#when your children pay money to gaslight
waylaid-by-enemies · 2 months
The actors should be treated with respect by the fandom
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She says with a camera roll that looks like this
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mari-the-bimbo · 5 months
Heyyyyyy!!! 🩷 headcannons for ex husband Nanami and choso who are still in love with you
Ex husband Nanami
A/N: Hello my lovelies!! I hope you’re all doing well and a late seasons greetings!
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It’s something you should’ve known to be honest. Nanami Kento is a workaholic and it was bound to lead to the end of your marriage.
However, ex husband Nanami is different. His fixation and obsession is hidden under the disguise of a distinguished gentleman. He’s too kind, too sweet, it’s makes you constantly question yourself until you’re spiralling, and he knows it.
Respectful. That’s how the women in your life gush about him. He pays child support, and he also pays you a separate large sum of money just to spoil yourself with.
He adores his children. Picking them up single-handedly and presses kisses to their small faces, they giggle joyfully at their daddy’s affection. He half heartedly reminds them not to give mummy trouble.
He still refers to you with terms of endearment. ‘Dear, love, sweetheart’ are words you’re used to by now. Did he used to refer to you like that during your marriage? You’re so gaslighted you can’t even remember anymore.
Nanami is too good at making you feel like you made a mistake by divorcing him.
“So how’s that new boyfriend of yours?” he’ll ask at dinner, after he insisted that he wants to spend more time with the children.
“Um- well.. we’re not really taking things-“
“Oh dear.. another failed relationship?” He says with fake concern and you feel your ears getting hot in anger, making you miss the small smirk on his face. “I’m sure you’ll meet someone good eventually dear” he says so sickeningly sweet, it makes you want to cry in self pity.
“I don’t need your pity!” You eventually snap, pausing when you realise you seem erratic.
He sighs patronisingly. Before reaching his big hand out to caress your face. You pull away, even though you know you’re close to being putty in his hands.
“Oh love.. don’t be like that. I know you’re just sexually frustrated, do you want me to help you?” He asks.
And that’s how the cycle begins.
‘No’ you always stutter at first until he stands up and towers over you, caresses your face, pressing his thumb to your lips and then kisses the area of his thumb your lip touched, he lets you feel his bulge, he whispers how he’ll always be there for you along with other sweet nothings, he shushes you whenever you try to protest, harshly reminding you the children are asleep.
You always end up being fucked by your ex husband in your own bed. Screaming when his dick hits the perfect spot, after all who would know your sweet spots if not the man you were married to? You pull on his blonde strands as he moans so dirtily in your ear.
You always wake up the next morning asking why you did that to yourself but when you feel the strong muscular arms wrap around you, you suddenly don’t feel guilty.
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merakiui · 8 months
it's trey's birthday!!!!! >:) to celebrate, here are a few trey thoughts and concepts.
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, gaslighting, mention of non-con, sk!trey, mention of love potion/drugging, brief nsfw, implied somnophilia)
✧ trey using his um to make you think you're free and can go anywhere, when in reality all this time you've been confined to a single room and every "place" you've gone to is simply the result of his unique magic altering your senses. that bakery you visited with him? that didn't really happen. the library? not real. the park? nonexistent. it's just you and trey in this single room and you've yet to figure it out. :)
✧ being trey's friend since childhood and you've always had a crush on him. the two of you have been inseparable, but when he goes off to nrc and you're left in the queendom of roses to attend school there your feelings start to dampen...and very quickly at that. the reason? trey hasn't been around to feed you the love potion he mixed into the pastries. he's been doing it since the two of you were children. it started as an accident when he unintentionally knocked it into the practice batter and you ate it and... he just likes it when you're in love with him. is that so terrible of a thing to want? :< meanwhile, you've always thought your feelings for him were true. ;;;
✧ au in which trey and rook are roommates and you're desperately trying to find a place to stay. isn't it so nice and convenient that your two friends have an extra room open for you to take? :) don't worry about paying rent with money. you can pay with other things.
✧ researcher trey x captive mer darling. maybe you're scared or anxious around humans and he's ultimately the one who befriends you. of course he does so with his own intentions in mind...
✧ trey with a darling who has a fear of men and he helps you get more comfortable around him by showing you he's safe and would never hurt you. he's just so gentle and so trustworthy and so sweet; he's so good at minding your personal space and being so patient and helpful. unfortunately, he just wants you to be more comfortable so it'll be easier to slide into your heart. and maybe he gets impatient and non-cons you instead. :( all of that trust... shattered. but now he has you all to himself and can slowly twist your perception of him in the strangest ways. he gaslights you into thinking that other men would do the same thing, but it'd be much worse and so you can really only ever trust and rely on him. see? doesn't he treat you so softly? you don't have to be scared; he helps you, saves you, protects you. he's good and others are bad.
✧ i never talk about trey's starsending robes, but omg they're so !!!!!!! stargazer trey who is there to collect your wish and you wish for a boyfriend because you thought it'd be a silly and lighthearted wish to make. trey is going to grant that wish if it's the last thing he does. >:D
✧ vampire trey.
✧ trey helping you fix your gag reflex by fucking your mouth often!!!! <3 now when you brush your tongue you won't gag anymore. :)
✧ serial killer trey and his obsession with collecting full sets of teeth from his victims. your teeth are especially fascinating to him, and thus you shall be his next victim.
✧ tooth fairy trey LOL.
✧ dentist trey......... but he's the dentist from novocaine. the sheer gaslighting in this song omg. the "you're bleeding now cuz you never floss" line.......... dentist trey is my beloved. i hope others can see this vision.
✧ OMG WAIT. dentist trey and dr. riddle... the two horsemen of the medical malpractice apocalypse. ;;;;;;;;;;; maybe they're roommates and you see the both of them for annual check-ups, so it's over for you when you wake shackled in their flat. T_T they know your medical history so well; you're in good hands.
✧ trey who takes care of you when you're sick, only to realize he quite likes it when you're so weak and feeble. he intentionally keeps you sick so you'll rely on him and if you think something's amiss he gaslights all of your worries away, minimizing them with a simple, "it must be a rough flu season..." or "don't push yourself so hard; you'll only get sicker." >:( no!!!! trey, you're the one making darling sicker!!!!!! in the same vein that trey is your greatest pathogen, he is also your greatest panacea. for only he gets to decide when you can heal and get better. :)
✧ you often party a lot with cater, so trey's seen you when you're intoxicated far too many times. he tries to be upstanding and honest on the surface, if only to look normal and reliable. but how can he resist when you're right there on his bed, passed out like a corpse?
