#youre doing youre best. if someone had a problem they'd tell you. maybe try to ramble ur thoughts less.
cailins-posts · 27 days
Scared to Say It
Connor bedard x reader
Connor Bedard felt like he was on top of the world. At just 19 years old, he was a rising star in the NHL, playing for the Chicago Blackhawks. But as successful as he was on the ice, he couldn't help feeling a bit of envy that had nothing to do with hockey.
It was the night of a big game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, and Connor's team was trailing by a goal. He sat on the bench, helmet off, staring out at the sea of red and black jerseys in the stands. Somewhere out there was his best friend, Y/N, who had been a constant in his life for years. He'd known her since they were kids, growing up in the same neighborhood in North Vancouver. They'd done everything together: playing street hockey, biking, going to the beach. She was his rock, his confidante, his best friend. And he was in love with her.
The problem was, he didn't know how to tell her.
Connor glanced over at the Maple Leafs section, and that's when he saw it: Y/N wearing a Leafs jersey. Not just any jersey—it was Auston Matthews', one of the league's top players. A wave of jealousy surged through him, and he felt a tightness in his chest. Why was she wearing that jersey? Had she met Matthews? Did she like him?
"Hey, man, you okay?" asked his teammate, Lukas Reichel, who noticed his brooding expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Connor lied, trying to focus on the game. But his eyes kept drifting back to where he knew Y/N was sitting. The jealousy wouldn't go away. He was angry at himself for feeling this way, but he couldn't help it.
"Looks like someone got under your skin," said Taylor Raddysh, another teammate, who'd followed Connor's gaze. "Isn't that your friend over there?"
Connor nodded. "Yeah, that's Y/N," he said, feeling his stomach twist.
"Why's she wearing a Leafs jersey?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought she was a Blackhawks fan."
Connor shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe she just likes Matthews," he said, trying to sound indifferent, but it came out as a grumble.
The other guys on the bench started to pick up on his mood. They'd seen Connor and Y/N together enough times to know there was something more than friendship between them, even if Connor couldn't admit it. Taylor gave him a nudge. "You should talk to her, man. Tell her how you feel."
"I can't," Connor said, shaking his head. "What if it ruins our friendship?"
Lukas rolled his eyes. "Dude, everyone can see you two are into each other. Just go for it. Life's too short to be scared."
Before Connor could respond, the coach called the team back to the ice. The game resumed, but Connor was distracted. His mind kept racing back to Y/N in that blue jersey. He knew he shouldn't care so much, but he couldn't help it. He was afraid of losing her, afraid of the change that might come if he confessed his feelings.
As the game went on, things didn't get much better for the Blackhawks. They fell behind by two goals, and the crowd grew restless. Connor felt the pressure mounting. He played hard, trying to focus on the game, but his heart wasn't in it.
During the intermission, the team returned to the locker room. The coach laid into them, demanding more effort and focus, but Connor barely heard him. He sat at his locker, his head down, feeling the weight of uncertainty.
Suddenly, the locker room door creaked open, and he looked up to see Y/N slipping inside. "Connor?" she said, her voice soft.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked, surprised to see her. The rest of the team had gone back out for warm-ups, so it was just the two of them.
"I wanted to check on you," she said, walking over to him. She held out a bundle of fabric—a Blackhawks jersey. "I changed into this because I didn't want you to be upset. I know the Leafs jersey was a bad choice. It was a friend's joke, and I thought it would be funny, but I didn't realize you'd be so bothered by it."
Connor felt a surge of relief, but also a pang of guilt for feeling so jealous. He stood up, his heart racing. "It's okay," he said, taking the jersey from her. "I'm glad you came to see me."
Y/N looked at him, her eyes searching his. "Is something wrong, Connor? You seem... different tonight."
He hesitated, feeling the words on the tip of his tongue. The moment felt right, and he knew he had to take the risk. "Y/N, I—"
"You're back on in five!" one of the coaches shouted, interrupting them.
Connor felt the urgency of the moment slipping away. He couldn't wait any longer. He took a deep breath and stepped closer to her. "Y/N, I need to tell you something," he said, his voice low and intense. "I like you. I mean, I really like you. More than just a friend. I've been too scared to say it, but I can't keep pretending."
Y/N's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed. "Connor, I—"
But before she could finish, Connor leaned in and kissed her. It was gentle and hesitant, yet filled with emotion. It felt like everything he'd been holding back finally broke free, and for a moment, the world faded away.
When they broke apart, Y/N's eyes sparkled with surprise and happiness. "Connor, I've liked you for a long time," she said, smiling. "I just didn't know if you felt the same."
Connor couldn't believe his ears. "You do? Why didn't you say something?"
"I was scared," she said, shrugging. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
Connor laughed, feeling a wave of relief. "Me too," he said, pulling her into a hug. "I guess we've both been scared for no reason."
Their embrace was interrupted by the coach's voice. "Bedard! Get back on the ice!"
Connor sighed and kissed Y/N's forehead. "I'll see you after the game, okay?"
"Good luck," she said, watching him as he left the locker room with a huge smile on his face.
The game turned around for the Blackhawks after that. Connor played with renewed energy, scoring two goals and leading his team to a thrilling comeback victory. As the final horn sounded and the crowd erupted in cheers, he skated over to where Y/N was sitting, wearing his jersey and cheering him on.
He pointed to her and grinned, his heart swelling with happiness. She blew him a kiss and waved, her excitement as palpable as the rest of the fans'. The game was a success, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of finally being honest about his feelings.
After the game, Connor and Y/N went back to his place, where they cuddled on the couch, watching a movie and enjoying the simple comfort of each other's company. It was a happy ending that felt like a new beginning—a beginning where fear and uncertainty no longer stood in the way of their love
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hi, i was wondering if you could perhaps write modern!sihtric fanfic with fake dating trope? to be more clear, maybe there's an upcoming family event in reader's life, like someone's wedding idk, and her parents are nagging her about being single so she asks her best friend (and our boyyy) to act as her boyfriend for the night, just so the parents can't complain and try to find her some unwanted company? just lots of fluff and family comedy! if you don't feel like writing this it's totally okay!! take care <33
Warnings: flufffff
Pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see request!
Word count: 5.4k
Note: I had so much fun with this, thank you! also; you didn't tell me if reader and our boi actually like each other so, to make everything more awkward, of course they have feelings for each other.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @valeskafics @andakth
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'Perks of dating me.'
'You want me to do what?' Sihtric laughed as he laid down on his bed.
'It's not fucking funny!' you hissed and punched his shoulder, 'please, Sihtric, I beg you. Please pretend for the night. One night.'
'You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend? At a wedding party? Of your aunt?'
'I never said boyfriend.'
'Date then, whatever,' Sihtric rolled his eyes before he laughed again, 'are you serious?'
'Yes! My parents keep nagging me that I have to bring someone.'
'Look, I'd love to help you, but I'm not sure about this. I'm not exactly the type a mother wants to see her daughter with, am I?'
'What do you mean?' you frowned. You thought Sihtric was incredibly handsome, you saw no problem.
'Look at me, sweetheart,' Sihtric said, 'I'm covered with scars, I have tattoos on my fingers and one in my neck that goes up to the side of my head, I carry a knife with me at all times and I am known to get into fists fights at the McDonald's parking lot at 3 in the morning because they are out of nuggets and I had one too many to drink. And I got you into violent videogames,' he grinned and nodded to the paused tv screen.
You had to give it to him, he had a point. You thought he was handsome, but then you did have a thing for "bad boys" so to speak. Your mother would be upset, your father would probably get unwell and your grandma might actually pass away if they'd see you with Sihtric. But Sihtric was your only hope for the night.
'Please,' you begged again, 'Sihtric, if you don't go with me my parents will find me a date.'
'They heard that some guy named Finan, who lives across from them, has a thing for me. They desperately want me to date him, or anyone really. So I said I already am seeing someone, which was obviously a lie. If I can't get you to come with me, they'll ask him! But I don't want to date him!'
'Okay, I'll go,' Sihtric groaned and rubbed his eyes. He was not going to see another man by your side.
'Yes,' he sighed, 'but we need to come up with a story. It's weird to just bring a random date to a wedding, is it not?'
'I agree, okay, so… what's our story?'
'Gods,' Sihtric snorted, 'I have no idea.'
'Look, the most important thing is,' you said, 'we have to be convincing as a couple.'
But that was the least of your problems. You actually liked Sihtric more than just a friend. And unbeknownst to you, he liked you a lot too. Way more than friends. But as you were both too afraid to ruin the friendship you had, you never told each other. 
You had met Sihtric by accident through your mutual friend Uhtred, who you were supposed to grab a drink with a quite some months ago. Uhtred had accidentally double booked and had asked Sihtric to meet up at the same day, same spot, same time, which he didn't realise. So Uhtred was surprised, but also amused, to see both of his friends suddenly show up. And Uhtred didn't say it, but he saw there was instant chemistry between the two of you, as it took only 30 minutes before you both bickered like an old married couple about which power ranger was the strongest.
And as you lived on your own, your parents never knew about Sihtric, because why would they? He was just a friend.
'Okay,' you sighed nervously as you sat next to Sihtric in his car, 'remember we have to be convincing.'
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric smiled, unable to keep his eyes off you while he waited for a traffic light.
He thought he had died and gone to Valhalla when he saw you walk up to his car when he came to pick you up. He loved your usual style, but as this was a wedding, you had to dress up. And he thought you looked like a Disney princess with your sleeveless black corset top accompanied by a long, blush coloured velvet skirt while wearing black, high heels underneath. 
If he wasn't such a wuss, he would have proposed to you right at the spot. 
And you were equally as stunned when you saw Sihtric, who was for once not dressed in his regular black cargo jeans and a flannel. Today he was wearing a black, made to size, tuxedo which matched his dark hair. The white blouse underneath his jacket wasn't completely buttoned up, showing a part of his clavicles and his Mjölnir pendant, which you thought looked very sexy. The sides of his head were freshly shaved, exposing the tattoo that ran up to the side of head, he was wearing his regular amount of rings and to your surprise, instead of fancy shoes, he wore his regular black leather boots, which made him instantly look rougher than a usual wedding date. You were head over heels, but it's not like you were going to tell him that. Actually, you hadn't even grasped the fact that you had to pretend to like him.
You had agreed on a backstory, so you knew he had to pretend to be your date, but in your panic to not have a random date as your plus one, you completely forgot that you had to really act as a couple. And you became instantly nervous once you realised it.
'You look pretty,' Sihtric said, making you even more nervous as he pulled up to the wedding venue.
'Thank you,' you blushed heavily, and you thanked the gods for Sihtric wearing sunglasses so he couldn't tell when he smiled at you.
'You look handsome,' you said with a dry mouth as he stopped the car.
'You think?' he lowered his sunglasses to wink at you. 
You tried to open the door of his car as fast as you could, feeling your cheeks heat up again, but you forgot that Sihtric's car had this stupid child lock that he can't seem to fix, so you just desperately tried to unlock the door, with no success, looking like a fly stuck in a window.
'Hold on,' Sihtric sighed as he took off his sunglasses, 'you know that door doesn't work like that, you have to pull the-,' he clicked his tongue and leaned over, unlocking the door for you. And to make everything worse, he smelled nice too. Fuck.
Before you reached the door to the venue you had already tripped over your skirt, twice. It was a slim fitted and long skirt, and it kept getting stuck under your heel as you walked up the stairs. Luckily, Sihtric was already playing the part of being a good date and he had caught you both times as he had hooked your arm in his to walk up to the party.
'Shit,' you sighed, 'I'm going to rip it if it gets stuck once more.' You felt embarrassed but were thankful that Sihtric had caught you twice.
'Wait,' Sihtric said. He kneeled down and lifted his right trouser leg up slightly, pulling out a dagger, which was in a holster around his ankle, covered by his leather ankle boot. And before you could protest he cut a perfectly straight split in the side of your skirt, which went up to just above your knee. Without saying another word, he placed the dagger back in his holster, rolled the trouser leg down and zipped up his black boot again.
'What the fuck,' you muttered as he stood back up, holding his arm out to you again with a grin.
'Better?' he asked as you continued your walk up the stairs, without tripping this time.
'Actually, yeah,' you giggled, 'thank you,' you smiled at him.
'Perks of dating me,' Sihtric winked and licked his lips before he grinned again.
'Remember,' you said nervously as you stepped through the door, 'we have to be convincing.'
'Do we have a limit?' he asked in a serious manner, 'do you have a limit? Like you don't want me to do certain things like, you know, things couples do?' he shrugged lightly.
'Huh? No, no,' you felt stressed about the whole party, 'I trust you, just- just be convincing.'
'Don't worry about me, I'll be convincing,' Sihtric said and gave you a cheeky smile as he walked you up to the happy newlyweds. And he heard you cough lightly when his hand slid down to your lower back.
He was going to enjoy tonight, finally behaving the way he always wanted to with you, but never could out of fear of ruining your friendship.
'Hey! Look who it is!' your uncle cheered, nudging your aunt when he saw you walk in.
'Hi,' you said shyly, 'yes, it's me,' you smiled and gave the happy couple a hug to congratulate them.
'And who is this then?' your aunt asked, looking Sihtric up and down.
'This is Sihtric,' you smiled as you blushed, 'my friend. I mean boyfriend, my date,' you blurted out. Your uncle gave you a confused look as he shook hands with Sihtric.
'Jack of all traits, sir,' Sihtric smiled, 'congratulations.'
'Thank you, son,' your uncle smiled at him, impressed by his firm handshake. You watched Sihtric congratulate your aunt with a polite kiss to her cheek, to which she even blushed, and as your uncle made a remark about Sihtric's pendant and engaged into a conversation, your aunt nudged your arm.
'Honey, if I wasn't married,' she whispered and nodded to Sihtric, 'I'd climb that man and ride him like a bull.'
'Auntie!' you gasped, to which Sihtric and your uncle looked up. You coughed quickly and waved that everything's fine as you tried to fight the thought that your aunt, who was 67 by the way and just married her second husband, would lure Sihtric into her bed. You thought you were going to throw up in your mouth for a moment.
Your aunt laughed at your flustered face and told you to go to the dining room, as dinner would soon be served, but she didn't let you walk before she said you should have Sihtric as dessert later. You sighed with big eyes and walked as fast as you could, making Sihtric almost run after you as he tried to escape your uncle's endless conversation about religion.
