#workforce composition
alwaysbewoke · 1 month
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joyandella-123 · 3 months
Does Automation Really Reduce Payroll?
Automation and robotics are touted as a panacea to the problem of qualified worker shortages. Can the resource outlays more than pay for themselves once the automated lines are up and running?
Automation can significantly reduce payroll needs in various industries, including metal fabricating. The impact of automation on payroll is primarily due to its ability to increase efficiency, productivity, and accuracy while reducing the need for manual labor in certain tasks. Here are some key points on how automation affects payroll:
Reduction in Manual Labor: Automation typically reduces the need for manual labor, especially for repetitive, mundane, or physically demanding tasks (the three D’s: dull, dirty, and dangerous). Machines and automated systems can perform these tasks more efficiently and for longer hours than human workers, leading to a reduced need for a large workforce.
Shift in Workforce Composition: While automation may reduce the number of low-skilled positions, there is often an increased demand for higher-skilled workers who can manage, maintain, and optimize automated systems. This shift can change the nature of payroll expenses, with a possible increase in salaries for these higher-skilled positions, but overall fewer employees.
Increased Productivity and Efficiency: Automated systems often work faster and more consistently than humans, increasing overall productivity. This means that the same amount of work (or more) can be done with fewer employees, leading to a potential decrease in payroll costs.
Reduction in Errors and Rework: Automation can also reduce costs associated with human errors, rework, and quality control. Automated systems can maintain high precision and consistency, leading to improved product quality and lower waste, which indirectly affects payroll needs by reducing the need for additional labor to correct mistakes.
Long-term Savings vs. Short-term Investment: While the initial investment in automation can be significant, the long-term savings on labor costs can be substantial. Over time, the reduction in payroll due to automation can offset the initial costs of purchasing and implementing automated systems.
Training and Development Needs: With automation, there's a need for ongoing training and development of staff to work effectively with new technologies. This aspect of payroll might increase as employees are upskilled to handle more advanced systems.
In summary, automation generally leads to a decrease in payroll needs related to manual labor, but it also requires a shift towards a more skilled workforce. The overall impact on payroll will depend on the extent of automation, the nature of the work, and the company's adaptation strategy in terms of workforce development and restructuring.
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sefarad-haami · 4 years
Artificial Intelligence
Throughout this piece, we will be discussing the use of artificially intelligent robots and their impacts on modern society. We will be talking about why the creation and advancement of these AI robots needs to come to a halt and why they should not continue to be used in modern society. 
If you are reading this piece here on the Frontiers of Psychology site, you most likely already have a background on artificially intelligent robots and have an opinion of your own. If you have stumbled across this piece, somehow out of the blue, then I hope this piece can educate you on the dangers and risks AI robots bring, will bring, and have brought into human society. 
This piece is based on reasoning and evidence. It uses a logical appeal to make sure you are aware of how artificial intelligence impacts us as humans. 
Psychologically, these robots play a substantial role in our development, mental health, and the way we look at the world. Taking a step back, all impacts by artificially intelligent robots are able to be related back to a human’s psychology. Whether it be from job-less, deception, or privacy, these AI robotic companies do not take into account the overall impact of long-term use with their inventions. These psychological impacts fit within logical appeals, such as reasoning and evidence, but can also be viewed within an emotional appeal if one were to view it in that aspect. All sources cited will be done so in APA format at the end of the essay, and direct quotations will have citations after each one.
Before reading, I would like to explain what the term artificially intelligent robot refers. Throughout different articles, peer-reviewed journals, etc, AI robots can refer to a multitude of different kinds of robots. To simplify, and clear up this lacking definition, in this piece, the term artificially intelligent robots will be referring to humanoid robots, such as Sophia, home-devices such as Alexa, Google Home and AI automation. The AI robots such as Jibo, Kuri & Kiki and AI robots similar will be taken into account and considered as artificially intelligent robots in this piece.
Should artificially intelligent robots be implemented into today’s modern society? Throughout the world, AI devices such as Alexa & Google Home have become normalized and integrated into households. Along with these AI devices, new AI robots such as Jibo, Paro and Kuri, as well as humanoids, such as Sophia. However, are the ethical concerns of the creation and sale of these robots being taken in account? Are the concerns being talked about? These sociable artificially intelligent robots come packed with concerns that should be taken into account before being bought.
Artificial intelligent robots are not the direction in which science should be heading. These AI robots provide more risks and dangers than the benefits they are able to provide. Along with these risks and dangers to human mental and physical health, AI robots provoke a fair amount of ethical concerns that must be taken into account. As stated in the piece Ethical Issues for Robotics and Autonomous Systems, there are various ethical concerns with regards to AI robots. This list includes, but is not limited to, bias, deception, employment, opacity, safety, oversight, and privacy. (McDermid, Müller, Pipe, Porter, Winfield, 2019)
Two ethical concerns brought on by artificially intelligent robots are deception and dignity. An example of this deception and dignity-loss would occur if AI robots were to be used to replace human caretakers. If this were to happen, there would be a class of deception and loss of dignity taking place, which would thus result in ethical concerns. These AI robots are not able to produce or emit true human emotions. With the fact that these robots are unable to provide true human reactions and emotions, the case of deception is created. Robots feign as if they were providing a true, healthy relationship with its owner, when in fact, this relationship would be one-sided. In terms of elder patients, this sense of deception can be a deprivation of dignity. In the case that robots are able to provide these true relationships, these true feelings, and have humans believe that these feelings and relationships are somehow true, fabricates a false-sense of a relationship. It is deceptive and takes human dignity away from its user. Do we really want our elder, amnesic grandparents to grow  a close-connection to an AI robot that isn’t able to provide them with the proper attention required by human nature?
Tackling another concern for AI robotics, is their result of job displacement that would take place if these AI robots were to become a norm, to say, in the modern society. As stated by Rosso, the author of Is The Robot Psychologist the Next Big AI App?, by 2025, over 16% of U.S. jobs will be taken over by AI automation, including the elimination of blue-collar and white-collar jobs. If we were to do a quick analysis, there are more than 300 million people currently living in the United States. (U.S. Census, 2019) According to a survey done by the International Monetary Fund, there are approximately 150 million Americans currently part of the American workforce. If 16% of jobs were to be replaced by AI automation, over 25 million Americans would lose their jobs. “According to the American Psychological Association, jobless ‘can be devastating, putting unemployed workers at risk for physical illness, marital strain, anxiety, depression and even suicide.’ (Rosso, the World Health Organization estimates that depression affects over 300 million people, with nearly 800,000 suicides. If we were to do the calculations, these 25 million Americans, now out of work due to AI automation, that could result in 25 million new cases of depression, and at worse, 25 million suicides. These statistics continue to beg the question, should AI robots continue to be integrated and implemented in today’s modern world? The effect on human’s mental health will take a drastic toll with the continuous advancement and implementation in modern society. 
