moment, even your psycho attackers. Sara kicks the door open and calls your name. Rapidly you follow and close the door in one movement. While catching your breath, you brace the door with your whole body. Tracking Sara with your eyes, seeing her pace around on the rooftop. “What the hell are you doing? I could use a little help here?! Sara!”, you yell, annoyed but also scared while feeling people bang on the door that has no lock anymore since a few minutes ago. “Move! I found something”, Sara demands as she came rushing back with a large wooden beam clutched in her arms. With the door barricaded you both walk away cautiously, eyes fixed on the improvised lock. “Will it hold?”, you ask, voice laced with doubt. “Seems like it”. “Okay… and now what?”. No way out, trapped on a roof in the future. “Guess we’ll have to wait for the team to come pick us up”, Sara concludes, hands on her hips and scanning her surroundings. “Hope it’s not gonna take them long, cause I could use a drin-”. 
A loud noise made you stop mid-sentence and turn around while holding your breath. The wooden beam snapped in half and the rooftop starts to fill with the walking dead. The situation is getting more and more desperate now that you’re boxed in. Both slowly backing up till there’s no roof left. Pressed against each other and the brick wall that prevents a nasty fall on the concrete road way down below. Perfect time to confess those hidden feelings. “Any ideas left (Y/N)?”. “So, Sara… I gotta say something”. “We could use a brilliant escape plan of yours right now”. “Well, uhm, there’s actually something else I need to say”, you stammer with a tight voice, sight fixed on the predators and their hungry eyes, nearing their prey. “What could be more important than, well, not dying?”, Sara asks, focused on you with her eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer. “Well, Sara, I-”. “Yes?”. “I am, um, I’m in love with y-”. The timing couldn’t be worse. Or better, not sure which one yet. Balls of fire hit the roof and keep the psychos at bay as a large spaceship, aka the Waverider, appears above the crowded building. “Somebody need a ride?”, Firestorm proposes from up in the air. The team arrived, just in time. Well, a few seconds later would have been fine too, but can’t complain, right...
“Where the hell were you guys? (Y/N) and I were almost eaten by those zombies”, Sara shouts as she enters the bridge, stamping her feet in discontent. “Seems like a normal working day to me”, Mick adds while taking a sip of the beer he’s holding. “Don’t call them zombies!”, Stein repeats again, still in denial about their existence and flailing his arms around to make the point more clear. “The comms went dark, but luckily Gideon was able to track your location”, Nate explains, giving a high five to Ray. “Thank you Gideon”, Sara addresses while leaning against the central console located in the middle of the bridge. “My pleasure, Captain”, the AI returns. Sara sways her head back, eyes closed, and takes a deep breath. “So, the anachronism is zombies. We need a plan”. At the sound of that awful word again, Stein’s expression changed into a fierce scowl followed by a deep sigh. It’s of no use anymore, Martin realizes. He can’t change the team’s mind, so let’s just call them ‘zombies’. “It seems like these people are infected with some kind of virus. A virus I’ve never seen before”, Ray points out as he pulls up some scientific articles. “This virus will cause a massive outbreak worldwide and eradicate the human race within a year, according to this newspaper”, Amaya mentions while reading the information provided by Gideon. “Meaning there is, and never will be, a treatment for this virus, not even in the future”, Nate continues. “So, we need to fix this. Find and develop a cure to fix this anachronism in time so we can continue our search for the remaining pieces of the Spear”. “Sounds like a plan, Captain”, Jax agrees. “What do you need to make a cure for this ‘virus’, Ray? Stein?”, Sara asks as she shifts to the scientists, but focuses her eyes on someone else instead. “(Y/N), everything okay? You’ve been quiet since we got back”.  Sara’s words caused everybody to jolt their heads towards you while you keep looking at the ground with a mindless stare. The silence made you look up and mutter quietly: “Huh, something wrong? Was there a question?”. “Everything okay, (Y/N)?”, Sara restates with concerned eyes. Normally you wouldn’t hesitate to assist Sara in coming up with a plan, which she appreciates more than she’d like to admit. However, not now as she clearly noticed. “Yeah I’m okay. All fine”, you quickly lie, faking a small smile, ‘cause now is not the time. It’s never the right time. There hasn't been a single moment to act on these affectionate feelings you have for the Captain of this ship. Busy 24/7, to save the timeline, to come up with a plan to defeat the Legion of Doom and also trying to stay one step ahead of them in retrieving pieces of the Spear of Destiny. So yeah, how ironic it must sound, considering you’re on a timeship, travelling through time, that there is never, not even the tiniest moment where you can be alone with Sara. Before you can say anything, craving a proper conversation with her about what happened on the rooftop earlier, the team already headed out for the next mission on Sara’s customary one-liners as she announced:
“Let's cure some zombies”.
