#//Yang came out of nowhere like hey what's up I want to party and I was like girl okay lets go
scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
//Qrow and Yangarang are the most active muses today :3 although I could probably get the others going if someone wants!
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magnhild · 3 years
Nora Valkyrie, Identity, and Purpose
Hey everyone, Blaire here, and almost exactly a year ago, I made this mess of a post where I laid out all of my thoughts on Nora and what I thought the show could have in store for her.
And honestly, most of my ideas were way off, and not at all correct. Also, the post kind of flopped.
Thankfully, Volume 8 has given me a chance to redeem myself, and write another, more coherent, essay about my favourite RWBY character; where this Volume seems to be taking her character, and what it means to me, personally.
Buckle up.
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To the vast majority of people in the RWBY fandom, Nora is the least-developed character, and the one most lacking in dimension. Most of her character seems to be defined by two things; her energy and love for fighting, and her relationship on Ren.
Volume 8 took note of these conceptions, and addressed them head-on.
Of course, any keen-eyed viewer will have noted Nora’s hidden depths even before this volume, which I noticed in last year’s post. She is perhaps the most perceptive of the main cast, at least, when it comes to people’s feelings and relaionships. She was the only one to really comment on Pyrrha’s crush on jaune, and the first to bring up Blake and Yang’s growing relationship. It was also her level-headedness that resolved RNJR’s argument in Volume 4, Chapter 9.
Volume 7 also showed us her innate desire to protect the weak, and her disdain to those who have the power to help, but refuse. I personally get the feeling that this was her driving motivation in becoming a Huntress; to protect people who cannot protect themselves, perhaps because she doesn’t want anyone to have to grow up as she did. Nora’s fury at Ironwood in V7C7 is esepcially signifigant, because it’s the angriest we’ve ever seen her before, even more so in that this anger is directed at someone with much more authority than her.
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But these little details were only the tip of the iceberg. These were traits she already had, and while they help to add layers to her character, they’ve done very little in terms of her actual development. 
This is where Volume 8 came in stronger than any other.
Volume 7 hinted to us that Ren and Nora’s relationship was beginning to get more complicated, between their bickering, Ren’s dismissiveness at Nora, and their kiss in V7C6. By the end of the volume, it was clear that they were still struggling, despite their clear love for each other. Volume 8 carried this thread along, having them split into different parties, and Nora giving Ren a bit of attitude we’ve not really seen her direct at him before. 
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She’s frustrated with him, and disappointed that he can’t see what she sees. But despite her tough front, V8C2 then hints that she’s sadder about the split than she’s letting on, after May brings up Nora’s ‘friends’. C3 then brings this to a head, where we get a conversation that sees Nora opening up to Blake and Yang, and revealing a deeply sad truth about herself- that she has no idea who she is without Ren, because she’s spent so much of her life with him and him alone, and her feelings for him have shaped so much of who she thinks she is. We’ve never seen her so hopeless and lost, especially after she reveals that, as far as she’s concerned, all she’s good for is hitting stuff.
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Right in these few minutes, the show takes how the audience percieves Nora, and reveals to us that those two core traits are the gateways to a far deeper insight of her character. She’s known for her relationship with Ren, but wait- what about when he’s not there with her? She’s known for hitting stuff, but wait- that’s all she thinks she’s good for. 
It’s revealed to us that, not only is this how most of the audience percievs Nora, but it’s how she percieves herself. And for all her energy and upbeat attitude, deep down, she thinks incredibely lowly of herself. For all her confidence in her fighting abilities, she lacks confidence in herself as a person. 
Surprisingly enough, the ‘who am I?’ character arc is one that was hardly explored at all up until this point, despite it being one of the most common and signifgant character arcs in fictional media. And I don’t think many of us at all could have imagined that Nora would be the one to get that arc, when she’s always seemed so self-assured on the surface.
And then, when Penny is in need of help, Nora takes Weiss’ advice to heart, and does the one thing she believes she’s capable of- being strong, and hitting stuff.
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Nora overcharging her Semblance to take down the wall is seen by a lot of the fandom as some kind of win for Nora; as her ‘big moment’. But while it’s certainly a really cool and badass scene, it was far from a triumph for her.
This was Nora at perhaps her lowest point so far in the series. This was Nora figuring ‘well, if this is all I’m good for, I’ll do it to the extreme’. This was Nora thinking her only purpose was to greatly endanger herself for the sake of others, because she figured she was the only one who could. And she almsot got herself killed for it. 
While certainly a defining moment, it was far from triumphant. It wasn’t a win. It was a self-destrcutive act that reflected how little she thinks of herself; that she’s not worth anything unless she’s pushing herself to the limit doing the one thing she thinks she’s good at.
And to drive the knife in harder, it backfires horribly. 
Because now she’s bedridden and critically injured, with scars that are probably permanent; a reminder of her lowest point, forever marked on her body. She can’t fight now, can’t help at all, and Salem has launched her attack on Atlas.
And in her half-unconsious state in V8C7, she realizes this, delivering an absolutely heartbreaking line:
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As far as she’s concerned, her last attempt at doing what she thinks only she can do- what she thinks is all she can do- has prevented her from doing anything of worth at all. She lost one half of herself when she split from Ren, and now she’s lost the other half too. The two things that she defines herself by are gone. And the worst part is, we don’t know if she’s awar of the fact Salem has begun her attack. We could very well see her fully wake up, only to realize that the world has begun ending while she was unconsious, and she can’t do anything about it.
Now, this scene, and Nora’s struggle in this Volume as a whole, hit home for me in particular.
If you follow me on Twitter, you’re probably aware that Nora is only of my hightest- and only- kins. And I’ve only been able to relate to her more and more after what we’ve got of her in this Volume.
I am chronically disabled. I have a connective tissue disorder known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which fucks up my body in a multitude of different ways, but signifigantly affects the joints. For me, it hits worst in my back, ankles, and my fingers. The fingers are my main problem. To make matters worse, I’ve also been victim to intense pains in my shoulder, which came out of nowhere a couple of months ago and have only gotten worse since. The slightest movement aggrevates it. As any follower of mine would know, I am both an artist and a writer. I create both for fun, and I’ve studied writing as a profession. It is these things I’m known for being good at, and not much else. 
Thanks to my disability and my shoulder though, I have to do these things less. Even on perscription pain medication, it still hurts. It hurts to write this even now; my shoulder feels like it’s burning up from the inside. It will only get worse over time.
So, I’m finding myself in Nora’s position. I can’t do what I’m good at anymore, and I don’t know what to do with myself as a result. Not doing these things makes me feel lazy and unproductive, and makes me feel that the people around me will abandon me so long as i can’t keep providing them content. And I’ve gotta say, it hurts a lot, and I don’t just mean physically. 
Because of what I’m going through, it’s especially important to see my favourite RWBY character just so happening to be dealing with the same problem; the same loss of idenity and purpose. We don’t know who we are or what we’re good for without the things we think define us.
While I’m unsure of my own future though, I find comfort in knowing that Nora’s problem will be tackled and addressed; that her friends will help her to rediscover herself and find her true worth. And while we’ve got a while to go until we’ll be able to see the Volume continue, I’m incredibely excited to see where Nora’s arc goes, especially if we can get some backstory along the way. I find myself wondering if her life before Ren is part of why she thinks so little of herself without him- was it the way she was raised to think? Is this the fault of her childood circumstances? Or is this just something she developed on her own, after becoming too dependant on Ren for comfort?
Whatever answers we get, I have faith that Nora’s story will be told well, and I’m very sure that it’s only just beginning. Even if she finds her worth before the end of the volume, her story won’t be over yet, not when we’ve still likely got at least four more volumes to go after this one.
In just seven episodes, Nora Valkyrie has gone from one of the least developed characters, to one of the most interesting and relatable, at least, in my eyes. There is so much more depth to her character than having a crush on Ren, and being the strong girl who hits stuff. There’s a layer of tragedy to her character that we’re touching upon now, and I’m excited to dive into it.
Thank you all for reading!
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babiesdreams · 3 years
Nct reaction to you saying “i love you” out of nowhere for the first time part 3
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1.300
Part 1  Part 2 
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You decided to learn chinese, as you felt it could be good for communicating with Renjun, and he wanted to help you as much as he could, supporting you through the learning process. So you decided you would finally tell him what you feel in a special way. So you decided you were going to ask him for a bunch of things first. “Hey baby, I am studying verbs right now and I needed your help with some of them” After getting an explanation for the complex grammar, you finally asked him “And how do you say I love you?” you said, waiting for his reaction, but not really getting what you wanted as he was full-on teacher mode. So when he said “Oh that´s Wǒ ài nǐ (我爱你)” You cupped his face on your hands taking his attention back to you “Wǒ ài nǐ Huang Renjun” You said smiling at him sweetly. Even though it was just a purely sweet moment, Renjun could not restrain his tears from falling “You are just so perfect” He said, cleaning the tears from his face.
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You and Jeno were on the rooftop hanging out, as you usually did, looking down and admiring the view of the busy highways mixed with the lights of the city in contrast to the dark night sky. You were thinking to yourself about your relationship with him, every little moment, passing through your thoughts as you got lost in them. And you realized right there that you were in love with the way he smiled at you, the looks he gave you and his affectionate kisses. You returned to reality when he started talking “I love this view” he just said looking at the sky. “I love you” It just came out of your mouth, without planning it, and both of you were shocked at your sudden words. But Jeno was fast reacting as he grabbed your hand and kissed it softly. “I love you too princess”
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You and Donghyuck were at the beach playing truth or dare to kill the boredom. “Truth” You said. “What is the part of me you like the most?” “Um your personality I guess” You answered honestly. “Oh come on, tell the truth, I know you love this lips” He said kissing the air while joking. “I do, but it isn't the reason I fell in love with you” you explained. “Oh so you are in love with me” He said, raising his eyebrow. “Truth or dare Donghyuck” You said now tired of his jokes. “Dare” He said with a smirk. “I dare you to go into the water and stay there for a whole minute” You said laughing as you watched his reaction. “It is so cold, How dare you??” And before you could realize he caught you bridal style and ran towards the water. Both of you were now in the water and Donghyuck just said “I LOVE YOU Y/N” screaming so the whole world could hear him.
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 It´s been a month since you put a time capsule together with Jaemin. You were nervous as you remembered the content of your part. Jaemin already took it out of the ground and you looked at him expectantly.  You wrote him a long ass poem telling him your feelings and confessing how you loved him. You analized his face as he read the whole thing getting hints of different emotions from his eyes. “Baby, it's so beautiful, but I feel my capsule will answer yours” He said, passing it to you. You started reading his letter as a guitar started playing in front of you. Jaemin was concentrating on getting every note right and started singing the song I´m yours. The mix of the written words and the song made you feel the same way you wanted him to feel about your poem.
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You were excited because of the arrival of your parents´ package. You and Yangyang decided a while ago that it would be fun to share baby photos with each other. So you had to contact your parents to ask them for a couple of photos to share, and they finally arrived. You were both sitting together on the couch and commenting on the photos. “Oh I remember this one, I was four years old and I danced with this boy in the hotel´s party the whole night and I just told him I loved him and that I would marry him in the future” Yang yang started giggling “What?!, You don´t say those things to me” You chuckled and looked at him “Liu Yangyang, I love you and I´m pretty sure I will marry you in the future” You said jokingly. “I know for sure I'll marry you baby” He said kissing you tenderly.
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You and shotaro were practicing origami and he was teaching you different techniques he looked up on the internet. “And if you do this, you have a dragon” He said showing you his perfect looking dragon, making you feel uneasy as weren't even near to his level. So you folded the paper in your hands making a heart shape with it. “And this is my heart, you know why?” You asked, he shook his head saying no “Because I love you and my heart is yours” You said in a cute way. Shotaro blinked a couple of times as the information was too much for him to process. “I- I think I love you too” He said, hiding his face behind his hands.
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You and chenle were taking a walk together around the city as you talked about random memories together, and that day came out. “And you were so nervous just to say you liked me when we were already dating, it was so funny” He said laughing. “It was because I wanted to say something different, I swear i'm not that idiot” You said excusing yourself. “And what did you want to tell me huh?” “That's a secret” You said mysteriously. “Come on tell meeeeee” “I wanted to say that I love you” you just replied as he was sooo curious about it. “huh? You love me?” He would say confused. “Yes I love you so damn hard Chenle” You finally confessed. “I would love me too, it's understandable” he kept joking about it, as he was scared to confess to you too.
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You were excited to see the result of your bet. You knew sungchan would never have done this if he didn't have too, and that made it fun. He walked around the shopping mall, until he was right on the spot with more people around. And then he looked at you trying to convince himself about what he was about to do. “Y/N I love you” He shouted, loudly enough for you to let it slide and then coming for you all embarrassed. “You did great” you said and he just looked at you challenging “And what about you?” He said coming closer. “Do you love me?” “Of course I love you honey” He chuckled at your confession and you both had a cute date at the mall.
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It was his birthday and you wanted to make something special for him. So you ordered a cake with the message as it was too much for you to just say it. So when the cake arrived you were more than excited. It was so pretty and cute and the words “I love you idiot” could be read from it. So it was no surprise for you when Jisung went straight in for the cake. “Did you order the message?” He said with his mouth full of cake. “Yes baby” you said looking down as the whole situation made you feel shy. “um, I love you too” he said, kissing your now rosy cheeks.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #790: Kind of Went Too Far. (RWBY)
12:45 p.m. at the Sidewalks of Mistral.......
Sun: (Starts Panting by a Nearby Pole Alongside with Oscar) Hey....('Pants') Oscar....('Pants') Do you think....('Pants') anyone noticed.....('Pants') that we're long ('Pants').....gone ('Pants')....already? (Starts Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead)
Oscar: Maybe?....('Pants') Sort of?.... ('Pants') I really don't know at this point to be honest....(Starts Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead as Well) Let's just hope none of them followed us all the way here....
Sun: Yeah......
?????: ('Ahem')
The duo turns and see Whitley standing behind them while crossing his arms.
Whitley: Do I even wanna know you two are up to right now?
Sun: Oh. (Smiles Brightly at the Youngest Schnee) Hey, Whitley. Oscar and I were just running away from an inevitable doom back at the house.
Whitley: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Pardon?
Oscar: ('Sigh') We were trying runaway from Yang and possibly even Ruby's wrath after Emerald made a comeback on their mom, Summer.
Sun: Who's not here with us in the land of the living..... Doesn't help the fact that Neptune laughed throughout the whole thing. So....here we are.
Whitley: I see.....Well, I can't say I blame those two for being crossed with her. Throwing insults on the dead does seem pretty distasteful if you ask me.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Tell me about it......But anyways, what are you doing out here, Whitley? Taking a scroll around town?
Whitley: Not necessary. (Points at a Building in Front of Him) I was simply going to the café on the other side of the road. (Smiles a Little) I heard their coffee was almost to die for.
Sun: (Smiles Brightly at the Café) Ah dude! You're going to the Mistral Café? Their coffee, expressos and frappuccinos are the best in the town!
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I have been wanting to go there for a while now...
Whitley: (Sighs While Putting on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) I take it you two simpletons want to tag along, don't you?
Sun: Uh. Correction. Oscar and I are Huntsmen. (Went Back to Smiling) And hell yeah we wanna tag along!
Oscar: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) If you don't mind any company that is....
Whitley: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') I suppose I don't mind.....But you two are paying for your own drinks.
Oscar: (Simply Shrugs) Fine by us.
Sun: Yup.
Few Minutes Later Outside of the Mistral Café.......
Oscar: (Smiles Brightly at a Cup of Coffee He Just Drank on his Side of the Table) You were right, Sun. This has to be the best coffee I've ever tasted.
Sun: Right? (Smiles Relaxingly While on the Other Side of the Table) Told ya this place has the best coffee in town.
Whitley: (Nodded in Agreement While Sitting on the Middle of Table, Enjoying his Cup of Expresso) I agree. This Expresso is magnificent in it's own right. It might rival that to Klein's coffee.
Sun: Uhhhh....Who exactly is-
Oscar: (Turns to Sun) He's the Schnee Family's Butler, Sun. Or at least I....think he still is?
Whitley: He isn't really our Butler anymore. But he does seem to spend a lot more time with mother as of late.
Oscar: Oh, really? Cool. (Turns to Whitley) How's Mrs. Schnee been doing lately if you don't mind me asking.
Whitley: She's doing fairly well for the most part. Still adjusting to the outside world and whatnot. (Smiles a Little) We started to spending a lot more time together than before actually. Speaking of which, she wanted to if you and the others would like to accompany us on a trip one of these days.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I have ask everyone else about it first, but other than that, it's sound like a plan alr-
Emerald: (Came Out of Nowhere Slams the Table While Glaring at Oscar With a Black Eye, Causing the Boy Get Startled) ('SLAM') Oscar, you traitorous little shit!
Neptune: (Frowns Over Dramatically at Sun While Having a Black Eye of his Own) What the heck, man!? You guys seriously left in there alone!?
Oscar: Oh! Uh....(Chuckles Awkwardly at the Two Black Eyes Friends) H-Heyyy, Emerald..... Neptune....I uhh...Take it that....Yang has..... already pulverized the both of you.... didn't she?
Emerald: Yeah. She did. The girl literally tackled us from the other side of the room and gave us both black eyes. I couldn't even reacted to all of that in time!
Neptune: It took us five and half minutes to escape the house. And once we noticed that you guys were missing in there, decided to look for the both of you.
Emerald: And now we found out that you two have been here enjoying your little coffees this entire time while we suffered! The hell was that all about!?
Neptune: (Already in Comical Tears) I thought we were all bros man!
Oscar: ('Sigh') Look, guys, we didn't mean to abandon you two like that or anything.
Sun: Yeah. We were just scared of get wrapped up into Yang's fury. Sooooo....we bailed. And besides, in all honestly, you guys kinda had that one coming.
Emerald/Neptune: WHAT!?
Oscar: I'm sorry, but I'm with Sun on this one. (Turns to Emerald) Emerald, you flatted out insulted Ruby and Yang's mom in front them and everybody else in the room.
Sun: (Points at Neptune) And you laughed through all of that.
Oscar: Like seriously, Emerald, who would intentionally ask someone what shoes their parents was wearing while they're in a casket!?
Sun: Your laugh sounds like a literally hyena, dude. I'm sorry.
Oscar: And then you went and insult their grandma by saying she doesn't have any knees to pray to Ozpin or do some kind of....Double-Dutch or whatever!
Sun: Like, I've never once, in my entire life, ever heard you laugh like that. Hell, I can even ask Sage and Scarlet about this right now and I can guarantee you that they say the same.
Emerald: Okay, so maybe I did went a little too far on the mom and grandma comeback, but she started the whole thing first with the stupid shoes insult! How else was I supposed to get her back after that!?
Oscar: Make fun of her cape and Crescent Rose instead! I dunno! But what I DO know is that you NEVER disrespect anyone's dead relative! Even if you do wanna use it for a comeback!
Neptune: I didn't mean to laugh out loud like that. I had no idea those Burns would be THAT funny!
Sun: Look, man, I'm all for hearing a well deserved Burns as much as the next guy, but even I know I shouldn't laugh to one that involves something personal.
Oscar: You're already like a sister to me, Emerald, and I know you been through a lot before I met you, but if you really wanna makes amends with Ruby and the others, you can't be doing stuff like this.
Emerald: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah..... You're right.....(Turns to Oscar With a bit if a Regretful Look on her Face) I'm sorry, Oscar.....
Oscar: ('Sigh') It's fine, Emerald. I was never mad at you to begin with. But you know I'm not the one who you should be apologizing to, right?
Emerald: (Sighs While Giving Oscar a Simple Nod in Agreement) Yeah....
