#x-mas lofi
fiddlystuff · 1 year
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5 coisas que me ajudaram no Camp NaNoWriMo 2023
Ontem a noite eu consegui completar a minha meta do primeiro Camp de 2023. Não foi uma meta muito alta, só 25 mil palavras (em comparação às 50 mil do NaNoWriMo), mas ainda assim considero uma vitória, especialmente porque estava tendo dificuldades para trabalhar nos meus projetos desde o início do ano. Algumas dicas e atitudes que me ajudaram a alcançar a meta:
Não trabalhar no projeto que estava cobrando mais energia do que eu tinha disponível: Ao invés de me forçar a revisar o rascunho que eu escrevi no NaNo 2022, que eu venho tentando fazer desde Dezembro sem tanto sucesso, eu me dei uma folga e comecei a planejar uma história que demanda menos pesquisa e é ligeiramente mais leve. Isso me ajudou a sair do bloqueio e produzir mais.
Escrever fora de ordem: Apesar de eu sempre recomendar aos amigos do NaNoBr que escrevam as cenas fora da ordem em que acontecem no livro quando estão travados em alguma cena no meio, eu tenho muita dificuldade pra escrever fora da ordem cronológica eu mesma, inclusive durante o planejamento. No projeto do Camp NaNo eu consegui enfrentar esse bloqueio essencialmente pulando ou deixando um [inserir X aqui depois] quando estava realmente travada e indo trabalhar em cenas do final da história. Para a surpresa de ninguém, deu certo. Agora é tentar lembrar no futuro!
Experimentar métodos de trabalho novos: Eu acidentalmente encontrei um canal no YouTube que faz vídeos com timer de método Pomodoro ao som de músicas lofi, jazz ou piano combinadas com animações pixeladas de gatinhos caminhando e deitando (ou fazendo bagunça) numa mesa de trabalho. Eu nunca havia usado o método Pomodoro pra escrever seriamente antes, mas entre o timer, a música e os gatinhos acabei batendo meu recorde de palavras diário. Obrigada, gatinhos pixelados. Também me convidaram pra experimentar uma sala do Studyverse criada por um membro do servidor NaNo Br, que foi outra plataforma bem interessante que aplica o mesmo método. Não é algo que posso usar sempre, mas em algumas circunstâncias funcionou pra mim.
Me lembrar que, ei, eu SOU boa nesse negócio de escrever: Mais ou menos na metade do mês, eu subitamente voltei ao espaço mental pra começar a revisar a história que escrevi no NaNo 2022 e, no processo de reler e analisar o que poderia ser melhorado no primeiro rascunho, acabei relendo algumas das minhas cenas favoritas da história. A chance de rever essas cenas depois de passar tantos meses sem tocar no texto fez com que eu sentisse quase como se estivesse experimentando alguns momentos pela primeira vez, do ponto de vista da leitora ao invés da autora. O que me fez perceber que... E!! Eu escrevi algumas coisas muito boas, ok??? Afinal, EU sou o público-alvo da minha história, e se reler essas cenas me deixou sinceramente emocionada (eu quase chorei), eu devo estar fazendo pelo menos alguma coisa certa, né? Acho que por isso muitos guias de revisão, inclusive o do NaNoWriMo, recomendam deixar seu livro de lado por algum tempo e depois voltar pra ele e reler com olhos de leitor, realmente é uma experiência valiosa. E agora eu estou 100% determinada a revisar e escrever o segundo rascunho!
Não escrever sozinha: Seja fazendo sprints com o pessoal do servidor NaNoBr, encontrando um amigo pra escrevermos juntos num café ou juntando pessoas na sala do Studyverse, eu me dei conta de que escrever lado a lado com outras pessoas (ou separados por telas), fazendo pausas para trocar ideias e experiências realmente me ajuda a produzir mais. A consciência de que não estamos encarando o desafio e as metas sozinhos faz uma diferença grande. Eu demorei algum tempo pra ter coragem de participar da comunidade brasileira do NaNoWriMo, porque fico ansiosa pra falar com pessoas novas, mas definitivamente recomendo a experiência. O mito do autor solitário realmente é um mito: existem pessoas que podem entender as suas dificuldades porque passaram por algo parecido, e a experiência de apoiar e receber apoio de outros autores é muito valiosa. Encontre a comunidade em que você se encaixa e até o desafio de escrever 50 mil palavras em um mês fica mais fácil!
É isso, gente! Ainda não cheguei ao fim do Camp NaNo de Abril, tecnicamente, mas queria registrar um pouco da experiência esse ano. Em Julho vai acontecer o segundo Camp, e provavelmente eu vou participar de novo. É um evento que eu definitivamente recomendo pra quem ainda não teve a coragem de tentar o NaNoWriMo em Novembro, porque a meta é mais flexível e é uma boa forma de testar o que funciona ou não pra você na hora de planejar e escrever um projeto. E por enquanto, continuamos criando!
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aamethyst000 · 2 years
Oct 28,22 6:28pm
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woke up late today, around 2pm. what woke me up was the heavy hail and a little rumblings earlier today. hell, I felt the rumblings. I enjoyed it while it lasted, I had 2 cups of coffee so far. I ate, and read a few chapters on ao3 and on out second toke sesh. writhed finally calmed down after 5:30. we went through harsh winds, with a literal rainfall and hail off and on and very chilly. all the while, i collected a week worth of rain water! going to filter it soon after it is filled and then make moon water with it! gonna need it for me and my family.
surprisingly enough, they are going with it! I find that endearing, even though we are not learning our language (yet) we are still doing some of our practices in our own time. there's 3 of us who are harvesters, well, 4 now, including my uncle who moved I with us. I actually miss jarring fish,
7:21pm - I am just going to have leftovers for dinner tonight. today was just a rest day and I am enjoying every bit of it. I am also going to put the rest of the dishes away that my ma washed last night. the only thing I have to do today ^-^ I can feel the calm before the storm and it is making me a ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ nervous, not gonna lie. so I'm just going to watch good omens hoping that'll make me feel a little less nervous, amd have something to eat.
9:15pm - I had something to eat and I finally put the dishes away ^-^ I also wrote in my journal before typing everything out. my ma is watching the pens game and I get to rest ♡ and my body is like "FINALLY!" I am debating if I should have a bath to relax as well. you know what? I just might! I will have to let my phone charge though. poor thing was at 5% before I finally put it on my charger. oh! I also pick up the last book I was reading a couple of months ago when I was trying to stay away from my phone for more than 5-15mimutes. obviously I couldn't last long but I tried anyway. the book I am reading is: a work in progress by Connor franta. I've read note to self almost 6 times over at this point and I still haven't read through this book 🙃 so that is what I am doing now, while listening to a zelda playlist on Spotify, lofi versions.
10:08pm - I am just going to get ready for a bath and I wanted to mention this to the internet, my cat likes to come wait for me in the bathroom, he just naps and basks in the heat. poor thing gets cold easily. he really loves the woodstove too, he just lays on the floor and just... r e l a x e s. now I can tell when winter is coming. now that my bath is ready, I am going to do some self care and relax too. nice day off today and I love it ♡
11:26pm - had a bath, on my third and last cup of coffee, my hair is nice and poofy. and now I am feeling very warm. my cat is now having out in my ma's room while we are having a toke, I think he'll be in here for a little while. it was really nice to relax all day today, had a nice bath too. today is great ^-^
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lofi-cult-youtube · 2 years
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Already in X-mas mood? We wish you a merry Lofi X-mas with our playlist special on Spotify 🤗🎅🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2I2L4P72DQJGybM5qMDCz0 
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rosierin · 3 years
thunderstorms and reheated prawns
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pairing; suna x g/n!reader
genre; domestic, fluff
warnings; puking, lame jokes, suna endearingly calls reader "(y/n)-chan"
a/n: a fanfic inspired by all the rain ive had lately, and the fact that my Ma made me prawns yesterday 🤷🏽‍♀️
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The rain is relentless today.
It comes down in buckets as it hammers mercilessly at your window, running down the glass in thick streaks and sending the trees outside into a violent flurry. The sight of it alone is enough to make you shiver.
Luckily, it's far warmer inside your bedroom.
You're sitting on your bed with a heavy duvet thrown over your head like a makeshift tipi. There's a chill lofi beat playing quietly in the background, a warm cup of hot chocolate sits deliciously between your hands and you have no chores to tend to, having already sought to them the day before.
To put it simply, it's bliss.
That is until you get a text and you turn your head towards your phone that buzzes twice against the bedside table. Leaning over to retrieve it, your brows furrow a little when an odd message pops up under Suna's ID.
2 messages from Sunarin <3
hello (y/n) can you come over today big brother has a tummy ake and mummy and daddy are out
please thank you
You blink upon realising it's Suna's little sister who has his phone and you can't help but laugh at her message. You don't know what's funnier; his little sister not knowing how to spell "tummy ache" or the fact that she actually had to reach out to you for something as trivial as that.
Either way, after finishing the rest of your hot chocolate, you reluctantly crawl out from your little den, slip on some comfy clothes and head out the door.
"Knock, knoock."
You smile as Suna's little sister opens the door for you, albeit with a struggle since the handle was still a little too high for her. Like you this morning she's wearing her PJ's, giving her an overall relaxed appearance, save for her face which looks rather distressed.
"You need to come quick! I think big brother's dying!"
