#whumptober 2023 progress
bereft-of-frogs · 8 months
hello friends, it is October 1, I am at my PEAK spooky bitch, in honor of this have a list of bad summaries of everything I'm working on for whumptober (and a reminder that I have been flaunting the 'rules' of whumptober for 5 years, not planning on changing now, won't start posting until Halloween 🎃)
Day 1 (safety net, swooning, 'how many fingers am I holding up'): unlikely hero deeply resents being forced to save everyone (status: outline only, eehh sort of lower on the priority list, probably won't get finished tbh)
Day 2 (delirium, 'they don't care about you'): dude just really fucking hates a teenager for no reason; bad vibes are infectious (status: I have 332 words, should be able to finish)
Day 3 (journal, solitary confinement): I once again attempt to make found footage happen ('stop trying to make found footage happen, it's not going to happen--') (it's going to happen) (status: I'm obsessed with this, it's at 1.2k, I think I can get this done)
Day 8 (overcrowded ER): ack crowds (status: 299 words, but it's an old draft so finishing will mean getting over the cringe factor)
Day 11 (animal trap, captivity): yet another character who was definitely supposed to be dead is in fact not and is going to make that everyone's problem (status: barely an outline, I've been kicking this one around for ages but I'm sort of torn on how deep to go into the disturbing content, so...we'll see. if anything it will probably be just the first chapter of a wip)
Day 12 (red, insomnia): second chapter to a currently posting WIP in which our characters play detective, make an ill-advised, true-crime-obsessed friend, and debate the nature of ghosts (status: first draft done! needs second, currently at 7.4k, posting this one on Halloween)
Day 13 (cold compress, infection, 'I don't feel so good'): first chapter of a future WIP (I'm embracing the serialized nature of fandom) in which there are concussions, dreams, and deeply held headcanons (status: 272 words...I think I can finish it? the outline is extensive)
Day 14 (flare, water inhalation): :) big water = bad (status: 434 words, but also there are more because I'm kidnapping a cut dream from the dark ocean duology. the dreams in that got a little out of hand, but some of the cut ones were really fun so I'm glad I found this one a home)
Day 15 (suppressed suffering): deeply unfair consequences (status: first draft done, 3.2k)
Day 19 (psychological): you can't convince me that consultants aren't evil geniuses (status: 2.5k, there is 0% chance of this being finished, because it's going to be long - this is the outline that I wrote at work last week that made my hand go numb - but using the prompt as a springboard to work on it. this took over my life for a couple days last week)
Day 21 (vows, restraints, 'don't move'): folk horror #1 (yes there are two) (status: vague outline only, unlikely to be finished)
Day 23 (shadows, stalking): literally my worst nightmare (status: so this is actually excerpts from my nanowrimo project, because I need a little push to get it started and not just re-outline it again. I have one scene written in a notebook, so we're starting to chip away at that barrier)
Day 25 (storm, buried alive): HAUNTED HOUSE!!! 👻💀👻💀 HARVEST FESTIVAL!!!!!!! 🍂🎃🍂🎃STORM!!!!!!!!! ⛈️🪦⛈️🪦YEAAAAAAAAHHHHH-- (status: 269 words, this one is a late addition idea but I'm moving it up in the priority because it is the spookiest, I'm obsessed)
Day 28 (bloody knife, sacrifice): folk horror #2. this one came to me in a dream. (status: there's an older draft that has like 2.7k in it but like Day 19, I want to be able to do it justice, so I doubt it will be finished, but it's a good springboard)
Day 29 (troubled past resurfacing): a little interaction I have absolutely no business writing (status: done, 1.1k, debating moving to Day 6 (recording))
Day 30 (bridal carry): literal. babies. (status: I have about a thousand words here but I don't...love them. I really want to finish it though. I did math for this. Sort of stretching the prompt on this one.)
Alt Prompt 10 (shaking): SADNESS. 🥲 (status: first draft done, currently at 2.4k, manifestation of my denial)
'hey, you said there were 15 ideas, why are there 17 here--' shutup
laying them all out like this is slightly stressful, especially because I've become a two-draft minimum person, but I have a plan. I think I'm going to focus on first drafts until the weekend of October 14-15, when I'm going up to dogsit for my parents, then after that shift priority to the second drafts of what I have finished. I think that's...doable...? we shall see!
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h1myname1sv · 9 months
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Loki looks down at his hands. They do not shake like he had been expecting them to. He clenches them into fists, just to prepare for the possibility, but when he loosens them again, his hands remain relatively still.
"Loki?" Thor asks cautiously. Loki looks up and spots the concerned glint in his eyes. He isn't frightened like Loki feels like he should be.
Of course Thor isn't frightened.
He knows nothing.
"What is that ship, Brother?" Thor asks, like that title is not a lie. "Who is in there?"
Loki could say many things. Thanos, the destroyer of worlds or Thanos, the Mad Titan. He could say, the harbinger of my doom or the one who promised me something worse than death, and I don't know what exactly that is. He could even say, the one who destroyed me and tried to build me back up.
