#yeah it sucks that all that stuff is on it
mysteryshoptls · 2 days
SSR Deuce Spade - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: I spent all night studying up al all the art, as any honor student would do.
Summon Line: I'm here to check out some art at a museum, I guess. I don't know if I'll really understand what's "good" art, but... I'll do my best as a supporter of the museum.
Groooovy!!: You gotta have good manners, yeah. It'd be totally lame to get scolded by some flowers.
Home: A 100th anniversary celebration... They're so tenacious!
Home Idle 1: I saw Ace really focused on a painting of some Card Soldiers. Yeah, I'd agree it's a pretty cool bit of art... Kinda frustrating that we have the same taste in something, though.
Home Idle 2: That story about how the Thorn Fairy was completely surrounded by soldiers but stood her ground anyway is real awesome. There's no way I'd forget a tale as cool as that.
Home Idle 3: Can't say I really get art, but that painting of the Queen of Hearts and her Card Soldiers was pretty neat. Like... I felt it in my soul.
Home Idle - Login: If any of the exhibits catch your eye, let me know. I made sure to study a lot about these paintings, so I can definitely explain stuff about them! ...Probably.
Home Idle - Groovy: It sucks to admit it, but Sebek really knows his stuff... I gotta make sure I study even harder so he doesn't look down on me!
Home Tap 1: I thought maybe once I got better at painting the roses, my art grades would get better too... But that totally didn't happen.
Home Tap 2: Don'tcha think this Queen of Hearts button is too cool? I got it in one draw from the "Great Seven" prize raffle at the shop.
Home Tap 3: You thought I did a good job explaining the paintings? Oh, great. Though, all I did was do exactly as Viper-senpai taught me, so...
Home Tap 4: Me 'n Epel really got fired up talking about the Lord of the Underworld's chariot. I like it when I get to chat with people who like the same things I do.
Home Tap 5: You think I look like a model student in this outfit? RIGHT!? I TOTALLY THINK SO TOO!! ...Ah, oops. Shouting like that would ruin that vibe, huh.
Home Tap - Groovy: I wonder what kinda stuff they'd have at the exhibit-themed café they got here. You interested too? Oh then, let's go check it out together!
Duo: [DEUCE]: You better be ready to go, Sebek! [SEBEK]: Humph, I don't need you telling me twice, Deuce!
Birthday Login Message: [Yuu], thanks! I knew you'd come celebrate my birthday without a doubt. What do I want as a gift? Hmm, let me think... Oh, I want one of those bib clips for runners. That way, when I clip it to my uniform during a track meet, it might give me a boost, as if I'm running with my best bud!
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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sorceresssundries · 2 days
The Light in the Shadows
Anon writing request -
BG3 pride prompt! This game helped me realize I'm bi. Perhaps Tav didn't realize either? And one of the tadfools who normally wouldn't have caught their attention is suddenly occupying every other thought?
Anon, i'm so sorry your ask fell into the void so i'm having to do it as a separate post! This is for you, my friend. Happy pride month!
Pairing: Shadowheart x Fem Tav
Warnings: Female masturbation, smut.
Word Count: 1.5k
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Tav had been tasked with keeping the campfire alight, which basically meant she could keep angrily prodding at it and snapping pieces of dry wood to throw with more enthusiasm than necessary. Her gaze kept flicking through the dancing flames to the cleric sitting on the other side of camp.
Stubborn, standoffish, uncooperative—how could someone with practically no memory be so distant and unwilling to accept any kind of help? Surely, she must feel lonely. Surely, it must get cold in her self-imposed darkness. And why were her clothes always so tight?
Has she always been like this? Tav wondered. Before the nautiloid, before the tadpole. Which parts of herself had she sacrificed at Shar’s altar? Which soft, delicate traits had the Goddess carved from her with a ritual knife and deemed a worthy loss?
How light had her heart been before the shadows settled there?
Shadowheart was tough; Tav knew that. Yet despite that devout toughness, there were times when uncertainty flecked her green eyes and softened the hard jade into moss. Moments when the sharp bite of her laugh loosened, and Tav could hear bright, unfiltered joy seep through the cracks.
Tav tried to list the things she had learned about Shadowheart so far:
She was scared of wolves. She loved night orchids. She couldn’t swim. She read silly, smutty novels, and she had a rare smile that could part clouds.
Tav watched her now, reading a book outside her tent, sitting cross-legged with Scratch’s head in her lap, fingers fussing his fur absentmindedly.
She was very, very frustrating.
“Are you about to fuck her, or fight her?”
Tav hadn’t even heard Karlach sit herself down next to her; she was so lost in her exasperation.
“Fight,” Tav grumbled, prodding the fire.
“Huh.” Karlach stretched her muscles out and threw some wood at the flame. “I would have placed money on the other option.”
“It’s not like that.” Tav huffed. “She’s closed off and distant, and never accepts any help.”
“Yeah, and she’s got a stupid fringe.” Karlach snorted.
“I like her fringe, actually,” Tav mumbled, playing with her own hair. “It frames her eyes.”
Karlach tutted at her and shook her head. “Man. You must have it bad.”
Tav looked over at Shadowheart once more and felt her breath catch. Her lips were slightly darker than usual from her wine, and as she drank without thinking, a small trickle escaped her mouth and ran down her chin. She wiped it with her wrist and then sucked away the drop before licking her lips with just a delicate flash of her tongue.
Fuck. Maybe she did have it bad.
‘I don’t... I’m not...’ Tav struggled to get the words out, to express the feelings which seemed all knotted and tangled. “I’ve never been with a... a...”
“Cleric?” Karlach tilted her head at Tav in mock confusion. “Elf? Amnesiac with a bit of a bitchy personality?” She winked knowingly.
“Erm, yes. All of those.” A woman, Tav wanted to add. 
“Well... Does that matter, really? That’s all just... boring stuff. Superficial bits and pieces.” Karlach waved her hand dismissively.
Tav held her head in her hands. “It’s just all new. Like there isn’t enough going on. And she’s so annoying!”
“I think you’re overthinking things, soldier.” Karlach laughed. “Fight who you want to fight, fuck who you want to fuck.” Her smile was wide, full of the beautiful, optimistic simplicity of someone who had suffered unimaginable cruelty and still held tight to the kindness she was built of. She was a wonder.
Karlach looked up at the cloudless night sky and massaged her chest, as though in pain. “In the end, we’re all the same really - just hope and stardust”.
Tav moved her hand towards Karlach’s, not able to touch her, but close enough to feel some of the heat radiating off her poor, scarred skin. Karlach’s voice became wistful, “We all just want to be touched, so... let yourself. One day, you may not be able to.” In that moment, Tav would have gladly taken any of the pain from holding Karlach’s hand, just for a second, just long enough for Karlach to know the feel of another person. But she jumped up before Tav had a chance. 
