#yes anime and manga spoilers
scaredii-cat · 5 months
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Happy Dungeon Meshi Thursday!!! Have more images of the wife
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asukachii · 1 year
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"I have no idea what's going on... but the plant has completely stopped moving, and it looks like his breathing came to a standstill at the same time".
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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princeizuku · 18 days
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people really need to stop whining about this chapter bro. It was perfect. Y’all need to realize a lot of things here:
Tomura dying was him being saved. “not everyone can be saved”, “death is also a way to save someone” BOTH OF THESE WERE PROVED. In not just this chapter, but multiple. Like what the hell did you expect? Izuku to be like “you’re not evil🥺 you can be good🥺 join us, you can be a hero🥺” after he’s killed so many people and literally almost caused the end of the world?💀 this is NOT my little pony please 😭😭
The amount of people I have seen saying “deku didn’t save him, he’s not a hero” actually make me wanna rip out my brain because I wanna know what’s it like to be so fucking brainless. I don’t even wanna elaborate because WHAT.💀 ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW????? ARE WE READING THE SAME MANGA??? like damn just stfu atp PLS😭🙏
Horikoshi is a AMAZING author and creates so many fantastic and interesting characters in the show, ESPECIALLY with the main ones (whether hero or villain), I will die on that hill 🗣️
anyways cry about it, bc mha is and always will be PEAK 🫡
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Look, I don't care how you feel about this woman right here.
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teitomonogatari · 11 months
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top 10 usao scenes
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lovereadandwrite · 1 month
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timing is everything🗡️🎶
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chromatic-lamina · 6 months
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Mihawk to Buggy (conveyed by body language only):
Your clown aesthetic disturbs my equilibrium.
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Writer's Guide
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Headcanon : Where their Crime Writer! S/O asks a question ft Akutagawa, Atsushi, Ango Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.
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I still question how you made him like you back
All it took you to ask him and this babygirl experimented it.
"Hey Akutagawa Do you think if a body is fed to the dogs, there are any remains?....Where are you going......And he left"
Babygirl comes back and tells you one thing : "Yes"
Nevertheless you still love him
He just assures you that your writings are accurate like his love. even if it means he will experiment it
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Ah yes, the joyful couple
He was surprised to find your interest in writing :0
Honestly I am pretty sure he will get concerned most of the time when you ask him stuff
"Aye Shushi, Do you think if someone buries a body in the graveyard, he can get away with the crime?" "Y/N I love you but are you okay?"
Bro loves you no matter what.
Ofcourse he wouldnt start killing people for you like akutagawa but he will give you advice once in a while on your writing style
"Atsushi If I-" "Y/N sleep its 3 am in the morning"
you scare him sometimes but he still loves you <3
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Bro look, he is a government agent and you are a crime writer
Imagine the looks people will give him if they find out about your questions
"Hey Ango, if you inject someone with air in their bloodstream how much does it take to make it look like a fake heart attack?"
"Y/N sometimes I wonder why did I bother interacting with you?" "But you still love me darling....please answer me" insert cringe wink
He actually take this relationship as taking care of a baby rather then an adult. But hey, least your his baby (umm bro you have rizz?)
Idk bro he is just fed up sometimes but nevertheless gives you tips from his experience
Least as being a double, triple , quadruple agent
Look y'all better appreciate this because I am sacrificing sleep to complete my pending drafts.
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fan-dweeb · 7 months
Interview: Why are you so outspoken against the old Hero System?