You snort as she ushers you into the house, barely giving you time to take off your shoes as she pulls you towards Suna's bedroom. As you walk up the stairs you begin to wonder just how sick her brother really is. He seemed fine the last time you saw him— then again, Suna did always have the pesky talent of fibbing when it benefits him, like how he sometimes lies to his teammates about needing to babysit his little sister on Fridays just so he can have a longer weekend, or when he tells the twins he's deleted the videos he takes of them, only to bring them up for blackmail purposes later on. You wonder if perhaps this was another one of these instances and he'd simply faked an illness just so his little sister would leave him alone for the afternoon. (You knew how clingy she could get, especially when their parents weren't home.)
Still, you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt as you push open his bedroom door, only to wince as your boyfriend promptly vomits into a sick bowl.
This time he's definitely not lying.
"Perfect timing, lil sis. Make yourself useful would you and fetch me a— (y/n)?"
You're torn between bursting out laughing or coo-ing at the sad scene before you. Your attractive boyfriend, usually standing tall (sort of) and looking all slick and sexy is reduced to nothing but a lump hanging off his bed, hair disheveled and sticking slightly to his forehead, his head half in the sick bowl, looking at you with the most disheartened, most sullen face you've ever seen.
"Just end me now, I guess."
This time you do laugh when Suna rolls back onto his bed, pulling the covers over his head like a moody teen.
"Wow, you really are worse off than I thought," you say as you start to approach his bed. His bedsheets rustle however as you take another step closer and you stop in your tracks when he speaks from under the covers.
"Out. I don't want you to see me in my decomposing state."
"Oh, don't be silly, Sunarin. This is what partners do. I'm supposed to help nurse you back to health." You walk to the other side of Suna's bed where the sick bowl isn't lying on the floor and gently rock him against the mattress. "Plus, didn't you just say you wanted your sister to fetch me?" You add with a smirk.
You watch as Suna worms an arm out from the duvets, blindly grabbing your wrist to stop you from shaking him.
"Stop moving me, you sadist. Or next time I'll aim it at you," he says, making you scrunch up your nose in disgust. "And no I didn't call for you, you just so happened to waltz into my bedroom."
You roll your eyes at Suna's usual bite, knowing it's nothing but bark. "You rather I tango in here instead?"
You bite back a laugh as your terrible joke makes Suna emerge from his bedsheets, the green eyes that poke out looking truly disappointed. "You dare come into my room and sully it with jokes like that."
"I know, I know. Sorry," you lie, before a grin makes its way to your face. "No but seriously, should I? Might bring a smile back to your face."
"Please don't," is all he says as he finally fully comes out the covers, sitting up against the bedframe, and although you know he's trying his best to fight it, there's that telltale twitch of his lips that indicate your goofing around has actually effected him. "What you can do is fetch me that glass of water." There's a short pause. "Please."
You smile, relieved that he's finally letting you take care of him. Then you notice that the hand he'd grabbed you with earlier is still holding your wrist. Switching roles, you take his hand in yours and bring it up to your lips, planting a small kiss to his inner wrist.
"Coming right up."
A glass of water with ice later and it's Suna who decides to join you downstairs. You hear his almost cat-like footsteps pad down the stairs and as you turn around you notice that he's freshened up a bit. His hair's no longer the hot mess it was earlier, instead it remains neat and unstyled, he's also wearing different sweats from earlier, that is to say the black joggings with the red stripe down the side of the leg that you'd gotten him for Christmas, along with the black sweater that you always love to borrow.
"Oh look, it's alive," you tease.
"Only just," he sighs before flopping heavily on the couch. He busies himself by switching on the TV and opening Netflix, which you recognise by the familiar opening screen sound.
"How're you feeling?" You ask as you place the cold water on the coffee table. Suna utters a quiet 'thanks' as he leans over to grab it, bringing it to his lips before taking a few swigs.
"Could be better," he drawls after downing almost the entire glass. "'Least I'm not blowing chunks in front of my s/o anymore," he mutters, voice still carrying traces of previously felt embarassement.
You chuckle at that, watching as Suna lays down on the couch, one arm thrown over his eyes. "Don't worry, Sunarin. I'm sure other couple's have seen worse," you say as you take a seat beside his head.
He stays silent as you gently pull his arm off his face. At first he looks at you with a cocked eyebrow, most likely wondering what you were up to, but once you place the back of your hand against his forehead, he allows himself to relax and closes his eyes.
"What's the verdict, (y/n)-chan? Am I dying?"
You snort and roll your eyes at his theatrics. "You're not dying, you big baby. How did you even get sick anyway? You don't seem to have a fever."
After concluding that Suna's forehead wasn't any hotter than it should be, you gingerly brush a stray piece of his chestnut hair from his eyes, smiling when he exhales pleasantly at the gesture.
"I think it was the prawns I made yesterday. I was the only one who ate them and I'm the only one who's sick."
As Suna tells you this, you immediately start to see where this is going.
"Were they pre-cooked prawns?" You ask. "And did you reheat them more than once?"
You sigh. Yup. "That'll do it." Shaking your head, you poke Suna's forehead as a scolding, making him squeeze his eyes shut and knit his brows together. "You're not supposed to do that, you know. You can get really sick."
"You don't say," he drones, shooing your hand off with his. "How did you know I was sick, anyway? If I didn't know any better I'd say you were stalking me."
Your nose scrunches up jokingly. "Ew, why would I do that? If I wanted to stalk someone I'd at least go for one of the twin—"
You're promptly cut off mid-sentence when a pillow collides into your face with a dull thud and you giggle when you're met with Suna's eyes narrowing warningly up at you. "I'm just messing with you, Sunarin. Your sister told me. She somehow got access to your phone."
"The little toe rag."
"You trying to say you're not grateful I came over?" You ask with a raised brow, crossing your arms defensively.
"Didn't say that now, did I," he replies cooly, sitting up to face you before a tiny smirk forms on his lips. "After all," you make a small yelp as Suna suddenly worms his way into your personal space, his long limbs wrapping around your body like a koala and purposely giving you no means of escape. "Now I have the perfect pillow to hold onto. One that'll nurse me back to health too."
You gawk, trying to wiggle out of his hold, only for him to pull you closer. "Hold on a minute— What if I need to pee?!" He ignores you completely and deliberately, and instead lazily nuzzles into the area between your chest and collarbone.
"Night night, pillow-chan."
You throw you head back against the couch.
Looks like you're not going anywhere.
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dendre · 5 years
Hanglemez 2019/01
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Rina Mushonga: Into A Galaxy  9.0  (pop) Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian  9.0  (instrumentális pasztorál) Nivhek: After...  9.0  (ambient-dreampop) Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow  9.0  (dalszerzőpop) DJ Healer: Lost Lovesongs / Lostsongs Vol. 2  9.0  (ambient-broken beat) Yak: Pursuit Of  Momentary Happiness  9.0  (pszichrock) Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni ba: Miri  8.5  (mande) Stats: Other People’s Lives  8.5  (gitáros groovepop) Joose Keskitalo: En lahde surussa  8.5  (finn psychfolkpop) Rustin Man: Drift Code  8.5  (posztjazz-artrock) Nkisi: 7 Directions  8.5  (future techno) Angel Bat Dawid: The Oracle  8.5  (jazz) Dave Harrington: Pure Imagination, No Country  8.5  (artrock-postjazz) Lemonheads: Varshons 2  8.5  (feldolgozáslemez) DAWN: New Breed  8.5  (r&b-pop) Bigwave: Romantic  8.5  (japán future funk, disco) Emily King: Scenery  8.5  (szofiszti neosoulpop) Sister John: Sister John  8.5  (szép gitárzene) Woman’s Hour: Ephyra  8.5  (dream-szintipop) Methyl Ethel: Triage  8.5  (indie-szinti-pop)