“Oi, Gale!” She yelled at the wizard’s tent, dusting off the mournful moment with her usual iron resilience  “Are you going to teach me some magic or what?! I want to learn how to smush things from really far away.” 
Tav heard Gale sigh from inside, followed by the sound of a book snapping shut.
His head poked out from the flap, wearing a frown. “The Weave is a delicate, intricate coalescence of energies which surrounds us all and breathes arcane intention into existence. It is not about smushing.”
Karlach stood with her hands on her hips. “If it isn’t something you’re skilled enough to teach, then no worries! I’ll just go find Halsin…”
He placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply. “Okay. Fine, this lesson we’ll cover the basics of smushing, but next time…”
“Fuck yes!” Karlach punched the air in well-earned victory before turning to Tav to give a pair of farewell finger guns. “Taters, soldier! Stop thinking about things so much. You’ll get brainache.”
Tav smiled as the two of them walked off together. In the lasting glow of Karlach’s hopefulness, she nearly mustered the courage to approach Shadowheart. But a persistent inner voice cautioned her, whispering that now wasn't the right time. Confused and exhausted, Tav retired to bed.
Sleep did not come as easily as hoped that night. Hours had passed, and Tav lay wide awake, thoughts of Shadowheart still clouding her mind. The cleric had spent most of the day's journey complaining about her aching feet. She had groaned and sighed. Tav could have helped her if she weren’t so stubborn and hard-headed. She could have kneaded her fingers into the soft arch of Shadowheart's soles, working out the discomfort, listening for the sounds of relief as she massaged and caressed, waiting for Shadowheart to throw her head back and grant her one of those rare, soft smiles.
Without realising it, Tav's hand had settled under her shirt, resting on the skin below her belly button. As her eyes closed and her thoughts drifted, so did her hand, lower and lower, until she was absentmindedly running her fingers through the hair between her legs. She thought of the way Shadowheart’s glossy braid swung in the sunshine, how the silver metal caught the light. She pictured the firm set of her jaw when she was determined or annoyed, how she offered barbed jabs with a sly smile and a glint in her eye.
Her hand moved lower still, caressing herself with no real purpose—just playing, just exploring, just touching her own body and thinking of the woman who had burned through her thoughts all day. Shadowheart's skin was always so soft, silken and unblemished, cool as velvet despite the harsh conditions and the relentless sun. Earlier, when Tav had grabbed her arm to stop her from stumbling, her thumb had swept against the delicate skin of her wrist. Shadowheart had gasped, breathy and quiet, and the sound had made Tav’s mouth dry.
Tav gasped now as she brought the memory into clear focus and stroked herself. She was wet, and there was now purpose where before there had been only curious, easy exploration. She wondered how Shadowheart’s skin felt in the cool places the sun didn’t reach. She wondered how she tasted.
Her hip bones, the shell of her ear, her wine-stained lips. Tav imagined each part of her body as though they were delicacies to be savoured. Sugared treats you would hold against your tongue to prolong that first, craved tang of sweetness before licking off every bead of sugar and swallowing. Her wrists, each finger, her cunt. Tav flicked through each body part she had imagined like beads on a prayer chain. She wanted to worship each of them.
She fell further, chasing the thought of her mouth against Shadowheart’s cunt, imagining her noises from earlier and how she wanted to hear her make them again. Louder and longer. More of them. Until the breath was stolen from her lungs and all she could do was gasp and shudder.
Tav wanted to taste all her hidden colours. She wanted to lick out her secrets and savour them sharp on her tongue, make her call out prayers she thought she had forgotten to gods she did not even worship. In desperation and in total ecstasy.
The thought of it sent Tav over the edge. Fucking herself to the image of Shadowheart coming undone against her tongue, she unraveled completely.
She was totally unaware that the lust-filled sighs she had been imagining were now filling Shadowheart’s tent not far away, ignited by the very same thoughts.
It didn’t take long for Tav to drift off, finally peaceful. Her dreams were full of night orchids, and warm days, and green eyes creased with laughter. 
Full of hope and stardust.
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Gojo and nanami are definitely the most misrepresented characters in fanfic in my eyes. I share the same sentiments with you about nanami and people writing him as if he's geriatric because he's just a no nonsense, work and go home, responsible adult. He knows what memes are, and he knows how to use a smartphone, he even used video game terms when he was fighting dagon! ("It's like he has infinite HP") He would know who doja cat is!
As for gojo, I feel like a lot of writers conflate his extroversion and somewhat silly demeanor for having people skills. It's canon that his lack of social skills is his one main flaw! And you can see it through the way the other characters interact with him: Ijichi is scared of him, Nanami thinks he's flippant, and Utahime straight up despises him and he thinks she's just joking about it. All of the Tokyo students save for Yuuji and Yuuta think he's weird and find his silliness off-putting. I just don't think he'd be very popular in those college AUs that write him as some kind of social butterfly who's friends with everyone, at best, he'd be well-known for his good looks and family name and being glued to the hip to Geto, who would definitely be the more popular one of the two. He'd probably also put people off by making insensitive comments (intentional or not) when trying to hold conversations, he's just not a guy that can easily understand other people or be understood. That's just my take tho
i've already spoken my thoughts on nanami, but,,, yeah T-T he's a very 'no frills' character, and since it's difficult to make a character who's only goal is to be boring, y'know, interesting, people tend to just settle on making him act older/overly mature/overly stoic, instead. i get why it happens, but i do which creators would engage with how funny he is as a character from time-to-time. that poor man is bare-knuckling it through life, blasting cobra by megan thee stallion and trying not to get the sixteen-year-olds he works with killed and he should be more appreciated for that.
and i couldn't agree more with the gojo stuff T-T T-T the popular fuckboy is a very common archetype that a lot of people want to write around, and as the resident pretty boy, i get why people want to slot gojo into it, but it's literally canon that not a single damn person can stand being around him for longer than an hour at a time beyond, like, two high-schoolers and the ex-boyfriend who hasn't spoke to him in ten years. i think the only canon-compliant way to write for him in an college/no curses au would be like. that guy who everyone assumes is popular because he's rich and attractive, but actually has like two friends and is way better at sports + housework than his overly pretentious major. he just kind of sucks, and it's important to me that people recognize that as one of his most endearing traits.
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livyjh · 2 days
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Come Sail Away ch.1
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 1 rating: PG
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mainly plot forming exposition, no smut, meeting new people, large ships, the ocean, talk about clothes and vague plus size body description.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“What are you doing over spring break?” Your roommate and best friend, Sarah, asks you.
“Probably nothing. I mean, we have beaches and stuff at home but they’re just… gross. Lots of rocks and trash and seaweed and stuff. I wish I could go on that cruise with you.” You sigh.