'Babe!' Sihtric called after you and he chuckled, 'wait up.'
You stopped walking. Not because he asked you to, but because you felt your knees weaken when he called you babe, and if you had put another foot forward you would've lost your balance on those ridiculous high heels. You hadn't thought this plan through. You really hadn't.
'Hey,' he said as he stood next to you, 'you okay? You look a little… startled?'
'Yeah, it's just… my aunt. She's very cheeky for her age,' you smiled painfully, 'let's just go find a seat. I'm starving.'
'Gods, me too,' Sihtric said and he grabbed your hand, being the good date/boyfriend he is, or whatever he was supposed to be tonight, he didn't care, 'I wonder what's for dessert,' he said, after which he immediately had to catch you again as you somehow twisted your ankle.
You were nervously fidgeting with your skirt while Sihtric looked completely calm, sitting back in his chair with his arm around your shoulder, sipping some wine they just served. He seemed to be completely oblivious to the table across from you, which had all your teenage nieces, and they were giggling and blushing as they stared at your date. And you couldn't blame them, you felt exactly the same, but you couldn't show it.
'Hey,' Sihtric startled you when he spoke softly in your ear, 'you gotta loosen up, baby. You'll make everyone think you don't want to be with me if you keep this face up,' he chuckled lightly as his nose nuzzled your ear briefly. You felt dizzy enough already, and alcohol made you sick, how could you possibly loosen up?
'Sorry,' you said after you took a deep breath, 'I just… I didn't think this through. This was a bad idea, wasn't it?'
'You feel it's a bad idea?' he asked, concerned.
'Don't you?'
'No,' Sihtric smiled, 'I'm having fun. Your family's really something. I just watch that guy,' he said, pointing at your younger nephew, 'stuff his mouth with thirteen breadsticks. Thirteen!' 
You snorted and shook your head, suddenly feeling relaxed as you remembered that Sihtric always made you feel safe and comfortable, which is one of the things you loved about him.
'I guess you're right,' you smiled, 'we should have fun, right?'
'Exactly,' Sihtric smirked, 'there's free food and free alcohol, and I have you by my side, what more could I want?'
'Well, well,' a familiar harsh voice sounded behind you, and Sihtric watched your eyes grow wide, 'my daughter with a boyfriend? I thought I'd never see the day!'
You turned around and looked up to see your mother towering over you, with your father behind her and your grandma in the middle. Your mother smiled politely at Sihtric but her eyes told you she was going to keep an eye on him all night. And when Sihtric turned his head, to shove his seat back and stand up, you thought your mother was going to faint upon the sight of the tattoo on his head, and she grabbed your grandma's arm.
'Hi,' Sihtric smiled, you were surprised he kept his cool so well, 'my name is Sihtric.'
'Sihtric?' your mother feigned a smile as she shook his hand, 'and what is your job?'
'My job?' Sihtric asked, a little confused by the random question, 'I'm a stripper, lady,' he grinned.
'Sihtric!' you said as you jumped up.
'What?' your mother's face turned pale as she clutched onto your grandma, who was partly deaf, praise the lords.
'A stripper?' your dad frowned.
'No, he is not!' you hissed.
'Oh, no,' Sihtric pretended to be shocked, 'I mean, I strip cars, you know, before they get demolished. My job is to strip the car of anything that can be recycled,' he grinned, knowing exactly what he had done; riling your parents up and possibly sending your grandma to her grave early if she had heard it.
'Oh, goodness,' your mother sighed, and she went to sit across from you at the table. You watched your grandmother stare with disgust at Sihtric's necklace and she made a cross gesture before your father walked her over to her seat.
'He looks like a rat,' your grandma muttered.
This was going to be a long dinner.
'You just had to do that?' you whispered when dinner was finally served.
'What do you speak of?' Sihtric frowned with a smirk. And gods, he looked handsome.
'You are evil,' you said, failing to hide your smile.
'And you loved to see your mother panic,' he grinned and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Which made you blush and you heard the entire table of younger nieces sigh as they had witnessed the quick peck.
'Oh,' Sihtric chuckled as he looked over at the table with youngsters, 'I see you may have competition tonight,' he joked.
'They have been staring at you the whole time already, but I guess you were too busy watching little Edward stick breadsticks in his mouth.'
'And an interesting event it was,' Sihtric said, 'but, if you saw me staring at that kid, that means you have been staring at me too,' he spoke softly as he leaned in. 
Your mother watched with horror as Sihtric leaned his face against yours for a moment as he spoke, and she shuddered at the thought of what kind of vile words may come out of the mouth of that savage looking man. And when she saw how his hand reached up to your neck, and his fingertips trailed over your bare shoulders, she violently kicked your leg under the table.
'Oww!' you yelled, looking shocked and angry at your mother. Sihtric frowned at the sudden moment and saw you rubbed your leg, and he quickly undersood what had happened. He figured your mother had seen him touch you, and she was not a fan. So naturally, he would make everything worse.
'Are you okay honey bun?' Sihtric asked, louder than he had to, causing half of the room to turn their faces to you and the table with youngsters squealed at the nickname he called you.
'Yes,' you blushed, 'thank you, s-sweetheart.' 
You knew you had to step up your game if you wanted to be as convincing as Sihtric was. 
'I just got a cramp in my leg,' you lied, giving your mother a mean stare.
'A cramp?' Sihtric said, still speaking a little too loud, 'again?' he clicked his tongue, 'you had leg cramp in bed last night too, right, baby?' he glanced quickly at your mother before he continued, 'and this morning as well.'
You felt your face heat up and your mouth went dry, so you quickly reached for the glass of water and gulped it down in one go, and you almost spat it out when you noticed it before Sihtric grabbed the glass.
'No!' Sihtric quickly grabbed the glass out of your hands, 'that is not water, love, it's white wine!'
'I figured,' you said with a bitter face and coughed, 'I thought it was water.' 
'No,' Sihtric chuckled lightly and quickly poured you some water, 'here, drink this.'
You drank the water just as fast as you had downed that glass of wine, but you still felt thirsty, because Sihtric was looking and behaving way hotter than you could handle.
'I need some air,' you said, pulling your corset uncomfortably, and you got up.
'Babe,' Sihtric said, genuinely concerned and he ran after you, much to your mother's disgrace.
'He looks like a nice young man,' your father nudged your mother with a smile as he watched Sihtric run after you, 'do you remember when you'd get a leg cramp in bed when we-,' suddenly your dad froze and dropped his breadstick when he realised what obscenity Sihtric had meant.
'Hey,' Sihtric called after you. You heard him but you really needed air, so you ran as fast and clumsily as you could to the terrace, where you quickly leaned over the small, brick wall, and just as Sihtric reached you, you threw up.
'Gods,' Sihtric said, quickly grabbing your hair to hold it out of your face, 'honey,' he sighed and stroked your back, 'it's okay.' Sihtric knew for a fact you didn't like alcohol, not because you didn't like it, but because it simply made you sick. A few sips was okay, but a whole glass was a big nope, and he hoped he had pulled the glass from your lips in time, but unfortunately.
'Are you okay?' he asked once you finally faced him and sat down. He was quick to hand you the handerchief he had in his tuxedo pocket, and he gave you the water bottle he had already snatched off a table when he ran after you. You wiped your lips rinsed your mouth a few times before you drank the remaining water.
'Thank you,' you smiled before you buried your face in your hands. You felt like crying.
'Hey,' Sihtric whispered, noticing you were visibly upset, and he wrapped you in his strong arms, 'what's wrong, baby?'
You had no idea why he kept his act up even when no one was around, but you didn't care, you needed it right now.
'This whole thing, this plan, this party, my parents,' you sniffled, 'it's just so embarrassing!'
'Why?' he asked as he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and he cupped your cheeks, 'tell me, sweetheart.'
'My mom… she always complains about everything. My job, my clothes, my hair, my fucking shoes, my house, the men I've dated, obviously now she's trying to make your life a living hell tonight. Nothing is ever good enough for her. I'm so tired of it and it's so embarrassing. I'm a grown woman! Yet she still feels the need to interfere with my life.'
Sihtric watched you intensely as you ranted, and he felt himself fall even more in love with you with every word you spoke.
'I knew bringing you was a bad idea in the end, but I had no one else,' you said, 'and I'm so sorry to bring you into this bullshi-'
Before you could continue your rant, which seemingly had no ending, Sihtric covered your mouth with his hand.
'Baby,' he whispered, 'listen to yourself. You knew bringing me would stir up some shit,' he smiled, 'and you're right, it happened. But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. So why not just make the most of it?'
'You mean like… make it even worse?'
'Exactly,' he grinned, 'I don't care. Your mother already made up her mind about me without getting to know me,' he shrugged, 'so I will be delighted to live up to her horrible idea about me.'
'Okay, ready?' Sihtric asked as he held your hand.
'Yeah,' you smiled as you looked back into the dinner room. You were still a little nervous about the new plan, but knowing Sihtric had your back meant the world to you.
'Okay,' he smiled and he led you back to your seat.
Your father shifted uncomfortably as he saw your hair was a little messy and Sihtric's handkerchief was missing from his tuxedo pocket, and he feared Sihtric had given you leg cramp again.
'You look pale,' you grandma rudely remarked. She meant well, but as she was old, she had no filter anymore.
'Thanks, grandma,' you smiled weakly, knowing she had a reason for her harshness.
'I think she looks beautiful,' Sihtric said with a smile, making the table of youngsters sigh.
You smiled back at him as he grabbed your hand under the table, squeezing it lightly.
'No, she looks rough,' your mother just had to give you another kick while you were already down. And that was all you needed to get fully onboard with Sihtric's plan.
'Yeah,' you looked at Sihtric before you looked at your plate, 'Sihtric likes it rough,' you sighed as you picked up your fork and casually started to eat.
'Sweet Jesus,' your mother cried out softly while your father dropped his knife and excused himself. In the corner of your eyes you saw Sihtric had a grin on his face and he leaned in to you.
'How did you know I like that?' he whispered, to which you almost downed another glass of white wine.
'So,' one of your older nieces turned to you, 'when are you getting married?
'Me?' you frowned.
'Soon,' Sihtric helped you out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, 'ain't that right, baby girl?' he said as he emptied his fifth mini bowl of salted peanuts. He really was going to eat all he could, just because it was free, and your mother looked at him as if he was a pig.
'Oh, are you engaged already?' she asked, to which your mother snapped her head to you.
'Oh, no,' you smiled, 'he hasn't asked me yet,' you rolled your eyes, 'you know how men are.'
'Oh, I know,' your niece laughed, 'how long have you been together?'
'Six months,' you said.
'Eight months,' Sihtric said at the same time, and you both froze for a second. One of you had messed up the background story, but you both couldn't remember who exactly.
'I... think you had too much to drink, honey,' you smiled at Sihtric.
'Sorry, bunny,' Sihtric sighed, grabbing his glass and gesturing to the waiter he wanted a refill, 'you're right. We've been a couple for six months,' he glared at your mother for a second, 'but you forget that we were friends with benefits for two months already.'
You watched your mother choke on her water as she muttered a prayer, and you grandma innocently asked what was being said.
You smacked your lips, 'you're right,' you grinned and leaned into him, 'I always forget you count those months too.'
'I do,' he smiled and thanked the waiter as he got another glass of wine, 'so I guess I should propose soon, huh?' he took a sip of his wine as he looked your mother in the eyes.
'A girl can dream,' you smiled and kissed his cheek.
'How did you meet?' your mother suddenly asked.
'We met through a friend,' you spoke the truth and looked up at Sihtric, 'and we've been basically inseparable ever since.' Which was also not a lie. If you didn't see each other for a day, you'd text constantly, until you'd see each other again.
'Not a word has been lied,' Sihtric smiled at you, lovingly this time.
'Was it love at first sight?' your recently married aunt asked as she sat down next to your mom.
You suddenly felt shy, because for you, it had been love at first sight. You just couldn't tell him, even if you were "pretending" now.
'It was for me,' Sihtric suddenly said and chuckled lightly, not in a mocking manner, or in a way to shock your mother. He was sincere and genuine this time. 'First time I laid eyes on her,' Sihtric sighed, 'I was completely smitten,' he spoke softly but confident, and the men at the table who heard him chuckled and murmured it happened to them too when they met their spouse, to which Sihtric raised his glass, and the men did too. 'We already argued after half an hour about which power ranger was the strongest,' he continued, making everyone who heard it smile, even your mother's face seemed to soften, 'honestly, I don't even know how we came up with that.'
'It was because you had longer hair when we met,' you reminded him, 'and you wore a white shirt and white sweatpants, and Uhtred said you looked like that white power ranger from the '90s because your muscles really showed through that shirt.'
Sihtric laughed, 'oh, yeah, that's right,' he shook his head, 'in my defence,' he said and looked round the table, 'the white power ranger was the strongest.'
'No,' you interrupted and covered his mouth with your hand, 'the red one was the strongest.'
Sihtric took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, 'Sweetie, you only say that because you thought the guy was hot.'
'Maybe,' you shrugged, 'but you'd be the hottest ranger if you were one.'
'And I'd happily protect you for the rest of my life if I was one,' Sihtric smiled and bit down on his lip. You both got lost in each other's eyes for a moment that you didn't even hear all the ladies, even your mom, sighing lovingly at his words.
'I'd marry him,' one of your younger nieces called over from their table, to which you all laughed.
'Yeah,' you chuckled before you looked back at Sihtric, 'I would too,' you said and blushed.
Sihtric didn't reply, he just looked at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Which you were to him, you just didn't know.
'So, yeah,' Sihtric said and cleared his throat, 'love at first sight it was,' he looked over at the men who cheered and raised their glass to him again, which he did too.
'And you?' your grandma suddenly asked, 'was it love at first sight for you?'
'It was,' you admitted with flustered cheeks, trying to hide your smile, 'I remember going home that night, being overjoyed I managed to get his number, after arguing for hours about power rangers,' you chuckled and so did the rest, 'and I was so nervous to text him.'
'Really?' Sihtric asked, 'why?'
'Because you're so out of my league, babe,' you didn't lie this time either, you finally told him your true feelings, 'look at you,' you smiled and squeezed his biceps through his jacket, 'you're so handsome, and I'm just… me,' you shrugged, 'I wouldn't understand why you'd be interested in me when you could literally have anyone you wanted.'