Pro Hero Kacchan: I said to myself, if I don’t make it to the top then I’ll go and change the system
Pro Hero Kacchan: Then I decided the system is f**ked anyway so might as well start some s**t
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ddenji · 6 months
‘normal’ denji isn't denji anymore
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okay for some reason i have a lot of thoughts about this damn crow because it just seemed so random at first. but it struck me as interesting while I was reading the chapter that the crow is paralleled with pochita here, with both of them on their backs and denji looking back towards them. the comparison was really just making me about how stepping on and killing a crow/animal is something denji neverrr would have done before, and the implications of this moment given some of the things we know about denji and his values.
due to the fact that he's very animal coded himself (specifically dog coded of course), denji has a connection/ respect for most animals as non ‘moral’ beings who aren't looking to hurt him in the way humans and devils are. i think there's also an element of him relating to other beings that are looked down on, as he's been looked down on pretty much his whole life. he would definitely feel guilty to kill an animal (or really anyone/thing that wasn't trying to hurt him) in the earlier chapters of part 1.
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following that, pochita was the most important thing in the world to him & their relationship informs denji’s philosophies and moralities. to that end, he viewed pochita as a pet but also as an equal; they were in it together in denji’s eyes. which establishes denji’s unwillingness to look down on a “pet” and similarly, other animals, just because they aren't human, or from the opposite side, his willingness to consider animals or other 'lesser' species as equally important.
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later on, we see denji come to understand power better because of her relationship with meowy, which he sees as resembling his relationship with pochita. the fact that she would do anything for this cat makes him see her in a better, more empathetic light, because that's a trait he has himself and values greatly.
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and of course, we cant forget the panel where he chooses to save the cat instead of multiple people, which can be read in many different ways, but for my purpose specifically, it means that denji sees value in saving the cat, even over human lives. this once again makes clear his willingness to consider 'lesser' species as important. saving the cat is an equally valid choice in that scenario, because it's still a life to save.
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i’m sure there are other instances i’m forgetting, but the key thing is that all of those instances made him the version of denji that was able to be chainsaw man. his own doglike nature, his connection with pochita because of their mutually respectful relationship despite being different species, his connection with power through animals and his choice to save the cat were all distinctly traits that denji valued when he was still able to be chainsaw man. and so, we turn back to ch 150.
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currently, denji is so caught up in trying to return to his normal life and justifying his happiness that he accidentally kills an animal. in this moment, he has become so far removed from many of the things that he valued, from many of the things that made him him. very similarly, chasing his dream of a normal life has forced him to give up being chainsaw man - another thing that makes denji distinctly himself, and something that he values very much.
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so, i see killing the crow as a moment that snaps denji out of his desire for a normal life because there is a direct cost, a direct violence now that is attached to following this desire. he has trampled on another being while chasing his goal, which is exactly what others have done to him in the past when he was considered a "lesser" being. he could bear to sacrifice things himself for the sake of nayuta and his newfound normalcy, but in that moment, he has gone so against his values that he held in part one that he can’t look past it anymore. his dream isn't just affecting himself anymore, unlike all of his previous dreams. and so he reflects, and with the help of his inner-conciousness-pochita, he realizes that it’s time for a new dream. or perhaps it's just time to return to a life that was never a dream in the first place.
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eternal-moss · 2 months
Thistle manga sketches!
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Just wanna say this: the High-End Hood should've been Shinomori's corpse.
Yes, it's confirmed Hood is some random fighter from the underground, but it just makes more sense if it were Shinomori at the base?? At the least, I think it'd be verrry fascinating
Although it might be a bit cliche, like if Kudo were Bakugo's ancestor, but it'd be a nice piece of trivia. It wouldn't have to be said outright. Like AFO losing Yoichi's hand cuz of All Might.
Endeavor just fights and kills Shinomori, a cute hermit that gave the rest of his life because of OFA, and Bruce's trust in him over said Factor. Even using his turn to build up strength, Shinomori was looking forward to the future too
A parallel of wanting to be the strongest is drawn between Shinomori and Endeavor. Even after death, the duty of OFA haunts even a corpse.
