#you ever ship something that makes no sense?
generalsdiary · 3 days
Dr. Ratio w/ Kavetham parents (x Aventurine)
warnings: none
word count: 5.7k
a/n: after the intro (one or two paragraphs) it switches to Ratio’s pov dw (beginning with the first line of dialogue), also if you don’t like the Aventio ship- it is only mentioned after half of the writing. and in case you’re only here for Aventio- it begins halfway. tho I do recommend reading the full work for the best experience ^^
description: let's talk about Ratio's parents. I have been going on and leaving comments/hiding in hashtags here and there about how much I like the theory/fanon of Alhaitham and Kaveh being his parents (fluff, nostalgia)
now let us take into consideration that Teyvat does exist in the canon of Star Rail- and (if you've read/watched a few analyses) you might know that the planet on the loading screen is literally Teyvat- and now if you're questioning how is it separated from everything (read; not getting checked by the IPC) and similar- well.. it is locked off of any access. I'm truly not the right person to dwell into this, so do explore more about that if it has piqued your interest, and without further ado, these are my thoughts on our favorite canon couple in Genshin being Ratio's parents.
I can see Veritas coming back home (by some means) and his dads being just over the moon delighted to see him.
Kaveh would most likely ask him to sculpt something with him. Veritas, as it is portrayed, he sculpts mostly himself, and (in Kaveh’s voice lines he says sculpting is his hobby) Kaveh enjoys that as well. so, it makes perfect sense that Kaveh taught him that, just a little Veritas wobbling around and putting his hands into the grayish looking water, little hands shaping the sculpture- Kaveh giggling at the sight, gods Kaveh would look so beautiful in that setting, Alhaitham smiling fondly- he won’t touch the water or the statue- the texture ain’t right. so, when adult Veritas comes back home for a longer visit, of course Kaveh insists on his son sculpting something with him.
“how have you been, Veritas? it has been quiet without you rambling with yourself in the middle of the night about the problems of the world” Kaveh snickers and pours fresh ground coffee.
“I do hope you have been taking care of yourself, you shouldn’t let your job rule over your private life.” Alhaitham adds.
“I- I have been fine, and no my job isn’t suffocating me, dad.” He answers in that annoyed voice reminding his fathers of a teenager. “I never said suffocating.” Alhaitham quietly adds, his son revealing himself in his word choice. He doesn’t comment any further. The obvious is clear to all three men.
he goes to his room, fresh, clean as if he never left. his walls covered in sheets of paper with math equations, sketches of various buildings (even an attempt to sketch his father’s beautiful work of the palace of Alcazarzaray), quotes from those close to him in case memory ever betrayed him. the warm sunlight dripping into his room, the scent of spices, fresh coffee, herbal tea and warm cotton letting him know that he is home. nostalgia isn’t something he allows to rule over him, but in this moment, he is weak to it and indulges in the safety of his room. the rough texture of the sheets soothes him and all the puzzle pieces seem to fall in their place. he needed this. his dads, this vacation. he falls asleep with a small smile on his face that night, there’s perhaps no better place to be than home.
little kid Veritas was truly born into the right family with his intellect. perfect parents to take care of all of his “quirks”, and hunger for knowledge. and, Alhaitham and Kaveh are so proud of the man he grew up to be, “you know that love for math and numbers, is all you.” Alhaitham comments, not raising his gaze from the book in his hand, the early morning sun just barely grazing the room. Kaveh smiles and walks over to his partner, his lips leaving a soft kiss on the top of the younger man’s head, “he is equally you and me, Alhaitham.” both men smile for the next minute, Alhaitham’s free arm moving around Kaveh’s waist since he stood right next to where he sat. “except the hair, that he takes after his uncle.” Kaveh laughs melodically at that remark, “well, he crafted the hair genome-altering potion himself because we allowed him to ask Tighnari too many questions which he was all too happy to answer.” Alhaitham nods, “it fits him. the indigo. can’t even remember what it was before if I’m being honest.” Kaveh all but shrieks, turning his voice to a whisper to not wake their son, “that’s because he did it when he was 4.”
speaking of his ‘uncle’, Wanderer is someone Veritas was very fond of. or rather, is still very fond of. such a genius mind, a clever being with a puppet body, snarky, sarcastic- Veritas felt confused why he didn’t hang out even more often with his dads; they seemed like the perfect match of personalities and intellect. nonetheless, he did come over occasionally, and was always met with, something he now knows to cherish; the soft smile, the gentle voice and the cozy embrace of his uncle who likes tolerates children. and especially since he didn’t come over often, teenage Veritas would run away take a walk to go see him, he always looked young so that made him seem even more approachable to the young boy. he’d seek knowledge, and intelligent conversations- not that his fathers or his other uncles didn’t provide that. he simply needed someone outside of that roster. an outsider. well… half of an outsider, who can keep secrets. not that he’d have many secrets to share, Wanderer would gladly amuse the kid, happy with the respect the child gave him and intrigued by the questions he'd hear.
“alright kid, it is late, off you go.”
“it’s dark yes, you won’t see me off?”
“you can walk, can’t you? now go.” Wanderer zooms off into the shadows. Veritas developed confidence in his late night walks home and bravery, not knowing- until maybe in his adult life, that Wanderer always flew above him on his way home. making sure that he was safe. and every time, maybe out of respect, maybe out of a sense of duty, or perhaps… even… companionship? friendship? he’d slip a note under the door ‘the kid was with me, W’
“is uncle Wanderer still in Sumeru?” Veritas indulged between bites of pita pockets. he just did a workout session with Alhaitham, his dad is where he picked up the healthy habit of working out and staying active.
“he should be. I mean he didn’t move out to a different region if that’s what you mean” Kaveh answered with a nod in Alhaitham’s direction, to confirm or debunk what he said in case he had different information. Alhaitham shook his head, he didn’t know anything else, “he should be in Sumeru city.”
‘the kid was with me’
Veritas makes his way on the incline of the Divine Tree, last step, and, “ah well if it isn’t my favorite nephew?” the voice said sarcastically. a whoosh of wind and the short man with a large hat- obscuring anyone’s view, flew down.
Veritas smiled, “uncle. it has been very long. and the years have… treated you well” he chuckled, attempting to tease the older man.
Wanderer scoffed, “is that some poor attempt at a joke? perhaps, you should spend more time with the general on this vacation. brush up your…” vague gesture, “comedy.” he hovered and sat down on the stone wall.
“I doubt comedy is something I’m fit to pursue.”
they talked for hours that day. catching up and Veritas dumping, if at all possible, even more questions onto his uncle about life and existentialism. the sun started setting and Wanderer got up, ending their conversation as always before it got too late in the night. he gestured to Veritas to come closer, to which he bent lower- the height difference was painfully obvious, “you really grew so big.” Wanderer softly commented, Veritas could see the same kindness and endearment in his eyes that he saw as a child. Veritas always meant much more to Wanderer than he ever let on. to be called uncle, considered a family member, and not be asked to change himself. Wanderer appreciated Alhaitham and Kaveh, and his nephew is someone he’d die for. he pinched his cheek, “you take care of yourself, young man.” Wanderer smiled for a second and flew up out of sight. and, just like all those years ago, he flew above him out of sight, making sure he got safely home… after all, Veritas isn’t a vision carrier.
“puppets- puppets can’t cry, stop this” he’d mumble to himself as a few more teardrops fell on the parchment paper he pushed under the door.
second night he dreamed. Nahida smiled in this dream and waved “welcome home, Veritas”, once awake he sat up immediately out of breath.
stepping into the kitchen and there she sat.
“oh- Lesser lord Kusanali, you didn’t use the door- um- would you like some tea?”
“oh Veritas, it is so good to see you” she chirps, jumping off of her chair and walking over, he bends over to pick her up so she may properly hug him.
“auntie Nahida- I- I seem to have forgotten you knew the exact moment I laid my head on the pillow two nights ago that I got back home” Veritas would mumble, he didn’t realize that he would be this happy to see her.
“Lesser lord Kusanali, good morning, I’ll fetch the tea.” Alhaitham would add, making Kaveh sit down so he doesn’t stumble over something, his husband is always jittery when the archon comes to visit.
on his way to the tavern he hears a woman yell his name, frozen in his step he turns and sees her running towards him. “Collei!” Veritas smiles, opening his arms and she jumps at him. he gives her a spin and tightly embraces her, “how have you been- you’re still amusingly short-“ he laughs, and she playfully punches him,
being close to Wanderer meant Nahida heard of him, and of course, she knew about Alhaitham’s and Kaveh’s son, hence upon visiting the kid often she became the auntie Nahida. Veritas grew up knowing the full truth, his dads aren’t the type to sugarcoat it or lie.
so in this embrace, Veritas realized how many questions he had for the tiny god in his arms. the god of wisdom. although, that might be impolite… he was silent for a bit.
Nahida giggled, “ask,” her legs swaying on the chair, “I know you must have so many more things you wish to know. especially with your age, doctor~” she giggled even more. and therefore it became a discussion, Veritas carefully forming his words, his dads listening to the conversation until they had to leave to lunch with friends. “come if you have time, your uncles Tighnari and Cyno will be there. they would be happy to see you.” Alhaitham adds as they leave the house.
“is that how you greet your favorite cousin?”
“you mean my only cousin?”
“don’t get snarky with me- I got better at communication and will use sarcasm to my advantage!” Collei laughed happily as she answered. in his mind, she has always communicated well with him. he never saw any issues, only fondness for his older cousin.
they catch up on the street, his cousin is someone he cared about a lot in his youth. a peer who he didn’t shoo off, who didn’t dislike him, and who was and still is an amazing, accepting, intelligent person. one stayed and the other one moved away, yet their communication never failed, never changed, and the love always there for one another.
