#support workers
aacalienz · 1 year
Disabled people deserve support workers that let us make our own decisions about how and when we do things. It’s our life, not theirs. We deserve choice, including the ability to do anything other adults do. We deserve the choice to make mistakes.
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nugothrhythms · 7 months
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I am absolutely devastated by this news. Bandcamp's former workers and indie musicians will all be negatively impacted by this. I hope a new platform arises from this, but until then, many people's sources of income will be in limbo. My page focuses on goth music, but I hope that indie musicians and music fans of all genres come together during this time.
Details here
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gracefulfallen · 9 months
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Text of the image reads: “I was under a 7 year contract with FX in what they call “first position”. As a series regular, I could not work anywhere else without getting network approval. While working on AHS season 10 I was told I would be returning to Season 11 and was put on hold for several months. During this time Marvel called a few times asking about my availability. By the time FX released me, Marvel stopped calling. Now it’s been years since I have had an acting job. This is also why we are striking. #UnionStrong #SAGAFTRAstrike”
I used to work with Angelica. Her experience is sadly common. Support the writers, support sag-aftra, and please donate to strike funds if you can.
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triple-mayday · 10 months
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We ride at dawn, bitches
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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I Stand With The Writers Guild Of America and The 2023 Writers Strike 🪧 ✊✊✊✊
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Months ago said might get go cinema might get go outside how that go ?
Sorry it took me so long to get to answer this!
It took a while to get support worker stuff sorted out. I actually just had first video meeting with my new support worker the other day. She is very nice and has cool hair. I will meet her in person next week.
Things like cinema and outside, are big big wishes of what I would really like to do, but very unlikely that I am able any time soon. It is a far off dream considering my conditions and level of ability. The reason I mentioned it in a post is just because the person doing my initial assessments for support worker suggested it as options of what I maybe might like to do with the person. (Because I find it hard to answer the question of what I enjoy doing or what I want to do).
But based on what I am able to do right now, it will just be very small short amounts of time with new person at first. And just doing “small” things like card games or board games, maybe a tiny bit of sewing. I say “small” because it is actually quite big things for me - even to be in a room with another person, especially new person, is a big thing.
I would really really like to eventually get to the point of doing things like going out places, getting outside… but that is a quite far future thing, and not even sure if I will ever get there. There is a LOT of steps in between now and that possibility. For now, I can just hope🤞🏻.
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cryoverkiltmilk · 6 months
Starbucks workers are going on strike on the chain's busiest day of the year. Find an event near you to support if you can.
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peetapiepita · 10 months
Thoughts on what general audiences can do for the WGA and SAG strikes
I've read up a lot on the strike situation these past weeks because I'm someone who consumes A LOT OF media content. The strike will affect my daily life and I'm a curious girlie when it comes to show biz rules. So here are some of the takeaways I wanna share with my fellow audience:
1. Understand the strike
The strike is happening for 2 major reasons:
1.) The studios are refusing to pay the creators/actors residuals on streaming services.
This makes it hard for the majority of writers and actors to make a living by doing their respective jobs. They used to rely on residuals from old projects (DVD and blue-ray sales, renting, etc.) to pay bills. That's just not happening today.
To try to get out of paying residuals, the major studios started this trend this year to take old and new shows/movies off their streaming platforms and use them as an excuse for a tax write-off. Disney did this last month and got a 1.1 billion tax write-off. They can currently do that without consulting the people involved AT ALL, taking away their livelihood without warning.
2.) The studios want to retain the rights to use AI writing and performing.
In the negotiation with SAG, they proposed a plan to pay actors only one day's wage to use their AI image FOREVER without paying them ever again. And the actors wouldn't have a ground to argue that. This is straight out of Black Mirror Season 6 Joan is Awful. Netflix is really writing its own villain origin story right now.
So what would happen if the workers budge and give up mid-way?
They'll end up losing their means to survive and have their images stolen. So striking for a few months is definitely better than starving indefinitely.
What's happening right now?
Right now, no projects fiananced by AMTPT companies can film with SAG members or develop with WGA members, which means only a very small percentage of all Hollywood productions can still happen. (More to come about this.)
With finished projects, if they're being released in the next few months, they're going to be released without any promo from the actors. They can't take part in interviews, premieres, fan events, or even post about their projects on social media.
2. Help with the strike.
Now that the double strike has officially happened, what's the best outcome for the workers and the audiences?
If you're just a casual entertainment enjoyer:
Cancel the streaming services not essential to you. The studios are going to panic more when they start losing even more money.
If you're a fan of a fanchise/upcoming blockbuster:
Flood the companies behind it, demanding them negotiate with the SAG and WGA on their own and agree to a fair deal. Threat not to support the projects unless it's settled fairly.
These studios with upcoming big-budget movies are bleeding money and panicking right now, any added pressure is good.
If one company buckles, the others would follow suit.
If you have money to spare: (Congrats on being rich, btw!)
Donate to the unions and support the ones with lower income in the first place, they'd be struggling with bills if the strike goes on for too long.
For everyone:
Call out big studios who are still planning on filming projects during the strike.