'And I have who I wanted,' Sihtric said, truthfully, squeezing your hand as he looked deep into your eyes, 'I have you, baby,' he smiled softly, 'and it's you who I wanted, ever since I first saw you.'
You both stared into each other's eyes while everyone around your table, and the table with the youngsters, held their breath, as if they expected a proposal right there and then, but everyone got rudely brought back to the party when someone shouted they were to held a toast, as the dinner was over and the dance floor was about to open.
Sihtric was amused at your drunk uncles, who were convinced they could do that one dance from that popular k-pop group. Sihtric would later tell you that it was the best worst out of sync choreography he had ever seen, and he had loved every second of it.
'You want to dance?' he asked you, after the tragic dance attempt of your uncles unfortunately ended.
'I'm not much of a dancer,' you chuckled, 'maybe if a slower song comes on I could save myself, but not this,' you shook your head, 'I will look like my uncles.'
Sihtric snorted at the thought, and it was as if the Devil was the DJ, because as soon as you had spoken the up beat song faded out into a slow, sappy love song.
'You said it,' Sihtric smiled as he got up.
'Gods,' you sighed. Sihtric took your hand and pulled you up, walking you up to the dancefloor,
'I really can't dance, Sihtric,' you said, 'I'm serious.'
'I don't care, lady,' Sihtric smiled, bringing his hands to your waist to pull you closer. You placed your hands on his chest and looked up at him with a shy smile.
'Gods, you're beautiful,' he whispered shyly as he looked down at you, and he guided your body along with his effortlessly, making you both feel as if you were the only two people in the room.
'So are you,' you giggled, 'did…did you mean what you said earlier?'
'I've said a lot tonight,' Sihtric chuckled, 'you have to be more specific, baby girl.'
'What you said about love at first sight?' you didn't dare to look up at him now.
'Hm,' he hummed quietly with a smile and leaned his jaw gently against your temple, 'I did, baby,' he spoke softly, 'every damn word. You've been in my head ever since I saw you, and I couldn't get you out.'
'Why did you never tell me?' you looked up at him.
'Would you have told me if you felt the same?'
'But I feel the same, Sihtric,' you smiled shyly again.
'And did you tell me?' he asked playfully.
'No,' you smiled, guilty.
'And why didn't you?'
'I …' you sighed, 'I was afraid to ruin our friendship if the feeling wasn't mutual.'
'There is your answer,' Sihtric said and he gently cupped your cheek with one hand, sliding his other hand onto your lower back, 'but I guess since we're finally being honest, I can admit that I desperately want to kiss you right now.'
And when he captured your lips into a tender, slow kiss, it was as if the world around you didn't exist anymore. There was only bliss.
'You want to go home?' you blurted out when Sihtric broke the kiss as the music had changed into something upbeat again.
'With you?'
'Yes,' you smiled.
'Nothing I want more,' he smiled back, and pulled you with him off the dancefloor.
'Wait, Sihtric,' you snorted as you almost tripped again, 'my feet are so tired from these goddamn heels, let me take them off before we get to the stairs again.'
'Come here,' Sihtric clicked his tongue with a smile and wasted no time in picking you up in his arms.
'No,' you giggled, 'you don't have to- just let me take off my shoes!'
'No, lady,' Sihtric grinned, 'I like the way you look in them.'
'What is that supposed to mean?' you frowned and wrapped your arms around his neck as he walked out of the venue.
'Meaning that I hope,' Sihtric said as he carefully watched his step in the dark going down those stairs, 'maybe I'll be lucky tonight and see you in nothing but those heels,' he winked.
'Gods,' you rolled your eyes but couldn't help yourself and you smiled at him, 'I think I'm in love with you, honey.'
Sihtric looked down into your eyes and smiled as well, 'I think I'm in love with you too, bunny.'
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
Promised Land - Andrealphus
You know what, I'm sorry. It was supposed to be three times shorter. I swear. My hand slipped. I have no idea how it got so big. No proofreading, plus I'm sure there will be some awkwardness because English is not my native language. SFW.
I wish everyone who is brave enough to read it to have a nice time!
Words: ~5365
Part one summary: You, the reader, managed to talk to Andrea through the game. He realized that apart from the MC, there was someone behind the screen.
Other parts: On the other side | Promised Land | Point to point | Love is blind (18+)
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
First, you were fired from a job. Then you tripped on a walker, cracked the head, and ended up in the hospital. But the worst of it all was that you destroyed your phone. Everything was gone. With barely enough savings to pay your rent, you couldn't afford a new one. Drunk with desperation, you even asked a friend to install the game on her phone just to see if the account was saved. Account - yes. But what you valued most is gone.
Andrealphus didn't hear you.
You couldn't even tell anyone about it. Crazy, that's what they'd say. They thought work was your biggest worry, but it was only almost biggest. For two weeks, the longing had been so overwhelming that you could do nothing but cry into your pillow. Stupid? Maybe. Stupid was that you lost him through your own fault and in such a simple way. You would love to get rid of these feelings. The problem was that you couldn't.
The Promised Land was a three-hour drive from the city and at first glance looked like a combination of Disneyland and a shamanic capital. All you could see were the outlines of high roller coasters, a barrel, and other strange death apparatuses that you had only agreed to visit to ease your’s friend remorse. She suddenly realized that she had been ignoring you because of her new boyfriend and wanted to make it up to you. At first, you were excited. Then it turned out that all three of you were going. Apparently, her car broke down. What a sad coincidence, her boyfriend’s car remains.
Watching the amusement park from the backseat of the SUV, Liminal Land came to your mind. You have always been interested in AR. Parallel worlds, virtual reality, interconnections, such nonsense. Nonsense… That's probably why you had the impression for a few weeks that the guy from the game talked with you. Maybe it was all a dream? You must have imagined it out while you were having a bad time, drinking coffee with energy drinks, trying to keep up with work that you got fired anyway. A defensive reaction of the brain or something.
And yet you still felt like you had lost somebody close.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
It was exactly as you thought. The couple in love disappeared from sight about half an hour after buying tickets and walking through the gate. They probably followed the cashier's advice and visited Stargrazer, a large building that reminded you of the Avisos casino. Apparently you got tokens there. They could be exchanged for prizes, rides, and more. You preferred to go to the other attractions first so as not to run into the lovebirds. Tall garden clocks that resembled lamps showed ten o'clock. Armed with a VIP pass, you promised yourself to have fun, at least for today. Despite this, you involuntarily returned your hand to your purse to touch the damaged phone. Somehow it felt warm. That hit on the head must have been really hard to still have effects.
After all, throwing yourself into the attractions and completing half of them, ending with three rounds of a sick water rollercoaster in a row… was not the best idea. It was almost lunchtime. Or at least it should be, because you were getting hungry even though the time on the watches had barely moved. That was weird. You could clearly see the hands moving, but when you looked away and returned, it showed ten o'clock again.
To calm your stomach, you sat on a bench and looked at the people around you. They also were weird, but positively weird. Freaks of all designs and colors, cosplayers, but also amateurs. Somewhere you saw One Piece and Dragon Ball, and now crossdressed Elsa in a fur cape was talking to a biblically accurate angel. They moved away towards the administration, probably belonged to the staff. Extraordinary craftsmanship.
The park was mostly for adults, but a lot of them were with children. Too bad, they could have left them in the mini-park that was apparently set aside somewhere at the other end of the place. Their running only made you more dizzy. The smell of pizza from the stand next door didn't help either.
Evacuating yourself from all the stimuli, you stood in front of a large block, which was apparently the biggest attraction. Stargrazer was a gigantic, purple and blue structure that looked like a club from the outside. Through the arch with neon lights in the shapes of comets and planets, dozens of people entered the huge hall. The whole place was enormous. There seemed to be no walls or even a ceiling. People on other levels walked on balconies, and at the top - on a dark glass surface that lit up with every step, making the "ceiling" look like a sky with shining stars. Dozens of stands were scattered on the left and right. People occupied lanes that looked like some kind of bowling pins, glass mini-mazes, and slot machines. Walking through the middle, you moved further and further away from the sunlight, guided by the dim light of LED lights and games that you had never really seen in your life. Everyone seemed to know the rules.
Something crashed into you with full force.
"I'm sorry, ma'am!"
"It’s okay…"
A short teenager gave you an apologetic smile and ran away, holding a white thistle in his hands. It looked like a many-pointed star or a sharp spike. Many people won the same objects. When unfolded, they resembled stars and gave off light, but they could be twisted, folded into a cube the size of a thumb, and placed in a pocket. They appeared to be tokens that could be redeemed for prizes. When you looked behind the boy, you saw him lining up at the checkout at the entrance.
"Are you sure everything is fine?"
This time, the little girl stood in front of you, watching intently. She had fair skin and golden hair, and with blue eyes she looked like an angel. There was a badge on her chest. It resembled employee ID badges, but was clearly written in a child's handwriting: "Hi! My name is Mia and I work here with dad!"
It seemed that her parent took her to work here often enough that she felt the need to help customers herself, because she started explaining the rules of the games. She was nicer company than you thought, as you slowly walked deeper and deeper into the building. You weren't having much luck with games and didn't care about tokens, just wanted to try out the games. When the star finally rolled out of the slot, you turned to Mia.
"It's for you." You gave her a star.
"For me…"
She looked shocked, turned the item over in her hands like a treasure. You didn't know she would be so happy; with VIP pass you didn't need tokens anyway, just came to calm down a bit. Despite the multitude of people, the place seemed calmer and the voices were muffled. Maybe it was some space special effects.
As you were walking to the next stand, the explosion blew you off your feet.
Everything happened at once. Thrown against the wall like a rag doll, you felt every part of the body being torn apart by pain. You've gone deaf. Breathless. Shards of glass fell from the sky like rain, beautifully shining, deadly raindrops. Conscious enough to cover your eyes, you raised hands. The skin was cut by sharp edges.
The ringing in the ears turned into a wailing alarm. You felt torn apart, but all your limbs were in place. Not everyone was so lucky. Dozens of people, scattered on the floor and against the walls, lay motionless. Some bloody. Not everything was visible through the thick layer of dust. Also, images reached your eyes, but not mind. What happened?
You don't know if it was a second or an hour before you regained some sort of consciousness. To your left, a pair of men weren't getting up, but to your right, a girl who stood next to you earlier was clinging and shaking. Her eyes were as big as cup saucers, and blood and tears were mixing on a dainty face.
"Hey, your head. This looks bad." You heard your own voice, although you still felt unreal, as if everything around you didn't exist. Ultra-real VR. Especially the pain.
She flinched as you took the torn piece of her shirt and tied it around her temple.
"Th-these…are they terrorists?" She uttered, sobbing.
You looked around. The explosion threw you behind the games, away from the center of the hall. She had a better view, as two gaming machines fell in front of you, effectively blocking the view. When you looked out from behind them, sure enough, there were some people walking around… with guns. White uniforms and fur coats. They seemed to be combing the gigantic place starting from the other end. Not many of them, but would there be many terrorists? They chased away the rest of the people, took the conscious ones inside the destroyed building, and the unconscious ones…
You didn't want to see this. You didn't want to end up like that, either. Until they haven't found you, you had a chance. Whoever it was had bad intentions.
"Let's go." As you sat up, dizziness hit you, but luckily the legs worked. It's worse with the hands. The left one you covered yourself with was bleeding so profusely that all your clothes on your chest and stomach were red. Luckily, the blood was only leaking lazily now, not as heavily, but you still felt sick watching it.
The girl wasn't lucky either. Her leg was bent at an odd angle, at best it was broken. She whimpered as you helped her up. Someone turned off the alarm. Now the only sounds were the shifting of rubble. The soldiers were unnaturally quiet, as if they did not need words to communicate. It scared you. Despite everything, Mia had more courage, she bit her lip to keep quiet.
There were many alcoves with doors along the wall, and every other one had an "exit" sign above it. Fire exits. In some, you could hear the sound of sprinklers firing through the thick smoke following the explosion. The air was hard to breathe. You glided slowly, leaning against the wall, helping the girl bounce forward. Every step took forever. Only the adrenaline in the veins kept you running.
Strange soldiers were getting closer. As you trudged through the alley, you could hear machines moving nearby. Cleaned rubble. Whistle of the blade that will stay with you forever. You had two final turns to get out of the trap when someone ran right into you.
"R-run!" A distressed woman in bloody clothes squealed. She grabbed your hand. You screamed in pain and jumped back. "There's their boss over there! He kills! He’ll kill you!"
She ran further down the corridor. Your hand, torn by the glass and moved by her, burst out with a fresh dose of blood. Pain was awful. Black spots danced before the eyes, if only you could take a breath… The little girl leaning on your shoulder began to sob. It brought you back to life. The strange woman run again, and must have bumped into the soldiers because you heard her scream.
Boss. Angelic boss. The best options you could think of were immediate death from Gabriel's scythe. As for the others, maybe Michael would take pity and cut your head off quickly. Raphael… Well… Fortunately, there was no time to think about it.
In front of you was a bend in the hall and on your left was the door to the bathroom. You pressed the doorknob, they gave way. The intact, white room smelling of lavender, that would have been completely normal half an hour ago, looked like science fiction when you were surrounded by chaos and destruction. Behind a series of sinks and mirrors, the only ones that were cracked, there was a second door leading to an outside corridor. You hid in one of the cabins.
"Listen." You crawled together and helped her lean against the wall. "I'll check if it's still safe and come get you, okay? This "boss" doesn’t sound good."
You had no other choice, and you both knew it.
"But promise you'll come back." The little one tried to hold on, but it didn't work out well. "Promise…"
"I swear."
You felt sorry for her. Alone. Little. She didn't even have a way to escape with her crushed leg. But if there really was another danger ahead of you, you wouldn't stand a chance anyway. You didn't even have a place to hide and wait, because the storage compartment in the cabin where you left Mia was too small for the two of you.
But why were the Seraphim here? Didn't they have better things to do? You already guessed why the clocks weren't working. It is a space like the "New Heaven" in Gehenna created by the Cherubim. Here, a lot of innocent people were caught in angelic inner games.
Carefully, you poked your head out. The last corridor left to exit was long and wide. Debris was falling from the stairwells at regular intervals, but it was possible to walk through them. Two people ran down and towards the exit, or at least they tried to, before someone got in their way.
Now you knew the woman wasn't lying, and realized what the strange fur coats were. It's not fur. They're feathers. A chill ran down your spine because what you saw before the eyes was unreal. A tall man stood with his back to you, with the wing and a halo. With a shining scythe, he blocked the path of two terrified people.
