cqbub Β· 4 years
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And then we came to this enchanted place today, where the little house on the prairie meets, the hobbit, meets fantasy. This still doesn't even describe the beauty of this place. It's so enchanted and gorgeous, the road we drove on was lined with trees on either side as we came down a winding road that looked over the mountainside! So blessed in life, nature is seriously the most magical creation there is!!!! #selflove #iam #amomentalone #thankyou #graditude #truth #thegoodlife #lovingmybestlife #loveme #imabadass #cqbubbles #followme #follow #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #laugh #tiktok #meme #quote #cute #positivity #tv #movies #fun #california #ramona (at Ramona, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_yjBVWnOVKjEfuivdEmM6SzZh_o03Rjx7yfuo0/?igshid=v2n0lw31vaq9
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Mother Nature is Magical! Had a great time driving this byway today, it was like nothing I have ever seen! I am so blessed! #blessings #appreciation #appreciatewhatyouhave #success #focusonwhatyoudohave #focus #explore #arizona #Arya #aryathedog #truth #selflove #manifest #iampowerful #iamcreator #ideservegood #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #laugh #tiktok #meme #quote #cute #positivity #tv #movies (at Sedona Arizona Red Rock Preserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_tQ5rsJgUq/?igshid=kkar7wfazgsp
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Red rock byway absolutely incredible and that doesnt even capture the essence of this energetically charged place! So blessed I could drive through it with dad today!😍☺😍☺😍 #fatherdaughtertime #arizona #redrockbyway #truth #selflove #manifest #iampowerful #iamcreator #ideservegood #iamgood #mylife #allisalright #livekind #kindness #soulmoment #ascension (at Sedona Arizona Red Rock Preserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_tQSd5p5o-/?igshid=k29ls25cbr1z
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cqbub Β· 4 years
Travelling and seeing the beautiful world we live in, being with nature and hearing the animals, such a true blessing. My family lives in this gorgeous place! This amazing view is right from their backyard!😍☺ #livekind #nature #love #theworldisnotmyenergy #makingmyownway #cows #calves #bulls #johnsonsranch #stjohns #AZ #arizona #movingonup #tomorrowileave #enjoyingmylastday #uncle #aunt #family #memorie (at Saint Johns, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oXqPynhzL/?igshid=8dwrxdfld85u
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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I'm so happy, I broke 70,000 words today! I am so shocked to say that in the last week I have written 20,000 words. It's amazing to see what happens when I commit to myself and show up for myself. I might not have hit 5000 today but I'm just shy of that number! I am so glad to see it getting built and each time I write I heal a little more, While so many people have hurt me, I see now how my own actions aided in me being hurt, to be able to stand up as a human and own my actions is the most healing steps I have ever taken in my life. Despite the bad things despite the abuse, despite the rape and the madness, seeing now that I had a choice the whole time, it is empowering to know! I didnt know back then that I had a choice, I was conditioned to think I didn't! Now i see that i did all along and to see how I have grown blesses me so much! I thank you Universe for this opportunity to share my story with myself first, so that I may share it to the world! #cqbubbles #followme #attitudeofgratitude #lawofattraction #believeinyourself #doyou #appreciation #appreciatewhatyouhave #success #focusonwhatyoudohave #focus #discipline #love #maketimeforme #timeforme #thankyou #activelistening #listening #listentorespond #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #tiktok #laugh #writingformysoul #memoir #mylife (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_V7ewvn15Q/?igshid=rgbn9erukw5s
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Let me snuggle with my grandpa, his leg is so very comfy!😍😍☺☺😍😍☺☺ Omg this is so cute! I loves my beautiful baby gurl! #babygirl #Arya #aryathedog #cqbubbles #followme #blueheeler #blueheelernation #blueheelermix #blueheelersrule #kelpie #kelpielife #kelpiecross #blueheelersofig #blueheelerdog #blueheelerlife #doglife #mydiva #shesadiva #ilovegrandpa #snuggles #cute #a #be #the #yes #no #wow #wowyourself #serious #tv (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_RCb8gnK0A/?igshid=17j33nu93ceq6
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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When your green apple is a little pink too! #heartchakra 😍☺😍☺😍☺ Hey check out my facebook page, I did a pick a card tarot reading for "Should they be trusted?" Time stamps are in the post. Thank you any an all who #followme #cqbubbles Facebook: @ Becky Sinor #follow #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #laugh #tiktok #meme #quote #cute #positivity #tv #movies #fun #tarotcards #pickacard #trust #truth #selflove #manifestationisreal #doyou #dreamsbecomereality #dreamscometrue #inspire #iam (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QlnLGnWwJ/?igshid=1ftpuq52l5vsu