For why it makes sense if Hood were Shinomori;
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Shinomori and Hood wear the same kind of pants (Hood's is ripped, but he's a Nomu and corpse, so it makes sense). It even ends just below the knee. A colored version because I don't want to open the anime;
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Shinomori's desire to avoid the strongest (AFO) could've been tweaked by Garaki to look for the strongest instead
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Hood looking for the strongest person (hero) could even be Shinomori's desire to give OFA to someone strong enough to protect and grow the Factor. As a hero, someone trustworthy
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My [OFA Users are High-Ends theory post] for why Shinomori would be a good base for a High-End
AFO didn't know his face, so the High-End could've been named Hood to keep up themes. That AFO didn't know his face, and even now, he has a "hood"; Hood's face isn't visible beyond glowing features at first
Endeavor burned Hood and said to rest. This could've been Shinomori getting his cremation, and that Shinomori could relax (about OFA)
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Endeavor said Hood is possibly Endeavor from the past or the future. In the past, Shinomori wanted to grow his strength for the Factor, so technically, Shinomori wanted to be the strongest. The strongest he could be, at least
The fact we know Shinomori underwent an autopsy, and that Garaki works in morgues to harvest corpses
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The knowledge that multiple Quirks kills the normal (not-AFO) person is found in Shinomori. Finding this out, this could've been the reason Garaki and AFO specifically use corpses for Nomus. That way, there's no life force to drain, and technically no drawbacks to the wielder
Garaki was alive during Shinomori's time. Considering these panels,
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This happens chronologically. AFO knew Bruce only had leftover embers (he could tell the same with All Might), which is why he looks so dismissive of his corpse. He's just wondering where Yoichi could be now.
AFO met Garaki after he killed Bruce. With all his followers and the way AFO is sitting, he's likely in search of Yoichi in Shinomori. But he never sees or meets the wielder. Thus the way he has his head down, as if upset and ignoring the insignificant crowds
That's why, when he finds Banjo, he's smiling. Yoichi is right in front of him again, after 18+ years of nothing.
Garaki was probably alive for all the OFA users. He's already looking middle-aged when he first meets AFO, and his Ability is just longer life. So he looks younger than he actually is anyway.
Since AFO faced all the previous OFA Users (sans Shinomori), AFO had access to their bodies when they died. Meanwhile, Shinomori ends up in the morgue anyway, likely by Banjo.
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AFO shredded Yoichi's body apart, so there's no corpse left. He killed Kudo, Bruce, Banjo, En, and Nana; but not Shinomori, who died of old age, or All Might or Midoriya, because they're still alive.
He has access to the corpses of the previous holders he killed himself, and left relatively intact. And Banjo may as well have given him Shinomori's corpse to figure out what killed a relatively-young, healthy man.
With access to those corpses, AFO and Garaki could've preserved the corpses of OFA Users to make High-Ends
(Maybe see this post where I elaborate why OFA users make great bases for High-Ends)
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
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This series is so fucking funny I'm gonna break a rib from laughing
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miraculous-ninjabird · 9 months
Now I know everyone else is losing it about 110 (and I am to to an extent though I believe in Akutagawa saving Aya) but I having delusional theory thoughts about 109, Dazai and No Longer Human and I have to share them.
It starts with the fact that Dazai can canonically channel his ability through objects. We know this because this is how he and Chuuya defeated Randou in the 15 light novel. This is why Dazai’s ability works even through clothing and why Tainted can’t be used on Dazai even through a conduit. In 109, we see Chuuya directly touch the gun to Dazai’s head before he shot him. We cannot, however, see if that gun is still touching Dazai when Chuuya takes the headshot. All we know for sure is that Dazai was shot 4 times, there are only three impact holes on the wall, and we never actually see the bullet make impact on his head.
This is my theory thus far:
Chuuya, thanks to Arahabaki, is not completely under Fyodor’s control in that he has some free will to move and see and hear but he cannot disobey a direct order. Chuuya understands exactly what Dazai’s angle was when he tried to provoke him into punching him.
Fyodor tells Chuuya to back off since being touched nullifies the vampirism. But what Chuuya knows and supposedly Fyodor doesn’t is that Dazai does not have to directly touch him. All he needs is for Dazai to simultaneously be in contact with the same object as him. So he shoots Dazai in the shoulder (perhaps to show he has free will perhaps just to get Dazai back for all the suffering his plans put Chuuya through in the past) and uses that chance to get up close and touch the gun to Dazai’s head. This action then nullifies the vampirism.