You knew this man. Angel’s boss, she said? You felt a stupid urge to laugh out loud, along with a stone that suddenly weighed heavily on your heart.
The scream left your mouth before any thought even reached the brain. The hand that was preparing to strike froze in the air, and you had the impression that you felt a gust of air that was supposed to accompany the slash. Regret hit you faster than a train. Legs felt like running away. It was a mistake. Now this scythe will be aimed at you. But he just turned around and stared blankly at you.
Now that he turned around, you had a clear view of all the details. A black suit, perfectly fitted to a muscular body. A long braid decorated with bloody feathers and powerful horns, curled like a ram's and made of black segments like dragon scales. A handsome, long face and muddy eyes, decorated with scars. Black leather gloves on his hands that held the huge weapon as easily as a child's toy. And a luminous scythe. Which was now aiming for your throat.
"Who are you?"
"I…" Is it possible? Does he remember? Were your conversations even yours, or was it really AI? You almost stopped breathing, squinting.
"Uh… I'm… I'm human. You wouldn't hurt a human. Right?"
If your conversations weren't real, your name would do him no good. But if it was the real Andrealphus, the one you knew, the one you love, he wouldn't have hurt an innocent man. But… why was he targeting those people, then?
He flinched when he heard your voice.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came with friends…"
"No. What are you doing here? My…" He trailed off. "It's not safe. You have to get out of here."
Oh, that was all you wanted right now. But the chaos in your head didn't allow you to think clearly. After all, about three minutes ago you were the victim of a terrorist attack, and now you were standing in front of a fictional guy you were in love with. Even separately this is too much!
"A strange woman ran… into me and said, well… That you are the boss of the angels. And you murder people."
"Humans? You're the first human I've ever met. As for the other part…" The grip on the scythe style tightened.
"Those two you were aiming at also were."
He frowned and tilted his head as if to look over his shoulder. Of course, they were no longer there, but you were sure you didn't see any wings on them, unlike the soldiers in the main hall.
"They had an angelic aura about them."
Any further discussion had to wait because you heard footsteps in the hall. He was redy to fight, but you were not. You dragged him into the bathroom.
"They were humans. There's something wrong with this place. Maybe he's irradiating us or something."
"If so, I should also see you."
Your voices turned to whispers as footsteps passed down the hall. You knew he could ‘see’ the glow of the outlines of angels, but not ordinary humans or devils. He was relying on other senses and sensations you didn't understand. It didn't fully replace sight, but it helped, especially in hunting.
"I'll show you another human. We'll see then, okay?"
You got back to Mia faster than you thought. She was happy to see you, but when she saw Andrealphus she screamed and pushed herself deeper into the corner. He didn't look happy either.
"Hello, little one."
Andrea knelt down next to the girl. Even if he looked confused, his voice was firm and gentle. He was really talking to the child. The girl moved away and covered her eyes with her hand as if to defend herself.
"Your friend says you have no wings. Is it true?"
"I’m blind. Let me feel it."
He warned before extending his hand. His hand wandered over her shoulder, but all he found was air and a cold wall. He frowned.
"I told you, she’s not an… what are you doing!" You shouted, seeing how he takes out small pistol from under his jacked. You froze, but he just placed the gun on the girl's lap. His past came to your mind; you wondered if he thought about what would happen if he had a gun when he met Rafael as a little boy. In his own way, it seemd that he was trying to protect another child from this fate. Save from helplessness.
You felt a twist of pain in your stomach. He trusted you. He must have remembered you. Why else would he believe you enough to give the creature he thought was an angel a weapon?
"You have to have something to defend yourself with." He stood up and turned towards you. "Let's go."
"We?" You glanced towards the door. "I will be a burden. Let me sneak out the back door."
"The building is fully guarded, you are safest with me. Besides, you got your eyes intact. Since the aura is crazy here, I don't want to hurt anyone innocent."
Andrea placed the scythe on his shoulder. A hand extended towards you, a serious look on a scarred face.
"Please, be my sight. Guide me."
Your heart skipped a beat. Even your vision went dark, although maybe it was the result of blood loss. Never mind. You accepted his hand. It was rough and strong, you could feel the tiny scars under your fingers; exactly how you imagined a soldier's hand. He smiled so softly that your legs went weak beneath you. He caught you in half before you fell.
Okay, maybe it was the blood loss after all.
You slowly straightened up and leaned against your broad chest, taking a few deep breaths. Wounds didn't hurt as much anymore, but slowly you slowly lose feeling in your hand. It just went limp. You didn't even have time to admire his warmth, his scent, because your stupid body refused to obey.
"You're bleeding."
"Don't worry… I'll be fine. It's already better." You tried to sound like everything was alright. Maybe not well enough for him to move away, but enough for him not to worry. Judging by his face, it didn't work. His grip on your waist tightened.
"I would take you to Nilfheim, but those damn portals stopped working…" He muttered to himself.
You didn't expect to hear such a note in his voice. Care? Anxiety? This was unlike the stoic devil you knew. And if the portals weren't working…
"How did you get here then?"
"We have other ways. Your phone."
"But it's ruined."
"It didn't matter. It previously acted as an interdimensional mirror, so I could have used it as a reference."
That was enough revelation for you. Whatever happened, you just wanted to rest. With Andrea, of course.
"Please. Let's just get out of here."
You decided it would be better to go through the main hall. If you don't manage to sneak by sideways, it will be easier for Andrealphus, with his huge scythe, to fight in a larger area. That's why you left Mia too. He felt her just like the angels. Only recognizing their aura, he couldn't distinguish most of them; he would have killed her by pure accident, aiming at someone else. You preferred to avoid it.
Leaning on the devil, letting him hold you by your waist, you limped into the main hall. Most of the angels had already dispersed, the dust had settled, only human bodies and dirty blood stains were lying here and there. Seeing this, your nausea only increased. A few surviving soldiers were wandering among the machines, picking something up from among the rubble. You saw sparkles in their hands. Were they star tokens?
Before you could think twice, you felt a tug on your waist. Andrea stopped. The scythe was aimed at the man in front of you.
"I can?"
He asked politely, as if he wanted to pull out a chair in front of you rather than waiting for permission to murder. A lump stuck in your throat. The man did indeed have white wings and a halo, but instead of a soldier’s uniform he wore a blue one. You recognized that long blond hair; you've seen him before.
"It's… someone from the staff, I guess."
"Do not kill me!" He begged. "I can't do anything to you, I was just… looking…"
He tried to move away, but Andrea wrapped his scythe around the man like an arm. The weapon touched the wings. Demon felt it and growled throatily.
There was a screech behind you.
"Leave him!"
Another problem. You glanced behind; Mia, propped up on a broom, had to limp quietly tracing you. She aimed the small gun at Andrea's back. Would the bullet hurt him? You did not know. But his face hardened. The angels that had been roaming around the building heard you and began to gather around. In a wide semicircle, with their weapons drawn, they observed the horned intruder.
Andrealphus was silent. Waited. He could have killed them. He would do it easily, without breaking a sweat; but still, something held him back. You guessed what it was about. When he gave the girl the gun earlier, he didn't expect it to be pointed at him.
In a scene he couldn't get out of his mind, he became the one he hated the most.
"You're not like him." You whispered and placed your hand on his hand where he held the scythe.
He slowly moved her away from the man. Mia walked past you and threw herself into her father's arms. This didn't solve the problem; if he didn't want to kill them, he couldn't fight. Having to take care of you on top of that, his hands were tied.
The number of angels only increased. More and more of them came, crawling through the rubble, appearing on balconies as if waiting for the first move. They surrounded you, but it could just as easily have been the flies surrounding the dragon. Lowest angels and a devilish noble. He would have chopped them to pieces if it weren't for his only weakness - and that weakness was you.
You felt worse and worse, but a crazy idea came to your head.
"Trust me." You asked so quietly that even you didn't hear your words, but you hoped he did, and pushed him away. "Finally! I brought him as Raphael ordered. Do with him whatever you want now! Dad, let’s come out."
Everyone was moved by this name. Just as you thought. You couldn't read anything on Andrea's face, and you didn't want to because you felt like a traitor. The angels took your shout as an order. They attacked straight ahead. If this was a trap for the noble set by the Seraphin, they must have managed to kill him, right?
Mia's father, whom you bumped into, helped you walk. He supported both you and his daughter as you walked to the exit. Did you feel safe? No. But the angels evaded you. They must have assumed that, like Mia, you were half-angel. They parted as you walked on soft legs… and a moment later wet sounds of blood splashing and flesh being torn apart filled the entire hall. Andrea was chopping up angels. Yes, that's him. It must be him. Not the other way around.
You have no idea how you got out of the building, but when you felt the fresh air, you fell to your knees. You were overwhelmed by helplessness and pain. The earth was swirling, full of black spots. It's happened before, you could walk. You just needed a moment to gather your strength. And probably you would have made it if you hadn't seen movement out of the corner of your eye. Hand and stone. Your head erupted in pain before you passed out.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
When you opened your eyes again, the light blinded you. White ceiling, walls a sickly blue shade that looked as if someone had smeared soap on them instead of paint. The smell of cleaning products and medicines. Your stomach lurched. You knew this place so well, but it was two weeks ago. After all, so much has happened since the accident. After all… Andrea.
You felt nauseous, looking around the room with your heart in your throat; drip, bedside table with glass full of water, large window letting in the evening light. Behind the mirror in the corridor stood a couple of people, whose voices could be heard through the door ajar. They had an argument. You groaned, rubbing your aching head. Collecting thoughts was so hard.
It couldn't all have been a dream. His voice. His touch. You remembered it too clearly. Panic was rising in your chest, especially when you heard a sleepy voice from the hall. Words like 'coma', 'memory impairment' and 'you have to be understanding' brought tears to your eyes. Whole body hurt. The greatest pain spread slowly through the chest, stabbing and burning, as if someone had inserted a hot blade and was circling in a open wound.
People are dying. Their brain, in an act of self-defense, can invent their entire life in a split second. Some woke up in the hospital thinking they had a wife and children, only to find out they hadn't finished school yet. Was this the case? Did you make this all up? You were on the verge of life anyway, so your stupid brain decided to trick you and give you hope? Hot tears filled your eyes. How could you be so stupid? Why did you believe?
Before you burst into tears, a few more words came through.
"She keeps waking up and falling asleep… Is there any point in going in there?"
"Leave it. I doubt she heard anything."
Your friend and her boyfriend. Someone responded with a snort, the voices fading. Or maybe it was the throbbing pain that swirled your head like a blender. You cried silently. One of the silhouettes outside the window straightened up as if paralyzed and shot towards the door.
You didn't know if your brain was playing tricks on you or if you were completely crazy, when he appeared in the doorway.
This scarred, yet handsome face and long red braid, you’d recognize them even at the end of the world. He looked uncertain. As if he himself was suffering. In casual clothes, simple jeans and blue checkered shirt, he looked so normal you nearly believed that it’s just a human resembling him. But despite the lack of a halo and wings, his head was decorated with majestic, dark horns.
"You liar…"
Even his voice matched perfectly. Shock drew back the tears. Is it…?
You didn't have time to think. In the current state, thinking wasn't your strongest trait anyway. He sat down next to you, slender fingers first landing on your shoulder and then moved to your face.
"You awful, dishonest, intelligent woman. If I knew…"
You could barely feel the gentle touches of fingertips. Despite terrible words, he was so careful, as if he were examining a work of art and not your broken skin. Although, his smile made you feel like a masterpiece. Before you could utter a greeting, he found your mouth, and not with fingers. The touch of hot lips was even more tender and ticklish than his palms. Shaky breath leave his lips, before you could hear a faint whisper.
"I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t want, if… If I had known…"
No. This was not something you expected to hear. Sealing those sweet lips with yours, you purred.
"Are you sorry for kissing me or for saving my life?"
"For risking it in the first place!"
"You’re a devil. I’d be disappointed if you wouldn’t."
You chuckled, seeing him frowning, as if he wanted to scold you but couldn’t. It was a mistake. A new dull pain erupted in your wounded head. Did it matter? The pain in a chest suddenly subsided. Life started to make more sense. Even the color on the walls stopped being soapy and became a beautiful blue.
"How did I get here?"
"This… angel." He spat the word like it was the worst insult. "He hit you, patched you up, and left you in a back alley. He said he couldn't take you with him, and you'd be safer unconscious. I found you not much later. Human services arrived, and I convinced them to deal with you first. And they better do it right."
"What happened to him? With Mia?"
"She’s safe. And him… He didn’t have to hit you, but he did. I didn’t have to let him live…" He felt your tense expression and tilted his head. "But I did."
You sighed with relief. It was a step in a good direction.
"Although without a hand that hit you."
…well, quite a small step. You didn't want to dwell on it, you can do the next steps together. In less intense circumstances. Since the portals weren't working…
"I now know why I felt angels everywhere."
"They really weren't disguised. Unable to get rid of their aura around people, they used tokens, those stars, to make all the humans resemble their aura. Without the tokens, I couldn’t see you. It's even better. I don't want to see you if it means you'll look like an enemy. You are wonderful in the way you laugh, move, think. I'm glad I know you deeper than just your outer shell." He kept playing and stroking gently your face. "Although I'm sure you would shine not deadly, but beautifully."
You held his hand, you heard his voice. Time passed, and you didn't have the strength to speak, but he still kept you company. You could listen and listen. With your eyes closed, you hugged the hand cupping your face and felt like you could stay like that forever. It was worth being neatly torn apart to finally be able to meet him. For the first time, you didn't feel longing. Only warmth.
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josnhoes · 11 months
Dc knak au with the batfam and a fem!disabled reader.
[ Part 1 , Part 2 (here)]
Warning: yandere (knak aus are by base yandere), mentions of illness, mentions of poor mental health
Being adopted by Bruce Wayne *the* Batman wasn't what you expected to happen after the fundraiser. You'd been grumpy and kinda mean to Dick so you thought the family would have ignored you. If it wasn't for the fact the memory from your other life told you *who* he was, and that he wouldn't have just adopted the problem child to show how kind he was, that stopped you from lashing out at their behavior.
