#who still plays this game it took 2 years for the update to come out today
dedenneblogs · 7 months
(loomian legacy) 🥀📟
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they’re like a middle aged high school couple if that makes sense.
so yeah atlanthian part 2 fucked me up. like. if you haven’t played ll beforehand: PLAY IT NOW. for th r yaoi.. the toxic yaoi in this case
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alesbianperson · 2 months
football player!ellie williams x fem!reader
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summary: At the football play you visited to support your best friend, something happens that you didn't expect.
warnings: smoking (weed); slightly implied loser Ellie at the end; swear words; girls kissing (what a surprise); my writing idk
authors note: so firstly I mean football as soccer and not american football, but its not important to the plot so it can be interpreted as either; secondly, sorry for being so inactive I actually needed fucking half a year just for this its actually embarressing, I'm really slow at writing I don't know why, but I'm trying to be more active. I also didnt proofread so sorry for grammar mistakes or something anyway I hope you enjoy this!!
ALSO BIG DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT NEIL DRUCKMANN AND THE FACT THAT HE SUPPORTS ISRAEL!! If you don't know whats going on in Palestine, please go educate yourself because its highly important.
Here are a few links, so nobody can say it's too complicated or annoying to search for information (besides its really fucking heartless, cruel and totally not human to say "I dont wanna put effort in researching" while people are literally suffering and dying because of a genocide):
General information/updates
Brands to boycott
How you can help Palestine
Palestine masterposts: 1 2
This evening was the final football game of the season. Everyone was so excited, and your best friend played in the school team, so of course, you came to this game to support her. You already arrived a bit late because you took a nap and didn't hear the alarm, so you quickly searched for your friends who were already sat and luckily saved you a seat. When they saw you coming in, they waved you over to them.
"What took you so long? The game has already started!" One of them said before switching their attention back to the field. "Sorry, I overslept." You explained yourself sitting down on your seat. "You didn't miss much, just a foul from the other team. They're so annoying and clearly playing anything but fair." Another one of your friends said, rolling her eyes while offering you a bag of chips. You declined and began searching for your best friend between all the other players, running on the field. Not even five seconds later, you found her. With the ball in front of her, she ran towards the goal. You joined the cheers of everyone from your school, sure that this was going to be such a great goal until:
A girl from the other team came out of nowhere, running towards her, tackling her to the ground. You gasped. "That was another foul!" One of your friends exclaimed, standing up to better see what the referee would say. But instead of also looking at the referee, your gaze still hasn't left the girl, responsible for the foul.
She looked pleased with herself. What an asshole! You thought to yourself, but couldn't deny that the way her eyes sparkled in the light and her auburn hair moved in the wind was mesmerising. Too distracted by her features, you realised a bit late that she was eyeing you too. A smirk on her lips, she winked at you before walking off the field, your eyes still on her.
"Too bad that bitch just got a yellow card. She deserved more, right?" Your friends, already discussing the decision of the referee, were turning to you since you were the only one who didn't comment on it. Heat rushed into your cheeks as you realised you hadn't listened the whole time, busy gushing over that girl. "Yeah.. definitely more." Was all you said to not keep the attention on you.
"Guys," you added after a short pause, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back."
"But hurry, they're already playing again."
You just slightly nodded before walking off to search for the bathrooms. To your luck, they weren't far away from your seats, so it didn't take too long to find them. As you closed the door behind you, a strong smell of weed filled your lungs. Holding a hand in front of your mouth, you coughed reflexively.
"Having trouble breathin', princess?"
You turned around to see the girl who fouled your best friend sitting on the sink, her legs slightly swinging forwards and back. She still wore her tricot but now had a grey, dirty, worn-out jacket over it. The half up half down bun she had was messed up, probably because of the constant running on the field, and between two of her fingers, she held an already half smoked joint.
Her smile rose as she noticed your gaze lingering on her again. "Y'want a photo? It'll last longer." She chuckled, finding this old ass joke very funny. You rolled your eyes at her words but couldn't help the smile, forming on your lips. "What are you doing here anyway, don't you have to play?" She blew out the smoke she held in her mouth before answering your question. "My coach replaced me. Said I needed a break before playing again." You just nodded because you didn't know how to keep the conversation going. For a few seconds, you both just looked at each other in silence. After taking another drag from the joint, she leaned forward, offering you to do the same.
"No, thanks. I don't smoke."
"Thought so." She chuckled. After a short pause, she added: "Not in a rude way, of course. Y'just don't look like you'd do drugs." Even though you knew it was childish and totally stupid, you now wanted to prove to her that you were indeed someone who could take drugs. So you took the joint out of her hand, carefully brought it to your lips, and inhaled.
You probably shouldn't have inhaled this deep because now you were coughing like someone poured tons of sand down your throat. It surely felt like it. When you calmed down a bit, you looked up again, handing the joint back to the girl on the sink, who was clearly amused. "What a brave girl." She said with a shit eating grin on her face. "Come here, I'll show you how it's done right."
She gestured between her spread legs. As you moved towards her, she leaned in, reducing the space between the two of you. "Open your mouth." She then proceeded to take a drag from the joint. As she moved closer, your breath hitched. Your eyes wandered from her gorgeous green ones down to her lips, and heat rose in your cheeks again. Without breaking eye contact, she blew the smoke she had in her mouth into yours. Reflexively, you closed it.
"Now hold it in."
And that's what you did. The smoke filled your lungs, this time a lot less painful than your first drag. After a few seconds, you exhaled slowly, a small smile of pride on your face.
Your faces were still very close, and silence fell upon the both of you again. The tension thickend. Her emerald green eyes stared directly into yours, abruptly blinking down to your lips. "Can I kiss you?" Your voice was nothing more than a whisper, fading into thin air. A smirk grew once again on her lips before nodding and then proceeding to lean in and closing the gap between the two of you.
Once her lips were on yours, she cupped your cheek, her fingertips brushing slightly over it. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Her lips were so soft. You couldn't really describe the feeling, but it felt good. Like you were on cloud nine. You quickly synced with the rhythm she set, leaning forward so that her back met the wall behind her.
Your hands wandered behind her neck, beginning to tug on her hair slightly. A soft groan escaped her lips at the sudden impact, which sounded like music to your ears.
A smile formed on your lips once she broke the kiss to catch her breath. "What're you smiling at?" She looked at you irritated, which just caused you to chuckle.
"I don't know. You're.. pretty."
Silence followed after that.
"Pretty enough to get your number?"
Ellie wanted to bash her head against the wall at her cringe comment. She thought she'd definitely crossed the line now. But you just began laughing, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to muffle the sound.
"Sorry. Don't get me wrong I-", you interrupted yourself by holding up your finger to signal her to wait and began searching for your phone in your purse. Fuck. You thought as you realised you left it in your jacket with your friends and hurriedly searched around for something to write on. Ellie just watched you amused, catching on to your plan. She snatched a pepertowel out of the spender and offered it to you. You just gave her an awkward smile, fishing a half empty kajal out of your purse and scribbled your phone number on it.
As you handed it to her, she took it with the same smirk she had in the beginning. "As sad as it is, I think I have to go back on the field. My coach probably misses me by now." She added hesitantly while sliding off the sink and walking towards the door. "Cool meeting you, though." The click of the closing door was the last thing you heard before you were completely alone in the bathroom.
With the paper towel still in her hand, Ellie made her way over to the rest of her team, almost jumping with joy and thanking every mighty power for letting her survive the whole conversation without completely losing her mind or embarrassing herself. She'd definitely save your number as soon as she could. Actually contacting you was a whole other story.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I went scrolling through anti ao3 tags and blogs because I was bored and not doing the shit I need to do and you know for a group of people who every year twice a year throw such hissy fits you’d think they’d at least have a point, but all their arguments make no sense(except their one main one that they almost never use?--why??) Like ok, there is one argument for why people shouldn’t give money to ao3, and that is the argument that ao3 is bad website because it has bad policies and refuses to moderate. I disagree, but ultimately if someone thinks that ao3 should update the TOS and moderate what fan fiction they allow, it makes sense that that person would be against the site making money because… well they are against the sites founding principles, I’m not shocked they don’t want it to succeed.
But the rest of the arguments!? Man they make no sense at all
“They are scamming you there is no way they need that much money”, ”its immoral to give money to ao3 because they already have so much!”, “Even if ao3 was perfect, its ridicuslous to give 100K to a fan fiction site!” — like… maybe I’m the asshole here, but ao3 made about 250,000 this spring, so they make about 500,000 a year… that’s just not that much money! That could what, pay for 10-30 employees at best! And that’s not counting the actual cost of all the shit they currently spend their money on! I get that ao3 is run by unpaid volunteers so antis think that 500K is a lot, but that’s not true! That’s not a lot of money at all! It might be a lot of money for an individual but for a company that’s practically pennies. Wikipedia, which granted is a lot bigger than ao3, with 57,218,269 pages to ao3s 6 million works, makes 155 million to ao3 500,000. According to antis ao3 has over a million in reserve and well according to wikipedia they have net assets of US$240 million. One is clearly more than the other!
