#you know the hot mess song by studio c?? that's us
fbfh · 2 years
thinking about how good steve is at taking care of you... he's so quick to figure out just what you need to feel better, and he loves babying you, pampering you, wrapping you up in his strong arms and caring for you and kissing you until you feel better. he loves the way you need him, looking to him to make descisions when you're just too tired, leaning into his touch when exhaustion sets in. after he drags you into a shower and washes and conditions your hair and rubs some nice smelling lotion into your skin, he pulls out your skin care products, knowing the exact ordrer of the steps and the right amounts to use, you don't even have to remind him. he carries you to bed, bundling you into his chest while soft music or a tv show plays in the background. laying on his soft hairy chest feels like being put on a wireless charger at 5% battery, the warmth from his skin slowly bringing you back to life. your stevie takes such good care of you, and no matter how you're doing, you always feel better when you're around him.
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
ok dreams...
1. masaru fisherman was having some kind of weird event where he was a final boss of some kind of limbus company based card game. this was taking place in my mom's kitchen + living room. there were several other people there. I didn't completely understand what was going on so everuobe was saying the names of rerrible s1 skills and I suggested kk hong lu cloudcutter and he started taking the coins off cloud cutter and multiplying them by 6. everyone was mad at mefor that. then something happener & Mr fisherman got sad instead & we had to sit around the kitchen table & he asked each of us for our thoughts. also in this dream he spoke Chinese probably bc I don't actually speak any Japanese
2. he was still there but now we were in a gray auditorium full of pianos. he was performing Rachmaninoff's prelude in c sharp minor but he was actually doing it in C minor. he was messing up the middle part so I wanted to play the correct notes on the piano in front of me, but I also didn't want to bother him, so I was just tapping along on top of the keys until I did accidentally hit some at the end of the song. one of my friends was there and once mr fisherman was done playing c minor they started playing a highly embellished version of fur Elise & I was like oh wow I had no clue you could play piano too!! and someone approached asking if we were professionals & I was like no just hobby level. I played that into bit to hey bulldog.
3. some of us went on a quest?
4. I was not one of the strongest on that quest I was more like some kind of squire? I think I was like9 or 10? anyway when we got back one of the girls was missing, my older sister who kinda dressed like a tradwife. she was in the basement tied to a chair with a blindfold on being threatened by a ??? unsure if it was a person or not. I wasn't sure what the plan was but the stronger people were only "waiting for an opportunity" but I was worried so I came down to the basement oblivious holding some snacks from the kitchen and was like 'claire where are you~" or maybe clarissa. a Cla name for sure. anyway I also innocently offered the guy thing a hot dog and pretended that I thought they were just playing games. he ate one anyway so I palmed a knife to her hand and then was trying to engage him in conversation. eventually the others showed up and he realized I was just a lure stopping him from cutting her eyes out & tried to escape. but they closed all the doors
5. some kind of house party at my mom's house at night in the back yard. a lot of people I know but am not friends with were there. a girl from my studio class that already went back to Iceland this year, both gumshoe & columbo were hanging out, my old roommate and her parents, and the strong people from last dream, who locked the evil guy in the BASEMENT OF UNSPEAKABLE PUNISHMENT!!! columbo was riding a golf cart around and I was in the back triumphantly blasting.. bungalow bill. of all things. anyway then I ran into my dad a bunch of the guests went on a walk with us. to the bottom of the hill, and a bit over, and then two buses showed up. this is related to the last dream where I was on the bus where it added some random stop off halfway up the other street with a convenience store and showers, bc some kid went onto the first bus and then we got on the second bus. it had a lot of weird safes and windows. the bus driver was hollerig at somebody. through the windows, it looked like daylight outside.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
ʚ Going to Universal Studios Japan with them (ft. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Denki, Eijirou, Shinsou and Dabi) ɞ *‧.₊˚*੭
—  @bukojuiice’s 720+ followers gift! thank you so so much for supporting my works!  ♡ ily all i never would have thought i would reach this milestone 🥺
—  uni student! izuku, katsuki, shoto, eijirou, denki, shinsou and evil turned good! dabi x reader headcanons ♡
 — To further elaborate, this is a Dabi that turned Good for his bby bro because I know that this is physically impossible in the manga and i found it hard to play around with a cute and fluffy set of hcs within a villain context. so pls let me have a good Dabi just this one time qwq
— if you like to see more from me, i have an ongoing bakugo x fem reader! smau called cuddle buddy! read it here!  for my bnha masterlist check it out here!  ♡
— please reblog, reply and leave like if you enjoyed! it means a lot! c:
—  all universal studios japan photos are taken by me. Most of these headcanons are also based on my experience in Universal Studios Japan!  (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
—  content warning: slight innuendo/sexual content, strong language and mention of Endeavor
— summary: You spend a wonderful day in one of the most happiest places on earth with your just as wonderful significant other. 
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—  You and Izuku stroll through Hogsmeade of the newly opened Hogwarts area of the Park. Your hand in his and your arms interlocked.
—  Izuku would geek out. As in geek out. He very much loved Harry Potter growing up and being able to go to USJ was a dream come true.
—  “It’s LeviOSA not LeviOSAR.” You continue to make Harry Potter jokes and Izuku was loving every minute of it. He could not stop laughing.
— You loved seeing his laugh as it made your heart feel all fluffy inside. God. why must this boy be so cute?
—  Izuku is just as big of a Potterhead as you. The two of you took the Hogwarts House test online and Izuku was sorted into Gryffindor whilst you were sorted into Slytherin. Two complete opposites yet you guys were the most adorkable couple ever. 
— Even the amusement park goers (the couples in particular) couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the two of you. 
—  The two of you are wearing matching Hogwarts robes, earning compliments from the staff giggling about how cute the two of you are! 
—  You were originally going to hang out with the entire Dekusquad but ofc your friends just decided to play matchmaker and instead collectively backed out and said they were busy bc of uni (obvs a lie)
—  You wonder why they would play matchmaker when the you and Izuku were already together in the first place and they know that very well HSKHSHSKHS 
—  anyways ochaco, tsuyu, shoto and tenya are very supportive wbk
—  Izuku just wanted this day to be very special and to be between the two of you only. 
—  “Izu-kun! Let’s try out the Butterbeer and see if it tastes just as good as the books and movies make them to be!” You point to a food stall that sells the famous beverage seen in the series, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic kinds.
—  “Of course (Y/N)!-chan Anything for you!” He says sweetly and gingerly hands the money to the food vendor. 
— For fun and because why the hecc not, you decided to order the alcoholic variant of the drink whilst Izuku had purchased the non-alcoholic one.
—  In turn, you ended up becoming a little bit tipsy as the two of you enter the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride.
—  Izuku stares in awe as the waiting line makes you go through the interior of Hogwarts Castle. Both you and Izuku couldn’t help but just stare in amazement. 
—  You smile at the sight of your cute freckled boyfriend admiring the view and the area before him. It was as if he was transported into the actual world of Harry Potter and you couldn’t help but feel the overwhelming emotions he was feeling right now. 
—  The two of you hold hands during the entire attraction as both of you are seated in a 3-seater ride. T’was cute uwu
—  Albeit the fact that you were a little bit tipsy, the entire 4-D ride was magnificent as it literally took you through every adventure Harry Potter and the rest of the cast had experienced. 
— It was probably one of the best rides you’ve been to tbh??
— “The Dementors were so creeeeeeepy.” Izuku shuddered, rubbing his arm. “”They looked so real!” He turns to you, wonder and amazement plastered all over his face.
—  “THE WORST THING ABOUT PRISON WAS THE DEMENTORSSSS.” You howled, your voice practically echoing around the exit area. 
—  Midoriya knew that you got a bit tipsy due to the butterbeer, as soon as he had noticed the body language you were showing, he supports your weight by holding you tightky and then slowly take you to the cafe near the entrance that served hot coffee.
—  Thankfully, you were able to sober up so that the two of you could go around the rest of the park before the Night show took place in Hogwarts Castle. 
—  “You know, I’m so lucky to have you (Y/N)-chan. Just like how lucky Ron is to have Hermione.” He plants a kiss on your forehead, he firmly holds you as the evening light show of Hogwarts Castle begins. 
—  “You’re overreacting Izu-kun. I’m not as smart as Hermione.” You shake your head, trying to avoid eye contact as he just made another cheesy Harry Potter Joke. “More like I’m the Ron to your Hermione. I mess up sometimes yet you’re always there for me to help me up when I’m down.” 
—  “Then I guess we don’t have to compare ourselves to Ron and Hermione then. Because I wouldn’t have a life like this with you any other way. I love you (Y/N)-chan.”
—  “I love you too Izu-kun.” 
—  An array of colorful fireworks pop in the sky and the both of you look deep into each other’s eyes, holding each other tightly til the festivities end.
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— The two of you arrived at Universal Studios Japan earlier than most people. Bakugo always wanted to be first in line even though the two of you had fast passes to specific rides. He just rolls like that.
—  You forced him to wear matching matching elmo and cookie monster headbands with you. You were wearing the Elmo one and he was wearing the Cookie monster design.
  —  He’d spoil you soooooooo bad like he’d be grumpy at first and refuse to buy you this cute little souvenir item you’d probably never use, but he’d still spoil the heck out of you. Just as long as it was mildly reasonable.
—  He was all for thrill rides. As long as he got to show off how bad-ass and brave he is to you. That was until you discovered one of the Jurassic Park rides in the park and HOO BOY...
  —  You were internally squealing at the sight of him wearing the cookie monster that your brain just?? kinda stopped?? You secretly take a pic of your explosive boyfie and then change his contact name to Cookie Monster.
—  You first enter the Jurassic Park area at the insistence of Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero whomst you were supposedly going to meet after 2 hours
— As you roam around, there’s awkward silence between the two of you until you begin to obnoxiously sing the theme song of the series to try and annoy Bakugo, “TENENENEN TENENENENEN TENENENEN”
—‘’(Y/N) Geez, could you stop singing that stupid song? It fucking annoys me.’’
—‘’No way we’re riding that shitty fucking water ride. I will not get wet today.”
— “Oh really? What if you get wet in different ways?”
—He smirks at you, taking your hand and rubbing your thumb, “Let’s see when we get home.’’
— “OH WAIT BUT FIRST LET’S SHARE A TURKEY LEG!’’ You point to a nearby food stall, selling turkey legs for 980 yen. 
— Katsuki begrudgingly follows you to the stall and buys a turkey leg for the two of you to share. 
—You were deep in thought. Fantasizing if you could eat the Turkey Leg with Katsuki “Lady and Tramp” style. 
— Much to your dismay, Katsuki had finished the Turkey Leg before you could get another bite. You pout and cross your arms, yet he doesn’t notice you silently shooting daggers at him.
— You then quickly forget about the Turkey Leg as soon as the Flying Dinosaur attraction hovered above you. The amusing screams of the people riding it could be heard as it passed at a speed you could have never imagined.
—  ‘’Suki-kun!! Let’s ride that next!’’
— ‘’We just ATE. Are you fucking serious right now?’’
—  ‘’Or are you too chicken?’’ You tease him playfully. ‘’Hmm… Looks like eating the entire turkey leg turned you into a chicken now didn’t it?’’
—  ‘’Fine. Fuck this.’’ He tilts his head, gesturing you to follow suit. ‘’Let’s get into the fast pass line.’’
— You get on the ride and see up close the details of the dinosaur as it’s positioned upright for you two to get on. You take your seats and are instructed to strap yourselves in the seat. 
— You get a wonderful view of the sea as the ride continues to ascend, going up and down, at high speeds. You begin to scream your heart out, the adrenaline rushing through you. Bakugo tries to put up a face, not wanting to scream and show any weakness. You look at him again as the ride arrives at a downwards slope, creating a momentum before it descends again at high speed.
— The ride begins to move, positioning itself like a pterodactyl would. You take Bakugo’s hand and give it a tight squeeze. You look at him for comfort and he nods at you lovingly. You were at ease albeit the fact that the two of you are about to experience one of the most terrifying amusement park rides ever.
The two of you are then positioned to be dangling in mid-air, the safety strap from a while ago being the only thing holding you in place. 
—  ‘’(Y/N)! I LOVE YOU!’’ He screams his lungs out as the ride passes through the ocean again, giving you a clear view of the sea surrounding the wonderful prefecture of Osaka.
—  You smile cheekily and begin to scream from the top of your lungs too. ‘’I LOVE YOU TOO KATSUKI!’’
—  ‘’Did you really mean that I love you?’’ You ask him. Your adrenaline is still pumping you up.
— ‘’Of course I did you nerd. I had to get it out of my chest.’’ He says, avoiding eye contact, scratching the back of his neck.
—  The ride then ends abruptly and you could never feel more grateful. You could practically kiss the floor as your legs shaked once you got off. Katsuki supports you with his arm around yours and the two of you get off the ride.
—  ‘’I want to hear you say that again.’’ You poke his cheek but he doesn’t move an inch.
—  ‘’Come on. We have to go look for Kirishima in the others.’’
—  ‘’One more time Suki-kun! Please?’’ You look at him with your most dramatic puppy eyes and he couldn’t help but give in.
—  ‘’Fine.’’ He says grumpily. ‘’I love you.’’
—  ‘’I love you too. Let’s never ride that again.’’
— ‘’Agreed.’’
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— Shoto made sure that he would make the most of the time with you before the two of you go back to University. Booking the most luxurious hotel available, fine dining every single night you were in Osaka and going on private local tours and taking high-end trips to Nara and Kyoto.  
— He’s spoiling you so so so bad and as much as you didn’t want Shoto to spend too much, he kept on insisting. 
— This is also why he decided your trip near your birthday so that in a sense, this is his birthday surprise for you too!
— He wanted to go all out just for you. 
— You feel like you’re in Cloud 9 every time you’re with Shoto. How much more when you’re going on an extra special trip with him? 
— “This Eren Jeager’s voice sounds familiar. It’s as if we have the same voice.” Todoroki looks at the screen perplexed, putting on the 4-D Glasses and making sure you were already comfortable on your seat.
— ‘’I know right. You’re hotter of course.’’ You whisper, giving him a peck on the cheek.
— Attack on Titan is your all time favorite anime ever.
— Shoto wasn’t too well-versed in anime, so him bringing you to USJ is one of the best things he could ever do for you.
— Especially since the park had a limited time Attack on Titan 4-D Attraction!!
— YOU KNEW you had to go there and it was also a perfect opportunity for you to bond with Shoto
— As long as you were happy and he could support you with your interests, he was happy too.
— Being able to go on the Attack on Titan 4D Ride was a dream come true.
— You brought Shoto to the souvenir shop first and bought matching headbands for the two of you.
— You were wearing a headband that had two little chibi Levis on each side whilst Shoto had little chibi Erens on his uwu
— He’d be spoiling you so so much !!! Any souvenir item you’d set your eyes on, he’d immediately buy it for you!! 
— Before you can even say no, he’s already bought it using his luxurious black credit card. YOUR BOYFIE WAS RICH OFC I MEAN WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT!?
—  "That was amazing." Todoroki says in awe, still trying to process the thrill he had just experienced. "I wonder what would happen if titans started appearing all of a sudden?"
—  "Let's say a smol titan appears right now. I wonder if you could pierce it with your ice?" You tilt your head, beginning to think about unrealistic scenarios. "Anywhooo, shall we go to the next ride on our list? It's called Hollywood Dream!"
—  "Let's gooooo~" He hums monotonously, earning giggles from you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as you walk side by side. 
— “Okay... so there are two variants to this ride. There’s one that goes in reverse and the other one goes so high up that we have an overview of the whole park.” You go through a brochure that you picked up at the entrance.
 — “Whichever one you’re more comfortable with (Y/N).” 
—  “Let’s go on the one where we can see our hotel because of how high it is!”
���  “OKAY NVM THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.” You say as the rollercoaster begins to reach it’s momentum, the ride going higher and higher.  Until you can see your hotel and every recognizable landmark from afar. 
—  Shoto then clasps your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “It’s okay (Y/N). I’m right here. Just hold my hand okay?” 
—  You nod slowly, taking a deep breath. You close your eyes and feel a fell swoop on your stomach as the wind passes through your face.
—  Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling begins to play as the rollercoaster begins to descend from roaring heights. They purposefully attached speakers to the ride so that the park goers would feel hyped up and excited instead of being terrified of how high up they are. 
—  Shoto’s hands are still intertwined with yours. You weren’t letting go. 
—  The screams of everyone else in the ride grows louder and louder and you can’t help but sing to the song instead.