They all came on really strong, all of them already calling you sister instead of your name, save Bruce and Alfred whom used your name but often referred to you as daughter or granddaughter. It would have been sweet if it didn't make you feel so guilty. Sure they weren't telling you about their night lives, but compared to the secret of your origins they seemed honest and open. So instead of opening up you built your walls higher scared of if they learned the parts of you hid so strongly.
They'd figure it out maybe. But you gave them some truths, like you'd told them your true age. Tried to say you old life. They found nothing on it so they swiftly assumed you were just a kid pretending. Plus they'd already been warned of this habit by the matron of the group home you had been in. The woman obviously wad trying to dissuade them from her because she wasn't a normal kid.
They loved how you were like a little adult. It was a case of 6 or 60. The way you behaved was different then when Damien tried to seem mature. He acted like an upperclass snob assumption a kid would paint an adult as. Where as you, well you gave of the eternally tired done with life retail worker who just got told their local store no longer stocked their comfort food.
It was cute and funny, the family made various memes out of you sharing them in the various group chats. But then it got not as funny. It had been several weeks and you hadn't stopped and acted like a kid once.
Bruce while planning to find out why you behaved like this, sent you to a therapist with Dick. Bruce figured it could have been a serious case of abuse that left you so aged inside so he was going digging for your past.
Dick was happy to take you to any appointment. He tried to make it a brother sister outing. You'd go to whichever doctor you saw that day, mental or physical, and then you'd do something based on the energy you had left. Sometimes it was just getting a Robin meal at his favorite Batburger, sometimes he took you shopping and got you a toy. The later was helpful in figuring out your preferred entertainment and aesthetic. He was so going to earn the title of best big brother. Or so he planned. If it wasn't for his work as a cop and not having someone like Alfred to help out in the house he would have adopted you himself. His precious little chickadee. He'd be your favorite and he'd definitely make his title of favorite known.
Jason was the one who'd gotten the title as your favorite. You didn't expect him to be around often. He still had his issues with Bruce and his own worries with crime alley and the pit rage. But since you joined the family he was noticeably around since you met him.
He treated you like an adult for the most part. The exceptions were things he thought were dangerous and laughing when you swore. He has a video of you saved on his phone giving a quiet heart filled fuck me as you looked at your fallen ice cream. He loves to mimic it from time to time when bad things happened. Lord help anyone who tried to harm *his* baby sister. He'd gotten his hands dirty for less.
Tim was the distant one, he almost seemed timid at first to approach you. Really he'd just been observing you and learning all your habits. At first while he thought you were cute he didn't get the bond. Then the incident happened. You'd been begging everyone to let you have coffee. He'd nearly choked on his when you whined about having too much blood in your caffeine system. So thinking you'd react like most kids, disgusted, if he gave some coffee he did. He wasn't expected to see you look visibly at peace as you drank it. He also watched as you bit Duke when he tried to take the coffee away from you. Maybe you *were* his sister, by blood even! Logically not but you and him shared a wave length!
Tim runs several DNA tests and each time it didn't match but he knew better it was a match the computer was just glitching or the sample was bad.
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amomentsescape · 5 months
Jason is my comfor character so can I request a Jason x reader who comes crying to him cause when she talks to her parents about what upsets her they always blame them for their own feelings and fight starts so their scared to discuss feelings with them and they're mom can't follow through on plans with her cause her job makes her too tired and its always something and they made a plan to visit extended family for a long time then it gets postponed for a long time again and then forgotten about and the only time they seen their extended family on both sides was near there birthday at a funeral when a cousin killed themselves and it feels they can only see their family when someone kills themselves
A Promise to You
Jason Voorhees x Reader
Summary: A fight with their parents drives Reader to see Jason: the one person they know they can rely on.
Warnings: Angst then fluff, mentions of family member suicide
Word Count: 1,136
A/N: Comfort characters are incredibly important, so I hope I wrote him in a light that lines up with what you wanted. Sending you all the love <3
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You could feel that familiar burn make its way into your stomach. Your eyes were already watering too despite trying your best to hold them back.
"We'll try to see them next year sometime, okay?" your mother said, her eyes still glued to her phone.
You swallowed roughly and looked down at your hands, noticing the dry skin beside your nails.
Nasty habit, you thought.
"I haven't seen them in so long," you finally responded quietly.
You could hear your father let out a sigh at this.
"Nothin' we can do about it. You'll be fine."
Your eyes began to water once more.
"But the last time the whole family was together was-"
"Near your birthday," your mother cut you off, still refusing to look directly at you.
You looked back at her face, trying to focus on anything other than breaking down right then and there. You tried to steady your breathing.
There was a time when your mother actually tried to talk to you and spend time with you. Although now, that felt like a dream, something that never actually happened.
"It was at my cousin's funeral," you whispered.
Both of your parents looked up at you. Finally.
"Right," was all that was said.
You knew deep down that this conversation was going to end up nowhere, but there was still a part of you that hoped maybe this would be the time they'd actually listen. Maybe this time they'd care.
"It just seems like someone has to die for us to actually see everyone again," you responded a little louder than before.
Whatever hope you had held onto was immediately diminished at your mother rolling her eyes and your father scoffing.
"Jesus, (Y/N). It's not our fault that happened-"
"I'm not saying it was," you shot back. The energy in the room was starting to become uncomfortable.
"Okay, then stop acting like it is!"
You took a deep breath in. "I'm just trying to tell you how I'm feel-"
"How about you do that without blaming us for all of your problems?!" your mother snapped. "It's not our fault the trip was canceled. It's not that big of a deal!"
You could feel your patience wearing thin.
"I'm sorry that the idea of spending time with my family sounded nice for a change! Especially when my own mother won't even acknowledge me when she gets home from work!"
"Do NOT speak to her like that!" your father yelled, his face turning red.
Your mother just looked at you, anger filling in her eyes.
"You don't know what it's like to be exhausted from a full-time job!"
"Well, if I had a child, I would still try to make time for them instead of canceling every plan just because I have to work!"
"Are you saying I'm a bad mother?!"
"You're barely a mother at all when you won't even talk to me!"
Your father stood up at this, walking towards you with a scowl painted on his face.
"Why do you always have to be so goddamn sensitive all the time?! You're not a baby! You don't need us to support you 24/7. You need to learn to grow up!"
At this point, your cheeks were already soaked from all the tears spilled. Your throat ached at trying to hold back the sobs, and you could feel your hands shaking by your sides.
But the worst part wasn't even how pathetic you felt in that moment, crying in the middle of your living room. It was the fact that your parents just stood there staring at you with a look of anger and disappointment etched into their features. You didn't feel loved in that moment- you felt despised.
You didn't want to be here anymore. You needed to get out of that environment before the heavy air suffocated you.
Despite the protests of your parents, you ran out the front door of the home and let your feet take you where they wanted to go.
You didn't know how much time had gone by. It could have been minutes, hours, you didn't care. You knew what you needed, and it was him.
You finally stopped running once the front door to the cabin was right in front of you.
Without even needing to knock, Jason opened the door, his head tilted at why you were there. Not that he wasn't happy to see you, he had just made a rule that you wouldn't go lurking into these woods at night. It wasn't safe for you.
But this worry went out the door the moment he saw your tear stained cheeks and the deep frown carved onto your lips.
He pulled you inside immediately, sitting you down beside him on the couch.
Without even thinking, he wrapped himself around you. And this is what seemed to break the dam.
Your sobs muffled into his chest, and you could feel his arms tighten around your frame. He was almost frightened of what had made you this upset.
He let you cry into him for a bit longer before pulling you back, checking over your body to make sure you weren't physically hurt. When he felt confident you were fine, his eyes met yours and he gave you a questioning look.
You moved your gaze to your lap.
"M-my parents," your voice broke.
Jason seemed to immediately know what you meant by this. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time that something bad had gone down with your parents. As much as he wanted to take away this problem for good, he knew that you would never allow it. You still loved them at the end of the day.
"They j-just never listen to me," you sniffled. "I just wish they'd h-hear me out for once..."
Jason put his hand on the side of your face, wiping away the new tears that continued to spill from your eyes.
He took your own hand gently in his free one, placing it over his chest. It was what he did whenever he wanted to reassure you or tell you that he loves you.
This managed to get a little smile from you.
No matter what happened, Jason was always there for you. He was the one person you knew who would hear you out and never judge. It was why this was the one place your feet decided to carry you to when your own home felt like too much.
"I don't know what I'd do without you," you whispered to him.
You could see his eyes brighten under his mask at this. He nodded as if to say he felt the same.
He couldn't prevent these things from occurring, but Jason promised to always be there to pick you up. And Jason doesn't break his promises.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
if you ever have the time and space to answer this i'd be very thankful
how can i take any let downs by friends less personal and continue giving people chances/inviting them in and being vulnerable without hurting myself/gettung hurt in the process? i'm guessing the answer is to find a balance, but are there ways to go about it easier? no matter how much i try to communicate and and manage expectations... i appreciate my friends greatly, but still i often feel let down when they cant come to things that are important to me though i understand that things can happen and theres usually reasons for not being able to make something and i am not their priority number one in a system that exhausts all of us- it just keeps happening and i don't want to grow bitter and alone but cherish the people in my life and trust they are trying their best
I think you can start by practicing being more flaky and unreliable and more reliant up on your friends' grace as well! When we feel resentful, it is often a sign that we are doing far too much, and not having our needs cared for. I used to be one of the most reliable mother fuckers around -- it was my senior superlative, actually, Most Reliable! ha! -- and I resented just about everyone for being less put together, less likely to follow through, less prone to doing what they said and saying what they'd do than me. I was a bitter little Type A overachieving cunt who considered myself superior to everyone (in part because my hyper literal Autistic ass believed that if you said you were going to do something, that meant you absolutely Had to Do It and Why Would Anybody Lie about a thing like that?)
Today I am a fuckin MESS and I am a much better person for it. I amble up just barely on time, I cancel plans, I forget things, I tell someone I can't make it even if in the most literal sense I could but I don't feel like it -- and many of my friends are tired, spent, fuzzy brained exhausted messes too! And it's fine! I have some friends that I regularly rely upon to cancel our plans because it frees up a little extra room in my schedule that I always wind up needing. I'm not mad or disappointed in them for bailing, my ass is relieved because I definitely have some shit to get to myself and probably four other people that I'm kinda letting down at the moment. It's not that any of us lack concern for one another, that's just what being a busy adult is in this day and age. We have work and creative pursuits and lots of friends and fucking and exercise and tile to regrout. Shit happens. It's not a big deal if I end up needing to see the movie solo or if we need to reschedule our breakfast date. Shit happens. I have too many actual problems to make a problem out of someone having a hangover and not being able to show up to my birthday or whatever. I missed their birthday last year, but I'll make it there this year, and maybe next time they'll make mine, too. The grace of accepting chaos washes it all away. My friends are my fellow comrades in the fuckin trenches and we each get to make one another's tours a little less miserable by understanding shit's crazy and fucked and that none of it is personal and that at the end, we still love eachother and are doing our best.
With time, may you find that kind of serenity and that ability to just keep on moving in life rather than fixating on the little slights and unpredictable things that will happen whether we fight them or not. Don't read too much into anyone's cancellation of plans or lateness or flakiness. Put your mind toward more interesting problems in your life, ones that some thinking can help solve. Easier said than done, but you'll get there. If my bitter anal retentive ass could become so sloppy and lovingly blase so can you!
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1-800-local-slut · 7 months
All I Want (2/3)
Dean has a crush. Nothing strange, Dean's fallen for tons of women. Only problem is it’s on his brother’s girlfriend. She’s a sweet girl, who makes Sammy happy. And that makes Dean happy. Only problem is he wants some of that happiness, and he doesn’t want it from anyone else.
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Dean Winchester x Black! Fem! Reader (One-sided)
Sam Winchester x Black! Fem! Reader
Warnings: one sided love, pining, Dean is thinks badly about himself, mentions of alcohol, Dean wants reader bad but she's in love with Sam, Dean's really scared and really guilty, reader wears jewelry, most (if not all) of the female characters have a lot of accessories (lipgloss, nails, lashes, mascara, jewelry) because a lot of my works are self-indulgent and I'm a girly-girl ngl so i like being dressed up and having a lot of accessories on so if its not for you just ignore it
Part 2 of 3! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm so grateful I was able to start this blog because I've really found myself through it. I'm grateful to all of you as well, thank you so much for reading my works. Ily all, and I hope you had a wonderful day!
Please let me know if you guys enjoy!
Check out part three if you enjoyed!
Over the past year and a half, Dean's gotten used to jealousy. The feeling of jealousy that he tries to fight off constantly. He'll sit and think 'it's your brother, be happy for him' yet he can't. Not to say he isn't overjoyed with Sam's happiness. Yet, he feels it so often it's nearly impossible to ignore.
When doing research, she comes in with two cups of coffee and gives Sam a soft kiss on the cheek, he feels it. When they're at a diner and she'll tenderly spoon feed him some of her food. When he's giving her a soft back rub and she's dozing off underneath him, and falls asleep with soft snores.
It's not like Dean's never wanted a relationship. Sometimes, all he'll want is someone to be with and hold him. This was not the same. This was a specific desire, a desire for her.
Believe him, he's tried. He's tried dating others, maybe girls who look just slightly like her or girls who have some trace of her personality. Nothing ever worked, he would lay in bed beside them trying not to wish it was her. Trying not to wish her soft hands were the ones holding his.
The guilt is what really kills him. The guilt that his brother finally gets a girl and he's basically drooling over her. The worst part is, he can't tell if Sam knows or not. He can't tell if Sam's dissected the longing looks he sends her way, the way he melts under her hugs, the way his gaze softens when he looks at her.
When they visit a bar, while Dean is at the bar getting more drinks or talking to some girl and she's sitting in Sam's lap talking about something. Sam's big hands rubbing her thighs tenderly, the way Dean wants to. Does Sam see how he's trying not to stare?
No, it can't be. It can't happen. Sam can't know or find out. If Sam did, he would be crushed. Dean already knew he couldn't hurt his brother so much. Lord knows Sam's never had the best luck with ladies. Each one he gets, is taken from him with vigor. Dean can't do anything about the constant guilt he feels knowing that deep down he wants to take her away from Sam for himself.
The betrayal of knowing that your own brother wants to be the one holding your girlfriend at night, the one holding her hands, would destroy any pair of brothers.
Now he was sitting with his head in his hands outside the convenience store. Of course, Sam and his lady needed to go get condoms and Plan-B. Why wouldn't they, after last week's scare? They came terrifyingly close to becoming parents and in usual Sam fashion he took the steps to ensure it wouldn't happen again.