Sarah and her dad were going on a Caribbean cruise for the whole of spring break this year and you’re incredibly jealous. Home is… fine. Your parents are okay. You love them but you don’t really have a lot of fun hanging out with them unless you’re all doing an activity or playing a game or something.
Being an only child had its perks, there’s no doubt. But not having someone close to your age in your immediate family kind of sucked.
“Sorry, I need to make a quick phone call.” Sarah smiles and gets up, leaving the dorm room for a few minutes.
You’re not sure what she’s up to, and you’re even more unsure when she walks in the door with a big grin on her face.
“Call me a genie because I just granted your wish.” Sarah giggled and sat back down on her bed.
“What?” You sit up and raise your brows.
“You’re coming to the Caribbean with me… If you’ve got $500 to spare?” She scrunches up her nose.
“I have been saving for a car… but I’m doing okay without one for now…” you think for a minute.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” You clap and stand up and she does the same.
You both grab each other’s hands and do a quiet but excited little scream. “Yay!”
Sarah explained to you that she and her dad were already going to have separate staterooms on the ship, but now you can bunk with her for a great last minute deal the cruise line was offering.
You were so excited you almost couldn’t sleep. You had one more exam tomorrow and then you were free for a whole week. And going to the Caribbean on a fucking cruise!
Your exam was a piece of cake. All you had to do was pack tonight, go with Sarah to her dad’s place, then fly to Florida, and get on the ship.
Yeah. That should be simple enough, right?
You were excited but stressed at the same time. This last minute planning was a bit chaotic but you knew it would be worth it.
You packed all of your favorite outfits that were suited for tropical weather, your sexy two piece bikini, your more modest and practical one piece that fit you like a glove, and your best walking shoes and cutest sandals.
You remembered all of your toiletries and meds, your device chargers, your vibrator (for times when you may get the room to yourself for a while), a sweater just in case, and a few snacks for the plane.
The drive to Sarah’s dad’s place wasn’t bad. 3 hours from Houston to Austin was nothing compared to the trip your parents took to drive you to college in the first place.
You chose your school based on its business major program, which is what you wanted. You were a a year and a half into your 4 year masters degree and 24 years old. You already had your associates degree and decided to take a little break between that and getting your masters.
Sarah was younger, 21 now. She studied music theory and production. You guys got paired up this school year as roommates when your last roommate graduated.
You’ve been best friends ever since.
“Here’s my place!” She smiled as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story house in a nice neighborhood.
Tomorrow morning you three would fly to Florida and head straight for the ship.
For now, you were a little nervous to meet Sarah’s dad. Was he gonna be awkward? Weird? Quiet? Mean? Overbearing?
Just as you two were getting out of Sarah’s car, the front door opened and a gorgeous man about 6 feet tall emerged from it.
He had medium length brown hair that had some curl. Probably more if he were to let it grow out longer. He donned a simple and semi-close trimmed beard, one that was starting to get gray patches around his jaw. His nose looked like it was sculpted from the finest of clays by a renowned artist. His arms were thick and toned, as were his thighs.
“Hey, girls!” He waved and walked down the driveway to Sarah to give her a big hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, dad.” Sarah was almost in tears. You knew she hadn’t been home since Christmas.
“Missed you too, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head and took a good look at her, like a parent does, trying to make sure their child is in good health and well fed.
“Dad, this is my bestie I’ve been telling you about; Y/n.” Sarah walked around to your side of the car and her dad followed.
“Y/n, this is my dad, Joel.” She motioned to him.
He reached out his (quite large) hand and you shook it happily. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled and tried to keep from blushing.
“You too, Y/n.” He smiled and nodded before you both broke the handshake.
Joel took a breath and broke eye contact as he walked around you to get into the trunk and help with bags. “How was the drive?”
“Pretty chill.” Sarah said as she also went to the back of the car.
You followed, “yeah it went by quick.”
“Good.” Joel smiled at you both.
You brought the bags in and then sat down in the living room. It was nearing 9pm now.
“Ya girls hungry?” Joel asked.
“I could eat.” You shrug, trying to keep from smiling at his adorable accent.
“Me too.” Sarah nodded.
“How about I fix some turkey sandwiches?” Joel stood and walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks, dad!” Sarah spoke up.
“Thank you, Mr. Miller!” You called out.
After you all finished eating you took the luggage upstairs to Sarah’s room and got settled in.
Joel retired to his room after a quick goodnight to you two.
You and Sarah got into pajamas, both of you pulling your hair into cute little top knots.
“Thank you, Sarah.” You smile as you both get into her bed.
“For what?” She pulls the comforter up over you both.
“Well, everything. But the cruise mainly.” You reply.
“Of course. I’m not gonna let my best friend have a boring spring break if I have anything to say about it.” She laughed.
You giggled along. “I appreciate it.”
The next morning was a blur of airport traffic and security checkpoints. Things slowed down when you boarded the plane.
“I call the window seat!” Sarah walked back to your row and scooted in to the third seat, by the window.
You usually hated sitting in the middle because it made you a bit claustrophobic but this plane wasn’t as cramped on butt space as other ones you’d been on. So you got into the seat next to Sarah and Joel sat in the aisle seat next to you.
You figured Sarah would’ve wanted to sit next to her dad… but you also wanted to sit next to her. Now you had the best of both worlds.
Sarah on one side, and her sexy dad on the other.
Oh god, you cannot be attracted to your best friend’s dad. There’s a rule against that somewhere, right??
You couldn’t help but to keep touching elbows with both Sarah and Joel. You were thick, wasn’t anyone’s fault. With Sarah being so skinny she really only bumped elbows when she leaned in to talk to you. With Joel, he was broad shouldered and half asleep for the first part of the flight. You fell asleep too.
“This is your pilot speaking, welcome to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The skies are blue and temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees.”
This was what you heard as you started to wake up, realizing your head was rested on none other than Joel’s shoulder.
You sat up quick, “oh my gosh, sorry, Mr. Miller.” You blushed and laughed a little.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” He smiled and briefly patted the back of your hand that was on the armrest between you two.
“Th- thank you.” You stutter a little.
The lights in the cabin come on and the plane makes a slightly rough landing, waking Sarah up next to you.
“Are we here already?” She held her head up.
“Yep.” You look over at her. “It’s almost cruise time.” You giggle.
“Cruise time?” She mocks you.
“Shut up. I’m still sleepy.” You snort.
Getting off the plane and out of the airport was nothing short of a nightmare. It was extremely busy. It took a half hour to get an available shuttle to the pier.
You all finally got on board the ship after checking your big bags and going through security.