—  “I GET THIS FEELINGGG INSIDE MY BONES! IT GOES ELECTRIC, WAVEY WHEN I TURN IT ONN.” You began to sing, raising your arms up high as you slowly begin to enjoy the ride. 
—  Shoto who was sitting on the end yet is still able to keep his calm composure, turns to you, and a small smile flashes on his face when he sees you channel your nervousness through singing. 
—  He begin to sing along with you too! AAAHHH WHAT A CUTIE
—  “All through my city, all through my home, We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone.” He continues. You look at him and ease up a little bit once you see his handsome face and comfortable presence beside you.
— And before you knew it, the ride came to a stop. It was finally over. You take a deep breath and Shoto helps you out of your seat.
— “I got that sunshine in my pocket! Got that good song in my feet. I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops!” You and Shoto begin to duet to the pop and colorful song. You begin to fully enjoy the ride, barely even noticing the ride making sharp and fast turns as it continues to go up and down. 
— “I might have hated it at first but that was exhilarating.” 
— “I knew you could do it.” He says proudly, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You are the bravest person I know after all.” 
— “I wouldn’t have overcome my fears if it weren’t for you though.” You scrunch your nose, and hold on to Shoto’s arm. Your heart still beating so fast. “Thank you for being my safe space Shoto. I’m always at peace whenever I’m with you. Thank you for always being my comfort person.”
— “Of course (Y/N). Why wouldn’t I be?” He tilts his head, clueless. “Are you game enough to ride the reversed one this time?”
— “Of course I am!” 
— He chuckles, “That’s my love. If you feel like you can’t do it, Just know that I’m always here to support you.” 
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— The first attractions on your list were the water rides. More specifically the Jurassic Park Water Ride and the JAWS ride. 
— You and Kirishima would try every ride in the park if you could. He loved to try and experience new things especially if he’s able to do them with you!
— Kiri is a very very fun person and would always be game with anything tbh!!
— You’re wearing matching dinosaur hats with Kirishima!!
— ‘’RAWR!’’ You make cutesy dinosaur gestures at your boyfriend, jumping around in your place. ‘’Can you believe we’re finally here in USJ!?’’ He blushes profusely, pecking your cheek. 
—  ‘’I can’t believe it too.’’ He chuckles then pauses for a moment before...
— ‘’RAWR!’’ He says back, his hands forming into claws, his cute mouth open wide and his sharp shark teeth very much visible. You giggle at his returned gesture, finding it more cuter than you should.
— ‘’(Y/N) you’re adorable! You know that right?’’ He laughs and continues to hold you tightly.
— ‘’Pshh of course I do! I have an equally adorable boyfriend too!’’ You look up at him, beaming.
— The two of you then jump in your place in unison, both mimicking each other’s cute ‘’RAWR!’’ and hand gestures as Kirishima pulls you into a hug.
— ‘’Don’t forget manly!’’ He winks and grabs your hand, taking you to the Jurassic Park Water ride.
— “I actually find it smart that we go on the water rides first so that we can just change clothes immediately after. Good thinkening Kiri!” You remark, patting him on the head.
— THINKENING??? THINKENING??? Eijirou could not think straight right now because of how cute you are
— You looked so excited to go on the rides and he couldn’t be happier seeing you like this 
— The ride begins and the all too familiar theme song of the series begins to play as the gates to the Jurassic Park opens as the water ride begins to move
— Although the ride was very predictable, and you knew the surprise at the end was the T-rex trying to jumpscare you as the ride falls down a high incline, splashing all of the people on the ride. 
— Kirishima still looked like he had lots of fun. 
— He turns to you, a huge cheeky smile plastered upon his face as he tries to dry his clothes. “That was fun!” 
— The ride may seem calm at first, but then the T-Rex begins to secretly appear around the forest-ish area surrounding the water ride. 
— “It was!” You smiled back. You look down on your shirt innocently. “I didn’t expect that I’d get this wet so I thought wearing a white shirt would be-”
— “LET’S BUY YOU A JURASSIC PARK SHIRT IN THE SOUVENIR SHOP OKAY!? SO THAT YOU WON’T WASTE YOUR OTHER CLOTHES AND YOU CAN CHANGE IN THEM FOR THE JAWS RIDE INSTEAD.” Eijirou stands up so suddenly from the boat. He takes you by the hand without shooting you another glance as not to show how flustered he was. 
— “Okay then...” You reply, as Kirishima whisks you away, leading you to the souvenir shop just outside of the attraction.
— Kirishima breathes a sigh of relief as he sees you exit the comfort room. 
— He calls you over, “(Y/N)! While you were changing your clothes, I went back to the souvenir shop and realized that they were actually couple shirts!
— We are so Adora-saurable! was written on both of your shirts along wtih a cute dinosaur couple print on them.
— “Funny how you were able to find a Dinosaur pun on the word adorable! What a coincidence!” You giggle, poking Kirishima’s cheek. “I think we had enough of dinosaurs for now. Shall we check out the other rides?”
— “Right beside ya!” Kiri flashes you his signature smile, taking your hand in his again, swinging it back and forth as the two of you continue to your next destination. 
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— The way you scolded him was more in a joking way though!!
— You guys arrive a bit late because Kaminari ended up sleeping through his alarm 🙃
— When the two of you met up at the entrance you scolded him so bad because you practically lost two hours and HNGGGGG
— All he could do was hug you tightly from behind and say “gomen!” “gomen!” over and over again
— you were loving every second of it!!!! denki was being super cute and you couldn’t help but just go uwu
— OK SO you and Kaminari decided to go to the Despicable Me/Minions area first not just for the memes but also because it was the most popular attraction this season.
— You also wanted to get on the rides there first since it takes 2 hours before you can even get in
— The design of yours was a cute little minion holding a teddy bear whilst his was a special Christmas reindeer edition.
—  “(Y/N)-chan! Look at the line! Should we line up and take a picture with the Minions!?” He points to a meet and greet line for the yellow mascots
—  You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of these abominations but facebook mom memes aside, Denki looked super super excited and you didn’t want to ruin a great start to a perfect day so you just went with it.
—  The staff attendants thought Kaminari looked super excited like cute little sparky puppy seeing the minions so they gave you cute minion button pins!!
— The Despical Me Area pretty much played Happy by Pharell Williams non-stop as people stroll around so you and Denki couldn’t help but dance along to it.
—  It didn’t matter if people looked at the two of you weirdly either!! Just being with denki and being chaotic with him is one of the best feelings ever and he feels the same way too
— You guys did all kinds of funky dances til the two of you got exhausted and decided to try out the other rides. 
— There were also carnival game stands and Kaminari ended up winning you the exact same unicorn stuff toy seen in the Despical Me movies.
— Cotton Candy, Gumballs, Skittes, anything remotely sweet being sold on the stalls, you tried all of them.
— “IT’S SO FLUFFFFFY!!!” You imitate one of the cute characters from the movie, hugging the stuffed toy to your chest. “Thank you Kami-kun! I will cherish this forever!”
— Kaminari grins widely, “I know you aren’t too fond of the Minions but thank you for still going with me to this area first.” You can see the emotion and the appreciation in his eyes. 
— “OMG DENKI OFC! WHY WOULD I NOT ENJOY THIS!?” You say incredulously. “I had such an amazing time! Minions and their annoying voices aside. I always have the best time when I’m with you!”
— Crocodile tears start to form on Denki’s eyes as he pulls you into a hug. “AAAAAAAHH (Y/N)-CHAN I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU. THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME. I’M DOING THIS FOR THE MEMES.” 
— You giggle, patting Kaminari on the back. “It’s alright alright. I love you too! But this time you have to compensate by going on a horror ride with me okay?”
— “Ahahahahahaha what?”
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— Endeavor had sponsored your trip and all expenses to ~try~ and start to mend his broken relationship with his son, although you refused at first, Toya did not. When he went to visit his mother and Enji was there to visit too, He got the money from him, ignored him, and flipped him off (aka gave him the bad finger) before leaving.
His three other siblings were in on this trip too. However, Toya wanted your trip to Universal Studios Japan between the two of you ONLY. His siblings went on a different day.
— He wasn’t the biggest fan of matching outfits or any accessories with you like any couple would and you didn’t want to pry on that. He really wasn’t the type of person to do that to begin with.
— And although on the inside he does feel a bit sorry about not being able to be cutesy with you it just really wasn’t his thing. 
The two of you would most probably make out in a secluded area in the Hogsmeade area that is barely noticed by any other park goers. How daring and how secsy
 ‘’Seriously? Snoopy and Hello Kitty? THIS is the area you want to go in first?’’
—‘’Come on! It’s not everyday you get to loosen up like this. Why not try out the kiddie rides first? Besides, I want to see how long you can last without taking the cuteness anymore.”
— The staff sees you enter the Snoopy and Woodstock ride and couldn’t help but ask a very imprudent question. “The two of you look like such a cute couple! I bet your child is just as precious!”
—“Excuse me… what?” You ask, your eyes widen. “We’re not-”
—“The kid is on it’s way. We’ll have one soon once we return here.” Toya says casually, sending you a flirtatious wink and you feel flushed and slightly embarrassed.
—“Jeeeeeeeeeez. Did you really have to say that?” You try to avoid contact with him so he wouldn’t see the embarrassment or rather the arousal present all over your face.
—“What? It’s true.” He smirks, taking your hand. “Do you not want anything to happen between us?” He teases again.
—“NO NO NO NO ITS NOT THAT.” You yelp in embarrassment, your eyes still cast down on the ground.
—You notice him kneeling down and before you could even react, instead of facing the ground, you were staring down at your boyfriend’s handsome face instead. 
—“Come on… I thought we were going to the Hello Kitty ride next?
— “Oh yeah right! That ahahaha let’s go!” You look up again before he could see your face looking like a tomato.
— You couldn’t help but be flustered by his words time and time again. This time though there was no point in hiding it. He got to you.
— He grabs you by the waist, and whispers into your ear, “Besides, I’m saving matching outfits with you once we bring our child here in the future. We would be the cutest fucking family out there.”
— You’ve already been dating for a year?? and your heart still flutters every time?? anything remotely romantic comes out of his mouth???
— The other couples for some reason never thought of going on the cutesy rides, so as soon as they saw you and Toya going on them, the line for most of the rides got even longer.
— Toya might be lowkey an edgelord  but you guys became trendsetters in a span of an hour!! 
— He still looked hot just wearing a plain dark hoodie but you still couldn’t get the thought of Toya wearing those fits out of your head.
— “Earth to (Y/N)? You’re spacing out again.” He waves a hand in front of your face and you snap back to reality. “We’ve rode every attraction here. I think we should go check out the other rides? The Jaws one next please. I can’t stand all this cute sparkly cuteness anymore.”
—  “AHAH! YOU FINALLY SNAPPED!” You laugh, acting as if you finally got back at Toya for making you such a blushing and stuttering mess just a few minutes ago. Dabi shrugs it off however. 
— “OKIE! Now that I got out of my system, let’s continue to go around shall we?” You huff and pace off to the next ride that you wanted to go on.
— Toya shakes his head and smirks, following you to wherever you were going to take him next. That didn’t stop him from teasing you every few minutes though.
— The two of you did come back to USJ, but only a few days later to accompany Shoto since Fuyumi and Natsuo had to take the train home due to having to attend important matters.
— The same park attendant who complimented you and Dabi was managing the Snoopy ride again. She recognizes the two of you instantly and waves. “Oooh! I didn’t think the two of you would come back again so early! Is this the cute child you were talking about?”
— You and Toya collectively facepalm whilst Shoto looks at the staff with a very puzzled look.
— Hopefully, the next time you come back, you finally have a happy family with Toya and you can finally show off to that sassy ol’ attendant that you have a cute little kid with you to go on rides with.
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—This is officially your 7th date with Shinsou. 
— Although the two of you are already official, you can’t help but feel and notice how cold and distant he is to you still. As if he hasn’t exactly opened up to you.
—  And you didn’t want to end this day without seeing him loosen up and open his shell.
 —  You wanted a relationship with Shinsou in where the two of you could talk to each other about your own problems and help each other out. 
— That was the ideal relationship after all, and you knew for a fact that you could have something special like this with Shinsou. 
—  He did confess to you through a love poem and if that isn’t the most romantic thing ever, then I don’t know what is. 
—  You wanted to be his comfort person after all. Just as he is with you although I think he doesn’t know that yet exactly. 
—  “SOU-KUNNNN you know what else we can do?” 
—  “...What?”
—  “Let’s go on all the boring rides!!” You take his hand and start running to the next attraction. 
—  “T-that’s not actually a bad idea. Let’s go.” He mutters, albeit shy at the touch of your hands at first, he grows comfortable after a few minutes with your hand intertwined with his. 
— It was the middle of the afternoon and the park was less busier than usual, which meant all the time for you and Shinsou to try out every exhilarating ride the park had to offer. 
—  The only ones left were more performance-based attractions where you would be watching a live musical or play. One of those being a Terminator based ride. 
—  The concept of a Terminator live-action retelling was pretty cool but certainly not you or Shinsou’s cup of tea either. However, it was your goal with him to try out every ride in the park. So, eh why not?
—  The two of you sit in the front seat, making Shinsou within range of the stage actors to be affected by his quirk. 
—  “Don’t try to make them do anything bad okay?” You whisper to him. “This live show does look boring and really needs to liven up a little.
—  “I won’t do that of course. Let’s just make this show more entertaining.” 
— He then uses his quirk on the stage actors, making them do fun and entertaining dances. 
— The audience burst out into laughter as Shinsou had unintentionally made a twist to the musical playing before you. 
— “Of course not! You made that Terminator Musical much better! I bet they took notes and try to switch up the acting and the cheesiness for the next show!” 
— “Hopefully they will. Because the show was boring as hell.” He deadpans, putting his hands in his pockets. 
— Everyone in the theatre left in good spirits. 
— He stops in his tracks and looks at you. How lucky he was to have someone like you in his life.
— “Thank you for today too (Y/N). I really enjoy spending time with you like this.” He looks away, yet fails to hide his flustered face. 
— “You’re welcome!” You lean in and tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. 
—  Despite how cold and straightforward he may be sometimes, you never complained. You accepted him for who he was and who he is. 
— The two of you take the train ride home in peace and solace knowing that slowly but surely, Shinsou becomes more and more comfortable with you and you can’t wait for the time he finally opens up and bears his heart to you. 
