#yandere Genos
yanderemommabean · 2 years
Imagine darling being best buddies with Saitama, just chill besties that crack jokes with each other, play games and just hang out. You come over a lot so when Genos moves into Sai's place you of course get to meet the cyborg and get to know him. You kinda see him as Saitamas little brother and its kind of adorable in a way. Maybe its because hes just a bit younger than you and Sai, but you sometimes cant help but act like an older sibling figure from time to time. However this secretly does not bide well with Genos.
Of course Genos already knew about you prior to him moving in with Saitama due to his extensive research of his new master, but for some reason a weird feeling in his gut kept coming up when he looked at you interacting with his sensei. He eventually talks to the professor, thinking its some sort of internal malfunction, but after describing said feelings he is told that the feeling he must be expiriencing is romantic attraction. This feeling increases as he starts to actually spend time with you. Now that he has somewhat figured out that he has more than a little crush on you, he now has to figure out how to get your attention and confess his feelings. The only problem with that, is in the way you view him. You act so laidback and mature, not a care in the world, but also mature and friendly, never forgetting to offer to help around the house, or talk to him after a long day. The more time he spends with you, the more he craves to know more, see more, touch more, so much so that hes about to burst with excitement everytime you lean your head on his shoulder while watching TV, or brush against him in the kitchen when youre both preparing dinner. But you just view him as some kind of overly serious little brother. Maybe he'll just have to show you just how serious he is.
(I ended up typing more than I intended to! Sorry for getting a little outta hand 😅)
Genos hated that he couldn't articulate his feelings for you. You were so much more than another friend to him and his master. You took time to get to know more of him, more of their lives, and invested in their lives as much as they have for you.
You were bonded more than some roommates who just happened to be heroes. You did more than just keep company and make them laugh, and damn it, you felt like more than a friend to Genos!
But you just couldn't see it. After talking it over with his sensei and even Saitama, he knows he has to explain his emotions for you, his deep feelings that make him confused and angry but also alive and thrilled.
He's done trying to be nice and subtle about it. Perhaps you need a more hands on approach about what he means, where he can show you all he can do for you and more, if you'd just accept his love and his devotion!
Here he stares at you, late in the night, watching your chest rise and fall. Your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen intake all look normal, and you have no fever. He wonders if he could at least cover you up more, like he's seen lovers do before when wanting to be gentle and kind, making sure their lovers are comfortable and getting optimal sleep.
His fingers are moving before he thinks, and he stops himself. No, you're fine, you must be a bit too hot to want a blanket. If that's the case, perhaps he should help remove some layers? No, he mustn't engage in such thoughts, he might act without thinking and scare you away.
But you couldn't possibly run away if he held you, right? If he just wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly, he could explain everything while letting his cold fingers explore your body. You might squirm, might even try to scream for help, but he has ways to get you to listen and understand his feelings.
He watches as you adjust in your sleep, curling in on yourself a bit as your sleep becomes fitful. A nightmare possibly? He's sure there's many ways to fix that, humans have all sorts of dreams after all, and outside forces usually determine what happens.
Genos mind wanders right to using his mouth on you. His head under the covers while you writhe and moan, having an amazing dream while he gorges himself.
NO. No he has to calm himself, he's acting so strange, he doesn't want to hurt you or force you, he simply wants to make you understand!
He needs to leave before he does something he can't stop himself from doing.
-Mommabean (Hi I adore this man/android/cyborg and would let him break me in half <3 )
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what would yandere Genos from One Punch Man look like?
Yandere Genos headcanon
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That's what you get when you try to teach Android how to love.
The internet is not to be trusted in this matter.
My guess is that someone in Genos programming has gone really badly wrong.
Genos is a loyal, devoted and overprotective yandere.
Maybe he will fall in love with you because you are strong.
Genos also wants to learn how to become strong.
If his master Saitama gives him permission.
Or you're really weak.
Someone who needs his protection.