But Loki still has invisible cracks that only he can feel, and he doesn't think he will ever completely heal.
Thor doesn't need to know any of this, though. All Thor needs to know is how to survive this, how to escape this, and Loki will help him get there.
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i-butter-not-be-a-bot · 8 months
"they don't care about your silly little fate"
Fandom: pokemon (masters ex to be more specific.)
Used prompt: "they don't care about you" (duh)
It isn't really brought up though but Lumen is my player character and she is a child whumper. Nobody thinks she would ever do anything bad, after all she is such a nice girl, and she uses that to her advantage to manipulate people.
Lumen circled around Lance like a predator, a wicked grin seemed to be permanently glued upon her features. The knife in her left hand dragged awkwardly over his exposed skin, not yet cutting but still reminding him of the ever so present threat.
The young girl hummed softly, "do you think they'll ever find your body if I'd kill you?" She stopped moving and stood behind his back, the champion tensed but against his instincts did not turn around.
He almost managed to sound calm as he answered, "Eventually they will," he was silent for a moment before mumbling, "but it'll be far too late for me."
"That's what I thought," She leaned against his shoulder nonchalantly and he couldn't help but let a soft grunt of pain escape because she put pressure on one of the too many dark bruises tainting his pale body. "Be quiet," she snarled before continuing on that same menacing soft tone as before, "they can't help you. I mean nobody even cares about your silly little fate."
A bit of anger settled in his chest and he clenched his firsts, it was all her fault. His friends did care, they just didn't believe him because Lumen was such a convincing liar. She was a manipulative child that spun every single situation to her advantage until Lance had nobody left who really trusted him. It made so much sense that nobody believed him, if somebody told him about what this child did he wouldn't believe it either. He would be way more likely to believe that he, the adult, hurt her even though that couldn't be less true.
Yet, despite the fact that it made total sense that none of the other champions or any of his other friends believed him when he tried telling them, despite that it still hurt. He was tortured and they- they just said he shouldn't make things like that up as an excuse and that 'there might not be any proof now but I am keeping my eyes on you'
'no, a thirteen year old would never carry a knife and a gun, and kidnap people.' he thought bitterly as Lumen continued slowly circling around him.
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sardonic-sprite · 9 months
20. Share 3 images that would fit to a mood board for this chapter/fic.
*dusts off hands* That should do it
Feel free to ignore the ones you've already answered or don't want to answer
Lord it took me a while to get to this huh? Ok well, I'm here now I guess 😂
Below the cut, creep warning jic but I think any batfan (especially who's seen the whumptober requests come in) could figure out the gist.
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woso-fan13 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023: 17 (ENGWNT)
No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
When you first joined the Lionesses, they thought you were just overwhelmingly shy. They noticed the way that you scooted away everytime someone sat near you, the way you would only take something from someone if there was no way your fingers could touch. They chalked it all up to you just being nervous- you were at your first senior camp with players who were a fair bit older than you. It would have been more surprising if you weren’t nervous. 
But, as the days went by, they watched you settle in. Your personality and energy shone through, constantly making the girls laugh. Your aversion to touch, though, stayed. 
The girls took it as a personal task to get you to not only tolerate, but enjoy, touch. They weren’t going to cross any boundaries, make you do things that made you uncomfortable, but they wanted to be able to show you their love. It was such a touchy team, it just made sense. 
The first time they attacked, you were almost asleep. It was strategic, your defenses were down. You were laying on part of a bed, the rest of the team spread out throughout the room. Georgia was sitting next to you and noticed that your eyes were drooping shut as the night progressed. After the full day of training, you were exhausted. 
As you fight sleep, Georgia sets her hand down gently on your back. She doesn’t go any further than that, not wanting to risk anything, but she lays her palm flat. The room goes silent as they watch, waiting for your reaction. 
You relax under her touch, sleep taking over. 
Alessia chances it next, noticing that you’re struggling before the first game. She can tell in the way that you hold yourself, the way that you move, that you’re a bundle of nerves for your debut. After watching your hands shake as you reach for a brush, she decides to intervene. 
“Y/N,” she calls, “c’mere for a second.”
You do as requested, moving to stand in front of where she sat on the bench. You look at her. 
“Why don’t you take a seat and let me do your hair? Just tell me how you want it.”
It’s a casual offer, one that she would extend to any member of the team. There’s a deeper meaning behind it, though you’re too occupied to see it. 
Wordlessly, you pass your brush to Alessia. Taking your silence in tune, Alessia gets to work on your hair. 
Leah follows. It was at the next camp, and you were warming up to the team even more. Today, as team bonding, everyone was going shopping. 
It had started fun, a whirlwind of activity as everyone voiced their input as to what stores to visit. After a few hours and a dozen stores, you were exhausted. The girls noticed. 
“C’mon, pea,” Leah calls back to where you’re falling slightly behind, “move those little legs.”
