#which looks so much nicer haha
emphistic · 2 months
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Things Reader Should Acknowledge: this is part of my Boy Nextdoor Series, reader and sukuna are in highschool, and they have yet to start dating,
Synopsis: When someone just won't leave you alone, Sukuna decides to take matters into his own hands.
A/N: I'm trying something new: writing from Sukuna's pov, this took me way longer than it should have
Taglist: @starlets-things
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Sukuna couldn't stand this new guy — Luke.
Luke has been following you around campus all day, like a lost puppy. Sukuna knew better; Sukuna knew that this was all just an act — that sooner or later, Luke would try to get in your pants.
He's seen this happen to you before. It resulted in his shirt being stained with your tears as you cried in his arms.
Sukuna wondered why this made him so mad, why the ache in his heart increased, why you — the smartest in the class — couldn't even realize what you were doing to him.
Usually, you and Sukuna walk to class together. Actually, scratch that. You and Sukuna always walk to class together. But that almost changed today.
Sukuna told you that he had to use the bathroom, and to just wait outside for him — which is what you did. But when Sukuna finished his business and came outside, expecting to see you — which he he did; he did see you — but he didn't see just you. A blonde boy; Luke, was also there, attempting to look cool by leaning against the locker, and he was talking to you.
The pink-haired teen could've sworn that smoke came out from his ears at the sight before him. That Luke boy was taking up all of your attention that you didn't even notice that Sukuna had finished up in the restroom.
Sukuna approached you from behind, and put a firm hand on your shoulder, making you jolt in surprise before realizing it was just Sukuna.
"Oh, hey, 'Kuna! We were just talking about you," your cheery voice lightened Sukuna's mood just a bit, "this is Luke. He's new — just moved here from [insert city]. That's where you lived before moving here, right?"
Sukuna grunted in reply.
"See, you guys already have something in common."
Bless your sweet heart for trying.
Luke avoided Sukuna's eyes, "Uh, haha, yeah. Anyways, about what I asked you earlier—"
"What did you ask her about?" Sukuna asked, raising a brow.
"He was offering to walk me to class. Um, so about that—"
"Sorry, Kid. I'm already walking her to class. Besides, it's better that way. We have Chemistry together. Wouldn't wanna be late to your first class, Bud."
"Sorry, what? I'm in the same year as you. I am not a kid."
"Oh, my bad. I just assumed your age there. I was going off of your short stature."
You turned around to swat at Sukuna's arm, "Don't be mean. He's not even short, you're just a giant compared to everyone else."
Sukuna rolled his eyes, and took your arm, dragging you off to class and away from this wannabe.
"Hey, what's your problem? He was literally trying to be nice, like, I know we walk together but you could've at least told him that in a nicer way."
"My problem, is that that boy won't leave you alone. Can't he just take the hint that we're busy, and he's wasting our time?" Sukuna tightened his grip on your arm, and picked up his pace, you had to practically sprint to match his speed.
"Are you serious right now, Sukuna? He is not wasting my time. He's just being nice."
Nice? Were you that oblivious? Sukuna would show you what being nice really was.
The pink-haired teen groaned, "Again with that word, huh?"
And with that, the two of you guys enter the lab without another word.
You were fuming, why was Sukuna making this a whole ordeal? What does he have against Luke? (These questions were better left unanswered.)
Lunch wasn't any better. Sukuna sat across from you, as per usual, with your guys' friend groups as well. Only difference was a fly buzzing in your ear. Not literally, of course. But someone very much like it.
"So," Luke began — with his mouth full of food (to which you mentally gagged), "you free, this afternoon? I have this assignment and I'm sorta confused about it. I heard you're quite the smartie pants." You cringed at his words, again.
"I . . . actually—"
"If you're confused, just ask your teacher. It's really not that difficult," Sukuna quipped.
This time, you didn't scold Sukuna. After all, Luke was being an absolute pain in your ass.
Luke frowned, finally closing his mouth.
Thank the heavens, you sighed.
Sukuna noticed your relief, and smirked. He was glad you finally saw past Luke's façade.
Eventually, the bell rang, and most people started to throw away their trash and exit the cafeteria, you and Sukuna included.
You stood on your tippy toes in order to whisper in his ear, "I see why you were annoyed earlier. Hopefully Luke doesn't have the same class as us."
Today the universe was on your side, because guess who came waltzing into your English class? That's right, the annoying fly from earlier.
Sukuna facepalmed in disbelief, while you shrunk in your seat — hoping that Luke wouldn't notice you and the pink-haired boy sitting in the back, nonetheless, the empty desk right beside you.
Spoiler alert, none of your wishes were granted. Nada.
Luke practically skipped to his seat, and sat down on your right. All the while, your teacher droned on with her lesson.
You messily jotted down notes, and daydreamed for the majority of class.
Sukuna seethed with anger as he watched Luke slowly — but surely — edge his chair closer and closer to yours. You, on the other hand, seemed to not even notice the blonde's actions.
"—so, kids, I will be assigning a group project worth 35% of your grade. It will be due—"
Luke immediately put his arm around your shoulder, "Let's work together. It'll be super fun, you can come over to my house, tonight!"
Something in Sukuna snapped, he saw red. If he was a volcano, he would surely be erupting right now, "That's just too bad, Blondie. 'Cause she's working with me." Sukuna put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his chest.
Luke's expression twisted into looking utterly appalled by Sukuna. However, the pink-haired teen remained stoic.
"Whatever." He muttered, under his breath, before storming off to elsewhere.
Luke turned to you, to see how you would react, but you avoided his gaze. "Sorry, Luke. I'm sure there's someone else you can work with?"
Luke scoffed.
You turned to Sukuna and gently rubbed his arm in a coaxing manner, "Don't hurt him. Please."
Sukuna sighed — a long, deep sigh.
The rest of the day went by quickly, you and Sukuna forgot about Luke — almost as if he never even happened. You packed up your stuff and began the usual walk home.
You laughed, "Well, I'm friends with you. So I guess you could say I like ugly things."
Sukuna made small talk with you, his hands were stuffed in his pockets.
Jazz music played from nearby cafes, and bookstores. He noticed your gaze lingering on some windows. You stared especially long at a plushie of a hideous beast (Sukuna's way of saying animal).
Sukuna scoffed, "You seriously into that ugly shit?"
Sukuna rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. You made a mental note of him not denying the word "friends".
A fortnight had passed — since your meeting with Luke, and as you liked to call it; 'twas the season of love.
Unlike you, Sukuna frowned when he saw what day it was — the 14th of February. He groaned, and fell back asleep with an arm over his eyes.
The only reason Sukuna even made it to school was that you wouldn't stop spamming his phone with calls.
You had to practically drag him onto campus.
It was funny though, every class you entered, there was at least someone who gave you chocolates, or flowers, or both! Sukuna stifled many sneezes on that day, poor baby. Actually — not really.
You weren't the only one with many admirers, you see. Sukuna had many girls (guys as well) come up to him during class, during break, even when he was in the bathroom there were people trying to barge in.
Your day was going really well, well . . . until the end of school. Sukuna was about to head out through the school gates, when he noticed you weren't by his side anymore. His head whipped around to see none other than that blondie by your side.
Sukuna sighed, loudly. He thought he was finally free from this annoyance, but guess not.
"—I got you these chocolates, Y/N. Happy Valentine's Day!" Luke smiled.
You took the heart shaped box into your arms, "Thanks, Luke. I . . . appreciate it!" You struggled to find the words.
"Of course. I mean, a girl as beautiful as you deserves only the best, right?" Luke saw Sukuna standing just a few feet away from you, and sped up his speech, "A-anyways, bye, Y/N." The blonde boy sprinted away, almost tripping every few steps.
You sighed, and walked back towards Sukuna. He recognized the chocolates as a cheap brand from some drug store he visited to buy his grandpa's meds.
He looked at the box and rolled his eyes.
"Haven't we tried these chocolates before already? I thought you hated them," Sukuna scoffed.
You nodded, "It's not his fault. He just didn't know."
That same evening, you came over to Sukuna's house for your guys' weekly movie night. You had brought the chocolates you received at school and you shared them with Sukuna — he also had the chocolates he received.
A rom com played on the TV in Sukuna's room, the both of you were comfortably seated on his bed. You had your knees up to your chest, and a blanket wrapped around your whole body. Sukuna was different; he sat cross-legged, with only a pillow on his lap.
Then, he remembered.
"I'll be right back." The pink-haired teen abruptly stood up, temporarily blocking the screen with his tall figure, and stalked away to his closet. He slid the doors open and took out an Amazon box.
He presented it to you, and you asked, cocking your head to the side, "What's this?"
"Ignore the box, I had nothing else to put it in." He gestured for you to hurry up and open it. And that's what you did. Sukuna remained standing, near the bed.
"I love it! Thanks a bunch!" You got up to your knees to reach Sukuna's face — you were still a little too short, so you pulled him down — and kissed him on the cheek, right as the couple on the screen kissed as well.
Your eyes instantly lit up, a wide smile on your face.
"Aww, 'Kuna! You didn't have to." Inside the Amazon box was a pack of chocolates — that you actually liked — and the plushie you were staring at while walking home from school one day.
Sukuna looked taken aback, shocked, but not displeased — quite the opposite, really. He didn't know having a girl kiss him would feel so, so . . . what? He didn't know the right word for it. He didn't have the right word for it.
He turned around, concealing his reddening face, "It was no big deal, I just wanted to use you to get me something back for White Day."
You giggled, seeing the tips of his ears turning pink. He was lying, and you knew that.
When Sukuna finally calmed his pounding heart, he turned back around and sat on the bed next to you.
You could clearly see a stamp of your lip gloss stained onto his pale cheek, and you giggled again.
God, since when was your laughter like music from Heaven? Sukuna thought.
His heart was racing, again.
The night ended with you showering Sukuna with kisses all over his face, except for his lips. The movie was long forgotten.
Sukuna loved it. He loved the feeling of your lips all over him. He loved the ecstasy, the bliss, after it all. He loved you.
You set one of the shots as your wallpaper and another as your profile for Sukuna on your phone.
It's safe to say that you could not stop laughing at seeing his stained face. Seeing him covered in your kiss marks made you kiss him even more.
You took a picture of him, pictures actually. Enough pictures to fill up a 365 paged book. And you even got to capture a picture of him smiling, very different from the usual scowl on his face.
"Anyways," you started, after ceasing your attacks, "wanna get lunch some time? Heard there's a new place that just opened up."
Sukuna nodded, without a beat of hesitation.
Because if this was how he died, — you as the cause, with your kisses littered all over him — he wouldn't pull away from your grasps for even a second.
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avisisisis · 11 months
Seeing people saying that Satoru doesn't actually care about Suguru and that the only reason Kenjaku caught him was bc he was surprised to see a person he killed alive is fucking wild, man
Like. Gojo's entire life revolves around Geto. The entire series happens because he loved Suguru too much to kill him, even though he knew he would have to do it eventually. The world literally went to shit because he wasn't over him
Geto Suguru's life would be completely unimportant to the story without Gojo Satoru, and Gojo Satoru's would be completely unimportant without Geto Suguru. They complement each other. They need each other
Two male betta fishes can't coexist. They will fight and one will die. They can't see each other — even if they're in different tanks, they won't be able to live. They'd eventually tire each other out, resulting in death. The only way for Satoru and Suguru's lives to be able to continue without the other would've been for them to never have met at all. And they can't be together. Not now, not ever again. Not while they're still alive. Not after everything that's happened
The entire story revolves around their relationship. Yuuji is a boy who ate a curse('s finger[s]), and Megumi is the prodigy who befriends him. Satoru is a prodigy, the strongest, and Suguru, the boy whose technique is eating curses, befriends him. The Jujutsu Kaisen story is all about parallels and they all connect to fucking Satosugu. It's all about them
The only reason Kenjaku's plan worked is because the body he used didn't belong to some random person Gojo killed, it worked because the body he used was Geto Suguru's, Gojo's one and only, his best friend. He must be thinking “Thank god they're gay” right now lmao
Gojo fucking hesitated. He hesitated multiple times when it came to Geto. He was supposed to kill him, yet he let him go. He has the Six Eyes, he could've easily tracked him down. He probably could tell if he was nearby (he can recognize Suguru from his scent) and just didn't go looking for him. And he could've so very easily escaped the trap that was set up for him, he was going to run away from it because we see him about to take that step but then Suguru's body shows up and says “Yo, Satoru!” with Suguru's voice and Satoru freezes and hesitates
They weren't able to let go of each other even after years of being separated (like a decade). When they meet, Suguru still greets Satoru warmly
Suguru is pretty much Satoru's moral code. He was the only person Satoru took at least mildly seriously pre-Toji (and we know Satoru just didn't do serious back then). He actually took his words to heart. He was kind, of course (especially from Suguru's PoV, since he's the person that knows him most), and not a bad person, but he wasn't nice. Suguru was always the ‘nice(r) one’, the one who actually had a moral code, while Satoru was more of an asshole to literally everyone and everything (some more, some less), thinking he and Suguru were above everyone else
When Suguru finally snaps (which, honestly. Fair) and goes genocidal (not so fair), Satoru slowly starts to be somewhat nicer and starts applying Suguru's old moral code to his own being — their roles weren't exactly reversed, but now they're not together anymore, so they might as well be. And Suguru was shown for having faith in the school and its system while it was Satoru the one who absolutely abhorred the higher-ups and all kinds of authority, but then it ended up with Suguru being the one to leave and become a cult leader with the blood of hundreds on his hands while Satoru was the one that stayed behind in the same place of the people he despises so much
(Imagine someone saying something like “Sometimes I doubt you even have a moral code” and Gojo answers with “Oh, my best friend my one and only is pretty much my moral code. He went homicidal a while back but it's okay haha” “...Actually, that explains a few things”)
Gojo doesn't have a god complex, but I wouldn't blame him if he did. I mean, he might as well be the closest thing to god human beings have ever seen. He used to put himself above everyone else, when he was a teenager. He thought that, the higher he was, the more he could do. And no one was better than him. But not Suguru. Back then, it wasn't “I'm the strongest” it was “We're the strongest and “We're the best” and “We're the ones that will beat you” and “We're the duo” and it was all about “us, us, us, us, us” instead of “me, me, me, me” like people thought it was — they were a pair. They still are
We know people thought and still think of Gojo as a weapon. As something that must be controlled, because on the moment he decides he doesn't want to be around them anymore, he could just straight up kill then without any effort (but getting rid of people in positions of power only gets other people in positions of power and it'll be a neverending story, and Gojo knows this so he's trying to do his best to fix it all through the younger generation, by letting them live). And we also know that Suguru is one of the very few people who did not believe that at all
Like their personalities and characters and stories and literally everything, their names complement each other. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are such similar names, I get them mixed up all the time (the amount of times I've called them “Gojo Suguru” and “Geto Satoru” is embarassing. Also, “Saturu”. “Goto”. “Gejo”. Ugh). Both of their last names start with a G, end with an O and have 4 letters. Both of their given names start with an S, end with an U and have 6 letters. They complement each other. They need each other
The only times we've seen Gojo with an expression of actual pure, raw emotion is when it's about Geto. When he finds out about what Geto did, when he realizes how thin and wrong Geto looks, when he sees him again for what we assume to be the first time in years, when he dies, when a thing wearing his corpse and using his voice greets him (“Yo, Satoru!” oh my god)
Suguru was able to fight back when in Kenjaku's control after Satoru said his name. Kenjaku himself says that had never happened before
And you don't even have to see them as romantic. You don't have to ship them if you don't want to. But you can't deny that they care about each other more than they will ever care about anyone else
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astralibrary · 8 days
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hi @marykedoesart, this is my gift to you for @natsume-ss' spring exchange!