Sun: (Starts Ruffling the Top of Neptune's Hair) That goes for you too, bro. You need to apologize to Ruby and Yang for laughing like a hyena.
Neptune: ('Sighs in Defeat') I know...... (Glares at Sun) AND I'M NOT HYENA!!!
Emerald: (Gives Neptune a Deadpinned Look on her Face) You so did sound like one.
Neptune: (Immediately Turns to Emerald) WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON RIGHT NOW!?
Whitley: Once a hyena, always a hyena I suppose....(Continues Drinking his Expresso)
Neptune: (Turns to Whitley) YOU WANNA FREAKING GO, TWERP!!!?
Oscar chuckles lightly at the whole scene before he felt two hands covering his both his eyes.
????: (Giggles Softly) Guuuuess who!~
Oscar: Oh gee, I dunno~ (Starts Smirking Playfully) Is that you, Ozpin?
????: (Starts Snickering) Yeah, right! Like Oz could ever pull off a cute voice like yours truly.
The person remove two hands from Oscar's eyes, revealing herself to be none other than Ruby Rose while smiling brightly.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly at the Girl) Hey there, stranger. What are you doing out here?
Ruby: (Pouts at Oscar While Hugging Him) Looking for you, dumb-dumb!~ You and Sun had everyone back home worried.
Oscar: Even Nora?
Ruby: Especially Nora. She's already forming a search party for you as we speak.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh no....(Gets Himself Up From his Seat) Guess we have get back home then. (Turns to Sun) You're coming with us, Sun?
Sun: (Smiles Relaxingly at the Duo) Nah man. You two kiddos can go on without me. If they ask where I'm at, tell 'em I'm having coffee.
Oscar/Ruby: 'Kay!
Emerald: (Immediately Turns to Ruby) W-Wait! Ruby, about what happened earlier, I-
Ruby: (Immediately Held her Hand Up at Emerald While Giving her a Dark Glare) Not now.
Emerald: (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Glare Before Sighing in Defeat While Looking Down on the Ground in Regret) Right........
Ruby: (Turns Back to Oscar With a Soft Smile While Gently Grabbing his Hand) Let's go, Oscar.
Oscar: Oh! O-Okay. (Waves Goodbye at Everyone While Walking Back Hime With Ruby) See you guys later!
Sun: Later, guys!
Neptune: Bye!!
Sun: (Turns to Emerald) You doing okay, Emerald?
Emerald: (Sighs Once More While Slowly Slouching Down on Oscar's Former Seat) Yeah.... I'm just..... Feeling like I'm back to square one in all of this....
Whitley: It could've worse really.....Yang could've suplexed you and Neptune in front of everyone to see.
Emerald/Sun/Neptune: (Gives Whitley Confused Looks on Each of their Faces) ....................
Whitley: My mother suplexed a man for insulting Weiss during that time we all thought her and the others were dead. (Continues Sipping on his Expresso)
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Birthday Booze
Pairing: Stray Kids’ I.N. / Reader
Genre: humor, smutty, birthday shenangians
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Korean drinking age is 19, so it’s not underage; “Noona” usage; somewhat irresponsible drinking; dry humping (clothes don’t come off at all)
Summary: Yang Jeongin just turned 19, which means he can legally drink and try to woo you as an adult.
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Yang Jeongin turns 19 and is officially able to drink with this hyungs. The biggest party is planned for his coming of age, mostly by the two eldest, Woojin and Chan. While Woojin tries to keep it simple and make sure no one will die from alcohol poisoning, Chan just throws money at what he can; even getting his hands on beer and liquor from all over the globe.
While Jeongin counts the days down, he’s also excited because you’ll be there. Ever since you saved him from getting separated from the others at the airport, he sees you as someone he could look up to, or more appropriately, someone he’d like to see below him.
He is going to woo you with a beer in his hand and you are going to be his girlfriend and he is going to be an adult.
Well, he would have been if his hyungs didn’t totally conspire against him.
“Jeonginnie, did you try this one? Ooh, how about this one?” Minho asks, shoving glass after glass of foreign liquor into his hands, making sure he downs each shot with enthusiasm.
“Try this Australian beer! It’s amazing!” Felix cheers, handing over a bottle with a kangaroo on it.
His face is red and he’s carelessly happy when you finally show up to the party. You have a beautifully wrapped box under your arm and a giggly Jisung pushing you forward into the living room of their dorm, practically hanging off you. You push him back with a laugh, walking over to Jeongin to hand him your gift.
“Happy birthday, our Jeonginnie,” you say, bending over a bit to give him a one-armed hug. The angle allows a good view for him to look down your shirt, but he is so tipsy by now that he can’t enjoy it properly. When you pull back, you hand him his gift before you’re whisked away by Felix.
“Noona! You’re drinking with us, right?” he hears Felix ask you, but you laugh him off.
“Not if I want to make it home tonight. I’ll stick to one Stella and that’s it,” you say, swatting at his shoulder when he tries to hand you a shot of tequila. Woojin swoops in with your beer of choice and a kiss on the cheek.
It may look like Jeongin is sitting happily, slightly tipsy with red cheeks and ears, but inside he boils with rage at his hyung’s easy affection for the woman of his affections. He wishes he could just hand you a beer and kiss you like that.
While you are older than him (actually all of them), you have never treated him like a kid. You treat him like an adult capable of making his own decisions, but also help guide him in the right direction when he doesn’t have his head screwed on right.
In fact, he finds he’s jealous of every other member too, how easy they can show skin ship with you. Chan and Felix are more comfortable with that, coming from Australia and being able to grow up in an environment that fosters physical affection. The others grow into it quickly as well, but Jeongin just can’t get passed it. Affection needs to mean something to him, but he’s so afraid to show any to you in case you turn him down.
Well, those thoughts are out the window as he stares at you from across the room, watching you laugh with Chan as he does a dance with flailing arms.
Minho sidles up to him to see where his line of sight is going. Jeongin can’t turn his eyes away fast enough.
“You’ve been staring at her since she walked in,” he deduces with a small knowing smirk. He gives the maknae another shot and watches him down it. He’s at the point that it doesn’t burn on the way down.
Jeongin finally looks at the gift you gave him, wondering if he should open it now or wait until after cake. With the rate he’s going, he might not even see the cake. He carefully unwraps the box and opens it to find the next few volumes of the manga he’s been obsessed with for the past month. He smiles fondly at it.
When Jeongin turns to look at Minho, he realizes he’s no longer next to him. No, he is by your side, getting a tight hug from you, and it makes his blood boil again. He is holding you for much too long. He turns the both of you to send a smirk his way over your shoulder.
Minho is doing this on purpose. The bastard.
He says something into your ear, and you turn to look at him with a smile. He’s suddenly glad that his cheeks are already red. Then you move away from Minho and make your way to him.
“I got the right books, right?” you ask, sitting down next to him on the floor. He can only nod, his eyes shyly going back to the box in his lap. “I’m glad. I thought you had these ones already.”
“Thank you, noona. I think all my gift money was spent on alcohol, so I’m happy I got to unwrap something,” he smiles, shifting the box off his lap and onto the floor. Seungmin appears on his left, grabbing a beer and soju, but not before giving the birthday boy a good-natured shove to the shoulder. Maybe to egg on his confidence?
“Hey! You can’t just grab booze and shove him!” you exclaim with a chuckle, pulling Jeongin into you protectively, like a mother coddling a child. Seungmin only laughs before going into the kitchen portion of the room, where Hyunjin and Minho are congregated.
While he is happy to have his face pressed to your chest, he can’t afford the physical reaction that it will bring. He breaks away with a laugh and seems to have a new shot pressed into his hand by Changbin.
“Noona, have you thought about staying the night? That way you can drink all night with us!” Changbin quips, raising his own shot into the air like a mock toast before swallowing it down in one go.
“And be in a dorm surrounded by boys? I’d rather be a stick in the mud,” you joke. You take a swig from your beer before really looking at the two boys next to and in front of you. Their faces are bright red, Changbin holding up a little better than Jeongin. “I’m going to grab you both some water. Stay here.”
Jeongin watches you rise and sashay over to the kitchen (but did you really sashay? Or is he that far gone?). Minho immediately grabs your arm and pulls you into the circle of him, Hyunjin, and Seungmin.
“We’re going to bring out the cake in a few minutes. Do you want to carry it out?” Hyunjin asks, not afraid to wrap an arm around your shoulders. “I mean, if I had my way, I’d have you popping out of a cake for him, but I lost that vote.”
You playfully jab him in the ribs with two fingers, making him fly back away from you. “I wouldn’t do that anyway!”
“Yeah, but have you ever thought that maybe he wants to see that?” Minho snickers, leveling you with an evil grin.
“Nobody wants to see that. We need to see that,” a voice says right behind you. You turn to see Chan.
“Shut up, Chris,” you groan, finally grabbing the jug of filtered water that you originally came over here for. “You’re gross.”
“I just know what I need. And you coming out of a cake would make my birthday party!” Chan shrugs with a grin, following you back to Jeongin and Changbin.
You find two glasses that once held alcohol and poured water in them, making sure the two drink the entire cup down. You also hand a cup to Chan, which he takes without a fight and gulps the liquid down.
Grabbing your beer, you go to sit on the couch by Woojin, making idle chatter while the party around you gets into full swing.
Jeongin tries to have fun with Jisung and Felix, playing a game on a console, but can’t keep his eyes from finding you every few minutes. He doesn’t want you disappearing on him. A few more shots and “Loser Punch” created by a mixture of alcohol lovingly tended by Felix whenever someone lost a round, he starts to feel it.
Oh god; I’m drunk.
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jeonginnie, happy birthday to you!” Given that everyone had good vocals in the group, it still hurt to hear it sung. But you are lit up with the candles on his chocolate cake, making you even more ethereal and he almost forgets where he is – not alone in a bedroom, which is his preferred choice.
“Make a wish and don’t spit on the cake!” Jisung yells, making everyone laugh.
Jeongin can’t help but stare at you before blowing out his candles, fluttering your hair a little.
“CAKE!” Chan whooped, everyone settling around to get a slice; the knife is handled responsibly by Woojin. Before Jeongin can get a slice, chocolate frosting is smeared on his cheeks, bringing noises of laughter and disgust into being.
“Lick it off, noona!” Changbin cheers, licking off the frosting he smeared onto Jeongin’s cheek himself.
The birthday boy screeches in response but doesn’t have the ability to maneuver away from him in his drunken state. You play along, bending him backwards to reach his cheek and sucking the frosting off, making everyone double over from laughing.
Jeongin is mortified and extremely turned on at the same time, so he quickly grabs his slice of cake and sits down – he tries his best to laugh it off, but damn that was hot.
Another slice of cake and a few more shots later, Jeongin is passed the point of coherent thought. He giggles at everything anyone says and his discretion is nowhere to be seen. He’s all over everyone, leaning heavily against them and wrapping his arms around his target.
That’s when you decide to step in. “Alright, Jeonginnie, I’m cutting you off,” you say, taking the shot out of his hand and swallowing it yourself. You watch his throat bob in a hard gulp, his cheeks red and his eyes practically rolling in their sockets.
He leans down to smoosh his cheek against your shoulder, his heavy weight almost knocking you over into Woojin. “Noona, are you staying the night?”
“I can’t, sweet pea; I have work tomorrow morning,” you answer, trying to push him up into a sitting position again.
“Noona, you should call out sick and stay with us,” he continues, making Woojin chuckle beside you.
“I’m bringing you to bed. You can barely sit up!” You take his arms and try to pull him off the couch, but his head lolls back and he whines.
“Felix isn’t going to bed!”
“Felix drank Australian beer all night – you had harder stuff than he did. He’s probably marginally better than you are,” you explain, trying to pull him to his feet once more. You succeed this time. Your arm is holding him up around the waist as you try to walk him slowly in the direction of his and Minho’s shared room.
They are the only two to have two separate beds instead of bunk beds, and you thank your lucky stars that it isn’t Jisung you had to get into bed. However, after seeing him walk into walls, the couch, and the other members, it probably isn’t too far off.
You close the door behind you to try and muffle the music and sounds from the other room. You gasp when you feel arms around your neck and heavy breaths in your ear.
“Noona, do you like me?” Jeongin asks, his voice deeper and gasping, but still slurred from all the alcohol he consumed. His hand cards through your hair at the back of your neck, making you shiver.
“Yes, very much. Are you going to change into some pajamas?” you ask, looking around on the floor where a bunch of clothes are piled. His arms don’t move from around your neck.
“Do you think I’m cute?”
“Yes, very.”
“Would you sleep with me?”
You baulk at his final question. How were you supposed to answer him?
“It’s complicated, Jeonginnie,” you dodge, trying to unwrap his arms so you can get him into bed. He is going to have a hell of a hangover in the morning.
“Huh? If you like me and think I’m cute, you should sleep with me,” he smiles drunkenly, thinking Point A and Point B equals Point C. You can’t help the grimace your face falls into.
“I’m eight years older than you –“
“So? Is it b-because I’m young? Do you need an experienced boyfriend?” he spits, finally letting you go but swaying where he stands.
You sigh, “honestly, you’re very tempting.” He always comes off as very innocent, and that’s something that an animalistic part of you wants to destroy.
“I tempt you?” he giggles falling back onto his bed (you hope). He bites his lip as he looks you up and down. His legs are spread wide and he’s half-reclining on the bed – tempting is a mighty fine word for him right now. His head tilts back to show off his neck which is a defining feature of his, one that you find extremely attractive. He is doing everything he can to get to you and you can tell.
You step closer to him, standing between his knees and giving him a very serious look. He gulps and you can’t help but watch his throat bob. “An older woman should take a younger man because she can teach him how to please her,” you recite from a magazine you read last month, “and to a point, I agree. But I’m not allowed to touch you.”
Jeongin feels like he had a bucket of cold water fall on him. “Why not?”
“Chan’s orders.”
“He’s not in charge of me! I can do whatever I want!” he whines.
“Can you keep a secret?” At his nod, you kneel over him, hooking your knees under his to have him straddle your hips, your hands planted next to his head on the bed. Leaning into his ear, you whisper, “He’s not the boss of me either.”
He lay vulnerable beneath you, his breath picking up speed from your proximity. You are so close to him, and then oh god. You shift your hips slightly to apply pressure to his groin. He gasps. He bucks his hips up into your belly and releases a moan that has your head spinning.
It’s a shame that he drank so much. If he was sober, you could have nailed him without too much guilt. But because he is drunk, it would be considered nonconsensual. You nod to yourself after thinking of a plan.
“Jeonginnie, what do you think about a challenge?” you ask, taking your phone out of your pocket. He watches you earnestly, tongue coming out to wet his dry lips. “I’m going to set the timer on my phone to ten minutes. If you can last that long, then I’ll let you have your way with me.”
“Last doing what?”
You step away from him only to readjust his legs so you could straddle him. Your hands are caging in his head again and you lean down to place your mouth near his ear.
“If you can handle some dry humping, you should be able to handle me. What do you say, baby boy?” you whisper, licking the shell of his ear. He gasps again and bucks up into you, feeling so much better for the both of you with this position. He is fully erect now, and you can feel him well through both sets of pants.
“Noona, please,” he wails, his hands coming up to your hips.
You press the timer button and lean back, lightly grinding down onto his cock. You want to kiss his pretty lips, but that, you knew, is your trump card. He already looks completely fucked out and you’ve barely done anything. In the small light of the room, his face is deeply flushed, his pupils dilated, and he bites his lip in concentration. Maybe he sobered up a little, if the fire in his eyes is anything to go by.
He takes your hips and pulls you down harder onto him. You can’t help the small moan that leaves your lips. He applies (unknowingly) the right amount of pressure in the right spot for you to feel the pleasure go down your spine. You clench around nothing when he moans your name.
Your control is lost after that, and you lean down and finally connect your lips to his, swallowing the stream of moans from him as you ramp up your hip movements. You press down harder on him, picking up your pace as you stick your tongue in his mouth. He tastes surprisingly sweet after all the alcohol he downed earlier.
His kisses are sloppy and unpracticed. His hips stutter in their pace. He’s almost constantly whining and moaning now. He won’t last the full ten minutes.
Your own pleasure is building up just from the clitoral stimulation alone, and your panties are starting to stick to you. You wish you could take them off.
“If this is what it feels like with our clothes on, then I can’t wait to feel what it’s like to have them off!” he whines quietly, his fingers digging into your waist.
You chuckle, “here, I’ll give you a small preview.” You take his hand and slide it up your shirt and he gasps at the feeling of your skin. His eyes bug out when his hand is passed underneath the band of your bra and feels a hardened nipple.
His pace becomes erratic now, and you must keep your mouth glued to his to hush his moans.
Your name becomes a mantra to him. You are a goddess about to bring him to a higher plane, a new dimension – but he knows that if he does now, he won’t get to have you the way he wants.
But you feel so good.
It’s when you remove your mouth and clamp a hand over his, adjusting your trajectory to his neck that he can’t help it. You lick up his neck to his jaw and he shivers. Must – hold – on!
He flicks his thumb over your nipple, and you groan quietly, pushing your breast into his hand more.
You know better than to leave marks on his neck, but god you want to mark him. In lieu of his neck, you decide to lift his shirt, getting your first real chance to touch his naked torso. He’s toned, but not overly, making you bite your lip as he continues to buck up into you. You grind down into him in response.
You kiss his chest, right over his heart, then circle your tongue around his nipple. His hand slips back out of your shirt to resume its place on your hip.
He chants another word at this point, “no, no, no, no, no!”
His entire body stiffens under you, a choked cry coming from Jeongin after you remove your hand. He comes in his pants with only a minute left on the clock. That’s a shame.
You help him come down by kissing his chest lightly, able to feel and hear his heart beating out of his chest. You don’t get to climax, but it was worth seeing him come undone under you.
He pulls you by your neck into a searing kiss, and you moan. Then he lets you go and falls boneless back to the bed. You crawl off him and fix your bra and shirt before turning back to him. Jeongin is sound asleep.
You can’t help but kiss his forehead in fondness. And worry that he’s going to have a rough time cleaning up in the morning if he doesn’t get up now to clean himself. You suppose it would help him think it was just a dream.
You tidy your hair before stepping out and closing the door quietly behind you. Hyunjin is sprawled out on the floor, and Changbin and Felix are still dancing to the music. Minho, Jisung, and Seungmin are eating the last pieces of the cake. Chan and Woojin find you before you can find them. “Is he alright?” Chan asks.
“He didn’t want to go down quietly that’s for sure. Just check on him before you go to bed to make sure he’s propped up with pillows,” you answer.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night?” Woojin asks, “It’s getting late, and we’re nervous about you taking a train this late.”
“I’ll be fine, Woojinnie. But I do have to get going.” They both hug you goodbye, getting hugs from the three in the kitchen as well. Felix and Changbin are too far in their own worlds, and Hyunjin is dead asleep.
“Will you pop out of a cake for Hyunjin’s birthday next month?” Minho teased as you got your shoes on. You only waved a fist in his direction. He got the hint.
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vengfulfate · 5 years
Both of Them, and Only Them, Ch. 9
Story Summary -   Melanie and Miltiades Malachite have trouble with love. They share everything, and this has either scared people away or made them think their relationship was more open than the twins would wish. Then along came Ruby Rose… could she be the one the sisters have searched for?
Chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Melanie’s mind was slowly roused from sleep by an incessant scroll’s ringtone. She felt a presence shifting in her arms, telling her whoever was in them was awake. “Miltia, who’s calling you at this hour…?”
“That’s not my scroll, Mel…” an equally tired Miltiades responded.
“It’s mine,” a third, equally tired, and very familiar voice claimed.
Melanie’s eyes shot open. She had forgotten Ruby had spent the night, but there the girl was in her and her sister’s arms. Or rather, was, as the redhead sat up to grab her scroll. Melanie looked over at Miltiades, the twins sharing a smile as they recalled the night before.
