#we are not as trapped as people make us out to be
cemeterything · 22 hours
Is augury kismet a homestuck oc of yours? I've never read it but I'm aware of the term kismesis and that the trolls have six letter first and last names. I'd love to learn more about them if they are, I love hearing about your other ocs like Annie
yeah she is! she's my fantroll oc from an rp server where we were randomly assigned blood colours and classpects and had to construct a character out of that. augury is a jadeblood mage of light prospit dreamer, so i decided to go with a tormented clairvoyant angle. she's exceedingly nihilistic and passive at first, because she's labouring under the conviction that free will is an illusion and that none of her choices matter because her entire life is already predetermined and has been since birth. this isn't helped by the fact that, in alternia, it kind of is, since your place on the hemospectrum heavily dictates your social opportunities and lifestyle choices, as well as being forcibly befriended by a particularly unstable purpleblood (my friend @zoomane's oc terack). they have a relationship best described as "toxic codependent moiralleigance", despite not actually being in any quadrant. augury's name reflects her nature, since "augury" is derived from "augur", a type of oracle in ancient rome who attempted to divine the future from the flight patterns of birds, and "kismet" is a word synonymous with "fate". as a mage of light, augury uses her power's focus on knowledge and fortune to attempt to divine the fate of the players and react accordingly.
augury is an adult (all our characters were adults), which means that she has a role in the empire. since she's a jade, she's not allowed to be conscripted, but she's not very good with or interested in infants, so she became a space warrior nun instead of joining her peers in the brooding caverns. her strife specibus is snarekind (relating to the theme of the threads of fate), and she mostly uses it to set traps and garotte people. she has a rosary made of a tempered high-strength metal alloy which she can rely on for that purpose in a pinch.
apart from being thoroughly depressing and ominous to be around, augury is fairly detached and standoffish. she cares a lot more than she lets on, but she has a prickly outward demeanour and a defensive mean streak that make it hard to notice until you get to know her better. her horn shape reflects this - they resemble thorny vines erupting from her skull.
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grison-in-space · 2 days
It's never too late. We are beginning to think about how and why we exploit animals, and how it is not morally consistent with our values; several prominent anarchists and communist bloggers on Tumblr have admitted that veganism is ethically and financially superior on every level, though they don't participate in it, which is sad. All it takes is a little extra work. The collapse of capitalism will also bring the collapse of the animal industry, or vice versa. The meat plants subjugate both humans and animals, causing persistent trauma- in fact, it has the highest rate of trauma among every category of labor. If you support abolition, you should support all abolition: children, psych people, and animals. On a site like Tumblr, we have an opportunity to promote the breakdown of all positions of power. We are all equal.
Honey, you have the wrong fucking blog to the extent that I can only assume you are spamming this message to everyone you think might listen. I have gone on the record several times to say:
I am a pragmatic empiricist. I care much less about ideological consistency than I do about observed outcomes. There are traps there, too—sometimes people get too much into the weeds about observing proxies for desired goals—but essentially I do think that careful observation of the world around me is much more valuable than starting with a consistent ideology and assuming that good intentions will yield good outcomes.
I am motivated by animal welfare. For me, part of that involves meeting animals on their own level, using their own species-specific signals to assess stress and comfort, and understanding animals within their own social context. Therefore,
I am opposed to animal rights narratives that encourage people to project their own imagined emotional responses onto animals without assessing the animals' actual signals in context. Additionally,
I believe as a behavioral ecologist that, for good and for ill, humans are essentially animals participating in a broader ecosystem that includes us. I do not think humans are special or exist outside that broader web, and I think that ecological intervention works most effectively when we see ourselves as part of nature rather than as some kind of twisted unnatural personification of original sin. Conflict and death are part of life. You won't make a better world by pretending otherwise.
I am a disabled person ("psych people?!"), and more specifically an autistic and neurodivergent person. I literally spelled out for you last night that I have difficulties eating and that imposing more barriers to that ("a little extra work") is a significant burden for me. Your easy dismissal of this point is, in context, amazingly and blithely ableist. Wow.
"psych people?!" I am happy to critique coercive psychiatry and medicine more generally, but that one's new on me. If you're not brave enough to use the language of mad/crip pride, are you entirely sure you understand the points of the dialogue? Your demonstrated grasp of disability justice is already extremely poor; this ain't helping.
I am not anti-state (i.e. I am not an anarchist; I am a democratic socialist) and I routinely criticize daydreams about burning entire systems to the ground and replacing them with a vague new system. Those criticisms are usually based in historical analysis of attempts to do exactly that, which have typically resulted in a lot of bloodshed, generally from the most vulnerable people in society. They also often yield a new and not necessarily more egalitarian power structure that continues to oppress people, sometimes more aggressively than the institution preceding it.