Thank you for reading ♡
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skzflix · 3 years
passstt can you do your best to explain the ‘universe’ in depth or at least so it’s understandable bc my ass is clueless 🙃
so, this is my dumb brain linking stuff so please please take this all as what it is — my stupid brain's stupid thinking. this is also the first time i've linked it all out in order. so bear with me. this is loooong. in this universe, we have like three parts: mixtape: on track — b me — mixtape: oh. and it deals with tangled romance and the consequences it has on friendships.
so in mixtape: on track, the universe sets off with the boys in high school, final year, i think. minho and hyunjin are the leads in our whole universe. jeongin is like hyunjin's best friend in this au. they are film and art majors (?) and have this project i presume to make a short film (?). chan deals with the sound, jisung with the lights, changbin with the props, hyunjin with the videography, felix is directing and seungmin is the writer. minho is the main lead in this film and jeongin is a side character in this film.
insert female lead. female lead is close friends with both hyunjin and minho. it's pretty evident that minho and hyunjin likes her and hyunjin constantly does feel bad over minho and her getting closer, because well, he likes her. this feeling turns into a distaste soon enough (as seen in how hyunjin feels pathetic after the girl takes both the drinks from them + how minho shoots the goal while playing soccer and like hyunjin and minho have this weird cold gaze exchange. in both these situations, jeongin is around to help hyunjin. i'll get to this soon.) so like our boy minho and her clearly have sparks and hyunjin dislikes it. high school jealousy, if anything.
that's when hyunjin decides to take action and while shooting, when minho has to grab the female lead's hand, he butts in and holds her hand. all because he likes her and he's done being the second lead in this story. the mv ends here.
now, about jeongin, he did mention in one of his vlive that he was like a guardian angel and i do think he's like a friend that really really cares for hyunjin and doesn't ever want him to get hurt. so the whole mv wraps up in this plot of how hyunjin takes action right when minho and the female lead are slowly getting things going for them.
and then we get the unveil track of b me, (how i wish they dropped the mv for this rather!). i'll make a list of stuff that happens in b me first and then tell you how my brain linked it up.
felix with the video camera + tape
jeongin distressed with bruised face
the members reminiscing what they once had before chaos struck.
a script that has even a fool knows (alternative title to on track) written (this was my cue to link them both?)
seungmin, chan and technically the whole cast looking distressed
jisung burning the film competition form (?)
changbin in the court sad and playing alone
biker!minho + biker!hyunjin (THIS ISN'T A POINT BUT THEY ARE SO HOT IN THIS AU SHUT UP RUE!!!)
minho meets with an accident + jisung rushes to his side
angry giving up skz moments
ot8 basketball happy memories
i'm going to sit here and draft this out so again, bear with me, soooo,
i presume the hyunjin grabbing the girl's hand, ofc, did not sit right with minho because technically, minho and her were a thing almost. and that ruined the friendship. this also caused the whole film shooting to turn chaotic, i presume because hyunjin's gaze in the on track mv seemed determined so i think he wasn't ready to back off either. the filming team clearly breaks apart because of this. the tension between minho and hyunjin is still very high. the team is frustrated. jisung burns the film competition form because what's the use of joining when there's no team? changbin is sad and angry and has emotions he is frustrated over (just like the other members!!) because they aren't together as a friend circle distinctly because of the feud between hyunjin and minho. they used to play basketball together (the whole of the ending part!) but not anymore.
now, we see how minho meets with an accident. i'm a bit confused with this part (this is why we need the mv for b me, jyp!!!!) but i'll state out everything i think.
a) jisung is to minho as to what jeongin is to hyunjin.
b) the accident could be solely accidental? maybe minho ran off in a fit after an argument with jeongin and hence why jeongin has the bruises and maybe in that heat, minho could have had the accident.
c) i presume jisung rushes to help him because human guardian angel of sorts of a friendship.
anyhow, i think the small clip of video tape that felix pulls out in the beginning is what they watch together. i do not think this has any correlation to the intense story besides adding the fact that they were reaaaaaaally close because they all look super happy in that shot, omg!!
and now here we are, mixtape: oh. (watching and pausing the mv to go as detailed as i can with my storytelling.) this, since it was a mv, we get a story as solid as the first one (thank you, jyp. i hate you generally but thank you for this.)
so we have all the members in the drama club room. the same room we saw in the first mv i think. everyone's gathered back there, picking up their stuff because they have graduated, except for changbin and hyunjin who haven't come. jeongin searches and hopes expectantly for hyunjin to come. the blue certificate kinda thingy (I have no idea what it is. i don't read korean either and my google translate couldn't pick that up :((() is something of hyunjin's and i think minho did want hyunjin to come to this sort of reunion because he gets angry and picks up the blue thingy. he's either mad at that, or he is still mad at what happened in the past. i'm not sure. either ways, jisung is worried too as to what minho is going to do and over what he is feeling. oh, also, minho is in a cast, which means it does go exactly in the order i mentioned !!!
we then see hyunjin (shit, i cried again!) and he's painting an eye (is this a relation with some other skz song i will never know) and i think he took up art after dropping from film club so like he could distance himself from the rest of them, because well, he was 1/2 of the reason why this all happened.
we have the members reminiscing again, thinking about the good times and bad ones too. jeongin is in a tunnel (the boy is always in a tunnel. is this again a link to other mvs i do not know) and changbin goes to the drama club room all alone after everyone leaves and like i think he removed the sign of the drama club room and in my head, it's a symbolism for how everything has finally ended. all the memories they have had had finally ended with their graduation, of sorts, in that moment for him. jeongin, who is in the tunnel calls for hyunjin, like a last thread of hope he clings on to, expecting for him to finally meet them and come back to them. hyunjin doesn't pick up the call.
minho is still packing things up and as he looks through stuff he sees a calender with their anniversary date marked and he remembers of the team together once again. everyone really badly misses the old days. we see jeongin who goes to buy that drink again that he stole from hyunjin in the on track mv and he remembers felix in that moment.
felix who is in the library is with a cake. so i presume it is his birthday because he lights the candle on the cake up eventually. i think he did want to celebrate it with the team as a whole but because of the fall he can't. he opens a book and see the quote, "dreams come true to those who really want them," (we see this on the jisung bus stand shot too btw!!) and he goes on to make a wish on his cake and ie think he wished for them all to be together once again, living the happy memories again. hence the beautiful shots in the end I AM IN LOVE.
so i had this sorta ex lmao who told me this beautiful metaphor once when we broke up about how i left him on the bus of our memories and it was only i who got down and that our timings didn't match. and i think my brain instantly correlated those two, oops. so like the bus is a train of thoughts, a passageway for them to remember the happy memories. changbin remembers the happy memories he had as he looks through hsi phone with the basketball in his hand. jisung also enters the bus and remembers the moments they shared. oh, also changbin leaves when jisung enters. the timings don't match.
TIMESKIP. because this is based off kdramas for sure and what are kdramas without timeskips lmao.
minho's arm is healed. (he's also wearing such a pretty fit i want to steal!) minho goes and tried to meet hyunjin at his art studio because he wants to give it a try, this whole friendship again, i think, but hyunjin isn't there. so he leaves him a note and the certificate (??) blue thingy (?? what is it someone help me!) hyunjin comes back to see them both. this is what happens in the mv, in correlation with the other mvs.
they could clearly make another part of them actually getting together. but personally, i think they do and like felix's wish comes true because the directing is such that they end it with felix opening his eyes. (i also don't want to think of a sad alternative where felix opens his eyes only to remember reality is still the same and the feud still exists. i refuse. in my head, the next part has them coming together just like that in the snow!)
but yes, if you've reached till here, thank you for reading my incoherent mess of thoughts. ily and i hope you have a good day! 💕
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"I promise"
A Bang Chan scenario
A/N: mentions of pregnancy and labour, blood and childbirth, angst, fluff
After Stray Kids' contact expired with JYP, the boys went their separate ways but were still very close with one another. Minho became a choreographer, Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Seungmin signed with other companies for solo promotions. 3racha became full time producers under a different company, all 8 of them were doing very well.
Chan got married, the couple was living happily in an apartment. He set up a studio on one of the rooms so he could spend more time with her. Chan really did care about his wife but his 3racha signed a project with a sequel to a blockbuster movie and they were working on the songs for it.
"Chris I can't believe you forgot again!" y/n yelled at him. She was at her wit's end with him, she was eight months pregnant and wanted Chan to be a part of it for the final months, he promised he would take her to see her gynecologist two week ago but he was busy producing music and completely forgot. They rescheduled twice but he forgot both times. She called him several times, but he didn't hear it ringing. Now he came home, tired and upset that he completely forgot about his wife and unborn child, yet again.
"I'm not even going to say I'm sorry. I messed up big time and I'm embarrassed." he spoke.
"what do you want me to do about it?" she replied.
Chan didn't have the words to tell her how upset he was with himself. He let her down again and again and she had to go through the last months of her pregnancy alone.
"do you even know we’re having a child? I'm scared Christopher. Will you keep this up after the baby is born too? I can't have my child grow up longing for his father. I understand you love your work but if you love it to the extent you're forgetting about important things, why did you get me pregnant? Why did you want to bring a child in this world? For me to go through it alone? Will you even be there when I'm in labour?" y/n let her frustration out, with hot tears streaming down her face.
Chan came to hold her face but she backed away. He gave her space to cool down and opted to sleep on the couch.
For the next two weeks she she avoided him and did things in her own, she went to the gynecologist alone, and got food for herself from the store. Chan saw her entering the apartment with bags of food in her hand. It broke his heart that she was doing things for herself in the cold weather, and he wanted to make amends. He walked towards her and grabbed the bags from her hand, earning a warning glare from her.
"don't overburden yourself sweetheart" he said. She gave him the bags and went straight to their bedroom. He was right, she was overburdening herself but it was his fault. Coming out of the shower, she got into an oversized t shirt and pajama bottoms, and snuggled into the comforter. Chan stood at the threshold of the door, looking at her with soft eyes as she was facing away from him.
"can I lay beside you?" he began. Y/n missed him too much but he had to learn his lesson.
Chan felt helpless, he walked inside and knelt beside her side of the bed, facing her.
"I just want to say that I'm really sorry for being ignorant and making you go through these months alone but I promise you I will be there for you when you need me." he spoke and gently kissed her forehead, which she didn't back away from. Y/N closed her eyes, signalling Chan that she was about to sleep so he went out to sleep on the couch again.
At around 2 in the morning, y/n woke up to pain in her abdomen and lower back. It was intense and painful and she clutched the comforter. When it was over she was panting lightly. Her gynecologist told her about cramps near child birth. She got out of bed to drink a glass of cranberry juice. Looking around the house, there was no sign of her husband.
"where did he go?" she mumbled. Y/N went to check his studio and to her surprise he wasn't there either. She started to get annoyed and worried so she called Jisung to ask him if he knew.
"yeah noona he's in the company's studio with us, wait I'll pass him the phone." he answered and handed the phone to Chan, who didn't know how to explain himself.
"you're unbelievable" was all she said and hung up the phone. Chan gave the phone back to Jisung and excused himself saying y/n was asking him to come back home. The other two agreed to finish up with the lyrics.
Chan let himself in through the front door and saw y/n sitting on the couch, slightly bent forward and clutching the cushion. She looked towards him and her expression changed to an annoyed one. Getting up, she walked towards the bedroom but was stopped by Chan, who pulled her by her arm.
"what is your problem?" he inquired.
"nothing, let go of my arm."
"no, what are you trying to prove. You have been ignoring me for two weeks now, you don't even let me near you and you're doing things you're not allowed to do. Then when I'm not around, you suddenly have a problem and want me back, for what? When you're perfectly fine on your own and not speaking to me, what do you want me to do? Sit around all day? Doing what you want me to do? And be okay with with your attitude?" Chan blurted out in anger. Y/N pulled her arm out of his grip.
"I didn't call you back, I only asked Jisung where you were. And you're saying it like I made this child on my own against your will so I shouldn't expect anything for you. If that's how you felt then you should've told me from the start, I wouldn't have depended on you even in the slightest." she said and walked away, lying in bed and crying. Chan understood how hard it was for her but he had a huge thing going on and had to give time to that too. He put his headphones on and lied on the couch.
Y/n yelped in pain as she propped herself on one arm, the other one clutching her baby bump. The pain was excruciating and she couldn't even let out a scream. It was too much that tears welled up in her eyes. She looked around for her phone but she left it in the kitchen. Then she saw the time, it was 8:40 in the morning and Chan probably left for work. Squirming out of bed, she used the walls for support to walk out of the room and saw Chan sleeping on the couch with his headphones on.
"Ch-Chris" she breathed, he didn't seem to hear her since he didn't move.
"oh my God" she whined, clutching her abdomen, "Chris!" she cried. His eyes shot open and he looked to where she stood, bent forward.
"y/n? What's wrong?" he asked and hurriedly walked towards her, and saw her tear stained face, evidently in pain. He wasted no time and took her to the hospital.
The nurse told them she was going into labour and got everything ready. It was happening so fast, Chan stood there, watching his wife trying to push their child out, into the world. He was in awe of her. The scenario gave him goosebumps as we witnessed the moment. His whole world came crashing down, however, when the doctor revealed that y/n was losing blood and the baby wasn't coming out so they had to perform an emergency C-section. He was told to leave the operation theatre and wait outside.
So he stood outside and waited for any kind of news. In that mom he regretted how he treated y/n, for not spending more time with her, for letting her go through the pregnancy with him seldom by her side, for the argument he started the previous night. He was worried for her, he realized how important she was to him and he needed her. In a state of helplessness, he prayed for her wellbeing, for her to stay with him.
20 minutes later, the longest 20 minutes of his life, the nurse came out, holding a baby, wrapped in a small blanket.
"congratulations it's a healthy baby boy" she spoke and put the baby in his arms.
It felt unreal and surreal. He watched the baby, his baby, squirm in his arms, nuzzling towards his warm chest. His heart felt like iit would explode.
"how is my wife?" he immediately asked.
"she's unconscious from the anesthesia, we're shifting her to the ward, you can see her then." she answered and left.
Chan felt light headed. He didn't expect to become a father in the morning, when he went to sleep the previous night.
He went inside the room y/n was in, she laid there, little sedated but conscious. She looked towards Chan and smiled warmly. He walked to her and handed her their son for skin to skin. They looked at him with so much love in their eyes.
"our son, y/n" he spoke in a hushed voice, to not scare the child nuzzling himself into his mother's skin.
"I love him so much" y/n admitted.
"I'm so sorry. I don't have the words to express how sorry I am. You mean everything to me and I was wrong to not pay attention to you when you needed me. I won't let that happen again. I am going to protect you and our son, I promise." Chan stated.
"forget about that Chris, you promised me you would be there when I needed you and you were. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't home. I know you will keep your promise. I love you."
"I love you too."
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2jaeh · 3 years
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genre: fluff, mature themes,
warnings: suggestive grinding, groping
Words: 1,5k
You’re WayVs assistant and you’re incredibly whipped for their charismatic rapper after he stole a steamy kiss from you a year ago.
You went through your schedule frantically, realizing that you needed to be somewhere right now. Most of of the staff rooms were empty and you couldn’t find any of the NCT boys anywhere. Being an assistant manager for WayV at SM seemed like a dream job but why have the past couple of months been literal hell ?
SM had hired you to watch over the WayV unit during the resonance promotions seeing as you were the most capable at mandarin than the rest of the assistants, and frankly the only one who hadn’t complained about their recklessness or the farm that was developing at their dorm.
The only issue with being assigned to WayV right now was an attachment to one of the members you wish you’d forgotten. Wong Yukhei, or better known by his stage name Lucas. Ever since you laid eyes on him you felt giddy, like a school girl going through her first crush.
Lucas was so nice to you from the very beginning. He made you comfortable enough to joke around them and always treated you like a friend rather than an employee. The problem though started at SM’s Christmas party a year back.
“Y/n what are you doing here ?” He said, that familiar grin spread across his face as he approached you.
“Hey-y I’m just getting some fresh air” you had responded shyly, leaning against the wall as his huge frame stood in front of you.
“Hey-y I’m just getting some fresh air” you had responded shyly, leaning against the wall as his huge frame stood in front of you.
You couldn’t remember much of how the rest of the conversation went but you do remember at some point Lucas had pinned you against the wall and kissed you. You remembered his large hands grope your thighs as he groaned into the kiss, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. He smelled like tequila and his usual Tom Ford cologne, having him that close was intoxicating. You also remembered when it came to an end, his band mate Yangyang had shouted for him, and Lucas’s last words to you that night was “let me know if you wanna do that again sometime.”
After that night he moved on like nothing happened. It’s not like he didn’t talk to you but he had completely erased that you two had shared an intimate moment together. You hated that after that night your feelings for him had only escalated and unfortunately you couldn’t do anything about that.
You dragged your feet across the floor as you made your way over to the recording studio as that’s where your schedule needed you to be right now. WayV was recording their individual track for the resonance album and you had to make sure all their needs during recording were met.
Opening the door you were greeted by WinWin and Xiaojun, WinWin in the booth and Xiaojun on the couch memorizing his lines.
You playfully nudged him as you took your seat, “you need any snacks or water ?”
“I’m good thanks, the producer just got us drinks too” Xiaojun smiled sweetly.
You nodded and slumped into the couch as he now took his turn and WinWin waved you a goodbye before leaving the studio. Something in you hoped that you missed Lucas’s recording, but a little part of you didn’t.
You got your answer pretty soon when the door flung open and Lucas walked in, sporting a simple black tank top and jeans. His hair was pushed out of his face and he wore clear spectacles. He was effortlessly hot and he knew it.
You had no idea how long you were checking him out but Lucas had noticed and waved his hand in front of your face.
“Hey you” he giggled and awaited a high 5 from you.
You pressed your lips together and hi5ed him, hating that he was still so nice instead of being a dick about the whole situation. Lucas was cocky but not in the way where he would’ve boasted about kissing you or mocked your little crush on him. But it still hurt how normal he was. It hurt so much.
“Alright Lucas we’ll take it from your verse” the producer said as Lucas stepped into the booth and placed the headphones on his head.
He sucked in his lip as his eyebrows knitted together, reading the words before nodding his head to the music that began to fade in.
You knew about their song Nectar. The words, the innuendos, the whole message behind it and it didn’t surprise you that the boys were quite excited to perform this song.
Lucas was his usual playful self, dancing along to the beat and just having fun with the recording. You unconsciously bit down on your lip as Lucas lifted up his shirt in order to feel the cool breeze of the a/c, still dancing along to the beat.
“Great stuff man, hey I’m gonna go meet with the main producers real quick I’ll be back in an hour or so” the producer turned back to you and you nodded.
Suddenly there was an uncomfortable tension in the air as Lucas emerged from the booth and grabbed a bottle of water from the coffee table. You watched as he downed the whole bottle, the veins in his neck became prominent as he swallowed.