They'd be good parents, Dean thinks. Sam could certainly do it. Sam was the one who could talk his feelings out instead of drinking them away. He was the one who could give life advice, not a stupid pun that probably wouldn't do much to help. Sam was just Sam.
The door next to him opened and in slid the object of his desires. In her hands, a bag and her purse. Plopping it down at her feet, Sam crawled into the back.
"You two crazy kids get what you need?" Dean chuckled, trying to mask the slight pang he felt when he noticed the condoms peeking out of the bag. Dean can't remember the last time he needed to buy condoms.
She nodded, flipping down the mirror and painting on some lip gloss. Dean wanted to kiss it all off her, and feel her nails running through his hair as he held her.
"All stocked up, right baby?" She asked a sleepy Sam, who was dozing off for a nap.
"Yeah." Sam responded, rolling over onto his side. She passed a hair tie to him, without him even asking and Sam uttered a soft thank you and pinned his hair out of his face for an impromptu nap. They were on their way back from a hunt in Daytona Beach, a simple salt and burn really.
Sam did most of the fighting actually, and now as a result of fighting off ghost for the past four days was snoring softly in the back with his sweater wrapped around him.
Starting the engine, Dean reversed from the parking lot. Only six hours until home and he could put some distance between himself and the stunner next to him.
Dean hoped he could just suffer quietly through the ride but his wishes weren't granted.
"That was a weird hunt, that lady cried all over me and got snot on my jacket." She commented, pulling out the new pack of press-ons she had picked up from the store and holding them up next to her arm to see how they'd look against her skin.
"Yeah, that was a family of criers." Dean chuckled, his palms sweating. Now he had to converse and wallow in his heart ache? It was too much.
She plopped the nails in her purse before she turned on her side, now looking at Dean. She tenderly pressed her fingers to a bruise on his face. He'd gotten it when he got slapped with a branch running through the woods. It made a deep, ugly scar that Dean didn't want to admit hurt as much as it did. The blood had dried, but he didn't have time to properly clean it.
Considering their hunt ended with immediately jumping in the car and speeding away from that weird ass town, a shower wasn't his top priority. She complained the entire 15 hours so far that Dean and Sam smelt like sweat, and Dean made a show of capturing her in a big hug when they stopped for gas. Seriously, that town was weird, even the showers felt weird.
"I have to bandage this up." The soft words made Dean suck in a breath, trying to hide the shiver that shot through him.
"If you want." Dean remarked, shrugging his shoulders and trying to keep his eyes on the winding road in front of him. It just seemed to go on forever.
"Well we can't let it get infected. Who knows what we'd do without you?" She giggled and sat up right, twisting her body around to fish around for a first aid kit. He couldn't help but smile, the insinuation that she needed him made his heart flutter around.
Dean tried to keep his eyes focused on the road but it was worthless to try. He glanced down at her waist, her everything while she was looking for the small bag. He wanted to be the one wrapping his hands around her and hoisting her into the air for a deep kiss.
"Got it! Here, pull over, let's get this done now." Pointing to the side of the road, down raised a brow.
"What's the hurry?" No seriously, what's the hurry? Dean needed time to prepare himself for her close proximity. His heart might jump out of his chest the way it was hammering around in his rib cage already.
"I'm tired, come on." She urged, pushing his shoulder.
"The way you're so eager to help makes me think this is a ploy to shank me." He chuckled, pulling over onto the side of the road. Her eyes playfully rolled and she shook her head in a smile. The Sun bounced off her and Dean watched her slowly open the bag and set aside some antibiotics and bandaids.
"It's deeper than I thought. Go sit on the hood, I'll be right out." The order was firm but it made Dean grumble. His legs were sore, the underside of his thighs were sore. He wished he was fast asleep in the back, snoring his heart out like Sam.
"Why do I have to get out?" Dean groaned. His ass was sore enough. After sitting for the drive, and landing on his ass after getting slapped with the tree branch, he'd be surprised if his backside wasn't bruised like a peach falling from a tree.
"There isn't enough space in here for me to clean it properly, I'd have to like, sit on you." While she was slipping her shoes on, Dean swallowed thickly.
He was picturing her soft thighs on his, chest pushed into his while she held his face in her hands. She'd take her time, cleaning the cut before wiping away the dried blood and putting the bandaid on. He'd stare into her brown eyes, showing her everything he felt and the world would disappear around them. The car, the Sun, the sky, everything. It would be the two of them, the way Dean really wanted.
He would hold her face gently, taking her full lips in for a soft kiss, and she would kiss him back with eagerness. Big hands would leave her face to hold her in place on his lap, and he could nearly feel the ghost of her nails raking over his scalp.
He knew she was a hair puller, because he heard a one off conversation of her apologizing for nearly tearing some of Sam's hair out. And because he walked in on them making out, and quickly slid out the room before he could be spotted. Her hands were yanking on Sam's long hair, while he (rather aggressively) held her face and was attempting to tear her shirt off her. He doesn't like to think of that day.
Clambering out of the car, Dean wished his muscles would stop aching and pushed his body down into a stretch before he plopped onto the hood of Baby.
The door shut and she came out, fluffing out the part of her hair she'd been laying on.
"Open your legs."
"What?" That startled Dean more than anything he'd ever seen or dealt with.
"So I can stand? What's the matter with you?" Her eyebrow raised and hands on her hips.
"Sorry. Just tired." Dean chuckled, and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. He pushed his legs open the best she could and she shimmed her way in. Her hips were too wide for the small gap he provided and he hissed at the pain of his legs being forced apart.
"Oh hush. If you take a warm shower when you get home it'll help. She got onto the tips of her toes, pushing his head back. The Sun gleamed in his eyes and he shut them. Everything just seemed to hurt today.
The sting of the alcohol patch rubbed his skin, and she cleared off the dried blood. Her soft hands rubbed cooling ointment onto the skin, while she held him in place by his neck. Closing his eyes, Dean embraced the moment, as wrong as it was.
It warmed him, down to his toes. That ugly feeling in his stomach grew, as he remembered Sam was sleeping in the back. Later on, she would be giving Sam a neck rub, since he would certainly wake up with an aching neck after he was put in a chokehold and was now awkwardly slouched over in the back. Dean would be alone, nursing his own sore muscles.
Before he knew it, the moment was over. She placed the bandaid on his face and smiled gently at him.
"There, all better." She turned, bouncing back to the car and sitting comfortably in the passengers seat, leaving Dean to his spinning thoughts. Maybe the cut on his face wasn't throbbing anymore, but his heart certainly was.
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cyn-if · 17 days
Wow when I read it for the first time I shuddered. From the first scene I could already imagine how it's painful. Wow. My poor poor MC 😭 nah, no ROs can have them. This poor little meowmeow did nothing wrong. Nuhuh. Never-ever. Gonna kill everyone that participated into shackling them or stayed aside and didn't help (looking at you, best friend) 🥰
*ok maybe I'll reconsider it about no-romance route... but MC gonna be super feral >:0
But fr your description of what torturous life (existence even, not a life tbh) MC had led is soo detailed. My jaw hurt while l read about all spikes and things.
Hmm if it's okay could you give us ROs reaction at MC that flinches every time they try to pat/hug/or just move their hand towards MC (maybe to hold MCs hand or just touch them). In the crushing stage 👀
I'm glad you found the writing compelling. I really was anxious about the tone/description of more darker themes because I find that I write a little too sarcastically sometimes. But I'm glad the darker themes are shining through that.
As for the reactions of the ROs at a flinch on first touch: (I've actually got a pretty good scene in mind for a really similar situation coming up in the book, so look forward to that as well as my little explanations!)
Everix would get so concerned about the MC's flinching. They'd instantly accept that the MC might need a lot more time to be comfortable with touch then a normal person, and do their best to respect that. In that moment, they'd probably (somewhat alarmingly) politely apologize and try to comfort the MC with words instead. Everix would, depending on how private the location the first time this occurs, try to play a little therapy with the MC, seeing if there is anything they could do to help the MC feel more at ease.
Hayes would be a little confused, being someone who enjoys touch greatly. The moment would probably linger a little awkwardly, with Hayes thinking over what happened before brushing it off. They wouldn't try to comfort the MC, but would apologize and drop the topic. Restraining themselves from trying to touch the MC, unless the MC initiates or asks. And probably failing at that as well, eventually they'd (in private) want to talk about what they can do to help the MC.
Sam would get irrationally angry, in their head at least. The MC and Sam had been very close (even in a platonic relationship) during their childhood and so seeing the MC flinch at their touch would piss Sam off, most likely being pissed at themself mainly. Sam would apologize, not try and pry or address the topic. But they'd then relentlessly "guard" the MC, if anyone tried to touch them Sam would warn them off. Not (just) because of possessiveness, but to protect them.
Quinn would try to gracefully pivot the situation to give the MC an out, if they didn't want to talk about it. However, if the MC is willing to talk about the topic, Quinn would be obviously curious about why the MC flinches, and would want to try to work with the MC to overcome their tocuhaverseness or at least address it. Depending on just how much Quinn likes the MC, she may even try to think of potential remedies for anxiety (think alchemical solutions to calm the MC down). She would tell the MC about her thoughts, very much trying to "solve" a problem.
Maverick is a unique case, because unless absolutely needed, at the crushing stage of a relationship, he would never dare touch the MC. In his case, I seem him observing someone else try to touch the Mc and noticing the flinch. He'd do his best in the moment to tell that person off, not angrily or violently mind you, but he would be there. Afterwards, depending on if the MC talks to him like friends would and not like a sovereign to a subject, he'd bring up the incident and try to better understand the MC.
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starliights-shining · 8 months
"What Would I Do Without You?"
I wrote this for someone, I thought they'd like a bit of their daily Prowl. @dundeey do enjoy this, I apologize it is not NSFW, but its sweet. I needed something sweet to write after all that damn smut I've been writtign recently. I haven't slept either so if this makes no sense then ignore it. I do think my thoughts were thoughting while writting so.... Anyways ENJOY :)
Pairing: Prowl x GN!Reader
Warnings: being followed, someone being a creep to reader, uhhh Prowl(hes a warning), not proof read(I can't read),
Yet again, you were stuck in a predicament. You hand gripping the handle of your shopping cart tighter as you walk. Taking erratic left and right turns, as you attempted to avoid the person following you. At least you thought he was following you, they haven't tried to talk to you yet, but every time you stopped they stopped a good 6 to 8 feet away. Pretending to look at something on the opposite side of the aisle. It wasn’t until you found yourself on an empty aisle that they finally got close enough to speak to you. 
Your hand moved to pick up something on a shelf a little higher than you, and coincidentally so did there, their fingers brushing against yours, you quickly moved your hand away, looking over at them with a friendly smile on your face. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just in my own little world.” 
Was all you said lowering your hand and shaking your head as you laughed a little. Check one, get them to think you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings, allow them to think they found the perfect target. 
“Oh no worries, here I can just grab another one.”
They said, smiling at you and handing you the item you tried grabbing. You put that bright fake smile that looks real on, gently grabbing the item. You made sure to keep your eyes locked on the item, turning it in your hand as you looked over the ‘cybertronian’ human food labeling. You looked up at them, smiling once again before giving them a small thank you. You watched their hand reaching for another bottle, confirming that they were also interested in the same product, which could lead them by coincidence. You mentally sighed to yourself, maybe you’re just overthinking things after that long talk with Prowl about watching your ‘surroundings and knowing who's around and where you are’. You turned, placing the item in your cart and trying your best to walk away from the situation, eyes looking down at the list in your hands. You walked two feet before looking at the shelf next to you, seeing the person putting the product they had back on the shelf, eyes lingering on your frame as their hands now rested on the products shelving. Your brain immediately clicked back into your checklist, now you had hard confirmation about this person either following you or just checking you out in an extremely obvious way. You tried to move again, you got two steps before they moved. You decided to take longer strides, moving with the pace of someone who is just trying to get in and out. Those strides seemed to fail you, they still kept up, keeping a bit distance between you two. He seemed to understand that you were on to them, they got lost in a large group of people lined up for meat cuts. A sigh came from you as you continued your shopping cautiously, keeping an eye out for the person who seemed to want to stick around you. You swore to yourself that if you saw them again, you would grab whatever you were looking at and just check out. Your brain decides it would be better to split your shopping trip in half than deal with this problem. If push comes to shove you’ll just tell Prowl to stay with you next time. Your thoughts about the Bot and how you planned on finishing your shopping list were cut short, someone was calling out to you. 
They paused, watching as you turned to look at them. A confused look on your face, you tried to keep your face neutral, confused, the type that a dig gives when they can’t comprehend that something is making a noise. You were annoyed and starting to get really creeped out. Your hand was slowly reaching for your purse in case you needed to make a call.
“I know this is random, but like you're super gorgeous, ” 
They paused, seeming to get an air of confidence around them, as they stood up straight. 
“Do you, wanna like go for drinks sometime or something? I could take you out for dinner, where we could get to know each other better. You know, show you  a good time!”
You smiled, letting out a little laugh. You can’t be serious, after all this following and creepiness they wanted to ask you out for a drink, dinner, and whatever the fuck it meant to ‘show you a good time’. What a fucking creep was all you thought, your brain running through how many ways this will go if you decline them. Will they freak out, will they insist, will they get aggressive, upset, lay hands on you? As your brain thought every and single when a servo was placed lightly on your lower back. 
“Hey Sweetspark.” 
The voice automatically makes you smile, the mech on your mind 24/7, Prowl. You looked up and over at the mech, his police badge sparkling in the grocery store's lighting. A small smile on his face plating as his optics scanned you over before looking at the person in front of you. 
“Who’s this?” 
He asked, you didn’t get to even say back. You pouted a little before a smile returned to your face. You could 100 percent make this person the ultimate creep in front of your sweet police mech husband. 
“This nice person was asking me out for drinks and dinner. I was just about to tell them that I’m happily married to you.” 
You said, smile bright on your face as you looked up at the bot, his optics flickering dark as after your sentence. A strained laugh coming from him as you felt his servo get a bit heavier on your lower back. 
“Of course, You’re a lil late pal, years late.” 
He says, optics flickering down to you. 
“Are you done shopping? I’d like to go home now.” 
