#//Then getting off THERE had been a whole other can of worms to deal with
oceanxveiined · 11 months
Dani has a Mallen streak in her hair, and the reason for that had been usage of a Pyro Delusion acquired during the time she abandoned the Fatui. She had taken it and the uniform off a slaughtered Pyro agent and used it to sneak/fight her way to freedom, promptly passing out once the adrenaline wore off.
She planned to dispose of it immediately afterwards, having become wary of it after noticing the greying, but ultimately chose to keep it in reasoning that it could come in handy. Even if she is still sort of afraid of it.
#hc#v; intertwined fates (genshin verse)#//Her plan to escape had basically been Pretend to be a different Fatui and sneak out#//But ended up raising too much suspicion so the plan then became Fight my way out as different Fatui so they’re blamed as deserter; not me#//Worked decently well; esp after releasing an experimental subject who Also when ape shitt on the nearby Fatui#//She knew if she went on by slaughtering; she could have her own disappearance passed off as likewise having been killed#//Esp since only a select handful ever saw her face; and most she did target on her way out#//But it’d be FINE; she reasoned then—she wasn’t particularly close for them to really care anyways#//The real problem had been actually getting off and away from Inazuma to complete her escape#//Which had been accomplished with a Waverider and by the skin of her teeth#//With a little aid from her Vision; too—that’s probably what helped her break past the storm enough#//Enough before the waverider did break and she had to glide/swin the rest of the way to Guyun Stone Forest#//Then getting off THERE had been a whole other can of worms to deal with#//But hey; at least she was free; right?#//Back on topic; she has used the Delusion a couple times since#//At first; she felt exhausted after use; then it actively showed signs of draining her vitality and the greying began#//She definitely mildly terrified of it; but it’s an asset all the same so she doesn’t get rid of it#//Only three people in her little group are aware she has it; because they got to see her break it out in a pinch#//One of whom had been her group’s healer who had Not been happy to see it#//For a slew of reasons besides the obvious#//Genuinely only has it as a last ditch effort—will Not use it until her whole team is down and/or she’s near on her last legs#//Which is still dicey af; considering it’s effects. but hey; if it can help in a pinch? any all means; she’ll gladly take the risks#//She still kept the uniform; actively displays the mask in her room like a trophy#//Can and will don it again for lols; she like how it feels#//Uses it a lot when she steals things in Mond/other nations#//Identifiable as a Pyro agent who seem to exclusively use melee attacks. and an odd burst of hydro#//But if she’s forced to do the latter; then she’s gotta kill all witnesses for sure. or try to; anyways#//She assumes the Delusion itself caused the greying; it’s actually bc she used it AND her Vision in tandem#//The severe strain on her body is what caused it and will continue to if she isn’t wary of that
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU!
"Danyal, its time to end this game and return with me."
Danny should had known Clockwork had something in mind when he sent him on this mission. He knew he should had been suspicious of the time keeper when he noticed the little 'this is going to be fun' smile on his face when he sent Danny off into the portal.
"Get back here you demon spawn 2.0!"
But how was he supposed to know that he'd wake up in this world version of himself in a pit full of corrupted (AND NASTY) ectoplasim at the tender age of five or that when he swam up to the surface he'd be meeting face to face with what was apparently a cult.
"-O just spotted him a block away! I'll try to cut itty bitty bridie off!"
An Assassins Cult his, new to him, loving yet a little insane mother was in charge of (though during the few months he stayed in the compound he heard rumors and gossip from maids and others alike that if his grandfather returned from the dead he'll take over once again, no doubt punish Talia for creating another heir after the failure of the last one, most likely was going to kill Danny and that... that was can of worms Danny didn't wanna deal with yet)
"Ten bucks says they try to stab RR when we get the feral thing home"
"...Losers bet...."
Danny had lived with his mother for a while after being brought back from the 'dead' for apparently the first time, it turned out training a five year old with an actual sword and a dumbass hidden revenge seeking teacher was a terrible idea.
"I swear if this one tries to murder me like the others I'm asking Zatanna if there is a curse on me."
He dealt with her high demands of perfection, the endless training, and the constant comparisons to his apparent older brother Damain... Who didn't know Danny, or rather Danyal existed.
Nor did his father (when Danny, using his powers he's kept hidden since 'waking' up in this Realm, he sneaked his way around the base and discovered how he came into the world. And tbh he couldn't blame his mom how she made him, she was an assassin first and foremost, being naturally pregnant would had painted a target on her for to long... but he also felt it was unfair and an asshole move on his unsuspecting father as well)
"As your elder brother I demand you to stop running!"
Now don't get him wrong, he did like his new mother (total badass assassin lady and all that) and he knew she loved him in her own... deadly way. But yeah, she really shouldn't be taking care of kids. He could tell she struggled with wanting to be a normal mother but her first instinct after so many years was to be an assassin first.
Something she was trying to engrave into Danny with as well.
"Ah, hello Beloved. I see you've learned of our Danyal."
"Talia. Back away from him and leave Gotham now."
"I can not do that. The League needs an heir and since Damian refuses to return... I have decided to create a new one and I shall not be leaving until he returns with me."
Hence why when Danny, or rather Danyal al Ghul had gotten decent control over his powers he decided to leave the League. Again nothing wrong with the life his mom leads, to each their own, but he... really, really didnt want to be an assassin. Or an assassin heir.
So here he was, after almost a year on the run, using his powers and training to out smart and out maneuver his mother and her many band of Assassins, in Gotham. One of the last places he ever wanted to run to cause he knew his father and brother lived here.
It was just his luck that his mother had managed to intercept his train ride that passed into Gotham for a few hours and forced him to run into the city...
Add her assassins into the mix and running into Robin, who heard from Oracle his mother had been spotted chasing a young boy across the city, that same night.
After that it became a full on "catch me if you can" chase for not only his mother but for the batclan as well.
And after two whole days of chase, it seemed like the final showdown was about to begin because everyone was on top of this rooftop, his mother and her assassins on one side, his father and the batclan on the other and Danny well... he was right in the middle of all of it.
He just had to hope no one would notice him once the fighting started...
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msschemmenti · 3 months
valentines date auction
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a/n: please do not fight me... i meant to finish and post this before valentine's days. i also started this like 9 months ago. i'm working through my drafts, bear with me please.
prompt: ava convinces the staff to throw a valentine's day fling to raise money for the school.
“So this year to bring in some extra money, I’ve come up with a brilliant idea. I think you’re all going to love it because it involves all of my favorite things.” Ava announced at the mic with a smile causing the teachers to roll their eyes. 
“Get on with it.” Melissa called from her seat in the gym. Barbara leaned over to swat her thigh as a warning but Melissa wasn’t too worried about her when she felt the younger woman on her other side shaking with giggles at her comment. Y/n Y/Ln, Abbott Elementary’s new PE teacher. She’d been working there since the start of the school year and she was approaching her first year with Abbott. She’d somehow wormed her way into the core group of teachers at Abbott and she unknowingly wormed her way into the forefront of Melissa Schemmenti’s mind. 
“We’re doing a Valentine’s Day Date Auction!” Ava grinned as she clicked to another slide on her powerpoint. “I’ll be auctioning off dates with our most attractive staff! And before you ask if this is legal, I don’t care. It’s for the children. So who wants in?” The room filled with concerned silence as no one made a move to sign up. “Oh don’t act like you people are getting dates on your own. This could be great for you,” At the continued silence Ava sighed, “Fine, the dates will be to wherever you like with a credit to handle the cost. It’s a free outing, people.” 
There’s a bit more bite and people’s hands started to raise in agreement. Melissa and Barb both shook their heads as Ava wrote people’s names down. “I can’t believe anyone is agreeing to this.” Melissa groaned.
“Who’re you telling, girlfriend? My Gerald would never participate in an auction like this and that’s the only man I’ll ever go on a date with.” 
“It must be so nice to not have to go through the whole courting stage anymore. It’s so exhausting trying to find a date nowadays.” Y/n grumbled crossing her legs as she leaned over to speak to Barb. 
“Oh don’t tell me you struggle to find a date?” Melissa eyed suspiciously. 
“Oh yeah. It’s hard out here. It’s so hard in fact that I will be the grand finale of this auction.” Y/n grimaced as both of the older women eyed her in shock.
“You’re up for sale?” Melissa asked incredulously. 
“Not for sale, more like for rent.” Y/n corrected causing both women to roll their eyes. “Oh come on, it’s for a good cause and I get a free meal out of it. There aren’t really any cons. I could meet my wife.” 
Barb seemed to be sold a bit on the idea, but the redhead was still on the fence. She and the PE teacher had been doing a bit of a flirtatious tango all year and she could never really tell if she was serious or not. Melissa had gotten to a point in her life where she really didn’t question who she was attracted to anymore, but she hadn’t figured out how to tell who was seriously attracted to her yet. Casual flirting aside, Melissa really didn’t know what Y/n’s type was. And she definitely didn’t have the guts to find out if she was her type. But that didn’t mean she wanted to see her auctioned off to some young philly broad.
“Plus it was either me or Gregory. He looked like he was going to have a heartattack when Ava asked which of us was going to seal the deal. I do what I can to keep you core teachers alive.” Y/n smirked with a final shrug. That caused both older women to chuckle, one easier than the other, but Y/n didn’t seemed to notice the confliction on Melissa’s face. 
Once Ava was satisfied with the number of teachers on her Valentine’s Day Auction roster, she closed the meeting out and release the teachers to their evenings. She hurried down the steps of the steps of the stage to catch Y/n as she stood up from her seat next to Melissa. 
“Y/n, how do you feel about dressing up as a construction worker?” Ava asked excitedly as she pulled up a picture on her phone. 
“Absolutely not. You’ll be lucky if I show up in something other than a track suit.” Y/n said pushing the woman’s phone away from her face. 
“What about-” Ava started. 
“No.” Y/n cut her off with her best smile. She reached up and patted Ava’s shoulder with a shake of her head. “Keep asking and I won’t show up at all.” That last threat seemed shut Ava up with a grumble. She sulked off with her roster and headed for her office as everyone readied themselves to go home for the night. Y/n looked at the two veteran teachers with smiles, “Alright ladies, I’ll see you both tomorrow. Have a great evening.” 
“You too Y/n.” Barbara smiled as she head for the door, Melissa trailing behind a bit as she caught the PE teachers eyes. 
“See ya kid.” Melissa called, causing the younger teacher to shoot a wink over her shoulder as she moved to help Mr. Johnson clear the chairs from the gym. Melissa’s cheeks heated as she rounded the corner out of them gym and fell in step with Barb. They briefly parted to lock up their classrooms and when they hit the couple of steps outside of the school Melissa was shocked for the second time within the last hour. 
“So are you gonna bid on Y/n or tell her how you feel before the auction?” Barb asked with a knowing smirk.
“What?” Melissa asked incredulously trying to hide the heat rising to her cheeks. 
“Oh don’t play dumb with me. You’ve been all but drooling over her for the better part of the school year. I don’t think I can watch it for much longer. This is your chance to make a move. She said it herself, she’s single and very much looking. So much so that she’s agreed to auction off and evening with herself. What can you need?” 
“Maybe any sort of indication that she feels the same way? I mean yeah we casually flirt, but how am I suppose to pursue anything if the whole thing was just a joke to her?” Melissa scowled.
“I highly doubt that’s the case. Do you know how many times Ava has attempted to do that whole flirting thing with her? Or the amount of parents, suddenly concerned with the PE curriculum. She hasn’t shown anyone as much attention as she consistently shows you.” Barb listed as Gerald pulled into the lot next Melissa’s car. Barbara smiled and waved at her husband before turning to look at her friend, “You’ve got to make a move girlfriend, before one of these parents snatch your chance at the auction.”
Melissa grumbles but heads to her home to think over what her friend said. She hated how right Barb sounded.
The Valentine’s Auction came much sooner than anyone was ready for. The morning of the event seemed to have the entire teachers lounge buzzing with excitement and trepidation. Janine, ever the chatty Kathy had taken to questioning everyone on what they planned to wear tonight. As soon as Y/n entered the room, Janine was up and buzzing. 
“Oh Y/n! What are you wearing tonight?” The shorter woman bounced on her heels next to the PE teacher as she doctored up a mug of tea. 
“Why? What have you heard?” Y/n asked suspiciously, hoping Ava hasn’t somehow told everyone about her costume ideas.
“Well I just want to make sure I’m not the only one wearing festive things. And I wanna make sure we’re not wearing the same thing of course. Wouldn’t want the fashion police to have a ‘who wore better’ moment.” Janine rambled and Y/n nodded following as much as she could. 
“Oh. I don’t know yet. I’ve got a couple pink tracksuits that might really draw people in.” Y/n chuckled taking her seat next to Melissa with a grin. “What do you think, is Nike sexy enough to secure a date with a Philly eleven like yourself?” 
Melissa rolled her eyes at Barbs foot kicking her under the table, “I’m sure you could pull a Philly eleven wearing far less than a pink Nike tracksuit.”
Y/n smiled and winked at the older teacher before turning her attention back to Janine, “Listen Janine. I highly doubt we’ll be wearing the same thing but don’t worry, I’ll have something within the valentines color scheme on.” The second grade teacher nodded, heading back to her seat. 
“So you’re both coming tonight right?” Y/n asked hopefully. 
“Yep, Gerald and I will be there. I wouldn’t want to miss seeing you meet your date.” Barb smiled with raised eyebrows. 
“How about you Red? Gonna be there to bail me out if some crazy bids on me?” Y/n asked.
“Anything for you, hun.” Melissa smiled, knowing those words held a lot more weight than she was letting on. 
“Good. I’ll see you both later than.” Y/n smiled squeezing Melissa’s shoulder affectionately before heading to the gym. 
“Welcome to the Avalentine’s Day Auction! We’re so glad you could all join us for our fundraising event this school year. As you know, Abbott is always looking for ways to better our school for your students and with that in mind, I hope you brought your checkbooks and rich friends because we’ve got some sexy staff members ready to go home with you all for a good cause.” Ava smiled looking out over the crowd. 
As Ava stood on the stage, Melissa sat in a table toward the back of the room with Barb, Gerald, and Gregory. Jacob and Janine were off scoping the potential bidders out. She herself was scoping the room out as well, but she was mostly looking for Y/n. She hadn’t seen her since that morning and part of her was much more desperate to see her than she usually allowed herself. It didn’t help that she had brought her checkbook and knew a part of her was willing to drain her savings to keep Y/n from going out with one of these young broads. As if she realized she looked ridiculous scanning the room, Melissa turned back to her table companions. Janine and Jacob came back shortly after Melissa pulled herself from her own search. Janine panting out of breath and Jacob grinning mischievously ready to spill the details of their crowd search. 
“There are quite a few people here. And we heard a lot of interest.”
“Interest in the two of you?” Melissa found herself asking. She didn’t mean to sound so shocked but it just came out that way. Both of the younger teachers shrank a bit but recovered when the redhead looked apologetic.
“Not exactly. Most of the women here are torn between being disappointed Gregory isn’t up there and excited that Y/n is. Speaking of, has anyone see her? I wanna see what outfit she went with.” Jacob said rising from his seat to scan the room. Oblivious to the panic he’d cause within Melissa. 