Genos truly loves your protection.
And since he is a rank S hero, many will definitely want to hurt you.
Now three people live in Saitama's apartment.
It doesn't matter if it's not ok for you or Saitama.
Genos is a really gentle yandere.
He really cares about your opinion.
If Genos hadn't kidnapped you, this could be a normal relationship.
Getting Stockholm syndrome is very likely.
Genos is also a "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" kind of yandere.
So penalties aren't really a thing.
But he really makes you feel bad.
Apparently, the ability to manipulate was also included in his programming.
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midnightlee25 · 4 months
Mini Profiles: Genos
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Yandere type: Possessive, Obsessive  
Traits: Manipulative, Stalker, Violent, Protective, Controlling   
Is it Instant love or one that grow over time:  
It takes time for him to both figure that he has fallen for them and for his yandereness to grow. 
Delusional level (0-10):  
5, he is delusional with some things but not everything involving his darling. 
How will do they hide their yandere side:  
Technically he would straight up tell them if they asked about his “habits”, but they also hide among his usual self. 
Danger level (0-10):  
10, he has both done and shown he can be very dangerous when given the chance. 
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yanderegremlin · 2 years
okay but imagine saitama and genos reaction to y/n saying that child emperor is their hero / favorite hero!! I feel like they’d be like wait what? what about us :(
Warnings: Yandere, fighting, injuries mentioned, manipulation, helicopter "parents",
Other tags: one punch man, reader insert, Child reader, Child Emperor(Isamu), Saitama, Genos, 
It was a peacefully sunny day when Genos got a phone call from the school. It shocked him to his core to hear that you got into a fight, for a moment he thought they got the wrong number until read him your file. He just doesn't understand why you got into a fight of all things.
It was a good thing Saitama was out getting groceries because Genos would have to hold him back from putting a hole through the entire school. Genos was holding himself back from tearing apart whoever thought they could hurt you and get away with it.
Genos thanked them and head over as quicky as posable, unfortunately Genos quite literally ran into Saitama, who in turn was confused as to why Genos was in such a big hurry. "Hey, slow down Genos you act like someone dead or something"
The look Saitama got from Genos didn't help, if anything it concerned him more. "She got into a fight at school, I'm just on my way to get her. I just know that little brat has something to do with it."
Genos didn't need to say any thing else, because that the mention of the Child hero and you got Saitama to drop what he was currying, weeping Genos off his feet and dashing your school in a heartbeat. Genos barely got to sign in that the front desk because of the way Saitama was dragging him towards the principal's office.
The thing that stopped them both in there tracts was the sound of your giggles, obviously you were okay and in no danger in you were having fun. What they did see was Isamu was the one who witnessed the fight you were in. Of course he stepped in to protect you, getting himself in trouble as well. It was totally worth it to send some extra alone time with you.
"haha Isamu, stop it. Of course your my Hero! You save me, when no one else would." you hugged him not knowing you might as well have carved their hearts out of them. You only let go of Child Emperor after someone patting your head, looking over your shoulder you see robo papa stand there with giving you a small smile and grandpa boldy who was patting your head with a constrained smile. 
“Ready to go munchkin? we pick up some ice-cream and your favorite meal on our way home.” Genos reached out his hand. nether him or Saitama acknowledged the young hero as they took you away and back home after replacing the groceries Saitama lost and get you a dessert as they look you over for any and all injuries.
The only problem now they have to worry about is how to tell you that you’ll be home school and finding the right people to teach you when they can’t do it themselves. 
Little did they know that this was all part of Isamu plan to slowly but surely to get you on his side. Set you up, even it was one of the hardest things he had to do and watch. he know in the long run it would be for your own good.
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mikkiina-mikina · 2 months
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And here's the sketch... Because... I think it also looks good.. So why not
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kawaiiwritingcomputer · 2 months
Hello✨ May i request a Headcanons for Yandere Genos & Garou? Thank you very much!