A topic that should be touched on with relation to job displacement, is the marital strain. According to the APA, the divorce rate in the United States is between 40%-50%. With one of the highest divorce rates in the world, should we, as Americans, continue to push an idea that would cause more marital strain, and lead to a higher divorce rate? Once again, these statistics and facts bring up the discussion of, should we continue to integrate AI robots into our society?
Dependency is another issue that these AI robots will play on human lives. With the creation and advancement of AI and robotics, our dependency on these things have grown tremendously. There already exists an immense amount of convenience due to the AI systems currently integrated into modern society, on which we rely on daily. If we were to implement more AI robotics, would we become dependent so much so on robotics that we wouldn’t be able to live without them? As stated by the article Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans, the continuation of the creation of artificial intelligence is creating a “dependence lock-in”. In other words, the ceaseless advancement of AI is resulting, and will result more, in reduction of human’s cognitive and social skills, and even their survival skills (Anderson & Raine, 2018). These AI robots are taking away human’s ability to think for themselves. 
To comment on an additional concern of AI robots, these robots would add security and privacy risks to whoever were to have these robots. In modern society, AI devices such as Alexa have become a household treat. Adored by kids, and loved by adults for the simplicity that these devices are able to bring to a chaotic household. She can order groceries, order pizza, play music, tell the weather, and provide the latest news. Throughout the world, these devices have become a norm, especially in American households. However, are the ethical concerns surrounding Alexa, and similar devices, being taken in account? Without the user’s knowledge, Amazon Alexa has been known to record home conversations. As stated in Alexa, are you listening to me? An analysis of Alexa voice service network traffic, “With 30–38% of Echo Dots’ spurious audio recordings were human conversations, these findings support the Echo Dot recorded private home conversations and not all audio recordings are properly logged the Alexa Application.” (Marcia Ford, William Palmer, 2018, p. 1) In an experiment done by the researcher, two Alexa’s were set up in the experimenter's home, one with the microphone turned off, and the other turned; each echo to begin listening using the wake word “echo”. During the month experiment, no humans had directly interacted with the echo dots; however, the Echo dot had still recorded conversations.  “Upon review of the researcher’s smartphone Alexa application history settings for February 27, 2017, through March 19, 2017, Echo Dot 1 (ED1) with the microphone enabled logged 33 response cards while Echo Dot 2 (ED2) with the microphone disabled logged 0 response cards.”  (Marcia Ford, William Palmer, 2018, p. 4) If one does not interact with Amazon’s Alexa directly, why are its users' conversations being listened to, and recorded? The faults within Amazon’s Alexa, brings about ethical concerns to each user’s privacy and security, that each person should be worried about and take into account before purchasing one. With these devices, and similar ones, being able to listen to and record our conversations, how does that affect our mental health?  As stated in the article Inequality, privacy and mental health, “The problem is that those who fear they are being observed by a third party will generally feel inhibited about disclosing personal information. Another concern is that persons who believe they are being observed will be more inclined to conform to social norms. The tendency of those who lack privacy to conform to societal expectations is one that Sidney Jourard suggests may give rise to mental illness. He argues that rigid adherence to social norms may lead to inhibition, repression, alienation, and possible mental breakdown.” (Siegal, 2008, p. 4) Although the fix will be as simple as unplugging the device, it isn’t a crazy idea that these devices in the future will be used to spy. Alexa is listening to your conversations, and anything you say, and is recorded, is in the hands of complete strangers from Amazon. Would you want a stranger knowing about your personal, and private, life? 
Artificially intelligent robots have already made a significant impact on human society. The impacts, now already made, most likely will not, and cannot, be reversed. However, with the advancement of artificially intelligent robots, our dependence on these robots will only increase, as our psychological needs decline to be met. As human beings, we must take a step back to view the negatives, risks, and dangers brought to us by the continuous creation and development of these robots. Is the declination of human nature worth the risk just to continue the development of these artificially intelligent robots? 
Anderson, J., & Rainie, L. (2018, December 10). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of 
Humans. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/12/10/artificial-intelligence-and-the-future-of-humans/.
Ford, M., & Palmer, W. (n.d.). Alexa, are you listening to me? An analysis of Alexa voice
service network traffic. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 23(1), 67–79. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-018-1174-x
Kadzin, E. A. (2000). Encyclopedia of Psychology. Washington D.C.: American
Psychological Association
Plecher, H. (2019, November 29). Employment in the United States from 2010 to 2020. 
Retrieved from http://www.statista.com
Siegel, A. (2008). Inequality, privacy, and mental health. International Journal of Law and
Psychiatry, 31(2), 150–157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2008.02.008
Wachsmuth I. Robots Like Me: Challenges and Ethical Issues in Aged Care. Front Psychol. 
2018;9:432. Published 2018 Apr 3. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00432
U.S. Census Bureau, 2019
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stellarwhisper · 13 days
Astrological Alchemy: Revealing the Various Impacts on Identity and Appearance
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Being a Gemini rising, it's critical to keep lines of communication open and flexible in your friendships and to remain flexible in your online buying practices. For a smooth transition into the workforce, maintain good relations with older siblings, take care of your work obligations, and foster pleasant contacts with your supervisors. Your abilities to be adaptable and communicate well will come in handy when handling these aspects of your life.
Rolling a set of unique dice bearing symbols for planets, aspects, and zodiac signs is the process of reading astrological dice. Based on conventional astrological interpretations, each roll yields a combination. This is a basic how-to:
1. Know the Dice: The twelve zodiac signs, planets, and aspects such as conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition are usually represented by symbols on astrological dice.
2. Dice Rolling : Roll the dice, and record any symbols that come up face-up.
3. Interpretation: Use astrological concepts to interpret the combination of symbols. As an illustration:
Zodiac Signs: Indicate character attributes or impacted facets of life.
Planets: Showcase the forces or influences at work.
Aspects: Illustrate the connections between the planets, showing either harmony or tension.
4. Consider Context: Examine the reading's context as well as the relationships between the symbols. Take note of any recurring themes or trends.
5. Resources: For interpretations of certain combinations, consult astrology books or online resources.
6. Practice and Intuition: As with any divination tool, interpretation is greatly influenced by both of these factors. Have faith in your intuition and use experience to gradually hone your comprehension.
Keep in mind that astrological dice readings are a type of divination and that you should approach them with a fair amount of skepticism and an open mind.