You diverted your attention to your phone, hoping he didn’t catch you staring or notice your reddened ears.
“What did you think ?” Lucas asked as he took a seat on the coffee table in front of you, wiping away the small beads of sweat from his forehead.
You looked up at him, “of what...?”
“My recording, stupid” he chuckled and playfully knocked his knee against yours.
“Oh it was good” you replied shyly, his eyes were practically burning into yours as he talked.
Lucas sat back placing his hands behind him for support and spread his legs as he cocked his head to the side.
“I thought you liked me...is it just good?”
“Huh w-what I don’t like you...what” you were a stuttering mess as you tried to compose yourself.
Lucas laughed loud and ran his fingers through his hair, “you’re so cute oh my God it’s insane you know that ?”
You kept quiet, afraid to make yourself look stupid in front of him again when you felt him lean in and place his index finger under your chin, lifting it to meet his gaze once more.
“Those innocent eyes drive me crazy, just like that night we...were together. You remember ?” He licked his bottom lip.
“Y-yeah I do” you murmured placing your hands in your lap and twirled your rings nervously.
“I was waiting for you to let me know when you wanted to do that again and you never did” Lucas pouted and stroked your cheek, “you don’t like me ?”
“No that’s not it!” You blurted and he chuckled. You sighed and swallowed hard, “I do like you Lucas but you just kinda ignored me after so I thought you didn’t like me...”
Lucas’s eyes widened and his lips curled into a smile as he his hands moved to your lap and laced his fingers with yours.
“I clearly remembered telling you to let me know if you wanted to, I thought me kissing you was enough to let you know how I felt about you y/n” Lucas sighed, “when you didn’t respond after I assumed you weren’t into it.”
You groaned loudly and playfully shoved him, “well next time be more clear will you ?!”
Lucas grabbed your face and pulled you into a passionate kiss, quickly dominating it and cheekily bit on your bottom lip before pulling away.
“Is that clear enough for you ?” He said lowly as his hands moved to your sides and drew circles on your hips.
“I meant be more vocal Lucas” you rolled your eyes yet still flushed from his incredible kiss.
Lucas moved from the coffee table to the couch and in one Swift movement he had you on his lap, straddling him.
He laid his head back as he looked at you through hooded eyes and wet his bottom lip with his tongue.
“Vocal huh ?” He mused.
You tried your best not to move on top of him, the last thing you wanted was to get a tiny taste of friction and going all the way in your workplace studio.
“I don’t want to be just a fuck buddy if that’s what you’re into...”
“Now where the hell did I say that damn y/n what do you think of me?” Lucas chuckled and fake cried into his hands.
“I’m sorry I just wanted to put it out there” you bit down on your lip and played with the material of his shirt.
“I want more, Ofcourse I want more” Lucas groaned and pulled you closer, “you know Johnny hyung told me you’re out of my league”
“I-I’m out of y-your league ?”
“I mean he’s kinda right though, you’re perfect I’m sure any of the guys were waiting to get to you” Lucas pouted and placed a soft peck on your neck.
“Well I only want you...” you mumbled not noticing Lucas’s eyes brighten, all you felt was him bear hugging you and placed butterfly kisses all over your face and neck.
“Good!” Lucas grinned before his eyes became dark again, “so now that I’m vocal, I want to hear a different type of vocal from you y/n.”
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Taemin isn’t someone who can talk a lot about his feelings, so he’ll often let his affection do the talking. You can often tell a lot about how he’s feeling just by the way that he holds you or if he decides to give you a bit of space.
The two of you met through mutual friends as the introverts at the party. Whilst everyone else was loud and boisterous, the two of you tended to just take a seat at the back and watch the others. Throughout the night, you bonded about how much quieter the two of you were, and soon a strong friendship formed between you both.
A lot of work went into Taemin’s confession, he had a good talk with the other members before confessing to you so that they could give him plenty of advice. They knew he wasn’t as good a talker as some of the others, so they gave him the chance to have a bit of practice. When it finally came to confessing to you, Taemin was incredibly nervous, he didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing and end up screwing things up. Luckily for him, and you though, everything went perfectly, and his confession was smooth.
Taemin spent a lot of time working on his solo stuff when he wasn’t with SHInee or SuperM, so your dates were usually quite limited. He tended to invite you to the studio for dates, even it just meant that the two of you had an hour together. Taemin loved to sit you down and show you what he was working on, even giving you a few spoilers if he wanted to. You’d usually end up sticking around whilst he continued to work, just to keep him company, tending to fall asleep and leave him to wake you whenever he was done.
He wasn’t blind to what being in a relationship as an idol meant, he learnt a lot from filming We Got Married that he really put into practice with you. He was very protective of you and wanted to make sure that he kept you safe, he’d seen too many of his friends have their relationships destroyed to allow for the same to happen to the two of you. Whilst he had never experienced a relationship in the limelight himself before, he worked hard to learn from others, so he knew exactly what to do when the time came for him.
When the two of you argued, Taemin would get very quiet. He wasn’t someone who shouted or raised his voice, in fact, he tended to do the complete opposite and just let you offload on him. If he really feels like he has to stand his ground though, he will. Petty arguments really aren’t his thing, if he thinks you’re being ridiculous or overdramatic, he won’t be afraid to tell you and encourage you to rethink what you’re trying to cause an argument about. He’s not one for games, and even when the two of you argue, he won’t allow himself to be messed around or bashed when he knows that he’s done nothing wrong.
Finding the time in amongst his schedule to meet his family was almost impossible, so you tended to bond over calls whenever Taemin rang. They loved getting to know you and seeing the dynamic that the two of you had built up together, but best of all, they loved being able to see Taemin’s huge smile with you.
It didn’t take long for Taemin to encourage you to move into his home. He was like an excitable kid when he started dating you, he wanted you around as much as possible, the perfect relationship. The first morning he woke up without you tore him apart, and he knew that wasn’t something he wanted to go back to now that he had you.
The first ‘I love you,’ actually came from Taemin in one of his songs. When he told you that he’d dedicated a song to you, you were definitely a little surprised, but as you listened to the lyrics, those three special words were the last of the song. You asked him about it straight away, thinking that you’d misheard, only for him to tell you once again that he loved you.
If someone was causing him to get jealous, Taemin wasn’t afraid to call whoever the person was out on it. Again, he doesn’t play games, and he won’t stand back and let someone get too close to your or allow someone to try and wind him up. It often surprises you when he gets into one of his jealous moods as he’ll become quite sharp and blunt until whoever is causing the problem has got the hint that they’re not welcome. It definitely brings a smile to your face seeing just possessive he can get of you at times.
Just the thought of settling down with you forever was enough to put a smile on Taemin’s face, he knew there was no one else that he wanted to spend forever with. It wasn’t just kids that he imagined with you, he often found himself thinking about how the two of you would grow old together and where you’d live, even as far as where his career would end up with you and your young family supporting him.
Any day with Taemin is bound to put a smile on your face, he is the embodiment of chaos. He’s clumsy and messy, but somehow you wouldn’t have him any other way. He’ll often hear you sniggering at him when he bumps his hip against a table or accidentally knocks over the glass that he’s drinking from. As much as it hurts, knowing that it’s put a smile on your face will make the pain much more bearable for him, even if he will attack your sides afterwards for ever laughing at him when he clumsily falls.
Being away from you is hard on Taemin, it was something he thought would get easier, but actually, it only ever got harder for him. He was away a lot on several different promotions, and as much as he’d try and have you there with him, it wasn’t always possible. When he was away, he’d arrange date nights for the two of you at least once a week, he’d pick a time that worked with both of your time zones so that the two of you could sit and have a call without any disturbances. It was the only thing that kept his mind focussed, having just a short amount of time with you was very precious when he was away from home.
He loved to just call you ‘love,’ he loved the traditionalism of the word and the smile it always put on your face. For you, he’d often either be ‘tae,’ or ‘min,’ if you ever called him by his full name then he was in trouble.
Taemin is obsessed with your hands, he loves to be able to either hold your hand or feel your hand tracing around his body and exploring his toned physique.
If there’s one thing that is a big no for Taemin, it’s public affection. He’s quite quiet and reserved at the best of times, but that is especially the case when it comes to your relationship, he will hate for anyone to have their attention on you, he likes to keep the two of you as private as possible and out of the limelight.
You’ll often be the one asking questions, as Taemin loves to daydream. You’ll wave your hand in front of his face often to bring him back into reality, and when you ask him what he was dreaming about, he’ll never remember.
Because you spent so much time at the studio with Taemin, he ended up having a whole drawer in his desk dedicated to you. It had hairbands, toothbrushes, cutlery, everything that you could ever need inside. Whenever you complained that you needed a tissue or some balm, all Taemin had to do was pull the drawer back and reach inside, and then whatever it was that you wanted would coincidentally appear in front of you.
He’s very much a passionate guy, he loves the heat of the moment and the intimacy that comes with being so close together. He’s not good with words, so he uses this time a lot to physically be able to prove to you how much he loves you. He always takes the best care of you, and Taemin is definitely the king of after care, he’ll cuddle you tightly and always make sure that you’re comfortable and got what you need.
When he’s away especially, he relies on texts a lot. He’ll often send you updates on what he’s doing throughout his day and will expect the same from you too so he can feel like he’s at home alongside you.
The best thing about being in a relationship with you, for Taemin, was that he always had someone beside him. Whilst he had plenty of people around him, at a distance, you were the one that he let all the way in.
If he ever got the chance to go on holiday, he’d definitely make the most of it. Somewhere hot, and somewhere quiet was all that Taemin wanted. He loved to just be able to sit back and relax you for a short while without anyone ringing his phone or anyone at the office demanding that he head down as soon as possible.
You’d usually only ever hear Taemin groan when he broke something, he’d cry out in frustration which would only end up making you laugh loudly.
Taemin knew that you were a big fan of his lips, and he would definitely use that to his advantage. If he wanted something from you, he’d use his lips to get what he wanted from you. He’d often come up behind you and press his lips against your cheek, murmuring in your ear exactly what he wanted. As much as you hated that he could push your buttons with his lips, you never turned down a kiss that came from Taemin.
You were his soulmate, the person that he held closest to his heart.
He would always be incredibly cuddly when the two of you slept, he loved to have you close. His favourite feeling when he fell asleep was when you’d run your hands through his hair and tug gently through the knots.
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laviefantasie · 3 years
140160 Hours
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Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: What if ever since you were born in your wrist you had tattoed the counted time till' you met your soul mate? 
According to the internet, a soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust.
That is why the numbers on your wrist that counted down the time until you met your soulmate were important. Everybody was born with them.
And you weren’t the exception. As soon as you were born the numbers 140160 hrs had been engraved in your right wrist.
The numbers changing as you grew up.
You didn’t believe much on the soulmate deal. How could something so so random as a number in your wrist decide who you spent the rest of your life with?
Your mom and dad certainly were a good example of why it wouldn’t work. Soulmates or not, life can still throw its punches at you and your parents weren’t able to fight through them together.
When your wrist had the numbers 61320 hrs engraved on it your parents filed their divorce, your mom taking your full custody.
That definitely made you not look forward to finding your soulmate, especially after you saw how it had affected your parents.
Because even when their decision had been the right one —the constant fighting you had grown around of not being your best memories— it had made them lose a part of themselves.
Their souls yearning for the other’s warmth to feel —to be— complete.
That was the problem with meeting your soulmate, once you did the before didn’t exist anymore.
As soon as you met them, that part of you that had been longing for them, waiting for them, wakes up not allowing you to imaging life without the other.
You didn’t want that.
You were fine with your life as it was, concentrating on what you were truly passionate about: your music.
Who needed a soulmate?
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You stared at both of your best friends in front of you in disbelief. Since you had met your next-door neighbor, Julie Molina, when you were nine you both had become instant friends.
Both of you had a love for music and Julie’s mom, Rose, made sure to teach you both everything she knew about it.
That is why your friendship with Julie had grown so much, both of you soon joined to the hip.
Your friendship with Carrie, on the other hand, was due to your mom being her dad’s producer. You had basically known the strawberry blonde your whole life.
Yet, somehow, you had never noticed the way the number on either of their wrists was changing as the day you had decided on introducing each other got closer.
And that’s why right now you found yourself staring with wide eyes at both your best friends, who stared at the 0 engraved on their wrists in awe.
“I... I was not expecting this” you whisper.
Your words are enough to make Carrie snap out of her daze and smile at Julie, with a special glint in her brown eyes.
“I-I am Carrie” she smiles sweetly at the hispanic.
Julie blushes under the other girl’s stare, “I’m J-Julie”
You roll your eyes before excusing yourself, going to sit on the stool on the cafeteria’s counter deciding they should have this time to properly meet each other.
At the end of the day, you only met your soulmate once.
You stare at them across the room, seeing how their smiles are a little bigger and their eyes a little brighter as they stare at one another.
How did that happen? Was it the sole fact that they knew they were in front of their soulmate what caused that effect?
What made meeting your soulmate such a life changing event? Was it because of the way the people talk about it? What made meeting your soulmate so different from meeting someone else other than the fact that you knew they were —somehow— destined to be with you?
Your e/c eyes move to your right wrist, the numbers 35040 hrs engraved on it in a black bold handwriting.
Was it weird that you dreaded the moment you met him or her? Was it weird that you wanted to date other people and decide by yourself who you wanted to be with?
You were just twelve years old, you couldn’t imagine yourself meeting someone and just knowing you wanted to be by that person’s side for your whole life.
That was just nonsense.
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You found yourself running to the music room with Flynn and Carrie by your sides, Julie just having sent an SOS text to meet her there.
That had gotten the three best friends out of their seats in their Algebra class, ignoring your teacher’s protests, and running to the class you all liked to fool around so much in.
You were expecting to find the brunette crying her heart out or for her to be anxiously pacing around the room, you were definitely not expecting to see her jumping in excitement.
“I have a band!”
Her words made the three of you go from being confused to jumping in excitement with her, knowing the girl had been having a hard time with music since her mother died.
All of you had it hard, neither knowing how to live in a world without the mentoring and warmth of Rose Molina, but you all had been strong to be Julie’s rock. God knows how hard it had to be for her.
So they were definitely trill to hear that the girl they loved so much was finally happy again.
Carrie soon pulling her girlfriend in for a sweet kiss, before all of them soon tackle the Molina in a group hug.
Julie Molina had been fifteen when she had lost her mom. She had been fifteen the last time she had sung. It was after a year that Y/N had finally helped the brunette find her way to music again after finding a song her mother wrote for her when finally cleaning the studio —as neither of the Molina’s felt they could do it— so Mr. Molina could take pictures for the state agent.
Needless to say, once Julie heard about the song she couldn’t stay away from music anymore.
She sang.
After that, the girl had slowly started to come back to them. Now? Now she seemed to be back completely as she explained to them how is it she now had a band.
Apparently, you weren’t the only reason why she had decided to sing again. She had met a boy named Luke in the diner you guys love.
Said boy had been writing a song when —without meaning to— Julie had seen what he was writing and had helped him out on a verse he was working on.
She hadn’t meant to do it, it had just happened.
But that had made Luke follow her around, annoying her until she admitted she used to do music. After that, Reggie and Alex —the other boys of the band and apparently Luke’s best friends— had join Luke in trying to remind her what she loved about music.
The passion in the way they talked about music had awakened Julie’s curiosity for it, and when Y/N told her about the song she couldn’t resist.
She had been meeting with Luke to write songs behind their backs, Carrie scoffing in jealousy at that, before the boys had asked her to join Sunset Curve.
“We’re gonna change the band’s name though” admits the latina “A lot of things have changed for them, one of their bandmates left with Luke’s songs before they met me and that messed up with their sound”
“What about Julie and her Ghosts? Can’t believe you kept these guys a secret”
Julie noticing the jealous tone in her girlfriend’s voice, smiles before holding the strawberry blonde’s hand. Carrie soon smiling happily.
“I’m sorry I kept them from you” she apologizes “I’ve just been wanting to see if it’d work first, didn’t want to get all of your hopes up for nothing”
Flynn sighs before smiling towards her best friend, “It’s okay, Jules. When can we meet them then?”
“Today is the day you meet the ghosts” she smiles excitedly “Afterschool at the studio, that okay?”
You share a look with Carrie and Flynn before nodding with a smile.
“Let’s meet Julie and her Phantoms”
Unknowingly, to you your right wrist now had the numbers 6 hrs 37 mins on it, the exact amount of time before you’d find yourself walking through the white doors of Julie’s studio.
You had decided to stop looking at your wrist as soon as you had turned sixteen, making sure to cover it with as many bracelets as you could to avoid looking at it by mistake.