Gideon provided the team with the location of a closed down hospital where the ‘zombie’ virus had to be created. Ground Zero. It wasn’t possible to pinpoint which lab inside the building, so the team had to split up. Amaya, Nate and Jax were tasked to cover the main floor first while Sara, Mick and you started the search in the basement laboratory. Martin and Ray stayed on the Waverider on comms to help guide both teams in recovering the correct substance to assemble a cure. Namely the original virus in its pure form. That was all you remembered anyways, that you had to search for a glass vial. The scientists talked about complicated chemistry and biological words impossible to pronounce. It became boring, so you stopped listening to them after a few minutes. Which probably the others did too. 
“Looks like nobody has been here for a while”, Sara concludes, judging by the trashed lab equipment, broken glass from tubes, vials and beakers that cover the entire floor and the lights that don't seem to work anymore. “This doesn't look like the right spot Ray, I hope the others have more luck”. “Copy that Captain. I'll go and ask them, immediately. Atom out”, Ray replied, confident about the awesomeness of his closing statement. “Why is Ray like this…”, Sara sighs while strolling to the doorway. The penetrating chemical smell that's hanging around makes her want to leave, pronto. “It’s so quiet out here. Guess not a lot of people were infected after all”, you say relieved, shining with a flashlight across the dark, vacated room. A sudden cold breeze sends a shiver down your spine. Maybe it’s too quiet… The sound of glass shattering makes you turn around. “Rory?”. You shine the beam of light on him as if he’s standing in the spotlights. As a reaction he grumbles angry and covers his eyes since the bright light blinds him. “Get that out of my face, Special Forces!”. “See Sara? It ain't that hard”, you tease, standing next to her and ready to leave this scary place behind. She gives you a light punch on the shoulder accompanied by a soft chuckle. “I shall not joke about it ever again”, Sara mocks with the use of a plummy voice and her chin lifted up high. And again you hear a sound and shine on a closed freezer door while stepping closer. “(Y/N), let’s go. This place is giving me the creeps”. 
“Oh- um… that thing I said about not a lot infected and all… yeah, scratch that.”, you mention while slowly backing away from the not so closed freezer door anymore. “Why did you have to say that...”, Sara groans at the sight of people who are clearly infected with the virus. “Karma is a bitch right?”, you ease with an innocent smile while accelerating. “It's not like we haven't run enough today… Come on Mick, let’s go!”. On the run again in a hallway that leads to another hallway, which probably leads to another one. It’s a real maze inside this large basement. The walking dead, who actually walk rather fast, seem to be appearing out of nowhere. Out of every trashed, abandoned room like they were trapped there, patiently waiting for the Legends to arrive. 
“I think we've lost them”, you carefully state after a while, being out of breath, and looking over your shoulder real quick. You want to continue running, but a force drags you to the side. Too soon, you lowered your guard. With an ugly fall you land on the cold, wet ground. Pain fills your body, something stings, but you ignore it. When you open your eyes again you stare into a pair of bloodshot red ones, pupils severely dilated and burst veins. The adrenaline level in your body is rising which makes you act fast, now pushing the creature off of you against an old storage rack which topples and lands on your attacker. Struggling to get up, apparently you were pulled into a storage room and got separated from Sara and Mick. “I need to get back…”, you worry, because being all alone out here is not going to make it easier. Leaning against the doorpost as you’d lost balance. You feel light-headed, probably hit your head on the concrete. Hearing Sara and Mick shout your name, well okay, actually only Sara, as they came back looking for you. Taking a few small steps forward, standing in the hallway again and you stop at the sight of Sara and Mick. “What’s wrong? Why are you guys staring at me?”. “Um… (Y/N)...”, Sara falters while pointing at your left arm. “Oh… Fuck”. 
