#who would've thought....... I mean I didn't know half that until I just was told to say it but ok
abyssalpriest · 11 months
Like I know what he's telling me to do (or at least what direction he's nudging me in) wrt to the whole merge it together make it parallel stuff but man I'm like. Grr. I'm not good at reconciling paradoxes Grr
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hyewka · 1 year
hii !! this is my first question thing .. can u maybe do a perv!yeonjun?
warnings: perv bestfriend!yeonjun, jealousy, corruption kink, stealing clothes, sniffing underwear/yeonjun has a thing for scent in general, obsessive behavior, switch!yeonjun, not proofread
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"you save yourself?" he breathes, blinking rapidly like he was trying to piece this sacred information together.
"yeah, i mean, i just sort of ...grew up with the expectation." you say shrugging. it wasn't a big deal, you've always just went through it, not having the desire to be sexually active during your teenage years anyway.
yeonjun stares at you mind boggled, lips slightly parted before he just lets out a light scoff, brows slowly knitting together.
you shift awkwardly at his reaction- you're not sure what you expected but it wasn't whatever ...that was. yeonjun was the most open minded person you've met and know. exact reason why it's a breeze for you to confide in him about anything and everything.
you've never told him about your stupid virginity pact assuming he'd never live the information down-- a sophomore at college was a virgin? it didn't help that yeonjun's reputation included a lot of...well, the opposite of a virgin.
but the more you got to know him, the more you let the worry go-- he never seemed the type. until now, the regret slowly creeping up of ever mentioning it.
yeonjun suddenly takes a swig of his drink, still dazed.
"i mean i get it, it's not very feminist of me is it?" you try lightening up the mood, laughing at your own joke.
yeonjun's not on the same thought train. whatsoever. your earlier statement about finally 'trying it out' sticking out sorely in his head now knowing you were a virgin. "and...and you're going to give it up to fucking wooyoung?" he spits out with a mocking sneer.
okay, now you're confused. you turn your body on the couch to yeonjun, who had his forearms laid on his knees, posture bent with a strong grip on his red cup eyes focused on the crowd dancing to the blasting music. "what's wrong with wooyoung? i mean he's my boyfriend. and you guys are friends...did he do something wrong?"
yeonjun's venomous smile withers, practically evaporates as he throws an arm around your shoulder- if you hadn't spent hours doing your hair, he would've normally ruffled it, but his hands avoid it, his trademark teasing smirk that you could probably draw from memory showing up, "nothing, nothing's wrong. i was just messing with you. i got you, didn't i?"
you blink dumbfounded, but before you could question the sudden transition he had already switched topics and you reluctantly let it go.
yeonjun who goes home that night, far from his original plan to get trashed, opening his closet in desperate search of the cardigan you forgot on his couch a few days ago. when he spots it, he gulps, grabbing it and looking down at the baby blue in his hand for a second.
when he originally recognized it as yours, thoughts of calling you to pick it up weren't lasting. see, yeonjun has recently been hit by a sudden infatuation with you the past year, even after you started going out seriously with wooyoung. he wasn't too concerned, afterall, it was natural-- you were attractive, of course in the way of your friendship he'd eventually feel something more. it happened with more than half of his female friends, it always proved to be fleeting.
but the longer he caught his eyes trailing down your ass, subconsciously licking his lips, before snapping out of it and stuffing his perverted hands in his pockets to stop himself from losing control, the harder he felt he had to have you. it was so bad that his occasional flings mortifyingly started sounding a lot more like you...and looked a carbon copy.
so what if had a sickenly desire of touching, ruining every inch of your body? what could he do with your silly cardigan anyway?
yeonjun who finds it almost bothersome as he approaches his bed, grip tight on the fabric, wrinkling it in his hand. the fabric that's responsible to the haven that was your scent, stenched with you, everything you. you've always worn it out, to the point he thought it was your only jacket (to which he tried suggesting to gift you a new one), but you told him it was because the fabric was breathable, comfortable compared to most things in your closet.
he guessed it was your favorite.
so what would you think of him now? staining your favorite piece of clothing, hand shaking as he immediately shoves his nose in the line of the cardigan, his control breaking as he takes a deep exhale in, flickering his eyes shut, his lungs filled with you. the power of smell, it felt like you were right next to him when he had his eyes closed, taking another whiff before frantically trying to smell every inch of the fabric. his head light with ecstasy, his hand drive themselves over his bulge, feeling his hard on through his loose sweats, before his pace picks up, palming his dick, his breathing heavy and unrhythmic -- the mere scent of you making him go mad.
perv!yeonjun who gets dangerously fast to his climax, his hand faltering as he takes another whiff, groans easily slipping out of his mouth with the way they shamefully hung open-- so addicted he thinks he might go insane, his drool trickling down under his chin, some wiped on your cardigan because he was a dog with a bone. a crazed animal he realizes when he finally shudders, soiling his boxers, watching a large wet path spreading rapidly with growth on the area of his crotch.
who knew he could fucking get off of a cardigan? that's when the panic settled in as his hand shake in realization of what the fuck he just did.
he ruined his pants...because of your cardigan.
perv!yeonjun who feels like such a freak when he bumps into you at campus, yet continues to use your cardigan to his free will, hips canting against his bed with his head buried in the fabric, "f-fuck, y/n, you do this to me..." his babbles are so shameful to the way he carries himself, strong, masculine--anything but weak to a scent of a mere girl.
but it was you. the girl he felt he could spend eternity laying his head on, eternity hearing just a laugh, a snappy retort, a stupid dumb joke-- anything, he could do anything for you, with you, anything and he would find no use with anyone else.
he tries to get rid of his concerningly growing infatuation, deciding that he was acting out because of his lack of pussy-- going to every frat party on thursday, taking a pretty girl to a secluded enough space, have a pretty good fuck, feeling pretty fucking good on his way home-- until he's on his toilet again, left hand jerking off his swollen cock, his tip leaking precum, gawking down at your new post, biting his lips so painful at the shot of your ass in skinny jeans. "fuck!" he yells, strings of his cum spurting all over his screen, so frustrated with the hold you had on him, especially when you spared him zero romantic attention.
you had your heart reserved for someone else, and it was never not shoved in his face. it was the main drive for him-- when he spots wooyoungs hand sneakily going dangerously under your waist, his lips too close to your ears, body pressed against your ass a little too much for his comfort-- the occasional eye rolls were impossible to control in the first place, but these days, rage got to the best of him.
as far as he knew, based on your rambles lately, you haven't slept with wooyoung yet. you were still a virgin. and the scent of you was wearing off the cardigan, not able to get himself off properly.
he couldn't return it, the fabric was ruined with stains of his cum not washed off even after the third circle in the washing machine-- he impulsively opted to buy an identical, praying to god you wouldn't notice the difference.
perv!yeonjun who has a habit of lingering in an embrace with you, nose buried in your hair, discreetly trying to inhale your smell, before you awkwardly try to pull out of his suffocating grasp. "yeonjun, you're acting like you haven't seen me in years." you say, finally breaking the embrace with yeonjun's hands defeatedly falling to his side, staring at you with such intensity you don't notice.
its so so full of pity, his eyes, hidden with all the perverted things he would do to you- hes' thought of doing to you. his mind was rotten, if you let him, he'd take you right then and now. slamming his hips into his best friend's tight pussy, breaking your hymen, mixture of his seed and proof of your virginity taken-- a sight to be imprinted in his memory foreer.
hes dreamt of it even more vividly, being the one to take your virginity, in his fantasies- the one you've reserved for him. it's why you haven't fucked wooyoung yet, right? you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
yeonjun who has built a pile, a haven of all the guilty stolen treasures. clumsy with the elastic bands of his boxers, quick as he flings out his dick from the restriction of his pants, his hand slow on his shaft, dragging up and down with the stickiness of his precum, burying his nose into h like the fabric would evaporate into thin air at any time, like this was his last shot at getting something remotely reminiscent of you, deep groans of your name that sometimes get out of his control, turning to loud moans, the family next door unappreciative.
perv!yeonjun who's addicted to taking your things, stuffing it in either his pockets or bag, ruining it back at home the same day with his filthy thick load, your suspicions rising only making it more thrilling with each trashed item.
yeonjun who loses his last bits of restraints when you're jokingly pushed directly on his lap, floors of the living room being occupied by most of your friends invited for the group watch, the couches all full, chairs all used, of course they thought it'd be funny if you sat on yeonjun. you didn't mind it all too much, finding no issue with sitting on your best friend-- you've done it a few times before, skinship was normal between the both of you. but you still wanted to make sure he was comfortable.
you lean your head back to whisper in his ear, noticing the way his pronounced adam apple bopped up and down, which was odd-- yeonjun being nervous? but you ignore it, "i can stand if you're not comfortable."
his eyes tear from the premier that has the entire living room roaring with excitement, "n-no, it's okay, you're alright. i'm alright."
"...you sure? you don't look like you're alright."
"i'm seriously good y/n, let's focus on the show, we've been waiting for a whole year."
hesitantly you nod, it's true, the cliff hanger last season was a bite in the ass, so you ignore your gut, tuning in with the rest of your friends.
yeonjun who can't help the soft whimpers escaping his lips the more you jump at a scene then fall back down, his boner growing harder and harder, trying to go to the bathroom, but you're too focused on the show he's stuck under you as you adjust your position every few minutes, your ass with no knowledge, getting him off. his breathing gets heavier, nose flaring, so thankful the lights were off and it was night, too crowded for anybody to catch onto the way he was bucking his hip up into you, making the friction enough to get his head dizzy, arms snaking around your waist, tightening the closer he gets, the way you're so clueless spurring him on-- his face dipping into the crook of your neck, sweat dripping down his forehead, taking a deep breath before muffles his moan with a bite down his lip, whimpers as he finally releases.
he throws his head back on the couch, trying to calmly catch his breath, a grin spreading across his face letting his mind drift to how heavenly itd feel being inside you if grinding against you felt this good.
you turn your head back, voice hoarse and quiet, "...yeonjun?"
your eyes trail down, and it takes the perv a few seconds to realize before his forehead crease flatten.
oh shit.
yeonjun just stained your leggings.
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avatar-anna · 9 months
Can you write something about reader having an ED and Harry doesn’t notice at first but then starts to notice And then eventually helps you through it?
Try To Find a Way Back
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trigger warning: mentions and direct references to eating disorders. please be cautious if you find this topic triggering
so, i don't know a ton about eating disorders and what it's like for someone who has one to be actively struggling with it, and writing about something i don't completely understand makes me nervous bc i don't want to get it wrong. however, since you asked, i'm going to do my best to write this!
in case anyone is curious, this is the article i referenced while writing
"I just don't understand what her issue is. If I was in her shoes, I'd get help. It's that simple."
"I don't know if—"
"I mean, it's not like struggling with eating makes her special. Like, everyone has body image issues and we just deal with it. Harry will probably break up with her because of all the reassurance she needs. Poor guy probably didn't know what he got himself into when he asked her out. God what a headache for him."
You backed up slowly, not wanting to hear the conversation that was so clearly about you anymore. You'd gone to grab drinks for yourself and who you thought were your friends, but now your hands were shaking so hard you worried the contents in the two wine glasses would come spilling out, glass shattering to the floor. Your heart pounded in your chest, bile rising in your throat. Finding the nearest server walking around with an empty tray and, you set the glasses down before booking it out of the club.
Tears were already starting to pool in your eyes as you ordered an Uber to take you home. Phoebe was one of Harry's friends, but she'd been kind to you since the day he introduced you to her and the rest of his close knit group of friends he'd had for years. You'd been incredibly nervous. You were an outsider, not a model or a writer or a musician or an actor. You weren't extraordinarily talented or beautiful, you were just...you.
None of that seemed to matter to Harry, though. He'd been nothing but flirtatious since the moment he met you. Well, once he was able to look past his nerves. He'd been a bit of a stuttering mess at first, and it wasn't until an hour into talking to him where he really got comfortable enough to flirt, and flirt he did.
It took not one, not two, but three tries to get you to go out with him, your insecurities getting in the way the first two times. But that had been a few months ago, and now you were pretty sure you were in love with him, except now you knew his friends hated you.
She doesn't understand, you thought. It isn't so black and white. You would love to just fix yourself, to make yourself see a doctor, seek help. But eating disorders were a behavioral disease, and when you were in the thick of it, it was hard to shake. You'd told Phoebe about your struggles with your weight and eating disorder in confidence, thinking she was someone you could confide in, only to find her mocking your pain behind your back to someone else, and now you didn't know what to do.
Your phone buzzed with a text message, and you tensed when you saw who it was from.
Bubbie: hey where'd you run off to?
You: not feeling well. heading home
Bubbie: why didn't you say anything? let me take you home
Wiping away a tear, you typed out a text. In most cases, being around Harry would've brought you comfort, but right now, you just wanted to be alone. You couldn't let him see you like this, so unsteady.
You: it's ok. enjoy your first night back with your friends. kissies xx
You'd been avoiding Harry for the last week and a half. Phoebe's words sent you into a bit of a tailspin, and shame kept you from speaking to him, not wanting to involve him in your issues. Because you realized Phoebe was right. To some extent. You should've been able to ask for help, you should've been able to tell Harry how much you were really struggling, but your shame kept you from reaching out to anyone or asking for help, along with the desire to keep up your habits, which created a toxic cycle.
"It seems like this boy is doing you more harm than good, honey," your mom said over the phone. She was the only one you told about what you overheard Phoebe say.
"He's not the problem, Mom. I just—"
"You were doing so well up until you started seeing him. I just don't want you to slip again. I worry about you, and if being with that boy is causing you problems, then you need to look at the bigger picture."
Her heart was in the right place, it really was. Your mom had been there for a lot of your darkest moments and was rightfully protective of you and your health. But Harry really wasn't the problem. He'd never made you feel like you needed to change your body for him, it was quite the opposite in fact. He constantly praised the way you looked, and not because you needed reassurance or asked him to, despite Phoebe's assumptions. He just really thought you were beautiful.
"I can't just live my life alone, Mom," you said eventually, not wanting to admit more. "He makes me happy."
You heard your mom sigh, but she thankfully didn't press the matter further, even though you knew she had lots to say. She always had lots to say where your boyfriend was concerned. The last thing she said on the matter was, "Just...be careful."