Ruby hit answer and put the scroll up to her ear, “Helloo…”
“Wow, Rubes, did I wake you up?” Yang’s voice was clear and conscious on the other side.
“No, no, I’m fii-” yyaawwwwwnnn “-iine…” Ruby tried to stretch herself awake.
“Sure you are,” Yang chuckled, “How late were you up last night?”
“I stayed up in the club while the twins were on shift…” Ruby answered slowly, “Why? What time is it?”
“It’s almost ten.”
“Almost- what!” Ruby was much more awake now, “Oh shoot, mission selection! Oohhh I am so late!”
“Calm down, Rubes, I got an idea,” Yang spoke calmly. After a short moment, Ruby heard her voice again, slightly distorted. “Alright, we got you on speaker. I’m here with Blake and the other one.”
“Good morning, Ruby,” Blake’s voice came through.
“…Hi.” Weiss’s voice sounded as well.
“Way I see it, we make sure we’re on the same page and we should be able to pick a mission we’re all happy with without you here,” Yang explained. “Then you get to sleep in and spend the day with your girls!”
“That’s… actually a good idea,” Ruby nodded.
“You don’t have to sound so surprised…” Yang grumbled.
“So what are we thinking?” Ruby asked.
“Well… there is that info I got at the rally,” Blake spoke up, “About the southeast? I told Ozpin, but I still want to investigate myself…”
“Wait, when did you tell Ozpin?” Weiss asked.
“Last night, during the dance, I spotted someone breaking into the CCT tower,” Blake explained, “I missed the last half of the dance because I was being debriefed by Ozpin and General Ironwood. I told them what I saw, and managed to work in the ‘southeast’ angle.”
“So, we shadow a hunter in one of the southeast quadrants?” Ruby tried to steer the conversation back on track, “Maybe check Search and Destroy?”
“I like the sound of that!” Yang sounded excited, “We'll follow them around by day, and give them the slip by night!”
“Sounds like we got a plan,” Ruby agreed. As her mind calmed, another yawn signaled her returning fatigue “Now I’ve got someplace to be…”
“Do you want to stay on as we pick the mission?” Blake suggested.
“Nah, I think we covered everything pretty well,” Ruby told her, “I trust you guys.”
“Even me…?”
Even across the scroll all four girls could feel the silence fall after Weiss’s comment. Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose as she thought out her response. “I trust that you won’t let private problems affect how RWBY works as a team,” Ruby decided on her answer, “everything else, is… a longer discussion for a later date. Preferably not on speaker over my sister’s phone.”
“… I understand,” Weiss responded.
“Enjoy your day, Ruby,” Blake bid farewell.
“Just not too much!” Yang teased.
“Shut up, Yang…” Ruby retorted with no energy and hung up.
“So, are we losing you now…?” Miltiades asked with sleep in her voice.
“Absolutely…” Ruby tossed her scroll aside and leaned back, “not!” She settled back into place between Melanie and Miltiades, “Team’s got mission pickin’ covered. I’m all yours today.”
“Good,” Melanie smiled.
“It’s too early to stay awake any longer…” Miltiades agreed.
The three girls returned to a comfortable sleep for another few hours.
Miltiades roused from sleep once again, more naturally this time. She opened her eyes to see Ruby and Melanie still snoring lightly, noses less than an inch apart. The red twin smiled as she did every time she was reminded of her and her sister’s suddenly successful romance. Sometimes it seemed too good to be true, but then Ruby would text them or show up to take them to lunch. Or invite them to Beacon’s equivalent of a prom. Despite the little white road bump, last night was absolutely perfect.
“What are you smiling about, Miltia?” Melanie asked, surprising her sister who didn’t know she was awake yet.
“Probably the same thing you’re smiling about,” Miltiades pointed out her teasing sister’s own smile.
“Girls, girls…” Ruby interrupted, her eyes still closed, “I know I’m cute, but you’re going to give me a complex.”
The twins both turned red at being caught red-handed. Thankfully, Ruby’s eyes were still closed and they were able to play it off. “We can’t help it!” Melanie recovered first.
“You’re just too cute,” Miltiades kissed Ruby’s cheek.
Ruby smiled and finally opened her eyes, turning her head to look up at Miltiades. “I may be cute, but you two,” Ruby kissed Miltiades then Melanie in turn with an exaggerated mwah, “Are beautiful.”
“Keep up the sweet talk,” Melanie smirked, “and you may not be leaving this bed…”
Ruby was finally getting used to Melanie’s suggestive teasing and was able to respond, even if her cheeks were still bright red at the thought. “As tempting as that may or may not be,” Ruby answered, “My tummy is yelling at me…”
“Party pooper,” Melanie directed to comment at the redhead’s stomach.
“What’s on the menu for breakfast?” Ruby asked, finally sitting up and checking her scroll. It was already almost one in the afternoon. “Or whatever you girls call this meal.”
“Breakfast,” Melanie confirmed, “We have cereal…”
“Some oatmeal…” Miltiades helped her sister list off.
“We might have a few eggs we can cook up...”
“Or pancakes…”
“We could always have breakfast in town, too!”
“We’re off tonight, there’s no reason to stay in the club.”
“So what do you want, Ruby?”
The redhead had slumped back onto the bed while the twins conversed. “I wanna stay in bed…” she answered.
Melanie rolled her eyes, “But it was your stomach that made us get up. Come on, sweetheart,” she took Ruby’s hands and guided her off the bed, “You can have first shower. The water will wake you up.”
“You can use whatever products you see, we don’t have anything too fancy,” Miltiades offered.
“Alright, alright, fine…” Ruby fake-pouted, “but only cuz you asked nicely…”
Ruby stepped out of the bathroom dressed in all but her boots and hood, feeling refreshed and awake. Her ankle was feeling leagues better as well, and would likely be all healed up before the next morning. Just in time for the mission, she thought to herself as she entered the living room. “I’m done in the shower, girls!”
“Sounds good!” the twins chimed as they stepped past Ruby.
“We’ll be quick as we can,” Miltiades promised.
“Then we’ll go get breakfast!” Melanie finished.
Ruby watched them both shut the door, realization creeping slowly. Of course they’re sharing a shower… Ruby was starting to believe her blush would become permanent if she was not careful with where her thoughts proceeded next. To distract herself, she decided to take a look around the apartment and try to parse how the twins lived when she wasn’t around.
Looking around, it almost seemed like Melanie and Miltiades could be the result of if Ruby herself were somehow split in two. Or if her and Weiss were born as twins. Nothing felt like it would be out of place in a future home for the redhead, even though she knew Miltiades didn’t play the video games stashed under the TV, and Melanie wasn’t an avid reader of the books that littered bookshelves.
Ruby could imagine an average night for the twins. A gamepad in Melanie’s hand, taking on challenge after challenge with the press of a few buttons. Miltiades with a book or two, letting the words on the page take her to worlds outside her own. Both on the couch, spending their time together even if they were doing separate things. And of course, Ruby could imagine herself snuggled between them, alternating between the two activities and sharing many, many close moments.
Her imagined future with the twins made her smile. Sitting down on the couch and thinking about how the future in very nearly reality already, made her smile even wider.
“And what is making you so happy?”
Either the twins were really fast in a shower, or Ruby lost track of time worse than she thought. Either way, the surprise didn’t kill her mood in the slightest. “I just love you two so much,” Ruby confessed.
The twins smiled and descended onto the couch next to her, faces within kissing distance. “We love you too,” They chimed with equal smiles.
After kisses were shared, Ruby spoke up. “Hey, how about after breakfast we come back here? Have a lazy day. No pressure, no ‘date’. Just us, some games, some books, and a whole lotta snacks?”
The twins shared a look of surprise that made Ruby question, “What did I say?”
“Nothing!” Melanie quickly assured.
“We were discussing how we were going to make this day with you worth it while we showered,” Miltiades elaborated, “And neither of us thought of a ‘lazy day’.”
“Oh,” Ruby nodded, “So what do you want to do?”
The twins found their smile again, “A lazy day sounds perfect.”
“Now!” Ruby stood and pointed nowhere specific, putting on her best mock-serious voice, “To breakfast! Before my belly gets any angrier!”
Miltiades giggled at their girlfriend’s antics while Melanie answered, “Aye aye, captain!”
“NO no no nO NO!” Ruby cursed as her video game avatar died yet again. “How do people enjoy these games!?”
“It’s all about the challenge, Gem,” Melanie rubbed Ruby’s back lightly to try and calm her.
“And if I die again anywhere between the safe zone and that boss, I’ll lose the 20,000 blackblood I took in with me!” Ruby continued to complain, “So now I can’t ditch this boss cuz I have to beat him to walk away with those!”
“I told you, you should have leveled up,” Melanie reminded her.
“Grrrr…” Ruby growled.
“Just think of it this way,” Miltiades offered from over the top of her book, “Think of how it’ll feel when you finally do beat ‘em. Mel got stuck on this same boss, and I’m pretty sure the clubgoers could hear her scream of joy over the music downstairs after she won.”
“And you actually have better stats then I did back then,” Melanie revealed, “You’ve got this Ruby!”
“If you say so…” Ruby sighed and tried to psych herself up. “Kiss for good luck?”
Melanie smiled and granted Ruby her wish. “Go get ‘em, Gem.”
Ruby carefully and quickly moved her character around and between dozens of enemies, thankfully without taking a hit this time, in a b-line straight for the boss. Ruby entered the boss arena with a quiet mind and a plan. The more human-sized enemies seemed to have a special weakness to counters with a weapon’s gun form. Maybe this boss has the same effect?
As the fight began, Ruby’s scroll buzzed. Miltiades decided to answer for the redhead, since she was currently occupied. She grabbed the scroll and stood behind the couch to speak without affecting Ruby’s game. Big Sis, eh? Miltiades read off the contact before answering. “Hello, Yang.”
“Miltia?” The blonde on the other end asked, “Or wait, are you Melanie?”
“It’s Miltia,” The red-dressed twin responded.
“Where’s Ruby? I did call her scroll, right?” Yang asked.
“She’s in the middle of a crazy boss fight right now,” Miltia answered.
Yang sighed, “What, can she not pause?”
“Not in ‘Blood of the Grimm’.”
“You got her to play Blood of the Grimm!?” Yang seemed a bit more excited now, “I’ve been trying to get her into that for weeks! How’d you do it?”
“Mel did, I don’t really play video games,” Miltia informed her.
“Where is she? In the game?” Yang asked, whatever topic she initially called for seemingly forgotten.
“Well, she’s fighting an old man…”
“WHAT THE HECKIE!?” Ruby suddenly screamed at the game.
“…Who apparently turns into a large Beowolf.”
“Ah, I think I got it…”
“Before we completely forget, what did you call for?” Miltiades tried to get the conversation back on track.
“Oh yeah, I just wanted to know if Rubes is gunna be here tonight. Tell her to let me know when she’s done?” Yang asked.
“I’ll pass the message,” Miltiades promised.
“Cool beans. Talk to you later!”
“Bye, Yang.”
“I died again…” Ruby groaned, slumping on the couch.
“Maybe, but you did learn something about the fight and made more progress into it than you have yet,” Melanie pointed out.
“I guess so…” Ruby thought about it for a moment before smiling, “yeah, I did, huh? I think I’m starting to understand how this game is supposed to be enjoyed. Still need all that blackblood back though.”
“So get after him already,” Miltiades pressed.
“Oh, hey, what did Yang want?” Ruby asked.
“It can wait until you’ve won,” Miltiades draped herself across the back of the couch and wrapped her arms around Ruby, “So you better win soon.”
“Yeesh, no pressure…” Ruby leaned back into Miltiades’s arms and made for the boss again.
It took two more attempts before Ruby was victorious, and she jumped right out of Miltiades’s arms and off the couch with joy. “WOO! Finally! Haha! And I didn’t even lose my blackblood!”
“And a warp point is right there,” Melanie guided her, “So go level up already!”
“On it!” Ruby sat back down and made sure to spend her currency properly this time.
“Congratulations, Ruby!” Miltiades kissed her girlfriend’s cheek.
“That was the second boss!” Ruby realized, turning to Melanie, “And you say you’ve beaten this game?”
“I have,” Melanie confirmed, “and technically, that was the first required boss. The other one wasn’t necessary to beat the game.”
“Really?” Ruby questioned, “Then why did I fight them!?”
“To get some cool stuff?” Melanie shrugged.
“Oye…” Ruby groaned and turned back to Miltiades, “Well, in the world of sane people, how was your book?”
“Getting good,” Miltades nodded, picking it back up, “I’m in the final third, and things are getting heated between the main character and… himself, I guess?”
Ruby arched an eyebrow and read the spine of the book. The Man with Two Souls. “I think you and Blake would get along really well,” the redhead noted.
“Speaking of your team,” Miltiades interrupted, “Yang wanted to know where you’re spending tonight?”
“Oh shoot, what time is it?” Ruby checked her scroll. Nine-thirty!? That’s a little later than I intended… Ruby looked back up to see Miltiades hopeful face. As much as it made Ruby want to give in, she had to be a responsible huntress-in-training as well. “I’d love to stay again, but our mission starts early. I lucked out this morning, but I can’t afford to be late tomorrow. I’d better head back to Beacon…”
The twins looked sad to part with Ruby, but they understood. “What we said before still matters,” Melanie opened.
“Be careful, and text us the second you’re back safe!” Miltiades continued.
“We’ll miss you,” Melanie told Ruby.
“We love you,” Miltiades spoke for both twins.
“And I love you,” Ruby kissed Miltiades. “Both of you,” she followed up, kissing Melanie as well.
Ruby stood and gathered her pajamas and the dress, which were now stashed in the backpack Yang brought. She looked back to the twins on the way out the door and saw them watching her. She wanted to say something to lift the mood again. “Say, after I come back safe and sound, maybe we can talk about doing this again?” Ruby offered, “Maybe the weekend after my mission, I can stay Friday night and Saturday night, then go back to Beacon Sunday night so I’m ready for Monday classes?”
It had the desired effect as the twins smiled brightly. Having something to look forward to like that certainly improved their mood. “It sounds like a plan already,” they replied in harmony.
Ruby found her smile again as well. “Good,” she nodded.
Ruby left shortly after, texting Yang that she was heading back. When Ruby got to the dorm, she was both glad and upset that Weiss was already asleep. Though seeing that it was already ten, Ruby couldn’t say she was surprised. Hopefully we can have our talk sooner rather than later, Ruby wished as she settled into her own bunk.
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scarletroseofrwby · 5 years
TCSE AU Chapter 19:
I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t fucking do this. Why is it hurting so much right now? Mom, why did you have to--
The silver noose burned. She couldn’t focus on anything and she was scared of why it was suddenly hurting. She couldn’t even focus on Weiss’s feelings or her own.
She doesn’t love me back. She just doesn’t, and I know it. Wouldn’t she have kissed me back? And I just can’t focus when this pain is worse than anything else! And then the string on my heart burns as well, what the hell is happening to me?!
She hates me. She probably hates me.
The sheet of notebook paper had far too many scribbled out parts, making itself illegible for even herself. What was she even writing? Why was she writing?
“Hey Rubes, you alright? You look really stressed.” Yang wrapped Ruby up in a side hug, looking over the younger girl’s shoulder to read whatever it was she was writing. “Whatcha got there?”
“I keep screwing things up, Yang! I keep asking her if she loves me, and she does the same, but neither of us can answer properly! I keep making her walk away, and I’m making her frustrated. I’m frustrated myself!” She looked down at her letter, if you could even call it that. “I want to tell her. But I’m just so klutzy and awkward that I can’t do anything in person. So I thought writing it out would help, but that’s clearly getting me nowhere!”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” the older sibling started rubbing her sister’s back. “Just find a time to be honest with her. Don’t think you’re klu--wait, you are though. Don’t think of yourself as awkward, otherwise you’ll come off as awkward. You two know each other for how you really are. Be honest with her.”
Ruby turned in her chair and wrapped her arms around her sister lovingly. “Do you think telling her at the party would work?”
“In front of all those people?”
“Of course not!” Ruby looked up, silver meeting lilac. “What if I took her up to the roof at some point and just tell her?”
“Whatever floats your boat, Ruby. Just tell her, make out with her, marry her, then make me an aunt!”
The younger girl’s face flushed immediately, burrying her face in her hands. “Someone help me...”
“Have you decided what you’re gonna give to her for Christmas?”
“Yeah, I did.” The younger sister didn’t say anything more.
“Are you...gonna tell me what it is? Ooh, what’d you get me?”
“I’m not gonna answer either questions. You’ll just have to wait and see.”
The blonde chuckled and patted Ruby’s back. “Alright. I’m gonna get to bed now. Got anything to say, Blakey?”
The Faunus looked up from her girlfriend’s bunk and set her eyes on Ruby. “Nothing in particular, just be confident and tell her. And goodnight. Don’t stay up too late, we don’t need you to be cranky again.”
Ruby chuckled as her cheeks flushed ever so slightly. “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve already learned my lesson there. Goodnight, Blake. Night, Sis.”
It wasn’t long before she started another letter, but her frustration in trying to find the right words go the best of her. Again. She didn’t even remember when it happened, but she had ended up asleep.
And the sound of the dorm door opening was the last thing she remembered before drifting away from reality.
She opened her eyes tiredly. She saw a bed above her, Christmas lights hanging on the walls and the ceiling, and the tree fully decorated and lit in the corner of the room.
Then she realized...this wasn’t her bed. It was Weiss’s.
But where was Weiss? She wasn’t in Blake’s bed, and there’s no way she could be with Yang and Blake on the top bunk. She wasn’t in the bathroom, she could see the emptiness from where she lay. The kitchen was clear as well, she knew. And Weiss would never sleep in the bunk above her. She always hated heights, despite happily going on the Ferris wheel before. There was nowhere else she could be in the dorm unless...
She looked down. And there she was. Right on the floor.
Though she hates me, I have to be with her. I promised. I have to be beside her.
Carefully, she slithered out of bed and quietly moved to the floor, sitting beside Weiss and where she lay. The heiress’ chest rose and fell as the steady beat of her breaths kept its tempo. As gently as she could, she ran her fingers through her partner’s hair and decided that it was the softest thing she had ever felt.
Ruby hummed back quietly in question, though the heiress was still sleeping.
The brunette sighed. “I should be the one who’s sorry. I really want to love you...but I don’t know how.”
Above her, she heard someone rising from Yang’s bed. Blake was awake now, grabbing one of her books for her daily morning reading session. Ruby’s eyes met Blake’s as the latter girl gazed down from above, a small smile on her face.
“Why’re you both down there?” the raven-haired girl asked quietly.
“I have no idea,” Ruby replied, her tone matching Blake’s to be considerate of the sleeping beauty beside her. “I woke up on her bed and she was down here. I don’t remember sleeping on her bed though.”
“Did you sleep on a bed at all last night? You were at the desk for a while.”
“I don’t think I actually got into any bed last night.”
“Do you think...did Weiss put you on her bed and sleep on the floor?”
It was a plausible possibility. “That actually makes sense considering she wasn’t back by the time I fell asleep. And have you noticed the room is decorated?”
The Faunus looked around, clearly having not noticed before. “Did Weiss do this?”
“It had to be. Yang and I could never decorate this neatly. Everything is so...uniform and symmetrical. It’s kinda scary.”
Soon, the other two teammates had awoken, the girl beside Ruby awakening first. The heiress looked up at Ruby with a smile. “You really keep your word. I’m surprised.”
“A Rose never goes back on their promise! My mom always told me to keep my promises, especially to those I really care about.” Ruby warmly smiled at her partner, though the thought of being incapable of loving her lingered in the back of her mind. “Anyway, what are you doing here on the floor?”