Ultramarine: Signals Into Space  8.0  (ambient house) LCD Soundsystem: Electric Lady Sessions  8.0  (dancerock) Juan Wauters: La Onda de Juan Pablo  8.0  (uruguay-i indiefolk) Lifafa: Jaago  8.0  (indiai deephouse) Jay Mitta: Tatizo Pesa  8.0  (singeli, tanzániai juke) TOY: Happy In The Hollow  8.0  (pszichpop) Lip Talk: Days  8.0  (artpop) AJ Tracey: AJ Tracey  8.0  (grime) Jessica Pratt: Quiet Signs  8.0  (kamarafolkpop) Cosey Fanni Tutti: Tutti  8.0  (techno) YMA: Par de Olhos  8.0  (brazil indie-dreampop) Ian Brown: Ripples  8.0  (monkeyman) Girlpool: What Chaos Is Imagenery  8.0  (indiepop) Malibu Ken: Malibu Ken  8.0  (absztrakt hiphop) Mavis Staples: Live In London  8.0  (soul) Xiu Xiu: Girl With A Basket Of Fruit  8.0  (indusztri-experi) Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t...  8.0  (indierock) Maurice Louca: Elephantine  8.0  (arabjazz) Ill Considered: 5  8.0  (jazz) Jards Macalé: Besta Fera  8.0  (MPB) James Blake: Assume Form  8.0  (art&b-pop) Kele Okereke: Leave To Remain  8.0  (dancepop) Jonny Nash: Make A Wilderness  7.5  (ambient) The Specials: Encore  7.5  (skapop) Tallies: Tallies  7.5  (dreampop) Lau: Midnight And Closedown  7.5  (brit folk) Ustad Saami: God Is Not A Terrorist  7.5  (khyal, hindusztáni zene) Jungstötter: Love Is  7.5  (kamarapop) Sundays: Wiaca  7.5  (jangle-dreampop) Pavo Pavo: Mystery Hour  7.5  (dreampop) Bossy Love: Whiplash EP  7.5  (elektrorock) Graham Costello’s Strata: Obelisk  7.5  (jazz) Blockhead: Free Sweatpants  7.5  (absztrakt hiphop) The Telescopes: Exploding Head Syndromes  7.5  (spacerock) Swervedriver: Future Ruins  7.5  (shoegaze-rock) Ladytron: Ladytron  7.5  (elektro-dreampop) Steve Mason: About The Light  7.5  (posztpop) Biiri: Nihiloxica EP 7.5  (bugandai techno) Lowtec: Light Surfing  7.5  (house) Passarani: W.O.W.  7.5  (technohouse) Joe Jackson: Fool  7.5  (piano rock) Cass McCombs: Tip Of The Sphere  7.5  (psychfolk)
Mercury Rev: Bobbie Gentry’s Delta...  7.0  (psychcountry feldolgozáslemez) Czarface & Ghostface Killah: Czarface Meets Ghostface  7.0  (hiphop) Boy Harsher: Careful  7.0  (darkwave-szintipop) Uluru: Acrophilia  7.0  (stoner-psych) Ariana Grande: thank u, next  7.0  (pop) Better Oblivion Community Center: BOCC 7.0  (indiefolkpop) Panda Bear: Buoys  7.0  (avantpop) Blood Red Shoes: Get Tragic  7.0  (gitárpop) Michael Chapman: True North  7.0  (folkrock) Steve Gunn: The Unseen In Between  7.0  (folkrock) William Tyler: Goes West  7.0  (instrumental americana) Sarah Louise: Nighttime...  7.0  (experifolk) You Tell Me: You Tell Me  7.0  (kamaraindie) Sound Stream: Love Remedy  7.0  (discohouse) Lealani: Fantastic Planet  7.0  (artpop) Jorge Velez: Roman Birds  7.0  (ambient elekrtonika) Jay Glass Dubs: Epitaph  7.0  (ambient dub) King Midas Sound: Solitude  7.0  (ambient-dub-poetry) Bob Mould: Sunshine Rock  7.0  (powerrock) Pom-Pom: Untitled II  7.0  (techno) Curren$y & Wiz Khalifa: 2009  7.0  (déli hiphop) Black Dresses: Thank You  7.0  (elektro-glitch-pop) Sneaks: Highway Hipnosis  7.0  (indiehiphop) jonatan leandoer127: nectar  7.0  (hypnagogicpop) The Twilight Sad: It Won/t Be Like This...  7.0  (szindie-pomp) Ossia: Devil’s Dance  7.0  (techno-dubambient) British Murder Boys: Fire In The Still Air  6.5  (industrial techno) Cherry Glazerr: Stuffed & Ready  6.5   (indierock) Sunflower Bean: King Of The Dudes EP  6.5 (indiepop) Polkadot Stringray: valami  6.5  (japán indierock) Savage Mansion: Revision Ballads  6.5  (indierock) Pedro The Lion: Phoenix  6.5  (indierock) Queen Zee: Queen Zee  6.5  (garagepunk) One Step Closer: From Me To You  6.5  (poszthardcore) Lost Under Heaven: Lova Hates What You Become  6.5  (artpop) Sir Babygirl: Cruch On Me  6.5  (electropop) Spielbergs: This Is Not The End  6.5  (noise pop) Beirut: Gallipoli  6.5  (indiefolk) Massimo Volume: Il Nuotatore  6.5  (olasz posztrock) Guided By Voices: Zeppelin Over China  6.5  (indierock) Maggie Rogers: Heard It In A Past Life 6.5  (elektropop) Nina Nesbitt: The Sun Will Come Up...  6.5  (pop) Black To Comm: Seven Horses...  6.5  (dark ambient) Tree & Vic Spencer: Nothing Is Something  6.5  (trap) Silk Road Assassins: State Of Ruin  6.5  (uk bass)
Keuning: Prismism  6.0  (softpoprock) James Holden: A Cambodian Spring  6.0  (filmzene) Vangelis: Nocturne  6.0  (modern classical) Hauschka: A Different Forrest  6.0  (modern classical) G Herbo: Still Swervin  6.0  (gangsta drill) Sada Baby: Bartier Bounty  6.0  (trap) HEALTH: Vol 4: Slaves Of Fear  6.0 (electro-industrialpop) Fidlar: Almost Free  6.0  (garagerock) Rat Boy: Internationally Unknown  6.0  (indierockrap) Toro y Moi: Outer Peace  5.5  (szintifunk) Angelic Milk: Divine Biker Love  5.5  (lofi indie garage) Diva Sweetly: In The Living Room  5.5  (emopoppunk) Croatian Amor: Isa  5.5  (posztindustrial) Xosar: The Possessor...  5.5  (industrial techno) Pavel Milyakov: La Maison De La Mort  5.5  (ambient) Rival Sons: Feral Roots  5.5  (retrobluesrock) Bring Me The Horizon: amo  5.5  (pop) Lucki: Freewave 3  5.0  (cloud trap) Future: The Wizrd  5.0  (trap) Broods: Don’t Feed The Pop Monster  5.0  (elektropop) Weezer: The Teal Album (muhaha)
+++ Kankyo Ongaku - Japanese Ambient, Enviromental & New Age Music 1980-1990  9.5  (csodás ambient válogatás) Terre Thaemlitz: Comp x Comp  8.0  (DJ Sprinkles válogatása digitálisan kiadatlanokból - kimerítő, de sok erős félórával) Leon Vynehall: DJ-Kicks  8.0  (jó dance mix) VA: All The Young Droogs  8.5  (glamválogatás)
(Ezeken kívül még volt sok tucat lemez, amibe belehallgattam, és maximum 10 percet töltöttem velük, mert annyira nem nekem szóltak vagy szimplán borzasztóak voltak, ezeket nem is sorolom. És igen, ez amolyan laza sorrend.)
Ahogyan fogy az idő, úgy lesz egyre jelentéktelenebb egy közepes valami. Amikor tanulókorszakban vagy, akkor számít a közepes is, a rossz is, része a megismerési folyamatnak. Később persze már időpazarlás. Hasznosabb majdnem bármi (például újranézni a kedvenc filmjeidet), mint közepes dologra szánni az időd. De ettől függetlenül persze egyszer MÉG hajlandó vagyok végighallgatni majdnem mindent (lásd fent a sok közepes dolgot, úgy 6.5-től lefelé). Másodszor meg amúgy is nagyon keveset kell. A megismerési kedv nem csillapodik. De ez nem teher. még. 
A popzene nekem már nem annyira érdekes, hallgatom úgy 35 éve, és persze igyekeztem (sőt, igyekszem) végighallgatni, ami volt 1985 előtt is - lehet, hogy bármilyen korszakban elég lenne belőle ennyi, pláne ebben a lefelé tartó ágban. (Ettől még érvényes mellé az is, hogy még mindig nem unom, és nem látszik, hogy valaha is fognám unni.) Az viszont kétségtelen, hogy ami most érdekes lehet benne, az inkább az, hogy miről szól. Amelyik album harminc év múlva érdekes lesz ebből, az az, ami arról szól, hogy mi van most itt. Most viszont nem olyan egyértelmű megmondani, hogy melyik szól a legjobban arról, hogy mi van most. Harminc év múlva sokkal könnyebb lesz rálátni. Jelenleg ezt inkább csak érezni lehet, hogy ez, vagy az _például_ érdekes, ám lehetséges, hogy mégsem mondd annyit, amennyit majd harminc év múlva egy másik olyan, amelyik éppen a jelenben vehető észre nehezebben. Vagy persze csak adott esetben én nem veszem észre így.
Általában az van, ami évek óta van. Túl sok lemez van. Túlontúl sok (az évi 15 ezer lemezt lehet mondogatni a kétezres évek közepe óta, de ma már ez simán a duplája, ha nem triplája - csak február közepéig a Rate Your Music listáz 1000 db 2019-es lemezt és nyilván közel nincs itt az összes, és nyilván az év eleje még nem is olyan sűrű időszak). Ekkora mennyiségből könnyebb az átlagszínvonalat jó-közepesre kihozni, vagyis inkább kihozni egy látható(an nagyobb számú), mennyiségű jó-közepes albumot, mint abban a korban, amikor a sokszor nagyon mellélövő, rosszul számító számító lemezkiadók adott mennyiséget jelentettek csak meg, nehogy maguknak kavarjanak konkurenciát. Azaz teszem azt 1988-ban több volt a kimagasló LP, de értelemszerűen kevesebb mennyiségű a hasonló színvonalat képviselő tűrhető, ‘még érdemes hallani’ típusú zene. Most viszont a minőségi kontroll helyett működő bátorítás: “persze add ki, művész vagy, megcsináltad” rengeteg lelkes, de finoman szólva is fejlesztést igénylő albumot eredményez. Az évtized második felének nyilvánvaló nemtökéletességét képezi le a popzene? “Nem baj, a világ sincs rendben.” Mondjuk például 1996-ban elég sok szögből úgy nézett ki, hogy a Földön innentől már csak jobb lesz, abban a pillanatban nem szabadott félkész dolgot kiadni. És akkor hülyét tettetve megfeledkezem a 3T-ről és a Bush-ról.
Szóval, amelyik a legérdekesebben szól arról, ami van itt most, az zenei értelemben eddig 2019-ben talán nulla lemez volt. Ehhez zseniális újszerűség kellene, olyasmi, ami évek óta alig akad. Jól, szépen, megkapóan, érdekesen, egészen frissen megvalósított viszont mindig rengeteg lesz.