You nodded, humming as you both bid the speechless person a goodbye before heading to checkout. Your small bit of groceries fit in 2 to 4 paper bags. Prowl picked up three, trying to pick up the last one before your small hands grabbed it away from him. Your smaller framed escorting him out of the large building and onto the sidewalk. 
“What was that all about?” 
His voice cut through the night air and towards you. A smile placed on your face as you turned your head to look at him. 
“Oh, Just some creep that was following me around.” 
He practically yelled, he was speechless. Processor not processing that you were left to deal with that creep alone and you didn’t even send him a text about it. 
“I only noticed because of that stupid talk you had me listen to. You know the one about watching your surroundings and what not. It came in handy. You silly little police speeches came in handy. What would I do without you?” 
You said, letting out a little laugh at the end. 
“Oh, boy, that’s a rabbit hole better left unexplored.” 
He let out a chuckle. A chuckle you loved to hear, the sound of his vocalizer bouncing off the walls of the stairwell. 
“I don’t know, maybe you should do a speech on how not to be like me.” 
You said, unlocking the door to your apartment. 
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anxiouswritingbitch · 2 years
a few x reader headcanons for the camp counselors for what kind dates they'd do with their s/o during summer camp? which ones would try to sneak out later at night, what places would they make use of?
Here you go ! Hope you’ll enjoy !
Requests still open in my inbox hehe
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜɴꜱᴇʟᴏʀꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ - ᴀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴛᴛ'ꜱ Qᴜᴀʀʀʏ
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Jacob Custos
He may look like a jock (and act a bit like it sometimes), he has a HUGE heart. A true hopeless romantic in his core.
And right now, the boy's heart is taken by none other than you. Jacob is not the kind of guy to be oblivious to his own feelings. He likes you and he knows it, so he plans to act on it. Besides, you look like you might like him too.
So of course, he asks you on a date. When you accept, he's all giddy with happiness. But then comes a problem. He's a Hackett's Quarry. Normally, he'd take his date to the cinema or to eat somewhere. The camp's not exactly the best place to sweep someone off their feet.
There is one place though. The lake ! Which even leaves the possibility of skinny dipping open. Even better, it's far from the lodge and the cabins, so no possibility of getting caught by kids or Mr. H.
Implying, you two go there at night. With the days being so full of looking after the kids, Jacob wants privacy. He's got a lot of jokes and charming methods that can't be overheard by kids.
He obviously want to kiss you. If he feels a right moment he will go for it. Will stay light on the first date though.
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Emma Mountebank
Oh, Emma. This girl lives for the thrill of adrenaline. And hanging out with you is like a shot of it. You have this addictive nature that she can't explain, but just loves.
Has no shame in being interested in you. Will flirt with you at any time. But wait, she doesn't do the obvious flirt Jacob might do. I'm talking seduction. Will brush your hand then stare at you and wink. Will give you that smirk.
One day, out of the blue, she leans into you at dinner and whispers to come to the lodge that night. Obviously you do.
The lodge at night just has another vibe, when it's dark. It's just the two of you there. Maybe doing some exploring of the rooms you don't usually go into.
If you're not an adventurous one, she'll try to stay put.
If you're not, she will want to go around Mr. H's rooms, just because she can. Explore the area.
If she feels you're up for it, she will make out with you on the spot. She loves the fun and the risk of getting caught. It just adds some spice.
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Ryan Erzahler
When you look at Ryan, you see a blasé guy, brooding and mysterious. He has his own bubble, and you respect that. It's kinda hard to tell what he's feeling, or if he's feeling anything at all.
Boy if you knew. He's just bad at expressing himself, but he feels so much. Especially towards you. The boy's smitten, no matter how hard it is to tell.
He'll take his time before asking you on a date. To be sure. To get the courage and all. We're definitely into august by now. But time's getting short, and Ryan doesn't want to miss another opportunity.
You guys spend lots of time together during the day because of the timetables of your cabins. That's how you got to know each other. He'll casually ask you if you want to hang out later tonight. You block out a bit, asking to be sure if he means the night, or a date at all.
He wants to make it special. He doesn't look that way, but he's a romantic deep down. He panics a bit, not knowing what to do for the date. It's not his area of expertise. He gives it a lot of thought, and figures that what he does best is sailing.
So ! You meet at the lake, at the boat house. He got everything prepared, the rows and the boat.
At first, you hadn't expected Ryan to even break a single rule. But here you were, sneaking out a night for a boat ride ! And heck, he doesn't look very strong, but damn this boy has arms of steel.
Sadly he's probably too awkward to kiss you himself. It depends on if you take initiative or not for this one !
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Nick Furcillo
Now, this boy's just shy. Has had this huge crush on you since the beginning of camp. Of course he wants to have more time alone with you, he's been dreaming of asking you on a date every night.
You'll have Jacob to thank for when Nick finally asks you out, because the big guy's been pestering him to do it for days and days.
It's a bit awkward when he asks. He may be hot af, but hasn't got no ladies yet. He's a bit clueless on how to do this, and Jacob's advice is... yeah. Eventually he gets more confident, especially when you say yes.
He tells you to meet him outside the cabins at night. But from here ? He has no idea what to do. When the time has come, he thought that he could take you on a walk to the forest, that's romantic right ?
But then. You casually mentioned that you're hungry. His mind did a full 360 and came with a new idea. You guys are now headed to the lodge ! You can barely keep up with Nick, he's so excited about his plan.
He takes you to the lodge's kitchen. You said you're hungry ? Name what you want. He'll cook it for you. You were not that hungry, a snack would have done the trick. But just to mess with him, you tell him that you want a full chocolate cake.
Oh, the mistake. Now he's getting all the supplies and measuring flour and sugar. Of course.
You decide to help him. Depending on how good you are at baking, this can be more or less chaotic. Either way, a food fight will ensue. You're covered in flour. You're both shushing each other because the laughs are so loud, you're scared to wake Mr. H up.
Once again, whether there's a kiss or not, it's up to you !
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Kaitlyn Ka
Kaitlyn is a chill girl. Easy going and all. If she’s got the hots for you, she’s gonna understand it pretty soon. However, asking you on a date is another story. She may look all that confident, and she truly is, but on every angle. 
You guys start off as good to really good friends, and she really doesn’t want to mess that up. She’s seen how friendships got ruined because of feelings.
So yeah, not straight out asking. It’ll take the help of the others to push her to finally get the courage to ask you on a date. 
Once again, it’s during camp. Not your usual stuff to do. Once you said yes though, she just opts for the chill option. Sneaking out at night at the fire pit. 
She’s a bit like Emma in the sense that she enjoys the danger of getting caught. Not as much though. So, when at the fire pit, she definitely lights up a fire. A small one though, not the usual huge bonfire. 
You guys spend the date coddled up around the small fire, looking at the stars. If it went well and if the moment is right, Kaitlyn will try for a kiss. Short and brief, leaving the door open for you to do something more if you’re up to it. 
She won’t push, but she’ll be head over heels if you do. 
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Dylan Lenivy
As we’ve seen with Dylan, this boy isn’t into hookups. You don’t have to be the love of his life for him to ask you on a date, but he won’t do it at first glance either.
He gets quick crushes easily, though. When you two met on orientation day at camp, his first thought was “god damn it they’re beautiful”. But hey, it’s Dylan we’re talking about. He didn’t even think that he had a chance with you.
You two start up as friends. Jesus, that guy makes you laugh sooo much. You pretty much hang out whenever you can. As time goes on, he realizes that maybe his crush isn’t as insignificant as he thought. In fact, it’s growing day by day. 
Because he has no idea how to deal with emotions, he hides behind humor. It’s the only way for him to express with flirting, indulge him. At first you thought it was only just jokes and laughed it out. But as august rolled on, you noticed that half of his jokes were about getting a date with you.
Let’s be real, you would want a date with the boy. So one day as he was randomly saying “C’mon, a night out in the radioshack with this-” pointing at himself, “you’d definitely love it !”; you just answer “sure. yeah. How about tonight ?”. He straight up blanks out. Never ever before has an answer be so efficient to shut him up. All he can get out is a “yeah” stuttered. 
He spent the whole day panicking. Did he actually had a date with you ? Was it even a date ? He’s 100% overthinking. As he sneaks up to the radioshack at night, sweating buckets, he half expected you not to come. When he does see you though, his heart starts doing somersaults. 
It may be awkward a bit at first, but you guys are quickly laughing your asses off. It’s so fun to be there at night ! 
Dylan shows you around the hut. He explains how he basically repaired it, how he loves that place. You sit next to him as he shows you how all the sound system works, being all nerdy about it. You get to see a bit of his true persona, hidden behind the jokester, and it only makes you fall more.
Sneak in a peck on his lips at some point and he would be in heaven. I don’t see him being bold enough to do it at this point though.
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Abigail Blyg
She is a very shy girl. Not only in relationships, in general. Her friends pushed her to be a counselor at Hackett’s Quarry. However, she doesn’t regret it all, especially since she got to meet you.
She’s discreet. There won’t be obvious signs that she’s into you. Buuut if you’re careful enough, you’ll notice that she’s staring at you when she thinks you aren’t looking. He gaze lingering just a moment too long.
After almost all summer being into you, the others finally pushed her enough for her to want to ask you out. She won’t admit it out loud though, she hates breaking the rules.
Except when it involves you, it seems...
She won’t call it a date, she’s not bold enough sadly. But, she will succeed in asking you on a walk. Curse the heavens, you were actually busy with the children when she asked you. You’re the one suggesting a rain check after curfew.
She seems to hesitate a bit, but when your eyes lock, she agrees.
Spends the day biting her nails, worrying about tonight. She’s an anxious cookie. It’s fun when the children in her art class notice and ask her if she has a secret. She blushes as red as the apple she’s trying to paint.
You meet at the tree in the middle of the cabins. You’re a bit surprised because Abi still wants to go take a walk into the forest. But fear not ! She actually knows a certain spot, she can go there even at night. She found it by randomly wandering during the day.
You guys sit on a log, illuminated by the NOT FULL moon. Her artists instinct kick in and she has the sudden urge to draw you. And it’s so beautiful, getting to see yourself the way she sees you. 
If you’re being smooth enough in what you’re saying, you may very well get Abi to kiss you !
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our-aroace-experience · 5 months
I'm aromatic and that's all I've ever told people I'm probably on the ace spectrum but I've never ever once TOLD a person I was ace. I've identified myself with aro and I'm comfortable in it and my identity but every and I mean EVERY person I've known and told about me being aro will tell others and when referencing me to myself says ace. I had a friend who had many labels and I thought they'd understand that I'm aro not ace cause they used they/them and neopronouns but EVERY AND I MEAN EVERY TIME XE INTRODUCED SOMEONE TO ME They'd say I'm ace.
"oh this is dense she's ace"
"I'm actually aromatic"
"same thing".
"I know your so done hearing me talk about dating people and having crush being ace and all"
"I'm aromatic not ace and it doesn't bug me"
They said "okay" in a weird way and looking back I think they were trying to make me jealous that I can't love and then didn't believe me when I said I didn't care.
This next instance made me never talk about my identity around or with them ever again.
"happy birthday!!!!!"
"I'm finally legal let's GOOOO!"(I just turned AOC)
"don't make jokes about you having sex it make me uncomfortable cuz your ace"
"I'm not ace I'm aro and you know that and you make sex jokes at me all the time and make them with others I can make sex jokes if I want"
"well I don't like it and it's the same thing. you know your just a little baby in my mind which makes it weird hearing you say that and your my best friend so I don't want to think of you with others.
I ghost xem after but reading that almost make me puke. IM, ME AM NOT ALOUD TO MAKE SEX JOKES CUZ U SEE ME AS A BABY CUZ YOU THINK IM ACE AND SEX REPULSED, FUCK YOU.
Another thing is my family, we're a very open family having no problems with pronoun or name changes or being gay the only problem is my aunt married a conservative American
My younger cousin maybe 8 at that point made a gay dating joke after my aunt said something about boys maybe to impress me since I'm 8 years older then him and I told nah that's not me I'm aromatic which means I don't like boys or girls my aunt chimed in saying "we don't need to be talking about this with HIM, he doesn't need to now this "I told her "he is the one that brought it up so he obviously knows and just like how you talk about girls dating boys I could talk about me not dating anyone it makes no difference especially when he is making innuendos. Wait have you even had sex Ed?" "No" he replied, then my oh so fun chimed in saying "he's too young for sex ed it's good he hasn't had in it." "No I'm more surprised he hasn't had sex ed it's important he should have it." "No he's too young" "remember how I was sexually assaulted when I was six and I had no clue what happened to me until I had sex Ed and was told that it was bad and to tell my parent them told my mom and got help do you want him oblivious if it happened to him" "it's different." "How?" He stopped talking and went outside I asked my cousin is he wanted to play Minecraft he said yes so we did that but a few hours later to the bathroom my aunt grabbed me and asked if I was serious about was I said about boys and girls I told her "yes I'm aromatic and don't like boys or girls or anyone like the opposite of being bi." "Are you sure maybe you just haven't met the right person"(I was kinda floored by this she would've said that if I said I like girls) "yes I'm sure I'm seventeen and have never have a crush or ever wanted to be with someone" "but what if one day you fall in love" "and what if one day aliens take over the planet it's possible but I'm not going to bother myself thinking about it." "Well I just don't want you trapping yourself in this label stopping yourself from liking someone." "I never have and probably never will like someone but if magically one day I do I won't stop myself does that sound good to you?" "Yes".
I just love negotiating my identity to keep people happy I've had that exact talk maybe 11 times now and im so done with it, I'm known for my patience explaining sexuality stuff to my older family cause I know their just curious but please stop checking in to see if I've change my sexuality like a clown fish I'm so done.
This was mostly a long rant but I just wanted it out there and to leave it on a good note my mom loves me for who I am and makes fun of my family and people who just can't get it through their head that I'm not going to ever date someone I'm her star child with no drama ✨ which I always find funny.
Love to all that have a hard time with it I love you and your valuable and valid
i’m so sorry to hear about your friends and family, you mum sounds lovely!
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ddlcpoly · 2 months
Au where the game resets and MC is the only one who actually remembers what happened due to a glitch and gets more protective of sayori than he ever has.