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kaeyx · 4 months
I like the idea of beastzai adopting an orphan like atsushi but he doesn’t raise them for years to fight or become a weapon, rather a very deeply gaslighted and manipulated puppet that he can use for various purposes. In the morning you’re an accessory attached to him, but at night you’re his personal fleshlight.
Hhhhhhhh good god this is making me dizzy,,, Beastzai continuing Mori's tradition of picking orphans up off the streets, but he finds a really cute one and decides to keep them for something else. And you who've lived in a dingy, underfunded orphanage all your life, sharing cold beds and cold food, beaten when you acted up because it's the easiest way to control a few hundred children when you don't have the resources to take care of all of them individually. So in a way, you come pre broken!
Beastzai is the first person ever to choose you, and only you. You've always been part of a gaggle of dirty faces, not pretty or cooperative enough to adopt, you've never had one on one attention like this. He asks you a few questions and he's so well groomed, his voice is so soft and persuasive, and you've never been taught to be weary of people like him. When he hears nobody will come looking for you he offers you a place to stay, a job so you can earn your keep, and you're immediately infatuated. You think this is compensation for all those years of suffering and neglect, and you go with him hand in hand.
He lets you take warm baths for as long as you want, with sweet smelling shampoo instead of hard hunks of soap and lots of steam and bubbles. You always get warm food, as much as you can eat, and a soft bed all to yourself. Beastzai makes you live with him, of course. He's just worried about your condition, since you looked so frail when he found you. The job he gives you is simply to be his secretary, carrying stacks of papers and opening doors for him. You feel so useful, and he pays you well. But of course he suggests you consult him before buying anything, since you've never had any money or anywhere to spend it, and you might end up buying the wrong kind of thing. He always worries so much about you and gives you so much attention, always keeping you by his side, you're addicted to the feeling. You love being wanted.
The first time he kisses you you nearly cry. He holds your chin and puts an arm around your waist and makes you sit in his lap while he tells you how to kiss, licking the roof of your mouth and biting your lips until they're tender and swollen. Eventually his hands move to your ass and he guides your hips gently back and forth, grinding his clothed bulge against you while you stutter and whine, clinging to his jacket with big, scared eyes. You've never had sex before, nobody bothered to tell you how it works, and you really don't want to disappoint him. Beastzai kisses you gently and lays you on your back with your legs spread, reassuring you. He'll teach you, don't worry. He'll make sure you know everything you need to.
Beastzai stretches you out on his slender fingers until you're desperate, bucking your hips up against his hand, gripping him tightly and begging for more. You don't even know what you're asking for, but he does. He pushes inside you carefully, his thumb swirling around your clit and smearing your slick all over it while he coos at you. He pinches your nipples cruelly and bites your neck until it's bruised, reassuring you all the time that you're doing very good, this is how it's supposed to feel. Don't you trust him? Doesn't he know more than you about these things? Of course he does. You just have to listen, and everything will be okay. Kissing your tears away after he's drained his balls into your sweet cunt, leaving you a messy, sweaty heap.
Every day he brings you to work with him and makes you stand next to his desk, or fetch him something menial to keep you occupied. He loves the tight clothes he tells you to wear because you never question him, just putting them on every morning completely oblivious to how he stares at your ass when you walk. When he's bored or has time to relax he lays you on his desk and eats you out, or pushes you against the windows and fucks you with your cheek pressed against the cold glass, overlooking the entire city. When he has work he pats his leg and you always come over like an obedient pet, sliding under his desk or sitting on his cock to keep him entertained for a few hours. Sometimes, people have to come in for whatever reason. Beastzai tells you not to worry about moving, everyone already knows you're his.
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moonlit-positivity · 30 days
Things ppl will say to a minor who shows signs of anxiety, depression, eating disorders & self harm:
"Get real! You're too young! You're faking for attention! Go back to your coloring books! Children can't be depressed! You have no reason to be that way! So disrespectful! I bet your parents need to beat it out of you! Wait until you get some "real life" experiences and then we'll talk!"
Things I personally experienced as a minor that gave me those symptoms:
drunk, abusive, physically volatile parents, household full of arguments and physical violence on a daily basis to the point of constant police intervention, child sexual assault perpetuated by all adults in the household, child sexual assault perpetuated by other children in the neighborhood, sexual assault perpetuated by other adults in the community, emotionally unavailable & emotionally immature, volatile, neglectful, and reactive mother who constantly put me down and blamed me for all of her problems, absent father figure, resentment and shame and humiliation at how many other children at school had better families and opportunities than I did, my own mother's eating disorder and dysfunctional diet culture forced onto me from middle school age, growing up in an environment rampant of drugs and alcohol use, growing up in an environment of unstable mental health, growing up in an environment of poverty, having to sacrifice my own childhood and adolescence to work a job at 14 years old to help pay bills because my mother was too drunk and spending all the money we had on beer and drugs, and then having teachers listen to me talk about it and nothing ever got done about it.
Yes, children experience real life symptoms of abuse. Yes, it happens right in front of you. Let's stop downplaying child abuse and call it for what it is- every day life. it's the shitty, abusive, volatile, emotionally regressive parents, home environments, poverty, and lack of community supports. It's the way you yell at your kid for being "lazy" and beat them to distill discipline and "real world" experiences. It's the way you mock and belittle their hopes, dreams, interests, hobbies, personal autonomy, and call them dumb and stupid for ever having dreamed they were worth the effort. It's the way you indoctrinated and condemn them to your own belief systems. It's the way you yell, scream, neglect, and refuse to heal your own generational trauma and bias towards how to raise a child. It's the way you ignore the fact that child sexual abuse exists and it doesn't look like the stereotypical "man with a van" but rather the football coach that works at the local YMCA, the grocery store manager, the church deacon, the woman at the PTA. Its the way you invalidate, deny, enable, and refuse to acknowledge your own part in raising an unsafe home environment. It's the way you gaslight and pick sides when children come forth and speak about their experiences.
Child abuse is not a myth limited to the likes of prime time TV shows and Hollywood documentaries. Child abuse happens every single day. Right in front of you. Let's work harder to call it out. Let's work harder to give children a voice in a society hell bent on taking it away.