I saw someone say that servers should be 1K, which is so stupid and out of touch with eveything I almost died laughing. I had a project using firebase this semester, I created 2 projects within firebase one for my school project and one to dick around and figure out. I accidentally set my test database to a “pay as you go” version instead of a free version. And almost had to pay a thousand dollars for the month! I wasn’t even using that database it was just sitting there but I check my google billing to make sure I wasn’t paying anything and it turns out I was! 150 dollars actually so that sucks! (My fault though)
Also also I keep seeing that its ridiculous and evil to pay the much for a site that “doesn’t improve” but the “doesn’t improve” is referring to A) no changes in TOS, which I don’t want to happen any way so good. B) the fact that it’s still in beta, which I don’t give a fuck about and I don’t understand why I should care. I think antis are dont like that the layout hasn’t changed but I don’t want to the layout to change. Also things come out of beta because they are a commercial product to be sold(this is very simplified), which is why some things come out of beta to waaaay to early and are glitchy as all hell! Ao3 isn’t being sold to me its slowly being built and archiving things that would probably be lost, and it will probably technically be in beta forever, but it doesn't effect me and I don't care. Would it be better if it came out of beta only to continously updated like a lot other shit does. I don't really play video games but I know ppl that do so I know at least once a game came out that didn't really work and people needed to later update shit for it to function and I'd argue thats worse than a functional website just being in beta forever. C) The claim that it hasn’t changed at all, which is just not true! They added the exclude section and eventually added the blocking shit. The blocking took too long to come out, so I guess in this sea of dumb criticism theres at least 1 piece of critism that makes sense. And finally again I don’t want it to change! Every other week we are all bitching that Tumblr or YouTube or Instagram or any other app are needlessly changing the layout or adding shit we don’t want in order to keep up with latest trends, make it more marketable or try and attracted new users. Ao3 is great because its never going to change. Ao3 and Craigslist will always kinda look like ass and I’m ok with that. If it aint broke ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I could keep going but there is no point. I just think they are all so stupid.
The thing about beta is the funniest because AO3, like oldschool shit from the 90s, has actual criteria for coming out of beta.
It's not "we've been going for 10 years" or "we want to sell the product": it's "we've checked off all the things on this checklist".
And they still haven't done them all, so it's still in beta.
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𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞
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part five of do you feel my hand? it is there. | part one | part two | part three | part four | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve
pairing: minho x fem!reader (afab)
genre: veterinarian!minho (this includes a few of the skz members working in his clinic). client!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. strangers to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. minho is reader's vet. reader is now his past client. the guys have a party for the next few parts. drinking alcohol and getting drunk/tipsy is mentioned. humor/fluff placed throughout. also, smut is coming very soon. :))
word count: 2.1k
summary: dr. lee minho is known throughout your area as the city's hottest veterinarian, and he's also the very man that's been taking good care of your two cats for the past three years. but one day, you're thrown down a dark path of heartache when the cat that you've grown up with - nyx - is diagnosed with an acute form of bone cancer. burdened with the hardest decision of your entire life, you come at a crossroads of what to do. and throughout it all, minho is the single most person who continually stays by your side.
a/n: originally, I was going to do weekly updates for this, but since I'm almost finished writing the rough draft and I just couldn't wait to update it until next week, here is another chapter for you guys haha! 😂 this one is on the shorter side of things, but I assure you that the next few chapters will be quite worth it!! 🥸 also, I just finished writing the first smut scene for this (there will be a total of 2), and holy fuck, I keep going back and reading over it because it's just THAT HOT!! 🥵 I think you guys are really going to enjoy it haha! 😩
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
The alcohol definitely helped. It burned like acid as it slid down your throat, coating your tongue in a mix of sugary, synthetic peach and apple. By your second bottle of soju, you were feeling loose and relaxed. 
 But still, you were constantly aware of Minho. And where he was concerning you. 
 Ever since your… talk on the couch earlier that night, he had practically avoided you. Instead deciding to hang out with Chan and Jeongin, as they played a few drinking games together at the nearby kitchen table. 
 You, on the other hand, were caught up in a heated Mario Kart match between Jisung and Seungmin. Every time you lost - which was a lot of the time - your eyes would flit over to Minho, whose back was turned towards you as he leaned over the wooden table. 
 And you couldn’t help but notice how, as the night grew on, and he downed more liquor, the zipper at the front of his chest started to migrate south. At the beginning of the night, it was been closed pretty tightly, only offering a sliver of skin. But now, it was halfway down his sternum and offered a clear view of his sculpted pecs. There was also the fact that the chocker clinging to his neck accentuated his face- giving way to cheeks that were flushed with drink and pretty red lips that were wet with beer.
 It took everything in you to yank your focus away from all of… that, and instead direct your mind to the game that you were playing. Because honestly, it wasn’t fair at all. 
 How he had dressed up for the night - perhaps for you, even - just to completely dismiss you the moment you had some alone time with him. 
 And you wanted nothing more but to take that little zipper and pull it down, bearing all of his chest to the cool air of the living room. You wanted nothing more but to kiss up the length of that smooth, thick neck, before stopping and playing with those plush, perfect lips. 
 Alas, all of your wants were left in vain, as the night drawled on with more alcohol and more greasy food, and more loud music. Yet still, Minho made no move to near you. Not like he had when you first arrived - when he had looked so eager to get close to you. 
 The flip had been switched inside of him, and all at once, he no longer gave two shits about you.
 Maybe that was for the better after all… 
“C’mon Ji- you totally cheated right there!” Seungmin’s yell caused you to shake out of your… angry and horny daydreaming. 
 Jisung turned to his friend with wide eyes, a deep frown painted across his lips, “I did not! That shortcut is known by everyone- I didn’t glitch to the finish line.” 
 “Ah cut the bullshit and just fess up,” Yongbok laughed from the sofa, where he was playing a complicated card - which Hyunjin had practically begged to play - with Changbin and Hyunjin. Currently, Changbin was winning. Much to Hyunjin’s demise. “We all know you’re the worst cheater around.” 
 “Hey! I wasn’t the one who completely skipped the second lap!” Jisung exclaimed, shooting an accusatory glance Seungmin’s way. The younger man was busy taking a long swig of his glass that was full of a Bloody Mary. Jisung turned to you then, motioning with his head for you to back him up. 
 You crunched on a few chili-flavored tortilla chips. “Uhm- yeah, Ji, you kinda did cheat… but to be fair, so did Seungmin.” Jisung gave you an elated high five before picking up his controller again and controlling the main menu to another round of races. 
 Seungmin leaned over and rolled his eyes in a non-threatening way, “Thanks for letting me outta that one, Y/N.” 
 “Anytime.” You winked, laughing under your breath at the state he was in - hair messy and cheeks puffy from soju. They were all in a similar state, the liquid courage running through them and making them loud and unruly and fun all at the same time. 
 “I’m bored.” You heard Jeongin complain over to your left, where he was playing beer pong with Chan and… Minho. “I hate beer pong.” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, munching on a cold piece of pizza that he had been nursing for the last half hour. 
 “You only hate it because you suck at the game,” Chan muttered, as he threw one of his balls forward. It quickly skirted off the table and into the distance of the kitchen. At his words, Jeongin burst out into a hysterical, drunken fit of laughter. 
 He was doubled over in delight, having to wipe tears from his eyes as he watched Chan pick up his stray ball, “Oh yeah, and you’re one to talk…”
 The entire time, Minho was silent. He filled up more plastic red cups with beer, otherwise playing the game in near silence. You didn’t know if he acted so at every one of their parties, but by the way that the boys were giving him peculiar looks throughout the night, you supposed his moodiness was out of character. 
 It seemed like, the more alcohol he got into his system, the quieter he became. During dinner, he had been laughing with the guys - still ignoring you, but at least he was participating in the night. But then it got later and later, and he just… shut down. 
 You did not doubt that his change in demeanor was because of you. He was perfectly fine before you walked in. Before you just had to fucking ruin it-
 “Why don’t we watch that new sci-fi movie I’ve been telling you guys about?” Hyunjin chimed in, right after he had finished his card game, where the results ended in Changbin being the sole winner. “I could use a break from the… games.” 
 “Because you lost?” Yongbok taunted the older in that low voice of his, wiggling his eyebrows playfully and earning a shove from Hyunjin. 
 “I’m sick of playing Mario Kart anyway, so I’m down for a movie,” you chimed in, throwing your controller down onto the carpeted floor much to Jisung’s protest, as he was trying to show you a shortcut for the race you were currently in. 
 Changbin leaned back in his place on the couch, stretching out with a loud groan, “It’s decided then- movie night here we come,” he leaned over to the coffee table and took a long drawl of his cup that was half full of vodka. “Min, can you grab that big bag of popcorn that you always have stashed in your kitchen?” 
 Your eyes flitted over to Minho then, trailing on the way that he looked at Changbin with an annoyed kind of light in his eyes. “And what am I, your servant?” He practically grumbled out. His icy tone did something funny to you, caused something to loosen deep within your soul and rattle around in your veins. 
 Changbin replied to him, but his words were lost to you as you noticed Jisung and Seungmin looking at each other, seeming to send a message to one another without even saying a word. 
 And your heart stopped then, as you focused on Jisung’s mouth, and how his lips formed a single word. 
 He was saying your name. 
 Why were they suddenly talking about you? 
Then Seungmin was tipping his head to the side, gesturing somewhere off to the side with a cryptic frown and your stomach was doing somersaults. 
 “I’m going to the washroom, don’t wait up for me to start.” You said to no one in particular, hastily standing from your spot on the floor and practically running to the nearby bathroom. 
 It took a good splashing of water to your entire face for some of the sense to get knocked back into you. Your mind was racing a mile a minute, heart in tandem with the momentum. 
 Because what the actual fuck? 
 What was going on? 
 The night had been going well - it seemed like the guys were enjoying their time together with you and everyone was in a happy mood. 
 Everyone except Minho. 
 And sure, you noticed how the guys kept giving him odd looks throughout the night, at his quietness and chilly attitude to everyone and everything. 
 But it had never occurred to you that they were perceptive enough to know that his change in mood had been because of you. 
 Suddenly, it felt like everything was crumbling down around you- the small bathroom walls shrinking and shrinking until it was hard for you to breathe. 
 You knew you shouldn’t have come to the party. 
 Knew it was going to be awkward, with the guys and… him. 
 Trying to be the optimist, you had decided to go because you thought it’d be a fun way to connect with your old acquaintances again. That maybe, you’d get a chance to grow closer to Dr. Lee. 
 Then, the dynamics were shifting and he was turning on you and everyone was aware of it, and fuck- 
 It was so damn embarrassing. 
 But deep down, you didn’t want to be a coward. 
 You had already run away from all of your feelings - about the clinic, Nyx, and Minho - before. 
 Hell, you had tried to run away from him again only a week before. 