🍄: hi hi! Absolutely!!!! i love Garou so much >< i hope you liked these! i’m still trying to get use to writing :3
Yandere Genos Headcanons:
Genos is intelligent and calculative
I just also believe him to be a delusional yandere who just wants to keep you safe
It doesn’t matter what you refer to him as either. He just knows that you’re his and he’s yours.
Genos is always watching over you. He used some of Child Genius’s tech to give to Dr. Kuseno to have access to watch you all the time
He’s watches you all the time and you’re unaware of it
whether you find it overwhelming or charming doesn’t matter to him! he’s always going to be be your side
if you didn’t accept him as yours and still tried “seeing” other people. it’s not like you’d get the chance. Nobody wants to upset Demon Cyborg™️
nobody even understands why it’s such a big deal! and that can be more frustrating if you’re resisting him. You have the perfect “boyfriend” what more could you want?
Him constantly being around you. Pressure from the public who doesn’t understand he’s a stalker!
You do slowly accept your fate with him
Even though it was unsettling at first, having food be cooked for you all the time was slowly becoming a perk. How did he get in? it doesn’t matter (he has a copy)
Genos understands human relationships concepts and does his best accordingly. but his little yandere bug just messes with him sometimes
His grips gets a little too tight if somebody else is talking to you too long but he’ll softly let go if you say ouch
again your safety matters, so he never wants to harm you
It’s a good thing you didn’t force him to have to hurt you. It’s a good thing you accepted him early on
Yandere Garou Headcanons:
The hottest and coldest mf to have as your yandere
You can feel when he’s near just by the piercing gaze of his. You can’t see him but he sees you and you know it
You can’t escape him either
He comes and goes as he pleases with the “soft” reminder that you’re his
You helped him once not realizing who he was
ever since he decided you were his to keep and his keeper as well
You would try to report him but with him always being gone and no evidence of destruction, you’re waved off as boy who cried wolf
Now that nobody’s gonna help you. Garou feels inclined to do whatever
He’s not sleeping on the couch. He’s sleepin in your bed. (he’s gentleman and gives space while sleeping but you both always wake up in each others arms, much to your “displeasure”)
He’s a leech. doesn’t do anything around the house! what a bum
But when you do warm up to him, those nice little hugs from the behind and weird awkward compliments are a little charming
if he wasn’t a self proclaimed hero killer
it’s best to get use to him. Neither of you are leaving this “relationship” if ever.
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lostfollower · 11 months
Remember when we talked about yandere Geno and yandere Reaper?Please give me some headcanons for the duo I need it
Yandere Geno and Reaper headcanons
They bicker a bit over you; but if anyone else tries to form a relationship with you they are both equally pissed.
Geno is more possessive while Reaper kills more
They’ll let you be free for awhile; but if they see that there is a lot of “threats” to you where you live you will be kept in a house
Reaper spends time either with you or doing his job, since the other gods are disgusted with him being obsessed with a mortal
Geno spends all of his time with you for obvious reasons
your dates are pretty cute and normal.. except that they’re with you all the time
cuddle pile as a treat!
they don’t do any physical punishments but they scold you or yell at you
that doesn’t happen often though!
overall, fairly calm yanderes if you can get past the murder
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skelenigmatic · 6 months
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love me some crazy
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jsdhwdmax56 · 1 year
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Yandere Genos? 👀
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the-nysh · 2 years
im curious, what do you think of yandere genos trope? sorry if anyone has asked you this, please ignore it and just link the answer if you have answered this question!
Hmmmm 🤔 I know I've skirted around the idea before (but tumblr's search function is failing me to find my old discussions about it), cause originally I clocked Genos more as a kuudere, who's ice-cold expressionless and rude/callous to others he doesn't care about on the surface, until he warms up to those who've earned his trust/respect (like when he's openly sweet and 'dere' for Saitama). Cause he didn't quite fit the vibe of a typical yandere - one who's 'sweet' on the surface, but violently axe-crazy (murderous, possessive, controlling) on the inside.