You whine, not wanting to have to keep up. Why on earth did all of them have legs twice the length of yours. 
Leah chuckled at your reaction, passing the few bags she held over to Beth. Walking back to you, she gently takes the bags in your hands and passes them off. Turning her back to you, she squats down. 
“Alright, hop on.”
You stand there, confused. She turns around, standing up. 
“If you want a ride, kiddo, you better hop on. The Leah train is leaving the station.”
You laugh at the pure stupidity of what she said, but, as she resumes her previous position, you surprise everyone. You surprise yourself, too. You hop onto Leah’s back, wrapping your arms around her neck. Her arms wrap around your legs, standing up. She lets out a ‘choo-choo’ in her best train impersonation, quickening her pace to catch up with everyone. She has to refrain from bragging when you rest your head on her shoulder, eyes heavy. 
The next time begins with an accident, a rooming mixup. Somehow, you were put into a room with Lucy and Kiera. If you had paid more attention, you might have noticed how the two smirked when room assignments were read. You might have noticed how Leah has her own room. But you didn’t, instead focusing on the fact that you’re going to have to share a room with one of the scariest players on the team and her girlfriend. 
The first few nights were fine, but on the fourth night, you wake up panting. A nightmare had plagued your dreams. 
As you regain control of your breathing, you hear a voice. 
It’s Lucy, you must have woken her up. You stay silent, hoping she’ll fall back asleep. 
She doesn’t.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, I just had a bad dream. It’s silly, really.”
“It’s not silly. Come over here, I want to see you.”
You stand up, moving to stand in the gap between the two beds. Lucy sighs, reaching out one hand to pull you to sit on the side of her bed. 
“You okay now?”
You nod, still slightly shaken. 
“Alright,” it’s quiet for a moment, “get in.”
You think you must have misheard her, looking away from the bedside table you had been focused on. As your eyes reach her, you notice the corner of the blanket she has pulled back. 
You open your mouth, going to protest. 
“Are you going to be able to sleep?” Lucy cuts you off. 
You shrug, unsure. 
“That’s what I thought, get in. Come get some more sleep.”
Not waiting for an answer, Lucy pulls you to lay next to her. You squirm in the bed, trying to get comfortable, but you can’t. 
Lucy tugs you over top of her, settling you in between her and the sleeping woman on the other half of the bed. It’s warm here, the blankets soft. The pillow’s comfortable, and it’s safe. Before you realize what’s happening, you’re falling asleep. 
Lucy triumphantly takes a picture. 
The first time you initiate contact is a special moment in so many ways. You just scored your first goal for the national team and you’re shocked. After realizing that- yes, the ball went in- you ran to your teammate. You jump on them, forming the base of a group hug. Everyone’s latched around you, cheering and congratulating you. 
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strawberrylabs · 8 months
Strawberry's Whumptober masterlist!
warning!! some of these post will contain gore, death, mental distress and other themes that may be disturbing to some readers! Please pay attention to they tags on each post and read with caution!
note: These will be 'x reader' posts because as this is an 'x reader' blog. Most if not all characters will be genshin characters simply because I know them better. If you have a character you want with a certain prompt, feel free to request it and I will write it when I get to it
if I am late some days please rest assured the fics will be uploaded eventually!
PRONOUNS: majority of my works will have no pronouns or gendered terms used for reader, if they are used they will be gender neutral or they/them. If you'd prefer she/her or he/him, there will be a link on the gn fics for both other options. If there is a specific set of pronouns you want me to use, i can edit upload another version with those pronouns, just let me know<3
Update (17th of Oct): whumptober is being put in hold temporarily, some things are going on and I can't really write atm. Everything will eventually be written by the end of October! Just a little delayed is all. Please be patient<3
Day 1: "how many fingers am I holding up?" with Albedo from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 2: "They don't care about you" with Alhaitham from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 3: "Make it stop" with Xiao from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 4: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" with Beidou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 5: Debris with Wanderer from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 6: Made to watch with Kaveh from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 7: "Can you hear me?" with Kokomi from Genshin impacy [Here!]
Day 8: "It's all for nothing" with Abyss!Aether from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 9: "You're a liar" with Brother!Kaeya (and brother!Diluc) from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave" with brother!Bennet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 11: "No one will find you" with Cyno from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 12: "I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?" with Freminet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 13: "I don't feel so good" with Tighnari from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 14: "Just hold on" with Heizou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 15: "I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself" with Ayato from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 16: "Don't go where I can't follow" with Lyney from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 17: "Leave me alone!" with brother!Mika from Genshin impact [On hold]
Day 18: Blindfold/tortured for information with Venti from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 19: "I'll take one final step, all you have to do is make me" with Ningguang from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 20: "You will regret touching them"/found family with Siblings!Bennet, Razor and Fischl from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 21: "Don't move" with Kazuha from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 22: "Watch out!" with Neuvillette from Genshin impact [in prohress]
Day 23: "Who's there?" with Childe from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 24: Neglect with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 25: "They're not breathing!" with Cyno from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 26: "You look awful" with sibling!Chongyun from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 27: "Let me see" with Xiao from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 28: "You'll have to go through me" with Lynette from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 29: "I only sink deeper the deeper I think" with Baizhu from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 30: "It's ok to say 'I'm not ok'" with Lyney from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 31: "Take it easy" with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
If there are prompts you want to see with certain characters send a request and ill write something for them and add it to the masterlist<3
masterlist will be updated as I make the posts!