With every heartbeat it’s spreading more and more. Through your entire body like poison. Sara freezes, she doesn’t know what to do. That never happens. Why now? Usually she doesn’t need to pay attention to you in a way that you’re able to take care of yourself and know what to do without her telling you. Not like Rory, who needs supervision all the time to be kept in check. Or like Nate and Ray who play around too much. Or Martin, who’s way too stubborn, probably because he’s older and wiser, so he thinks. Being the Captain of this team is hard, but you always seem to make it easier for her. You have each other's back no matter what and are on the same wavelength when it comes to strategy or just messing around. But now you are the one in trouble. You've been bitten. She’s too late. All Sara can do is stare at the bite mark on your arm, resembling a vague dental imprint covered in blood. She failed. You collapse to the floor, landing on your knees and place your hands on your face. What is happening? Breathing frequency rising. Something went off in your brain. You lose control. With a burst of adrenaline you jump up and sprint towards your new prey. Towards Sara, who’s completely paralyzed. She can’t move. Rory steps in front of her to hold you off, but you’re faster than him. You want to hurt them, your team members. Want to bite them, tear them apart. Can’t fight it anymore. With every second counting you lose a piece of yourself, until there's nothing left. Maybe for the better, 'cause you won't be able to look at yourself after this.
Like a loose cannon with a bad temper you grasp Sara by the waist, wrapping your arms around her real painful and knock her to the ground. She’s struggling to get herself free and it hurts. It’s as if your strength has doubled. Your hands move to her neck and you start squeezing hard. With blood red eyes you stare at her. No remorse. No respect. No love. Just pure rage. Your eyes are not the same anymore is what Sara realizes. Not the same eyes that were checking her out earlier at the rooftop exit. Or the same eyes that laugh about her jokes, or the ones that have her back in the most difficult situations, like now. She can’t breath and is hitting your body with her arms over and over again, completely helpless. Rory had gripped onto your shoulders to yank you loose. But it’s of no use since you’re still choking her, not moving a single muscle. Her arms move slower and slower… until a brutal kick from Rory made you let go and launched you against the wall. Coughing while rubbing her throat that was closed off seconds ago, Sara gradually stands up. 
“Don't”, is the first word she manages to produce with a sore, aching throat. Intended to stop Rory because he aimed his Heat gun on you, finger on the trigger. He hesitates, wanting to fire, but grunts and eventually lowers the weapon. Though he needs to act fast, as you already bolted towards him, ready to attack. You take hit after hit, but Rory’s punches don’t seem to stop you. Sara needs to flip a switch, get herself together and end this. “Sara! Do something. Now!”, Mick forces as his low voice echoes on the brick walls, desperately trying to hold you back. 
“I'm sorry (Y/N)...”. Are the last words you process before it turns dark.
“Brains… BRAINS!!”. “No- no, don’t!”, you scream while defensively lifting your arms up to protect your head. The sound of Sara’s voice, and not the most convenient word choice startled you awake, feeling your heartbeat racing in your chest. “Too soon? I was just joking (Y/N)”. “Where- where am I? Am I still alive? And what happened? I don’t remember…”, you stammer. Shaking and carefully turning your head to see where you are as you’re about to panic. Sara reacts fast and grabs your hands to put your restless arms down. “Calm down. Breathe. We’re in the medical bay, back on the Waverider, okay?”, she eases. A soft, caring tone in her voice, trying to reach you by staring into your eyes as she’d moved closer. “My head is pounding like hell. Worst. Hangover. Ever”, you groan while slowly repositioning your legs to sit on the edge of the reclined chair. “Yeah… that might have been my fault…”, Sara admits as she rubs the back of her neck in shame. A heavy blow to the head with a flashlight was needed to knock you out. She had to, there was no other choice. A hopeless sigh leaves your mouth as you bury your face in your hands. You're cured, the anachronism fixed and the world is saved, for now at least. Everything is back to normal again. But it doesn't feel normal. Avoiding eye contact with Sara at all cost, sight trained on the floor. There is no way you’ll be able to look her in the eyes again. Not after what you’ve done. You can still remember pieces. Flashes of you attacking Sara. 
