hauntdoesthetwist · 2 months
yuu when ramshackle dorm guests ask
if they have anything other than water
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hauntdoesthetwist · 2 months
lore dump for Mick(my yuu), everyone say thank you @antoinettedoodles for inspiring this post to finally be made
Mick is one of those OCs who started similar to me then just developed to a point I have little in common with them anymore. So they're actually part of this little family of MCs I've made for various games; the oldest is my Obey Me! MC, Emcee(because I'm clever like that lol), Mick is the middle child, and the youngest is Ryne, my miscellaneous MC(they all have issues with getting isekaied). Even though Mick's the middle kid, he had to basically step up as the responsible one from a young age, especially once their parents weren't around much.
Mick got sent to Twisted Wonderland on what was supposed to be his first day of senior year, so he's 17-18 depending on what time it is in-universe. While they're initially stressed tf out, worried about their little sib and just wanting to get home, after a bit they settle into and actually enjoy their time at NRC. They love a good RPG and getting to live their own fantasy adventure(even if it is a lot of schoolwork) without having to constantly think about/worry for other people is a really liberating experience for them.
I'd say they still showed up with their school bag and clothes so they have a few things from home, most notably a handheld console and a thing of barrettes/bobby pins from Ryne(they always wear one or two for sentimental reasons).
Other than that, I think anything I haven't included would either make this way too long or is just stuff I haven't actually come up with lmao. Thank you again for sharing your Yuu and asking about mine, it really means a lot!
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hauntdoesthetwist · 2 months
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aaaaa what a lovely thing to wake up to! Thank you sm for tagging me! I really love this, it's cool how you've drawn on some of the canon Yuus while also making them feel like your own!
I've been kinda neglecting my own Yuu(hyperfixation shifts wait for no one lol) but now I kinda wanna make a lore dump for them too. I posted a piece a while back hinting at some of it, but I might also just make a master post(if you wanna be tagged? lmk!)
*Cracks knuckles* Time for Yuusona lore drop! @hauntdoesthetwist better strap yourself because this has been looong due—
For Reference of my Yuusona/Me
Personally, my Yuu is based on me (obviously, very insightful, me) and hence their backstory would closely relate to me (ish) lmaooo
My Yuu is also a Filipino (Woo 🇵🇭, Philippine Pride RAAAAH) and are aged depending on when I started the game! My Yuu showed up to Twst Wonderland a la Alice in Wonderland Style (which is also the canon style) where they thought it was a dream and happi happi dokie doo and all that— anyway, back to age
My Yuu showed up to Twst Wonderland when they were 15 turning 16, matching the first years and their canon year level! In manga comparisons, The Yuu's from the mangas showed up to Twst with either the clothes they had or they got clothes taken when they finally adjusted to twst!
So, I'd say that my Yuu (Yuuki) showed up with their regular clothes (as shown in my Me reference) and had their school bag with them (similar to Yuuken!) to make their life a tad bit easier, I also have a similar outfit reference in my drafts where my Yuu dressed like a boy to blend in but I scrapped that idea— and in general, everything is canon complacent, if I remember any general info, I'll just share it but I'd also love to hear/read about your Yuu since you kindly asked for mine too!
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
A Twist of Fate
A/N: technically i posted this a while back, but then took it down because i realized there was a detail i really wanted to include that i totally forgot about, and then i just ended up rewriting most of it and here we are! so this is basically a little origin story/prelude to Mick arriving in Twisted Wonderland, including a bit of lore about their life before hehe. (sidenote, Mick uses he/him & they/them pronouns, i just stuck with he/him since their younger sibling uses exclusively they/them to make it easier to read)
First days were always Mick’s biggest headache. Even with one sibling graduated and gone, this one wouldn’t be any easier. An early start was always a requirement, but the sudden change of schools their parents dropped on them meant this would need to be even earlier. On top of that, there was making sure both him and his younger sibling were fed, packed, and ready, all while suppressing his own anxiety to reassure Ryne about theirs. At least there were leftovers from Emcee’s visit already packed for lunch, courtesy of very enthusiastic Ryne. The two would never stop teasing Mick about the eldest’s culinary superiority, but who was he to complain about one less to-do?
