#yes this is targeted at that one tik tok
ye-olde-trojan-horse · 6 months
good night to everyone, except:
people who deem it necessary to open their mouth and criticise fanfics by sharing their entitled, ill-conceived and (quite frankly) useless opinions that no one asked for.
people who enjoy pineapple on pizza.
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Filming people without their consent is a massive issue of not only privacy but ableism that's been going on for many years.
It started out with filming more visibly disabled people, like high support needs autistic people having meltdowns in public and (especially fat) disabled people literally just using mobility aids, but once that was deemed less acceptable it moved to other things. Filming people acting "weird" in public. Eating weird foods. Falling asleep in weird places. Wearing weird things. Stimming. You get the idea. It's no longer safe to be visibly weird in public and that's an issue for a lot of disabled people. I recently had to lay down on the floor of a department store because I had an ME crash while out shopping. Not only did I have to worry about the normal things like people coming up to ask me if I'm ok, I also had to worry about some video of me at my lowest point, when I'm suffering immensely, being shared around as "haha look at this weird bitch on the floor". It's upsetting. It's scary.
And then there's fakeclaiming. A fun trend where people will film us in public to "prove" there's some kind of huge epidemic of people faking disability. Spoiler alert: there is not. Most of the time the people they film are real disabled people who don't fit into the expected mold for disability, usually service dog teams or people who use mobility aids who don't "look sick". And you would think this trend would be some kind of abled nonsense, but it's not. It's often other disabled people doing the fakeclaiming. Yes, there are some times when it's obvious a service dog isn't trained properly, but other than that, it's damn near impossible to tell if someone is faking a disability, and you're much more likely to target a disabled person than a faker. I'd love to say this trend was new, but it's been going on since the days of "the people of walmart" where many of the people posted were fat mobility aid users, always with the assumption that they used it because they were too fat or lazy to move on their own. In fact, the image of a fat person in a mobility cart has become almost synonymous with "lazy". It's one of the things that drove me to get my own expensive power wheelchair, to avoid the judgmental stares in the grocery store when I was just trying to exist, to avoid the fear of public shame. Even now when I stand up from my chair to walk to the bathroom stall or reach something on a high shelf, I watch the corners of my vision for that telltale phone in the air. I feel like I'm never safe from the judgemental eye of the internet, even when I'm logged off, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way.
Tik Tok, YouTube, Instagram, these places are all great for disabled people, especially those of us without access to the outside world. But it's also become a source of great anxiety for anyone who's uncontrollably "weird", mostly disabled people. Leave us alone, I'm begging you, we just want to go to the fucking grocery store in peace and safety.
Stop filming people for "acting weird" or "faking a disability" in public. It's ableist, it's invasive, it's creepy, and it's humiliating. People don't exist in public for your amusement and especially not disabled people. You don't know who is disabled and who isn't no matter how many disabled people you've known or how sure you are that the person is faking.
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harlowsbby · 5 months
Stranger Danger?
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Requested, can you write something about Jack or the reader acting like a stranger to see how’d they both react or act is someone was trying to flirt with them.
“Jack, I swear if you don’t do this right I’m breaking up with you and I mean it.” You glared at Jack as you set up your phone so it was standing up straight.
“Babe, why are you so worried about me doing it right? You need to be worried about yourself.” He stated which earned him a glare and a small push.
There was this trend going around on tik tok where let’s say a man acts like a stranger to his girlfriend to see how she should react if a random man was trying to flirt with her.
You thought it would be a good idea to try it out with Jack. Even though you trusted him and be trusted you it was just something silly and goofy to do.
“I’m gonna go first okay?” You told him and Jack nodded. “Okay the video is about to start I’m going to act like some random woman that’s trying to hit on you, okay?” Jack smiled and nodded.
“Sounds like a plan baby.” You stood a good few feet away from the frame and once Jack pressed record you made sure to be in character.
“Hey handsome, how are you doing today?” You told Jack and he immediately grinned and smiled wide. “I’m good how are you?” You rolled your eyes.
“First off all why are you smiling? That’s just letting the girl know that you like her.” Jack laughed.
“What? Are you being serious baby? It’s called being nice.” You huffed. “Yeah but let’s not be too nice some girls take that as a sign that you like them.”
Jack looked at you in disbelief. “We’re starting over.” He smacked his teeth. “Seriously?”
“I’m being very serious let’s start over.” Jack laughed. “And here hold this.” You handed him a blanket and started the video over.
“Oh that’s a cute blanket I really love the orange and white on it.” You stated and started rubbing on the blanket.
“Oh yeah I really like it too but I’m looking for something a bit warmer.” He stated. “Well I’m sure you’d be warmer in my bed.” You told him and batted your eyelashes.
“Oh you got room for two?” He suggested and tried his hardest to stiff a laugh as your eyebrows furrowed together.
“Jack, I’m done with you for real why are you being so friendly? And then you’re going to suggest if the girl has room for two? You might as well go ahead and cheat on me now.” He laughed.
“Babe, I’m just messing with you!” He yelled and laughed even harder. “No, because I feel like you’d actually would say some shit like that. Here let’s do it one more time and then it’s your turn to do me.”
You set up the camera one more time and this time you held a candle in your hand.
“Oh wow this smells so good.” You stated and Jack looked up at you and looked back down at his phone.
“Excuse me sir.” You stated and went to move next to Jack. “Yes?” He stated and was trying his hardest to stop the smile from tugging at the corner of his lip.
“If you don’t mind can you smell this for me? I wanna know if it actually smells good.” You told him.
“Actually I need to go my girl just texted me, she’s a bit loco so I don’t wanna keep her waiting.” He told you.
“I’m a bit loco? Are you serious Jack?” You broke character again. “What?! At least I didn’t smile at her.” You groaned. “We’re gonna do this one more time.” You threatened him.
Jack sat on one of the chairs that was in the decor section of Target. “Oh my gosh you’re Jack Harlow?!” You squealed. Jack grinned. “That’s me baby the one and only.” He smirked as your smile dropped.
“You know what I’m done with you.” You told him. “It’s your turn now to do me.” He chuckled.
“Oh it’s my turn to do you? I’ll take you in the bathroom right now then.” He joked which earned him another smack and push.
Since Jack decided he didn’t want to take anything serious you decided it was best to mess around and play with him as well.
“You ready baby?” He asked and you nodded your head. “I’m ready.” Jack quickly got into character and started the video.
“Excuse me but you look really good and you’re really beautiful if you don’t mind can I get your number?” Jack asked.
“Sure let me see your phone.” You stuck your hand out for Jack to handover his phone but he smacked your hand down softly.
“What Y/N?” You covered your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing at how confused and upset he looked.
“If a random man ask for your number you’re just going to give it to him? Like you aren’t in a whole relationship?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t have any room to talk! just earlier you were about to get in another woman’s bed!”
He rolled his eyes playfully but nonetheless decided to start over. “Okay let’s start over again and this time you better act like you’re in a relationship.”
You grinned and nodded. “Okay let’s start.” He approached you once again and leaned one arm above your hand while you smelt the different candles.
“Excuse me.” He stated and you looked up at him and smiled. “Yes?” You questioned. “I’m sorry but you’re just so beautiful I had to come over and introduce myself.” Jack said.
“Oh well hi.” You kept your answer short and sweet which Jack liked. “Playing hard to get are you?” You shook your head.
“I mean no you’re pretty cute so if you’re trying to do something then what’s up?” You immediately started laughing when Jack’s jaw dropped.
He looked at you as if you had two heads he couldn’t believe you were acting like this right now.
“You’re messing with me right? Y/N, see this is why I don’t let you go out alone. You’d be so quick to give another man your number.” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m just messing with you Jack of course I wouldn’t just give a man my number or even think about cheating on you.” You coo’d and random your arms around his arm and snuggled into his side.
“How do I know? You were willing to give it up to a random stranger in the middle of a target.” You chuckled.