 You didn’t want to run anymore. 
 You wanted to stand your ground. Wanted to fight for something- for anything that you truly wanted. 
 And right then? 
 All you wanted was to finish the night out strong - wanted to have a good time with your friends. Wanted to try and push thoughts of him out of your mind, even if it seemed quite impossible. 
So you took a deep breath, examining yourself in the bathroom mirror for a few seconds. Silently giving yourself an inner-pep talk. About how you weren’t going to allow some stupid drama with him to get in the way of your night. 
When you stepped out of the bathroom, the living room lights were dimmed and the loud hum of a movie's intro was buzzing around the entire place. As you slinked close to the couch, you came to terms with the… seating situation. Jeongin and Changbin were taking up either of the armchairs, meanwhile, the rest of the guys were curled up in various states on the sofa. And the only free space for you was in the corner, right beside him. 
 But fuck everything, because you weren’t going to let it affect you. 
As you squeezed into the space, Chan leaned over Minho and handed you a cold can of beer and a bowl that was spilling over with popcorn. “Eat up darling, we got plenty where that came from.” He laughed, flashing a pearly-white smile your way before he was out of your sight again. 
 You could physically feel Minho stiffen at your side. By the way that Chan had called you ‘darling.’ He had used such a term of endearment before, but just seeing Minho’s reaction to it forced your heart to race even harder than it already was. 
 Placing the full can of beer down on the nearby coffee table - you were already feeling quite tipsy, so you weren’t up for any more liquor - you nuzzled into the plush cushions of the sofa. Even with your curled-up state, you could sense the heat radiating off of his body. It came in droves, washing over your entire form and warming that frigid, rattling part inside of you. 
 And as you sat there, your body began to relax into the cushions, and your eyes drooped shut every few minutes. You tried your best to stay awake. Tried your best to stay alert, in case anything… happened. But everything proved to be too hard. 
 The exhaustion from the long work week was finally catching up to you, as you lay there, tucked underneath a fuzzy blanket. 
 So fucking close to him. But not close enough. Not nearly. 
 Perhaps that’s what caused the sudden sleepiness to infect your mind. 
 The pain, the heartache, of being so near yet so far from what you truly wanted was entirely too tiring to deal with anymore.
 You had already been battling such feelings for years. 
 And all at once, you realized that you couldn’t do it anymore. 
 It was just… too much. 
  So instead of facing anything at the moment, of taking action, you did the only thing you could manage right then. 
 You closed your eyes, 
 Allowing yourself to melt into the fuzziness of it all, 
 In the comforting presence at your side - even if he was still sitting rod straight and completely focused on the movie. 
 And then, the darkness finally won over, and you were whisked off to dreamland. 
To be continued...
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lesvegas · 5 months
>save ps3 fo3 save to usb >make new user on ps3 so i can sign in >successfully sign in w/ psn account >manage to download broken steel dlc >uninstall + reinstall fo3 multiple times til the dlc works >copy + paste fo3 save file >open game, load save file, character is level 18 so the file's kinda big >still the only save >takes 15 minutes to load the file, before it took maybe 1 min max >dlc is loaded proper, level cap increases to 30, yay >play for hours >go to make a hard save >cant >'save' in the pause menu is greyed out like im in the middle of an event >im not. i even check to make sure theres no enemies around >go in and out of multiple buildings to see if an autosave can be triggered >no autosaving >still cant save >google the problem and realize im way too tired to deal with this >leave ps3 on all night >wake up, turn on tv >still cant save >remember i have 'save on rest/wait/travel' on >still no autosaves >google the problem >apparently this is a common glitch with "pre-patch files" >didnt even realize my file was 'pre-patch' >only options are to start a new game or reinstall fo3 and not patch it til after i make another save >if i wanted to start a new game i wouldntve gone through this fucking hassle >quit game losing hours of progress >restart ps3, delete fo3 data (not save or dlc), run the game again as if it were first time >asks me to update, i hit cancel, get taken to long-ass loading screens before main menu >theres not even a 'downloads' section but whatever ig that comes later >save is still there, load it >loading the file only takes like 2 minutes thank fuck >can save the game, make a few saves out of paranoia >restart ps3 >open fo3, apply patch update >only takes like 15 seconds thankfully >downloads are there, broken steel installed, thank fuck >load one of the newer saves >CAN SAVE >MAKES MULTIPLE NEW SAVES OUT OF PARANOIA
thank you gamefaqs user bfolds586 who, 14 years ago, imparted extremely important advice
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hypersomniagame · 15 days
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, you should already know what the gist is here yada yada yada,
if you don't know what this is or are confused on what hypersomnia is read the other dev logs i've said this like every time lol
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Hey! Hi! Hello! Welcome to the dev log!
I'd like to apologize about last month, I was going through a big block on development and I got practically nothing done. I've also been focusing on real life stuff which has been strange!
OK! So, first things first. Some of you might've seen on our Twitter, the new trailer is DONE! It's been "finished" for a few weeks now but I went back and made some small edits and now I can fully say it's complete!
I'm insanely happy with how this one came out. I went all out on it and I think you guys will agree when it releases that it just completely blows all our other trailers right out of the water. From music, to editing, to visuals, presentation, everything.
I'm more than excited to show you guys this trailer, and hopefully you all will be able to see it soon! It'll be premiering in this years MOTHER DIRECT (as always lol), so be ready for that! Tons of great fangames and indies are gonna be shown off, along with other MOTHER projects, so if you're interested I highly suggest you keep up with M4E.
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Now, onto a more direct game update!
As of right now, the demo is about 50% playable!
This month has been almost exclusively eventing and scripting for the game. That 50% doesn't mean the demo is halfway finished, but it means that we're halfway there to getting the demo playable from start to finish. There's still a lot I gotta do, but eventing is the biggest hurdle for me currently, so it should only be up from here.
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Pigeonville got a bit of a makeover recently! I wanted to make the town look a bit more lively and urban, so I took the time to redo and add a few different buildings. I'm really happy with how it changed the look of the town, and I hope to use this as a base for other areas going forward.
This didn't come without some challenge though. Both the game's prologue and first chapter take place in Pigeonville, and because so many different events are used between the 2 sections, I've had PV split between 2 maps, one for the prologue and the other for chapter 1.
I initially did these edits on the CH1 version of the map, but while porting them to the PL version, I managed to completely screw up almost all the events in the prologue. So while it didn't have to be completely rescripted, I did have to do some playtesting for like a week just to make sure I caught everything that broke.
Speaking of bugs, there's been a bit of bug-squashing going on this month. My friend Muffins (Who helps write for the game) and I both sat down and tried to just play through what we have so far, and it was an experience to say the least. The game was NOT this broken in March, so playing through it just showed me so much stuff that broke, and some of it was absolutely hilarious.
I didn't record any of it though! Which is a shame! I'd totally post a montage or something of just the absolute funniest glitches we encountered but I guess it's for another time.
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And that's all for this month! Sorry it's not much, but I figured it'd be better to give some sort of update then just oddly go silent. Things will most likely pick up during the mid-summer months, I'll have more stuff to talk about, these logs will be longer like they were back in January and we'll all be home on time for Jay Leno.
It's a bit hard to talk about scripting stuff out for the game since I only can talk about so much before I start spoiling stuff. Will June be better? Will there even be a log in June? Will I survive the summer heat? Only time can tell. And the weather man.
If this is your first log you're reading, or even your first time seeing ANYTHING relating to HYPERSOMNIA, I got a whole bunch of links for you to check out if you wanna know more about me and my stupid little game.
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Double Trouble {Seresin Sister}
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Seresin!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, typical Hangman
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Y/N “Nyx” Seresin is called back to the one place she never thought she’d go back to, Top Gun. You had zero idea what was so urgent that needed not only you, but the other best pilots to come out of the academy. Mixed feelings came about when your brother, Jake, is also called back. Being MIA the last year put a strain on your relationship, but a certain pilot is there to help you through it all.  
A/N: Hi everyone! I’ve been obsessed with this movie and decided to write another series! A Ghost Playing Hangman will continue on as well, so hang in there if the updates are a little slower. Trying to split my time between the two and give you all the best I can offer! So excited to share this with you all!!
Part 1 Part 2
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You walked into the Hard Deck knowing that this is where you would find the other pilots. During your time at the academy, you spent many nights here trying to unwind from the craziness that Top Gun threw at you. The smell of salt water mixed with beer gave you a sense of familiarity as you walked into the bar, not knowing who you would find at those pool tables.
It didn’t take long for the feeling of excitement to fade away when the cocky blonde you’d been avoiding for close to a year now, was bragging to the other pilots about who knows what. Probably preaching that he’s the best to whoever will listen. You rounded the corner, and his eyes were quick to spot you, causing him to freeze. That grabbed the other pilot’s attention as they turned around to see what could’ve gotten Mr. cool calm and collected off his game.
You offered up a warm smile to the group and said, “Man, they must have been desperate if they called in Hangman.”
You heard a few of them laugh and one girl say, “Damn Bagman.”, but your eyes were still on your brother.
He straightened up at the comment and gave an all too well-known smirk. “Nyx. What an interesting surprise.”
From anyone else’s perspective, they would see the same front he has been putting up this whole time. But you knew better. The grip on the pool stick he was holding was too tight to be casual and the smirk didn’t meet his eyes. He was trying to figure out what to do and then only question you asked yourself was, “how is the big bad brother going to act around his friends?”
The girl’s voice you heard before drew your attention to her. “Nyx? Like after the Goddess of Night?”
You took in her neatly pulled back bun and spotless uniform as you nodded your head. “I do my best flying at night. The name seemed to stick.”
Everyone was in uniform but you, it appeared. Jeans and a Navy sweatshirt called your name, never really enjoying the bland colored kakis. “I’m Phoenix. This is Payback and Fanboy. You, umm, seem to know Hangman already.”
It was your turn to give him a smirk and you watched his eyes harden some. “Yeah, we go way back, don’t we Jake?” You knew the rest of the team took that the complete opposite direction you were intending. But that made it even better in this moment.