Eddig - ebben a vastagon kibővített januárban (február végén jóval rövidebb lista lesz) - egyrészt Rina Mushonga lemeze tetszett a legjobban. Nem tökéletes, a 9.0 kicsit túlzás, de a szerethetősége van akkora, hogy ellensúlyozza a nem annyira nagy hibákat. Ami engem zavar, hogy néha levakarhatatlanul florence-es az ének, de ez alighanem kevesek baja. Néha túl egyszerűek a szintihangok, nagyon kicsit befejezetlen hatásúak egyes részek. Viszont majdnem olyan jól gyúr egybe zsánereket, mint tavalyi lemezén Kali Uchis és ebben a popos melankóliában valahogy benne van 2019 eleje. Nem hallgattam még annyira sokszor, hogy meg tudjam fogalmazni, pontosan mitől mai, és mitől érdekesen mai amit mond, de van benne mit hallgatni, érdekel, fejteni akarom.
A másik eddigi idei kedvencem egy teljesen másmilyen lemez. Andrew Wasylyk albuma a békés félrevonulás zenéje, szemlélődő, pasztorálos. A kiindulás amolyan akusztikus gitáros-zongorás folk, amire a szokásosnál több ambient/drone-réteg került, de aztán még erre is egyre több fúvós-repetitív hangszerelés passzol tökéletesen. 
Nivhek, azaz Grouper szokásos magas színvonal, téli lemez, ami lehet jó lesz nyári éjszaka is. Sharon Van Etten pedig olyat csinált, amit sokat kell hallgatni, hogy igazán hasson. DJ Healeren annyira rajta maradtam tavalyról, hogy még ezek a szösszenetek is nagyon tetszenek. A Yaké végre egy olyan angol rocklemez, ami maradéktalanul tetszik. Super Furry Animals ugrott be róla többször is, a Spiritualized-szálat csak utólag fedeztem fel. Bassekou Kouyate egyértelműen az elmúlt bő évtized egyik legnagyobb világzenei sztárja, mindegyik lemeze jó, ez most talán azért is tetszik annyira, mert a tempósabb, néha már rockkal is flörtölők után ez ismét akusztikusabb, elmerengőbb. A Stats amolyan 2010-es évekbeli Hard-Fi, Joose Keskitalo a finn szuperpszichedelikus, imádnivaló Paavoharju egyik tagja volt, eszetlen az egészen egyenes vonalú, friss szólólemeze. Rustin Man LP-je kicsit olyan, mintha az utolsó Talk Talk és az első .O.Rang között készült volna, némileg dalosabb szándékkal, nagyon jó.  Nkisi a legjobb, friss tánczene eddig, Angel Bat Dawid nagyon erős szellős jazz, Dave Harrington jobb mint a Darkside-ban. A Lemonheads szuper feldolgozáslemezt adott ki, jobb mint a tíz évvel ezelőtti, Evan Dando bármikor úgy hangzik, mintha a saját dalát énekelné, tökéletes interpretáló. DAWN szokásos nagyon magas színvonalú r&b pop, mindig egy nagyon kevés hiányzik nekem ahhoz, hogy őrülten zseniálist kiáltva dobjam el tőle az agyam. Bigwave japán future funk-őrület, pc music-os diszkó, nem zárom ki, hogy hamar megunom, de egyelőre rajta vagyok. Emily King a neosoul felől szofisztipoposodott, amikor (ritkán) túl direkten haimos, akkor kevésbé, amikor organikusabb hangszerelésű, akkor nagyon tetszik. A Sister John egy kis skót indierockzenekar, egyszerű, nohipszter, notwee, klasszikus underdog, szép dalokkal. A Woman’s Hour egy beteljesítetlen reménység: az első lemeznek sokkal jobbnak kellett volna lennie, aztán meg nem kellett volna belerokkanniuk ennek a második lemeznek a készítésébe, amit most évekkel később mégis befejeztek és nagyon jól tették. Az ausztrál Methyl Ethel pedig lemezről-lemezre egyre jobb artpop, pontosabban szintis indie.
Ezek tetszettek a legjobban eddig. A második kupacban még olyanok vannak, amiket szerintem abszolút érdemes meghallgatni annak, aki bírja az adott stílust, a harmadik kupacban viszont már azok szerepelnek, amikhez rajongónak kell lenni és úgy sem kizárt a csalódás. Legalul meg, azokat hagyjuk. 
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actuarystudies · 5 years
Hello!! How have you been? I sent an ask the other day but it must have gotten eaten by tumblr ;( You're spread from the 3rd was so pretty, I swooned!! But anyway, I got questions so I can plot what to make for you : do you like to listen to music while studying? Are you in any fandoms? I hope you're well, and that you're having a good first december week :D - all my love, your secret santa 🎅 PS: what holiday (if any) are you celebrating this year?
Hello! It's ok. If i dont respond in 2 days, maybe send another ask again. & thank you so much!
Yes I do listen to music. Usually either lofi, or mixes on BLUME. But I listen to other music (my fave singers are Maluma & Ozuna!).
I am not in any fandoms, but i used to be in the ⚽️ fandom. 
Thank you! I will be celebrating x-mas, new years & orthodox xmas. What about you? Whats your favourite book?
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jesuisdarkdandelion · 2 years
27/12/2021 - Prova de Antropologia (dia 2)
🌻 verão
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: os pássaros cantando e o tic tac do meu relógio + barulho de teclado (som ambiente) ─────────⚪──────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 12:35/ 24:00 ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• Minha casa? + Flip
ᴅʀɪɴᴋɪɴɢ 🍸: Por enquanto nada
ᴀᴘᴘs: Flip 📱 - X 💻
12:36 🕧 - sol 🌞, 22°C
A manhã foi produtiva? Não muito, devo ter ficado uma hora inteira lendo "O Sol da Meia Noite", enquanto isso ainda tenho uma prova pra fazer e um quarto para arrumar. Bom, mas hoje tenho boas novas! Minhas metas do dia são:
🎥 Vídeo sobre o Max Gluckman (se eu achar)
📖 "Padrões de Cultura" - Ruth Benedict (introdução, caps. I, II, VIII)
📖 "Análise de uma situação social na Zuzulândia moderna" - Max Gluckman (pp. 237-283)
13:06 🕐 - sol 🌞
Certo, após uma dose de nada saudável procrastinação, vou ler o livro da Benedict e procurar um vídeo sobre o Gluckman (que eu achei depois, no canal da UNICAMP. Tá certo que meu professor falou pra gente não
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Lofi para Webchurrasco Vol. 1 [jdutra remix] ───⚪────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 10:58/ 1:03:36 ──○─ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• Youtube Music
ᴅʀɪɴᴋɪɴɢ 🍸: Água - Copo de Sereinha
15:05 🕒 - trovoadas sem chuva ⛅, 23°C
Após um almoço intenso e algumas discussões à mesa (basicamente todo mundo me zoando por causa do incidente de ontem em que eu insistia que não tinha dormido e também um bug que eu tive acerca de sair de casa ou não (eu posso viver em um mundo de fantasia, mas a pandemia tá acontecendo aqui também... nos últimos dois anos as aulas foram todas à distância))
Ainda estou enumerando os capítulos do texto da Benedict e ainda não me decidi entre ler o texto do Max antes ou ver o vídeo antes... Bom não decidi, mas vou tentar decidir e ignorar essa dorzinha chata nos ombros.
15:36 🕞
Já reparou que quase sempre os minutos terminam com 6? Que bizarro. Bom, terminei as numerações e após uma doce e suave sessão de procrastinação (que provavelmente durou 20 minutos ou mais), decidi ver o vídeo que eu preciso ver pra já tirar esse problema da frente... só esperar acabar de tocar "Trem das 11", porque eu amo essa música.
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Aulas abertas: Teorias & Histórias da Antropologia - Escola de Manchester: um ponto de vista pessoal (IFCH UNICAMP) ────────⚪───────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 1:08:36/ 2:17:40 ──○─ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• YouTube
ᴀᴘᴘs: Flip 📱 - Pomodoro Timer 💻
16:30 🕟 - garoa e trovoada ⛈️, 21°C
Dei uma pausa no vídeo aqui só pra falar umas coisinhas: a aula está sendo com um professor de Antropologia chamado Peter Fry, que eu, particularmente, não conhecia, mas que fala de um jeito tão bom... a aula está sendo uma delícia de acompanhar! E, caraca, ele estou com uns antropólogos que eu leio nas aulas sobre Antropologia Clássica!! Imagina que incrível ter sido aluno de Jean-Claude, Leach... O jeito que ele fala sobre as experiências dele quando estudante me dão vontade de ter uma máquina do tempo para ver tudo isso ao vivo e a cores...
Aliás, os antropólogos americanos da escola boasiana são normalmente os meus chuchuzinhos. Tanto que no primeiro semestre deste ano, que a minha turma estudou os Boas, Benedict, Mead, Hurston etc, foi uma delíciaaaa de estudar. Mas depois desta aula do Sr. Fry, eu estou começando a ver certo charme na escola Britânica também... bom, pelo menos nos autores que eu, particularmente, já tinha pego um certo gosto em ler: Leach, Evans-Pritchard, Gluckman, em especial.
Agora eu vou terminar de assistir porque, sabe como é, o tempo voa, amor, escorre pelas mãos.
Autores indicados pelo professor Fry:
Carlos Vogt
J. Clyde Mitchell
V. W. Turner*
Lyn Schumaker
*Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro Cavalcanti
Autores Citados:
Jack Goody (? ou será que este era o lugar?)
Jaap van Velsen
Bruce Kapferer
Certo, agora eu já vi 1h38 do vídeo e queria muito, muito continuar... porém o tempo é curto e a parte que fala sobre o Max Gluckman já acabou então... acho que
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Forks Ambience + músicas do meu celular (Bella's Lullaby; A Narnia Lullaby; Merry go round of life) ────────?───────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► ??:??/ ??:?? ──○─ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• Atmosphere (Chuva do campo, vento da floresta, vento da cidade, uivo de lobo)
ᴀᴘᴘs: Pomodoro 📱 - X 💻
18:30 🕡 - sol encoberto ⛅, 20°C
Eu tive dificuldade para me concentrar, que ódio.