Speaking of, as the thought crossed his mind, he looked at his clock, time to get started. One more double-check of his own supplies and he made his way downstairs, knocking on Ryne’s door on the way down.
…which turned out to be unnecessary, he realized entering the kitchen to the sound and smell of sizzling eggs. Ryne was carefully scraping the last of the now-scrambled eggs onto a plate when they noticed their sibling.
“I made breakfast!” They beamed.
Mick could help but chuckle at the way they lit up. “I can see that, thanks.” His eyes darted to the dials on the stove as they set down the pan and turned and he reached over to turn it off as Ryne reached into the fridge, grabbing and sprinkling shredded cheese over their own plate.
Breakfast passed without incident and before they knew it, the two were at the door, Mick checking over both their bags as Ryne pulled on their shoes.
“Keys and phone in your pockets?”
“Slept for most of the night, at least?”
“An acceptable amount.”
“...sure.” He passed their bag as they stood up. “Brushed hair and teeth?”
“Both, better than you might I add,” they reached out, running a hand over one of his more prominent cowlicks.
With a snort, he pushed their hand away. “Whatever you say, bangs.”
Ryne glared back at him, unconsciously blowing at a stray hair threatening to prove his point. After a moment, their eyes widened and they hurriedly riffled through their bag. Before he could ask what they were up to, Mick watched them pull out a little bottle filled with barrettes and bobby pins, opening it up and dumping a few into their hand.
He barely had the time, nor inclination, to sigh as they forced his hair back and pinned it into place. It wasn’t a total fix, he could tell that without needing to look, but it seemed to satisfy them. The look of pride on their face reminded him of when they were all younger and he’d be the subject of his siblings’ cosmetic whims. What he didn’t expect was them plopping the bottle into his hand.
They smirked as he raised an eyebrow at them. “In case you wanna switch into something prettier.”
Upon closer inspection, Mick saw there were a few novelty pins in there too, ones with little animal heads, sparkles, or gems on them. He hadn’t noticed at the time, but he guessed the ones currently in his hair were just simple black or brown then. He laughed a bit, shaking his head as he pocketed the bottle. It was easier to go with it than argue, and if the image of him parading around a new school in cat-themed barrettes amused them, he might even do it.
“I’m sure they’ll come in handy. C’mon, let’s get going.”
He led the way out the door, waiting on the bottom step as Ryne pulled the door shut and reached into their pocket…then their other pocket…backpack-
“Shit!” They opened the door back up and ran back in. Figuring the key-search would take a bit based on how frantically they were looking about every nearby surface(they were probably on their desk, like always), Mick decided to walk ahead and take a small breather before the day truly bore down on him.
It was a nice day, by Mick’s standards anyway. Fall’s crisp breezes were just starting to settle over the fading summer heat, and the layer of clouds covering the whole sky diluted the sunlight enough that he didn’t have to squint, but was still thin enough that it felt like morning and not like he woke up 2 hours too early…again. Even the neighborhood was nice enough for an early morning; empty streets hosted only him and empty cars. Only people walking would have to be up by now, namely him and his fellow carless siblings, as it had been for their entire lives. When they were younger, their parents were always too busy to drive them, and now…well it had been a long time since their bedroom had seen any use. Even their contacts in Mick’s phone had seemed to acquire dust, the most recent message being the announcement of the transfer and a link to the school’s website. He knew there was no point in responding, so he didn't.
Lost in thought, he’d already walked down the driveway and almost into the street before he snapped out of it, jumping back.
“Gah-!” With a glance, he once again confirmed that he was alone, and sighed at his overreaction, scolding himself. “Not like anyone would hit you anyway. Kinda uncanny…”
He turned back to the doorway, not seeing Ryne. Guessing they must’ve made their way upstairs, Mick pulled out his phone and went to text Emcee. He knew she didn’t worry as much as him, but he still typed up a quick text to tell her they’re out the door. As his finger reached for the send button-
He realized the dark, horse-drawn carriage barreling over him. And then nothing.
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
grim and yuu in year 4
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Because Yuu and Grim come as a 2-in-1 deal (with Grim doing all of their assignments that require magic), it occurs to me that Yuu would be SO fucked with their schoolwork if anything happens to Grim. And Grim needs Yuu to keep him under control— This is particularly true in the later school years, as first year classes focus on theory and transition into requiring actual magic use in the upper level classes. This is, of course, assuming that assuming that Yuu stays in Twisted Wonderland and continues their education at NRC.