You didn’t want a soulmate.
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Carrie, Flynn and Y/N were riding their bikes to Julie’s house while talking about how they thought the guys looked.
You all had agreed to meet to go to Julie’s house at 4 o’clock after going to your own homes to change clothes and were happily making your way to the place you had all once loved.
The three of you were excited to be on the studio again, you had even brought with you your songbook. You were excited to show Julie the songs you had written.
It had been so long since she had read your songs. Hopefully, you’d both be writing songs together again.
“I’m pretty sure they’re hot”
Flynn’s comment makes you and Carrie laugh out loud before coming to a stop in front of the Molina’s home. The three of you throwing your bikes on their yard.
“I’m serious! I’m thinking we’re about to see some well done boys in there, we should probably stop to check we’re presentable enough”
“Flynn, we’re already late to Julie’s band rehearsal” Carrie points out “No time to stop”
You feel your wrist tingle weirdly as you position yourself in front of your best friends while walking backwards to the studio.
Not knowing your wrist was tingling because the numbers on it were going down.
20, 19, 18, 17, 16...
“And if I may add, I believe we’re already looking quite hot” You smirk teasingly at them “As a matter of fact”
You’re almost at the studio, as the sound of an unknown melody becomes louder with every step you give.
15, 14, 13, 12, 11...
“I think they’re not ready for us” You state sassily “And they’re teenagers, how hot can they be?”
Flynn and Carrie stop, so you do too. The one with braids widening her eyes at the sight behind you.
“I think very very hot”
10, 9, 8, 7...
Seeing Carrie nod her head in agreement, you turn around to see what they mean. You e/c eyes finding Julie’s figure as she sings her heart out, oblivious to the three new arrivals.
Your heart start thumping loudly in your chest as your wrist starts tingling even more, which weirds you out but you choose to ignore it. Not noticing the way the guitarists looks weirded out too as he tries to keep his focus on the song they’re playing.
Your eyes soon move towards the blond drummer before going to the dark-haired bass player.
6, 5, 4, 3...
You admire them for a while before moving your eyes to the lead guitarist, your breath coming out quicker against your control.
Black vans, black ripped jeans with chains on them, black Rolling Stone’s sleeveless t-shirt, different colored bracelets on his wrists and many rings on his hand.
Your eyes go from well built arms to shaggy brown untamed hair. The guitarist’s head turning as he feels his chest tighten with an unknown feeling.
Luke shakes his head before trying to focus on the song once again, turning around to go back to his microphone stand his eyes find the three new people standing by the studio’s doors.
His bright green eyes soon meeting enchanting e/c eyes.
Luke’s hand stops playing abruptly, the rest of the band member stopping in confusion as the sound of the guitar fades.
Though Julie’s confused look soon becomes an excited one as she sees all of you by the doors.
She runs excitedly towards you three, grabbing your hands not noticing the way your eyes don’t leave the ones of the green-eyed boy.
The tingling on both of your wrists gone.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here” she turns to the boys with a smile “Guys, these intruders are the bestest of friends in the whole world”
She points to all of you, “That is Carrie, my better half, that is Flynn, and this one over here is Y/N”
She then turns to the three girls, Carrie being the first to notice your wide eyes, “Girls, this Alex, Reggie, and Luke. Julie and the Phantoms, name credits go to you, Y/N/N”
“Y/N/N, you okay?”
Carrie’s question has your best friends looking towards you in worry, Alex and Reggie soon asking the same thing to a frozen Luke.
Though, it is Julie the one that notices the way your left hand grips your right wrist tightly. Getting close enough to you to pull your hand away and move your many bracelets.
A gasp escapes her as she graces at the black bold 0 on it.
Her brown eyes look towards your surprised ones as you still stare at Luke, not knowing exactly what is it you feel at that moment.
Reggie, being filled with curiosity, copies Julie’s actions with Luke. An awestruck look on his face as soon as he sees the 0 etched on his skin.
That seems to snap the guitarist from his shock, his green eyes moving towards his wrist in wonder.
As soon as you find yourself free from his gaze, you move your hand away from Julie and run out of the studio.
You ignore Julie’s screams for you and hop on your bike before pedaling to your house. Your heart beating loudly in your chest as you feel... empty.
Your eyes hadn’t become brighter and your smile hadn’t grown.
You hadn’t felt all the things they had ever told you you’d feel. All you had felt was fear. Fear of having a soulmate, fear of not knowing how to talk to said soulmate, fear of not being able to connect with said person.
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A few days had passed since you had run out of Julie’s band rehearsal and you hadn’t bother to go see Julie when the band was there.
Your best friends trying to make you talk to Luke yet still supportive when you stated you weren’t ready. You wanted to believe it was because they understood but something told you it was because said boy probably didn’t want to see you just yet too.
That’s why you weren’t worried when you agreed to study with Julie that day, both of you finishing your assignments in record time before proceeding to look through your songs.
“These are amazing, Y/N/N” she smiles sweetly after finishing reading the song you never got to finish “Have you shown me this one before though? I feel like I’ve already read it”
You shake your head confused, you hadn’t shown that song to anyone. You had written it a long time ago when you had felt incredibly alone and had, for the first time, wished for you soulmate.
You hadn’t been able to finish it and soon you had forgotten it existed. Until a few days ago, meeting your —apparent— soulmate had made you look for the song.
You wanted to finish it but couldn’t for some reason.
“Never, Jules” she looks at you confused “Anyways, I had an idea for a piano intro for the first verse that I wanted to run by you first”
“Sure, just let me go upstairs to bring my stuff. And probably some snacks”
You nod your head before watching her leave. You sigh before gazing at the unfinished lyrics in your songbook annoyed.
Since when was finishing a song such a hard task?
With a scoff, you stand up from the couch and move to the piano with your songbook in hand. Soon accommodating yourself to start playing the song, hoping that would help you snap out of whatever writer’s block you had and finish it.
Softly, the chords you had in mind are played by you before your voice sings the first verse.
“Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out
For one more try to feel alive”
Without your knowledge, a certain green-eyed boy stopped outside of the studio as soon as he heard you.
“And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home”
You look at the lyrics with a narrowed gaze before trying out the first words that come to mind when the memory of a pair of green eyes come to mind.
“Fight through the dark
And... find the spark”
The boy sneaks a glance at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he remembers the unfinished song in his black songbook.
The song he had started writing after a fight with her mom concerning the band. He had felt so sad that he had yearn the comfort of someone who understood his pain without knowing it.
You stop playing then let out a frustrated groan as you come out with nothing to add before making your way to your —incomplete— chorus.
“Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump”
Your eyes snap to the owner of the unknown voice, finding the green eyes you had been dreading —yet longing— to see.
You see him struggling for what to come next, finding you actually know what would go right after what he had just sung.
“Together I think that we can make it”
He looks at you in surprise before smiling and singing the end of what would be your song’s pre-chorus.
“Come on, let's run”
Neither of you move, both of you staring deeply into each other’s eyes. Julie, who had just arrived with snacks, quietly leaves you both knowing you were just about to realize why you were soulmates.
Luke coughs as a blush makes its way to his face before moving towards his songbook —the reason he had come to the studio in the first place— on his guitar’s amp.
You watch him quietly, him soon making his way towards you hesitating before taking a sit besides you on the piano.
You ignore the loud thumping of your heart as you feel your knees touch his.
His green eyes find your e/c ones before he opens his songbook, holding it out to you once he finds the song he wants to show you.
In times that I doubted myself
I felt likе I needed some help
Stuck in my hеad with nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear...
Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Come on, let's run
And rise through the night
Bright forever
And rise through the night
Bright forever
You felt your breath catch in your throat as you finally understand what’s written in his awful handwriting. The lyrics and melody matching your song perfectly.
You, wordlessly, push your songbook towards him, Luke soon reading it in wonder.
“How do you feel about Julie and the Phantoms getting a new song?”
It was safe to say that it was that night that you finally understood why all the fuzz going around about soulmates.
As Luke and you worked Bright together your eyes shined brighter and your smile never disappeared from your face. You had never felt so complete in your whole life.
And staring at the boyish grin on the brunette’s face as you finished singing the newly finish soon-to-be hit of the band, you couldn’t help but think that maybe —just maybe— having a soulmate wasn’t so bad.
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yunhoiseyecandy · 4 years
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title; after class
genre; smut
pairing; dance teacher!hyunjin x female reader
word count; 1.5k
|||notes- fingering, mirror sex, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex|||
standing in the middle of the practice room, your blood ran cold. to say you were nervous would be an understatement.
you had prepared your whole life for this moment; the moment where you’d be able to make it into the dance academy you’d been studying to get into for, well - forever.
it wasn’t easy. in fact, it’d been one of the hardest things to accomplish. your teachers had been difficult to handle, their constant nagging and bugging, reminding you you’d never make it past high school, and that the only reason you were here was simply because of luck.
but you never believed them, always looking on the positive side of things. and so far, it seemed to be paying off.
because right now, looking around to the two other brave girls standing next to you, you knew you’d made it.
and that was more than enough to give you that boost of excitement to continue in the program.
you watched the girl with short, brown hair smile up at you as she tied her shoes, wondering if it was time to introduce yourselves. “oh, hi. my name’s y/n,”
your eyebrows raised to let her know that if she wanted to greet you back, now was the time to do it. she smiled, glancing at the girl in between you both. “hello, y/n. my name’s kristin. and her name is missy. 
missy gave you a half-smile, resting her hand on her hip. “are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
you placed your bag on the ground, looking around the studio. “yep, I just got in last week. how about you guys?”
“we just got transferred here yesterday from another academy, thought it’d be nice to get a fresh start, you know?” kristin said.
“yeah, I get it alright. sometimes you just have to escape,” and before you could finish your sentence, the door opened to reveal the most attractive man you’d ever laid your eyes on.
he walked in, closing the door behind him and facing you three. “so, are you the new students we got?”
you looked to your side, head gesturing to missy to say something. “um, yeah, we are.”
kristen looked between you and the man, “and you are..?”
he smiled, biting his bottom lip. “oh, right. I’m hyunjin, your dance teacher for this semester.”
oh. that made sense, the id hung around his neck making everything lock into place. 
he placed his bag on the ground, walking to the center of the room and stretching. “so, who’s ready to start?
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the next hour and a half felt like hell for your body, muscles burning almost as much as your skin. you knew you must look like a mess, hair falling out of your ponytail that you’d re-done at least fifty times.
it made you feel better about yourself when you looked over to the the girls next to you, their bodies splayed on the floor as their chests heaved up and down, the only thing running through all of your veins being exhaustion.
turning your head to hyunjin, your voice sounded like a tiny mouse as you spoke to him. “are we almost done? I don’t know how much more my body can take,”
“same.” missy and kristin said in unison.
hyunjin chuckled, running his hand through his wet and messy hair. “we’re done, don’t worry. but I was hoping I could run through a couple more steps with y/n. that is, if you don’t mind staying a little longer..”
his voice trailed off at the end of his sentence, eyes flickering down to your lips as you sat up. your ears burned, confused as to why he’d want you to stay after. you were positive you’d done all the moves correctly, moving your feet and swaying your body to the sensual music.
he’d sensed your confusion, “don’t worry, you did just fine, y/n. I just want to see if you’re eligible to qualify for the upcoming competition. I was hoping maybe we could be partners.”
your mouth dropped open in shock, surprised that he chose you to compete with him. “a-are you sure? I don’t want you to be the reason that you don’t get first place-”
“oh come on, y/n. you’re the best dancer out of the three of us, do it. I’m sure you’ll be great at it.” missy said with a grin as she stood up and packed her things, kristin doing the same thing with her belongings.
hyunjin laughed, “right? I mean, you’ve all got amazing, raw talent, but I feel that y/n’s style will fit the music’s emotion and feeling the most,”
“what song is it?” you said, hand bringing your water bottle up to your mouth.
“pour up by dean, ever heard of it?”
“hell yeah I’ve heard of it, he’s one of my favorite artists!” now you really wanted to practice with him, especially now since you already knew the tempo and beat of the song.
missy  opened the door, “well, I guess that’s our cue to leave. Bye guys! I hope everything goes well!” 
and with that, both girls were gone, leaving you and hyunjin alone fore the rest of the evening. 
he stood up and offered you his hand, pulling you up to meet his eyes. “good. now I can finally focus.”
“what do you mean?” you said, eyes looking back into his. he was beautiful, his lips plump and full, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to kiss him right now.
“you think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been looking at me? all the staring and biting your lips, it’s starting to get frustrating, baby.” he wrapped his arm aroing your waist and pushed you into the wall, hand lingering against your thigh.
“hyunjin, w-we can’t,” your eyes kept drifting to his arms, pupils blown wide with anticipation. you couldn’t ignore your body as you felt the need to close your thighs together, a damp spot forming along your panties.
he teased your shorts, pulling at the fabric softly. “why not, love? it’s only us in here.” he leaned down to pull your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it when your eyes fluttered closed.
“ugh, fuck it.” you said, pulling your shorts down a long with your underwear.
he did sat on the floor in front of the mirror, pulling you so that you weren’t facing him while you sat on his lap. his hands ran up and down your thighs, pushing them apart so he could see just how wet you were for him.
“oh, baby. did I do this?” his hand cupped you, palm rubbing over your clit. the pads of his fingers were rough against your skin, a finger slowly dipping into your soaking hole.
you moaned, “fuck, more.” your head was thrown back in pleasure, his hand underneath your shirt, now groping your breast over your bra.
“more? shit, I didn’t know you’d be so needy for me,” you felt as two more fingers found their way inside you, three fingers pumping in and out of you.
“oh my god, hyunjin. c-can you fuck me already? I want to feel how good you’ll be inside of me.” you turned to face him, licking your lips and meeting him in a sloppy kiss.
“all you had to do was ask, baby.”
he quickly pulled his pants down, returning to your previous position. pulling your legs apart once more he slid into you with ease, your warm and wet walls wrapping around his cock. he felt perfect inside of you, stretching you out until you felt him rub against that spot inside of you.
your head fell forward, body not being able to take all the pleasure that was running through you. “hyunjin, right fucking there!”
his hands came to rest at your hips while he thrusted up into you, the only thing that could be heard being your whimpers and his groans, skin slapping against skin, and the dirty words that left his mouth.
“you must love this, darling. you love how good my cock feels inside you, hitting all the spots your fingers could never dare to reach.” his hand moved from your waist to your clit, barely touching the sensitive bud.
“go on, lovely. make a mess out of yourself on my cock.” 
you clenched around him, trying your hardest not to scream in fear of someone hearing you. “shit, y/n.” 
he came not long after, his hot cum filling you up. you both sat there until your breathing evened out, his fingers running over your stomach to help calm you down.
he spoke, finally, the tense and semi awkward leaving the room. “can we maybe go out for coffee? I heard there’s a new place that opened up a few blocks from here.”
you giggled, “sure. but weren’t we supposed to go out and then have sex?”
requests are: open
[sorry if this was bad, it’s my first skz fic so hopefully my next ones will be better heh]
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lxveshotaro · 4 years
˗ˏˋ Record ´ˎ˗
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⊱┊Bang Chan X Reader
⊱┊Sub! Chan, Dom! Reader, Fingering, Pegging
⊱┊Chan had been working on a song while video chatting with you, he was stuck on how to do the next part of the song so you decided to help him out.
⊱┊Hi!! I have a new layout for my writing! My blog is gonna be going through some extreme changes over the next few days maybe even a week. Changing up my blog will really help me write more on here so I'm super excited! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
"Fuck." Chan cursed to himself for the 3rd time, "What's wrong?" He looked over at his phone that was propped up on his speaker, "Oh it's just.. this song." He sat back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair, sighing out of frustration. "Do you need me to help with something?" You looked away, nibbling on your nail a bit but Chan caught your attention again, "Uh.. Haha.." His ears burned red as your eyes remained on him. "You said the song was more sensual and sexy, judging by the way it sounds that seems to be the case."
Visibly embarrassed, Chan nodded slowly, he looked so sexy, his black hoodie on, arms up as he stretched, a smug look on his face. "I need.. to make noises.. for you- um, the song." He looked away shyly, "Want me to help you baby boy? I can come by.." Your voice lowered at the last part, sending shivers down Chan's spine. He bit his lip causing you to smile back suggestively, "You're always so shy.. until you're not. You won't be so shy when I'm fucking you against your equipment, when you're recording your moans like a dirty boy." The boy sighs heavily, adjusting in his seat. "Horny already?" You got up and left your phone laying on your bed, facing the ceiling.
