#you can take it from my cold dead hands
jesterraconteuse · 5 months
Need fics where like Superman is visiting Gotham because the Batkids are really just his eccentric nieces and nephews, massive fight breaks out somewhere in Gotham and Bruce is like "no you can't help Clark, for a myriad of reasons, biggest of which being that this is Gotham."
But the fight gets too intense Batman is put out of commission and a couple Batkids are getting badly hurt and Clark is like "Fuck it, Superman happened to be passing by Gotham, I don't care" because no one is gonna hurt people he considers his family on his watch
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also the couch in spanish is “el sofa” which is masculine so jot that down
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
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Ok last one for today. I just really wanted to draw Vaggie.
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cogicrafter · 2 months
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I don’t post anything ever but I saw someone talk about Alice saying “at least it’s not both legs” and headcannoning Sam as an amputee and I’d like to put in my two cents
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kokodrawings · 8 months
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Artober day 3!
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ramlightly · 6 months
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Look, they're all very useful spells!
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
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The ages in this show!! I have made some jokes about this before, but it gets me - with aging Ciri up and bringing her closer to Jaskiers age when they meet I can not help but draw parallels. Like Geralt bonded way differently with both of them (which makes sense because Ciri has been his Child surprise since birth and Jaskier just randomly turned up one day and followed him like a puppy) but it's so funny to me. also I'm 100% sure Jaskier was horny as fuck from the beginning so there was a whole different vibe from the get go
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myceliumelium · 9 months
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I just think Aredhel deserves hugs from all her loved ones
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winter-mornings · 2 years
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Hanging around for a living
(gods, he just wanted to go outside and feel safe)
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dr-awkkward · 8 months
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dizzybizz · 9 months
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littlefankingdom · 25 days
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~ Batgirl (2000)
Sorry, not sorry, but I'm ace and that's exactly how I feel when someone flirts with me or is clearly looking at my body. I love wearing revealing outfits, until someone shows interest in my body. Ugh, gross, let me dissapear.
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chiquilines · 3 months
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Silly togachako uni doodles since I havent drawn them in a minute
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mintea-in-space · 3 months
Thinking about long hair Copia
Teenage Copia growing it out, long enough to reach past his shoulders. Sister teaching him how to braid his own hair so it stays out of his face.
Young adult Copia cutting it to shoulder length, too busy to deal with the maintenance. He always has it pulled back in a low, short ponytail. It has such pretty waves when he does let it down. Him growing out his sideburns to match.
Cardinal Copia, cutting it short because keeping it tied back was giving him headaches, and occasionally migraines. He misses it though, eventually growing it out just a little when he becomes Papa. Still short enough to slick it back for rituals, but just a little longer.
Cirrus opening his eyes up to clips. Big chunky ones that holds her hair back without pulling at her scalp. Dewdrop and Phantom showing him different hair ties that won’t damage his hair when he does pull it back. He becomes overly fond of scrunchies.
Copia growing it long again, to just barely past his shoulders. Copia wearing it half up half down, the top tied back in a little ponytail he can hide under his mitre. Copia with little French braids that start at his temple and connect in the back. Copia with bed head so outrageous you wouldn’t believe it was real. (The ghouls all have a contest going on to see who can get the best picture of it.) Copia enjoying having his hair played with, by anyone. He’ll let Aurora just try new hairstyles on him all the time, just for the fun of it. Cirrus teaching him different kinds of braids and hairstyles until he finds his favorites.
Copia hunched over his desk, hair pulled back in a clip, strands falling out at his temples where his fingers had run through it, reading glasses still perched on his nose as he works.
Copia and the girls going out shopping for hair stuff, Dew tags along just because. Copia coming back with all kinds of bits and bobs.
Copia having all kinds of scrunchies with all kinds of patterns and colors, he loves matching them to his outfit for the day, loves adding a little personal touch.
Copia getting a rat shaped claw clip for his birthday, and he wears it everyday for like a month. It’s silly looking, googly looking eyes and cartoonish shapes, but he absolutely adores it. It’s his favorite clip.
Copia getting dressed up for one thing or another, doing his hair for it. He is partial to French braids, and he adds little hair pins that sparkle in the light, little crystals and gems inlaid in gold that pop against the color of his hair. His ghouls love helping him take it down at the end of the night, like a little scavenger hunt for sparkly things. He hems and haws but he adores it, loves that he doesn’t have to do it himself, and they always get everything too, never missing a single pin.
Nsfw Thoughts Below
Copia’s hair pulling kink coming up with a vengeance. Dew and Swiss absolutely love taking advantage of it, tugging out whatever it is holding it back and tangling their hands in it. Dew will gather it back in his fist and use it for leverage as he fucks him from behind. Swiss just tangling his fingers in it right at the base of Copia’s neck, tugging to make his head tip back and expose his throat so he can nip at it. Copia lets loose the prettiest sounds every single time.
Rain likes leaving it tied back, likes watching as copper strands fall out, as pieces stick to his temples and forehead. He likes seeing how messy he can get it, making Copia ride him until he falls apart. Mountain just loves seeing it fanned out on the pillow, strands of grey sparkling in low light. He’ll just run his hands through it, murmuring in Copia’s ear how pretty he is, such a pretty Papa, all soft words and gentle touches.
Cirrus getting him all dolled up, curling his hair, pinning it back, shiny little hair clips littered all over his head. Sometimes she does his face too, mascara darkening his lashes and rosy blush on his cheeks. She calls him her good girl and he melts, all wound up even though she technically hasn’t even done a thing yet.
Aether gently running a hand through it to hold it out of Copia’s face, his nose pressed to the curls at the base of Aether’s cock. Copia leaning into the touch, eyes fluttering shut as Aether holds him there. Him losing track of time, until at long last Aether pulls him off, pausing for a moment before pulling him back down. Copia letting him use him, those big hands tangled in his hair making his mind melt.
Aurora grabbing it in both hands as she rides his face, every little tug making Copia’s hips jerk. He loves when she gets rough with him, loves when she just yanks him where she wants him. His eyes roll back as she grinds against his mouth, barely able to breathe but neither of them caring. He nearly cums untouched just from that, and when he says so she gets this little glint in her eye. A shiver runs down his spine when she tugs his hair again, and he knows it’s going to be a long night.
Copia all alone in his room, hair pulled back in a normal braid. Copia sliding a hand into his sweatpants and stroking himself to hardness. Copia brushing the loose bits at his hairline out of his face, lower lip caught between his teeth as his pulse jumps. Copia wrapping a hand around the braid and tugging, letting out a squeak as his hips jerk, the spark of pain melting into pleasure. Copia panting as he loses himself in his own touch, chest heaving and back arching as he tugs over and over and over until his head tips back and he spills into his hand with a cry.
Just. Copia with long hair.
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hanakihan · 3 months
since it’s annual dishonored brainrot period
you know Corvo either being mute from birth OR losing his tongue due to his torture period makes much more sense when Burrows confesses everything to Corvo
It becomes less stupid in way of ‘you’re gonna be executed tomorrow anyway it’s not like you’ll escape’ and more in a way of ‘you aren’t able to talk anyway, who you will tell?’
That way it starts to look like even more of a mockery from Burrows, spilling everything to a man who won’t be able to tell anyway not because he’ll be dead next morning, but because he literally can’t tell anyone
Like yes I know second game straight up denies such possibility with Corvo now being officially voiced, but before second game was even announced it was a solid (and still is honestly) head canon for me when I play Dishonored
There’s also something absolutely terrifying at meeting this masked man and he literally doesn’t answer anything you tell him
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unlucky-lemon · 4 months
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I stayed up way too late to finish this
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