So… what does that mean for the fourth year internship that is a prerequisite to graduate?? Yuu cannot complete a magic internship on their own, and it doesn’t make sense if only one of the pair can formally graduate. Does Yuu have to follow Grim wherever he decides to go?? Together forever… (There are fan theories about Yuu and/or Grim becoming the new Ramshackle dorm leader + vice or even the new headmaster, which might be an… interesting avenue to take for an internship 🤔)
One idea I think could be neat (if not corny) is Yuu doing a cumulative project instead of an internship. (This way, Yuu is actually doing some kind of active work in addition to babysitting Grim at his own internship.) They could submit a photo album of all the pictures they took with the Ghost Camera. Three years of good and bad times, documenting how Yuu and their peers have changed over that time…
“What’s this?” Crowley will ask, looking confused at the thickness of the tome. What would possible be contained within its pages?
“This is the summation of everything I’ve learned at Night Raven College. My thesis,” Yuu states plainly, “on the magic of friendship. Take it or leave it.”
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
While holding a freshly un-overblotted Grim close to your chest, you look around as the dust settles on what remains of the Mirror Chamber.
You see your friends falling to their knees, catching their breath and nursing their injuries as they come down from the adrenaline-filled battle that's just ended.
You see the housewardens working alongside the staff to give first aid to the injured despite the pained expressions on their own faces.
You turn to look at the Dark Mirror: Thankfully unharmed and still primed and ready to give you your one-way ticket back to your world.
But then you look down at Grim in your arms to see his still distressed face, even as he lies unconscious, and only one thought runs through your mind:
This is all your fault.
You were so happy to tell everyone that you could finally go home and this is what happens.
Grim overblotted because of you.
Your friends are hurt because of you.
The school's sustained significant damage because of you.
And you're just going to leave?
You turn your gaze back towards the Dark Mirror, feeling the invisible pull of your world before you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n, are you okay? You aren't hurt too bad, are you?" Ace asks as the others look on in concern over your silence.
You close your eyes as you turn your head away from the Dark Mirror, encasing your heart in steel so no one will see how it shatters on the inside at your next statement.
"Everyone, I have an announcement to make." You call out as you stand up to address the whole room, "Upon careful consideration, I've decided that I'll be staying in Twisted Wonderland. Forever."
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
Yuu: I told Sebek his ears turn red when he lies.
Silver: Why did you do that..??
Yuu: So that I can do this..
Sebek, covering his ears: NO!!
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
A Twist of Fate
A/N: technically i posted this a while back, but then took it down because i realized there was a detail i really wanted to include that i totally forgot about, and then i just ended up rewriting most of it and here we are! so this is basically a little origin story/prelude to Mick arriving in Twisted Wonderland, including a bit of lore about their life before hehe. (sidenote, Mick uses he/him & they/them pronouns, i just stuck with he/him since their younger sibling uses exclusively they/them to make it easier to read)
First days were always Mick’s biggest headache. Even with one sibling graduated and gone, this one wouldn’t be any easier. An early start was always a requirement, but the sudden change of schools their parents dropped on them meant this would need to be even earlier. On top of that, there was making sure both him and his younger sibling were fed, packed, and ready, all while suppressing his own anxiety to reassure Ryne about theirs. At least there were leftovers from Emcee’s visit already packed for lunch, courtesy of very enthusiastic Ryne. The two would never stop teasing Mick about the eldest’s culinary superiority, but who was he to complain about one less to-do?
Speaking of, as the thought crossed his mind, he looked at his clock, time to get started. One more double-check of his own supplies and he made his way downstairs, knocking on Ryne’s door on the way down.
…which turned out to be unnecessary, he realized entering the kitchen to the sound and smell of sizzling eggs. Ryne was carefully scraping the last of the now-scrambled eggs onto a plate when they noticed their sibling.
“I made breakfast!” They beamed.
Mick could help but chuckle at the way they lit up. “I can see that, thanks.” His eyes darted to the dials on the stove as they set down the pan and turned and he reached over to turn it off as Ryne reached into the fridge, grabbing and sprinkling shredded cheese over their own plate.