Cyno and Tighnari basically tackle him with love and affection. Cyno wraps him up in a blanket of dad jokes (not literal), while Veritas shares stories of foxians on the Xianzhou Luofu. it is a pleasant lunch filled with stories, and the tallest man at the table getting babied and treated as if he is fifteen years old again. somewhat bittersweet. Cyno insists they play a round of TCG, Veritas winning easily, “it is pure strategy, uncle Cyno” he tries to hide his smirk as he answers to a frowning general; Alhaitham adds quietly, “that’s my boy. well done.”
His uncle Cyno was the one to teach him Genius invocation TCG, during their trips to the desert they spent their evenings playing cards. “this is hardly fair, uncle. I keep losing” the small boy frowned.
Madam Faruzan is someone he didn’t expect to see in the house of Daena. he found her… interesting in his youth, but he moved past the interest when the well of knowledge for him dried up. on the other hand, Faruzan adored the little boy who was respectful and smart. they chatted for a few minutes and he quickly excused himself, otherwise, he’d have to put the bust on and the people of Sumeru have spent years not seeing such strange behavior and he knew it would attract even more attention. his younger dad’s voice would echo in his head, “it never matters if it makes others around you uncomfortable- you take care of yourself. if it helps you, if you feel better, then wear it.” and the scene of his dad placing the kid sized plaster head on his head played in Veritas’ mind. he feels incredibly lucky to have such amazing parents.
“Veritas, when you are old enough, and more experienced you will, maybe, come close to winning.” Cyno answers, not showing mercy to the kid- he must learn the rules of the game properly, as he is teaching him survival in the desert. which, over the years of many trips, resulted in Veritas growing well acclimated to the weather conditions and scorching sun there, a good life skill to have.
on the other hand, he also grew accustomed to the moisture-heavy air and high heat of the rainforest. going on many camping trips with his uncle Tighnari. learning of different plants and creatures, gaining proficiency in biology before he even got to go to school. nights in the Gandharva Ville were also something he remembers fondly, his cousin, someone he holds in high regard, was always nice to him, pleasant, no matter his attitude and ‘adapting’ behavior. Collei never judged, they were, in a way, both patient with each other and led intellectually stimulating conversations for both parties. Veritas wouldn’t be the same man he is today if it weren’t for his peer.
“how’s the traveler?”
“oh them? they found their sibling and I’m afraid I haven’t seen them in a bit. but they always come around, you know how they are. unpredictable~” Kaveh chuckles, and fondly recalls his friend with gold hair.
“or perhaps they changed bodies and personalities and embody someone you know outside of Teyvat.”
“daaad.” Veritas exhaled, “your attempts at humor get more annoying with years” he rolled his eyes at Alhaitham.
in a suggestive voice he joked a bit more, “maybe now they are less polite, maybe they even have- gray hair like I do.”
for a second the image of the Trailblazer flashed before his eyes but he dismissed it, “daad please can you contain yourself. I would appreciate it. those books on comedy did you no good,” his head turned to Kaveh, “dad why did you buy him that?”
“for pure shits and giggles, my dear boy.” Kaveh answered with a grin.
one can be as put together as they want and as old as they can be, but once one is home… we all turn back into children.
there was a knock on the door, Kaveh got up to open it, “good morning, yes?”
“ah hello, is doctor Ratio here- his device seems to not be working on Teyvat it seems so err…”
“Veritas it’s for you!” he said louder and turned back to face the man in front of him, “and you are?”
“dad-“ he gently pushed Kaveh aside, “you’re too flashy- get inside Aventurine!” he hissed in a hushed tone.
Veritas stands with his hand on his forehead, shaking his head gently. Kaveh seems amused with a smile on his face and sits down on the couch, next to the sofa armchair where Alhaitham made himself sit in no time. Kaveh can tell by the look in his husband’s eyes that he is entertained.
the young man, which their son addressed as a translucent quartz… Aventurine took a step towards Veritas. “hey- doc- I didn’t mean to- maybe I should’ve read some stuff about the planet before jumping-“
“worried?” Veritas asked. Kaveh and Alhaitham were only missing popcorn, this has been the most entertaining thing they have watched in years. going all the way back to when they visited Fontaine and saw a wonderful drama performance.
“maybe?” the tone of voice was obviously a displeased one, even raising in tone with a sharp glare. Veritas inhaled and exhaled. like a child doing a play he turned to face his parents, “dads, this is Kakavasha,” Aventurine did a small wave, “he is an occasional work partner of mine and I suppose that is why he came here.” he turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
“well, yes, your phone- I mean device wasn’t working- actually nothing came up- I grew worried,” his voice turned into a whisper, “you know with this planet being so gatekept and outside of the IPC’s or the Aeons’ control so…”
“yes,” the blond man answered.
“let’s-“ Kaveh cleared his throat, “I’m Kaveh, Veritas’ father, this is my husband Alhaitham. why don’t you stay a bit- no need to rush off to… wherever you zapped from, hm?” he smiled.
“this, being the isolated area you claim, surely two travels in one day are not good, hm? stay the night. we will make room.” Alhaitham nodded.
and oh, Aventurine could read them in a second, street smarts this guy. he saw every single detail of the two men and how it translated into Veritas. “I’d hate to be a bother- but I’m clever enough to know you two would insist.” Aventurine smiles. Alhaitham and Kaveh hold back any laughs bubbling up their throats from giddiness. for them two, a pinning couple such as themselves, something as this short interaction between Aventurine and Veritas was as obvious as Cyno being the general Mahamatra. visible from the top of the Divine Tree. the only question was, where do they stand together?
“I. you’re right, but I don’t think it is necessary-“ Veritas begins only to be cut off by Kaveh.
“you’re forgetting yourself- didn’t you say he was flashy? you practically dragged him inside.”
Veritas cursed himself mentally, this was truly not what he had in plan. “fine. follow along, dear gambler.” he walked down the hallway and Aventurine followed quickly along.
Kaveh looked at Alhaitham with wide eyes and held back the urge to bite down on a pillow. “I will fucking scream, our son, OUR SON, got bitches?”  “was that real? that just happened, yes?”
Alhaitham was speechless in any verbal form, but his facial expression was priceless. “dear. Archons. thank you lesser lord Kusanali for blessing our boy.” Alhaitham hoped their son would never be lonely… and over the years it truly did turn him to even hope for the archons to show mercy upon him. “he also isn’t an idiot” Alhaitham continued.
“mhm, quite a beautifully well-mannered young man along with that,” Kaveh added.
inside his room, “why- this was truly unnecessary- my dads will now-“
“doc, calm down your parents are great- is this where I’ll stay?”
“this is my room!” he narrowed his eyes, Aventurine nodded and stayed quiet, “yes… this is where you’ll stay. don’t get… cocky about it”
“oh please doc, it isn’t the first time we share a bed.”
“change into something Sumeru appropriate if you wish to leave this house at any time during your stay.” Veritas ponders for a moment, “my clothes are too big and so are any of my dads- uncle Cyno is shorter than you so that’s a no, uncle Tighnari has a tail so that’s also a no, uncle Wanderer wears Inazuma-Sumeru styled clothes and also too small- I will have to buy.” he sighs after his short analysis.
“money is never the problem- credits are something I have a lot of and you know that- why?”
“they use mora here, not credits.”
Aventurine falls quiet, a world with no credits… a land of opportunity! he shall gain mora!
“no. don’t you gamble- the rules here are different-“ knock, knock.
“Veritas, will you go buy Kakavasha clothes or shall I sew something of some old pieces?” Kaveh asked against the closed door.
“I- dad can you go buy- we need to talk- I can’t at this moment.”
“I doubt your worry was justified- you knew you couldn’t contact me here”
“yeah, I’ll go.” silence, he didn’t move away yet. “I’ll take your father with me.”
a distant muffled voice answered, “I don’t like shopping for clothes, Kaveh.” “Shush Alhaitham we are going.”
“your parents seem nice. and now I’m here, so let us not dwell on would’ve, could’ve, should’ve hm?”
Veritas sighs. they exchange a few more words and he leaves for dinner with Collei previously arranged.
the sun is setting when he gets back, Aventurine got nicely acquainted with his parents and… well, Veritas is standing frozen at the entrance door. Aventurine is wearing white Sumeru style clothes, with pretty gold accents and splashes of purple and cyan. there has never been a lovelier man than him, your beauty leaves me speechless. He clears his throat, “now that you look appropriate, allow me to take you on a walk, yes?” to which the blond man obliges and they leave the house.
“you look…” beautiful, ravishing, heavenly, out of this world, take my hand in marriage, “…you wear them well, yes” Veritas cuts his thoughts off.
absentmindedly he talks of the architecture and how people live in Sumeru city. they arrive at a point that oversees the vast area towards Port Ormos and they stand there in silence for a few moments.
“the clothes are very comfortable, I hope I’m wearing them well,” Aventurine says with a big smile.
“c’mon doc, we are on your home planet, in your city. no one knows us here- at least not as the cornerstone of the Aeon of preservation and the member of the Intelligentsia guild. we can relax.”
Veritas rolls his shoulders and takes a deep breath. “you’re right. … you look… beautiful. I… I bought you something- it was meant to be a gift when I got back but… here” he hands him a small blue velvet box. Veritas doubts Aventurine ever enjoys wearing jewelry, not with the way he quickly strips himself off of his rings, the watch, and necklace the moment he gets home. Aventurine opens the box and tilts his head in thought, “this is…?”