“You wanna try it out one last time?” He nodded his head. “Just one more time and if you mess up consider yourself single baby.” You shook your head at him but nonetheless went back to your positions.
You were now looking at all of the different microwaves and appliances they had at Target when Jack came and approached you.
“You’re looking for a new microwave?” Jack tried disguise his voice this time around. You had to cover your mouth at first to stop yourself from laughing.
“Oh yeah I am my boyfriend still hasn’t replaced the other one we have so-.” Jack cut you off mid sentence.
“See because why are you telling him our problems? He doesn’t need to know what problems we have at home.” You giggled.
“Jack! It isn’t that serious.” He shook his head at you. “And you’re bashing me in the process!” He stated.
“You know what you’re single I’m done.” He told you and walked away. “Jack!” You laughed and followed after him. “Baby, come back!” You giggled.
It was safe to say that the two of you failed that challenge but nonetheless you both knew you’d never cheat on one another, Jack was your soulmate as you were his.
(I hope you enjoy this anon and everyone else! writers block was beating my ass here 😭)
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isackwhy · 29 days
Hi hi! I was reading through your stories and I love them all! I was wondering if you be down to write a story where the reader and Isaac are dating, but the main focus is on the rest of the group. They all love the reader and treat her as if she's their sister? Ty!
yes omg this is such a cute idea
reader x platonic! group hc’s / isaac x reader!
the boys love u like so much
whether y’all were bffs before u n isaac started dating or after
u help them film stuff but they have to remind u not to film isaac the whole time
if ur a streamer or youtuber whatever they help u w ur stuff as well
constantly streaming w them
like isaac isn’t even there half the time
u tanner and larry play A LOT of roblox tg and y’all are a little trio it’s adorable
i feel like nick would just call u his sister like
when u guest star on the occasional podcast there was one time where they were doing that compliment thing and they included u bc u were there
nick was like, “it’s like having a sister around. or like a little sister and it’s great like you’re great y/n.”
bullied a lot
not in like an extreme way just expect to get like pelted w shit while ur at the house
also very protective
ur a woman who makes content like ur already a target by being a woman
if u guys are all out isaac ofc has his arm around u but the rare time y’all are like out at a party or bar or like at twitchcon or something the boys just keep an extra eye on u the whole time
“i can handle myself guys,” u remind them
“we know. we’re just gonna—help.” tanner smiles
they happily listen to u talk ur shit they get mad invested too
if ur dating isaac ur older than grunk. i hope.
so he def sees u as like his older sister
they take so many .5 pictures of u
“no—no—that’s like the 5th one today, larry!”
i feel like yumi would tease u the most
he just gives annoying brother vibes
u force them to make tik toks and u post some but can’t if isaac decides to photo bomb it
“WE HIT THAT SHIT. WE CANT POST IT BC OF UR FACE!” tanner yells bc you’ve been doing this for like 30 minutes at this point
if u guys were all bffs b4 u n isaac then they def knew about ur individual feelings and lord almighty were they all just waiting for y’all to get ur shit tg
u hid it for like 3 weeks after u finally got tg until u guys just kissed in the kitchen and they all had their jaws dropped
“HOLY SHIT. HOLY—FINALLY. FINALLY!” yumi runs around the house screaming
if isaac leaves a hickey on u—pls try and hide it. you’ll never hear the end of it
they include u on everything basically
it’s like having 6 body guards at all times
i just woke up i apologize if this is SHIET
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Oh yes I waited a long time for this moment!
Have you heard Dominik Fike's Mama's Boy song? It's very popular on Tik Tok and it hits me right in my motherly feelings.
How about a scenario where Reader in life was a great warrior of some kingdom she served, she had a son of her own and they were happy until in an enemy attack her son died in her arms without being able to do anything to save him. Destroyed, she gives her life in the last fight and they win, but she dies, so she is promoted to Valhalla and meets Zerofuku. Seeing him, she adopts him as her son and when Ragnarok happens and she finds out that he will fight, she makes an intervention so that her son is not hurt, but as we know, the ☠️ and she has a breakdown.
Already with that context (so long, sorry) the reaction of the remaining gods/humans upon seeing her like this? Assuming you already know their story because they are friends, and if one side wins and wants everyone back, what about the reunion with Zerofuku?
Bonus of her being able to say goodbye to her son? Sorry if it's too much! That song makes me cry haha
-To lose a child as a mother is the worst feeling in the world, and to lose multiple is a fate worse than death- not being able to do anything about it.
-That was your tale, you were a queen, an honorable and just ruler, one who loved your subjects and in return they all loved you, praising your rule as you led your kingdom into prosperity.
-Other kingdoms did not love you however, they were jealous of your wealth, seeing your people happy, seeing the prosperity, not realizing if they were more like you, they too would have kingdoms just as grand.
-However, they were too egotistical to realize this- too proud to admit that there was anything wrong with the way they ruled, and in turn so many lost their lives.
-You wept, holding your son, your only child, in your arms, his life already taken by a cowardly king who thought a child was an easy target- unaware of the mother lion lurking nearby.
-Your son fell and that king quickly fell after and despite your pleas- your son never opened his eyes again.
-You took up your husband sword and led your forces yourself, driving back your foes, having no time to grieve as there were other people who needed you, ones that were also unable to grieve, but took up arms, even if they weren’t warriors, and followed you into battle.
-The battle was won, driving back and taking the lives of these foolish kings, taking over their own kingdoms, but instead of blaming those kingdoms, you forgave them, as those who remained were innocents, like your son- one’s who couldn’t fight back.
-You told your advisors to rebuild all the kingdoms into one massive empire, and you were going to lead, had your broken heart not taken your life, you didn’t see the sunrise the next morning, and so many mourned your death.
-In Valhalla many knew your tail, sympathetic towards you, as they knew you had lost your child, almost your kingdom, and then your life, to protect others- you were a hero in their eyes, but they could also see the sadness, the longing in your own eyes.
-That is until you met Zerofuku, the young looking child-like god, who approached you, asking if he could help you, and your eyes widened, seeing this child and you instantly had him in your arms, holding him close.
-He didn’t know why you were crying, but it wasn’t a sad type of cry- you looked happy, happy just to be hugging him.
-You adopted Zerofuku who had instantly beamed when you asked him, leaping into your arms, elated by the notion of having a family and you couldn’t help but smile, hugging him close.
-Zerofuku bloomed under your love, he became wiser and stronger, learning when to help others and when to let others help themselves, something Buddha had tried to teach him, but he was too distraught to listen then.
-While he did not fill the void in your heart that your son left, Zerofuku filled a large portion of it, making it easier to heal, but you knew you would never heal completely.
-There were many others, gods and humans alike, who knew of your tale, knowing of what you had lost and what you were doing for Zerofuku, they found it admirable, seeing you healing yourself while helping others- it was humbling.
-However, in Ragnarok, many could only sympathize with you again, watching your son taken over by a monster- a demon, who was fighting Buddha.
-Buddha was trying his best, wanting to defeat the demon and get Zerofuku back, something he had shouted up to you, swearing he was going to try.
-Kojiro was holding you back as your screamed out Zerofuku’s name, seeing Buddha severely injure him and Hajun, who was going to attack froze, like something was holding him back.
-Your eyes and Buddha’s one good eye now saw the spirit of Zerofuku holding Hajun back, glaring harshly, “Don’t hurt him!!”
-Buddha managed to land a final blow and your watched, tears in your eyes, as Hajun faded, leaving the body of your son behind. You felt like you couldn’t breathe and as Buddha approached, Zerofuku beamed before he started crumbling away as well.
-Feeling the same feeling when your son died, but even more so, as you now had to relive it- you felt like dying, everything hurt, you felt like you couldn’t breathe!
-Zerofuku smiled as you broke down, Kojiro holding you close as he turned to Buddha, “Take care of my mama okay?” Buddha was crying as well, not wanting the child to go as he choked out a response, “I will!”