“(Y/N)? It’s okay”. Sara lifts your chin up, now seated on a stool in front of you. “Hey, you're okay”. “No it's not. I-”. Your eyes start to get watery. “I hurt you, didn't I? Cause I remember…”, you whisper, examining her broken body. With a trembling hand you near her neck, but can’t bring yourself to touch the red, discolored skin. “Nothing I can't handle”. She blows it off as if it’s a small scratch. “Come on Sara. It's not. I-”. A tear rolls down your cheek while trying your best to fight off the other tears heaping up in the corners of your eyes. Sara gently wipes the teardrop away with her thumb, cupping your face with her right hand. She lifts your head up again and gazes in your sad eyes. “That is my fault. I did that. I went insane, like some crazy animal”, you continue, still refusing to look at her as you shift in a direction other than right in front of you. Not able to forgive yourself, feeling guilty as hell. “No, (Y/N)”. She moves your head back with a bit more force this time, not accepting your pity party, and her blue eyes lock onto yours. “It's okay. You're still here. I'm still here”, she expresses genuinely, “and I heard you.”. 
“Huh? You heard me?”, you question with a lost expression. “Yes, on the roof earlier today. Just before the team arrived to pick us up.”. In the process to comprehend what those words mean, still puzzling it all together when you feel a pair of soft lips touching yours. Overwhelmed, but that swiftly changes as you relax and close your eyes. She gets up from the chair and moves her hands away from your cheeks, wrapping both arms around you smoothly. You melt away even more and place your hands around her hips. A soft kiss turns into a more passionate one, as if both were longing for it for some time now. It being highly likely that Sara had these kind of feelings for a while now too. Her warm body is pressed against yours, and you slide your hands up to her waist to hold her even closer. Sara instantly pulled back and makes a soft hissing sound. You moan at the loss of contact before realizing what you just did. “Sorry…”, you apologize, voice laced with guilt, knowing you’re the reason of her bruised ribs. She chuckles lightly, paying no attention to the soreness of her body. 
“You know… there might be a remedy, to ease the pain. Didn’t they teach you that in the army, ‘Special Forces’?”, Sara says with a sarcastic tone. A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you like the nickname more when Sara says it instead of Mick. “Remedy, huh? You mean this?”. Carefully lifting Sara’s shirt up and you press your lips on the bruised skin. Then softly on the other side. You slowly stand up from the chair and move up to her neck to give an even more gentle kiss. “And where does it hurt the most, Captain?”. Sara looks pleased, and without an answers back, she kisses you on the lips again with a wide smile. At the exact same time Jax walked in. “Woah... just wanted to check on you, (Y/N)”. He awkwardly turns his head away, not knowing where to look. “All good.”, you return with a grin, because in the corner of your eyes you see Sara. Who’s busy straightening her shirt to appear a bit more decent, considering her important role as leader on this ship. “Yeah, I can see that”, he responds while giving you a hug and continues: “The team is waiting in the Captain’s office. To celebrate”. “We'll be right behind you”, you assure Jax, who’s already marching back to the bridge with interesting gossip to deliver. 
A muffled groan manages to escape as you take a step, feeling the soreness of all the muscles in your bruised up body. “Gotta let the kids know the old one here is alright”, Sara jokes. Beaten up by Mick and Sara in your zombie-state, which you understand to the fullest. If you were in their shoes, you would’ve done the same thing. Then her smile fades and turns into a more serious expression. “You know… I really thought I lost you there in that basement”, Sara confesses, leaving the medical bay beside you. “Guess we’ll have to wait and see what the next apocalypse brings”, you tease, but Sara is not laughing. “I’m serious, (Y/N)”, she presses. “Yeah I know, sorry”. It’s always easier to make jokes then to think about everything that could’ve gone wrong. You were scared as hell. Scared to die. But even more scared of being the cause of the death of one of your teammates. “I can't lose you”, Sara whispers, squeezing your hand lightly. You lock eyes with Sara and stare into hers deeply. “Never”, you promise, as Sara sends you a loving smile in return. Both continue walking and a wide grin appears on your face. Turning to the left, you punch Sara’s shoulder playfully and say:
“You ain't getting rid of me that easily”.
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