Now though...with the way his obsession with Saitama has been evolving, his....behavior towards others who dare interact or monopolize Saitama's time and attention (seemingly jeopardizing his position as his ~only~ disciple) has become that much more intense. To that of a jealous, territorial attack dog (esp in the wc) who's quick to dish out verbal and physical violence if he catches even a whiff of the Saitama disrespect. That...I really doubt he's bluffing when he means to incinerate those who intrude (like Sonic or Fubuki) or treat Saitama in a way he doesn't like (like Flash). :'D (That Saitama knows enough to tell him to stop, and Genos obeys.) So most out of everyone, if Genos isn't careful, his obsession can evolve into yandere-like tendencies. :O Which is closest to the trope he'd likely get.
Otherwise he's just that intense and serious in general (and takes defending Saitama very seriously), rather than being unhinged crazy to the point he loses all sense of reason. That I doubt he'd ever aim to attack/hurt/murder Saitama, in the event he feels like he's been rejected or something - cause that's the type of extreme 'control the competition' desperation response yanderes often resort to, aka 'if I can't have you, no one will,' by threatening even the object of their desires if things go south - so THAT would be a huge red flag and thankfully doesn't sound like the Genos we know. Villain Genos maybe, but again, the vibes of how he, vs a typical yandere, behave at the core feel different.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Are they deadly or tame
Who is the worst yandere to have and who is easier to deal with?
Their darling really has to watch out:
Speed-o-Sound Sonic
Sweet Mask  
Tornado of Terror  
Blizzard of Hell  
Dr. genus
Flashy flash
Not as bad but shouldn't be taken lightly:
Metal Bat  
Death gatling
They have their movements but are safe for the most part:
Lighting max
Blue fire
There shouldn't be any trouble:
Mumen Rider  
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Inner Struggles
"I don't wanna hurt anyone!"
"But they're going to take our beloved, we must do it."
"No! I changed my mind!"
"But we've already taken so many lives, you can't just "change your mind" and expect them to come back."
"Luigi won't love me! Not when I killed every person that he cared for! What's the point in all of this?!"
"He'll love us, don't you worry, he won't ever find out who done it."
"Please just stop! Everything is already ruined! Nobody will forgive me for what I've done!"
"Who cares about them? We'll kill them too, on the day of our execution, we'll burn our lovely kingdom to the ground."
"I just want this to end.. I just.. want to die.."
"Aw, but if we die, we won't be able to be with our beloved, isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that the reason you killed Daisy?"
"You alright?" Geno asks, poking the bean prince in the side, making his eyes flutter open
Peasley sits up on the couch, a little spooked but otherwise calm,"Yeah," He looks out the window, watching the breeze move the trees to an invisible rhythm
"Just had an argument with myself,"
"And I think I lost."
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"Please.. let me go! This isn't right! This isn't me!"
"You're never going to escape me, my dear."
"Why.. why are you doing this?!"
"Enough questions, just let it be."
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pipupozz · 1 year
Server Discord: https://discord.gg/8ajWK8YE
Salve a tutti, sono qui per parlarvi del mio nuovo server Discord. In cui si faranno Rolle play di UNDERTALE/Underverse, è molti altri che stiamo già aggiungendo (per esempio fnaf, Dokidoki, Yandere simulator). Ma per adesso abbiamo soltanto quello di Underverse/undertale. In totale di personaggi ne abbiamo 41 di personaggi liberi al momento, perciò, cosa attendi?! ENTRA PRIMA CHE TI SGOZZO!