“Oh there she is, damn! She cleans up nice.” Janine called as she drew the groups attention to the doors to the gym. And Melissa damn near forgot how to breathe. Y/n paused in the doorway scanning the room, for their group presumably, but she was dressed in something none of them had ever seen her in. Gone were her trainers, baggy sweats, and matching hoodie sets. She was clad in fitted high waisted trousers and a matching vest top that showed just enough skin to have Melissa’s mind running. Her hair was held back by a red head band that matched her red ankle boots and leather jacket. Melissa was at a true loss for words. Y/n spotted the group and started making her way over with a smile. 
Before she could get too close Melissa felt Barb’s hand cup her chin and push up, “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” She teased lightly causing Gerald to chuckle. 
Tonight was going to be a long long night. And she knew in her heart she might leave broker than she already was. 
“Alright ladies, this last one is for you!” Ava grinned as she motioned for Y/n to come up to the stage. 
The PE teacher grimaced and looked at the people at her table nervously, “Wish me luck.” She called before leaving to be paraded around the stage. She made it to the stairs and as she came into the view for the room, the cheers followed. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment but she trudged on reminding herself of the cause and the prospect of a decent meal on Ava’s dime. 
“Last but certainly not least. The finest thing to happen to Abbott Elementary since I became principal. Our PE teacher, Y/n Y/Ln! Strut your stuff boo!” Ava introduced causing the room to erupt further. And Melissa’s scowl to set. 
“She’s very fit as you can see. Super funny and super hot. She could probably bench you. Let’s start the bidding at $50?” Ava started. That didn’t last long though. Hands and paddles shot up eagerly at the price. So far, no one had gone for over $150, but Ava had a feeling Y/n was going to be the exception. 
“Can I get a $100 then? $150? $200?” Ava called and some hands dropped but there were still quite a few waving in the air. Ava motioned for Y/n to do a spin on the stage and she obliged if only to make the whole thing go a bit faster. 
“Alright how about $300?” That seemed to do it and there was one hand left up. Y/n recognized her, Lauren Williams. She’d been one of the first people to schedule a meeting with Y/n when she started claiming her son had some health issues that may impact his participation in the gym class. After the first meeting, it was very clear her son had no problems and it was really just a ploy to get the gym teacher alone. She’d been dodging her since she started and she really wasn’t looking forward to how this was going. 
“300 going once, going twice…” Ava called waving the bedazzled gavel she’d gotten herself. Until a familiar hand shot up at the back table. “I see 350? Alright Schemmenti, I see you.” Ava grinned. “Do I hear 400?” Lauren’s hand was back up, quickly. “450? Anyone?” 
All eyes shifted to Melissa to see her contemplation before she waved her hand again and Ava squealed in delight. Everyone of the teachers at the table looked at her incredulously but her eyes were darting between Lauren’s head and the stage.
“450 going once, going twice, and…” Before Ava could even finish, Lauren shot to her feet and called out. 
“500!” Everyone in the room looked at the woman in shock. 
“What?” Y/n asked in shock. Eyes goes to Ava in alarm. $500 for a date with her was absolutely insane. Anyone willing to pay that had to b crazy.
“Sold!” Ava grinned. And the room erupted in applause.
Melissa was sulking in her seat when Y/n finally returned to table. She couldn’t believe she’d been outbid like that. Part of her was happy considering she wasn’t really prepared for the financial consequences of this little auction, but that didn’t make her forget the date Y/n would be going on with Lauren. Everyone else was scattered around the gym. Dancing with their dates, eating the refreshments, or playing the various valentine’s day them games that they had set up. The redhead didn’t look up when the younger teacher joined her but she knew exactly who had joined her even without looking.
“Damn red, if you wanted to go out with me that bad you could’ve just asked me. I wouldn’t have charged $500 for one night. I might’ve made you cook for me, but five big ones is asking a bit much especially when I actually like you.” Y/n said taking a sip of the punch they were serving. Melissa gazed at the younger woman a little dumbfounded but she didn’t seem to notice as she continued to talk. “Lauren and I are gonna go mini golfing Saturday morning, yuck I know. But I was thinking you and I could do dinner Saturday, if you’re not busy. That way I can get that out of the way. Do you she’ll try to kill me? I’m a little scared and I know I said there were no cons but that was before she basically jumped on the table to ensure she could spend $500 on an hour of my time…” Y/n continued to ramble. 
Melissa had no choice but to laugh as she listened. “Is this you asking me out?” The older woman finally interrupted, trying to play it cool. 
“I didn’t think I needed to ask you formally, since you almost spent $1,000 to keep me from going out with someone else.” Y/n grinned as she finally faced Melissa. 
“Oh you’re exaggerating now.” Melissa scoffed as her cheeks heated a bit. 
“Well duh, who else can say they had a Philly eleven start a bidding war over them. I’m going to milk this as much as I can. I’ll wear it as a badge of honor. Melissa Schemmenti almost emptied her bank account for me.”
“Oh shut it will you.” Melissa groaned and shoved the younger teacher playfully. “The answer is yes. Even if you don’t think you need to ask me formally. I’d love to do dinner Saturday night. And any other night you’d like.” 
“Good. Cause I can be very hungry. And all I’ve heard is that you’re like the best cook in Philly.” Y/n grinned scooting her folding chair over closer to Melissa’s. 
“Oh you’re in for a treat. And a Schemmenti meal is worth well over five hundred bucks.” Melissa teased. 
“Yeah, well so are you Red.” Y/n smiled softly leaning over to kiss Melissa’s blushing cheek sweetly. 
Outbid but extremely happy.
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signedkoko · 4 months
HII I have been reading your writing for a while now and I lOVE IT! I've been waiting to put in a req when they got open sooo! (Your writing always makes me hAPPYY when they come out) <33 Any chance of an Overlord!GN reader with Mammon / Striker? Just general romantic Headcannons- Like how it is to date them/everyday stuff with them (The reader is always serious (and tall 👀) and owns a big casino in pride (Maybe Mammon taking interest in it? idk))
Mammon | Striker [Romantic]
In which you are their overlord s/o that owns the largest casino in the pride ring. Reader is genderneutral.
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The guy looks like a total clown next to you
And he is, but he loses any sense of danger when he's standing next to you, who happens to be just a few inches taller than him
Your cold sneer next to that goofy grin, like he knows he's totally lucked out having such a hottie for an s/o
To many in the greed ring, he was the greediest of all, but when they came up top to the sinners realm and met some of the overlords that roamed the lands, they started to realize that yeah, maybe Mammon wasn't so bad
While Mammon used to attract many fans, ever since you two became an item, they've stayed far, far away
At first, he hated it because it meant he couldn't scam some pathetic sinners
But you had the idea that he could come by your casino for official meet and greets; that way, people would pay the entrance fee for you and him for just fucking around in a casino all day
Mammon is actually kind of an airhead at times
He isn't stupid, but he isn't all there, especially when with you; he just turns his brain off and lets you do the thinking
You're better at it anyways
During extermination, you can't go down and be safe with him; he will often come up just to ensure your safety
Sure, you seem scarier, but that's only because he is in his smaller form
You two are a literal power couple; you could take over all of hell if you tried hard enough
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Striker always preferred to stay away from the pride ring
Sinners were such a hassle, especially keeping up with the overlords and what they considered 'theirs'
In fact, he'd stay in wrath all the time if he could, but business always called for his presence in the upper ring
He isn't stupid enough to fall into the grip of an overlord-run casino, but more than one of his targets did
Your security caught him more than once sneaking angelic weapons into your casino
The third time it happened was enough, and you came forward yourself to speak to the man
He was charming and convincing, but you weren't one to let things slide so easily
You promised he could do whatever he liked with your occupants, given that he gets their casino dues in
And well, for how much he was paid, that wasn't too terrible a deal
The two of you ended up a bit more than intertwined, though, and the assassin managed to worm his way into your heart
And god, was it ever a sight
One of the oldest overlords that towered over anyone that came before them, with a face like a funeral, next to an imp
An imp no one really knew, either
At the end of the day, the only people who dared question you were other overlords, but they tended to leave their noses out of others business, respectfully or not
While you could defend yourself rather well, Striker is more than happy to handle anyone who dares try to touch you
Interrogations are useful, you know; that way, he can kill off the whole chain of command
He's very romantic and gentlemanly with you, even if you don't ask for such from him
Don't think your position of power will ever make him feel like he is the lesser; he will take good care of you no matter who you are
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Author's Note - Thank you so much for requesting, I'm glad you got a chance! It was a nice break going back to some Helluva Boss characters (not that I hate writing hazbin, but it was a lot of requests).
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heyidkyay · 29 days
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twenty-Four
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way?
Authors note: I’m here:) finally. It’s been a while, idk how long, not that long but long enough i guess, sorry for the wait! This one is wordy but also has a lot going on, so hope you enjoy!
Ngl, this can probably be read as a standalone if anyone’s seeing this and not started the series, it’s just a bit angsty and mostly smut? But unsure, I said probably! X
Warnings: Arguing, usual Matty and Mouse thinking (feels like it needs its own warning at this point, they’re saddos), smut, unprotected sex, EMOTIONS (because yeah)
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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There was something raw in the bitterness that was love. Like the sour skin of an apple that was first thought to be sweet. Love was deceiving in itself really, but it was never alone. It brought life and light. It wrought anger. It stirred both jealousy and pity. It gave and gave, until all you were left with was that tart tang aftertaste. 
Some people revelled in it.
Others, withered away.
Years before, perhaps maybe not even that long ago now, Matty would have belonged to the former. He had enjoyed the strings he found that could tie him to people, sex and money had given him the ability to do it, to keep them there, to pull them alongside him. And he’d indulged in it all, beyond what most would consider extortionate. 
And still, even after everything, when the fun had ended and the games had been discarded, and he’d just been tossed off somewhere to the side… Alone once more. He had continued on. On and on and on, until he ultimately had lost himself completely.
The last few months had shifted something in him though.
And now here he was, still angry and bitter and resentful. But full of actual love. The raw type. The kind that left you marvelling at the most stupid things— insipid little concepts that held no actual value or any real detail worth getting all starry-eyed over.
It had wormed its way into the hollow shell that was his heart and rebuilt some part of him that he believed he had long since destroyed.
He wanted to scoff at the very thought. The very idea that an emotion could be felt so strongly that it differed the world around you; that, singularly, it could change you. The notion was far too complex, too out there to even begin to fathom, but then again, Matty supposed that emotions were exactly that. Complex.
It sent his mind reeling. Had his entire body aching with a fever to expel the feeling completely, if only so that he could think freely again, so it wouldn’t hurt to merely breathe anymore.
You should have told me.
He knew that. He had admitted as much.
And yet, he still hadn’t told her.
He’d lied.
Why didn’t you tell me?
And that was the question, wasn’t it? Why hadn’t he just told her?
Fear, he guessed.
Yet another morbid emotion in which Matty had always been so wary of. Another lost feeling he thought he’d swallowed whole and hidden somewhere deep down. Because there was no fear in a drug induced haze. When you were off partying or chasing some other euphoric high. What the fuck was there to be fearful of? When the chilling buzz which shook you to your very core blanketed over everything else.
When there was always that silence.
That numb quiet he had chased and craved and cherished.
Though, he supposed, it was nothing compared to the fear of losing this.
Of losing her.
Still, Matty could not for the life of him find it in himself to tell her exactly that. Those words lost on him, lodged in the column of his throat and etching themselves a home there.
“Where do we go from here?”
He blinked at the sound of his own voice, looking up at her shadowed expression and at how tired she then seemed. How different she now looked compared to the moment they’d first met. 
She’d been something of a presence even then. Always effortlessly complex. With her soft smile and guarded eyes. Eyes he’d gone and fucking wondered about for hours on end.
Those eyes which were now caught on the far wall stood opposite, the one lined with coloured photo frames and that odd little doodle Teddy had gotten in trouble for only a couple of weeks prior. 
The realisation made Matty mourn the few days they’d spent apart.
After a long moment, she finally shrugged at him and he found himself swallowing tightly at the movement. Startled by her seeming lack of care. 
“I don’t want to lose you, Squeaks.” 
It was honest. As honest as he could be.
She huffed an amused breath in return though, “Not like you’re short on company, Matty.”
He felt his gaze snap up to meet hers then, head shifting with it. 
“What’s that even meant to mean?” He asked her, frowning now, at the way she had crossed her arms over her chest and how her shoulders had hunched on their own accord whilst she casually moved to glance out the window. Matty forced himself up onto his feet, hating the fact she had turned away from him.
“I saw everything, Matty.” Mouse replied tiredly, as though she was fed up, fed up with this, with them. “I saw the articles.”
Matty’s stomach bottomed out at her words, he stepped towards her. “Nothing happened.” He murmured, taking another step closer. “Nothing fucking happened, Squeaks. I swear it.”
She tensed but didn’t quite flinch at his sudden approach, so he kept a little distance between them, even as desperate as he was to hold her. To shake her enough so that she would see sense, that she’d realise how stupid he would have had to have been to have gone near anyone else. That girl was no one, she’d meant nothing. 
“You can swear that, can you?” She mocked him, one corner of her mouth toying with a merciless smile that didn’t quite suit her. “You were gone, Matty. Fucking out of it. That much was clear to see just from the photos alone.”
Matty stared at her helplessly.
She shook her head.
“I’d had a couple drinks. That isn’t a crime!” He stressed, automatically falling onto the defensive, “Didn’t mean I was stupid enough to get with the first person I fucking saw! That girl- she was off her head too. Had mates with her even! But she was just trying to help me, Mouse. That’s all it was.” 
She was shaking her head again now, tongue catching on her incisor; a dead giveaway to how stressed she was, how anxious she was getting. Matty only wished to shoulder it all, that defensiveness of his faltering slightly at the sight of her trying to hide it all. To stay strong. How fucking long had she had to do that?
“I feel like such a fool, Matty.” She finally spoke, her voice trembling with the onslaught of tears that glazed her eyes but she didn’t dare let fall. “A fucking fool. ‘Cause I’d thought that things were okay, that we were okay. That I could finally relax and let you in. But then-“ She paused, a sad huff leaving her, “Then you went and dropped this mess in my lap and somehow expected me to just deal with it. To tell you it’s all fine. That we could make it right.”
Mouse turned then, ever so slowly, looking about as defeated as Matty had ever seen her. He felt his chest burn with the last breath he hadn’t remembered taking let alone hold onto, too afraid to look away, to even move. 
“But you embarrassed me. You’ve made the whole world believe I am that fool. That I was as naive as they’d first made me out to be. As my friends thought me to be.” 
Her smile was shattered and broken, her voice wet and hoarse, but she continued on even as her hands fell limply to her sides and she took a single step closer.
“And to make things worse, you didn’t just hurt me, Matty. You hurt Teddy too.”
Hit them where it hurts.
That was the saying, wasn’t it?
But it only left me feeling all the more sour- gutless. As well as a little stupid, I supposed, wondering if Matty even cared for Teddy at all, or how he had felt the last couple days.
