#yes this is about anakin skywalker and obi wan kenobi
gretchenzellerbarnes · 8 months
your pathetic little meow meow is either virginal. purer than the driven snow or the sluttiest slut to ever slut. there is no inbetween.
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oh-biwan · 1 month
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magnusbae · 7 months
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pardon Anakin but—what?
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bbygirl-obi · 1 year
obi-wan: oh force, look at the time. i have to get back to the temple before anakin realizes i'm gone.
anakin, waking up back at the temple: obi-wan? obi-wan???? OBI-WAAAAAAAN!
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liltaireissocute · 1 year
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cure for nightmares
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desdinovas · 2 years
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star wars + text posts
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elivanto · 2 years
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malewife-saber · 2 years
family don’t end with blood, boy
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bluevelvt · 11 months
obikin where a good handful of padawans end up having a small crush on their master in the way of having a crush on a hot teacher where you know it can’t really go anywhere but it’s still there, anakin is one such padawan
obi-wan is somewhat aware of this, he’s not oblivious and he was once a padawan and there were definitely “who has the hottest master” talks with other teenage padawans, so he’s not judging anakin for being a little too into sparring matches where obi-wan ends up pinning him to the ground
he has also known his padawan would be and is attaractive, but it has always been in the context of “that girl we met on our mission was clearly flirting with you” and similar sorts of teasing
once the aotc kicks off and anakin reunites with padmé, he’s thinking “this could be an absolute disaster, but i really like her and i can actually be with her” and the he has crush on obi-wan fades away
skip ahead to anakin being knighted, where he is no longer obi-wan’s padawan but his equal, his brother as obi-wan says
this changes things, as much of the resentment(? don’t know how to best describe it) anakin had towards obi-wan is gone and obi-wan feels like he can truly be friends with anakin now that he doesn’t have to be his master and guide him
their bond becomes much closer and after anakin has his lada wan braid cut, grows his hair out, and starts looking like a jedi knight and not a padawan, the way obi-wan acknowledged that anakin is objectively handsome has changed into a much more subjective “fuck, he is really attractive”
and obi-wan just starts noticing more things about anakin that he found charming in him before but now it’s in a different manner and he feels like a silly teenage padawan with a crush now and not anakin
anakin has had a similar kind of realisation, where the things he loves about obi-wan haven’t really changed and has only grown to appreciate more and certain things he didn’t like before have started to grow on him now that they are equals in their relationship and he was still going to think obi-wan is hot no matter what
eventually, the crush he had on obi-wan starts to pop back up, even stronger this time and unlike before where obi-wan was unattainable, it’s slightly more possible that anakin could actually be with him
so they’re left both secretly crushing on each other, feeling like their sixteen again and trying to avoid thinking about it but hey… they’ve been a somewhat unusual pair with a very close bond so maybe, just maybe, something could happen
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goddessofroyalty · 1 year
watching all your obianidala content has made me have the biggest idea.
obianidala omegaverse with omega obi and padme and alpha anakin, padme is pregnant and so is obi, the only difference is that padme is several months ahead and no one knows of obi wan's pregnancy except himself.
palpatine causes an accident that causes padme to get hurt but not die and due to a misunderstanding making everyone think that was obi the one that caused the accident.
So obi runs away, pregnant with twin boys ( cal kestis and ezra bridger, i need them as luke and leia's simblings )
Obi Wan and Padme are both probably the biggest obstacles to Palpatine getting and maintaining control over anakinn. And there's really only two ways to deal with them - either infantalise them to the point in Anakin's head where he stops listening to them and effectively cages them n oder to 'protect' them or remove them from the equation through death or turning Anakin against them.
I do think he starts with planning to kill them both annd then falls back on others when that doesn't work.
So Padme was supposed to die and Palpatine probalby planned for Anakin to kill Obi Wan in response to that. So the piecse are already in place for it to look like Obi Wan is the cause.
So when Padme's only severely injured not killed Palpatine goes to Plan B of getting Anakin protective of her past the point of listening to her. He still probably planned on getting Anakin to kill Obi Wan but Obi wan flees before he ets the chance for Anakin to really think of anything other than getting Padme (and the babies in her) safe and stable.