Venus opposition Moon aspect in terms of relationships. This feature may make it difficult for partners to communicate and understand one another's love and care. Venus, a symbol of love and affection, might perceive walls or a sense of separation from the Moon, a symbol of feelings and care.
Venus can be dissatisfied when her expectations about how the Moon would show her love aren't fulfilled. But for the relationship to advance, Venus must acknowledge that everyone displays love in a distinctive way and that it is crucial to recognize and value the Moon's distinct manner of providing care.
However, by attempting to externalize their feelings and influence the dynamics of the relationship, the Moon also helps to close this distance. Venus is not the only one who must take care of the relationship; the Moon must also actively engage and express their emotions in order to establish a more harmonious bond
A Pluto-related dynamic in a synastry or composite chart, where the house placements of one individual interact with the Pluto of another. This feature frequently denotes a strong and passionate bond between the parties.
Pluto's influence can produce intense tension and attraction as well as a feeling of intimidation or terror, especially for the individual whose house it is affecting. Pluto's energy has the capacity to be profoundly psychologically transforming, which may result in a need for dominance or power struggles in relationships.
Pluto is influencing that person's home, so that person may feel like they are being used or manipulated by that person, particularly when it comes to their behavior or appearance. Pluto's influence, nevertheless, can also give individuals a sense of empowerment by enabling them to access their inner confidence and strength.
Honesty, open communication, and a readiness to confront power struggles or control concerns head-on are necessary for navigating this relationship. Both parties need to be prepared to face their own shadow selves and strive for a more harmonious and mutually empowering partnership. Navigating the nuances of Pluto's effect in relationships can also be aided by counseling or therapy.
In a synastry or composite chart, Pluto in another person's 9th House denotes a significant and transforming effect on the themes associated with the 9th House in that person's life. Higher education, philosophy, spirituality, travel, and beliefs are all connected to the 9th House.
The following are some possible dynamics:
1. Belief Transformation: The other person's views and worldview may undergo significant changes as a result of Pluto's visit. Their connections with you might lead to profound shifts in their philosophy or spirituality.
2. Power disputes in Matters of Faith or Philosophy: There could be disputes or power struggles pertaining to ideologies, philosophical stances, or beliefs. Through your discussions, the other person can feel pressured to question their preexisting worldview or face deeply held ideas.
3. intensive Learning and Growth: The 9th House themes might be associated with intensive learning opportunities and experiences brought forth by Pluto's influence. You might entice the other person to pursue serious intellectual or spiritual endeavors together.
4. Transformational Travel Experiences: The other person may undergo profoundly transformational travel experiences alongside you. They might come across intense encounters that alter their viewpoints and cause them to undergo substantial personal development.
5. Impact on Higher Education: Pluto's position in the other person's 9th House may have a profoundly transforming effect on their academic endeavors if they are seeking higher education. They might explore challenging or taboo themes, or they might experience significant shifts in their educational path.
All things considered, Pluto's position in the other person's 9th House suggests a profoundly influential and maybe revolutionary interpersonal dynamic, especially in the areas of spirituality, belief systems, education, and travel. For all parties concerned, this placement may result in significant personal development and evolution.
Sign of Aries! The first sign of the zodiac is recognized for its audacity, capacity for leadership, and spirit of innovation. People born in the sign of Aries are frequently gregarious, self-assured, and ready to try new things. They have an innate drive and competitive spirit, and they don't hesitate to throw themselves wholeheartedly into whatever they set their minds to. Their contagious zeal and excitement can encourage people around them to follow in their footsteps. Mars, the planet of anger and action, rules Aries, which feeds their impetuous and sometimes energetic personality. All things considered, Aries infuses any circumstance with a dash of energy and vitality.
The twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is characterized by empathy, intuition, and artistic ability. People born under this sign are frequently sensitive, empathic, and acutely aware of both their own and other people's feelings. Dreamers and visionaries, Pisceans have a strong spiritual connection and vivid imaginations.
The following are some essential characteristics of Pisces:
1. Empathetic and Compassionate: Pisceans prioritize the needs of others before their own, demonstrating a great sense of empathy and compassion. They provide support and understanding without passing judgment since they have a keen sense of the emotions of others around them.
2. Creative and Imaginative: Pisceans thrive in creative endeavors like music, art, writing, and dance because of their rich imagination and artistic flare. They are drawn to pursuits that let them communicate their deepest emotions and ideas.
3. Psychic and Intuitive: Pisceans are born with psychic sensitivity and intuition that help them navigate the ups and downs of life. They frequently possess a profound awareness of the invisible forces at work in the world and follow their intuition.
4. Adaptable and Flexible: Pisceans can easily adjust to changing conditions since they are flexible and go with the flow. They have faith that things will work out as they are supposed to and are not scared to relinquish control and go with the flow of life.
5. Idealistic and Romantic: Pisceans are hopeless romantics who cling to the idea that fairy tales can come true and that love can conquer all obstacles. They frequently look for deep relationships and soulful connections, and they have rose-colored glasses on.
6. Spiritually Inclined: Pisceans are drawn to mystical and esoteric matters and have a strong spiritual side. Yoga, meditation, and other spiritual disciplines that unite people with a higher force or the collective consciousness may provide them with comfort.
7. Sensitive and Vulnerable: Because of their increased susceptibility to emotions, Pisceans are more likely to experience mood swings and become quickly overwhelmed by life's harsh truths. They might withdraw into their own private realm as a defensive mechanism.
Overall, Pisces is a loving dreamer that adds depth and inspiration to the world around them because they embody the traits of empathy, creativity, and spirituality.
Instead than seeing your natal chart from the viewpoint of the Sun as in a regular natal chart, a persona chart lets you examine it from the perspective of a particular planet. You can learn more about how a specific planetary energy affects your personality, emotions, and life experiences by concentrating on that energy. Examples of these energies include the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.
For instance, you could consult your Moon persona chart to examine your emotional terrain and innate responses. This chart would show you where the Moon is in your natal chart, together with its aspects and house placement, giving you information about your emotional requirements, nurturing temperament, and ingrained habits.
Similarly, you may look at your Mercury persona chart if you're curious in how you communicate and process information. Your Mercury placement, aspects, and house position would be shown on this chart, providing insight into your preferred methods of learning, manner of communication, and areas of intellectual interest.
From the perspective of a particular planet's energy, each persona chart provides a distinctive look at your astrological composition, enabling you to explore the subtleties of your personality and life path in greater detail.
That interpretation of Saturn's position in the 10th House is intriguing! In fact, Saturn in the 10th House frequently denotes an emphasis on ambition, a career, and authority people. While the conventional interpretation points to obstacles and setbacks in reaching professional success, your method presents a novel and empowering solution.