Though I shouldn’t have second guessed it, not when the way Matty’s face immediately paled and then fell proved me wrong. 
Deep down, I knew that he cared. In his own odd way he had always cared. But to know it and to see it were two entirely different things.
And although it was true, that Matty had in fact hurt Teddy. It still felt like a shitty thing to say to him then. But he’d hurt me as well, hadn’t he. And even though I’d been hurting most of my life, Matty being the reason for all that hurt pained me in a way I couldn’t even comprehend. 
“I didn’t-”
I scoffed at his attempted reply, but my heart wasn’t in it, breaking all over again. I wondered how long we could drag this out. If we even would.
“Mean to?” I finished for him, shaking my head stupidly. “I know you didn’t mean to, Matty. Doesn’t change the fact that you still did it.”
His eyes slipped closed just as his lips fell apart, and when he opened them again I was stuck staring into his devastated gaze. 
“If I could take it all back, I would.” He breathed, “I promise you I would.”
I swallowed back my own tears, even as they burned and pricked at my throat and eyes. “But you can’t.”
And it was as simple as that, wasn’t it? He couldn’t ever take it back. 
I don’t want to lose you.
He knew just how to get under my skin, past all that rusted armour of mine.
It was what made this all so much harder. 
“Tell me what to do, Squeaks.” Matty croaked pleadingly, hand reaching out towards me before he looked down at it, blinked, and then let it fall. “I’ll do it, just– tell me.”
What was left that he could do? When it felt like things had so suddenly and so horrifically fallen out from under us.
“I don't know.” I told him honestly, in a barely there whisper, “I just don't know, Matty.”
He stepped even closer then, hand moving to capture my jaw in a determined haste, not restraining himself like he had just moments before. I tried to pull away, titling my chin and looking off to the side as I clenched my teeth, but his thumb was there, luring me back in, forcing me to meet his eye.
“I’m not just gonna give up.” His other hand jumped to cradle my face, a cushion to those heated words. 
I was reluctant in my needless wanting, desperate to be held whilst simultaneously wanting to push him away. So I lifted my hands up to cover his own, unsure of the choice they’d make. To stay, or go.
“It’s not about that, Matty.” I heard myself say pathetically, voice wavering with each word, “You can’t just forget this.”
His dark eyes were trained on me, flickering over every square inch of my scarred face. I’d never felt insecure about them when I was around him, but this moment felt too heated, too high strung. And I’d been burning the candle at both ends the last few days, so with him being this close, this intense, every emotion I’d felt was brimming closer and closer to the surface. 
Instead of facing him, I turned away, hiding once more as I worked my jaw and felt my hands slip down to the backs of his forearms.
A shared breath and then,
“Don’t do that.” Matty whispered in the quiet, almost begging. “Don’t hide from me.”
His thumb smoothed over the skin of my cheek and I was all but putty in hands, looking back at him just as a tear escaped me and slid to meet the pad of it. 
Matty brushed the tear away without thought, before he leant in to rest his forehead against my own. The action forced me to cling tighter to his arms, eyes closing to keep from embarrassing myself any further. I wouldn’t cry. 
I wouldn’t cry.
“Look at me.” He demanded, nose so close that I could practically sense its phantom touch. And foolishly, I did as he asked. “You-” His breath stuttered as his eyes pleaded with me, sounding forced as it broke free from him, his fingers making a home for themselves in my hair. 
“You don’t know what you do to me. How much of a mess I’ve made of myself. How much I have missed you.” Matty confessed, his voice quiet in the small space shared between us, in a place where we were both sheltered and unseen. “And I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry. Enough that I’ll keep on repeating it until you fucking believe me. Enough that I’d do just about anything for you to see how much I want this.”
He sucked in a breath, and I blinked back at him, lips tingling with the sensation of his proximity. 
“I know I messed up. I know.” He repeated, eyes flickering back and forth between my own whilst his thumbs trailed the line of my hair. “But all I’m asking for is a chance to make it right. To be better. Squeaks, I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat if I could.”
His breath was tickling the skin of my cheek as well as the corner of my mouth, it almost made it difficult to think let alone remember how to breathe. I wanted–
Suddenly my eyes were looking down, focused on his parted mouth, on the stubble he’d let grow across the cut of his chin as well as his upper lip. His nose finally brushed past my own, touching ever so carefully as one or both of us pressed nearer, almost there, inching closer but not close enough.
“Tell me no.” 
Instantly, I was thrown back to that first night he kissed me. I hadn’t told him no then, and for some reason I couldn’t find it in me to decline him now. 
So instead I took, all but biting as my hand cradled the back of his neck and closed that short amount of distance between us. My nails dug into the exposed skin of his nape, where the collar of his shirt jumped with each move he made. My teeth nipped at his lower lip, angry in my attempt to swallow him whole, teeth clashing as we both stumbled, moving and moving until Matty’s back hit the nearest wall.
How the roles had reversed, I thought to myself as Matty’s shoulders flexed beneath his shirt and jumped under my ever roaming hands. I hated the desire that it stirred through me, knowing how easily he could take back control with his carefully contained strength. But he didn’t, instead he gave my fury something to latch onto.
My hand lifted to pin one of his wrists somewhere to the left of his head, glare not wavering even as his stubborn gaze met my own. He was as riled up as me.
“You have some nerve.” I all but spat, watching on as his chest rose and fell, questioning how quickly everything had switched.
“Yeah?” Matty bit back, those familiar brown eyes- a colour that had always brought me comfort- were blazing now as they trailed over the flush that I was sure lined my face. “Why’s that? You’re the one with me pinned, darlin’.” 
His heavy gaze traced the bow of my lip, slumping ever slightly in his stance so that his head could fall closer forward. My breath hitched.
That was all he needed apparently, to earn the upper hand here. Because in a moment, the room was spinning and then I was the one being crowded against the wall, fury be damned.
Contrary to my previous endeavour, Matty’s touch was still as careful as ever, making it that much more obvious that I could slip away if I so wanted. But the question was whether or not I did.
But he just carried on, as though he hadn’t even heard me speak, voice a low breathy murmur. 
“I’ve been stuck in this endless loop. Driving myself mad.” He told me, his knee angled enough so that he could let his head dip towards the juncture of my neck, his mouth pausing by the shell of my ear whilst a finger gently trailed its way up over my hip. “Wonderin’ if I’d lost this for good.”
My heart pounded in my chest as the ghost of his words tickled my skin, tensing when his nose ever so slightly grazed my jaw. 
That finger of his continued to move, working its way up my torso, jumping across my ribs and up to the bone of my collar. My gaze was fixed on the opposing wall, on the mirror that framed my dazed face and the back of his head. My hand worked its way into his unruly curls.
“But you’re as stubborn as me, see.” Matty added, luring me in, “And I’m not the type to give up on a sure thing.” His words held enough bite that I snapped back to meet his stare, he tilted his head at me whilst I scowled.
“Excuse me?”
Matty smiled, lids heavy as his careful hand danced its way back down my front. 
“And this,” He said, almost in a whisper, ignoring my retort as he hooked my leg around his waist, “This is a sure thing.”
A soft breath escaped me even as I batted his hand away, but he simply reached up to grip at my chin, touch tender even with the way his calloused thumb dragged down my lower lip.
I was slowly beginning to imagine that this was all a dream, something my sick mind had gone and conjured up in hopes to ignore all of the hurt he had put me through. Because this couldn’t be right, things couldn’t have fallen back into place this easily. 
“Matty.” I tried again, firmer this time, but was captured by the look his eyes held, probably having understood the expression that must have just crossed my face.
“What did you do, Squeaks?” He asked me almost hurriedly, shaking my chin between his forefinger and thumb, my previous anger and doubt melting slightly as I leaned further into his touch. “Did you want me to hurt, too?”
I blinked, caught off guard by the sudden question, his swift change in topic. Baffled by the fact that he was now trying to pin this back on me. 
Was that really what this was? I wanted to ask.
Matty didn’t give me the opportunity to say a thing though. My surprise had stalled me briefly, but it had evidently been long enough to allow him to simply carry on.
“What did you do, eh? Tell me.” He breathed before he pressed his mouth to my jaw, once and then twice, pulling away just as I tilted my head to accommodate him, “Did you go out, baby? Find somebody else? Or did you just stay here, waiting for me?”
I reeled back, anger spiking again. “Fuck you.”
Matty’s eyes flickered back and forth between mine. 
“I’m trying to get you to.” He said, always so brazen and snarky, even in the moments where I hated him most. The hand I had previously slapped away went back to the leg he still had draped over his hip, snaking up over my knee and to my thigh. 
My glare didn’t waiver, even as my breathing picked up at the pressure his fingertips wrought on my skin. 
“Tell me no.” He finally repeated, eyes failing to meet mine. And how was I supposed to? When having him this close brought back that fire he’d put out in me, when he was kissing my neck so sweetly?
“We’ll regret it.” It was as close to a no as I could get, enough to have him pause. Matty looked to me then, his hold loosening on my body but still holding. Hoping.
“Do you care?”
I marvelled at the question, did I care?
I cared so much it pained me.
But he hadn’t meant it like that. That much I knew.
Do you care if you regret it? Because, what if you don’t? 
With Matty there was always chance– he was the type to play the odds, to push his luck.
What if.
What if, what if, what if?
Shaking my head, I was forced to question if he understood me as much as I did him. If he could see each of my thoughts just as they dawned on me, flashing across my face like a story being told. 
Then I wondered whether or not I even wanted him to understand. This, this thing we were doing would only further complicate things between us, but perhaps this could be a goodbye.
But, if this was a goodbye, why was he looking at me like that? Watching and waiting for me to truly answer.
Tell me no, he’d said.
Matty’s gaze swept over my face, as though trying to read me, maybe in hopes to find what it was he was really searching for. 
Tell me no.
And my resolve broke at the word.
“Okay.” I heard myself say in reply, nodding quickly, and that was seemingly all the permission he needed before Matty was wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him fully.
My hands floundered momentarily before they were back on his shoulders, his teeth nipping at my neck. 
I moaned, eyes falling shut as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses down my skin, teeth scraping before his tongue swirled to soothe their angry ambush. I could smell him everywhere now, the shampoo I was so used to stealing, as well as the only aftershave he’d ever claimed to like.
His hips rolled into mine, pressing himself right against the fabric of my trousers and the underwear which had grown damp during our heated argument. 
I didn’t want to linger too long on the thought of my body’s obvious betrayal, too caught up in him to think about how wrong this should all feel.
“Shit.” Matty groaned, breath catching with it as he continued to grind against me.
I gasped back, grabbing at him harder as he bit down on the curve of my neck. I nipped at his jaw in retaliation, nails digging into the skin of his back, hoping to leave a mark.
“I knew you’d miss me.” He grunted into the base of my throat, the hands which held my waist dipping beneath the hem of my shirt to explore further. “Even when you’re angry you’ll wait. ‘Cause no one else can touch like me.”
A whine bypassed my lips almost involuntarily as he continued to rut against me, I wanted to be angry- no, in fact, I was angry. But all emotion other than want was blurring at the edges of my mind now, being pushed further and further back by each eager kiss he peppered along my jaw.
“You really–” I jerked in surprise, cutting myself off with a short gasp when his hand slipped past the hem of my trousers, fingers pressing against the damp fabric he found there. 
“What was that?” He provoked, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he trailed over my covered clit, causing me to whimper before I was biting down on my lower lip. Matty didn’t like that much. “Come on, I wanna hear you.” He muttered, pressing a little harder, wanting a reaction. “Tell me.”
“You’re such a bastard.” I panted, head falling against his shoulder as my hips pushed further into his touch, seeking more.
Matty laughed, all breathy and lovely, mouth catching on the lobe of my ear before he hissed, “Yeah, but you like that about me.”
His hand was gone with that and I was almost tempted to ask, to even plead with him for its return, aching all the more now, enough that all I could think about was riding his fingers until I couldn’t think at all. 
But then Matty was grabbing my waist again, his grip hard, firm, and I swallowed when he whispered into my ear once more.
Without thinking, I jumped. 
We collided, his mouth on mine and the two of us moving as though it was second nature. And in a way, it was. But it shouldn’t have been. I knew that. I tried to remind myself of it. 
He shouldn’t be here.
But he was. Walking his way through my flat with ease, effortlessly missing each sharp corner and the miniscule step which led back into the hallway. He was blind, my hands in his hair as he manoeuvred us into my bedroom, throwing me down onto sheets that he’d never seen, let alone slept in. 
I tugged him down with me, his hands moving to unbutton those fucking jeans he always wore as he worked his way back into my mouth. 
He hovered over me after kicking them off, my head pressed to the pillows as his eyes roamed every inch of my face. “Beautiful.” He whispered, as though he hadn’t really meant to say the word aloud.
My breath hitched anyway but Matty paid it no mind, leaning in closer to kiss me again, slower this time around, though his hands were still quick, tugging at the hem of my top enough so that I got the hint. I lifted myself up, breaking away to take it off and toss it to the side. 
Matty kissed his way down my neck again, following the trail of scars down my torso until his fingers paused to hook around the top of my trousers. I nodded at his silent ask, planting my feet a little firmer on the mattress so that they could follow my tee.
Matty stopped then, kneeling between my parted thighs, eyes caught on the panties I was wearing, and I could swear something in his gaze shifted as he stared down at me. 
“Lace?” He murmured, fingers curling around my thighs tight enough to bruise as he pushed forward, closer to my face. “Really?”
It was a loaded question. Almost felt like an accusation.
I shrugged– I hadn’t meant to end up here, but it hadn’t been subconscious when I’d picked them out of the pile this morning. He liked the way they looked, had told me so one night spent at his when he’d talked me into smoking a couple joints with him sprawled out on his living room floor. 
I opened my mouth to reply but Matty didn’t quite catch the motion, already busying himself with the task of pulling the lace down my thighs. His fingers, calloused from years of playing guitar, dragged alongside the black material rolling down my legs. I tensed at the feeling, zeroing in on the slow motion, then listened to him groan at the sight before they were gone completely.
I watched him pull away, balling the damp fabric up in a fist before leaning over the side of the bed to drop them on top of his jeans. 
“A souvenir?” I couldn’t help but question, mostly out of mirth, but humour helped deflect from the weight I felt at having him here.
Matty hummed, fingers already back on me, trailing the length of my right leg before he was stretching his way back up again, head stopping between my parted thighs and nosing at a crease sat at the very top. He didn’t answer me though, instead choosing to shut me up with another gasp by dragging his thumb across my folds.
“Hm?” He hummed again, having sat back on his heels to watch me squirm as he continued on. I shot him a rather annoyed glare.
“Take off your shirt and fuck me.” 
His brows rose languidly when he flicked his eyes back up to meet mine, then tilted his head. “But I’m having so much fun.”
With a swift kick to his side, Matty’s hand fell away and he shook his head around the beginnings of a smile. “Always so demanding.” He tutted and before I could spit something back– probably about him being the biggest hypocrite I knew– he was placing his hands either side of my head and leaning forward so that his lips were right beside my ear, his breath fanning the shell of it. “You gonna beg for it?”