Honestly though two sets of twins born at a very similar time would have been A Lot for them, even with three parents involved. Which, I mean, one set of twins is going to be A Lot for Obi Wan to handle by himself. Especially a set of force-sensative twisn (whcih is the same even in verses where he raises Luke and Leia by himself).
I wonder where Obi Wan would go. They're still Anakin's kids he's carrying so he could go to Tatooine and the Lars. But he also has other connections and honestly I like the idea of the boys getting their surnames because of the people Obi Wan turned to for support (Bridger possibly being a reference to Brigadier - a military rank). So maybe he doesn't go to Tatooine or maybe he does but brings with him some people who don't believe he would harm Padme and are petty sure this is all a frame up.
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tennessoui · 2 years
I feel like this is a big ask, but 1. welcome back! 2. can you ever see KUWSK going angsty? Not permanently or anything, but what would a KUWSK obikin disagreement look like?
yes thank you for welcoming me back a month and a half ago i'm a bit trash to be so late on this but!! here is about 2k of a more serious fight between anakin and obi-wan.
“You’re talking to your ex,” Anakin says. It’s the tone of voice he uses on work calls when he’s absolutely furious but trying to remain professional. Obi-Wan has never heard it directed at him before. He almost doesn’t recognize it. 
“Casually,” he stresses. “We’re…casually speaking.”
“Casually,” Anakin echoes in that same voice. Obi-Wan is starting to think he’s done something incredibly wrong. 
“She messaged me,” he stresses, feeling as if this is an important fact. “I didn’t reach out to her.”
“But you reached back!” Anakin says loudly, putting the spoon on its rest a touch too forcefully. “And then you didn’t even tell me!”
“I thought it was a non-issue!” Obi-Wan protests. “I don’t tell you when I talk to the woman at the supermarket checkout line!”
“Keep Francesca out of this,” Anakin cuts through the air with the side of his hand as he spins around to open their spice cabinet. “You know full well that’s different.”
“She flirts with me at the store, and you’re fine with it!” Obi-Wan quite completely feels like tearing out his hair. He can’t believe they’re having this conversation. He can’t believe his own fortune, that he’d pulled up a picture mid-playful argument with Anakin over what the twins had dressed as for Halloween when they were five, and he’d shown it to his partner at the exact moment that Satine ex-Kenobi had texted him, replying to something he'd sent a week ago.
That had pretty much ended the playful part of their argument.
“Yeah, and it’s not the fucking same, Obi-Wan,” Anakin responds, shaking a bit of salt aggressively into the stew. “You were never fucking married to fucking Francesca.”
“And by the way,” Anakin snaps, trading the salt for cayenne pepper and seasoning it liberally. “Implying that your ex-wife is also flirting with you over texts you did not tell me about is not the best strategy, Professor.”
The worst part is that he’s not even looking at him anymore, scowling instead into the contents of the heavy pot.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan tries, because he’s not listening, he’s just reacting. Of course Obi-Wan knows Francesca and Satine aren’t really the same thing, but they mean the same thing to him. One slips him free red bell peppers sometimes by ringing them up as green ones with a wink and a quirk of her lips. The other is his ex-wife.
But neither of them is Anakin, and so they mean the same thing to him. He doesn’t love them. He can’t even pay them the slightest modicum of his attention, because he’s too wrapped up in and around and going crazy over this man who’s petty enough to have absolutely just ruined Obi-Wan’s dinner on purpose by adding too much spice to the stew Obi-Wan had requested.
“Anakin, I think we need to take a step back from this,” he finally gets out when his partner is distracted by opening and closing the cabinet doors, ostensibly looking for the bowls even though he’d been the one to reorganize the dishes in the first place, years ago, and he’s never not known where something is.
“I think I’m going to sleep in my room tonight,” Anakin replies in an icy voice. “I think you might be right.”
“What? Darling, no—Anakin, love, it’s—casual cannot even come close to describing the texts, you can read them if you want, there’s nothing there—“
“Daddy? Obi?” Luke asks from the kitchen doorway. He’s peering around it, little face looking horrified. Obi-Wan freezes. How loud had they been? Luke and Leia are seven now, they remember these things, they have questions—“Is dinner ready? Obi?”