Dazai, initially shocked by the shoulder wound (likely because even he couldn’t be exactly sure how conscious Chuuya was under the vampirism), immediately picks up on what Chuuya has done. However, they cannot under any circumstances let Fyodor know what’s happened. Hence the ‘Am I though?’ when Fyodor tells him he’s all out of plans and the line about finding the right words to cause a miracle and have Chuuya returning to normal. This is Dazai’s subtle way of saying ‘I see and I understand but now is not the right moment to play our hand’
Everything from this point onward is an act. Chuuya and Dazai are just pretending Chuuya is still under Fyodor’s control. Chuuya can take step back and then manipulate the gravity of the bullet shot at Dazai’s head. Since it’s being effected by an ability, it would nullify the instant it touched Dazai’s skin. If I’m understanding how No Longer Human worlds correctly, this means the bullet would theoretically drop harmlessly to the ground, but not before causing a surface wound in the split second between when the bullet hits its target and Dazai’s ability kicking in. This makes for a fairly believable act since Fyodor doesn’t have a good enough angle to see the bullet fall.
Chuuya fires the additional two shots are also a part of the act so that Fyodor will be confidant that even though the headshot didn’t kill Dazai immediately, he was still as good as dead thanks to the other three shots and the broken leg. He then steps back (still not facing the camera) and pretends to be completely unaffected.
Fyodor will have assumed he won. He thinks Dazai is dead, he thinks Sigma is dead. With all the guards gone and Dazai gone, he has no further use for Chuuya. This allows for soukoku to make their move and execute (an albeit modified version of) Dazai’s original plan. (Which I’m personally choosing to believe was killing Fyodor and getting Sigma out, relying on Yosano to be on standby should something happen to Sigma. Her presence though would also ensure his survival as long as they’re quick enough)
Now granted. Chuuya’s eyes look the same as they have the whole arc and he has no visible reaction to this turn of events. But we don’t see his fangs and there’s also the fact he’s also known Dazai for a very, very long time. They know each other inside and out. The hardly even need to communicate anymore to know what the other is thinking. The moment Chuuya comes back to himself is the exact moment everything turns back in Dazai’s favor because they are Soukoku and together they are unstoppable.
Chuuya may not be as brilliant as Dazai but they would not have been such good partners nor rivals if Chuuya was not capable of thinking on his feet fast enough to keep up with Dazai’s thought processes. They also wouldn’t have made good partners if Chuuya hadn’t at some point learned to play up the roles Dazai’s elaborate plans required. If he’s smart enough to keep up with Dazai’s lightning quick plans then he is capable of thinking on his feet fast enough to come with his own way of achieving Dazai’s original goal. (Nullifying Chuuya)
I honestly think with the way it was specifically framed so that even we can’t see what actually happened when Chuuya shot that gun plus knowing this additional fact about how Dazai’s ability works plus the odd number of bullet impacts plus the fact there is no way Dazai would have been able to speak after being shot in the head like that is enough evidence for me to say with reasonable confidence that Dazai is not dead.
I also love the idea that this was not a part of Dazai’s plan. He was not expecting Chuuya to be there initially and after the failed attempt to provoke Chuuya he was not expecting to survive that encounter. I love the idea that Chuuya is one of the few people capable of actually taking Dazai by surprise and that he genuinely did not expecting a turn of events that could actually end in his survival. We already know Dazai wasn’t planning on escaping the prison anyways. All Dazai needed was to get the information he needed on Fyodor’s ability and stop Fyodor from further interfering with his plans to stop the Decay of Angels. What happens to his own life doesn’t matter as long as those two goals are accomplished and he can put his trust in Sigma and his ‘Angel’ to finish what he started.