Weiss sat up, Ruby scooting over to give her room. “When I came home last night, you were asleep on your desk. I let you sleep on my bed, and I thought it’d be rude to sleep on Blake’s or your bed. I wasn’t quite sleepy yet and thought I’d decorate since it wouldn’t have gotten done any time soon.”
“It’s Friday. I think it’s your turn to chose the activity, Weiss.” Ruby stood up and helped Weiss clean up the blankets and pillows. “Have you thought about anything?”
“Mm-mmm, not yet. But I still have the day to think about it,” Weiss grabbed her uniform and made her way to the bathroom. “But if one thing is certain, there is no way we are going back to that God-awful restaurant. There were cockroaches everywhere, and the food wasn’t even decent.”
“I know. I don’t get how Yang likes that place. Enjoy your shower!”
The heiress nodded and closed the door behind her, the sound of running water being heard not long after. Yang’s groans came right on cue, the same as any other day.
“Good morning, Yang,” Ruby greeted.
“Morning, Sis. Woah, did you do all this?” the blonde sibling glanced surveyed the room, a grin appearing on her face to replace a sleepy yawn.
Ruby shook her head in response. “No, Weiss did. I could never hang lights and ornaments so precisely and you know that.”
“Hmm,” Yang hummed, “you got a point.”
Over the next half hour, the four girls had prepared themselves for the day. This morning, instead of going to the mess hall, Ren had offered to make pancakes for the team of girls and for his own. This made Ruby happy as she politely accepted with her team, Nora even happier.
Just as Ruby was about to leave the room, she glanced at the Christmas tree. Red. White. Black. Yellow. She couldn’t help but smile after seeing those ornaments.
“Ruby,” Weiss’s voice was soft and gentle, “do you like it?”
Ruby nodded and smiled as if she wasn’t already. “Yeah, it looks great, Weiss. It definitely feels like home.”
“Hey, Ruby? I’ve decided what I want to do for tonight’s team night.”
“Okay, who let the Ice Queen pick team night again?”
“Yang, don’t be rude. It’s rightfully Weiss’s turn, and there’s no way this can be as bad as your last choice.” The young leader crossed her arms at her sister and glared.
“Don’t look at me like that! It’s a freaking orchestral music, that’s not either of our styles!” Yang spat, throwing her arms around in the air.
“But this is for Weiss! Just look at her!”
Said girl was radiating with happiness and joy at the sight of the opera hall. It was grand and elegant, a little too fancy-shmancy for the brute’s taste. There were wooden beams that stretched across the ceiling in a checkered pattern, dim lights in the center of each cross. A grand chandelier hung from the center of the hall.
The stage itself was practically as large as the training stadium at Beacon. It was illuminated by lights that ran along the edges of the stage. And of course there was a red curtain.
“Yang, it’ll be fine. It can’t be that bad,” Blake said, rubbing her partner’s hand gently. “Anyway, I’m going to use the restroom.”
After the raven-haired girl left, Yang continued groaning as Ruby stared back with annoyance. The older sibling’s whining and groaning came to an end at last.
“Fine, for your girlfriend.” Yang fixed her boobs under the yellow cocktail dress she was wearing.
“She’s not my girlfriend. Yang please don’t do that. She can’t be my girlfriend.”
The blonde saw the sadness in her sister’s silver eyes. “Why not?”
“Everything’s just so difficult, and I’m scared that I won’t be able to love her. I’m scared that she’ll get bored of me and leave me for another guy like Neptune. I just--”
Feeling strong arms wrap around her small body startled the young girl. “Rubes, you’re overthinking this. Have you been thinking this way since that night?”
“Ruby, you just gotta take your chances. If it works, then you have to do your best to keep it that way. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t, and what matters is that you tried. Unless she broke up with you for no reason, then I’m gonna have to kick her little Schnee ass.”
“Yang, that doesn’t help me.”
Yang sighed and ran her fingers through her golden locks. “Rubes, you just gotta talk to her. You freaking saved her life, there’s no way she’ll say no. And even if she says no, if you know she’s the one, then you gotta keep going. You don’t quit until you have nothing left. You gotta make her fall in love with you. And then you gotta make me an aunt.”
“Oh my God, Yang,” Ruby’s flushed cheeks were hidden under her hands that covered her face. “We’re not a thing yet and you’re already making me think about those things.”
“You’ve had to have done it long before I mentioned anything, Sis. Don’t lie.”
“Then don’t joke about it.”
“Alright, I won’t. For now. Now let’s get to our seats, Weiss’s probably waiting for us.”
Indeed the heiress was, sitting patiently at her seat. Ruby sat next to her, followed by Blake and Yang respectively. All four of them were in dresses of their respective color scheme. Weiss had prepared for this night and bought Ruby a dress ahead of time, knowing the younger girl wouldn’t have owned one judging by the way she dressed when not in uniform or combat attire.
Throughout the entire show, Ruby glanced at her partner many times, never caught once. She admired every feature, her perfect jawline, her beautiful blue eyes, the scar that ran down her left eye that she still had no idea how it was obtained.
The music was something else entirely. There was emotion, a picture being painted with each note, sadness, happiness, loneliness. She loved every second of it.
In her mind, as the music echoed in the grand hall, she could see a young girl. She was wandering, wandering far into a forest. The girl starts to run with the sense that something is on the other side of the trees. She stumbles, but gets back up, still running as hard as she could through the woods.
The girl finally makes it to the end, the opening revealing a mountain on the other side of the lake that sat before her. It was snowy, all was white. The lake was a deep gray with a dusting of white flakes.
The music starts to say something else. There is...another girl, her body forming in front of the first one. The first girl reaches out, the newcomer’s body is cold. The snowstorm worsens as soon as contact was made, but soon enough, all faded away. And the two were happy.
They struggled, they fought, but they always smiled in the end.
And though there were no lyrics to hear, the music spoke for itself. Ruby could relate to it somehow, the story that was told was similar to her own. And that story gave her a better hope for what was to come for her and her partner.
Ruby didn’t have many expectations upon entering the theater. She didn’t think she’d find the confidence she needed to love Weiss. She didn’t think music could be so powerful. And lastly, she didn’t think she’d ever see Yang cry in public.
Christmas break had come in the blink of an eye. Ruby was sure to keep up the team’s training regiment, even letting Team JNPR join them for the week. Weiss had started to let loose and smile more often, even laughing with her friends and colleagues. Blake worked vigilantly to find gifts for her team as well as find some new books to read over the break. Yang continued to be Yang, joking whenever unnecessary and making puns like there was no tomorrow.
It was the day before Christmas Eve, the day that Yang called Christmas Eve’s Eve. It came as a surprise to the team that this day was the emptiest day on Beacon Academy. Every student is told to leave Beacon for the day to celebrate or do last-minute shopping. It was basically the opposite of curfew. But they did have to be back before the actual curfew.
Vale’s Finest has never been so busy. Ruby was impressed that the local cafe could hold this many people.
“Hey, remember this place Blake? When we had our first date?” Yang giggled as she recalled the memory. “You were so shy and quiet then, and--”
“And you haven’t changed since then,” Blake said with a smirk.
Ruby snickered. “You really haven’t, Yang.”
“But you and Weiss have!” the blonde sang. “Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Ice Queen laugh. And you haven’t smiled since...”
“Yeah, I know. Since her.” Ruby’s smile faltered slightly, but she refused to linger on those memories.
“Since who?” Weiss asked.
The leader waved it off and smiled once more. “Never mind that. Let’s get some seats and some coffee.”
Weiss nodded back, taking out her credit card while doing so. “Everything is on me. All of you, get whatever you like.”
The other seven stared back, exchanging looks and glances. Ruby shook her head, “We can’t do that to you, Weiss. You really don’t have to.”
“No,” the heiress replied, “but I want to. Why can’t I just do something nice for my friends?”
Yang shrugged. “Free food, I ain’t complaining.”
“Weiss,” Pyrrha said, “are you sure?”
The silverette nodded back, her smile making everything even better. “I really don’t mind, and this won’t even scratch my monthly allowance. All of you can order what you want.”
Blake patted Weiss’s shoulder and smiled, nodding with approval. “You surprise me every time, Weiss.”
“Thank you?” Weiss smiled back, but didn’t know how to respond.
The next ten minutes were filled with the eight of them ordering from the assortment of treats and drinks. Ruby and Nora got more sweets than either of them could handle despite their efforts to brush it off, coffees were ordered for everyone, and the occasional scone was in place.
There wasn’t a time where none of them weren’t smiling. Everyone laughed, snickered, snorted, grinned, everything of the sorts. Even Weiss laughed, and Ruby could tell that it was liberating for the older girl.
It was now Christmas Eve, the three older girls waking up thanks to Ruby’s excitement. Not that any of them minded at all, but they haven’t seen this much excitement in the young girl at such an early time since the beginning of the school year. It wasn’t even Christmas Day yet.
Nothing much happened today, and Ruby was glad that the evening had come quickly. It was 5 pm, and the girls were preparing for the party with gifts in hand and accessories being worn.
Ruby was wearing a crimson turtleneck sweater, a red Santa hat on top of her head. Black leggings and white socks were her choice for her bottom half. Weiss was wearing a navy-blue sweater, grey leggings, and a snowflake pin in her hair, which was worn down as a request from Ruby. Blake wore all black with red reindeer antlers, and Yang wore the same outfit as Ruby.
“Are we all ready?” Ruby asked, looking for each of her teammates in the room.
Weiss nodded in response, standing beside her partner at the door. Blake stood with them, and now they were all waiting for Yang.
“Yang, hurry up! Your gift should be on the counter!”
“But it’s not on the counter!” the blonde shouted from the kitchen. “If it were, I wouldn’t be in here, now would I?”
The Faunus rolled her eyes and smiled, walking into the kitchen to help her girlfriend. “You two go on ahead, we’ll catch up in a moment.”
“Alright, good luck, Blake” said Ruby. She and her partner walked across the hallway, knocking on the door three times. The door opened quickly, and Jaune stood there with a smile.
“Hey guys, we were getting ready to go,” he said, looking back to his team momentarily.
“Go where?” Weiss asked, an eyebrow arching in question.
“Nora made the last-minute decision to move the party to the common area, so we’ve been scrambling around all day to bring all of the party stuff here to there.” The young man sighed, but his smile remained.
“What’s wrong with having it here?” Ruby queried.
“It’s too small to accommodate all the students we invited.”
“But I was told you only invited a few,” the silverette said.
“Nora invited more.”
Ruby’s silver eyes narrowed, her eyebrows furrowing. “How many more?”
“The whole dorm building.”
Behind the two girls, many students in the building were already making their way to the common area, many passersby saying a quick hi before following the rest of their colleagues. Weiss was about to protest on going, but Ruby shrugged, her smile speaking for her--how bad could it be?
“We’re super sorry about that, but we promise it’ll be fun. And no one will be getting drunk, I promise. Alcohol is prohibited within the dorm buildings anyway. We’ll meet you guys over there.”
At this point, there was no use in lingering at the door, so the two followed the rest of the students to the common area. There was a large tree sitting by the TV, the couches and sofas already filled with students. People were already mingling and conversing with each other, snacks and sodas being served on folding table. Seeing all the students of the building in one place made Ruby realize how large this area actually was. The majority of the residents were already here, and Ruby knew only a good handful of them were left. And with all of them congregating, there was still plenty of space for at least another 30 students.
A few more minutes pass, and team JNPR as well as the Bumblebee duo arrive. Music starts to play, and the party is now in full swing. The first fifteen minutes or so were spent talking to other students, Ruby shying away in a corner with her plate of cookies and red plastic cup of cream soda. She noticed Weiss had moved back with her, merely watching the other students enjoy themselves.
“Why’re you back here?” Ruby asked after swallowing a mouthful of food. “Shouldn’t you be talking with all of them?”
“I should really be asking you the same thing.” Weiss said expectantly.
“I’m younger, I’m more awkward, I’m weird. Your turn.”
“Socializing isn’t my strong suit. Despite having to mingle at business parties, gatherings like these are different. I never know what to say, and if I do say something, I don’t know where to go from there.”
“I have the same problem!” Ruby laughed, nearly choking on what she was consuming.
Weiss started patting her back, helping her partner escape death. “Dolt, I’ve told you not to speak with your mouth full.”
“Heh, sorry. It’s just--I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had a normal conversation like this. I like things this way.” Ruby immediately regretted saying those last few words, the weight of its meaning resonating within Weiss. It was clear as day, she had accidentally friend-zoned her love interest.
“I-I see.” The ‘kicked puppy’ face did not look good on Weiss. Ruby felt even worse now.
“No, Weiss, I didn’t mean it like that, I--ugh, why can’t I get anything right?!” The young girl face palmed herself, mentally berating herself for making such a stupid move.
“So,” the heiress whispered, “it’s up in the air?”
Ruby didn’t answer, too busy trying to calm herself down while scolding herself all at the same time. Why couldn’t she do this? Just ask her to be your girlfriend!  She can’t say no! There’s no way!
“Weiss, I--”
Nora held up a megaphone, it’s loud noise cutting off whatever Ruby wanted to say. “It’s time for the karaoke tournament! The first team is team RWBY!”
Dammit. Later, you have to. After all this, take her to the roof. Show her the stars, show her your heart. Thanks for those corny words, Yang.
“Rubes, c’mon! We’re singing some Journey!” Yang handed her younger sister a microphone for her and Weiss to share.
“There are only two mics?” Ruby asked, the intro of “Don’t Stop Believing” playing behind her.
“Yep! You and Ice Queen are sharing! Now get ready!”
The lyrics came on, they four stared singing. Everyone around them sang along in the most non-elegant way possible. Ruby couldn’t stop herself from listening to Weiss sing. Even when they’d gone karaoke before, Weiss never wanted to sing.
But hearing her sing just blew her mind. Weiss had the voice that could make angels envious. This singing voice could stop wars and bring world peace if she wanted to.
Weiss had caught her staring and blushed, Ruby realizing she had been admiring for too long. She had to get back to singing, but she felt out of place with a professional right next to her.
“Streetlight people, living just to find emotion...hiding, somewhere in the night~” The team of girls sang their hearts out, the score at the top of the screen remaining at a hundred. If they kept this up, their perfect score could land them in the championship round. With Weiss’s talent, they were unbeatable.
The students around them opted to clapping and cheering loudly, Yang and Ruby dancing with their partners happily. When the instrumental hit, the two siblings were jamming out to the air guitar, screeching the notes at the top of their lungs. Weiss and Blake watched the two go at it, smiling and clapping with everyone else.
“Don’t stop believing! Hold on the feeling! Streetlight people, ohhhh~”
As the song ended, the screen started calculating the points. The thematic music built up, the four girls waiting impatiently. When the score showed up, everyone cheered. They had gotten a perfect score.
“One hundred points in the bag!” Yang let the high-fives come all around, each teammate receiving one with a smile. “Who’s next?”
Nora announced who was next, and over the next few songs, they landed themselves in the top 3 with that one song. Nobody else has managed a perfect score because they either missed a word or a note was off. Nobody thought this karaoke machine was that strict.
Sooner or later, team RWBY was back up to sing, only this time, Yang and Blake volunteered Ruby and Weiss to sing together.
“Rubes, you and Weiss are gonna sing!”
Of course the brunette would be unsure of this, her eyes widening at the statement. “What?! Now?! What are we going to sing?”
“Yes now! “In These Arms”, Bon Jovi! You know this song!” The blonde brute handed the two the mics, pushing them towards the TV.
“But I don’t know if Weiss knows this song!” Ruby frantically struggled to call off the whole ordeal, the music already starting behind her. “I haven’t sang this song in ages, what if--”
You want commitment, take a look into these eyes
They burn with fire until the end of time
And I would do anything; I’d beg, I’d steal, I’d die to have you in these arms tonight~
Everyone paused and looked at Weiss who had sung the first verse perfectly, her sweet voice matching with the music beautifully. Ruby smiled, unsure of why, but she nodded at Weiss and began the next verse.
Baby, I want you like the roses want the rain
You know I need you like a poet needs the pain
And I would give anything; my blood, my love, my life--if you were in these arms tonight~
I’d hold you, I’d need you, I’d get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright--if you were in these arms tonight
I’d love you, I’d please you, I’d tell you that I’d never leave you
And love you ‘til the end of time--if you were in these arms tonight~
“You know this song?” Ruby immediately asked.
“Have I been living under a rock? I may not look like it, but I am well aware of Bon Jovi,” the heiress stated firmly.
The instrumental played, and everyone was astonished at how amazing the two sounded together. Ruby glanced at Weiss, the other girl glancing back with a beautiful, toothy smile. The younger girl grinned back, and they both readied themselves to sing the next part.
We stared at the sun, and we made a promise--a promise this world would never blind us
And these were our words, our words were our songs, our songs are our prayers
These prayers keep me strong, and I still believe--if you were in these arms~
The chorus was sang again, and everyone started cheering as the score above remained perfect. Yang and Blake looked at each other with surprised eyes and happy smiles. “I seriously didn’t think it would go this well.”
“Your sister is incredibly influential.”
“Weiss has warmed up to her a lot.”
Blake nodded in agreement, continuing her spectating.
Your clothes are still scattered all over our room
This whole place still smells like your cheap perfume
Everything here reminds me of you
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do~
The instrumental played, and Ruby was once again playing her air guitar. Her strums matched the rhythm of the notes, and her fingers moved in the correct directions of each note heard.
And these were our words, they keep me strong--baby~
I’d hold you, I’d need you, I’d get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright--if you were in these arms tonight
I’d love you, I’d please you, I’d tell you that I’d never leave you
And love you ‘til the end of time--if you were in these arms tonight~
“Dance with her Rubes! Dance!” Yang shouted, taking her teammates’ mics. Her and Blake started singing the final tag while the other two started dancing.
Ruby took the lead, and Weiss smiled through the whole thing, following her partner and stepping to the beat. They spun, they did fancy ballroom moves, and Ruby even opted to carrying her for a moment. Towards the end of the instrumental, students started yelling ‘dip her’ loudly over the music. They chanted repeatedly, and with all the pressure and anticipation...Ruby gave in.
The song ended it’s final note, and Weiss looked mortified.
It was all too familiar. Those eyes, they way she danced, the same hands and all. Ruby was her dance partner. Ruby was the one who danced with her that night, Ruby was the one who nearly kissed her. Ruby was the one who saved her life, Ruby was the one who kissed her. It all added up, but reasons were not there.
Her head was spinning, she felt dizzy. Her partner looked down with concern, and Weiss pushed her away. She stood up and ran out of the area, running away from her, through the halls, and to wherever her feet decide to stop.
She found herself at the roof, shivering, breathing heavily, and exasperated. Standing over the edge of the roof, she saw the ground covered in a blanket of snow. She looked up and saw the moon, the fragments shining brightly. The stars were beckoning her name.
Then she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her backwards on onto the concrete floor. “Please don’t jump!”
Both girls stood up, and Weiss glared into her silver eyes. Ruby looked afraid to speak, knowing that anything she says will trigger Weiss to snap.
So Weiss spoke first. “It was you! God, what—why are you doing this to me?!” Her voice, full of pain and anger.
The young girl didn’t respond, and Weiss continued. “Was that all a joke?! Did that night really mean nothing to you?!”
“Weiss, I--”
“Weiss, I--Weiss, I--Weiss I what?! I don’t get what you’re playing at, but I can’t go on like this!”
Ruby grimaced, her bangs covering her eyes. They glowed brightly, her grit teeth adding to her scary demeanor. Suddenly, she snapped. “You think this doesn’t hurt me either?! I don’t know what to do, stressed every second I think about you, and I can’t even get around to asking, much less thinking about my feelings without feeling too scared to do anything about it!”
Weiss stared, shocked and wide-eyed. Her mouth hung open, and condolence replaced hostility. “Y-You’re scared?”