Leia’s face joins the same pale ghost of her brother’s, and Obi-Wan feels awful. Absolutely terrible, but the sort of terrible he doesn’t know what to do with. The twins heard them arguing, they were practically shouting at each other, Anakin is planning to sleep in a different room, Anakin didn’t even call it a guest room, he called it his room even though they’ve been together for—for a year and a bit now—and isn’t that devastating? My room, Anakin had said. Does he not understand everything Obi-Wan owns is his as well? Does he…does he not want it?
“Almost,” Anakin replies. He sounds so forcefully happy that it’s manic. It comes across much too fake, and Obi-Wan can feel the way Luke immediately distrusts the word, the expression. “I just realized I forgot something at the store though! We need bread! We can’t have the stew without bread.” 
Anakin nods once to himself as he says this, shooting Obi-Wan a very quick glance before his eyes snag on the phone on the counter between them and he looks away as if incredibly pained, hands ghosting down to the pockets of his jeans to check for his keys.
Obi-Wan thinks it would really actually kill a part of him to watch Anakin drive away on his bike right now. Not to mention the twins.
Oh, the twins. 
This had been why they were so hesitant in the first place, to bite the bullet, to kiss and mean it and remember it and lean in again. Their relationship affects the twins, and as much as Obi-Wan loves Anakin, he’d been so worried about even accidentally causing the kids distress. 
He thinks seeing their father leave when they can tell something is wrong would be devastating.
“I’ll go,” Obi-Wan says, putting a hand flat on the counter, pocketing the phone, and fighting the urge to glare at Anakin because the other man should know—should think—but this Anakin is almost a stranger to him, all clenched jaw and shaking hands and it’s just a text—it sort of makes him mad as well, angry that it hurts so much, that Anakin doesn’t trust him. They’ve known each other going on three years, their entire lives were intertwined almost immediately. “Give me the keys.”
“Yeah, right,” Anakin scoffs, shoulders tense and unyielding. “To the bike?”
“No, dumb—” he cuts himself off because he’s too old to be namecalling, especially around little ears. “The keys to the car are behind you. On their hook. Can you hand them to me?”  He doesn’t think he should get within a few feet of Anakin right now. Not for fear of violence–either from him or from his partner—but because it just—it doesn’t seem like a good idea. Not when they need bread.
“Should I leave my phone?” He can’t help but ask acidly. 
“I don’t know,” Anakin shoots back with deadly accuracy, slinging the keys across the countertop hard enough that they spin out of control and Obi-Wan has to stoop to catch them “Should you?”
Obi-Wan turns and gets to the mouth of the kitchen without another word. He debates his actions, his emotions, for a second’s pause before he puts his phone on the countertop and sweeps out into the entryway and then just as quickly out of the house all together.
He can’t go far. The Skywalkers have made him incapable of it. He’ll go to the store. He’ll get Anakin his fucking bread, which really means he’ll give Anakin space to think, and he’ll take his own space to think, and then he’ll come back because it’s Anakin, it’s Anakin and it’s his family, and he thinks this is the stupidest fight in the entire goddamn world because doesn’t Anakin know how much he can’t love anyone else? Doesn’t he know that if Satine were to turn up on his doorstep tomorrow and ask for him to unsign the divorce papers, he wouldn’t even consider it?
Doesn’t he know—
“Obi?” Leia’s voice says at the same time there’s a hesitant tug on the edge of his shirt. He turns around and looks down at the girl. “Where are you going, Obi?”
“Your father wants bread for dinner,” he tells her. “So I’m going out to get bread. For dinner.”
“Oh,” Leia bites her lip before looking back behind her at the open door of the house. “Luke wants to know if you’re gonna come back, Obi.”
Since she turned seven, Leia has had trouble admitting when she wants to know something. She finds it so much easier to pretend she’s her brother’s spokesperson. “Daddy, Luke wants to know if the dog dies in the movie.” “Obi, Luke wants to know if we have to go to the barbecue, only cause Johnny is going to be there, and Luke really doesn’t like him.”