Those with Saturn in the 10th House can develop a sense of self-assurance and more easily draw opportunities and recognition by changing their perspective from one of struggle to one of faith and ease. those can overcome self-imposed obstacles and more successfully and efficiently accomplish their career goals if they think that everything is really simple and that those in positions of authority will appreciate their efforts.
This viewpoint is consistent with the idea of manifestation and the efficacy of positive thinking, according to which altering one's attitudes and beliefs can have an impact on the outside world. People with this placement can use the energy of Saturn in the 10th House to advance in their jobs and more easily accomplish their goals by developing an attitude of prosperity and success.
People with Neptune in the first house may look different from their parents or other close family members, with an airy and distinctive appearance. Boundaries can be blurred and an air of mystery or illusion around a person's identity and physical appearance while Neptune is in the 1st House.
Here are some possible ways that this placement could appear:
1. Unconventional Appearance: People with Neptune in the first house may have traits or qualities that, when compared to other members of their family, look unusual or unearthly. This could include distinguishing characteristics like their skin tone, hair, eyes, or facial features.
2. Difference in Appearance: As indicated, they might possess physical characteristics that set them apart from their parents or siblings. For example, a family of brunettes might inherit recessive characteristics like red hair and blue eyes. Their familial dynamic may make them feel "different" or stick out more as a result of this contrast in appearance.
3. Ambiguous Ethnicity: Neptune in the first house may give someone's look a sense of ambiguity or fluidity, making it challenging for others to identify their ethnicity or cultural heritage. They could frequently be mistaken for members of a different nation or ethnic group, which heightens the mystery surrounding their identity.
4. Chameleon-Like Quality: People in this placement might have an appearance that is similar to that of a chameleon, as though they can readily fit in or blend into many social or environmental contexts. Because of their versatility, it may be difficult for others to label or classify them just on the basis of looks.
All things considered, Neptune in the first house lends a feeling of magic and mystery to the person's physical presence, giving them a distinct and occasionally enigmatic look that makes them stand out from their relatives and friends.
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oh-hell-help-me · 9 months
July 18: World Listening Day
Bowser, contrary to popular belief, knew how to listen to people- he just usually doesn’t want to.
The few he actively did listen to were few, and predictably encapsulated his whole family and, eventually, Luigi.
It was hardly rare for his husband to need him to listen- after all, Luigi is still one of the most anxious beings Bowser knew.
Compared to him, it was an entirely different story with himself.
Key on ‘was’.
Because, regardless of what reputation Bowser had for listening, Luigi seemed determined to snag the crown for King of Listeners.
It could be a brief conversation with Ludwig about musical composition, a four-hour-long period of letting Wendy rant about the latest fashion choices of her favorite designers, or even the life story of a Koopa Troopa that has just entered the army.
It was just a matter of time before he himself was listened to.
Sure, he had a whole army who listened to his commands and a troop of kids who sometimes followed his rules. But to have someone who listened to his doubts? His insecurities and concerns- especially as he stumbles into a newly peaceful rule?
(Which describes Luigi well, to be honest).
And he hadn’t realized HOW valuable it was until Bowser hit a snag over new workforce policies.
The funny thing was that Luigi had come an hour in with his struggle on finding alternatives to the more lucrative raid parties.
It took one look at him for Luigi to plant himself on the guest chair and implored him to tell him about it.
And of course, Bowser was incredulous! There didn’t seem to be much point in reiterating a problem that they both knew but-
Damn his puppy eyes.
So Bowser humors him, telling him from the beginning of what has been impacted by the peace treaty, the current excursions by raid party members who have lost well-paying jobs, etcetera, etcetera…
And Luigi is able to listen too! Maybe it was his voice that was keeping him awake or the focused look he gave as he clarified points of the topic that had Bowser frustrated because of how this whole problem was stupidly escalating.
After all, why couldn’t they just apply for the increasingly important border jobs….
And realization hit him like a runaway clown car.
Before he knew it, he had a proposal and Royal Announcement vetted out for overview and a quietly happy husband vibrating in his seat as Bowser finished the last ink stroke.
“Did it hel-“
And of course, he kissed him- how else would he thank his wonderful life-light?
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Is there room in a standalone ask to talk about why Eduard Bernstein "concluded...that Marx was basically wrong about the internal dynamics of capitalism, their effects on the class structure of society, and the implications for political action"?
Ok, so there's part of this that I'm really not going to get into, because all you really need to understand is that Marx had this theory of falling rates of profit being inherent to capitalism, and Bernstein did all of these calculations of German industry at the turn of the 20th century that he felt showed that wasn't happening, and all of that stuff is really only interesting to Marxist political economists of a particular age.
What I find more interesting is Bernstein's work on immiseration and the class composition of the industrial workforce. A big part of Marx's theory of the inevitability of revolution is that he argued that capitalism would constantly oppress workers with lower wages and worse working conditions (in order to extract more surplus labor-value from them), that artisans and the petit bourgeois would find themselves squeezed down into the proletariat by the forces of capitalist competition, and in this fashion, the industrial proletariat would not only become radicalized, but they would also become the overwhelming majority such that they could overthrow the capitalist system by force of numbers, once they had been properly educated and organized.
Bernstein did a bunch of empirical analyses of the industrial workforce of Germany and realized that Marx's predictions were not coming true - wages were going up not down, but more importantly the middle classes were not becoming proletarianized, nor were the proletariat becoming the numerical majority. Instead, what was happening was that industrial capitalism was calling forth a new middle class - engineers, clerks, accountants, corporate lawyers, foremen, etc. - and the working class was becoming increasingly subdivided between unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers.
To Bernstein, this empirical fact had important political ramifications: if the socialist movement wanted to prosper, it needed to build a cross-class alliance with the bourgeois political parties of the middle classes to establish democracy and civil rights, and then to use those rights to push for the eight hour day and old age pensions and other reforms that would improve the immediate material conditions of the working class.
