#you deserve better than this
eveningserenityyy · 5 months
I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that padme would, in any way, be a bad mother. Padme, the women with so much compassion, who puts others before herself, who has dedicated her whole life to the better of others, would not be a bad mother. She was excited! Excited to start raising her kids on her home world! And in regards to her holding resentment towards the twins because of how they would hold her back from her career? She knew what she was getting into. She is a dedicated and intelligent women who knows just what she is fucking doing, she knows what motherhood entails, and what she is meant to sacrifice and she was willing! She adored her children before she could meet them. and it would be hard for her to step down from her career when she needs to, yes, especially knowing she is the only one in the senate who cares, but that doesn’t equal a bad mother who cares more about her career than her kids. She would still be fighting for a good cause, even on the sidelines. It doesn’t mean giving up, she would simply shift her attentions to what is most important to her. Do you really think padme wouldn’t persevere ? She’s a stubborn and dedicated woman, she would want her children to be involved in such matters as well (to a point, of course).
If padme could give whole speeches to sway a senate gathering, she could comfort her damn kids any way she possibly could when they’re sad. She would teach them lessons, teach them how to be good people, and how to stand up for themselves and others. If anything, that’s what the original trilogy teaches! They would grow up to be the core of who they are thanks to padme. A little different, sure, but their core values stay the same. She would love them with all her heart. She wouldn’t be perfect, but she would give them everything she has.
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famousinfamous · 3 days
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A Sophie sketch that is spent way to much time on and forgot to erase the guide lines of, feel free to give advice, I’m drowning in a sea of soulless eyes
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I’m apparently suffering from overwork and brainrot, so please allow me to share my favorite unnecessarily suggestive gifs of DeForest Kelley.
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sparkles-oflight · 2 months
Omg, I just realize I forgot to add The stozice version of Dopamin to my playlist 💀 I'm so sorry darling
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iced-blood · 1 year
Out of My Well to Shame Mankind.
I’m 36 now. Back half of my fourth decade.
If you’d asked me 5, 8, 12 years ago: “Hey, Ice, what do you think life’s gonna be like in 2023?”
I wouldn’t have been able to answer, and I definitely wouldn’t have been able to predict anything that’s actually happened to me. But I like the person I am, the person I’ve made out of myself, a lot better than the person I was 12, 8, 5 years ago.
I’m proud of the person I’ve become.
And one of the most important lessons I ever had to teach myself was how to step back and realize that, sometimes, my opinion isn’t needed. Sometimes, my input is not only unnecessary, but actively detracts from the situation.
Gonna be honest with y’all. I see a lot of folks on this platform who need to learn that lesson. This isn’t directed at any of my followers, not specifically, if I got specific there’d be a whole mess of issues and another lesson I’ve had to teach myself is how to save my “fucking fight me” energy for other purposes.
But that doesn’t make the truth go away.
Just because it’s a public forum doesn’t give anyone carte blanche to start an argument. Some of y’all are way too comfortable, and you need to do some soul-searching and figure out why you think it’s acceptable to treat strangers on the internet like gladiators in your own personal arena.
Anybody wants to treat social media like “the marketplace of ideas”?
Pay up.
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asiogie · 1 year
Yea it really sucks that I don’t really want to say anything bc I know people will point to me and be like “dream stan” so I’m just hoping other indigenous ppl from maybe sbitwt say something :(
im so fucking sorry
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Ghesties I was just putting together a masterlist and realized I haven't written ANYTHING for Terzo????? My beloved?????? My cinnamon apple?! This has to change immediately
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
tfw they are talking about something in the radio and you hear the phrase "time heals all wounds" and it takes. every inch of your self-restraint to not burst out loud "NO IT DOESNT IT CHANGES YOU" cause you arent alone at the office anymore
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lonelyinkcap · 1 month
i dont want to say i miss pretending to be happy
i want to say i wish i could go back
to when things were better
but i cant have nostalgia
for a time that never happened
i just want us to be okay
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The tragedy of being William Afton’s daughter in FNAF..
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robiniswriting · 5 months
martha jones is stronger than the us marines because i think i would have killed anyone that treated me the way the doctor treated her in cold blood. he starts off their time together by kissing her passionately in a hospital hallway and when she’s like “who are you omg?” he starts waxing poetic to her about this random girl she’s never met. and then he ends their time together by having homoerotic tension with and then sobbing over the body of a man who just made her have the worst year of her life. its a wonder she didn’t go apeshit
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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day twoe ah haha
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“If you want more representation” okay but what if they did a better job than all the other actors???
Like, with PJO Rick didn’t go “only black people can audition for Annabeth!! Grover has to be Indian! Zeus has to be black!”
No, the actors auditioned, did a good job, and got the gig.
Like instead of crying cause all these white actors didn’t get it, ask yourself if they even deserved the position.
Everything isn’t some “woke” propaganda or “more representation.” They just deserved the job.
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annqer · 4 months
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my only goal in life is to make horror rpg maker-esque sunday art and have it in a sick edit
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crunchcrunchteacakes · 4 months
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Loid is just better at hiding his locker pictures than Yuri is.
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
Why is it that Batman’s ok with Antiheroes if it’s Catwoman or Talia Al Ghul, but when it’s the Red Hood, suddenly he’s beating the shit out of him
~Jason Peter Todd at some point
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