My breathing grew heavy as I watched him pull away, dragging a finger up the inside of my thigh before stilling ever so briefly and venturing on, up over my hip and then my ribs. He pressed a slow kiss to my chest, eyes flicking up to find mine as his tongue swirled over the skin, there and then gone.
“Come on–”
He huffed a quiet laugh, the force of it lighting goosebumps over my exposed flesh. “Come on, baby. Beg.”
I rolled my eyes, reaching up to grab at his neck but he was already dancing out of my reach. He jutted his chin. 
“Matty.” I huffed.
I really wanted to throttle him, “Fuck me. I’m not asking.”
The corner of his mouth tugged itself up into a small smirk, “Good enough.”
A disbelieving chuckle escaped me, one which was quickly cut short by his wandering hands finding purchase on my hips once more, before he dragged me down the length of the bed, his mouth finding purchase on the swell of my breast.
He pressed fast kisses along the curve of it until his tongue flicked out over the nipple, causing me to gasp. My hands flew out to tangle themselves in his hair when he lapped it into his mouth to suck and I groaned at the weight of his hands cradling the curve of my back. 
He hummed and the sound sent vibrations rippling out across my skin, I fisted my hands into his curls harder.
Shifting until my hips found his whilst he lavished at my chest, I pressed up into him, both annoyed by the fact he was still clad in his boxers and pleased by the very visible wet patch I could see. I ground against him and the sensation elicited moans from the pair of us, his hands flying down to hold my hips steady.
“Patience.” He murmured, but I was having none of it, lifting a leg against his arse to spur him closer. Matty’s head jerked up at the surprise before he looked down at me and stared. “You’ll be the death of me.”
“You better hope not.” I replied, hands finding the hem of his shirt and dragging it off before he could fight me on it. “I’ll make it painful.”
“Counting on it.” Matty murmured back, hair now a mess, either from the clutch I’d had on it moments before or from the way I’d all but yanked his top over his head. “On all fours,” He said roughly, tapping my outer thigh twice. My already flushed skin heated further at the understanding of how he wanted to take me but– contrary to popular belief– I didn’t argue and rolled onto my stomach.
Palms to the sheets, I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, eyes trained on the headboard. I grinned to myself when I heard Matty groan at the sight, looking back over my shoulder only briefly to see him palming himself through his boxers.
“Don’t have all day, Healy.” I prompted after a moment passed, just before the mattress shifted beneath his weight. I heard something drop to the floor a second later before he was right up behind me.
I jolted a tad at his sudden touch, then was forced to focus on the way his hands slid over my hips with that same familiarity they’d always done, moving up to the swell of my arse to squeeze it before dropping back down to spread my legs further apart.
A moment passed and I was forced to wait in the silence he then gifted me, waiting and waiting until I finally went to say something. It was then that I felt a finger glide down my spine, dragging ever so slowly over my jumping muscles. 
“Hands,” Matty then reminded and I was forced to blink away the haze I had drifted into, reaching up to grab onto the headboard just as I felt him swipe his dick between my thighs, guiding himself up over my folds, pushing past them so he rested at my entrance. 
I let go of a rush of air, splaying my hands further against the headboard before he slammed into me without any warning at all, all the way up to the hilt whilst I cried out at the sudden fullness. “Fuck.” I hissed, head falling between my shoulders as I winced. 
I breathed through the bit of pain that came with the thrust, acknowledging that Matty didn’t move an inch and instead keeping still, hands holding my hips even as he leaned over to whisper, “You good?”
His voice was surprisingly soft in the quietness that encased the flat, reminding me of other times we’d spent here, both like this and in other odd moments. It made my chest ache.
I took another moment to adjust to him before I nodded, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
He hummed in turn but didn’t question it, just waited, thumbs circling the skin on my hips for a moment in a manner so gentle and yet so very Matty, before finally, he moved. 
His thrusts were shallow and slow at first, his thumbs keeping the same steady tempo as they continued to soothe the tops of my hips. I moaned at the feel of him, before I managed to roll my hips back to meet his own, enjoying the sound that escaped him.
“So good.” He said, hand sliding further up my side and towards my ribs before I was titling my head back and Matty was holding a fistful of my hair. He just held it for a bit, forearm pressed against the skin of my back before his thrusts began to grow harder, tugging more and more.
The room was quickly filled with the sounds of our groans along with the bedframe rocking against the wall and I praised all the Gods above for the fact that there were currently no neighbours residing in the flat beyond it, before I was quickly swept up once more in the thick scent of sweat and sex. Matty fucking into me with a desperation I’d never quite experienced from him before.
I panted beneath him, nails digging into the wood of my headboard whilst he picked up the pace.
I couldn’t quite focus on anything but him. His breathy whispers, his fingertips which dotted my skin, the feel of him rocking in and out of me. It was almost as though nothing else existed but this moment, even if I knew it would soon end. His thrusts getting sloppier, his grip tightening, his murmured praises increasing by a tenfold. 
“Come on, baby.”
I liked when he called me that.
Made me feel special. 
But that thought soon soured. Because, was I really? 
How could I be anything special when my whole life I’d been nothing but a doormat for people to walk all over? I couldn’t help but think that Matty would be the same, like he’d gotten too close and finally seen what everybody else already had.
“Squeaks, baby. What do you need?”
I whimpered at his ask, tears collecting in the corners of my eyes. “I–”
What the fuck did I need? It wasn’t meant to feel so loaded, that question. But it felt as though the walls were now closing in. Because was this it? Was this the end?
“I–” I tried, feeling Matty’s fingers slip from the ends of my hair before a gentle palm laid itself flat on the small of my back.
“So good for me.” I heard him say and I moaned at the slight praise, breathing harder as he continued to mumble mostly to himself, “So pretty. So good.”
I was almost there, back arching under his palm as the other moved away from the right grasp it held on my hip, fingers finally finding my clit, knowing exactly what I needed.
“Yes.” I panted as the combination of his hard thrusts and steady hand sent my head into a dizzying pool of water, “God, yes. I–”
I think I screamed as I came, his fingers working deftly whilst mine clung to the headboard, body trembling as I fought to keep myself up. But Matty was there, holding me long enough so that he could reach his high and pull out with a loud grunt, coating my inner thighs. 
We stayed there for, I don’t know how long, until he finally released me, falling away whilst I slumped forward onto the pillows before us. He followed a second later, still catching his breath as he stared up at the ceiling. I watched him, eyes hidden behind my forearm and a sprawl of hair that had fallen over my face, content to soak in what I could of him. What I had left.
Then Matty shifted beside me, I half expected him to get up and leave with some half-arsed excuse on the tip of his tongue, but he paused when he caught my heavy gaze. I let my eyes trail over the side of face, on the tired circles settled beneath his lash line and the slope of his nose.
He looked back towards the ceiling.
“You got your souvenir, remember?” I found myself saying, stupidly, voice just above a croaked murmur, “Don’t let me keep you.”
Quiet. And then, “Do you want me to?”
I knew what he meant, but still I asked, “Want what?”
Matty’s head slowly turned towards me, eyes guarded and peering over at my devastated form. I wondered what he made of me right then, if he thought anything at all. 
When he offered me no words, I refused to add anything either and felt what was left of my heart crumple up into a pitiful bundle when he pushed himself to the edge of a bed with a barely there sigh.
The air in my lungs caught as I watched and waited, eyes trailing after him as he rounded the bed frame to pick up his discarded boxers. I let them slip closed again, not wanting to watch him leave. 
I listened to his feet pad across the hardwood floors and out of the room. My chest ached with every step but I didn’t dare stop him, burying my face further into my pillow. 
I laid in wait for the front door to open, for there to be a clue to his evident departure, but then the footsteps returned. I didn’t dare give myself false hope, knowing he must have forgotten something to have come back. But the padding continued, closer and closer until they were back by the bed and I held my breath as it creaked, my eyes stinging just as I felt a warm damp cloth press against my inner thighs, wiping me clean.
I choked on the sob that wanted to escape me and the cloth paused for a split second before venturing on. I waited, wondering why he was doing this, why he was dragging it out.
Just leave already.
But then the cloth was pulling away again, and the bed was creaking again, and the tears, they wouldn’t stop. 
Please just stay.
I gasped into the pillowcase, stomach tensing with the strength to keep quiet. To let him leave quietly. 
I wouldn’t cry.
And then there was quiet, at least for a moment or two, before the bed dipped once more and there was a hand in my hair, combing the strands from out of my face and tucking them behind my ear.
When I opened my eyes, he was still there. Dressed and ready to go, but still sitting there beside me. Whilst I laid bare, curled up into a ball to better protect myself from his knowing gaze.
Suddenly everything hurt. Suddenly I felt exhausted and was falling apart at the seams.
Matty moved carefully, stretching toward the foot of the bed before returning with the sheet to cover me up, laying it gently over my trembling shoulders. He leaned in to press a slow kiss to my forehead and then went to move away again.
My hand caught his wrist.
And then I was flat out sobbing. Hysterical even. Crying into the pillow almost soundlessly as I gasped to try and catch my breath. Because I wanted him to stay. I needed him to stay.
Not just for me. But for Teddy. And for the life he brought into my dreary flat. To the kindness he never failed to gift me.
I needed him to stay.
I needed him.
I opened my mouth to ask, to let him know. But I could hardly even bear to look at him, blurred as he was through my onslaught of tears, Matty still held the key to all but destroying what little I had left.
His hand returned to my hair, fingers tangling themselves in it, a sudden contrast to the rough grip they’d held there earlier. And then he settled further onto the bed, back pressed against the headboard whilst he continued to run his fingers through my hair.
The tears still flowed but the sobs came less and less, until I was blinking at his shadowed figure in the dark, holding out hope that somehow he’d just know and he’d stay. 
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mtkay13 · 4 months
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The peach blossoms are blooming
Lol @the fancy title, haha. Yesterday I promised "two hoboxu's today!" but I'm an inconsistant liar so the second is today and not yesterday, HAH.
Anyway, another painting of my very beloved; more about this piece below!
So aside of the obvious joke, what I really wanted to work on and represent on this picture is, as the title makes it clearer, grief, and what it looks like for ZZS.
The idea came from imagining ZZS setting off, happy with his disguise, and passing by a peach tree orchards and seeing all the peach blossoms blooming, and what it would entail.
...So let's talk about what TYK is about again, shall we?
(usual caveat: those are my thoughts and interpretations etc etc)
Little is known of the four years that separate the end of QY and the beginning of TYK. Even less is obviously stated when it comes to the reasons why ZZS has put in the nails, besides the obvious "requirement to leave Tian Chuang" part.
So, trying to leave all headcanons and other suppositions aside, and looking at what the text gives us, one of the main "storylines" of ZZS' personal journey across both books seems to be: dealing with the loss of LJX, first of their relationship, and later, of LJX entirely.
>I'm going to boldly announce that (I think) TYK is in great parts a story about getting over grief, or rather, properly living with grief.
Needless to say that it is clear that ZZS has a bunch of issues he's dealing with, including "the void after meeting your goals; what's next?" and some form of burnout from completely over-exerting himself and going way beyond what he thought he could sustain mentally; but also. Four years after he lost LJX, ZZS is still deeply grieving. Still seeing him in crowds, still thinking about him frequently, still hallucinating him, dreaming of him. He couldn't resist taking in ZCL because ZCL reminded him of LJX. Nearly every single thought of his own past ends up rooting back to LJX.
The first time he mentions LJX's name out loud in TYK, chapter 41, is the first time he mentions it at all in four years, and to quote the text:
Speaking out his name hadn't been that big of a deal, in the end; it had only felt like something had been pulled out of his chest—like he was now missing a piece, like it left behind an empty void.
(TYK ch41, TL by me)
The next scene is when it hits ZZS that he's going to die; from that moment on, ZZS starts feeling stupid, ZZS slowly starts wanting to find a solution, influenced by WKX... and the story culminates with ZZS making the opposite decision that he made in QY: instead of risking never seeing WKX alive again, and against WKX's decision, he goes to meet him, unlike LJX whom he was too scared to go meet, and lost forever without even saying goodbye.
>I think that ZZS essentially took the nails because he couldn't manage to live with that grief, basically. (I know, I KNOW there are other reasons, but for the sake of analyzing this theme, I find interesting to look at it from this angle; how the narrative shifts towards ZZS putting in the efforts to stay alive at the exact same times he starts letting go of LJX literally.) And then, as he learns, as he rediscovers life differently, the story becomes about getting free from the nails, about actially living with that grief rather than dying because of it.
*coughs* so, hum, yes. This is what I wanted to represent. What grief looks like, at this stage of melancholic, happy, self-deprecating acceptance of freedom through death—freedom of the burden of grief and guilt. It's a bittersweet feeling, but the way I see it, he smiles out of what he thinks is inner peace, resignation, and once again, self-deprecation.
I would go even deeper, in that ZZS' relationship to death with regards to LJX is quite complex and difficult, given how he was told by LJX himself that he ought to die for what he's done (or misunderstood LJX saying so), but that's a whole other can of worms and I don't have the brain juice to go there again (since it wouldn't even be the first time iirc). SO YEAH, again, grief, but ZZS style: turned into a bit of a melancholic, silly, but gentle joke, and with a smile on the face. On brand with TYK as well.
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radioappleheadcanons · 3 months
QPR RadioApple scenario 
Alastor manages to drop enough hints to Lucifer that he’s in a deal he doesn’t want to be, and Lucifer brute forces his way through it to free Al. Lilith can tell that something has happened she just can’t tell what. She decides to check up on that while she’s visiting Charlie to scope out the situation. 
Charlie is thrilled to have her mom back. She expects her dad to be too, and while he is glad to see her, it’s not the reaction either woman was expecting. Charlie insists that they work it out right away and Lucifer just gives her a tight smile and says “Char Char, I love you Mom. Always have, always will. But I’ve also come to realize that we didn’t have the healthiest relationship. I do want to fix things, to be a family again. But for that to happen, there would have to be changes both your mom and I would need to make, and I just don’t know if that’s going to happen. So, I’m just… on guard so that doesn’t happen.”
Lilith is, of course, very upset by this because their relationship was fine! Sure, it was tense before the split, but they had millenniums together that were good. She demands to know what these changes would be and Lucifer bites his lip before explaining. “We can’t be each other’s only support. We need to have relationships and connections outside of that. You had your band, but you got mad anytime I tried to make some. You yelled that you should be good enough, and lashed out when I asked why that was the cause for me and not you. You wanted to be the sole support for me, but you weren’t there when I needed you. I didn’t understand your passions and your drive, you didn’t understand my depression and how it affected me.”
Lilith starts to protest, and Lucifer cuts her off. “You didn’t even like that I had a relationship with Charlie Lilith. You were angry that she could make me smile and seem more like myself than you could. It never even occurred to you that I was faking it. That I was still empty and wanted to vanish into nothingness, but that I was trying to be strong for our daughter.”
Lilith is quiet, because, well she hadn’t considered that. Charlie is even more upset now because while she had started to put some of this information together (mainly the last part) she hadn’t expected this. But she tries to put on a brave face, “We can work through that though, right? Mom, you know there’s nothing wrong with Dad going to other people for help. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. And dad, Mom wanting to be your support is because she loves you too.”