last update: 14th of october 2023, 10:53pm (AEST)
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celtic-crossbow · 4 months
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[Whumptober 2023] …Complete
[Whumpuary 2024] …Complete
[MarchWeres 2024] …In progress
©celtic-crossbow 2023. I do not allow for my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or placed on any other platform without my consent.
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 5: Overhearing a Caretaker mildly complaining [Reader x Fatgum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)] {My Hero Academia}
A broken bone was never any fun, especially when you were just a civilian. Not like you couldn't get special treatments available for Pro Heroes, but your injury was at the point that slow healing was better for it. Recovery Girl herself told you that a quick recovery could make the bone extra brittle for a time. Given your job, that wasn't an option.
The worst part of this was your partner was taking time off to help you. It made you feel so guilty that Tai was watching over you instead of going out and doing his hero work. No matter how often you tried convincing him otherwise, this was where he was insisting on being until you could walk around on a boot.
"I just don't know what else to do." Tai's voice cut through your power nap, "[Name] has been doing alright sure, but it seems like their leg isn't getting any better."
You tried just staying still, Taishiro never let on how much he was worried about your progress or how this might affect his career. He was usually so comforting and gentle, but never very--
"It's getting a little tedious, I just don't know what else to do." He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, maybe it was Recovery Girl... or one of his friends, "If there was something I could do to make it easier... Obviously, my hero work is slacking, but I can't just leave them to their own devices. Risk them getting hurt again, not a chance."
His voice faded again as you could hear his footsteps wander down the hall. Passing right by the bedroom while he did... whatever he was doing right now. Everything you heard made your stomach churned with guilt and anxiety. Though you definitely needed to talk to him about this.
Though bringing this up was not going to be easy, at all.
"Tai," You sat up carefully when he entered the room, "There's something I gotta ask."
"Hm?" He perched on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle you too much, "What's up sweetheart?"
Looking him in the eye was so much more difficult, "About you not doing your hero wo--"
"[Name], sweetie. Please don't worry about that." His hand rested on your knee, "It's not a problem for me to be watching over you until you're better."
"But I'm not getting better, and you're just wasting time here when I can do for myself now." You were barely able to look at him, "Sure I'm not in the best shape, but I can do for myself."
Taishiro frowned a little, "This isn't a debate. I know you can, but there's always a chance that you get hurt worse while I'm away. I'd never forgive myself for that."
"And I can't stand by while you spend all this time here." You leaned forward, "You already have a full-time job that isn't looking after me. I get that your sidekicks can hold down the fort for awhile, but that can only get you so far."
"That isn't your problem to solve," Tai tried soothing you, "I adore that you care so much and worry. But you don't need to. My hero career will be fine, I promise."
"But I'm not getting any better!" You barked, "What if it takes too long? What if you're just wasting your time? What if I'm just holding you back? How long are you gonna act like I'm not just a burden?"
He paused, "[Name], none of that is true and you know it. I'm here because I want to be, because I care about you. I'm here because you matter to me, alright? Please stop trying to convince me of this, its never going to work, I promise you that."
You knew Tai was right, but that didn't stop you from feeling this way. Especially since you were hardly any use whether you were healthy or not. But finally looking up at Tai broke you a little. He was always super sweet, of course he wouldn't see you like that. It was just how he was...
And you would have to leave this topic alone, there was no talking Tai out of this.
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whump-me · 1 year
Hello! Call me Zee (they/them). I like whump and I write stuff. I'm a long-time connoisseur of whump, and use this blog to share and collect the things that strike my fancy. Writing-wise, I’m a jaded veteran of the indie publishing trenches, and I’m here to use my powers for evil by writing stories as dark as my whumpy heart desires. I write some prompts and shorter stuff, but my heart belongs to long-form fiction. Expect defiance, torture, twisted and adversarial psychological intimacy, damage both physical and mental, and a lot of death. My longer stories will always end happily, if you define a happy ending as an emotionally satisfying victory for a sympathetic character, but don’t expect it to look like a fluffy caretaking arc.
I’m bad at tagging. I do my best to tag a few things that I know are big nopes for a lot of people (gore, noncon, character death), but if you need comprehensive tags for your mental health, it’s probably best not to follow. You can always ask to be added to the tag list for specific stories.
I have a Patreon! Read my fiction before it gets posted here, plus bonus Patreon-exclusive stories.
I boost whump writers who are selling their work, because writers should get paid and we need more whump in this world. Got a Patreon, a Ko-fi, an ebook for sale? Do you take commissions? Send me an ask, tag me in your promo post, or use the submit button.
