#when I get back from this family reunion I will probably draw him as this bingus
shewhoeatssand · 1 year
Kanekichi headcanon #2 he loves Bingus so much
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he loves Bingus so much he went out and copied his sense of style and that’s where his emo phase began
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thewulf · 1 year
Good News || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: So i saw somewhere where a woman got into trouble for "destruction of government property" but it's just her giving her military husband hickies, and i think this would be so hilarious with Jake Seresin.
A/N: This one came so quickly to me. It's just pure fluff. All the Jake Seresin fluff! Short but sweet. Hope you all enjoy :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.3k +
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Your eyes flipped back to the calendar on the wall with a big red circle around today. You’d probably looked at that calendar a thousand times over the last six months as you waited. Waited agonizingly every single day praying you wouldn’t get a knock on your door or the dreaded phone call.
Jake had been deployed on a carrier off the coast of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea for the last six months. You knew it came with the territory when you started dating him all those years ago. It terrified you every single time he came to tell you he was off on a mission or going on orders overseas. You’d never show it, only your utmost support and confidence in the man. But you knew how dangerous it was. He told you about all the men and women he’s seen gone down and some never making it home in his short span as a pilot in the Navy. It didn’t just terrify you, it rocked you all the way down to your core. What if he didn’t make it home? He was a hell of a pilot, one of the best that was flying, but things didn’t always go your way. He knew that. You knew it. Everybody seemed to know it.
But today was the day. He was coming home. After the months of shitty less than communication and trying your best to stay distracted it was here. He was safe. He was alive. You’d talked to him just a few hours ago. Waiting.
Jake’s parents picked you up from your shared home just off base that’d been eerily quiet in his absence. They didn’t want you driving in your hyper-fixated state. They never wanted you driving when it came to these kinds of events. They knew how much it tore you up when he was gone on deployment. If you didn’t fly down to Texas they made sure to fly to you. Just to keep you company. You hadn’t a clue how you’d gotten so lucky to have them in your life. And hopefully in the future as family. You never pushed it though. You didn’t want him to panic and ran. And truth be told you’d be fine never marrying him so long as he was like this in your life. Your best friend and love wrapped up in one.
“Are you excited?” His mom asked seeing you nearly bouncing out of the backseat once the car rolled onto base.
“Oh Nancy,” you could only nod your head in confirmation, “I’m more than excited.” Your cheeks were starting to burn from the big cheesy grin you were wearing.
His dad, David, spoke up, “I know Jake is just as excited.” He smiled just feeling the excitement in the air. These days were truly the best. Six months was a long time to be away. The longest deployment he’d been on in years.
The three of you made small talk as David drove to the base. Once parked, you happily led the older couple over to where the sailors would stand before they waited to be dismissed. You watched as the hundred or so men and women aboard the ship departed to their designated formation. Your eyes scanned for your loved one. Your Jake.
Finally spotting him you waited anxiously as the rest of the crew lined up. You just had to wait it out another ten minutes or so. They had to officially be dismissed before they could break for the family reunions. These last few minutes always seemed to draw on for decades trying to be as patient as possible.
You kept your eyes on him as he kept his forward. You hadn’t a clue that he already spotted you moments before you did him. But he had to keep his attention forward. No matter how anxious he was to see his favorite girl again.
They second they were dismissed Jake made a beeline right for you. Your face lit up in surprise as he headed right at you. Your body responding by moving forward you jumped right into his arms once he got close enough. He was more than ready. He wrapped his arms right around you securing you tightly to his chest while your feet locked behind him.
“Jakey.” You grinned hugging him tightly, afraid he’d be gone from your arms again you cherished every second like this. It made you realize how much you really did love the man you were holding so tightly. How much you craved him, everything about him. You’d rather not have had him gone for six months though. That was far too long for your liking. As if you had any say.
“Honey.” He cooed gently rocking you side to side. One arm snaked around your waist, one arm gently cradling your head in his hands, “You’re so fucking pretty. How’d you get even more beautiful? God I missed your face.” Jake leaned down capturing your lips in his. As gentle as he normally was with you this was hungrier. He really had missed you. Giving your hip as squeeze you felt him smile into the kiss as you squirmed away from his grasp.
Once you stopped giggling you looked right into his eyes smiling dopily, “And I missed yours, handsome man.” You gave him a wicked smirk before doing the unthinkable. Jake had warned you time and time again how he couldn’t show visible marks on the skin, or the Navy could have his ass. And maybe even yours if they were angry enough. You’d known they were empty threats, but you’d never dreamed of potentially hurting his flying in anyway. So, you’d never leave any marks.