He put down his pool stick and crossed his arms, “Everyone, meet my little sister, Y/N.”
It took them all a second to digest that new piece of information, but a man in a Hawaiian shirt broke up the silence. “Holy shit. If it isn’t baby Seresin.” Bradley’s arms wrapped around you and pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Roo, what are you doing here?” He pulled back and looked up to take in the rest of the group.
“I assume I’m here for the same reason you are.” You knew there was some sort of beef between Bradley and your brother, but the look you saw on his face right now was murderous. “Hangman, you look good.”
You watched your brother fall back into his façade, “I am good.”
A bell rang out signaling someone broke one of Penny’s rules and drinks were on them. It broke up the group up as many of them scrambled to the bar for the chance of a free beer or two. Bradley looked over to you and asked how the reunion between your brother was. “Haven’t said too much but I can tell he’s pissed. Rightfully so. Ignoring him for as long as I have would probably do that.”
Bradley snorted, “Yeah, I would think so. You might want to talk to him soon though. Who knows why we are here, but it doesn’t look good. We don’t need both of you going at it the whole time.” You nodded your head in agreeance but wanted to avoid that conversation as long as humanly possible. “Does he know about Guam?”
Your heart nearly froze at those words, “No and I’d like to keep it that way.”
Phoenix came over and offered you a beer that you gladly took. “Thanks, love.”
She shook her head and smiled. “Now that I know who you are related to, it’s clear as day. Not only do you look exactly alike, but you do the stupid pet names like him.”
You knew your brother threw out the “sweetheart” and “darlin’” regularly. And you couldn’t help but let a few of yours slip every now and then. Growing up in Texas meant our vocabulary was a bit different than the rest. Never thought it would matter until now. “If it bothers you, I can try and stop. Emphasis on the try though.”
She gave you a surprised smile, “No it’s okay. Your brother just seems like he’s playing a smooth card when he uses them. I hate to be the one to ask but, are the two of you close? There were some weird vibes when you walked in.”
It was a fair question and one that you had planned to answer the second you saw him in this bar. “We used to be best friends growing up. The two of us were nearly inseparable until he went off and joined the Navy. While we tried to keep in touch, it made things tough. Things went downhill further when I joined and turned out to be just as good as him. After graduating Top Gun a few years back, we haven’t really been the same since. He means well and wants to look out for me, but we both know how hard it is to be a woman in a man’s job. I had to distance myself a bit and make my own name. We just never really picked things back up if that makes sense?”
She nodded her head and took a sip of her beer. “My family wasn’t too thrilled when I joined, and they don’t even understand the half of what we go through. I can see Hangman getting upset that his little sister is going to get called out to go on mission that would make another person cringe.”
It felt nice for once to have someone understand you. “You and Rooster?”
You looked over and saw a knowing smile, but all you could do was deny. “We met right after I graduated and went on a mission together. He actually didn’t like me at first, thanks to my ever so lovely brother. But he quickly realized I was in fact not a carbon copy of Jake and gave me a try. We’ve been friends since.”
Phoenix laughed, “I hate to tell you this, but the way you hold yourself screams Seresin.” This time you rolled your eyes.
“Something you can’t help.” The sound of a piano playing pulled your attention away from the brunette in front of you and saw Bradley doing what he does best.
“Come on.” You grabbed Phoenix’s hand and dragged her over to get a good spot. “Great Balls of Fire” was your mustached friends go to party trick, but it never failed to put you in a good mood. The whole bar had joined in at one point and you glanced back over your shoulder, catching the eye of your brother.
You gave him a small smile, in hopes of it being some sort of peace offering. Like Bradley said, we were going to have to fix our shit if we planned on working together. You were about to turn back around when you saw him give you a quick wink. And in that moment, you felt like everything was going to be alright.
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The first day of training had everyone in edge. Maverick, one of the most well-known pilots to go through Top Gun, was your instructor and the mission he was training us on looked like something straight from hell. You snuck a few glances at the other pilots and saw they were on the same page as you. Confused on how it was going to be safely executed and curious on what 4 were going to be chosen.
You were all quickly broken into teams of 2 as we were dogfighting today. 2 of us against 1 of him didn’t seem like a fair fight until we saw the skill this man possessed. One of the pilots made a stupid ass bet to do 200 push-ups if you lose. Many of which were feeling the repercussions of it now. You were one of the last to go, right before Rooster, and maybe it was some terrible joke, but he paired you with your brother. The two of us had similar flying styles, but there was one huge difference between us.
“Did you just leave me? What in the actual hell, Jake?”
“Gotta look out for myself.”
You had heard stories of the new nickname “Bagman”, but you never thought he would leave his own sister out to dry. Maverick had quickly banked behind you and knew he was going to try and single you off first. You did everything you could think of, including narrowly missing the side of the rock formations, but nothing shook him.
“Are you planning on helping at all or are you too chicken shit to show your face?”
You knew it wouldn’t get him to help, but you wanted to make him realize how stupid he was being. “I thought you could handle yourself. I mean after all, you completely cut me out of your life this past year.”
You shook your head and kept your mouth shut. Jake knew you had a short fuse, and he was going to use that to his advantage. Nothing was going to get in the way of him becoming team leader and you were fed up with it already. And it was only day 1.
The sound of missile lock flooded your ears, and you ripped your mask off knowing you had been beaten. It didn’t take long for your brother to follow suit and you had every intention of meeting him on the runway. Landing and exiting the aircraft were done as swiftly as possible in order to not miss your brother walking in. His dumb cocky smirk was the first thing you saw and you all but threw your helmet at him.
“What the fuck, Jake? I knew you were selfish out there, but I didn’t realize you were selfish enough to leave your own family stranded out there!”
His smirk fell and was replaced with what looked like frustration. “You want to talk about selfish? What family cuts the other one out for over a year?”
You ran a hand through your hair and yelled back, “The ones who are trying their damn hardest not to let you down!”
His face morphed into confusion, but a body stepped in between the two of you before any more questions could be asked. “That’s enough. Go see Hondo about your push-ups. And if I hear anymore arguing from either of you, 200 more push-ups will be owed. Am I clear?” You kept your eyes on your brother but answered Maverick, “Yes, sir.”
The two of you did your push-ups in silence as Hondo counted them out. 200 came faster than you thought but running on pure adrenaline will do that. Grabbing your helmet, you started walking to the hanger to leave for the day. A hand wrapped around your bicep and forced you to stop. “What, Jake?” The anger and cockiness had faded, and he showed nothing but concern. “What happened last year? What happened for you to push me out?” You tried to stay mad at him, but the memoires of Guam started to reply in your head.
“Something bad enough that even you would feel pity for me. And I would rather you hate me than feel sorry for me.” His hand dropped and for the first time in a very long while, Jake was speechless.
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A/N: Part one is done! What did you like or not like? I love all your comments! Tags are always open! Thank you for reading!!
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creepybunny1999 · 2 months
(Creepypasta X SCP Foundation X Jujutsu Kaisen + Female Proxy Reader)
Hello, my follow readers. I'm here to give you an update on the story. If you're new here, I'll give you a quick summary.
The summary: Y/n is a proxy that goes by the name Princess. The creepypasta family gets captured by the SCP foundation. Y/n got out and ran all the way to Tokyo. There, Y/n hides what she is, only soon to be taken by Gojo to join the school. Creepypasta are Curse Spirits, and so are the SCP. Creepypasta and SCP take place in America. No Jujutsu Sorcerer in America.
Now for the update.
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Okay update
Y/n is a young detective. She graduated high school at a young age, and she took a college test on her first day to graduate. She got the top scores that anyone has ever seen. Her first case was the missing Charlie Matheson JR. It's a cold case.
Y/n took all of her founds about the case and went to get more evidence. She walked in the woods, not knowing she would never come out.
Y/N L/N has gone missing for 15 years. Only to found by the SCP foundation, then taken to the foundation for 2 years only to escape. Running away to Tokyo.
To act normal, she went to high school where Y/n met Yuuij Itadori. To be more normal, she became his friend. At night, Y/n feeds her bloodthirsty by killing curse spirits.
One day, Y/n knew she couldn't hide what she was much longer. Y/n helped Itadori save their club members. Only for it to end with Itadori eaten one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. Not look after Gojo showed up. One look at Y/n, he can already tell she was not normal. Besides the marks, he couldn't tell if she was a curse spirit, or she made a deal with a curse spirit.
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Y/N got closer with Charlie than the other proxies. She plays video games, she's didn't know how to play but Ben was happy to teach her how to play. Y/n looks to play with the younger Creepypasta.
When Y/n and Toby met for the first time, Y/n knew she didn't like Toby or any of the so-called doctors or science lab workers.
When Y/n met Itadori, she didn't want anything to do with him. Y/N knew that she wouldn't be normal if she didn't have a friend or two. So, Y/n asked Itadori to be her friend, who said yes.
Y/n join a club with Itadori. Y/n uses the club to find curse spirits to kill.
When y/n saw Gojo, y/n knew she was in deep shit. She was questioned, but y/n never gave them an answer. Gojo thought to just kill her, but seeing as y/n is a friend to Itadori. Itadori would not say yes to the offer that Gojo plans to give Itadori.
Ryomen Sukuna would talk to Y/n every time she was in the same room as Itadori. (More like he would pick fun at her). Itadori shut him up really fast. Itadori saw y/n as he's dearest friend.
Ryomen Sukuna doesn't like y/n. The curse energy around y/n, Sukuna could already know who the curse energy belongs to. It's a bit of Surprise that the faceless walker was still alive.
Toby was pissed that y/n got out to who knows where. Toby worked too hard just to have it come down on him by a stupid little curse spirit woman.
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Ryomen Sukuna wants to know how to use you.
Gojo wants to know what you are.
Itadori wants you to be safe.
Toby wants to put you back in your cage.
Zalgo wants to use you to finally kill Slenderman.
Slenderman wants you to survive.