you said you like tanuma/natsume and heartfelt, emotional themes so i went very symbolic with this, haha. i really love the idea of using imagery from the fish pond in tanuma's backyard to represent these two and their dynamic, so that became the concept i ran with. i'll explain my whole thought process below, but in the meantime i hope you like it! 💖
pls bear with me here bc this is going to be very long and wordy lol
so there's a definite theme of separate worlds here; while the environments are both pretty abstract, the idea was that tanuma is sitting in his house looking out towards his backyard where the pond is, representing the "real world," whereas natsume is in a more fantastical underwater setting, representing the world of youkai. also there's the implication that he's sitting at the bottom of the pond, aka completely immersed in that other world, while tanuma can only perceive hints of it in the reflected light & shadow on the wall.
tanuma's side is lit by the glow of the setting sun, and natsume's by an otherworldly blue light. also, there's their clothes: tanuma is in his regular school uniform while natsume is in a yukata, something that pretty much all humanoid youkai wear.
next, their poses; they're both sitting exactly the same way as a reflection of each other but natsume has his head bowed while tanuma is looking up; this is meant to represent their different approaches to their relationship. natsume is definitely more closed off, both as a defense mechanism and because he wants to protect tanuma & keep him away from the dangers of youkai. tanuma, though, is open and contemplative, maybe even hopeful; he wants to be let in and he wants to help, even if it is dangerous.
the lighting reinforces these conflicting attitudes, with tanuma's side being brighter and warmer while natsume's is darker and colder, representing this sort of "optimism vs pessimism" dynamic.
so now, the fish. the bridge between their different worlds, basically. on natsume's side it's a real fish while on tanuma's it's a shadow cast on the wall, which is obviously the original conceit of the scene in the source material: natsume can literally see the fish, while tanuma can only see its shadow. still, even if it manifests differently, it still exists to both of them, so it's a connection between them concerning youkai.
so they're both in their separate worlds, but because of this connection they affect each other, maybe in small ways at first; as the fish crosses over the barrier it leaves little effects, little disturbances behind. on natsume's side, bubbles drift up towards the surface, little pockets of air like little lifelines showing the way, and on tanuma's side little droplets fall and create ripples in the reflected water, these small things that grow and grow outward until they're not so small anymore. little feelings that bubble up and ripple out, hoping to reach the other in their own way.
the fish brings these feelings across the barrier, endlessly looping around them as they endlessly call out to each other, trying to navigate this relationship they have; it's possible to bridge the gap between them as long as they look and listen and learn to embrace the things that make them different just as much as those that bring them together.
and that's about it! my goal was to make a symbolic piece about their struggle to understand each other but with a hopeful note, so hopefully that comes across! i hope my explanation at least sort of made sense and wasn't too confusing! (to be completely transparent i only had about half of that in mind while i was drawing it, the rest sort of came together as i was writing this. neat!)
and finally, here's a still frame in the original higher resolution so you can see it a bit nicer! 💖
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impishjesters · 7 months
Im so obsessed with the nonsexual intimacy headcannon between reader and Jax. They are SO good! You're wonderful at writing Jax as well, it feels v in character!! (Even if we only have one ep. :P)
If you like, I would love to see your take on Jax with a reader who makes stuff to show affection. Clothes, art, ect. ect.
If not, that's fine! I love reading through your blog enough on its own, haha!
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Jax with a gift-giving affection s/o
warning(s): none A/N: You can't tell me Jax wouldn't get irritable during craft time, patience isn't his strong suit in this situation and he'd definitely overreact if something wasn't going as planned. It's craft time baby, not nuclear codes, you can breathe baby.
Jax isn’t the biggest fan of physical affection, he can but there’s a limit to how much he’ll tolerate.
Being shown your affection by handmade gifts? Well, he’s not used to receiving stuff like this but it’s an absolute breath of fresh air to the idea of being touched all the time.
If you’re his s/o then he’s a lot nicer about the stuff you make him, even if he doesn’t know what it is or have a use for it. (you could gift this bitch a rock with googly eyes and pipe cleaners and he’d still thank you and display it in his room, but in the back of his head he’s questioning what the hell this is and why you’re giving it to him)
If you aren’t dating yet then he’ll still accept the gifts but he’s more forward in asking what something is if he’s unsure. Which could sound like a genuine question or a flat-out rude statement, really depends.
Clothing and accessories are his favorite gifts because not only does he get to look snazzy, but he gets to show them off and rub it in other people’s faces that not only does he look bitchin’ but it’s you who made it for him.
He’s not typically vain but your clothing and accessories make his pride skyrocket.
Jax has zero creative crafting skills but he’ll often toss out an idea for something matching, usually something simple like an accessory but he’ll avoid matching rings. It feels too intimate, similar to certain other matching-themed items.
Now if you manage to rope him into making something with you, IE you supplying it and just sitting there making something together but separately.
The most this boy can make is a bead bracelet, the knot is awful so you’ll have to fix it later when he’s not looking. But hey, you get a one-of-a-kind Jax bracelet that looks like a child teenager made it. (he doesn’t have the patience for anything fancier)
Aside from clothing, Jax also favours any art stuff, especially if it’s of him. Since they won’t get as seen in his room he’s taken to displaying some of them around the tent with a not-so-vague threat that if anything happened to them he’d make sure the punishment followed the crime. (no Caine, you don't get to have an opinion, the picture is staying)
His favourite works stay safely in his room though, you don’t know it but he likes to look at them when he’s missing you. ew emotions
It doesn’t compare skill-wise, but Jax does occasionally try and gift you something in return.
Gangle somehow managed to rope Jax into joining her when crafting one time, saying it would be a nice little surprise to make something for you. (she was just lonely, she feels bad using you as an excuse like that but it worked!)
Once in a blue moon he’ll join Gangle to make you something, it’s a miracle Gangle puts up with him because his frustrations get a little wild for no reason. (he’s like a grumpy toddler in need of a nap time when he gets upset over crafting, man has no patience for the glue to dry)
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peculiar0ne · 3 months
a familiar face
”hey dingus! your children are here!”
steve’s head snaps up from its place on the back room’s table. it takes him a moment to process robin’s words, but when he does, he’s out of that chair in 0.3 seconds.
he bursts through the ‘captain’s quarters’ door, running up to greet the party.
“your first day of summer break and you come to see my dumbass at this place?” he questions. he wasn’t sure what these kids found so interesting about him, but whatever it was, they were all wrapped around his finger.
he wasn’t complaining, just confused as to why a bunch of 14 year-olds were spending their first day of summer vacation in a nautical themed ice cream shop with him instead of going to the arcade.
“will wanted ice cream,” el shrugs.
“and we wanted to see how stupid you looked in your uniform!” lucas chimed in.
“are you wearing…lipgloss?”
“shut the hell up, max. it’s strawberry lipgloss and it’s the closest thing to chapstick i could find.”
steve was, of course, lying. he didn’t want the party to know that he was wearing lipgloss to try to look a little nicer. he didn’t want them to know about his on-going sexuality crisis, or the specific someone he wanted to catch the attention of.
“harrington, your kids are in the damned way!” robin gestures to the people standing behind them, so steve ushers the group to the side so robin could help the customers.
“anyways, will wanted ice cream? that’s the only reason you’re here?”
“well…we may have planned this after we found out scoops hired you..” will admits as he fidgets with his bracelet (which was made by el at their last sleepover).
“dude! you weren’t supposed to tell him that!”
“i’m sorry, mike! you know i can’t lie!”
“alright, quit arguing,” steve moves back behind the counter, leaning against it. “what do you losers want?”
“we just told you?” max points out.
“haha, mayfield. i mean what flavors. i can’t have you guys in my way all day, i have shit to do.” steve reaches for his ice cream scoop, and waits for the kids to order their treats.
the kids left after everyone got their ice cream, much to their dismay. robin had ushered them out, wanting to make room for ‘actual customers’, as she called it.
“seriously, how many children are you friends with, harrington?”
steve rolled his eyes and chuckled, before his attention was pulled away from robin, and onto someone new. the last person either of the two had expected to see.
steve turned around after hearing the shuffling of feet approaching the counter.
steve froze.
a familiar set of brown eyes stared back at him. long, curly hair framed the face of this mystery person. they cocked their head in confusion as a response to steve’s frozen frame.
“uh, you alright there, harrington?”
“wha- yeah, yeah i’m fine. eddie..?”
“that is my name,” eddie comments, still confused.
“sorry, just uh, why are you here? i didn’t expect to see you.”
“aw, are you all shy because of me? you could’ve said so, pretty boy, maybe i would’ve stayed away,” eddie smirked, leaning over the counter and resting his chin on his palm.
steve wasn't shy because of eddie, per say. steve was shy because..
because he's eddie? no, that couldn't be it.
eddie was the reason steve had so boldly chosen to wear lipgloss that day.
that's why steve was shy.
'oh my fuck. holy shit. why did this have to happen? i wore the lipgloss to try to catch his eye, but he wasn't supposed to actually stop by the fucking store! stupid steve! you are SO stupid!'
"hey, harrington? you daydreaming about boobies over there?" eddie giggles, waving his hand in front of the dazed boy's face.
steve shakes himself out of his thoughts, suddenly aware of how red his face is. aware of how close eddie is. he had moved as close to the counter as possible-avoiding climbing on top of it-in order to check on steve. eddie knew steve was a flight risk. faint risk, as he preferred to call it. he had seen it before, countless times from the sidelines, always too nervous to approach and help out.
"i'm fine! what can i get you eddie?" steve blurts out, wanting this awkward interaction to be over with. i mean, come on. boobies? how old was munson, anyway?
"i'll take a double scoop of chocolate on a waffle cone and your phone number, if you're giving it out," eddie winks, and steve just rolls his eyes and charges eddie, then prepares and gives him his order.
and then finds himself giving the taller boy his phone number.
part 2: ?
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idanceuntilidie · 6 months
Once iced coffee exploded on me..
yandere angel x male reader
tw: yandere themes, suggestive themes and kidnapping
Requests are open
Looking out for you.
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People say that a guardian angel watches over those who believe.
Near death experiences were a normal thing for you. Surprisingly you in the end you always end up healthy and ‘happy’
If you were a believer you would say that maybe an angel watches over you or wants you dead. Haha, ridiculous.
You try to take a sip of your coffee, only for it to spill on you. You hiss in pain and in the corner of your eye you see the women behind the counter panic and call someone from the back.
Well this is way nicer than almost getting hit by a car.
Shit this fucking hurt.
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Cael watched you try to calm down the waitresses.
He watched you smile through the pain and tell them it’s okay.
He sat in front of you, it’s not like you could see him anyway. His fingers brush lightly across your cheek. He saw you shiver, a small smile graced his features. Aren’t you the sweetest?
His head tilted and his golden locks fell on his face, the smile still present. He touched your face, he touched the places that were hurt. You visibly relaxed as some of the pain washed away.
The clothes now stained with coffee showed what was hidden underneath. Caels eyes watched as you tried to dry yourself. It would be easy to just take it off.
His breath hitched as he felt his cheeks redden.
This feeling made him dizzy.
It was unacceptable, unholy!
He used his cold fingers to cool down his heated face. Cael took a few deep breaths and looked at you again.
He is doing a terrible job, but he can’t help but get distracted by your beauty.
How gracefully you moved, or when you talked he swears just heavenly singing.
He is supposed to protect you but you are making it oh so hard and you can be so careless…
You quickly gathered your things, and left the coffee shop.
Cael followed close behind you, he held your free hand, humming happily.
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Your breathing was slow, peaceful. Chest rising and falling rhythmically.
You must have pretty good dreams.
Cael sat at the edge of your bed, thinking. He stood in front of a difficult decision, the situation in the coffee shop proved you cannot take care of yourself. This world is too dangerous and you are too good for this.
Your room was too bright for your comfort. It was almost confusing.
You open your eyes and try to focus your eyes to the painfully bright environment.
This wasn’t your room now that you think about it.