For the same reason, I am not a communist. I think communism offers too many opportunities for unscrupulous people to seize power, creating more inequality under the banner of equality itself. Again, this position comes from reading the history of communist states from as many perspectives as I can get my mitts on.
I frequently critique assumptions that capitalism is the only root of social problems. This does not mean that I am pro-capitalism. It means that I think you have to think deeply about problems, especially when it makes you uncomfortable, to understand how to solve them. Many problems that capitalism exacerbates are actually rooted in problems about impulse control (as with Ideas Jerry the other day), basic human social dynamics, emotional regulation, complex traumas, and many other things. You must understand how these problems arise before you can construct a structure that guards against them effectively.
Fundamentally, I think you are probably optimistically spamming this message to anyone that you think will listen. I invite you to consider how effective that is as a tactic to advance your politics: when you pick the wrong person, at best you leave the impression that people serving your ideology are essentially self centered and bad at listening. At worst, you wind up pissing people off enough to sit down and lay out exactly how many points they disagree with you on. Coalitions of solidarity are based on listening carefully to one another and finding the places we agree on; shit like that is antithetical to building them because it sends a very effective signal that you are either very, very bad at listening or uninterested in doing so.
Either way, get out of my house.
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bae i luh you
peaches asked, so i delivered because who am i to say no to a god?
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bf!chris x gf!reader
warnings: fluff, HATING ASS HOE, suggestive, swearing,
the bass was BOOMING in the tara's living room. today was nicks second space camp drop and ms. yummy insisted on celebrating with a party because of course.
as y/n stepped into the house she was assaulted by the smell of alcohol and sweat.
someone needed a fucking speedstick because DAMN!
anyway, she was brought out of her thoughts by her boyfriends arm being snaked around her waist as she walked. 
"you alright chris?" she asked.
"yeah im good. im just not trynna get fucked up tonight, so you gotta stay close." he reassured her.
"i wasn't leaving your side anyway." she said, grabbing his hand and making her way to their crew. "SUP SLUTS?" she shouted and everybody cheered. 
and the night went on just like that. 
taking a shot for solidarity, partying with their friends, and losing themselves in the night. everyone danced and enjoyed each othe
r. chris and y/n particularly enjoyed each other. 
suddenly y/n's new favorite song came on. as soon as she heard that "i say HOOOOO BABBYYYYY" a switch flipped. 
the moment was no longer about enjoying the feeling of chris being semi-hard on her ass. it was about letting the whole house know that he was hers.
and wreck-it ralph himself couldn't break that. 
so she did what any self-respecting woman would do. she began screaming the lyrics to him while moving her body and making heart hands. 
bae i love you you my everything im yo main bitch fuck a wedding ring
chris just laughed and began singing along with her, pulling her body to his, so their noses were touching. 
in this moment, y/n realized how much she loved chris. what she'd do for him. she'd keep every secret. she'd lie for him. she'd kill for him. she'd die for him. she'd live for him. 
did it scare her? fuck yes. 
she was supposed to be a pimp, not a lover girl. and she only knew this man for a year. but if president sexyy can be tied down than so can she.
i only knew him for a week but i swear thats my boo i might let the nigga trap me bitch my summer through but dont give a fuck do anythang for you
the couple was in la la land (ryan gosling hit me up!) as they danced and laughed and loved up on each other. 
to the untrained eye, it was disgusting. but to their friends, it was the moment they'd all been waiting for.
matt smiled with pride at the side of chris being with who he really wanted to be with, rather than who he think people want him to be with.
nick was shocked at chris being so openly in a relationship after physically cringing at the mere thought of sharing a scooter with a girl, but happy for him nonetheless.
tara was damn near in tears, seeing y/n being her true soft self.
jake was wishing he had someone he could be gross and cute with.
tril (who introduced the pair) was just glad chris was finally getting non-toxic pussy and y/n was getting the dick she deserved.
but of course the moment had to be ruined. 
there's always a bitch ass bitch trying to  kill the vibe. 
or should i say, a bitch ass bum.
as soon as the couple saw who'd been standing there staring at them like monkeys in a zoo, they made eye contact and simultaneously busted out laughing.
"what do you want bruh?" chis asked, sighing in an attempt to control his giggling.
"you're fucking with her after we just broke up two weeks ago?" she nudged her head in y/n's direction, which only changed her mood from wildly entertained to mildy irritated. 