Lucifer, who was watching his shadow (read, staring down Al who is hiding in it) turns to look at her, pursing his lips. “No, and yes, duckling. I’m not sure if we can work through it. Not all at once at least. But yes, I know it’s because she loves me. However,.” His eyes dart to the shadow again, “there is one more thing we’d have to consider. It’s one thing to ask that she let her have friends and that I make sure she doesn’t feel like she’s being replaced. It’s another to ask her to accept that I…. have recently entered into QPR. And if she doesn’t accept that, that’s okay. Because it’s a lot. But it's also not okay for her to ask to be to end said QPR so I can be with her.” that just opens a whole other can of worms because neither Lilith nor Charlie really understands what that means because a QPR is something that is super personalized to the people in it.
Lucifer hopes that Charlie will understand how important it is to him, even if she doesn’t fully understand it and help back him up, but Charlie is too busy freaking out over the fact that 1) apparently her dad’s been in a relationship with someone and hasn’t told her and 2) this might keep her family apart. Lilith is just ticked off about #1, and it turns into an all-out fight. 
Alastor decides to finally step in, because Lucifer is clearly getting overwhelmed by this and because of who it is, he’s not going to do anything to really stop them. 
This proves to be a bad idea, as Lilith realizes what must have happened to the deal and starts yelling about that as well. Charlie is now under the impression that Alastor only comes to the hotel because of her mother (which is, not wrong) and also that her dad may or may not have forced this QPR on Alastor. Lucifer is devastated by this accusation, and Alastor loses it. Like, flings them back in a fit of rage, has Charlie by the neck, threatens to kill her if Lilith makes one wrong step. Lucifer is just paralyzed in shock. “Alastor!” Is all he gets out, and Alastor waves a hand in his direction. Charlie is dropped into a chair, and Alastor gets in her face.
“Let’s make a few things very clear, child. First of all, your mother is hardly a good person. She left you and your father so she could cozy up with Adam in heaven. The only reason she is back is that she needs to find a way to convince them to let her stay now, he’s gone. Second, while I did originally come because of her orders, I stayed because I had started to care.” He spits the word out like it's poison. “A foolish thing to do, I knew. If only I knew exactly how stupid of a mistake that was. Caring for people who defend monsters while accusing innocents of being worse is always the worst move. And that brings me to the last point. Your father has never, ever, used his position to force anything on anyone. He is a perfect gentleman, and it’s one of the things that draws me to him the most. There is no expectation of kissing, sex, anything! No, the only expectation is that we carry on as ourselves.”
He pulls away, still in his demon form. He glares at Lilith and snarls. Lilith takes a step back because she wasn’t expecting him to dare face her. 
“You are pathic. You should be ashamed to call yourself a mother. All you’ve ever done is hurt that girl. How Lucifer still has it in him to love you, I will never know.” He takes a step towards the king and scopes him up in one hand. “I believe that Charlote said she wanted you out of her hotel, did she not? Well, then we shall leave. A week should be enough to think things over, I believe. If you still want us gone by them, we’ll stay away.” His smile shifted from strained to cruel. “Though I would also consider that losing us means losing Nifty, Husk and both our towers.” Charlie is still just staring at them, trying to understand what she’s seeing. 
Surely Alastor isn’t cradling her dad to his chest. Her dad is silently crying, curling up to the Radio demon. This isn’t happening, it makes no sense. When it’s obvious that she isn’t going to say anything, Lilith starts to speak. 
The men are gone in a puddle of shadow before she can get a word out. 
Lucifer is having a horrible time at his place, a full-blown panic attack, crying, the works. Alastor is trying to help, but he really has no clue what he’s doing. He’s also not in the best state to be trying. Eventually, they managed to calm down enough to get food and water and crash into one of the king-size beds in a guest room. They don’t even really touch as they sleep, just curl up next to each other. 
Meanwhile, Charlie is also not having a great time. Vaggie practically busted down the door after Alastor took her dad and left, and as much as the princess wants to tell her girlfriend what happened, she can’t. She’s still trying to work through it.
That’s all the thoughts I have on the matter for the moment. But I will do part two, and there will be a happy ending.
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Five Random Redacted Headcanons
Okay i havent really slept for a solid amount of time of sleep for like 48 hours now but i need yall to hear me out on this.
Redacted Masterlist
1) The Shaw Pack has a random XXL sweater that just circulates around. No one is sure who the original owner is, nor if the OG owner is still in the pack or alive. But whenever one of them is having a rough day, whoever had the sweater previously will bring it to them. It’s a communal comfort object. It also has like... pasta sauce stains and other food stains from the pack’s comfort food and yes it frustrates David to no end that he can’t get the stains out. The design has long since been washed away. 
Optional: Once the mates (especially Baabe because they are artsy I can feel it in my endocrine system.) get their hands on the sweater, they write little encouraging and comforting phrases for the next person. After a few cycles in the washing machine the ink fades away but the sentiment remains.
2) On Darlin and Sam’s second legit date that wasn’t Darlin bleeding out or having a breakdown or anything, they dragged Sam into the woods. He was slightly concerned that they were going to kill him because it was giving off major serial killer vibes. But it turns out they set up a big hammock between two trees and the two of them spent most of the night cuddled up together in the hammock watching TV on Sam’s phone (William pays for unlimited data and he can get signal in the woods) and eating gummy worms.
3) Pre-turned Lovely had a whole arsenal of electricity related jokes that William supplied to them to use on VIncent if he ever got on their nerves. I imagine it went something like this:
Vincent: -Which is why I’m right, Lovely.
Lovely: Well you know what I’m right about?
Vincent: What?
Lovely: How many DAMN students it takes to change a lightbulb.
Vincent: How many?
Lovely: One. Me. 
The jokes aren’t good or funny, but they got to act like it was a big deal and if anyone in the Solaire clan heard them, they would hype Lovely up and make Vincent feel like the silly bbg that he is.
4) One of the times that Aaron pissed Smartass off (post-confession) they purposefully dumped a bag of chips and packages of crackers on the bed and stomped all over it to make sure the crumbs were really small. It was only after this that they remembered that they sleep in the same bed as Aaron and would suffer as well. They have yet to emotionally recover from this.
5) David and Angel have a little chalkboard that counts the days between Angel being an unapologetic flirt. The counter has stayed at a consistent zero for the past seven months because Angel has been texting David daily to ask for nudes. He refuses to send them, but they persist for the hope that they might convince him that the only way their three brain cells will survive is if they see a Davey nude. He tried to get them to stop asking by threatening to make an onlyfans but they only hyped him up for it because it meant they could get nudes for sure then by paying money.
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Yandere Male Monster Musume | Resting Easy
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Last Part
“Hello I’m Centoreo, you are my destined master!” 
“No, I’m not. I’ve never even met you in my life.”
“Perhaps not but I’ve already observed you enough to know that you are. Not to mention that legally I’m meant to stay with you.”
He pulled out a paper with an official seal and Smith’s signature off to the side there was a sticky note on the side with a smiley face and a message:
‘Got you another tenant, sweet pea! No sex!’
You frowned as you recognized the handwriting, silently cursing the agent in your head. You tried to look past the centaur at the clinic only for the long-haired male to tilt himself in the way. You sighed again before looking to the sky. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, considering you got to skip the whole thief chasing and the painful misunderstanding of riding the back of a centaur. You took another breath finally looking into the centaur's sky-blue eyes as you smiled. 
“Hey, well welcome to the family. Uh, we can go back after I go to the doctor over there. So you’ll have to wait until I’m done.”
His face fell before he easily scooped you into his arms. Turning around back to the clinic, all you can hear is the speedy clopping of his hooves as he reaches the door. 
“Excuse me! Would you please help my master? They’re gravely injured.”
“Uhm Centoreo? Are you sure it's okay to be on your back like this? Isn’t this reserved for like your…special person?”
“My destined master? Well didn’t I say you already were? I’m perfectly fine with this. In fact, I’m more than happy, I’m elated+”
You let your head rest upon his back as he moved closer to the house. You’ve decided you quite liked him. You were already aware of how much the main guy relied on Centorea. Finally talking to someone who listened to what you wanted was nice, he may be a bit forward but he made you feel a lot more relaxed. You fought exhaustion, ultimately losing to the rhythmic clapping of Centoreo’s hooves against the pavement.
“You must have been exhausted (Y/n)...to let your guard down so easily.”
Letting himself smile as he came upon the house already seeing the silhouettes of the monsters he had studied previously.
“...I’ll be sure to lift that burden for you with plenty of happy accidents.”
Milo was inconsolable. Slithering anxiously from your room to the door, he had been wrestling with himself about the interaction you had just hours before. Torn between guilt for hurting his love and fear that you’d send him away. From crying to angrily slamming his tail against the floor he constantly wrestled with his desire to chase you down and force you to stay. Pypi on the other hand was truly prepared to seek you out himself. He vaguely recalled promising not to do something…but since he can’t remember what it was it shouldn’t stop him. 
“Weee going to find (Y/n)-shi-eh!?”
Pypi’s winged limbs were being held against his body by the muscled tail of the lamia. He tried to fly away again only to find he still couldn’t get very far. In fact, his takeoff was entirely interrupted by that tail flinging him into an adjacent wall from the door. Rubbing at the offending area, the harpy quickly got up to pull out his talons.
“Worm?! And of you weren’t such a bird brain you’d get deported…but now that I think about it maybe I should let you go..”
“Deported!? But then I’ll never get to mate legally with them!”
“But you can’t now either.”
“That won’t stop me! So let me go!”
Milo blushed in embarrassment as he already felt the subconscious wrapping of his tail around the harpy’s legs. 
“B-because I’m not letting you find them without me!”
“...Are you serious…your such a crybaby.”
“Says you!?... So are you bringing me or not?”
“Fine but I’m dropping you the moment we find them!”
At that moment there was a strong knock on the door which both sparked hope and fear of who was behind. Releasing Pypi he let the overexcited harpy dart towards the door swinging it open. 
“Horsey? Smif?”
“I’m not a horse.”
“Hehehe well guys this Centoreo, a centaur, and they're your newest roommate!” 
An icy glare was exchanged between Milo and Centoreo, the latter giving an insincere smile that had Smith chuckling.
“Don’t be so mad Milo. See, Centoreo is doing happy to meet you, right?”
“Yes, I’m delighted.”
Pypi whipped his head between the two before grimacing at Centoreo, “For some reason, I feel like you aren’t very nice.”
Them agent felt the cold sweats run down his back as the beefing monster boys directed their angry stares towards him and the harpy.Smith held his hand over the harpy’s mouth while stepping away from the glaring monster boys towards the kitchen.
“So uh your darling’s back and safe, courtesy of him.” 
He directed Milo to your resting form who immediately snatches you from Centoreo. Hugging you into his chest he growled in everyone else’s direction before slithering off to his room. Laying you in his bed, he let himself inspect you. Staring at the brace around your ankle had globs of tears welling up in his yellow eyes. 
“Oh Darling its all my fault! I’m sorry Darling! Its just…you act so nonchalant I can only hope to…squeeze it out of you.”
He played with the hem of your shirt lightly pulling it up to let his finger pad press against the skin of your stomach. He continued to eye the way your skin bounced unfer his hand. He let his head rest next to the spot he was playing that, purposefully letting his breath tickle your skin. He nuzzled and caressed before pulling away with a conclusion. Decided, he protracted his fangs and sunk them into your skin. 
“OW! Hey!”
You snapped up trying to push his head away only for your arms and body to be kept still as he kept his fangs in place. You called for him frantically in hopes he’d snap out of it only for your voice to die down with the sight of Milo. His yellow irises were slitted and he didn’t look…completely there. So you kept as still as you could with his fangs planted inside you, the pain being soothed with the soft, wet gliding of his tongue. When he was seemingly satisfied he retracted his incisors before absent-mindedly crawling up to lay beside you. 
You poked at his face; finding no response you carefully untangled from his tail to limp out of his bedroom. You slowly made your way to the main room, following the aroma of freshly brewed tea. 
“Master (Y/n)! I’m happy to see you survived him. I’ve just made some tea to put everyone at ease.”
“Uh yeah, thanks for that Centoreo.”
You looked at the sleeping Pypi who was fast asleep with an empty cup on the couch, you sighed in relief. 
“I would offer you some but its specifically for us, male monsters. Tonight is a full moon after all.”
You blinked before letting your eyes widen in recognition. That’s right the moment Centoreo returned home Smith would clear the tenants in the house for marriage with the main guy. Not soon after he was attacked, room broken into, and forced to juggle three horny monster girls through the night. 
“Wow, yeah thanks for that…uh by the way was there anything Smith left for me or meant to say to me? Usually when someone moves in here he has something to say.”
Centoreo tilted his head with his heart-pumping smile as he carried his cup of tea. 
“Nothing that I can recall. Maybe some more paperwork but I’ve already went through as much as i could.” 
“Oh okay…” You were debating if this was the truth or not. You were sure the original series included something of a fight before the moon scene went down but the original series didn’t have a centaur who was really on top of it. 
“Uh well I’ll be going to bed. We can all give you a proper welcome tomorrow.” 
Centoreo chuckled scooping Pypi up before walking alongside you to your respective rooms. 
“Thank you, master. I will see you tomorrow.”
Shoving at your heavy steel door to open, lock, and close before plopping down onto your bed. Ignoring the distant screeches of what must be Milo as he awoke, you cuddled into your blankets mentally preparing for the worst. 
It won’t be long now before rest is simply a dream.
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physalian · 5 days
10 Plot Premises That Never Get Old
There’s a great many lists out there complaining about the worst and most overused tropes in fiction. I want to pass the mic to tropes that will never get old. The love-to-hate ones, the knife-twisting ones, the shipping fodder.
1. Killing the character who knew too much
Or, the “Maes Hughes” effect. Your story centers around a massive mystery or conspiracy and one lone character is unfortunately not genre-savvy enough to remember that the phrase “the early bird gets the worm” ends in “but the second mouse gets the cheese”.
This is the character who has unraveled the partial, if not entire truth, coming to a shocking realization moments before their untimely murder. Usually, they’re alone. Usually, this death rocks the remaining characters, sometimes for the entirety of the remaining plot (see FullMetal Alchemist). Usually, they become genre-savvy at exactly the moment they realize there’s no way out of this. Conveniently, they’re never on the phone with the right person, or there’s never any cell service. They didn’t write their findings down or didn’t hit record.
This whole entire tragedy is only a tragedy because this character made the wrong choice that is also the only choice this character would have made.
2. The enemy of my enemy
As OSP once said, anyone can be a minion, even the presumed Big Bad. Whether it’s a serialized cartoon with well established sides of good and bad or a single movie, having two entities that loathe each other reluctantly and bitterly join forces to deal with an even Bigger Bad… that’s the good stuff.
Either the villain has been minion-ed, or the good guys and the bad guys’ enduring battle of morals is interrupted by a wild card third party that insults them both or threatens the world both sides are trying to save in their own ways.