You try to move only to realize you are tied up with a golden rope, it was too tight and your wrist hurt.
“I wouldn’t move much if I were you”
A voice echoed through the large room. You looked in the way it came
You saw a man sitting on a king size bed, his clothes were loosen, his shoulders and a bit of his chest visible. He was slightly muscular, tan. The white robes fitted so nicely. He was smiling at you, cheeks flushed with a pretty shade of pink. Your eyes widened as you saw a pair of white wings sprout from his back.
This place looked like something out of renaissance painting. Simply beautiful, but you can’t help but feel that something is wrong.
“A demon tried to steal your soul, taint it with sin” he hummed as he walked towards you.
“A demon..?”
“Thank our Lord I was assigned to you and was able to save you.”
he cupped your face, his hands were cold but so comforting. You recognize that feeling.
“But I'm afraid I was slightly too late” his face twisted into a frown. One had squeezed your face painfully.
Cael sat on your lap, his fingers danced on your skin. Your breath hitched, as you tried to look away from the man and get as far as you can from him. The ropes did limit your movement greatly.
“Don’t worry little lamb, I will make you pure again and protect you always.”
His warm breath hit your neck, you shivered which made him chuckle.
That’s right, he wants to help but why do you feel so uneasy?
Why do you feel like you won’t leave?
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jessamine-rose · 11 months
Yooo, I'm still thinking of your Miguel O'Hara fic and I like how you wrote his little yandere-isms. Like him having every little detail about you, your habits, and personality quirks being noted down aside from the rest of his possessiveness is just something that gets me feeling a certain way haha.
I am a bit curious though, (if you're okay with answering this, no pressure haha) what does the rest of Miguel's Darling List look like? Or at the very least, what was the first thing he wrote down on it?
Read my Yandere! Miguel O’Hara fic here <3
With his CCTVs and observation skills, Miguel would have a long list of unethically-sourced information on his Variant! Darling. Here are more items from his private files~
Tw:: yandere, stalking, obsessive behavior
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FILE NAME: ______ (EARTH-███)
1. ______ wears the same brand of perfume.
2. Speech patterns: Softer voice, less outspoken, code-switches more often.
3. Personal style is nicer more fashionable. Same favorite colors but in darker shades.
12. Phone passcode: Date of rescue.
13. ______’s cooking tastes better. Less sugar, more spices.
20. Less fidgety in her sleep. Follows a strict morning routine.
“Does her room need that many CCTVs?” asked LYLA.
Ignoring her, Miguel switched to a different screen for a closer look at your sleeping face.
44. More competent at office work, but also more prone to anxiety and stress.
“LYLA, can you go online and order a stress ball? Buy the type which she used.”
56. Among her coworkers, ______ is closest to her dimension’s Spider-Man. He provides her with updates and inside jokes.
Shortly after No#56 was recorded, the aforementioned Spider-Man was given more assignments outside of Earth-928. The reasons were not disclosed by Miguel.
81. ______ should be kept away from Hobie Brown at all costs.
LYLA raised an eyebrow at the next sentence. “Are you seriously calling Spider-Punk a ‘bad influence’ and a ‘distraction from work’? Sounds more like jealousy to me.”
108. Peter B. Parker asked ______ to hold Mayday. She is awkward with kids. (Was her Variant the same before Gabriella? If that’s the case, she’ll warm up to them eventually.)
Thank you so much for your sweet comments, and the idea, Anon dear!! Everyone’s feedback has made my day, and I hope that more ppl will cry over enjoy The Spider and the Fly >:3
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chaewon2000lover · 11 months
Return on investment. Part 1 of 2.
Male reader x Kim chaewon
2.5k words.
tags, wholesome, standing sex, pussy eating.
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“Click” “Click” “Click”“Click”“Click” “Click” “Click “Click”“Click” “Click” “Click” “Click”
“Uhh, god finally done”
you look to the side past your many monitors and across your desk where your phone lays buzzing.
“Unforgiven I’m a villain, I’m a”
you swipe at it and it turns off.
“Huh, that always manages to cheer me up at the end of a hard day managing way to much of way to many peoples money, I’m so happy I made her new song my ‘work over’ alarm”
as you stand up to leave shortly after turning your seemingly endless wall of monitors off, you remember that checking your phone might be a good idea, considering that your girlfriend will be in New York soon.
“I know you just got done working, see you tomorrow xxx”
attached was a picture you were not completely sure you should be looking at right now as you walked down the halls towards the elevator, though as per usual you were probably the only human in the building.
“they should really just let me set up an office from my own home”
regardless you opened it.
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“god I can’t wait to have her in my hands, her perfect perky breasts her slightly protruding hips attached to her perfect little butt, and sitting on top of all that what must be the most perfect face in the world currently adorned with an amazing expression” you think.
“hope you have that same outfit tomorrow 😍😍😍😳😳”
“haha I’ll see if they’ll lend it to me, maybe you could buy it🤔🤔🐯”
“Maybe maybe 🤔, How are you ever going to pay me back for this🤔🤔”
“you’ll find out exactly how tomorrow❤️‍🔥”
“Ohh yeah, what can you do for me that I can’t just buy?”
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I know how much you want to touch and hold this”
“an older one i like it”
“And also these abs, I know you can’t buy any common whore in America or anywhere with abs as nice as mine or a face as lovely”
“did the sweet Angel just say whore”
“Tomorrow I won’t just say it”
“Okay chae as per usual you win, I don’t need to blow my load while driving”
“your driving, why didn’t you put it on voice call yet?”
“I thought you were with your members?”
“ohh yeah, that’s true😙”
“You know what, chae if you weren’t so incredibly adorable you would be so annoying to deal with”
“Hey, that maybe be true but you best treat me nicer tomorrow, especially if you want this adorable idol to be yours to play with”
“okay I’m sorry chae😥😥, but remember who paid to upgrade your flight and who paid to put you and your members in the top suite”
“okay, sorry how about we settle it tomorrow?❤️‍🔥, also all the girls are loving it, though they won’t stop asking me who paid for it”
“just tell them it’s an adoring fan, or even better your sugar daddy😳😹😹”
“whatever, are you still driving?”
“yeah it’s a long way around NY, I’ll show you tomorrow”
“I’ll look forward to it love you xxx”
“love you to xxxx”
As you fell asleep, all you were able to think about is her body and how it will feel, you’d been nervous before but nothing can compare to this feeling.
And now the day has finally come you stand outside the venue, leaning against your favourite car a new Ferrari 296 GT3 barely road legal and not the most comfortable but it sure does draw a lot of looks and it would right now if you weren’t in a remote part of the parking lot.
“hopefully chae won’t be able to notice how little sleep I got” You think aloud to yourself.
You just learnt what can top the nerves from last night, the nerves you are feeling as you see a little speck getting closer, slowly it becomes bigger brighter and more human like, as you can begin to properly make it out, you know its her getting closer and closer you can recognise the outfit she’s wearing, and chuckle a little to yourself.
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“Baby, you got the outfit, how much is it gonna cost me” you quip.
she doesn’t reply instead she just jumps into you, to which of course you open your arms and wrap them around her.
“Your so warm”
“thanks chae it’s good to know that I’m a effective hot pack”
you lift her up and swing her tiny frame around a little before kissing her, your mouth barely touching hers as you spin her around.
with that little sound from her you place her down.
and bend down to kiss her on the cheek.
“get in the car let’s go to a restaurant then we can get back to my place”
“What kind of restaurant?”
“whatever kind you want? This is New York you can get anything you want, at least if you know the right person and you’ve got the money and trust me I’ve got both”
“ohh yeah, you make it sound like your in the mafia” she giggles
“Well I’ve got all the connections to be, it kinda comes with the job”
“Okay bad boy” she giggles “why don’t we have some Italian then”
“you really want me to be in the mafia eh, but yeah sure”
“I can see why you became a fund manager now” she quips
“why because I’m so charismatic“ you say as you start the car and it roars to life.
“no, it’s because your jokes are terrible, so your better off being serious, it suits you well” she says giggling.
“wow thanks chae, maybe I’ll show you how serious I can get later” you say slightly seductively.
“Maybe” she says as you look to the side to see that she’s taken her hat off and placed it on the dash.
You pat her head, and run your fingers through her hair “god I still can’t believe your finally sitting next to me”
“Neither can I”
“you know chae, you really are quite small” you say while looking straight ahead focusing on controlling this far to fast car.
“well your not that big either, how tall even are you” chae says with a tinge of offence and a small pout on her face.
“ohh yeah, let’s see about that in a few” you say with a suggesting tone, “also I’m 5,9 thank you very much”
Chae blushes a bit and then says “hmm must be how skinny you are”
“I prefer lean” you say feigning offence, “maybe we’ll see what you really think of my body later”
Chae giggles and nods
then she says something that surprises you. “Did you sleep last night?”
“you know I usually can’t sleep easily let alone well, 6-7 hours is my norm, what with the stress and anxiety from the billions of other peoples money i manage”, though you sort of forget to mention that last night you probably got 3 to 4 hours of sleep due to her.
Now you’re standing in front of a fancy Italian restaurant, with chae right next to you. “Don’t you think I’m not dressed up enough for this?” She says.
“maybe but who cares, there’s no need to worry about other people looking at you I booked a private booth”
“really, but it looks so expensive” she say’s almost hesitantly.
You nod “that’s because it is, but I think I’ll get my return soon enough”
she giggles “sure mafia man”
you chuckle and walk her in, past the lady at the front desk who points you to your booth, (which is just big enough to hide you two away in a corner).
as you two sit and eat dinner you talk about her tour, your investments (only for a little while) and more, she mainly talks about how nice the food is which your happy to hear, she even takes a few pictures (probably for her Instagram).
soon the hour or so flys by and you two are out and on the way back to your home.
eventually through the silence caused by the impending interest and excitement, you slow your Ferrari down and pull into the parking garage just outside your home.
“It’s uhh, just over there” you say with a dry cough and point her towards your place.
“Where?” she asks.
You grab her hand “oh whatever, don’t worry I’ll just take you, come on” you do just what you said you would and chaewon blushes instantly.
You lead her up into the elevator, “which floor are you on” she asks sweetly.
“Top floor” you reply only thinking about what your going to do once you get there.
A deafening silence falls upon you two, until you reach the top floor and you both spill towards your place, past some other apartments and towards yours.
as soon as you enter you grab chae by her shoulder, “take your top off” you say filled with desire.
she does as told and tosses her hat to the side, then you pull her gloves off, her shoes already lay at the entrance, she pushes you towards the bedroom and you drag her while only stopping to take the last bit of an article of clothing off.
until you arrive, her pushing you onto the bed in just a bra and panties and you underneath her with just your boxer shorts on.
“Versace, I like it” she giggles.
“thanks” you say with a grin.
you reverse the position and put her down on the bed flat on her back, then you slide down and teeth her panties off.
The first flick of your tongue hits her lower lips, making her shiver in anticipation.
“Ohh god, keep going” she beckons you.
You begin by licking, flicking and slurping away at her sweet pussy enjoying all the sweet sweat and pussy juices you can get.
her tightening caverns and vast folds capture your full interest as you do a deep dive into them, similar to how you dive head first into an promising investment opportunity, you thoroughly check and explore everything, what if I move my tongue like this over here, what about over there, what if I flick at this and then massage it gently, what does this part taste like, all these questions enter your head and you explore them without fail, making the sweet sexy lady you love writhe squirm and twitch in pleasure, her hands finding you head to twist your hair and push you further onto her, proving her love for your explorations, her own mouth to busy letting out sweet sensual sounds to form coherent confirmations.
your hands slide around behind her and grab at her cute rear, you squeeze it, toy with it, and fondle it all while still serving her front flawlessly, her cute body only serves a reply in the form of more squirming under your control, your every flick, lick, slurp, grab, squeeze, and touch elicits a sensual reaction from her.
Her being in this moment is the greatest mix of cute and sexy, the way she lulls you in further while still seeming to have no previous experience of her own, makes you both want to laugh and ravage her body.
You pull away from her deciding with her sensitivity that now is the best time to strike, you crawl up her body your hand back in front now playing with her small mounds instead of her cute ass, your tongue now sliding its way up her beautiful defined sweating body till it reaches her succulent mouth, and you lay just above her ready to impale her onto your cock whenever ready, “You ready baby” you ask into her ear.
“Please” she moans into yours, you gently bite down on her ear, and begin to slowly push your sizeable rod into her soft pussy.
“Ahh, ohh” she moans sweet but lustful, angelic but sultry moans into your perked ears.
you slowly pick the pace up pushing in and out of her slowly and delicately with deliberate intent and control behind each stroke similar to that of a master painter except instead of a brush you use your rod, and the picture you paint is that of great pleasure and beauty.
Your mouth latch’s back onto her’s, salvia being exchanged between them like the stocks you trade all day long, you explore your options that you now own inside her mouth, the returns look and more importantly feel great, you use your tongue to tug at and twirl around hers.
Your hands get more grabby, more aggressive, greed is common in what you do, and while you can control it all day long in this very moment you let it run wild, doing what you want with your hands, your mouth doing it’s thing too wildly exploring the most lucrative unexplored territory in history, even more then some gold mine in Peru.
You and Chae trade muffle moans and words of confirmation between your mouths, you bite down on her lips making her pussy twitch around your cock, clearly the roughness turns her on.
So you decide to rub and pinch her nipples, this pushes her and she gets hotter and hornier, the more you do the hungrier you get, and the closer you get too.
You decide to take what you want, so you wrap your hands around her and lift her off the bed, holding her in air, “ohh, god, what are you doing” she mumbles.
“giving you it as rough as you so want” you say before bringing her down slowly onto your cock, the angle changes the way it feels for both of you, for her it feels like being slowly impaled and she loves it, for you the mix of control and depth feels incredible.