"i'm not just 'fucking with' her." chris responded bluntly. "she's my girlfriend. my girl. friend." chris made sure to enunciate his words because he knew this girl was a little slow. "something you would have had to been for us to 'break up'. which we never did. because we never dated." he pulled y/n into his side and made sure she was good before he looked back at his old talking stage.
y/n was more than good. her pussy flooded when chris called her his girlfriend. 
nigga we go together tell them hoes we go together
 this bitch still fucking here?
"but nothing hoe." y/n butt in, deciding to handle this situation herself. she stepped to the girl and looked her good in the eyes, to make sure she felt every word. "he just told you he has a girlfriend so get the fuck on and find something safe to do."
the girl cowered and walked away without another peep. leaving chris and y/n to embrace each other with passion and love and lust and all the other good feelings.
it was official. everyone knew they were together. 
everyone knew that they were each others. 
what more could a retired pimp ask for?
niyah speaks luh part two to feed yall for the week
taglist: @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @mattssluttygf @zniyadgaf
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and by mommy i mean me)
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Going back my post about the fight (you guys left so many good tags!)
I'm not completely sold on the idea that Armand purposefully and methodically planned to trigger Louis into a meltdown/suicide attempt (which the rescue of would be delayed) for the purpose of keeping him by his side in a weakened state, not because it would make what he said and did any less wrong, but because it goes against what we know about Armand as a character.
From what Assad Zaman said, Armand is a guy who actually has less control than he appears and wants, and is sometimes without a full/correct assessment of the people around him. Just because one has all the power, that doesn't mean one's own insecurities or overestimation of self can't get in the way of effective control. He did leave his partner and the "homewrecker" alone together this episode thinking everything would be fine, after all; that does not spell out someone with great calculation skills. He also has this pessimistic passivity to him. He will see trouble coming, but because of his past experiences, feel there's no use in stepping in to prevent the situation because it will only delay the inevitable. He then tries to convince you and himself afterwards that he could not have prevented any of it from it happening (as @rosesocietyy said, his commitment to deniability will choke him one day). He's not a man who can prevent an implosion, but he is a man who can commit to the clean-up afterwards (see how controlled he appears during his fight with Louis vs him playing 'nursemaid' afterwards).
I feel like when we talk about abusers, it's pretty easy and even dangerous to see them as ones who plan everything out from the beginning, who always know what's going on/what's going to happen, and are always in control (it goes back to the whole 'Armand planned Claudia's death from the beginning to trap Louis', 'Armand abracadabra-ed how Claudia died who Lestat really was from Louis's head', "Armand has been mind-controlling Louis to stay with him for 77 years" "Armand actually planned this interview because he wants to break up with Louis/get with Daniel' theories). Not only does it paint a portrait of abusers as one-dimensional villains even though anyone could be one, it also misses the point of why something or someone is abusive in the first place. It's not about whether you intended your actions to have consequences or not, whether your past trauma has compromised your skills to self-regulate or connect with others, or whether you have control all the time or not. It's about how your actions have hurt the other/made them feel helpless regardless, and whether they're (rightfully) afraid it's going to happen again.
During that fight scene, I see Armand's facial expressions and behaviour change multiple times during that fight. I see the look of anger slowly turning to regret then worry when Louis runs out of the room. That didn't look like someone who planned any of that to happen or is plotting to delay Louis's rescue, but someone who was coming off the high end of their subconscious/released pent-up emotions. Armand to me is honestly scarier because of that unpredictability and lack of clear thought-process. With Armand it's never really about boiling his decisions down to one reason; it's about the effect someone as powerful as Armand has when he feels he has no control.
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thecertifiedboykisser · 11 hours
I'm not sure if people are still talking about this but I saw some people being confused on how mystic flour is in the cocoon and not the tree and I think the 'forks' or the beasts prisons, in the first trailer weren't all in one area.
For context, at the end of chapter two of beast yeast, white lily seals the tree back up, trapping shadow milk cookie again. I saw a few posts saying that if lily sealed it how has mystic flour been in the cocoon for so long?
I don't think the witches were stupid enough to put all the beasts in one area. If the worst-case scenario happened and the beasts got free (like is happening now) It would be easier to manage if they weren't together. They could cause a lot more damage even to a smaller area together than if they were apart.
As shown below, the tree was almost in the center of the prisons, a way to hold them together and keep them locked away.
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I think that the tree was just Shadow milk's prison, no one else's. The way he popped out of the tree at the end of chapter one makes me think he was actually in there, but I think I was only him.
A lot of people made the connection that he has attachments to the blueberry yogurt (?) Academy, the school that while Lilly and PV went to. I don't think he lived in beast yeast but in Crispia, so they didn't have a place they could store him thus, into the tree he goes.