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night-market-if · 2 years
Dear Mr. Stockfish
Hello. You don’t know me. And based on your lack of consideration thus far, it is doubtful you wish to.  I am the wife of one of your employee’s. I am a mother of four. I am the woman that has watched her husband go work, thirteen to fourteen hour shifts for you, often times in the middle of the night. I am a woman who raised children during the pandemic. Homeschooled them. Became their friend. Their teacher. Their support. Because you couldn’t spare a single worker.  I am the one that has watched him struggle with working for you, a good company as you proudly proclaim, while trying to be a good father.  He operates on little to no sleep due to the type of hours you demand and the shifts you implement. Because he wants to provide for us. But he also doesn’t want his children to grow up, as many are now, with an absentee father.
On September 13th, your employees walked on you. You claim your contract is fair. It is not.  A pay increase does nothing when insurance goes down.  It does nothing in the face of inflation. And it does nothing when most of your workers have to commute and the gas prices have skyrocketed. In fact, what you have offered them is a pay decrease in the guise of something charitable. You talk about fair and competitive wages and yet most people have been able to leave and find better money elsewhere. Your electricians are underpaid by far. Your hours are atrocious. Your insurance is abysmal. I have had two babies under your insurance. My first one had issue within the hospital. That original plan five years ago, was a lifesaver.  My child that was born without complications, without me spending a full extra day in the hospital, nearly bankrupted us because the fees were so high due to your shitty insurance policy. And now you wish to reduce it more because it is status quo? 
What happened to being a good company because you weren’t status quo? Because you offered what others could not? What happened to be a good solid foundation for a community? You pride yourself on hard work and family values and yet children are struggling to eat because you cannot meet your employees at the table and negotiate.
And that, is truly what it does come down to. Your employees are willing to negotiate. They are not asking for the moon. But each time you have come back to the negotiating table with nothing. Nothing but a paltry sign on bonus that you were shocked people weren’t going to take? Can I ask you what you think a sign on bonus is going to do for my children when they get sick? Or if Covid resurges? Can I ask you what your sign on bonus is going to do if a pipe bursts this winter?  Can I ask how your sign on bonus has helped or can help in the face of your employee’s family emergencies? Your community lost family members these last few years.  Your employees banded together. Grieved together. Supported and helped each other. Where were you?
You claim to be a good company. That you take care of your own. Your own are speaking back saying they do not feel support and your response is to gaslight them as if they are some small child undeserving of your time.  But hey, when you guys came to them and asked them to still work during a worldwide pandemic, they did. They made you billions in profit in fact. Let's just read that again. Billions.  But you can’t give them a decent raise or decent insurance.  Mr. Stockfish, were your bonus’s that you took this year more important than my child's speech therapy?  Was your bonus more important than the mental health of your workers?  Can I ask you if it is more important than your employees choosing whether they can turn on their heat this winter because they might not be able to afford it?  Can I see what you bought with your bonus while your workers all got up at two or three in the morning to come serve your company, while you do nothing but sit back and collect?
I’ll wait.
A wife. A mother. A member of this community you claim to care for and are letting down.
If anyone wishes to e-mail this man, his email is [email protected]
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regallibellbright · 4 months
Honestly I think I'd hate Arthur Cantabella less if they'd simply removed the whole "Yeah no this is a government-condoned psychological experiment" aspect.
TESTING WHAT?! No, genuinely, what? Using the contaminated groundwater/weirdass Silver Fainting Allergy and/or the flower ink as a drug? Because uh, if that's the case, then I'm pretty sure using them both in conjunction contaminates your results.
Is it something about mob mentality? In-groups and out-groups with the elaborate tech crew made of convicted witches and victims maintaining the whole illusion? In that case, I think the fact that you're drugging and gaslighting the entire experiment group is also contaminating the results.
Also the whole fantasy setting is probably a confounding variable for Something.
Okay sure parents could consent to taking part in this experiment for their children, but uh, I'm pretty sure some of these kids were born AFTER the experiment began. Given the aforementioned Large Amounts of Drugging From Multiple Origins going on here, I have some concerns!
No seriously. Please. PL vs PW writers. Give me the grant proposal Arthur Cantabella submitted to get anyone to fund this project. I know it's Bill fucking Hawks, but even he's got limits! I don't see how he benefits from half this shit even if he wants to use the other half (I assume the drugs.) Why is he paying for the rest? There's a reason why Clive is established as being a lone schemer with obscene amounts of money who's keeping all his scientists in the dark and/or coerced to keep building, and it's so that we don't have anyone there questioning why he's building an elaborate fake town populated by actors in addition to his Underground Vengeance Mecha!
The fact that you somehow managed to get this cleared as a psychological experiment establishes that you know the field of psychology exists. Why in the name of all that is holy did you think building an elaborate fake fantasy town with an elaborate magic system which you make real through the power of drugging people, knocking the ENTIRE TOWN out every time a spell is used, changing things around them to simulate "magic" using the most ridiculous Renn Faire stage crew ever, and manipulating the clocks so no one's aware time is passing, with a system that prosecutes witches and burns them so that they can join the Renn Faire Stage Crew along with their victims, and positioning yourself as the all-powerful Storyteller who writes their reality into being would be a better solution than therapy?
Honestly I'd respect "I had a god complex, lol" more. Especially for that last one, but like. In general. Descole's out there living his worst life, he KNOWS he's an asshole supervillain agent of chaos, and I respect this because he has clearly CHOSEN to be Like This. You do you, man. Ditto for Don Paolo but like, less effectively.
This is not how any of this works.
Okay, setting... ALL OF THAT aside, you're doing this because your and your best friend's young daughters are understandably incredibly traumatized because they wanted to ring the bell early and the Weirdass Groundwater-Induced "Allergy" That Makes You Faint When You Hear Silver Ringing caused them and everyone else to pass out, and as everyone in the square below was having a fire festival, this caused a massive tragic conflagration. Okay. Yeah, this is bad. (I have. MANY questions about how this bell was made, excavated, and mounted in the square without anyone ever ringing it and realizing something had happened, but we're going to gloss over those for now, it's Professor Layton and I would otherwise be all over this incredible bullshit. It's great up until it asks us to think THIS was ever a remotely reasonable idea.) One of your daughters is all but catatonic because a story you told her earlier has convinced her she either is or will be taken by The Great Witch Bezella. Sure. (You suck.) Why the FUCK is your solution based on the other one unpersoning herself to her best friend and doing all the work to make the magic real? Yeah, sure, she agreed to it. SHE'S LIKE EIGHT TO TEN. HER BEST FRIEND THINKS SHE'S AN AWFUL MONSTER AND WON'T REACT OTHERWISE. OF COURSE Eve's gonna help, but that doesn't mean you should put the entire burden on her! She is ALSO horribly traumatized to the point of repressing what happened. Get her help too. The fact that the game seems to put their actions on remotely even footing when one of them has been treated like shit since she was TEN and one of them was an adult who PURPOSEFULLY AND INTENTIONALLY set up a system that would put her in this shitty situation means that yeah, no, they fundamentally are not. Of course her decisionmaking is misguided and terrible! She's a twenty-year-old who's been horribly mistreated for more than half her life! HER DAD JUST COMMITTED SUICIDE OUT OF GUILT FOR HIS ACTIONS IN SETTING UP THIS SYSTEM.