You bounce her up and down faster and faster each time on top of your cock eliciting many sweet moans escaping her mouth.
you build till your at a rapid pace, slamming Chae’s body up and down on your cock making it disappear and then reappear again and again, her moans at a similarly rapid pace fill your expensive room.
“Chae I’m getting close” you say in one short puff of air.
“so, am, I” she moans having to gather her breath between each word.
Your mouths collide again like they are at war over ownership, your hands begin grabbing at the butt that they hold up, and you continue bouncing Chae up and down at a breakneck speed.
Her cute bum and lovely tongue push you closer and closer to your breaking point.
“oh my god, that’s so good” she moans in delight.
Soon you feel the need for release, so you throw Chae back up and then plunge her back down fully inserting her onto your rod, making her scream and start shooting her juices onto your body as you launch yours into hers.
As you come to an end riding out the high, Chaewon nestles her head into your neck, you feel her warm breath on your skin, as you both relax.
You whisper into her ear “Chae I’m going to work hard until the company lets me start working from home, and at that point I’m going to move to Korea.”
She giggles “okay, I’ll look forward to that mafia man.” And immediately after finishing her sentence she falls asleep on your shoulder.
You gently carry her to your bed and lie her down alongside yourself, and slowly you too drift to sleep, the only thing on your mind how much you love this woman.
To be continued.
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choccy-milky · 1 month
Clora having an adorable mother and the world's most terrifying father makes so much sense. She's inquisitive, strong, brave and scary in her own right like her dad and yet she's small, adorable, sweet and a little naive like her mom, whom she looks just like. It makes sense.
Which means that Sebastian is in for it big time when they're older and it's time to ask for her hand. It's the 1800's, the late 1800's so technically he doesn't have to, Clora says, but Sebastian has met Clive and he knows that if he marries Clora and doesn't ask before hand for her fathers blessing that he might go mysteriously missing or be hit by a curse that causes erectile dysfunction. Which is so much worse.
Doesn't stop him from having a few nervous breakdowns, hyperventilating just a little bit, crying to Ominis that he thinks it's coming, the tea cup with the grimm truly was an omen and his time has come to die.
But, of course, when he asks Clive all he is met with is a long silent stare.
"My daughter has already informed me of your future nuptials. I don't understand why you're here."
Clive knows he doesn't need anyone asking for permission to marry his darling daughter, she's just like him she can definitely take care of herself. Also, I bet he's nicer than he lets on, his wife is the one to actually watch out for.
Sebastian: Your parents live on being contrary.
Clora: ???
He understands this, knows this and gets that his wife is exactly like her parents and that maybe he has bit off more than he could chew.
Ominis: You willingly married into this family. You've no one to blame but yourself.
Sebastian: I know. *puts down newspaper where his wife is on the front cover for taking out a ring of deadly dark wizards singlehandedly, proving just how dangerous Clora can be* I love her so much.
OMG???😭🥹💖💖I LOVED READING THIS!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING AND SENDING ALL OF THAT AND PUTTING SO MUCH THOUGHT INTO THE CHARACTERS....😭you are so right, clora really is a combo of her parents just in different ways (and its also cracking me up, now that seb has met her dad, that he'll start to recognize clora's "clive mode" when she gets stubborn and serious and puts her foot down HAHA like omg...this is the same sort of feeling i get when her father stares me down...) AN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CURSE LMAOOO but youre also so right in that for as overprotective and 1890s as clive is and despite the way he tests seb, he also values clora + her judgement + her happiness, and as long as clora doesnt pick anyone who he actually deems to be a bad person, clive wouldnt feel the need to give his approval (even if seb THINKS he should get it/needs to get it) CLIVE IS A FEMINIST!!! and indeed also much nicer than he lets on🫠 (the only thing is that seb would have been WITH clora taking down that deadly ring of dark wizards. his overprotective ass may know shes capable but that doesnt change the fact that he protects her/treats her as if she isnt BAHHA he cant help it💕)
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sweet-luv-club · 4 months
✎ breastfeeding m! Kylar like he deserves ♡
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. . . ˚✧.⊹ tags ⊹⁺. ೀ
2.5k words (wow im a horny bastard), informal writing, m! Kylar with cock, unprotected p in v sex, unrealistic sex, Kylar is a very submissive and pathetic (/affectionate) top, lactating pc from cow transformation, BIG GIANT TATAS and AFAB anatomy terms. u got coochie n it'll b called cunt and pussy but Kylar doesn't call u by either feminine terms or masculine terms so it's,,, gender-neutral reader-ish??
. . . ⋆ ꮺ˚⊹ notes ⊹ ༘˚
WHY BOTHER HAVING A BREAST MILK MECHANIC IF U CANT GIVE IT TO ANY OF THE LOVE INTERESTS... SMH VREL GET ON IT /LH also dis is a shoutout to da fellow transmascs like me that don't mind hvin big tatas 2 feed kylar <33 my first full fic i tink!! enjoy!!!
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♡ ┆ u 2 are on a date at the park as usual. when u casually suggest it, his brain just stops working. his mouth hangs open and u have to shake him to snap him out of it. 
"uhh, haha, sorry, darling... c-could you repeat that?"
with a smirk, you do. you lean in and suggest going somewhere private so he could enjoy your milk directly from the source. all the blood in his cheeks rush to his cock almost immediately. he is so down bad for u, he's fucking floored u even suggested it.
♡ ┆ he gets more cocky, confident, and possessive during sex, but at this point, he's only squeezed your chest so far, not sure how he could even begin to explain himself. he’s seen u lactate when u cum, he just didnt know if it was overstepping a boundary to just dive in. its early into the relationship so he doesnt know if youre comfortable with that part of your bovine biology. hes a perv but hes also a polite boy!!  well... most of the time ♡ he couldnt just walk up to u and say i want ur milk babe, you deserve better than that, he just didnt know how to ask... so ofc he's over the moon you're the one who brought it up
♡ ┆ absolutely solidifies in his mind that you're an angel sent from heaven to protect him and love him
♡ ┆ he's a stinky little anime nerd /pos. pre-relationship, after you saved him from bullies, he draws u and ur cute fluffy cow ears and massive anime-like tits in all sorts of erotic ways. does all the hentai tropes. fists his needy, leaky cock at night to the drawings he's made of u. when you start dating, it was like he was walking on cloud 9 when you wanted to recreate some of his erotic drawings (bc ofc u pushed to see his sketchbook when he mentioned it was full of only u lol)
♡ ┆ cant go to the manor, kylar isnt comfy w that yet. cant be in pc’s bedroom, kylar doesnt even want a single chance of someone who knows you and lives with you to see u giving him milk, it's his and only his in sight, sound,,, and ofc taste. hed get jealous if other orphans u live with saw yall doing it, bc if they see he thinks theyre never gonna forget the sight..... which could lead 2 all sorts of trouble since they live with u and he doesnt. he wants it to only be his even in memory. PATHETIC /POS so yalls only option is a cheap-ass love hotel. maybe someday youll fuck somewhere nicer but this’ll have to do… not to mention kylar is thrumming w/ excitement. he’s fucking trembling at the mere thought of getting to taste your sweet milk, directly from your heavy chest which was always tempting him… PATHETIC /POS (1)
♡ ┆ at first, kylar cant get his bearings. he sits next to u on the bed, hands politely on his lap while his cock strains against his pants. hes strangely silent until u snap him out of it with a kiss on the cheek. “ah… d-darling, you don’t know how much this means to me.” he says in a shaky voice. you chuckle and slowly begin to lift your shirt, making sure to give him a show. the way your heavy tits laden with the milk he craves always looked like they were spilling out, your bra barely being able to hold them back never failed to do a number on kylar’s psyche. 
♡ ┆ ”c’mon, you’ve already seen me lactate. get me wet first, babe, then it’ll come out.” you tease as you unclasp your bra effortlessly and toss it to the side, your tits swaying with every movement you make. kylar is hypnotized. just a lot of spacing out in general until you two really get into it.
♡ ┆ your back is laid on the bed, and Kylar moves to get your pants and panties off. the sight never fails to make him breathless. he figures the quickest way to taste your sweet milk is to eat you out, so he does, very diligently. he dives in and devours your pussy like a man starved, he does this every time. he just can’t believe someone as perfect as you would willingly give yourself to him, and he wants to show his gratitude properly, always…
♡ ┆ this mf latches onto your cunt with an intense need and desperation. not only is he making his beloved feel good, he’s working to get your milk flowing as well… it makes him especially ravenous. licking up and sucking on your sensitive folds, using his hands to part your lips and plunge his tongue into you deeper… when you pat his fluffy, unkempt hair and moan… “fuuuuck yes, that’s it, good boy…” he goes absolutely ballistic in his brain. it goes w/o saying that he has a praise kink, loves giving and receiving it. he’s especially emboldened when he feels his head sandwiched between the softness of your thighs, he’s going delirious with need at this point, eyes all half-lidded and bleary, focused on nothing but lapping up the fluids your cunt makes. he's fucking groaning against your folds, can't get enough of your sweet taste. his cock is straining to be free right now, but your pleasure takes precedence.
♡ ┆ eventually, he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks hard, tongue swirling around it as he’s making you scream. “K-Kylar!!” it fills him with a sick thrill, like he’s letting all the strangers in this damn sleazy love hotel know that he’s the one making his darling cry out with pleasure. he pulls back for a moment, a string of saliva connecting between your cunt and his lips to smirk confidently at you. “that’s it, darling, let it all out.” he says, as he’s licking a broad stripe up your pussy, “let them all hear how much you love what i’m doing to you.”
♡ ┆ the moment he sees your tits drip with milk, he unlatches his mouth from your cunt with a soft pop, halting the intense suctions for now. his eyes sparkle with curiosity and hunger, seeing you laid out on the bed with your cheeks flushed, mouth hung agape from moaning so much just does something to his fucked up brain. he wastes no time capturing a nipple into his mouth and giving a hard suck, groaning when your milk hits his tastebuds. it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted…
♡ ┆ he kneads at your tit, trying to coax more and more milk out of you as your cow ears flicker atop your head. needless to say, he’s getting off on your moans, the taste of your creaminess, and the softness of your chest… he loves it. all of this, it’s only for him and him alone. he laminates your nipple with spit using his tongue, moaning as he drinks up every last drop. keeping a hand on your pussy, he gently bites down, making you yelp, yet he also felt your cunt twitch at the action… that gives him an idea for later. he shows love to your other breast, licking up all of the milk that had been dripping off to the side as his fingers rub at your pussy, the slick sounds making his head spin. his breaths are heavy and erratic as it fans over your exposed skin, adding a layer of eroticism from his desperation being conveyed this way. 
♡ ┆ finally… the moment he’d been waiting for. he releases his mouth and cups both of your heavy breasts, pressing them close together and sucking on both your nipples at the same time. wow… just like in his hentai mangas. the sensation makes you feel embarrassed, but you can’t deny how good it feels, either… as his fingers dig into your plush, large chest, he suckles, licks, and bites, doing anything to get more milk into his mouth again. some of it drips in between your chest, and it gives him a devious idea…
♡ ┆ he retreats for now, taking a finger to swipe up a drop of milk on his chin and lick it, a crazed hunger in his green eyes. he pulls down his pants and boxers… out comes his cock, blushed at the tip and leaky with pre-cum. “darling… would you be willing to hold up your chest for me, please?” he asks in a sweet voice, and you comply without question. you already knew what he was planning without him having to outright say it.
♡ ┆ he holds the sides of your breasts securely and moves up on the bed, positioning himself under your chest. you feel something hard underneath your boobs… and without further ado, Kylar thrusts his cock in. he moans so loud, breathing sooo heavily as he pistons his hips… he’s just in pure disbelief. the milk that had dripped between your chest earlier aids him in creating a slick passage between your pillowy tits. it takes him all his willpower to not immediately cum… which he inevitably fails. his cock splatters all over your chest, and a little bit gets on your face. “ah…!! i-oh no, i’m so sorry… i couldn’t help it, it just felt too good…” he pouts with a voice whinier than usual. you reassure him that it’s more than okay with a sultry smile, and you collect his cum with your fingers, licking it all up.
♡ ┆ the sight of you doing that of your own volition without him even asking to… grrr he’s going feral! and he realized you hadn’t cum once! that just won’t do. so while waiting for his cock to stiffen up again, he pulls out and lowers himself back down and thrusts a finger into your dripping entrance. he gets off on the sound of your moans, and he reaches down to take a nipple into his mouth again, the dual sensation of kylar’s suction and his finger curling inside you driving you mad. he establishes a rhythm with both actions, and it’s not long before he adds another finger into you, the squelching noises from your naughty pussy tempting him making his cock twitch back to life very quickly. as your inner walls tighten around his fingers, he searches desperately for your sweet spot while feverishly lapping up any milk from your breasts. and finally… he finds that one gummy mass inside you and just absolutely goes to town on it, making you cry out loudly. he reluctantly detached himself from your tit, and as his fingers were pressing down on your sweet spot, he held his hand firmly over your pubic mound, pressing down and quickening the pace of his fingers going in and out of you. it’s not long before you scream his name and cum on his fingers, soaking his hand in your precious nectar… not to mention your chest flowing with milk as well.
♡ ┆ he’s now hard again… and you take a moment to catch your breath. he’s too impatient this time, however, he wants to thrust into you now. you feel his cock press against your overly sensitive entrance but you manage to gently push him down onto the bed to take control of the situation. “ah ah ah. not so fast.  just came, ya horndog.” you tease lightly, while kylar groans and pouts. you reach down and press a kiss to his lips, your tongues meeting each other once again as they get entangled. you taste a hint of your own milk. kylar can feel your breasts pressing up against him, the weight making him get more needy and feverish with his kissing. his breath hitches when you start grinding your cunt onto him, tip of his cock leaking with cum onto his tummy as your pussy presses down on it. your hips buck back and forth on top of him as you take control, allowing yourself to rest while keeping kylar sated.