Stuff I like:
Defiant whumpees
Cold whumpers
Whumpees of all genders, including lady whump
Character death
Spy whump
Lab whump
Fantasy and sci-fi whump
Mercy killing
Emotional whump
Team whump
Mind games
Degradation (nonsexual)
Stuff you’ll rarely, if ever, find here:
Comfort and caretaking
Pet whump/BBU
Masochism and voluntary submission
Extreme gore
Martyr (complete): sci-fi interrogation whump with a defiant whumpee, a cold female whumper, torture, emotional whump, and devastating personal realizations on both sides. Masterpost
Unburied (complete): written for the Whump Girl Summer event. Fantasy whump with spies, magic, human sacrifice, and loyalty that transcends death. Masterpost
Conquest (complete): no-magic fantasy whump with a royal whumper, a fearful but quietly defiant nonbinary whumpee, degradation, cultural differences, fantasy politics, and an intense and complicated relationship between whumper and whumpee (no romance). Masterpost
Whumptober 2023 (complete): a collection of standalone stories set in my Mind Games universe, a modern-day sci-fi/fantasy thriller setting with the feel of shows like The 4400, Flashforward, and Travelers. Spy whump, lab whump, so much emotional whump. Masterpost
Obscure (complete): novel-length interrogation whump about a rebel leader who can erase memories with a thought, an interrogator who can see inside his subjects’ minds… and the connection they share that neither of them suspects. Part of the Mind Games universe. Masterpost
Unseen (in progress): a whump novel about a ruthless mob heiress and the superpowered assassin she kidnaps and forces to work for her—and the unexpected friendship that develops between them. Part of the Mind Games universe. Masterpost
Standalone Stories Things That Need to Be Said Worth the Cost
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slytherinlesbians · 8 months
Whumptober 2023, Day 1: "How many fingers am I holding up?"
fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), derek morgan, emily prentiss, david rossi | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: case fic, concussion, team as a family | word count: 1.1k.
“It’s starting to get dark,” Spencer says, trying not to let the anxiety bubbling in his stomach leak into his words.
“No way,” Morgan says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You really are a genius.” 
“Hey,” Spencer snaps, looking over at his friend. He’s leaning against a tree in a clearing in the woods they currently occupy, looking wrecked with tiredness. “I know you’re worn out, but don’t project your exhaustion onto me.” 
“Spence is right,” Emily says from where she sits on the filthy ground next to him, elbows propped against her knees. “Let’s just figure this out so that we can get out of here.” 
“Sorry kid,” Morgan sighs, and Spencer nods at him. 
“It’s fine. Just give me a few more minutes.” 
They’ve been hunting their unsub, John McClintock, for days now. The serial killer has been taking men that hike on their own in the woods the BAU has split up to comb, castrating them and dumping their bodies all over. It hasn’t been an easy or pleasant case by any stretch, but Emily, Derek and Spencer have made marginally more progress than the others tracking the unsub over the last few hours. 
Spencer inspects his surroundings carefully, squinting as it grows darker quicker than he would like. After another moment of tired silence, he gestures to the left of his colleagues. 
“I think we should go this way. The trees get thicker the further left we go, and we profiled he’d need cover.” 
It’s a stretch, but it’s something, and after hours out in the humid Arizona air, something is better than nothing. The trio starts along the left, getting deeper and deeper into thicker trees. Spencer lets the other two lead the way. He follows, nervousness spiking as the darkness begins to take over and the three agents pull out their flashlights. He jumps when Emily’s two-way radio buzzes suddenly. 
“Prentiss,” Hotch’s voice comes through crackly and broken, but they gather the next few words. “We’re at a dead end. It’s going to be too dark to search soon. Give it five more minutes then turn around.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Emily agrees. “We’ll-,” She stops dead, and Spencer bumps into her. 
“Sor-,” he’s about to apologize when he realizes why she and Morgan stopped so abruptly in the first place. 
Even through the darkness, Spencer can make out the run down cabin that stands in front of them. His hand automatically tightens around his gun, which he’s holding beneath his flashlight. 
“Good work kid,” Morgan breathes appreciatively. “You reckon this is it?” 
“Hotch,” Emily says. “We’ll hit you back. We might have something here.” 
“Send us your coordinates,” Hotch says, but his voice starts to fade and become harder to understand. “We’ll send backup and…” 
“Hotch?” Emily says after the voice fades completely, and then a red light shines for a second. 
The radio is dead. 
“Great,” she snaps, holstering the radio back on her belt. “Fucking fabulous.” 
“Look,” Morgan says, in the voice that means he’s about to defy orders. “There’s three of us, and one of him. He might not even be there. This might not even be his cabin. Who wants to take the odds?” 
“Well, the odds-,” 
“Spence,” Emily smiles at him wanly. “Let’s just do it.” 
Spencer sighs. “Fine,” he says. “But when Hotch asks, you better tell him that I didn’t agree to this.” 