“Leia love,” Obi-Wan crouches down to look at her completely. “Of course I’m coming back. We need bread, darling.”
“I don’t want bread,” she snaps, sounding suddenly so very much like her father. “I want you.”
“Leia,” Obi-Wan pauses, smoothing his hand over the top of her hair carefully. He needs to soothe her, because he and Anakin had been so out of line earlier, fighting where the children could hear and now look what it’s done to them.
“Obi,” Luke trots out of the house before he can figure out what to say to her. “Obi, you should take this,” he holds something up and presses it into unresisting hands. “If daddy needs to keep your phone, you can have mine. Just in case you wanna talk to us while you’re gone.”
It’s the plastic, bulky flip phone that’d come in a kit of kid’s toys a Christmas ago. Smiley faces instead of buttons, but it made sounds when you hit it. Luke had been obsessed with it from the beginning.
Obi-Wan looks down at the phone and feels the very absurd urge to cry. “Loves,” he whispers, pulling Leia into his side. “Oh—”
He remembers thinking once when he’d just been given the Skywalkers, that first time he’d been asked to sit beside Luke’s bed until he fell asleep, that for children, love was about staying.
How can he possibly leave them now? When he loves them so much as well? When his love never grew out of that child’s wish for someone to stroke his hair as he dozed?
“Oh, alright, Luke, Leia,” he says, standing with only a bit of a wince because he’s getting so very old and Leia has thrown her arms around his neck unexpectedly so he rises with the weight of a child attached to him. “If your daddy wants bread, then let’s get him bread.”
“Road trip?” Leia asks with excitement.
“Better,” Obi-Wan promises, letting Luke grab onto his hand. “Science experiment.”
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magnusbae · 5 months
"surprise i have feelings and you just hurt them" is so good
Thank you anon-dearest! 🥰🥰🥰
As I was given free reign, and also was too unreasonable for self control—I didn't only write it way longer than it should have been (250w per prompt LOL) I also fully rewritten in afterwards :')
Obikin || 1,500w || Obi-Wan & Anakin formed a new Force Bond and Obi-Wan has to deal with an increase in Force Migraines poor man
“Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.” Anakin spits the words out angrily, punctuating each word with a sharp hand gesture.
There’s heat rolling off of him in waves, it’s a tangible thing in the Force to anyone who is even mildly attuned to it. Even small living organisms would try and stir clear from someone so prominent in the force while they’re emitting such waves of emotions. It’s unsettling to all who is untrained, unable to recognize where and why the thing they are sensing is coming from. To someone who had even just begun their training, this would be a deafening roar. As for Obi-Wan, who had happened to share a somewhat-training-but-not-bond with said individual…. It’s destructively overwhelming.
There’s a pulsing migraine building up at Obi-Wan’s temples, swiftly spreading in pulses of pain through his forehead and head, blearing his vision in a way that is usually reserved to extreme battle fatigue. Obi-Wan’s patience is not only thinned out, but fully gone by this point. The pain, and the previously failed mission do not help. Anakin’s need to prove himself had cost them an important battle and speaking of Anakin’s feelings is truly not the thing they should be concerned most with—
“I think it’s hardly a surprise Anakin” he hears himself say more than he actually thinks through the words, he hardly manages to care as much as he probably should given how violate Anakin anyways is. “You are, more than less, hammering them against the minds of anyone unfortunate enough to be within the standard hour distance from us.”
Anakin’s mouth snaps open, there’s blotchy redness across his cheeks, he seems to not find the words to describe precisely how angry Obi-Wan’s word just made him. Silencing Anakin would be a feat to be commended on a normal day, if only that was true for his Force Signature as well. A fresh wave of emotions crush against his battered shields, straining them beyond their capacity.
The moment he feels the first crack run through, is the same moment they collapse completely.
Anger, hurt, betrayal, and…
Obi-Wan’s mind is momentarily blinded by the whirlpool of emotions washing over and sucking his own mind in. There’s too much of it, all at once, all different. The indignant anger, the vulnerable hurt, the deep sense of being abandoned and uncared for, the—
Obi-Wan whimpers silently. It’s a sharp exhale more than anything, yet it’s more than enough to alert Anakin. He might have found it endearing, how quickly Anakin’s attention had shifted from himself to him, if not for the crushing wave of new emotions, even more absolute in their intensity.
Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, confusion, fear, worry—
Obi-Wan feels like he might lose his mind within them.
“Stop,” he snaps at same time as Anakin had reached out for him. The boy pulls his hand away as if hit. Obi-Wan should care for this, care for how he feels more than how he himself feels at the moment….
Hurt, confusion, anger, hurt— anxiety, fear— fear—
Anakin’s emotions spiral into a deeper, more violent vortex of darkness, a never ending cycle, one emotion swallowing the tail of its predecessor, being reborn into the next one, each time bigger, stronger.
Oh Force. Obi-Wan thinks in desperation.This is too much.
“Master?” Anakin’s Force Signature is dripping fear, there’s an urgency to it that centers Obi-Wan enough to realize, with great shame, that his own pain started bleeding through their not-quite-training-bond— or…Force Bond, if he was honest enough. Call a Bantha a Bantha.
“Master, what is wrong, why are you…?” he reaches for him again, stopping quickly and retrieving his hand away. Anakin opening and closing his fist draws Obi-Wan’s attention. He looks like he’s about to blow up, and that, Obi-Wan knows, is something that would certainly echo even louder in the Force.
“Anakin please,” he reaches out to him, despite the inherent risk of touch increasing the intensity of the Bond. He must balance the boy long enough to give himself the opportunity to gather his shields into anything resembling those of a Jedi Master. That, or leave. He is not pained enough to be that cruel. Doesn’t ever plan to be. He braces himself instead.
“Dear One,” his knuckles touch Anakin’s cheek briefly, the word of endearment is strained, forced to some degree. It’s the one that never fails to get a reaction, uncover a meeker, more gentle side of Anakin. “You are deafening me” he gives the Bond a light, barely there nudge.
Anakin jumps at that as if zapped. Eyes wide, his face shifts through a number of complex thoughts, faster than what could register or broadcast emotionally through the Bond.
Suddenly, the storm is gone. What Anakin calls shields and Obi-Wan chides as only a suggestion of such is now a durasteel tight and not leaking anywhere. The silence that follows is deafening in its own right. He has to muffle the groan of relief, not wanting to rile Anakin again
“Thank you.” Obi-Wan smiles, pained. He knows that the migraine will only worsen now that it was set off, he still can appreciate not being radiated by a small sun through it, though.
“Excellent shielding, Padawan.” He sounds sarcastic even to his ears, even though he doesn’t mean to be. Anakin doesn’t react to it, looking more troubled than angry now, a deep crease between his eyebrows.
“I’m…” Anakin bite his lower lip, still fuller than most despite him well and truly out of his teenage years. Obi-Wan should not be noticing those things. “I didn’t mean to…” his cheeks are darker now, he looks ashamed. The aftertaste of Anakin’s emotion’s linger in Obi-Wan’s mind. Guilt. The last clear emotion Obi-Wan managed to decipher. Guilt for hurting him.
“I know.” Obi-Wan says curtly, he hopes that not unkindly. “I’d appreciate it if we could discuss the matter when I’m a little less…” he gestures at himself with what he hopes is the appropriate amount of self deprecation. There’s many reasons for Anakin’s lack of control, not all are good, but he still is a knight, still is learning.
There’s not a single good excuse for his own lack of mastery of himself.
“Obi-Wan, the Bond—” Anakin starts, disregarding Obi-Wan’s request in favor of what to his mind, is no bound far more urgent. The Bond. It had taken months for Obi-Wan to notice, the budding start of something new, growing in a different place than the long severed training Bond, developing over the months spent on joint missions on this endless war.
It seems that, as Obi-Wan had suspected, Anakin had managed to miss it out entirely.
“Not now, Anakin.” Obi-Wan’s voice sharpens, he should feel more guilt for the way Anakin’s shoulders jump up and tense.