Chan tried to go back to working but he immediately looked back to the phone when he heard you propping it up. You angled the camera revealing your small shorts and tank top. There was also something else about this sight that drove Chan insane, you held straps in your hand, you're in such casual lazy attire but somehow you look so hot. "Which one should I fuck you with, hm?" You held them up, letting him see them all. He laughed quietly since you usually chose which one to use. "The pink one.." His voice was hushed, but you heard him, "What?? I can't hear you, try again." You sarcastically cupped your hand by your ear.
"The pink one.. Please." His voice was much louder this time, losing it's power at the end. You smiled and nodded, dropping the other two straps onto your bed. "I'll be there in a bit okay, don't get too riled up." Knowing him he was already riled up, ready to touch himself before you got there. You threw on a sweater real quick and headed out the door with a few things to help Chan.
It wasn't long before you were standing in front of the door to Chan's studio. You knocked immediately, he made it to the door very quickly. The door swung open and as soon as you met eyes with him the sexual tension broke loose. You wrapped your arms around him and pressed your lips against his harshly. You maneuvered around the door in order to close it without breaking the kiss. You squeezed Chan's cock in your hand, your other hand pulling his hair back, "I wish I could fuck your mouth, but of course you need it right now." Chan moaned breathlessly.
"Please~" He squirmed around as you continued to palm him and suck hickey's onto his neck. You cupped his face and kissed him again, pulling away after a moment, "Go set up the recording." You smacked his ass when he turned around, he's already such a mess for you. He gulped as your eyes followed him, you smiled in an amused way at the way he was walking. Chan bent over to mess with the computer. While he was occupied you slipped on your strap after taking your pants off and removed your sweater and shirt, revealing your lacy bra and underwear.
You sat in his rolly chair and rolled up to him, placing the lube right next to him with a loud thud. He looked over at it, sighing while trying to keep his composure. "You almost done?" He nodded, "Y-yes." He slowly turned around to look at you, his erection painfully hard by this point. You looked up at him from your seat, your hands wandered his lower half, purposefully avoiding his erection. "Please.." He whispered very quietly as you hovered over his erection once again. Leaning back on his desk he threw his head back and grinded into your hand when you touched it lightly.
"Be patient." He shook his head almost immediately, "No I need you now." You tilted your head to the side, "I told you, you're not shy anymore." You unbuttoned his tight black jeans that were squeezing his erection. Once it was out you started to slowly stroke it. He reached behind himself, his body bent weird momentarily and started feeling around on the keyboard, clicking the button to start recording when he found it. Your thumb ran over his slit a few times causing him to hiss.
"Turn around." He placed his hands on the desk, waiting patiently for you. You opened the lube and squeezed it onto two fingers. Your hand pressed onto his back, making Chan arch his back a little. One of your fingers pressed at his entrance, he shivered at the feeling. It slipped in smoothly, you felt around, stretching him for you. Your other finger also slipped in, you quickly picked up a pace, Chan was already on edge this quickly. You stayed quiet since he had started recording. 
"Y-Y\N." You continued to thrust your fingers into him, your hand kneading his butt in your free hand, "Hm?" He pushed back against your fingers, "Please fuck me already.." You laughed to yourself again. You've become quite good at multitasking. You continued pushing your fingers in and out of him while opening the lube and squeezing some onto the strap on your lap. Chan let out a dragged out whine when you pulled your fingers out of him. 
You stood up and positioned the strap where you needed it. Chan felt as the strap poked his ass teasingly, "Please.." He's so needy, he's begging so much. The strap slid into him, he chose the strap that was textured, you haven't used this one on him yet. "I- I like- I like this strap, it f-feels so good." He placed his face in his hands as he held himself up on the desk. "Good, you chose well baby." 
You wasted no time with building up your pace. Chan's knees nearly buckled underneath him, your hips snapped into him over and over. He didn't hold back his moans like he normally does, his embarrassment was super visible though. You could see how red his ears were which made you smile. His moans were so beautiful, they got squeakier the more he fell apart. 
"Come here." You pulled out of him and sat down again tapping on your lap. He positioned himself over you and slid back onto the strap. He pulled the mic closer to himself. You whispered in his ear as he rolled his hips on the strap, "Fuck yourself on the strap." As quickly as he could he started bouncing up and down on you. He leaned forward again and held onto the desk.
"C-can I-" You noticed his hand reaching for his cock, "Go ahead." He took himself in his hand and started pumping himself as quickly as he could. Becoming even more squirmy he leaned back against you, his moans blessing your ears. You pushed his hand off of his erection and took it in your own hand. It was like magic, Chan whined as he came closer to finishing. His moans were super shaky by this point. The sound of your skin slapping against his filled the room.
"Cum- C-an I cum?!" You whispered a small approval into his ear. His hands grasped onto the chair, his body shivering slightly. He finished with a small whimper, white spurts landing on his and your legs. Chan slowed his bouncing as came down from his orgasm.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to listen to this and edit it without getting hard.." You laughed at him thinking about just how needy he really is all the time. "Well I'm able to help at any time."
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celestiababie · 4 years
Hongjoong NSFW Alphabet A-Z
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A= Aftercare (What they do/act like after sex)
 Joong would be very thorough with his aftercare. Need a bath? He’s on it. Want some water? He’s already in the kitchen getting it for you. Need kisses and cuddles? Already smothering you. He’s really good at taking care of his members, so you wouldn’t be an exception.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
 He would like his eyes the most, he loves how he can give you one look, and you’ll be blushing from the other side of the room. He has quite expressive eyes and would adore how you can tell how he’s feeling just by looking into his eyes. On your body, he would love your hair. He loves playing with it as he falls asleep or tugging on it when he’s being particularly rough with you, he just wants to twirl it around in his fingers~ 
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum… I’m a disgusting person)
 When Hongjoong cums...he cums a lot, and his favorite place to paint you in his cum would be your ass.  He just loves seeing it cover your pretty ass after sex, he finds something sexy about it. He’d make sure that he cleans you up nicely before doing anything else. 
D= Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
 He may or may not have stolen your underwear once or twice and acted confused when you were complaining about not being able to find a certain pair. It was an accident at first, he was packing his luggage, and you had left your underwear, and it got thrown into a pile with the rest of his clothes. He didn’t notice until he was looking for something... Long story short, he may have jerked off using your underwear and found a new fetish that day...
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
 He used to skip school to work, PASSIONATE BABYBOY RIGHT THERE, so I don’t think he had much interaction with many people to have tons and tons of experience. He knows where to put things, and he’s definitely not clueless, but the first few times you two tried to get intimate were kind of on the awkward side of things.
F= Favorite position (This goes without saying)
 Since he loves cumming on your ass, he loves doggy style. He’s able to spank you all he wants and tug on your hair and at the end of it, he gets to cum on your ass. So, all in all, he can’t go wrong with his position.
G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Or are they more humorous?)
 At first, he was goofier and laughed off the awkward moments with you, but as he got more experienced with you, he also got more serious and intimidating. There’s still a playful tone to the sex, but he’s just more mature about that type of thing. 
H= Hair (How well-groomed are they?)
He does some pretty decent man-scaping. He’s not completely clean, but it’s not a complete mess down there, and he’d try to keep up with it as much as possible.
I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
 He’s fairly intimate during sex, but his intimacy shines during aftercare. During sex, he can be a little on the rougher side, but he’d still whisper in your ear about how amazing you felt, and he’d still kiss your body up and down.
J= Jack off (Masturbation)
 Because of the whole underwear situation, he jerks off quite a bit. He doesn’t find it better than you, but sometimes if he’s feeling stressed suddenly, and just needs to release some tension, he’ll please himself.
K= Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
 He has a Sir kink, it came out when you had playfully called him sir, after he had told you something. There’s something about you saying it that makes him feel powerful. Hongjoong also has a slight thing for tying you up or handcuffing you. He had randomly asked you one day how you felt about bondage, and after giving it a try, he definitely liked it.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)
 Does he enjoy fucking you in his studio? You bet he does. His eyes always light up when you come and visit him...those visits usually get pretty intimate, pretty quick. He always jokes how it gives him the energy he needs to make a good song, maybe that’s why ateez doesn’t have a single bad song cough cough.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
 You playing with his hair while he’s working could start to make him needy for you, he doesn’t know why. When you sit in his lap and play with his hair or him sitting in your lap, he can’t help it when he lets out a few soft moans.
N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
 Anything that will end up with you bleeding a lot. Sure, he doesn’t mind giving you pain for pleasure, but he’s against having you bleed.
O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
 He loves giving and receiving equally, receiving might have a slight edge since he loves seeing you on your knees for him. He would especially love when you’re needy while he’s busy, and to distract him...you’d get on your knees and start kissing over his crotch. When it comes to him giving you head, he loves hearing you beg him for me, and the lewd sounds you make. He’s a rapper so, he’s really good with his tongue.
P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
 Both, but he tends to lean more on the fast and rough side. He enjoys seeing the aftermath of him fucking you hard and will often tease you the next day if he sees you struggling to sit down or walk properly. Every once in a while, he’ll go slow, giving you deep thrusts to make you feel every inch of him as he kisses your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex and how often?)
 He’s neutral about them, he’s not in love with them, but he won’t pass them down if you offered or if the both of you were needy and busy.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
 Hongjoong is very experimental, he wants to find new things that you like, and that he likes. He’s willing to experience a few mess-ups if it means that both of you can try new things. 
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
 He can go for a few rounds but prefers to keep it down to around 2. He makes sure to draw out your time together as much as he possibly can. He’ll use his fingers and his mouth, working you up before he gets to the main event.
T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
 He thinks toys can be fun every now and then. Hongjoong loves pressing a vibrator against you when you’re tied up and can’t do anything except moan and thrash against the sheets. He’s not opposed to using toys on himself and is even considering asking you to peg him...one day.
U= Unfair  (How much do they like to tease?)
 This boy loves to tease you whenever he gets the chance. He likes making you beg him for what you want him to do to you. Joong actually likes it when you tease him back, subby Joong is hot. 
V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
 It depends on what headspace he’s in. If he’s in a more dominant headspace, he’d let out groans and growls, but if he was in a more submissive headspace, he’s let out higher-pitched moans and groans.
W= Wild Card (Random headcanon)
 “Are you sure this is a good idea?” You said while biting your lip.
 Hongjoong had invited you over to his studio stating that he needed help with something. You had assumed that he was just needy and wanted to fuck you...but he had a much different idea. 
“Please, babe? No one will even know it’s you and I just really think it would help with the song.” 
  Hongjoong wanted your moans...on one of his tracks. He gave you a smirk and leaned over to whisper in your ear, softly kissing it as he spoke, “I promise I’ll make it worth your time.”
X= X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
 He’s a smol boy and he has tiny hands but has big dick energy, so I’m in a dilemma. He’s probably average but knows how to work with what he’s got.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
 He has a high sex drive, he constantly craves your touch. He’d probably be overdramatic and say that he’s dying if you two go without something sexual for more than two days.
Z= ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
He doesn’t fall asleep that quickly, he makes sure that you’re okay and would much prefer watching a movie with you to fall asleep since he can’t automatically fall asleep afterward.
 Hi! This is the second member I’ve done and if you liked this, please don’t be a silent reader. I don’t have a masterlist yet, but you can find Seonghwa’s on my profile pretty easily.
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
VIXX - Ravi A-Z
“Hiiii, could you please write an A to Z for Ravi?? 🙏🙏”
“vixx ravi a to z 👀thank u ❤️”
“Ravi A-Z NSFW please?”
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A - Aftercare Bless him he tries, but he’s so exhausted afterwards the most he can probably stretch to is maybe getting you both a drink...after that youre on your own lol sorry 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) does it count if i say his favourite part on himself is his tattoos? idk, i just feel like theyre something about himself that he really cherishes, and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner, he likes the cakes, the booty, the butt meat. He can’t get enough.
C - Cum Likes to cum on your face or neck. Bonus points if you let him cum in your mouth then kiss him, it’s something he finds so unbelievably hot.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) He really REALLY wants to record the both of yall going at it and use the audio in one of his songs, but he thinks you’d never agree to it so he’s afraid to bring it up :((( 
E - Experience He strikes me as someone who’s no stranger to one night stand kinda things so he’s definitely got a fair amount of experience. He just gives off the energy of someone who knows his way around the female body lmao
F - Favourite Position Loves having you ride him, he likes the lazy approach and watching you bounce on him is his favourite site in the entire world. Always has a soft spot for doggy as well, he’s always a fan of anything where he get’s a full view of your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Not that goofy at all tbh, sex is something he just takes super seriously, he’s not here to mess around lmao. He’s here to fuck you up and get you shaking fgfdgdg
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Trimmed to the point of almost being bare, but he leaves a little bit lol
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He has his softer days every now and then, but he’s not really all that intimate in the moment tbh. He knows that you know how he feels about you, so he doesn't feel the need to be overly sentimental when at that moment all he wants is to rail you into the mattress until you're shaking oop.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Honestly he probably does it basically every day; it’s pretty much a part of his nighttime routine at this point. He finds it the perfect way to relax just before he goes to sleep
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) For sure marking, both giving and receiving. He doesn’t even care if anyone sees them, he wears them all with pride and a massive smirk lol. He’s into maybe lowkey bdsm stuff too, just a little light pain and restraint kinda things.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) His favourite place would be his recording studio. It’s just that bit different enough to be a lil saucy, but private enough to where he’s like 95% certain no ones gonna walk in on you. It’s the reason he bought a super big sofa to go in there tbh lol.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) He’s a simple man, literally just touch him in an even slightly suggestive way and his brain will go straight to his dick. His thighs and lower stomach are the places he really likes to be touched
N - NO (something they won’t do, turn offs) No sharing, so that means no three(or more)somes lol. You’re his and he’s yours. That’s how he wants it to stay. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Lowkey the type to be more into the whole “face fucking” thing when you go down on him. He can get super intense when giving too, he wont stop until you've had a least one orgasm from foreplay alone lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) I feel like he’s somewhere in the middle lol, a happy medium. Probably a little on the faster side, but not crazy rough. He’ll be sure you feel it the next day.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) He’s quite a fan, he thinks they definitely have their charm of just scratching that itch whenever it occurs. They happen every now and then, usually in the morning when he wakes up with a boner but has to be somewhere soon.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) To a certain extent. He does have a few hard limits, but aside from that, he’s totally open 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) I dont think he lasts all that long, mainly because of how much energy he puts into whatever he’s doing. But providing you catch him before he falls asleep, he’d be down to go a second round.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) Definitely owns a few. Not a crazy amount, but mainly what he considers the “essentials”. Stuff like a vibrator, blindfold, silk ties and maybe a paddle if he’s feeling extra spicy.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Maybe surprisingly idk, but i really dont think he’s that into teasing. I think he’d much rather just get straight to the main event then draw things out needlessly long.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Some super gravely moans and very very sweary. Super into dirty talk also. Very much a “let the neighbours know my name, baby” kinda guy sdfds
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) He love love looooves it when you’re super vocal, the louder the better. It doesn’t matter where you are, what time of day it is etc. He knows all the right spots to hit that’ll get you screaming and he’ll keep going until you’re as loud as you can get.
X - X-ray (what’s going on inside those pants) Average in both senses i’d say, pretty n veiny though lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Pretty high, like it’s not that high where its unbearable lmao but it’s probably a little higher than average. 4-5 times a week at most
Z - Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Super fast lol. Pretty much as soon as he pulls out of you, he’s out like a light lmao.
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cxhnow · 4 years
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At only 21 and 20 years old respectively, Chloe and Halle, the sister singing duo signed to Beyoncé’s Parkwood Entertainment, have an almost preternatural poise and polish. You see it in on-camera interviews, their big smiles never breaking, or when they’re singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, their harmonies as sweeping and pristine as harmonies can be. Even in the homemade YouTube covers which made them Internet-famous as adolescents — a cover of Beyoncé’s “Pretty Hurts” (a song, interestingly enough, about the demands on young women to be flawless) caught the attention of Queen B and got them signed in 2015 in the first place — they have a peaceful and almost uncannily seasoned presence.
This seeming perfection has made them into major role models to young fans, and one of them into a future megastar fronting the massive Disney machine, as the younger Halle takes the lead role of Ariel in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid expected out in 2021. They’ve had real world ambitions for the entirety of their teen years, starting their YouTube channel when Chloe was 13 and Halle 11, criss-crossing the country multiple times as the opening act for their mentor Bey, and dabbling in acting, with roles on Kenya Barris’ sitcom Grown-ish.