You don't know what you want.
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That's all I have for this update, I will be back to ask you guys some questions. Have a Killer day. Bye.
Oh yeah, here is a cool edit picture that I did of Female Reader. I don't own the original. I just grabbed a lot of pictures and then edited them to be one.
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bryan360 · 3 months
No “On This Day” posting I’ll be focusing today.
2024 Review - Seagate 2TB Portable Drive (Third/Final - Storing game(s))
It’s been a long time coming; not to mention through scheduling at the program all weekdays I’d been in. Nevertheless, I’m finally coming back to this topic for the final time. After that the second half of installing with my gaming console is done, I’m now be storing/moving one of my games from its internal storage; which I’d already got it at early January this year.
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⬆️ (From January. 6th, 2024; 3:04 to 6:24 P.M)
The first one is I’d finally gotten to installed Forza Horizon 5; the same game from last year’s Christmas gift for my Xbox One system. You can thank our friend @carmenramcat of ever giving me for Christmas by surprise. Link Here
I haven’t boosted this racing game yet; not until after getting my own potable hard drive in early January 2024. There are plenty of games in it as well, but that’s gonna wait after the final part of this topic review.
So anyways, I’d managed to move this to my portable hard drive which had lot of storage needed. Just how long it will take after installing? Well from checking in actual time (via screenshots information) about 3:04 to 6:24 P.M., it’s 3 hours, 20 minutes, and 33 seconds when calculated by using calculator.net website. Wow. Sure it would make sense due to how big this racing game will be, but taking three hours or less was a bit long. Still, nothing bad happens once it’s done for my portable drive. At least I’m grateful that I’d finally got this game downloaded after months later. The transfer progress should’ve speed things up though. That being said, I can’t wait to dive in unless for further planning to share soon. Or if I haven’t gotten through FH3 progress as of yet. I’d appreciate for having my portable drive with me that I’m willing to transfer other games more. 👍
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Update: So I haven’t downloaded just one FH5 updated patch just yet. Not until back in Sunday this week that I got it as well. Now it took me about from 1:52 to 2:23 P.M.; or 31 minutes and 5 seconds shorter. Not bad that didn’t take this long. I won’t be surprised that there will more updated patches for FH5 to check out, just in case.
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(Back in March. 24th, 2024) (just after transferring other games that I’d save since February 3rd, 2024)
Now to get into with my other games I’ve previously transfer for my portable hard drive. During the same date of January 6th, I did the second time with 👊💥MultiVersus; a free to play fighting platform made by Player First Games. It took about few minutes than I did with my Forza Horizon 5 game within three hours or less. And then afterwards til February 3rd at 6:20 to 6:53 P.M., I got with two previous Forza Horizon titles, Rare Replay included two Banjo-Kazooie titles, Cuphead, Kingdom Hearts 3, and PAC-MAN Museum+. Talk about plenty of some along the way. Thought looks like it takes minutes for almost all games included this time. That’s good to see that it happened, right?
So anyways as I’d going back to its storage devices setting, my portable drive is about 16.1% within 1.5 TB free spaces. It’s not full enough as of yet. Though who knows if there’s plenty room to pick which I’m going for sooner or later. Other than that, I also pointed out for its internal storage had few games in it. It’ll be for another time to save, I promise.
My Experience/Overall Thoughts: ⬇️
Storing/transferring FH5 (Forza Horizon 5) (plus other games) with my external hard drive was an interesting progress to get through. It depends how many games to transferring within minutes/hours before completion. All in all, I couldn’t done it without my first portable drive that I’d wanted for my gaming console. It won’t be a matter of time before I can get a new one in the near future, but not right now. I’m happy of having a portable drive I’ll be taking care of. 🙂 If you’re curious or interested to get one of those, then it’s available on Amazon.com. It normally cost about $70, so hopefully that you still have your savings left. Link Here
See ya guys until my upcoming topics are coming soon. 👋
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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kimmiessimmies · 9 months
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A brand new town (sort of) feels like a new beginning, so I decided to make some changes.
This is a looooooong (text)post, but here's the short version:
TL/DR: I'm going give my story a title (below you can vote for what you think the better title is) and I'm going to start posting my updates to Tumblr in full. Want to know more? ⬇️
1. A story needs a title
Those of you who've been following me for years know that I've undergone some style changes. KimmiesSimmies, both on WordPress and on Tumblr, started out as a gameplay blog. I visited my Sims, played for a  bit, took pictures, added a few lines, and that was my (non-)story. Pretty soon, a shift started to occur. Even though gameplay remained my main focus, there was usually a theme, a story-like idea which played out. While my Sims led lives that ran as a thread through the tales I created, these could also easily be read as standalone stories about a prom, an athletic festival or a summer camp (I do miss Windiwell 😢). This shifted further when I wanted to write out more significant ideas, such as the story of a runaway girl (Go, Martha, go!) and what would happen to her. I couldn't possibly fit all that in one story update, so it became more extensive. Characters evolved, and my mind started working overtime, constantly coming up with new ideas. After a five-year pause (life got in the way) during which my mind never stopped coming up with new ideas, I decided to write my stories down and then go in game to take the pictures to support my story. And with that I had gone from "gameplay-based" to "story-based". Now, the stuff I write aren't standalone stories anymore; it's all part of one big story about the Sims of Honeycomb Valley (and The Hills), where everything is connected somehow and always ongoing. And a story needs a title. Which is why I decided "KimmiesSimmies" is just not fitting anymore. This will remain my username (because that's my public identity) and the address to my WordPress blog, but the story in itself will get an official title. After a loooooot of thinking, discussing and web searching, I've narrowed it down to two possible titles, and I would like you to give your opinion (yes, you, one of the six people who are actually reading this entire essay).
The options are "A Taste of Honey" and "Life with a Drop of Honey". The honey bit is important because I will never stray from my bee/honey theme. That's everywhere, so it should be in the title as well. "A Taste of Honey" is, in my personal opinion, more catchy. However, it's not unique. It's the title of a Beatles song and a movie from 1961. Now, I haven't seen this movie, but I looked it up, and the genre description was "drama, LGBT", which did make me chuckle, but with the current state of my story, those keywords are pretty fitting. "Life with a Drop of Honey" is unique but makes less of a statement and isn't as memorable, I think. So, please let me know which you prefer! I'm not promising this will be a democratic choice; I might go against the grain and pick the one with the least votes because it feels better, but I'd still like to know what you think.
2. Bringing the story to Tumblr
(Are you still here, reading this? Wow, I'm impressed! 😄)
Until now, I've posted my story on my WordPress blog only and made a post containing some pictures and a link to my WordPress blog here. Now, some people actually click through to my WordPress blog to read the full story (and if you're still here reading this much-too-long post, you're probably one of those people, so thank you for that ❤️), but many click like and move on, which is fine. However, someone I've come to consider as quite my closest friend (and therefore wouldn't lie to me) and who's a very excellent storyteller herself (and therefore knows what she's talking about) recently convinced me my story deserves to be read. So, after going back and forth on this, I've decided to start posting my story updates (since it's all part of one story, I will refer to them as either updates or chapters instead of stories) on Tumblr as well as on my WordPress blog. I haven't quite figured out the details yet, but I think I'll post a link to the full post for all those who want to read the whole update in one go (like I did up until now) and post the story in parts over the following days for those who'd rather read on Tumblr. My WordPress blog will remain "home base" where story updates, sim bios, and town tours live together.
So, that's it! Changes! Couldn't I tell that using fewer words? Probably. But I've never been one to keep things brief...
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cactusblossom · 1 year
Thank you @charmingmushroom for tagging me in this! I'm honestly excited to get to my answers because I loved yours so much! To anyone I tag, please don't feel pressure to complete this, especially if you have already been tagged, or honestly just don't want to! 💜 I tag @ohthesefaces, @kissalopa, @theworstsimblr, @simsdada, @igglemouse, @faeriefrolic, @lunelfy, @dragonplumbobs All of my answers are under the cut!
What’s your favorite sims death? This is a hard one for me, honestly, because I usually play with aging off because I don't want to deal with my Sims dying. Much like @charmingmushroom said about cowplants being a classic, I gotta say, I love that and death by meteor. I'm so glad that finally came back into the Sims 4 with the normal-sized telescope!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? It depends on the version of Sims I'm playing! If it's Sims 4, I love the big, round, clay-looking CC. If it's Sims 3, I want the sharper, thinner, structured style of CC. I would say that Sims 2 is kind of in the middle of both styles. So honestly, I just try to match the aesthetics of the world and game around my Sims.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Not at all! I try to match their lifestyle and character choices.
Do you use move objects? Oh yeah. I honestly couldn't play without it.
Favorite mod? More columns in CAS. It took me way too long to get on this train, but the more berry palettes I collected, the more out of control my hair and eyebrow swatches got. And as a tie for second, I absolutely could not play without brntwaffles' SweetFx or softerhaze's Sunblind in my game.
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? So… I'm one of the people that got Sims 4 a few months after its launch. At the time, I was playing on a 2011 MacBook Pro, not made for gaming, and I was desperately playing The Sims 3 in Windowed Mode and restarting every 30 minutes to avoid crashing. If you guys know anything about Sims 3 and Macs, they were not made to go together. It was a whole thing. I've gotten the packs as they come out in order, which the exception of kits and Journey to Batuu. (I have that now, but I waited for a 1/2 off sale.) So my first was Outdoor Retreat, which is still one of my faves!
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I used to always pronounce it like aLIVE mode, but since Sims Youtube blew up, I now say LIVing mode out of habit of what I hear.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? At this time, Mentha from my Not So Berry (But Berry) challenge. This happened in the first version of her that I wasn't documenting before I lost my saves because of some of the updates, but after she made her freeze-ray, she walked up behind a coworker who was sitting and had no idea she was there, pointed the ray and whispered, "Dag-dag". Literally the highlight of my gameplay. She is WILD. I hope she does more things like this in this iteration of her!