“a hairpiece. sort of like mine. a pin. I’m sure you understand.” Veritas nods to himself. Aventurine hands him the pin, a dark blue-golden piece displaying a certain mushroom. “put it on me.” Veritas’ eyes shift to the shorter man, if he wasn’t such a calm person his hands would shake in this moment. his fingers gently grip the pin and place it on the soft blond hair.
“perfect. I chose well.” Veritas cannot hide how flustered he is at that moment despite his cold demeanor when his cheeks show a shade of pink.
“Doctor… Veritas. I would like to enjoy this vacation- with you. us, together, no one to say anything, may we… relax?” Aventurine says softly, his hand shyly coming to hold Veritas’ making him look at the man. “the view is beautiful from here, the sunset, colors, everything in warm colors, look.” he says, Aventurine shifts his gaze and Veritas keeps looking at him. he raises their joined hands and kisses his knuckles, “you mean everything to me” he whispers.
Aventurine smiles, returning his gaze to him. Veritas continues in a soft voice, “you wear the clothes well. it is… such a vision to see you in the clothing of my world. to see you standing next to me on the streets I grew up on, to see you meet my parents… also I have planned to stay for quite a while so expect to be here for at least a month or travel back to the ship.”
“I think I might stay for a few days. I like the sight of you here, you seem much more relaxed than you usually are, Doc. it’s like you feel safer here. and given how many dangerous specimens are on this planet I am surprised by that fact.” Aventurine gives his hand a small squeeze. “I’d like to get to know your family.” there’s an underlying sadness he sees in the shorter man’s eyes, perhaps the yearning for a safe family of his own.
“I have a big family, uncles, and aunts, a cousin… I’d be happy to introduce you.”
“friends? you didn’t say friends.”
“ah… those. family is what I have here. and you.” Veritas pushes the thoughts of his childhood away, friends… not something he had a big privilege of experiencing. He always preferred his uncles, aunts, truly the only real friend he ever had was Collei. perhaps the other kids weren’t even worth it.
the walk ends with them gazing at the sunset, holding hands.
at night they share his bed, his childhood bed. in the privacy of his home he feels safe enough to lean his face closer and gently kiss him. his lips pressing onto Aventurine’s with a mumble of good night. It feels surreal… his partner with him, in his arms, in his home. Aventurine that night dreams of a small white-haired person who welcomes him to Sumeru and says she is happy to meet him. in the morning when he shares the dream, between kisses Veritas lays along his jawline, the doctor stops to inform him that that was the Dendro archon, which results in a gasping Aventurine and a longer time in bed explaining the function of gods and deities in this world.
Veritas walks into the kitchen, following the scent of Sabz meat stew. his parents are in the study so he freely wraps his arms around Aventurine and lowers his head into the crook of his neck. “smells good.”
“mhm, your dad gave me the recipe- I thought I’d try it out. taste it!” Aventurine turns a bit in his arms, lips pursed blowing on the wooden spoon. it tastes good, melts on the tongue, his eyes widen and it is all the confirmation Aventurine needs. Veritas kisses his temple, “I’m so happy you’re here, Kakavasha.”
“I am doing fine so far, thank you sir”
steps on the wooden floor knock him out of his bubble, his cheeks blush- being physical with his partner isn’t something he wants his parents to see. he puts the plaster head on and sits down. luckily in this household, it is perfectly normal to self-regulate in such a way. he can count on both hands just how many times he saw his dad without the noise-canceling pieces he uses. half of those were when he was sleeping, he remembers as a kid when he’d run to their bedroom, in tears from a nightmare- in mere seconds he’d have the devices on his head- be it Kaveh putting them on or he himself getting them on. after which they would both turn to comfort the small boy. any other time, was his dads quietly chatting on the sofa, and upon his arrival his younger dad would waste no time to put them on. two voices being too much. Alhaitham reassured him plenty of times so he doesn’t feel hurt by it, especially now, that he is old enough to understand; the only person he can tolerate, he enjoys listening fully to (not all the time tho) is Kaveh. to prove the case further, as a teenager he found out that his dad’s device has a mode which makes sure that his older dad’s voice always pushes through noise cancellation. true love at its finest. and what a hopeless romantic his dad is to do so and feel like that. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. he does wear his bust much less when he is around Kakavasha.
and now not even the plaster head can hide it when he tilts his head on his hand and stares at the blond man. Alhaitham smirks, he sees through it oh so easily, “do you need any help, Kakavasha? if not, Kaveh and I are leaving to go to the Akademiya, update our retirement plans and so on. although, I’m sure my son can help out if the need arises.”
“no need for sir, Alhaitham is fine.”
“I’d feel impolite to address my partner’s parents like that,” he speaks out loud before thinking. he stops stirring the food, when did he- how- when did he start feeling so safe that he stopped overthinking as much? Alhaitham nods with a barely noticeable smile and turns to leave the kitchen. “don’t burn the house down, you two.”
Veritas plants his face into his palms, covering the plaster head even more. Kakavasha turns around to face him when the doors close. “hah, um… sorry?”
Veritas gently takes his plaster head off with a small sigh, his cheeks are colored a light shade of pink, and eyes looking elsewhere, “it happens. I’d love to think my dad took your ‘partner’ in a business terminology, but… nobody in this household is that idiotic. and… I doubt we were any less than obvious, especially to a special case such as my parents.”
“special case?” Kakavasha hangs onto his words.
“some other time I’ll tell you about their situation- or perhaps you may ask them yourself. watch the food, dear.” Veritas gestures with his chin to the cooking pot.
Kakavasha does that indeed, chatting along with Alhaitham and Kaveh, the men more than happy to share their story- and get to know their son’s partner.
“I was told I might find you here,” he says in a soft voice, sitting next to the tall man.
Veritas raises his head from his notes. he is sitting at a large table in the house of Daena, surrounded by books, papers and a few pens. “who told you? I wasn’t avoiding you- my dad told me they added a few books and borrowed some from the Temple of silence, I couldn’t resist reading through it all.”
“your dads. am I bothering you, doc? I’m sure there are some books I can entertain myself with” Kakavasha gazes around.
“with no offense, doubtful. it is usually highly dry material, unworthy of your time and energy. I am willing to take a break, may I tempt you with a walk, dear?”
“yes, you may.” Kakavasha smiles at the flirty question.
saying goodbye is never easy. when being home is nice, pleasant- it makes it much harder. Aventurine left a week or so ago, and went back in the outer orbit of the planet. Veritas spent more time with his close family, having more shared meals and spending his early mornings in the Akademiya’s library, even going so far to visit the actual Temple of silence.
Kaveh’s arms are holding him tightly in an embrace, his voice slightly shaky, but he is trying not to let it show, “I will miss you so much, my dear boy. please stay safe, don’t get into unnecessary trouble, eat a lot, take care of yourself and you can always come home if it gets tiring. or just- one day come home to retire, maybe? and bring that boy with you, your father and I like him, he is welcome any time.”
Alhaitham’s strong arms hug him with a few pats on the back, in a monotone voice, which Veritas recognizes as warmth, he softly speaks, “I stand behind everything your dad already said. do take care of yourself, we will miss you a lot.”
“I miss him already.” Kaveh doesn’t cry as much as he thought he would when their son leaves.
“I don’t want to cry.” Veritas whispers, standing in front of his parents, Kaveh inhales sharply holding back his own tears, Alhaitham tightly holds his hand, his jaw clenched as he also tries not to grow too upset. “we shouldn’t cry,” the retired scribe says, “it isn’t good to say goodbye in tears, we will see each other again. we are immensely happy you came to see us, Veritas. I love you- we both love you, and safe travels.” he ends it with a nod, Kaveh nods as well.
“I love you too” Veritas whispers back, he jumps into both of them, hugging them one more time. he steps back, waves and, with the usage of technology unnatural to Teyvat, he is gone. Zapped away into the orbit.
“Veritas is out there doing the best he can for himself, and he isn’t alone. we both know how much it matters that he isn’t alone.” Alhaitham’s eyes appear sad despite his words. the men sit on the couch cuddled in each other’s arms. “you’re right… he isn’t alone.”
Ratio, back on the ship, eyes filled with tears threatening to drop meet the watercolor ones of his partner. “I- I… I miss them already, Kakavasha.” Aventurine walks over to hug him, his hand moving in circles on his back. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
after a few minutes, Aventurine quietly says, “we will visit them again. we can come over for my birthday? I… really enjoyed being surrounded by family. maybe you’d let me meet more of them this time, yes?”
Veritas smiles, tears dried up, he really has a way of bringing his mood up. “of course, we will visit for your birthday then.”
“I look forward to calling them my family like you do,” Aventurine adds with an all-too-familiar smile.
“is that-“ Ratio tilts his head, “is that some backward way of proposing?”
Aventurine chuckles, shaking his hands, “nope. not yet. there’s time for us to do… that”
Ratio smirks, with an exhale he leans his head on the shorter man’s shoulder, “thank you… for coming along. I’m glad you met them.”
Aventurine silently smiles and kisses his cheek. perhaps the next time they come around they will make certain vows.
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dearanakin · 3 days
trust you | anakin skywalker: episode IV
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Warning: mentions of grieving, injury, cursing
Word count: 3k
Previous chapter | Read on Wattpad
4 years earlier
I was standing right in front of his lifeless body. His head right next to it. My trembling hands were both holding crossed lightsabers; his and mine. I've been wanting to kill him since the day that he almost left me to die after Padmé gave birth to Luke.
