#why are they suddenly SO hard
stevebabey · 1 year
hiiiiiii ruby i LOVE you and i would like to request a ❤️‍🔥 from the hundred different kisses list! 46. a swirling reunion kiss <3 love u xo @familyvideostevie
 hiiiii em <3 i love YOU and i hope u sincerely enjoy whipped as fuck boyfriend stevie <3 he's pathetic and i desire him carnally MWAH @familyvideostevie 1k+
It’s not often you and Steve are apart.
Definitely not for this long. Call it codependency or call it ‘we survived some tumultuous life-changing-but-in-a-bad-way shit together’ but it’s become a habit between the two of you.
You can have a couple nights apart, here and there, of course. But between the nightmares and Steve’s affinity for touch, it’s never too long before you wind up back attached at the hip.
A lifetime ago, before you knew anything about demogorgans or how to wield an axe to save your own skin, you would’ve kept yourself up at night wondering if you were being too clingy. Would’ve consulted gossip magazines and toed the line of flirty and playing hard to get.
Steve leaves no room for doubt; he’d have you around always if he could. It’s shown in his utter delight upon seeing you or in his pouty disappointment every time you have to go.
It just makes it all the worse when you do have to leave — this time in particular, it’s a week away, to visit your grandparents out of state.
Steve thinks a week is entirely too long and tells you so with a grumble, his face tucked away in your neck. You’re both tucked up on your bed but really, he’s supposed to be over to help you pack. Your suitcase sits open on your floor, untouched since Steve’s arrival and subsequent flop on your bed.
“It’s just a week,” You say, aiming to cheer him up, even just a little. Steve’s resounding grumble tells you that it hasn’t worked. In fact, he wrenches his face out and somehow, the crinkle between his brows gets impossibly deeper.
“Just a week? Are you even hearing yourself?”
You don’t mean to smile but your boyfriend is so dramatic that sometimes you can’t help it. You hide it behind a cough and try to school your expression back to seriousness — you are going to seriously miss him.
A week will be hard. But maybe not quite the impossible feat Steve seems to be making it out as. He looks as though you’ve asked him to consider raising a demodog together, all aghast in the face.
“It’ll be over before you know it,” You assure him sweetly. Reaching out, you card a hand through his soft hair, the strands fluttering against your fingers.
Steve sighs, his entire chest deflating a bit, and he wastes no time burying his face back into your neck. You manage to catch a faint mumble of what if i forget what you smell like? and this time, you actually can’t stop yourself from laughing aloud.
This only encourages Steve’s grumbling. He pinches your side, not meanly, and you squeal, batting his hand away. 
“It’s a serious concern!” He insists, wiggling his face out once more to face you with a pout.
You giggle lightly, just moving forward to press a quick peck to his puckered lips. Steve’s lashes flutter, momentarily distracted by the feel of your lips against his. He chases your lips, more disappointed when you don’t let him steal another kiss.
“You aren’t taking my boyfriend concerns seriously,” He whines, his hands setting alight with movement. Your apprehension grows as they near your sides, prime tickle zone, yet you can’t stop your smile.
“Guilty as charged.” You admit with a sheepish smile. His fingers move before you can seize the chance to wriggle away, beginning a relentless attack.
Very little packing gets done that night. You blame Steve when you show up at your grandparents with just two pairs of pants packed.
The week is hell. Mainly, because your grandparents are old-school and had frowned deeply when you had tried to sneak off to call Steve on the first night. It results in an accidental week-long detox from your boyfriend, no phone calls, no nothing.
By night three away, you have to admit, all his grumbling was correct — you desperately miss the sound of his voice, the scent on all his clothes. His boyfriend concerns were well-founded and you find yourself wishing you had stolen a sweater of his before you left.
It also means, by the time the week is done, you’re practically dancing in your seat with anticipation the entire drive home.
So, to see your doorstep empty, not even a glimpse of Steve’s maroon BMW on the drive in, sinks your heart just a bit. You're sure he'd come meet you today. All the excited energy you harbored seems to dial down a bit and suddenly, your suitcase seems even heavier than on your original departure.
You lug it up the stairs, steps heavy, and ignore the faint calls from your parents telling you they’re heading out to grab some takeout for dinner. Your appetite seems to have dwindled in your disappointment. Your only hunger is for a kiss.