-Your shoulders were shaking as you were hunched over, crying so hard that you were gasping and Kojiro tried his best to calm you, but in the end it was Hrist who had to knock you out before they took you to the infirmary.
-You woke in tears, thinking it was just a bad dream until you saw Buddha there, bandaged up, and you nearly shrieked, unable to comprehend losing your child before Buddha lunged, hugging you close, letting you clutch at him as he did the same to you.
-He had no idea what you were feeling- dealing with losing two children now, all he could do was be there for you, being your rock, holding you close, while you just wanted your pain to end- you wanted it to stop. You couldn’t stand feeling like this, not again.
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Inkubus x AFAB!Reader x Norman Nordstrom || Headcanons [Part 1?]
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Topic: Imagine living next door to Norman, who's slowly falling in obsession love with you (Sweet, young, fertile, trusting you), when suddenly you're dating cocky, suspicious, asshole- 'Klaus'.
Basically you're naïve and too trusting and so you're being targeted by a creepy old man with a breeding kink and also now a spooky old sex demon. And they're both territorial. Goodluck-
Warnings: Mentions of obsession, breeding kink, boners, reacting badly to the friendzone- and that's all just Norman 😅XD Inkubus' warnings include being two-faced as hell between you and Norman, and a little bit of non consensual exhibitionism... General smutty themes, possessiveness and age difference for both throughout.
🥀 Norman started to notice you as soon as you moved in next door. You came over with M&M cookies and introduced yourself as Y/N, and didn't once act weird about his blindness. You were effortlessly kind, and the sound of your cheerful voice was honestly enough to make him a little hard. It always would.
🥀 He wishes now that when he invited you in for tea that first day, and his front door closed behind your all-too-willing back, that he had locked it. That he hadn't let you leave. That he had made a move.
🥀 ... alas, he didn't. And for a while that was okay, because he would get up early in the morning to sit on the front porch with Shadow so you would see him and come over on your way out to work- just to say hey, and ask him how he's doing, and pet Shadow. You would also see him on your way home again, because he learnt your schedule.
🥀This turned into having dinners together almost every day of the week because he said he was cooking and invited you to come in and eat with a lonely old man. Pretty soon you were eating at his place two- three- sometimes four nights a week.
🥀 Then he started to say that if you wanted- you could stay over on the couch after dinner. He would act all grumpy and like he doesn't really care, but you thought he was just the sweetest, grouchiest old man so, you did. Which turned into breakfasts together, too.
🥀 And he was so damn pleased. You were playing directly into his hands.
🥀 He was living his best life, actually 😅 He had you in his home with him, chatting to him in that ever-cheery way and touching him and eating with him- it was like having his wife around again. Norman's life was bright again ^^
🥀 Sure- he knew that as far as you were concerned, this was only friendship. The touches you shared were purely friendly and honestly a little bit delicate on your end (Like you're afraid to break him, like he's an old man. A fragile old man. Like that's how you saw him- which was admittedly less then ideal), and he never dared to go too far with you- but what he had with you was enough. For now, he thought. Eventually yes, he would want to have a baby with you (He had decided), but that could wait.
🥀 Norman did not see anything happening to jeopardise that. He had plans for the two of you and those were going to come true- they had to. He was sure of it. He needed this.
🥀 He needed you.
🥀 ... But then the absolute worst thing happened. The thing that made Norman's inner soundtrack warp from Justin Timberlake's 'Cant Stop The Feeling!' to the first bars in 'Highway to Hell' real fricken quick. And what was that thing? The worst thing that could possibly happen to Norman? The thing you did- that you brought home one night without even telling him- that wrecked his world???
🥀 A dark, mysterious, handsome stranger called 'Klaus'. Yeah... Klaus. Look you know who we're talking about here, okay? But he's going by Klaus right now so just go with it.
🥀 You were dating. Y/N, Norman's Y/N- his sweetheart, his future spouse, his light- was dating.
🥀 And it wasn't like you were dating a kid your own age (20's) who you had no chemistry with apart from liking the same music and 'Tik Tok's. No no no.
🥀 That would be one thing. That he could forgive. Soon enough the mess would be behind the two of you and you would realise how much better Norman is then some immature boy. You would laugh about it.
🥀 ... But no. You were dating an older man (That part really kicked Norman in the gut. He was worried all this time that you weren't being with him because he was so much older, and that he would have to acclimatise you- but that wasn't the case at all! Clearly, you liked older men. Just not him- ) who made you laugh on your front doorstep and who had you in a better mood all the damn time now- Even when he wasn't around. You would be sitting with Norman at his dinner table and you would just think of this, this 'Klaus', and you would go quiet, and sometimes giggle. And Norman was sure that if he touched you (Like he so wanted to!!)- your cheeks would be red hot, too.
🥀 Norman was so frustrated, and if you were a more suspicious person then you would have noticed how quiet and gruff he would get when you mentioned Klaus. But you weren't, you just thought your friend Norman was going through something. Or he was uncomfortable talking about your romantic life- which was just fine ^^
🥀And that wasn't the only thing you weren't noticing, either.
🥀Klaus had enough red flags to equip an army. He was more subtle about it then Norman could ever be, sure, but that wasn't saying much.
🥀 Klaus looked at you like a meal, so much so that waiters worried about you going home with him. Every second sentence out of his mouth was a double innuendo that you didn't quite get but brushed off as an odd sense of humour. He always seemed to have a smooth excuse for acting oddly. And somehow he knew your name before you ever said it???? This is not all but its enough for any normal person to say nope and get out- but not you. Unfortunately, no, not you.
🥀 ... Norman definitely noticed, though. He and Klaus met pretty early on in your new relationship, as Norman would hang out with his gun on the front porch for you to come home late at night after a date. He was always itching to shoot Klaus. Klaus new damn well, too, and loved it.
🥀 You introduced your lovely, grouchy best friend and Klaus all-sweetly, having them shake hands like gentlemen as you kneeled down to pet Shadow.
🥀 While you were looking away they entered the GORIEST of eye-contact battles. Norman was saying through his eyes that he doesn't trust the other man for one damn second and he better back off you, as he subtly tapped the shotgun resting in his lap. Any norman man would've feared Norman, would've left you in the dust- but unfortunately, for Norman, he wasnt even dealing with a man.
🥀Klaus' laughing eyes pretty much just thought back... this should be fun.
🥀 He wasn't about to let an old blind soldier threaten him- but he also wasn't going to take it too seriously. Why would he? Clearly, your friend was in love with you... or at least wanted to fuck you. He could use that. Of course, you were his target. You were what mattered... Any enjoyment Klaus would get out of rubbing it into the Norman's tired old face that you were with him (inviting him to your bedroom at night, batting your pretty eyelashes at him, laughing at his jokes) instead- would just have to simply be a glorious bonus.
🥀 And ohhhhhhhhh did he rub it in. He really did. Klaus took every oppertunity that he got to show off, using Norman's evidently advanced hearing against him in the worst way.
🥀 ... so yes. 'Klaus'... being a literal demon... took to leaving the windows open when you would sleep together. And he would try to do it on the lower level of your house, just to make it that little bit easier for the old blind man next door to hear. To be tortured. To hopefully fall asleep to your sounds that intoxicate- when they aren't for him.
🥀 IN FACT- Klaus snuck into Norman's house one time, hid a speaker, and.... yeahhhhhhh you get it.
🥀 Norman would tear his own home apart looking for the source of your sounds, but would never find it. He would just have to white-knuckle his own damn mattress until Inkubus- *cough* 'Klaus', would finally, mercifully, allow you to fall asleep.
🥀 Norman would retaliate by keeping you so busy on nights that he knows you're supposed to go out with Klaus, that either you forget about it until Klaus actually turns up and finds you in Norman's house, or you're too tired to really be any fun for Inkubus.