Have you made a simself? I have! And I update her regularly. She's always a Witch or a Spellcaster, too! I'm planning to take some pictures of her and my wife's (@ohthesefaces) simselves for Pride this month! 💜 They're some of my favorite private gameplay that I have!
What sim traits did you give yourself? I also have a Simself in Sims 3, so I've got a few different traits. Sims 3: Neurotic, Light Sleeper, Loves the Cold, Avant Garde, Green Thumb Sims 4: Art Lover, Perfectionist, Squeamish It's a lot harder in Sims 4 with only three trait slots to start with.
What is your favorite EA hair color? cheese hair. Classic, iconic, weird. I love it!
Favorite EA hair? Honestly, this is tough for me because some of my favorite hairs are not EA. Shoutout to ClumsyAlien and Miiko who make CC I can't play without! But I have to say some of the updated Afro-textured hairs. Since I had Sims 4 when it first came out, not only were the options for Afro-textured hair basically non-existent, but they were carelessly made. Over the years, since they've gone in and redone some of those earlier textures and worked with creators to make new ones, I've really appreciated having those in my game. Guys, it wasn't always like this. lmao
Favorite life stage? I hate to be that guy since Sims 4 is basically a Young Adult simulator, but like, Young Adult. I'm closing in on the Adult life stage of my own life, and it's scary.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? When I first had Sims 4, and because I played on Mac and was trying to limit my CC (aka, play CC free), I was strictly a builder. I didn't play as much as I built, but now that I have a PC and the space for my 50GB of CC (yes, that's right), I play too! And honestly, I don't even have lag. A lot of it is recolors, and I have limited actual mods, so my game runs beautifully still! I have really been into renovating EA lots lately, though.
Are you a CC creator? no. I wish, though. It's something I feel like I could get into, I just haven't put in all the extra effort to learn how to do it.
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I don't think I do--no disrespect to anyone who thinks otherwise! I just feel very new, still, and on the outside. Thank you again to @charmingmushroom for tagging me in something like this! It's so much fun and gives me warm fuzzies! 💜
What’s your favorite game? This is a huge category for me because I play a lot of other things besides The Sims! I'll just list some of my current favorites in no particular order that are part of my rotation right now. The Sims (obviously, and if we're talking strictly gameplay, it's Sims 2 all day, baby), No Man's Sky, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Sims Medieval.
Do you have any Sims merch? I do, actually. I have a print from the game that I still haven't found the right frame for that my wife, @ohthesefaces, got for me for my birthday one year!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? No! I don't think I would be entertaining enough, tbh. And my god, how horrible would it be to hear my own voice??
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Since my CC explosion in the Sims 4, I've really gotten into Berry Sims! I can't believe I didn't know about it before when I played the Sims 3, but I wasn't on the Simblr side of Tumblr.
What’s your Origin ID? Pass on this, as I share it with my household.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have WAY too many, but there are definitely some I couldn't live without. I mentioned the lighting and overall color correction mods I play with earlier, but for some of the CC, I 100% always need tainoodles Sorbet Remix, anything and everything by miiko, anything and everything by clumsyalien, anything and everything by teekalu, anything and everything by treefish, and honestly, so many more that I can't think of right now. But those come to my head right away!
How long have you had a simblr? Only since August of 2022, but I've been on Tumblr since 2010. My other Tumblr is just art aesthetic though.
How do you edit your pictures? I don't have or use reshade/gshade, so all of my editing is done manually with the strong arms done by SweetFx and Sunblind. But I'm currently obsessed with Kaleeko's Clean & Clear, and early-grape's Glowe Kit.
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I'll do one from each. EP: Get To Work. I love the active careers, ESPECIALLY the Scientist Career. Plus, aliens, helloooo. GP: Though I'm an Occult simmer, I have to say StrangerVille is by far my favorite. I love the storyline and having the tasks to do! Like most things with Sims 4, I only wish there were more. SP: Paranormal, hands down. With Tiny Living as a close second. They really nailed it with both of these Stuff packs and they were only $10?! As insane as them giving away Desert Luxe for free, honestly. Kit: Pastel Pop, 100%. That pack was made for me and I use everything from it way too often.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Give me Faeries and/or give me Futuristic. But whatever they give me, please just give me gameplay.
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 44 Pt 2: Name Hunt
We start this half of the episode at the card game that is currently just kinda stalled. It’s more like a D+D session at this point, where everyone is separated, random enemies are appearing in random rooms, and their biggest issue is that they were balanced to work as a team, and as a solo fight they’re gonna freakin die.
Or Bjork will come back in the time it takes for the team to reassemble.
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Sorry his name isn’t Bjork, it’s Korn. Or...well it’s something from the 90′s. Zork. It was Zork. But with a c. Bjorc Necrophades.
So as Yami dumps on Bakura about how boring this game is for him, Bakura reminds him that because Pharaoh shoved his memory in a puzzle piece, Pharaoh is dumb as a sack of bricks. Which like, relatable.
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I STILL don’t quite get it.
I know that Seto kills Yami in the OG timeline, they have been saying that for 4 seasons. But if Yami had to put himself in that puzzle to put back Zorc...does this imply that the fight with Seto was to resurrect Zorc? that Seto was a pawn of Bakura even in the original timeline?
Wait is that it?
(read more under the cut)
Have I finally figured out the paradox that’s been bothering me all season, where before it looked like Yami died 2 separate ways in two separate timelines? I mean, while I am much better (not fully, hence the slow update schedule but am getting much better) Long covid for like an entire year removed so much of my memory, that I was able to play Undertale again like it was the first time. Which is incredible because it’s the most memed game and y’all, I forgot nearly every line that Sans said. Which I’m not gonna lie, kind of rocks. But also kind of difficult when I’m trying to remember the plot of this show.
Bro did offer to write the blog in my stead, but when he attempted to use Photoshop he could not figure out how to leave the text editor. Making these caps will one hundred percent crash my computer if he’s doing the driving. Photoshop crashes my computer about 4 times on a normal day, if you don’t know what you’re doing, Photoshop will seal you in a demon dimension before crashing your computer, and yet, still charge you 12 dollars a month. You cannot turn your back on photoshop, just like Zorc.
Anyway, back to the show:
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I mean that’s my personal gamble. I will always gamble Tristan on who’s gonna die. And him being Bakura right now is just...ooo ripe to die this season, yeah?
Bakura took a moment to try and remind Yami that this is all a simulation and all of these pieces on the board were in fact not real people, to which Yami reminded Bakura that he himself is a ghost in a box and is only loosely defined as a “real person” himself.
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And then Karim, who’s name I had completely forgotten, so I’m glad the show reminded me, was like “Oh no! I’m dying!” PS he’s been “dying” for like 3 episodes, so I was very surprised he actually fully died.
Like Egypt Grandpa is going to outlast this stack of bricks down there, and that’s like a lot to take in. Modern Grandpa breaks his butt like constantly but Egyptian Grandpa is built like a truck.
Isis was very upset by this, and like I don’t blame her, look at the FEATURES on that man. True tragedy right there to lose that block of cheese right there and just be left with freakin Shada. Who, in case you forgot, has a motorcycle tattoo on his entire forehead. I too would be crying my eyes out, Isis, this is looking grim for you.
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It only just now as I was writing this cap realized that when Bakura was like “who would you bet is going to die first?” he wasn’t talking about Yami’s high school friends, but was in fact foreshadowing the truly tragic death of Karim, who I totally remembered the name of.
Anyway, it’s still gonna be Tristan because for real, Karim doesn’t count.
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Bit of a baby manger vibe to this shot, not gonna lie. Nice nativity we got going there. Baby jesus, Mary and Joseph, a shepherd, a wise man, and uh...Shadi. Shadi could be an Angel I guess, he isn’t technically alive. There. Print this out and put it above your grandma’s Christmas tree, instant nativity.
Speaking of the kids, Joey was really testing my gamble by walking headfirst into a trap that spits daggers into your feet.
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Inside of this maze is step by step the same as the story of the tomb we saw with the hot version of grandpa that opened this arc.
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Including this room, where Grandpa got betrayed by a very silly slingshot.
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This was the show spoon feeding us Yugi’s character growth, since he was just a barrel of nerves and sinew when we first met this boy. He is braver this season, I will give him that, but it feels like it’s more that he’s the only person who’s fully aware that none of this is real. Yugi is inside of his own mind puzzle. It’s literally the only place he’s got full control (ish).
At the end of this little walk across the fear pit that literally no one here had any problems with (like Tea walked across this narrow fear pit in 5 inch heels!) The little box that carried Pharaoh’s puzzle isn’t here, instead it’s a bunch of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
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Reminder that even Season Zero Yugi, who is the most pile of nerves Yugi, would have kicked your ass even without the puzzle. Like this is mostly my own interpretation, but without the puzzle......Yugi would have straight up stabbed that guy, right? Like straight up? Yugi is a menace to society. Sure, he was nervous about having to defend himself, but Yami wasn’t a Pharaoh yet, he was Yugi’s dark side, who was backed into corners so hard by people with literal whips and people with yoyo’s with spikes on the end, he pretty much always had to choose violence in order to survive Freshman year.
Like yes he walked across a bridge without fear. Makes sense, the bridge doesn’t have spike yoyo’s, fire shooting out, a guy holding your girlfriend hostage with a gun at a burger restaurant, and whatever capitalist nightmare Seto has come up with that month. But we can still call this bridge character development, as a treat.
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After Joey tricked the switch that opened the garage door to Yami’s secret name, the episode ended.
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can’t wait to see Tristan hold up some fingers and have the show convince me it’s a gun.
Anyway, here’s a link to read these from the start, which I keep giving you although I need to reread my own blog myself, haha.
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ttrpgsmoved · 8 months
Tell me about your tav(s)?
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i only have 1 (official) tav even though i actually played the game with 3 differents tavs (1 of them being a durge) they just never felt right like kaius did <3. but yea . i have some info on kaius here but i need to update it badly.
