#yuri ismaylov imagine
noahmars · 2 years
Hopper: Time for plan G. Joyce: Don’t you mean plan B? Hopper: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Murray: What about plan D? Hopper: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Y/N: What about plan E? Hopper: I’m hoping not to use it. Yuri dies in plan E. Dimitri: I like plan E.
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This is Enzo ~ Part 2
Warnings ~ swearing & violence
(So this isn’t really one where you interact with Enzo that’ll happen in next chapter, this is basically a the same plot when you arrive in Russia)
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That evening as the others come back from what sounds like a pretty interesting and intense day from the roller rink Joyce tells them about her ‘conference’. She also explains that you need to come along as the company hired you recently. They aren’t too happy about it but no more questions are asked for now at least. The next morning yourself, Joyce and Murray are on the next plane to Alaska ready to meet this Yuri. You had a funny feeling in your tummy that you couldn’t shake off. As Joyce and Murray were talking your mind was elsewhere. After eight long months you were finally going to see your dad again. It made you heart feel full once again, of course you were wary of this Enzo though. He sounded arrogant on the phone. You end up falling asleep for the rest of the flight, Joyce wakes you up telling you’d all arrived there. You stretch up out of your seat as you collect your bags. ‘Welcome to Alaska!’ An air hostess says as you board off. ‘This is Alaska in the Spring?’ Murray shouts over the heavy winds. ‘Could be worse’ you say shrugging your shoulders. ‘Oh yeah? I’d like to see how’ Murray says replying to you. Oh Murray and those famous last words
The next day comes quick as you rent a car to take you to Yuris’ fish ‘n’ fly. Your head is all over the place but you try to stay calm and collected as you arrive. You all get out and look around. ‘Hello?’ Joyce shouts. ‘Hello!’ Murray shouts louder. ‘Yuri?’ You shout and finally you hear someone. Your attention turns to the plane where a man comes out with a face covering. He lifts it up and gets off the plane. ‘Who are you?’ He asks eyeing you all up and down. ‘We’re here to see Yuri?’ Joyce asks. ‘Why do you need to see Yuri?’ He asks making his way down towards you. ‘It’s a private matter. Is Yuri here?’ Joyce asks. The man takes off his face cover and puts it down. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know how to tell you this. You’re a day late’ he say with solemn. ‘What?’ You say confused. ‘You see damage? Yuri was sight seeing, looking at the polar bears. And then bears got into plane and pull him out of cock pit! And kill him!’ The man says with much expression. ‘No’ Joyce says sadly. ‘Yes. And he loved bears. They broke his heart. Or rather punctured it. With their bear claws!’ He starts gesturing the animalistic sound and actions of a bear. You all look at one another confused. He starts laughing. ‘Ha! I got you good!’ He says shoving Joyce’s arm nearly knocking her off her feet. ‘I’m Yuri, I am. You must be Joycie.’ He says looking at Joyce ‘Just Joyce’ she responds with a small smile. ‘And you are you?’ Yuri says turning to Murray. ‘Murray’ ‘Murray? Ha. Yuri. Murray. Yuri. Murray. We rhyme!’ Yuri says excitedly. You all just nod and agree, seriously this guy? You think to yourself. He turns to you last. ‘So that must make you the Americans daughter.’ He says looking you up and down, you feel unnerved around it and that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach comes back. ‘Yup that’s me. We have your money’ you gesture to Joyce’s bag. His eyes light up like a Christmas tree. He walks inside and you all follows behind. Joyce puts the bag down and Yuri claps his hands together excitedly. He grabs the bag unzipping it, he leans down and takes a big sniff of the contents. ‘I love the smell of money in the morning’ he says looking at you all. He tips it out onto the table. ‘It’s all there’ you say bluntly. ‘I’m sure it is American but I just want to check. Please help yourself to some coffee, it’s still hot’ Yuri offers pointing at the pot. Murray and Joyce look at one another and nod walking over to it. You sit down across from Yuri, he looks up at your surprised. ‘You, you not going to have come coffee too warm you up?’ He says stacking the money. ‘Not really a coffee drinker’ you say shrugging your shoulders. Yuri mutters something quietly to himself in what you presume is Russian. ‘Let me check what else I can offer. I’ll be right back’ he says quickly hurrying to what looks like an office. You watch him suspiciously, he smiles and nods at you through the blinds. You decide to get up and talk to Murray and Joyce. ‘I don’t like him’ you say as you approach them. ‘Well he’s definitely something’ Murray says taking a sip of coffee. ‘The sooner this is over with the better’ you say shivering. ‘I’ll drink to that’ Joyce says taking a sip from her mug. ‘American. I made you some tea. Very good tea, please stay warm’ Yuri says as he passes you the mug. You take it from him eyeing him. ‘Thanks’ you say taking a small sip, it does make you feel slightly better. ‘No problem’ Yuri says making his way back to count the money