“Terrified!” Ruby laughed mockingly. “To think that I’m scared to tell you how I feel--I’m Ruby Rose! I don’t give two shits about anything!”
Her resolve visibly broke, and her facade faltered. “I’m just so scared that I’m not capable to give you anything. You could buy anything you want, you have fame and fortune and can have all the men whenever you want. I’m just me. I can’t do anything. I’m poor, I’m incapable of making a living for myself, I can’t do anything special. I only got here because of luck. I shouldn’t be here. Not only that, I get stuck with a girl that I can’t admit properly to because she doesn’t love me back!”
“I do love you!” Weiss shouted, her stance remaining firm.
Ruby appeared startled somehow, tears dropping onto the floor. “Then why didn’t you--no, prove it to me. If you loved me, you would’ve kissed me back that night. If you loved me, you would’ve said so! If you loved me, you would’ve told me--”
Weiss closed the gap between them in mere seconds, her lips crashing with Ruby’s. It was sloppy, ungraceful, but passionate. Loving. Desiring. They pulled away, panting, their warm breaths creating small ghosts in the cold air.
“If I loved you, I would’ve told you that I have been waiting this whole time.” Weiss’s eyes were firmly locked onto her partner’s. “I wanted the moment to be right, but I also wanted answers, and I was just a mess. I’m sorry, Ruby.”
Slowly, the two let their foreheads touch, their lips meeting once more. As their kiss grew into more than one, the desire and passion grew. Sparks were flying off of them, and the warmth between them shielding them off from the bitter cold of the night. Ruby grabbed fistfuls of soft alabaster hair, Weiss intertwining her fingers in red-tipped strands. Weiss wanted to get closer, she needed to be closer. She wrapped her arms around Ruby’s neck, their bodies pressing against each other. She could feel Ruby’s arms snake around her waist, holding her tightly.
They held each other as if it was the last time they’d ever see one another. Neither of them could let go, and neither wanted to anyway. Nothing could separate them. Nothing except the need for oxygen.
They broke apart, panting heavier than the first round. Silver eyes stared into icy-blue ones, and smiles broke out, laughs pursuing.
“So Weiss,” Ruby murmured in between pants, “do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Weiss nodded with a smile. “I’d like that.”
The young girl’s smile dropped slightly, and her eyes started to puff up again. Tears were now filling her eyes, threatening to run down her cheeks.
“Ruby, what’s wrong?” Weiss wiped the tears away with her thumbs, her thoughtful smile only bringing Ruby more tears.
“I was just so scared a moment ago, I thought you were going to jump!” Her concerned eyes only proved her worries. “I didn’t want you to die before I got to tell you anything.”
The heiress sighed, shaking her head and hugging her partner tightly. “About that, I wasn’t going to jump. I wanted to see the snow, and I was about to sit on my knees, but you grabbed me before I could. I’m sorry for worrying you, and in hindsight, it would’ve been dangerous if you hadn’t been there.”
Ruby nodded at that, wiping away the remainder of her tears. She sniffled, and Weiss produced a handkerchief from her pocket, handing it to Ruby. After clearing her nose, Ruby asked, “Should we tell Yang and Blake?”
Weiss hesitated to answer for a moment, finally uttering, “Not yet, Ruby. I’m not sure if I’m ready to tell anyone yet.”
“Oh, that’s okay, that’s fine. Take as much time as you need, I totally get it. I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
“Thank you, Ruby.”
“Do you wanna maybe go back inside? It’s kinda cold out here, and my toes are freezing.”
“That’d be nice,” Weiss nodded. “But will we go back to the party?”
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“We have to find out who won the tournament, don’t we? And I believe Secret Santa comes after the tournament.”
“I think we might’ve won, but yeah, I guess we don’t want to miss Secret Santa.”
Just as the two entered the building, Ruby stopped after closing the door.
“Hey Weiss?”
“You have the voice an angel would be jealous of.”
Weiss’s face flushed as she murmured a ‘thank you’ under her breath.
As the two went back to the party, Yang grabbed them both and dragged them back into the hallway, lilac eyes filled with concern. “Are you two alright? And why does Ruby look like she was just crying? Weiss, I swear if you did anything to hurt her--”
“Calm down, you oaf. We just had an emotional talk is all. But we’re fine now.” Weiss looked at her partner and gave her a small smile, Ruby nodding back with the same expression.
The young girl sniffled and rubbed her nose with her sleeve. “Yeah, it’s all good. Who won the tournament?”
“See for yourself.” Yang started leading them back to the party, Nora standing on top of a bar stool with her megaphone in hand. Everybody had a look of anticipation, apparently waiting for her to announce the winners.
“The winners are--drum role please!”
The whole room was filled a rumbling noise of people banging on tables and drumming on their knees, Nora cutting it off with one swipe of her arm.
“Team RWBY! Are Ruby and Weiss back yet?”
“They’re right here, Nora!” Yang yelled, the ginger looking in the direction of the blonde’s voice.
“Welcome back you two! Everybody give it up for the team!”
Cheers and shouts broke out, applause getting louder by the second. The whole team gathered by the large tree to receive their prize. Yang and Ruby were bouncing around like children as they waited for their award.
“You guys win this gift basket!” Nora handed them a giant basket filled with sweet treats of all sizes, a couple of bottles of they all believed to be champagne, and a few boxes of exotic chocolates. Ruby was surely going to enjoy those.
“Wait, is that champagne?” Ren glared at the two bottles in the basket, then looked up to glare at Nora. “I thought we agreed on no alcohol.”
“This was the only one I could find! All the others had even more bottles, so I thought that two was better than frickin’ eight!” Nora argued, crossing her arms. “Anyway, you guys can take the basket now. Ren won’t bother you.”
“Hey Nora, it’s nearly ten! We gotta move on!” Jaune called out form the other side of the area. Pyrrha stood beside him with a megaphone of her own. “Have your gifts ready, everyone! It’s time for Secret Santa!”
Each student proceeded to find their receiver with their gifts in hand. Ruby had received a gift from Velvet of team CFVY, Weiss received one from Sun, Blake received one from Pyrrha, and Yang received one from someone she didn’t know. They were nice though, but Yang never caught their name.
In turn, Ruby gave her gift to Nora, Weiss gave hers to Coco of team CFVY, Blake gave hers to one of Sun’s teammates, and Yang gave hers to Sun.
Everybody started opening up their gifts, ranging from mugs to garden gnomes. Ruby had gotten a red scarf from Velvet and a thank you card that included a gift card to the nearest weapon store, and in turn, she gave Nora a bag of espresso beans. Weiss had received a check of a hundred lien from Sun because he said he didn’t know what else to get, and she gave Coco a new beret. Blake opened her gift to find an assortment of books, and she gave a gift card to Sun’s teammate. Yang received a scarf, and gave a banana to Sun.
The party then continued, with more games and shenanigans being brought up. Some people started going around with fishing rods, mistletoe tied to the line. Yang was one of them, of course. At some point, she and Blake had a fishing rod hang over them, and they kissed like there was no tomorrow.
Weiss was starting to get nervous, if her relationship were to be exposed like this...
The inevitable always happens. Sun was standing behind the two with a wide grin, a fishing pole in hand. Everybody was looking on, chanting ‘kiss her’ loudly. Even Yang was chanting with them, making things much worse.
She looked to Ruby, who had the same look of anxiety.
“C’mon you two! Just kiss and get it over with!” The blonde brute grinned, her scroll getting pulled out of her pocket. Neither Weiss or Ruby could tell whether she was filming or taking a picture.
The heiress sighed and rolled her eyes, grabbing the collar of Ruby’s sweater and pulling her lips towards her own. It could’ve just been a quick peck to the lips, but no, Yang would never let that be. She’d make every victim make out with each other. And that’s exactly what Weiss and Ruby did. Everyone around them cheered and hollered, and Weiss could feel her heartbeat accelerating by the second.
The two released, neither one able to look the other in the eye. But both glanced at Yang who had the biggest smirk in the room. As they looked around the room, nobody seemed to have the slightest idea that they were in a relationship. Blake, however, had an eyebrow raised, as if she were questioning what had just happened. The Faunus was very keen in observation, so Weiss wouldn’t be surprised if she had already figured. She did inform Blake on her plan anyway. Yang was the problem.
“Hey, Weiss?” Ruby tugged at her sleeve gently as the crowd’s attention turned to the next unlucky pair of victims. She was still clearly flustered about the whole thing and this night in general.
“Yes, Ruby?” Weiss would be lying if she said she wasn’t as flustered as Ruby was. Her cheeks still felt incredibly warm, and her heart was still racing.
“C-Can we go back to the dorm? I think the party’s going to end soon, and I don’t feel like putting up with these people anymore.” The younger girl yawned, triggering Weiss to yawn too.
Weiss nodded back. “I’m tired as well. Let Yang know, then we’ll call it a night.”
Ruby nodded, going off to find her sister and inform her of their retirement to their beds. Weiss could see Yang nod, giving her sister a hug and saying their ‘goodnight’s. The two started down the hallways and to their dorm, Weiss entering the pin code on the recently installed door lock.
No words were said as the two began their nightly procedures, changing into their pajamas, brushing their teeth, combing their hair, and getting in bed.
As Weiss got into bed, she couldn’t stop thinking about the events that took place tonight. She kissed Ruby senseless. She became Ruby’s girlfriend. She kissed Ruby in front of the whole dorm building. Her eyelids started feeling heavier, and she started to give in to her exhaustion. But before she could sleep, she felt the need to say something important.
“Hey, Ruby?” she whispered. She wondered if Ruby was already asleep.
“Yeah?” The young girl whispered back, clearly not asleep yet. She did sound sleepy though.
“I love you.”
Her leader didn’t answer immediately, but it came soon enough.
“I-I love you too, Weiss.”
“Goodnight, Ruby.”
Yay, they’re together now!
I don’t know what more to say, but Harold, they’re lesbians.
*edit: this is my 100th post with 500 shipmates reached! Thank you all so much!*
Until next chapter!
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ofwizardsandmen · 5 years
If I were you and you were me
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Characters: Tara Lee, Mark Yang, Jason Yang, Tyler Lee, mentions of other minor characters
Word count: 4k
Genre: angst
OST: NCT 127 - Replay 
Tara takes a deep breath as she approaches the front steps of Nº10 Queen’s Gate. The Georgian house stands in one of London’s most fashionable addresses, looking opulent and imposing. Nothing Tara hasn’t seen before, but she still has to admit to herself that maybe, just maybe, she’s feeling a tad nervous.
Once she steps on the threshold, she stands in silence for a few seconds, wondering whether to ring the bell or bang the large golden door knocker. Ultimately, Tara reaches for the bell with a trembling hand that makes her feel unlike herself for the umpteenth time that day.  
Holding her breath as though the sound of her lungs filling with air would prevent her from hearing if footsteps approach from the other side, Tara straightens her back and throws her shoulders back. She stands there with images from the first time she walked through that door flashing through her mind. One after another, different scenes appear as though a movie is being projected on to the sides of her eyelids and Tara has to force herself back to reality, fearing that someone might open the door and would find her looking like a lost puppy. But a minute passes and then two and there are still no signs of movement inside the house.
Tara feels the impulse of turning round and walking away, feeling almost relieved at the lack of response. It is probably for the best given the fact she has been improvising all along and she hasn’t stopped to think if her presence in that residence would be well received. Maybe not after the headlines in the morning paper. Or Gossip Witch’s latest tip.
Running a hand through her hair, Tara curses quietly upon recalling the latest post on the goddamned blog: a picture of Darius Black and her at the Montrose Magpies’ match, accompanied by a headline that read “One good scandal deserves another. Little T’s revenge on ex(?) boyfriend Mark Yang”. The mere recollection makes Tara buff as she messes her hair up in frustration. A terrible idea if you consider that the door cracks open without the slightest notice and reveals a short adorable woman whose genuinely surprised expression and eyes widening bore a strong resemblance to Mark’s
Although her train of thought abruptly stops, Tara’s first instinct is to bow, almost reaching 90 degrees. As her head goes down, she mentally pictures her grandmother and how she would react if she were to see her doing something she strongly disapproves of (because no one is important enough to deserve such courtesy from her family) in front of a muggle. Well, standing there would be a whole atrocity in the eyes of the Fawley matriarch considering that according to her strict protocol rules, one should never show up unannounced to places either.
Yet there Tara is, risking it all in a visit that, judging by the way Mrs. Yang’s brows furrow, already appears to have been a bad idea.
“Good evening, Mrs. Yang-“ Tara hesitates for a second, unable to bring herself to speak, the unreadable expression on the woman’s face making her insides twist painfully. “I… Is M-“ But Mark’s mother ignores whatever Tara had planned to say and pulls her into a hug.
“Tara, my darling-“ Caught off guard at Mrs. Yang’s warm welcome and knowing very well that she doesn’t deserve her kindness, Tara’s eyes fill with tears. “I had no idea you were coming, my dear. Mark said you were out of town.” Tara blinks rapidly, fighting the tears back before pulling away from the hug and looking at Mrs. Yang with a raised brow.
“Yes, he said you were visiting your brother and… oh-“ Tara and Mrs. Yang look into each other’s eyes, simultaneously realizing that Mark has lied to his mother. And the reason is probably obvious to Tara, but Mrs. Yang doesn’t seem to fully understand what has happened between the two. Tara figures out that although at this point rumors about her and Darius are everywhere, Mark hasn’t told his family anything about it yet. She feels another rush of guilt assaulting her.
“Well… I was, but I took the first train to London.” It isn’t entirely a lie, but Tara is so ashamed of facing Mrs. Yang with half-truths, that she can feel her cheeks redden “I couldn’t possibly skip his birthday, right?” she forces a smile as she looks down at the gift bag she’s been holding this whole time. A present she has been preparing for months, hoping to surprise Mark.
“He will be very happy to see you” Mrs. Yangs seems to guess exactly what’s going through Tara’s mind and smiles at her supportively. “But come through, Mark is showing Donghyuck around the house.” The woman reaches for her hand and pulls Tara into the elegant lobby.
“Donghyuck?” Tara repeats, trying to control the way her shoulders tense up.
“We prepared a little welcome party for Mark and the boys. You know, it’s been a while since the last time they all came here as a group and Donghyuck hasn’t seen the backyard yet” Mrs. Yang candidly speaks as she throws an arm around Tara and pats her arm.
Tara gulps at the mention of “the boys”. As if the prospect of facing Mark alone wasn’t terrifying enough, there is also the added challenge of facing his group mates —or as Jane liked to call them “The MPS” (Mark’s Protection Squad).
“They’ll be happy to see you too, I heard Johnny asking about you” Mark’s mom says distractedly and Tara can’t do anything but nod and force a smile. However, as they step closer to the living room, Tara can hear voices drifting out from the kitchen, saying things like “Shut up, I can’t hear anything”, “I can’t believe she dared to show up here” and “I spilled my wine” and she automatically knows —as a matter of fact—, that The MPS won’t be too happy to see her.
And she’s not entirely mistaken.
Tara enters the kitchen acutely aware all eyes will turn to her. And effectively, as soon as she walks through the door, the members of NCT stop on their tracks and stare at her in silence, appraising or judging her —or both in Jaehyun’s case—. It takes Tara a few seconds to realize Mark is nowhere to be found, although Donghyuck is there, glaring at her as though she were a criminal.
It's hard to ignore the frowns and the palpable tension her presence has caused. With her mind is all jumbled up, Tara opens her mouth but no sound comes out of it. But what is there to say, anyhow? That she’s sorry? That everything is a misunderstanding? As if that would change the fact they’re all disappointed and offended.
“Hey” Johnny is the one to speak first, making his group mates' eyes turn to look at him skeptically. In response, Johnny, as tall as ever, appears to shrink in size, seemingly hesitating on what to say next. However, there’s no need to say anything because someone else does it on his behalf.
“Look who’s come all the way here to congratulate Baby Mark on his birthday” a teasing voice speaks from behind Tara. She swings round to see a pleasant-faced man, tall and whose uncanny resemblance to Mark is a little hard to miss, smiling at her adoringly.
“Oh God, Jae. What are you doing here? When did you arrive?” Tara looks at Mark’s older brother, Jason (Jaeseop) up and down. She hasn’t seen him in ages and she has to use all her willpower not to throw herself into his arms.
“Oh, the Sweet Tara” The man enthusiastically reaches to hug her. “So nice to have you finally gracing us with your presence. I was starting to believe I wouldn’t see your face before going back to New York.” He says, lifting her up into the air.
“Jae, what are you doing? You’re leaving me breathless!” Tara’s complaints are cut by a fit of giggles from Mrs. Yang and a familiar grumble from a figure that walks past the kitchen door and disappears in the direction of the living room. Tara’s heart squeezes in her chest painfully.
“I have something to show you!” Once Jason puts her down, he pulls Tara to the staircase in the back of the room excitedly, ignoring the way Mark’s Protection Squad is looking at him —as though he had suddenly grown a second head—. “Come on!” He snatches the bag with Mark’s birthday gift from Tara’s hand and replaces it with his own hand. Then, he practically drags her upstairs as Mrs. Yang laughs from the kitchen door.
Jason eagerly pulls Tara across the length of the large hallway on the second floor. As she tries to keep up with him, her heels sink into the Oriental carpet that has been in the family for four generations. Though the young woman can barely take a moment to appreciate the exquisite decoration, she notices the Yang residence is as impeccable as ever. The only visible changes are the ivory silk curtains framing the large windows, the bouquet of orchids resting on top of the white console table from the XVIII century Mrs. Yang treasures so much. And… there’s something else. The neon sign taped to the door of Mark’s room is gone.
Tara’s legs stop moving, almost without her knowing.. The sign had been a birthday gift she had bought for Mark during her first summer vacations in Seoul. It was enchanted so it would glow only at night and it had been there for about 15 years.
“That…” Jason turns to look at her and gulps quietly “He took it off as soon as he arrived.” He says and for the first time since they know each other, his words come up as unpleasant to Tara.
“It’s ok. It was starting to look childish anyway” Tara tries to convince herself that it means nothing. But she knows it does, so her heart sinks; dread settling in the pit of her stomach like a heavy rock.
It seems like Mark has been trying to erase all traces of her from his life.
Tara delves into some recesses of her mind thinking about how her past arguments with Mark wouldn’t even last a day. Now they’ve gone through months of radio silence. What is she supposed to do if Mark doesn’t want to see her anymore?
“Just talk to him” Jason pulls Tara from her trance by placing a hand on her shoulder. “I refuse to believe you don’t have feelings for each other anymore. You two have been in love for years, how can that disappear overnight?”
Tara wonders the same, but she’s unable to find a satisfactory answer to that question. Except that she was angry and jealous and she felt lost after finding out through those Korean tabloids that Mark had run to Mindy as soon as they broke up. There were pictures of them hanging out in Hannam and Jamsil; Mark holding Mindy’s hand and laughing.
And it hurt Tara so much that she had behaved like a vengeful immature teenager, getting drunk and making out with random guys at Enzo’s private parties.
Initially, she hadn’t even felt sorry about that morning’s news.  She had to admit that she looked good in that black outfit (a gift from Enzo) and Darius Black, looking like a million-dollar man next to her, was the perfect accessory.
Of course, she wasn’t proud of herself either. She didn’t want the world finding out about her recent drunk escapades through the press. But at least, it was the perfect message to tell Mark that she didn’t care about his new relationship or the fact he had found refuge in Mindy’s arms after their split.
And then Jane had apparated at her Tyler’s match, looking as though she would murder her without the tiniest bit of hesitation.
And now, Tara knows that Mark never saw Mindy after their breakup and that everything was part of a publicity set-up from Mindy’s PR company.
And evidently she feels stupid and childish, but it is a little too late for regrets. And probably too late to ask Mark for forgiveness too.