“Fine, whatever…” Anakin mutters, looking away, glancing back and then away again. “Feel better.” He says with more hesitation than such a simple wish should warrant for. This time, Obi-Wan feels the full extent of guilt. He was too strict with him, those past few months were strained beyond what either one of them had wanted. He needs to speak with him, properly, make amends, properly.
Not now though, not while his head is splitting into two and his Force Signature is shaking after Anakin ground it so relentlessly. Knowing that Anakin didn’t mean to, doesn’t change the reality of things, his Force Signature can be downright oppressive if left unchecked. It’s not so felt when he himself is in the state for proper shields, however the repeated missions, the lack of sleep and the loss of the recent planet… were factors that are hard to ignore.
He needs to rest. He needs to meditate. Then he’ll be fine.
Obi-Wan refuses to acknowledge, even now, that what would bring the most immediate relief would be severing the Bond. Today showcased just how dangerous it is, how out of control it is, how out of Obi-Wan’s control it is. It all makes sense, any one following logic would have done it. A bond developed without their conscious choice in the matter, one that is not appreciate for Jedi to have.
The only thing that makes sense, is to end it. Yet this is the only thing that Obi-Wan will not do, is unwilling to do. He will not severe another Bond with Anakin. The consequences of the first time still too fresh in his own mind. Both for their relationship and…himself.
“Thank you, Anakin.” he says politely, hoping that he looks more collected than what he feels like. He refuses to think of this further for today. Giving Anakin the barest of hand waves, he turns and walks off.
He needs to rest. He needs to meditate. Then, he’ll be fine…
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allanalightwood · 10 months
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bbygirl-obi · 1 year
obi-wan, drunk out of his mind: i don't know who you are, but my partner anakin is going to be quite cross when he finds out you've kidnapped me. and when he's cross he can get rather, ah, stabby, which will not bode well for you.
anakin, just trying to carry him back to his rooms: oh your partner is definitely going to stab someone.
obi-wan: i'm not sure you understand how much danger you are in, my friend. i'm talking about anakin skywalker, the jedi knight, the hero with no fear, the chosen one-
anakin, rolling his eyes: yeah, i've heard of him.
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r-2-peepoo · 1 year
“Anakin would’ve been better with Qui Gon as a master.”
The same Qui Gon who allowed Obi Wan to reach such a level of insecurity that he ran away and ended up on a distant planet and considered staying there and leaving the Order entirely because he was so sure his master had left him and never wanted him in the first place? Qui Gon was so withholding with his emotions/affection that the very second he isn’t where he told Obi Wan he would be, Obi Wan assumes he’s abandoned him. I don’t know about anyone else, but if that was my Padawan’s first thought after not being able to find me, I’d probably realise I’d failed to create an healthy environment for them to grow and express themselves in, which is precisely what Anakin needed. (This is from Padawan by Kiersten White, a canon novel.)
There are so many examples of Obi Wan communicating openly with Anakin and praising him in canon and in legends. That is already proof of him breaking the cycle of poor communication, even if he didn’t nail it every time. He may not be a perfect person (none of the characters are, intentionally so) but he is a better master than Qui Gon would be. He’s also inherently kind which is something that Anakin would have really needed.
I know the fanon interpretation of Qui Gon is that he’s free spirited and would’ve enabled all of Anakin’s behaviour but basically every example of him actually being a master directly contradicts that. Obi Wan was the best match for Anakin, even if their beginnings were rocky (when Obi Wan was juggling his grief with becoming a Jedi Knight and raising a child might I add) and Anakin, before he fell, would be the first person to say so.
(This is surprisingly not Qui Gon slander. He’s a flawed person just like Obi Wan and Anakin. He did the best he knew how to do with Obi Wan and I can’t imagine having Dooku as a master was much easier. He just wouldn’t be a good match for Anakin and he kinda messed Obi Wan up a little a lot.)
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
one of my mutuals was on a real obitine kick a day or two ago and it inspired me to draw a scene from what is definitely gonna be my favorite chapter of book 2 in the Time Heals 'verse:
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"Mm-hm. So, Obi-Wan and the Duchess are totally flirting. Do you think I would cause a diplomatic incident if I yelled 'just kiss already?' Sabine, don't you dare hang up on me, this is an extremely important question!"
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