Once you hung up the phone, you fell back against your bed for a few minutes before standing up and walking to your kitchen. A trip to the grocery store was in order, just based on the meager items in your pantry and refrigerator—pasta and no sauce, cereal but no milk, veggies but they weren't organic, and did you really need the family size bag of Doritos—
You took a breath, willing those thoughts away. You were fine. You were just upset about what Phoebe had said about you, nothing more. "It's just the grocery store," you murmured. "You go all the time."
The grocery store had never looked bigger. There were too many labels, too many colors, too many brands making promises of health and wellness. Your hands gripped the shopping cart until your knuckles were white, eyes wide as you carefully browsed the aisles. Everyone else was going about their business just fine. You watched as people grabbed what they needed with ease, scratching items off their lists and moving into the next thing.
How did they know which bread to buy? How did they decide on a cereal? Whole grain or multi grain? They didn't even look at the nutritional facts before putting something in their carts, didn't stop to do the math, counting calories and carbs and grams of sugar against what they already had. How could they just exist without caring about—
Your phone buzzing pulled you from your anxiety-riddled thoughts. With shaking hands, you pulled your phone out of your oversized zip-up, Harry's face popping up with the notification that he was calling you.
"Hey, you! I feel like I haven't heard from you, so I thought I'd call and check in."
You smiled, despite the anxiousness that still had your shoulders tensed. "Sorry, I've been...busy."
"God, me too," Harry said woefully. "But I've let work get in the way far too much this week. I need to see you. Are you free tonight? I can come over and make dinner for the two of us."
The word dinner filled you with dread. That wasn't a good idea right now. The idea of anyone seeing you eat, even Harry, felt terrifying. But what could you do? Saying no would involve having to explain yourself, and you wanted to do that even less.
"I'd love to," you said, all that anxiety coiling in the pit of your stomach.
"Yeah? You're in for a treat, I happen to be a fabulous cook."
"Can't wait."
You couldn't even feel excited to see Harry. The dread of having to sit through dinner took up too much space in your mind. You tried to will it away. You liked Harry too much to let your mind get in the way of messing up the good thing you had going.
A few weeks later, and you were at Harry's house for dinner again, only this time it wasn't just the two of you.
Your date with Harry went better than expected. You picked at your food and pushed it around, shame eating away at you as you lied through your teeth about not feeling very well when Harry asked why you'd hardly eaten anything. He'd been so sweet, making you a cup of tea, laying down with you on his couch to soothe your fake stomach ache, kissing the top of your head and rubbing a hand over your stomach comfortingly.
You felt horrible for lying to him, and you very well couldn't come clean after the fact, but it was better than talking about it. The less you talked about it, the better.
Tonight, you'd been carefully picking at your food again, making sure to take bites that were big enough to look normal and trying not to look like it was making you physically unwell. Each bite was excruciating, your mind telling you not to eat anymore and that you could never exercise all those calories away. It was all you could do to not focus on all the ways you knew how unhealthy this dinner was. It didn't match at all with your diet journal and you'd have to make up for it by—
"—just so hard, don't you think, Y/n?"
Phoebe smiled at you, but it didn't feel very friendly. You'd avoided talking to her all night so far, had even taken the farthest seat away from her at the table.
"We were talking about how hard it is to live here in LA," she said, gesturing vaguely to the people around her. "It feels like there's a new diet trend every week, and it's just so hard to lose weight while not looking completely anorexic—"
"Phoebe," Harry said tightly, cutting her off before she could finish.
Your grip was tight on your fork, unable to meet anyone in the eye. Did they know? You'd been careful tonight, and any of the other times you'd seen Harry or his friends recently. You didn't want their pity or their questions or their judgement. Nothing would've been worse than the disappointed look on Harry's face, or the look of disgust if he discovered the truth.
That still wasn't enough to stop, though.
"What? I didn't mean to be offensive. I'm just saying how hard it is to get to that perfect size. Y/n knows what I'm talking about. God, I feel like I can taste every calorie I eat, can't you, Y/n?"
"I—Not really," you said meekly. This was not the conversation you wanted to have right now, especially since it felt like you could feel everything you'd eaten tonight, every single bite, sinking to the bottom of your stomach.
"God, I wish I could just throw it up, you know? Then I could eat whatever I want and not feel guilty about it. No more diets, no more counting calories, I could—"
"That's enough," Harry said, voice sounding harder than you'd ever heard it. He glared at Phoebe, whose mouth was still open from stopping mid-sentence. Her eyes were wide with shock as she tried to justify her conversation topic.
"Excuse me," you murmured to Harry, standing up on shaking legs to step away from the table.
"I just need to use the restroom," you said, trying your best to talk around the lump in your throat.
You went upstairs to one of the guest bathrooms where you wouldn't be disturbed, though you locked the door to the toilet for good measure. Panic and guilt and self-loathing swirled through you, tears burning your eyes.
For weeks, you told yourself you had it under control. Your behavior was strict, but not worrisome. And effective, too, but that only made guilt and shame mingle with the feeling of success. Your jeans were loose, but you took to wearing baggy clothes so no one would notice. The scale in your bathroom got lower, but it never seemed low enough. Your stomach was taught, rib cage starting to poke through skin, but that just made you feel even worse about yourself and how quickly things escalated. It was a neverending cycle, but as you continued to lean over the toilet, you told yourself it would be just this once. Just this once and you wouldn't do it again. Just this once—
"Y/n? Can you let me in?"
Tears fell harder when you heard his voice. You couldn't let him see you like this. You couldn't face the humiliation, how disappointed he'd be when he realized—
"Y/n, open the door, or I'll break it down, I swear to God," Harry said with urgency in his voice.
Wiping your eye and then your mouth, you stood up, trembling as you turned the lock. You opened your mouth, unsure if an apology or an explanation would come tumbling out of your lips. But Harry pulled you to his chest before you could say a thing. You couldn't help the sobs that wracked your body as he held you up. His hand held the back of your head fiercely, but not harshly, the other one pushing you as close to him as he could.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I should've said something sooner. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't realize—I never should've—I'm so sorry."
You didn't find out what Harry thought he shouldn't have done because he rested on top of your head, kissing you repeatedly. He squeezed you so tight, as if he worried you would slip away if he didn't. You couldn't focus on anything else but your own emotions, too ashamed at being caught and guilty for having slipped so far in the first place.
"I was okay," you sobbed. "I thought I was okay. I thought—I thought I could control it."
Harry finally leaned away from you, just enough so he could hold your face in his hands and look you in the eye. "This is not your fault. Do you understand? It's not your fault."
More tears streamed down your face, but Harry's thumbs were there to wipe them away. His eyes roved over your face, searching for something, but you didn't know what. Eventually, he said, "There's so much I want to say, but I think for now...I think you should rest."
You agreed, so you didn't try to object. You were exhausted, just wanted the whole evening to evaporate into thin air. You didn't even care if Harry's friends were still in the house or not, you just wanted all the thoughts in your head—the ones still screaming at you to finish what you started and the ones begging you to let Harry help—to stop.
"I just want it to stop," you mumbled.
Harry rested his forehead against yours, breathing in deep. "I know."
"You're doing so well, love."
It didn't feel like it. In fact, you felt the exact opposite of well. But Harry was holding your hand as you walked through the aisles of the grocery store, his encouragement pushing you to take each step. "I don't think I can do this today."
"What did your eating disorder say to make you think that?" Harry murmured, causing you to grumble under your breath, but it did the trick. You took another step and grabbed the jar of pesto off the shelf.
He'd been doing that a lot recently. Ever since you came back from the treatment facility, he talked about your eating disorder as if it were a separate person, like it was a little devil with red horns talking over your shoulder and not a disease. It grated on your nerves at first because it made you feel like he was talking down to you, and because he was right. Your eating disorder had been the voice in your head and making you make unhealthy decisions. How he saw it first, you had no idea, you were just thankful he was still here, still with you on your road to recovery.
The trip to the grocery store took longer than it probably should've, especially since you only needed a couple things. But the minute you stepped inside, your body tensed up as you took everything in. It was a struggle not to turn packages over to read the nutritional facts, and even harder to put things in your cart. Today was re-introducing day, which meant eating a meal that had foods you'd actively avoided in the past. It scared the shit out of you, which was why Harry was here.
He'd been incredible, more patient than other people would be. He put up with your mother's harsh words when she blamed him for your relapse, he was there every day he was allowed to visit, and he picked up every phone call when you eventually came home. Whether it was to talk you down or talk about random things that came into his head to distract you from dangerous thoughts, he was there.
You honestly didn't know what you did to deserve him.
"How can I help?" Harry asked when you came to another stop.
"Do we really have to buy the parmesan cheese?" you asked, eyeing the aisle filled with various cheeses with a queasy stomach.
"I think you can do it," Harry said, not entirely answering the question. "I can tell you a story while I put it in the cart for you, if that helps."
"Okay," you said, not really sure if it would.
"Right, let me think for a moment," Harry said, mostly to himself. "Oh. Got it! Okay, so one time I went on this blind date, right? And I normally don't like them because my friends seemed to think I can't function without a partner, which is horribly embarrassing, and I normally have a horrible time, but I went to the bar I agreed to meet this person at, and—"
"What? You hated it?" you asked. Part of you thought it was weird that Harry was talking about a date with someone else, but it was doing its job.
Harry raised his brows at you. "I talk, you push."
You rolled your eyes, but pushed the cart another inch, trying to focus on his voice and not where you were headed.
"As I was saying, I get to the bar, and I'm like, holy shit, because I see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and as I go over to talk to her, someone calls out to me, and I realize the girl I saw wasn't who I wasn't supposed to go on a date with, it was someone else. But I can't just ditch this other girl even though I'm dying to just go over to the girl by the bar, so I stay put and try to engage in conversation and laugh when I think I'm supposed to, but I just—All I could think about was the girl in this cute little mini skirt and vest and what was making her laugh so damn much."
"Mini skirt and vest...at a bar...Wait, you don't mean—You were on a blind date when we met?"
The bar in question wasn't one you frequented. It was an upscale one, and you went because your friend dragged you inside, curious to see if she could get any CEOs to buy her a drink, and you...you were just there to make sure your friend got home okay. But somehow you bumped into Harry, though now you supposed you knew why.
"Not technically," Harry said. "The date was over when I walked up to you, and, well, you know the rest. I charmed the pants off you."
You snorted. "That's not what happened."
You'd known who Harry was when before he introduced himself, it was kind of hard not to. You'd seen music videos and heard his songs on the radio and seen him on your TV more than a handful of times, but it was definitely surprising to see him in person, especially because on screen he seemed so chill and cool and cute, the Harry you met was cute, but he could hardly get a word out.
"Nonsense. I remember it differently," Harry said with a sniff.
"You were so nervous it was so cute," you said, wrapping your arms around one of his while he took a turn with the cart.
Kissing the top of your head, he said, "If that's how you want to remember it, fine. But I do remember talking to you for hours and feeling like no time had passed at all. We closed down the bar, do you remember?"
"Mmhm," you said, nodding against his shoulder. "And then you tried to take me home."
"Can you blame me? I met the girl of my dreams, I couldn't just let you leave."
"You mean that?" you asked, looking up at him.
With everything you'd been through recently, it surprised you to know Harry was still with you. This battle you were fighting was lifelong, and you wouldn't have blamed him for leaving somewhere down the line. You loved him, and it would've hurt like hell, but you would've understood. But he never did, and every time you asked him about it, he just said he wasn't going anywhere.
Eventually, you stopped asking.
"I do," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "You did it, love."
"What?" Raising your head off his shoulder, you looked around. You were at checkout, all the items you and Harry set out to buy today sitting in your basket. "We did it."
"You did it, Y/n. I'm so proud of you."
Relief rushed through you. It was one hurdle, just one, but each one was a victory, and Harry was there to help you celebrate each one. It was too public to kiss him, even though you felt the urge to, so you squeezed his hand and kissed the top of it instead.
"I love you," you whispered.
"I love you too," he said, taking you by surprise when he tilted your chin up for a brief kiss. "You ready to check out?"
Anxiety filled your belly once more as the weight of your situation bore down on you once again. Squeezing Harry's hand again, you shook your head.
Harry wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side. The warmth emanating from him was a comfort, and you breathed in deep, letting the scent of his cologne and laundry detergent flood your senses to distract you.
"Don't listen to the disease, Y/n. Listen to me, okay? How about another story?"
You nodded. "Please."
"You're going to be alright, Y/n, I promise," he said.
And maybe you didn't believe him completely now, but you trusted him enough to believe it for you until you did.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 he's not just a man, mom.. ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Athena!Reader Synopsis: Reader sneaks on a cruise ship with Percy, Annabeth and Tyson. Guess who she has a run in with !!!! Warning(s): slight angst. and uh swears ig Word Count: 1833 A/N: part 2 was requested😘 and I skimmed over a lot, I didn't want to copy and paste most of Sea of Monsters so yk Part 1
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Months, well actually, an entire school year has past since your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now, Luke turned to Kronos. And yes, the rumors are true! Time heals all wounds!! Sure you needed some more time but you were starting to get back to your normal self slowly but surely. And the Athena head counselor position was rightfully handed right back to you (until Annabeth comes back for the summer).
Normally time isn't real for a year rounder like yourself, but there's been an issue. The magic barrier that protects camp Half-Blood is held up by Thalias tree, except her tree has been poisoned. No one knows when or how it happened, but you decided to keep your guess to yourself. Well that doesn't matter now. With Thalias tree slowly getting worse and worse, the border surrounding camp is weakening, allowing monsters to start slipping through and find the camp. Defenses are thinning, and even with summer around the corner enrollment numbers are at their lowest.
Thankfully you weren't on Charisse's bad side so she didn't mind joining forces. And don't get it twisted, you love Annabeth, but you've never loved her more than when you watched her and Percy (and a cyclops??) run up the hill and help fight the monsters.
After the fighting was over, you weren't injured yourself so you went to help out at the infirmary. It helped keep your mind off stuff, and now you had Percy and Annabeth to keep you company. You were currently checking them for burns.
"Wow, 13 and no body hair?"
You and Annabeth just laughed at the boy. After you both calmed down you started to explain whats been happening the last couple of months at camp while they've been away. Grim expressions washed over them as you finished, Chiron being fired and being replaced with TANTALUS was truly the cherry on top in your opinion.
"Well, time to eat right?"