You could breathe now. Vacation had finally started.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione
@chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123-blog
Join the tag list here
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oifaaa · 8 hours
I understand when people say that they don't like Jason being a villain, there's a Lot of those issues that just suck because the writers lost the plot (but I also like Jason as a Robin and then the very first after-death iteration and a lot of the stuff concerning him later tends to get really fucking weird, but that's true for literally all comic characters)
but saying he's better off with the "batfamily" is so funny
like i don't wanna be hating on someone in your ask box but holy shit
Yeah I also get it especially between Morrison Geoff Johns and Bruce Jones I don't blame people for being adverse to villain Jason but still saying Jason is better off with the bats makes me question how much a person actually likes Jason as a character
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marshslovedone · 15 hours
need nerdy perv kyle smut 🙏🙏
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Nerdy!Pervert!Kyle x F!Reader
Specialty: Oneshot & NSFW
cw(s): oral sex (m!receiving), cow girl, nicknames (slut, baby, etc), throat fucking, ass slapping (once),
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“So we’re going to my place to study?” The girl asks the curly red head who just nodded as he pushed his glasses back on his face. The smile Kyle gives the girl shows his pearly whites with the gap in the middle standing out. “Yeah, hope you don’t mind, if we went to mine m-my parents would be there and I don’t want them to bother u-us” Kyle says with a hint of love struck in his voice as his eyes trail down to the girls body.
Kyle was always seen as a nerd with how smart he is and how many honors classes, AP classes even. But what people didn’t know was he was the biggest pervert ever, probably bigger than Kenny, Kyle was smart with how he did it, he would cover all those porn magazines with book covers so people think he’s just reading, He watches porn almost constantly in class. He bought a privacy screen case so people won’t see what he’s looking at.
He hides his phone with his computer, he’s thankful for sitting in the back row of his class since he likes to get sneaky and start jerking off to the porn playing on his phone along with the sex noises blasting in his ears with the headphones he wears. Kyle adores watching this stuff everyday, and somehow even when he’s not paying attention to the lecture, he still passes with an A+.
“Yeah! I don’t mind! I’m alone in my home since my parents are away on business trip..so we have major privacy!!” Y/N smiles at the curly red head, who sighed with relief. Kyle has had a thing for you for almost 3 years. Ever since freshman year of college all the way to senior year of college, he’s liked you. He loves you and the way you look. How smooth your legs are, how your clothes hug your body and curves nicely, don’t get him started on the skirts you wear either. Whenever you wear a skirt he runs to the nearest janitors closet to jerk off.
"I need a break..my mind is getting fried.." Y/N whines out as she leans onto Kyle who just smiled and patted her shoulder. Kyle left his hand on her shoulder as he soon rubbed up and down her arm. “Well I have an idea on what we can do for a break..” Kyle smirked as he soon moved his hand to the girls hair, “really like what?”, Kyle just chuckled as he soon went to unbuckle his pants which made the girl blush. Y/N thought about it before looking at Kyle and back at his exposed dick now.
Y/N soon leaned down and began to suck him off which Kyle let out a deep groan grabbing the back of your head to push down further. “Oh baby, I just knew your mouth would feel like heaven..all those times I thought about it and how it would feel..it’s exactly how I thought it would..” Kyle moaned out more as he pushed your head more a little fast, which soon wet squelching from the girls mouth was heard. “Baby, im gonna cum if you keep letting me hit the back of your throat..” Kyle moaned out more as he felt his hips soon thrust up in the girls mouth which the girl replied to the action with a mouth. Vibration sending to Kyle who soon pushed Y/N’s head down, shooting his load in her mouth.
Y/N soon lifted her head swallowing his load. Kyle just smirked as he knew what was going to happen.
“f-fuck! Oh fuck this feels so good..!” Y/N pants out as she grips onto Kyle’s shoulders as kyle held the girls waist as she bounces on his thick dick. Kyle just smiled widely as he watched the girl of his dreams bounce up and down. Her boobs in his face and her, her hands gripping his shoulder, the sweet moans coming out of her mouth.
Kyle finally got his wish, which was the get the prettiest girl in college to get her to bounce on his dick. Now that it’s happening he felt like in heaven, soon Kyle moved his hands down to her ass as he smacked it lightly making the girl moaned out more. “My, my, I didn’t expect y-you to be such a slut to me..you love this don’t you? Riding me like no tomorrow? Me slapping your ass as I also thrust in you?”
“Y-yes! I love it so much Kyle..I love you..” Y/N moaned out as she leaned her body soon on him, her head resting on the boys shoulders. Kyle soon felt his body move as he started to thrust into the girl faster than he was which in response, Y/N moaned out in his ear which made Kyle pant out as he began to whisper sweet nothings into her ear.
“I’m gonna cum baby, let me cum in you? Yeah? I promise to buy you morning after pill..” Kyle whispered into Y/N’s ear. “Y-yes! Please fill me up Kyle! I n-need you to cum in me..”, after hearing those words Kyle soon laid back more as he grabbed her hips again and began to move faster making the girl squeal out in pleasure, soon shuddering as she came all over his dick. Kyle, who felt the girl’s warm and wet ecstasy, soon came inside the girl, deep, Kyle let out a moaned after that as he rested his body, helping the girl lay down,
“I love you too, Y/N..”
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 hours
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Birthday Present (18+
Lia Wälti x Reader
Word count: 3,771
Summary: It’s reader’s birthday and Lia decides to give Reader a special birthday present.
Warning: Smut, Dirty talk, unprotected sex, Creampies, squirting, Blowjob, Throatpie, Breeding, Missonary, Cowgirl, Standing up.
*Y/n's pov*
We just finished practice, we grab our things and head into the locker room. The girls shower and change, I sit in front of my locker and mess around on my phone. Waiting for the girls to finish up in the showers and locker room, the girls finish up in the showers. They get dressed and so start piling out of the locker room.
Eventually it was just me. I grab my shower stuff, I get undressed and hit the showers. I shower, I wash my hair and body and rinse off my hair and body.
I turn off the shower, I get dried off and get dressed, I grab my bag and join the girls on the bus. We leave the stadium and head back to the hotel.
Me and Lia go up to our room. Lia unlocks the door and opens it, we go inside. I set my bag off to the side, I take off my shoes and set them off to the side and plop down on my bed and sigh In relief.
Lia giggles. "You're so dramatic."
"Yeah yeah." I say.
We chill in our room and watch a movie together until it's time for dinner.
After the movie we go downstairs for dinner. We grab our food and sit down at a table. While we are eating dinner coach taps her cup with a spoon, we get quiet. Coach stand up and grabs her cup.
"First of all I wanna congratulate you guys for a really good practice you girls are doing amazing and are really putting in the work and I have a good feeling we're gonna kick Mexicos ass. Second, don't forget today is Y/n's birthday." The coach says. She raises her glass and we do a toast.