Due to the way you worded it I can imagine 2 drastically different outcomes
AU 1 - Basically Yandere MC (CW for basically all the existencial stuff in ddlc and toxic relationships). After realizing what terrible things plague Sayori every day and the horrific thing they could cause MC because super possessive and protective of Sayori, basically vowing to never let her suffer again. He’d constantly hug, cherish and encourage her, while being extremely clingy and constantly worried about her, to the point that the other girls find it kinda creepy. He would especially get aggressive with Monika, telling her “Get away from my Sayori you murderer!” With Monika being extremely confused, scared and worried.
Meanwhile Sayori is kinda freaked out by his sudden change in demeanor, but hey, he’s her best friend, even more so he’s the best friend who she has had the biggest and fattest crush on since forever, so why should she complain about him giving her more attention and hugs and comfort, it doesn’t feel bad. Even when the other girls have an intervention with her she just kinda hand-waves it, maybe thinks that there’s something deeper to the intervention, alternative motives maybe?
It'd probably end in tragedy because I'm a believer in the "The game Doki Doki Literature Club in the lore of DDLC cannot have a happy ending, because they either all die without knowledge of what's beyond their realm or the characters slowly destroy their own world because of the insanity and sadness that plague them thanks to the revalation that they're not real".
But that's probably not what you were asking for considering what my blog is actually about, so here's
AU 2 - Clingy, worried wet puppy BF MC. MC comes back,but instead of being overprotective and controlling of Sayori, he instead just tries to be a better and more understanding person for Sayori, being there for her and constatly saying stuff like "I'm here for you" "You tell me anything you want" "I'm here for you" "I like spending time with you" "I don't know what I'd do without you" etc. He tries to get a better grapple on what mental illnesses entail and how to help someone deal with them. Sayori is surprised by this, maybe she made it too obvious that she was sad? She'd initially try to isolate herself from MC to "not be a burden to him", but thanks to his dedication, honesty and gentleness, he's able to get her to trust him with her problems.
Over time Sayori starts becoming happier and starts to find ways to start healing. MC eventually discovers he has feelings for Sayori and confesses to her, she obviously accepts.
Meanwhile the rest of the club is just kinda there, I don't think they'd play an important role in this AU, apart from being part of Sayori's support system and becoming better friends with MC.
Anyways I hope this rambling was enough to answer your question!
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lionydoorin · 1 year
Would she not be reminded of hitting amber with the crutches when she hits her friends with a cane?
I love the idea that she hits her friends with a cane tho. Im just curious to see your thoughts on this
anon. i was playing valorant when i got this ask and when i tell you i gasped and prayed the gods above or whatever that the other team surrendered so i could talk about this. (i won so yippeee i'm here now.)
okay. so.
they'd been having lots of good days for the past few weeks.
therapy was working. their medications were working. none of them had been having nightmares these past few nights. group hangouts and movie nights were filled with nothing but smiles and laughs, this carefree atmosphere that had finally settled since the baileys attacked. they were fine. for the most part.
that is, as far as the group was aware.
sometimes, of course, they all had their bad days, and tara was no exception. she promised sam she'd try again, give her therapist another go, that she'd do her hand and leg exercises and use her cane to walk to school every day and that she'd take her medication correctly and drink water and sleep and-
it was all just too much.
she couldn't tell them, though. not when they were having a good streak, not when they're finally enjoying the thought of being alive again.
she wishes she felt that way, too.
the worst part is that this day collided with one of their movie nights - at any other day, tara could just tell sam she was tired from her classes and that she was sleeping in earlier, lock herself in her room, and cry until her eyes grow tired. but she had to sit there, pretend everything was fine, put on her best smile and talk when she was required to.
and don't get her wrong: she loves her friends. loves the family they've become. but sometimes they remind her of the things she's lost, of what they've been through, and she's still not at peace with everything.
so tara's awfully quiet for the night. she still smiles, she still replies when someone asks her something, still gives her opinion on what they could get for dinner and what movie they should watch.
they were all sitting in a circle, telling each other childhood stories and catching up on things they maybe didn't know about each other's lives. sam told kirby about how funny it was to babysit the siblings, mindy told them about this one time chad pissed himself while they watched child's play when they were eight. kirby told them one of her embarrassing college hookup stories.
so it wouldn't be a problem to talk about tara's disastrous tree #2 performance for the middle school spring musical, right?
she got up as soon as mindy started the story. sam was immediately nodding and chad was already holding his laughter when he noticed what tara was about to do. and tara is smiling, because it was fine, but she was still mortified and she had to keep the pun going.
she always hit them. it was funny. they all laughed. she was okay.
but when she's above mindy, raising her cane, her vision flashes and suddenly she sees raven hair and a dark robe, hands protectively over her face as amber grunts from the hit.
tara screams, dropping the cane to her side as she backs up and falls to the ground, breathing heavily and crawling backwarsd in fear. everyone's eyes are immediately on her, and sam rushes to her side immediately, a hand on her shoulder. her voice seems distant, an echo in the back of her mind.
her leg hurts more than usual. her hands shake, shoulders going up and down as she struggles to steady her breath. tears falling freely.
mindy seems scared, their hands no longer above their head as they crawl towards tara's direction, immediately asking a hundred questions about how she's feeling.
amber is standing behind them, disfigured as always, chuckling. she raises a hand to shake her index finger from side to side.
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anawrites3 · 8 months
📘+ nurse x doctor forbidden relationship au but happy ending sladick
Your writing is so fun to read oh my god. Thank you so much for doing this.
The moment I got your ask I got excited because it's such a good prompt hnnn but I really had to think about it!
Dick would be the nurse, obviously, and Slade would be the doctor. They'd be working on some children's ward and had a lot of work on their hands - and because of that they wouldn't have much time for themselves so they'd try to spend every free moment together, even if it means sneaking around the hospital. It would start with them hiding somewhere in the hospital to talk and make out a bit, maybe they'd even try to do something more but they are interrupted before anything can happen.
After some time someone does catches them when they're together, maybe one of the Titans (other nurses) or maybe Jay or Tim who also work in the same hospital. Regardless of who that is, they'd react in the same way - tell Dick that Slade is just using him because he's so much older and the best doctor they have while Dick is just a mere nurse. And that's exactly why Dick wanted to keep the whole thing a secret.
Then Bruce would learn about their relationship. Dick feels like his whole life is falling apart - Bruce as the head of the hospital is making his schedule so he has no chance of even seeing Slade for a second; they're planning to move him to another ward to put even more distance between them. Slade and Dick still try to see each other outside the work but it was difficult earlier and now Dick's friends and family do what they can to prevent that. They still text and call each other but it's not the same and Dick is just so tired of all this bullshit.
So, he calls a meeting for his loved ones. He has no intentions of explaining himself because he's not a fucking kid but he's going to tell them all to leave him and Slade alone. He's an adult, he knows what he's doing and they can kiss his ass, thank you very much.
"But Slade is a doctor! What if people find out and then they'll talk and you'll have problems because of it!"
"For fuck's- People already talk! Bruce runs the fucking hospital and he's my dad! It literally can't get worse than that."
Happy ending would be that Dick's family would get their heads out of their asses after that. They're still not happy about it but they can see that they're hurting Dick by what they're doing so they decide to trust Dick judgement on this one.
The last scene would be a parallel to the first one, with Dick and Slade hiding somewhere in the hospital to make out and someone walking in. But now instead of hurrying away from each other so noone will know about their relationship, they simply continue to make out while (let's say) Jason complains and gets grossed out haha
…i am adding that to my wip list, aren't i goddamnit And again, anon, thank you so much! I'm really glad you like my writing muah muah thank YOU for being here with me 💕💕
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I understand why Ricky and Gina shippers are convinced S3 will be a romantic exploration for their ship b/c so many of the newest sneak peeks may suggest this (and the fact they've been content starved since 2.06. I get it. I do😅). However, I can't stop thinking about this moment:
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Do y'all see how happy and playful Ricky is with EJ here? If you told S1 EJ and Ricky they'd be having a pillow fight someday they would have laughed in your face!😂 I just love how far they've come from where they started on the show. I would never claim that Ricky and EJ are the best of friends, because I don't believe that to be true, but you can't deny that they certainly started to really become friends by S2, esp 2.10 when Ricky tried to be there for EJ by helping him solve his problem. EJ seems to be wearing the same jacket from the trailer when he and Gina have what looks like another heart to heart (where he says he's "freaking out"). I believe that's 3.03, where Ricky and Gina go on a “spooky adventure” (or something like that). The very fact that Ricky is behaving this playfully with someone who he used to consider an enemy is major. In S1, Ricky very obviously tried to put a wedge between Nini and EJ b/c he wanted Ejini to break up so that he could get back t/g with her. Two seasons later, and what looks like could be the most fun he's had in a long time, I get the feeling Ricky isn't gonna try to cause intentional drama for Portwell. I actually think the fictional Corbin Bleu's character is going to cause more intentional drama this season for the Wildcats, including PW in 3.04/3.05 (I think those are the episodes):
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Do you see how satisfied Corbin looks at whatever drama is unfolding? I think he really wants his documentary to be juicy and drama-filled, hence Ricky seemingly storming off out of rehearsals, and EJ following after him while Ashlyn looks worried about what she's seeing. Channing is clearly following all the drama with his camera, which makes me think Corbin intentionally pushed some buttons for Gina, EJ, and Ricky, but again, it's not Ricky intentionally trying to come between PW. I think this scene may follow the above:
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You see how EJ initially looks happy as he approaches Ricky, then his smile drops when he sees Gicky playing around with that paper? I think it's possible he walked out after Ricky to try to comfort him after some drama Corbin started, but then he sees this scene play out in front of him, and maybe something (an insecurity, for example🤔) Corbin touched on earlier in the rehearsal space affects EJ in this moment. I think this might be Ricky just continuing to have fun during his summer, not trying to cause problems b/t PW. He and Gina are friends again, which puts them in a good place (which I was hoping for after S2😔). This might be Ricky just having fun with his friends, like with EJ in that pillow fight LOL 🤣but EJ misinterprets what he sees. Again, his girlfriend and the guy she used to have feelings for are playing romantic leads. EJ might be afraid history will repeat itself, but I doubt it. I feel S3 will have a diff outcome...*cough cough* Portwell Love Confession *cough cough*😉
Also, let’s stop acting like EJ will do anything to ruin his relationship with Gina (jealousy rising or otherwise). 🤦🏽‍♀️Did we forget what Gina said about him in 2.08? Let me remind you:
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Y'all really going to tell me this don't sound like foreshadowing for their journey in S3? Just like Mitchie in Camp Rock 2 and Troy in HSM2, I guarantee you EJ will lose sight of what's really important to him for a bit, before coming back around at the end of the season by doing what's right and remembering his priorities (like his promise for this to be the "best summer ever" in 3.01)). Mitchie and Troy made similar promises at the beginning of their summers to Shane and Gabriella, before conflict rises mid way, then settles/gets resolved again by the end of their summers. That’s my prediction anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️
(I should be writing up the 6 reports I have due soon, yet here I am. The power of Portwell. 😅 )
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mdhwrites · 9 months
So, any theories on what Sasha's parents are like? Like I doubt they were perfect considering Sasha's behavior (remember when she outright stated in True Colors that she was okay never going back home and having zero problem with smashing the box, plus the fact she never shows signs of missing them even after her redemption in season 3). And considering how other redemptions are with their flawed relationship with family like Pacifica on Gravity Falls, Amity and Hunter on Owl House, Andrea on Ghost & Molly McGee, Zuko on Avatar the Last Airbender, Eddy on Ed Edd n Eddy, Catra on She Ra 2018, Lena on DuckTales 2017, Ludo on Star vs the Forces of Evil, and Helga on Hey Arnold, it's hard to believe Sasha had the best relationship with her parents. Granted Sunset Shimmer from the MLP FiM spin off Equestria Girls is a redemption character who also never had her family brought up or ever had an onscreen reason for why she was an evil and mean bully in the first movie (aside from probably just being an arrogant power hungry spoiled brat) so maybe Sasha's kinda like her in a sense too.
So this is a question I actually LOVE. There's a LOT you can glean off of a parent by their kid in general, let alone with any references to them. However... Them being redeemed doesn't always say anything about their relationship. Hell, for Amity since you listed her and I can comment, the speed of her redemption versus how much of a mustache twirling villain Odalia is ACTIVELY CONTRADICT EACH OTHER. It's REALLY bad.
Sasha's redemption says literally fuck all about her parents. Mostly because they don't mean anything to Sasha. Very little means anything to Sasha besides herself and her two best friends. Arguably not even Marcy.
The rest of her context to being willing to see the box destroyed and not return is critical here because she does actually explain herself. "Why rule a school when I can rule a world?" Her priority is self aggrandizing. It's not about freedom and it's not about safety. In fact, Sasha has cared very little for other's freedoms or her own safety. What matters is that Sasha is winning. Even Battle of the Bands made it clear that she is used to doing whatever it takes to be on top and getting her way.
Which to me doesn't mean abusive parents like you want to imply just through saying a lot of other shows did the trope of blaming abusive parents for bad behavior... It just means parents who thought the best way to make their daughter happy was to never tell her no. They let her live a life that had no consequences and where she didn't have to worry because if she skipped school or needed fifty bucks for gal pal time, they'd give it to her. This fits a lot more with Sasha's arc too because her arc has nothing to do with rebelling against her parents. She CHOSE to be a bad person. To not care about others. It's only by realizing that what she does hurt people with her actions and deciding they matter that she becomes a better person.
And to me, that's MUCH more compelling than trying to scapegoat what someone does onto their parent. It's not like everyone is evil just because their parents are shit. It devalues their choices as a character and is honestly a trope I'd like to see LESS. Or, bare minimum, not have standing up to their parent be like flipping a switch and making them automatically a good person because those scars last and their parents couldn't have made them do EVERY bad thing they did. Just look at Amity who decided "I'm going to make my ex-friend's life hell for YEARS despite only having to tell her we're not friends anymore to make my parents happy." That's not her parent's fault, that's her decision to be a monster.
At some point, the blame is on you for what you do. Narratively, for me, that's also more compelling and satisfying because it means you are the only one to blame for your gains too. People always have the choice to do good. It's their decision if it's too much work or relies on caring about others too much.
That to me is what makes Sasha so compelling and why anyone who wanted to see her parents I think are just asking for a categorically weaker story.
I didn't mean for the two blogs to be on a theme today but I decided on this anyways since I had both typed up. For anyone curious why I thought the previous one was dumb but this one was fun, it's simple: One asked if it belonged in the narrative. This one is just nice old character analysis.
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