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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I had a productive day today writing 5100 words. This has been my goal all along and to see when I sit down to write I crank out 5000 words is amazing. It's been a journey, started this book last year but due to another project that took all my time I put this on the back burner, now I see the importance of this beautiful book, seeing the healing it is providing me with and seeing the fact that I have something to share. Knowing that there is hope in healing and healing that happens when we choose to accept our own actions and why we chose them. It hasn't been easy, but seeing it grow gives me more hope that I could imagine. Each day that I write in this book it gives me more freedom to accept myself for who I am and what I have done, knowing that I am perfect the way I am! #cqbubbles #followme #follow #a #the #world #be #thegoodlife #yep #nopainnogain #wowyourself #allaboutself #yes #no #be #joke #funny #tiktok #laugh #book #memoir #writing #singing #writingthetruth #writtingtruth #accountability #truth #selflove #manifest #iampowerful #iamcreator (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Og53mHedF/?igshid=gs8mcyb81fvt
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Sometimes you realize in life that source is telling you very specific stories. I see now that we truly have to lose all things we thought we knew to be sound, that we thought we knew was love. We have to lose the things that our #ego was attached to and bringing us into old patterns again. We have our discussions, we have our love, we have our #knowledge and our intelligence, what we fail to see and hear sometimes are the things we wish to be true are really just a shadow of what is to come. We are meant to grow beyond where we have ever been, we are meant to become better. I realized how rare it is to find another that can be true to this journey too. It was not for me to find, it was for me to stumble on, in stumbling on love within myself. I see that there is some magnificent, wonderful truth to being silenced and alone, there is some beautiful move to owning how you feel, listening to the little voice in the back of your head that you don't want to hear. It is small, it hears and sees all that we do not, it brings us a chance to become greater than we ever knew and it is the #freedom that we often ignore. When that voice comes up and it gives you an answer to a question you never asked, when it confirms something strange happens in an unsuspecting way, when it shows you that not all things are as they seem and that is due to the fact that everyone has a side to them they do not wish to reveal for the pain it carries is what will reveal to the world their vulnerability. When we embrace our vulnerable side we feel exposed to the world, when in fact it is the vulnerabilities that show our strengths. I suppose I was ready to find another on this journey, I supposed I had hoped for the best, it is in this hope that I see where the ones that have entered my life as of recent years are simply the mirror of my insecurities and as I expand I see that it is all a lesson in arriving at #compassion for myself This is #challenge, this is difficult, yet as you do this more and more you find that there is a real hope that derives from this, a hope that is covered in faith. I have learned that while you all love what I do, I have learned that all I do is for faith in me. (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MBP8rHfXd/?igshid=13dgajxa4hifb
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Lilith She will help you with: 1. Connect with your inner wisdom 2. Have the courage to speak up for yourself 3. Be playful and passionate 4. Have incredible sex How to call her: "Lilith, please allow me to see the world through the eyes of the creator. Help me to see the love in everything. Guide me and direct me. Show me how looking for evil limits my vision and stops me from experiencing my limitless nature." 'She was a sumerian and Hebrew Goddess, honored for her wisdom, freedom, courage, playfulness, passion, pleasure and sexuality. She was a powerful force for good, yet at the dawn of patriarchy, she was portrayed as a demon by Levite priests. She was created to be the EQUAL partner of Adam, but she refused to be subservient to him. Her attitude was a threat to the patriarch, so she was cast from the garden of Eden and replaced with Eve, who was willing to be obedient. Prior to this, Lilith was the Great Mother who cared for the people, settled disputes with her gentle wisdom and powerful influence. As a demon, she is blamed for seducing men in their sleep and causing nighttime emissions. She can be a demon or a Goddess in your life. She can help you to see the wonder and magic of life or the underbelly of evil everywhere. Love or fear are your choices. Lilith will help you embrace your divinity and see love in everything. Lilith knows that either God exists or doesn't and knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the power of creation that infuses everything.' #cqbubbles #followme #follow #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #tiktok #astrology #life #cute #truth #tv #movies #lilith #knowinghistory #learning #beyondboundaries #question #whatdoyouknow #religionslie #patriarchy #goddess #woman #hiddenknowledge #geometricuniverse #befree #learnwhatyoucan (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_EFYcbpVJc/?igshid=do79ohfsnb2b