♡ ┆ when you’re finally ready to have sex, you teasingly bounce your cunt on the tip of his cock, and you see tears in his eyes. “pc- my love, come, on, let me in, pleasepleaseplease- ah!!” 
his babbling is interrupted by you finally giving him what he wants. as your velvety walls sink down onto him, threatening to overwhelm his senses, you press your breasts onto his face. “you know what to do.” you say with a flirtatious smirk. kylar immediately gets the memo, he’s been dying to do this since you first saved him. he latches onto your nipples and tugs down at your breasts while you start bouncing your pussy on his cock, the dual sensations driving you both mad.
♡ ┆ you’re expertly riding him as he whimpers helplessly beneath you, humping into him so hard the headboard slams into the wall from your passion. his mouth is overflowing with your milk like he wanted… his brain is just melting, much to your delight. your cow tail swishes behind you playfully as he grabs your plush hips and thrusts up into your movements, the sounds of your moans and wet slapping reverberating in the room. 
♡ ┆ the warmth and softness of your cunt makes him wanna cum again. poor boy… he was never good at lasting long. “kylar, hold yourself back right now or else i’m pulling myself off.” you tease, but he takes that to heart and whines in disappointment. “i’ll be good… i’ll be good, pc, i promise, just please dont, ah… leave me!” you smile at him. “i’m not leaving you dummy, ever.”
neuron activation time……. his eyes widen in disbelief as affection floods his heart. he grips your hips more firmly, thrusting up into you at such an animalistic pace that the poorly constructed bed almost sounds like it'll break. the plush of your ass bounces back on his lap, and it makes him grit his teeth trying to hold back. he has a fire in his eyes, as if his life’s whole purpose now was to make you cum on his cock. he bites down on a nipple like earlier and feels your cunt clench around him. he alternates between bites and hard sucks as his hips thrust desperately upward while you struggle to keep riding him. “that’s a promise, okay? dont! ever! leave! me!” he punctuates each word with a thrust deep into your womb, hell-bent on breeding you. 
♡ ┆ it’s not long before stars crowd around your eyes as you two climax together with your own loud moans, his semen flooding the depths of your warmth while your own cum coats his cock and drips down to his balls. your milk drips down your breasts again, and even though kylar is weak, he still manages to find it in himself to lick it up. as you catch your breaths, you two giggle conspiratorially, pressing your foreheads together and exchanging words of pure love and affection for one another… right before going back in for another round. you two rented out this room for an extended period of time, after all.
♡ ┆ now kylar takes whatever opportunity he can to bite and suck on your precious chest, pulling you in school closets or dark alleyways just so he can have a taste of your milk.
♡ ┆ ofc it’s not long until you both rent out a room at the hotel again, you going along with one of his crazy hentai recreations. it ends up with him on your lap and you, jerking off his sensitive cock, rubbing his pre-cum all over his shaft as he has his fill of your milk.
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formula-hamilton · 1 year
Workplace Crushes and Life Lessons (Lewis Hamilton x reader)
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Lewis Hamilton x Engineer!Reader
Summary: You having a crush on Lewis and the development of said crush throughout the years working alongside him at Mercedes. 
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: Pining, alcohol, language, awkward reader, maybe age gap? (I imagine reader being a bit younger than Lewis, but don’t think I mention it)
A/N: I love the idea of this fic bc workplace romances are some of my favorite to read. I’m always open to constructive criticism and feedback <3 Also, I don’t know anything about engineering so bear with me haha. 
Imposter syndrome would properly best describe the feeling you had. You felt like the biggest con the world had ever seen and was sure that people would see right through you as soon as you stepped foot at your new job. Surely it could only be a mistake, a misunderstanding. You must have oversold yourself at the numerous interviews and soon the truth would be out. You had to do your breathing exercise in the car to calm yourself down. Fuck, you hoped no one could see you. 
You discreetly wiped your palms in your pleated trousers as you walked across the parking lot, the cold November air making you shiver. You had opted for a nicer coat which of course was not as warm as you could have wished. But first impressions were important and if you were going to disappoint, you might as well do it with style. As you entered the reception, you approached the desk and introduced yourself. 
“Hello sir, I’m meeting with Mr. Thomson. It’s my first day as a simulation and modelling engineer,” you told the receptionist. He politely asked you to take a seat while you waited. 
You sat and waited patiently in the reception trying not to fiddle too much with your clothes. Your fingers itched to pull on a small loose thread on your shirt and you had to put all your focus on one of the overhead lights to not give in. The light was too bright, you thought. It couldn’t be healthy for the eyes.
You were so concentrated on the light that you almost missed the person entering the reception and strolling through. He walked with such confidence that you couldn’t stop yourself envying him. You couldn’t help feeling disappointed when he didn’t walk past where you sat. Not that you would have done anything, you would just have liked to see him up-close. Instead you were left wondering if Lewis would be just as pretty from a closer distance. As he walked up the stairs, he turned around and gave you a small smirk. Your cheeks heated from the feeling of getting caught staring and you quickly looked to the other side, making it all the more obvious. 
It didn’t take long for you to confirm that yes, he was just as beautiful as you could imagine. He had such a glow over him. At the championship celebrations in December, you almost asked him what his skincare routine was. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from an embarrassing situation. 
It was the first time the two of you talked. The conversation couldn’t have lasted for more than two minutes, but you felt absolutely electrified. It wasn’t anything special, just introductions and him thanking you for your contribution. You laughed and told him that you had barely worked there for two months so there wasn’t much to thank you for. He laughed at your honestly and you were sure you looked like a teenage girl talking to her school crush. 
Your co-workers teased you later in the evening. Said they had never seen anyone blush so hard before. Said that you should give it some time, then it would pass, it wasn’t uncommon to be infatuated by Lewis when you first met him. He just had a way of charming people. Yeah, yeah, you said as you brushed them off, playfully rolling your eyes. 
Before you went to sleep that evening, you couldn’t help letting your hands wander and imagining they were Lewis’. 
As months went by you slowly felt more comfortable in your new role. The misunderstanding was not a misunderstanding after all, and there wasn’t any hints of disappointment in your coworkers eyes. If you still struggled with feeling underqualified, you managed to hide it quite well from your coworkers and managers. Word spread in your department about you being a natural talent and a great asset to the team. Your mum always told you that it was women’s greatest flaw; not being able to believe that the work they do is sufficient enough. It was quite tiring with all the pressure you put on yourself and as your mum had told you many times before, you should go easier on yourself. 
In preparation for the 2019 season you had to work closer with Lewis and Valtteri. Setting up the simulator for them and working with their feedback. The first time you and Lewis worked together was in January. He was energetic, hungry for the new season, and you were a little overwhelmed if you were being honest. Being quite nervous working alone with him for the first time while also working just the two of you, you munched too many mini chocolate bars whilst monitoring the simulator. Your mum had stuffed your bag with them after Christmas. 
A little lost in your own thoughts, Lewis spooked you as he cleared his throat indicating he was finished. Your cheeks flushed for what felt like the 100th time that day. You kept scowling yourself for appearing so unprofessional, but you honestly couldn’t help yourself. Every time he talked or looked at you, the blood in your cheeks betrayed you and your lips couldn’t connect properly with your brain. 
“You have a little something there,” Lewis said while pointing above his own lips, indicating where it was. 
Your eyes widened and you quickly tried to brush away what you could only assume was the treacherous chocolate. You fumbled, trying to see your reflection in the computer screen to assure that you had removed it all. 
Lewis stood up and closed the space between you. “You keep missing it, let me help,” he said as he rubbed his thumb on the small space above your upper lip. “There you go,” he grinned at you, clearly noticing the effect his actions had on you. 
“Thank you sir,” you miraculously found yourself able to answer, while trying to ignore your heart beating at an unnatural speed. 
“You don’t have to call me sir, it makes me feel like an old man,” he laughed. “I told you to just call me Lewis.”
“Well, thank you Lewis then,” you nodded, wanting to appear calm and collected. Wanting him to not think of you as a helpless creature. 
He smiled at you, eyes crinkling and gap between his teeth showing. Finally, he thanked you for today and walked out. You had never felt anyone having quite this effect on you. You chose to blame it on his celebrity status. You always had a soft spot for famous people, all the way back to your Backstreet Boys obsession in your adolescence. This was no different and you were sure it would pass with time as you would get used to working with him. Admittedly, you found yourself a bit too old for having a celebrity crush, but that was no one’s business but your own. 
Months went by and Mercedes were continuing their high. It was great to be a part of and you felt pride from being able to contribute. It became a nice tradition that you and some of the other women from work would go the pub and watch the races together. You felt content, happy to be part of a group. It was nice that the women stuck together. 
Over a pub afternoon turned into a pub night, you had a beer too many and confessed how captivated you were with Lewis. They all laughed and then gave you the nickname Mrs. Hamilton. The playful banter continued for the rest of the evening and as you shared a cab home you all moaned about how fucked you were going to be for work the next day. At least you were in it together, you all agreed. 
As you woke the next morning your body was filled with regret. You definitely had three beers too many last night and the pounding headache was living proof. An ounce of shame washed over you as you remembered your drunken confession to crushing on Lewis. However, you were quick to brush it away as you told yourself that they were your friends. They wouldn’t judge you. At least that’s what you hoped. 
Tuesday, Lewis was back at the factory and ready to work in the simulator. As the two of you sat and went over some notes, Anna and Janet from the IT department spotted you and made their way over. Lewis was sitting so he was neatly hidden and it was clear that they hadn’t seen him, else they wouldn’t have disturbed you. 
“Who do we have here, if it isn’t Mrs. Hamilton herself,” Anna snickered as Janet’s eyes widened when she noticed you weren’t sitting alone. She quite noticeable pinched Anna’s arm and your mouth fell open in shock. You didn’t dare look at Lewis and instead tried to signal to Anna and Janet to fix it. Eyes begging them to do something, anything that could save the situation. 
“Sorry! Mr. Hamilton, I meant to say, I don’t know where that came from” Anna promptly corrected herself, giggling nervously. You almost wanted to roll your eyes, but honestly, what else could she say. “Well, we just wanted to congratulate you on your win Sunday. Really great job, well done, good for the team!” She continued, trying to sound cheerful, while Janet nodded, wanting to look convincing. 
Lewis looked taken aback, clearly not used to people interrupting him for small talk while working. “Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you,” he smiled politely at them. You let go of a breath you hadn’t even noticed you were holding in. Realistically you knew Lewis wasn’t stupid, but you still told yourself that you had gotten away unescaped, your secret still hidden. 
As they finally left, scrambling away while quietly giggling, you carefully looked at Lewis who was already looking at you. 
“Are they your friends?” He asked. As you hurriedly looked at your computer, you missed the way his lips formed into a small smirk. 
“What? Those two? No, I’ve barely talked to them before,” you lied, trying to remember where you left off, wanting to get this meeting over with as soon as possible. He hummed and nodded, not wanting to do further damage. 
After Lewis left you almost ran to Anna and Janet’s department to give them a good old scowl, but as you were just getting into it, you all doubled over laughing. Tears streaming down your faces, some from embarrassment and some from the sheer absurdity of the situation. Hopefully Lewis hadn’t given the whole interaction a second thought.  
Once again Mercedes won the Constructor’s and Lewis won the Driver’s Championship, and once again everybody’s spirits were high at the celebrations in December. Lewis and Valtteri made their obligatory rounds, thanking people, showing gratitude, making small talk. You were pouring yourself another glass of champagne, quietly lost in your own thoughts, enjoying the buzz from the alcohol. You were wearing a long dark blue satin dress that hugged just the right places on your body, showing off your cleavage, while not being too flashy for a work event. 
As you were walking through the crowd, wanting to rejoin the group of people you previously talked to, you felt a small pull on your arm. Turning around, Lewis stood grinning at you, handsome as always. 
“I guess I can actually thank you this year. Finally,” he cheekily said to you. You were surprised he even remembered your interaction from the year before, but once again it showed you just what kind of man he was. Always so considerate and thankful to the people he worked with. 
“Well you’re welcome Lewis. And once again, congrats on the championship! It’s been a pleasure working with you,” you smiled at him, feeling the champagne giving you a bit more confidence than usual. “Any exciting plans for the break?”
“You know the usual, Christmas with the family and catching up with friends, relaxing. I’m also going skiing, gotta keep myself active,” he laughed, seemingly very excited for his winter plans. “What are your Christmas plans?”
“I’m going to my parents’ for a few days and then after Christmas I’m actually going on a small vacation to Morocco. Hopefully get a little tan,” you smiled while playfully flicking your hair over your shoulder. “Me and England are not vibing in the winter.”
You didn’t miss Lewis’ gaze dropping to your breasts at your movement and just as quickly looking back at your eyes again. “Ah that sound nice, with your boyfriend or?” He asked, hoping to sound casual. You furrowed your brows a little, surely he was just making small talk. 
“Actually I’m going alone, just trying to de-stress and refuel for next year. Hopefully I’ll find a boyfriend though,” you laughed again. “Maybe that’ll help me relax a little.” Maybe it was a bit inappropriate talking to Lewis like this, but once again the alcohol made you a little more bold and a little more careless. You decided it was fine as Lewis rolled his head back and laughed at your honesty. You felt a small smirk creeping up on your lips, satisfied with yourself for making him laugh. 
“Well I hope you enjoy yourself and good luck on the de-stressing,” he said, giving you a little wink, before continuing his way through the people. 
Morocco had been amazing. No potential suitors, but a whole lot of swimming in the pool and meditation. You had also picked up a small hobby, that being an almost obsessive need to check Lewis’ Instagram several times a day. You told yourself it helped the de-stressing process. The shirtless pictures certainty did their job and you thanked god for Lewis being so active on Instagram. It made your life a bit more fun. 
When you finally had to go back to work in the beginning of January you felt comfortable and most importantly, confident. You had finally grown to feel more at ease in the job and felt like you were contributing with some valuable input. 