🥀 He does this by asking you if you would be so kind as to help him out with his gardening, or cleaning out a cupboard, or cataloguing his books.
🥀 Klaus ends up knocking at your door... getting no response (which irks him in the first place)... and slowly turning to Norman's dwellings and glares. Of course, the blind man is at it again. When will he learn?
🥀 (And oh, the look on his face when he finds you on your knees in Norman's bedroom. A bemused grin at you as you apologise and say oh no I forgot!! norman needed help with something and- before you look away, still explaining your adorable self, and it turns into more of a grimace- at Norman. Like are you serious?)
🥀 ... predictably, it quickly became world war iii between them, with Norman still holding out the darkest hope that he can somehow have you as his one day, you blissfully unaware, and unknowingly to the both of you- Inkubus trying to do much worse to you and probably Norman as well now but getting caught up in a gross, petty little territory war instead. Eh, he's got time to kill. Why not?
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I love the Avatar era on tik tok, the edits r amazing and I literally enjoy all the fuss, but, yk what I'm rlly not enjoying? the amount of people, no, the amount of ADULTS throwing hate and death wishes to Spider.
Putting stupid and messed up captions like "it should've been Spider" or "I wish Lo'ak kills him" and even "Lo'ak is entering his Anakin era, Spider is so done", as if all the hate would, in some way, bring Neteyam back in the next movie.
And my whole problem with all this is the lack of empathy people have over Spider's backstory and EVERYTHING he went through. He was an outsider, an outcast, not only with the Sullys but with the humans back on the lab as well. He had no real family, and even tho he tried to fit in with Jake and his family, they never really cared about him. Not the enough. Quaritch literally took him, abducted him, and even though Kiri was worried, crying for him, all that Jake said was "he's gonna be alright" and then, ofc, he forgot entirely about him. He was more worried about him spilling out the beans about their operations and base rather than his safety. (and, btw, he was tortured and still never gave a single piece of information). Not to mention how Neytiri ignored Kiri telling her that Spider had fallen off the tree.
And the whole "he belongs with his own kind" thing Neytiri had going on was so out of pocket, specially, since his own very husband, Toruk Makto himself, was a human first. And Spider was a little kid atm, a kid playing and trying to fit.
Now, imagine how surprised Spider was when suddenly, out of no fucking where, the man whom he had been told all his childhood was evil, treated him decently. Stopping the scientists of keeping hurting him and melting his brain, respecting his decision to go by Spider even tho human Quaritch wouldn't have given a fuck about his preferences, listening to what he had to say (like the na'vi lessons); even listening to his pleadings on not to hurt, or kill, the clans. And, ofc, the cherry on top: Quaritch saving him from Neytiri, losing his chance over Jake (his WHOLE motivation and goal) even though Spider only cared for Kiri's well being all the time.
And yes, Quaritch may have been manipulating him, I don't doubt that, but Spider is a noble kid. He's noble, kind, caring and would never leave anyone to die not mattering if they're good or bad. Something that makes him entirely different from his dad. He didn't wanted to save him, we literally see him struggling with taking a decision, but deep down he can't just leave him to die. Not when, after all, he's someway his dad, and the one that saved him from Neytiri moments ago. It's a debt, and if you struggle with at least just an inch of daddy issues y'all may be familiar with that sensation of "maybe he's changing, he's not a lost cause. He cares about me".
He's not a fucking traitor. With, or without Quaritch, they would've kept hunting the Sullys. The military lady said it herself, that with Jake being "the leader" they were on disadvantage, bc Jake knew how to strike them. He was already a target, Quaritch had been just the scapegoat to catch him faster.
It was dumb to save him? Yes, definitely. But it's understandable, and wishing that Lo'ak, his literally childhood best friend, kills him after finding out, or Neytiri, it's just messed up.
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Information on kosa because 99% of people on social media are either trying to scare you or completely take your attention away, and both spread misinformation
(Dated: September 7th 2023)
(Keep in mind, I am a Canadian citizen who only knows a little bit about how government work, so this is all based on what other people who have more knowledge have said)
—it is no one in the US government right now’s first concern. Yes, it’s on the list of things that are going to be discussed at some point, but no it is not far up on that list right now… especially when we’re in natural disaster season, and trying to come up with money to make it through the month whithout a government shutdown (which is also not worth worrying about)
—without the censorship part, it’s actually a good thing and very similar to what many countries already have to stop children from having their data leaked to cause targeted ads
—there are no confirmed dates yet… everyone posting about it seems to have come up with a magical date out of their ass that’s supposed to indicate when it’s being voted on, and none of them are actually correct. September 5th was when senate resumed, and December 15 the current *scheduled* date for the end of the 2324 session, provided nothing happens. Also, just because the senate is back doesn’t mean the house is as well… who is also required to work on the bill
—it doesn’t go immediately from the senate to Biden. What happens is that it’s voted on in the senate, and then the house has to review it to make sure it isn’t going against any rights and is still wise, and at that point in has to go back to the senate, then back to the house and on and on again until they have an agreeable lay out for it… or it might get dropped all together again
—Biden is in support of it… which seems bad, however considering all of the other information and the fact that it might not even look the same when it makes it onto his desk is also worth noting
—the work we’ve been doing to prevent it is actually helping, multiple people involved in the process have changed their minds on supporting it, and since it was announced to be moving to the senate in July it’s lost quite a bit of momentum
—it doesn’t directly impact anyone outside of the states. Sure, similar laws may be introduced if they don’t already exist, but just like eu privacy laws don’t affect Americans, kosa won’t affect those outside of it… also from what I’ve read I highly doubt any social media platforms are going to cease to exist because of it (that is, if it somehow marvellously doesn’t get flagged as going against 1st amendment rights and passes just as is)
—if it’s still in development/debate and doesn’t get placed on bidens desk by December 15th (or whenever this session ends), it’s dead. It can still be reintroduced as it has been I believe twice, but that’s just a deadline we’ve been given as of now for it disappearing this session
So base line, although we aren’t completely out of the woods, the whole thing is a lot less scary and takes a lot longer than it’s made out to be… however, keep calling your senators (including information about you as a caller’s position in this as in if you’re a student, minor, adult, parent, whatever.. makes a difference, especially since most minors don’t get involved in advocacy like this. And call as often as you want), advocating against it on whatever platforms you have, and stop posting videos with misinformation that scares the shit out of teenagers for views… that’s messed tf up
Also, although I don’t recommend looking at tik tok for actual updates, one specific account (@ ariella.elm) has very good, true, and cited information on this
If anyone has any proof I’m accidentally spreading misinformation in this, pretty please let me know.. and until then I shall sign out on this topic
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anamericangirl · 9 months
(1/2) So to that one anon. First of all, yes the removal of completely healthy tissue and Frankenstein-esk construction of some gross approximation of human genitals is, was, and always will be, mutilation. Second. Yes, despite the fact that you losers continually try derail conversation so that no one notices, There are children receiving procedures such as double mastectomies (literally just google Chloe cole. Or that creepy plastic surgeon who was bragging on tik tok about doing surgeries on minors and even telling these kids and their families to contact her if they can’t get the surgeries they want. There are more verifiable examples I could provide here, but I’m not going to write you a book of examples since you probably won’t listen anyway. Even if you say “those are isolated cases” it doesn’t make it any less disturbing) and lastly there have been many videos of doctors ( a lot of whom advocate for “gender affirming healthcare” and or hold high positions on boards and in organizations for these types of things) admitting that puberty blockers are not as safe and effortlessly reversible as y’all would have people believe, but rather causes a lot of long term damage such as infertility, losing the ability to ever achieve an orgasm, and the underdevelopment of sexual organs such as a micro penis in boys. Not to mention the other long term risks such as osteoporosis, vision issues, and brain swelling. And this isn’t me spitting this information after some convoluted game of telephone. You can watch videos of respected board certified doctors saying these things directly. A lot of this is info that comes directly from the fda, nhs, and literally organizations for trans “healthcare” a lot of which are specifically targeting children. And yet the argument is always “you shouldn’t prevent anyone no matter how young from accessing blockers, hormones or surgery! Stop talking about the damages these things cause you bigot! They need these things or they’ll kill themselves!” No one ever wants to actually treat these things. When you just go: surgery! hormones! etc, you are effectively putting a band aid over a gunshot wound. You don’t get to the root of the problem which is ultimately, weather you like it or not, a form of mental illness and or disorders. These people should in no way be demonized for being mentally Ill. It’s not their fault and they would never have asked for this but they need true psychiatric help. You wouldn’t give a girl with an eating disorder a gastric bypass if she said she was going to kill herself, but that’s effectively what we do to these people. The problem is that it’s never going to be enough. No amount of surgery or any other of these treatments will ever make it okay, not because “society is bigoted and won’t affirm me!” It’s because the individuals themselves feels a crazy amount of cognitive dissonance in their every waking moment, because they are living a lie and denying reality. There are perfectly happy trans adults like Blaire white and Marcus dib who are secure and confident in their transitions. Why? Because they have accepted the objective reality of their biology while just enjoying living their lives as the opposite sex. Giving irreversible “solutions” to children who simply enjoy activities society has decided doesn’t align with their sex, or who feel uncomfortable in their bodies at the single most uncomfortable time in a human life (childhood and adolescence, where you start from scratch attempting to figure out both the world and yourself, and just when you start to have it figured out, your body goes through all these changes you cant control and didn’t ask for) it’s bound to cause a lot of problems. The thing is though, statistically, (and feel free to fact check me on this one) over 80% of children who at some point experience gender dysphoria are rid of it completely upon finishing puberty. And the amount of trans adults who have some other underlying mental issues or are mentally ill in some way and don’t actually experience true dysphoria is astounding.