The girls clap and cheer. "So after dinner we are gonna celebrate and have cake." Coach says.
The girls laugh and cheer. "Happy birthday Y/n." The girls say.
"Thank you guys. I really appreciate it." I smile.
I shake coachs hand and hug her. "Happy birthday kiddo." She says to me.
"Thank you." I smile. We finish eating dinner and we celebrate and eat cake. Coach puts on a movie I picked out as we eat cake.
Lia tells me she's going back up to our room and calling it a night. coach starts the movie during the movie my phone pings letting me know I have a text message. I grab my phone and check it.
Lia: Come up to our room baby, call it a night I got a birthday present for you.
Me: Okay I'll be up in a bit.
We finish the movie after the movie I decide to call it a night. I go back up to our room, I unlock the door and go in.
I turn and see Lia walking towards me she was only wearing her bra and panties. I bite my lip and check her out as she walks towards me. I instantly get hard at the sight, Lia notice this and smirks.
"Is someone hard?" Lia asks seductively.
I blush darkly and nod. "I may have an idea on what we can do about that." Lia says.
She's now in front of me she pins me against the door and kisses me deeply. It turns into a make out session.
Lia continues to make out with me she reaches down and rubs my dick over my shorts. I moan in the kiss, Lia smiles against my lips. Lia breaks the kiss and pulls away.
"I want you to eat me out." Lia says.
I scoop her up and lay her on the bed. Lia giggles and squeals. I lay her down, I kiss her deeply.
Lia kisses back. She takes off my shirt and sports bra and tosses them off to the side.
I kiss her deeply. I take off her bra and toss it off to the side. I kiss her neck and kiss down to her chest. I kiss and suck on her chest leaving hickys. Lia moans and plays with my hair.
I kiss and suck on her boobs and leave hickys on her boobs. I reach down and rub her pussy over her panties, Lia moans as I do this.
I kiss from her boobs down to her stomach/abs. I kiss and suck on her abs leaving hickys.
Lia moans and plays with my hair. "Mmm fuck baby." She moans in pleasure. I kiss from her abs down to her thighs and kiss her inner thighs.
I kiss and suck on her inner thighs leaving hickys. Lia moans and gasps.
"S-Stop T-Teasing." Lia moans.
I stop and look up at her. "Patience baby."
I smirk, I kiss her thigh. I grab her panties and slide her panties down her thighs and toss them off to the side.
I kiss her pussy and lick her clit. Lia moans as I do this and plays with my hair.
"F-Fuck." Lia moans.
I insert a finger and slowly finger get as I lick and roll my tongue on her clit.
"Ohhh fuck." Lia moans in pleasure. I smirk against her pussy, I slip in a second finger and continue to finger her a bit faster than before as I eat her out.
I spit on her pussy, I stick my tongue deep in her pussy and continue to eat her out. Lia moans as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure.
"Oh god, right there Y/n right there." Lia moans. I continue to eat her out licking her clit and finger her faster and faster.
"Ahh fuck I'm close." Lia moans in pleasure.
I lick her clit adding pressure and roll my tongue on her clit adding different pleasure.
"Shit I'm cumming, I'm cumming." Lia moans.
Lia cums all over my face, in my mouth, on my fingers and on my hand.
I lick her pussy. I lick and clean up her sticky mess, I wipe her juices off my face and lick her cum off my fingers.
"Mmm tasty." I smirk and lick her pussy again.
Lia blushes darkly and moans as I lick up her cum and help her ride out her high. Lia moans and comes down from her high panting and trying to catch her breath.
"Fuck you really know how to eat pussy." Lia pants out.
We take a moment for Lia to catch her breathe once she catches her breath she flips us around, I giggle and squeal as she pin me to the bed me on the bottom and her on top.
"Mmm I wanna taste you and suck your dick." Lia says seductively.
I bite my lip as she slides my shorts and underwear down my legs and tosses them off to the side. Lia lays between my legs, she wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick.
I moan as she does this. "Mmm fuck."
Lia smiles, and strokes my dick a bit faster. "Your huge baby."
"T-Thanks." I stutter and blush darkly.
Lia continues to stroke my dick. Once I'm hard Lia takes my dick in her mouth, Lia slowly bobs her head.
I moan and run my fingers through her hair. "Mmm shit." I moan in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure as the tip of my dick hits the back of her throat as she bobs her head, I moan and hold her hair up in a ponytail as she continue to give me head.
"F-Fuck." I moan as she bobs her head a bit faster. "Shit Lia, just like that."
Lia hums against my dick and bobs her head faster than before. I can feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming.
"Lia baby.... I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Lia continues to suck the souls out of my dick. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Throat pie:
I moan in pleasure I can't take it anymore. I bust my load in her mouth. Lia chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
Lia swallows my load and sucks me dry getting the rest of my cum. Lia takes my dick out of her mouth she smiles and opens her mouth showing me a mouth full of cum.
I smile and gently rub her chin. “Swallow my load.” I say seductively.
Some of my cum drips down her chin and onto her boobs. She smiles and swallows my load.
"Mmm daddy you taste good." Lia says.
Lia gets up and leans back, she runs her soaking folds with her fingers. She scoops up whatever cum she can off her tits and rubs it all over her pussy using it as lube.
"Mmm I want to feel you deep inside me baby. Fill me up with your load." Lia says seductively.
"Are you sure baby?" I ask making sure this is what she really wants.
"Yes I'm sure. Cum in me as many times as you want to baby I'm on a pill." Lia says.
I get up, Lia scoots to the edge of the bed and spreads her legs giving me full access to her pussy. She lifts her legs up, I slide my dick through her folds.
Once my dick is wet enough I slide my dick deep inside her soaking wet tight pussy. I grab her legs and rest them on my shoulders, I grab her ass.
"Tell me when to move." I say.
Lia takes a moment to adjust to my size deep inside her. "Fuck I thought you were big in my mouth I feel full with you deep inside me."
I smirk, I lean down and kiss her deeply. Lia kisses me back.
"Move." Lia moans.
I rest my head against Lia’s I look deep into her eyes as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
*Lia’s Pov*
I moan in pleasure as Y/n slowly thrusts in and out of me. Fuck she's really deep inside me, I can feel her massive dick throbbing deep inside me. She really needed a release. I moan and rest my head against hers.
I look down and watch her dick slowly slide in and out of me. Fuck she was balls deep inside me. She was so sexy, her cute moans as she thrusts into me a bit faster than before.
I moan I reach down and grip her ass as she thrusts into me a bit faster than before.
"Mmm fuck you're really deep in there." I moan in pleasure.
"Yeah you like that baby? Daddy balls deep inside you and stretching out your walls?" She questions as she goes a bit faster.
"Mmm I love it." I moan in pleasure as she balls slap against my skin.