Please note there are exceptions to the strike rule:
1.) Foreign productions.
Please note an actor has to be part of the foreign union to work on these. Some of the foreign unions are still in meetings to decide if they'll allow US companies to work with their members, the most notable ones being the UK one and the Canadian one. Fingers crossed they don't fall for the deals the US studios are offering.
2.) Indie productions.
Indie companies can make their own deals with the workers since they're not included in the overall deal. So a very small amount of US projects can still happen. Make sure a project doesn't fall into this category before calling them out for scabbing.
That's about it for now. I might add more later in the replies if I think of anything.
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 5 months
I did an off-topic video this week!
There has been some speculation going around about what exactly has been going on with Bandcamp and the union that the workers are a part of, Bandcamp United, over the past few months. I just thought I would summarize it to the best of my abilities.
The links to follow BandcampUnited and support the healthcare fund are in the video description.
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night-market-if · 2 years
Dear Mr. Stockfish
Hello. You don’t know me. And based on your lack of consideration thus far, it is doubtful you wish to.  I am the wife of one of your employee’s. I am a mother of four. I am the woman that has watched her husband go work, thirteen to fourteen hour shifts for you, often times in the middle of the night. I am a woman who raised children during the pandemic. Homeschooled them. Became their friend. Their teacher. Their support. Because you couldn’t spare a single worker.  I am the one that has watched him struggle with working for you, a good company as you proudly proclaim, while trying to be a good father.  He operates on little to no sleep due to the type of hours you demand and the shifts you implement. Because he wants to provide for us. But he also doesn’t want his children to grow up, as many are now, with an absentee father.
On September 13th, your employees walked on you. You claim your contract is fair. It is not.  A pay increase does nothing when insurance goes down.  It does nothing in the face of inflation. And it does nothing when most of your workers have to commute and the gas prices have skyrocketed. In fact, what you have offered them is a pay decrease in the guise of something charitable. You talk about fair and competitive wages and yet most people have been able to leave and find better money elsewhere. Your electricians are underpaid by far. Your hours are atrocious. Your insurance is abysmal. I have had two babies under your insurance. My first one had issue within the hospital. That original plan five years ago, was a lifesaver.  My child that was born without complications, without me spending a full extra day in the hospital, nearly bankrupted us because the fees were so high due to your shitty insurance policy. And now you wish to reduce it more because it is status quo? 
What happened to being a good company because you weren’t status quo? Because you offered what others could not? What happened to be a good solid foundation for a community? You pride yourself on hard work and family values and yet children are struggling to eat because you cannot meet your employees at the table and negotiate.
And that, is truly what it does come down to. Your employees are willing to negotiate. They are not asking for the moon. But each time you have come back to the negotiating table with nothing. Nothing but a paltry sign on bonus that you were shocked people weren’t going to take? Can I ask you what you think a sign on bonus is going to do for my children when they get sick? Or if Covid resurges? Can I ask you what your sign on bonus is going to do if a pipe bursts this winter?  Can I ask how your sign on bonus has helped or can help in the face of your employee’s family emergencies? Your community lost family members these last few years.  Your employees banded together. Grieved together. Supported and helped each other. Where were you?
You claim to be a good company. That you take care of your own. Your own are speaking back saying they do not feel support and your response is to gaslight them as if they are some small child undeserving of your time.  But hey, when you guys came to them and asked them to still work during a worldwide pandemic, they did. They made you billions in profit in fact. Let's just read that again. Billions.  But you can’t give them a decent raise or decent insurance.  Mr. Stockfish, were your bonus’s that you took this year more important than my child's speech therapy?  Was your bonus more important than the mental health of your workers?  Can I ask you if it is more important than your employees choosing whether they can turn on their heat this winter because they might not be able to afford it?  Can I see what you bought with your bonus while your workers all got up at two or three in the morning to come serve your company, while you do nothing but sit back and collect?
I’ll wait.
A wife. A mother. A member of this community you claim to care for and are letting down.
If anyone wishes to e-mail this man, his email is [email protected]
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xxxsugarcyanidexxx · 1 month
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I'm sorry for all the authors with book launches in August who might wind up not having their books in stores because of the UPS strike and I'm sorry for me, a bookstore owner, who is rapidly losing my mind this week trying to gameplan for the potential strike with a PACKED month of events but mostly I'm sorry for the UPS workers who deserve fucking AIR CONDITIONING in their goddamn dark brown trucks.
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chronic-chronic · 3 months
I have a meeting next Monday. I am gonna finally just say what I think of my support worker who Constantly dismisses me and is frankly ableist! I'm done with her!
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jazzhaaaands · 8 months
Just got to talk to my UPS guy, he's beaming!
Can't wait to celebrate the other wins that are coming down the pipelines
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thesobsister · 7 months
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Bandcamp is a fantastic way to support artists. @songtradr, respect your new employees, recognize the union, retain all your workers. Build an even stronger, better organization.
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autisticasgore · 7 months
shoutout to other disabled people who need support workers or caretakers who help them do cooking and shopping. you are not a burden to anyone and you deserve as much support and accommodations as anyone else who lives independently and is also disabled!
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