Sliding his collar to the side you decided to throw caution to the wind seeing everybody lost in their own world with their own families. Jake’s parents were even admiring all the reunions around them instead of having their eyes fixated on the two of you. They loved watching all the joy every time. Nancy always made sure that every sailor was feeling the love. That was just one of the reasons you’d fallen in love not only with Jake but his entire family. His mom was as sweet as they came. His dad just as caring but even more tough. It was no wonder Jake was the way he was. Albeit a little more of an asshole than either of them even combined.
“Ma’am. That is abhorrent.” A vaguely familiar voice made you focus on your surroundings once more, “This is Destruction of Government Property.” You heard a cough from behind Jake drawing you away from your boyfriends neck. The look you sent could’ve killed him if it were at all possible. Bradley fucking Bradshaw. Was he actually serious right now?
You felt Jake’s laughter in his chest before you heard it. Flicking your eyes up momentarily at him you kissed him on his cheek before flipping Bradley off, “I don’t care Bradley.” You continued flipping him off while Jake held you tightly to his chest.
“Sweetheart…” Jake tried to warn you. The government really did own his ass. But his Commanding Officer was cool. He wasn’t expected to be back on base for another few weeks… what did a few hickies hurt? You knew the drill, but it didn’t seem to matter as you clung to him like he was about to vanish at any second. He looked down at your doe eyed expression, “I missed you.” He finished realizing just how hard deployment really was on you. The two of you were going on year five together. He’d been a pilot for all of them. He’d flown his hardest missions during that time. Your support never wavered. But seeing you like this? Like you’d never see him again… it hurt him. It hurt knowing you were feeling like that.
“You’ll care when there are Naval Officers on your doorstep.” Bradley tried. He really did. But you really didn’t care. You missed him more than anything. You didn’t care that his parents were there watching. You just missed him. Missed his corny ass jokes and the soft touches he always threw your way. You missed the sweet smiles and laughter that came with being around him. 
“So be it. Worth it.” You giggled as Jake pinched your sides again bringing your attention back to the man you’d dreamed about every day.
“Eyes over here darling.” He made sure to flip Bradley off before holding you back in his arms once again. He wouldn’t let you drop your hold on him. He wanted you close. He didn’t care either. He’d craved you for those months. He’d forgotten just how bad deployment got. Bradley mumbled some incoherent words before disappearing off into the crowd.
Kissing his cheek once more you nodded, “Sorry Jakey.” Brushing your hands through his hair it felt like it really was just the two of you there. Like nobody else was around.
“No need to apologize.” He whispered in your ear sending immediate chills down your spine, “You didn’t answer my question though. How’d you seem to get even more beautiful while I was gone?”
You truly felt like a little schoolgirl was a nasty crush on a boy way out of your league. He was so sweet to you and only you. Not having a clue why. You loved watching him interact with everyone else. He was so different than the man who came home to you every night. But that was Jake. Tough as they come. Sweet as can be. The biggest fight the two of you had was when he came home and told you about the six month long deployment a year ago. You didn’t even fight you were just sad. Sad that he volunteered to go. Volunteered and didn’t tell you. The two of you worked through it though. You always did.
“Shush. You’ve just been trapped on a big boat for so long I’d be offended if you didn’t think I was pretty.” You wanted to kiss him so bad. You didn’t even remember the kiss you gave him once you spotted him walk off the ship. You blacked out, truly.
“Never ever.” He grinned, “I’ll never stop complementing my beautiful girl.”
You squeezed your arms around him pulling him so much closer. You’d melt into him if you could, “You’re too sweet to me Mr. Seresin.”
He shook his head, “Not enough, I’d say.” He took the lead this time leaning down to give you a soft, sweet kiss that was far too short for your liking.
“I love you.” You whispered to him feeling oh so happy. So beyond excited he was holding you in his arms once again. You tried to step away to give his parents a chance to say hello, but he only held you tighter. Shaking his head.
“Love you too, gorgeous girl.” He hummed placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “That was it, by the way.”
You scrunched your eyes together in confusion, “What?”
He nodded his head with that larger than life smile on his face, “You’re looking at Captain Jake Seresin. Command Ground Officer.” He emphasized ground with wide eyes.
“Jake! Congrats. You didn’t tell me! Does this mean you’re here? Permanently?” Looking at him expectedly. It hit you just how good it could really get once you knew he’d be sleeping by your side every night.