But that tangent over, Mystic flour was most likely trapped by the witch's in her cocoon, but cloud haetae cookie said she entered it, so I'm thinking that A- She was lying to them, or B- she made it for herself and entered and the witches were like "Fuck yeah, she did it for us" and just kinda kept her from getting out by attaching it to the tree.
But, the cocoon was empty besides the giant enemy spider. Mystic flour wasn't there! I have two theories. A- That was mystic flour, or more like what she became. She talks so much about the cycle, and I don't think she's immune to it. She said she was almost there but didn't reach it. I think she turned into that spider in the cocoon. Bugs normally enter cocoon for a while to transform into something new or better.
(Side note, I'm not really taking much that mystic flour cookie said in the story but more focusing on what actually happened. Not the dialog, and I think she's at least partially unreliable as she's trying to convince DC all I'd futile.)
Or theory B- Her dough was taken to the tree, but her spirit and power were left there. If that makes sense, (her dough wasn't with her soul jam or actual soul.) She made the spider for whoever tried to open it up or (the more likely one) as a lure to DC after doing a plauge be apon ye to him.
The beasts are awoken but not free yet. They can create chaos and issues for the ancients to get them to go to beast yeast but they are still trapped in there prisons. The seal kept them from going actively but the damage was already done. They want to be free and they want there powers.
Also the seal probably sustained heavy damage even after it was fixed by white lily. Sure she fixed it but I doubt it's at full strength, allowing the chains a bit of slack in a way.
Though, this is all just theory's and me putting together parts of the lore to make this with my Sorta good media literacy skills. We will probably find out more next update!
Tldr- The prisons are in different areas of beast yeast, Shadow milk was probably trapped in the tree himself, Mystic flour cocoon was her prison and the spider may have been her or just a way to rid of DC if he didn't sucum to flour, the beasts aren't physically in the world yet but can still do things.
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AITA for telling a friend about a job I know for certain is terrible?
I have a degree in a creative field of work. Years ago I applied for a job in a city out of state, for a small business. I lowballed on the expected salary because I was desperate to get the job and get established before I moved. I figured once I got my apartment squared away I could look for a better, higher paying job.
Well, I got the job, and it turns out I actually really enjoyed working there. It was a pleasant work environment, I had cool coworkers, the boss was understanding and generous. So I stayed despite the low pay. I did get yearly raises, but even with those I was still below the average salary for my position.
That all changed earlier this year, when the old boss decided to sell the business due to health reasons. The new bosses made their fortune in a completely different industry, and knew nothing about our industry. They are in way over their heads.
They don’t fill out orders correctly. They take on orders that are physically impossible and expect us to do them anyway. They buy expensive new machines, don’t train us on them, and immediately start taking huge orders for them when we haven’t ironed on the kinks. We can’t focus on any complex orders because they’re constantly making us switch gears to personal projects, or forgotten orders, or different huge rush orders. The wife has a habit of rearranging our spaces and messing them all up, sometimes when we’re still in them trying to finish projects. They switched to a new shop management system that is counterintuitive and has too many moving parts and as a result mistakes have been piling up. Did I mention I was the only person in my particular department? Because I am.
It got to the point where I was having breakdowns every day. I have reached the point of total burnout. I finally decided enough was enough and turned in my two weeks’ notice plus however long it takes to train someone new.
Well, my “two weeks plus whatever it takes to train the newbie” has turned into six weeks and counting. They didn’t realize how cheap a date I was. They’ve interviewed people, but they’re all asking for twice the salary they’re offering. Which, good for them, get that scratch, but it means I’m languishing here, still suffering.
Now here is where I feel I MBTA. I have a Facebook friend, an acquaintance I met on another creative project, asking around for any local jobs in (creative field). He also lost his job recently, so he’s pretty hard up. I told him about the position opening up. I did not give him any details why I was leaving, or the pay, or the clusterfuck environment.
I feel like I’m leading him into a trap. But I’m so desperate to leave. I don’t want to leave without a replacement in place, because I like all my coworkers and without that one department the whole business will go belly up and they’ll all be out a job.
Am I leading him into a trap? AITA?
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g1rld1ary · 2 days
do i make you nervous? - elle greenaway x fem!reader
cw: she/her pronouns, typical cm violence, petnames
wc: 1115
being stuck in a police station for six hours was not on your bingo card for the day. to be fair, it wasn't really on the bingo card for your year either. you were a good girl, you never broke the rules, you certainly didn't break the law. so, you'd never pictured yourself needing to be trapped under fluorescent lights waiting to talk to police officers, except for your bad luck in being caught in an almost violent bank hold-up.
not only that, of the many witnesses you were probably last in line, having to wait through hours of people going in and out of the tiny interview room. most of them left in tears, which really wasn't helping your nerves.
you'd resigned to your daydreams to pass the time; you'd finished the book from your purse hours ago and you could only play snake for so long. that was why you jumped violently when a hand lay on your shoulder, ripping you from your daydream. above you, the prettiest woman you'd ever seen was trying to hold back a laugh.