This is *not* a redemption arc. This is the temporary alliance that usually terminates once the threat is dealt with (see: Transformers Prime, or ‘Marabounta’ from Code Lyoko). Extra points if they’re age-old rivals who fight better together than the hero does with the rest of their team. Extra extra points if they both realize this and firmly deny that it happens (and even more if the villain tries to exploit the hero with this fact later on).
3. The redemption arc
***Emphasis on the word ‘arc’*** The ones that span 56 out of 61 episodes (see: you know the show). The ones that cost the redeemer their ideals, the friends they thought they had on the wrong side, maybe a limb or two. The ones that start with a villain so convinced they’re right, only to slowly question everything they’ve come to know and, without shedding their entire personality, do the right thing and still survive the process.
This is not redemption equals death. This is not a half-assed heel turn at the very last second—that’s a button mash impulsive act for shock value. This is taking a character almost all of the heroes have given up on trying to save, someone they themselves have nearly written off, and deciding to try anyway. This is a character deciding to do the right thing even if it doesn’t ever redeem them at all. This is a character whose whole life ahead of them is spent doing better than what was done before, and we love them for it.
4. The haunted ashes of a fallen empire
This one is a bit more tricky to define but think Prometheus of the Alien franchise, or Xerxes from FMAB. These are characters in the present exploring the ruins of a civilization that never should have fallen, but did due to the Big Bad they either created or tried to imprison. This is those characters looking around at what used to be, and making history repeat itself whether they’re genre-savvy or not.
These are the glaring red sign posts telling the heroes to turn around every step further in *or else* and they do it anyway. Or, these are the heroes who know exactly what happened and in their own hubris, are convinced it won’t happen this time to them.
5. The Most Dangerous Game
The originator: An island owned by a big game hunter who has evolved into hunting humans. The trope: Powerful and/or incredibly skilled character in any other situation is trapped in the confines of a dwindling clock matched up against the very antithesis of who they are and what they represent, but who is also just like them.
I just love seeing characters who are normally incredibly competent and rarely fazed, tripped up by the horror of being hunted by someone just like them who lost their humanity. So many juicy existential questions arise, so much angst. Double points if the character has a firm no-kill policy or extremely picky morals and has to wager tossing them aside to survive.
6. Stranger in a strange land
Whether it’s a character in a foreign country trying to learn and respect the ways of the people who saved them (see: Last Samurai, or Avatar '09), or an alien who crash-landed on Earth and struggles to assimilate and not get caught by the government (see any PG 13 alien adventure movie), a time traveler to the past or the future (Outlander, Back to the Future), either drama or hilarity ensues, often with a heaping helping of socio-political commentary.
It gets kind of troublesome when the writer is a white guy taking all the wrong messages from throwing his white guy protagonist into a land of the ‘savages’ (see uhhhh all variations of Pocahontas). But then you have strange lands like Wonderland, or Narnia.
7. Magical Otherworlds
Speaking of Narnia and Wonderland—magical hidden otherworlds. They can be incredibly blandly executed sometimes, but some of our most cherished stories come from living vicariously through Harry Potter or the Pevensie siblings. In this case I’m specifically talking about complete otherworlds, not hidden-in-plain-sight otherworlds (see: Percy Jackson) because of the complete freedom and creativity you have in geography, history, and world mechanics.
The possibilities are endless! Double points if the otherworld is a metaphor for childhood adventure and living without adult responsibilities (see: Peter Pan), a world in which we know, no matter how cool the world is, the protagonist was never meant to stay there. They must always inevitably, inexorably, return home and take what they’ve learned there to live a better and profound life.
8. “I know you’re in there somewhere”
Is it done to death? Yes. Is every situation different because it’s completely dependent on the relationship between the characters involved? Also yes. Tends to overlap with a redemption arc, but more often a hero-turned-temporary-villain. The drama! The angst! The shipping fodder! (see: many, many anime, too many to count)
This trope also has some uncertainty to it. You never know if the confrontation will be a success, if the character in question will commit some heinous act to wrack them with guilt later, if they even want to be saved, or if they really were saved and not just faking it. Either we get a POV of the stricken character’s battle in the mind or are left watching on the edge of our seat as unknowing as those trying to save them, and sometimes, rarely, they’re just not salvageable.
9. On the Run
The base has been discovered, the ship has been overrun, the house has burned down, the government is on the hunt. The hero team is forced apart with only the clothes on their back and what they can carry with only one or two others and loses all contact with most of their team, scattered to the wind. They leave a trail of sketchy motel rooms and diner take-away boxes, or they sleep in their car, or are forced to hide out in old bases that the villain definitely knows about but wouldn’t bother checking, built in a bygone era with a friend that’s no more.
Everything they ever knew has been called into question. The character they find themselves stuck with wasn’t their closest buddy on the hero team, but both forge a newfound respect for each other in this new unknown. Poignant conversations are had as one keeps watch in the dark so the other can sleep, and yet doesn’t, as they mourn the passing of the life both knew and vow to take it all back in their darkest hour.
10. The Thing
As in, a mysterious entity or illness has invaded the story and knowing which characters are infected and compromised is impossible. This entity either bodysnatches other characters and can be expunged, zombifies them, or kills and replicates them (see many zombie shows, iterations of The Thing, or “Croatoan” from Supernatural). This entity is a sickness slowly spreading throughout the town or the base or the ship and the heroes (or villains) realize far too late that something is very, very wrong.
This entity brings characters to their breaking point, paranoia making them do very bad things in the name of survival, killing off characters the audience knows is clean, but their murderer doesn’t, for extra knife-twisty fun. This entity brings a morally devout character near to ruin as they almost cross a line trying to do what’s right. This is an entity where, even when it’s defeated, is never really gone for certain… is it?
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ruthlesslistener · 3 months
do you have any headcanons for anything you've been holding onto, but haven't had a good chance to post about? I love your fics and I wanna peer into your mind palace
Shhdhchs EXCELLENT bc ive had a lot of thoughts but this quarter + anxiety in general has been killin me
-Okay so I'm still hyperfixated on Destiny 2 bc of a DnDestiny game I'm in, but since Hollow Knight is a special interest and I read a couple of frankly stunning crossover fics (one with the Inheritance Cycle, one with Transformers, both are outstanding and I will recc them wholeheartedly if you ask- the TF one especially blew my tits clean off which is saying something bc I have zero TF knowledge, also its 500k words but I'm rambling), my brain has been essentially locked into the concept of a crossover AU where a couple of my D2 OCs get slingshot into the HK world via a fucked-up warpgate through wish-dragon magic, and it's now got me kind of obsessed with the idea of the world of Hollow Knight taking place on an alien planet that had some convergent evolution re: general insect body plans, but went off the fuckin' rails with everything else. So here's some worldbuilding thoughts on that:
-Their planet would be far from Earth and the origin place of the Ahamkara and precursor race to the Worm Gods, who are distant relatives to each other that took to the stars to opportunistically feed off of rifts in reality. They are in turn sister taxa to the Wyrms and Higher Beings from Hollow Knight, who also feed off of the wants, desires, and gulf between what-is-desired-and-what-is-true, but unlike the worms and wish-dragons, the Higher Beings are essentially 'settled' species. They're the farming civilization to the hunter-gatherers of their Destiny-based kindred, and yes, both branches of the family tree fucking despise each other and look down scornfully on the other's lifestyle. The Higher Beings view the Worms and Ahamkara as little more than scavengers, while the Worms and Ahamkara see the Higher Beings as glorified slavedrivers with sticks up their asses- though it should be noted that since the Ahamkara's whole deal so far has been malignant trickery as a hunting style, this doesn't neccessarily carry the same negative connotations that it would in our society. I also don't know enough about the proto-Worms to say how their race would react, but the Worm Gods as they are now certainly are something that Wyrms would look down on
-(Yes that means I have thought extensively about the Pale King's ghost bristling aggressively at a baby ahamkara barely a few hours old. In my defense, it's funny, and also I almost never remember to write him as the cold, prickly, arrogant ass that he is bc his kids make him Big Sad)
-The planet would likely be smaller than Earth with lighter gravity, though how much smaller I can't say because I'm not a fuckin' physicist. I just want an excuse for making fuckoff-huge animals a thing even beyond the inherent space magic thing going on
-Oh, and most life is underground because the atmosphere is thinner than Earth and so the upper surface gets bombarded with deadly amounts of radiation, which causes the mind-wiping effects of the Wastes (where the angle towards their sun is the greatest and thus the strongest). Ngl I did briefly think about potential magnetic field fluxes also being the cause of that effect but like, I cannot overstate how little I know of things outside biology
-HK being set on an alien planet lets me do wack shit with the species there too bc I'm no longer bound by comparing them to Earthbound species. For example, I can make Quirrel an isopod with cricket legs. Who's going to stop me, God? He doesn't exist here
-That also means I can stop being bothered by Herrah's dubious leg placement bc it would kill me forever otherwise
-Also, them being on an alien planet gives me even more of an excuse to never put traditional vertebrate species in there, which is great. I've said it before, but putting Earth vertebrates in the HK setting totally ruins all the fun for me because I love the concept of all the species diversity being made up of invertebrates, and that the 'advanced' bugs we see have filled the niche that vertebrates would have otherwise taken over. Like the carboniferous period but on steroids
General HK thoughts too:
-been toying with the idea of wyrms having a set of evertable inner jaws like polychaete worms, which would be used for keeping dirt out of the mouth and biting off chunks to eat, while the outer jaws (the ones we see) are used for killing, digging, and sparring with other wyrms. The idea is that the outer ring of mandibles bites big circular chunks out of the substrate, which then breaks off into tiny pieces they filter out in between gaps in their mandibles and pack down into tunnel walls as they move forward
-I've also been toying with the idea of them secreting some kind of mucus as they dig that's almost a calcifying substance, but now that I think about it, I can probs just put those glands in their frontal mouth so if they need to reinforce a tunnel (like, say, one burrowed in sand instead of rock), they can mix their saliva in with the substrate to chemically solidify the tunnel walls
-Which btw is a major thing for ecosystems bc the tunnels are used for lots of different things by lots of different species. Wyrms are terraformers baybee!! Kinda the same way wildfires are, but still
-I've also been thinking about maybe making it so that the row of plates I like to draw on their backs act as a secondary pair of belly scutes, which means that wyrms can slither just as easily upside down as they can on their undersides, which helps underground. It's not as efficient as the super-smooth scales on a blind snake, but that's the tradeoff they get for needing to be so heavily armoured
-I'm also leaning towards making marine/freshwater variants that are just straight-up bobbit worms on even more steroids, but since I already have fuckoff huge marine alien bobbit worms in a scifi setting of mine, I'd need to figure out a way to make them unique
-I learned that there's internalized folds of exoskeleton for muscle attatchment in my invertebrate biology course and got really excited about that being a potential basis for the formation of skeletal elements in the world of Hollow Knight- like, maybe bug bones started off as those lil folds (i forgot their technical name which is embaressing bc i literally just took the final this night) becoming stronger and deeper-set into the body to better support the weight of larger and larger bugs, and then it spiraled into a skeleton analogue from there. Being derived from the exoskeleton probably means that it would be less strong than our bones, but it would likely also be lighter
-God I really need to write Hornet in Silksong so bad. Fuck. I need need need to write this mildly autistic unsocialized princess running amok in a civilization that isn't ready for her. Also my interpretation of Lace is basically an oc at this point but I don't want to do anything with her just yet bc that shits a lot of work, I just need to write everything down for her so far (and tbh Lurien probs also counts at this point but thats more filling a niche that TC left unfufilled)
-I've also got gijinka thoughts in that I'm leaning towards making Lurien a trans guy who didn't have any gender-affirming surgeries bc a.) I love love love making a variety of trans characters and b.) Hallownest isn't a society where the concept of being transgender is an issue, so there's no need to do it to pass, only to prioritize your own comfort. And since Lurien never expected to be seen in anything but his formalware, he never saw the point of bothering
-(The aformentioned point also applies to normal bug Lurien but this is more of a personal thing here)
-Need to focus more on how the latent magic of the god of a realm changes your eye colour, with the more intense the shade = the more involved you are with their magic. Using Lurien as an example again: his eyes were brown naturally, but after he became Watcher, they slowly shifted to shades of paler and paler blue. I also like the idea of Quirrel's eyes getting more blue the more memories of Hallownest he unlocks, until they're the same shade as the Blue Lake in his final scene
-This can also happen in reverse; for example, my Lace gijinka starts off with gold eyes to signify the church of Pharloom's hold over her, but then slowly revert back to brown as Hornet gives her more and more hope that the institution can be toppled, until they're eventually their natural deep brown with just the faintest flecks of silver in them (signifying Hornet's importance in her life)
-It just occurred to me the other day when I was at work that Striga and Morgana from Castlevania S3 are almost exactly how I imagined my Vespa and Herrah gijinkas to be and now I can't stop thinking about it. The main difference is that my Herrah is a fat spider-orc with tats and Vespa is a fae queen with bee features shimmering through her human veil, but still. Its uncanny
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cairavende · 9 months
Worm Arc 5 thoughts:
Young lady, is your team about to make a deal with Nazis? What have I told you about making a deal with Nazis? Don't do it! That's what I've told you.
The school meeting was probably the hardest chapter to read so far. Do not want. Give me more horrible cape shit instead.
Also, Alan can die in a fire. Alan can get resurrected and die in another fire. Twice. Alan is absolutely a 3 fire asshole.
So many good wolfspider moments!! AHHHH! Taylor runs into the building to rescue Rachel. Rachel comes back to rescue Taylor. Rachel's dogs defend Taylor when Rachel isn't there. Taylor tells them to stay back so they won't get hurt!! RACHEL GIVES TAYLOR HER JACKET!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taylor fucking rocked during the whole fight, I couldn't be more proud of her. Figuring out how to deal with Oni Lee, desperately working to save Newter, the shit she pulled on Lung? Beating him a second time? Giving orders to everyone, keeping people focused, and sharing money at the end to earn goodwill? God damn that is some top notch shit.
Seriously, the Oni Lee fight was crazy. That man is scary but Taylor found a way to lock him down.
Coil’s sniper!!!! I had heard about him with no context before, so I got super excited when I realized this was the scene that birthed him! Fuck ya you Clint Barton motherfucker, I love you.
“I made his crotch rot off. Accidentally.” Fucking amazing line.
Holy shit though, she just fucking cut out Lung's eyes without a second thought. God damn. Fuck girl. And you still think you want to be a hero? Child villainy clearly runs in your fucking blood!
It looks like the Nazi survived, that's really too bad.
I love Newter he is fun. Taylor made some comment about him being attractive "if you looked past the odd appearance" and I'm just sitting here going "the odd appearance is what makes him attractive!!"
Labyrinth is super fascinating and I want to know more about her.
Taylor, child, have you put any thought into the fact that you've defeated Lung twice, Oni Lee once, and Bakuda once? That basically the entire leadership of the ABB is going to have it out for you forever? Not that you could have prevented all of that (I mean, if you hadn't blindly attacked Lung on your first outing you could have but we're ignoring that), you had to defend yourself, but are you going to plan for the future? Or just hope that Lung never escapes again and the other two forget you?