No one's going to hold them responsible for the deaths. This was a sequence of events so thoroughly unforeseeable that literally no one could have predicted it. It won't even reflect poorly on you and Belduke, because you two somehow managed to find the bell, excavate it, and mount it without ever ringing it and realizing it knocked you out and you all had an environmentally-induced silver "allergy" and at that point this goes into "acts of a cruel and malicious Writer-God" territory.
Also it was totally predictable that this elaborate system of misogyny would not actually help Espella in the long term as she instead repressed her memories and further internalized the whole witches = evil thing so that when those memories inevitably came back she would be in EVEN WORSE shape, this is why you should have gotten an actual psychologist who could have told you this whole thing was a terrible plan to write your grant.
No like does he drug all his requests to whoever he reports to (it has to be directly to the person signing checks) in the mind-control ink? This is my only explanation here.
Why. In God's name why. Did you not. Simply. DESTROY THE FUCKING BELL TOWER. You have a crane here! What possessed ANYONE to think just covering it up with Vantablack and gaslighting so people couldn't see it was a reasonable solution to the Trauma Tower? (There may be an explanation for this, it has been ten years, but this man's problem solving has been established to be so poor I award him no points.)
And if you were going to do this, why didn't you tell Newton? Or was it just that the lightning strike burning up the Vantablack was itself a reminder to him that you can't repress the past away and he was suddenly aware of how overwhelmingly POINTLESS all this suffering was? (Edit: I think it was this. No but seriously you could’ve just taken a fucking wrecking ball to that thing while you were rebuilding the town.)
Seriously why the fuck did Newton Belduke go along with letting you use his traumatized daughter like this? What the hell, man. What an asshole.
Also. Your problem was that you had two severely traumatized little girls (even if you only acknowledged one of them was traumatized.) Your solution was... to traumatize a shitload more young girls?
And then your best friend actually committed suicide?!
Like. Seriously. If these are the actions of a single, seriously traumatized person, the fact that you are making Literally The Worst And Most Inexplicable Decisions Ever Which Make The Problem Worse For Literally Everyone Involved is more... well, conceivable. I buy a traumatized eighteen-year-old with an obscene amount of money building an elaborate fake London that is allegedly London ten years in the future, hiring actors to populate it, kidnapping scientists, making them build an Underground Vengeance Mecha to destroy the city, and then kidnapping the Prime Minister who is the source of that trauma and hooking the engine of the mecha up to his heart. And then roping in the one guy who could conceivably solve the whole problem and stop him and Clive would let it. It's a bad idea on EVERY conceivable level, don't get me wrong, on an UNPRECEDENTEDLY terrible scale, but it's a bad idea in which it is very clear no one at any point has asked the person what the fuck they think they're doing here, what they are trying to accomplish, and why they are doing so with this objectively absurd method. Because they have not let anyone in close enough to key them to The Full Absurd Terribleness. It's either this or become Batman.
But Arthur? Apparently his decisions have been vetted by OTHER PEOPLE, and this just boggles my mind. I refuse to believe this. I refuse to believe NO ONE went "have we considered this is like eight hundred terrible ideas bundled up into The Worst Idea Ever?" And I refuse to believe he's anything but a massive asshole when his plan had so many awful consequences for literally everyone BUT himself!
Like, don't get me wrong. There are SO MANY examples of unethical experimentation on human subjects in the real world, psychological and otherwise. But most of them are not this incredibly convoluted, implicitly expensive, and we all generally recognize these days that they were bad.
Also, none of them were enacted as an elaborate setup to (incompetently) handle the trauma of the experimenter's daughter after he told her if she was bad a scary evil witch would possess her and then she and her friend accidentally enacted a tragedy whose scale and fundamental absurdity rival the Boston Molasses Flood, but without corporate greed. There were solutions to this that were so much easier, less convoluted, less EXPENSIVE, and less harmful to... well, everyone else involved, except Arthur Cantabella.
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s1xseasonsandamov1e · 6 months
i genuinely do not understand why so many americans still believe that they’re living in the greatest country ever. like yeah gaslighting from your government the news and the education system isn’t great but you still have access to google. how do you not look out and see that you are living in a third world country disguised as the greatest nation? how do you not realize that countries like denmark are doing so much better than you because they have access to free healthcare and free education, safe streets, lower crime rates, zero school shootings (cause of gun control) and your take away is “they pay too many taxes” sure the taxes should be lower in denmark but that’s a small fucking price to pay to be able to live in a safe society. and i genuinely do not understand how your “right to bear arms” is more important than the lives of innocent children. and also just to clarify you can still get guns in denmark you just need a license and the right permits, which again is a small price to pay for a safe society, and maybe if your government spend a bit less money on war and funding genocide you’d at the very least have free healthcare. and yes i know your government probably doesn’t speak for the majority but my god you aren’t doing shit to change it. there shouldn’t be only two parties for you to vote for that’s fucking stupid. when you only have two options and they both fucking suck then the outcome is gonna be horrible no matter what. literally the only reason so many people voted for joe biden is “he isn’t trump” how can you not see that that’s a huge fucking problem? and i feel bad for the americans who do know all of this but can’t do anything to change it. i’m sorry.
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kharisregina88 · 2 years
Heyyy, I read your books before and I'd like to know about your creation: Arimight
Arimight. A fictional country in my Prince Series fanfiction – Princess Arimight Collection
Confession: It was created so the author wouldn't have to go through in real life history. Only to realise soon after that the author has to do more researches in order to MAKE the country !!
cons: too much works pros: I get to play goddess !
so, um, it's already kinda iconic now on Wattpad. So I don't think my readers will be happy if I erase Arimight and take Poland or Iceland 😂 OK, I don't want to bore you with the economic and politics. We're probably all bored from the real ones on TV. And so have this headcanons of a fictional Wattpad country 😃😃:
The King has two Queen Consorts. This is a love triangle gone right. They all love eachother and have adopted 6 beautiful princes and princesses. They also have a biological angelic daughter!