Your unsure of how much time passed but Yuri is done counting the money. ‘All there. $40,000 American dollars’ he says smiling. ‘Now go get Hopper’ Joyce demands. ‘I will but first I must make a call. I need to make sure he’s still alive. If he’s not it saves Yuri the trip’ he says with a smile. It makes you feel uneasy. ‘I’m sure he’s fine Americans do not worry’ Yuri says going back to the office room. ‘I do not trust him’ Murray says sitting down. ‘What choice do we have?’ Joyce says before she walks back over to pour another coffee. You watch Yuri’s expressions as he’s on the phone. He seems happy. Almost too happy. You start to walk over but you’re feeling dizzy all of a sudden. The room is spinning, you try to reach out for something to hold. Slowly turning you see Murray asleep on the sofa and hear something smash behind you. Yuri comes out of the room, ‘You feeling okay there little one? Do not worry. You will see your papa very soon’ is the last thing you remember before seeing darkness
You wake by the sound of Yuri whistling a happy tune. Your eyes take a minute to adjust and once they do you see your hands and feet tied with rope. You are sat in the front of Yuri planes strapped in, you try to budge but it’s no use. You hear Joyce and Murray behind you. You turn and hear them pleading to let them go, of course Yuri does not he’s going on about the fact he’ll be able to buy his daughter a pony. A few minutes later Yuri joins you at the front. ‘Ready American? Hold on it’s going to be a little bit bumpy’ Yuri says smiling. ‘Let me go asshole!’ You snap at him. Yuri turns to you leaning in closer, ‘How dare you call Yuri such a foul word. I am doing this for your own good. It has been an honour to meet you American, you are much more beautiful in person. You would make a good wife for Yuri’ he says leaning in closer to you, he strokes your cheek. You cringe at his touch and words before you spit in his face. Yuri is taken back by your actions you’re expecting a smack but instead he laughs. Yuri uses his sleeve to wipe off your spit. ‘Oh American. They are going to love you’ he says happily as he sits down and prepares to take off.
Yuri is happily chomping down on some peanut butter, your stomach growls at the sight. Murray is shouting him but it’s no use he can’t hear her due to the headphones. ‘Wait. He can’t hear you’ you hear Joyce say, you slowly turn your head to see her kicking at the peanut butters in the crate. You can’t help but think how brilliant she is. The crate falls causing a jar to smash. She asks Murray to reach the glass shard so they can cut one another free. You turn back so Yuri doesn’t catch you looking. You can hear Joyce cutting through Murray’s rope and telling him a plan. You sit there tightly and wait. After some time you feel see something shining in your eyes, you turn and see it’s the reflection of the glass. Shit shit. You need to distract Yuri somehow before it shines in his eyes. You shift in your seat leaning as closely as you can to block out Joyce and Murray. Yuri sees you moving and side eyes you. You smile sweetly at him. He keeps his headphones on as he speaks. ‘Can I help you American?’ He asks eyeing you. God you really don’t want to do this but you’ve got no choice. Deep breaths Y/N. You nod biting your lip, you lean in and place your lips in Yuri’s. Your stomach churns as you feel him kissing you back. Joyce and Murray notice and are puzzled but continue to cut the rope. Yuri kisses you more deeply inviting his tongue into your mouth, you can taste the peanut butter. You see his hands leave the controls of the plane as they move in your thighs slowly rubbing them back and forth. You pull away from the kiss and touch, unable to contain your face showing disgust. Yuri looks at you confused but his face drops quickly at your expression as he turns around seeing Joyce cutting Murray free. He turns back to you, ‘You, you trick Yuri. Tut tut American.’ He says standing up, before making his way to the others you see him take out a gun. Your heart races as you think this is it. This is the end. You close your eyes ready for the bang, instead you feel a thump on the side of your side and once again everything goes black
(Events of plane crash happen whilst your unconscious, you are moved out of the seat and put down safely in between some of Yuri’s storage crates)