Holding back the warm tears that were threatening to fall, I felt my breathing become shallow and the air felt condensed. Now I was facing Palpatine dead, but the feeling of relief didn't hit me. That feeling I was longing for, for almost three years, wasn't there.
All I sensed was a heaviness in my chest. For all I know, this is what I wanted. I didn't have a plan to escape his ship, so I had to be quick before the imperial army came after me. I was on a mission all by myself, it was something I wanted to do alone.
No one else would be there for me anyway, not even Obi-Wan. But I haven’t been in contact with him ever since Padmé died. That was when he decided he didn't want to go along with my idea, the one that was supposed to make me feel better.
It was two losses at once. Obviously, losing her was the most traumatic event in my life. But then right after that, what happened between me and Obi-Wan after spending years on his side left a hole in my heart.
And it was never healed. For a while, after that, I would sense his grief even from a long distance. But then he shut that down for me. I haven't felt his presence or sensed his emotions in a long time, and it was probably for the best.
I let go of Palpatine's lightsaber and kept a tight grip on mine. I took a few steps back, calculating what route I should take to exit the ship. By now, the army is most likely aware of what happened. The loud sirens went on and I could hear a lot of shuffling from afar.
My boots walked heavily across the room, and for the first time I noticed how my knees were wobbling. "Damn it", I mutter under my breath.
The adrenaline kept my mind balanced, but for some reason my body didn't want to collaborate. I forced myself out of the door, facing the fresh air that roamed through the corridor. There were soldiers in formation already, waiting for something to happen.
I was quick to deviate the blasts from the pistols with my lightsaber, using my metal hand for leverage as well. There were many doors around me, but I didn't risk my chances getting in.
They trapped me when I was getting closer to the hangar. I guess my anger was at its highest level, because I felt myself shoving all of them back with my Force and knocking them down.
I hurried to the first ship I laid my eyes on and hopped on it, turning on the gears. I flew out of there in a matter of seconds.
When all the adrenaline wore out, I started to feel numb and it felt like I was going to pass out. I took deep breaths and tried to stretch my body in order to keep myself awake.
Bringing my hands to my eyes, I noticed how hard they were shaking. Usually I don't feel the sensitivity on the robotic limb, but my flesh fingertips were tingling and then it hit me.
"Shit", I breathed in dread. I pulled the engine on autopilot and hoped for the best.
I was having a panic attack.
I also didn't have R2-D2 to help me fly back to Coruscant. Much to my dislike, I was inside a small ship with the smallest airflow.
I woke up disoriented, my mouth was dry and my head throbbing in pain. I had no idea how I was still roaming around outer space. I looked at my hands, noticing they were steady, as well as my fingertips that weren't numb anymore.
I took a deep breath and managed the engine to finally go back home. I lost track of time there.
I landed on the hangar and rushed to finally see Luke. He was starting to walk and could speak a few words completely already. I couldn't handle the thought of leaving him for more than I intended to.
Arriving at the Jedi Temple, I walked in my dormitory expectantly looking for him. He was sitting on the floor with one of the nursery Droids playing with him, while C-3PO watched out the window.
The three of them noticed my presence and glanced at me. I walked toward the child and pulled him in a tight hug.
"No need to worry anymore, son. Dad is here".
It's been a long way since then. Now I have to be more careful around Luke, and I need to reassure him a lot of things. When I go on missions, he gets worried a lot even though he doesn't feel the anxiety of what could happen.
I stand my ground each time, promising myself I always get back safe and alive. One of these days, I swear I'm going to go into cardiac arrest because of that feeling.
When I got back to my loft after training, I found him nuzzled into my pillow on my bed. R2-D2 scanning the room for further threats. Having a kid these days isn't easy anymore. After what happened four years ago, they kept running after me, looking everywhere.
It took them a while to give up on it, but I always had this feeling in the back of my head that they were always one step ahead, ready to attack. And I never feared for my life, I feared for Luke's. Cal insisted I should recruit him to become a Jedi.
It didn't cross my mind, because I didn't want him to become something I didn't expect him to. I didn't want him to become someone like me. I know how it is inside my head. I want to kill people all the time, the vengeful feeling that doesn't ease. My body is always on alert, I can't trust people anymore.
My conscience never let me step into the dark side, thinking of Luke. If it wasn't for him, I might as well have done that right after I lost Padmé. Wouldn't even have second guessed it for the matter.
In the shower, I pondered about that; like I used to do every night before sleep. Was it really worth it? Was it going to make me feel at peace? It was a hard decision. I leaned my forehead against the tile and inhaled sharply. If only I could see the future, I would've made a decision by now.
The next day I was feeling better, even though the painkillers were masking most of the pain. I dropped my boy off to his classes and headed to the tech room, still in need of having a conversation with (Y/N).
3PO asked me to forget it and let that go, telling me I should be more patient. See, I had an issue with letting things go, and I know it's my biggest flaw. But I just couldn't. I had a few conversations with Cal before and he told me doing therapy would help me a lot. Or even, meet Yoda a few times to help me get through those issues.
But I never did, never thought I should anyway. My stubborn ass wins over my conscience all the time.
I entered the room looking for her and saw her standing in front of an opened drawer. She looked distracted while holding what seemed like a lightsaber grip. My eyes scanned the piece slowly, and then I realized something.
It was Obi-Wan's. My stomach dropped and my throat tightened immediately. It was triggering to think about it, to think about him. To remember him even from the slightest piece of an object. I didn't notice when she turned to face me, her face becoming pale. She still had the piece between her small fingers.
I looked between the grip and her hesitant eyes for a few seconds and cleared my throat. "That's- It is Obi-Wan's?", I heard myself asking in a whisper.
She glanced at it and stared back at me. It was hard to describe her emotions, but it felt like she was probably just as confused. "Y-yes. They found it lying around after he left Coruscant".
I nodded. It couldn't have been long after our last encounter. He left Coruscant right after that, but I wonder whatever happened to the entire lightsaber. I couldn't breathe but didn't want to make it seem evident, so I took a long inhale and murmured "ok".
It took me a few seconds to snap back to reality, watching as she put the grip back in the drawer and closed it. I almost forgot why I was there in the first place.
When I noticed Luke's skyhopper on her table, I rolled my eyes and grimaced. Now there were two things I wanted to talk about with her. I huffed behind her, making her snap her eyes at me.
"What is my son's toy doing on your table? How many times do I have to make myself clear?", I try to be civil and not scare her right off.
(Y/N) glanced between the toy and me, her mouth agape while trying to find words. "They had to leave and asked me to fix it. But I know how you strictly made sure you didn't want me to".
She let her guard up the entire time, making sure she was standing a few feet away from me. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and raised my chin in superiority.
"Good thing, because I don't want you to get a finger near anything related to me or my boy anymore". My voice came out as a snarl, her body language shifted.
I took a step forward and she took a step back. "And while we're at it. Let me tell you something about another thing. This shit that happened to me was your fault".
(Y/N) shook her head and hit her back on the counter behind her. "I'm sorry, I- We did everything we could. The wires were almost molten".
I look down and chuckle in disbelief. You could tell she was beginning to feel scared of me. "No, you see - that's plain bullshit. Because I know how you are all very skilled and when we ask for a deadline, we expect it on time".
I closed the small gap between us, towering over her while my eyes intimidated her. She was reluctant to look back at me, so I made sure she did. I gripped her jawline forcefully and pulled her head up. "Look at me when I talk to you", I rasped.
"You know what happened because of your fucking incompetence. I could've died there, and then what? My son doesn't have a mother, you want him to become an orphan?".
My robotic fingers dug into her cheekbones, she was flinching really hard under my touch.
(Y/N) started to cry and I thought it was pathetic. She has been working around for ages, she should've known I don't have an easy temper at all.
She shut her eyes tightly and whimpered, my fingertips leaving marks on her skin. "I'm really sorry, Master Skywalker. I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to".
I was still towering over her, my forehead barely touching hers when I felt both of her hands grip around my metal wrist. "But you did anyway!".
My breathing was uneven, I felt a sudden headrush.
It was the trigger. Just the thought of Obi-Wan made me feel uneasy.
"Look at me!", It took her by surprise how loud my voice came out and it startled her. She immediately looked me in the eye and I pointed a flesh finger at her. "This is the last time I warn you. Stay the fuck away from me and my son".
Suddenly I heard the door burst and felt Cal's presence. "Hey, Skywalker! What the hell, man?", He sprinted to where we were standing and gripped my arms, pulling me away from her.
I was still staring at her dead. My bloodshot eyes were burning her skin from the eye contact as I watched her move her feet away from me. (Y/N) left the room within seconds.
I looked over Cal and closed my hands into fists. This always feels like someone is testing me. I could just lift my hand and punch him in the face, but I held back the urging.
"What was that?", His scowling tone echoed through the room. He pointed his finger at me, his nose was flaring in anger as well. "Don't ever touch her again or I'll take it to the Council".
Fuck the Council, for God's sake. I'm a fucking Master, not an apprentice anymore. If anything, I could own them if I wanted to.
I watched as he turned on his back and marched out the door, leaving me in a raging state. Next thing I knew, I was flipping a table across the place watching it break into several pieces.
Dude comes in thinking he was a knight in shining armor, what a lame character. I'm pretty sure this close friendship of theirs means something else for him but that didn't interest me anyway.
I let myself out and took my time to simmer down until the meeting happens. This time we were going to see General Grievous and I wasn't very pleased with the idea, but I carried on with it anyway.
When we all sat down on the desk, I shared the news with the others. They still had no idea what the new mission was about.