Amo estudar antropologia, me sinto em uma bolha de contentamento e felicidade.
Mesmo depois de me concentrar, tá sendo difícil pegar o ritmo. Estou no §28, mas não consigo sair dele. Minha cabeça começou a ir longe... no incômodo que eu sinto na garganta sempre que eu respiro, na vontade de comer misturada com fome que eu estou (mas não vou comer porque sei que não tem nada que eu esteja com vontade agora), em como eu preferiria estar lendo o livro do Eduardinho, no meu copo de água vazio, naquele meu amigo que tinha feito uma música pra mim na escola que eu estava antes da ACDW... a música era legal, pena que eu provavelmente nunca mais vou escutar... pera, e se eu pedisse pra ele? Não, que ideia péssima...
Ok, eu pedi!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Adorei o fato de que eu não lembrava como a música era e gostei mais agora, na segunda vez que eu ouvi, do que quando ouvi pela primeira vez. Me lembra a pegada de um otome game que eu adoro... bom, mas hoje eu não tenho como te contar os detalhes da história desta música, então fica pra próxima, que tal? Agora eu tenho que voltar a estudar, porque já são 21h... mesmo tudo que eu queira fazer agora seja entrar numa vibe de vilã chique de filme.
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Rondo of Oblivion OST (deixei a gameplay de fundo e é isso, ost maravilhosa, aff) ⚪───────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 1:00/ 15:00 ──○─ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• YouTube
21:12 🕘 - noite 🌃, 19°C
Espero que não tenham muitos anúncios no vídeo, a ponto de eu ter de desistir da gameplay pra poder estudar... e espero que eu não tenha problemas com Spoilers também, eu estou realmente empolgada com esse joguinho. Volto, depois de ter conseguido estudar um pouco.
Fui jantar. Acho que estou cansada.
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: o chamado das sereias (playlist) ──⚪─────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 2:00/ 27:00 ──○─ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️
• Spotify
ᴀᴘᴘs: Study Bunny 📱 - X 💻
02:16 🕐 - madrugada 🌘, 18°C
Eu acho que estou indo dormir agora... sabe como é, já estou morrendo de sono. Amanhã vou ter que me dedicar muito nas leituras, bem mais do que hoje, porque ainda faltam ler esse que eu comecei hoje e mais 3, além de escrever as duas respostas (que devem ter por volta de uma ou duas páginas). Me desejem sorte. Eu preciso dela.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ
Resultado: 🎥 Vídeo sobre o Max Gluckman ✅
  📖 "Padrões de Cultura" 30%
Vídeo: https://youtu.be/SC3axOX2fuI (começa a falar sobre o Gluckman em: 6:05 - https://youtu.be/SC3axOX2fuI?t=365)
Texto revisado: [ ] SIM [X] NÃO
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paisajesbiograficos · 6 years
Arauco tiene una pena
Carampangue también, u na parte de esa pena duerme en la voz de Joselías a.k.a Ineino, también vocalista de Inarbolece. Fuimos al cementerio a hablar de la vida, una ironía que siempre tendrá sentido.
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¿Como empezó el proyecto Ineino?
Comencé con el proyecto cuando vivía en stgo hace 6 años atrás. Empecé a hacer música, grabarme sólo, sin saber mucho, bien acústico. Hice unos temas y saqué el primer álbum, bien lofi sin querer entrar en ése género a propósito, si no porque no sabía hacer bien las cosas y dejé todo ahí, más o menos reposando. Después volví (A Carampangue), nació Inarbolece e Ineino quedó en pausa. Me dediqué a Inarbolece completamente, pero al mismo tiempo estaba haciendo canciones que no encajaban con la banda. Entonces comencé a redescubrir esto que nunca dejé de hacer pero que necesitaba más dedicación y tiempo.
¿Cómo nacen los nombres Ineino e Inarbolece, tienen un concepto en común o comparten un significado?
Ineino en mapudungún significa nadie. Elegí el nombre porque en esos tiempos estaba pegado con  “Into the wild”, Alexander Supertramp, Capitán Nemo (Nem o= Nadie en latín) entonces yo iba a ser Nadie pero en Mapuche. De esa asociación nació Ineino. Inarbolece nace de la figura del árbol invertido donde nacen cosas medias deformes, no lo pensé a propósito.
¿Qué referentes te han influenciado musicalmente?
Estuve escuchando harto la cumbre del folk (2010) muy simple, muy emocional, volviendo a la simpleza, como las primeras composiciones de Javiera Mena, cosas menos elaboradas.
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¿Con respecto a lo femenino, uterino, fetal en Ineino/ Inarbolece, porqué?
Estas temáticas están más presentes en Inarbolece que en Ineino. Tiene que ver con éste imaginario de nacer y volver al útero, un ciclo donde se quiere volver a estar dentro, protegido por ésta cosa media materna. De ahí nacen todas éstas figuras más apegadas a esos lazos primordiales.
En Inarbolece intenté trabajar esos lazos que nos unen humanamente, que siento se han perdido mucho. Siento que la gente lo percibe diferente, más como una performance, pero yo quería que fuera humano: da igual como me vista, da igual como soy, somos todos humanos.
Si pero al mismo tiempo, ese impulso humano, siento, termina siendo performativo, porque hoy x hoy estamos así. Lo humano está pasando a ser un concepto más performativo que real, pero creo la teatralidad en Inarbolece está bien trabajada…
Siento que se fueron dando esas cosas, porque me preguntaba cómo reflejar esos conceptos en la banda y fue algo que me esforcé en aplicarlo a Inarbolece, pero ahora con el tiempo siento que yo mismo me estaba contradiciendo al hacerlo.
Nosotros vivimos en Carampangue, pero aun así nuestras familias nos aislaban mucho de todo, entonces con mi hermano crecimos muy solos. Para nosotros Concepción significaba enfrentarse a la realidad, no podíamos seguir estudiando en Carampangue, había que si o si migrar a Concepción. El hablar era muy complicado, veo las cosas de una manera muy diferente. La gente que hace música en Concepción es muy diferente de la que a mi se me podría ocurrir, por eso lo aprecio de manera distinta. Todo lo que uno vive lo va demostrando en lo que hace. Ser músico nacido en Concepción, teniendo experiencias mas reales enfrentadas a la música es muy distinto de no haber tocado nunca frente a nadie, poniéndote en esas situaciones quizás imaginariamente…
Porque eso es lo que se hace estando en Carampangue, pero acá en Concepción con Inarbolece han tenido una repercusión igual considerable…
Nunca pensé en la repercusión, sólo en cómo lo podíamos hacer para que ésto se escuchara. Sentía que en esos momentos en Concepción no se estaba escuchando nada parecido, entonces era más ¿Cómo lo hago?
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¿Y a Ineino, cuándo lo vamos a escuchar?
En ésta nueva etapa de Ineino, más robótica, más samplers, sonidos mas cortados, no sé si menos guitarra, pero guitarra acústica. Con Ineino intento que sea más  folclor, entonces la idea es que sea como folcklor robotizado. Estoy en la búsqueda del folcklor robotizado. No sé si me refiera a lo mismo, dentro de ésto no-humano, encontrar más humanidad. Me aburrí de juntarme a tocar y hacer canciones, estoy uniendo partes y viendo que resulta de ésas partes.
¿Estás trabajando solo?
Me produce Malva Discos. Llevo todo y de pronto exagero mucho,  es un menjunje que a veces no pega tanto entonces MalvaDiscos (Ale, mi hermano, también baterista de Inarbolece) me ayuda y editamos todo. Ineino está yendo más para ese lado samplers, juegos y cosas.
Ineino y Niño Polar Split “Gloria”
Con Ineino estoy en dos procesos. Primero saldrán 3 nuevos singles: Hagámonos planeta, La interrogación de los lunáticos y Colorín Colorado, luego con Niño Polar teníamos planeado éste Split hace unos dos años. Lo produce Malvaviscos trabajando también con Pedro Antivil (también director de Radio Leufü/Leufü Estudio) 
Ya están disponibles dos videoclips del Split  “Gloria”: 
“No veo” y “Cualquier Parte”
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¿Como te ha influenciado Conce o que piensas de Conce culturalmente?
Conce igual brígido. Yo pasé de Carampangue a Stgo y después a Conce. En Stgo habían muchas más cosas a las que uno podía ir, quizás más de cine, o como  estudiaba cine tenía más información acerca de esas áreas, pero siento que acá eso está muy apagado. Hay pocos ciclos. Pero en la música, siento que hay cosas que no son tantas, pero son muy copia yankee.
¿Crees que falta una identidad local?
Igual si, caleta, no sé que es Concepción, yo me he apropiado de lo que es Carampangue pero no me he apropiado de acá, porque tampoco conozco tanto tampoco.
Bandas locales:
Me gusta mucho Flora, donde toca Niñopolar, con el que voy a sacar el split. Me gusta mucho, aunque sea pop, es muy sufrida. Camilo solo también me gusta.
La autogestión finalmente lo hace todo, es la única forma de expresarse. A nadie le interesa tu propuesta porque a nadie le parece nueva, entonces uno tiene que ir buscando los espacios, relacionarse con personas que están en la misma.
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shytiff · 3 years
 August 2021
1 - morning walk with ness mendel to palm hills. my dumb ass decided to do a bit of run. my heart was screaming by the time we hiked lol. continued with some youtube dance work out at mess. had kanayam as always. the fish and chicken somehow tasted even better than usual. afternoon nap. had muesli and simba again. 