Fuck she was so sexy when she was Dom, her being Dom made me even more wet and made my legs weak.
I moan in pleasure my walls clench around her walls. It's only been 10 minutes and I was already about to cum.
"Mmm someone close?" Y/n asks seductively.
"Mmm I'm close baby I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." Y/n sexily whispers and nips my ear.
I moan as she kisses and sucks on my neck leaving hickys. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Ahh I'm squirting." I moan in pleasure.
I squirts all over her abs, thighs, dick and all over the floor. Y/n smirks and keeps going.
Y/n goes at an angle and hits my g spot, Y/n and I both moan in pleasure. Y/n rubs my boobs a bit roughly as she continues to pound my G spot.
I moan loudly in pleasure. "Ahh I'm cumming, I'm cumming." I moan in pleasure.
I moan and let go and coat her dick with my cum and juices. Y/n smirks as I cum all over her dick.
Y/n picks up the pace and goes faster and harder than before. I moan and lay my head back, my boobs bounce up and down as she goes faster.
Y/n moans as she pounds my g spot at a faster and harder pace. Our moans fill the room as her balls slapping against my skin.
Y/n moans, her dick was throbbing big time she was so cute and desperate for a release. I squeeze her ass a bit.
"Mmm cum baby. Cum deep inside my pussy." I say seductively.
Y/n moans, she leans up and massages her boobs roughly and she goes faster and harder. My cum coats her dick and runs down my folds as Y/n uses it as lube.
"Like that daddy? You dick deep in my slut pussy?" I ask seductively.
"Mmm I love it." Y/n moans.
Y/n's breathing gets heavier as she starts to focus on her surroundings letting me know she's close to cumming.
"Yes cum in me cum in me." I moan.
Her balls slap against my dick. I moan as my walls clench around her dick again, I was about to cum again for a second time.
"I'm gonna cum." Y/n cutely moans.
"Yes give me your load daddy. Pump your seed deep inside of me." I moan.
I wrap my legs around her and hold her close to me putting her in a leg trap so she can't pull out.
Y/n moans loudly and unloads her massive load deep inside my pussy. I gasped and moan as she shoots her seed deep inside my pussy.
"Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
I moan and sigh in pleasure as she unloads her warm sticky juices in my pussy. Me and her both moan as she continues to shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside me.
"Ahh fuck. I'm sorry babe it felt so good." Y/n moans in pleasure.
"Don't be sorry baby. You finished in the right place. And like I said I'm on a pill." I moan.
God she had so much cum, she was still unloading her massive seed deep inside my pussy. Y/n moans, she slowly thrusts back and forth filling me up with the last of her cum as she comes down from her high.
Me and her come down from our highs, she moans and slowly pulls out.
*Y/n’s Pov*
I moan and pick up the pace, I continue to pound her g spot. Both me and Lia moan. Lia moans and squirts for a second time I feel her juices on my abs and thighs.
"Mmm fuck." Lia moans as I continue to fuck her g spot at an angle.
I smirk and moan as I feel her walls clench around my dick letting me know she was close.
"I'm cumming. I'm cumming." Lia moans.
She cums on my dick. I moan and keep going, her cum drips out of her pussy and coats her folds. I moan as we use her cum for Lube.
I moan and keep going, my breathing gets heavier. I moan and focus on my surroundings as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
Lia notices this. "Yes cum in me cum in me."
I moan, her dirty talking was making me close to cumming.
"Ahh I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
"Yes cum in me daddy. Unload your massive seed deep inside me." Lia moans.
Lia wraps her legs around me putting me in a leg trap so I can't pull out. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #1:
I moan and bust my load deep inside her. Me and Lia both moan as I finish inside her.
"Mmm yes." Lia closes her eyes and smiles as I pump her full of my cum.
I moan and slowly thrust in and out of her as I continue to shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her.
I moan coming down from my high. Once I'm down finishing inside her I slowly pull out.
"I'm S-Sorry. I tried to pull out in time." I moan coming down from my high.
"Don't be sorry baby you finished in the right spot." Lia moans.
My cum oozes out of her and coats her folds and drips down the side of the bed and onto the floor.
"Mmm so much cum." Lia moans. She pushes as much cum as she cans back inside her pussy with her finger.
I smirk and grab Lia. I pick her up and hold her, Lia giggles and squeals as I pick her up.
I bite my lip, I slide my tip in her pussy and slowly slide her down on my dick. Lia moans as she takes my length back deep inside her pussy.
Lia moans, she takes a moment to adjust to my size.
"M-Move." Lia moans.
I moan and slowly slide her up and down on my dick. "Mmm I'm gonna destroy your tight wet pussy." I moan.
"Yeah daddy?" Lia moans.
I moan and move her up and down on my dick a bit faster than before. "I'm gonna fuck your brains out. I'm gonna pump you full of my cum." I moan in pleasure.
"Pleasure do it. I'm your cum slut." Lia moans.
"Mmm you're my cum dumpster slut." I moan and move her up and down faster and harder on my dick.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Ahh yes daddy make me your free use slut and cum dumpster." Lia moans.
"Mmm you're such a slight for daddy's dick and cum?" I ask seductively.
"Mmm fuck yes give me your load." Lia moans.
The only sounds in the room were our moans, my balls slapping against her skin and the tv playing in the background.
"Mmm so fucking good, I don't think I can last much longer. You have amazing grip." I moan in pleasure.
I slide her up and down on my dick even faster and harder than before.
"Please daddy please cum in my slut pussy. I deserve it, don't hold back." Lia says desperately she wanted my cum deep inside her.
Lia moans loudly in pleasure and squirts. Her juices cover my thighs, my abs and goes all over the carpenter under us.
Lia moans and digs her nails in my back as she cums all over my dick, I smirk as she cums on my dick.
I moan and slam down on my dick, Lia gasps and moans, I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"I'm close baby. I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure.
"Mmm give it to me." Lia moans in pleasure.
Creampie #2:
I moan in pleasure, I slam her down on my dick and bust my load deep inside her. Lia moans and digs her nails into my back.
"Ah yes. I love your cum flooding in me." Lia cutely moans.
I moan and slowly thrust back and forth as I continue to unload my load deep inside her pussy. Lia moans and cums again, I help Lia ride out her high. I moan we both come down from our highs.
I slowly pull out of her. Cum immediately oozes out of her pussy and coats her folds, and drips down her thighs and onto the floor.
"Mmm there's so much." Lia moans.
I smirk. "I'm not done with you just yet baby." I say.
I lay on the bed, I motion her over. I have her turn her back to me, her back touches my tits. I line my dick up with her pussy and slowly sink her down on my dick, I spread her legs with my feet.
"Mmmm." Lia moans as I'm back deep inside her cum filled pussy.