‘Y/N?’ You hear Joyce’s voice echo through your ears as you slowly open your eyes. Everything feels numb and it hurts, you head spins a little as you sit up. ‘Take it easy sweetie’ Joyce says placing her hand on your back. ‘Where, where are we?’ You ask looking at your surroundings. Trees, a lot of them and snow a lot of that. Plus it’s freezing cold. ‘Russia. We, there was a crash’ Joyce says gesturing to the plane behind you. You shoot up quickly feeling panicked. ‘Where’s Murray?!’ You say worried. ‘Don’t worry Y/N I’m here’ Murray says appearing behind Joyce. She goes to him and whacks his arm. ‘I thought you were dead! It’s been hours’ she says in an angry tone but you can tell she was just worried. ‘May as well be. There’s nothing around here. I saw some smoke two miles North could be a town. Could be a house. Maybe they know where we can find it?’ Murray says trying to warm by the fire. ‘Right a top secret prison?’ Joyce says sarcastically. Murray sighs, ‘Any luck with our friend?’ He asks gesturing to Yuri. ‘What do you think?’ Joyce says with chattering teeth. You turn to see Yuri tied up, you get up and make your way over to him. ‘Oi prick. Tell us where we can find my dad. Now!’ You command. Joyce and Murray follow behind you. Yuri looks up at you and laughs. ‘For a price’ he says smiling. Your about to speak but Murray steps in. ‘$20,000 enough?’ He asks. You and Joyce look at one another in shock by Murray’s question. ‘Yuri wants all the money. It’s the least you could do for crashing my plane’ he says looking at the wreckage. ‘$30,000 that’s enough to fix it. Now tell us’ Murray says. Yuri scoffs. ‘No deal.’ ‘Okay, we’ll just go then.’ Murray says standing up and walking away. ‘You, you can’t just leave Yuri here!’ Yuri says, of course obnoxiously talking about himself in third person again. ‘You won’t be here alone. You know what I saw when I went through the woods?’ Murray asks Yuri. ‘Tracks. Big ones. Bear tracks. Won’t be long till they can smell you. Did you see you own future Yuri? Well ladies we best get going’ Murray says as you all collect your bags. ‘You better go North. Going South you’ll never get there. I, I can show you to my safe house. We get van and it’s two hours drive’ Yuri says feel defeated. You smile at Murray and Joyce. You walk back to Yuri and bend down to his level. ‘No funny business. Or I will kill you. Understand?’ You say through gritted teeth. ‘Why so angry American? Did you not enjoy our little kiss?’ Yuri says making kissing noises at you. You lean closer to him. ‘You are the most revolting person I’ve ever come across. I did not enjoy it. Not one bit. Now up you get and start walking. I mean it Yuri. I will not hesitate to kill you’ you say looking at him dead in the eyes so he knows your serious. He gulps visibly and nods
The walk is not as bad as you thought it would be, Yuri thankfully was quiet for most of it, maybe your threat worked. As you make your way to the church your heart beats faster as it means you’re a step closer to your dad. Once inside Yuri points on the map where the prison is, you’re all hesitant to trust him but he is true however when he says that they wouldn’t put a top secret prison on the map. And you take such pleasure seeing his face drop when Murray and Joyce tell him the plan to get you into the prison. You find a razor and shave off Yuri’s beard. ‘So tell me American, how do you feel?’ Yuri’s question catches you off guard. ‘Fine.’ you say bluntly focusing back on shaving him. ‘Your face says a different story.’ Yuri says watching you. You sigh, ‘Look you. Yes I’m shitting it is that what you want to hear? Now shut up so I don’t mess this up’ you say snapping at him once again. ‘Enzo mentioned you when I spoke to him earlier. You two are very similar. You will like him I’m sure of it’ he says smiling. You stop and raise your eyebrows. ‘You spoke to Enzo, whe- you son of a bitch. That’s who you were on the phone to earlier!’ You shout slamming down the razor. ‘Guilty. You sound so much like him American it’s very amusing. Not long now till you can meet him. Now he’s stuck with your dear papa.’ Yuri says smiling showing you his god awful teeth. You huff and walk away from him to get some fresh air. That man is insufferable, you mutter to yourself. ‘I agree to that one honey’ Joyce says appearing at your side. ‘Sorry, I, he just gets under my skin. I just need a minute’ you say trying to calm down. You feel her arm around your shoulder. ‘It won’t be long till you see him sweetie.’ She says warmly to you. You lean your head on her shoulder and stay like that for a minute until you hear the church doors open and see Murray and Yuri in there trading places. ‘Ready?’ Murray says giving Yuri his glasses to complete the look. You take a deep breath and nod walking to Yuri’s van. The feeling was back in your stomach. You hoped to god his would work