And, arguably, Bernstein was right about this - a lot of socialist and social democratic parties got into office for the first time through alliances with non-socialist political parties, whether that's the Scheidemann cabinet pulling together the SPD, the DDP, and the Center Party or the Swedish SAP starting their historic run at government with an alliance with the Swedish farmers' party.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Hellooo my love💗What are your thoughts on mars conjunct venus & venus in 8th house synastry?
thankyou so much for help 🥺💞🌷
hello, i will only be answering half of this ask today because i do have an ask for the aspect part of this ask! @die33u i will 100% tag you in the post so you can receive the answer you seek!
i want to preface to all the other readers of this post that planet placement is NOT the only thing you should look at in synastry - aspects help to create the full picture of all situations. also i tend to do synastry and composite stuff together - don’t judge me, it just makes sense to me. 
venus 8h (synastry): venus person likely appreciates the reputation 8h person has with those around them. venus person often wished to ally with 8h person in all joint ventures. venus person often experiences contentment with their sex life with 8h person; often feeling that they have reached a new level of amorousness, eroticism, flirtation, intimacy, and gratification. 8h person may feel they can be a bit less serious around the venus person. 
venus 8h (composite): this couple often marries and often has all their stuff entangled in the relationship: both names are on the lease, the bank account is in both names, etc. sometimes i see this and i am reminded of “the feminine mistake” - the feminine is dependent on the masculine; common in stay at home wives and mothers. they are removed from the workforce and have no money of their own so if they ever feel they wish to leave the relationship they find they can’t financially do so. they are stuck in whatever situation they are in and feel they can’t leave. i commonly see the separation of this couple leads to ailmony or still being tied to the person due to money entanglement. these people typically have children or a child together (the money thing is still true because of child support in this situation as well if their is no monetary entanglement or dependency in terms of financials and separation). and if none of those situations, one of the people of this coupling tends to be the sole inheritor of the others property upon death. this couple has a lot of passion and love for one another and generally has a healthy sex life and companionship as a couple if no other aspect(s) interfere with this planet's position. 
hope this helps!
click here for the masterlist
click here for more composite & synastry observations regarding the luminary and planetary
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© a-d-nox 2022 all rights reserved
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mtkanna · 6 months
while i'm here: Jakob Ingold Teeth. what's the deal with em
so. none of the narzissenkreuz documents have a specific time frame on them. the closest we get to one is the knowledge that basil elton fought elynas during or immediately after the cataclysm 500 years ago, meaning everyone from the institute was born pre-cataclysm. this also gives us an idea of when the siege of poisson took place (also pre-cataclysm.) seymour says he was dormant for approx. 493 years, so there's roughly seven years between the cataclysm and the explosion within elynas that kills mary-ann and damages seymour.
But What About The Rest. there isn't a single date or even a rough estimate of time passing, and most of the documents are from rene, who we know grew increasingly paranoid and manic as he did his research, so any timeframe he gave would be... confusing, probably.
we don't know when things happened, which is a problem. we also don't know how old anyone is, which is a problem. and it's not like we can just guess.
mary-ann, alain, jakob and rene were all younger than eighteen while they were in the narzissenkreuz institute. alain was a child prodigy and considered able enough to work in a laboratory with an assisstant; though this doesn't tell us much, as we know there are workforce shortages because of the cataclysm. rene and mary-ann are given no identifying features for their age.
But Jakob. jakob. there are a few inferences we can make for him.
at the time of the trip to the vourukasha oasis, jakob only had three adult teeth. if we're to take that at face value, that places him anywhere between eight and ten. but can we really trust that? at this point, he's already been transformed, so we can assume his physiology isn't like a regular human's. rene and jakob have the same bodily composition, and rene has all of his adult teeth. most people have lost their baby teeth by the time they're twelve, but they can last until later.
which begs the question: Do Abyssal Beings Have Teeth?
some do. kind of. one of the rewards for childe's weekly fight is a tooth; this is actually from celestial voyager, but it's abyssal and fully-developed, so even though it's a sea creature we can assume Tooth Development is possible. which means loss and pushing in of new teeth. or they could just regrow their teeth, because if i'm reading into this right jakob's body has a composition kind of similar to elynas', which is similar to durin's, and we can pick up durin's teeth every other day.
so. we can estimate rene and jakob's age, now! rene is anywhere from twelve to fourteen at most, and jakob is likely eight to ten. which is where i throw a spanner in the works--Fucked Up Teeth Genes. while it makes sense for tooth presence to be used to rationalise maturity--nobody in the institute at this point is an adult save for lyris, and rene's very wary of the other adults around him--and be seen as a measure of experience, it is also entirely possible that jakob ingold formerly baker has a family history of just Not Having Enough Teeth, and i for one think that's the funniest option for why we're doing Teeth Measurements for aging.
this doesn't change that we don't have ages for mary-ann or alain. i'd say that alain and rene are around the same age, mary-ann's a year younger than them, and jakob's the youngest of their group. but we just don't know enough to say anything for certain
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Women and working in healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil: bullying of colleagues
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Based on a feminist approach, we analyzed the experiences of workplace bullying suffered by women front-line healthcare professionals dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. We start from studies that show that women make up 70% of the global health workforce, 85% in the area of nursing, and 90% in the case of social care workers. An unequivocal need thus exists to address gender issues regarding the composition of the labor force in the health area. The pandemic has aggravated recurring problems involving healthcare professionals at the various caregiving levels, such as mental harassment (bullying) and its effects on mental health.
Data were gathered from an online survey of a convenience (non-probability) sample composed of 1,430 volunteer respondents, all women that work in the public health system in Brazil. The analyses and discussions involved the responses to a questionnaire containing 12 closed-ended questions and one open-ended question.
The results revealed a context of workplace bullying aggravated by precarious material, institutional and organizational conditions in the area of health services against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. This context has variously led to aggression, isolation, heavy workloads, and invasion of privacy, humiliation, persecution and fear as it was possible to see, mainly, in the answers to the study’s open-ended question. This situation degrades both work relations and the integrity of the healthcare professionals who work on the front line to treat Covid-19 cases.
We conclude that bullying is a psychosocial phenomenon that heightens the oppression and subordination still experienced by women in the contemporary context, but with new hues in a scenario of frontline response to Covid-19.
Read the paper.
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Editors’ note: On March 7, 2024, FBT President Erec Smith testified before Congress about DEI in higher education in an address to the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development. We present a transcript of his remarks, with hyperlinks, below. A video of his remarks is available here.
By: Erec Smith
Published: Feb 10, 2024
My testimony before Congress
Chairman Owens, ranking and distinguished members of the Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, my name is Erec Smith and I am a research fellow at the Cato Institute. Thank you for giving me a platform to speak on the issue of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education. I have been faculty, I have been a writing program director, and I’ve even been a diversity officer.
DEI is built upon a foundation whose very mission is to perpetuate racism.
Contemporary DEI is not an extension of the Civil Rights Movement. It is undergirded by a quasi-Marxist ideology called Critical Social Justice. The primary tenet of Critical Social Justice is this: “The question is not ‘did racism take place?’ but rather ‘how did racism manifest in that situation?’” So, according to Critical Social Justice, racism is always already taking place. There is no need to think for oneself; the narrative—one of perpetual oppression—does the thinking for you.
Another underlying concept of Critical Social Justice is prescriptive racism: the prescribing of certain values, attitudes, and behaviors onto someone based on race. To shirk these values, attitudes, and behaviors is to be inauthentic, to not be a true member of a particular racial group.