(also you just opened pandora's box here ... oh boy)
but i will basically put his whole deal under the read more
spoilers for a lot of end game stuff
so fuck canon basically. kaius was born and raised in athkatla and yknow. athkatla + sorcerers arent really bffs unless youre rich (which they werent) so he was constantly being hidden by his parents. he was fine unless he used his magic, but since he's a draconic sorcerer and has visible scales so guards and the cowled wizards were always keeping an extra eye on him due to his appearance giving away his aptitude to magic. this + being a tiefling didnt help either, so he got in a lot of trouble for no reason, simply bc he is. and his parents worrying too much about him to the point where they were sheltering him. he basically got fed up and bored of his life, there was only so much (secret) reading he could do in order to improve his skills. always stuck inside for the sake of protection, so he went and found others like him in order to actually study and learn magic. and this went on for years basically until this illegal magic ring got found out and it was all man to himself. so he had to run without saying goodbye with nothing but the clothes on his back.
on his travels he came across a circus tent and , since theyre know for hiring anyone he tried his luck and it worked! he just did menial jobs at first. but he started talking to a guy there iren who was also knew but part of the main show (acrobat) and they really hit it off. they started practicing together for shits and gigs but he actually was really good at this and he soon also became a part of the show. iren and kaius became partners and soon got married. the fact that the circus traveled a lot also meant that he gained a lot of magic knowledge without the looming threat of being arrested and sent away. him changing his surname also meant that he could finally contact his parents without them getting into trouble. he did use a different first name, but it was an alias they used multiple times in athkatla due to also being under a lot of scrutiny there, so they got it right away. they got a heartfelt reunion and his parents tried to convince him to come back home with them, but after discovering this new found freedom he simply could not go back to what basically felt like being constantly suffocated. so he chose to stay, not to mention the fact that he did not want to leave his husband behind like that. while there was still a heated argument... after some time things calmed down and eventually they understood. at this point kaius was an adult and they couldnt control him, so they had to learn how to let him go after discovering him again. and it wasnt easy, but they had to. the fact that they kept in touch via letters helped them a little, and sometimes when the circus was close to athkalta he could see them in the audience.
after a while the letters stopped coming and this was because kaius left the circus in order to find out what happened to his missing husband. sometimes they were separated due to the fact that they needed to do different jobs in order to keep the circus going, and traveling apart was part of it. they were never apart for longer than 2 days, and so kaius got worried when the 3rd day hit with no sign of him and so he went out to look for him.
it took way longer than he thought, years went by before he found any sign of what happened, iren was abducted and turned into a mind flayer. and this news devastated him. after years of clinging onto a sliver of hope, it got shattered and while he half expected to find his husband dead, this shit still hurt as turning into a mind flayer was a fate he didnt wish on anyone, let alone his beloved. most of his mourning was almost done at this point, yet he still had grief left in his heart from the discovery BUT fate did not let him mull over it as he also got abducted by mindflayers (and this is where the bg3 story begins basically)
THIS is why the guardian scene hit differently with kaius. the emperor takes the form of iren
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who looks like this btw :]
but kaius knew it wasnt him, yet he could not help but trust him, as it is still kind of a raw wound and he could not trust someone who looks like him.
BUT WHEN THE EMPEROR REVEALED HIMSELF AS A MIND FLAYER... ohhh things got fucking choppy... like aWAIT YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY BE IREN?? HIM?? but this was fucked up. at this point kaius has moved on??? and also with gale.... it was a fucking mess. so from the point of the emperor reveal to the emperor = balduran reveal he just felt an insane amount of guilt and anger (at himself) that he could not get over.
ultimately the fact that the emperor fucked with his feelings like this WHILE HE COMFORTED HIM really pissed him off and so... he could not trust him in the end... and freed orpheus (also his bff lae'zel needed this to free her people so. win win.)
so like i really like the aspect of gale and him basically going through a similar situation irt their love life and they kind of help each other in that aspect. they THINK they're using each other to get over their 'exes' but in reality it's a fucking mess of things. they help each other but feel bad about it bc they both think they can be better and are awful people
i could go ONNN about how gale affects kaius and vice versa in their story but this is ALREADYYYY so long so. i will spare you. SORRY I RAMBLED SO BAD LMAO
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keystone8379 · 5 months
Have any KF2 players actually listened to the lyrics of Belial's theme?
Regarding Kirby Fighters 2, back in the game's prime, we had these little joke teams, parodies of Liquid, TSM, FaZe, stuff like that. The first of these were Kracko Sunday, started by Fish wishing everyone a happy Kracko Sunday...every Sunday. I can't remember if there was some items tournament that was related to Kracko Sunday, but I know Fishie Funnies was after Kracko Sunday was first mentioned.
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You'll have to excuse me because it's been a long ass time since this happened, but at some point after this, some people start putting KS before their name as a team name. Eventually, Fish runs their items tourney, Fishie Funnies. It was an extremely goofy tournament but it had a few cool clips with items and combos into Gigavolt's slams. You can watch a highlights video here, but be warned, there will be name mispronunciations, I have my terrible old username, and everyone who isn't he/him gets misgendered. (He would be a perfect co-comm for Mew2King...)
I forgot me and biM played our whole set on Gigavolt, that shit goes hard. I also forgot how much I didn't like GM's editing style back then, no clue why I took his advice when I was making the New Generation trailer. But I digress. The gigavolt clips, and the fact that the tourney was on a Saturday, led to the eventual birth of a second KF2 squad, Gigavolt Saturday.
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I remember leading a big push on Gigavolt Saturday as the "opposing squad" against Kracko Sunday, mostly just to annoy Fish. Even now, 3 years later, I still do many things specifically to clown on fish. There were a ton of other joke squads as well, such as GR, for Get Real, based on a clip where Qwertz gets knowledge checked by an Artist as Water, or JUM, based on Celica's iconic line: "go jum".
I need to make a post about New Generation at some point huh.
Regardless, this brings us back to the title of this post. One day, fish obtains Granblue Fantasy Versus and offers to play it with KF2 people over Parsec. I didn't know much about the game, except from YouTube thumbnails I've seen, showing Belial as a very good character. Prior to this offer, I had looked up Belial on Dustloop Wiki to see what the fuss is about and, honestly, it was one of my favourite character designs I had ever seen. The bizarre twist on the shoto archetype really stood out to me, especially that fireball, being able to change it's direction suddenly is so cool.
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So I've never played GBVS but I know how a bnb is structured, and I know what Belial's buttons do, so me and fish play a bunch of games (Belial v Metera) and as I accumulate wins, fish gets tilted as FUCK. Not only can my fireballs catch jumps and spotdodges with a read, (would be on reaction if not for parsec delay) not only can my counter put me right next to fish after catching one of their projectiles, not only is the character and their theme song a walking sex joke, but eventually Schmee comes in and, on my suggestion, ALSO starts playing Belial.
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The next day, Schmee makes this edit of Belial holding a sprite cranberry, based of a current emote in the server of Magolor holding a sprite cranberry (made by the GOAT P47) and it's beautiful.
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OH, this reminds me, Belial also led to the founding bit for one of CE's longest running in-jokes, powerpoints for new characters!
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I decide to type up this super cool moveset for porting Belial's moves into KF2, which is still pinned in the fishselfie-discussion channel, formerly called labbing-discussion but then no one used it. You can check it out right here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZN7Hy69QASnfSi7CYmp2V0GKp8tEuLTisV6V_A_uGQ/edit
So this leads us to the present day. GameMaker Studio 2 had become free recently and I had it sitting on my laptop. I already had a pretty fulfilling winter break, I spent time with friends, pushed out a massive Smash Tactics update, but I still had more time. I finally decided to stop thinking about learning GMS and actually started learning GMS. I started out with a fairly simple bullet hell I was calling "baby's first touhou" in which you would move a player, avoid shots from a boss character, then shoot back at the boss. I thought using Belial Cranberry would be funny, but the actual emote was a tiny image because it was an emote. Fortunately, Belial's new key art for GBVSR was PERFECT for holding a sprite cranberry. So for about 2 days, I got to work on making a bunch of attacks, fixing many crashes, and adding a bunch of other stuff like sound effects. Eventually, I ended up with a finished product: Maiden and Cranberry!
Not included in this video is the 'bruh' sound effect when you die. Also, that "wow" voice clip isn't text to speech, it's an actual in-game voice clip. I want to do other things, just simple games to start, but you all know I'm ambitious. There's a lot of things I want to learn to do, and there's a lot of things to learn with programming. It's crazy, there's so much that goes into a game that you never think about until you're actually making it. I'm going to keep messing around with GMS2, and one day, I'm going to be able to make all of that.
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a-la-campanella · 4 months
Journal On Penacony • The Sound and the Fury (Page 1/7)
Finished the 2.0 Penacony main story a while ago, and I'm now rewatching the cutscenes from a streamer's VOD. This is meant to be more like a very public journal with some speculations, not a comprehensive summary. Bullet-pointed notes for myself, with key points in bold, and of course, spoilers. I will not warn you twice.
Side note: I alternate with pronouns between the player(s), The Trailblazer, and Stelle. Take it or leave it.
The Sound and the Fury, which is the name of this Trailblaze Mission chapter, is a reference to a novel by the American author William Faulkner. I haven't read it, but I've heard that there are a number of parallels between Penacony and some motifs in the novel.
Pom-Pom introduces us to memoria, and we get a throwaway comment about the Memory Zone. The Memory Zone sounds like something related to Fuli and the Remembrance, and the Forgotten Hall/Memory of Chaos...
The Trailblaze and the Star Rail are what connected Penacony to the rest of the universe; and with the Express leaving Penacony, three Trailblazers stayed behind on the prison turned hotel. They were Tiernan (the guard), Legwork (the mechanic), and Razalina (the surveyor).
Some people have theorized that Misha might be the grandson or a descendent of one of these Trailblazers, and I'm inclined to agree. Of the three, he would likely be related to Legwork, as he's described as being "skilled at fixing a variety of machines" (Character Details).