(2/2) cont. Depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, anorexia, asd, add, adhd, the list goes on. The statistics don’t lie, the amount of people who identify as trans and also have some other mental health issues is staggering. I have to say though, (putting aside the fact that they won’t believe me) I truly bear no Ill will towards these people. Living with mental health problems is hellish. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. In fact I find it disgusting that the medical system and such a large portion of society today (at least in the west) has just been blindly affirming them to the detriment of these individuals and the people around them. Medicalizing people for life is not the near perfect solution it’s touted as. Medically transitioning is not a “Try it and see how you feel,and if you don’t like it we can just pump you with more hormones and everything will be as it was” situation. That doesn’t solve anything. No one is born in the wrong body. That’s not the problem. The problem is that their minds are constantly at war with reality and they are suffering as a result. People not affirming their delusions isn’t what’s truly causing that. (Also big apology to whoever runs this blog, didn’t expect this to be this long)
No apology necessary because you are absolutely correct and said it better than I could! Anyone spouting out lines like "puberty blockers are completely reversible! No one regrets transition! Minors aren't getting surgery!" is advertising the fact that they've never researched this issue in their life (certainly not both sides) and are just repeating talking points they've heard.
Because the fact is there are several testimonies of people who received these surgeries as minors and being "isolated incidences" doesn't mean they don't count. It doesn't mean others haven't experienced this. It doesn't mean medically transitioning children is ok.
And while they want to talk about puberty blockers being reversible they don't have anything to say about the effects of those puberty blockers, big ones like infertility, not being reversible.
The very medical professionals they tell us to listen to are the ones confirming these things things so they're telling us to listen to people they obviously haven't taken the time to listen to thoroughly.
People shouldn't be demonized for having a mental illness and feeling like they are in the wrong body, but those feelings shouldn't be affirmed by doctors either, especially when those people are children. Even if the child really does have gender dysphoria you do more harm than good by affirming these ideas and mutilating their bodies, which, as you pointed out, does happen, whether people want to admit it or not.
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The BUDDIE Pajama Chat
Eddie: what do you wear to bed?
Buck: currently in your LAFD tshirt and boxers 😜
Eddie: k but what about if you go back to the east coast and it cold?
Buck: you know I don’t go to PA…
Eddie: it’s just that I have these superman pajamas I don’t wear often anymore so I was going to donate them but they should fit you
Eddie: I swear they’re not gross or anything no, I’ll wash them before if you want, I just know superman makes you think of your favorite Diaz so you might like them
**12 hours later**
Buck: I put this convo on the internet 😇
Eddie: hmmmmmmmmm???????
Buck: I put this on tik tok! You should see the responses!
Eddie: isn’t that app for dance videos?
Buck: yeah sort of
Buck: it went viral!
Eddie: shit
Eddie: I lied to millions on the internet
Eddie: I’m not donating my pajamas… I saw them at target
Eddie: they were on sale though
Eddie: no they weren’t, that’s another lie, I’m sorry to the users of the weird clock dance app
Eddie: can they see this right now????
Buck: nope! 😇
Buck: I’ve got thirty DMs in the last hour telling me to marry you
Eddie: we could start with coffee?
Eddie: after our overnight shift tomorrow? Can you pick me up so we only have one car at the station?
Buck: yes, but one condition
Eddie: ???
Buck: we gotta stop at target to get our superman pjs before the sale ends 😉😏
Eddie: 🙄
Written for: @professionalprocrastinator22 and @gravelyhalversobbing because I must entertain them
Inspired by: https://www.tumblr.com/redlightsandicedtea/724932258348367872/mewithanie-meleedamage-faith-food-fashion
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eyesandtentacles · 1 year
People only like Toji because he's attractive
I saw a comment on Tik Tok saying something along those lines and honestly it didn't sit right with me.
Of course, people are free to have their own opinion and you don't have to like Toji, but I believe that there is much more to his character.
So this is a post where I talk about the things that I personally appreciate about Toji Fushiguro. We'll start simple and get deeper as we go on. So strap yourselves in because this is going to be a long one.
Spoilers for the upcoming season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
First let me start by saying that yes,
Toji is indeed very attractive
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Look at this fine specimen of a man. No wonder the fandom goes crazy for him.
His design is certainly aesthetically pleasing. The worm curling around his body and the tight shirt and baggy pants he's wearing emphasize his muscles and tiny waist making your eyes run all over him. His black hair falls on his handsome face nicely and the scar on his lips draws attention to it and adds a little bit of spice, just enough to tie this whole meal together.
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He is built like a snack and boy am I hungry!
But enough about his looks. Looks isn't the only thing he has to offer.
Toji has a superhuman body
Similarly to Maki, Toji is affected by Heavenly Restriction. His body is incredibly strong and fast and in exchange he possesses no cursed energy. But he doesn't even need cursed energy to see curses, because his senses are just that sharp and enhanced! He truly is an anomaly and if the jujutsu society recognised his potential instead of abusing him for being different, he would definitely be classified as a special grade sorcerer.
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Dude's a beast so he makes any battle that he takes part in fun and exciting to watch. He also had some interesting matchups allowing him to show off how skilled he is as a fighter.
We got to see him battle with Gojo,Geto and a disaster curse, all of them considered special grade and he won all but one of his encounters with them. However, that one loss was from the second battle with Gojo AKA the strongest sorcerer alive, who he almost killed on their first one, so that shows how superior his combat skills can really be.
But Toji doesn't only depend on his body to do the work.
Toji is smart
When tasked with the mission to kill Riko Amanai, instead of charging in right away, he simply sits and waits while others try their hand on the assassination.
But why is Toji waiting?
It's because he knows that Gojo is protecting this girl and he knows what he is capable off, so he chose to take things slow. By putting the money reward for the job on the internet and offering it to anyone who was successful in killing the target, he ensured that the protection squad would be constantly on edge. He even put a time limit on the offer to deceive them into believing that they only needed to be careful for a certain amount of time. As a result, when the time limit had passed and the group let their guard down Toji striked by putting a sword through Gojo's chest, an attack that would be lethal if it weren't faced with such a strong opponent.