Questioning of this ideology is considered proof of your racism.
I have many stories to tell, but I will share one that illustrates these concepts and the general absurdity of Critical Social Justice.
A prominent figure in my field, which is Rhetoric and Composition, wrote a mass email requesting that people boycott an academic organization because he and others experienced racism during a committee meeting.
However, neither he nor anyone else would actually explain what happened. I wasn’t going to boycott an influential academic organization based on incomplete information, so I asked a simple question: What happened? For this I was vilified by colleagues of all colors and accused of perpetuating white supremacy. Merely asking the question—“what happened?”—was considered a form of racism. You see here that an accusation of racism cannot be questioned; remember, “The question is not ‘did racism take place?’ but rather ‘how did racism manifest in that situation?’”
Another story involves two professors who always allow their black students to write in black vernacular (or African American Vernacular; some people say “Ebonics”). However, the students’ refusal to do so, because they were there to learn standardized English, was seen by these professors as a form self-hatred and internalized racism.
A prominent figure in my field, who is a self-proclaimed Marxist, went as far as to say these students were being “selfish” and “immature” for wanting to write in standardized English because that would just perpetuate a status quo of whiteness. As black students who wanted to write in standard English, they shirked the attitudes and values those professors prescribed to them as black students. Their desire to write in standard English was treated like a kind of pathology.
Whenever I hear stories like this, I always say the same thing to myself: Thank God these weren’t my professors when I was in college. I would have been steeped in negative emotionality and learned helplessness. If I had hopes and dreams, I would not have the courage to chase them.
I know some people out there are trying to do DEI in a way that does not assume racism at all times, does not prescribe behavior based on race, and does not shirk critical thinking to abide by a narrative. But those doing DEI undergirded by Critical Social Justice—and there are many—are not fighting racism. They are perpetuating racism.
I don’t know if you’ve all noticed yet, but I’m black and I’m against DEI. Why? Because I really like being black. And this ideology is infantilizing, it is anti-intellectual, and since I am a mature intellectual person, it doesn’t align with me. I am too good for contemporary DEI, and so are many others.
I hope we can have a good conversation today. Thank you.
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z0ruas · 11 months
There is probably no industrialized country with a lower percentage of women doctors than the US today: England has 24 percent; Russia has 75 percent; the US has only seven percent. And while midwifery— female midwifery — is still a thriving occupation in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, etc., it has been virtually outlawed here since the early twentieth century. By the turn of the century, medicine here was closed to all but a tiny minority of necessarily tough and well-heeled women.
Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English | Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers
This book was published was in 1973. Updated 40 years later:
"One-third (37.1%) of the active physician workforce in the United States was female. Percentages of females in the 48 top specialties ranged from a high of 65.0% in pediatrics to a low of 5.9% in orthopedic surgery."
Going from 7% to 37% is a significant gain. But it comes after a millennium of context which is in the book, from the ruthless slaughtering of witch healers to the methodical exclusion of women from higher education (all while learning from their resources with no credit). Trips me to think about what our presence would be like in health today had there not been such targeted femicide
Some good news though, the AAMC found: "Similar to faculty composition, most active physicians were White (56.2%) and male (64.1%). However, among the youngest cohort of active physicians (34 years of age and younger), women outnumbered men in most racial and ethnic groups."
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mitigatedchaos · 2 years
You keep claiming there are mental differences between ethnic groups that outweigh differences within ethnic groups, yet almost never provide any sort of citation to this claim even in the form of a masterpost. Also, how do you know these alleged differences don’t go away when you take environmental factors or social class into account
You clearly don't read this blog because I have never claimed that. You should tell me who sent you here, because they and I need to have a little chat.
In the meantime, let me clear something up for you:
"Racial privilege" theory requires asserting a "correct" baseline racial ratio which the observed reality differs from in order to determine the amount of - and therefore existence of - "racial privilege."
This is at best a branch of race science and should be held to the same standards of skepticism we would apply to Charles Murray. Usually it doesn't even rise to that level, and instead we get attempts to legalize racial discrimination without having to prove that it will have any positive benefit for society.
Why does it need to be held to a higher standard? Well, can you explain why racism is wrong in the first place?
There are more complicated reasons, but the basic reason is pretty simple. It's a violation of individual justice - being punished for something someone else did, that you have no control over. (Sometimes, being punished for something that no one did.)
Even if there are differences in the number of, to make up an example, Norwegian gangsters and Italian gangsters, it would still be a violation of individual justice to punish someone who is not a gangster for 'being a gangster,' regardless of whether they are Norwegian or Italian.
Companies only have a limited amount of revenue, which means they only have a limited number of employees. Since they can't hire an indefinite number of new employees and stay in business, a demand that they change the racial composition of their workforce is a demand that some of their workforce should be fired solely on the basis of their race, something they don't control. This is a violation of individual justice.
When a post-liberal progressive says that Google is 30% Asian and calls that a "problem," what they are doing is, at best, a form of race science. Whether directly stated or not, they are asserting a "correct" racial ratio that Google differs from. (If unstated, the "correct" ratio is the point at which they would stop criticizing Google on the basis of its racial ratio.)
Unless they get the ratio of which races "should" work at Google exactly correct, innocent people will lose their jobs, putting their housing and families at risk and unfairly impoverishing them.
That sounds like a number that should be held to a higher epistemic standard than just looking at the current racial makeup of the entire US, right? At the very least you'd need to look at city, state, commuter catchment area, ratio of relevant university degrees awarded, age (racial population ratios change by age!), difficulty of project work in the degrees, and so on, and it would all have to be updated annually.
If that sounds like a lot of work, that's because it is.
Doing "race conscious" policy 'correctly' is a lot of work. It is too much fucking work. In fact it is so much fucking work that the typical outcome is just awarding a flat bonus or penalty by race - which is to say, no one actually does it correctly.
Of course they weren't going to do it correctly. "Just treat people as individuals" wasn't promoted because it's perfectly correct all the time; it was promoted because it compresses well.
Now, to clear up a second matter:
"Is it environmental causes or something else?"
Well, why do you want to know? That matters a lot, doesn't it? Are we here to pass cosmic moral judgment on ethnic groups? Or are we here to make people safer, healthier, and wealthier?
It's the wrong question. The right question is:
"What can you do to effectively improve the situation that isn't substantially immoral, particularly in a lasting way?"
Also, how do you know these alleged differences don’t go away when you take environmental factors or social class into account
Can you take that assertion and turn it into a successful program that will improve people's lives in ways that I can measure (that is, to ensure the program isn't a fake)?
