luvcraze · 8 days
Guide to writing a love letter
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credit to @ pearlyswan on Instagram
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luvcraze · 24 days
Some affirmations for a good day a head
1. Today is a new day full of opportunities and possibilities.
2. I am grateful for the blessings that today will bring.
3. I embrace positivity and let go of negativity.
4. I am capable of handling whatever comes my way with grace and ease.
5. I radiate confidence, kindness, and positivity.
6. I am surrounded by love, joy, and abundance.
7. I trust in myself and my abilities to make today amazing.
8. I choose happiness and peace in every moment.
9. I attract success and prosperity into my life.
10. I am ready to make today the best day ever.
Feel free to tailor these affirmations to suit your personal preferences and needs.
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luvcraze · 27 days
Love Journal
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Creating a "Love Journal" can be a wonderful way to explore and deepen your understanding of love, gratitude, and appreciation in your life.
1. Choose Your Journal:
Select a journal or notebook that inspires you and feels special. It could be a beautiful leather-bound journal, a colorful notebook, or even a digital journaling app if you prefer.
2. Set Your Intentions:
Take a moment to reflect on why you want to start a Love Journal. Is it to cultivate self-love, express gratitude for your relationships, or explore the concept of love in general? Clarifying your intentions will guide your journaling practice.
3. Create Prompts or Themes:
Decide on the topics or themes you want to explore in your Love Journal. These could include prompts such as "What does love mean to me?", "Five things I love about myself," "Gratitude for my partner," or "Memorable moments of love and connection." Having prompts can help spark ideas and guide your journaling sessions.
4. Set Aside Time for Journaling:
Schedule regular time for journaling in your daily or weekly routine. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus and reflect without distractions. Whether it's in the morning, before bed, or during a lunch break, consistency is key.
5. Write Freely and Authentically:
When journaling, allow yourself to write freely and without judgment. Let your thoughts and feelings flow onto the page, expressing yourself honestly and authentically. Don't worry about grammar or structure—this is a space for self-expression and exploration.
6. Include Reflections and Gratitude:
Incorporate reflections on moments of love, connection, and gratitude into your journal entries. Write about experiences that have touched your heart, relationships that have enriched your life, and qualities you admire in yourself and others. Expressing gratitude can deepen your appreciation for the love in your life.
7. Use Creative Expression:
Get creative with your journaling by incorporating art, poetry, quotes, or collages. Add colorful illustrations, doodles, or photographs that resonate with your feelings about love. Creative expression can add depth and richness to your journaling practice.
8. Review and Reflect:
Periodically review your Love Journal to reflect on your journey and growth. Notice patterns, insights, and shifts in your perception of love over time. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge the beauty of your experiences and connections.
9. Share if Desired:
While your Love Journal is a personal space for reflection, you may choose to share excerpts or insights with trusted friends, family members, or partners if you feel comfortable. Sharing your thoughts and experiences can deepen connections and foster meaningful conversations about love.
10. Enjoy the Process:
Above all, enjoy the process of journaling and allow it to be a nourishing and enriching experience. Let your Love Journal serve as a sanctuary for exploration, reflection, and celebration of love in all its forms.
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luvcraze · 1 month
Love Letter Challenge
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The Love Letter Challenge is a fun and romantic game designed to deepen your connection with your partner through heartfelt communication and creativity. Each round of the game involves writing a love letter to your partner based on a specific prompt or theme. The goal is to express your feelings, share memories, and strengthen your bond in a meaningful way.
How to Play:
1. Set Up:
Gather pen and paper or your preferred writing materials for each player. Choose a comfortable and cozy setting where you can focus on each other without distractions.
2. Prompt Selection:
Decide on a set number of rounds for the game. You can choose prompts from a pre-made list or come up with your own based on your preferences. Examples of prompts include:
Write a love letter reminiscing about your favorite shared memory.
Pen a letter expressing gratitude for your partner's love and support.
Create a romantic letter imagining your future together.
Write a letter describing the qualities you admire most about your partner.
3. Writing Time:
Set a timer for a designated period (e.g., 10-15 minutes) for each round. During this time, each player writes their love letter to their partner based on the chosen prompt. Encourage players to be genuine, vulnerable, and expressive in their writing.