He also took advantage of the fact that his lack of cursed energy makes him invisible to the security system of Jujutsu High and to the sorcerers around him. He made sure that his first strike against Gojo was with a normal sword and switched to a cursed tool when the surprise attack didn't work.
But where did that tool come from? And if it has cursed energy wouldn't it be detected?
Well that's where the worm comes in....
So basically, in order to keep the advantage of being invisible due to the lack of cursed energy and to always have weapons available, Toji keeps this cursed spirit on his stomach and whenever he needs something he simply vomits it out and does his thing. Kinda gross but very effective.
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Honestly it's terrifying how this man can use his body and anything else that is available to quickly come up with a strategy to kick your ass. Being his opponent must be a total nightmare since Toji is brutal and cares only about one thing and that is money.
Or maybe there is something more........
Toji cares about his family
Now I know what you're going to say and I agree.
Toji is a terrible father.
Not only did he abandon his son but he also sold him to the Zenins. That ain't exactly father of the year material. Despite this, there are moments that show that he loves his family.
One of those moments is when he recalls Megumi and that he was the one who named him. I refuse to believe that Toji woke up and chose a random name for his son, especially since Megumi means Blessing so he must have put some thought into it.
Additionally, in his dying moments he thought about his son and his wife and it was obvious that it's a memory that's dear to him. At first he chose to not say anything when asked about his last words, but changed his mind when he remembered Megumi, informing Gojo that he will be sold in the Zenin family and to do with that as he pleases. That ensured Gojo taking Megumi under his care and protection.
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Another moment is when Toji is back as a mindless puppet in Shibuya, fighting purely on instinct the strongest person in the room and when that person happened to be Megumi he froze, his eyes literally softening at the sight of his boy and he regained control long enough to ask a question and then kill himself to ensure that he won't bring him any more harm.
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But wait, you may ask, if he cares this much about Megumi why did he abandon and sell him?
Well the answer to that is a simple but sad one.
Toji is a broken man
Toji is a Zenin, a member of one of the most important clans in jujutsu society. But because he was born with no cursed energy he was abused by the family and left it completely unstable.
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Look at this panel. His eyes look so empty and tired. This was before he left from the clan and started to work as an assassin.
However, even while he was away from this toxic environment, the damage had been done. Toji definitely had issues regarding his self-worth. He kept trying to prove that someone like him can be strong and defeat sorcerers. He referred to himself as a ''useless monkey who can't even use jujutsu''. He kept saying while selling his son that unlike him, his son had potential since he had a cursed technique.
And in the end, in the battle that led to his death, instead of fleeing, he chose to stay and fight because he was facing Gojo and being able to crush him, the strongest sorcerer alive, would discredit the society that deemed him worthless.
His trauma caused him to ignore his survival instincts and led to his demise.
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This trauma was also the reason why he abandoned and sold Megumi. When he met his wife, Toji was able to calm down and become a bit more stable. He loved and really cared about this woman. But she died soon after Megumi was born, leaving Toji once again unstable but with a baby in his care.
At this point, his issues about his worth once again kicked in and he probably felt that he wouldn't be able to raise his son properly. So he sold him to the Zenin family, promising them that the kid would develop a good cursed technique and asking them to take care of him. In his mind, the place that he grew up would be better for Megumi since he had potential.
I'm guessing that before dying he realised that that environment would still be bad even for Megumi so he told Gojo about the deal maybe because he was hopeful that Gojo would help the kid. And of course that's exactly what happened.
So when Toji appears once again in Shibuya and comes face to face with Megumi he asks him a simple question.
What's your name?
And when Megumi replied with Fushiguro instead of Zenin I'm sure that that made Toji feel happy and relieved.
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All of this of course doesn't excuse any of his actions but it certainly explains them.
And all of his actions had some effect on the story.
Toji is an important part of the plot
Before he even appears in the anime, Toji has already made his impact. He was considered an anomaly and his mere existence was bound to affect the story in some way.
There were so many moments where we see how he affected it.
By almost killing Gojo, he made him realise his full potential and become the strongest.
By killing Riko Amanai, he caused Geto's spiral and existential crisis leading him to leave Jujutsu High and become a villain, only to later die and have his body used by Kenjaku for his big plan.
By killing Riko Amanai, he also stopped the merging with Master Tengen, something that had massive consequences and would be taken advantage of by Kenjaku in the future.
By telling Gojo about Megumi, he caused Gojo to take him under his protection, training him and raising him with much more care that the Zenin family ever would.
All of these moments are vital.
All of them caused by him.
Toji was an important piece to the whole puzzle of this story and without him Jujutsu Kaisen would not be complete.
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And just like that, we have reached the end.
Once again I'd like to say that you can believe whatever you want about Toji but simply reducing him to just an attractive character is a bit of a disservice to him, no?
Apologies for the chaotic writing I have way too many thoughts and can't articulate them properly.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far <3
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Congress is attempting to quietly, deceitfully sneak in a raft of authoritarian new laws targeting ordinary Americans in the fine print of the “TikTok ban bill”, while telling the public the bill is about China.
Since then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously admitted, “We have to pass the [health care] bill, so you can find out what’s in it,” I’ve harbored doubts about any law passed by our politicians.
Unfortunately, we have seen time and time again that laws passed by politicians have unintended or even intentional consequences. For instance, the Covid Relief Act (CARES) funds failed to reach their intended recipients, and the term “pork” is used to joke about the questionable use of public funds. Let’s face it, new laws rarely achieve their stated goals.
Enter: The TikTok Ban Bill, also known as “The RESTRICT Act.”
(There are two TikTok ban bills however, the White House supports the RESTRICT Act, so do both Democrats and Republicans).
Outkick reports: We all know the backstory, TikTok is owned by the Chinese-backed ByteDance company. There are concerns – some very legitimate, that China is stockpiling American’s data and grabbing all sorts of information that they can utilize later. Congressional hearings last week grilled TikTok’s CEO and it seems that they are hellbent on banning the app – and more.
(Side note: Remember when Parler was banned in the Apple store and Google Store? Why doesn’t Big Tech just do that here if TikTok is such a threat? Makes one think…)
The RESTRICT Act law would grant the White House, through the Commerce Department, the ability to go after anyone and any company that they they deem a security risk. The invoked mitigation powers are far-reaching, including the ability for the Commerce Department to ban not just social media apps, but also “gaming applications and payment applications.”
Yes, they can ban video games and video game companies.
Yes, “payment applications” means the Department of Commerce, through the Tik Tok Ban Bill, may have the power to go after [and shut down] your cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.
The bill continually refers to the ability to ban “past, present, AND FUTURE [emphasis added] transactions.”
A transaction, as the Libertarian Party caucus explains, is pretty much anything. Notice how it goes from “covered entities” which is based on foreign – and the peculiar worded “non-evasion” section C of the bill which allows much more authority.
Ladies and gentlemen, you just gave up your individual sovereignty to an unelected Department of Commerce.
The RESTRICT Act is being sold to the American people as a ban on TikTok, so of course the bill has plenty of focus on “Foreign Adversaries,” and “Foreign Individuals,” because hey, they’re the bad guys.
But it’s important to connect the dots my friends.
Under the Patriot Act, a “Foreign Individual,” can also include U.S. citizens!
“…I thought this was supposed to be just about stopping China, ByteDance and TikTok though?”
And do you want to know what may be even the MOST troubling?
You can’t use a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to find out what and when the unchecked power was used.
Our elected representatives just sold us all out.
Folks, we still can’t even get the government to release the JFK Assassination records.
Medical professionals and investigative reporters are trying to use the FOIA to find out what Pfizer, Moderna and the CDC knew about Covid-19.
FOIA is important, very important.
The entire read through and explanation of the RESTRICT Act is fascinating in the most horrific sense.