Morgan chuckles. “Hotch is used to you making reckless decisions, pretty boy. I wouldn’t worry.” 
“I’ll take the back,” Emily says, and the other two agree silently. 
“Be careful,” Spencer says, and she nods before disappearing quietly behind the cabin. 
Spencer and Morgan advance carefully, guns at the ready with Morgan in the lead. They make their way silently up the wooden stairs, avoiding the holes in the weathered wood. Morgan raps sharply on the door. 
“FBI, open up!” 
When there’s no answer, he throws a grin over his shoulder at Spencer, who rolls his eyes. “Go on then,” Spencer says, and Morgan kicks in the door with glee. Morgan steps over the threshold first, and at first glance Spencer can see over his friend’s shoulder the house is dark and desolate. Morgan moves forward and Spencer steps forward too. 
He’s not taken no more than three steps further than the doorway when something collides with his skull with a sickening, dull, crack. 
Pain explodes in his head and stars dance across his vision. He drops to his knees with a groan as he hears a gunshot, and the next second, Morgan is by his side. 
“Mmm,” Spencer says, falling back onto his heels, brain foggy with pain. The thudding in his head spreads through his entire body in mere seconds, and the side of his face feels like it’s on fire. “Mmm,” Spencer tries again, but he can’t summon the strength to look anywhere other than the floor in front of him, which is spinning and multiplying before his very eyes, let alone answer his friend. 
“-is dead, I turned as soon as I heard Reid fall and shot him-,” 
“-tell the others we need medical-,” 
“-radio’s dead-,”
Emily’s voice joins Morgans, and they collide in a loud symphony that ricochets around his brain painfully. He shuts his eyes, trying to block out some of the pain. 
“No, Spencer,” Emily says, prodding his side gently, sounding worried. “Keep your eyes open.” 
He puts all his energy into opening his eyes to glare at her. Somehow, he’s lying down now, and there’s something soft under his head. When did he lie down? 
“Kid, how many fingers am I holding up?” Morgan asks, and his hand hovers in front of Spencer’s face. 
Spencer squints. “Three hands,” he mumbles. “You have three hands.” 
“Shit,” Morgan hisses, and Spencer gathers that was not the answer his friends were looking for. He makes to shut his eyes again. He’d really quite like a nap right about now.
“Reid!” Emily says again, and Spencer grimaces at how loud she’s being. Doesn’t she know it’s time to sleep? 
“Emily,” he groans, eyes still shut, trying to ignore the thudding in his head. “It’s bedtime. Shhh.” 
There’s a loud noise nearby, and Spencer brings his hands up to his face. Why’s everyone being so goddamn loud?! 
“Oh thank God,” Morgan says suddenly.
“It’s not bedtime yet, kiddo,” a new voice joins the group. Rossi. When did Rossi get here? 
Voices start to drop in and out of the conversation, and Spencer tries to inject his opinion, but everything hurts and his eyes are heavy and his face is starting to numb and honestly, he just wants to sleep. 
“Reid,” Morgan growls from somewhere to his right. “Open your eyes.” 
“Nnngshshf,” Spencer mutters something unintelligible and opens his eyes with a lot of effort. 
“That’s our genius,” Rossi says dryly, looking down at Spencer. “Don’t worry kid, only a few more minutes. Hotch and JJ are on the way with medical.” 
“Then sleep?” Spencer asks, his tongue feeling like it weighs a ton in his mouth. 
“Then sleep,” Emily confirms from his side, and he gives her a weak thumbs up.
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sarahsmi13s · 7 months
|| multiverse of masterlists | sarahsmi13s ||
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hello my darlings and welcome to my multiverse! here you can find all of my main masterlists! from fanfics to moodboards -- it's all here! and i hope you enjoy your stay!
pssst you can also find me on wattpad
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have fun!!
everything is under the cut 💜
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hello my little cassettes!
as most of you know or don't know, i'm vinny! or sarah! whichever you're familiar with is fine!
here are some guidelines!
-> ageless and blank blogs will be blocked! this is for my safety and yours!
-> my requests are currently closed - details are here
-> my requests are open! if you like my writing enough and trust me with your idea please send it to me and i will do my best to bring it to life! (also! i encourage you to give it a go at writing it yourself! you never know unless you try! 💜)
-> i am currently unsure of my boundaries on writing certain topics, but as i discover those i will update my request guidlines and boundaries!
-> you can request moodboards as well if you would like!
-> my work (headers, line-breaks, my fics) belongs to me. do not repost my work. i am the only one with the permission to repost on other sites. if you have questions about anything, please dm me and we can talk about it
-> and please just be kind! if you come in my inbox acting like a bitch, i will match your energy, if i feel like the situation needs to be addressed. otherwise, i may just delete the rudeness because it's not worth my energy. but know -- if you act like a cunt, expect to get fucked.
alright, now onto the fun stuff!