4. Sharing:
Once the timer runs out, exchange love letters with your partner. Take turns reading aloud your letters to each other, sharing your thoughts and emotions openly. Embrace the opportunity to connect on a deeper level as you listen to each other's heartfelt words.
5. Reflection:
After each round, take a moment to reflect on the experience. Discuss how it felt to express your feelings through writing and how it impacted your connection with your partner. Share any insights or revelations that emerged during the game.
6. Repeat:
Continue playing the Love Letter Challenge for the predetermined number of rounds, exploring different prompts and themes with each round. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen your relationship and celebrate your love through the power of written words.
The Love Letter Challenge is a beautiful way to nurture your relationship, foster emotional intimacy, and create lasting memories with your partner. Enjoy the journey of love and connection as you embark on this heartfelt adventure together.
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luvcraze · 1 month
My Dearest ...,
As I write these words, my heart swells with an overwhelming wave of love and gratitude for having you in my life. In your presence, I find solace, joy, and an abundance of warmth that fills every corner of my being.
From the moment our paths intertwined, I knew there was something truly special about you. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering support have been a beacon of light, guiding me through life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.
But it's not just your virtues that captivate me; it's the beautiful tapestry of your imperfections that make you utterly irresistible to me. Your quirks, your idiosyncrasies, and yes, even your occasional moments of vulnerability, are all part of what makes you uniquely you. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I adore the way you laugh with abandon, your eyes sparkling with mischief and joy. I cherish the way you tenderly caress my hand, a silent reassurance of your love and affection. I admire your unwavering determination, your fierce loyalty, and the depth of your compassion for others.
But perhaps what I love most about you is your capacity to love deeply, wholeheartedly, and without reservation. In your arms, I find comfort and security, knowing that I am cherished and valued beyond measure.
Yes, my love, you are perfect to me in every sense of the word – not because you are flawless, but because you are beautifully imperfect, just as I am. Together, we are a symphony of love, each note blending seamlessly with the other to create a melody that resonates with the purest essence of our souls.
Thank you for being my rock, my confidant, and my greatest adventure. I am endlessly grateful for the gift of your love, and I promise to cherish and honor it for all eternity.
With all my love,
-Your love
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luvcraze · 1 month
3 text games for couples
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1. 20 Questions:
This isn't your regular "20 questions" game that we all know, this one has a lovely twist to it!
Take turns asking each other questions to guess a specific object, place, or person that the other person is thinking of. Set a limit of 20 questions each to guess the answer. Start with broad questions and gradually narrow down the possibilities until one of you guesses correctly.
For example:
Partner 1: "Is it something you can eat?"
Partner 2: "Yes, it is."
Partner 1: "Is it a fruit?"
Partner 2: "No, it's not a fruit."
And so on, until the object is guessed.
2. Story Building:
Begin a collaborative story together by sending alternating sentences or paragraphs to each other. Each person adds onto the story, building upon the plot, characters, and setting with their contributions. Let your imagination run wild and see where the story takes you.
Here's an example:
Partner 1: "Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a curious fox named Finn."
Partner 2: "Finn had a secret power that allowed him to communicate with the other animals in the forest."
Partner 1: "One day, Finn stumbled upon a hidden cave filled with glowing crystals that emitted a mysterious energy."
3. Emoji Charades:
Use emojis to act out phrases, movie titles, song lyrics, or common expressions for your partner to guess. Send a series of emojis that represent the word or phrase you're trying to convey and see if your partner can decipher the message.
Here's an example:
Partner 1: 🐱‍🚀🚀🌕
Partner 2: "Cat in space?"
Partner 1: "Close! It's 'To the moon and back.'"
These games are a great way for couples to connect, have fun, and keep the conversation engaging, even when they're communicating over text. Enjoy playing together and getting to know each other better through these interactive activities!
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luvcraze · 1 month
Love Scavenger Hunt:
A game for couples to play when together
Materials Needed:
Pen and paper
List of clues (prepared in advance by one partner)
1. Preparation:
One partner (Partner A) prepares a list of clues that lead to various locations or items around the house or neighborhood. Each clue should be related to a shared memory, inside joke, or special moment that is meaningful to the couple.