"i didn't mean to scare you," she said, and you found yourself smiling back at her. "just wanted to check if you wanted some water, pretty girl." sure enough she had offered a plastic cup toward you. you stared at it for a second before remembering your manners.
"oh! thanks, that's really nice of you." the woman shook her head.
"least we could do after keeping you here for so long. you come get me if you need anything else." you managed to nod and produce what you hoped was a smile despite your daze at the gorgeous woman.
you only waited for twenty more minutes after that before a man came out to get you.
"i'm derek morgan, special agent in the FBI. we just want to ask you some questions. i know the interrogation room looks scary, but we promise you're not in trouble. we just have to take what we can get in a precinct this small."
"i don't think anyone anticipated having this many witnesses in at once," you added, finding it much easier to talk to derek than the woman before. you didn't want to think about why that was.
it was straight to business once in the interrogation room. it was cold, like all the life had been sucked out of it. if you weren't already scared of the law you would have gone straight to avoid needing to return.
inside the room was the woman from before. you sucked in a nervous breath as you sat across from her, trying to split your looks evenly between her and morgan.
the woman finally introduced herself as ssa elle greenaway, and shook your hand in a way that had you weak in the knees. after the basic formalities, the two started asking you questions.
"alright, we'll start easy and warm you up to it. why were you at the bank this morning?"
"i'm moving into my first apartment in a few weeks. i lived on campus all of college and then stayed with my parents for a year or two as i was getting my career started. because i have no history of renting i had to sort out some papers and records with the bank and lucky me i chose today." both the agents made noises of sympathy.
"congratulations on moving out," elle said warmly, "too bad it's delayed by some maniac. do you remember seeing him walk in?"
you recounted the day in as much detail as you could remember, staring at your hands as you spoke. you were so anxious. all you could feel were eyes; morgan, elle, and you didn't know how many people could be observing you from behind the mirror. that, plus the trauma of being threatened with a gun hours before caught up to you all at once and you couldn't help the hot tears sitting on your waterline. both agents stopped at that, giving you a breather.
"morgan, think you can give us a minute?" elle said, not taking her eyes off of you. derek raised an eyebrow but agreed nonetheless, leaving the two of you alone.
elle grabbed your hands, holding them in hers over the table between you.
"let's slow down, just breathe, pretty girl." she forced you into silence for a few moments and you let your breathing fall into sync with hers.
"sorry," you said when you were mostly calm, "i'm really nervous."
"you've got nothing to be nervous about, baby, you haven't done anything wrong." god, you wanted to combust. this stunning woman was being so nice, holding your hands and calling you pet names, you couldn't handle it. she must have noticed your eyes trained on where you hands met -- unsurprising, you weren't being subtle -- and her soft expression turned into something of a smirk. "do i make you nervous?"
you nodded, almost imperceptibly, but elle's eyes were only on you. she couldn't contain her amusement, and you couldn't tell if you were offended that she was teasing you.
the rest of the interview was easier after elle knew the effect she had on you, eventually leaving derek as the sole agent when it got down to the facts you really needed to think about. although you knew it was necessary for the sake of the case, you were upset it meant you couldn't admire her more.
"we'll call you if we need anything else." derek walked you to the door, all smiles. you thanked him and assured him you'd be willing to give whatever the FBI needed.
just as you were descending the outdoor steps to the car park, you heard a heavy set of footsteps behind you. turning quickly, you were relieved to see elle following you. you gripped the strap of your purse nervously as you waited for her to speak.
"if you think of anything else, anything else you wanted to tell me, just reach out," she said, handing you a card. just as you opened your mouth to thank her she spoke again, "maybe you can start with where you got your jeans, your ass is irresistible." you could feel your flush hot on your cheeks as you mumbled some sort of goodbye, all but running to your car to scream.
safely at home, you could think more clearly, not hesitating to start composing a text message, including the brand of your jeans with a cheeky smiley face.
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vidavalor · 2 days
Hi I'm curious who do you think Jim let in the shop in Ep 2? He says 3 people were in there and then Crowley disappears but we never find out where he went. I read your thoughts on The Book of Life being fake so I know you don't think that Az has it and someone was trying to steal it. Who do you think Jim let in?! It's driving me nuts. 🤣🤣🤣
Hi there. 💕 Help yourself to some chocolate cookies. My theory on this is a little out there but I actually think it fits pretty well. You can let me know what you think. 😊
What might who was in the bookshop & to where Crowley disappeared in 2.02 have to do with this Maggie & Nina moment?