If it's a vitamin pill that we can give to malnourished kids, if it's an education program that produces lasting gains that hold to adulthood, if it's a monogenic therapy we can use to cure some obscure disease - if the program actually works, then it's not my problem.
If the program doesn't work - if it doesn't reduce the number of people showing up to scream their racial feelings, if it doesn't make the polity more stable, if it doesn't improve outcomes - then what use is it?
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palomasu · 6 months
"Majority Minority"
In our class this week, we talked about how cities are evolving. Traditional demographic compositions are changing, and the concept of a "majority minority" is central to this transformation. In simple terms, it signifies a scenario where racial and ethnic minority groups, collectively, surpass the majority white population in a given area.
As a college student, I've observed how cities have been evolving. For the longest time, the United States has been predominantly white, but that's no longer the case. The Census Bureau estimates that by 2045, white Americans will no longer make up the majority of the population. It's not a distant future; it's right around the corner.The "Majority Minority" has significant economic and political implications. With the changing demographics, political power and decision-making are evolving. More diverse voices and perspectives are shaping public policies, which in turn influence urban development, housing, and education. In terms of the job market, diversity brings innovation and new opportunities. Employers are recognizing the importance of having a multicultural workforce to better serve a diverse customer base, and so are adding diversity initiatives and internship opportunities.
While the "Majority Minority" offers immense opportunities for growth, it also brings its set of challenges like inequality, discrimination, and social cohesion. There are still issues of marginalization that we must confront head-on. Access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities can still be uneven across different communities. Prejudices and stereotypes, unfortunately, don't disappear overnight. But recognizing and addressing these issues is crucial for fostering a truly inclusive society.
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gz8manage · 1 year
Enterprise workforce planning solution
The purpose of workforce planning is to determine the characteristics needed in the organization’s workforce to facilitate the achievement of those objectives. In this scenario, workforce planning is strategic planning at the HR level and involves similar processes, including a SWOT analysis, which occurs at the organizational level. In simplistic terms, the HR function must determine the numbers and types of employees needed and evaluate the availability of both internal and external individuals having the correct characteristics. Based on these analyses, a determination can be made as to the proper HR programmatic activities required to achieve the correct workforce composition. Workforce planning then involves three stages: forecasting workforce needs, determining the internal and external supply of employees, and developing appropriate strategies to achieve forecasted needs in relationship to projected supply. 8Manage HCM supports the following processes for you to conduct enterprise workforce planning.
Forecasting Workforce Needs
The allied project plans (for the organization’s strategies) in 8Manage provide information as to the number and type of employees that the organization needs during the planning period. Expansion, retrenchment, new products or services, the introduction of new technology, the entrance of new competitors in the market, economic conditions, employee retirements, workforce turnover, and so forth must be considered when forecasting workforce needs. Forecasting is the process of using both historical data and predicted scenarios to determine workforce needs during a stated planning period. Following is a discussion of several forecasting methods that are often used.
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis involves studying historical organizational employment levels to predict future employment levels. For example: If, on average, employment levels in the organization have increased 5% per year, it might be logical to forecast a 5% increase for the next planning period. A more accurate forecast using this method might be to evaluate trends in separate departments or other organizational subentities and then aggregate the increases (or, potentially, decreases) at the organizational level. Doing so provides more specificity as to not only the numbers of employees but also the types of employees needed.
Trend analysis assumes that history will repeat itself. In today’s more volatile times that might not be the case. However, trend analysis provides some data on which a final forecast can be made.
Ratio Analysis
Ratio analysis is a forecasting technique that assumes a set relationship between one variable and another, and that the relationship allows for the prediction of workforce needs. Assuming no increases in productivity, an organization might be able to predict total workforce requirements based on predicted total sales or total productivity. For example: If, historically, it takes five employees for each 100,000 units of product produced, a projected increase of 1,000,000 units per year will require an additional 50 employees.
Organizations often have standard staffing tables that can be used in ratio analysis. As an example, a restaurant chain would know how many servers, cooks, managers, and so forth are needed to staff a restaurant. Based on a projected expansion in terms of the number of restaurants, an increase in workforce needs can be forecast.
Analysis of historical turnover—in reality, a type of trend analysis—provides additional data for forecasts. Average turnover rates indicate the number of new employees required just to maintain current employment levels. Obviously, turnover is affected by many environmental factors, most notably unemployment rates, so other variables must be considered when using these data for forecasting.
Managerial Judgment
Managers and executives are asked, based on their experience and knowledge, to develop forecasts. Forecasts, like budgets, can be a top-level overall estimate or a bottom-up aggregation of multiple departmental estimates. Top-level forecasts provide a gross indicator of needed employment levels, but do not indicate where those employees should be allocated in the organization. Bottom-up forecasts, provided by managers in the various departments, provide a better idea of the allocation of the workforce and the types of employees that are needed. However, bottom-up forecasts tend to overestimate workforce needs as each manager tries to increase staff size.
Determining Internal and External Supply of Employees
Not only must the demand for employees be determined, but workforce planning must include an analysis of the potential supply. Forecasts must be made of the supply of candidates for jobs within the organization and the supply external to the organization in the relevant labor market. Methods of forecasting supply, internally and externally, are discussed in the following section.
Internal Supply
The internal supply of candidates can be determined using a number of methods, such as replacement charts, succession plans, human resource management information systems, and departmental estimates. A brief discussion of each of these methods follows.
Succession Planning
The concept of succession planning is similar to replacement charting except the time perspective is different. Succession planning is the process of identifying candidates for future openings. It is a longer-term plan for developing candidates to fill positions. Traditionally, succession planning has been reserved for only high-level positions. However, because of the increased importance of human capital in many organizations, succession plans are being developed for the orderly replacement of lower-level employees.
External Supply
There is a huge amount of information available to assist in forecasting external supplies of labor. Economic and workforce development agencies typically can provide data on labor supply availability. The availability of external candidates is affected by:
Economic conditions
Unemployment rates
College and high school graduation rates in the relevant labor market
Net migration in or out of the area
Relative skill levels of potential candidates in the labor market
Competition for labor in the labor market
Changes in the skill requirements of the organization’s potential job openings
Determination of Strategies
The analysis of demand and supply for labor leads the SPHR to develop appropriate strategies to achieve the planned level of employment. The result of the analysis can result in one of three conditions:
Equality: In which case the strategy becomes one of retaining current employees
Insufficient number of employees: In which case the strategy becomes recruitment
Too many employees: In which case the strategy becomes decruitment
Retention of employees involves strategies designed to maintain or improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment. For example, retention strategies involve creating pay equity and providing desired benefits when compensation and benefits strategies are being developed.