2. Setup:
Partner A hides the clues in the designated locations, making sure each clue leads to the next location/item.
They also provide Partner B with the first clue to kick off the scavenger hunt.
3. Start the Hunt:
Partner B reads the first clue and begins the scavenger hunt. They must solve each clue to uncover the location of the next clue/item. As they follow the clues, they revisit meaningful places or memories shared with their partner.
4. Follow the Clues:
Partner B follows the clues, solving riddles or puzzles along the way. Each clue brings them closer to the final destination, where a special surprise or reward awaits them.
5. Enjoy the Journey:
Throughout the scavenger hunt, couples have the opportunity to reminisce about past experiences, laugh at inside jokes, and strengthen their bond as they work together to solve each clue.
6. Celebrate the End:
Once Partner B reaches the final destination, they are greeted with a special treat, such as a love letter, a homemade meal, a small gift, or etc. Partner A joins them to celebrate the successful completion of the scavenger hunt and the love shared between them.
The Love Scavenger Hunt is a creative and romantic way for couples to spend quality time together, relive fond memories, and create new ones. It encourages teamwork, communication, and laughter, making it a memorable experience for both partners.
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luvcraze · 1 month
How to make candles
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Making candles at home can be a fun and rewarding DIY project. Here's a basic guide to get you started:
1. Gather Your Supplies:
You'll need wax (such as soy wax, beeswax, or paraffin wax), candle wicks, containers (such as jars or tins), a double boiler or melting pot, a thermometer, fragrance oils or essential oils (optional), colorants (optional), and a stirring utensil.
2. Prepare Your Containers:
Clean and dry your containers thoroughly before you begin. If you're using jars or tins, make sure they are heat-resistant and can withstand the temperature of melted wax.
3. Melt the Wax:
Use a double boiler or melting pot to melt the wax over low to medium heat. If you're using soy wax or beeswax, heat the wax to around 160-180°F (71-82°C). If you're using paraffin wax, heat it to around 170-180°F (77-82°C). Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature and avoid overheating the wax.
4. Add Fragrance and Color (Optional):
Once the wax is fully melted, you can add fragrance oils or essential oils to scent your candles. Start with a small amount and adjust to your preference. You can also add colorants to tint the wax if desired. Stir the fragrance oils and colorants into the melted wax until well combined.
5. Attach the Wick:
While the wax is still liquid, dip the metal base of the candle wick into the melted wax and then press it firmly onto the bottom center of your container. Allow the wax to cool and harden, securing the wick in place.
6. Pour the Wax:
Carefully pour the melted wax into your prepared containers, leaving some space at the top. Make sure the wick stays centered as you pour. If necessary, use a wick holder or pencil to keep the wick upright.
7. Allow to Cool and Set:
Let the candles cool and harden completely at room temperature. This can take several hours, depending on the size of your candles and the type of wax used. Avoid moving or disturbing the candles while they're cooling to prevent uneven surfaces or air bubbles.
8. Trim the Wick:
Once the candles have cooled and hardened, trim the wick to about ¼ inch (0.6 cm) above the surface of the wax. This will help ensure a clean, even burn when you light the candle.
9. Enjoy Your Homemade Candle:
Your candles are now ready to use! Light them up and enjoy the warm glow and lovely scent of your handmade creations. Be sure to follow safety precautions when burning candles, such as keeping them away from flammable materials and never leaving them unattended.
Experiment with different wax types, fragrances, colors, and container styles to create unique candles that suit your preferences and style. With practice and creativity, you can make beautiful homemade candles to enjoy or give as gifts to friends and family.
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luvcraze · 1 month
How to make perfume
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Making your own perfume can be a fun and creative process, allowing you to customize a scent that suits your preferences perfectly.
1. Gather Your Supplies:
You'll need essential oils, carrier oils, alcohol (such as vodka or perfumer's alcohol), distilled water, and small glass bottles for storing your perfume.