“I did some stupid shit,” Tara says, exhaling air like a deflated balloon.
“We all have done some stupid shit at some point” Jason addresses her a sympathetic smirk “But your relationship with my little brother is worth fighting for, isn’t it?” He asks, ruffling her hair brotherly. “He also screwed up with the Mindy drama and he is actually aware of it. That’s why he was planning this huge apology event at his concert tomorrow-“
“What?” There’s another rush of guilt flooding through her. Jason only nods and eyes her apologetically.
“I mean, before watching that picture…” He says putting on a pained expression.
“That picture is just a picture. Nothing ever happened with Darius. I’m not dating him.” Tara tries to explain in a rush, although the whole story is more complicated than just denying the reports of some tabloid. “I thought Mark and Mindy-“ Tara doesn’t seem to find the courage to complete that sentence, but Jason understands what she means and nods his head. “I ruined it, Jae”
“Don’t say that, you two are just having a crisis. It’s going to be ok”
“But what if he doesn’t want to talk to me?” Tara asks, voicing her fears for the first time. “What if he doesn’t want to hear me?”
“Then he’s an idiot and he doesn’t deserve you,” Jason says pulling her into a hug for the second time that day.
Tara buries her face in his chest, finding comfort as he pats her head. They remain that way for a few seconds.  Until a creaking sound echoes throughout the hallway and Tara jerks out of Jason’s embrace to find Mark standing at the end, expressionlessly looking at the two of them.
“Well, I was just about to leave” Jason turns around, wearing a perfectly evil, cat-like smile.  “Good luck, T” he whispers in Tara’s ear before disappearing down the stairs.
Across the hall, Mark stands at the door of his music studio with his hands shoved in his pockets and looking handsome despite the fact he’s now glaring at his ex-girlfriend with his jaw clenched. For an awful moment, Tara believes he will ignore her, but then he invites her to walk into his studio, with a simple head movement.
Once Tara steps into the room, her eyes meet his for the first time in months and she notices immediately how troubled he looks and how much weight he seems to have lost since she last saw him.
The guilt is heavier in her chest.
Mark too notices changes in Tara, but the most evident one is the jittery air tainting her generally confident appearance. His anger is quickly replaced by sadness and all he suddenly wants to do is throwing his arms around his girl and tell her that everything will be alright. But Mark resists the temptation as he reminds himself that Tara is no longer his girl and that things would never be back to what they once were now that she is dating someone else.
“Happy birthday” Tara eventually pushes herself to say, breaking the silence that settled in the room.
“Uhm. Thanks” Mark turns his back on her and stands by the window, not daring to look at her.
“How was Paris? I heard your concert yesterday was-“
“Cut the crap, Tara. I know you didn’t come all the way here to talk about Paris” Suddenly Mark turns to her, his voice chilly and his eyes sharp with anger. Tara looks at him like a deer caught under the highlights, unable to mutter a word.  “Why don’t you get straight to the point and save us both the time and the bother?”
“Mark-“ Tara looks down and only then she realizes that Jason took Mark’s birthday gift with him. She curses mentally thinking how stupid she must be looking right now, wishing him happy birthday empty-handed and right after the news of her engagement to a guy she had always claimed she disliked. “I only wanted to see you” she says, pretending her heart isn’t doing wild flips in her chest and her pride is not bruised.
“Why?” Marks asks flatly. It’s not a question that’s meant to be answered because he immediately adds “Did you already grow bored of Darius? I thought it usually took you a few months, or years, in my case.” Although he knows he’s acting like a complete jerk and he hates himself for it, Mark still has the nerve to smirk scornfully at her.
Minutes ago, he felt he had been punched in the gut when he opened the door and saw Tara hugging his brother. But now that she is standing in front of him, sparkling like a vision in a white dress, he can hardly breathe, his chest aches and his reasoning is blurred by the anger coursing through him. Mark has never talked to Tara that way, but he wants to hurt her like she hurt him, like her dating another man is hurting him right now.
“I know you’re mad, but at least hear me out first,” Tara says, looking into his eyes. It makes Mark become aware of her earnestness, but he quickly looks away before her pleading expression breaks down his resolve.
“If I do, you’ll leave sooner, right?” He retorts, making Tara flinch as though he had insulted her. A tinge of guilt shoots through him, but he knows she’s tougher than she looks right now. She had been tough on him when she broke up with him and even tougher the following weeks when she cut him out of her life, while his world crumbled around him. She didn’t care back then, so he wants her to know that he doesn’t care now.
Tears fill the wells of Tara’s eyes and she knows they could roll down her face with the very next blink. Panicking, the young woman takes a step back towards the door, unwilling to let Mark witness her breakdown. He has never seen her cry and she doesn’t want him to see her like that —weak, vulnerable and guilty. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”
“Of course you shouldn’t have, but you came anyway,” Mark says, his blood heating. “Do you enjoy torturing me, Tara? What did I ever do for you to hate me so much you can’t even let me spend my birthday peacefully?” Mark’s voice rises in a surprisingly deep tone that makes Tara aware of the mistake she’s made willingly going there to have Mark humiliate her.
“I think I should go” She says, trying to reach the door as she gives another step back. It could have been a good move if she hadn’t twisted her ankle while doing it and if Mark wasn’t reaching out to catch her right now.
Time slows down as his hands close around Tara’s waist to steady her and stop her from hitting the ground. They hold each other’s gaze for a moment, but Tara gently pushes him off, attempting to escape before she can’t hold herself back anymore and tears start to stream down her face.
“I should go-” Tara stops when Mark doesn’t let go of her and instead tightens his grip.
“Why?” He pulls their bodies even closer but is momentarily distracted by the fact Tara feels thinner than she ever was when they were together. It’s ridiculous, but he can’t help but wonder if this new relationship with Darius or her newfound interest for tight designer clothing are to blame. “Is your new boyfriend waiting for you?” He adds another painful question, smiling viciously.
“This is about enough” Tara composes herself and gathers the courage to push Mark away, her face quickly regains some of the confidence she has been lacking all this time. “I came here to apologize and tell you the engagement news are only a misunderstanding, but you’ve done nothing but ridicule me.”
Mark has already drawn breath to answer, but the shock of what she’s said renders him speechless. He looks at her sheepishly, but she goes on, without paying too much attention to his embarrassed expression.
“And I get it, Mark.” A chuckle of bitterness slips through her lips ”You’re hurt and you’re trying to get back at me acting like an idiot, but we both know that’s not who you are, or who I came looking for.” Tara fixes the cuffs of her chiffon dress distractedly before leveling her eyes to him “I am truly sorry, Mark. For everything. For the way I ignored you these past weeks and the ridiculous drama. I never meant to hurt you, the guys or your family.”
Mark sighs and runs a hand over the back of his neck, trying to process it all and find the right words to apologize. But Tara keeps going.
“And I’m sorry about Mindy and the fact I didn’t talk to you about it first, but it just didn’t make any sense that I loved you more than I loved myself.” Mark glances at the floor, his face losing all color. “It still doesn’t, to be honest”
Before Mark can reply or do anything at all, Tara turns on her heel and walks out of the room. She doesn’t want Jason or Mrs. Yang to see her leaving because she’s pretty sure they will try to stop her. Against her better judgment she disapparates as soon as she closes the door behind her.
Within a few seconds, Tara materializes in her apartment. Her unexpected arrival catches her brother off guard, making him drop his phone.
“Tara, for fuck's sake, you’re going to kill me next time you-“ he stops abruptly when he notices how Tara swipes the back of her hand across her cheek. His heart clenches.
Is she crying?
The mere thought appears ridiculous to him. Tara doesn’t cry. She didn’t cry when she fell from that tree in the backyard of the Fawley Manor when she was 3 years old. She didn’t cry when their mother and grandparents forgot her sixth birthday. She didn’t cry when Tyler’s pet ate one of her bunnies. Tara didn’t cry when that awful ex boyfriend of hers moved halfway across the globe. Damn, Tara didn’t even cry after breaking up with him.
Tyler thinks over everything he could recall about his sister. Now that he thinks about it, he has never seen Tara cry. He has seen her annoyed. He has seen her angry. He has seen her happy. He has seen her feigning politeness. He has seen her frustrated. But he has never seen her cry. Tara is never weak. She seems to have a backbone made of steel. Nothing ever seems to penetrate her walls.
Not until this moment anyhow. In this moment he can notice a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes.
“T, what happened?”
She doesn’t answer so he reaches across the distance separating them, but she draws away from him, probably too embarrassed to let him get any closer.
“Tara, what happened? Are you ok?” Tyler has no experience whatsoever dealing with complicated emotions, so he feels as though he’s tiptoeing around broken glass. When there’s no response, Tyler attempts to get close to her for the second time. And he fails again because Tara starts sobbing louder and tears stream down her cheeks, ruining her flawless makeup.
Her reaction unnerves and distresses Tyler.
“Oh, T. Stop crying, please” Tyler finally manages to move beside her and awkwardly wraps an arm around her. “I can’t bear to see you cry”
“I can’t help it” She gasps through gritted teeth. “Do you think I want to?”
Tyler pats her arm softly, apologetically and then pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and pushes it into her fingers with silent sympathy, though he still doesn’t understand what is going on.
“What happened, T? Please talk to me”
“I’m heartbroken” It’s all she says before giving in and burying her face in the crook of her brother’s neck.
Tyler attempts to comfort her, but without even noticing he clenches a fist, muttering an oath under his breath.  Whoever is to blame for his sister’s breakdown will surely pay for it. And he thinks he has a slight idea of who that is.  
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every1studio · 6 years
REQUESTED: “yin: heartthrob”
genre: fluff + suggestive + bad boy! au (mentions of alcohol)
ficstyle: bulletpoints + series [YANG]
“anon” asked: “ Ayo mayo lol that was dumb :') but anyways idk if you've done this but can I get a bad boy! Chan”
note: adding two requests together to do a “YIN&YANG” fic for Channie~ / hope you like it
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you promise yourself you wouldn’t get into bad guys anymore
until you showed up to the heartthrob’s party
“you think this is a good idea?” you uncomfortably pulled down your short dress
your friend slaps you on the back
“girl you look amazing, don’t stress too much and don’t worry, I’ll protect you”
your friend glammed you up with a black velvet mini dress with bardot sleeves
she took your hair out of your usual messy bun and straightened it
she didn’t want you to be overwhelmed with makeup, so all she did was do your brows, added mascara, brushed on highlight and a dark, red lipstick
you felt so out of your realm at the party
your friend was having the time of her life with some guy name Hyunjin
the music was blaring and the bass was making the house shake 
sitting uncomfortably on the sofa, on your 7th cup of jungle juice  
“didn’t expect a girl like you to come to a party like mine”
looked up to see Chan giving you a smug of a smile with a bottle of tequila in one hand and a couple of stacked shot glasses in another
“well a girl like me wasn’t planning on going to a party like yours..”
you got up to leave the party, with or without your friend
but Chan got in your way
“no~ stay~ you just got here, let’s go to the kitchen and take a shot okay?”
he seemed so sweet.. so nice, I guess a shot wouldn’t hurt
he readied the shot for you; poured the salt on your hand and handed you a lime
Minho came by and slithered his arm around your waist
“hey Chan, howabout you pour a shot for me too”
Chan turned around and saw how uncomfortable you were with Minho’s touch 
Chan pulled you away from Minho, “sure, just lay off y/n..”
Minho shrugged and laid his hands on some other girl
“you okay?” Chan’s face was close to yours
he genuinely looked concern
you nodded and he smiled and raised his glass
“guys you ready? one, two, three, cheers~”
everyone took the shot at the same time
you bit on the lime hoping to clear away the taste of alcohol
“so y/n, tell me more about yourself, other than being the smartest and prettiest girl in class”
you chuckled and placed your hand on his arm, “stop it, I’m not that great”
Chan laughs, “so you admit that you’re great?”
you blame the many cups of strong jungle juice for your tipsy state
“I guess it’s just the alcohol talking”
you weren’t feeling like yourself but you couldn’t stop your further actions
you slung your arms around Chan’s neck, “let’s dance~”
Chan wrapped his arms around your waist, “anything for you, princess”
you were dancing with Chan until you felt someone come up behind you
feeling a little jealous, Chan spins you around so that the other guy is facing Chan
“my girl, my party, if I see you again, you’re getting kicked out”
the guy shrugged and left
you held on to Chan’s veiny forearms, “my hero~”
Chan brushes his hair back and smiles back at you
“like I said, anything for you, princess”
you started to feel yourself stumble
completely falling into Chan’s arms
“whoa there, take it easy,” Chan carries you like a “princess” that you are
he carries you to his room
it was dark and slightly messy
he tosses you onto his bed
you shook your head, “I don’t think this is a good idea..”
Chan hovered over you, “what do you mean, sweetheart?”
he brushes your lips with his thumb; smudging your lipstick
Chan leans in to kiss you and you were okay with that
he uses one arm to support him up and uses his opposite hand to cup your face
you ran your hands into his hair
everything in that moment felt magical
until his hands slowly moved to the zipper of your dress
“Chan, please st-”
the door opened and your friend was on the other side of it
she storms over and pulls Chan off of you
grabs your hand and leads you out of his room
but before you could step foot off of the room
Chan pulls you back and kisses you on the forehead
“see you later, princess”
your friend, completely sober, drove the both of you back to her place
you sulk in silence, sobering up
“he’s not that bad-”
maybe she was right
but you didn’t want to let go of the magical moment you had with Chan
maybe you were something more to him
you were back to your messy bun, cropped sweater and high-waisted sweatpants look
Minho accidentally bumped into you
“whoops sorry-.. oh y/n~ you looked pretty good last weekend, lemme know when you wanna head out together”
you smiled at him but you wanted him to back off 
someone went in between you two to get access to their locker
“excuse me, I was having a conversation with-”
“y/n? nah, she’s not into you.. you should get to class Minho, another tardy would look bad on your soccer scholarship”
Minho tsked and walked off
you looked up and saw Chan
all the memories you had with him at the party caused you to flare up into a blush 
your eyes started to waver and you wanted to run from embarrassment
but Chan held your arm, it was a gentle grip
“hey y/n.. you.. you know how when we had our moment and I wanted to continue on from that... and you were about to tell me to stop?”
you looked up at him again
“I would’ve stopped regardless.. I.. I know coming from someone like me.. you probably wouldn’t believe me...”
Chan slowly lets go of your arm and runs his hand through his hair
“I think you’re more than just a smart and pretty girl.. but I wanna get to know you more..”
the first tardy bell rings and Chan slips you his number
“you can call me or you can throw it away; just know that I’ll always have my eyes on you..”
Chan walks off in the direction of his class
while your friend comes out of nowhere, “yeah, and I’ll always have mine on him”
you laughed at her murderous eyes but deep down inside, you wanted to know the thrill of knowing what it’s like to be involved with a heartthrob like Chan
END + [masterlist + guidelines]
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nutslovesdolts · 5 years
Qrowin week submission day 1
Family feast
Winter sat alone in the cold empty Atlas base. She was tasked with keeping it secure during the Non-descript winter holiday while the rest of the troops and supplies were moved back to Atlas.
The base was a relatively small one just south of Vale and not that far from the island of the Xiao Long home, nevertheless it used to be a pretty important stronghold before the fall of beacon, now it was moot point. They had already moved most everything out, Her main objective was to prevent looters and scavengers from taking what was left.
It wasn't that she had anywhere to go anyways, there was no way she would ever go home and risk scrutiny from her father as always. Being in the military they usually held a short gathering where there were festive rations and decorations, nothing like the overly extravagant parties her father would throw.
No, she was alone.
The only sound coming from the small empty halls was the ticking of a clock that was left for some reason down the hall. This was the life she had chosen, and this is how it would be.
She had planned to spend this year with Qrow at the Xiao Long homestead but she knew deep down it was too good to be true.
She was cold
As soon as Qrow’s foot touched the porch of the Xiao Long home he was instantly tackled by Ruby seeming to materialize out of nowhere.
Qrow -Hey easy there kiddo, you hit harder than most Grimm hehe
Ruby -Uncle Qrowwwwww!... hi
Qrow -Heya kid, where’s your dad? Who else is here?
Ruby -Dad is helping Yang in the shed, Weiss, Blake and Jaune are here, Nora and Ren are upstairs getting ready, thats it so far.
Qrow -haha no Winter? It’s not like her to be late…
Ruby -You didn’t see her letter? She has to watch some old Atlas base, she can’t come.
Qrow looked over the note and frowned a little bit, at least if she had some other troops or something there he would have felt a bit better, but alone?
It's not that she couldn’t take care of herself, Boy does he know she can, but being alone… it was something that both he and Winter finally could be without.
They had only finally confessed to each other during a duel which left them both breathless and at a draw. Winter’s cold hard deminer finally broke down as she started to laugh, it wasn't a shrill cockey laugh as he had expected, it was a beautiful warm laugh that seemed to make the world brighten up a little. It put Qrow at ease and the uncontrollable urge to laugh as well washed over him.
Qrow -Hey Ice Queen
Winter still laughing a bit -hmm?
Qrow -how much longer can we keep this up?
Winter -I…
Qrow - we are evenly matched, all we do is fight, your laugh is perfect and I don't think I want to keep fighting a flock of angry mini nevermors every time I see you.
Winter -Oh I definitely had the upper han.. Wait what (a look of curious surprise came over her face and He saw a slight twinkle in her eyes), you think what?
Qrow smirking -I just don’t think that was proper form hehe, you wanna grab a drink or something? (he said reaching out his hand to help her up)
Winter (grabbing his and and pulling him down to her) -I think we’ve earned it haha
Qrow handed the letter back to Ruby
Qrow -thanks pipsqueak (he said with a melancholy smile)
Ruby noticed this and grabbed his arm -come on in its cooollldd
As the two walked inside and was created by the warm house with smells of holiday food and cheer filling the air (*1)
Later Tai and Yang came back in dressed in ugly holiday garb with lights flashing through the santa grimm laden sweaters,  with overszed bells, causing Ruby to fall out of her chair laughing, making Weiss crack her first real smile of the evening.
Qrow seemed distant for the entire event which was unspokenly noticed by the Tai, Yang and Ruby., the three huddled together and hatched a scheme.
Winter had thought of calling Qrow to see how things were but the tower was already taken down by the Atlas soldiers earlier that day.
She sighed, there was just enough rations and her own personal supply of hot coco (*2) to make a nice warm meal to pass the time, she was a terrible cook as She and Qrow had learned the hard way… The thought of him made her a bit sad actually, she hadn't expected it being a hardened soldier, but there was a freedom when he was around, she could be herself and not be reprimanded for it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang that echoed through the empty base followed by the shuffling of feet in one of the halls.
Great, she thought, more scavengers… at least this will keep my mind off things
She rose to her feet and placed the coco on the table next to her. Grabbing her weapon she headed for the door.
It made a loud creak as it was opened, surely heard by the invaders.
Before she took her first step a OOF and a thud were heard through the halls, causing winter to pause in her tracks.
After Blake had tied up the scavenger Qrow snuck up ahead to see Winter standing frozen looking in the opposite direction
Qrow,you know Ice Queen… I get you have an image to uphold but you could always turn on some heat in here jeez
Winter spin around and immediately attack without a second thought charging forward until she saw who was standing there.  She tried to stop but ended up tackle hugging Qrow and pinning him against the wall, her sword clambering down next to her.