I moan and grab her hips. I slowly slide up and down in and out of her pussy.
Lia moans she leans back. I look at her and moan as I thrust in and out of her tight cum filled pussy.
"Mmmm so fucking good." Lia moans.
"Mmm I'm gonna drain my balls in you." I sexily growl.
"Mmm please daddy give me your cum." Lia moans in pleasure.
I hold her hips and bottom out her pussy faster and harder.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck." Lia moans she squirts like a fountain. Her juices coat my thighs and stain the sheets.
"Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure and keeps going.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. The tv continues to play in the background.
I moan and bottom in and out of her pussy faster and harder pounding her g spot. Lia moans, she wraps her arms around my shoulder and grips my shoulder and grips the sheets with her other hand.
We both moan. I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming. I feel Lia’s walls clench around my dick letting me know that she was also close.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming." Lia moans. She throws her head back and cums all over my dick and squirts like crazy again.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore. Lia cumming sends me over the edge. I unload my massive load deep inside her. Lia gasps and moans as my cum floods inside her pussy.
"Mmm fuck." Lia moans. Her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as I fill her up with my cum.
I moan and slowly thrust in and out of her as I continue to unload my massive load deep inside her. Lia moans and pants, some of my cum pours out of her and drips down my dick and onto the sheets.
I moan and wrap my arm around her as I continue to come. I help Lia ride out her high. Once we both come down from ours highs, I slowly lift her up and pull out.
She doesn't even bother to hold the cum in her pussy. Cum oozes out and drips down her thighs and drips onto my abs, dick and stains the sheets.
We bath lay there in bed panting and trying to catch our breathes. I grab the remote and turn off the tv, I grab the blankets and pull the blankets over us. I cuddle her, I smile and kiss her deeply. She smiles against my lips and kisses back.
"Was that a good birthday present?" Lia asks giggling a bit.
"Mmm that was the best one yet." I reply.
We cuddle and end up falling asleep.
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saintarmand · 2 days
What did you think of Armand’s confrontation with Claudia? I’m not really sold on the idea that Armand displays startling cruelty in that moment — he’s definitely not nice, and it’s obviously a callback to how both Lestat and Louis have physically assaulted Claudia, and how she’s permanently trapped in this cycle of being at the mercy of powerful men who abuse or mistreat her. Like, he’s the coven master, Santiago has previously stated that Armand turns vampires into corpses for almost nothing, but ultimately, he’s the coven master, with the power of life and death over his flock, so his word is law. So when I think about Armand’s actions within “coven logic” it doesn’t really seem like individualized cruelty, more like justifiable annoyance (within coven logic) at the disobedience and insolence of a new, ungrateful coven member. Outside of coven logic, it’s abusive and cruel, but within the warped logic of the coven, it seems pretty ordinary to me. I guess I’m asking because I’ve seen lots of people post about the contrast between Armand’s vulnerability with Louis followed by his immediate cruelty to the coven, but I think it makes perfect sense. When Armand’s with Louis he’s being an individual, when he’s with the coven he’s being the coven master. Like, within Claudia’s story it’s definitely a continuance of the shitty, abusive cycle she’s stuck in, but within Armand’s role as the coven master it just seems like a regular Tuesday. Does that make sense?
yeah i'm not convinced he's singling her out specifically but i'm reserving judgment on that until the end of the season, since there's definitely stuff we're not privy to yet.
i think armand probably thinks he's been letting her (and everyone) get away with too much bc of louis and is now 'correcting' that. he was criticized by the coven throughout the episode for not being present enough and everyone doing shit they're not supposed to. so now he's going back to ruthless coven master mode to try to prevent the mutiny that's brewing.
i think it's also in response to the vulnerability he displayed to louis immediately prior; that shit was scary, and afterwards he probably wanted to feel powerful and in control again. he was also interrupted by the coven in that moment, them getting in the way of his time with louis, so he was pissed off at them all in general and the 'issue' that was reported was claudia so he lashed out at her.
i also don't think the play was written to torment her; i think the coven was just excited to have a 'child actress' and didn't consider how she might feel about it at all. they don't know what it's like for her and didn't think to wonder. the casual cruelty of thoughtlessness. we don't know the extent of armand's involvement with picking that role for her so it's difficult to say if he did it on purpose in any way. but his whole thing is doing whatever is 'required' of him regardless of how painful or humiliating, and that's what he expects from everyone else too. a horrible way to live and a horrible thing to subject others to, but that's armand for you.
insane how he actually acknowledged the cycle of abuse in this episode ("magnus who begat lestat, lestat begat louis, and on and on and on") and then immediately proceeded to go make sure it keeps on cycling. man got SO CLOSE to a major revelation but then it got interrupted i guess.
in TVL, lestat talks about the contrast between the 'lost child' and the 'coven master' in armand and they are two sides of him but they're also intrinsically linked. the vulnerability and the cruelty follow from each other. coven logic IS armand logic. it's all he knows. he's the victim and the perpetrator. he knows both sides intimately, and he believes this is just how it is, how it has to be, so suck it up. "life is cruel, life is violent." for him, it always has been. he skirts the rules sometimes because he can but he clearly also believes they should apply to him too. he almost killed louis for it. he keeps curfew. "know your role, thesp, or join your maker in oblivion", he says to santiago, but isn't he talking to himself too? he was ordered to lead the paris coven nearly 400 years ago and he hasn't been fulfilling his duties lately. he tells louis to think about leaving paris but leaving the coven himself is almost unthinkable to him. almost.
um, i got sidetracked, but basically yeah i think armand's assault of claudia, as cruel and horrifying and abusive and traumatizing it is for her, is him going back to regular tuesday as coven master. it's an emotionally motivated action but not, in my opinion, designed to single her out specifically as a rival for louis's affections or whatever. at least based on the information we have now, but there may be revelations to come in the latter half of the season that change my mind. or i might change my mind because i rewatch the episode for the fifth time or read really good post arguing the opposite lol.
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sibylsleaves · 2 days
if you’re still doing established buddie asks (and if you haven’t already answered) - do they have kids after Chris? How many? How did they come to have those kids (egg donor/surrogate, adoption, safe haven baby)? Also when/how does Buck adopt Chris (if he does at all). You’re the best!
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I think I've mentioned it a few other times but I'm for sure a "they have more kids" person. And for selfish reasons, I would want it to be a baby because. well. have you seen Buck holding a baby? or Eddie holding baby Chris? I need more of that on my screen posthaste!!!!!!
Buck definitely adopts Chris officially. For sure. It happens right after he and Eddie get married and they take some kind of fun family trip to celebrate.