"General Grievous? That scumbag?", The man from across the table asks in surprise.
Did I stutter?
"Yes. We need to do some agreements that became pending", I nod. This wasn't exactly fun, I have a very strong desire to kill him as well.
Cal was always one giving ideas and usually plans escaping routes. This time he was just sitting in his chair with his arms crossed. His forehead was wrinkly and he had a pissed look.
He wouldn't dare to look at me and I hated him at this moment as well. So I cleared my throat and spoke up again.
"We're gonna need a few people back outside his trade federation cruiser and watch out. I was thinking of bringing Artoo as well" They all seemed to agree with the idea. The red head shuffled in his seat, not saying a word.
I try to disguise the disappointment but I expected this reaction after what happened earlier. I had to push him to the limit, because one way or another I needed him.
"Anything in mind, General Kestis?" I ask loud enough for him to shoot his head up and look at me. Still waiting for a response, I raise an eyebrow.
"No, you're leading the assignment, General Skywalker" He says in a snide tone. "I'm sure you're going to nail it".
Maybe the other men noticed his different demeanor, because I could sense they were looking at each other in complete confusion.
He would never not speak up. He liked to give advice and think through the whole situation, usually we would always have a plan B if needed.
I still wasn't satisfied, so I went through with it anyway. "Are you sure? You always have advice for us".
The others stared at him, watching as Cal stood still in the same position. He shook his head and twitched his lips in denial. I'm gonna fucking choke him.
"Not this time. I guess you boys have brilliant ideas though" He looked back at them and gave them the most fake smile I've ever seen.
Cal is all smiles and hugs, but I know when he's being sarcastic.
I didn't have anything else in mind. I didn't want to push it harder, I know I was losing my temper and it was a waste of time in all honesty.
I decided to ask someone else about strategies and we ended up spending the entire afternoon discussing them. My blood boiling every time I looked at the knight in shining armor watching as he stared blankly at all of us.
My wish this moment was to dismiss him and ask him to take his ass out of his face.
This is going to be a difficult mission and I was dreading the worst already.
I call out to Cal while looking through the papers, the pen still wrapped around my fingers. I feel him interrupting his tracks and freezing on his spot turning on his heels. He doesn’t say a word, waiting for me to speak again.
"Do you have anything to say now they're all gone?" I ask, eyes still focused on the desk.
I hear him sigh and hold his hips with both hands. "No, Skywalker. I already made that sure".
For the first time after a few minutes, I raise my head and give him a sarcastic smile without showing my teeth. He didn't seem fazed at all. I get up from my chair and walk toward him, still holding my pen, my hands behind my back.
"Look, we both know you're a very dedicated man and we also both know you don't wanna fuck this job up" I tilt my head to the side and lower my eyebrows.
He still didn't feel intimidated. That was a good thing, after all. I showed how he could stand up for himself, even though I'm the most insufferable person hanging around.
He gives me a smirk and closes his arms against his chest, raising his chin up. "Ah, when have I ever fucked something up, Master?".
Cal almost never fires back like this, but we weren't on good terms.
He reaches his hand upon my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze, gripping my shoulder blade. "I can't tell you how much I'm willing to help on this mission. But not because of you. Right now, I wish I could just punch your annoying face".
He doesn't give me time to respond, as he shoves me back in a light push and leaves the room.
I heard the pen between my fingers crack. 
@jackie-on-the-loose @adorbzliz @himesuedi @kingdomhate @himesuedi @cl0esblogg
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Well the class is over and I doubt a few years after wrap anyone is still under NDA so let me finally tell this story.
I just finished a stage combat SPT class (bear with me I'm about to drop a few fun facts but all of this is relevant info I promise) -- I was getting my certification in smallsword which for anyone not in the know is the smaller, faster, fancier son of the rapier -- the weapon of choice for dueling among nobility and the predecessor to modern day sport fencing. It was used around the time of the golden age of piracy. Think the Jack/Will fight in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Well if you hear that description, you might be like me and think "Oh like Our Flag Means Death" as well. (You have to also have a scene around the fight to get your SPT because they judge your acting as well as your technique.) So on the day we pitched scenes, I walked in and told my instructors I wanted to do the Izzy/Stede scene in Our Flag Means Death.
Instructor A gets this goofy little smirk on his face and turns to Instructor B and goes "I suppose you'll be coaching them on that one, then." (NOT a direct quote but it was something like that).
I go "Why."
A goes, "Oh because he worked on that scene."
I never got full clarification whether he actually choreographed it or if he was just the style/technique coach but apparently he worked with Con O'neill for approximately 5 hours on smallsword technique and with Rhys Darby approximately 2 hours (because apparently Stede didn't need to be super good at it which is HORRIBLE practice for safety reasons. Like...the actor still needs to be good at it lmfao). He says he told Con that he's gonna teach him to wield a smallsword but they would undoubtedly give him a rapier because it's very common for Hollywood to just merge the two. He was like "I guess they'll explain it as he was trained in smallsword but the rapier would be whatever they could find laying around on a pirate ship which doesn't make sense because he's supposed to be this super skilled swordsman...I don't know." From what I can gather fight directors are generally perpetually tired.
Let me tell you as a fan that 5 hours SHOWS because Con definitely looks like a skilled swordsman. But half of that has to be Con himself because 5 hours is also in the grand scheme of things NOT THAT MUCH TIME especially for what I can attest to be a very difficult weapon. And also the additions this gives to Izzy's lore because he's so skilled a dueling with that weapon specifically...
Anyways if I ever get my hands on the video of me doing the scene I'll post it. Also this is not a homestuck cop story. I live in Los Angeles and all of my professors have been industry professionals. If I wasn't afraid of doxxing the guy I'd post proof. But the way my mind blew in that moment.
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wickjump · 14 hours
i never get asks about what friendships or familial dynamics i like or headcanon so i’m uhh doing that now cuz i can
farm and sci!!!! sprouted from a convo i had ages ago with someone. shipping it is ok i guess but just not for me and i like to see them as friends.
reaper and ink are familial 2 me. i have a whole au where ink takes reaper in as his son………they’re parental child dynamic to me….. i could talk about them all day if prompted by some1.
LUST AND KILLER. ink and killer. reaper and lust. reaper and killer (depends on interpretation). reaper lust ink and killer. i think they’d all be good friends.either as a group or one on one. but i like them a lot. plus lust deserves a friend who doesn’t have ulterior motives and reaper deserves dynamics with characters outside geno my god
ccino and therapy sans. they’re okay as a ship even tho i don’t think about them too much. but i really like them as close friends. like a lot. i think ccino deserves a friend who is also a therapist instead of a boyfriend who is satan incarnate sometimes. maybe throw in sci there.they can all be besties
swapfell, fellswap, and fellswap gold.i think they’re all besties and they deserve to be besties.
outer fell classic swap and sometimes horror.”but you ship some of them-“ yeah but like stfu this is about friendship. and they’re friends to me. this is poetax’s fault btw… classic swap and fell especially though.they’re all besties i prommy you
swap and blueberry (as in the uwu child version of swap) are so so so father son to me and you can pry this from my cold dead paws. and this isn’t about ship but since i like lustblue (lust x swap, NOT lust x blueberry) i like to think lust would be his other dad. and ink dream and error would be familial to him too. not uncles or fathers or family friends but something else and it works for them. they’re one big happy family please believe me please please pl
fresh and epic.i’ve talked about them in a ship context before but i just want them to interact at all. and i think they’d be super good friends but nobody talks about them???? wtf!!!! evil…..
ccino and reaper. best buds 100%. reaper likes coffee and ccino makes him coffee.please….i want them 2 be best buds pleas.e..
classic sans and swap papyrus would be best buds 100% and swap sans and classic papyrus as well. but i also like the swap fell and classic papyri too in a friend group,,,sigh papyruses are so underrated!!!!! no attention wtf
this one is like. sorta canon if you squint but i wanna mention it anyway.cross and chara ar brothers n best buds once they sort their trauma out please believe me. they get frustrated and mad at each other all the time and don’t see eye to eye and have backstabbed each other plenty of times but they care about each other like brothers in a sense and would defend each other’s name i think..they are traumatized individually and neither r evil i’ll stand by this forever and ever and ever
swap and cross are best bros absolutely. best friends ever. they are LITERALYL both swaps!!!!!jakei draws them hanging out too a good few times and i like that…
xpapyrus should get to be buddies with fell swap and classic papyrus now that i think about it. cause jakei drew a comic of that and i really liked it. adding that here
OK THIS IS GETTING LONG ending it here now. hope you enjoyed this wickramble i sure did
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s1m0nth3swaggy · 2 days
chat i saw someone make incorrect qoutes of Dead Boy Detectives and I wanted to try as well. I saved the best ones, these are awesome
Slight shipping of Niko and Crystal/ Edwin and Charles because these bitches gay
Edwin: You spent all our money on THIS?? Charles, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Charles: Life could be worse, Edwin. Edwin: Life could be a lot better too!
Niko: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Crystal: …I was hungry.
Edwin: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Edwin: Start talking! Charles: Well, I- Edwin: Shut up!
Niko: Anything else? Edwin: Yeah. Stay away from me! Niko: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Edwin: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Monty: But I'm a vegan. Edwin: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Edwin, entering the room: Sees Thomas (Cat King) and leaves Thomas (Cat King), watching Edwin leave: There’s my monthly dose of Edwin…
Crystal: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Edwin, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Charles, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Edwin: Coming right up.
Charles: What’s up? I’m back. Niko: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Charles: Death is a social construct.