There is an old belief that purple is the colour of royalty, golden is the colour of divinity and blue is the colour of rarity and luck. This is only what the older generations said, the younger ones who are tech savvy would joke about their seriousness.
Imagine the Caspian Sea on your Google map image. Then, imagine two lands there. That's Arimight. And now picture a river flowing through Arimight like the Amazon River.
We know many countries actually want Caspian Sea to themselves. Why? The Sea has mineral resources, including oil and natural gas reserves. Your country would be really rich if you have this!!
So now in this fictional world, Arimight produces lots of oils yay! So, very rich baby.
Leaders and influential people would want their children/nephews/nieces to be engaged with the royal children of the King. These people want connection to big money.
Moving on from the economical aspect, the people of Arimight vary from friendliness and cold "you're on your own" personas. It all depends on the seasons in the country. When it's closer to the festivities, the locals tend to be more cheerful. But if it's "Spot Check Day" , they will be more restrained because the police will come to your hometown. They might raid your home, and you can't stop them. It doesn't matter if you're a foreigner or a child. They can, and will, take apart your most treasured items if they catch anything sus.
This is mostly because of the terrorism event taken about 20 years ago. The issue was the high taxes Arimight people have to pay because of the old king.
When the new King, who's now reigning, ascended. He demolished certain laws and made new ones to promote inclusivity and diversity... which was disliked by the traditional members of Arimight.
Now the new king wouldn't be getting any younger any time.soon. he would be reaching 60 in a few more years. Life can be unpredictable. So he has to choose his heir soon.
There are 7 Heirs. And although he had chosen his Crown Prince Roel to ascend when his time comes, there was still doubt lingering the king's mind. Especially since the crown prince had been contacting with the tradition extremist – the king's aunt – who is well-known for loathing foreigners.
As long the king is still breathing, he can still reconsider his choice of heir. But it was certain that the crown prince was most popular, and many of his heirs were reluctant to rule. Not when their royal generation produces too much dark powers all across the globe. Not when the crown prince gaslighted his own siblings, while putting on the perfect Prince Charming show.
The future of Arimight is ever-changing. No wonder 3% of them migrated to safer grounds.
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urbandokkalfar · 1 year
Speaking of Looking to the Past to Preserve the Future...
This is gonna be a looonnngggg hot take, I'm sick/not feeling well so Niquil induced deep thought is your curse as much as it is mine.
Most industry is unnecessary.
Lemme explain:
Food industry for example. Everyone needs to eat, this is a fact. How do governments and powers that be start keeping the impoverished masses in line? Control the food. When you think about it, m o s t plants labled weeds or unappealing/ugly or even nuisances are not only edible and nutritious but a good number are medicinal (I'll touch on this next). There isplebes.ely no reason why cities, towns etc can not replace ornamental vegetation with fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetable plants like peppers, tomatoes and the like. They don't because it doesn't perpetuate hunger as a motivator to work for them.
Medicine - While I can concede that some artificial medicines can be useful and can help some situations but, again, disconnecting people from the past: foraging, herbalism etc you connect them to the modern 'machine'. Healthcare is the states is an absolute joke. I've mentioned before I have a broken bone in my foot and a cracked knee cap - to 'fix' both with modern medicine would require me to not only be out of work for an insane amount of time but pay half the costs upfront and continue to pay for the foreseeable future. I have neighbors who regularly come to my apartment every week to share meals because they can not afford their medicines to keep them alive, bills, rent, and necessitys ontop of regular grocery shopping. We pool resources, buy in bulk and split it equally.
Continuing with medical - Doctors in the US (not sure about other places) notoriously gaslight paitents and ignore them until it's to late or erroneously expensive to afford treatments and will require treatments or medications for the rest of their lives. I don't believe all medical staff is inherently 'evil' but I do believe they are taught in such a way to run paitents in circles to force them to keep paying for life saving meds/treatments. Insulin, Cancer treatments, Hormones and other life saving/gender affirmative/mental health care should not be putting people deep into financial crisis - it makes it worse and keeps them in the system.
Also - Abortion should be 100% legal.
Gender Affirmation Care For Trans Youth And Trans In General Should Be 100% Legal.
Sex Workers Should Not Be Demonized.
Automotive Industries should be abolished. Cars, roadways etc are another means to keep people paying into the money pit of government and society. Gotta pay 100+ to register your vehicle every year, gas prices fluctuate like my paitents with stupid people, people who have no business being on the road (looking at you 90 year old with Sundowner Dementia...) posing a threat, cars in general posing a threat not only to other motorists but pedestrians, wildlife, non motor vehicles and the planet.
Companies Green Wash products - Vegan leather is plastic...plastic is ass for the environment while real leather biodegrades and has been a part of the himan experience for centuries.
VEGAN LIFESTYLES ARE UNSUSTAINABLE, PROMOTE DEFORESTATION, DESTRUCTION OF HABITATS, EXTERMINATION OF SPECIES AND PROMOTE SLAVERY. While i fully understand people who HAVE legitimate medical reasons and even true moral reasons for being vegan I do NOT condone industrial veganisam - your destroying the planet JUST as much as industrial agriculture.
Pro-Lifers are a fucking joke and we all need to laugh at them. Ya'll only care about a clump of cells till it's birthed.... Why don't you put that money and effort into HELPING children already existing in the hell that is the foster system rather than force people to keep making people they can't have or don't wanna keep for whatever reasons they have???
Society has become a sham - there is no protection living in mass cities. Cops kill people for no reason, becuase they can. Doctors and other medical professionals can decline to treat you based on their religious beliefs, personal ideas, sexual status/orientation, financial situation etc. If you don't fit the mold, you're a threat. Everything is engineered to cost JUST ENOUGH to keep the poor poor, you can not be self sufficient without consequences and limitations.
We need to go back to small, self sufficient communities, embrace birth control for males and females to get the human population under control, reduce the human foot print, reduce conventional vehicle travel (long distance public travel and goods transport/emergency services being the general exception with limitations), get the ecosystems back in balance....