Interlude thoughts - There is that unethical parahuman testing I've been waiting for. I knew it had to show up sometime. Why leave all your subjects tattooed though? The people running this are either kinda dumb, or the tattooing thing is part of an elaborate scheme and they want people to look into it. I really hope Gregor the Snail and Newter figure out what they want though.
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lonesome-witching · 3 months
I'll Still Love You If You Don't
A new anonymous prompt. This one was so much fun to write. In this episode of 'another day, another prompt' we get post flayed Nancy struggling with the things she did when flayed. And of course, Robin is there. Hope you enjoy!
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Nancy’s arms were wrapped around her knees. She vaguely registered that her hands were shaking. She just didn’t care much. It seemed preposterous to even sit here. Mike had insisted. And when she still refused, Robin had insisted. So, Nancy came down and joined them. Them being her brother, Robin, Lucas, Will, Dustin, El, Max and Steve. Too many people. Too many people she had hurt.
“Nance? What do you think?” Mike asked. He had turned his body to face his sister.
“Which movie should we watch?”
She could see Robin looking at her. It wasn’t entirely new. Robin had always looked at her. Nancy had first noticed it in the library, and it had never stopped since then. But now Robin looked at her differently. There was more worry in her eyes.
Nancy couldn’t really blame her. Not after everything that happened. Not after everything she’d done. Maybe Robin was worried she’d snap at any moment now. That she would attack her or Steve or even Mike. Nancy worried about the same thing.
“What— What are the options?” Nancy’s voice was shaking too.
“We could watch Star Wars or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Jaws or The Breakfast Club. But does anyone really want to watch The Breakfast Club?” Mike held up each tape as he said the name of the movie.
“Oh, I don’t know. What do you want?”
“I’m voting Jaws. Lucas and Max voted Ferris Bueller, Dustin, Will and El voted Star Wars and Steve and Robin haven’t voted yet.”
“I’ll vote Breakfast Club, right now,” Robin chimed in.
“Why? You don’t even like John Hughes,” Mike protested.
“But I do like annoying you.”
Mike groaned.
“I’ll follow Robin,” Steve said from his corner of the couch.
“Of course.”
“Nance?” Robin poked Nancy’s arm.
“I— I— I don’t care!” Nancy jumped up from her spot on the couch. She watched as the semi casual smiles turned sour. Everyone looking at her. She hated it. She hated the frown on Robin’s face and the way Mike flinched when she stood up. She hated the feeling that was crawling under her skin. As if worms were slithering under her skin. As if Vecna was still controlling her, still inside of her mind, making her go insane.
“Nance—” Robin leaned forward as she whispered that name.
“No, stop. I just—” Nancy waved her hand around herself and then rushed away. She couldn’t be here. She couldn’t sit in this room of the people she loved and just forget about everything that she had done. She needed to get away.
It was hard enough to deal with the trauma and the guilt when it had been an unforeseen consequence of her teenage rebellion. It was a whole other thing when she could remember it being her own actions. She wanted to rip her skin off.
She fell down on her bed headfirst, screaming into her pillow. Why couldn’t she just get rid of those pesky images. Those horrendous… memories.
“Nance?” The name was followed by a soft knock. “Nancy, are you alright?”
“No,” Nancy muttered into her pillow. She wasn’t even sure Robin actually heard her. But she didn’t seem to care, simply stepping into Nancy’s room, her personal space, and sitting on the bed.
“I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel right now.”
“Robin, stop. Please just stop. Stop being nice to me. Stop trying to comfort me. Stop! Stop! Stop!” Nancy pressed her hands against her ears. Just like she used to do when she was a little kid. She felt like a little kid. Complaining about the fact that her own actions had consequences.
“Why should I stop being nice to you? Nance, I care about you.”
“Why? After everything… How?” Nancy finally sat up, her hands dropped in her lap as she kneeled on her bed.
“It’s really not that hard.”
“It should be. Robin, I strangled you.”
“You nearly strangled me.” Robin had a smile on her face.
“Robin,” Nancy complained.
“It wasn’t you, Nance. You’d never hurt me. You’d never hurt any of us. We know that.” Her hand reached out, stopping halfway to Nancy’s bare knee.
“But it was me. Don’t you understand? It were my hands that wrapped around your throat, Robin. It was me looking at the life being drained from you.” Nancy could still see it whenever she closed her eyes. She still saw the image during her long, painful nightmares. She could still hear Steve shouting for her to stop as he rushed toward them.
“No. It wasn’t. It wasn’t you, Nance. It was Vecna. You were the one that pulled her hands off me. That kept me safe even when you couldn’t keep yourself safe. Nance, you weren’t in control when Vecna attacked us, but you made sure we’d all make it out alive. At risk of yourself.” Robin’s hand creeped closer, but despite her words she was hesitant to touch Nancy.
“If I’m a savior to you, why don’t you dare to touch me?” Nancy scoffed. She could feel the tears pool in her eyes.
“That has nothing to do with you,” Robin whimpered. She pulled her hand back entirely. Nancy wanted to cry.
“Then what is it? What is your reason for always keeping your distance if you’re not afraid of me?”
“It’s the opposite.”
“The opposite?”
“The opposite.”
“Please explain to me how you feeling the opposite of afraid is a reason to stay away from me.”
“Isn’t it obvious? I practically let you strangle me,” Robin sighed.
“Oh, so now it was me who strangled you?”
“Nancy, stop!” Robin jumped from the bed as if burned. Nancy crawled into herself. She wanted to vanish. To just be erased from the face of the earth. She couldn’t face Robin. She couldn’t take seeing fear in those beautiful blue eyes. “I’m not afraid of you, Nancy. I could never be afraid of you. Even if you wanted to hurt me, even if you truly wanted to kill me, I still wouldn’t be afraid. Because the mere thought of your hands wrapped around my neck, even if controlled by Vecna, don’t fill me with disdain, but with the gratitude of knowing you touched me. Knowing Vecna chose me to hurt you. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to care for me.”
“Of course, I care for you, Robin. Of course, I care.”
“No, Nancy. You don’t get it.”
“What don’t I get?” Nancy felt a sense of irritation bubble up within her. One that frightened her more than she’d like to admit. One had never felt towards Robin before. She wasn’t sure she felt it towards Robin now.
“God, Nancy, I’m in love with you.” The words escaped Robin with an air of despair. Her face having scrunched up in what could only resemble pain.
“You’re what?” Nancy breathed the words as if she had forgotten their meaning. Almost as if she was learning a new language entirely.
“I love you,” Robin admitted once again.
“Even after—”
“Yes, Nancy. Even after everything. Because none of that was your fault. You might have some rough edges, but you are so good. You’re so good.”
“No, it’s alright, you don’t have to say anything.”
“Alright.” Nancy allowed the silence to cover them. Maybe she was buying herself some time to think. Some time to process everything that was said. Robin was in love with her. Robin. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“You never did,” Robin replied swiftly.
“I’ve been wondering… I’ve been wondering why he made me attack you. Why not El? Or Will? Or even Max? Why not the people who have escaped him? He had easy access through me. El might have been able to but she would never kill me. And I know, I know I did hurt them. But I never tried to kill them. It was never like it was with you.” Nancy wasn’t sure where she was going with this. She hoped she’d figure it out before reaching the end of her speech.
“I know,” Robin interrupted, maybe trying to save Nancy from having to relive everything she did. But Nancy relived it anyway.
“I think he wanted me to kill you because it would have hurt me the most. It would have left me a broken shell of myself. I would have stopped fighting and he would have had complete and utter control of me. So, he tried to force me to kill you. And even when I had fallen under his control with barely any sense of myself left within me, I still couldn’t. Maybe if he had tried to get me to shoot you. But strangling… You are forced to watch the life fade from someone’s eyes. And when I looked into yours, Robin, when I saw the life begin to fade from yours, I was forced to fight. To protect you.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to say, Nance.”
“That makes two of us,” Nancy laughed softly. It sounded foreign even to her. She got up from her spot on the bed. Took a few steps toward Robin, hoping she wouldn’t flinch. She didn’t flinch. “I think what I’m trying to say is that… I might feel something for you too.”
“You might?” A smile slowly grew on Robin’s face. It was a beautiful sight.
“I’m quite sure of it, if I’m being honest,” Nancy admitted. “And if you think you could still love me after all that happened, then I think I could very well love you back. Do you think you can do that?”
“Yes, I can totally do that.” Robin nodded her head.
“Frankly, even if you can’t love me anymore, I still could probably love you,” Nancy admitted before slowly leaning in.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
sick day (ccg universe)
words: 3,188 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “Ccg universe request where they deal with an extremely sick toddler. Nausea, crying, grumpiness, refusing to sleep, us parents go through to then end up in turn getting sick too”  notes: thanks for the request! appreciate all of you :) i really enjoyed writing this one. requests i’m working on continue to be linked here.  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
You could sense this coming a mile away, especially because of last night. You’ve been joking with Austin that you’ve been developing ‘parent ESP’ and are becoming increasingly aware of how Luci’s doing and when certain things are going to happen. It usually applies to when she needs a nap or is about to have some sort of meltdown but in this case? You knew she was going to wake up sick.
Austin’s been on a shoot about two hours away and that definitely hasn’t been easy. You and Luci are used to it by now but that doesn’t mean that Austin’s little family doesn’t miss him. They’ve been fortunate enough that you really haven’t had to work around him being out of state or out of the country, that’s a whole new can of worms to plan for. Luci’s just now handling what it’s like for Austin to be gone longer periods of time, with two hours away sometimes he comes back for a night or morning depending on what the schedule is like. You assure him he doesn’t have to because that’s a lot to put on his shoulders when he’s already got enough to worry about.
But one of the many things you love about him is that he wants to, he wants to come back home for you and for Luci and…that makes a big difference.
Last night after a Facetime call with Austin, Luci was being a bit more ornery than usual. She refused to get out of your and Austin’s bed to take a bath before sleeping. She was curled up on Austin’s pillows in one of her oversized sweatshirts and giving a big pout fest. You hadn’t thought too much of it because she starts getting like this when Austin’s been gone for a decent stretch of time, she has to acclimate.
A trip to the park tomorrow will erase some of those negative feelings.
There was something in the back of your mind though that was triggering spidey-senses for your ‘parent ESP’—she looked a bit flush and was slightly grumpier than usual. You can understand the whole ‘no thank you’ thing when Luci dives into it, but she wasn’t even doing that. Just huffing and curling against Austin’s pillow and giving you the cold shoulder.
You let her sleep there for the night and upon waking up the next morning, your assumptions had been right on the money.
The minute you get her up and out of bed, you know she’s sick. Her face is flushed, her skin is warm to the touch, her hair is a bit of a mussed mess from sweating, and she’s whining. You hum lightly, carrying her to the kitchen. Sitting her on the counter, you pull her hair back away from her face, tying it into two space buns. You give her a soft smile, touching her cheek,
“Struggling, huh babe?”
Luci huffs lightly, pulling at her sweater, “Wan juice.”
“Okay,” You nod, “We can get you some juice. Mama has to take your temperature too, okay?”
She does not seem thrilled about that, squiggling when you reach to get a washcloth and fill it with warm water. Squeezing out the excess, you drag it along Luci’s face and neck, pushing some of her hair back and to get the night’s sweat off of her. Might make her feel a bit better.
“Need to get a bath too.”
And apparently that’s the wrong thing to say because she starts crying. Big sobs and fat tears rolling down her cheeks and barely breathing enough to speak other than wailing. You try not to take it too personally, you know that she doesn’t feel well and isn’t sure how to communicate that other than crying. It’s got to be frustrating, being so small and trying to figure out the world day by day and then waking up and everything you’ve known is turned completely on its head.
You set the washcloth down and gather her into your arms, picking her up from the counter, “I know, I know.” You soothe, running a hand down her back. You reach for your phone in your PJ pocket, clicking on Austin’s name,
Y/N: you laugh at my parent ESP but I knew something was off with Luci last night and she’s sick this morning Y/N: she’s okay other than throwing a big tantrum over a bath, so. I think she just has a fever
You know that Austin’s on set and you’re not sure when he’s going to be able to read that but the last thing you want to do is worry him.
While Luci works through her crying Olympics, you manage to take her temp (101—definitely a fever but nothing too concerning), wash off a bit more sweat with a washcloth and change her shirt and fill up her juice cup (which she doesn’t want anymore, shocking). You carry her to the couch and sit down, holding her against your chest as she vents out all her negative feelings, which should definitely help.
Once she’s settled down you’ll get her to eat something, give her a bath—that should make her feel better overall.
“I wan daddy.” She wails, these tiny little hiccups following from crying so hard.
You shake your head, keeping her close, threading your fingers through her hair and trying to get her to calm down, “I know,” You press a few kisses to her cheeks and forehead, removing as many tear tracks as you can with your hands, “Me too.”
Definitely can understand wanting Austin when you don’t feel well, you just wish it was as simple as that.
Luci manages to tire herself out with crying, pressed against your chest after a few sips of juice, her face tucked between your neck and shoulder. Smoothing your hand through her hair, you stand from the couch and make up the cushions so she can sleep there. You don’t want her in her bed away from you—you begin to make a mental checklist of some things you need to do, like cancel dinner with your agent and double check to see if you have Children’s Tylenol in your medicine cabinet.
You put a blanket down and a pillow, lying her down and grabbing this divider which sticks underneath the couch cushions and creates a mesh wall along the outside of the couch—like turning the couch into a crib. Basically she can’t roll off this way, one of the best things Jillian bought you and Austin when you were pregnant.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket as you cover Luci with a blanket and a soft smile tugs the corner of your mouth as you answer,
“Hi,” You whisper in relief, moving towards the kitchen to talk a bit louder.
“How’s it going in the hot zone?” Austin asks, his voice fond but definitely a little concerned, “Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, just saw your message.”
He doesn’t have to apologize; you know he’s busy. The fact that he’s making time to call you on a break is more than enough. You let out a soft sigh and tug open a few cabinet doors to see if you can make Luci some soup—you’re not sure what she even likes when she’s sick. This is one of the first times she’s had something more than a few sniffles and…you’re taking it hour by hour, trying not to freak out or anything when it’s not warranted. This is a fact of life, kids get sick and you, as a parent, have to figure it out.
At the barest minimum, you have to be strong for Luci so she has someone to lean and depend on.
“Well she’s doing alright I think, I got some juice in her and she’s cried herself to sleep,” You shake your head, “She wanted you, of course.”
Austin hums, “Didn’t you say I was the best kind of medicine the last time you were sick?”
And he’s teasing you, you know that, but you kinda crinkle your nose because, “I’m pretty sure…I did not say that.”
He laughs lightly, “Sure, no. You would never.”
You can’t help but laugh too, rolling your eyes as you pull a can of soup down from the cabinet that has star shaped noodles. This will do. “As far as I can tell she’s just got a fever, it’s pretty low-grade but…I’ll let you know if it spikes.”
“M’sorry I’m not there.”
You shake your head, turning to put the kettle on for tea for yourself, glancing into the living room as you watch Luci’s chest rise and fall, “Austin, don’t be. We both know we’ve got busy work lives—I can handle this alone, okay?”