2 - a hectic BP slash usila slash mtbs day with dr arief. Tried sop bebek h syafei and sate bandeng. Worked out w renata to a 20 mins pilates vid and 2 madfit songs and one 5 min stretch. Dinner was tofu soun seaweed and egg soup courtesy of renata. And baked banana with ovomaltine lolll im so grateful friends give me food.
3 - in usila today but turns out theres still one more day of vaccine in kantor kecamatan, so nessa and i went. We screened together w dr arief. Finished at about 2 pm. Can finaly eat at like 3ish after getting to the mess. Felt a bit of headache and my nose starts to go runny. So i slept. But my nose was so blocked. So i asked renata for her boiled noodle. Felt a bit better. Cleared my nose. Slept.
4 - it did feel better, finally. The soreness i felt in my abs yesterday gets worse today lmao. BP w nessa. orientation w dr harnis. talked ngalor ngidul about love life et cetera at our room lol
5 - fasted today. sahur was rice, crispy mushroom and abon since i felt sick of eating egg. it seems that love life talk continued today    at BP w dr anggi. printed stuff at kubang wates. bought kepak bandeng at RM tajuk and some snacks in indomaret. turns out Prof gave me one more ppt to do, for PIT. and the manuscript deadline is on the 8th :) immediately started doing something about it since now i know ppt and word making rly takes time
6 - muesli and pizza from alfia for bfast. vaccine today w dr lutfi. talked with kang ade and turns out he lived in kalideres before lol. bought don’s burger for dinner and ate it with fried egg. 
7 - MTBS today. got a lot of free food. read stranger than friends. went to transmart w nessa to buy stuff. did the word for Prof’s PIT topic acompanied with lofi study on the tv accompanied with nescafe latte. taste kinda.. weird. 
8 - ran a bit today, alone. bought nasi uduk for 5000 and i added scrambled egg. continued the word and finished it at like 11 am. sent it. relaxed for a bit. read black mirror. lunch was from labbaik but things went shit and i ended up paying 72k lol. printed document stuff w nessa and went to palm hills in the golden hour. ate together w the gals. played scrabble and talked a bit with fianti until almost 11 pm.
9 - had left over chicken and pizza for bfast. usila today and the patients came back to back. bought kanayam while waiting for 2 pm. slept. did (so little) work of ECMOCARD SAP. im so research dumb. 
10 - had steak and rice and renata’s veggie soup for bfast. vaccine today at vivo near intermedia with teh dian. waited for a mother with 9cm dilatation in ugd with nessa, but it took so long so i went back first. met up with atikah at o seven lmao. she arrived at like 12 and waited at palm wates. tried carbonara sphagetti (yum! but not fulfilling enough) and fried tofu. slept early and i probably passed out at like 930 pm. atikah was talking w ratnaa and we’re talking about the day’s randomness of atikah’s customer that somehow lives in cilegon
11 - woke up late. drove motorbike around palmhills to sightsee a bit. bfast at nasi uduk place around the corner. did some ngambi-together in green wates, accompanied by atikah’s 2 songs, repeated many times. went to mess. ate seafood in merak (a place near billiard cafe). got fish and shrimp. went to pulau kecil with pak asep’s help. walked around the tiny island. saw a monkey. the waters surprisingly clear. and then after maghrib Prof asked me about the ppt lol. so i hurriedly made it and emailed it, with zoom sesh 2mrw
12 - muesli for bfast. a hectic day today at bp x usila with dr lutfi (she went up for a bit for promkes). leftover kangkung and fish for lunch. hurriedly added some stuff to Prof’s ppt before the zoom sesh at 3. did 1 pamela reif vid and “attempted” her 10 min ab workout. dinner was soun and egg and renata’s veggie. 
13 - vaccine day for ODGJ and special needs children ft. dr Arief. finished at like 10:15. bought discounted wingstop (86k for 20 piece). was about to send Prof’s ppt but turns out there’s a ppt from the sponsor. in english. so i had to mold the 2 ppt and do some translation. finally sent it, and the literature. the sponsor used a lot of old literature lol. 
14 - wingstop and rice for bfast. mtbs today. no patient lmao. bu ningrum gave me cimol again! and a snack called selondok. waited out 2 pm with nessa. there’s a mom that came with upper abdominal pain. it did not improve after ranitidine, so she was referred. mom dad etc came to cilegon. i vacuumed. bujing lia had itches within like 15 mins of entering my room :(( lol. since the bed was put out, renata and i slept in yoga mat lol. nessa went to damkar. but i dreamed of something that night.
15 - mom’s spaghetti for bfast. off to pulau besar at 7 am. walked around the island a bit. swam in pulau kecil. ate at saung bonang (<50k per person!). tidied up the hydrovacuumed bed. a 20 ish minute ab and glutes workout with renata. love life talk. accidentally turned on live video in cld lmao. talked with aisyah due to said live vid. gave some brownies and spaghetti to mendel lol. dinner was mom’s chicken, kentang balado and capcay. 
16 - usila today. lots of patients with dizziness. ate mom’s chicken and spicy potato for lunch. 
17 - free day today. picked up my towel from sodaqo laundry. nasi uduk for breakfast. lazed. washed my undies. lunch was meat soup made by renata. watched run bts while eating indomie. watched extreme job (quite hilarious). filled my logbook. slept at like 12 am
18 - spaghetti for bfast. no patient at kia. promkes about hypertension. some patients at igd today. my mistake today was not realizing the pneumonia on a 8months patient with severely dehydrated diarrhea :( there’s also a 4 yo child whose fever did not improve after like 3 hrs and pct and compress. i have to be better :(. lunch was kanayam. bought chatime together with ness tri. tried lychee milk tea and the taste did not combine well at all. imagined better productivity with nessa even though its less likely to happen lmaooo
19 - fasted and had nongshim carbonara dry ramen for sahur. BP today. Almost bought martabak but its just keBMan on my part.
20 - vaccine day today. Filled logbook. went to mess and went back again to cibeber through the rain when i was called by the teteh. Helped the delivery (the mcroberts, to be exact), and got some hecting. The midwives were rly kind :) ness ren were sleeping so i got some silence for myself. It was nice. Tidied some stuff and slept
21 - mtbs. Whatsapp class for pregnant woman abt c19 vaccine. Bought martabak hokky medium (50k,green tea, chocolate, ceres and cheese). Turns out alfia also bought martabak assen. Fried mom's chicken and ate it with renata's porridge. Movie night, watched under the gods 1 along with popcorn
22 - woke up kinda late if i wanted to run, but the weather was cloudy and nice, so i went out at 7:15ish. ran a bit towards KS complex behind mess. walked through a jogging track, empty houses, krakatau bike park. played badminton with tri. washed undies. ate mom’s food for bfast slash lunch. napped a bit. off to o seven, bringing mom’s brownies. ordered green tea latte (25k), it tasted sweet and i had to remind myself that its not matcha lol. did some logbook and literature search for prof’s ppt. ate renata’s broccoli. folded clothes. tried nessa’s scarlett scrub. put on some lotion. mask. turned on fianti’s candle (smells rly nice and calming!). vcall with fi, scrabble and some talks. and suddenly its 11pm
23 - usila today. quite a lot of patients, so much that i was thirsty. dr yanti called since she needs some preskas docx. lol so sudden. bought mizone and dimsum kuy (10.5k with gofood pickup promo). the dimsum was good and fulfilling. didnt do anything else much in the mess. read a painter behind the curtain. it was rly rly good. all the characters made sense and had great insight. some are assholes (im looking at u, Raymond). ate the keripik mom bought from sidimpuan. first time actually trying it. its actually not that spicy lmao i used to think its the spiciest thing in the world. banana, brownies and protein shake for din din.
24 - empty KIA today. no promkes. or UGD patients. some mentoring on preeclampsia by dr Arif. went to BNI but turns out our card havent been activated yet.  cooked mom’s sphagetti sauce (thats not enough amount) along with egg and cheese. yum. had banana brownies and protein for dinner. started trial to blinkist
25 - BP today. reasonable amount of patients, accompanied by blinkist. tried ngikan by gofood pickup (17.5k). i still prefer kanayam’s fish and nasi liwet. a pregnant woman came to UGD. so i went back at like 7 pm, but turns out the mom went back home lmao. mas apit said i shouldve contacted him. point taken. so a nicely lit cafe along the way to pkm called Serada, so i tried it. It has industrial vibes. Got latte (25k). did some logbook. Read some blinks in bed
26 - vaccine today. Both screening and getting moderna lol. My arm hurts. So far no fever. bought roti O croissant and the usual coffee bread for 12k using gofood. Watched weathering with you. Turned on the candle. Read blinks
27 - arm hurts. but thankfully its mtbs. slept while waiting until 2. kanayam sambal matah for lunchie. finally took PCT that solved my headache and incoming fever and arm pain bcs i dont want to stumble while on the motorbike. watched harry potter #1. washed clothes and filled some logbook, powered by left over serada latte. need to sleep so i wont wake up late 2mrw
28 - mass vaccination in SMP RJ with mendel kak esa. 800ish patients. Lots of food and snacks and coffee. Picked up by mom and dad. Slept on the way. And like magic, when i open my eyes im at the airport. Basking in the silence of my room
29 - relaxed. Moms nasgor for bfast. Met up with atikah puy in kopi sedjenak. Tried their croffle with nutella. Went to racheels since its her online grad day. There were also sil and dev. Lotsss of food was eaten that day. Doughnuts, moms brownies, fruits, phd bigbox. Atikah and puy also came along to racils. Had lots of fun talk.