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What trio of people being in the shop while Crowley & Aziraphale were in The Dirty Donkey would be a problem that could send Crowley rushing down the street after them when he realized what Jim was saying... but then also result in Crowley not being especially concerned in the moment about the fact that he couldn't locate them?
Who would be a problem early in S2 that could wait to be dealt with until S3? Whose story kind of needed to be set up through Gabriel in 2.02 but for a payoff way, far down the line-- all the way into the next season?
If you look at it as characters trying to get into the shop, you quickly realize that all of the characters in the present in S2 are trying to do just that for most of the rest of the season, right? So, if three of them working together already could... the rest of the season's story doesn't hold up very well. It has to be a separate plot from the present events in S2, so...
...what if Jim didn't let three people in? He never actually said he did...
What if he actually let three beings out...
Don't ask me how this might come to be but all I can think is that Jim is so literal that he would have said if he let these people in and he didn't-- he just said three people were in the shop...
If that's the case? There's only one trio of characters who make sense to me: it's (somehow) Greta, Glozier & Harmony.
They couldn't show us what happened in the present in 2.02 during S2 because that would spoil what happens in 1941, Part 3 in S3. Somehow, as a result of whatever other plot happens, The Nazi Zombie Flesheaters-- now, likely ghosts-- have been trapped in part of the bookshop since 1941.
Jimbriel's a fallen angel and the first person other than Crowley & Aziraphale to spend any real time in the bookshop basically ever. If he's able to be possessed-- as he is during S2 at times-- I'd imagine it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he can see dead people. When Crowley & Aziraphale go to the pub, Jim is in some room looking for more books for his project and the Nazi Zombies Ghosts are shocked to realize that he can see them. Jimbriel mistakes them for customers who were locked in the shop after Aziraphale left and grants their wish to allow them to leave. He sees them out the front door.
A few minutes later, while Aziraphale is flashing us back to the Job minisode, Jim saying twice that "just now" there were three people in the shop hits Crowley and he rushes upstairs to wake him up and get more information, as he's panicked thinking that angels or demons were in the shop. Jim explains that he didn't let anyone in since they told him not to-- the three were just already there. Two men and a woman and yeah, she had a fabulous hat and, yeah, they were covered in ash and blood, come to think of it...
Crowley finds out which way they went and apparates out of the shop after them, prompting Jim to refer to this to Aziraphale by saying that Crowley "went away", as opposed to "left" or "went out", which he probably would have used if Crowley had left on foot. Crowley searched around down the street near Mrs. Cheng's a bit and didn't find them. He figured, well... they're ghosts. How much harm can they really do and don't we have enough other problems going on right now? Probably not that big a deal. Would be nice to sleep without worrying that Greta is going to get out of the attic and try to make the gramophone play Wagner at 2am again...
Might not be a big problem in S2 but the whole prophecy of ...and the dead shall leave their graves and walk the Earth once more... would mean that could change in S3. It would only work if they had already been let of the shop in S2 and Gabriel's the only one who could unknowingly make that happen.
From a writing standpoint? Undead Nazis roaming the streets in the 2020s as symbolic of the fascist creep in this era-- and how it's never very far away-- is good stuff.
If there's somethin' strange... in your neighborhood...
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...who you gonna call?
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Ghost! Busters!
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protaetia · 1 year
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imminent-danger-came · 4 months
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The 1x00 AHiB -> 4x06 glowup
#this just reminded me I need to make a ''being there for your friends when they need you'' post#because that shit is EVERYWHERE#LIKE THAT'S ALL THEY FUCKING TALK ABOUT#''It's okay sandy! You're always there for us when we need you. The least we can do is be there for you when you need us.'' (4x06)#''No! Mei is my best friend. I'd never abandon her when she needs me—we're heroes! It's what we do!'' (3x10)#''You don't know! We'd risk it for sure! I won't abandon them when they need us'' (4x02)#''As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend- I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me.'' (2x08)#''Wukong only values people by how useful they are to him'' (3x08)#''No no honestly—this is exactly what I need right now. I'm trapped under a mountain- but the 6-earred macaque brought me a peach!''#(4x11)#Literally just the shit off of the top of my head#and then. And then that in contrast with#''I get it. I'd do anything for my friends! But at the cost of the world?'' LIKE GOD DAMMIT LEGOS#You took the basic bitch ''Help you friends'' theme and went ''But what if helping your friend hurt others'' like come on man#Hello#Where am I#I'm dying. I'm dying#Okay imma go do hw......I guess....whatever....#lmk#lego monkie kid#lmk parallels#lmk Sandy#lmk Mei#lmk Pigsy#lmk Tang#OH GOD ALSO. ''I will become someone they can depend on...the way I can always depend on them!'' (3x08)#AND#''But you're always there when I need you- so it's time for me to return the favor!'' (2x04)#Which also just ties into ''we'll figure this out together'' as a whole right#what. ever.