But beyond the sheen they’ve developed, it’s nice to hear, on a quarantine Zoom call one Friday morning, that they are more steadfastly committed — even dogged — about their craft than they are the presentation. They write, arrange, and produce much of their own music in their home studio in Los Angeles. While their sophomore album, Ungodly Hour, features guestwork by super-producers Scott Storch and Mike WiLL Made-It, the sisters executive produced the whole thing, and still brought unfinished collaborative tracks home from sessions to tighten them up in their own way, on their own computer software.
Though their debut, The Kids Are Alright — an unlikely but satisfying cross between SZA and Björk — hinted at this artistry, Ungodly Hour is the true breakthrough. It’s a grown-up album in a number of ways, with lyrics about hook-ups, break-ups, and mess-ups. But it’s also just undeniably and straightforwardly cool. In the choreography-heavy video for the excellent “Do It,” their astonishing maturity begins to look more like bravado. They mine sounds from late-’90s R&B, recalling forebears like Aaliyah, Destiny’s Child, TLC, and Blaque, but have come up with something refreshing and personal. There are no lags on Ungodly Hour, no saccharine ballads or misplaced attempts at massive over-the-top pop — just easily enjoyable bops with silky harmonies and relatable themes. That’s an achievement for an artist of any age.
In conversation, they are, yes, incredibly composed, but also engaged and interested in talking about a range of subjects, from 808s and Atlanta to politics and pain. Here, the two sisters offer a little glimpse into their lives — and how they got to be so on top of everything to begin with.
Note: This interview occurred after the death of George Floyd but before demonstrations surrounding the killing fully heated up across the country, and the sisters have since delayed the release of the album from the original June 5 to this Friday, June 12. At the bottom of this Q&A, we’ve included some questions and answers the two responded to by email this week concerning moving the release date and their solidarity with the protestors.
Have you been quarantining together?
Halle: We are quarantining together in Los Angeles. We’re in our family home, so it’s really nice to all be together.
Chloe: I think, you know, with any family being in close spaces, you all have to relearn each other. You can’t, like, escape and go to your own corner.
H: We’re learning more every single day in quarantine what not to do [laughs]. We know the trigger points for both of us. We both love to get our feelings out, so once we do that, I think it’s good.
Let’s get into the album: In the past, your music has had an innocence about it, but this album is pretty grown.
C: You know, with anything in life, we never like to force it. Halle just turned 20. I’ll be 22 in July. Naturally, the music will just grow with that. We’re sharing our experiences, sharing what we’re going through, whether it’s heartbreak or falling in love or our insecurities — what makes us tick. People only really know us as, like, little sweet angels and all of that. And everyone is multi-layered.
“Busy Boy” is about a guy who sleeps around and sends you unsolicited late night photos of, well, a very particular body part of his. Are lines like this born from real life?
H: Absolutely. All the songs on the album are pulled from real-life experiences, real-life relationships. And for “Busy Boy,” everyone can relate to knowing this guy who is just so hot, he is just A+ everywhere. But everyone knows him as a player. They know he jumps around from girl to girl. It was funny to talk about that because in our little girl group [of friends], sometimes we do find that one dude who has tried to talk to all of us. And we laugh about it and we kiki about it.
Are you able to find time to date and have fun, and do what young people do?
H: Of course!
C: You know, we explore. We date around. We’re learning as we experience life. And it helps stimulate the lyrics.
There’s a lot of tense back and forth between the sexes on the album, and I wonder if you thought of it as a kind of break-up album.
C: It’s that back and forth because that’s how it was in our lives at the time when we were creating this album. You know, my sister and I, we’re at that age where you’re learning yourself through relationships, learning how people work. Even though Halle and I are a year and a half apart, we were going through the same thing at the same time when we were writing. We were heartbroken and putting that into the music. But we also wanted to come from a point where we don’t have to be these weak girls crying over it, but instead take our power back.
H: Love is a huge theme of the album. But also feeling alone, and the rawness. These were all themes that we hadn’t really talked about before in music. Our deepest, deepest feelings. The title, Ungodly Hour, stemmed from everything that happens during those hours, you know, in the middle of the night when you’re about to go to sleep. You’re thinking of all your insecurities — your mind is swimming. You’re thinking of lustful things, you’re thinking of heartbreak.
C: It feels conversational because when we were writing it, we were simply having a conversation. My sister and I tell each other everything when it comes to these things. And as we’re sitting down, explaining, “I’m pissed because of this,” or, “I’m happy because of this,” we would just write it into the music.
You worked with the 2000s producer Scott Storch on “Do It,” and there’s almost a nostalgic feel for that time in R&B and pop.
C: He’s really a legend, and just seeing him on the keys when we had multiple sessions together, we were always left in awe. Production-wise, I’ve always been inspired by experimental sounds and the weirder side of music. But while we were making this album, I really started falling more and more in love with ’90s music and early 2000s production; listening to a lot of Kelis. We wanted this album to feel fun and flirty, but also grunge, in a way, and a little dark and mysterious and sexy. And I really feel like ’90s production with beautiful melodies on top truly embodied that. [‘90s producers] weren’t afraid to experiment.
How do you balance creative freedom and experimentation with what I imagine to be a lot of pressure to make a hit?
H: We were feeling a little bit, like, “So where do we go from here? What do we do now?” We were a little bit stuck at the beginning, because we were hearing from the label about doing songs a bit more commercial. Whenever we are given direction, it always throws us off. Whenever somebody tells us what to do, we don’t like it. At the beginning, we were making songs that didn’t really sound like us. And we realized we were trying to please everyone else.
So then we were like, You know what? Scratch that. Let’s go back to the beginning. Let’s remember why we’re doing this. Let’s make the sounds that make us happy. Let’s go back to doing those experimental things that have made us so happy all the time. With these sessions with [Ariana Grande songwriter] Victoria [Monet] and Scott [Scorch], we can also add a bop or two in there and find a beautiful way to do it without sacrificing our musical integrity. We never want to feel like we’re selling out.
You taught yourselves how to produce, arrange, write, and record your music at a very young age, but now that there is this bigger spotlight, is it important to still create in that more organic way?
C: Absolutely. Yeah. If we didn’t keep that, I don’t think we would even have finished this album. We love creating at home so much. You know, [our first album] The Kids Are Alright, we created the whole thing in our living room. [For this album], we converted the garage and carpeted it up and made it into our little studio here. We always prefer home and working on our laptop and arranging all the weird harmonies together and recording each other.
We worked with so many amazing producers and songwriters on this album, but at the end of every session, we would take the stems, and we would revamp them up and really add, like, our sauce to the songs afterward so it really felt like us. But also, half the album is strictly just us and our production and writing as well. We executive produced it. That’s the only way to do it. If it starts to feel forced or bad, we walk away.
What programs do you use to produce on your laptop?
C: I’m a huge Logic Pro girl. When we do live shows, I use Ableton, but when we’re recording each other and I’m making the tracks, it’s all on Logic.
You’re known for your harmonies, and you also produce all your own vocals. How do you think about the resonance and affect and power of your voices? What are you aiming for with a vocal?
H: There’s something really special about singing with your sibling, or singing with somebody who has the same blood as you. The Clark Sisters are one of our favorites, and every time we listen to their harmonies, it just takes us to another world. And I don’t know what it is, but every time I sing with my sister, I do feel like it’s a power, like it’s something special that’s happening when the two of us are singing together. It’s different than when I’m just singing alone.
C: We know how to fit and blend with each other. Usually I’ll take like more of the lower notes, and Halle will take a lot more of the higher ones. For me, ever since I was a little girl, I loved Destiny’s Child and Toni Braxton and Nina Simone. Our family would always play Erykah Badu and Jill Scott around the house. So I have grown up loving soulful tones. As I got older, being a female producer, I was really inspired by other female producers, like Grimes and Imogen Heap and Merrill Garbus of Tune-Yards, and I really started appreciating and loving alternative music, where they use different experimental sounds. More recently, I was listening to a lot of Kelis and Missy [Elliott] and Timbaland production, and Aaliyah and all of that. All of my inspirations… I love how it’s in contrast with my sister. Because, you know — and she’ll tell you this — she is a huge jazzhead. She loves jazz melodies. And when the two worlds come together, it kind of creates us.
You mentioned Erykah Badu and Jill Scott as influences, so I gotta ask — what’d you think of the Erykah and Jill Verzuz on Instagram?
H: We loved it so much. We put it on our TV and watched the whole thing.
Who do you think won?
H: They both won. You know, you could sing those songs every single day and never get tired of them. We want our music to live on like those songs live on.
You both have childhood roots in Atlanta, which has become essentially the musical epicenter of America in the last 20 years. Does that influence your sound?
C: Oh my gosh, yeah. Atlanta music is so incredible. We’ve always been so inspired by OutKast. Ciara. Donald Glover.
H: Janelle Monáe.
C: It’s so much soul and rhythm and bounce. And I think that’s why I love big drums and 808 so much. We are true Atlanta girls at heart. And I think that also comes into why we’re really kind. It’s just southern hospitality.
You’re signed to Beyoncé’s management company, Parkwood, and I’m curious what kind of creative notes or advice she gives you when you’re working on an album.
C: She allows us to grow and flourish on our own. And, you know, as we’ve been finding our sound through the past five years, she’s just kind of sat back in the wings and let us do what we want to do. When we feel like we got the music to a special place, we always want her input. It’s Beyoncé! She has the experience, she’s incredibly talented, and she has such good instincts.
With her notes, a lot of the time, we’re on the same page. Whether it’s about what she hears in the layers of the production, if she thinks the production should change on one part, or how we sang a certain word or something, she’ll always recommend, but it’s up to us whether we want to do it or not. She allows us to do what we want to do, musically.
When we sent this album to her, she didn’t have any notes. Halle and I were like, whoa. She must really, really like it. And she could give us as many notes as she wants! She’s Queen Bey.
Halle, you’re about to be Ariel in the live-action version of ‘The Little Mermaid’ for Disney. What is it like wearing the mermaid tail?
H: [Laughs] Well, I can’t really .. [laughs] … that was a good try [laughs]. I can’t really tell you about that [ed. note: Disney is notorious for strictly enforcing a code of silence about a future production]. But it’s really cool being able to play one of my favorite characters from my favorite Disney movie. And show other little black girls that, yes, you can be Ariel too. That the part is not just for anyone who does not look like us. We can do it too.
There was a really dumb conservative backlash when Disney announced it was casting a black woman in the role.
H: Yeah, well, I don’t really pay attention to that stuff. People are hurting right now, so a lot of the times people take their hurt out on you. And you can’t do anything about that. We just gotta move forward in love and light and say a prayer for them, you know?
On one very serious note, you posted a cover on Instagram that blended the hymnals “We Shall Overcome” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as a tribute to George Floyd. I’m wondering how you’re viewing what’s happening in America right now?
H: [That] week was very difficult for us. Just that video of George — I couldn’t watch it. This keeps happening to our people. When I see George, I think of my father, and I think of my little brother, and I think of them just wanting to live and to not be killed just for living their lives. I don’t think we will ever understand why it keeps happening. I don’t think we could ever wrap our heads around it.
So we just thought, What can we do? What can we do to make ourselves feel better? What can we do to make everyone feel better? And we decided to sing those two songs that have been sung for many, many years. It made us feel a little better, but it didn’t take it all away. It’s crazy that this keeps repeating itself. [That] whole week was kind of wonky for us.
When I see you two on camera and in interviews, I’m struck by how poised you both are, from such a young age. You present yourself almost perfectly. But I wonder if that ever feels like pressure? You’ve had to be really mature since before most kids ever really do.
H: It’s not a persona. It’s not something that we turn on and we turn off. It’s just the way that our parents raised us. Sometimes, we do get compliments, like, “Oh my gosh. You guys are always so happy and positive. You guys are angels!” And, you know, that’s one side of it, of course. I know some people put us on a pedestal. And I think that what hones us in on continuing to just be positive beings and lights is the way we grew up, our parents constantly reminding us that all of these things don’t matter. All of these grand things don’t matter.
But there’s also the other layers of us that people don’t see when we’re not in the spotlight. We do overthink. We do have insecurities just like everybody else. And that’s what with this album in particular we wanted people to get through their heads. Like, hello, we are just like you. At times, yes, it does get overwhelming. But that’s just a part of life. And that’s more fuel for inspiration for us to write.
As previously noted, the original interview occurred before demonstrations surrounding the killing of George Floyd reached full steam. Here, the two sisters followed up by email more recently in a joint statement to address changing the release date of the album in light of the uprising and how they are participating in protest.
Originally you were meant to release the album on June 5, but now it is coming out this Friday, June 12. How’d you come to that decision?
These past two weeks have definitely felt like an emergency call to justice that is much needed. It was important for us to push our album and bring awareness to everything else that’s been going on. We didn’t want this moment to be about us, but rather about getting justice for our brothers and sisters and making a change.
What are you feeling in heart and mind about what we’re witnessing?
Honestly, it has been very, very difficult for us this past week. Having to witness someone’s life being taken away just because of the color of their skin is just traumatic. Even though these days have been hard, we are thankful that people are now seeing what has been happening for a while. And we are grateful that the world is finally doing something about it! Seeing these protests happening all around the country and world truly makes us hopeful that a change is coming. We are so much stronger than we think and so powerful when we come together.
It’s your generation that’s in no small part fueling this movement — how does it make you feel to see people in your age group activated in this way?
It makes us so proud to see our peers standing up for what’s right. We are the future and deserve to be in a world that protects us, rather than harm us. We deserve to live a life not in fear.
How are you two approaching contributing to the protests — what do you find effective?
We are doing everything we can to speak up for what’s right: signing and posting petitions online, donating, etc. We will not let anyone silence us. We have also been singing a lot more, trying to use our voices as healing for the world right now. Music always tends to be the best therapy.
Where are you turning for information, solace, discussion, leadership, and creativity in a moment like this?
Social media has definitely been one of our main sources. We’ve been seeing and sharing content from our peers who are actually out there protesting on the frontlines and experiencing firsthand. We can now view videos and photos and form our own opinions, instead of being swayed by mainstream media. There’s a lot of stuff that’s not being shown on the news, that we may find on Twitter or Instagram. Because of social media and technology, more light is finally being shed on the injustices being done to our people. It’s helping change our world for the better!
Though it’s an invigorating moment in a lot of ways, it’s also a difficult one, and I’ve been hearing from people that they’re excited to be protesting but also feeling anxious and not sleeping well. How do you keep your mental and physical health up while staying activated around the movement?
As much as it’s our main source of information, we also take frequent breaks from social media. We will delete the various apps from our phones and almost block out the world, in a way. And when we really begin to feel hopeless, prayer and mediation has been so beneficial during these times. As well as working out, to clear our heads and let out any built-up frustration.
Do you have recommendations for your young fans of readings, songs, or movies that they can watch to further educate themselves on racial justice?
The movie American Son shows firsthand what it feels like for a mother to lose her son to police brutality. The book The Water Dancer reminds us of how our ancestors overcame slavery and found freedom through the pain. And even though Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On album was released in the 1970s, it’s still so relevant to what’s going on now in the year 2020.
[Photos were retouched by High Snobiety to make the girls appear lighter. I have included two of the original versions where they are unretouched.]
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betterlatethanhouie · 5 years
Hidden Fine Line tracklist on visiteroda.com
So, after an intense afternoon of speculations in the gc, I decided to post the result of so many hours of laughter to let you have one too.
What we’ve noticed is there could be several references to the Fine Line’s tracklist on the website vistiteroda.com (Attractions, Accommodations). 
More under the cut.
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1. Fishing Charters - Golden
The reason we think there’s a correlation between Golden and this section is rather simple: “make sure to wear one gold earring”. I can’t deduce much about the song, but in my opinion, we’ll get a catchy rhythm one, suitable for everyone (”the waters are so plentiful even the most novice of fishermen is nearly guaranteed to catch something”).
As Chiara @itsantigone​ pointed out, Harry said Golden it’s the perfect song to sing while driving on the Malibu coast. “[…] half day or full day fishing trip” could easily be a metaphor for a road trip.
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3. The Fisherman’s Pub - Adore you
This is why I came up with this theory in the first place. Janet @ishipmutualrespect highlighted the importance of the sentence “on the corner of Cherry Street and Golden Way”, and I noticed that the song is exactly halfway (3) between Golden (1) and Cherry (5). The two roads meet there. In my opinion, we’ll get a nice classical love song, but. BUT. “The only rule? Don’t mention a pig in the pub”. Shhhh
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5. Adorè Salon and Spa - Cherry
The title in French and the words service/services make me think of Cherry. It’s also a song suitable “for men, women and children”, maybe a metaphor for the gp?
But this could easily be for Adore You, as Janet suggested.