(they are in love your honor)
Crystal: Niko, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Niko: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Crystal: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Edwin. Niko: Wait- Crystal, no-
Jenny: Crystal has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all they say now. Everything is deez nuts. They simply can't stop. Jenny: I asked Crystal where they learned that joke. They made me promise they wouldn't get in trouble if they told me. I agreed. Jenny: So they lean in and whisper, "deez nuts."
Charles: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Edwin: That’s a snake.
Edwin: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Charles: loads shotgun I got this. Edwin: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Charles: What are your adjectives? Edwin: …You mean my pronouns? Charles: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives? Edwin: …I dunno. What are yours? Charles: Noisy and chaotic! Edwin: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
Jenny: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(Charles being a little bitch i love him)
Monty: What are you two arguing about this time? Crystal: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly! Charles: Cry me a table, Crystal.
(after the whole "I wasn't talking about you" scene and when Monty was trying to annoy/ make Edwin jealous or smth)
Monty: You are a solid 11/10. Edwin: Aw, thank- Monty: Which is 1.1 because you look like shit.
(i need more niko and monty moments because im convinced they'd be besties)
Monty: makes Niko a cup of tea but puts salt in it Niko: sips tea Monty: Niko: finishes tea Monty: Didn't it taste bad? Niko: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all. Monty, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Thomas (Cat King): I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good, so I simply did myself.
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blossomthepinkbunny · 21 hours
My full Stolitz rant
Like many other people I really dislike Stolitz as a ship and the newest episode proved that further. I decided to just make a full rant about everything that comes to mind, instead of making multiple posts, focused on different general aspects/themes of HB or HH like I usually do. So this will not cover the issues I have with the writing of other characters like Stella or Octavia (I briefly talked about Stella and the aspect of woobyfying Stolas in my Adam post already). This also won't cover general problems with writing relationships in HB/HH or anything that breaches out of their relationship for that matter. It will probably also be focused mostly on Stolas because Blitzø isn't in the wrong in their relationship really.
One of my problems is that I've seen some people try to defend Stolas' actions by referring to Blitzø as a sex worker to which I just have to say:
1. He isn't a sex worker, he's an assasin. He only has a transactional relationship with Stolas, for which he didn't have a choice, otherwise he would lose his job and the opportunity to provide for his workers and daughter. It's not like we see him generally have sexual relations for payment with other people, only Stolas which makes sense, because he isn't a sex worker and doesn't want to be.
2. Even if he was a sex worker/qualifies as one in the specific relationship he has with Stolas, that doesn't mean that he owes Stolas anything other than sex. It's not Blitzø's fault for not wanting to have anything to do with Stolas and he doesn't owe him kindness, understanding or love after what Stolas put him through, just like real sex workers don't owe a romantic relationship to any of their costumers.
It was genuinely kinda refreshing to see Stolas finally acknowledge what their relationship isn't good and that Blitzø needs to be away from him. And seeing him give the Asmodean crystal to Blitzø was a nice gesture. But this is immediately made irrelevant by the confusion of what Stolas' character is even supposed to be here. He goes towards being somewhat likeable by understanding that what he did was wrong and having that finally be recognized and called out in the show. Called out by Blitzø, who has many good reasons to dislike him and give Stolas that reality check. But then the show wants us to pity Stolas again by making him say that god awful cringy line and making me immediately roll my eyes again. Because them acknowledging the bad actions of the character (something the show wants to pride itself on so badly) was something I wanted to see ever since HB started to victimize that stupid owl. I was ready to see this character less negatively when the reality of his actions finally hit him, with the genuine breakdown Blitzø has because of him. But he gets woobyfied immediately so now he seems like a manipulative hypocrite once again, because the conversation they have might as well go like this:
Stolas: I want you to be free because I realized that the relationship I set up wasn't right and I don't want you to feel forced to love me. I care for you and I want to love you, but at the same time, I don't want you to have an obligation to be kind to me or have a relationship with me.
Blitzø: Is this a joke?
Stolas: No, I am giving you freedom, so you can stop feeling forced to do whatever I say.
Blitzø: So you're acknowledging that you suck and that you weren't nice to me and you're giving me the freedom to choose how I will proceed with our relationship.
Stolas: Yes, I am.
Blitzø: Well I do think you suck because of the reasons you mentioned and I'm gonna give you my perspective of the things you said and explain just how badly you hurt me, especially when you're just sending me away like this, giving the impression that you're throwing me aside, after you got everything you wanted from me.
Stolas: How can you think of me like this?! I love you so much and you just think I suck?!
What reason did Stolas ever give Blitzø to like him? Apart from the coercion even, there is no common ground they have. They never hang out just casually or talk like normal people, who would realistically be able to form a relationship. The only date they had (from what we can assume from the context clues in the show) that wasn't just a meeting for sex was in Ozzies and that went south really quickly. It honestly reminds me of Twilight, where Bella and Edward are said to be a great couple (by the movies atleast, haven't read the books) when they have never had a normal conversation or an interaction that could give them chemistry. All of the interactions Stolas and Blitzø had so far were either scenes talking about/having/having just had sex or them talking/singing about how tragic their lovestory is. The only exception to that are the scenes were they are children and that's obvious because it would be weird to have literal children talk about sex or about the tragedy of their relationship, when they've only known eachother for a day or so. But even these scenes don't make them seem greatly compatible or even interesting because they only hung out for hardly a day and then didn't interact for like 30-40 years until they meet again (for the first time since they were children) and Stolas just immediately assumes Blitzø wants to fuck him.
And what also weirded me out is when Stolas said something along the lines of: "why do you always make this about sex?". As if Stolas ever gave Blitzø a sign that he wants to have anything but sex from him. Again, Ozzies is the only example for that and after that, their relationship was not that important until now. But even then, Stolas made sexual remarks towards him in "Seeing Stars" and talked about how good he at sex in "Western Energy". And this sexual relationship they have is something Stolas set up, when he could've also just given Blitzø the book without forcing him to have sex and get closer by genuinely being kind to him. We don't even really know what he likes about Blitzø except for how he is in bed, so why am I supposed to care about their relationship and be sad about it not working out. Because they never give us the impression that either Blitzø's or Stolas' life would be better with the other in it (this is excluding sexual context becasue Stolas made it clear that he doesn't just want a sexual relationship in this episode). The only thing they have in common is that they both have daughters they struggle with but even there is a huge difference. Blitzø desperately wants a good relationship with Loona and constantly gives her affection and compliments, to which she responds with annoyance and abuse. Stolas has a daughter so understanding and just really neglected by him, on one hand because he always prioritized Blitzø over her (something he'd probably judge Stolas for, because spending time with a daughter who actually likes him and wants to spend time with him would probably be one of his dreams).
And nothing of this is even mentioning the sexual harassment Stolas puts Blitzø through. It starts with the pilot and the first episode, where their deal starts, at a point in the story where Stolas' whole character joke was just talking about wanting to fuck Blitzø. In the first episode their deal is established, a deal Blitzø hastily agrees to, because he is literally being hunted down, something Stolas is fully aware of. In the second epsiode Stolas makes sexual remarks towards Blitzø in front of his daughter and in the rest of the episodes he is in general very touchy and diminishing, something Blitzø is never shown to be a fan of. Stolas also very blatantly either fetishes Imps or is downright abusive towards them, showing that he doesn't see them as equal and that Blitzø's assumption about Stolas thinking he's less important is probably true (which is just a great setup for a relationship I'm sure).
In the end Stolitz is a confused, manipulative, victim blaming mess of a ship which could be used to great potential, if there was ever a point were they use this dynamic to genuinely portray a toxic relationship that shouldn't happen, instead of acting like they're meant to be together despite the toxicity and as if Stolas deserves my pity when Blitzø rightfully tells him to fuck off. Sometimes people just aren't meant to be a couple because they genuinely are too different or have other issues. But they can't have the story be about Blitzø breaking away from Stolas, because then the show couldn't mainly be carried by shipping and selling cutesy merch of a couple which actually sucks.
I do not care for the stupid owl and I probably never will. I do not think Vivzepop has the writing ability to turn this whole thing around and make Stolas end up as a well-written, flawed but still sympathetic character. The more they go into victimizing him by showing all the characters that call him out as abusive, inconsiderate or heartless (Stella, Octavia, Blitzø), the more I will dislike him and miss what the show once started as.
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thebunnednun · 1 day
Oye Mami! I wanted to request a One-shot for Koby! He's a character that doesn't have much fanfic! Honestly I don't know why. he's sexy and cute (especially in the movie Red ^u^) so how about Koby with an pirate reader? she can be like Luffy's sister or something...
Unexpected Dinner Guests! Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader
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Somebody knows I got a soft spot for being called Mami,
I thought the Live action Koby looked so cute and their lips looked so fucking cute soft. I love pouty lips.
I have never written this cutie before so please bear with me.
On with the Show!!~
Title: An Unexpected Meeting
The sea was calm as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The Going Merry sailed smoothly, its crew bustling with the usual evening activities. On the deck, [Name], Luffy's sister, leaned against the railing, watching the sunset.
Her thoughts drifted to her adventures, the battles fought, and the friends made along the way. Beside her, Uta, their other sister, hummed a soft tune, her voice blending with the sounds of the sea.
"[Name]! Uta! Dinner's ready!" Luffy's voice broke through their reverie.
"Coming, Luffy!" [Name] called back, smiling at her brother's enthusiasm.
"Let's not keep him waiting," Uta added with a grin, her musical laugh echoing in the air.
As they made their way to the dining area, a sudden shout caught their attention.