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
everyday i constantly think of masato's wheelchair and if that's his only one/main one no wonder he's so pissed at everyone
#snap chats#someone pointed this out to me like last year so im stealing it sorry cause I Think Of It Constantly#the handling of masato's disability will forever annoy me esp with how vague it is but esp his chair#one day ill draw masato with an appropriate wheelchair. maybe then he'll be happy for once#in a way i guess it could tie into how restricted or trapped he felt since the type of chair he's shown is more like. a hospital one#and not one youd really use as a regular user- like in that vein it is a bit of storytelling in that he can ONLY go out with help#since hospital chairs are SO much different from home chairs ESPECIALLY in regards to mobility and independence the user has#AND NOT TO MENTION HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THOSE CHAIRS ARE get his ass a proper cushion P L E A S E#like it portrays the idea that its unfathomable for him to go anywhere on his own and so in that vein . Interesting Storytelling#theres a lot of implications going on here if im so honest and again it makes for Really Interesting Story Telling#however i refuse to give rgg credit like that when it comes to disabilities. ... they havent earned that from me yet#see this is why the vagueness of his condition annoys me because he's shown to be independent enough to roll himself to his elevator#and presumably get himself dressed but he cant have a proper chair ?#because ik there are people who have expressed they have conditions where even writing is tiring#so if his condition was in-line with that and it was hard for him to push himself in his chair then i could buy it#obviously the issue lies with his lungs but i just want to know the full extent yk...#to wrap this up tho ive been thinking of character design in rgg and how we dont give credit to it enough#sooooo if i make a second post ten minutes from now thats why cause i keep forgetting to spam my thoughts on here LMAO#ok bye
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conchfritters · 4 months
i need to get less ashamed of talking about my interests on my 0 follower tumblr blog because if i don't point out that despite having one of the most interesting concepts ever presented in a genshin event, shadows amidst snowstorms was not actually well written, and was in fact pretty Poorly written, then who else will. Who else will.
#seashell resonance#Anyway amber hasn't shown up in any content since 1.0 where she wasn't optional or thrown out entirely in favor of standing as an#advertisement for euIa. case in point in the scene in shadows amidst snowstorms where you're waiting outside the cave for albedo the last#person joel was left with was amber. when euIa confronts albedo about the fake trying to lead joel away...there's no mention ever of the#fact that amber...was With Joel. Amber who is an Outrider trained to Notice Danger. Either left joel with fakebedo without noticing anythin#or the actual explanation: hoyo didn't care enough to write her because. well. Amber Bad#the next time we see her is when she shows up with bennett#amber used to have a lot of fire to her and this sort of unique not quite cockiness but like. easy way to tell she used to be the difficult#kid we hear about in her character stories and teapot dialogue#she serves no purpose in shadows amidst snowstorms#an event that easily could've capitalized on the Horror aspect of being trapped with a doppelganger of one of your coworkers and shown off#ALL the characters (because get this. You can make people wanna spend on characters who aren't meta by making them Like Them.)#but amber? no value in any event she's ever been in. she talks about good hunter and sticky honey roast. she gets flustered. euIa pays for#her meal. Remember how she was in Almost All of razor's story quest and then when they needed a knight to give him a gift in weinlessefest#they chose...SUCROSE AND NOELLE?#remember how collei has had more on screen interactions with fucking euIa and sucrose than AMBER#how amber and collei's reunion was what people wanted to see and instead it happens off screen and amber simply isn't relevant during#windblume? how amber didn't get a skin with lisa and kaeya? how amber has no appearance in kaeya's hangout event despite their dynamic in#the webtoon and her being suspicious of him presenting so much room to work with?#her tcg dialogue has a meta joke in it. Because amber bad and amber doesn't exist outside of euIa and connecting collei to euIa#and i could go on. about the writing for cyno. about collei. about the way they write kokomi or any genius character. about albedo even.#about all my Other gripes with euIa because they go to about every single aspect of her character except her Basic personality#which is to say the personality we see in most of her voicelines. she could've literally been a saving grace for the cast if she weren't on#of the like top 3 worst written characters#i could talk about like almost any character's decay but that's not the point. Not the point. Nobody look atme.#i tried to replace the L in euIa's name with a capital i to make this post not show up in front of her enjoyers somehow but if it does#sorry about that! no problems with you it's hoyoverse who has my ire#i have so much more to say even just about amber specifically since she is. Unfortunately my fav and unfortunately almost the only characte#i care about whenever my enjoyment of genshin even Slightly wanes#but nobody will ever see it because that essay i write in my head seven times a day is for Me. I'll die before i crack open google docs
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macadam · 1 year
Gonna put myself out here for a hot minute to remind everyone that the runner of a poll or little event on tumblr is not responsible for the replies/posts of everyone else in the fandom, nor do they have the power to stop people from reacting in any which way in the notes of their post without turning off reblogs and shutting down the entire thing full stop. I think we can all agree on that? They are not a discord mod, or the fandom's babysitter. Tumblr is the Wild West and by god none of us are the sheriff.