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here you can find moodboards -> vinny's moodboard multiverse
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here you can find stories about our lovely aviators -> top gun masterlist
-> general taglist
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here you can find stories about cowboys -> outer range masterlist
-> general taglist
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here you will be able to find some of your favorite heroes -> there will be a masterlist here soon
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here you can find random characters and events!
-> whumptober 2023
-> walt 'finn' finnegan
-> taglist
-> charlie young -- coming soon
-> taglist
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in progress…
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omgiamwish · 7 months
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Whumptober 2023 Day 31 - Setbacks
“Teru-san? Have you seen Nii-san? … Ah, well, we kind of got in a fight. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, but he hit me on accident and I think he panicked? So if you see him, can you- … Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
Meanwhile, Mob sat mired in confusion, terror, and regret. Years of practice told him to ignore these feelings, to squash them down, to go home and apologize to Ritsu, to never be open with him again. But he made a promise to himself. Feeling like this was supposed to be progress. How could this be progress? No matter what he does, he keeps hurting Ritsu. He... really is terrible.
(Accepting yourself is not a linear process)
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h1myname1sv · 9 months
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They are on Theed, and the men are celebrating.
Obi-Wan does not fault them for that. After all, they deserve all the happiness they can get in this blasted war.
But they are on Theed, and he is mourning alone.
The 212th and the 501st had been invited here for an anniversary celebration of Naboo's Liberation. Anakin is somewhere on the planet—Obi-Wan can feel his glee—no doubt with Padmé. Ahsoka is likely making trouble with Rex. And Cody, well, Cody should be with them too, as is the norm with brothers that close. Cody would, of course, be the responsible one, the one trying to keep others out of trouble like he is wont to do during battle for Obi-Wan, but not now, not now.
There is no more battle, but as Obi-Wan sinks to his knees inside the power generator, red flashing before his eyes, he can't help but return to that fated day years ago.
In the midst of celebration, it seems as if he is the only one who remembers how much they had lost.
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i-am-still-bb · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 - Summary
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Orange font = still in progress, this post will updated as the stories are finished and posted
Stand Alones
No. 01: Swooning (Fili & Kili, T, 770 words) No. 05 : “You better pray I don't get up this time around.” & Pinned Down (Fili & Kili, T, 910 words) No. 10: "You said you'd never leave." (Fili/Kili, T, 1166) No. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” (Reader's choice, T, 539 words) No. 12: Red (Fili, T, 494 words) No. 13: Cold Compress (Fili/Kili, G, 550 words) No. 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.” & “Watch out!” (Fili & Kili, T, 2917 words) No. 24: “I thought they were with you.” (Fili/Kili, T, 3181 words) No. 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.” (Fili/Kili, T, 2066 words) No. 29: “What happened to me?” (T, ? words)
bipolar!Anders AUs (Anders/Mitchell)
No. 06: Recording (T, 745 words) No. 21: Restraints
Outlander AU (Fili/Kili)
No. 09: “You're a liar.” (T, 359 words)
Fast Car (formerly Dead Batteries) (Fili/Kili)
No. 27: "You drew stars around my scars; But now I'm bleeding" & Scars & "Let me see." (T, 1076) No. 08: Body Modification (T, 780 words) No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.” & “Just hold on.” (T, 2245 words) No. 07: Radio Silence (T, 429 words) No. 02: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” (T, 1036 words) No. 15: "I'm fine." (T, 1579 words) No. 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.” & Blindfold (T, 1147 words) No. 19: Brass Knuckles (T, 1619 words) No. 23: “Who’s there?” (T, 2126 words) No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.” (T, 2030)
Greenwood AU (Fili/Kili)
No 03: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.” & Solitary Confinement (T, 277 words)
Erebor Castle AU (Fili/Kili)
No. 04: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” (E, 3758 words)
DarkHawk AU (Peace, Trust, and the Ocean)
No. 17: Touch Aversion (T, 1410 words)
Firewatcher AU (??)
No. 25: "Storm"
Ficlets Still in Progress
No. 16: "Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" No. 26: "You look awful." No. 30 No. 31
Taglist: Everything @silvermoon-scrolls @metztlilua @i-am-pinkie
(If the tags aren't working, you may need to make your blog "searchable.")
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LPS: Blog (Re)Intro
Little Peril Stories | Kate | adult | she/her
The Queen of Lies (ongoing): AU for The Prince of Thieves—sheltered, rich sad girl meets snarky criminal; chaos ensues; whumpy, Victorian forbidden love vibes with a side helping of angst and girl power
The Court of Rogues (work in progress): sequel to The Prince of Thieves; details to come 2024.