"Marine ship ahead!"
Everyone sprang into action, readying themselves for whatever was to come. But as the ship drew closer, [Name] noticed a familiar pink-haired marine on deck.
"Koby?" she murmured, surprised.
The marine ship came to a halt beside the Going Merry, and sure enough, Koby stood at the helm, looking as determined as ever. He had grown since she last saw him, now a strong and confident young man.
"Permission to come aboard?" Koby called out.
Luffy grinned. "Koby! Of course, come on over!"
Koby leapt onto the deck with ease, greeted by the crew. [Name] and Uta approached him, curious smiles on their faces.
"Koby, what brings you here?" [Name] asked, her voice warm.
Koby rubbed the back of his neck, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "I was on a patrol mission and heard that the Straw Hat Pirates were in the area. I wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing."
Luffy laughed, clapping Koby on the back. "We're doing great! How about you? You've really grown!"
As the crew caught up with Koby, [Name] couldn't help but notice the changes in him. He was no longer the timid boy she remembered. His eyes were sharper, his stance more assured. There was an undeniable air of confidence about him now.
"Why don't you join us for dinner?" Luffy suggested, oblivious to the tension building in the air.
"Yes, stay!" Uta added enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling.
Koby hesitated for a moment, but Luffy's grin was infectious. "Alright, I'd love to."
As they made their way to the dining area, [Name] felt a sense of anticipation. It wasn't every day that a marine joined them for a meal. Ace and Sabo, who had joined the crew for a short visit, were already seated at the table. Ace's eyes narrowed as he saw Koby, his protective instincts kicking in.
"Koby, huh?" Ace said, his tone gruff. "What's a marine doing here?"
Luffy, oblivious as always, clapped his hands together. "Ace, don't be like that! Koby's a friend."
Koby offered a nervous smile. "I just wanted to catch up with everyone. No trouble, I promise."
Sabo, ever the diplomat, smiled warmly. "You're welcome here, Koby. Sit down, make yourself at home."
As they began to eat, the atmosphere gradually relaxed. The crew's usual banter and laughter filled the air, and Koby found himself feeling more at ease. [Name] and Uta sat beside him, engaging him in light conversation and making sure he felt included.
"So, Koby," Zoro said with a smirk, "what's it like being a marine and running into pirates all the time?"
Koby chuckled. "It's definitely interesting. Especially when those pirates are friends."
Sanji set a plate of food in front of Koby, giving him a once-over. "You better eat up. Can't have you getting weak on us."
Robin leaned in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, Koby, do you have a special someone waiting for you back home?"
Koby's blush returned full force, and he stammered, "N-no, I don't. I'm too busy with marine duties."
Franky laughed heartily. "Well, looks like we found something Koby isn't confident about!"
[Name] and Uta couldn't help but giggle, noticing how Koby's eyes kept drifting towards [Name]. "Come on, guys, give him a break," Uta said, her voice musical.
Luffy, still oblivious, looked between Koby and [Name]. "Why is everyone teasing Koby? He's just here for dinner!"
Ace leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Just making sure the marine knows his place."
Sabo elbowed Ace lightly. "Relax, Ace. Koby's not here to cause trouble."
Amid the teasing and light-hearted banter, Koby found himself feeling more at home than he ever expected. The crew's acceptance and warmth were overwhelming, and he couldn't help but steal glances at [Name], who was clearly enjoying the evening.
As the meal came to an end, everyone moved back to the deck to enjoy the night air. Koby stood beside [Name] and Uta, watching the stars reflect on the calm ocean.
"You know," Koby began, his voice soft, "I've always admired you and your brother. Your determination, your strength… it's inspiring."
A playful smile curved [Name]'s lips. "Are you saying you've got a crush on me, Koby?"
Koby's blush deepened, and he stammered, "N-no, I mean, yes, I mean—"
[Name] laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Relax, Koby. I'm just teasing you."
Koby took a deep breath, his embarrassment fading into a smile. "I guess I walked right into that one."
She leaned in a bit closer, her voice softening. "But seriously, Koby, I'm proud of you. You've come a long way."
Koby's heart swelled at her words. "Thanks, [Name]. That means a lot coming from you."
As they walked back to the crew, the rest of the Straw Hats were watching them with knowing smiles. Luffy was beaming, clearly happy to see his friend, while Ace was still pouting, arms crossed.
"You still didn't kiss her!" Ace grumbled.
Sabo chuckled, clapping Koby on the back. "Give him a break, Ace. He's doing fine."
Nami and Robin exchanged amused glances, while Zoro shook his head with a smirk. "Young love, huh?"
Sanji sighed dramatically. "Ah, to be young and in love."
Koby, flustered, tried to defend himself. "It's not like that! We're just friends."
But before he could say more, [Name] stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for a great evening, Koby."
As she ran off, the crew erupted in cheers and laughter. Sabo winked at Koby. "Better catch up with her, Koby."
Koby, heart pounding and cheeks burning, took off in pursuit of [Name], the crew's cheers ringing in his ears. As he chased after her, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected meeting that had brought him closer to her and made him feel truly at home.
They stood in comfortable silence, the bond between them growing stronger. [Name] knew that, despite their different paths, they would always be connected by the adventures and dreams they shared.
As the night grew deeper, they eventually joined pinkies, each with a smile on their face and a warmth in their heart.
For Koby, this unexpected meeting was a reminder of how far he had come and how much further he could go.
And for [Name], it was a moment of connection that she would treasure, knowing that even in the vastness of the sea, true friends were never far away.
Epilogue: A Number to Remember
The night had settled in, casting a serene glow over the ocean as the crew began to wind down. Koby and [Name] found themselves standing at the edge of the deck, the sounds of laughter and conversation fading into the background. The stars above twinkled brightly, mirroring the lights of the distant ships and the flickering torches aboard the Going Merry.
Koby glanced at [Name], his heart still racing from the excitement of the evening. He had never felt more alive, more accepted, and more at home than he did in that moment. Gathering his courage, he turned to her with a soft smile.
"[Name], I… I had a really great time tonight," Koby said, his voice a mix of shyness and determination. "I was wondering if I could maybe… get your number? So we can keep in touch?"
[Name] raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "You're just now asking for my number?"
Before Koby could respond, [Name] reached into her pocket and pulled out a tube of red lipstick. She took Koby's wrist gently and uncapped the lipstick in her lips, carefully writing a series of digits on his skin.
"There you go," she said with a wink, capping the lipstick and stepping back. "Now you won't forget it."
Koby looked down at his wrist, a grin spreading across his face. "Thank you, [Name]. I promise I won't."
As they rejoined the crew, the rest of the Straw Hats couldn't help but notice the lipstick on Koby's wrist.
"Oooh, Koby got her number!" Ussop cooed, his voice full of teasing delight.
Nami grinned, nudging Robin. "Looks like someone made an impression."
Sanji sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. Uta bounced on her heels, "Put the moves on him [Name]!"
Zoro smirked, crossing his arms. "Just make sure you don't wash it off, marine."
Franky gave Koby a thumbs up, his grin wide. "Super smooth, Koby!"
Ace, still pouting, finally cracked a smile. "Alright, alright. Maybe you're not so bad after all, Koby."
Luffy, as oblivious as ever, laughed and clapped Koby on the back. "Welcome to the family, Koby! Now you've got a reason to come back and visit more often."
Koby, his face flushed with happiness, couldn't stop smiling. He looked over at [Name], who was surrounded by her family, her eyes sparkling with amusement and affection.
Sabo walked up to Koby, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take care of her, Koby. And don't be a stranger."
"I won't," Koby replied, his voice full of sincerity.
As the night grew darker, the crew's laughter and camaraderie continued to fill the air. Koby stood amidst his new friends, his heart full of warmth and gratitude. He knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter.
And as he looked down at the lipstick-covered digits on his wrist, he knew that he would cherish this night forever.
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Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have more One Piece x Reader's posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Don't be shy, send me your requests, I wanna write lots this weekend!
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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yuenity · 3 months
As someone who was part of the 2020 zukka renaissance, it’s so bizarre to see atla get popular again and witness all the kataang vs zutara discourse i completely missed out on the first time around
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galadriel-blue · 4 months
A Small but Lovely Detail from The Rings Of Power That I Love Is...
The way Elrond says Galadriel's name. The way he says it is just so pretty. He speaks it so uniquely compared to the other characters and I adore how beautiful he makes it sound. I don't know, it's just something I love, and it is satisfying to hear when I watch the show. I think it's in his pronunciation, like he says every piece of her name separately but together at the same time. Does that make sense?? This might be a whole lot of my overanalyzing every tiny detail nonsense and it may be such a small thing to note, but I can't help but admire it every time I hear him say "Galadriel." I don't know if that's a weird thing to think about, but it's something that's stuck with me ever since I watched the show.
And even the way Galadriel says Elrond's name is wonderful too. You can tell how close these two are just by how they address each other each time they reunite. They are THE besties of all time and their friendship means everything to me.
If there are two things I am always going to be obsessed with it's going to be people's/character's names and people's/character's voices and/or speaking traits. I always find it fascinating.