He nodded his head in excitement, “At least for this job. I’ll still be flying but more on the leadership side. Training. Preparing them.”
You didn’t think your heart could swell any larger in love. But there it went. Only Jake could do that. You knew it. He knew it, “You’re not kidding right? Like you’re being serious?”
“Yes sweetheart. So serious.” He kissed your nose this time. He missed you more than you could’ve imagined. It was an impossible six months. He didn’t want to do that anymore. He couldn’t be away from you anymore. Lucky for him he had options. They let him choose. He choose to ground himself from missions. It was time to grow up and move on. He’d accomplished everything he sought out to and more already in the air. Now he was on a mission to rise to the top. Admiral Jake Seresin had a ring to it. 
You wanted to squeal but knew you had eyes all over you. Anybody could’ve been watching, “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while J.”
“Just you wait.” He grinned ear to ear leaning down once more, whispering into your ear, “Won’t even be the best news you’ve heard all day.” Leaning all the way down he kissed you with a little bit more but keeping it PG. His parents were standing there a little annoyed that he’d chosen to be with you for so long before he even acknowledged them. But they knew. They knew the raw power of love. How much it could sway and dissuade. How deeply Jake was in love with you and how much you were with him.
“Oh? Do tell.” You pulled away looking at him curiously.
“You’ll see.” He wiggled his eyebrows just to egg you on.
You narrowed your eyebrows in on the man you loved so dearly, “You know how much I hate surprises.”
He laughed gleefully, “Oh darling, I know.” He pulled you back into him momentarily, “Promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”
“Promise?” You knew he’d keep true to his word, but you wanted to hear him confirm it.
“I promise you darling. Just you wait.” Squeezing your hand, he finally walked over to his parents bringing you right along with him. Only dropping your hand as he went in for the hug with his mom.
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Taglist: @stuffingbuttsandshit @genius2050
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obxsummer · 1 year
Reunion // Ghost of You
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summary below cut to avoid spoilers for s3 ep1-3
let's jump right on in.
part of #obx3celebration
navigation -- series masterlist
summary: after being rescued from your island paradise, you're unexpectedly ripped from the pogues and pushed straight into another fight for your life.
warnings: kidnapping, violence, cursing, minor character death
The noise of an airplane propeller shook you from your sleep. Ever since you touched this island, you were sensitive to every little sound or movement. Sitting up sharply, you looked to see Pope doing the same. The two of you were quick to catch sight of the plane dancing in the clouds and started shaking friends awake.
“Guys, plane. Plane!” Shaking JJ’s shoulder aggressively, you collected your ratty shoes from the sand and ran towards the shoreline. 
Taking a look back, you could see the uncertain expression on JJ’s face. In the time you all had spent on the island, he had made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want to leave. This was JJ’s element, his safe space. He was with you, his family, and they were making things work with scraps. This was the Full Pogue experience he had always dreamed of.
“Hey! We’re down here!” John B was suddenly next to you and waving his arms aggressively to draw any ounce of attention to your group. Pope and Cleo took off up the field to light a fire in hopes that the pilot would see.
A defeated sigh left your lips as the plane looked like it would continue on before making a last-minute change and turning.
“Guys, guys. He sees us!” Kie shook your arm in excitement.
“He’s gonna go to the pond. Come on, come on!” Your brother slung his shoestrings over his shoulders and grabbed Sarah’s hand to tug her along up the hill.
JJ caught up to your side as you guys jogged behind your friends. You could tell he was displeased. You tried to understand why he would feel this way, but part of you just wanted to go home. Watching the aircraft make a successful landing, your boyfriend let out a sigh. 
“Come on.” His fingers were rough as they intertwined with your own. You squeezed, trying to give him some sort of comfort about the idea as you caught up with everyone.
The stairs of the cockpit lowered just above the water as a middle-aged man climbed out. He was quick to join in on the noises of celebration coming from Cleo, Pope, and John B. “Well, what do we got here?”
John B glanced back at your group before responding. “You know, just some castaways.”
“Well, I’ll cross that off my grocery list. Uh, hang on! I got just the thing for y’all.” He disappeared back into the plane for a moment. “Two things you need on a deserted island: first aid and rum!”
The bottle splashed in front of Sarah’s feet. She seemed distraught at the sight in front of her, no doubt fearing that her father may be involved in some way. You didn’t blame her. The constant feeling that you need to look over your shoulder was exhausting, but you were hoping it would change.