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annesthaeticc · 2 years
hello! i have come here, to this lovely space, to rant and vent once again (cause getting a consultation and anti depressants are so expensive in this country) so bear with me.
i have been struggling to squeeze my brain and think of content lately. i even became inactive in twitter in light of recent events and i think some of you will probably have a clue.
my father is an abusive man when he drinks alcohol. and just the other night, he did it again. he is verbally abusive. if my uncles hadn't heard the noise and stepped in, he would've hit me. this i know cause he was ready to slap the shit out of me. my mother wasn't home at the time, she was working a night shift.
just the slightest raise of his voice can send me to shock and panic. and during these outbursts, i tend to go on a full blown panic attack. crying, screaming, heaving breaths, fainting spells, stiff jaw. i started to develop attacks back in 2020.
but this abuse has been going on for years.
i started to experience his verbal abuse from him at a young age. i may not have the earliest recollection, maybe i was 4 or 5 at the time, i don't know. and i am always. always the brunt of his anger. i'm really starting to think that i'm not his daughter.
but now, i am 20 fucking years old. and i'm so sick of it.
he was rarely physical, but the threats, the screaming, the shouting. i'll always remember it. it seems that i carry it along as i age, hence i never take negativity well. not only he's an abusive alcoholic, he's a manipulator. a gaslighter, a guilt tripper at its finest. and as a psychology student, i know it all too fucking well.
it's always been the same. and my condition only gets worse through time. i've grown up scared of him for as long as i can remember and for a moment, for a teeny tiny moment, i was grateful enough for this pandemic to at least heal our bonds and get to know him more.
but now, i've given up on that. i changed my mind about him. i've been trying so hard to become accomodating and understanding of him, but he has given me no choice. he disappoints me. i suggested he get therapy for it, and he became angry, saying there's nothing wrong with him, he's not insane.
and what's worse, is that my mom has been tolerating his shit for years. i love her, i love my mom. but i'm so disappointed of her.
she always tells me that the two of us has space in her hearts, she loves us equally. but i think that's bullshit. if you love your abusive alcoholic husband, you would've sent him to therapy a long time ago and challenged him to get better for the sake of your children.
she doesn't love me as much as she tells me. if she did, she would've left him or sent him to therapy. i think her definition of love means providing me a comfortable lifestyle, but that's not what i want. i want to get better. i want to be free of trauma. i want to have peace of mind that i'll be safe from abuse.
but then, they say it's easier said than done.
so i threatened to leave them that very night. she manipulated me, she guilt tripped me. she said she might get a heart attack if i left. and to be fucking honest, i would have left. i wouldn't give a shit about them. my only problem is that, i don't have any money.
i told my cousin my plan, and she said she was all too happy to shelter me for a while. after i graduate, i'll pay her back, i only have 2 years left anyway. i remember crying so hard and telling her i want to leave so bad because i couldn't take it anymore.
like i said, easier said than done.
so here i am, lying in bed. hungry. this is my second day of only eating once. i've been sleeping through the day and i cannot focus on my uni work. i've got a shit ton of genetics worksheets to do, but everytime i start, i couldn't seem to finish. it's too early to drop my subjects or file for a leave of absence. i don't know what to do.
i am seriously considering of selling my doctor strange figurine just so i could have a bit of cash and buy myself a ticket so i could leave this house by the end of the month. my friends, ever supportive and caring, offered to let me stay, but i'm too shy to impose. i know they've got a lot on their plates and i don't wanna add up to that.
luckily enough, i have my sister. i love her to the moon and back. she is my best friend and i don't know where would i be know if i didn't have her. she makes me laugh and she makes me smile even at the shittiest times. she knows my plans to leave and she thinks it'll be healthy for me.
now, i just wanna let you know, i'm not seeking pity or what. this is not a pity party. rather, i'm telling you all my story, to get to know me more. and to get to know the reason i wrote Cardigan. this is to let you all know, to remind you all, that the world is full of evil, ones you do and don't know, and it literally costs 0 dollars to be kind enough.
i just want to let you all know, that no child, no being, should experience abuse, any kind of abuse. may it be inflicted or tolerated.
if you made it this far, thank you so much. i appreciate it very much. i might be talking in an empty auditorium, but what matters most is that, i've somehow let go a piece of me that's been trying to be free. thank you so much for being here. remember that you, yes you, my dear internet friend, you occupy a space in my heart and you are loved by me. and if you ever need an ear, i'm always here, like you are to me.
thank you.
(also, if you could help, in any little way, my paypal link is here. a dollar or two is enough. if i save up, i'll move away as quickly as i can, and before you know it, you've somehow helped me in my healing. thank you so much ♡)
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guilbautedsookeh · 17 days
Even the nights are better
One of the biggest questions I am asking myself recently is: why is it that others don't suffer the consequences of their actions, but when I do the same actions, I suffer big time?
So I've been going through a very bad manic episode these past weeks, peppered with a relapse of my disordered drinking. It's become so bad my mom became a full believer in mental health (not that she didn't at all, well at the first time she wasn't). I returned to therapy again, and my first assignment is to do a values inventory five years after I did it the first time.
You know what, I got my answer. The answer is because I'm in the wrong place in the wrong time in the first place.
Based on my values inventory, I realized MORALS and HONESTY are my topmost values. Maybe this explains why I went crazy going to Poblacion and being around those people. Maybe this explains why I really don't want to stay in Bataan for the long-term.
If the people in Bataan who kept swindling my father would do the same shit here in Manila, they'll be floating on a river. In Bataan, they can get away with all that shit and my father has to accept he isn't gonna get justice because they run the place. We're nothing but the new people. I've seen it with my own eyes how you can never win with those people. My dad just chooses to remain blind.
If Jokjok did all her prostituting for rum coke in America, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be in a True Crime documentary. But since she's doing it in Poblacion, she's like the belle of the ball. It's literally eat someone's dick or vagina or not be eaten there. In Poblacion, you don't go there to oh let's talk about how life has been treating us. You go there to get fucked, not appreciated.
And maybe this is why I'm going crazy at work. My values are not anymore aligned with what I do. WE'LL SAVE THAT FOR TOMORROW!
Introspecting on things these past days, I think that it's important to really have your values. REALLY IMPORTANT. I think I'm going crazy lately because I've allowed the white noise to take over my values. I'm letting the external voices tell me what I should do. I'm not listening to what really matters to me.
I'll be honest, values won't feed me. Values won't buy me that ticket to Nice. Values won't pay for my electricity or bills. I might even lose a lot following my values. But the most important thing is, I won't lose myself.