I urge you to read through it here and on this Twitter thread:
The RESTRICT Act has bipartisan support on both sides of the political aisle. Democratic Senator Mark Warner, who authored the Bill told CBS’s Face the Nation that: “We would give the secretary of commerce the tools to ban, to force a sale.”
The Biden White House supports it, saying it is “a systematic framework for addressing technology-based threats to the security and safety of Americans.”
The restriction of rights in the name of “safety” can go down a slippery-slope very fast. We aren’t Canada, but remember what happened to the truck protesters there? The government literally paused all transactions from their personal bank accounts.
But we don’t have to go to Canada, just look at what the government did under the guise of “safety,” and “protecting the people,” over the last three years. Mandates, mandates, mandates. People losing their jobs, people losing their small businesses, people losing their freedom.
If Congress wants to “ban TikTok” then how about you… just… ban… TikTok.
Be afraid of what you wish for.
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harlowsbby · 7 months
Traditions With U
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“What’s the budget?” You asked Jack as the two of you arrived to Target.
“Hmm I’d say under $100 and we’ll meet back here in about twenty minutes?” He said and you nodded. “I’ll see you in twenty minutes, make sure you get me something good!” You told him.
“You know I will babe, come on Phoenix.” Jack and Phoenix headed in their own direction while You and Venus headed into the opposite direction.
You saw online that a few couples were making one another thankful baskets for Thanksgiving, a thankful basket is a basket filled with lots of things that remind you of your partner.
Phoenix and Venus decided to tag along with Jack and You to try and help the two of you as much as they can.
“How about this Phoenix? Do you think she’ll like this?” Jack asked Phoenix as he held up a stuffed animal that was a turkey. “No Uncle Jack that’s very ugly.” Phoenix told him.
Jack looked at him in disbelief because Jack thought that the Turkey was actually really cute.
“You have to find things that remind you of Aunt Y/N and I don’t think she’d like the fact that you compared her to a Turkey.” Phoenix stated.
Even though Phoenix was only 9 he was actually really clever for his age. It’s something he had gotten from Urban.
“How about we start with body washes? Doesn’t she like stocking up on them?”
“That’s actually a really good idea let’s head over that way.” Phoenix rolled his eyes. “Of course it’s a good idea I’m the one that though of it.”
Jack grabbed a few body washes that always reminded him of you, along with some face mask since you loved a good face mask.
“What about we get some candy?” Phoenix nodded his head. “That sounds good.”
Jack tossed in a few of your favorite candies into the basket and continued to shop around the store.
“We definitely need to get him this.” You told Venus as you held up a 24 pack of gum, some mornings Jack’s breath honestly should’ve been classified as a weapon.
“Definitely my daddy says that Uncle Jack’s breath stinks bad in the morning!” Venus stated and the two of you laughed.
“What else should we get him?”
You browsed around the clothing aisles and spotted a pair of matching Christmas pajamas even though it wasn’t anywhere near Christmas you wanted to get them, you even got a pair for Venus and Phoenix.
“How about some video games?” She suggested. “That’s a good idea Venus.”
You didn’t really know much about video games or what games Jack already had or didn’t have so you just picked a few that looked interesting.
“Wait! What about these?” You grinned at the pair of grinch themed underwear, you were almost certain Jack wasn’t going to wear them but you figured it would be funny to see his reaction.
“Yes get those!” Venus laughed as you tossed the underwear into the basket.
After getting a few more things the two of you went and paid for everything in your carts, when you all got back home Jack sat in the living room and made up his basket while you sat in the kitchen.
“Babe! Are you almost done.” Jack yelled out. “I’m done I’m coming to the living room.” You told him.
You grabbed your basket and made your way to the living room where Jack sat with Phoenix. “Wow you went all out.” He said and inspected the big blue basket that had a bunch of treats sticking out.
“I can say the same about you.” You handed him the basket you made for him and he handed you his basket he made.
“Oh wait I’ll be right back.” Jack went back upstairs and came down with two baskets you both made for the kids which they loved.
While Phoenix and Venus were occupied with the toys they had just received Jack and You were both opening your baskets.
“You got me my favorite body wash and candy.” You licked your lips at the bag of chocolate. He even got you a few candles and a few matching sets he saw that were going viral on tik tok.
“How did you know about these?” You questioned him. “You cheating on me? You got another women on the side?” You joked.
“What? No you know I only want you, I’m not dumb baby, but do you like everything?” He nervously asked. “I love everything, now open your basket.”
You grinned as he removed the tissue paper slowly and revealed everything that was in the basket.
You had gotten him the video games, a new soccer ball, the matching pajamas, house slippers and his favorite sun chips.
You even managed to make a Turkey out of your hand like you use to do back in Elementary School.
“Babe.” He laughed. “This is so cute.” He grinned. You smiled. “Yeah? You like it?” He smiled and nodded. “I love it thank you baby.”
He smiled and leaned into you and pressed a kiss to your lips to which you returned. “But I do have one question?” He asked.
“What is it?” He reached into the basket and pulled out a pack the 24 pack of gum.
“Why did you give me so much gum?” You couldn’t help but to burst into a fit of laughter along with Phoenix and Venus.
“It’s because you have the worse morning breath literally sometimes I feel like you’re going to knock me out in the mornings.”
Jack rolled his eyes playfully. “You know what since you wanna be rude I’m not talking to you.” He stood up and made his way into the kitchen.
“Jack, I’m joking!” You laughed. “Come back!”
Eventually Jack ended up coming back and the four of you spent the rest of the night together watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving together.
Towards the middle of the movie the kids ended up falling asleep, leaving Jack and You to be the only ones awake.
“Babe?” Jack asked. “Yes Jack?”
“I noticed you had gotten me a pair of grinch themed pajama earlier.” You laughed. “Oh yeah? Did you like them? I thought they were funny.”
“Oh I love ‘em but I was trying to see if you wanted to see how they looked like on and maybe what they look like off.” He whispered and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Jack, you’re the silliest person I know.” You laughed. “But you love me though.”
“That I do.” And you did love him and you were excited that the two of you had started a new tradition that would happen every year.
(I honestly struggled with this 💀😭 I couldn’t really think of anything Thanksgiving themed but I hope you still all enjoy it! 💘)
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maruke2003 · 2 years
Yet another idiotic James Potter Stan on tik tok. This one has claimed that James and Sirius were much like the Weasley twins because they "bullied students" 🙄.
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James and Sirius canonicaly hexed students on a whim. Not just Snape, he was their main target yes but he wasn't the only one. Lily herself claimed that James hexed people in the hallways.
"stfu Snape was not a good person, let's not forget he joined a cult because HE WANTED TO nobody forced him"
Snape was a good person, not a nice person, let me just say that. Yes Snape joined the death eaters because he wanted to. But what were the circumstances? Someone doesn't just be like "oh I'm going to join a murderous cult that thinks people of my blood status or similar are dirt at the bottom of their boots." Like girl, no one does that. Snape was a half-blood, he was technically a mudblood as well. Snape could have very well been brainwashed to some degree by his housemates, or having heard the same arguments over and over and over again he probably started to believe it. The same with hearing the word mudblood being used. Snape is a product of his environment.
"the marauders were fun"
Okay maybe they were, maybe they genuinely played actual pranks instead of just "pranking" one student and tormenting him so badly that people find it funny when he gets flipped upside down and has his underwear put on full display. They find that fun, so I wouldn't really describe them as fun. Their fun came at the expense of someone else.
"that's no excuse"
They tell me this after I said that Snape joined the death eaters after Hogwarts and on top of that Sirius himself didn't even know Snape was marked until Snape revealed his mark to Fudge after Voldemort's revival.
You can't use "oh but he was a blood supremacist death eater scum incel" like no. Even if he was that doesn't give you the right to constantly torment him so bad that he has to create spells to defend himself. Spells let me tell you that can kill.