Winter- QROW HOW DID YOU, (she turned beat red as she realized she still had him pinned to the wall
Qrow Smirking *3 -you know, I would have waited till the bedroom to pin me to the wall, but this’ll do hehe
The rest of the party tried to hide their giggles but couldn’t contain themselves (except Weiss who was glaring at Qrow menacingly)
Winter quickly got off Qrow and brushed her self of trying to maintain any scrap of professionalism but dropped it with a sigh, she could be herself now, surrounded by friends
After an hour they had set up a nice cozy gathering in the mess hall, tiny lights and food and all,
Qrow looked at Winter laughing with Weiss who was still a bit red in the face from her and Ruby’s Mistletoe mishap (*4)
He had never been so at peace himself, even just in her company he felt warm and welcome, he walked over to where Ruby Yang and Tai were sitting
Qrow -hey… I just wanted to say.. Thanks, you guys really did me a favor tonight
Tai, oh Qrow, she's almost a part of the family already, just don't make ME and uncle too soon alright
This caused Qrow to turn beat red
Winter overhearing this walked over and wrapped her arms around Qrow and placed her head on his shoulder
Winter - no promises mister Xiao Long, wrapping tighter around Qrow making him turn even more red
Over by the Atas fire place (*5) in the corner
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren,
Jaune -huh, I always figured Qrow would be making Her blush
Nora - Oh please you saw her stand on his sword in that one fight, pg euphemisms are CCrRAAZZYY
Jaune -wha..?
Ren -don’t even try
In the closet the scavenger squirmed against his ropes,
Scavenger - mmmmph mph mmph hmhpmh mhh pmhmh (*6)
In the end all gathered around the table and had a great evening, when it was over the family loaded up everything back into Tai’s car (before it was destroyed in that one chibi episode) and headed off
Qrow stayed behind to help clean up a bit more and of course to stay with Winter a bit longer
Winter stopped what she was doing and looked up at Qrow with tears in her left eye
Winter -Qrow…. Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed this
Qrow -It was Tai yang and Ruby’s idea… but I’m just glad to see you Snow angel (he smirked) ((jaune internally screeching in the distance))
Winter -You don’t have to go you know… I mean I am allowed to have guests, if you want to…
Qrow stopped her with a kiss
Qrow looking deep into her eyes -I’m not going anywhere
Winter turned deep red and seemed to melt in his arms
They stayed like that for a bit until Winter snapped up and tightened her grip on him with narrow eyes and a demanding pose
Winter -If you think our last “fight” was tough, you aren't ready for this one she said walking towards what was at the time her room gesturing Qrow with one finger
Qrow now legitimately kinda frightened for his safety -ooooohhh boy hehe
With a swig of his flask and a quick hop to the door, (((I leave this part of the story because tumblr and morals and i'm writing this so I don’t have to study for my AI test)))
Back at the Xiao Long home the gang was unpacking the car
Ruby -I think we really did a good thing for Uncle Qrow
Tai - hehe I haven't seen him that happy or embarrassed over a girl since Beacon
Yang -where is he anyways, I thought he was just saying goodbye
Weiss had the realization set in that not only were her sister and Ruby’s Uncle likely tearing down the atlas base, but that she could be Ruby’s Aunt soon
She immediately dragged Ruby back under the mistletoe
Weiss -No way am I waiting till this is even more weird come here
Back in the closet of the base the bag falls off the “scavengers head”
Oscar -Guys… I just wanted to join you… hello…
Ozpin -I told you we should have brought Fruit cake
Oscar -...
So this train wreck is my first ever fic and yeah hope you like it or not whatever its for Qrowin week so yeah this kind just went on and on sorry about that, i'll get better the more I do have a nice day and yeah
Authors notes? What even
*1, what the heck does “holiday cheer” smell like? Cookies? Eggnog? Idk BLood? Eeh its up to you,
*3 because what else (insert Lenny face)
*4 would literally anyone read that cuz it could be fun
*5 just roll with it
*6 he’s is apparently the pyro from Team Fortress 2
I didn’t re read this or proof it so sorry if its trash
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ruffsficstuffplace · 6 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 34)
The trio spent the next two hours making notes from their reading, then setting them up in the obstacle course, trying to see how little or how much information they needed to squeeze in, how to arrange it and modify it so Akko could remember it more easily, and even having Diana run it alongside her to catch any flaws Akko might not have realized were there.
“As we say in the Bunker, ‘Design for Everyone, Test with Everyone, Benefits for Everyone.’” Ruby said.
Eventually, though, the combination of extensive reading and note taking, running around, and the growing heat of the sun took their toll on them, and they had to stop.
“Ahaaah...” Akko moaned as she laid flat on the cart,.“No more, please, no more! I can’t even tell where I was supposed to start, let alone which places lead to where…!”
Diana sighed as she sat on the side opposite her, sweating and holding a bottle of water in her hand. “Agreed… we should break for lunch… maybe take an afternoon nap before any of us do any more running around and testing...”
“We could just stay at Weiss’ place for the rest of today,” Ruby offered as she looked up from her scroll and quill. “I need to go see what’s in Mr. Schnee’s workshop, and the rest of the boxes that I can use to make miniature prototypes. More importantly, you don’t look so good, Diana.”
“That’s because I’m not...” Diana replied as she stretched out and rubbed her legs. “I never thought I’d ever say this, but damn Atlas CA and their abundance of tempting conveniences.”
“You guys want me to haul you both back to Weiss’ house?” Ruby asked.
“Yes!” Akko cried, while Diana said “No!”
Akko turned her head over to Diana. “Just say yes, Diana… you won’t regret it.”
“Yes I will!” Diana snapped. “Obviously, I have been putting too much priority for my studies than regular exercise! I’d rather none of us have to compensate for my lack of physical ability, rely on excellent grades on some of our parts so even with the terrible ones, we still have a passing team GPA!”
“You do need rest to make any actual muscle gains, though,” Ruby replied. “Overexert yourself, you’ll put your body into a catabolic state and start losing mass. It’s what my sister Yang really struggled with when she was first trying to weight train: she always wanted to lift more, just to prove that she could.”
“I’m sure, Ruby,” Diana muttered as she got up, took a few tentative steps forward. “You’ve done the lion’s share of work today, setting these notes up and reconfiguring the machinery, I’d feel ashamed to be burdening you any more than I already have.”
All three of them flinched, Akko sat up as the woods in the distance suddenly lit up with flames, before they could hear the faint, dying howls of burning Grimm.
Diana blinked. “On second thought--” she jumped on the cart, and held onto the bottom “--RUN!”
Klaxons in the trees started blaring as Ruby bolted back for the house, all three of their scrolls flashing red.
At the same time, alarms inside the Schnee home started wailing. Weiss, Freya, Snowie, and Whitley all dropped their preparations for lunch, stacked up plates and utensils noisily clattering on the table, shutting off the stoves and putting their utensils and knives down, half-way cooked food and chopped up ingredients getting shoved into the fridge or covered for later.
“Whitley!” Freya barked as she jumped off her seat. “Get the ammo out of my laboratory—shotgun shells, sniper rounds, especially the canisters for my SMG!”
“On it!” Whitley cried, untying his apron and throwing it to the side.
“Weiss!” Freya cried as she headed for the living room. “Are you good for monitoring events?”
“Way ahead of you!” Weiss said as she pulled out her scroll. “Fuck! The others are still at the training grounds!”
“I’ll get ready for a rescue!” Snowie cried as she headed out of the kitchen, opened the door to her room.  She and Freya flinched and jumped as the mess from earlier that morning came pouring out in an avalanche, Snowie awkwardly waded through the mess, while Freya shook her head, then headed for her laboratory.
Whitley was already inside, grabbing ammo from a cache in the wall, throwing them into a rolling cart filled with baskets. Freya stuffed her pockets with explosive sniper rounds, grabbed her sniper rifle and her armour, and headed to a firing position on the roof.
She loaded her gun, put it on the stand, and checked her scroll; three blue dots clustered together were rapidly moving towards the house, but several more red clusters were rapidly chasing after them, even more red dots pouring in from all around and getting past the other firebomb traps.
Freya cursed under her breath as she pulled out a pair of binoculars nearby, and started scanning the area.
Freya’s scroll flashed red, the call automatically came through. “Frosty!” Nick yelled. “Heads up, we’ve got a giant horde of Grimm straight for you!”
“We already know, Nick, I’m sitting on the roof with a sniper rifle and the others are mobilizing, or hauling ass back here as we speak!” Freya replied. “Tell me something I don’t know!”
“We’ve got someone or something luring Grimm all over North Anima and the middle-of-bum-fuck nowhere in Solitas since yesterday; Councils didn’t much care for it until they started dropping the bait nearer and nearer populated settlements.”
Freya paused. “Manbavaran...?”
“No, no chemical residue, it’s something like an emitter—almost like someone’s figured out how to use tech to replicate negative emotions that draw Grimm in like a bus full of relapsed alcoholics to happy hour.”
“’Almost like...?’” Freya asked disdainfully.
“Look, whoever made them was smart enough to make them self-destruct, if the Grimm didn’t already tear it to pieces like they do land-bound antennas—even if we find anything left, it’s too broken to know what the hell it was, let alone reverse-engineer it. The important thing is, it looks like someone just dropped a fresh one by Hoshiko!”
Freya spotted Akko, Diana, and Ruby in the distance, shifting shadows and red glowing eyes peering through the trees behind them. She scowled as she noticed the Shiny Rod, Akko holding it in a death grip. “Not one of those transmitters, Nick—the Shiny Rod!”
“Huh. Well, I guess that explains why we’ve been keeping Grimm from running down the mountains all day!”
“Please tell me you’re already heading back here with a hunting party!” Freya snapped as she grabbed her rifle, started firing into the Grimm beginning to break out of the trees.
“Wouldn’t have been telling you anything until we were already in the air!” Nick replied. “Oh, and Frosty?”
Freya fired off a round. “What?”
“I thought we were supposed to refer to it as ‘The Artefact, until a proper name can be given to it’?”
“OH, FUCK YOU, NICK, NOW’S NOT THE TIME!” Freya screamed as she started shooting more and more rounds, rapid-fire.
Down below, Ruby ducked and steered the cart around as explosive shots detonated behind them, various turrets at their sides started activating. Some of them spewed fire, others exploded out into frost, others still started firing bullets at the approaching hordes of Grimm.
Diana and Akko screamed as a beowulf pounced at them, its claws out and its maw wide open. Ruby cried out as it latched onto the edge of the cart, it dug its hind paws into the dirt to try and stop them.
“USE THE SHINY ROD!” Diana screamed.
Akko scrambled up and started whacking the beowulf on the head and the paws with it, until it was forced to let go.
More beowolves started following the original’s lead, dodging the defenses, or waiting for the beowulf ahead of them to get hit before they pounced, too. Akko stood up and braced herself, started swinging the Shiny Rod like a baseball bat, knocking beowolves out of the air, or holding them back just enough to keep them from latching on.
“Too heavy!” Ruby cried in-between heated pants. “Lose some weight!”
Diana scrambled to her knees, tried to read the labels on the boxes. She squinted as she tried to discern which were their books, which were Akko’s obsolete notes, which contained their new notes, before she just grabbed them at random, and threw them off.
“Please, forgive me!” Diana yelled as the Grimm started getting hit with PLUCKO block sets, leather-bound books, notebooks, binders, wooden toys, and assorted souvenirs from all over Remnant.
“Who are you apologizing to?!” Akko cried as she continued swatting beowolves away.
“The books, their authors, and the librarians that thought they could safely entrust them to our care!” Diana wept as she continued tossing boxes.
The Grimm started learning how to dodge the boxes and their contents, but the speed boost was enough for them all to get some much needed distance. A second round of shots started flying in from the house, Diana looked up and saw Whitley standing at the porch, firing at the Grimm with a revolver in his hands.
“Get up here!” he yelled as his shots exploded into pools of sludge, slowing down the Grimm caught in it, exploding into flames if a lick of fire went over it.
The elevator started lowering to the ground, Ruby surged forward with her second wind, the three of them abandoning the cart as they jumped up and grabbed the edge, climbed or pulled the others up before they nearly broke the lever as they pulled it back the other way.
A massive beringel roared as burst through the flames, its whole body ablaze as it charged for the rising elevator. It launched itself towards them with its massive arms, Akko stepped up at the edge with the Shiny Rod in hand, Ruby and Diana took unarmed combat stances behind her.
“Let’s fucking do this!”
Diana and Ruby watched in awe as Snowie jumped from porch, Akko cheered as she intercepted the flaming beringel, sending it crashing into a new crater on the ground.
“Hey there, asshat!” Snowie said as she sat up, smiling and unaffected by the fire. “Let me introduce you to my weapons!” she said as she pulled back her left arm, the gauntlet on it glowing and crackling slate blue.
The beringel roared and tried to grab at her.
Snowie punched it in the face, the beringel reeled. She pulled back her right arm, crackling and glowing, too.
Snowie punched it in its unarmoured the gut with her left gauntlet, the beringel wheezed and convulsed in pain.
“And finally...” Snowie said as she dismounted, and took the executioner’s sword on her back, the blade glowing and crackling with the same energy. “… Praespero!”
The beringel roared as it raised its arms up to defend itself. Snowie brought the blade crashing down on it two times, the beringel visibly struggling to resist each blow, before the third cut straight through its arms, its chest, and its head, cleanly cut pieces of it rolling away as the beringel turned to smoke.
Beowolves started pouncing and lunging at her from every direction, Snowie just sheathed her sword and started brawling with them, blocking their claws and bites with her gauntlets, retaliating with devastating punches, if she wasn’t picking them up and throwing them into the others, or slamming them into the ground, slate-blue shockwaves erupting from each unfortunate Grimm
Ruby and Diana watched as a freezing, ominous slate blue mist started to pour out all around Snowie, the Grimm suddenly found themselves weakened and slowed, like their bodies were rapidly freezing over.
“She’s got this, guys!” Akko cried, before she howled and cheered once more.
“I can confirm that!” Whitley yelled over the sound of Grimm being beaten to death. “Now come on, let’s get all of you armed!” he said, holstering his revolver into his belt as beckoned for them to follow.
Inside, the windows and most of the entrances had already been sealed and barricaded, Freya standing by with baskets full of ammo and munitions and their weapons. “Arm yourselves, break ONLY when I’ve finished my orders!” she cried as they armed themselves.
“Rose: load with explosive rounds, fire support on Snowie! She’s durable, but she’s not invincible, so focus on thinning out the reinforcements! I don’t want those beowolves dog-piling on her anymore than they already are!”
“Roger willco!” Ruby said.
“Akko: shotgun shells and guarding Weiss, do NOT use Showstoppers or grenades! You might blow the entire house down if you use it in here!”
“On it, Aunt Freya!” Akko said, saluting.
“Cavendish: watch the windows and the entrances, do NOT let anything in here, as much as possible!”
“Understood!” Diana replied, holding her spear at the ready.
“Already on it, Grandma!” Whitley said pulling out a retractable sword and stabbing its blade into the floor, a glyph forming beneath his feet. Diana and Ruby shielded their eyes as a cyan-white beowulf appeared, raised its head up and howled.
Cyan waves of aura exploded from the summon and into the others, strength flooding back into their bodies, the fatigue and exhaustion of earlier disappearing.
“Holy crap!” Ruby yelled as she bounced on her feet. “That was AWESOME!”
Whitley gasped and fell on his butt, his summon disappearing shortly after. “Make good use of it!” he said in-between pants. “That’s ALL you’re going to get from me...!”
Akko carried Whitley off to join Weiss in monitoring and activating defenses, Freya and Ruby ran out with their sniper rifles and started shooting.
Down below, the ground was almost entirely covered in the slate-blue mist, the stronger of the Grimm visibly struggling to move and fight, the weaker of them collapsing to the ground, whimpering and gritting their fangs as they awaited their doom.
“Yeah!” Snowie cried as she picked up a prone beowulf, swung it about in the air before she threw it at the others. “How do you like my semblance, asshats?!” she said as she threw her arms out, beckoned the Grimm to come forward.
The creatures shied away from the mist still pouring out of Snowie, if they weren’t hiding behind cover from Ruby and Freya, the two making a show of loading their sniper rifles with new ammo.
“Ha! Thought so!” Snowie said as she gleefully raised both of her middle fingers to them as she walked backwards. “Fuck off if you know what’s good for you, and don’t come back unless you want to get killed by the Schnees and company!”
Ruby and Freya fired off some warning shots, the Grimm flinched and hesitated for a moment, before they started retreating.
“Woo!” Snowie cheered as she spun around on her heel. “Someone lower the elevator! I need to get back to cooking a victory lunch for all of us!”
Ruby and Freya lowered their guns, Akko headed out to the porch to lower the elevator. Snowie smiled as she looked up and watched it slowly come down, before she felt a rumbling beneath her feet, and her eyes opened wide in horror.
“Wait—SHIT!” Snowie screamed as she started moving again. “AKKO! STO--!”
Freya and Ruby flinched as claws with spade-shaped nails burst out of the ground, reaching out to grab at Snowie’s ankles. The first few missed or failed to hold on to her for her semblance, but as Snowie kicked them away or wrenched her legs free, more and more claws burst out of the ground, gravediggers unborrowed completely and started jumping on her.
Freya pointed her gun at her, and started firing. “ROSE!” she yelled.
Ruby hesitated. “But--!”
“JUST DO IT!” Freya screamed.
Ruby gritted her teeth, before she took aim, blasting the gravediggers off of Snowie. She shrugged off the shrapnel and the explosions, struggled to walk to the descending elevator with all the gravers clinging onto her. Akko readied her weapon as she jumped down onto it, started blasting more of the gravers off of Snowie.
Snowie wrenched the gravediggers off of her body, before reached out for Akko. Akko held out Shooting Star’s stock, she groaned as she struggled pull Snowie up, the gravers still clinging to her, yet more joining the chain and pulling them both down.
Freya and Ruby switched to different munitions, jumped down the elevator, sent it climbing back up before they started shooting at the gravers, more now climbing up the sides.
A shot went straight through the gravediggers and a good section of the floor, Freya cursed as the wood started to groan from all the excess weight.
“Diana!” Ruby cried as the two of them began to use their rifles like clubs.
Diana rushed out and joined them, started stabbing and smacking the gravediggers hanging off the sides. The elevator started to rise faster and faster, but Akko was now on her stomach, pulled into the floor from how much the gravediggers were weighing her and Snowie down.
Ruby and Snowie both switched to explosive rounds once more, broke the chain of gravers. Akko pulled Snowie up, Diana stabbed the gravediggers still clinging onto her. The elevator hit the top, Snowie smashed her foot into the eyeless face of the very last one.
The five of them watched in satisfaction as it evaporated before it hit the ground.
“Well...” Diana huffed. “Glad that’s over.”
The five of them flinched as gravediggers, dirt, and three hunters shot up into the sky from a fiery blast. Glyphs appeared in the air as someone caught the other two hunters, and launched for the porch. Her foot caught on the railing, sending herself and the people in her arms sprawling out on the floor.
“Winter!” Snowie cried.
“Uncle Qrow!” Ruby cried.
“Some woman we don’t know!” Akko cried.
“Eun-jin!” the stranger said as she stood up, flipped her dirt-covered goggles up with her organic hand, while her prosthetic arm readjusted the equipment strapped to her body. “Grade A spelunker extraordinaire!”
“I’m assuming you were the ‘outside expert’ my daughter and Branwen claimed they needed to hire?” Freya asked.
“That I am, Dr. Schnee!” Eun-jin said, smiling. “Long-story short, your gravedigger colony in the Celestial Hills up and left the place after AWRD blew up the petra gigas—seems the explosion collapsed the rest of their tunnel system, and they decided it was best just to migrate than dig them out again.
“Disturbingly, however, the migration seemed to intentionally split all over, heading to all corners of Mistral as far as my rats could tell me before we lost connection, but the good news is, we managed to track where their grave lord went to!”
An unholy roar filled the air as something MASSIVE burst out of the ground, an eyeless face-plate streaked red and scorched black appeared right before their eyes. The grave lord swiped its claws at them, Akko screamed as it grabbed her and ran away.