It’s not like either of them are gone all the time—this just so happens to be the one instance where it would be better if you were home together but, it’s not like you’re expecting him to come all the way home. He’s got a job to do.
“I know,” You can tell by the tone of Austin’s voice that he’s either chewing on the inside of his cheek or running a hand through his hair, a signature nervous habit, “But you shouldn’t have to.”
You smile gently, leaning your head against the doorframe of the kitchen, “You can make it up to me.”
Austin hums lightly, “I’m gonna leave my phone with the director, alright, you call me if you need anythin’.”
You’re touched at the sentiment but the last thing you want to do is bother him on set when he’s trying to get a job done. “Alright, I love you.”
“Love you both,” Austin replies before the call ends.
You hold the phone to your ear for a few moments longer to maintain the illusion that he’s here before moving back into the kitchen to tackle a cup of tea and soup.
You assume it’s going to get a bit worse before it gets better but you don’t realize it’s going to be downright terrible. The nap brings Luci a ton of energy which you assumed would be a good thing? and yet she’s restless, cranky and now she’s nauseous? She hasn’t thrown up the soup she’s eaten, which is good, but she doesn’t want to eat dinner either, crying about only wanting one thing and it’s apple juice…and guess what you’re out of.
You’ve barely taken care of yourself today either, only eating breakfast and drinking that tea after the phone call with Austin. You’re close to calling Jillian to come over because you’ve been texting her with updates throughout the day of what’s been going on. You feel like there’s this…sense of weakness pulling at the bottom of your ribcage preventing you from doing that though.
Is it so terrible that you feel like you can’t handle a sick toddler on your own? You thought you could but it’s…
You want to call Austin but that that’s just out of the question. You can handle this, right? You repeat that like a mantra in your head as Luci starts crying, again, over the fact that she doesn’t have another cup of juice. Just got to take one crisis at a time, slow breaths, think.
“I texted Aunt Jillian, okay?” You try to soothe her, feeling a lump in your own throat because you’re starting to feel exhausted. “She should be here soon, she’s gonna have your juice.”
Almost as if your words are an invited promise, you hear a key slide into the front door and the knob jiggle. Turning around and letting out a breath of relief, you’re about to tell Jillian she owes her big time…when Austin comes through with grocery bags on his arms and…
You’re so confused and yet overwhelmed and relieved and so many other emotions at the same time that you just kind of blink at him with a slightly open mouth. It takes two seconds to connect the dots in your head, obviously Jillian called Austin (because you refused to) and now he’s here, he’s home with apple juice and a bunch of other things given how heavy the bags look as he sets them down on the floor in the living room to walk towards you.
“God,” You mumble, shaking your head, Luci’s crying coming to a slight pause as she realizes daddy’s home. “You did not have to come all the way home.” Not that you’re not grateful, of course you are but—
“Don’t,” Austin says gently, moving to press a kiss to your forehead before taking Luci into his arms. You feel so thankful that your knees almost give out from under you. You let out a slow breath and hold onto the back of the couch, watching him.
“Alright, hey,” Austin soothes, picking up one of the grocery bags while you grab the other one and take it into the kitchen with him. Luci has her arms wrapped tightly around her dad’s neck, his hand moving up and down her back as he maneuvers the juice out to set on the kitchen counter.
You reach for the apple juice, grabbing her cup from the living room and filling it up. Austin gives you a gentle smile, his fingers brushing yours after the lid is secured and hands it over to Luci. The crying stops when she begins sipping on it.
“Easy baby,” Austin croons, “Nice and slow.” He smooths some of her hair out of her face before looking over at you. He mimics the same motion, curling some of your hair around your ear, thumb tracing along your jawline. “You alright?”
A soft laugh leaves your lips before you shake your head—you hate how much you feel like a failure even though you know that’s not the case. Austin would have been in the same boat if he would have been left alone with Luci while she was sick. You two work so much on a partnership, on co-parenting, on depending on one another, a team. There’s no weakness in accepting that you needed help? That you couldn’t do it on your own.
“Just exhausted,” You sniffle, running a hand over your face.
Austin takes a step forward and wraps an arm around you, tucking you into the other side of his chest. You close your eyes, swallowing over a lump in your throat as you breathe in the scent of his cologne and skin sticking to his clothes.
Pulling back after a moment, you put your hair up into a high bun, giving Luci a small smile because she seems to be a twinge better in Austin’s arms with her juice,
“Took her temp again an hour ago, it was still high but not as high as this morning. She needs a bath, didn’t get to it yet.”
Austin nods, rubbing his hand along your shoulder blades, massaging in small circles. “Alright, let me take over, you can get yourself somethin’ to eat, lay down.”
There’s a small sound of protest but Austin’s determined to take care of both of you…and besides, it’s probably best that he taps in, Luci’s been wanting him all day, she might be more pliable under his insistence. You give a soft nod and Austin leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, carrying Luci down the hall towards the bathroom.
Running your hands over your face, you make yourself a quick bowl of soup and take yourself to the bedroom to lie down. A few hours later, you barely feel the bed shift as Austin crawls in, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
You know how lucky you are that Austin’s working with a director that gives him a bit of flex time—a few hours in the morning or evening that he can be away from set while other scenes are shot that he’s not in so he can take care of his family. Luci bounces back quick and within a day or so, she’s back to her usual antics and silly personality. Only downside is…
“I am not sick.” You insist, pushing away the thermometer as Austin tries to take your temperature.
A soft, amused laugh leaves his lips because right. He’s sitting next to you in bed as you’re propped against some pillows along the headboard. You have a bit of a scratchy throat but…what’s the big deal? It’s only because you’ve been yelling over Luci’s crying over the past few days.
“If you’re not sick,” He brushes his hand through your hair, getting it out of your face, “What’s the harm in lettin’ me take your temp?”
Rolling your eyes and definitely grumbling about it, you allow Austin to put the thermometer in your ear. Meanwhile, Luci rushes into the room, wearing a pair of black leggings and her favorite seafoam green knitted sweater that you found at a thrift store. It’s got buttons in the shape of fish and needless to say, she’s named them all. She climbs the steps that are at the bottom of the bed so she can come onto the mattress any time she wants, throwing herself onto your torso.
You let out a soft oof noise at the weight of her, running your hand through her staticky hair.
“I give mama a hug.” She declares.
“That’s nice,” Austin agrees, looking at the thermometer after it beeps, “Because mama definitely has a fever.”
You groan lightly and gently tap Austin’s cheek when he leans in to give you a soft kiss—the last thing you want is for him to get sick too.
“Can cross this off our parent bingo.” He teases and regardless that you don’t feel very well? He always manages to make you smile.
Standing from the bed, he scoops Luci into his arms, setting her on the floor. “Can you go get mom another blanket from the couch?”
Thrilled at having a task, Luci scoots out of the bedroom, her pattering footsteps echoing in the hallway. Austin adjusts one pillow behind you, checking the time on his phone,
“I can stay for another hour and then I’ll call Jillian, have her come over to take care of Luci.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, hating to put that burden on your best friend but you know there’s nothing else you can do. You’re definitely not the best version of yourself right now. Austin moves to sit down closer to you, near your waist, reaching up to gently take your hand away from your face.
“You’re gonna get wrinkles if you worry so much.” Austin teases.
“Will you still think I’m pretty?” You pout, jutting your lower lip out.
Your husband laughs warmly, cupping both sides of your face to lean down and kiss you. Once Luci brings you a blanket, she crawls back up onto the bed as Austin covers you with it, everyone becoming a solid snuggling pile until Austin has to leave for work.
You’re convinced that there’s not a better medicine out there.
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doomalade · 5 months
Hi, I’m back from watching the first episode of Hazbin Hotel, here are my thoughts on it.
But first, here is the swear counter:
Fuck - 22
Shit - 12
Bitch - 5
Damn -
Ass - 2
Cock/Dick - 5
Porn/Sex - 6
Tits/Boobs - 2
Pussy/Vagina/ Cunt - 2
Spoilers under the break.
The Good/ Things I Enjoyed:
Vaggie, Alastor, Charlie, Husk, and Nifty all have pretty good voice acting.
The two that stand out to me as my favorites are Husk and Nifty. Husk sounds well husky. It sounds like he smokes or used to smoke and there’s this gritty gruff to it. It really fits his character well. Like if you had to ask me what the voice of a bar tender gambling winged cat demon was? That is it.
Nifty’s voice acting also hits that sweet spot with her character where it sounds small like a balloon or squeaky toy but also small like a needle or a switch blade if that makes sense.
Overall I love Nifty so much. The gag of her freezing up when Vaggie tries to film her was great. Having it happen twice hit that joke sweet spot of letting it set in and be executed without over staying. It also fits her character well since she’s a little bit weird (such a blorbo) and I would like to headcanon that since she was summoned by Alastor, she kinda shares his distaste for video.
Also I am deeply hoping to hear more Spanish be spoken by Vaggie. Both the upset Spanish ranting and her sweetly singing to Charlie in Spanish. Imagine Charlie singing back also in Spanish. Would be neat I think.
The other two things was the Helluva reference on the side of a van and a Travis cameo. That was neat, adding some consistency to the world.
The Bad / Things I Didn’t Like:
Idk if it was just me but at least at the start, the animation looked choppy when Vaggie and Charlie were speaking at first. But for the rest of the episode it was pretty alright. Certainly doesn’t feel like a professional production level but that is what you get when you pay people slave wages Viv. I do hope that the animators can take some pride in their work, especially the more fluent movements during the songs.
Speaking of songs, Happy Day In Hell is alright. Nothing stand out but it’s good.
Adam’s song meanwhile. Ugh. Not fully committing to the rock/punk, still being another generic pop song, and overall adds onto my issues with Adam as a character and the whole “THE ANGELS ASCTHUCALLY BAD YOU GUYS” thing is, ugh.
It boils down to:
1) If Heaven is also as bad as Hell, why even bother with redemption?
2) Is it just the Exterminators who are corrupt? Also several demons were killed while Charlie sang so like what makes the Exterminations so bad if a second death is constantly happening casually?
3) Why do any of the Exterminators follow Adam? Also Adam has been written as a hand holder for the audience so you know who to hate (he got Stella’d).
4) I see how Viv is trying to tackle the issues of the patriarchy and misogyny in this but like, does she think that redeems her from how she’s handled Helluva Boss? (Once more, Stella.)
On the topic of male characters, who is Alastor anymore? He used to be smug and commanding and set up as a manipulative deal maker that doesn’t really care for the well being of others and now he just kinda walks around mocking Vaggie and Charlie? Idk just feels like Alastor is being added on top of the list of characters (which is like everyone but Vaggie) that don’t believe in Charlie to manage redemption.
Do wish for more spooky moments with him though.
Now onto Angel.
Why does his voice sound like a deflated worm out balloon? It caught me so off guard and it’s just nails on a chalkboard for me.
And the sex jokes, two of which stuck out to me as “can you not?”
“This body was made to be exploited” by Angel. I don’t think I have to explain why having your SA character say that line out loud and frame it as a humorous comment is a good look. Classic Viv moment.
“I like being forced” by Nifty. Yes, what a great line to have given to the small, child appearing character. It felt so forced and pushed outside of Nifty’s usual weirdness too.
Also dare I forget how Amazon had this marked as 15+ (I believe) before changing it to 18+. Which good catch there guys cause during Charlie’s song, we get a quick scene of two demons fucking.
Not saying that scene was quite as offensive as it was just boring middle schooler level humor like Alastor’s ad having a toilet joke in it and Blitzø like drawings/notes at the end.
What did manage to give me the ick was how Nifty and Angel kept hitting on Husk. Nifty not as much, but Angel was just down right creepy. Husk himself states that he is at the hotel against his will (whole new can of worms there) and now Angel is hitting on him and making constant unwanted advances?
But with that we’re meant to clap and ship away but then we jump cut to Adam calling Charlie “babe” over and over and we’re meant to boo? Which direction are we going with this Viv?
One last thing, I knew that Brandon as Katie would sound horrible but I got jumpscared by Tom’s ye ye ass quality voice.
I would give it a 3/10 maybe a 4/10
Just not worth it man
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gaykarstaagforever · 3 months
...Well, at least he didn't sigh and play a ukulele.
1) "...Assuming we believe any of this." Append that to everything I say here. I don't believe a word this guy says. He comes across as chronically narcissistic and making excuses for inexcusable behavior. Even when he admits that, it feels like he is ONLY doing that to worm out of the consequences of getting called out for it. He is still just doing damage control, so he can regain his channel and avoid getting a real job. Trust me, I'm a narcissistic asshole, too. We can smell each-other. Like bears. This whole thing is just disingenuous.
I don't even believe his personal stuff. I want receipts for his diagnoses and family turmoil. Is that fair? No. But how else can we trust him at this point? It is what it is, because of what he did.
2) As he says, personal problems and having dreams aren't excuses for lying, cheating, and grifting. Yet he did all those...and is still kind of trying to score sympathy for why he "felt the need" to do them.
Giving an explanation is one thing. But that isn't what this feels like. Maybe I'm being a biased dick here. But I smell more grift. It just feels like he's gunning for sympathy to wiggle out of his whole YouTube career collapsing.
3) No one gives a shit about your boiler-plate liberal guilt identity issue bullshit, Jimbo. You got in trouble for stealing. No one cares why, see #1. It absolutely doesn't matter. You don't get a pass for stealing because you're gay and white and sad about it. That is a shameful thing to drop here. Asshole.
4) The movie grift thing was STILL a grift, regardless of your intentions. Moral failures are an assessment of actions, not motives. It doesn't matter the circumstances: you got paid to do something you didn't do, and kept the money. That's a grift. And the grift is the problem.
5) Hbomberguy doesn't need your money or your apologies. Neither does the international gay community. Your sins were against specific people. You claim you are dealing with that directly. I hope so. But that is exactly all you need to deal with to atone for this. Stop acting like a wounded god trying to save the world from your stumble. We're good out here. This was your personal fuck-up, in relation to specific people. Cut the narcissistic crap and focus on that.
6) ...If you can. This guy might be helpless against his own inflated sense of self-importance. Narcissists have that problem. I don't know how you deal with that, if this whole mess wasn't enough to compel you. ...But that also isn't an excuse to get away with shit behavior, so fuck you either way, honestly.
7) He said he is going to make content free from his previous garbage, and give the money away. Yeah sure, dude. I'll believe it when you prove it. It means literally nothing otherwise.
8) Stop exposing your personal shit online. This has always been a problem with you. It just comes across as a plea for an excuse to be a dick. There is connecting to an empathetic audience, and then there is trying to cash in expensive sad gay chips you think you have. Knock it off. We don't like or trust you, so we do not care about YOU. If you want to regain trust with good content, shut up and do that. Otherwise, just shut up. We don't need you here, bellyaching for attention.
9) You didn't even MENTION Todd in the Shadows?! A shoutout at least, dude!
...I realize that is petty of me. But still.
10) I want to point out again that James Somerton was never King of the Gays. He seems to think he was, and he dropped his crown. That isn't a thing. And we aren't desperate for you to pick up the thing you never had to drop. There is that raging narcissism again. Very off-putting.
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