That's all ok keep on keeping everyone
#I think everyone can understand the wariness that comes with suddenly holding a giant megaphone?#and also the inbox is not your political confessional. for like.. the last time#if you have a point to make reblog or make your own post#Mac mumbles#this is getting sidetracked but#some of this stuff really does just look like ask bait. stop it#don't throw it onto someone else to suddenly have to reply or take the heat for. go off anon at least#you may not be intentionally mean about it but it's not nice. if you have a stupid point to make use your own blog to make it don't leech#off someone else's blog and watch them navigate the replies of an opinion You Made#if you're not sure how to figure out what sets a trap for a Tumblr user: stating an argumentative opinion or ranting about others behaviour#usually causes shit for the one answering the ask#because now their hands are tied and no matter how they respond they are probably gonna get shit#obviously this is less of a personal rant because as we have established today: I am the swing a bat at the hornets nest mutual#but yeah. be nice. don't send political discourse on anon into peoples inboxes if they haven't already brought up the topic.#its kinda a dick move. why not make your own post? oh its because you want Their Platform to boost your opinion? get out#if you wanted to have a conversation about it then dm them or send it off anon so they can reply properly#**privately#if you're worried you might get heat for it then ding ding! that is also a dick move! you know its a heated topic#and yet you hath brought it forth onto another blog so that They may be the one to carry the conversation#ugh sorry for the long rant this is just Such a pet peeve of mine#again I don't care much as a receiver but watching others get stuck in it is like... mrs anon sir. that was not nice#bad fandom etiquette etc etc#this goes double if its a generally positive or neutral blog. be annoyed on your own time
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noknowshame · 11 months
my concise opinion on Oppenheimer is that if you are going to make a film that you know people will buy tickets to because they want to see a really big explosion, at least have the decency to make us feel guilty about it afterwards
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
We do think that Riz is a gynandromorph of some description, especially since damselfly sexual dimorphism tends to be pretty distinct and he's displaying a very unconventional morph for a damselfly of any flavor. He would have no goddamned clue what that would mean, of course, and he probably wouldn't care about it if you told him, but he's definitely got something going on there.
#we speak#bug fables#for reference its a Thing for damselflies to have mimicry in the form of Females Who Look Like Males#but its a one-way street. theres no equivalent female-mimic morph for males#which makes riz Extremely Notable since hes displaying a real clear female morph there#and though being transgender would be very much possible for him we prefer this option#especially since it also offers extra reason why he's got such a broad palette compared to his sister and his father#guy is Unusually Big for a male damselfly and just didnt think twice about it. he feels like the sort of guy who just#wouldnt care overly much for self-definition we think. hes got a job to do. do you think he cares about how rare his genes are?#for his sister there is literally no way to tell if shes transfem or just a mimic morph and tbh good for her#we'll. drop some comparison images in a reblog for the irl damselflies#but in general we favor this one both bc it appeals to us more and bc riz just feels like the sort of guy who wouldnt care much abt gender#like. even if he were trans he feels like the sort of guy who would tell like three people about his pronouns#and then just go about his day and either they tell people or they dont and he doesnt particularly care either way#hes got things to do. traps to build. yes hes a guy but what is the point of making a thing out of it when theres poachers to deal with#he feels like the sort of dude to be Cis Guy enough that hes entirely confused as to what ur talking about if u try and misgender him#no clue where youre coming from but youre wrong#anyways back to spear fighting 101#(note: male and female used here as in the arbitrary sex categories. its the junk. we know its not accurate to being A People)#(its the terminology we've got in the back drawer)
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natjennie · 5 months
had a dream I was playing a ttrpg and my character was sort of a gay werewolf tom wambsgans who married into this powerful supernatural, mostly vampire, family. I've never wanted anything to be true so badly.
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