2. Choose Your Base Notes:
Base notes are the foundation of your perfume and provide depth and longevity to the scent. Common base notes include vanilla, sandalwood, patchouli, and cedarwood. Start by selecting one or two base notes that you enjoy.
3. Select Your Middle Notes:
Middle notes add complexity and character to your perfume and typically last longer than top notes but shorter than base notes. Popular middle notes include lavender, rose, jasmine, and ylang-ylang. Choose one or two middle notes that complement your base notes.
4. Pick Your Top Notes:
Top notes are the first scents you'll notice when you apply the perfume and provide the initial impression. They tend to be light and fresh. Common top notes include citrus oils like lemon, bergamot, and orange, as well as herbal and floral scents like lavender and mint. Select one or two top notes to complete your perfume blend.
5. Experiment with Ratios:
Start by mixing your chosen essential oils in small amounts and experimenting with different ratios until you achieve the desired scent. Keep track of your measurements so you can replicate the blend later.
6. Add Carrier Oil:
Once you've created your essential oil blend, dilute it with a carrier oil like jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, or fractionated coconut oil. Carrier oils help distribute the scent evenly and moisturize the skin. Start with a small amount of carrier oil and adjust as needed to achieve the desired strength of scent.
7. Incorporate Alcohol and Water:
If you prefer a spray perfume, you can add alcohol (vodka or perfumer's alcohol) and distilled water to your essential oil blend. The alcohol helps the scent evaporate more quickly, while the water helps blend the ingredients. Experiment with different ratios of alcohol to water until you find the right balance.
8. Store and Age Your Perfume:
Once you've created your perfume, transfer it to small glass bottles for storage. Allow your perfume to age for at least a few days or up to a few weeks to allow the scents to meld together and develop complexity. Store your perfume in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.
9. Test and Adjust:
After aging your perfume, test it on your skin to see how the scent develops over time and how it reacts with your body chemistry. You may need to adjust the blend slightly to achieve the perfect balance of scents.
10. Enjoy Your Custom Perfume:
Once you're happy with your perfume blend, enjoy wearing it and sharing it with others. Experiment with different combinations of essential oils and adjust the recipe to create new scents that reflect your mood and personality.
Making your own perfume can be a rewarding and creative experience, allowing you to express yourself through scent and create a signature fragrance that is uniquely yours. Have fun experimenting with different combinations of essential oils and ingredients to discover the perfect blend for you.
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luvcraze · 1 month
How to glow up on the inside
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Glowing up on the inside involves nurturing your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
1. Practice self-care:
Prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This could include meditation, journaling, taking relaxing baths, or enjoying hobbies that bring you joy.
2. Cultivate self-awareness:
Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Being mindful of your inner experiences allows you to understand yourself better and make positive changes.
3. Set boundaries:
Establish healthy boundaries in your relationships and daily life to protect your emotional well-being. Learn to say no to things that drain your energy and yes to activities that uplift and empower you.
4. Practice gratitude:
Foster a mindset of gratitude by appreciating the blessings and positives in your life. Regularly express thanks for the things you have, big and small, and notice how it shifts your perspective.
5. Surround yourself with positivity:
Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who encourage your growth and well-being. Limit exposure to negativity, whether it's in the form of toxic relationships, social media, or news.
6. Learn and grow:
Embrace opportunities for personal development and growth. Whether it's through reading, attending workshops, or seeking therapy, invest in activities that help you evolve and become the best version of yourself.
7. Forgive yourself and others:
Release yourself from the burden of past mistakes and forgive others who may have hurt you. Holding onto resentment only weighs you down, while forgiveness frees you to move forward with grace and compassion.
8. Practice kindness and compassion:
Be kind to yourself and others. Small acts of kindness and compassion can have a ripple effect, spreading positivity and love to those around you.
9. Connect with your passions:
Engage in activities that ignite your passion and bring you fulfillment. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, volunteering, or engaging in creative pursuits, follow your heart and do what lights you up.
10. Prioritize inner growth:
Make inner growth a priority in your life. Set intentions, cultivate self-love, and commit to ongoing self-discovery and self-improvement. Remember that true glow-up comes from within, and it's a journey worth embracing.