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flexigurus-blog · 19 hours
Proactive Talent Development
The primary challenge numerous businesses face is relying on a reactive strategy for talent management and succession planning. In many cases, when a senior team member decides to depart, there is often no pre-existing plan to address this situation. Efforts to fill the knowledge gap are only initiated once the departure is officially announced. It is understandable why this reactive approach is common, as businesses are naturally hesitant to make predictions. However, when it comes to talent management, being reactive is insufficient. This approach exposes businesses to vulnerability precisely when stability is most crucial. The departure of a highly experienced worker, who possesses decades of knowledge and expertise unique to them, will undoubtedly create a significant void within the organization. This gap needs to be filled promptly and requires prior planning. You must prepare for such scenarios to ensure the growth of your business.
Every organization hopes that the talent they recruit and nurture will remain loyal and continue contributing their expertise indefinitely. However, the reality is that circumstances change. People switch careers, start families, relocate, or face health issues. Numerous unforeseen events could lead to gaps in your skilled workforce. Therefore, relying on a reactive approach to succession planning is a recipe for disaster. So, how can you avoid this predicament? Since you cannot foresee the future or control people’s decisions, how can you effectively manage your talent and establish a seamless succession process that minimizes the time needed to recover from a departure? The answer is not as convoluted as it may seem and an organization has to change its stance from being “Reactive” to “Proactive”.
The proactive approach:
Document what you can
It is a time-consuming task, and numerous organizations quickly become weary of keeping up with new updates. However, documenting procedures and processes is crucial. This is particularly significant if a specific individual or team oversees them. It is essential not only for permanent departures but also for any short-term absences that individuals may take. How many organizations face chaos when one of their employees calls in sick and no one else is aware of what needs to be done? This is a common situation, but one that can be easily prevented if things are properly documented and communicated. This strategy ensures that when you need to step in for a knowledgeable employee, there are resources available to help alleviate the pressure.
Know who you’ve got
To effectively manage their staff, an organization must have a clear understanding of the individuals within their existing workforce. Without this knowledge, it becomes impossible to identify potential candidates for employee replacements, leading to wasted time and resources in external searches. However, even in large organizations, this task can be accomplished with a collaborative effort between senior leaders, line managers, and HR. By actively mapping out the composition of the current workforce and recognizing their potential contributions to the succession plan, organizations can ensure a smooth transition and maximize internal talent.
Know where they are going
The pinnacle of effective team culture is that organizations need to have a culture of trust, openness, and collaboration to effectively manage their workforce and plan for future changes, such as retirements or employees transitioning to different roles or departments.
Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing
The conscious efforts towards being a flatter organization is the learning of the decades of studies of the various organizational structures and it rightly also helps to propagate collaboration and knowledge sharing. Flatter organizations actively acknowledge the fact that the distinction between departments and teams in a business can hinder effective talent management and succession planning and that encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing between teams and departments is crucial for proactive succession planning. By allowing people to explore the wider business and discuss how they can help each other, suitable candidates within the team can be identified to step up and fill knowledge gaps.
Plan for where you want to be
To proactively manage your talent pipeline, it is crucial to base your plans on your desired future state rather than your current situation. Every business has aspirations for change, whether it’s introducing a new product, expanding globally, or targeting a different client base. Consequently, every organization should have an action plan and roadmap outlining how these changes will occur. In terms of talent management, your focus should be on aligning your efforts with this plan. While it is important to have individuals who understand the day-to-day operations of your current business, it is equally important to have individuals who can bridge the gap as you transition into your new area of focus. Suppose a highly experienced individual departs and leaves a knowledge gap, whether or not you have a replacement ready. In that case, it presents an ideal opportunity to drive changes that will propel your business toward your desired future state. Retaining the elements of day-to-day operations is undoubtedly important, but the void left by an individual does not necessarily need to be filled by a replica. Instead, seize the opportunity to progress toward your desired future state.
Talent management and succession planning are crucial for organizations due to the impending retirement of ‘baby boomer’ employees and the need to create a sustainable talent pool with millennials. To ensure success, businesses must shift from a reactive to a proactive approach. By Flexi Ventures
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ipeshoesvr · 1 day
The Essential Guide to Basic Safety Shoes: Protection Without Compromise
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In a world where workplace safety is paramount, ensuring the well-being of employees is a top priority for any responsible employer. Among the essential safety gear, a pair of basic safety shoes stands out as a fundamental safeguard against potential hazards. Let's delve into what makes these shoes indispensable and why they're more than just another piece of work attire.
The Foundation of Workplace Safety
Basic safety shoes are more than just a mandatory accessory in many industrial settings; they're a cornerstone of workplace safety protocols. Designed to protect feet from a variety of potential hazards, these shoes offer a sturdy shield against punctures, impacts, and slips, all of which are common risks in various work environments.
Understanding the Basics
At first glance, basic safety shoes may resemble their non-safety counterparts, but a closer inspection reveals key features that set them apart. Reinforced toes, often made of steel, composite materials, or aluminum, provide crucial protection against heavy objects that could potentially crush or impact the foot.
Additionally, these shoes typically feature slip-resistant soles, minimizing the risk of accidents in environments where floors may be wet or slick. Some models also incorporate midsoles designed to prevent punctures from sharp objects such as nails or shards of glass.
Comfort Meets Protection
While safety is paramount, comfort is also a vital consideration, especially for workers who spend long hours on their feet. Fortunately, modern basic safety shoes are designed with both aspects in mind. Advanced materials and ergonomic designs ensure that wearers can move freely and comfortably without sacrificing protection.
Features such as cushioned insoles, moisture-wicking linings, and breathable materials enhance comfort, reducing fatigue and keeping feet dry even during extended shifts. By prioritizing both safety and comfort, employers can ensure that their workforce remains both protected and productive.
Versatility for Every Industry
One of the greatest strengths of basic safety shoes is their versatility. From construction sites and warehouses to manufacturing facilities and laboratories, these shoes are suitable for a wide range of industries where foot protection is essential. Whether facing potential hazards from heavy machinery, falling objects, or hazardous substances, wearing the right pair of safety shoes can significantly reduce the risk of injury.
Compliance and Regulations
Compliance with safety regulations is non-negotiable in any workplace, and footwear requirements are no exception. Basic safety shoes are often subject to industry-specific standards and regulations, ensuring that they meet minimum safety requirements. Employers must familiarize themselves with these regulations to ensure that their workforce is adequately protected and compliant.
Basic safety shoes are more than just a mandatory accessory; they're a crucial component of workplace safety protocols. By providing essential protection against a variety of hazards, these shoes help safeguard the well-being of employees across diverse industries. With their blend of safety features and comfort-oriented design, they represent a balance between protection and practicality, ensuring that workers can perform their duties with confidence and peace of mind.
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