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mubabee · 3 months
Honkai Star Rail
—Yanqing being overprotective
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.1
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.2
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.3
—Y/N tries to hide her wound
—A bit of a suggestive moment with Luocha
(NSFW) On Luocha’s lap
Dan Heng/Dan Feng
—Dan Feng licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff moment with Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff Moment with Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan with shy!Y/N
—Genderbent Natasha
Helping Natasha
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Himeko hugging Y/N
Kafka and Himeko protecting you
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Random Kafka x reader
Kafka and Himeko protecting you
Random Kafka thought
—Gepard hugging Y/N
—Sibling Caelus
Path to Nowhere
Genderbent Zoya
Demon Slayer
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—KNY x Reader chapter 1(no context until next chapter)
Jujustu Kaisen
—The main trio and Gojo
—Gojo cheering up Y/N
Yuji Itadori
Yuji x reader on Halloween
Yuji x (Y/N)
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
Yona of the Dawn
—Y/N asks Hak to teach her how to fight
Genshin Impact
—Sleeping with Alhaitham
Raiden Shogun
—Genderbent!Raiden Shogun
Cyno x reader who laughs at his jokes
(NSFW)Baizhu eating you out
Lego Monkie Kid
—MK and Y/N with short hair
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Macaque being unimpressed
Red Son
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
Aftertale sans
Genderbent Tracer
Kill La Kill
Ryuko Matoi
—Genderbent Ryuko Matoi
—#Me characters thinking about Y/N
—Genderbent Mikan
Cookie Run Kingdom
Vanilla Cookie —Vanilla Cookie
Hazbin Hotel
—Hazbin Hotel with child!reader p.1
Welcome Home
Wally Darling
My Little Pony
Pinkie Pie —Genderbent!human!Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
—Genderbent!human!Sunset Shimmer
My OCs (All OCs here are yandere)
—More info on Mikio
—Valentines Day with Kuroko
—Meeting Arata for the first time
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■□▪︎ Colorful Creations vs. Destructive Justice▪︎■□
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{Yandere Miguel O'hara/Reader}
《Miguel O'hara with a Error!Reader or Ink!Reader?》
《{Error! Sans: Created by @/LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen | Ink! Sans: Created by @/Comyet}》
Error! Sans: Originally a version of Geno of After Genocide, he fell into a dimension between Universes and became glitched beyond repair. He now dedicates his life to cleanse the Multiverse of Anomalies, even if it means destroying all of the AUs and Out!
"നⅰဌՍᕦ⎜!!!" Your voice screeches out. Your glitched form appears in his office, scarring newcomers when seeing you, along with hearing...
Descending down with your strings, your glitching form scares and unnerved one of the younger Spider-Man, also known to you as one the "Anomalies".
You laugh at the thought, finding it funny that the whole "spider-society" singled only one of its members.
They all were Anomalies. All of them.
"Meirda.." Miguel softly cusses when seeing you. "(Y/N).." He starts off, but you interrupt with one of your strings takes hold of "Anomalie 42".
You were pissed, knowing the truce you and Miguel held was close to shambles.
You let 42 go after your close look. Eyeing Miguel as you huff, your strings cradling you as you watch him explain.
Ink Sans: Ink Sans is a Sans who exists outside of timelines to help aid artists in the creations of new AUs. He is capable of drawing anything and bringing it to life (outside of already deceased people).
"Miguel~!" You appear from one of your ink portals, excitedly jumping towards him. Before noticing the other "spiders," you light up!
Cheery and kind, you go over to the "spideys", shaking their hands and eyeing their costumes and color palates.
Then noticing "Anomalie 42", bouncing over to the young spider, happily questioning him and talking about the adventure you saw of his.
Miguel scoffed as tells you to stop.
"Sorry!" You said, before patting the young teens head ad Miguel ruffly pulls you away.
You were delighted to meet Miles.
Knowing he could change the timeline so easily!
[I'm such a undertale nerd, gawd, but I knew this had to be done! Art, comments, reblogs are appreciated! If you like this idea and wanna use it, tag me! I'd love to see it! This was for FUN, Maybe I'll right more of this! Let me know! Thanks for reading!]
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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