This might've been one of the most interesting dinners yet. The cyclopes, also known as Tyson, ended up getting claimed by Poseidon (Percy wasn't the biggest fan of this particular development), and we have an upcoming Chariot race coming up (something Tantalus decided to start doing). You weren't planning on participating in the race, but Annabeth and Percy got into a fight so now you had too.
Finally the day came and instead of a friendly race, everyone was attacked by killer birds that were just barely shot out the sky. Maybe some help on Clarrise's end would've been nice, but she thought winning was more important, while you, Tyson, Percy and Annabeth just got punished.
The four of you were stuck washing dishes when the two younger campers got to talking. They were smart ones, basically we needed the Golden Fleece, simple as that. Except who did Tantalus give the quest too? The winner of the race. Clarisse.
"But Grovers my friend!"
"Yeah you guys wouldn't even have the quest if it weren't for us!"
Your yelling didn't help matters, the Ares kids just accused Percy of wanting the spotlight. They just never liked Percy after he beat up their dad, the fact he did that still amazes you. You and Annabeth just accepted the defeated and walked yourselves to your cabin.
"So Annabeth, how's it been in the outside world?"
"Cooler than I thought but please, how's it been with.. you know what?" You averted your gaze slightly and swallowed. You were getting better, but that certainly didn't mean you were over him.
"I haven't heard from mom in like eight months." Annabeth looked at you confused. You never told her about the last conversation with Athena.
"What? I thought you were like, her favorite or something?"
"To be fair I basically told her to fuck off," you shrugged like it wasn't that serious but your sister looked at you like you were crazy. "It was about Luke, you know she never liked him." She just nodded as you both walked back to your cabin. When you got there neither of you couldn sleep and decided to stay up late studying maps of the sea of monsters, where Grover and the Golden Fleece were. Suddenly Annabeth stood up.
"Annie whats wrong?" You asked, looking between her and the maps.
"You didn't hear that?" you just shook your head slowly.
"Maybe it's just time to sleep-"
"No it was Percy, he was screaming for help cmon!" You decided not to bother questioning it and started chasing after her. Annabeth was following the sound and you just followed her. You guys made it out to the beach, where you saw Percy, just fine and not screaming. Tyson came running out too.
"Percy are you okay? Why were you screaming?" Annabeth questioned.
"I wasn't screaming, but I'm glad you guys are here." Percy explained how he had a run in with Hermes. The thought of Hermes just makes you think of Luke. That kinda sucks.
"Anyways, we need to use this," Percy held up a jar and pointed to the cruise behind him, "to get over there."
"Seems... reasonable. We have to hurry the harpies are getting close." you urged.
"Yeah ask your dad for some help" Annabeth pushed Percy toward the ocean. Why did Percy start with small talk, we're on a time crunch. Never the less a bunch of hippocampi came forward and we were off.
"I've never been on a cruise before, I wonder what it's like." You said.
"Probably won't be like any normal one if Hermes sent us." Percy pointed out. If Hermes sent us you, you hoped it meant what you thought it did. And you hated that you were hoping for that. Luke. Ever since your last conversation with your mom, it's like you've been seeing things differently. The gods really did just use their kids, but could you really turn your back on them?
You were cut out of your thoughts when you finally made it to the ship. You all snuck on and wandered through the cruise. Everyone here was like a bunch of lifeless zombies. Now if that didn't raise your suspicious nothing would. You guys were sneaking around until you found an empty suite on the 9th floor. Sleep was a must right now.
"Us girls will be next door alright?" You said.
"Yeah, don't eat or drink anything either," Annabeth added. She was right, something was off here. You and Annabeth left to your side of the suite to change for bed. Annabeth was knocked out in seconds but you just couldn't sleep. You knew why Hermes wanted you guys here, and it kept you up. While your sister was snoring beside you, you took the chance the sneak out the room. All you had was an oversized t-shirt that hung to your mid thigh and a dream.
As you started walking around, there were no lights to be seen. You started from your floor and made your way up. When you got off the elevator on the 13th floor, you saw the room at the end of the hall had a light on. It was nearing 2AM, most people should be asleep. That's when your gut told you this is what you were looking for. You thought it was time to listen to it. You made your way to the door, and saw that it was unlocked. You slowly opened the door and saw a certain someone with his back facing the door, looking off into the ocean through his window.
"Hey Luke," you said. Luke didn't move for a second, but when he turned it was slow.
"Y/N.. I didn't think I'd see you again." Your lip quirked ever so slightly, and you walked up and sat down on the bed in front of you, now just a mere few feet away from him
"Lemme guess, Percy and Annabeth are with you? Were you sent to kill me?"
"Yes, and no. We weren't sent here, or anywhere in fact."
"Wow, look at her. Ms. Rule Breaker. What would your mother think?" You swallowed at the mention of your mother. What would she think?
"Well, we haven't spoken in eight months." You looked at the ground.
"Hmm, what happened?"
"You happened, that's what." You looked back up at him, he had a shit eating grin on his face. "Wipe that smile off your face Castellan."
"Or what? You're already here, why waste our time together fighting? We both know you're not here for the gods," Luke teased. He was right, so why fight?
"Just come here," you lunged up and jumped in his arms, kissing him like the starved woman you were. You missed him more than you were allowed to admit. Luke was a sore spot at camp, but hey, right now that was not your problem. You knew you were probably disgracing your family by being here doing what you were doing, or WHO you were doing, but you didn't care. You just needed Luke, even if it was just one last time.
When you woke up after a few hours, you wouldn't say you regret it, but maybe it wasn't the best timing. You were facing the window while Luke held you close. You slowly moved his arm from your waist and sat up, seeing the little clothing you had scattered across the room. Crazy night. You untangled yourself from Luke and got redressed. You truly didn't want to leave, but despite everything you couldn't stand with Luke and the war, too many lives would be lost on his behalf. As you made your way to the door Luke woke up,
"So this is it?" You had your hand on the doorknob and turned back to face Luke.
"Yeah," you made eye contact with him, a single tear falling. "It is."
"Goodbye Y/N."
"Goodbye Luke." You made your way out the door and shut it behind you. You took a deep breathe before rushing back to your shared room with Annabeth on the 9th floor. You opened the door, making sure not to make too much noise, except Annabeth wasn't in her bed. You continued walking into the room when the bathroom door opened from behind you.
"And where were you?" Annabeth questioned as she walked out the door.
"With no one!" You said quickly. Annabeth scared the shit out of you. She slightly frowned.
"He's here isn't he? That's why Hermes wanted us to come here?" You just nodded. "Guess it explains the hickies," Annabeth yawned and headed back to her bed. Your face flushed as you ran into the bathroom. Wow.. awkward!!!!
"It was just a goodbye, I'm not joining him," you walked out the bathroom and laid down next to Annabeth. "I can't stand for a war, no matter how much I love him. Or loved."
"Glad you made up your mind, but it's 6AM, can we sleep a little longer?"
You chuckled, "Of course."
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
Okay so i’m a slut for a breeding kink, but idk if you’re into this when it comes your writing. what would you think of a pregnancy scare moment in the loudmouth cheerleader and eddie world 🫣.
Eddie chewed his nails, pacing around the trailer-- which didn't have much room to pace in, but he was finding a way.
"How much longer?" he asked you.
"Still three minutes," you sighed, "since you asked me that ten seconds ago."
Eddie huffed out a breath, shaking his head which made that wild mane shift a little. He kept his thumb up to his mouth as he gnawed on it, and you focused mostly on your own hands wringing each other. You could hear his footsteps, the jingling of his chain, the little incomprehensible mumbles he said to himself. "It's gonna be okay," he said, and you didn't know if he was talking to you or himself.
"Yeah," you breathed, nodding, "yeah, I'm probably not..."
You looked up when you heard his footsteps stop, and he was facing you with a concerned look. "No, I mean-- either way," he clarified. "Whatever happens, it'll be okay. We can have it-- or, you can get it taken care of, if that's what you want, but... we could have a baby. And it would be okay."
He stepped up to you, reaching up to hold your shoulders as he stared into your eyes.
"It would be great," he smiled. "We could really do it, you know."
"I think my parents would kill me," you laughed nervously.
"They'd come around," he shrugged. "I know they don't love me, but they'd love our baby."
You swallowed thickly. Our baby. It was terrifying, but you liked the sound of it. My baby with Eddie... Eddie and I's baby.
"You remember that first night, right?" he smiled a little. "I said we'd have cute babies. I meant that. To be honest, I'd thought about it before..."
"Before we met?!" you realized.
"Well," he stalled, starting to blush, "yeah. Not a lot, just once or twice. You're just so pretty, and... I don't know, I just wondered..."
You felt your cheeks heating up at the idea of Eddie watching you from afar, imagining having children with you. Who knew he was so traditional?
"The truth is, if you're really pregnant," he continued, "my only regret would be not knowing the moment that I-- that we, you know... made life. We don't know which day it was, if it was here or in my car or in the janitor's closet at school--"
It had been a pretty wild month.
"And if I knew I was going to get you pregnant," he breathed, "it wouldn't have been like that. It would've been... sweet, and gentle... I would've held you so close--"
He stepped closer one more time, pulling you into him as he looked down into your eyes and right through you.
"I would've told you that I loved you a thousand times, I would've kissed you all over-- I... I would've held you all night."
You bit your lip looking up at where your hands toyed with the hem of his shirt. "Really?" you breathed, and he nodded. "Well... I would've liked that."
He smiled as he kissed your temple. "Has it been three minutes yet?"
You nodded, stepping past him to go to the bathroom. The test was on the counter, of which there was about a half-inch of space because it's a trailer, and you took a deep breath before reaching for it.
Eddie stepped up behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders. "It's gonna be okay," he insisted again, "whatever happens."
You held the test close enough to look at the little window: one stripe. You squinted to make sure there wasn't a really subtle, faded second line-- but no, just the one.
"I guess I'm just late," you stated. You'd never been a week late before, hence the panic, but it could be stress from some big cheer stuff coming up... not that this had done anything but create more stress for you.
"Phew," he said aloud, "what a relief, right?"
"Yeah..." you agreed, but your tone wasn't quite up to par with the excitement you expected to have.
"Babe," he cooed, turning you around until you were facing him but avoiding his gaze. "Are you a little disappointed?"
"I... I know I shouldn't be," you mumbled.
"It's okay," he promised, "you can feel however you wanna feel."
"But-- I should be happy," you frowned, "because things are good right now and we're still too young and I don't want anything to change-- between us or in my life."
"If you don't want anything to change, then you definitely don't want a kid," he chuckled. "But this probably means you want one later, right? And that's good, cause so do I! Actually, I want more than one-- I want three. Two boys and then a girl. We just need a house big enough for all that first."
You pouted a little, tugging on his shirt again. "Nooo, Eddie-- not later. I didn't even know it until I saw that test, but... I want one now."
His gaze darkened slightly as he stared down at you. "Babe... what are you talking like that for?" he lightly scolded.
"I want... I want you to do all those things you said..." you trailed off, staring down at the linoleum floor. Eddie lifted your chin with his fingers, gazing at you with a small smirk on his lips.
"You want me to make love to you, sweetheart?" he realized, leaning in to kiss your neck as you nodded. "You want me to do it like I would if I was trying to get you pregnant?"
You whimpered, and nodded again. His kisses trailed up to your ear which he licked, just to make you squirm, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You just wanna play pretend for now?" he prompted, picking you up and letting you wrap your legs around his hips as he carried you to the bedroom. "Let's play house, babe-- I'll be the daddy and you'll be the mommy."
You tried to hide your face in his neck, but a moment later he'd tossed you down on the bed on your back, climbing up over you.
"And in this house, you have to do what daddy says," he grinned down at you. "Okay?"
"Okay," you sighed happily.
He started to carefully undress you, unbuttoning your blouse and letting his fingertips tickle your skin along the way. "So pretty," he observed with a smile, "you're beautiful."
He kissed the skin of your torso, all along your sides and up your stomach, across your chest-- and once he'd gently removed your bra, finally he licked over your nipples. "Mm, Eddie," you moaned, petting his hair as he kissed and sucked each bud.
"You know what happens when you get pregnant, right?" he asked, looking up at you from your chest, and it was easy to assume what he was referring to.
"They get bigger, right?" you recalled. "I guess you're looking forward to that."
"I mean, that's not the part I'm looking forward to most," he smiled. "They're perfect already, it's what makes them bigger that's so special. It's all the milk for our babies."
"Oh..." you breathed, feeling the weight of arousal heavy in your gut as he wrapped his lips around your nipple again.
"Daddy can have some too, right?" he asked breathily between moving back and forth from each one, suckling a little harder each time, making your back arch up off the bed.
"Y-yes," you promised, "yeah-- you can have whatever you want."
He smiled against your skin, letting his teeth graze you before he moved down, kissing your stomach again. "You get really big here, of course," he reminded you. "I'll try to make it easy on you, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. But it's unavoidable, after a certain point. You're sure you won't mind it?"
"I-- I don't care about that," you insisted. "I think I'll like being pregnant. My mom said I was really easy, not much morning sickness and no weird cravings or anything."
"Yeah, but this is my baby that's gonna be in there," Eddie reminded you, as if your cunt getting soaked wasn't proof enough how well you understood that, "he might take after me and give you hell in there."
You laughed a little, squirming under him as he started to pull your skirt down over your thighs.
"Oh, there she is," he purred at the sight of your pussy, making you shudder in sick joy. He tossed your skirt and panties aside, ordering, "spread your legs for daddy, sweetheart."
You opened up your legs, watching him kneel down to put his face between them, kissing up your thighs. A moan fell out of your mouth when he latched onto your clit, darting his tongue out to lap at you; god, you were so wet, the taste of you must have been overwhelming. Not that he seemed to mind, he was moaning as he ate you ferociously, making your legs start to shake already.
He teased your opening with one finger, slowly sliding it in as he broke his mouth away and just watched his digit disappear inside you. "This tiny little hole," he purred. "Not sure how it even fits me... I won't get you pregnant if I think it's gonna hurt you, darling."
"N-no, please," you begged. "I promise I can do it."
He sat up, stripping himself of his shirt and starting to work on his belt next. "You're really sure? This is what you want?"
"Yeah," you breathed, "I wanna be pregnant and have your baby and... I wanna be a family."