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Making progress, while we always wish to be further along, seeing how this is building and knowing it is going to be detailed and thorough is a blessing. My goal, to help others learn how to heal a life of what "bad mistakes" creates and coming into the #truth of what that "mistake" means. I look at where I am, just over 53,000 words and I still have a ton more, it will be a big book of healing, mistakes owned and a life that did a complete turn around from the girl she was and into the Goddess I am now. #followme #cqbubbles #follow #memoriesinthemaking #memoir #writingthetruth #writingamemoir #mylifeinwords #acknowledgement #mistakes #happyaccidents #grow #mentalwarriorintraining #trainingmymind #transformation #butterfly #change #universallove #universehasmyback #changingtheworld #readytolove #readytoletgo #writingtoletgo #journal #a #the #world #be #thegoodlife (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--lcHIH9ht/?igshid=x6t44cdwfw6o
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Was practicing my Spanish and I had a review come up from an earlier lesson, this page appears and as soon as I enter it in all I can hear is... "Going back back to cali cali!" In my head, figure it was worth a share, it made me laugh as I took a minute to jam out to Biggie in my head!πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅ Follow me on Facebook @ Becky Sinor #cqbubbles #followme #laugh #dance #sing #practicedaily #spanish #duolingo #amomentalone #learningisfun #learneveryday #funny #tiktok #astrology #cute #life #be #a #wow #wowyourself #serious #tv #movies #wolf #believe #youcansucceed #shiningstar #metaphysical #awakening #mentalwarrior (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-99v65nsD8/?igshid=11m63mg26451t
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Sometimes it takes walking through great pain in order to turn into something beautiful! Life is short, pain is what makes us grow, learn to be present in this moment for you never know what you might miss. There is no what if, there is no next second, there is only this breath, this second, this life, for forever! Follow me on Facebook @ Becky Sinor #lifeisagift #beautyofthecactus #cactus #embracethejourney #embracingtheedge #prickly #love #beautyallaroundus #beautywithin #cqbubbles #truth #cars #luxury #beauty #lingerie #sexy #lovewithin #compassion #iam #becomelove #become #becomebetter #youareyourbestasset #youryourownworstenemy #followme #follow #a #the #world #be (at Massacre Ground Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5kL7snHsE/?igshid=1cyqr7019804f
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Totally accidental, I t!keep a break to make a correction and when I looked down it says 49,494 and I look it up, as I read through it I finish and feel the need to post this, taking a picture of the word document I was working on, if you notice in the corner the time I 5:33... so many synchronicities happening!πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ #followme #cqbubbles facebook: Becky Sinor #synchronicities #truth #selflove #manifestationisreal #believe #faithiseverything #faithisbiggerthanfear #faith #wow #wowyourself #serious #tv #movies #funny #tiktok #laugh #joke #fun #childlikenature #fog #life #ascension #spiritualgrowth #learningselflove #iloveme (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-szbD5p0Od/?igshid=gqyr8mddx938
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Did a pick a card on Facebook live : (Becky Sinor ) and shuffled on there, when I picked up these three cards it took me putting them together it was 3, 4, 5! Another amazing synchronicity coming up! Make sure you follow me on facebook to catch todays reading, the times for the piles are in the description post. Also be sure to watch the shuffling so you can see this was completely randomn. I even put back a face card because I was using these to show numbers! #cqbubbles #followme #follow #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #laugh #tiktok #meme #quote #cute #positivity #tv #movies #fun #pickacard #pickacardreading #tarot #tarotoracle #tarotcards #tarotspread #oraclespreads #oraclespread #oraclereading #synchronicities #synchronicity #truth (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sXe6-JB0P/?igshid=14e423ypf610y
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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All I can say is wow... it's all for purpose, it's strange to see it happens on repeat at times... #news #learning #wow #wowyourself #serious #tv #movies #a #the #world #be #sickness #inthistogether #livinglifetogether #individualbutnotseparate #leavesononetree #weareone #wearemany #fearkills #mendyourmind #listeningtothoughts #learnyourthoughts #thoughtsarereal #thoughtsarethings #learnfromhistory (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lMLZRHxzG/?igshid=1iohueonszfxm
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cqbub Β· 4 years
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Aww, when dad wakes up and fixes my favorite breakfast! No one makes frech toast like you Dad! Thank you!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œ #dadsawesome #dadsrock #iamthankful #breakfast #whenyouareloved #ilovelife #bethankful #frenchtoast #eggs #dadanddaughter #love #food #foodlove #homemadegoodness #homemade #cqbubbles #followme #follow #a #the #world #be #joke #funny #laugh #tiktok #meme #quote #cute #positivity (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kBu_Sn49d/?igshid=kcutbmdfbg3z
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