30 - sahur. Off to cilegon. A bit of road fixture was going on. Stopped in the rest area since i wanted to pee. KIA/ugd today. There was a patient who had an accident with a truck. Her nails were falling off. I panicked when Prof asked for his ppt so i hurriedly finished it. Had moms chicken for iftar. Fell asleep after maghrib
31 - usila. Renata fried bakwan and tofu and fish and chicken. Lotsss of fries yum. We played with makeup and ness set up her ling light. I imitated jks tattoo using eyeliner lol. Did the word for Prof. Jk went live for his bday!! I listened until i fell asleep (lol hes still going)
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jacky-079 · 4 years
Lo-fi type free beat 'X-mas'🎄 Listen to the full version on Youtube JACKY재키 Subscribe on Youtube and Follow IG!🙇‍♂️ . . . #christmas #merrychristmas #merrychristmas🎄 #lofi #lofihiphop #lofimusic #lofibeats #lofibeat #freebeat #typebeat #jacky #prod #xmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dW0jxlkct/?igshid=1wn7lg65whwj5
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lofi-cult-youtube · 2 years
Merry #lofi Christmas!
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xo2neuronal · 5 years
⚠️⚠️⚠️VIDEOCLIP ESTRENO⚠️⚠️⚠️ . PRESIONA EL "VER MAS" O INGRESA AL LINK DE MI PERFIL. 🎬 . Artista: @xo2neuronal Titulo: Nomade Instrumental: @yosoyleobro Grabacion: Dejah Vu estudios (por X-O2) Masterizacion: @ponirecords Filmacion: @improvisapilchasoficial Edicion: Under Dreams . Escrito y realizado durante mis primeros 5 meses de mochilero a travez de la Patagonia Argentina y finalizado en Santiago de Chile. 🌎⛰❇🇦🇷🇨🇱🙌🎶🎞 Desde Cordoba, Argentina @uritorkillaz represento. #XO2 #XO2Neuronal #Nomade #poeta #Poesia #lirica #contenido #mensaje #chill #relax #soul #lofi #rap #hiphop #videomusical (en Santiago, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSZ63CnwMp/?igshid=sjm4j88lt8u
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cougaronamethbinge · 5 years
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🎄Happy Holidays You'all 🎄 swipe left to peek our X-Mas mashup "A Merry Little Navidad" (link to full track in bio) We originally recorded this back in 2015 for @thebaybridged 's holiday complication but we liked it so much that we thought we'd give it the olde remix/remaster treatment for 2018. Enjoy and go tell your loved ones they are loved 😇 xoxoxo COAMB (p.s the track is downloadable via the link if you're into that sort of thing). -Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Hugh Martin (1944) -Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano #merrylittlechristmas #feliznavidad #mashup #happyholidays #santaslittlehelper #christmascover #lofi #homerecording #catart #catchristmas #catanimation (at Portable North Pole) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrjOPeBgEBE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dirqbgm9gthq
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dendre · 5 years
Hanglemez 2019/02
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Default Genders: Main Pop Girl 2019  9.0  (future pop) Ot to Not To: It Loved To Happened  9.0  (mark hollis of experimental r&b) Y La Bamba: Mujeres  8.5  (latin alt, indiefolk) Piroshka: Brickbat  8.5  (indierock) Roses Gabor: Fantasy & Facts  8.5  (elektro r&b) Feels: Post Earth  8.5  (lofi-posztpunk) Fling: Fling Or Die  8.5  (indiepsychpop)
Golden Daze: Simpatico  8.0  (neopsychdreamjanglepop) The Delines: The Imperial  8.0  (altcountry-soul) Cherusii & Maria Minerva: ST  8.0  (hypnogogic outsider pophouse) Sleaford Mods: Eton Alive  8.0  (spokenword posztpunk) Powder: Powder In Space  8.0  (dj mix, house) Time Grove: More Than One Thing  8.0  (electrosouljazz) Nate Wooley: Columbia Icefield  8.0  (jazzambient) Celestial Trax: Serpent Power  8.0  (ambient) AJ Lambert: Careful You  8.0  (elegantpop-feldolgozáslemez Sinatra-unokától) Leyla McCalla: The Capitalist Blues  8.0  (cajun, folkswing) Swindle: No More Normal  8.0  (purple sound, uk hiphop) Pom Poko: Birthday  8.0  (dancepunk) Du Blonde: Lung Bread For Daddy  8.0  (indierock) Wadada Leo Smith: Rosa Parks  8.0  (jazz) Theon Cross: Fyah  8.0  (jazz) Mikron: Severance  8.0  (ambient techno) Sunwatchers: Illegal Moves  8.0  (jazzpsychrock) Pierce Pettis: Father’s Son  8.0  (folk) Vtgnike: Steals  8.0  (ambient juke) Our Native Daughters: Songs Of Our Native Daughters  8.0  (banjofolk) Jozef Van Wissem / Jim Jarmush: An Attempt To Draw  7.5  (avantfolk instru) Tourist: Everyday  7.5  (deep house) Nakhane: You Will Not Die  7.5  (artpop&b) Greensky Bluegrass: All For Money  7.5  (progressive bluegrass) Seed Ensemble: Driftglass  7.5  (souljazz) Gum Takes Tooth: Arrow  7.5  (expreirock) Frances Cone: Late Riser  7.5  (indieartpop) Diat: Positive Disintegration  7.5  (posztpunk) The Long Ryders: Psychedelic Country Soul  7.5  (paisley under, powerpop) Yugen Blakrok: Anima Mysterium  7.5  (hiphop) Julia Jacklin: Crushing  7.5  (indiefolk) Angelo De Augustine: Tomb  7.5  (indiefolk) Madolin Orange: Tides Of A Teardrop  7.5  (folk, altcountry) Yola: Walk Through Fire  7.5  (soulpopcountryblues) Twin Talk: Weaver  7.5  (sleepjazz) Calva Louise: Rhinoceros  7.5  (indierock) Lor Choc: Love Is Love  7.5  (rap&b) Bjarki: Happy Earthday  7.5  (izlandi idm-ambient techno) Brìghde Chaimbeul: The Reeling  7.5  (skót dudazene, folk)
International Teachers Of Pop: S/T  7.0  (disco-szintipop) Buke And Gase: Scholars  7.0  (indietronica, artpop) Betty Who: Betty  7.0  (softy, synthy, 80s-y dancepop) Vandoliers: Forever  7.0  (cowpunk) Finlay Shakespeare: Domastic Economy  7.0  (electro) Copeland: Blushing  7.0  (dreampop) Mykele Deville: Maintain  7.0  (hiphop) Jio: TFW  7.0  (alt-elektro r&b) XamVolo: All The Sweetness...  7.0  (alt&b) Markers: Heaven In The Dark Earth  7.0  (droneposztfolk) The Cool Greenhouse: Crap Cardboard Pet EP  7.0  (bedroom posztpunk) Spellling: Mazy Fly  7.0  (experi electropop) Harlem: Oh Boy  7.0  (garage pop) The Entrepreneurs: Noise And Romance  7.0  (noisepop) Hugh Marsh: Violinvocations  7.0  (hegedűs glitchambient) Julia Kent: Temporal  7.0  (vonós posztminimalambient) Fran And Flora: Unfurl  7.0  (hegedűcselló modern classical) The Unthanks: Emily Bronte  7.0  (kamarafolk) Adia Victoria: Silences  7.0  (artrock) Robert Ellis: Texas Piano Man  7.0  (piano pop) Telekinesis: Effluxion  7.0  (indiepop) James Yorkston: The Route  7.0  (indiefolk) Chaka Khan: Hello Happiness  7.0  (dancesoulpop) Charlotte Adigéry: Zandoli EP  7.0  (altdancepop) Surachai: Come, Deathless  7.0  (noise) Shook Twins: Some Good Lives  7.0  (decens folkpoprock) Liz Brasher: Painted Image  7.0  (popsoul) Mike Krol: Power Chords  7.0  (power garage) Bass Clef: 111  7.0  (outsider dubhouse-idm) Teeth Of The Sea: Wraith  7.0  (neopsych-elektroposztrock) Desperate Journalist: In Search Of The Miraculous  7.0  (posztpunk-indierock) Tender: Fear Of Falling Asleep  6.5  (dreamy electropop) Lee Gamble: In A Paravental Scale EP  6.5  (idm) Subjective: Act One  6.5  (deephouse and bass) Thelma: The Only Thing  6.5  (artpop) Susanna & Brotherhood...: Garden Of Earthly Delights  6.5  (avantfolk-artpop) And The Kids: When This Is Over  6.5  (indierock) Yann Tiersen: All  6.5  (ambient pop) Machinefabriek: With Voices  6.5  (konkrét elektronika) Deer Tick: Mayonnaise  6.5  (folkrock, americanablues) Julian Lynch: Rat’s Spit  6.5  (indie-dreamfolk) Ry X: Unfurl  6.5  (folktronica) Kehlani: While We Wait  6.5  (neosoul-r&b) Efdemin: New Atlantis  6.5  (minimal/ambient/abstract techno) Tiny Ruins: Olympic Girls  6.5  (folkpop) Black Taffy: Elder Mantis  6.5  (absztrakt hiphop) Drenge: Strange Creatures  6.5  (garázsposztpunk)
Homeshake: Helium  6.0  (hypnagogic synthfunk) Nate Young: Dilemmas Of Identity  6.0  (post-industrial) Lorelle Meets The Obsolete: De Facto  6.0  (mexikói neopszichkrautrock) Le Butcherettes: bi/MENTAL  6.0  (artrock) Say Anything: Oliver Appropiate  6.0  (acousticemo) Cub Sport:  Cub Sport  6.0  (elektropop&b) Rosie Carney: Bare  6.0  (indiefolk) Cucina Povera: Zoom  6.0  (a capella minimal synth) Deep Cut: Different Planet  6.0  (shoegaze-psych) TMBOY: Steam  6.0  (elektropop) Go Dark: Neon Young  5.5  (hipszeterelektropop) Thyla: What’s On Your Mind EP  5.5  (indierock) Tim Presley: I Have Toe Feed  5.5  (psychpop) Elena Setién: Another Kind Of Revolution  5.5  (szofiszti artpoppy)  Hayes Carll: What It Is  5.5  (altcountry, americana) Dreezy: Big Dreez  5.5  (trap-hiphopr&b)  Boogie: Everything’s For Sale  5.5  (westcoasthiphop) Fredo: Third Avenue  5.0  (uk rap) Perfect Son: Cast  5.0  (szintis artpop) 
+++++ Brown Sugar: I’m In Love With A Dreadlock (Birth Of Lovers Rock 1977-1980)  9.5  (gyönyörű, úttörő lovers rock-életmű összegzése, 2018-as, decemberi lemez) Don The Tiger: Matanzas  8.5  (2018-as évvégi lemez, poszt afrocuban) VA: The Social Power Of Music  8.0  (négylemezes Smitshonian Folkways-válogatás, komoly protest song-history) Damon Zucconi: Untitled Substance  8.0  (b-more deconstructed, 2007-es, elfeledett LP újrakiadása) Stano: Content To Write  8.0  (1983-as ír posztpunk újrakiadása) D. Rothon: Nightscapes  8.0  (2018-as évvégi, smoothpopjazzmoodmusic) Moma Ready: Ocean Walker II  8.0  (2018-as évvégi, liquid funk, breaks) Hedvig Mollestad Trio: Smells Funny  7.5  (2018-as évvégi, heavypsych-jazz) BlueWhale: Process  8.0  (2018-as évvégi, atonal rock) Rattle: Sequence  8.0  (2018-as évvégi, dobzene)
(Ezeken kívül még sok lemezbe belehallgattam, és maximum 10 percet töltöttem velük, mert annyira nem nekem szóltak vagy szimplán borzasztóak voltak, ezeket nem sorolom. És igen, ez amolyan laza sorrend.)     