He smiled as he pushed his pants and boxers down, leaning down over you with a smile. You whimpered when he rocked his hips forward, rubbing his erection against you, teasing you even though he could see you couldn't take it.
"Eddie," you whined, "come on..."
"Tell me how bad you want this," he instructed.
"I want it more than anything," you sobbed. "Fuck, I wanna be pregnant-- I want your baby... please, put your baby inside me, Eddie..."
His cock slid right over your clit and you shivered. "Really, honey" he pressed. "You don't care that we're still in high school? Or that you're the cheer captain and I'm broke and messed up and such a bad influence?"
You shook your head quickly, feeling your insides clench in desperation for him as his tone mocked all those things your parents and other authorities liked to say about him. You'd never been the type to like the bad boy before-- maybe it was because you knew Eddie wasn't really bad at all.
"You don't care what people will think, huh? You don't care that they'll talk, call me a deadbeat, call you a whore?"
You whined, but shook your head again.
"You're right, baby, that doesn't matter," he promised, "none of that matters. All that matters is that this is what we want."
"Yeah," you panted.
Just when you thought he was about to finally slide inside you, he sat up and lifted your legs, bending them back over your chest. You liked the way it felt to be manhandled by him a bit, even though he was being so gentle-- you liked him posing your body the way he wanted. "Look up at me, beautiful," he encouraged you, and only when you obeyed did he push his cock into you.
Folded in half like this, his cock hit the deepest parts of you with ease. "Oh fuck!" you all but screamed, clutching his thighs until your nails dug into his skin. "Eddie!"
"Uh huh, it's so deep, isn't it?" he grunted. "That's where it's supposed to be. I need to give you everything as deep as I can, make sure it takes, okay? You can handle it, right?"
You nodded, but your teeth were pressed tightly together as pleasure surged through you.
He started to fuck you slowly, keeping your legs up around his shoulders while his hands soothed you by rubbing your thighs. "Good girl, my perfect girl-- I love you, you know I love you, right?"
"Yeah... I know, Eddie, I love you, too," you panted. "Fuck, I love you so much..."
He smiled and kissed you, soft yet so dominant. "I said I'd tell you a thousand times, didn't I? Guess I only have nine hundred and ninety-nine to go..."
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*Addendum: Fading Letters AU pt. 2: White Lily
I'm a FOOL.
Apparently I've lost all sense of time because I've been gone for a YEAR AND FIVE MONTHS. What the heck. Right. My rendition of Swap!Lily, everyone. It would've been out sooner, but I cannot draw backgrounds for the life of me. This had me stumped for a good long while until I just decided "fuck it we ball", and here we are now. I'm just glad it's out so I don't have to worry about her anymore.
Now unlike PV, I thought White Lily didn't need any updates to her look in the AU. I thought she was pretty set and done, but I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. Her design is pretty simple; it's the blind healer outfit but more so tailored to White Lily. Her staff is bound shut, she's cloaked and wearing rags, and most notably, her eyes aren't visible. She's hiding her identity out of shame, in search of something precious to her.
Quick Rundown: White Lily is stuck in Beast Yeast after falling ill, so Pure Vanilla went in her place at her request. (For more information, click https://www.tumblr.com/tinycheesecakedetective/744518672544071680/im-baaaack-i-mean-i-made-one-post-about) .
After PV became this universe's Dark Enchantress, the other half of him was sent to the Fairy Kingdom. Meaning unlike Canon PV, White Lily found out VERY quickly about what happened to him(or what she thinks happened, all she knows is that he's dead), and she takes the news horribly. She immediately blames herself for what happened and ended up grief stricken over the entire thing, so much so that she hallucinates him calling out to her. Elder Faerie tried her best to console her afterwards, and told her it would be possible to bring him back. She swears she'll do everything in her power to bring him back, but the Dark Flour War starts and she has to head back to Crispia. During the fighting, White Lily debates telling the others about what happened to Pure Vanilla, but she doesn't get to when she sees what looks like PV. She thinks it's really him, but then upon closer inspection she realizes something's not right. In reality, the real PV is wreaking havoc across Earthbread as this universe's DE, and no one knows it. The final battle is upon them, and PV has them against the ropes, their soul jams in his grasp. In a last ditch effort, White Lily attacks full force with dark moon magic and is able to stop him. She realizes who he really is, and while she's shocked, WL instead shows determination. She's part of the reason why he is the way he is, but she wants to set things right.
After the war, WL spent some of her time in Beast Yeast in order to understand how to bring back PV. With Elder Faerie's help, she returned to Crispia in search of the soul gem shards. She becomes a nomad, wandering around the world and only stopping for breaks. Along the way, she meets several cookies and makes a new friend. Her journey comes to a halt, however, when a group of travelers also finds one of the shards in their own quest.
Got all that? Great, here are a few head canons! White Lily's the one that bound her staff shut. From time to time, she visits the Vanilla Kingdom and gives a small tribute to PV. WL also keeps in touch with Elder Faerie through white butterflies he sends, and he gives her advice and motivation. Sometimes she makes small resting areas, and whenever she packs up a lily is there in it's place.
And that's it for now! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask. Y'all have a good evening!
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george-weasleys-girl · 10 months
Uhm, it's the last one now 🙈
Can I send you this one again? Wordsmith - Send me a trope/prompt, and your choice of either George or Fred, and I will weave you a short blurb. Please? Thank you 😌
And again with George Weasley with this prompt, "Lay a finger on her, and I will end your life, and I mean that very seriously." and this trope hurt/ comfort
I hope it's okay 🙈
Voices Carry
George Weasley x Fem!reader
Warnings: emotionally abusive relationship, gaslighting, cursing
Inspired by the song Voices Carry by 'Til Tuesday.
"I told him I was done with his bullshit," Y/N said. "Then I threw my glass of wine in his face and took off those god-awful shoes he made me wear and threw them at him too."
"And right in the middle of the restaurant, too," George laughed. "I would've loved to have seen the look on his face."
"Me too. He was too busy trying to crawl under the table for me to get a good look." Y/N gave him a sheepish grin and then looked down.
George titled his head down to get a look at her face. "You did good love. I'm glad you finally kicked him to the curb."
Y/N sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I should've done it sooner. I just kept thinking things would get better if I said or did all the right things. That he'd... I don’t know... be better, you know?" She gave a bitter laugh. "Godric, I'm such a fucking idiot."
George moved to sit beside her. "You are not an idiot, Y/N. If anyone is an idiot, it's him for not seeing the treasure he had in you. Any guy with half a brain would be proud to have you on his arm."
"Oh, um, thanks." Y/N took a sip of her wine. "That's really sweet of you to say."
"I say it because it's true."
A brief, shy smile quirked at the corners of her lips, and she took another sip of wine. "Hey - um," Y/N began. "I was wondering if I could crash here for a little while?Just until I save up a deposit for my own place."
"Of course," George put his arm around her. "You can stay as long as you need."
"Thanks," she said and leaned her head on his shoulder.
George let go of the breath he'd been holding for what seemed like ages. Over the past several months, he'd stood by helplessly as Y/N's now ex-boyfriend, Eric, attempted to mold her into a shape that didn't tarnish his precious image.
"Why do you talk so much?"
"Why do you laugh so loud?"
"Nobody wants to hear that."
"Why do you insist on dressing like that? You look terrible."
"Stop crying! God, why are you so sensitive about everything?"
"Work run late? Or were you too busy flirting with your boss?"
The bastard took and took and took from her until she was a ghost of the confident, vibrant woman George had grown to love.
"I never thought I'd hate someone," he'd confided to Fred. "But I hate him so much it hurts. Y/N just has to give me the word, and they'll never find his fucking body."
The raised voices in the back corner of the store caught George's attention almost immediately. He turned the corner, and his vision ran red. Eric had Y/N pinned against the wall, one of his fists raised.
Before he could strike, George had him by the collar, pulling him off Y/N and backward into a shelf of Extendable Ears. The display tilted, spilling its contents in all directions and causing Eric to trip and fall forward onto George, who pulled him up to eye level. "Lay a finger on her, and I will end your life, and I mean that very seriously."
Eric sneered, twisting himself out of George’s grasp. "I don't know why you want to waste your time on that worthless - "
George's fist slammed into Eric's face cutting off whatever else he was about to say. He stumbled back, cradling his bloody nose. "You broke my fucking nose!" He bellowed. The younger twin rolled his eyes and grabbed Eric's collar once more, dragging him with one hand down the stairs and through the store to the entrance. He threw open the door and tossed Eric out. "Stay away from Y/N, or next time, I'll break more than your nose," George snarled, then slammed the door shut.
"Are you sure you're ok?" George poured Y/N and himself two hefty shots of firewhiskey.
"Yeah... yeah, of course."
He eyed her over his glass but said nothing.
"Look, I'm really sorry," she said. "I never dreamed he would do something like that."
"Love, that wasn't your fault," George replied. "I still can't believe he had the audacity to strut right in as if I wouldn't wipe the floor with his pompous ass."
Y/N giggled a little at that. "I must admit it was kinda fun watching you drag him through the store."
"It was kinda fun doing it," George chuckled and then downed his whiskey. "So, umm... Fred and I have been talking. How do you like the spare bedroom? Are you sleeping well enough?"
"Uh, yeah, it's good," she smiled. "The bed is super comfy."
"That's great!" George grinned. "How would you feel about becoming our roommate?"
Y/N's eyes widened. "Roommate?"
"Yeah, I really love you being around all the time, and I'd... miss you when you move out."
Y/N went very still and very quiet for a few long moments. When she finally spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. "I - I'd miss you too."
"You would?" George looked stunned. "Really?"
Y/N nodded. "I really would."
"So, does that mean you're staying?"
"Yeah," she smiled. "I'm staying."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @phant0mkitsune @spididerman
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tothosewholisten · 15 days
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 00
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989. 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got seven of them, yes seven.
MARCH 21, 2019
I have to be at least somewhat proud of myself for lasting this long. I thought as I sat on the bus, not everyday you are born with magical powers and are destined to save the world from evil. Yes, hearing myself think that sounds crazy. But that's normal in my life.
I had reached my stop after a half an hour of sitting with my earbuds in, listening to nothing at all. I just wanted to seem unapproachable on the sketchy city bus.
My destination was a terribly designed office building, the space was so crammed and ugly it made me want to turn right back around and get on that bus again. But I didn't because I was trying to convince myself that this would be good for me, but I didn't believe my words.
I was about to have a therapy session with some middle-aged white lady who has glasses and tell her all of my life issues, starting every week at 5pm..
It's not like I had anything else going on, I haven't had work for days now. So I thought I'd give it a shot.
The waiting process made me anxious as hell, I finally got the courage to walk up to the front desk and gave the man who sat there my name. And now I have to wait for this lady to get done with some other patient.
I sat on a chair and frowned, like she is really going to be focused on "my" problems and not the 30 other people she sees today.
I swear it was only a second into me zoning out when I heard my name yelled. "Y/n L/n? It's so nice to meet you!" A woman said, when i looked up at her i saw the exact lady i was describing earlier to the closest details.
I let her lead me to a smaller room that looked way better than the lobby. It had two chairs, a water machine, some fidget items and a large window view of the city. Gloria, I learn to be the name of my therapist, asks me to sit with her.
She clears her throat, "I know this is our first session so you may not be the most comfortable sharing details. But I'd like to know a little bit about you if you're okay sharing."
“Well, I’m 29 years old and a home care nurse.” I say slowly. Hearing the words leave my mouth I knew I haven’t amounted to a lot in my years.
"Oh wow, 29? I would've never guessed that Y/n, you don't look a day over 21" Gloria complimented me i give her a tiny smile in return.
I'm not sure why that is, I get that a lot in my working field. Older women saying that they wished they looked as young as me.
"That's a great start for today's session." She smiles, "A little bit me is, you know my name already but I'm 56 years old since Monday. I have 3 children and a cat named Mr. Furball."
I regret what i said earlier because I think I already like Gloria and not just because of Mr. Furball. But the fact that she has a calming sense about her. I find myself listening to what she's saying, and I rarely do that with people nowadays.
"But I would like to hear more about your upbringing, how’d you become the fine young lady you are today?" She says.
Oh, she wants to hear about my childhood. I mean I knew she would ask but so soon, I'm worried about saying anything. So I told her that.
"I'm worried about opening up to someone about my past cause well I've never done it before." I said.
She hands me a cup of water. "That's okay Y/n, we can take it at your pace."
“I grew up in a small house with my mom and dad until I was twelve. When I was scouted by Reginald Hargreeves because of my unique abilities. And I've been there ever since I was 18 when I moved out to live on my own.” I waited for the burst of confusion I was about to get from Gloria. Not everyday one of the Umbrella Academy walks into your office.
“Oh wow…” she says, eyes wide. “You're one of those superheroes? That’s amazing wow.” She nervously chuckles “I’m sorry I’m normally not this shocked about things, and I hear a lot on the daily.”
“It’s okay” I say, staring at my hands.
She clears her throat. “I'm sure being apart of the Umbrella Academy was big but could you tell me about your life before that?”
I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, pictured my childhood in my brain and opened my mouth.
"Well, I'm sure to this day my father still thinks that my mother cheated on him, due to his "daughter's" virgin Mary-like creation since they were just newlyweds. He held it against my mother all of her life." I took a sip of water and continued.
"I'm not sure why he turned to alcohol. But that turned out as you could expect. He turned on everyone around him and acted like a beast. He regularly attacked my mom for anything she did wrong. But what made him more angry was that his freak of a daughter could heal her mother, after every beating."
"My mom told me before I left I had made her so much happier and in her words. She didn't even question these strange occurrences; she knew her baby was special." I smiled a bit.
I could tell that Gloria was painting a picture in her head of what I was describing too.
"And by the age of 8, I was standing up to my father, even if it didn't end so well. I'd get the beating instead but by the next day, my bloody body would be as good as new. On the surface at least, I had lots of internal issues from that time. But none of that stopped my father from trying to get equal with me.." I stopped talking after that.
My eyes could only focus on my right hand as it was picking at my left hand's skin. It was a habit I picked up as soon as I started to use my powers because I knew my skin would be right back to normal in the next few minutes.
"That's awful y/n I'm so sorry." She frowned. "Would you be okay with continuing?"
I blink up at her. “Yes, that would be okay,” I said. “Then there was this one day..”