With my values, I'll be making decisions I won't regret. People can say, oh just work only for the money, don't give a damn. But again, I value my morals, relationships, and honesty. I don't wanna be a shell of my former self and not be honest about it, to the point of developing severe resentment.
With my values, I know how to set boundaries and not let people step on me and gaslight me. Especially in Filipino culture, where you are expected to care for your parents because "they made you" even if you have seven kids and seven grandkids. I've seen it a lot where parents take advantage of this "value" to encumber and manipulate their children while not being responsible for their decisions themselves: engaging in gambling, getting into substance abuse, mishandling finances to the point of debt, being an abusive parent in the first place. And here are people on Facebook, sharing memes like "My children, if I get senile don't be tired of embracing me" and debating on whether adult children ARE OBLIGATED to care for their parents or not. DON'T GET IT TWISTED!
Looking back, maybe that's why I have never been a conformist. I've never been "cookie cutter" you know? I don't look like the typical XYZ; I'll often be the outlier. Ever since I was young, I have strongly valued my uniqueness. To this day, I value being unique. My friends, everyone I meet knows that there'll never be another Franz. Once you meet Franz you'll never find anyone else like me.
Maybe that's why I am going crazy, because I see the BIG CONFLICT with my values. And is it my fault to have these values? Maybe yes, but that's because we got it twisted. We make the right thing unpopular and normalized the things that strip us of our values.
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messimamix3 · 7 months
Okay, so now that i think about it .. the greatest most relatable artists of all time are ours yall! Anyway, lets stay on point SZA is that girl. But Im often conflicted if the music that shes making is for me. & now it all makes sense. ... SZA knows what the girls want to say. Sis said, now that I ruined everything I can not complain. & I felt that in the pit of my soul. Because when you are a girl like me, you cant really shut your thoughts off. Like your spirit is LOUD so its like a nagging pain to do something that is absent from integrity .. & its like every sense i met this guy which is now my baby daddy Ive been gaslighted. & its like weird because I did not understand until now and like fully dont grasp how a man could treat you MID and then BLAME you for having and opinion about whats happeneing. But it gets to a point like fuck that shit. WHY am I walking on eggshells to speak to someone Ive made children with and sleep next to. If only you could be a man of YOUR WORD we would not have any problems. Its to the point where I dont even make any plans and just watch regular shi just fall apart. We cant celebrate shit correctly, not a holiday nor birthday and the shit is so disappointing and draining I feel like I could literally die and hate my life. & of course I know that sounds ridiculous but I am so much of that person to be festive when its time to be.. and its like the devil has been fucking with me because he knows what I could do with the right person, Like hes literally putting this guy in a position to sabotage my family and me so we become like the world. & that shit really hurts because its like I really did like and love (man who should be my husband), like shit I still do but I just cant get it right and sometimes just dont want to. Ive been trying to be so positive, so obliging and understanding but hes getting in my way of seeing my mom now. hes getting in my way of have a emotionally supportive partner (because he sucks all the energy). God forbid I have a concern or a hope he just pays it no mind really and progresses with his wants and needs firstly. And that hurts because I know that i dont need to be treated like this. I mean Ive got the looks and youth, the education and compassion. Ive just made really poor decisions. & he think he helps me but he does not, he points out flaws when I need his support and loses control of his temper. Makes empty promises and I am just so tired of pretending that I want to do this at this level with him. Like Im trying to support him but its so hard to do with kids, health and mental issues on top of it feels like a fourth child who makes all the rules, controls all the money and and screams in my face about them..
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ancient-reverie · 1 year
I have a problem and I want to tell you guys. it's about my mom's version of "allowance"
I'm 27, mentally and physically disabled, and bc of that I have never moved out, and am happily unemployed. I don't NEED money. I don't even WANT money. I HATE money. I want to grow my own food and survive without it type of hate. But my family is well off bc my dad is a retired firefighter, but still has a business of maintaining and repairing fire hydrants. My parents happily support me living with them, they don't want rent (would refuse it even) and only want me to have a job so I have something to do and for them to know I'll be able to survive on my own. (I can survive on my own but it wouldn't be with a job. I know how to live in the world.)
with that prefaced here's a rant:
my mom gives my brother and I an allowance. and she's always said "it's to prepare you for the real world" (i.e. having a job and an employer and paycheck) my problem is even though she calls it an allowance... but it's actually just bribery to do chores. she pays us for doing everyday chores. which backfired. let me explain.
I never learned that sometimes chores are chores, work is work, and you don't get paid for doing it. I never learned that finished work would be the reward, my brain expects payment. EVEN FOR MY OWN ART I MAKE FOR MYSELF.
I have a hard time doing chores, or anything, that won't 'get me anything'. I do also blame my ADHD.
What I'm actually upset about though... is that an allowance is given to kids as their share of the household that they can spend on whatever they want. It's an allowance not a paycheck. It's given because you love your children and want them to be happy. It's not meant to be held over their heads on whether or not they do their chores.
There are more important things in life than doing chores by the way but that's blasphemy I guess.
Bonus: she threatens to take away the money if we don't do our chores in a timely manner. but she never does it. and when she doesn't take it away she'll say 'well you're my kids it's what you do as a oarent' as if she wasn't holding it over us the whole time??? bitch what???? the fuck??
so I think her parents screwed up "allowance" for her by doing this same shit. and I'm trying to teach her that I don't wanna be an employee.
I would like the allowance because she loves and cares about me.
I will do the chores because I live in the house and they're my chores too. Because they're a part of life.
I don't need to 'learn about the real world' I had books, and games, and textbooks that taught me. Not to mention our entire culture is capitalism so it becomes a little obvious to the smallest of children that job = payment.
so yeah... thanks for listening to my rant about how my mom misuses the word "allowance" and how it's one of the stakes driving into in our broken rock of a relationship.
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im probably pms-ing but i cant understand why moms can be such assholes to their children. i told her my back was aching so she suggested for me to go for a back massage. i said oh you want to pay for me? 😝 TEASING. and she was like why would she? i just received my salary. so i said gals, my salary is just 700. i paid almost 200 for wifi, 100 for cat food. and 50+ on groceries. tomorrow, i have to pay my phone bill. in 10 days, i got to buy a present for my sisters birthday. all that money in a span of 3 days. since being paid i spent already 1/2 of my pay. and my mom had the audacity to say this: who told you to buy groceries? who told you to "show off" your money? her exact words: siapa suruh kau mengambang duit mu? im like apa maksudnya tu???? what do you mean when you say im showing off...? im spending on my own groceries so that YOU dont fcking feel burdened dude????? what does it mean to show off your money? when the hell did i do that? you think spending on my own money FOR GROCERIES TO SHARE is showing my riches??? my meek 700 fucking dollars to your 4k???? who am i to do that? she even gaslighted me. i spoke softly. i said cant you ever speak nicely to me? she goes, and you? and im like wtf is she on about??? when did I talk rudely? fucking gaslighter. this all could have been prevented if you just spoke nicely to me.