It feels as though your heart has crumpled, just a bit, at Steve’s absence. For all his whinging and whining, you would’ve thought he’d be here the moment you returned. Worse, you know he doesn’t have a shift today. Your chest screws up a bit tighter at the knowledge of that.
Nudging open your door with a shoulder, you must look a picture of downtrodden, head hung low, feet dragging along the carpet. With a pathetic sigh, you all but drop your suitcase carelessly and begin to toe off your shoes.
You let out a little shiver at the breeze coming through your window — wait, your window? You didn’t leave your window open...
Head shooting up, you get about one second to notice him before Steve is on you. His arms are around your waist, head burrowing into the crook of your neck and you barely get out a surprised noise before your feet are up and off the floor.
“Steve!” You manage to squeak out, a bewildered noise of happiness. You waste no time in wrapping him back up in a hug, though it’s not as you have much choice with the way he swirls you around, all brazen and wild.
“Baby, baby, baby,” He’s muttering sweetly, barely stopping even when he finally places you back on the ground. His hand is on your face, sweeping along your jaw and he seems ecstatic, body buzzing like a live-wire, “You’re back.”
You nod, a bit overwhelmed by the love. You suddenly feel silly for even considering he wouldn’t be here.
“I’m back.” You affirm, a happy laugh tumbling out.
Steve eyes are a bit misty but you hardly get a moment to coo over him when they dart to your lips and he moves like a man possessed. His lips capture yours, passionate and strong, a kiss he’s been saving up all week. It smooths out every crease in your heart, makes your chest tingle until it feels utterly light inside and you’re positively glowing from love.
He’s breathing hard when he pulls back, staying close enough to press his forehead to yours. He’s flushed a bit in the cheeks and his grin is wide, betraying his pure glee.
“Hi.” He pants, tongue darting out to lick his lips momentarily. “Welcome back.”
You laugh, unable to help yourself, so delirious with happiness; so content with his love. “Might be worth going away if this is the welcoming committee I get.” You say, teasingly.
Steve’s hands on your waist tighten and without missing a beat, his feet begin to tug you both backwards in the direction of the bed. You stumble after him, completely enamored and warm in the face. Your cheeks hurt from smiling.
“You thought that was the welcoming committee? Sweetheart...”
By the time you wander downstairs to nab some dinner, what feels like hours later, your mom fixes you with a particular look. The hickies on your neck are too high up to cover and you’re too happy to notice them, until the look you receive. She just smiles, rolls her eyes teasingly, and pushes the takeout container in your direction.
“Fix him a plate too, and tell your boyfriend I said hi.”
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7amaspayrollmanager · 7 months
Alright let's imagine a scene that is all too normal in palestine. A palestinian business owner finds his building covered in graffiti stars of Davids and Hebrew that says "gas the arabs" and "death to arabs"
Now imagine there's a reporter there and asks the palestinian business owner what happens and they say "the jews attacked my business"
Pause. Now your response might be "uncle no. Say israelis not jews" and then this is when he would look at you like youre stupid because the israelis doing this are jewish. They are not the Christians or the druze or the palestinian ones with Israeli citizenship. They are Jewish israelis who believe in their religious supremacy. When you graffiti stars of david all over a palestinian business, car, or the street you seek that conflation. it sends a message, this is jewish land and you're next.
The problem is that these videos circulate in zionist circles. "Watch this video of children in gaza calling for the death of jews" "watch how they say they want to fight and kill jews" those children are referring to Israeli soldiers that come in night and do their raids with the star of David attached to their uniform or the ones that bomb them. It's easy to watch those videos and assume that palestinians are indoctrinating their children on anti semitism or you can realize that those children's only interaction with jewish ppl is through violence and parents cannot protect their children from this. Doesn't matter context is lost
Abby Martin went to Jerusalem and interviewed israelis for 2 hours and she says every israeli was extremely confident to say that this land is for them and that they should push the Arabs out and when she interviewed palestinians they spoke of freedom from occupation and their dreams. That's reality. Not the soundbites.
And yet we have invasive youtubers and interviewers constantly in the street of ramallah or wherever in palestine asking palestinians "do you hate jews?" And in those videos you hear those palestinians say "no we have no problem with jews we have a problem with occupation and we have a problem with zionism." Bc this is how we are trained to respond to this trope. Palestinians are very aware what the world thinks of us and the reality is that many palestinians have internalized it and we grow up reading books on the Holocaust and train ourselves to recognize anti semitic dog whistles so zionists don't get the soundbites they want.