“So, what’s the story? You guys sank a boat?”
“Jumped off one,” You replied, watching as Sarah bent down to grab the alcohol out of the water. For some reason, you weren’t as hesitant to get out of here as you probably should’ve been. After a month or so of living like this, you would take the Chateau back in a heartbeat. 
The pilot chuckled. “Well, have no fear. Jimmy’s here. I got you.”
Cleo cheered and threw her hands in the air. “Well, all hail Jimmy, guys! Let’s go.”
The pilot, Jimmy, welcomed you all as John B led the way into the plane. Kie gave you and JJ a look before following wordlessly. It seemed a little too good, but who were you to say anything?
You turned to JJ, taking the chance to check-in. “You okay?” Your hand rested on his collarbone, thumb tracing his jawline as you observed him. His whole body was tense; the fun demeanor you’d witnessed after cliff jumping yesterday disappeared without a trace. JJ’s expression was sharp when he made eye contact with you. Thrown off guard, you frowned and dropped your hands to your side. 
“We said we’d never go back, remember? You said you wouldn’t. And here you are, running after a plane that would take us right back into hell?” He shrugged his shoulders before looking away. You were a bit surprised by his hostility, feeling like he was blaming you for everyone else climbing onboard. 
“Who said we’re going back to the OBX?” You countered as you gestured towards the plane. “There’s no way that thing would fly that far anyway. We’re all gonna be together no matter what.”
JJ let out a heavy breath and refused to look at you. “You don’t get it.” He hauled his boots up before brushing past you to head after your friends into the aircraft. You turned on your heels, the fight leaving your body at the idea of him being so upset over leaving this place. There was no point in arguing right now. 
With a huff, you climbed on board, thanking Jimmy for letting you all come before settling down between Sarah and Kie. The idea of being able to take a shower and put fresh clothes on was amazing right now, so you tried not to hold onto JJ’s poor attitude personally. 
“So, what are you doing all the way out here?” JJ asked as the engine started up. 
“I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish. You know, the usual. Wahoo,” Jimmy replied as he began flipping switches and steering. “I’d hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff.”
You shared a look with Pope, the two of you not big airplane people to begin with. Grabbing onto nearby straps, you clenched the fabric tightly. The plane jerked once before things steadied out and you could eventually see the water and island far beneath you from the sky. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned your head against the metal behind you in hopes that it would calm your racing heart. You were grateful for the opportunity to hopefully go somewhere a little better, but the lack of safety equipment in this plane made you nauseous. 
“Wahoo don’t run in September. Ever, alright?” JJ’s voice broke you out of your self-induced trance. You opened your eyes to see him leaning toward your group as far away from Jimmy as he could get. “So, whoever this man is, he’s not a fisherman.”
“No, I know what this is,” Sarah said as if the answer was obvious, “He’s working for my dad, and he’s probably been looking for us this entire time.”
Pope considered the idea. “Alright, we gotta find out. Start looking for some sort of… clues.”
JJ and John B were quick to create a plan to distract Jimmy. While your brother busied himself with asking pointless questions, JJ dug straight into the satchel hanging on the seat. A few books tumbled into his hands. A photo slid out of the first one, Sarah being quick to grab it. You peeked over her shoulder to see a crisp clear photo of the Coastal Venture.
“This is the boat we were on, with Eberhimi and the cross,” She whispered.
“So he was looking for us?” Cleo asked as she got a look at the picture for herself. A nervous feeling built in your stomach at the thought of this man searching for you on purpose, maybe even for Ward’s bidding. 
A sharp movement of the airplane had you all bracing for some stability as Jimmy called out about turbulence. Kiara looked over your shoulder out the window. You followed her gaze to the window where land was creeping into the blue of the ocean. “Whatever it is, it’s happening fast. Look.” 
“That looks like Barbados. I’ve been there with Terrance,” Cleo piped up as the rest of your group observed what would most likely be the landing place. 
“Okay. There’s six of us, one of him. You know my vote, we storm the cockpit.”
You gave JJ an incredulous look at his suggestion. “No, who’s gonna fly the plane, dumbass?”
“I’ve seen Pope fly simulators.”
“I crop dusted for my uncle last summer, that is not the same thing!”
The group continued to bicker back and forth before ultimately deciding the best option would be to land safely and book it as soon as you got the opportunity. John B was quick to start a conversation with Jimmy again so JJ could sneak the books back into the satchel. It seemed like all was well until the pilot happened to glance over his right shoulder, exactly where JJ was scrambling in his stuff.