But with Chuuya in the picture and on his side, he perhaps doesn’t have much of a choice. There’s no way Chuuya is gonna let him just die like that. (He may still die but Chuuya is def gonna do his best to prevent that.) I love the implication that it would be all thanks to Chuuya, his quick thinking, his deep understanding of both his partner’s thought processes and ability, and his genuine desire to see Dazai live that Dazai has any chance of survival at all.
(Bonus notes and at the end since it would have interrupted my flow but. Knowing BSD and it’s penchant for dramatic twists and crazy cliff hangers I would not put it past Asagiri and Harukawa to have portrayed Chuuya as still a vampire just to up the suspense)
Images/supporting evidence/more rambles under the cut (includes 15 light novel and chapter 109 spoilers)
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Light Novel Evidence
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This is a man who genuinely does not understand What The Fuck just happened and is mad about it because he prides himself on not being taken by surprise.
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This is the face of a man who realizes something is happening but is so thrown he hasn’t quite figured out what yet
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And this is the face of a man who has figured out exactly why things just played out the way they did out and is pleasantly surprised by it.
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Gunshot? What gunshot? I don’t see anything here? hmmm….. (also verrrrry convenient that we cannot see Chuuya’s expression in this panel. In fact we don’t see his face at all any of the times he fires the gun after the initial shot. Which if you ask me is pretty sus.)
I would also like to point out that the vampires don’t seem to talk, and that there hasn’t been a single point since Chuuya’s introduction as a vampire where he has any sort of speech or thought bubble assigned to him. Just sound effects.
Not a single point. EXCEPT.
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This panel here. Right after Dazai supposedly ‘dies’ we get to see Chuuya going ‘…’
But why would they include that? We know he’s a vampire and we know he doesn’t talk. (I’m thinking they can’t speak unless ordered to and/or Chuuya has been ordered not to speak to Dazai). Chuuya could have just stood there silently and emotionless without the ‘…’ bubble and it would have had the same effect. Unless this was a way to highlight that Chuuya is specifically choosing not to say something rather than being completely unable to. Which. Interesting to think about. (I won’t discount the possibility that it’s supposed to highlight Dazai’s silence but personally that would have made more sense if they put it on the empty Dazai panel instead. Plus I think this idea is way more interesting.)
Anyways if you stuck around to the end I’d love to know what y’all think of this
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mettywiththenotes · 5 months
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Gabimaru flower hair appreciation
Bonus little guys:
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callico-awts · 1 year
The feeling of hopelessness au (kny au)
beware of my grammar incorrections and spellings.. enjoy some angsty stuff and bits of badass zen shhdhd
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•This au doesn't follow the og canon story, some have major story changes and some arcs are just kept there untouched.
•Zenitsu is suffering an unknown illness like a terminal illness and he kept it a secret from everyone, that includes the kamaboko gang and anyone else but ofc some knew it (that's shinobu and maybe inosuke and nezuko)
•Idk like how he got the illness from either a powerful demon art or he was born with it or when he got struck by lightning (which totally don't make any sense hshshs)
•yes, this au has TanZen and with lots angst but tan and zen aren't together yet and also never will be cuz y'know */coughs
major character death-
•Tanjiro is oblivious of his feelings for Zenitsu but he slowly realizes them and he keeps questioning what is this feeling.. As for zen, though he is more oblivious, he thinks tanjiro likes kanao (but nah a only as a friend lmao) and he just kept his feelings to himself..
•The timeline is very messy asf but it goes like this, nothing changes with s1 and Mugen train arc. All i can say is that zens illness gets worse throughout the arcs till the fight with muzan also like to add that he fought Kaigaku earlier in this au and his gramps is uhh ye not very alive…
•But zen died cause of his illness and his injuries from the demon and ofc he killed the demon (we stan badass zen)
I'll probably make more stuff for this au cuz yes-
Feel free to ask stuff but beware that sometimes I will not respond cuz idk what to say hshshsh
Anyways, adios-
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