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crimeronan · 7 months
funniest thing is people just unanimously deciding that characters are siblings and despite it not being canon like at all, if anyone ships them together it's literally incest and they're all disgusting freaks who should be burned at the stake. it's SO silly
i remember when i first looked into luz-hunter art i was super startled to see how insistent the siblings thing was in wider fandom, and even MORE startled to see that romantic shipping was often treated as incest. it wasn't until i remembered that most people ship things monogamously that i realized the ENTIRE "luz/hunter is incest" thing Literally Only Happened because of luz/amity shippers feeling threatened & needing to make luz/hunter Problematic. and that to make luz/hunter Problematic, they had to reach for incest because luz & hunter have in common literally all the same things that luz & amity do.
like i legit FORGOT that monogamy was a thing and was sitting here like "but..... but hunter/luz/amity just MAKES SENSE......???? WHY ARE PEOPLE SO ANGRY....."
bitch. it's the compulsory monogamous ship wars.
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once again sorry to everyone for bringing this to your dashboards. but some of you are like, genuinely delirious. not even in a funny way. & i hope you die. i hope we both die. hand in unlovable hand etc etc
#Just so fucking bizarre to me how people can be Like This. there has to be something so wrong with your brain on a fundamental level#i can’t even laugh about this or anything because i genuinely feel pity for these people. it’s so sad to me how you’re gonna be like 20#and then go in a niche tumblr community and create drama over Nothing. over Thin Fucking Air#like do you not have a life? do you not have college? or a job? doesn’t it get tiring? don’t you ever feel ashamed about all this#and the fact that they go and complain about the shipping and the ‘fandombrained’ people as well…. oh my god#how are you going to be TWENTY. and DO THAT. are you seriously sick. ? do you need help#just say you are homophobic and that you hate kids and go. it’ll save everyone a bunch of time for sure#anyways. as someone who has been a rain world fan since 2018. i love you embracing canon. i love you changing canon. i love you disregarding#canon entirely. i love you ships that make sense in canon & that make absolutely zero sense at all. i love you fancharacters that don’t#follow canon rules. i love you ‘cringe’ fancharacters and self inserts. i love you self shipping. i love you oc x canon shipping.#and i love you taking inspiration from designs. i love you community & i love you artists & i love you art#i love you borrowing elements and being inspired and referencing something because you liked it.#are fandoms perfect? GOOD GOD no. is every Fan perfect? no. am i also sometimes annoyed or irrationally pissed off over a ship that#i think is stupid and is illogical. Yes! i’m only human! but i can still love and appreciate the whole CREATIVITY of it all. and the whole#Fun that people are having. i love you having fun. if i don’t like it or if anyone else doesn’t like it they can just Cope#instead of hateposting about it on main and indirectly bullying people who are most likely children. or lgbt. or both#anyways. please continue doing whatever you want. The world is your oyster and you only live on earth once#everyone else can fuck off
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ricoka · 4 months
sometimes I wish you could post an opinion on a fandom blog without inviting a whole witch hunt or being accused of causing drama but alas
#I've not done anything and i won't do anything#it's just something that's annoying?? that you can't say anything without someone doing a bad faith interpretation of it#or projecting it on themselves or getting offended on behalf of a fictional character#the few times i saw someone actually say something slightly controversial all hell broke loose every time#like great that you're passionate but not everything is about you#not everything needs your opinion - especially if you can only give it like a lecture#not everything has malicious intentions#people disagreeing with you have a right to their opinions as well - as long as you respect theirs they should respect yours#the thing is - i don't think I've ever been in a fandom that didn't have to deal with like ship wars or someone doing hate campaigns#of a character or ship - i guess that's just the way it is??#but here it feels especially tiring because people don't usually disagree on ships#people are literally fighting and hating each other mainly over the same two characters!!! and their different interpretations of them#people disagree over what the right and moral way is to portray and ship those characters#and it creates so much tension because you can't associate with those people because they're doing it wrong#and are acting fucking awful about it#but those people are very exclusionary and if you don't agree with all of their points they don't want to talk to you either#you just float along hoping that you'll find some people who have a similar interpretation and will actually talk to you#it's so weird??? it's so isolating too??#and it feels like you entered a political landscape in your online fandom space#i will probably delete this and I'm not even sure my thoughts make sense#my thoughts spiralled a bit from thinking how some fan interpretations annoy me into disliking a character hahaha
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computerpeople · 1 year
DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW CRONUS AND MITUNA ARE BASICALLY THE SAME CHARACTERS PARALLELED BACK AT EACHOTHER, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BEING THEIR DISABILITY STATUS AND THEIR CLASS STATUS!? both of them have head scars caused from saving their friends from some ~mysterious~ force related to the game, and presumably, related to kurloz. though, the only difference is, mitunas story was believed because he came back disabled, and cronus's story wasn't believed because his scars were dinky and he probably only got trauma but no VISIBLE disabilities. and how they both have an intense relationship connected with kurloz, with cronus literally being scared shitless of him, and mituna being his moirail, and how kurloz is connected to lord english. or how they both had massive personality switches at some point during the game due to the trauma that these events caused? or how both have a very similar relationship with meenah? or how despite meenah having a very very similar reaction to both of their behaviors, meenah very very clears around mituna unlike how she feels towards cronus, and that cronus actively uses that against her when theyre arguing and it seems to genuinely upset her? OR HOW SIMILAR THEY ACT IN GENERAL!? theyre both terrible at communicating where their boundaries are, and reacting extremely nasty towards people and then immediately back pedaling and apologizing when the other person reacts in a way they were unable to predict. or how their defining talent/hobbie is something they both fucking suck at? or how they both actively antagonise eachother and it isnt just that cronus hates mituna but they genuinely fucking fuel the flame from both sides? and mituna loves fucking with him? like a lot? OR HOW THEYRE BOTH REALLY FUCKING BAD AT TELLING WHEN PEOPLE ARE JOKING OR BEING SARCASTIC OR HOW THEYRE BOTH AUTISTIC OR HOW THEYRE SO CLEARLY CHILDHOOD AUTISM BFFSIES BUT THEN CRONUS DEVELOPED ALBEIST MINDSETS PUSHED ON HIM AND NOW HES PROJECTING THAT ONTO MT WHO CANT MASK
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snoppy · 1 year
I'm sorry but I think its good that tom is saying stuff that makes you all uncomfortable. I think everyone is a little too willing to make him the hurt innocent underdog
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philtatosbuck · 3 months
do you think elijah would have fallen for bonnie if she ended up with one of his siblings?
i assume you're asking because he was into hayley after she slept with klaus but she was never in a relationship with klaus. they had a one night stand. elijah's white knight ass just liked being the protector in that situation. we have never seen elijah fall for someone who was in an actual, genuine relationship with any of his siblings, whereas klaus and rebekah's codependent weird asses have done all types of weird shit.
elijah's irritating ass attitude towards his siblings' relationships are often dismissive, when he acknowledges them at all. if she's dating kol, she's just ignored until he needs her, because so is kol. if she's dating rebekah, she has the best chance of being treated well. if she's dating klaus, it depends on how he feels about klaus at the moment.
besides that, bonnie has historically been a nonfactor for elijah. he betrayed them and never said shit to her about it. he got her mother killed and wrote an apology letter to elena. as much as it's about elena is the protagonist, elijah literally did not care about anyone in the mystic falls gang besides her (not that i would expect him to?) whereas other characters have expressed an interest in at least one or two other members of the mfg while tormenting or helping them. not bonnie, not caroline, not the salvatores, not alaric, etc. i don't think her being an active part of his siblings' lives is going to change that if her being someone who tried to kill them, and came close to it, wouldn't.
if it's the scenario that bonnie is pregnant by klaus instead of hayley, i still don't think he's going to fall in love with her because he isn't going to get to play protector or have her thinking he can be her savior. bonnie doesn't need him, and more importantly, would not rely on him. if she had to rely on any mikaelson, it would be rebekah or klaus (begrudgingly). his focus would be on the baby, which would rub bonnie the wrong way, which would mean they would be even more distant than anything.
if their individual relationship became anything, it would be allies and maybe friends down the way once he starts treating her like her own person and not someone who can do something for klaus (and ergo, the family).
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junkie-virus · 7 months
anyways. i have been feeling vaguely unsatisfied with media. mainly queer media . i dont know it all feels the same. of course maybe i could widen my horizons though i dont know where to start but im kind of tired of the halfway-redonating. i can never really fully resonate with any queer media because it only wver focuses on one identity in a way i can’t relate to because mines are heavily influenced by one another . only ever gay/bi. only ever trans. only ever white. only ever allo. etc etc
#ro rambles#i dont know this makes sense but this is my diary im writing in bloodsoaked with my sparkly pink pen and a fuzzy end with a cat bell and ri#bons#also u can literally never ever escape top/bottom bullshit in fandom. its a neverending powerplay#i do enjoy contrast ships but its always one enjoying one being coy or shy or reluctant or whatever.#idk im not even one of those niche high class media people or whatever i just want more trope subversion#or allowing characters to be versatile & dynamic (ha half joke)#not just one note always#idk im alays looking for ways to subvert things and that does lead to me being like “is this even in character anymore? like the obvious ch#oice is obvi because their personality would influence them into making that choice. but u can make it in character hilst making them choos#something that seems unexoected for them. yk.#im rmbling.#because its my blog and i can.#(aggressive)#i encourage recs but if its geaveyard boys or whatever its called dont do it i already bought and tried reading & dod not like it.#dropped it but so desperate maybe ill try it again#i just have a grudge bc its one of tge only rep i have covering like. an okay amount of bases & that i was hoping to relate to#BECAUSE EVERYONE SUGGESTS IT WHEN YOU ASK FOR BOOKS WITH THAT CERTAIN REP#& it dissapointed me#ah well#im talking. im talking .#trying to make my own gay people. settling on that. though character deesign hard….#my thoughts are nowhere near fone but this is liter so stream of consciousness that theres no point#no sense#im just yappin#am a professional#could fo this forever
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