“In five, four, three, two. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for channel 2 News outside of the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.”
That was the big news update of September 2002, I remember. Well I don’t really have to think about it much because I was there with my mom at the bank. She planned on making some deposit when we were screamed at, not to leave by a man who had his gun pointed at us along with so many other civilians. He taped us up and told us to stand in a corner.
That was the first and only time I feared for my life. Police didn’t want them to start shooting, so they didn’t come into the building. Meaning that we were on our own and could die at anytime
One of the armed men walks into the scene unfolding. Sirens blaring, people getting shoved around and threats being made to the innocent.
“Now you’ve put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?” He said talking to another person on his walkie talkie.
My mom brought me closer to her trying to use her body as a shield if things went south. And to us we thought they were about to be.
But strangely, a girl walked up to the man. She’d looked to be around my age in a school uniform and cartoon mask. Her loose curls bounced in the wind as she skipped up to him.
“Shit!” He screams putting his device down. Not noticing the girl until a few seconds after his outburst. “Hey, get back with the others.” He told her, trying to sound intimidating but she didn’t seem to fear him at all.
“I heard a rumor.” She spoke out.
He bent a little to reach her height and get in her face. “What? What did you say?”
She leaned in and cupped her hand to mimic whispering in his ear but loud enough for all of us to hear. “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot.”
Without any hesitation he did what she commanded and shot the nearest armed man who happened to be trying to rough up my mom. We screamed as he kept shooting.
“We just heard shots from inside the bank. It’s uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that.”
“There’s some movement on the roof. Possibly law enforcement.”
A loud crash and a boy landed down from the roof. It was crazy he wasn’t harmed at all from that high distance. He was also wearing the same mask and uniform as the girl but he had blond hair. From where he landed he jumped on one of the robbers and started beating him to a pulp, and then throwing him out a glass window.
“Looks like one of the armed robbers had been thrown from the bank.”
Another boy with brown hair runs in from the opposite doors as the girl and yells. “Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives.” He then threw one of his knives and it curved in the air hitting a robber no where close to where the knife had originally been heading. It was incredible.
“I've been in many hostage situations like this, and it can escalate very quickly.”
The original man hops on a table pointing his gun out at the two of the before seen children plus another one. “Get back you freaks” he says walking back and forth in fear.
“Hey, be careful up there, buddy.” The knife boy calls out.
“Get back now!” The man screams.
“Yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” The girls mocking voice says.
Right before my eyes another boy teleports behind the man, sitting criss-cross on the table. “Or what?” He said calmly.
The man turns around and shoots at him but before the bullets could hit he teleports again. This time standing up with his arms crossed, clearly not impressed. But the man tries to shoot again.
“Ooh! That’s one badass stapler!” The boy laughs. The man no longer had a gun anymore but a stapler placed in his hand by the kid instead. The boy shoves the stapler into his face and the big man falls back, head hitting the floor before his body does.
“Although there’s been no activity for a few minutes, we’re gonna stay live on location to make sure we don’t miss a thing. In this hostage situation at the Capital West bank.”
The five already counted for children make way for the last and shortest one to make his move. “Do we really need to do this?” He talks quietly.
The blonde one replies to him. “Come on, Ben. There’s more guys in the vault.” So his name was Ben huh?
Ben sighs, “I didn't sign up for this.” Before walking into the room with more people. Large black tendrils illuminated the room as men screaming could be heard behind the door. And a beast roars but then the sound stops and Ben walks out again, this time covered in blood and guts.
He breathes heavily. “Can we go home now?” I felt bad for him.
The kids untied our hands and told us to run. And once it was clear to go my mom started to run out of the doors thinking I was right behind her.
“Now we see the hostages. They— They’re free. They’re scared clearly but they do seem to be unharmed.”
But I was behind her trying to help this older woman who’d slipped on the floor. As I was helping her, the kids walked out too.
“People are coming out now. It’s not the armed robbers. These are schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on. Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 News.”
But there was one not accounted for robber, the one from earlier who had been shot in the foot. I started to run out and call out to my mom who was outside. When the man got up from the floor, cocked his gun and shot at the kids.
Fortunately, he missed them but the bullet hit me.
Questions being asked to the children stopped when they saw my body flail onto the floor outside of the bank doors. I was shot right in the chest. There was blood everywhere and it started to leak over to where the kids were standing. They turned around to see where it was coming from..
Everyone looked horrified and there was a bunch of screaming. Mainly from my mother who was wailing as she ran over to hold me to her chest screaming for me to wake up. And that will be engraved in my memory forever after this day, I never wanted to hear her like this ever again.
Police started to rush over but in a matter of minutes, a miracle seemed to happen. At least to the city that is. There was a yellowish glow around my chest and the blood seemed to have reversed back into my body. Even the stains on my blue dress were gone. The bullet even spit out of my chest; it was truly witchcraft.
My eyes then shot open as I started to breathe in and out.
I don't exactly remember what I felt during those moments but I'm sure I left those people around me stunned. After all this was their first look at powers.
I couldn't care what the paramedics were talking about above my body. I was focused on the 6 children looking at me bewildered as well as the old-looking man with them and whatever my mom was saying at the time.
I was put on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital for evaluations after the pandemics came but they never found anything. It was like everything was perfectly reattached.
But as I was leaving I could see the news reporters zeroing in on the kids trying to get the details on how these children saved the bank from thievery.
“Our world is changing.” The man spoke to the crowd. “Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary.” He said looking back at the children. But they weren’t paying attention, some were staring at my ambulance and some eyes were on the ground.
“I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
I now realize thinking back, the seventh person he was talking about was me..
My mouth felt like it was moving faster than my brain so I took a pause and chugged the rest of my water cup.
Once again Glorias eyes were wide open. As she took some notes down in a notebook I never noticed beyond this point.
"Uh once I got home I remember the house phone noise filled my house with its nonstop ring, the other person on the phone would change my life forever when he came in.”
“And who was that person?" Gloria asked.
"Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and caring father from what the public knew.." I rolled my eyes.
"So I'm guessing it wasn't really like that" she asked carefully.
"He was never a father really, more like a hard state-national basketball coach." She wrote that down.
"I guess it was a hard decision for my parents to make well, my mother. My father was ready to give me up as soon as Reginald stepped foot in my small house."
"And I'm sure they thought there was nothing bad about the offer they were given, he promised I'd be raised in a steady environment with the best schooling and my powers would be used for the greater good. And in exchange, my parents would get a large sum of money for my absence."
"What were you doing during this?" Gloria worried.
"I think I was just sitting right there next to my mom actually. I definitely didn't understand at that point what was happening to me. Still thinking about the events of that day.”
"And then I was being taken out of my only home in the blink of an eye. I resisted the people taking me, starting with screaming and then kicking and then running. Back to my mom's arms, Reginald himself had to pull me away from her. The deal had already been struck and there was no taking me back."
Now looking back at my hands I could only see small teardrops on my palms. Gloria reached for a tissue from the other side of the room. "Thank you," I said as I wiped my eyes.
"I like to think that my mom was upset that day but the memory has already started to fade as I reached adulthood.
You know after that day I was no longer 'Y/n L/n' no, I was known by my new name.. Zero Hargeeves."
I decided that was the end of my story, at least for now because I couldn't place the pieces together anymore. I was full-on sobbing at that point.
Gloria decided to bring up something more light to talk about next but I don't remember what it was because I'd zoned out and thought about the cat she'd told me about earlier.
The two hours seemed to fly by because the last thing I heard her say was if I didn't have anything else to talk about then that would be the end of the session. My legs seemed to move on their own as I walked out of that building. I would come back at the same time next week and honestly, I think therapy was for the best. I forgot about how I felt about all these things for the longest time.
I started the journey back to the bus stop, stopping to look in the windows of shops.
Shops like bakeries and bookstores and other things like that. Until I came to a stop in front of a store with a TV sticking out in the window.
My eyes scanned the screen and they went wide. The lady on the news had a somber expression as someone died. I was feeling sad for the person's family, but then I read the red-blaring headline.
The person who died was Reginald Hargeeves...
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bonnibuckets · 1 year
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— always her pt.2 | lo’ak
(part 1 here)
pairings: gn! x lo'ak (x rotxo)
warnings: angst angst angst, violence
synopsis: as you started to get through your days easier with the help of rotxo— it all comes crumbling down by the same person who use to build you up.
wc: 1.8k+
note: this is an angsty end and lo’ak isn’t the end goal (rotxo is endgame)
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Your heart broke watching lo'ak walk away, falling to your knees you cried into your hands as you struggled to breathe while hiccuping. You wished he had stayed, that he would've held you and told you that he loved you too but you knew better. You knew that was just a fantasy you had made up in your mind and that's what hurt the most, that you imagined a version of lo'ak that was completely fiction— something that would never exist.
You had cut off all communication with him since then and it ate you alive, daily it felt gut-wrenching and consuming to pretend nothing had happened. Crying in secret, hiding, avoiding, ignoring, it was too much for your heart to bear.
Others noticed the difference and you tried to play it off as that lo'ak was just hanging out with tsireya, which wasn't a lie just not telling the full truth. It was all too much, you wanted to follow your heart but you knew you needed to follow your brain. You tried so hard to hold yourself together and pretend to be okay, but you felt the mask slipping. You'd show up late or even skip out on dinner because you knew you'd see them both. You would avoid breathing lessons, fishing, ilu riding, and sometimes even sleep.
Everyone took notice but no one dared to say anything, until rotxo reached out.
It was late at night and you were alone under the stars at the edge of the beach. Playing in the sand as you sighed and laid down on your back feeling the cold comforting water and sand.
"What's wrong?" you immediately jumped up and turn to see where the voice belonged to. You relaxed as you recognized who it was— rotxo, a kind kid who was the opposite of his best friend ao'nung. You felt a little uncomfortable by his presence, but you didn't want to shoo him away. "What are you doing here?" you asked avoiding his question, "just wandering" he said and sat near you. You mentally cursed as now that he would be harder to get rid of, and you would have to have a conversation with him.
"You didn't answer my question" rotxo said crossing his legs, you mentally groaned and plastered your fake winning smile. "Nothing just needed some air" you half lied, he tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you sure? You seem tense lately" he said cautiously. You started to feel a little annoyed by his statement because you knew that something was wrong, but you couldn't tell him— you barely even knew him, but you so desperately wanted to tell him everything.
"No, just girl stuff" you fake laughed touching his arm in hopes he would believe but he saw straight through. "I think it might be more" he said grabbing your hand. Your heart swelled as your emotions were beating against your chest, begging you to let them free. You let out a shaky breath— he was cracking your code within seconds and you were panicking.
"It's just...i'm worried" you said looking away and removing his hand. You thought if you faked a problem he would feed into it, so you could save your true feelings.
"You don't have to lie i'm here if you need someone in your corner" he smiled. You felt tears well in your eyes as your stomach was flipping. Your lips trembled and you shut your eyes tight as your emotions were seeping out right in front of rotxo. "You don't even know me!" you said angrily and turned your body away, "true but i have watched you" rotxo said then his face went red "i mean observing! No that's worse!" he said hiding his face in his hands.
You turned to him and let out a genuine laugh as he turned and peeked through his fingers. "I'm sorry that sounded weird" You smiled as your heart and barriers slowly and ever so slightly started to dissolve. "It's okay no need to explain" you said, as both of you looked as the moon illuminated the water.
A few days passed and you and rotxo started to become closer, you felt a real connection with him. It felt like he understood you and didn't judge you, and you could be who you were. Your heart was in tangles, torn between your old feelings and the newfound feelings for rotxo.
Until you saw something you wished you didn't with rotxo.
You and rotxo were laughing and walking along the beach talking about anything and everything. "And then he fell flat on his face!" you said giggling and rotxo held his stomach laughing. You both regained your breath and you looked up and your heart and stomach dropped, you clutched your stomach and covered your mouth.
You saw lo'ak and tsireya holding hands and walking in your direction. Your heart was racing and you felt nauseous and dizzy, you reached out to rotxo for support for your wobbly legs. You collapsed and he immediately caught you before you could make contact with the sand.
"Woah! Come on let's get you somewhere safe" he said worried and turned you around as your trembling figure held onto him.
What you both were unaware of at the time was the pair of eyes burning holes into your back.
You and rotxo had made it to your new hideout and you immediately fell to your knees and bawled your eyes out. You let everything go— every feeling that you have felt for the past three years came pouring out like an unrelentless tsunami. Your head was clouded with lo'ak and tsireya, and your heart hurt as you rocked yourself and rotxo held you tight in his arms.
He was clueless as to what started this but he didn't question it— he was more worried about trying to support and calm you down. He stroked your hair and softly shushed you as you held onto him, you hugged him tightly and cried into the crook of his neck, and rotxo held you even tighter and kissed your head.
You were trying to speak but your sobbing was making it difficult and it was frustrating you which made you cry even more. "It's okay just breathe don't worry" rotxo said rubbing circles on your back. You clung to him as you focused only on rotxo and breathing and slowly stopped crying hysterically.
He gently pulled you away to look at his face "Talk to me" he said and you see his eyes were glossy. You felt guilty, angry, and sad all at once and you tried to find the words but you couldn't so you just hugged rotxo. "I'm sorry" you said as he shook his head "Don't be".
"He's made a fool out of me rotxo" you said pulling away to look him in the eyes, "he's burned me" you said as you felt the sadness drying up and anger bubbling. "For once i'd like to burn him back" you said like venom seeping out your pores.
"Who?" "Lo'ak," you said clenching your jaw. "I'd been by his side this entire time hoping he'd notice me, hoping he'd love me, praying that he would see me, and all for what? For him to throw me away like i meant nothing!" you said balling your fists up. "I thought he cared, but he doesn't! He's taken my heart and stomped on it in front of me, and i was dumb enough to even give him my heart in the first place" you said holding your head down in shame.
"Then let's burn him" you looked up immediately "What?" you said confused, "you said he's burned you, so let's burn him back" he said holding your face. "Would he even care?" you said "He'll realize what he's lost" rotxo said rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "He'll learn to ever mess with an amazing, breathtaking, talented girl like you"
Your face went flush and you smiled softly "As much as i'd love to i have to burn him on my own" you said kissing his cheek "I'll be behind you supporting you" He smiled.
Another few days passed and you and rotxo became even closer. You and him were planning to try a 'kick' at each other, but slowly of course. He knew you still had unresolved feelings for lo'ak.