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6. Deep Sea Diving School - Falling 
This is a recent addition, since this section has been inserted only last night. The verb to dive made us think of the concept of managing the fall/trying to get on your feet again after hitting rock bottom. Chiara pointed out that the stones in the pockets could be something hidden/held inside that pulls you down:
“what am I now? am I someone I don’t want around?” Harry says it was written about how “I kind of started to feel like threads of you know, where I could see myself becoming someone that I didn’t want to be.” 
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There’s also a sentence, in the general description of Eroda, that could be about this song,
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but I’m more inclined to think that the About Eroda part is a general overview of the album. I could be wrong of course.
7. Flanagan Fish market - To be so Lonely
Elisabetta @likearagingroar and later this post suggested that “Fishes may vary based on quantity and quality” could point toward To be so Lonely. The foot with painted nails (Harry’s?) beside the fish could also vaguely recall loneliness (it’s a reach, I know). I can hardly see anything about what we might expect from this song except that the word catch is once again in it.
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8. Kiernan Studio - She
This is entirely on @ishipmutualrespect: she cleverly pointed out that the pronoun she only appears in this section. It’s interesting to notice that it’s the only pronoun in the whole website. What’s the song about? Art? Or could this be referred once again to the kind of music we have to expect, maybe something more artsy and complex? I don’t know.
Kiernan it’s also one of the perfectly unisex baby names, according to this site. I’m just gonna leave this here.
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9. Sally’s Tavern - Sunflower, Vol 6
It’s easy to guess why we thought of Sunflower, Vol 6.  Both “a large selection of beers […]” and “for over four generations” could be referred to the previous 1-5 versions. I’m not sure if I want to analyze that hot sauce part, to be honest sghdashd
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10. Seaview Cottages - Canyon Moon 
The “[…] are located on the cliffs above the harbor in Garona” made us immediately think of this song. “watch the sun rise from your bedroom” too, which could also indicate that it’ll be a song suitable for that time of the day, I’m guessing nothing too wild.
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11. Yuna Inn - Treat people with kindness
Yuna means kindness in Japanese, so it’s not hard to guess the reason why we thought of this song. “the from the town center (the rest of the album?) and around the corner”  but also “unique hair salon” make me think that TPWK may be different in terms of lyrics and/or sound.  
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12. Hotel - ???
I think this could be the description of the first song written for the album and I can’t remember If we already know which one is it. By elimination, I would guess it’s Fine Line. In any case, both “recent renovation” and “perfect place for those who want to spend their time in luxurious style and comfort” make me very curious to hear it.
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Lights Up and Watermelon Sugar
Janet pointed out to us that Watermelon Sugar and Lights Up may not be included since we’ve already heard them.
Chiara though mentioned this morning that The Lighthouse could be referred to Lights up. The description of the lighthouse refers specifically to “cloud coverage” instead of general forecast weather. After a quick online research, we found out that cloud cover refers to “the fraction of sky obscured by clouds when observed from a particular location” and you know what? The lights from the lighthouse may help you in those obscure times, seeing the real sky underneath and find a secure way to navigate the seas. And during cloudless nights, you can clearly see the lights of the stars. 
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We couldn’t find a reference to Watermelon sugar, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ll get something in a future update (maybe the next one, since it was the second single? IDK)
Thank you so so much to @itsantigone, @ishipmutualrespect, @likearagingroar, @angel4790​, and @nonsocomechiamareilmioblog1​ for editing this mess with me, love you girls 💓
Please bear in mind that this theory has been created for fun, so don’t be a d*ck about it.
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takemealivelh · 4 years
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cute, cute, cute
Send in requests or feedback!
“Name?” Luke toyed with the Sharpie in his hand as he looked over at the pretty girl who came here often, but always changed her name when he took her order.
“Eleanor Rigby” she smirked.
“Sure” the blond shook his head, matching the smile on her lips with his own. “One day you’ll tell me your real name. You just will.”
His voice was enough for Edie to mess with him every time. She loved hearing his accent. That Aussie tongue that spat words a bit too quickly. The list of names included Layla, Rhiannon, Jolene, Roxanne, and Rossana. Courtesy of the biggest songs of the last century.
“You shall never know” Edie teased the barista and walked over to the side of the counter to wait for her latte.
Luke rolled his eyes with a smile and moved on to the next customer.
Edie and Luke always gave each other flirty smiles whenever she was in the coffee shop. He would pretend to clean the coffee machines while he engaged in a staring contest -the score was 8-10 till now, Luke winning-. Edie would look up from her laptop and make silly faces at him when it was just the two of them. He would laugh and shake his head.
But he wanted more. He didn’t want to be just the flirty barista, he wanted to get to know her. She seemed like a cool person. Especially when she came in with a bag of the record store next door and chains in her jeans.
“Who are you today?”
Edie brought a finger to her chin as if she was thinking. “Today I’m Sharona. And you’re still Luke.”
He laughed at her wit, “okay, okay.” It was just the two of them at the coffee shop, being so early in the morning. The shop had opened only six minutes ago. Luke’s co-worker was in the back getting all the baked goods ready for the display window. The tall Australian leaned over the counter, elbows on the surface. “Today you must be real asleep.” He smirked as if he had hit jackpot. “You’re wearing your work ID around your neck, Edie.”
Between not having her coffee yet and those deep blue eyes staring at her, it took her a second to snap out of her trance. “Fuck!” her voice was tired but crisp. “I knew I was forgetting something.” She always took off her ID when coming in, but this morning had been hectic already, and she simply forgot. 
“It suits you better than all those other names, though,” Luke commented as he wrote her real name in the cup, loving how his hand seemed to float when he did it.
“I think Rhiannon fits me just fine, thank you.”
He laughed. This seemed to be the most they had ever spoken and he was having fun. It’d been a while since he felt that with another person. Most days dragged on forever and he couldn’t wait to be back in his studio apartment with a beer in his hand, alone. “Why did you pick names from songs?”
“I thought I’d use my knowledge and creativity for something,” Edie shrugged. “Are you gonna write my order or?” She teased and Luke immediately perked up and started to make her usual drink.
“Sorry, it’s a latte, innit?”
Luke smiled as he prepared the hot beverage, which was easy and in no time he had it ready for her to drink. “Where do you work?”
“Next Town Records.”
He set the coffee cup on the counter. “Ah, makes sense.”
“What?” Edie smiled as she grabbed the cup and their fingers slightly brushed.
“The snobby choice to mess up with a barista’s head.” He joked.
“That was what I was going for,” she laughed.
The bell dangled over the top of the front door, a few other customers coming inside. 
“I’ll let you get back to your job, Luke,” Edie said. She was charming in a teasing way, that was for sure. 
“If you weren’t you, who would you be today?” Luke sat in front of Edie without his uniform and a mug of hot chocolate between his hands. She looked confused, she was used to having the table all to herself and did he really have to look this good in a tank top? “It’s my day off, but the cinnamon rolls are just too good to stay away from them,” he smirked and brought a piece of the baked good into his mouth. It was only then that Edie noticed he had a plate with two of them.
She closed her laptop, maybe her idea wouldn’t go as planned since she expected him to be behind the counter, but she could work with this anyways. “Pearl Jam’s Jeremy.”
Luke dropped his head as he laughed, “love it.”
They talked for the whole duration of her lunch break. 
“I have to go back to work now,” Edie sighed and put everything in her backpack, but took out a CD and left it on the table.
“What’s this?”
She smiled, “I thought you might wanna have it anyways.” He watched her turn around the table and felt her hand on his hair as she ruffled it. “See you, Luke.”
The CD had all the songs she had used as inspiration for her names. The Police, The Beatles, Eric Clapton… Luke smiled as he read the titles. He opened the case and saw numbers imprinted on the back of the leaflet.
He called it.
“Hey, Luke.”
“You wanna go out sometime?”
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1@rip-lukes-balsamic @angelbabylu @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove  @problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @bloodmoonashton @lilacsos @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain@5sosnsfw @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls @dweebluke @rosecoloredash @@hotmessmichael @calumspeachy@ashtonsunshine @wonderland-irwin @ashtonandcalslefthand @post-traumatic-mess @damselindistressanu @c-dizzle-swizzlex @mycollectionofnuts @calteahood @rainingcal @o0idk0o @cals-eyebrows
@kingxnichole @placeoftime
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coolmarriagerecords · 4 years
On Chronophage
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By Zachary Lipez
Chronophage are a band from Texas. They have been around for three years. Chronophage consists of Parker Allen (they/them) guitar and vox, Sarah Beames (she/her) bass and vox, and Cody Phifer (he/him) drums. For the new record, Parker’s brother, Casey Allen (he/him) plays synth. That’s all I know about Chronophage. The internet shows no interviews and, besides punk zines I don’t own (and presumably critics on Terminal-Boredom forums), the music press outside of Austin has ignored them. I first heard about the band from MaximumRnR, which listed their debut, Prolog for Tomorrow, released in December of 2018, as one of the best albums of 2019 (you can do stuff like that when you’re a revered punk zine). Because MRR is famously *cough* averse to cover any band that even flirts with problematicism, I don’t have to worry about my ignorance of Chronophage’s individual members potentially allowing me to big up fascists. Maybe it’ll turn out they’re Maoists (an ideology MRR is less worried about) but I guess we’ll cross that bridge when/if we come to it. Anyway, I had never even heard of Chronophage (a small miracle unto itself considering the underground’s ready access to publicists and music writers- such as myself- who love few things more than being the first to “discover” a band.). But, even while my sense of aural adventure is a bit rusty since the days of having to risk $8.99 on albums based solely on cover art and/or vibes in the air, I just knew Prolog for Tomorrow was going to scratch an itch. Maybe not an immediate itch but, when you keep as many itches on file as I do, you can afford to trust your instincts. Especially when those instincts have already been validated by some punk weirdo in Oakland who’s probably still mad at the Go-Go’s for firing Margot Olavarria fifteen years before they were born. My instincts served me well because that hypothetical punk weirdo was right! (About both things.)
I’m not sure how to describe Chronophage. I’m not a major fan of the comparisons, to Swell Maps or the Messthetics comps, that the punks made. I don’t dislike either point of reference but knowing Chronophage supposedly sounds like both doesn’t affect how I hear the band. Prolog for Tomorrow’s inner sleeve art has “Curse of Chronophage” scrawled, which may be a reference to The Curse of The Mekons. Or maybe not. I’m trying not to project my bullshit on the band. Matter of fact, Chronophage don’t sound anything like the honky-tonkin’-Mekons. Not because Chronophage aren’t honkys tonkin’ but because, historically speaking, American bands aren’t as hung up on sounding American as English bands are. The album art for Prolog is reminiscent of much of the (actually) cut and (actually) pasted Pavementisms of the ‘90s, which in turn was lifted directly from The Fall and all that band’s adherents. Like early Pavement and The Fall, Chronophage are full of hooks, some overt and many buried under transient skronk. But, unlike all the obscurist indie Chronophage shares a typewriter with, the basic template on the album, if there’s one at all, is “folk punk.” I suppose? At least the sense of that genre is present, if dependent on an expansive notion of both “folk” and “punk.” Minus any busking grotesqueries in the “Wagon Wheel” vein, there’s the strum and twang of barely distorted guitars, every string visible in the mind’s eye, maybe in need of tuning or maybe just playing those jazz chords I hear so much about at music critic parties. While only three musicians play on Prolog, horns and keys go in and out of the songs like a C Squat marching band showing up to support the potluck. Adding to the offhand spontaneity of the proceedings, there’s intermittent cowpoke yowlings, some very live sounding drums, and at least one poetry reading. There’s a real anarchist house party vibe but just when it feels like Chronophage are going to lose their train of thought or, worse, ask to borrow the touring band’s kick drum pedal, another fragile and plaintive power pop chorus arrives in time to keep me from retreating to the kitchen to bum beer off strangers.
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If we’re going to (re)subscribe to my initial thesis that there are certain sounds made by certain bands that provide a messily alluring alternative to the pat and disingenuous cleanliness of overculture, therefore making a prickly honesty worth striving for (even if that striving lends itself to either self delusion or a romanticizing of failure), then Chronophage are what we’re talking about. Even if on their new album, The Pig Kiss’d (out on November 23), they kind of fuck a significant amount of my thesis over by showing that they do, in fact, know what they’re doing. Whatever. I deserve it. The whole mythology around The Mekons as a band finding dignity in the face of drunken ineptitude was a fib. While not having the chops of The Texas Playboys, and certainly often drunk, The Mekons, by the mid-’80s, were writing and performing songs as subtle and dynamic as any non-boring rock and roll, not to mention post-punk, band could aspire to. Because perfection is so oppressive, its absence will always be its own inherent virtue. But even better than not being able to play your instruments is being able to play them real pretty, but throwing some ugly in anyway. Just to show all the aesthetic bible thumpers that heaven isn’t always the hot shit it purports to be.  
The Pig Kiss’d is a sharper, more streamlined, proposition than Chronophages’s first record. The guitars, thankfully still mainly free of any distortion mush, ring out as cohesive riffs. Even while the lite-funk chunka-chunkas still occasionally approximate Desperate Bicycles covering Steely Dan (an under-appreciated subculture band influence… a lot of people don’t know that Big Black’s name was short for “Big Black Cow”), and the snare underpinning gives them a decidedly peace punk punchiness, the riffs now transform into razor-like, no wave leads instead of the decays into noise (or just silence) prevalent on Prolog. While the previous album positioned voices as hesitant souls in conversation, Chronophage’s dual singing is now consistently commanding. Not to say that either Allen or Beames are preoccupied with auditioning for American Idle anytime soon, but they both have cool, heavy-on-personality punk voices, ranging from conversating chill to accusatory growl, which the mix now accentuates. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t miss the feeling of a sinking ship, barely kept afloat by the bodies of oogles under the hull, but I’m also glad for a recording that doesn’t sound like the studio engineer is holding a personal grudge against the drummer. Of course, in no longer sounding a mess, Chronophage runs the risk of just sounding like, you know, a rock band. Of which there are plenty. Luckily this ain’t the case. The desperate, weird energy of Prolog for Tomorrow is still abundant. It’s just put in the service of songcraft more than ADD-infused mood. If there’s a newfound, almost psych, expansiveness in the songwriting, it’s a psych fueled by strychnine over any slouching towards bliss. And when the songwriting contracts, we get instant classics like the album closer, “Name Story,” which could be an undiscovered New Model Army a-side. So much does “Name Story” sound like a lost hit that I had to write the band and ask if it was a cover. (They responded that the aim was to sound like New Order… which is amazing.) Still, by contemporary indie standards, Chronophage sound like countrified First Wave of Black Metal-ers running through the American songbook. By contemporary post-punk standards, which can be applied now that New Order are on the table, Chronophage don’t sound contemporary at all. They sound out of the timeline; Richard Lloyd skipping post-punk entirely to jump headfirst into college rock, making that nerd rock hip, and vice versa. Lightning striking itself. In the face. Repeatedly. And by folk punk standards, if we’re bothering to still apply it, Chronophage continue to sound like the only true freaks in a field of future beer reps.Like I said, I don’t know much about Chronophage. While writing this, I exchanged emails with Parker but, preferring the mystery, I only asked about pronouns and whatnot. Maybe they’re apolitical. Maybe they are Maoists. Maybe they’re neither but still find my chronic naysaying abhorrent and dull. For all I know, they all campaigned hard for Pete Buttigieg and all the proceeds from The Pig Kiss’d are going towards having Chronophage Brand hostile architecture benches placed near the homeless encampments in Austin. Guess we won’t know for sure till the album comes out. But this feels like opposition music, and, more importantly (to me) it feels like music that speaks to a refusal to simply be grateful for the crumbs handed to us. Nit picking, as it were. If not exactly “dignity in the face of drunken ineptitude” then, in the face of endless war and empire and an oligarchal insistence to smile more, Chronophage make a sound that- equal parts sweet fury and sweaty sweetness and spilling over with a feisty, chaotic grace- approaches dignity. If the next few years are great, then great. We can play Chronophage at the cookout we’re all invited to. And if the next four years are instead a happy faced atrocity exhibition, at best a grinding exercise in defending cops, creeps, and landlords for the sole reason of the other side’s cops and creeps and landlords being so much worse? Then Chronophage’s sound will prove to be the kind of correct that’s too sloppy to be smug. Even under austerity, the anarcho-freak punx got bops. So even as COVID, the ice caps, or capital’s poptimist truncheon bear down on us, threatening to tickles our little chins, let us, at least, enjoy this thing.
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* The cassette version of Th’Pig’Kiss’d Album will be available soon on Cool Marriage. Check this blog for updates. 
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