So we say "anti zionism is not anti semitism" and we say "israeli zionists" and we do not say "jewish supremacy" even thought it exists in palestine but "zionist supremacy" and in these carefully worded speech we water down what is happening to us in an effort to not deter people away from solidarity. But it means nothing. The world categorically blames palestinians for rising anti semitism they blame us for jewish insecurity globally.
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stiffyck · 2 months
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Is that a drawing? From me? Preposterous
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thatgothsamurai · 7 days
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a lil experiment........
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ryllen · 5 months
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Nah I’m not over the fact that Leo had apparently spent years with his bedroom being hit with the worst of Splinter’s horrendously loud snoring and Leo just never mentions it once.
Like clearly his family have no idea of this when he offers his room as a prize! So he never complained about it at least.
This is why I think he’s both an insomniac and a Daddy’s Boy because it explains it so well.
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rotomicity · 8 months
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TGCF art from 2021 which were very experimental and very much something out of my comfort zone but am still so satisfied with
(gonna ramble more under the cut 👉 )
My main inspiration for these were definitely classic storybook illustration styles and the watercolor-like illustrations included inside the tgcf books which depict hualian's daily slice of life routines as seen below
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I wanted to capture that feeling of warmth i got from reading but i also went with the storybook look because their relationship (and by extension broad strokes of the entire plot) really did feel like something out of actual myth or legend; i'm chinese indonesian and was raised surrounded by chinese culture + values so tgcf felt VERY familiar to me, it threw me back to my childhood reading or listening to tales about chinese deities, i'd say the storybook image definitely came into my mind pretty quickly bc of this
I find this style somewhat hard to replicate now but if i could or have the time to, i really want to continue the 'companion pieces to chapter titles ' concept i did with the last 2 pieces (which are of the same chapter title but i was just indecisive 😭😭), i even had 3 more planned based on my favorite titles before burning out back then
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sealpup9 · 7 months
Ok Inertia came in swinging with a beat that slaps so hard I forgot to duck and was knocked on my ass by the force that is the last two verses.
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princesuna · 2 years
suna tries his best to avoid interacting with strangers at all costs. if the cashier forgot to give him his favorite sauce for his chicken nuggets? plain nuggets are actually delicious. if the barista accidently gave him hot coffee instead of iced? a hot drink in the scorching heat suddenly becomes refreshing. he can’t find chuppets in the store? he wasn’t really craving them anyways. it’s just not worth the energy. besides, he has friends like the twins and kita to do that kinda thing for him if it was really bothering him.
that is, until he met you.
you ask suna, your boyfriend, to accompany you to shop at an asian grocery store. he was about to refuse since he typically becomes your personal pack mule during these kinds of outings. he has to follow you around and carry stuff? on a weekend? you must be out of your mind. however, you promise to treat him to lunch and start giving him that look in your beautiful eyes that he simply can’t resist. to be honest, you’re his ultimate weakness and even though you said you were going to treat him, he would’ve paid for it in the end.
because it’s you.
you’re in the grocery store and are able to find most of the things you want to cook for the next week except for one thing: dashi stock. you’ve walked around the place many times and looped through several aisles and fail to find it. you figure it HAS to be in the store because what asian store wouldn’t have this staple ingredient? but your eyes cannot locate it. you start to get anxious because suna is carrying your things and you feel bad having him walk for so long.
suna watches as you grow increasingly frustrated. you start to get a bit upset, but you try your best to hide it. despite your attempts, he can tell this whole situation is stressing you out, so he leaves your side to find a worker. you notice him walking away and quicken your steps to catch up to him.
“rin, where are you going?” you ask.
“to ask a worker where we can find the dashi stock,” he replies simply.
“no! it’s okay. it’s not important anyways,” you say grabbing his arm trying to stop him.
“how are you gonna tell me it’s not important when you took like seven laps around this store? don’t worry, love, we’ll find it,” he replies giving you a gentle smile.
you manage to calm down and his words reassure you. he asks the worker where he can find the dashi stock, but to his dismay, the worker didn’t know and it almost hurts him to tell you this because he never wants to see you sad. while you are feeling defeated, you decide to check the sauce aisle one more time. logically speaking, that is where it would be located. you slowly make your way through the aisle scanning the shelves for it. you’re about to tell suna that you give up and want to go home as you reach the end of the aisle when he suddenly speaks up, but not to you.
“hey, do you guys know where we can find dashi stock?” suna asks the other couple in the aisle.
