studyblrsecretsanta · 5 years
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happy holidays, fellow elves! studyblrsecretsanta is back for its second year, created to pair studyblrs and provide an opportunity for them to cheer each other up and develop new friendships throughout the holiday season.
basically, we match you up with another studyblr and you message them anonymously throughout the month of december! at the same time, another studyblr will be anonymously messaging you. on christmas day, you reveal yourself to your secret santa, and you can also give them a gift!
active studyblrs only - you must message your secret santa at least once a week
reblog this post and follow us for updates
read through the rest of our rules
have your ask box as well as its anonymous feature turned on
fill out this application!
of course, gifts are one of the most exciting parts of having a secret santa. we encourage all participants to provide your secret santa with a gift, whether it be a playlist, moodboard, gifset, fanfic, etc.! anything is acceptable, as long as it is appropriate. if your secret santa agrees, you can even mail them a gift in real life!
if you have any further questions, feel free to send us an ask! we will be accepting applications until DECEMBER 15, and will begin distributing secret santas around the last week of november. so hurry and apply now, and don’t forget to spread the word! ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
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studyghibli · 4 years
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hello! i'm may, your secret santa for this year & here's my present! a moodboard for @athenastudying 💛
merry chritsmas and belated happy birthday!! 🌟 i'm the luckiest santa to have found a real life athena in this generation. a person that is filled with determination, wisdom, courage, skills and inspiration that the world needs today. i wish you the best in this holiday season.
+ highly recommended lofi playlist (from 130 mood on yt) that have helped me in my studies & life as well
are we just friends?
let's get lost
warm summer afternoons
good days
setting sun, gentle breeze, soft light, sheer curtains
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ranaeissance · 4 years
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— studyblrsecretsanta: @studybuddiesareoverrated
merry christmas to the wonderful @studybuddiesareoverrated!! hope you’ve had a happy holidays so far and are enjoying your winter break ❄️✨ for the studyblr secret santa event i was your secret santa and had fun messaging you over the course of december!! i apologise if i messaged tooo often and sometimes tumblr was a pain when sending the asks but either way it’s been a pleasure to meet you 💞
here is my gift to you; three star wars themed wallpapers because you mentioned planning to watch the new star wars movie! hope you like it💗😖 just make sure to click on the images for better quality~
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mal-studyblr · 4 years
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merry christmas @productive-mess! I was your studyblr secret santa! you mentioned liking to draw and stationary so I made you a moodboard! I hope you liked it and had a really nice christmas! 💞
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nuwandastudies · 4 years
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Merry Christmas @istudynature !
I know you love nature and mountains, so here is a moodboard for you i hope you like it!
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starduststudies · 4 years
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merry christmas, ally (@as-study-blog)!!
i hope i was a good secret santa!! i really enjoyed meeting you and i hope we can continue talking!!
i hope you’ll like my gift ☺️
i wish you a wonderful 2020!! ✨
(thank you @studyblrsecretsanta for organizing this!!)
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tortugannastudies · 4 years
Merry Christmas Ghostoz
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Dear @ghostoz !
I’m Tortugannastudies, your secret santa! Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions! I had a lot of fun chatting with you and getting to know you a little! This was my first time participating in an event like this!
Here’s a moodboard based on the things I know about you! I hope you like it!
Take care and have a very merry christmas🎄
~ Tortugannanastudies
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Merry Christmas @stardust-study! Sorry I’m a day late, I was travelling and waiting for that last reply to make this. I kinda stalked your k-pop blog and listened to random songs from Seventeen to make this moodboard ( or wallpaper? ). Hope you like it! 💞💞 It was so much fun getting to know you even though tumblr’s ask feature gave me a headache! I’ll be spamming you from now on, just a heads-up! 😂💞
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starlightandstudies · 4 years
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enjoy the moodboard! happy holidays, friend!
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lilac-studies · 4 years
A Gift
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Here is my gift to my Secret Santa, @moonstarbujo, via @studyblrsecretsanta. I made a mood board based on the blog and the answers I’ve received throughout the season. Enjoy, kk!
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waterfallstudies · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xb2UJAuPev7xoEc4ufFAn?si=fao8nlvaTwauED6lrLoQjA)
okay so this is my secret santa gift for @starduststudies,,, it’s supposed to be a study playlist technically but ik that a lot of people like to listen to music without lyrics when they’re studying to focus better so honestly you can listen to this whenever you want. my music taste is fairly top 40s but i did try and make this a bit more alternative bc that’s usually the type of stuff i listen to while i’m studying
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la-galaxie-langblr · 4 years
Hi @bobajenga, I was your @studyblrsecretsanta! As promised, here is your playlist:
There's a high chance you've heard most of those songs, but there may be a few you haven't. I really hope you enjoy the gift and have a great day, whether you celebrate Christmas or not :)
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korikoste · 4 years
dear @lilacsandanthropology,
merry Christmas!! I was your secret Santa this December. here’s the first part of your gift, a Spotify playlist! although it’s not much, I made it with all my heart so I really hope you’ll like it! I really enjoyed talking to you this month, I hope we can be friends! 
lots of love,
oriane 💗
P.S: the 2nd part of the gift might come a little late. I didn’t intend it to be this late but I'm trying to make it as enjoyable as possible, so please look forward to it!
P.P.S: a big thank you to the admins of @studyblrsecretsanta for organizing this event!! it was so much fun to participate and you guys rock! 🥳
P.P.P.S: please don’t judge my cringy Spotify username >.<
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mal-studyblr · 5 years
hi, this is your studyblr secret Santa (though I am no longer secret haha sorry for the carelessness :( if you want to keep on going then it's ok with me :) I am so glad to see that you love physics sm(another physics lover here). I started to take physics in 9th grade and I really liked physics from the beginning and yes math was not my best but I tried to improve it and I guess I have come a long way. I love quantum mechanics more and my fav is Ricard Feynman!have a good day!-A
hi there! well, I had quite a bad physics teacher in 9th grade and it really affected the way I saw physics until I got to the middle of my first year of high school. I’m also constantly trying to improve my maths lol
I’m not gonna lie to you I wish I could be better at understanding quantum mechanics because boy, isn’t that a ride. I’m thinking about diving into quantum mechanics once I finish my astrophysics course bc that’s been on hold for a year now (I had the busiest school year ever rip). Do you self study quantum mechanics or something like that?
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2manycupsoftea · 4 years
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Heya @astudyingshadow I’m your secret Santa! I made you a snowy moodboard since you don’t get snow where you are :D
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ranaeissance · 4 years
hello! this is your secret santa! for the purpose of keeping secrecy whilst also making me easy to identify, I'll sign off using ~*s*~ how is your December so far? :) ~*s*~
hello there!! my december so far has been terrific! it has been a wildride but im glad the year is slowly coming to an end. i’ve been blasting my christmas playlist, watching christmas classics and reading a l o t. and you dear santa, how have you been lately?
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