A couple of weeks passed and Lewis and you had a day together in the simulator to prepare the car for the 2020 season. For once, you were running a few minutes late and when you entered the room, Lewis was already sat waiting for you. You apologized and Lewis brushed it off, smiling, telling you it was fine. 
“Good vacation?” He asked you. 
“Yeah amazing, much needed,” you replied while setting up your work.
“Did you find a man?” He asked, wiggling his brows, grinning teasingly at you.
“Nah, unfortunately,” you laughed. “But I did meditate a lot, it was quite amazing actually. I feel very de-stressed. Ah let me show you, I feel like this is something you would enjoy.” You pulled up your phone wanting to show him the Instagram of your meditation instructor. Lewis looked over your shoulder and as you went to search for the username, you wanted to hit your head down on the table. Your previous searches were obviously showing and at the top was Lewis’ account. 
You fumbled with your phone and quickly typed to make it disappear but deep down you knew it was too late. He had already seen it. You both chose to pretend it hadn’t happened and Lewis found himself smirking once again, as he had done so many times before in your company. He was quite captivated by your lack of smoothness and found you very charming if he was being honest. He wasn’t blind to your small crush on him, but he chose to just act normal with you, not wanting to initiate anything he couldn’t commit to. Of course he couldn’t stop himself from being flirty every now and again though. He was only human after all and how could he not when talking to a beautiful woman?
You wondered to yourself how it was possible for you to keep having these embarrassing moments in front of him. It felt like a curse. 
That day was the last time you saw Lewis in many months. Covid struck, everyone was in quarantine and everyone did as much work from home as they could. When the F1 season finally began in July, you were extra excited for the first race. This time a guy you were seeing named Peter, was going to join you at your place. Peter was a friend of a friend whom you had met a few times throughout the years and when he asked you if you wanted to go on a date, you couldn’t see a reason not to. One date turned to many and suddenly you found yourself in a loving relationship. He made you incredibly happy and finally your crush on Lewis had seemingly passed.
Peter was quite the McLaren fan and you were obviously a fan of Mercedes, more specifically Lewis, so the two of you had many great discussions and playful fights about who was the better team. He was tired of the Mercedes dominance and you jokingly claimed that the other teams should just find an engineer as great as you and then their problems would be solved. 
More months passed and in the fall you finally saw Lewis again. Facemasks and distance making everything a bit awkward, but you managed. His spirits were high, everything going his way and it was obvious that he needed a big amount of misfortune for him to not win his seventh title. It was quite clear to both you that you probably wouldn’t see each other again until next year so as you said goodbye, you both wished each other well and gave each other way too early Christmas greetings
The warm, fuzzy feeling he always managed to give you was back. And this time it was even stronger than usual. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you thought to yourself. Again, you felt silly for having these thoughts and feelings about him, but you simply couldn’t help yourself.
Christmas and New Year’s had been great with Peter by your side for both. Everything had been just great until Sunday the 3rd of January. As you were staying at Peter’s for the night, his phone rang while you were in bed waiting for him as he got ready for bed. He called for you to just pick it up and as you did, everything fell apart.
Monday you called in sick for work. You weren’t in a mental state where working was possible and instead you spent the day on the sofa sobbing your eyes out. In the evening your mum came with dinner and tried to make you feel better. Telling you Peter was a fool and that she never even liked him anyway.
On that Monday, Lewis visited the factory to get his seat fitted and while he was at it, he thought he would swing by your workstation to say hi. He hadn’t seen you in three months and he couldn’t help missing talking to you. When he found out you were sick, he got a inexplicable feeling. You were never sick and at the end of the day, he left with furrowed brows, feeling worried about you. 
When the next day rolled around, Lewis was back again, this time for a simulator session with you and a meeting with some engineers. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you since yesterday. Truthfully he missed working with you and seeing your flushed cheeks and nervous laughs, but he knew it wasn’t appropriate. He had always been good at separating work and pleasure, but suddenly he felt an urge to blur the lines. He knew he was strong and he was sure he could keep it under wraps and control his feelings. He had to. 
Lewis sat by the simulator waiting for you. He briefly checked his phone to make sure he hadn’t gotten the time wrong and as time went by, he got more and more anxious about you. Finally, the door opened and you hurriedly walked over to him, apologizing profusely for your lateness. You were almost 20 minutes late and Lewis couldn’t help noticing your red rimmed eyes and red nose as you prepared your set-up. He slowly took in your appearance with furrowed eyebrows and observed your make-up free face and seemingly quickly thrown on outfit. If there was one thing Lewis had spotted since seeing you the time in the reception on your first day, it was your sense of fashion. You were always dressed incredibly well and clearly had a great sense of what suited you. Today you looked like a mess. Of course Lewis didn’t mind, but it was just so unlike your normal appearance that he couldn’t help himself putting his hand on your shoulder to interrupt your quick motions. 
“Are you alright?” he softly asked, hoping he wasn’t overstepping. He felt like the two of you had a great working relationship and hoped you felt comfortable enough with him to open up. It was obvious that you had been crying quite recently, maybe even within the last 30 minutes. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I’ve just not been feeling so great these days, must’ve caught a stomach bug or something. Just been a little out of myself, you know,” you assured, not wanting to burden Lewis. You already felt bad for making him wait, but the tears would simply not stop as you sat in the parking lot trying to pull yourself together. 
“I don’t wanna intrude, but I feel like there’s something going on?” Lewis didn’t believe you. Your coworkers had said you were sick with a migraine and now you were contradicting them. “You know you can talk to me right? I’m always here to listen.” 
Tears welled in your eyes once again, the gentleness of Lewis’ voice making you bottom lip wobble. You looked at the ceiling, blinking, trying to stop the tears from escaping. You took a deep breath, looking down, avoiding Lewis’ searching eyes. 
“I- I just. Me and my boyfriend broke up Sunday, so it’s just been some rough days for me. But don’t worry it won’t affect my work,” you told Lewis, wanting to make sure he knew that you wouldn’t waste his time. It took everything in you hold the dam together. 
Lewis reached out once again, rubbing your arm, trying to soothe you. He clearly saw your glossy eyes and he felt awful for you, wishing he could take your pain away. He was surprised to hear that you had had a boyfriend, but then again, he had barely talked to you for a year, so it shouldn’t have been a big shock. He did everything he could to brush the nagging feeling in his stomach away. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear,” Lewis said, giving you a tight lipped smile. His mind was running even faster than his car and he was at a loss of words. He always knew what to say, media training doing wonders, but now he couldn’t think of anything to comfort you. He felt like an asshole, making you confess what was wrong and then not having anything to say.
“Don’t be,” you quickly interrupted his thought process. “He clearly had other priorities. More specifically named Olivia,” you somberly laughed, discreetly brushing away a stray tear. Lewis’ body filled with anger, asking himself how anyone could cheat on a person like you. Suddenly he was able to find the words. 
“What an asshole! I guarantee you’re much better off without him. I’m so sorry you had to start the year like this. You know, we don’t have to do this today if it’s too much for you? Maybe you should take another day off?” He suggested, wanting to wrap his arms around you, make you feel better. You smiled kindly at him, touched by his sympathy.
“Thank you, but it’s okay Lewis. I think it’s good for me to keep my mind occupied, keep myself busy,” you told him, looking him in the eyes, being met with his compassionate gaze. You instantly felt more at ease. 
“Yeah okay. Just say the word if you need a break or anything. Or if you wanna talk. I’m a great listener, at least my sisters always tells me,” he smiled at you. You returned his smile and thanked him, but hastily continued setting up the computer, not wanting to talk more about your feelings. You already felt like you had acted inappropriately telling Lewis about Peter’s infidelity. Fortunately, Lewis caught on to your intentions, and he quickly switched over to talk about work, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 
For the next couple of months, before the first race, you and Lewis saw a lot of each other. It was great working together again and you both really came to appreciate your working relationship even more. Admittedly, his company also helped you get over Peter a lot faster than you thought possible. You began to feel like it was getting a little out of hand how much Lewis consumed your mind. 
After a long day of back and forth, trying to find ways to improve the aerodynamics, you and Lewis found yourself sat in comfortable silence. Lewis sat scrolling Instagram when suddenly he felt your eyes drill holes into the side of his head. He glanced at you, wondering what was going through your mind. You didn’t notice you’d gotten caught, completely lost in thoughts about the handsome man sitting in front of you. Suddenly you snapped out of it and before you stop yourself, words left your mouth. 
“What skincare do you use?” Your face instantly grimaced for letting your intrusive thoughts take over. 
“What?” Lewis laughed nervously, looking at your flushed face. 
“Err, I’ve just been wondering what skincare you use? Your face always looks so glowy and I feel like you age backwards,” you tried to explain yourself, internally rolling your eyes at your own words. 
Now, Lewis laughed loudly, finding your nervous look extremely endearing. “Why, thank you,” he said while smiling. “Honestly, I think my vegan diet is the reason. My skin really cleared up after I made the switch. I don’t really have a miracle product.”
“Ah that makes sense. That’s a nice bonus effect,” you replied, nodding. You were quick to find something to busy yourself with, not wanting to inflict further damage by letting more words leave your mouth. While you weren’t looking, Lewis shook his head and smirked to himself. He wanted to tell you to not worry about what you said in front of him, but he bit his tongue. 
Abu Dhabi was awful. You and the girls had of course been out drinking in a pub while watching the race. Everything looked so promising, people cheering for Lewis, being sure that he would get his 8th title. Then everything turned, it felt like a bad joke, none of you were able to understand what the hell was going on. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Your heart hurt from seeing Lewis hug his dad, you couldn’t begin to imagine what he must be feeling. 
This year Lewis was absent from the December celebrations. Truthfully, you hadn’t expected to see him there, but a part of you still hoped he would show up. You wanted to see if he was okay, tell him that he was the rightful champion in your eyes. The celebrations were not as fun as usual. Of course people were happy for the Constructor’s Championship, but it didn’t feel right celebrating when Lewis lost. You felt bad for Valtteri, his goodbyes being overshadowed by the foul play.
You finally saw Lewis again the third week of January. You had religiously checked his Instagram since Abu Dhabi, but he had been completely off the grid. You hadn’t been able to get him out of your head since, almost scared to never see him again. There had been so much talk about him retiring and you wouldn’t have blamed him if he did. For completely selfish reasons, you hoped he wouldn’t, you wanted to keep seeing him, missing the butterflies you felt every time you had the pleasure of enjoying his company.  
You almost felt like it was your first time meeting him, nervousness filling your body, scared to say or do something wrong. Scared to upset him. He made his rounds, greeting people, thanking them for their work last year. When Lewis finally got to you, he felt a sense of calmness wash over him. He believed you when you told him how sorry you were for last year and how much you thought he deserved to win. When everyone else uttered the same words, he was thankful, but had also grown tired of them. He realized he could never grow tired of your words, your sincereness touching him deeply. 
This year, Lewis spend more hours in the simulator than ever before. Eager to get on top of the god awful car. You thought it was so unfair how shitty the season was going, he didn’t deserve this. You almost wanted to apologize personally for having a part in the engineering process. 
On a sunny day in September, you and Anna found yourself partaking in the daily dose of gossip in the bathrooms.
“Have you seen your husband’s latest thirst trap?” Anna asked, wiggling her eyebrows. The girls never let up on the whole Mrs. Hamilton thing, although they were always more careful now. 
“Shut up, no! When did he post it?” You asked a little too excitedly, quickly grabbing your phone and finding his Instagram. 
“Oh. My. God,” you exclaimed, mouth dropping open for dramatic effect. “It should be illegal being so hot, look at those tattoos!” Anna laughed at your actions.
“I’m surprised you hadn’t already seen it, I know how much of a stalker you are,” she teased you. You playfully rolled your eyes, smiling because you knew she was right. 
“Yeah, yeah, some of us have work to do you know?” You answered her, laughing. As you were brushing your fingers through your hair, a toilet flushed in one of the stalls. You and Anna glanced fearfully at each other through the mirror, you swore you were alone, always careful to check if there were other people in the stalls before your gossip sessions. 
Out of the stall emerged a content looking Lewis. You on the other hand were at a loss of words, wanting the ground to swallow you up wholly. 
“Afternoon, ladies,” he greeted, smiling at the two of you as he stood by the sinks washing his hands. Anna smiled at him, as you stood locked in place, staring at your shoes. When Lewis was finished he walked out, a big smirk on his face, almost wanting to laugh at your words. 
“I didn’t know he was even here today? Did you know?” You whisper shouted when you were finally alone again.
“No, I had no idea,” Anna answered, sympathetically rubbing your arm, trying to soothe your clear anxiousness. “Don’t worry, he probably didn’t hear us.”
As you stood there with a face more flushed than ever before, you swore you could cry. There was no coming back from this, you thought. 
You didn’t see Lewis for the rest of that day, or for the next two months for that matter. The longer you didn’t see him, the more the anxiousness consumed you. You wanted to clear the air, apologize for being so inappropriate. It was not right to talk about him like you had that day, especially not at work. 
In November, just before Brazil, you finally saw him again. You had practiced for months what you wanted to say to him. You had even promised yourself that you would find another job if it didn’t go well, not thinking you were able to handle seeing him again if he was offended. 
What you hadn’t expected was Lewis’ thoughts being consumed by you as well for these past months. This difficult year had taught him many things, most importantly it had taught him that there were things in life more important than winning a trophy or a championship. He always told himself that he didn’t want anything serious until his retirement, but as the months had passed, he realized how stupid that idea was. Why shouldn’t he be able do both? Many before him had been able to do both love and racing and just because it hadn’t worked out with Nicole, didn’t mean it couldn’t ever work. 
That’s why he had clear intentions when he visited the factory in November. He had a meeting with you later in the day and he had practiced what he wanted to say to you. He felt like a teenager, sweaty hands and everything.