Murray drives the bumpy roads as you, Joyce and Yuri sit in the back tied and gagged. Your heart feels like it could jump out your chest with nerves. After what you presume has been two hours the van comes to a stop as Murray comes to the gate, you hear him mutter something to himself. There’s a bang at the front window and Murray rolls is down and begins talking to the guard in Russian. After a minute of talking you see him approach the windows where you are all sat. He shines the torch on your faces, Yuri tried to makes noises but thanks to his gag he can not. The guard returns to Murray and pats the van. The gates open and Murray drives through
Only minutes later a guard is opening the door pulling you out one by one. Comments clearly being made about you and Joyce, you can tell due to the looks you are getting from the guards. They shove you as you all walk to a door. A man unlocks it and shoves you into another room. A guard says something to Murray then leaves you all in the room. Murray begins ‘acting’ as you wait for whomever to arrive. Joyce is shouting under her gag at Murray as he drops the gun. He walks over to her and moves it down. ‘Will you stop playing around with that thing!’ She snaps. ‘I’m not playing I am practising. Can you please stop trying to talk to me and stay in character, remember you are frightened, scared and confused’ Murray says. ‘Yes I am frightened, scared and confused!’ Joyce snaps back, Murray puts the gag back on her just in time as the door opens and guards walk in. Murray greets them as they all begin talking in Russian. He looks at you all and walks over. ‘Baumen, the spy.’ He says eyeing Yuri up and down. ‘Yes, he even tried shaving his beard off to disguise! Shut up American scum!’ Murray says smacking him. You have to hide a smile as Yuri whimpers. ‘You, you are even more beautiful in person’ the guard says walking to Joyce. ‘Very easy on the eye but not when she opens her mouth’ Murray says pulling down Joyce’s gag. ‘Hopper, where’s Hopper!’ She shouts as Murray puts the gag back on. The guard wonders over to you. ‘Who is this one?’ He asks looking you up and down. Murray claps his hands together. ‘Your going to love her. She is non other than the Americans precious daughter!’ Murray says excitedly. The guard smiles wickedly as he steps a little closer to you. ‘You’ll get to see you papa very soon child.’ He says in a tone you do not like. The guard turns to Murray and begins talking in Russian again. You have no idea what’s being said but you see Murray’s face drop and worry it’s all over but then they all smile and laugh. You and Joyce look at one another just feeling very confused. The talking ends and you are all taken out of the room through some of the prison and up some stairs. The guard brings you all to a stop above a larger ground that is bare and snowy, there is a group on men on their knees lined up with another guard talking to them. You look down at the men and that’s when you see him. Your dad. Your eyes well up as you look at him. Your heart races as you see him. He’s here. He’s alive. You turn to Joyce who has the same expression as you. Murray and the guard are taking, you wish you could understand what they were saying. You don’t notice the guard tossing the keys on the floor and walking off with the others
That’s when you hear it. That oh familiar sound. Your body starts to tremble, your mouth dry, heart feeling like it’s going to explode. It can’t be. Surely it can’t be? An alarm goes off and you see the men hurry up, one grabbing the keys and unlocking the lock. When he opens it you see weapons of all sorts. The man throws a spear to your dad, you watch as he wraps something around the top of it. The other men get there weapons and all stand waiting. The doors slowly open as your dad unscrews what looks like alcohol lid and pours the substance on the wrapped weapon. Murray and Joyce looks at one another straight away and they see him pulling out a lighter. The guard storms over to the others shouting at them and he dismisses them. Joyce nods at Murray as the guard comes back over. Murray quickly takes the gun out of his pocket and puts it to the guards side. He begins talking in Russian until you hear him say, ‘The Americans are very tricky!’ You watch as you see you dad trying to start the lighter but it doesn’t seem to be working, your heart sinks. Joyce pulls down her gag and speaks to the guard, you don’t hear what’s being said as your too fixed on your dad trying to get the lighter to turn on. You hear another man shouting to about the lighter. Seconds later the monster jumps over the man at the front launching his claws and mouth into the one behind. You loosen your ropes and reach for Joyce’s hand holding on tightly as you watch the monster mall the men. The sounds bring back memories from a few years ago. You want to be sick. Your stomach churns. The monster throws the men around weightlessly into the wall and floor. It rips them apart limb by limb. Ending each man’s life quickly. It roars to shows the terrifying set of teeth. Your too focused on the chaos the see Murray talking to the guard again. The man who unlocked the weapons earlier shouts in Russian to the others, you can tell he is scared. Before you see anymore death Joyce pulls you by the arm gently, you follow the others looking away from the carnage below. Murray leads you all in the control room with the guard in his arm with the gun next to his head shouting Russian at the men. They surrender their guns as Murray continues to speak to them. One kicks over a gun and Joyce grabs it pointing it to the men. Words are exchanged between a young guard and Murray, Murray begins to laugh. ‘I got to hand to you commies, you committed!’ He says before proceeding to hit the guards knocking them out one by one. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was a black belt. With all the guards knocked out you all make your way over to the control panel. ‘What are you doing?’ Joyce asks, you can hear the worry in her voice. ‘I, I dunno. There’s a lot of buttons and I can’t see. I need my glasses!’ Murray says standing quickly snatching his glasses off Yuri shouting, mine! Before Murray is back you and Joyce are already pressing every button you can find. ‘What are you doing, you don’t know what there’s buttons do!’ Murray shouts. Neither of you are listening, that’s press a black button. You turn and see Joyce and Murray shouting excitedly screaming that’s it! You watch as the man walks backwards squeezing through the doors your father slowly backing in also. ‘Close, close it!’ Murray shouts. You press the button again and turn back to the screen. The door closes. You could cry with happiness and fear. Joyce presses another button next to the one you pressed as you hear a door open. You turn to one another hand in hand and walk around the corner seeing your dad appear ready to fight with his fists up. He lowers them once he sees who is there. You see his arms and face drop slowly as you both walk over. You and Joyce hug him tighter holding him so tight. You both look up at him, you see the confusion in his eyes as he looks at you and then turns back to Joyce. He reaches both his arms around you both bringing you in for a well needed hug
After a long hug you dad let’s go, ‘Your here. You’re both here. Y/N, are you okay?’ He asks looking at you with his classic worried dad face as he sees your injured head. ‘I’m fine, a lot better than you for sure’ You say letting out a breath. ‘She’s just like her dad, determined’ Joyce says smiling at you. ‘As much as I love a good reunion we may want to work out how to get out of here’ Murray says appearing behind you. ‘Always good to see you too Murray’ Hopper says patting him on the back walking towards the control room with Joyce following him. The man you saw earlier approaches you. ‘So I guess I will get to meet you after all Y/N’ he says with a half smile. You raise your eyebrows confused but the voice. You recognise it instantly. ‘Enzo?’
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thatonequeen · 10 months
Just Imagine Dimitri\Enzo X Fem! Black Reader X Yuri Ismaylov Omg just the thought of them hating each other but love fucking the shit out of you is just perfect. :)
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asgardianhusband · 3 years
What i Write:
Mostly Fluff, Angst and Positive stuff.
I will only write Slight nsfw and slight yandere, since this is mostly a Wholesome blog.
[Info's to Requests:
If you want me to write a specific story , you need to:
Tell me the character name, if you want a Specific reader(male or Neutral), a plot or what it should be about like Headcannons or Imagines, if you want it to be fluff, nsfw, Angst ect. And then I'll read through the request and tell you if it's okay and of course if you want to I'll Tell you when the story is done!]
Fandoms i write for:
Tony Stark [Iron man]
Peter Parker [Spiderman]
Thor Odinson
Loki laufeyson
Steve Rogers [Captain america]
Bucky barnes[The winter soldier]
Sam wilson[The Falcon]
Peter quill [Starlord]
Natasha romanoff [Black widow]
Clint Barton [Hawkeye]
Wanda maximoff
Pietro maximoff
Doctor strange
Bruce banner [Hulk]
Scott lang [ANT-MAN]
Eddie brock [Venom]
Wade wilson [Deadpool]
[Stranger Things]
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Jim Hopper
Dimitri (Enzo)
Murray Bauman
Joyce Byers
Billy Hargrove
Nancy wheeler
Yuri ismaylov
001 /Henry / Vecna
Robin Buckley
(The kids like Dustin or will can be requested but only in platonic ways, or aged up but no nsfw)
[Star Trek; AOS,TNG,TOS]
James T. Kirk
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Montgomery scotty
Pavel Chekov
Khan Noonien Singh (AOS)
Nyota uhura
William Riker
Jean Luc picard
Jordie LaForge
Dean winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby singer
Lucifer / Casifer /Samifer
Mick Davis
Rowena McLeod
Batman (Games&Movies)
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham series)
Ed nygma (Gotham,Games& 2022 Batman)
Jim Gordon
[There will be More characters and more Fandoms, just you wait ;) ]
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