"They were enemies"
Okay I'll give you that, to some degree. They did hate each other. Snape had a valid reason, James's reason was because Snape existed. That's not a real reason tbh.
"Pete (Peter) and Remus didn't even do anything. It was James and Sirius"
Remus was a prefect in his fifth year. A prefects job is to interfere when bullying happens, make sure the students are following rules etc. Remus stood by and watched James and Sirius torment Snape up to the point that whenever Snape sees them coming his way he's whipping his wand out in self defense. That's a trauma response, it's similar to how someone would lift their hands up to shield their face (awaiting a blow to the head or something similar). Peter also stood by and watched, we don't know much about how he was within the group but he enjoyed watching James and Sirius tormenting Snape he wouldn't have done anything to stop it either.
"it's not like Snape didn't hex back"
I would hex back to if someone was targetting me for no reason. Someone hits me I hit back. It's just how it goes. He's defending himself. Like defending one's self doesn't make them evil.
"Remus wasn't the only prefect"
No but his friends would listen to him. And it's not like the other prefects would have wanted to get involved. Remember you saying people thought it was fun? Yeah prefects involved.
"if Snape was simply nice"
I believe when Snape was younger he was nice. He was still young and innocent and Lily liked him enough then. (Tho Lily also ended up befriending the marauders and marrying his tormentor so maybe she doesn't have the best judgement.) But it's not like they even gave him the chance to be nice. Snape mentioned wanting to be in Slytheirn and right away James's bias came out, even when Sirius mentioned that his entire family has always been in Slytheirn. I wholeheartedly believe that if Sirius had been sorted into Slytherin that James would have targetted him as well. That is if he had targetted and tormented them. I mean maybe not if Sirius ended up still tormenting Snape.
Also why is it only upon Snape to have been nicer. Why not James and Sirius, and don't give me that bs claim that they were already nice. Sure they were nice to their friends but not the people they target.
They went on to ask me not to call them a girl. I use "girl!!?!" As an emphasis in general just putting that out there. They then went on to call James & Sirius vs Snape a rivarly.
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I'm definitely not going into the whole "it was a rivalry" thing. Like google is free. Go learn the definition before you spew bullshit.. even more then you already have.
"We only saw things from Snape's pov"
And we also hear things from Sirius and Remus, who were two of James's closest friends. Changing POVs doesn't change what happened. It just changes the lense you see it through. Harry himself was a biased narrator so when Harry thinks Snape is evil and that Snape should die the readers (normally) think that as well. Like Harry, Sirius and Remus are biased towards James just like Snape is biased against Gryffindors and James/Harry.
Sirius claimed that SWM was fun, he showed no remorse for what had happened and both Remus and Sirius defended James's actions despite it being an unprovoked attack.
We also never saw the full memory.
"we never saw what happened before that"
I mean I'm guessing you're still talking about SWM, but we do, we do see the entire thing. From the ending of their OWL test to when they went outside. We saw it all. Sirius was bored and Snape was just sitting there. James went up completely unprovoked.
The fact that they believe SWM was a provoked attack says a lot. We also have no idea how it ended because Snape pulled Harry out of his pensive. James Potter could have well taken off Snapes underwear and NO ONE would have stopped him.
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After that last comment they just responded with "whatever helps you sleep at night" which normally when they don't want to continue arguing means they've got nothing left to say. So, yeah, that just happens.
Also this post is much longer then I was expecting it to be
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saleintothe90s · 7 months
489. General Foods International Coffee
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(eBay seller dreamofthepast)
We all know thee lil cans. Some of them were probably out first forays into coffee, maybe our mom let us have some instead of hot cocoa on a cold day. No wait, this seems more like a drink your Aunt Patty n Selma would have at their house and drink every day. She let you have some to feel grown up.
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Or maybe you shared a cup with your new Gothy roommate in the 80s?
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Even the boys who played football enjoyed it!
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and just maybe you sipped French Vanilla Cafe with your friends and joked "who was that waiter's name in Paris?" "JEAN-LUC!" like in the commercial. (yes I'm aware of the Mad TV bit)
Although in an article about annoying commercials that ran in the Rocky Mountain News in 1992, reader Dennis Lancaster said of the ad: "The ad that really bugs the heck out of me is that General Foods International Coffee ads with the two ladies there and the French cafe coffee or whatever it is. I wish they'd have stayed in France." 1
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lil samples of Irish Cream Cafe was given out at Black Friday one year at Target!
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I noticed that General Foods would advertise their instant coffee a lot in college newspapers in the 1980s.
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See, even Corky on Murphy Brown dank it.
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Before we had frappuchinos, there would always be the same recipe every year for a frozen or a cold coffee drink, just with a different flavor each year, it seemed.
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(eBay seller dreamofthepast)
See what I mean?
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In the late 90s, they came out with the Cappuccino Coolers drinks, which I adored back then. It was powder that you mixed with milk -- so yeah, gotta be near the bathroom when drinking those. Maxwell House just discontinued these this year. By then they were called iced lattes.
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My all time GOAT when I was a teenager however was the Kahula flavor. I miss it every day.
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Anybody remember the variety packs? They were like, half a serving! Enough for a mouse! The Suisse Mocha design always reminds me of the Murder She Wrote logo.
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General Foods International Coffee debuted in 1973 with these three flavors. Looks like Cafe Au Lait became Cafe Francais shortly after. You walk into the store today, and guess who is still there almost every time:
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(Maxwell House took over around 2011)
I bought all three flavors in the last month and yup they all taste a lil watery. Maybe 'cuz we're just used to stronger coffee in 2023.
Maxwell House International Coffee Still Missing General Foods, Jean Luc
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ABBOTT, KAREN. "'FEMININE' PRODUCTS SPARK MAJORIOTY OF READER CALLS." Rocky Mountain News (CO), March 12, 1992: NewsBank: Access World News. https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/document-view? p=AWNB&docref=news/0EB4D9FC6ACBBE66.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Twitter is wild
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People who say shit like this don't get censored because they are gross.
(Small little rant under the readmore. Please feel free to ignore it, it's angry, sleepy little 1am me fighting my demons)
There's a line. Yall know that if there was ever a relationship between vince and shawn that would be considered abuse of power and basically grooming right? That would make Shawn a victim.
The rumours bret hart himself played into by saying in a promo how Shawn barebacked his way to the top btw.
And don't give me that 'oh he might of been the one to suggest it' it still makes him a victim. If Shawn was a girl, you'd all see that. (And by all I mean twitter. I just don't like posting there. This is a attack on twitter. I love you guys on tumblr, don't hurt me.)
I just always get comments about this stuff and it grosses me out. Yeah, there's some that are funny and clearly a joke, like one on a promo vince and shawn did in a lockeroom, I can't remember the comment but I think I posted it in a photo dump. It was clearly a joke. But then you have guys like this (and trust me his responses prove he's not joking) who genuinely believe the rumours and like to spread it about and then include the new generation and imply they do the same. (Which also doesn't make sense because roman technically works for hunter. Not Shawn. But whatever floats your boat)
It's sexual harassment for one, if it was a woman that was targeted at twitter would understand that more.
It just annoys me. I can take a joke about it yes but some people genuinely believe it and then trick others into it aswell.
Also I can grantees rn that if Shawn came out tomorrow and said, yes vince and me did sleep together, everyone would take the piss out of him and rip him a new one on twitter instead of understanding how fucked up that would be.
And no not because its gay. Hello, have you met me?
Sorry. I don't know why I got all angry all a sudden.
I apologise. I am posting this still at 1am only because its generally something that bothers me, especially when people comment it on my tik toks.
Ship vince and shawn if you want, weird but alright, but that is kayfabe. Mr mcmahon and hbk. Don't make light of those fucked up, none kayfabe; real world, rumours that Shawn had to sleep his way to the top. And lets not start more of these rumours with the new generation, cmon I thought we as wrestling fans were better than that atleast.
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