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luvcraze · 1 month
How to bullet journal
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Bullet journaling is a flexible and customizable system that combines elements of planning, organization, and creativity. Here's a little guide on how to start:
1. Get the Right Supplies:
You'll need a notebook (typically dotted or grid paper works best), pens or markers, and any other decorative supplies you'd like to use (such as stickers, washi tape, or colored pencils).
2. Set Up Your Key:
Start by creating a key or legend to signify different types of tasks or events. For example, you could use a dot (•) for tasks, a circle (o) for events, and an asterisk (*) for important items.
3. Create Your Index:
Reserve the first few pages of your notebook for an index or table of contents. As you add pages to your bullet journal, jot down the page numbers and corresponding topics for easy reference.
4. Set Up Monthly Logs:
Dedicate a spread (two facing pages) for each month. Use one page for a calendar view of the month, and the other for a monthly task list, goals, or any other relevant information.
5. Daily Logs:
Each day, create a new entry with the date. Use bullet points to list tasks, events, and notes. You can also include symbols from your key to denote the status of each item (e.g., completed, migrated to another day, canceled).
6. Collections:
Collections are themed pages or spreads for specific topics, such as habit trackers, meal plans, or reading lists. Customize your collections based on your interests and needs.
7. Trackers:
Incorporate trackers to monitor habits, goals, or other metrics over time. Examples include habit trackers, mood trackers, or spending trackers.
8. Review and Reflect:
Regularly review your bullet journal to track your progress, identify patterns, and make adjustments as needed. Use reflection pages to jot down thoughts, insights, or lessons learned.
9. Stay Flexible:
One of the key principles of bullet journaling is flexibility. Don't be afraid to experiment with different layouts, formats, and styles to find what works best for you. Adapt your system as your needs and preferences evolve.
10. Have Fun:
Bullet journaling is not only a practical tool but also a creative outlet. Don't be afraid to add artistic elements, doodles, or decorative touches to personalize your journal and make it uniquely yours.
There's no right or wrong way to bullet journal. The beauty of the system lies in its adaptability and ability to be tailored to suit your individual preferences and lifestyle. Experiment, explore, and make sure to enjoy the process!
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luvcraze · 1 month
"Self-love is not selfish; it is essential. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup."
- Unknown
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luvcraze · 1 month
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luvcraze · 1 month
My Darling ...,
I want you to know how deeply you're cherished. Each day spent with you feels like a precious gift, overflowing with laughter and warmth. Your love has transformed my world in the most beautiful way.
You are my safe haven, my rock, and my greatest joy. Through every moment, you've shown me what true love is—kind, patient, and unwavering. With you, I feel strong and hopeful, ready to face anything that comes our way.
Thank you for the countless memories we've shared—the quiet moments, the laughter, and the simple pleasures. Each one is a treasure I hold close to my heart.
As we journey together, I promise to love and support you with all that I am. You are my everything, and I am endlessly grateful for the love we share.
With all my heart,
-Your love
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luvcraze · 1 month
Love Notes
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These love notes convey heartfelt sentiments and expressions of affection for your partner. Feel free to personalize them to reflect your own feelings and experiences.
1. "Every moment with you feels like a dream come true. Thank you for filling my days with endless love and joy."
2. "You are my sunshine on the darkest of days, my rock when life gets tough. I am endlessly grateful to have you by my side."
3. "Your love is like a beacon of light guiding me through life's ups and downs. I cherish you more than words can express."
4. "In your arms, I find solace and peace. You are my safe haven, my refuge from the chaos of the world."
5. "With each beat of my heart, I am reminded of the depth of my love for you. You are my forever and always."
6. "Your laughter is my favorite melody, your smile my greatest treasure. I am blessed beyond measure to call you mine."
7. "I fall in love with you more deeply with each passing day. You are the missing piece of my heart, my soulmate."
8. "No words could ever capture the depth of my love for you. You are my everything, my reason for being."
9. "Even on the darkest nights, your love shines brightly, illuminating my path and guiding me home."
10. "Forever and always, I will choose you. You are my greatest blessing, my truest love."
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luvcraze · 1 month
"Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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luvcraze · 1 month
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
- Aristotle
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