The Prince of Thieves (complete): guy and gal get arrested and tormented by super cool, totally normal constable while pals on the outside freak out and make bad decisions; fun 1800s prison vibes with a side helping of angst and chosen family
Blood Garnet (side WIP, low priority): girl gets lost in magic woods and gets chased by her hapless cousin and a grump hunter; awkward magic man tries to help; supernatural(ish) romantasy vibes with a side helping of angst and betrayal
Man of Letters (UNRESOLVED; part of Whumptober 2023): awkward scholar boi tries to save the girl he falls in love with and gets way more than he bargained for; light romantasy paired with heavy emo vibes, with a side of helping of angst and torture
Fen and Freddie (complete): gal gets kidnapped, dopey cinnamon roll with hopeless crush tries to rescue her and fails; vague superhero sci-fi vibes with a side helping of angst and pining
The Curiosity Collector (complete): sweet non-confrontational magic boy gets kidnapped and needs rescuing by bf and sis; witchy, autumnal vibes with a side helping of angst and falling in love
✨ Check out: OC & WIP extras (mood boards, lyrics inspo, tag game creations, and more!)
This is a whumpblr/writeblr space! Sometimes I’ll post/reblog writerly posts, memes, etc., but a lot of the posts/RBs will be about whump. I post original writing and reblog the work of others that I enjoy, gifs, tropes, prompts, and other such things.
I’m down with asks and tag games but may not respond right away. If I seem to ignore you, it’s not personal, it just means real life is taking priority at that moment.
I love comments and feedback on my writing and welcome them with open arms.
A note on age: I know I can’t actually stop you from accessing this blog, but I do not wish to interact with people under 18. It’s not personal, I’m sure you’re great, but it has everything to do with my job IRL. Please respect this boundary and come back on your 18th birthday.
Check out: My Most Common Tropes
My favourite elements of whump have to do with power dynamics, intimidation, dread, and angst. I love captivity-with-a-cause: kidnapping for ransom or as leverage over someone else, prison (in fantasy or historical settings, less so for modern settings though it’s not a hard rule), and the like. Fantasy presents so many creative versions of this trope, so I do love me some fantasy whump! It also gives lots of opportunity for dungeons, shackles, and other fun implements like that. Gratuitous tying or chaining up is always delightful to see. Pining, desperately trying to protect a loved one (…and failing), and self-sacrifice are other big tropes I love, so expect to see lots of those!
As for characters, I love it when they are as far as you can get from perfect, pure, and innocent—when they’re good enough people, but whose flawed or maybe even problematic decisions lead them into trouble. Always, always, I want my characters to have a hand in their own fates. Pure-hearted victims of the narrative who simply fall into a whumpy situation are cute and fun, but not what I tend to write.
A few odds and ends I’m such a sucker for, so you’ll probably find them in my writing:
Sibling relationships
Allusions to songs, books, folklore, and musicals
Nature and weather helping to set the scene (oh my goodness, how many times can I work snow into one story?)
If romance, either slow burn or instant attraction
…with a sprinkling of “huh, I don’t understand what I’m feeling, wtf is going on??”
‘In the nick of time’ rescues
Painfully awkward moments
Fluff and comfort, but only once they’ve really earned it
Almost kisses
Hard choices
Happy endings
You probably won’t find much gore or explicit noncon here, but there might be some elements of those in my stories or in reblogs. I don’t write BBU or pet whump.
My original “whumpy things I like” post can be found here.
Anyway, thanks for reading! 💕 Happy whumping!
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woso-fan13 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023: 6 (USWNT)
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.”
“Y/N,” you hear a voice shout urgently. 
Before you have time to recognize who the voice belongs to, before you have time to do something, your legs were taken out from under you. In an instant, you knew something was wrong. It’s a feeling, you know what happened.  Sobs escaped your mouth- you’re still unsure as to whether these were from pain or from the three letter word that you knew was coming. 
You’re done for the season, at least. You’ve torn your ACL. 
Christen meets you at the sidelines as they carry you off the pitch. She offers you a hand that you gladly take and squeeze tightly to. She knew what you were going through- most of your teammates did. It was a wonder that you had made it this far in your career without a serious injury, but you had known it was only a matter of time. 
The following month is a blur, images and tests followed by surgery. Almost immediately after surgery, you start physical therapy. You’re desperate to play again. Even more than that, you’re desperate to be able to walk again. 
Your teammates had been nothing but supportive, hiding their own fears at the problems that they all know this injury can cause. Not that you weren’t well aware, having already seen 
Christen, especially, had been your biggest supporter. She was all too familiar with the process herself and she used this knowledge to walk you through everything. With this injury, you got adopted into the Press-Heath family. 
Tobin was like a guard dog, glaring at the trainers and physical therapists when she thought that they were pushing you too hard. After a particularly loud outburst, it was suggested that someone else drive you to these sessions. 
(Tobin did not like this idea, and made it her mission to always be there after that point. She did, however, learn to keep her mouth shut.)
With the help of your entire team, you found yourself back in the tunnel. Anxiously, you waited to walk back out onto the field. 
Your teammates watched the moment that everything happened, forever memorialized on the internet thanks to a fan’s recording. They saw the look of pure fear and panic on your face when you realized what had happened. After that, they watched as you progressed through PT, cheering along with you when you took your first steps. 
They also got to watch as you stepped back out onto the pitch, finally returning where you belonged. 
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