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donnabroadway · 2 years
Men are lonely
And the sky is blue and water is wet. Any new revelations? The fact that the countable statistics of lonely men being on the rise is nothing new. Who do you think those men falling asleep in strip clubs or paying for a young woman’s attention are? They’ve been here and it is a consequence of playing the game like you will always have the upper hand. This is why I say philandering men who keep a, usually Christian, forgiving woman around to take care of them in their old age have found a cheat code. I don’t know what the secret is but their wives always forgive them. No matter what they do, no matter how many STD’s they bring home, no matter how many lonely nights their wives endure, or outside children she has to raise, somehow she always forgives him. I have seen it first hand. One man even married his mistress and told his mistress that he was still going to see his ex wife and both women said “ok” and eventually he went back to his ex wife. I know we think hoes are winning because they get the temporary benefits, but truth is neither of these women are winning. Men will keep the woman around who will wipe his butt when he gets old and sick. 
There is something to be said about not retiring your player hat. No young woman in her 20s truly wants a man in his late 30s or early 40s. They want the benefits and perks of being with him. They want to be dated, wined and dined, tricked on, taken on vacation, have their bills paid, and be treated better than the wife but the second he even sneezes twice, she’s gone. She is there for a good time, not a long time. Diddy is a prime example of this, except he has money so he will always have female companionship but did he really think Cassie was marrying a man twice her age? No, she got the perks of being with him, stacked her coins, and married someone in her age range while she was still fairly young and able to have children. I don’t know if Diddy regrets how he did Kim because it seemed as if she loved him and really wanted him, but he found no shortage of ways to dog her out and even though her death makes it impossible for them to be together, he is now the old man that has to pay for female attention. Diddy is allegedly paying Yung Miami $250,000 a month and while she may do everything to make him feel like a king, she’s only 28 and will eventually want a serious relationship with a real future. This man has kids older than her, it’s not going to work for anything other than a good time and boosting Yung Miami’s career and wallet. These younger woman may make him feel like he’s the only man in the world but only as long as the money is flowing. As soon as anything changes, she’s gone. 
It is crazy to me that 30 and 40 something year men are really crying that women in their 20s don’t want a serious relationship with them while they are bypassing the beautiful, caked up, stable, and more than ready to commit women in their age range. When I was in my 20s, I had a few older men, some with families and a few with kids older than me who wanted to have a fun time with me but I couldn’t do it because I knew it was temporary because I eventually wanted to have a real family and though it could have happened, it wasn’t the family that I wanted. I’m not having a baby with a man with a grandchild. Sorry, I’m just not. Men love to scare and gaslight women into committing to less than ideal situationships with fear of being lonely and that men will always have more options, but clearly you only have the options your wallet buys. I also know many women who are one and done when it comes to marriage or choose to remain single and instead build their lives around their careers, interests, and friends. This is nothing new. Either they went through so much in their dating life, they decided they didn’t want to do it in their latter life or they tried dating only to find the men in their age range are at the same maturity as a man in their 20s. The way I hear my older women talk about their dating lives and how the dating pool is filled with piss and even feces, is like, girl, just be single, have a friend and build a life outside of romantic relationships. Why are we almost 60, still stressing about a man that can’t even call? And just like men say they don’t want women after they reject them for the bad boy and come back with kids and a bunch of baggage, women don’t want that either. Don’t reject me when we we’re both single and childless because you thought you could do better and come back around after you’re older, not as in shape, and with multiple kids because your mistook my love for you as desperation. I may have been desperate but I wasn’t stupid. Just like you wouldn’t want me if I was a single mother of kids with a different men, I don’t want you as a single father with multiple deadbeat baby mamas. It is what it is. Just like you thought you had options, as a single women, who kept herself in fairly decent shape, I had options as well and taking care of your spawn, no matter how much you may have thought I loved you, isn’t one. 
Another thing that is a factor in the increase of men dying alone in nursing homes in the abandoning of their first families. You don’t have to say in a marriage or situation that is no longer beneficial physically, emotionally, mentally, or financially but to completely leave your children, not provide for them and choose not to work until they turn 18 so their mother won’t get child support, and come back when they’re grown expecting forgiveness and compassion is a one way ticket to the worst nursing home in your state I have seen a lot of men all but say they’re going to put the blame on the child’s mother for them not being present. I am not saying co-parenting is easy because it took my parents 30 years to even be able to tolerate each other but there is always parallel parenting when you can’t get along. There are ways to be present in your child’s life with minimal to no contact with the other parent that doesn’t involve full custody. I am not saying the system isn’t corrupt but if you try enough, you will find someone willing to help you. I used to work at child support and we had programs to help men who couldn’t pay support and my former boss would even walk men to the courthouse and help them file papers. Judges pretty much cream themselves when a man asks to be present in his child’s life. I mean truly wanting to be involved and not just using the system to get back at each other. I also believe the system can work if you use it correctly. There is nothing wrong with getting a set support amount and a visitation/custody plan. Once both of you mature and get past your hurt feelings, it can always be amended. 
All I’m saying is that ending up lonely in your late 40s and 50s is a result of choices you made when you were young. Most people are not completely cold and heartless, so if you see someone wasting away in a home or spending their days lonely with no visitors, then they probably did something to earn that. There will always be a big hearted person willing to forgive but even they get tired. It costs nothing to be nice to your loved ones. If you decide you don’t want to be a father, stand in that and don’t come back on your death bed or in old age wanting forgiveness or a relationship. You chose to walk away. Stay away. The children you did nothing for, except give sperm, don’t owe you a thing when you’re old and lonely. You made your choice. Do people change? Yes but only with a lot of hard work, self realization, awareness, and accountability. Changing because you want something is not change. Instead of blaming women and trying to shut down anyone who speaks on it, truly change the narrative by being a better person, if you have a girl you are stringing along, either do right by her or let her go and if you haven’t seen your kids, rebuild that relationship and truly apologize. People are willing to forgive when they feel it’s sincere. 
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