“… It’s starting a new colony near Hosihko...” Eun-jin finished, before they all rushed inside, grabbing ammo, dust, and Shooting Star from the floor before they ran after her.
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forgetspecifics · 7 years
Such Sights are Bright - Prologue: Wake Up
Yang Xiao Long; born in Canada to a mother she never knew, has left her father’s homestead in Maine to experience life with her uncle.
Other links: Ao3 FF.net
Notes: My new story warranted a prologue to cover some of the plot and I thought I'd post it to see what y'all think. I'm seriously excited to begin this. I've had it planned for about 6 months, and I haven't even really started, but I think I'm already thinking of a sequel. Oops It's really important to note that this whole story was massively inspired by music, a specific album, to be exact. It means a lot to me. Listening to each song at the end of a chapter will hopefully help you understand the spirit of what I'm trying to do here. I implore you to not be a lil sneak and ruin anything for yourself by listening to any other song from the album, if you actually want to enjoy my story in the musical form. All credit given to the band that changed my life. Another important note is that each chapter will take place in a specific month of the year, which is noted at the top (with the season, since there's three chapters per season [excluding this chapter since it's just a prologue], idk it was important to me when I planned it and now I don't remember why. I think it was because I wanted to cover a whole year). ANYWAY, just go
August (Summer)
Amongst the chatter and slight chaos of the patrons of the airport, a small family bid their farewells as an announcement caught their ears.
‘This is the final boarding call for flight BGR213 to Columbus, final boarding call.’
“Oh, I’m gonna miss you, sis!”
“You’ll see me in a couple of months, Rubes. But, I’ll miss you more!”
“It’s more than a couple, Yang. Still, you better hurry or you’ll miss the plane!”
Yang nodded, agreeing with her father’s concern. Giving her little sister, Ruby, one last bear hug, she took in a shaky breath.
“I better scoot, then, eh? I love you guys,” she embraced her dad, the man trying to hide his sadness – and failing.
“Be safe, my sunny little dragon. I love you,” he sniffed.
“See you at Christmas!”
Taking in the sight of Taiyang and Ruby waving goodbye, looking like they missed her already, Yang hoisted her backpack over her shoulder entered the boarding gate for her flight, bound for Ohio.
Her new adventure awaited her, after all.
Drifting into a state of quiet fear, Yang let her feet and legs carry her through the gate and onto the plane, not fully processing the situation. She knew she was leaving everything she’d known for almost her whole life, but it was like it was yet to sink in. She sat in her seat – a window view – happy to have several hours to get used to everything.
Asking herself if she was truly happy with this decision, she knew that it seemed impulsive and foolhardy to her dad and sister. Even if they had planned this move sufficiently, it seemed sudden anyway. Why would a seventeen-year-old girl want to uproot herself to a different state just before her final year of high school? It was social suicide, especially since she was one of the most popular girls around.
It’s because Yang was sick of that little town and everybody in it (not Ruby though, and to a lesser extent, not her dad either). Nothing was a secret there. Judgement was grating on her nerves as she grew older and older and saw it more and more.
They all knew their family was a mess since Summer had died.
Taiyang had not taken the loss well – in fact, he took it very badly.
It was not the best situation for six-year-old Yang and four-year-old Ruby – so to say ever since she had died, it was to say that the last eleven years of their lives had been an uphill battle.
When their father had shut down, the townspeople had done their best to help them, but it wasn’t enough. They couldn’t be the mother they’d lost. The mother Ruby lost.
Yang did the only thing she could: become the best mother she could be. In turn, she sacrificed her childhood for Ruby’s – and she’d do it all again if she needed to. It wasn’t Ruby’s fault. As Ruby grew old enough for Yang to step out of that role, it was too late for her to regain all the time she had lost.
So, Yang made the most of the time she had.
She knew that her father had tried his best, but it wasn’t enough. He gradually improved over time, and by the time she was eleven, he took most of his fatherly duties much more seriously, giving her her chance.
To say that she was a bit of a problematic kid was an understatement – not that she was a brat or treated her father terribly, no. School became the best place for her to let out her frustrations and have fun. She never even tried to reach her potential, putting more effort into being ‘cool’ and having the times of her life.
The last couple of years especially, were a riot. Not even considering the future, Yang loved to party and loved to keep up an image. An image that rebelled against the picture of the poor girl the town thought she was – she wanted them to think she’d been unaffected.
It wasn’t their business, anyway.
The truth was, Yang had made a mess out of the life that lay ahead of her. She had only done the minimum to stay at a passing grade or to be able to do whatever sports her school had offered. It was easy to be athletic and not very book-smart.
The other truth was, after Summer had died, Taiyang told her she wasn’t actually her mother at all. That her mother was another woman named Raven, whom had a twin brother, that he and Summer had met and worked with in Canada before she was born.
Ever since that day, Yang had craved more knowledge about her true mother, something she investigated many times to little success. Her uncle began to visit them periodically, now that she knew about his existence. She knew that if her dad wouldn’t tell her about Raven, Qrow was the only other person she could ask.
Which had lead her to this decision to move in with him in another state. Yang felt trapped in her life in her small town, partly by her own choices, partly that in another year, she’d have finished high school and have nowhere to go. Deep down, she recognised that she was probably too late to have a revelation such as that, and it was just a little bit ironic that she was late in growing up when she had had no choice at age six to mature rapidly.
Maybe being this screwed up was Taiyang’s fault. He’d shirked all responsibility on her, falling into a pathetic hole of alcohol dependence and ignoring his depression. A little kid shouldn’t have had to slap her father awake from a bender just to ask him to help out – which never worked anyway.
She shouldn’t have had to find him sitting at the kitchen table staring at a knife late at night. Too often she’d been shooed away, hearing him say goodnight, and wondering if when she woke, he’d be gone.
As much as he’d apologised when he had realised – with her help – that he needed to get it together, she’d still lord it over him when she felt petty. When he’d chastised her for something stupid, or tried and butt in on her life, she’d told him that he wasn’t there for her before and didn’t get to decide when he was now. ‘Wake up,’ she’d said, ‘you don’t get to play the dad card now.’
Yang would admit she felt accomplished when she’d told him what she wanted to do and he had responded, ‘Yang, I’ve never been able to hold you back, but not by choice. It’s time for me to be a man, and choose to not hold you back any longer. Be the person I know you can be.”
Because at that moment, she knew they could both move on from their past.
Landing in a new place was kind of nerve wracking, she thought. But this was what she wanted. She had made it another step closer to knowing where she’d come from.
Looking amongst the strange faces of a strange place, she looked for a sign of her pickup. It had been awhile since she’d seen him and Yang hoped he was still the old, grumpy faced man she remembered.
She spied a familiar ringed hand tip a familiar flask up to a familiar scruffy face, and smirked. He was the old grumpy faced alcoholic she remembered.
As Yang eagerly sidestepped travellers to her uncle, he screwed the lid back on the container that was likely filled with something strong enough to make her cringe.
Tucking his contraband back into his jacket, Qrow Branwen welcome his niece with open arms. “Hey, firecracker. Look at you, all big and strong.”
His gravelly tenor was a sound she had missed. “You know me,” her shoulders shrugged off the praise, despite the pride she felt that he’d noticed. Taiyang had been helping her develop the capacity to pursue her athletic hobbies – anything physical, Yang was down for.
“Come on kid, it’s a bit of a drive,” Qrow gestured for her to follow. “Hope you’re not disappointed with a normal car ride.”
Yang snorted shamelessly. “I’ll deal. Did Bumblebee make it here safe?”
Turning towards baggage claim, her uncle nodded, “Yep.  You named that death-trap after an insect?”
“Excuse me, I’ll have you know that my bike,” she paused, considering that he may have been accurate describing the motorcycle as a death-trap, “…is named after the coolest insect on the face of the Earth.”
Qrow had made an effort and drove through the most interesting route in Canton, Yang noting the well-known Pro Football Hall of Fame as the city’s pride and joy. She guessed she’s a Browns fan now – not like Maine had their own football team.
It was daunting to know this was now her home for at least the next year. Backing out part way through would be stupid – she came here gain some of the freedom back.
…and to learn more about her birth mother – her estranged birth mother.
She knew she looked a lot like her father, blonde hair, tall, with an affinity for the colour yellow. Yet Taiyang had always said she looked like her mom, which she only had one, old and lousy picture of. Her golden hair did not match her mother’s black, so she always figured that he was just saying that. He had never understood or agreed with her craving to know more about his first wife, Raven Branwen – it seemed her uncle was on her side.
He obviously saw that at age 17, Yang was sick of being given the little-kid treatment.  Otherwise, she didn’t see herself being here, in the twin-siblings’ hometown, living with him.
The car turned into a new street. “Yeah, yeah, we’re almost there,” he muttered.
“Not that. Just…thanks.”
She saw him crack a hint of a smile. “No problem,” they pulled into the drive of a small two story house. “Welcome home.”
He wasted no time in approaching the door to unlock it, as Yang pulled her bags from the trunk – since she was fully capable.
Passing through the threshold held somewhat of a weight for her. This was the Branwen’s family home. Her mother had lived here, at some point, long ago. It surprised her to see that the room towards the rear end of the house housed a lone upright piano. The walnut was weathered, clearly showing its age, dust coating the flat surfaces.
As she inspected the instrument, Qrow curiously observed from the doorframe. “I didn’t think you could play,” he stated.
“I can’t. I like sports, remember?” she laughed. “Judging by the dust, you can’t either.”
Qrow shook his head in agreement. “Not my style either. Family heirloom, or some crap.”
Yang lifted the cover and placed her fingers on the spotless keys, accidentally pressing a sour note when she heard, “Raven could,” from behind her.
She suddenly found herself disliking it.
“I’m gonna unpack,” she quickly exited the room and any further conversation about that. Funny, how this was what she wanted to know about, but she didn’t know if she’d enjoy finding it all out that much.
A low hum followed her. “Upstairs, first room on your right. Don’t worry, it’s as empty and impersonal as they get.”
Thank fuck for that.
Notes: Song: 'Man' This is about the struggle I wrote of in the first section, that long and sad one? Yeah. You can probably figure it out. -
+1 for bumblebees being straight up cool
+1 for bumbleBY being not straight at all
I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks for reading.
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sindrafalcone · 7 years
The Mom Ch. 3
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun
Synopsis: Baek-il (100 day celebration)
Warnings: Fluff... with just a hint of foreshadowing.
Author’s Note: Just a heads up, if you’re reading this without having read the first three parts... you are going to be SO confused when the drama starts. I’m just sayin’... Also, this is a short chapter. I’m not apologizing for it, just letting you know in advance. :)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
“It's crazy...” your husband whined into the phone. “Everywhere we go, every fan meeting, all they want to do is ask about the twins!”
“Awwww... are you jealous, yeobo?” you chided him.
“No!” he replied quickly. “Well... maybe a little bit.”
You laughed out loud at that & it made Seung Min let out a little startled noise from where he was laying in your lap. For some odd reason, the boy had woken up early from his afternoon nap. His sister was still sound asleep in the crib.
“Oh, I'm sorry baby...” you cooed at your son. “Did mommy surprise you laughing at daddy? I just can't help it. He's so silly sometimes.”
You tickled his tummy and he let out a delighted gurgling sound. From the phone pressed up to your ear, you heard Seung Hyun sigh.
“I miss that sound.”
“I bet you don't miss the screaming in the middle of the night.” you said.
“No.” he admitted with a chuckle. “I definitely don't miss that. Hey... hold the phone up to his ear for me? I want to try something.”
You did as he asked and a moment later you could hear Seung Hyun start talking to his son. Seung Min's head instantly turned toward the phone at the sound of his father's voice. He wiggled around in your lap and even batted one tiny fist at the screen. Then he did something that he had never done before... he smiled.
“Oh my god!” you squealed, bringing the phone back up to your ear.
“What? What happened?” Seung Hyun asked, thoroughly confused.
“He smiled.” you giggled, barely able to control your happiness. “You made Seung Min smile!”
“That's no fair! I can't see it!”
“Hang on. Talk to him again and I'll snap you a quick picture.” you soothed.
You held the phone back down to the baby's ear so that he could hear his daddy's voice again. After a few more squirms, he smiled again & you quickly pulled to phone away so that you could snap the photo. With a few quick taps, you'd sent it to Seung Hyun.
“There. Did you get it?” you asked anxiously.
There was a pause on the other end of the line and made you wonder if the call had been dropped, but then you heard a gasp.
“Oh, wow... he looks so cute!” Seung Hyun gushed.
“Just like his daddy.” you said, leaning forward to rub noses with the baby.
Suddenly there was a cry from upstairs that made you sigh, the time that you got to spend talking to Seung Hyun never seemed like enough.
“I take it she's awake then?” your husband laughed.
“Sure sounds like it.” you said, already standing up and adjusting Seung Min in your arms & heading for the stairs.
“I've got to go anyway.” Seung Hyun said. “Thanks for the picture, yeobo. Give my girl a kiss for me. I love you.”
“Love you too.” you replied, just as you cleared the last step.
You strode into the nursery and placed Seung Min down in the crib before picking up his sister. The second she was in your arms, she quieted down.
“Drama queen...” you huffed under your breath, leaning forward to give her a peck on her chubby little cheek. “There... that's from your daddy. Now let's get you changed so you can eat.”
And so, the month passed by excruciatingly slowly... with daily phone calls and occasional Facetime. You were slowly learning how to juggle both babies all on your own and their budding personalities were just starting to emerge.
To you, it seemed like the twins perfectly embodied the dual personalities of their father. Sung Ja was loud and attention seeking, where Seung Min was more quiet and introverted. It both amused and annoyed you to no end & even your in-laws were quick to pick up on the similarities.
It wasn't until two days before the twins baek-il that your husband finally made it home. You had just drifted off to sleep when you felt the bed dip next to you. Groggily you mumbled until Seung Hyun wrapped his arms around you, pulling your back into his embrace.
“Shhhhh, gongju-nim. Go back to sleep.” he soothed, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of your husbands deep, rumbly voice coming from across the hallway. You knew that he was talking to the twins & so you cuddled down into the covers, intent on spending a few precious moments to yourself before having to feed them.
Soon enough though, he came into the bedroom balancing one baby on each arm.
“Which one first?” he asked you with a smile.
“Seung Min, I think...” you said, sitting up and adjusting yourself. “He's a bit faster, if only just.”
Your husband handed the boy off to you before sitting down on the bed, cradling his daughter in his arms. Once your son was properly latched and feeding you turned your eyes to Seung Hyun.
“Hey there, handsome. Long time, no see.” you playfully teased.
He leaned forward, giving you a quick peck of a kiss. “Yeah... sorry about that.”
“You do realize that the baek-il is tomorrow, right?”
“I know.” he said, at least having the sense to sound somewhat sheepish. “It's just... Yang added an extra three fan meetings into the schedule at the last minute. There wasn't much I could do about it.”
“You're here now... that's all that matters.” you said, patting his arm in a comforting gesture.
“Is there anything that still needs to be done?” he asked. “Anything I can help you with?”
Your heart melted. There he was, offering to help you with the party when you knew he must have been exhausted from his schedule and the long plane ride home. Sure, he'd gotten a little sleep last night, but that was nowhere near enough for him to recover fully & you knew it.
“Actually, I let your mother handle most of it.”
“Wha... really?” he said, shocked.
You just shrugged. “Well... she sort of got shorted with the wedding planning. I figured, why not?”
“You're a genius, _________-ah.” he chuckled, then he kissed Sung Ja on the tip of her nose. “You hear that? Your mommy is a genius.”
The next day had both of you questioning whether or not Seung Hyun's assessment of your intelligence was right or not.
The banquet room that your mother in law had rented out for the ceremony was completely decorated in shades of blue and pink, with splashes of white thrown in. Everything from the flowers to the streamers and even tablecloths matched.
By the time you and Seung Hyun arrived with the guests of honor, there were already well over one hundred people in attendance. Security was tight & and an invitation was required, of course. But, still... all of this seemed like overkill to you for just a 100 day celebration.
Once you actually managed to make it inside and to the main table, you were very pleasantly surprised to see your brothers standing there, waiting for you. You passed Sung Ja off to Jiyong who was incredibly eager to hold the little girl. Taking your time, you gave each of the guys a long hug, having a short conversation with them before moving on to the next.
You just ignored the glares from the other ladies in the room. Yes, you knew that as a married woman you shouldn't be so friendly with other men. But these were your brothers... the women just didn't understand your bond with them & likely they never would.
The actual ceremony was blissfully short & after a quick photo session, the actual meal began. After that, there had been introductions for the twins to Seung Hyuns huge extended family on top of a wide range of friends and business associates.
The babies were surprisingly okay with everything until about three hours into the party when they began to get tired.
“Here...” Jiyong held a screaming Sung Ja out at arms length. “She needs... something.”
You laughed as you took her from him. “She probably needs a nap, or a change, or she's hungry.”
“Or all three.” Seung Hyun agreed, as he held a fussing Seung Min. “We should head home.”
“Don't forget that you all have to be over by noon tomorrow to do those interviews for the magazine.” you reminded them.
“Yes, noona.” Seungri intoned. “We remember.”
For good measure, you smacked the back of his head as you walked away from the table.
“Good, goofball. I'll see you all then.”
The following day, you were entirely grateful that the guys were all there. It made things a lot more comfortable for you when the photographers, lighting crew, reporter and heaven knew just how many crew members invaded the villa.
You had agreed to all this because Seung Hyun had convinced you that this was the best way. The plan was that the two of you would give one exclusive interview to a single magazine. That way, you weren't constantly being hounded by the press. His theory was that once the “scoop” was gone, the media attention surrounding the twins introduction would die down a little.
It also helped that the magazine in question had ties to Eleven9. Technically, you still worked there. Dong Wook had flatly refused to let you go and instead had placed you on what he called 'extended maternity leave'. Just how extended that leave was going to be had yet to be determined.
It took a long four hours of photo shoots, interviews and touring the villa before they finally left.
“Man, I thought they'd never leave.” Seungri whined as he helped you tuck the twins into bed.
“I know what you mean...” you sighed. “Between yesterday and today, I'm exhausted. Both mentally and physically.”
He slung an arm over your shoulder, the two of you quietly leaving the nursery behind, the soft sounds of the lullaby album playing in the background.
“Why don't we get some takeout and just hang out for a while?” he offered. “The six of us... just like old times.”
You laughed. “It's not been that long! But yeah... I like the sound of that.”
“Great!” he smiled so big that it lit up his eyes. “Let's see if we can make Jiyong-hyung pay for it!”
A few weeks later...
The woman's eyes scanned the covers of the magazines randomly. She wasn't really looking for anything in particular, just something to distract her from how miserable her life had become. She glanced lazily through each section... sports, gardening and DIY, fashion, cooking, crafts, cars and mechanics.
It wasn't until she hit the music and entertainment section that something caught her eye that had her eyes widening and her head doing a double take. She reached out to pick up the magazine with trembling fingers, although she couldn't decide if it was rage or envy she felt. Carefully, she read the title:
Meet the crown Prince and Princess of Kpop!
For a while she just stared incredulously at the smiling picture of you and Seung Hyun holding the twins on the cover before opening the magazine to see which page the article was on.
When she located the table of contents, she read the quick blurb about the article:
An in depth & personal interview with the first King of Kpop to have children. Features a look inside the twins lavish lifestyle, intimate at home photos, a nursery tour and interviews with the other Bigbang “Uncles”. Plus the romantic tale of how The Nanny managed to win over the elusive rapper. Read all the details, starting on page 62!
“Well... I'll be damned.” she huffed, snapping the magazine shut.
She tucked it carefully under one arm and started walking over to the little cafe within the book shop. The woman knew that this bit of information required further study... the magazine was just the beginning.
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