“oh, it should be right here. it’s on the very bottom shelf so it might be a bit hard to see,” the man replies pointing down.
he thanks the man and grabs the box. he heads over to you and you have this stunned look on your face. he wants to laugh at how cute you look. you just can’t believe he would do something like that. suna has always did the most to avoid interacting with strangers. this is so out of character for him.
“if you want something, you have to ask,” he says while tapping the box on your head.
“that’s rich coming from you,” you scoff.
suna laughs at the comment. you’re not wrong. he’s not sure why he was so determined to find the dashi stock for you. if he was with osamu, he would’ve convinced him to give up and go home. but you’re not osamu. you’re you, someone he cherishes dearly. when he sees how brightly you smile and how energetically you walk, he realizes he would go through hell and back if it meant keeping you happy. suna would overcome anything for you.
while you’re his weakness, you are also the one that gives him strength.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
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Hey hello!
Here are some colored doodles of the fun little DHMIS bodyswap idea thought up by the very fun, very smart @escargon! I did them way back when and wanted to finish them up to add to the fun lol.
It was sooo much fun to draw and I hope I made it clear whos who by the body language/dialogue but if not! I put a helpful little diagram in there. Also,as well, I think if Duck had access to a relatively-normal sized body like Reds’ that duckman is dressing up and NO ONE can stop him. So that’s the last two.
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duusheen · 7 months
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we have twins! Luna (pink) & Brisa (blue) Pollock 👶🏽👶🏽
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crystalpallette · 19 days
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get you a girl who can give you everything
this started a long long time ago when I made a joke about how sega should put ringo in more dresses, and then my friend reminded me that oh yeah!! I can do that instead!!! and then one thing led to another and we joked about punk ringo and I drew that too. using ringo like a dressup doll is so cathartic it's kinda crazy
some bonuses (original designs, timelapse) under the cut bc I like these designs!! I might do some more with them!! please disregard the band poster in the first second of the timelapse that's something else!!!
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#everyone look at my girl isnt she so pretty#puyo puyo#ringo ando#my stuff#please look at the timelapse it nicely packages a week of suffering into a minute :)#you cant tell at all from the recording. but all those teeny tiny scallops on ringo's dress? i drew all of those by hand#because the scallop brush i downloaded didnt look right. it never does why do i have that#plus the lace cutouts on the bottom i also drew by hand because i wanted them to look kinda like bunches of apple seeds#but thats not really a thing you can search for- 'lace brush that looks like apple seeds' is wildly specific#there's probably an identical brush to what i painstakingly drew by hand but dont tell me about it i want to think i did that for a reason#punk ringo on top was a lot less work on the lineart bit except for that godforsaken guitar#i had to make sure it looked right and it took forever#but what punk ringo gave me the most trouble with was posing#i knew i wanted an arm out to mirror lolita ringo but thw initial draft was meant to be her holding the guitar the opposite way she is now#(as in her hand was gonna be backwards)#and do you know how hard it is to balance a guitar like that. i had to grab my guitar and do a photoshoot to see what was most natural#while still having leg up arm out#this was fun to do even if i had about three crises in the middle of it#i tried doing my old rendering style again after a while and it was fun too#lolita ringo gave me a bit of trouble in the fact that my brain couldnt handle the dress being shaded but the apples being flat#but we got it lmao. i dont know if ill ever do this again it took too long#but maybe half of the time was because suddenly halfway through everybody needed my help for something or other that required me to leave#anyway wow thats enough rambling. i should go to bed now
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silverskye13 · 1 month
Man why is writing so hard today? I literally sat down at my computer and typed for a solid hour and a half and it was utter garbage. But the more I looked at it the less I could figure out how to fix it! So I pulled up PS and decided to draw instead but every image just flew out of my head I couldn't do it and really I should be writing and man my eyes hurt. My whole face hurts kinda, actually, but my eyes really hurt and it's so hard to focus and it shouldn't be this hard and-- Jesus Christ it's 1am and I only got 3 hours of sleep last night.
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emmavakarian-theirin · 5 months
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hiiiiiii i've fallen back into dragon age hell (origins, specifically) if anyone wants to DISCUSS things i am here
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system-architect · 1 month
i rarely post WIPs on here but im ultra happy with this so far so here have one. under the cut bc magic dragon blood goop dripping from mouth might bother some ppls emetophobia esp since its uncolored/ambiguous
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eggwishing · 9 months
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headless horseman
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