Breakfast passed without incident and before they knew it, the two were at the door, Mick checking over both their bags as Ryne pulled on their shoes.
“Keys and phone in your pockets?”
“Slept for most of the night, at least?”
“An acceptable amount.”
“...sure.” He passed their bag as they stood up. “Brushed hair and teeth?”
“Both, better than you might I add,” they reached out, running a hand over one of his more prominent cowlicks.
With a snort, he pushed their hand away. “Whatever you say, bangs.”
Ryne glared back at him, unconsciously blowing at a stray hair threatening to prove his point. After a moment, their eyes widened and they hurriedly riffled through their bag. Before he could ask what they were up to, Mick watched them pull out a little bottle filled with barrettes and bobby pins, opening it up and dumping a few into their hand.
He barely had the time, nor inclination, to sigh as they forced his hair back and pinned it into place. It wasn’t a total fix, he could tell that without needing to look, but it seemed to satisfy them. The look of pride on their face reminded him of when they were all younger and he’d be the subject of his siblings’ cosmetic whims. What he didn’t expect was them plopping the bottle into his hand.
They smirked as he raised an eyebrow at them. “In case you wanna switch into something prettier.”
Upon closer inspection, Mick saw there were a few novelty pins in there too, ones with little animal heads, sparkles, or gems on them. He hadn’t noticed at the time, but he guessed the ones currently in his hair were just simple black or brown then. He laughed a bit, shaking his head as he pocketed the bottle. It was easier to go with it than argue, and if the image of him parading around a new school in cat-themed barrettes amused them, he might even do it.
“I’m sure they’ll come in handy. C’mon, let’s get going.”
He led the way out the door, waiting on the bottom step as Ryne pulled the door shut and reached into their pocket…then their other pocket…backpack-
“Shit!” They opened the door back up and ran back in. Figuring the key-search would take a bit based on how frantically they were looking about every nearby surface(they were probably on their desk, like always), Mick decided to walk ahead and take a small breather before the day truly bore down on him.
It was a nice day, by Mick’s standards anyway. Fall’s crisp breezes were just starting to settle over the fading summer heat, and the layer of clouds covering the whole sky diluted the sunlight enough that he didn’t have to squint, but was still thin enough that it felt like morning and not like he woke up 2 hours too early…again. Even the neighborhood was nice enough for an early morning; empty streets hosted only him and empty cars. Only people walking would have to be up by now, namely him and his fellow carless siblings, as it had been for their entire lives. When they were younger, their parents were always too busy to drive them, and now…well it had been a long time since their bedroom had seen any use. Even their contacts in Mick’s phone had seemed to acquire dust, the most recent message being the announcement of the transfer and a link to the school’s website. He knew there was no point in responding, so he didn't.
Lost in thought, he’d already walked down the driveway and almost into the street before he snapped out of it, jumping back.
“Gah-!” With a glance, he once again confirmed that he was alone, and sighed at his overreaction, scolding himself. “Not like anyone would hit you anyway. Kinda uncanny…”
He turned back to the doorway, not seeing Ryne. Guessing they must’ve made their way upstairs, Mick pulled out his phone and went to text Emcee. He knew she didn’t worry as much as him, but he still typed up a quick text to tell her they’re out the door. As his finger reached for the send button-
He realized the dark, horse-drawn carriage barreling over him. And then nothing.
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
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So I discovered I have a new type-
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
Telling the Twins Apart
Floyd and Jade
Floyd’s ceremonial robes has a voice line where he pretends to be Jade, then asks if you got fooled. Imagine this becomes a recurring thing, but both twins get in on the joke. You know how kids sneak up behind someone, put their hands over the target’s eyes, and go “guess who?”
They play this with you. Sometimes, they pretend to be each other. Other times, they act like themselves to throw you off. Unfortunately for the two of them, you’re too good at differentiating them.
The first time, Floyd only did the voice, and you said the timbre was off. He practiced for a week and tried again right before class. This time, he sounded exactly Jade’s. You told him his bare hands gave him away—Jade wears gloves with his school uniform. The third time, you heard his footsteps approaching. Jade wouldn’t run in the halls.