The plane jerked aggressively as the boys broke into a fight. Screaming echoed around you with shouts to fly the plane overwhelming as you grabbed on for some sort of hold. The water was approaching rapidly when Jimmy finally turned back around in an attempt to save everyone. Admitting defeat, you closed your eyes tightly and braced against the wall when the first hit came. 
The plane bounced across the ocean, sending the six of you into a mess of tangled limbs against the floor. Someone’s elbow jammed into the weak spot of your back as you cried out. The water started flooding the ground as you all scrambled for an escape. 
“Everybody good?”
The cool liquid sent a chill up your spine once you finally found some footing. John B shoved the door open and crawled out first. You could barely see the people crowding the beach at the sight of the accident.
“They do not look friendly.”
You looked closer, noticing the weapons and vests they were wearing to separate them from casual observers. Slipping on the wet metal, you shifted through the water as everyone began scrambling from the singing airplane. 
“Y/N, let’s go!”
You spared a glance back at where Jimmy was passed out in his seat. A tug pulled in your chest, the idea of leaving someone to drown not sitting well with you. Cursing to yourself, you pushed through the water to grab onto the pilot and tug him out.
“No, no, no. Y/N, let’s go!”
You ignored the shouts of concern and worked on tugging Jimmy into the open water. Your feet kicked as hard as possible to keep you both afloat as he slowly started coming to. You waited until the sand was under your feet and bystanders came to help to let go. 
Coughing up water, you turned to glare at the man you’d rescued. “You lied to us.” Adrenaline was pumping through your system, the fear of what had happened taking over. 
The sound of ATVs flooded your senses as you turned to look over your shoulder. The beach was crowded with a series of men, all in tan tactical gear, and all of them heading towards you. 
“You should get out of here.”
Ignoring Jimmy’s useless advice, you took off up the shore in hopes that you could lose them in the mass of people. A rotting boat was taking up part of the shore but you quickly navigated through an opening to hide in the darkness of it. 
You held your breath at the sound of footsteps, a pair of boots coming into view. As soon as the person’s eyes came a little too close, you lashed out and kicked him away from your hideout.
“She’s over here!”
“Shit!” Crawling as fast as possible, you moved through the sand in hopes to avoid the oncoming hands but fell short when a foot tripped your own. Sand clouded your vision as two sets of hands latched on to you and pulled you back up. “Let me go!” You yanked and struggled against them in a desperate attempt to free yourself.
 Eventually, the back and forth became too much for the two men who resorted to picking you up out of the sand to move you into a waiting pickup truck. One of your attackers was quick to slide a thick black zip tie around your wrists, effectively ending any sort of backlash as they pushed you into the tailgate corner. 
“We lost the others. We’ll keep searching.”
The words coming from the man’s radio brought you a slight bit of comfort knowing that the rest of the Pogues got away. You sagged against the side of the truck in exhaustion as the adrenaline began to seep away. 
Jimmy suddenly popped into view, your anger quickly resurfacing at the sight of him. “I save your life,” You sneered.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’m gonna try to help you, okay?” He sighed, “I swear. I didn’t know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don’t fight, if you just do what they say, these guys prob… probably won’t hurt you.”
You shook your head and glared. “Because that’s so reassuring. What did Ward promise you?”
“Who?” He didn’t wait for you to answer the question and continued, “Hey, just take my advice and do what they say. Good luck.”
The truck engine started a second later, one of the guards climbing in the back with you before the vehicle took off. You groaned, tears fighting your eyes at the idea of being taken from your brother and your boyfriend once again. You were sick of this violence around every corner, sick of always being taken from your loved ones.
The sun was warm on your bare skin but did nothing to ease the anxiety building in your chest. You were not equipped enough to keep handling this shit by yourself. The drive continued until you took a right turn down a private road lined with palm trees, blocked with more guards. A watchdog circled the truck as the other guards surveyed who was in the vehicle before it was allowed through. 
Surveying your surroundings, more guards, ATVs, and weapons were at every glance. Your heart sank, knowing there was no way you would be able to outrun everything on your own. One of the guards came to pull you out of the back once the truck came to a stop. You were led up to a large white-colored mansion, the sight of even more guards making you sick. 
The front door opened to reveal a woman dressed in a maid-styled uniform. She took a brief glance at you before letting the both of you through. The foyer area was decorated with expensive artifacts and paintings as you walked. “Take her upstairs. The Orinoco Room.”