But yeah, more kids. I'm not decided on how I would want them to do it. Mainly I think we've gotten a lot of "expanding the family" storylines with HenRen so if this is something I'm speculating about actually happening in the show, then I think they'd really need to find a way to tell a unique story for Buck and Eddie. I like the idea of a Safe Haven baby just because it's kinda wild to be that you can do that at a fire station and like. that's a REAL thing so the potential is there. and it would be a unique take on the story. Plus I like the idea of maybe Buck and Eddie are discussing the kids thing and they're not sure if they're ready but then it just. happens. I guess that's kind of like what they did with the Chimney/Maddie baby storyline though.
Or honestly I'm kind of recently digging the idea of introducing an entirely new tertiary character who they meet on a call/maybe during a big disaster arc who's like. a pregnant teen or something. Who Buck or Eddie or both really connect with and get to know (honestly im leaning Eddie here just because like. obvious young/teen parent connection) and she's already decided she's gonna give her kid up for adoption and her parents suck or are dead and she tells them she wants Buck and Eddie to be the ones to adopt her. And maybe it's an open adoption, where she'll get to meet the baby and watch her grow up and be a part of her life but she also gets to live her own life and have her teens/twenties/thirties without being a single mom. On a personal note, that's a story I'd really like to see because I have a family member who went through that (family member was the bio dad). And on a thematic note I think it'd tie in nicely with all the found family and nontraditional family structure stuff we've seen on the show.
Anyway I think they have at least one other kid although my heart is saying two.
And as for Chris, I think he loves being an older brother and being given that responsibility and that role. I think it's something he takes too really well (plus he has practice from hanging out with Jee-Yun) and it's something he really relishes. he dotes on his younger sibling(s) and is very generous about teaching them exactly the best ways to manipulate their dads.
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protaetia · 1 year
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sergle · 8 months
I'm thinking abt that pretty fall leaves embroidery pattern post and about how like... it is categorically a repost, it's a reupload. right? a thing that is generally disliked. but because it's credited, it's genuinely boosting the artist in question. and it could ALWAYS be like this. reposting content could ALWAYS be a symbiotic relationship, but because sourcing back to the original creator of something is so uncommon, it's just easier to ask people not to repost it at all. and people still don't understand the difference. or they'll go to the effort of cropping out usernames/signatures to repost something, which is More Effort than literally crediting the creator of something you liked enough to want to repost. Like. I literally don't actually care if my own shit gets reposted, you have to understand. I just don't want it STOLEN. But "do not repost" is easier to write on my art than "you can repost this, but don't alter the image/remove my signature, don't you dare write 'credit goes to the artist' because that is not credit, please link back to my original post or someplace that you can actually find me. please use an actual link/url instead of writing a non-clickable link of my username, because making it text instead of a clickable link cuts the number of people who will go to the effort of visiting my own page in Half." All those aggregate themed accounts, those fuckin annoying as hell instagrams and facebook groups that are like "body positive art we love wamen 💕 hashtag feminism" and then MASS-STEAL plus sized art created by women, if pages like these that always go and steal my older self-portraits and other works... If they just put a link to my prints of those pieces in the text of those posts, or, fuck, my commission info page? I would literally be living on the moon right now. I would have a house on the moon
#there is actually nothing morally wrong with running an account that just reuploads ppl's artwork or their jokes or their cosplays#if you just put a VISIBLE LINK in the description of your post with proper credit then it would be beneficial for everyone#because you can get your little clout or whatever it is you want by putting a bunch of same-category content on a page#but nobody's getting fucked over because if your post blows up then people just get FUNNELED to the source#because it's placed so plainly where everyone can see it#and yeah it's better to retweet or reblog but#on the rare occasion that I see my shit reuploaded on tumblr WHICH IS WEIRD BC I MAKE MY OWN POSTS HERE but anyway#someone making their own post where they upload my stuff. and it's always the floral self portraits so let's say it's a post with all those#if I scroll to the bottom and it says like. Artwork by Serglesinner on Twitter <-- clickable link [Sergle's Prints] <-- clickable link#to my etsy#I'm like oh okay and all the anger leaves my body and I'm like ah I see. and I toss the rock aside#like oh okay so you actually care that a person made these pieces. Instead of posting the caption ''women <3'' or smth#like you've GOTTA die if you do that. but if you just link back#or if you go to the effort of writing like a description with a BLURB? like it's a damn museum. like a light paragraph of info#about what the art is and who made it and their links#I am literally sucking you in a strange and peculiar manner. that is extremely helpful#and maybe other artists don't want this AT ALL and they'd rather people not reupload even if it is credited#but I feeeeeeeeel. like 99% of the time this would solve the issue#reposters could genuinely be helping ppl. sometimes the repost gets more traction than the real thing#as long as it credits the creator then that's an okay thing to happen!#that can land somebody a sale! a commission order! a new fan! A JOB#A JOB!!!!!!!!!!#sergle.txt#I didn't write this eloquently AT ALL what the fuck ever barkbarkbarkbark
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broodygaming · 3 months
C2 Spoilers
it drives me NUTS when people say that Taliesin and Matt decided together backstage to kill off Molly. It makes 0 sense and it's ??? just such an unnecessary rumor to spread. People on reddit often spout it like it's just a known fact. Like, as if Taliesin didn't famously complain about having to pull all nighters over a busy weekend to roll and conceptualize a new character cuz he had ZERO backup. As if Molly didn't JUST have a huge lore drop and was clearly building to be a major focus of the next branch of the story. As if Matt didn't have LOADS of lore and planning already done that he had to to redo and reconfigure to fit with the Tomb Takers going and exhuming Molly to continue their plans. Matt said he had this whole thing where Lucien was gonna show up in a different body and hunt down the M9 to kill Molly and take his old body back. He SAID that!
Idk why this drives me nuts. It just feels... almost disrespectful. Like. Y'all. Taliesin isn't a baby. He fucked up. It's okay. He made a dumb choice in the heat of the battle and doubled down and it got his character killed. Things escalated and there wasn't a healer and it's JUST as simple as that. Stop making shit up to justify something that only SEEMS LIKE IT'S ORDAINED because these people are talented story tellers. Blowing all the work they did to reconfigure the story and just HAND WAVING and being like "they planned it ahead of time" is just rude. If it all seems preplanned it's cuz Matt busted his patootie off and reweaved a frayed tapestry into a beautiful work. Happy accidents and all that. CMON.
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mildmayfoxe · 6 months
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STAY ★ TRUE || patreon print for dec / shop
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stardust-vi · 25 days
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sugarcarnation · 8 days
thinking about how ultimately it was dazai who was too sentimental to stay in the mafia
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tartppola · 1 month
IDK if someone already asked you this, but do you have a bio about your version of MC/Yuu?
i do!! the og post is quite buried in my blog i’ll just pop it in here!
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i only made these for the fun and sillies tbh its not very important to them & the stuff i draw about them ( sometimes )
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