The thing about plans is that they rarely go how you have anticipated. As you were walking back from the kitchenette, having fetched yourself some snacks, you suddenly bumped into something hard. That being Lewis’ chest. His hands grabbed you before you stumbled back and fell. You were fumbling with your words, wanting to apologize for walking into him and also wanting to apologize for the day in the bathroom months prior. As you struggled with what to say, your cheeks heated and Lewis took the word, ditching his own practiced speech.
“When are you gonna do something about this crush?” Lewis asked, grinning big, gap between his teeth more visible than ever. You looked like a deer caught in headlights, mouth open and big eyes. 
“I-“ you began, trying to think of what to say. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I asked, when are you gonna do something about the crush you have on me?” Lewis continued, looking at you with teasing eyes. “I mean, it has been going on for quite some time now, don’t you think you should do something about it?”  
Your eyes narrowed, trying to figure out if this was a joke or what the fuck was going on. As your eyes met Lewis’ your saw nothing but kindness and quickly decided which path you should chose.
“Well, do you want me to something about it Lewis?” You asked, smirking, tilting your head to the side. “Because I can arrange something if that’s what you’d like?”
Lewis smiled at your words, happy you caught on to his idea. “Yeah, I think I’d quite like you to do something about it. I can tell you more about my ideas over dinner if you’d like that?” He asked you, feeling a little scared of being rejected even though he had been quite sure you would accept his invitation. 
You beamed at him, eyes shining and teeth showing, nodding your head. “I would love that Lewis,” you smiled, unable to believe this was truly happening. Lewis beamed as well, truly happy about this. He hastily looked around and assured you were alone in the hallway, before he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest. Now standing chest to chest, he cupped your cheeks and looked you in the eyes, searching for any signs of discomfort. When he didn’t find any, he closed his eyes and closed the gap between the two of you, your lips fitting his perfectly. Your hands found his hair, gently massaging his scalp as the kiss deepened. Both aware of your surroundings, you pulled back at the same time before things escalated, eyes locking and cheeks warm.  
Fuck a championship when he had a beautiful woman looking at him like you did, Lewis thought to himself. 
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reareaotaku · 2 months
what would miles do if you were sick???????????
HAHA! Oh wait- It's cute you think he'd care
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"You're sick?"
You glare up at the male, annoyed. His uniform looked stupid on him- Well, that wasn't true, but he was annoying you so every thought of him was bad. "What does it look like, genius?"
"You look fine to me."
"Fine?" Thanks to your fever, you were paler/ lighter and your face flushed dark red/purple. Not to mention you, couldn't breathe out of your nose and your throat was drier than the savanna. "I feel like shit."
"Well, you don't look any different than usual."
"Wow, thanks Miles."
"Anything for you." He looked round your dorm room, which you thankfully had alone, because there was an uneven amount of girls- Pretty much making you a loner. Which is probably why you and Mies stuck together. "God, your room is like a hospital room."
"Thanks for noticing." You get out before coughing hard.
Miles stared at you as you had a cough attack. Possibly the most painful cough you've ever had. It was like they were coming from your chest with how rough they were.
"Well, don't die on me now, Y/n."
"Wouldn't plan on it." You lay down, covering yourself with your blanket; Thankfully snuggled up.
Miles watches you closely, still suspicious- Not believing you were truly sick. He frowns, disappointed, before he too lays on your bed across your legs. "What am I supposed to do?"
You yawn, closing your eyes, "Maybe if you were nicer this wouldn't be an issue."
You hear him scuff, but you ignore him, because you were tired. So very tired.
Miles groans, watching you drift off to peacefully slumber. What was he supposed to do now? The thought made him frown. You weren't his only friend [Not that he'd ever tell you you're his friend]- No, he had other people he could stand... Well, okay maybe not.
He couldn't depend on you forever... I mean he could, but that dream is for later. The last thing he needed was for you to know he likes you- or even worse, a crush. The thought made a shiver run down his spine.
He left your room, walking around the dormitory. God, he hated this school and everyone in it. Thankfully it was spring break, so most of the students were off with their families. The thought brought an ick to his stomach. Families. All he had was his sister... and you.
He liked that. He liked it being just you and him. It made you more connected with each other. But now, he was alone. What was he supposed to do? Sure, maybe he was coming off a little co-dependent, but he didn't care. You were perfect for each other, so it doesn't matter if he was toxic.
He looked up to the sky, his eyes scrunching when the glaring sun hit him. Maybe he should do something productive since you were sick. He laughed and shook his head. Yeah, no. He's not doing that. His mind went to a memory of when his mother would take care of him when he was sick and how much he loved being pampered.
Then a thought occurred to Miles. If he took care of you while you were sick, you would become dependent on him and realize how much you need and love him. It was genius and Miles wondered how he didn't think about it sooner. Now... How does one take care of a sick person?
You awoke not feeling much better than before you went to sleep. You groaned, rubbing your head before stretching out your hands. You clicked your tongue, sitting up. You looked towards the door when hearing it open.
He doesn't respond but sits at the chair next to your bed.
You smirk, "Couldn't find anything to do?"
"Would you rather me sit and watch you sleep?"
"Maybe. Who wouldn't like a cute guy at their bed side?"
"Oh, god, you must be running a bad fever and it's getting to your head, because you would never say that."
"What? No, I'm not reading any fevers. How can you read a fever?"
"Run, not read Y/n."
"Huh? Flavor? What about flavor?"
Miles rolls his eyes before groaning annoyed with you. He pulls up a bad, which you hadn't noticed before, and pulled out a pill bottle. He pops open the lid and hands you a pill.
"What's this?"
"Tylenol. To help with your fever."
"Oh, yeah, I could use that. But I don't have a drink-"
He pulls out a Sprite and hands it to you. "I was going to get an orange drink, but they're kind of bitter and I've heard Sprite is good for the throat."
"Aren't you a sweetheart?" You tease, making him grimace.
"You keep going and I won't give you this." He pulls a container out of his bag and hands it to you.
"Chicken noodle soup?"
"Yeah. My mom used to make it when me or my sister were sick. Doesn't mean I like you or anything." Miles huffs, looking away from you.
"Of course not."
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abbyslev · 11 months
A/N: HEY BABIES i’ve been working on this lmao i’m currently in my jjk obsession era i fear 😋 I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THIS HAHA I HAD SM FUN WRITING IT!! ESP GOJOS LMAOO lmk if you guys want PARENT GOJO HCS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY CUTE IDEAS LMAOO
WARNINGS: not proofread i fear 💔
yuuji bsfs hcs here!
prepare yourself 
he’s very shy at first, never had friends really so when he saw how cool you were he was very shy to talk to you
ofc you initiated conversation !! 
he noticed how maki was very close to you, yet you were less tense and way nicer 
you showed him around and he noticed everyone knew you which kind of intimidated him 
he started opening up about his interest and you two traded numbers after a while 
after a month or so you two started hanging outside of class and training 
late night dinners!! 
you randomly buy each other stuff from the convenience store !! 
gojo started sending him on missions with you and you had so much patience with him
you were very sweet and walked him through everything 
of course in the middle of a battle he’d stay and watch over you, yet watching intently to make sure nothing went wrong 
late night calls 
always always always helping him study!! 
you could tell maki was holding back a crush and yuuta DEFINITELY had a crush on her 
you were trying to get them to date 
he holds your bags when you guys shop!! 
training together, he asks you don’t hold back on him 
sharing food. you put on his plate whatever you don’t like and he will gladly eat it up!! 
you like to mess with his hair a lot, especially since it’s already pretty ruffled 
once he opened up to you completely, you know when he’s upset 
you know how to comfort him best 
showing up at his door with takeout late at night (you had to beg gojo to get it for you) 
staying in his dorm while y’all eat and play street fighter 
you teach him more about your power and your energy, to which he looks more into !! 
takes interest in your interest, you do the same !!
matching outfits on non-school days on accident
panda laughs at you both btw 
you guys are inseparable basically, if one’s not there, neither will the other!! 
a lot of people think megumi is this cold, hard kid with no emotion 
you grew up with him, basically being raised by gojo too
he took a liking more to you than gojo i fear 
as kids, you two would fall asleep against each other while his divine dogs protected you both 
gojo ofc had to have a photoshoot 
megumi genuinely respects you as a sorcerer, seeing the endless nights you’d spend in your room training 
he claims he uses full force on you when you two train, but he’s obviously lying 
meg can be a picky eater sometimes, so he puts it on your plate 
he appreciates when you slide your soup to him without a word though 
he likes his space, and he greatly appreciates that you know that!! 
sometimes he wants to sit with you in silence, and sometimes he wants to be alone, and somehow you can read his mood perfectly 
he will tease you sometimes when you guys are alone
if you’re sitting on his bedroom floor, he will ruffle your hair or even crack some jokes 
he actually does play some video games, whichever ones you get him as presents 
he’s not on his phone much, but he does text you back fairly quickly 
doesn’t like you going on missions alone, and if you do, he may send a divine dog with you sometimes 
genuinely doesn’t understand how you can stand gojo sometimes 
which by the way, he uses to make you two match as kids 
gojo literally tried to put meg in a dress and got kicked in the face 
how do you get kicked by a seven year old? don’t ask 
very very supportive, but also very honest 
you call him before you go on dates and ask his opinions on your outfits 
“isn’t that a bit much skin? what if she’s like…i don’t know…not into that? Is that how it works?” poor him he doesn’t know 
if he finds a cute girl and he tells you about it, YOU WILL TALK TO HER ABOUT HIM 
he gets all shyyyyy 
meg still gets shy telling you things 
pretty much trusts you though
“lemme see em hehehe” as he gets his divine dogs out for you so you can play fetch w them :((
his doggies also comfort you a lot so since he’s not very emotionally available he’ll let you vent while petting the dogs
only lets you call him megs. one time panda tried it and got the death stare from megumi 
“why can only they call you megs” “cause i’m his favorite :D”
doesn’t let anyone be mean to you, HE WON'T BE ACCEPTING THAT BEHAVIOR 
pls take care of bb megs HES THE BEST OK 
it was kind of a rough start
you didn’t understand his cursed speech and you definitely got stressed with “bonito flakes” and “kelp” 
you would ask him things but you couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t reply 
shorty after you met panda and maki and they explained 
which right after, that night you bought a notebook so you could communicate 
toge thought this was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for him 
you guys ended up trading numbers and stayed up LATE sending each other videos and gushing about video games 
toge actually is pretty interesting, he hates not being able to talk about stuff with you
you finally got around to understanding his language !! 
that made everything much easier 
one time you were cold and he wrapped his scarf around you </33
don’t let his lack of speaking abilities fool you, this man WILL BE YOUR WINGMAN
you see a cute girl across the street, he’s chasing them down 
you two are an unbeatable duo, which is why you complete harder missions together 
training is ok, he can’t really use his voice so it’s just you two wrestling 
on missions you keep throat medicine on you for him
you help him study a lot, he’s actually very smart 
study sessions usually end up with you two on his bed, junk food everywhere and controllers in your hands,  hushed arguments between the two
you usually buy his lunch and bring it to him, but if y’all are out together, he pays for everything like the gentleman he is 
your biggest supporter!! if you fail at a move or can’t perfect something, he text you words of encouragement 
pls protect toge he deserves the world 
dear god hold on 
how you survived high school gojo is beyond anyone’s comprehension 
you basically rasied meg too 
hiding things from you all the time
if you are texting your situationship or something gojo WILL take your phone and read everything outloud 
if you fall on your ass or something embarrassing happens, instead of helping you he will record to humiliate you in front of his kids 
which btw they are your kids too !!
esp megs, you raised him and (though he’ll never admit it) he sees you as a mom
you submit to nobara’s shopping addiction i fear 
you’ll be in the middle of a lesson and HERE COMES GOJO BARGING IN 
the students stare at him in fear as he lift up one side of his blindfold to show you a funny video he found 
also don’t worry about having to pay for anything, he’s got it covered 
you try and deny him but he’s like “we all know you need it” annoying ass 
you also swear to never take him to family gatherings again 
but you do every single time 
the one time you took him your cousins fawned over him and your aunties asked if that was your husband and you had to explain he was your best friend 
gojo waved at your cousins and even fucking posed ???? 
you yelled at him on the way home but all he did was smile 
you used to tuck in megumi in bed and gojo would be like “don’t let the curses bite” and you would stare him down
gojo sends you on wild missions, yet still makes sure they’re safe enough for you 
he takes a liking to yuuji, meg, and nobara so he sends you to watch over them 
he knows your parental instincts are STRONG so he knows you will protect the kids with your life
one time megumi was being very open and honest with you about a problem and gojo interrupted you guys 
megumi never talked about his emotions again i fear 
if you ever get seriously injured he will joke around and take you to Shoko, but he’s really worried and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
keeps you out of his battles, and will even fight yours
see a girl you like? he’s on his way to let her know and maybe even get her number for you! 
will literally bring you food at two in the morning 
it's just who he is 
knows he seriously fucked up when you pull his hair, lift his blindfold up and see your face like “>:(”
you usually call him saturo so when you say “gojo SATURO!” he knows he fucked up
he loves his kids…yet he leaves them with you and now you have to deal with their bickering 
on your off days he loves to take you to shopping and out to eat! it’s his favorite
“max out my card” as an apology but all you want is a real explanation to why he blew up your room and why his kids were laughing 
you flick his forehead a lot 
you and utahime gang up on him a lot i fear 
though she’s very serious and you just like to tag along 
he buys you cool little trinkets 
“what’s this?” “a special something” and its literally just a snow globe 
not very emotionally available either so he just jokes around and tries his best to help you 
you understand he can get upset and refuse to show it, so you just sit beside him and draw shapes on his knees until he says something 
his phone is full of you throwing fits and angry photos 
occasionally cute ones of you guys together 
he sends you thousands of photos of either him, scenery, his kids or strangers 
you do the same obviously 
one time you and shoko hung out and sent gojo a pic and he screenshotted shokos smeared lipstick and sent it with a “??”