You entered your and lo'ak's old hideout, running your fingers along the walls— over the carvings and drawing accumulated over three years. Your heart yearned for those days, but you knew they were over— it was bittersweet. You heard footsteps and you immediately whipped around and your heart dropped as you saw who it was. Lo'ak stood at the entrance and you felt anger, sadness, guilt, grief, and relief all at once wash over you.
"What are you doing here," you said taking in a deep breath, "i could say the same thing" lo'ak said rising his eyebrows. You bit the inside of your cheek, your heart was begging you to hug him and be friends with him all over again but you knew better. You knew you needed space, you needed to stay away for the sake of yourself.
"Just looking, remembering" You trailed off and turned around looking at the ground and dryly chucking as the spot you were standing in was the exact stop lo'ak left you in not too long ago. "Well since you're here i wanted to talk to you" You felt your uncaring attitude slowly breaking.
"I just wanted to ask you about rotxo" Your eyes widened "i saw you guys together" Lo'ak was probing you— he wanted to know what rotxo meant to you. You licked your lips and turned around slowly "And why is that?" you said staring into his soul.
"Because..." lo'ak didn't want to admit seeing you with another guy at your side much like he use to be tore him apart. He was starting to understand your pain, but that was just the tip of the ice burg. "Because?" you asked and felt yourself slowly becoming angry— you feared where this conversation was going to go.
"Because i realized the feelings i repressed for you"
You felt your whole world shatter— it's ironic how you had previously wished and prayed to hear those words, but right at this moment they repulsed you. You saw red and were trembling as you marched over to him and punched him in the nose "fuck you!"
He fell on his ass "fuck!" he looked up at you shocked and you never felt so powerful in your life. "You're fucking pathetic" you spat at him before stepping over him.
He had risen to his feet and held his bleeding nose and backed up to where you were previously standing.
"I hope you and tsireya work out perfectly" You fake smiled before leaving him— leaving him feeling exactly how he left you those many days ago.
— [Fin]
taglist 🏷️: @d34ng3l @wekiamo @fanboyluvr @ellieshaze @sully-stick-together @gloryy-vs @catgogrrr @kyber4crystal @kairreeee @winkingface @starfrier @lov3-bby @itsokilovemetoo @eywaheardyou @loverswiftsblog @owaowaowawa @durinsnowxii @loaksbitch @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @die4niyahhh
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silantryoo · 1 year
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non-idol!jang wonyoung x non-idol!reader (angst)
WARNINGS ; unrequited(?) love, implied jealousy
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jang wonyoung was like a dream to you.
she was unattainable. you always thought that something that pretty would have only been seen on screen but here she was, living her best life as your school's head cheer captain.
you watched her as you and your friend, a senior named ahn yujin, at lunch at the cafeteria.
"you should just forget about her." yujin shook her head.
"i can't." you eyes never left the tall junior. she seemed to be talking to her other cheer mate, seol yoona. "look at her."
"y/n, seriously." yujin stressed.
it wasn't that she didn't want you to be happy. it was the complete opposite in actuality. you were so devastated last year when you found out that wonyoung was dating the now graduated kim gaeul. yujin had to physically drag you to practice at one point.
now, after they had broken up two months ago, you had gotten your hopes up high.
she just didn't want it to happen again.
"i just want to get close to her." you reasoned, causing yujin to roll her eyes.
"even if that means breaking your heart again?"
you nodded. "yes."
yujin frowned. although she was no better than you, she would rather you avoid it entirely.
"don't do it." yujin stated, hating the shine in your eyes as you looked at wonyoung. "just trust me, okay? i don't want you hurting yourself over some girl."
"pretty girl, you mean." you corrected.
yujin groaned, hating how sappy you got when it came to the cheer captain.
"whatever." she laughed, throwing her half-eaten apple at your head. "just don't do it."
you nodded.
you weren't sure what you agreed to, but you were definitely sure that you were not going to listen.
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your entire face went red as you listened to your history teacher talk about the newly assigned seats.
some boys in the back of your class (specifically wantanabe haruto and yang jungwon, the two numbskulls from the volleyball team) had caused such nuciense for your teacher, that she had no other choice but to reassign seat mates.
at first, you were angry considering you were paired with naoi rei who happened to be amazing at the subject. after hearing who your new seat mate was, you no longer seemed to care.
"hi." the tall cheerleader sat beside you, gently dusting her skirt. "i'm jang wonyoung."
you bit the inside of your cheek.
"i know." you winced, missing the small smile on her face. "you're cheer captain."
seeing wonyoung up close had made your brain short circuit.
wonyoung hummed. "you're...?"
you prevented yourself from wincing once more. it was humiliating to find out that the girl of your dreams hadn't even known you existed up until this point.
"y/l/n y/n." you gave a small grin. "dance team captain."
"dance team?" you watched as wonyoung whispered, looking into your eyes. "as in with ahn yujin?"
"unnie?" you tilted your head, not sure why she was asking about your older friend. "yeah, i'm on the dance team with her."
wonyoung nodded, facing the front as you watched her curiously. you didn't know why the tall girl wasn't impressed with your dance captain title. your school birthed many legendary dancers such as the lee sisters, hwang yeji and your personal idol, hirai momo.
any other person would've been impressed, so why wasn't wonyoung?
you felt a flick on the side of your head, making you snap out of your thoughts.
"hey whore," you heard from your right.
you rolled your eyes, glaring at yujin. "haewon-unnie told you to stop calling me that."
"she's not here so..." yujin shrugged, sitting on your desk as she smiled playfully down at you.
"i'm just teasing you." yujin smiled, her eyes hardening as soon as she saw the girl beside you, realizing it was no longer your short japanese classmate who laughed at her jokes.
she scanned the cheer captain up and down. "wonyoung-ssi."
wonyoung smiled. "hello."
yujin nodded in response, turning her head back to you as a smile appeared on her face. "haewon told me to tell you that she's mad at you again for spending over our budget."
your eyes widened. a mad haewon (who used to be the dance captain but resigned last year due to her stuco duties) was a scary haewon.
"you literally asked if we could have an old school concept." you whined, yujin laughing at your pain.
"and i love you so much for it but haewon hates your guts." the older girl teased. "sorry, but it is what it is."
you glared at yujin. "i hate you."
"yeah, whatever." yujin winked, looking at the clock in front of the classroom. she only had five minutes left to get to class, and she had science across the building. "remember what i said about pretty girl."
"i know."
yujin pursed her lips, her eyes subtly moving to wonyoung who was biting the tip of her pen nervously. "i'm serious."
"i know."
"i'll see you later." she sighed, turning to look at the other girl. "wonyoung-ssi."
wonyoung nodded.
the two of you watched as yujin hurried out of the classroom, running in what seemed to be a full-on sprint to get to ms. park's room before the bell rang.
you shook your head with a smile. you never understood why she visited you so often when her classes were always so far from yours.
"you and yujin-sunbaenim seem close." wonyoung cleared her throat, eyes trained on the board.
you nodded. "she's my best friend."
ms. son entered the room, the bell following her after. you watched as everyone got seated, waiting for the woman to begin her lesson.
you felt a tap on your hand. you turned to look at it, only to feel wonyoung's hand curl against yours, leaving as she placed a piece of paper.
you watched her, your heart beating loudly against your chest.
"since we're gonna be stuck with each other the entire time, here's my number," wonyoung whispered, her eyes trained to the front.
you bit your tongue to stop yourself from screaming. "your number?"
"yeah." the cheer captain nodded, the small blush on her face going unnoticed. "i'll text you later?"
you felt yourself involuntarily swallow. "okay."
wonyoung smiled, fully paying attention to the class as ms. son droned on about some topic that you didn't care about. you didn't bother listening, knowing all too well that the only thing you would remember that day was the feeling of wonyoung's soft hands.
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you had been texting jang wonyoung for an entire week.
you weren't going to brag (yes, you were. she was jang wonyoung) but you were starting to consider yourself good friends, despite having a crush on her the size of an airplane.
you wondered if she felt the same.
despite wanting to tell the whole world that jang wonyoung had actually known you existed, you managed to keep your mouth shut, knowing that yujin would be disappointed.
but wonyoung had asked to sit with you at lunch one day, and you couldn't say no to the most beautiful girl in the world.
you walked by her side, trays in hand as the two of you approached the unofficial dance table.
"unnies." you said, looking around as you avoided yujin's eyes. "not-unnies."
you took a seat beside hong eunchae, a transfer from busan earlier that year that had been given a full scholarship for her abilities.
beside yujin, a younger teammate named kyujin rolled her eyes. "you don't have to say that every time you see me."
you pouted. "but jang kyujin..."
yujin looked away from you, her eyes trained lazily on the cheer captain. "wonyoung-ssi."
"sunbaenim." she smiled, playing with her hands as she sat up straighter than before. "hi"
yujin frowned.
"wonyoung's sitting with us today." you announced to your group of eight-ish people.
minji nodded, to engrossed in what seemed to be her english homework as the rest of the group looked around, realizing that you had finally gotten the courage to go up to the wonyoung.
you didn't let them know that she had actually went up to you. that was a secret that you would be sharing on your wedding day (at least you hoped).
"why?" yujin ate her salad, slightly aggressive.
wonyoung bit the side of her cheek. "we're friends."
yujin looked between the two of you, ignoring the side eye that came from haewon and yuna. you wondered what they were looking at her for, but then came to the conclusion that she had informed them about her vocal distaste towards the girl.
"i see."
yujin watched as you nodded and turned to talk to wonyoung.
she hated that you didn't listen to her. yujin had knew that wonyoung had no intrest in you whatsoever and tried her best to make sure that you would never get hurt by the girl. she knew how bad it would hurt.
she just wished you would listen.
"sunbaenim." wonyoung pulled yujin out of her thoughts. "how was your day?"
"it was good, i guess." yujin shrugged. she turned to you, a teasing smirk on her face. "y/n was brutal at practice."
"hey!" you whined, pointing at the pale girl beside her. "haewon-unnie was breathing down my neck."
haewon glared at you, making you cower away. "i was not."
"you were though." you muttered. "yuna-unnie almost shit her pants, and minji--"
minji's head popped up, her face bright red at the thoughts of the event that happened earlier that morning. "speak and i'll throw you in a toilet."
you nodded, pursing your lips as yujin laughed at you.
you quickly gave her the middle finger out of haewon's sight, causing her to mock you in fake disbelief.
"you shouldn't be so hard on them." wonyoung squeezed your shoulder, effectively sending your entire brain for a loop. "the others have extracurriculars too, like yujin-sunbae with basketball."
"i actually don't mind." yujin butted in, jaw tight. "i just like teasing her."
"y/n actually has some too." yuna inserted, winking at the younger girl.
yujin kicked her leg. hard.
"you do?" wonyoung found herself more intrigued. "like what?"
"i have vocal lessons outside of school. " you tried to play off nonchalantly, but the small smile on your face wasn't selling it. "it's nothing big."
you didn't think wonyoung would think anything of it, but she had always loved people who sang well or at least knew how to use their voice. it was a talent that she valued in people.
"that's so cool, y/nnie!" wonyoung gasped, hitting your arm. "you have to show me one time."
the two of you didn't hear yujin scoff.
"yeah!" wonyoung could feel her face getting hot, but she didn't know why. "we should han--"
"wonyoung-ah!" the captain felt a tap on her shoulder. it was her co-captian, seol yoona. "jiwoo's fighting with jinsol again."
"are you..." wonyoung closed her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath. she stood up. "i have to go."
"i'll see you?" wonyoung asked, giving you shoulder another squeeze.
you swallowed, too nervous to say anything as the taller girl waved goodbye, her eyes briefly meeting yujin's.
"what the hell was that?" yujin scoffed, her salad now in shreds.
you knew that she would be upset, but you didn't think she would be this upset.
"you never said to not be friends with her."
"still." yujin moved her hair out of her face, trying to calm herself down and think things through logically. "y/n, i don't want you getting hurt."
haewon frowned, giving yujin a disappointed look. "she doesn't know?"
yuna slapped the shorter girl, and gestured to you as if you weren't there.
you looked between the three of them. "know what?"
"nothing." yujin said quickly, looking behind you as wonyoung stared at her. "just listen to me, okay?"
you nodded. "okay."
you were sure that you weren't going to listen.
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you found yourself at the library a week later, your head buried in some ancient textbook that you needed for your research paper due in two days.
usually, you were a diligent student. you would finish it at least three days in advance, making sure that the next two were used for revision and proofreading.
unfortunately for you, a certain cheer captain had taken up all your time at school and at home. the two of you were constantly glued to your phones, texting each other whenever you could.
you looked up in frustration, only to see someone you thought you'd never see at a library.
you ran up to her quietly.
"unnie." you whispered, causing her to jump slightly.
she turned to you with panicked eyes, immediately softening as she saw your face. "hey dork."
"why are you at the library?" you asked.
yujin scoffed. was it so hard to believe that she was willing to learn (the answer was yes). "can't i learn?"
"no." you shook your head, earning a light slap on your arm. "you're failing for a reason."
yujin stuck her tongue out. "haewon's tutoring me after you bailed."
you rolled your eyes, remembering how upset she had gotten after you had refused to help the girl. "i would just strangle you."
you looked her up and down, realizing that she was shaking her leg in nervousness. her eyes kept wandering around as if she was looking for someone.
"seriously, why are you here?" you squinted.
she shrugged, trying to play it off with a smirk. "no reason."
"yeah, okay." you nodded your head sarcastically. she probably had to meet up with another tutor because her grades has somehow gotten worse. "well, i got a paper due so stop bugging me."
"you came up to me!" she shouted, watching as you were suddenly nowhere to be found. she looked around, realizing that the librarian was glaring at her. "sorry."
in reality, you had just walked back to your desk which was just hidden by the row of bookshelves in front of her.
you thought you would've heard her leave, but footsteps came closer to you, meaning another person was going up towards her.
your ears perked up, a soft smile on your face. you knew that voice.
you didn't know that they were on talking terms. if you had, you would have definitely made sure to get yujin to set the two of you up. maybe that was why she kept it a secret.
"please go out with me." you heard wonyoung ask.
you felt your arms go limp, your smile shifting into a frown.
"i told you i'm not interested."
i told you... meaning that wonyoung had already asked yujin before. was this what she had been keeping from you?