Interastral Peace Broadcast update! I highly recommend listening to these for anyone who likes worldbuilding, just treat it like in-game current events. Most of what they said here isn't directly relevant to the main story, but the collaboration between the IPC and the Garden of Recollection is particularly interesting... I wonder what's happened since the events of Gold and Gears?
Also, Emperor Rubert I lore! I expect it to more relevant as we continue to get involved with members of Genius Society... I'm looking at you, Polka.
Dan Heng chooses to stay on the Express—totally understandable. Bro gotta celebrate Lunar New Year. And you know, we need someone to stay watch on the Express. He'll come find us eventually, he shows up in White Night after all.
It also doesn't help that Dan Heng took center stage for the Luofu and now there's not much mystery to him anymore. His story isn't complete per say, but all that's left to explore for him is the time between him leaving the Luofu and joining the Express, and the future. It'll probably be the backseat on lore for him until we head back to the Luofu.
Okay, the cutscene before the jump? Every time before we jump, there's a focus on the chessboard. According to this lovely reddit post, it's from a game that ended in a tie—and I think it's a direct reference to Jingliu's line, "This is a chess game between Aeons." Stelle, then, might be the black rook, because that's the piece we get a zoom-in on; though it's also possible she's a pawn, or not even on the board at all. Or the piece is the Astral Express (faction)? Questions, questions...
It also doesn't really matter how the game ends, because (1) when the Universe reaches its end everything will restart anyways and (2) the rules can be broken and new pieces can appear out of nowhere. Aeons don't have to play by normal rules (see: Mythus).
Flash: Acheron (moving backwards), Firefly, Robin, Acheron again (still moving backwards but closer to Stelle this time). This isn't the first time we've glimpsed into a/the future; the other time it happened was when we protected March from the Doomsday Beast on Herta Space Station.
The implications for seeing into the future seem pretty fucking big, but as it stands, I'm not sure how relevant that is right now. It's about the journey, not the destination; what matters isn't how the Universe ends, but what we do until we reach that point.
Blink and we're in the Dreamscape version of what becomes our guest room. No clue how we got there or if we're even really there.* (I'll expand on this in a bit.)
Acheron sighs, then says, "Not another one...." The other person she's talking about might be Black Swan...? I don't think it could be anyone else. She barely knows anyone else, even.
She also tells us we'll forget everything when we wake up, which is bull fucking shit when you see some of the dialogue options.
Okay, this might go pretty fucking meta (any ORV fans?), but Acheron's ability hear our "thoughts" might be similar to how we read the text stating the character's voicelines. Or to put in ORV terms, it's kind of like Kim Dokja reading the Wall. And HSR does go meta on character dialogue, they've given color to select words (e.g. Kafka's golden text, Acheron's red text), and alternative readings to other words.
*It doesn't make much sense to see the other characters in the dreamscape when this dream isn't being shared with them, and they're all people that (assuming we haven't arrived on Penacony yet), neither Acheron nor Stelle should know who they are -> they shouldn't appear in her dreamscape. Like, you don't just imagine whole ass people. Acheron calls them shadows, but they're all memories of conversations that have happened.
I saw a theory (no clue who said it, I think I read it first in a Reddit comment, but I thought it was interesting) that we've rewinded time on Penacony, and Acheron seems to be somewhat aware of this. In the first iteration, Duke Inferno may have successfully destroyed Penacony. In the second, Duke Inferno is slain by Acheron before that can happen, but the Memory Zone boss might've fucked us over. We'd be on the third iteration, then, and Acheron allowed the Memory Zone boss to kill Firefly. There's not much merit to this to be honest beyond some wacky voicelines, but I still think it's worth lingering on.
To be in the Memory Zone like this, I feel like it would imply that this is a memory, and these events would've had to have happened in the linear past. Acheron told us this is Penacony's "welcome", but I don't think that's the case. There's some time fuckery going on for sure.
The doors that lead us to meeting Misha are different than the other doors we saw, and lack the lock-like motif.
Acheron makes no acknowledgement of Misha. Keep this in mind, okay?
"...have we met somewhere before?" Yeah, maybe in another branch of time. None of the dialogue options are absolute an yes/no answer. (Or maybe before Stelle was "born" on Herta Space Station, but I doubt that a little. If that was the case, I think the Stellaron Hunters would be more aware of Acheron.)
If you play Stelle, the red text says "she stood shoulder to shoulder with me", and if you play Caelus, it says "he crossed blades with me". The former is a reference to her Nameless friend Frebass, mentioned in the new relic set Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters. Not sure about the other guy. These could also be taken as parallels to HI3 between Mei and Kiana/Kevin.
Her red text questions are so fucking wack, y'all. Inception reference: Would you wish to stay in the dream world? Elio/player meta: Would you wish to keep going, even if you knew how this story/game would/might end? Fourth wall break meta: Do you remember her?
Anyways, she does seem to be able to notice the different branches of time from different dialogue options; "countless versions of you[...] gave entirely different responses".
She tells us "in that monochrome world, there will be a glimpse of fleeting red, and when you make a choice, it will reappear before you once more..." The red, from what we can tell so far, is her red text. What we hear seems to change based on the choices/dialogue options we selected. If that's the red, then the monochrome world would be... the text you're reading? This really does remind me of ORV.
Then she kills Stelle. Well, not really. Death in a dream is one way to wake up from the dream in Inception, so that's Acheron's way of waking her up, huh.
Acheron looks like she's crying blood-tainted tears. And her eye looks kind of like the void in White Night, too...
Okay, Stelle goes with March to the front desk, and we remember meeting Misha. So what's that all about? We didn't forget jack shit.
March calls out to us, and she doesn't make any acknowledgement of Misha, which is out of character for her. If she saw we were chatting up a new friend, I get the impression she'd try to introduce herself. But she doesn't. Isn't that interesting?
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pixelgrotto · 6 months
Adventure Paths & Strategy Guides
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Those of you who keep track of this blog may have noticed that my updates have dried up since September. I have a good reason for this, because I got a new fulltime job writing for Rock Paper Shotgun. Yep, that's right - after originally starting Pixel Grotto back in 2013 because I couldn't get a job working at a video game media outlet, finally my path has come full circle. It only took a decade!
This turn of events coincides with a lot of other stuff in my life. In the past year, I've gotten married, moved from the US to the UK with my wife, and been freelancing in the tabletop RPG space all the while. In fact, my first published TTRPG work is now out in the wild in the form of Pathfinder Adventure Path #198 - With No Breath To Cry. Go grab a PDF (or physical copy) if you can, since I wrote some creepy lore about a new demon vaguely influenced by Chinese yaoguai and Japanese yokai, not to mention all sorts of Asian horror movies. I'm actually more pleased with my contributions to Pathfinder Adventure Path #199, but that doesn't come out until January. Keep your eyes peeled for it though!
Needless to say, this has probably been the most hectic and life-changing year I've gone through since 2018, when I moved from Hong Kong back to the US. And as 2023 comes to a close, I'm feeling reflective. I compare myself with others a lot, and much of my life has been spent looking at the accomplishments of people around me and feeling like I don't measure up. While I still do this to varying degrees, I suppose I can finally acknowledge that two of the goals I've always had - 1) to work in the gaming industry to some capacity, and 2) to see my writing published - have manifested in 2023. If I could venture back to 2013 when I started this blog (with a post about eating dumplings while playing Final Fantasy XII, no less) and tell my old self what he'd be up to a decade later, younger Jeremy would be chuffed.
That's another thing of note: as of this past October, Pixel Grotto turned a decade old. Technically, the site is even older than that, since prior to Pixel Grotto, I used this Tumblr for a blog dubbed Aqua Headphones that was sort of a mixture of personal ramblings combined with reblogs of whatever I found cool on the internet at the time. Since then, I've written an awful lot about video games, which led to writing about tabletop games, which led to working in both fields in a professional capacity.
It's surreal to examine my goals and observe how they unfolded in unusual ways. My original desire to work in games media came from the childhood magazines that I loved - Computer Gaming World and Electronic Gaming Monthly - and when those went the way of the dodo, I became a journalist with the sly hope that maybe one day I'd get a job working at Kotaku or something. But I finally got my gaming gig not at an American site, but a British one. And I'm writing guides, which is not something I initially envisioned myself doing. It's tricky work where we often have the chase the reins of the most popular franchises (I now know more about Modern Warfare 3 guns than I ever imagined I would), but it's also fun, since it reminds me of days spent perusing GameFAQs and leafing through physical strategy guides, several of which I still own. Versus Books' Final Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Time Perfect Guides remain on my shelf alongside Prima's Quest for Glory guides and Peter Spear's The King's Quest Companion...and while I can't do my current work in the same format of these gems (many of which were "novelizations," a style of guide writing I really miss), it does feel trippy to be following in their footsteps.
I could say the same thing about getting my words published. As a kid, I forever wanted to pen the next great fantasy novel. And while I've got more than a few discarded novel drafts sitting on my hard drive, the field of fantasy fiction isn't the one that's bearing my first printed work. Instead, it's modules and supplementary books in the fantasy tabletop gaming space - a space that has let me develop and externalize some of the plots and characters that have been gestating in my head since childhood. To a certain extent, that childhood desire to be the next great Tolkien has lessened as a result of this, and I can't say I'm displeased. I'm also happy that my first published work has been in a Pathfinder Adventure Path, because once again thinking about magazines, Adventure Paths remain one of the few remaining publications in the TTRPG space that bear some resemblance to old issues of Dragon magazine, and the nostalgia makes me happy.
I don't like to spend much time on this blog talking about myself, because there are always new ways to incite comparison to others and activate the inferiority complex in my brain. But at the end of a very long 2023 and on the tenth anniversary of the name "Pixel Grotto," I feel like it's necessary. As we move on to year eleven, I'll continue to make posts as long as my schedule permits it - after all, I can't let this blog fall to the wayside seeing as how its existence contributed a great deal to the opportunities that I now enjoy!
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