you post him on your insta and all ur friends slide up asking for his @ 
yes his ego gets bigger 
your favorite thing to do is grab the back of his head and yank off his blindfold and curse at him 
use to shove megumi in your arms and scream into his hands 
megumi gladly ate the veggies you fed him 
rivalry fr
“EW PUT SHOES ON” as he wiggles his bare feet in your face
will teleport to your room randomly 
you also steal his glasses randomly 
he KNOWSSSS when theres a woman in room
will start spam texting you for details 
he is part of the sassy man apocalypse i fear 
you and shoko shoo him away for some “girl time” and he goes “i AM one of the girls” with a little sassy eye roll
i could write about this man forever LMAOO
its not a spoken title but trust everyone knows your nanamis best friend 
i mean why else would he allow you in his office just so you can gossip ?? 
gojo complains about being mistreated 
whenever he buys books he buys two, one for you one for him 
buys you lunch! 
since he does love food, friday and saturday night dinners are a must 
you guys like to try different foods from different countries! 
every once in a while he will drink wine with you 
you guys are pretty much a deadly duo 
will give you flowers! it’s sweet
he’s not big on social media but he will go on there to like your newest post 
gojo complains again i fear 
you planned a super big vacation for you both for his birthday and even got some days off for him
that was the only vacation he’s ever been on, and he couldn’t thank you enough
though you wanted to pay, he ended up paying for everything you wanted at the trip
you spent so much money on reservations and plane tickets, he was worried 
he refuses to let you pay for anything! 
he’s not a pro at dates, but he will help you plan out a date 
also buys you a new outfit and helps you get ready 
“Did you get her flowers? should we get her anything else, or is this fine?” 
biggest supporter, but also does not enable bad actions like fear 
“well you’re not my dad” “fine then, go and get butthurt” 
he’s very sarcastic and straightforward with you, you love it 
he’s very organized about his outfits, so you’ll mess with him by saying his shirt is untucked or something 
when he carries you on his back because you’re super drunk you’ll be like “you loveeeee mee” 
“you keep telling yourself that.” but he indeed loves you so much 
opens doors for you, car doors, keeps hygiene products for you in his car, never lets you pay, always has a jacket ready for you, carries your bags, gets you dinner, this man is THE gentleman 
“NNAAAAAAANAMIIIII” “oh god, what now?”
you bust into his office anytime 
you guys like reading the morning paper and sharing your thoughts on it 
you got eachother thin little matching bracelets 
he does wear his :(( all the time :(( he never takes it off :(( 
tags: @saenora
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sasukimimochi · 6 months
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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays ヾ(•ω•`)o ❤ I drew an icon for the winter so I wanted to share it with you guys! I also included my first attempts haha, I hope you guys enjoy your end-of year!
I'll include some wips under the read more line for design stuff i've been working on for Ghost of Mine and The Wild Plum Tree! It's a lot, but don't get too attached to any of it since i'm very much still figuring out what i want to keep. Hope you guys like em though! Happy holidays again!! (ノ*ФωФ)ノ👻🐇💖✨
Check out my other MDZS stuff here! ❤
So as you all know I've been working on designs for GOM & TWPT and these are what I've gotten done! This first one is a wip of my youth WWX. Some of you that read my fic and see the messages i leave sometimes might have seen it before!
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Then the biggest feat I've been trying to get is figuring out my preferred design for Jiang Cheng. I'm pretty satisfied with the progress, but he's still quite difficult for me so only the last one really started to get in the territory i wanted was the last one. I still need to balance this though as its leaning too far into my preferences i think and not enough into the typical style of JC.
So to start, there's the different hair styles i was looking at. I was also experimenting with his body type and the scars, cuz idk exactly how many scars he has, I haven't looked it up(;´д`)ゞ
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Then one of his outfits (for nicer days, not a typical outfit for him). Then another attempt at his typical outfit, which was more towards what I wanted (kind of like the mobile game outfit!) but not quite there.
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Then I went back to trying to design his face and eyes again, getting much closer to what I wanted! I still need to adjust it, but this is the closest so far. To get that dark-eyed cat-like look, I decided to sketch his eyes black unless rendering from now on, cuz it brings that look that I want.
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Now we move on to Zhu Xiaoyi and Zhu Hui/Xu Shi. They're mdzs OC characters i'm using as extras in TWPT and may also show up in GOM from time to time. Their designs aren't fully fleshed out yet but Adult Xiaoyi is my baby at this point honestly.
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That's all for now!! I hope you guys enjoy your holidays v w v ❤👻🐇
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misstycloud · 1 year
Plz more Riddle fics!
How you met
You smooth out your dress in order to make yourself appear as presentable as possible. After all, this was no ordinary occasion; one of your best friends were getting married. With all the on and off breaks the couple have had, you honestly wasn’t sure if they’d make it. But it turns out you were wrong.
You recalled that night when you had just gotten out of the shower and suddenly got a call from your friend. It was a bit hard to hear what she was babbling about over all the estatic noises she made simultaneously.
Telling her to slow down was easier said than done, but eventually she was calm enough to reveal the news. Her boyfriend had proposed that night and she’s said yes! You congratulated on her engagement despite the little shadow of doubt concerning her new fiancée. He wasn’t a bad person per se, however, you found yourself sceptic to how happy their marriage would be.
Perhaps you were a bad friend for not saying anything, but you knew your friend wouldn’t losten to you even if you told her you thought he may not be the one and she was making a mistake. So instead of putting your friendship at unnecessary risk, you chose to keep quiet.
So here you stood at the entrance of the engagement party the couple decided to throw. It was a slightly uncomfortable experience for you since you didn’t really know any of the people attending except for your friend of course. While the two of you were as thick as thieves, she was also part of other friend groups, of which she’d invited.
Bracing yourself for the awkward exchanges of being presented as ‘X’s other friend’, you took a step forward and immediately X noticed you. She hurried to you and gave you a hug, “Oh my god, I’m so glad you could come!” She squealed.
“I’m glad to be here.” You said, smile gracing your features.
“Come, you need to say hi to ‘Y’, he’s just over there.” She dragged you along with her and pointed at a well-dressed man’s back. He stood, conversing with other guests. “Sweetie!”
He turned around to face you. “Yes?”
“Look, (y/n)’s here!”
Her fiancée looked at you and smiled, “Hi, glad to see you make it.” He put a hand on your shoulder.
Ignoring the itch to remove it you said, “happy to make an appearance.”
“So how have you been?” He asked.
“I’ve been fine, not much going on really except for work, you know.”
‘Y’ nodded. “I understand. Big things isn’t for everyone.”
You raised an eyebrow at this. What did he mean by that? That your quiet, uneventful life sucked or something? Like he had so much going on. You scoffed under your breath.
Noticing the tensioning aura, your friend breaks in, “anyway, I’m so excited for you to be my maid of honour!”
“Right, but I should thank you for letting me be something so important.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’d want you to have that role, you’ve always been there for me. That reminds me, you should meet the best man! After all, you two have the most important roles in the wedding- apart from the green and bride, that is.” She chuckled. “Speaking of that man, where is he?” ‘X’ gazed at her fiancée for answers.
“He was here a minute ago, don’t know where he might have run off to- wait- there he is. Hey, man, come over here for a sec!” He waved another man over to your small circle.
The first thing you noticed, was the auburn hair. He, too, was dressed in a fancier manner and had a considerably handsome face. Brown, kind eyes met yours and for some reason you felt a little shy all of a sudden.
“Ah, there he is! My best man.” ‘Y’ praised. “This is Riddle, the guy’s been my pal ever since I can remember. You don’t find a nicer man around.”
Riddle slapped his friends arm, “Knock it off, I’m not that fantastic. Don’t exaggerate.”
“Haha, sure.” He then introduced you. “This is (y/n), ‘X’s maid of honour. You’ll be seeing each other more often from now on, okay.”
Riddle beamed down at you, reaching his hand forward. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you (y/n). I’ve heard some things about you from ‘X’ - only goood things of course.”
He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t say or do anything.
It took a second for your brain to load, and when it finally did, you shook his hand with an embarrassed expression on your face. “Yeah, sure- sorry I kinda spaced out there, hehe.” You apologised for your behaviour. The auburn haired man only laughed slightly.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re very cute.”
Redness overtook your features. Cute? You? Wait, he actually thought you were cute? While you flushed, you wondered how he said something like that is easily. If it were you, you’d malfunctioned before you even got a word out.
Seeing this happen before her, ‘X’ couldn’t hold her giggles. Everyone’s attention fell on her.
“Oh my god, I can totally hear the wedding bells already!”
With a flushed face you scoffed, “what’re you?-It’s your wedding this is about so don’t go make up weird stuff.”
“Ooooh, I can see you blushing~”
“No, I’m not.”
“You totally are!”
While ‘X’ continued to poke fun at you, and you trying to fight her off, her fiancée was amused at the scene; none of you saw the way the best man gazed at you.
It was a knowing look, one that said he had all the cards on his deck. People were used to see Riddle constantly wearing an expression displaying his happiness and eagerness to help others, so they would’ve been taken aback at the current unusual expression gracing his features.
You were mad at the assumptions your friend started making, especially in front of the guy himself. You wished you could just tell her to shut it but that would embarrass you further. Still, you had no idea how right she were at the time.
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Now it's your turn :))
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
orchid ⇢ Oh gosh, I love sooooo many songs. A song I consider to be perfect... idk. I'll have to say Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey because it's my current obsession lol.
cactus ⇢ The Philosophy of Love. It's so cool. The Biblical Philosophy of Desire and Knowledge, Plato's Theory of Love and Becoming, The Medieval/Arabian concept of Courtly Love. They are all sooooo cool and sooooo fascinating and I love them all dearly.
bamboo ⇢ I go to school at home so I never really leave. And when I do leave to go somewhere on the weekend or such, I take a shower when I come home.
abelia ⇢ Not really, aside from this sterling silver cross necklace I got for my birthday last year. It's really cool and I love it hehehe
daffodil ⇢ So I have 3, all sisters. I don't really think i'm that similar to my older sister. Aside from sharing the same father, we're pretty different. With my two younger sisters, I look like the older of the two, however I'm nicer like the younger one.
mahonia ⇢ I try to take inspiration from literally everything. So... anything you can imagine lol. Whenever inspriation hits me I just start talking out loud. Usually it becomes a line for a poem. And i just recite that line out loud over and over until i get more lines. And then repeat. Usually i end up with a couple stanzas, constantly editing and revising in my mind the entire time until it's perfect. Or, near perfect as it can get.
chia ⇢ Me and my baby sister (she's 8 but always the baby) will constantly recite Benedick and Beatrice's lines to each other. Especially their first conversation in the play. Much Ado About Nothing is soooooo good loll. And then with @jordie-is-definitely-sane, we have incest is wincest lol. Because I love traumatizing her hehehe
sage ⇢ haha. I can't choose either. How could anyone??? I'm an aspiring actor, poet, and author, so obviously my favorites are theatre, poetry and prose fiction. But also music, paintings, sculpting, dance, et cetera all have such splendid things to offer as well. And i would love to learn how to do them all! They're all art and they all touch somewhere hands can't: into the deepest most inner part of your being. How one can say which is individually more touching? I can't fathom.
edelweiss ⇢ It's just my name + is definitely sane. Which is definitely a lie lol. My older one's were a lot more interesting but because of that i also constantly changed them lol. This one's more basic, but i'm never changing it
camellia ⇢ I'm not sure. I was happier as a kid, I used to run around more and talk more and I had a lot more friends irl. Now? I don't really know how to hold a conversation (T-T), I definitely talk less (not because i have less to say tho lol. Trust me I could talk for hours and I do when i'm alone), I definitely don't run around as much. Tho i'm not as sad about that last one. I have started dancing in the rain again like I used to so that's good :). I still read and write, in fact I do both of those even more then when i was younger. I still find beauty in everything. I still have an incredibly idealized view of nature and childhood. I still have a deep sense of needing to be myself (who that is? idk. but i need to find it) I think deep down I'm the same person. Just, kind of mellowed. I can't think of childhood and growing up without think of Trenton Lee Stewart's Riddle of Ages; he says that he doesn’t believe we become different people as we age. No, he says he believes that we become more people. We’re still the kids we were, but we’re also the people who’ve lived all the different ages since that time. And I think that's a beautiful sentiment.
jasmine ⇢ No. Absolutely not. If I loved it, im going to watch/reread it a thousand more times.
ivy ⇢ Body language, eyes, mouth, tone, the language they use (are they talking differently then usual), hands, etc.
chamomile ⇢ Books, chocolates, sweaters/hoodies, necklaces and bracelets (i love expensive shiny stuff but also that homey handmade stuff. I eat it up), MONEY$$$$$ lol. But like seriously.
aloe vera ⇢ I just want to know and be known. Which, though it sounds really mundane to others, I think is actually one of the most special, transcendental and divine things one can do in life (can you tell I've been studying the philosophy of love lol?). I genuinely believe in the Avicenna's concept of the ennobling power of love. With all of my heart.
palm tree ⇢ I mean... I can't really think of one? I love the Percy Jackson series and I love Luke so, i guess him? I have strong thoughts about him (bbg hates the West so much but is such a western tragic hero lol), he's so fascinating as a character and even moreso as a concept lol
nutmeg ⇢ My rooms pretty basic so no lol.
papyrus ⇢ I don't have one T-T. So i just picked a random song: ICU by Coco Jones. I associate it with @mera-mann-kehne-laga. No context.
taro ⇢ I'd probably tell them that I'm writing poetry, I'm working on 2 books, and that I scored a 28 on the ACT. I'm very bad at conversation so I probably just let them talk and listen to them, ask them questions to prod them, etc.
Thank you for the ask @memory-the-unconscious <333
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