"you said that it was because we didn't have any friends in common." wonyoung explained in almost a whine.
they now had one friend in common. you.
you felt sick to your stomach.
"i lied." you could hear yujin trying to calm herself down. you wondered if she was angry right now. "and i told you not to become friends with my friends just for that."
oh. that's why yujin didn't want you to go near her. she was just protecting you. you knew you should've listened.
but you would do it all over again just to meet the wonyoung you now knew.
"wonyoung-ssi. i don't like you." yujin said firmly, even making you wince at her harshness. "you're a very pretty girl but i just don't like you like that."
the voices stopped, the library suddenly getting quieter than you ever realized it could. you could hear a heartbreak, but you weren't sure if it was yours or wonyoungs.
"i'm sorry." you could hear her sniffling.
you hated that you wanted to comfort her.
you hear soft footsteps walk away as you felt tears going down your face. you kept your head down, not realizing another set was coming toward your area.
"y/n?" yujin whispered, her eyes widening. your head shot up and you wiped your tears. "did you hear that?
you swallowed. "she liked you this entire time and you knew?"
yujin put her hands in her pocket, playing with the fleece inside. she walked towards you. "i'm sorry."
you sighed, watching as she crouched down and wiped your cheeks with the sleeves of her sweater.
"why'd you keep it from me?" you voice wavered.
her eyes grew softer, an understanding smile replacing the frown from before. "because i knew how sad you'd be."
you clenched your jaw. yujin was always there looking out for you even when you didn't want her to. she had always been right about situations like these. you just wanted her to be wrong for once.
"i want to say i hate you," you muttered, her glassy eyes meeting yours. "but i don't. i just hate how you were right."
she watched as your bottom lip quivered, immediately knowing what was about to happen next. yujin pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back as tears shed from her eyes.
she hated seeing you like this.
"don't cry." she whispered, her shoulder muffling your quiet sobs. "jang wonyoung isn't worth crying over."
she felt you shake your head. "she is to me."
yujin sighed. even now, you were still obsessing over the taller girl. "even in public?"
she laughed quietly, hearing as your sobs died down almost automatically. you pulled back, your ears bright red from embarrassment.
you hit yujin's shoulder. "stop being right all the time."
"i can't. it's my job." she playfully smirked at you. "she doesn't deserve you anyway."
"you have to say that because you're my unnie." you rolled your eyes, a small smile breaking through.
yujin's head bobbed up and down, smiling reassuringly. "but i'm always right, right?"
you nodded softly. "yeah."
"now stop crying and let me help you with your paper."
yujin grabbed the chair next to you. you put a hand on it to immediately stop her.
"no." you whined. you knew how she was when it came to anything that involved school. "i want a passing grade."
"okay, you whore." she scoffed, standing up. "don't let me comfort you then."
you grabbed her arm and rolled your eyes, feeling as if it was the hundredth time that day. yujin was always so dramatic.
"i'm kidding." yujin watched as you smiled at her, pulling her down to sit. your bloodshot eyes turned into crescents as you grinned. "thank you, unnie."
yujin bumped your shoulder lightly. "any time, y/n."
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> main masterlist.
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alternatefandom · 1 year
Right, so I (ariciabetelguese, on my main) was having a discussion with @addictofanimation on Alhaitham's actions towards Kaveh, but I don't wish to clog moonilit's notes further. So I invite you to continue our talk here, shall we?
First, allow me straighten out a misperception: I never claimed that Alhaitham doesn't care about Kaveh. I've stated that he does care, in an inept way ("he's clearly trying his best from his limited perspective, so kudos for that, I guess?"). But I still think what Alhaitham did was borderline cruel, and this is where I'm coming from.
In my youth, I was a lot like Alhaitham. Half the fandom cleanly pegged him an INTJ, and I am, too. He values rationality and knowledge, and so do I. He's practical and pragmatic; so am I. His insight can cut people to the quick, causing him to conflict with people; so had mine. Nobody liked to go up against me, and truth be told, I was perfectly content that way.
Alhaitham said he is not a leader. I agree. Here's where we differ: Alhaitham is not interested in exploring that, while I was.
So out of curiosity, I led people, despite hating every second of it. Here is what I found: 'tough love' as you called it only works if you can make sure the person was picked up afterwards. Pain is a great teacher, but only if you're treated after. Otherwise, there's a big possibility that the other person will actually be set back in their journey of healing, and if you get yourself cut off, there's really not much you can do to fix that.
And until the Palace of Alcazarzaray was built, Alhaitham was never there to pick up Kaveh, nor was he there to make sure that someone else did. I'm not even sure if he tried to apologize; was there a lore bit I missed somewhere? After all, to this day, he still takes digs at Kaveh's very ideals, the things he prided himself on, although people still disagree on whether or not Kaveh takes these digs seriously. Regardless, I don't think much of Alhaitham's methods, and seeing as Kaveh remained a stubborn idealist who literally gave up everything for Dori's palace, we can see that his methods didn't work out all that well, either, so... yeah.
When you are your own worst enemy, it takes a friend/family being real with you to snap you out of it. The best way to tackle illogic actions/thoughts is with logic and reality. Alhaitham didn't let Kaveh believe a lie (that it was somehow his fault) and used logic against it.
And yet.
Alhaitham had seen through the reality that he had never been able to face, causing him to feel reality's bite for the first time, a feeling that made Kaveh steadfastly declare that he regretted making friends with this all-too-intelligent person.
Kaveh already knows. He didn't even waste a second denying Alhaitham's words because deep down, he already knew. He was simply not ready to face it; he didn't know how to do so. To reiterate: as a whole, it's not a logical trauma, so it's not so easily solved with facts and logic. If it was, a brilliant engineer like Kaveh would've solved it easily.
What Alhaitham did was like telling a depressed person that they have no reason to be sad because they have too much to be grateful for in life. Detangling an illogical trauma is not that simple. Does that mean Kaveh was too sensitive? I guess, in the same vein of people who's just been wounded are too sensitive, geeze, why did you shout when I poured alcohol over your wound? After all, alcohol is good at cleaning wounds, no? What I did was a good thing!
Once again. I'm not saying that Alhaitham doesn't care about Kaveh, or that he wasn't trying to help. I'm saying he's incredibly inept at caring, and he ended up hurting more than helping during their fight. But then again, he was still young and inexperienced at the time, so I won't blame him too much for it. In the end, I agree that his friendship with Kaveh could be somewhat beneficial; both of them could learn from the other's example. After all, they're each other's reflection :)
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fullstcp · 4 months
'The Good Witch' by Maisie Peters Sentence Starters
"Did you think I forgot about you?"
"Let's call this the calm before the storm comes rushing through."
"It's Armageddon."
"Still argue like my mother and suppress stuff like my dad."
"Still miss you, but I know now it'll pass."
"I will try forgiveness, but I will not forget."
"Am I better yet?"
"Was it a love affair or just a lot of late nights?"
"If it was a first kiss, how come it felt like a snake bite?"
"I wish I would've seen it sooner."
"I wasn't your cliché."
"This is my coming of age."
"Baby, I am the Iliad, of course you couldn't read me."
"I'll leave you behind, but that don't mean it's easy."
"You stole my love and I paid."
"But you couldn't keep what you couldn't tame."
"I let you butcher my big heart."
"It's my song and my stage."
"Nobody actually happy and healthy has ever felt so desperate to prove it."
"It looked like a film Michael Cera would act in."
"It felt like a face slap."
"I fought it but I saw it and it sawed me right in half."
"You still get to me, but I still let you."
"You got every single thing you want. And I just watch."
"I know that I should know better."
"I just keep looking back at you."
"I saw you and your girlfriend."
"Sure, I don't know she's your girlfriend."
"Well, fucking sue me cause at least then we could talk."
"Now you're living the goddamn dream."
"You broke my heart and my self esteem for a girl/guy who's a remix of me."
"I was good to you."
"Did I just not do it for you, superficially?"
"You were it for me."
"It was nothing I did and nothing I said."
"And I know I gave you all of myself, one hundred percent."
"Loving you was easy, that's why it hurts now."
"The worst way to love somebody is to watch them love somebody else and it work out."
"Do you love her/him/them?"
"If you love her/him/them, was I just an idea you liked?"
"I don't know how I still can't make it make any sense."
"I thought it would be us for life."
"Will you tell me just one more lie?"
"I was the DJ and the darling of your passenger side."
"I know it didn't last."
"What was cheap to you, to me, was all I had."
"The issue is, I know all of this and I still want you back."
"If you told me what would happen, I think I would've begged."
"So you got to be a coward and I salvaged a little self-respect."
"I'd be yours again tomorrow if you wanna."
"I still want you back."
"He said he'd make a move and then he went with 'Excuse me?'."
"It was letting go of everything but you."
"If we're living the dream, I hope we never wake up."
"It was breaking down, it was falling in love."
"It was magic, babe, pure and strong."
"It was a far-flung wish when we were young."
"I take in clowns like a one-woman circus."
"You're kinda awful, but you're not awful on purpose."
"Don't you know that you're losing this?"
"I'm on a one-way trip to take over the world."
"What's a girl/boy gonna do when she's/he's in love with you?"
"It's sad and it's true and I'm in love with you."
"You were my best friend."
"I'm not gonna wait, now I know better than that."
"Goodbye from your biggest fan."
"Goodbye from the bigger man."
"I know you remember."
"I'm the best thing that almost happened to you."
"I'm the greatest love that you wasted."
"You got two types: country and western."
"Wow, hey, it's been forever."
"Do you wanna get a drink, like together?"
"I'm kinda busy but, like, stay in touch."
"Oh, shit I won the breakup."
"You lost the breakup."
"You're laughin' like a kid."
"You're calling like the future then you're closed up like a fist."
"Lost my page when you kissed me."
"She/he almost loses her/his way cause she/he follows him/her after one look."
"I know the girl/guy that you want and it scares me."
"Behind every lost boy/girl, there's always a Wendy."
"You're evasive on the phone until you're sorry on the floor."
"I'm throwing you a bone because you want me and you're sure."
"If I'm not careful, I'll wake up and we'll be married."
"I've heard some things that I will leave unrepeated."
"If a man says that he wants you in his life forever, run."
"He/she likes a promise if he/she don't have to keep it."
"He/she hates a sentence when he/she has to mean it."
"I wish it was two weeks ago."
"I wish we kissed when we first wanted."
"When we said goodbye, wish I hadn't let go."
"I loved you, babe, but I bet you knew that."
"Knew you loved me, babe, when you told me that."
"I was happier than I'd ever known."
"That last kiss, couldn't look at you. But I wish I did."
"I was yours so fast."
"God, I loved you, babe, did I tell you that?"
"We don't speak cause it's too tricky."
"But if I'm tricky, why'd you kiss me?"
"It's funny and I'm laughing, baby."
"You think I'm alright. But I'm actually bloody motherfucking batshit crazy."
"It kept it in, but it wrecked my organs."
"I'm gonna throw you down the river."
"You made me Little Miss Unstable."
"I can write you out the way I wrote you in."
"When we met, I told you I've been treated carelessly."
"You couldn't have loved a girl/guy any harder than you loved me."
"I'm just talking to your memory."
"I was abandoned, but you swore that you'd be there for me."
"Your touch will last for centuries."
"You gave me the world and you gave me your word."
"It built me like a promise until it broke me like a curse."
"I knew loving you was letting you leave."
"I'm dating, but just dating for sport."
"I'm doing better, I made it to September."
"I can finally breathe."
"I had to let it go."
"The love we had was eating me whole."
"He/she kissed me right in front of my friends."
"I don't need your light to be lit."
"The way I loved you, I will not be embarrassed of that."
"I just should've known when to quit."
"The loss is yours."
"The universe is shifting and it's all for me."
"I couldn't believe it. How you could just stop wanting me."
"She begs him, he says he doesn't understand."
"She loves him more than anyone ever has."
"You didn't even falter."
"You didn't look back once, did you?"
"Given half the chance, I would've made him weaker too."
"You walked out without sweating."
"He stole her youth and promised heaven."
"Women's hearts are lethal weapons."
"You are still my great obsession."
"I beg you and you don't understand."
"I hold on, I try to hold your hand."
"I save you a seat and then you say you wanna stand."
"So you'll lose me, the best you'll ever have."
"I swore that I'd be a non-bullshit tolerating kind of girl/guy."
"No getting attached to men you can't have."
"Last year, I had to focus on survival."
"My ex was a bitter man, middle child."
"Now I'm in my holy revival."
"I have two friends. I listen to them like the bible."
"That is really not important."
"It's about what he represents."
"Which is me getting obsessed by someone fundamentally wrong for me."
"I'm not doing it again."
"It's just me and myself."
"You're just kinda dumb."
"I'm just kinda done."
"No telling the truth."
"Funny, you know, you were the whole wide world."
"You fell for the moment so you lied to the girl/guy."
"I gave you option, and you chose wrong."
"I meant, "Don't go." It came out as "Goodbye"."
"You said, "Fine." When you should've said, "We could try"."
"Now we're seeing other people."
"Thought you knew how I felt, now I doubt it."
"We should've talked it out when it happened."
"I couldn't talk to you."
"You misunderstood the secret."
"The universe doesn't always come through."
"Sometimes you can't be the hero and tell the truth."
"And you misunderstood me leaving as something I wanted. I didn't want it at all."
"You should've put me above those people you didn't even know."
"You have a phone, you should've called."
"You misunderstood a lot of things."
"You misunderstood me too."
"I'm older now but I still don't really know things."
"I thought that we were forever and ever, I guess I was wrong."
"You were the one and now you're not."
"I'm gonna fall out of love by the end of the song."
"I could reach out but it's your turn and it's your shit."
"I've been trying peace and love and telling the truth."
"I got drunk, told everyone that I broke up with you."
"I was obsessed but I was young."
"You were my whole life once."
"I hear you talking over me, like, is that smart?"
"You'll be lonely in your fifties."
"I tried to be nice but I can't keep it in anymore."
"I think you wanna start a war."
"He's/she's just something you regret."
"He's/she's not a savior or the best you'll ever get."
"Time will heal, but I'll always be a little bit broke."
"You weren't love but I think I confused it."
"All I ever did was care."
"I'll never get back months of my life."
"Did I give you any reason?"
"Did I love you?"
"Did you think that I deserved it?"