Eszméletlenül sok olyan zene van ma (kösz soundcloud/bandcamp), amit az alkotója valamilyen (leginkább életkori) oknál fogva nem tudott megvalósítani akkor, amikor az újszerű, releváns, aktuális, izgalmas lehetett volna. Ezek között persze akad több olyan, ami legalább érdekes, ügyesen nyúl a témához, jól hallgatható, de ha már hallottad azt, amiket másolnak, akkor nyilván nem tudnak revelációt kiváltani (vagy csak nagyon kivételes esetben). És akkor ugye hallani is minek, ha nem másnak, hogy szóljon valami elmegy háttérzene. Rengeteg lemez esik ebbe a kategóriába, a szabad újrafelhasználás, a miért ne korát éljük.
Ugyanakkor ha nem ösztönöz a remény, hogy potenciálisan jó zenéről maradhatok le, akkor nincs is értelme új megjelenéseket hallgatni. Vagy a régiek közül keresgélni.
Ami még általánosságban jellemző, az a kislemez (albumtrekk)-nagylemez örök szkanderének aktuális kiélesedése. Még a legtöbb 6.5 alatti lemezről is tudnék egy jó számot kiemelni, és végülis nem ez a lényeg? Jó számokat hallgatni. Pont ez van, Spotify-kor definíció szerint: jó számokat kiválasztani, abból jó playlisteket hallgatni. De ha én baszom el ezzel az időt, akkor csak ezzel foglalkozom (és jó eséllyel úgy sem fogom két-három alkalomnál többször hallani), ha más, nem hiszek neki, nem hiszem el, hogy ne hagyott volna le valami jót és a végén becsavarodunk az értelmetlen, újzenét megszállottan (ennél, amit itt csinálok, sokkal megszállottabban) kereső spirálba. Plusz, ha tudtál egy jó számot, akkor hallani akarom, hogy tudsz-e többet is? Ha nem, az sajnálatos. Ha igen, akkor meg csinálj belőlük egy jó lemezt, ami képes egy egységes hangulatot, világot nyújtani, amibe szívesen elmerülök.
Ebben a hónapban két lemeznek is az a címe, hogy Unfurl. Sok februári LP volt már az első részben is, így ez a második most alighanem rövidebb. Kevesebb a kiemelkedő album, ennélfogva. Most is kettő tetszett nagyon, az egyik a legtipikusabb future pop, mindent bele Default Genders friss albuma, ő a reményteljes, de ki nem igazán teljesedő Elite Gymnastics egyik fele volt (ez a chillwave idején feltűnt zenekar mindent mashupolt: dreampopot, jungle-t, house-t, k-popot stb.), ez a második szólólemeze és a zenekarral elkezdett munka eddigi betetőzése. Perfekt jövőpop, ami természetesen nem jelent mást, mint, hogy 2019-ben ilyennek is kellene lennie a jó popzenének, miközben alig ilyen. A másik nagyon tetszetős lemez egy Ot to Not To nevű előadó harmadik albuma, róla nem hallottam korábban. A zenéjére nem én találtam ki a Talk Talk-os Mark Hollis-párhuzamot, ami tökéletesen illik:  mark hollis of experimental r&b. Valami nagyon szellős, szétszerelt-újrarakott folk r&b ez, nagyon távoli kapaszkodónak lehet használni Kindness-t, aki nagyon kicsit hasonlóan szerelte az 80s softpopos r&b-t néhány éve. Ebből a kínmondatból is látszik, milyen nehéz körbeírni a zenét, inkább hallani kell. Jó még a  Y La Bamba eklektikus indiefolkpopja, nagyon kicsit US Girls, ha ez segít, aztán a Lush-os milányunk, Miki Berényi új zenekara, a Piroshka egy több mint korrekt albummal debütált, persze vele elfogódott vagyok, ezt itt be is jelentem, de mindenesetre ez sokkal jobb, mint a három évvel ezelőtti Lush-visszatérő EP, és úgy általában is. Kellett neki három hallgatás, hogy a korrektnél többnek halljam, itt tartok most vele. Roses Gabor szerintem nem a mi lányunk, ha jól veszem ki, grenadai szülők gyereke (Gábor ZsaZsa ihlethette a nevét?) erős elektro r&b-t tol, a Feels nekemvalóan megkapó lofi-posztpunkot, a Fling pedig szórakoztató indiepsychedéliát, utóbbi három lemezt lehet, hogy kicsit túlértékelem. Majdnem ennyire jó még a Golden Daze télies, ártalmatlan dreampopja (picit Real Estate-es jangle is), amibe nagyon jó belebújni. Akárcsak a The Delines soulos altcountryjába. A Sleaford Mods ismét szórakoztató, zeneileg talán minden korábbinál, izé, zeneibb. Cherusii & Maria Minerva kiadványa félig posztumusz anyag, Cherusii fiatalon hunyt el, barátnője, Minerva gondozta, fejezte be közös felvételeiket, nyilván nagyon sajnálatos, hogy előbbi nem tudott kibontakozni, utóbbi viszont hosszabb hallgatást tört meg ezzel a jó lemezzel. Mi van még? Nyilván mindig keverednek a friss megjelenések közé pár hetes, hónapos kiadványok is, ennyit csak ilyen tempóban lehet feldolgozni. Nem nekem, a nemzetközi sajtónak, amiből mondjuk a Popmatters úgy tud minden nap pár lemezt bemutatni, hogy nem ismétli a Pitchfork-féle fősodor kínálatát és mégis érdekes. De amúgy nagyon sok mindent kell olvasni, hogy összeálljon egy ilyen kép, ilyen lemezsor. 
Ezek tetszettek a legjobban februárban. A második kupacban (és harmadik elején) még olyanok vannak, amiket szerintem abszolút érdemes meghallgatni annak, aki bírja az adott stílust, a harmadik-negyedik adagban viszont már azok szerepelnek, amikhez rajongónak kell lenni és úgy sem kizárt a csalódás.
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theclubmap · 6 years
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PARTY TIPS HEUTE: Besonders sei euch ManegeFrei : X-Mas im Beate Uwe ans Herz gelegt. Die Manege entfachen werden dieses mal Smash tv, Ida Daugaard und Animal Swing Kids. Ebenfalls oben auf der Liste: Das der Jonny Knüppel grad Stress hat und die Crowdfunding Kampgane rumgeht, dürfte jeder mitbekommen haben. Passend dazu gibts heute Jonnys Weihnachtsfeier im Mensch Meiermit Martin Saupe, Jovan Feuerstacke ᴰᴶ, Jakob Turtur, Schmeckefuchs, Christian Kuhlmann uvm. Deep- bis Disco-, Lofi- bis Tech-, Chicago bis London und alles andere mit einem 4/4-Takt, der die Füße bewegt, gibt es heute bei House of Love *4 HR San Soda Special* im Prince Charles. We Still Kill The Old Way at Kultstätte Keller Disconnect presents Kassem Mosse, Madteo, Stenny & Andrea at ://about blank Blackened with Alignment, Anton Johnsen uvm at Humboldthain Club Manegefrei: X-Mas at Beate Uwe Dirty Thirty-Seven with Kollektiv Ost & Bondi (Live) at Burg Schnabel Tresor Invites Surgeon, Dasha Rush and DJ Pete at Tresor Music Lab with Kid Simius, Ada, Marco Tegui & More at Chalet A Night with Tom Bolas and No Frills at Kugelbahn Wedding http://ift.tt/2pg4gkT
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