Jade picked up the game a little later than Floyd. He prepared more for his first attempt; he practiced Floyd’s nasally voice and lilting cadence, ran instead of walked, and even took his gloves off. After some contemplation, you said you could feel slight calluses on his right hand. Floyd is left-handed. Another time, he had gotten so good that you had to cheat a bit. You raised both hands behind you and brushed your fingers past his face on either side. He thought you were feeling for his long strands of dark hair. No worries, he already prepared for this. He flipped his hairstyle before approaching. But no, when he moved his head to accommodate you, you heard the jingle of his earring on his left.
Your game causes confusion for other students. Riddle ran into one of the twins right after they tried tricking you. Gloves on, a properly buttoned uniform, brushed hair, the dark lock of hair forming a J from his perspective. Relief washed over him briefly. It’s Jade, the more sensible twin.
Unfortunately, it was Floyd, and he was chased around the courtyard for ten minutes.
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hauntdoesthetwist · 3 months
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OC x Canon Week 2024 is a-go!! 💖
Make sure to mark your calendars!! 03/18/2024 💕
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hauntdoesthetwist · 4 months
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Me too Malmal, me too.
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hauntdoesthetwist · 4 months
if I may have a guess...
Ace: *asking something about crushes*
Yuu: Nah, I'm not crushing on anyone here
Yuu: Besides, there's no one here cuter than me~
Ace: ...
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Random AceYuu comic that I have no recollection over... I also dont know the context anymore
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hauntdoesthetwist · 4 months
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Anfjdjbd I borrow these screenshots from @moonlightequin1 on Twitter because my guest room rank isn’t high enough yet, but this new update unlocked another Guest Room story!!
It’s interesting how many magical items are lying around Ramshackle, like the magic hammer and now this magical gramophone. I think it’s quite telling of both of Crowley’s and Ramshackle’s age lmao, because he also knows what it’s supposed to look like when it was “as good as new.”
I’m sorry but I immediately thought of Crowley playing Meleanor’s lullaby in his office with the use of the magical gramophone haha…time to write yet another angsty fic of Crowley and Meleanor again. Really interesting how this gramophone works specifically with memories, no? The Ghost Camera also relates to memories in a way, with reliving the scene of the memory due to the soul bond. Magical items seem to require a boost from the user, whether through the use of imagination and materials, or memories and soul bonds.
I’m also really surprised at yet another subtle display of Crowley’s magic with the mending spell!!! Since Guest Room stories aren’t often shared around, I had no idea about this scene. Adding it to my mental list of all the times Crowley uses magic…interesting how this is the only time he’s DIRECTLY used magic in-game if I’m remembering correctly? All the other times were in the manga or the novel, but never directly in game. His magic has always been subtle, simpler spells though, or at least not attack magic.
Anyway I’m being fed with Crowley dialogue and I love it JAJFJXNSBDBDJSJEND THIS UPDATE WAS FOR THE CROWLEY STANS 💖🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛
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hauntdoesthetwist · 4 months
~ Malleus and art ~
He and Deuce were going around browsing the paintings, and Deuce noted that Malleus seems to be good at understanding the details and the meanings behind a painting. Malleus reveals that he's well-versed in art critique as part of his royal education.
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"I rather enjoy art appreciation. Though compared to paintings... I especially like sculptures."
Deuce asks if the sculptures he's talking about are those models of stone and bronze so Mal confirms he's right. He also shares that these sculptures may sometimes be used as a landscape decoration, and if they're not taken care of regularly, through wind and storm, their appearances may change completely over the years.
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"Though some may see it as "deterioration"... Personally I see the transformation in stone and bronze to be rather tasteful."
"Because when you clearly see how different they are from their original appearance, it's as if they've lived for a very long time."
Malleus wraps the statue talk up by telling Deuce that should he ever wish to know more about statues, just ask for him. Not only will he talk about statues, but GARGOYLES as well. Deuce accidentally wonders what gargoyles are, then Malleus goes full-on NEURON ACTIVATION mode and almost starts rambling about gargoyles when Deuce cuts him off by saying Riddle wants him to see the painting of the card soldiers while there, so he's running off now. 😭
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hauntdoesthetwist · 4 months
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My Twitter : https://twitter.com/srnzr
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