"I'll always see great heights in you."
"I'll be the last one in your corner when the count's done."
"I'm still your number one fan."
"After the crowd's gone, I'll be the last one."
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farewllyouth · 10 months
okay well it only took me all morning but here's a whopping 25 sentences for the wip challenge poll I ran the other day. @mothmanwashere look what you made me do.
royjamie get together fic, but it's only the angsty middle bit lol. of course if u want to see the beginning or the happy ending u can comment or swing by my inbox to encourage me to keep going bc lord knows I need it. approximately 500 words.
under a readmore bc my lit major ass loves run on sentences
you stirred something in me (i admit defeat)
"You still alive over there granddad?"
Roy grunts, all he can manage at the moment, still trying to catch his breath. Damn Jamie and his youthful endurance and his still-functioning body and his fucking face that Roy knows is all done up with that smug fucking smile.
When Roy manages to work up the nerve to look over at him, Jamie's smiling, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
He looks fucking… concerned or some shit. Not like he actually thinks Roy's old man heart has stopped in his fucking chest or whatever, but it's familiar and he can't quite place it. It makes Roy feel something between anger and discomfort that he can't put a name to, and he's about to open his mouth to say something defensive and maybe a little bit mean, but Jamie speaks up first.
"Mind if I borrow your shower?"
Saved from embarrassing himself further, he points to the en suite. Jamie rolls over to plant his feet on the floor and stand all in one fluid motion. Roy can't help but envy him as an ache starts to settle in his own knee.
Roy hears the water running, and this is the part where he usually starts to fall asleep but he's wide awake, his knee protesting and his mind racing and Jamie's face burned into his memory.
Because there is a memory there, rising to the surface of Roy's hazy brain.
Back when he first came back to Richmond, Jamie had been the only person who hadn't seemed excited to have him back, that same nervous look on his face. And Roy hadn't expected things to change from the way they were before, when he and Jamie hated each other, but maybe Jamie didn't really hate him anymore – maybe he never had, but Roy couldn't let himself look too close at that yet – because he wasn't picking fights, at least not until Roy had forced his hand, and even then he'd only wanted Roy to make him better.
Roy generally isn't good at reading people, but he knows now that Jamie had been expecting something. Braced for disappointment.
Jamie had told him as much, later, after they got into that truly childish fucking fight over Keeley and gone out for kebabs. Roy had been feeling mean and made Jamie watch him eat without letting him order anything. And then Jamie had opened up and told him something really fucking sad, because apparently they did shit like that now.
Thought you were just waiting for a reason to get rid of me, he'd said. Cause Roy was such a fucking arsehole that Jamie had fucking resigned himself to getting booted from the team at Roy's say-so, even though he was trying so fucking hard to be a better teammate and a better man, because he believed they would've chosen Roy over him.
And there's that fucking face again, making his stomach churn both in the memory and in the present.
"Fuuuuck," Roy groans, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Right," Jamie says, suddenly standing next to the bed, half-dressed, hair still dripping, "well, I should probably be off then, yeah?"
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whumpshaped · 9 months
the pet name generator inspired me. here's mocha
tw implied noncon, kidnapping, hybrid whumpee, death, rude interviewer, self-harm mention (didn't go through with it, just thoughts)
"So, Mocha... As I understand you haven't talked about this before? On tape, I mean. In a setting like this."
"Well, I'm honoured that you've chosen to accept my invitation anyway. May I ask what made you change your mind?"
The recording goes quiet. There are no sounds apart from the gentle scratches and pops, then a louder creak as one of them likely shifts in their chair.
"Okay. So we should just jump right in. Can you talk a bit about... the unique features you possess? How have they affected your life? Are you the only one of your kind that you know of?"
"I am. That's why I was so interesting to that farmer. You don't see a guy with sheep ears every day, I guess. Nor hooves. All this stuff... it fucked up my life. Ruined it."
"How so?"
Pause. There's a sharp inhale, then a slow, measured exhale.
"I was isolated. Hidden by my family. Until one day I escaped, and immediately got kidnapped. I'd say that's a pretty fucked up life."
"If we could keep the cursing to a minimum, please."
"Don't fucking tell me how to–" Mocha cuts themself off, and there's another audible sigh. "I will keep the cursing to a minimum."
"Thank you. So tell me about this farmer."
"He had a lot of livestock. He didn't treat any of those animals well. I... accidentally trespassed on his land. I didn't mean to. It was dark, I didn't see the sign, there was no fence... I heard sheep, and I wanted to meet them. Humans were always weird about the whole thing... but sheep are friendly. Too friendly. I was too friendly back then as well."
"I imagine he wasn't very happy to see a stranger on his property."
"Oh, he was." One of the chairs creaks audibly, and now it's almost certain that it's Mocha who's squirming. "He was very happy. Not at first... but then he saw how I am, and..."
"You mean your sheep characteristics."
"Yes, I mean my fucking sheep characteristics– sorry. I cursed again."
"Keep going."
"He didn't act indifferent to it, which I think is what I would've wanted. I wanted someone, anyone to just ignore them. Those stupid ears, I wanted to take a pair of scissors and cut them off–"
"Stay on topic, please."
"He was delighted. He asked where I was from, why I was out there alone at night, wandering around. I told him the truth, because sheep are friendly. Sheep are dumb."
"And he took you in."
"He did. He took me in and didn't let me go until the day he died. Thankfully that day came sooner than expected."
"How has he treated you?"
Mocha doesn't answer right away. Whether it's because they're thinking, or because it's too painful, it's difficult to tell.
"He was kind, at first. I think. It was hard to tell, as someone who has never... really experienced that. I didn't know why he was so enthusiastic about my freakish hybrid body. He made it pretty obvious soon enough, though."
"He was some sort of fetishist, correct?"
"He was a sick and twisted man who got off on violating others. I couldn't care less what you call it. He told me sheep are dumb, sheep need someone to tell them what to do, where to go, how to behave. I believed him. He had lots of sheep, and I was half a sheep, I thought he knew best. He was a fucking–"
"But he was! He was a gross fucking man!"
"Let's move on. How did his treatment of you escalate? How quickly? How severe did it get?"
"He... I don't even know. One day it was a slap, because sheep are dumb and sheep need guidance. The other it was just... normal. And then the cane. The rod. The cattle prod. I don't know the timeline, it... it blurs together. It got very bad."
"Did you try to stop him?"
"No. Sheep are dumb. Sheep follow."
"You internalised that message very well."
"Yes. Yes, I have."
"I've heard he branded you."
"Yes. And he had one of those tags in my ear as well. Just to really drive it home that I was a dumb animal."
"And you believed it."
"I did! I did, he was convincing, I didn't– didn't know any better!" There's a pause, and Mocha takes a deep breath. "Now I know I'm smart. I know I'm capable. I'm not a sheep, not fully, and even if I was, I'd be deserving of humane treatment."
"You have a mask on today. Why is that?"
"I don't like the scars."
"It doesn't hide the burn mark on–"
"No. It doesn't. I can't really cover that."
"Okay. Let's get back to the farmer, then. You said he held you there against your will until the day he died."
"I got lucky. He had a heart attack, and all I had to do was... stand there. I watched him collapse and eventually die. I didn't know what it was back then, but now I know it was his heart."
"How did it make you feel?"
"Surreal. It was surreal. It was... it wasn't happiness, it was relief. Peace. I don't think I've felt truly happy for a long time, but I know I felt tranquil."
"And how has life been treating you since the escape?"
"Same as always, I guess. I'm still isolated. I... I don't talk to many people."
"Is that why you finally changed your mind on telling your story?"
Mocha doesn't answer for a long time. When they do, their voice sounds just a little less strained.
"I guess so. And I think... I think it was a good idea."
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general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
May I request a yandere TF2 scout? Preferably, a Red scout who manages to fall for the Blu team's Blu Medic? Scout boyo notices how different they are from his teams own medic, kind n caring instead of being Unhinged and a total sociopath, this shows more when Scout gets kidnapped by Blu for an entire week and through that week instead of being tortured he enjoys pleasant conversations with their Medic, by the end of the week Blue Med lets him go but... Scout does not wanna go...
BLU Medic! Darling strikes again!
Yandere! RED! Scout Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, Manipulation, Threats of murder, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior.
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It was, disorienting to say the least when he woke up. Jeremy had no idea where he was and why he was tied up before he remembered something. Oh yeah...
He was kidnapped by BLU team.
Prepared to fight for his life, Jeremy grunts and tugs at his bonds. The rope was tough enough to hold him still. He just wondered why they wanted him here....
"Ah, so you're awake."
Jeremy turns towards the voice he heard, only to be met with the BLU team's medic. Expecting this medic to act like the one at RED team... he panics.
"Oh no... no, no, no! I'm not taking any kind of torture from you!"
You give the RED scout a confused look. Torture? That wasn't what you had in mind at all... you weren't like that.
"Huh? No! I won't torture you... I was assigned with keeping you comfortable while my team uses your capture against your team."
Jeremy stares at you with a blank gaze. He should've expected the reasoning behind his capture. Yet he wasn't expecting their medic to not torture.
"Really?" He laughs nervously. "Our medic would've totally done torture...."
Your face swaps to horrified and concerned at what he said. You really seemed better than the doctor.... So far you were really nice.
"I... unfortunately cannot let you out of this room, but I assure you I will make you stay comfortable even if my team is against it."
Your promise rings in his ears, although he can't help but look you up and down in interest.
"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere, am I?"
He never thought he'd say it, but his stay here was pleasant. Instead of being interrogated for days on end, he was met with you greeting him for conversation. You always brought food, too.
You never let him starve, you never threatened to hurt him, you just wanted him unharmed until BLU didn't need him. Even when other BLU members came in to interrogate or injure him, you always healed him.
Safe to say, he was falling for you.
He wasn't sure if it was your caring personality or stockholm syndrome... but frankly he didn't care. Your voice was so pleasant to listen to. Your smile made him weak in the knees....
You even let him off the chair when he'd been here for half a week. Trusting him enough not to run. Why would he?
He doesn't want to leave when he can talk to you.
His team seemed so violent compared to yours. They never threatened his death and part of him thought it was because of you. Maybe you were looking out for him?
The longer he stayed in that room, the more he thought of you. Daydreaming of a time you two could be together, regardless of team. So many little thoughts of you....
Your first kiss, the dates you'd take, even the more intimate moments. The longer he was with you the more he fed into his delusions. He didn't even know his time here was up until you told him.
"Jeremy, I've been informed you can go now." You two had told each other your names. You thought of him as a nice friend instead of an enemy. While Jeremy was already thinking of marriage....
Jeremy's dreams cracked at your words. Leave? Leave and go back to RED where he'd have to deal with them?
"That's a strange reaction, I thought you'd want to go home."
"Not if me leaving means I'm leaving you!"
You pause, perplexed by his words.
"What exactly does that mean, Jeremy?
Jeremy breathes in heavily before sighing. It was now or never.... No need to hide it.
"I'm in love with you, (Y/N)! Like... MADLY in love with you-"
He feels himself shaking.
"Look, I just... I can't leave, okay?"
"... You need to go back, Jeremy. I can't keep you here."
"Then you come with me, (Y/N)!"
"I can't do that, either!"
You're surprised when you feel Jeremy slam into you, arms wrapped around you. You couldn't process what was happening. Did he really gain stockholm syndrome this fast?
"Keep me here!" He begs. "Make me your little captive, I'm not ever leaving!"
He pulls away ever so slightly, eyes dark.
"Even if I have to kill all of BLU to keep you, I'm never leaving!"
Who knew your captive would want to stay a captive, just to stay with you?
Maybe you should've been harsher....
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icanbeyourgenie · 5 months
“ I can read! Just not very well. Words swirl on a page for me. ” – Achilles to Nathaniel
Nathaniel could feel he raised a sensitive issue. He didn't mean to, it happened on accident. Three days together and the two men didn't experiment one dull moment, until Nathaniel asked questions about surgery, and one particularly heavy book. It became clear quite quickly that Achilles had troubles reading the words and relied heavily on the pictures. And for some reason, he seemed ashamed about it. Nathaniel didn't see why - any man who could do what Achilles could do with a scalpel should be proud.
“But I have a very good memory. Read me a book once and I memorize it quite easily.”
It broke Nathaniel's heart to see the surgeon try to compensate. He could only guess how many people made fun of this particularity. And he didn't know why he cared that much, but he did.
“Well, I'm afraid I won't be really useful here. I never finish a book. Not unless my Father is forcing me to. And even then, it's pure torture.”
Achilles seemed intrigued. “You have trouble reading too?”
“Not reading, no. Just staying focused. Books are too long, my mind plays tricks on me. No matter how hard I try to stay focused, it just becomes too... boring. I can't help but doing something else. That's why I love poetry the most. It's way shorter.”
Achilles looked at him, and Nate would give anything to know what was going on in his head. They were both seated on a couch, not far away from the table where Nate's victim died, but it was almost forgotten. They were very close. Almost touching, really. Every single one of Nate's senses tingled at this proximity. He wanted to be even closer.
“I...” Nate cleared his throat. “My Father always took this at impertinence, but I just feel like I can't control my brain sometimes. You know?”
“Yes. I do...”
“Look, I don't know what people told you, but I think you're brillant. Really, really brillant. And interesting. Even if there's so much I want to know about you. It's just... Not being able to-”
Nathaniel would've continued to babble if he wasn't stopped by the sudden but welcomed feeling of Achilles' lips against his. His brain completely froze. Achilles must've taken it like a rejection, because he stepped back, looking ashamed.
“I'm... Sorry, I thought... I thought I saw a sign, I probably mistaken it...”
He started to get up, but Nathaniel grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, making Achilles land half on top of him. They looked at each other for a second before their lips joined on her own accord.
It was not a quick and light kiss. Quite the opposite. Nathaniel didn't understand how someone he met so little time ago made him feel the way he did, but he welcomed it anyway. His entire body was on fire, butterflies dancing in his stomach. He only stopped when he realized he already had his hand under Achilles' shirt.
“Wait.” He said as he pulled back, and enjoyed more that he'd admit the sound of protest coming from Achilles' lips. “I'm very bad with timing. Are we going too fast?”
“We met three days ago so I'd say yeah. Definitely.”
It didn't stop Achilles from picking up the kiss where they left it, and all thoughts left Nathaniel's head.
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