A different guard took place and pulled your elbow up the stairs and practically tossed you inside the room, only sparing a second to cut the ties around your wrists.
“Why am I here? Who are you working for?” You took a step back away, the idea of being locked in a room with no escape again haunting your mind. 
“Dinner at eight. I’d clean up.” The door slammed and locked a second later without another word. Your feet stumbled backward until you collided with the bed frame. A sob choked through your throat as the memories became heavy, this feeling all too familiar to you. You didn’t even know if you could be rescued by the Pogues at this point. You were royally fucked.
An hour or two passed before you were able to get yourself out of bed to explore the room. A handful of identical dresses hung in the closet with a note to pick your size attached. Alarms went off in your head at the creepy aura surrounding the gesture before you dropped the paper to the carpet. Moving into the bathroom, a shower was 100% necessary first and foremost. If you were going to go headfirst into this by yourself, might as well clean up when you can.
The products in the shower had to have cost a fortune based on their looks and efficiency. As terrified as you were, this was much nicer than being trapped in the Cameron household endlessly. You took your time to get decent and explore the rest of the room. Dogs barked occasionally from outside, a reminder of the ever-present guards at every corner. 
A sharp knock startled you back to reality as the housekeeper from earlier entered. “He’s ready.”
You didn’t question it, standing up and smoothing out the fabric of the dress as you followed her down the winding staircase. She guided you into one of the rooms connecting to the entranceway before leaving. 
There was one other person in the room, dressed in a tux with their back to you as they poured liquor into a glass. You cleared your throat slightly. “Excuse me?”
Your heart dropped as the person turned around to reveal Rafe Cameron. A fresh buzz cut to his hair made him almost unrecognizable, but he still invoked the same horrible fear in you. This was slowly becoming your worst nightmare all over again. Chest tight with an approaching anxiety attack, you wondered what the hell you were going to do without John B and JJ.
“Y/N?” He looked shocked for some reason and quickly closed the distance between you as his expression shifted to one of anger. You immediately took a step back in return. “Are you trying to weasel in on my deal right now? Is that what’s going on?”
You stared at him for a moment while trying to process what the hell was actually happening. A voice from the other half of the room seemed to hear your thoughts. “I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know.”
The two of you turned simultaneously to the man who had spoken. He too was dressed in a suit, holding a glass of whiskey as he walked towards you. 
“Who are you?” Rafe didn’t hesitate to ask the obvious.
The man pointed to himself like he was surprised the question was even asked. “Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Miss Routledge, I do apologize for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But please, come, sit down. Come now, I don’t bite.”
There was a period of hesitation before you finally took the initiative to step forward into the sitting room, leaving Rafe to follow behind. “Rough tactics?” The Kook repeated. “What about me?”
“Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pretenses, but the ends justify the means, I’m afraid.” Carlos poured himself another hefty drink before asking Rafe to sit again. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“Why are we here?” The question you’d been wanting to know the answer to since the moment they came after you on the beach. Why? Why you and why here?
Carlos stood in front of the two of you and took a sip. “Well, Ms. Routledge, Mr. Cameron. We share certain interests, you know? Objectives.”
“Is this not about the cross?” Rafe’s already limited patience was wearing thin and you feared he would snap any second when he didn’t receive answers. 
“It is. Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it’s also about something much, much bigger.” Carlos turned around to face a framed painting on the wall that depicted a deep grassland with pyramids of gold. “By orders of magnitude… the completion of a grand quest. You see, the story goes that 450 years ago, a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads. When they asked the Spanish soldier where the beads came from, he replied that he got them from a peaceful Indigenous tribe who lived in a city of gold. El Dorado. For the next 450 years, people tried to find that gold, you know. They tried. Conquistadors, knights, captains of ships, tribes, entire nations. All fighting each other in a race for the end of the rainbow. Thousands of lives. And it falls to me, you know. It falls to me to complete the task, to bring full circle to a quest that has gone on for almost 500 years. Perhaps…perhaps the greatest quest in the history of the western hemisphere. And you two are going to play a part in that.”
“What about you, Ms. Routledge? Are you interested in history?”
The question made you want to roll your eyes. “I’m more of a future person.”
Rafe spoke up, “You know, I almost didn’t listen to a word you said, okay? How much you gonna keep philosophizing?” You honestly wanted to thank him for his straightforward attitude when it came to this.
“You are direct, aren’t you, Mr. Cameron?” Silence followed.
“What do you need from me?” At this point, you were willing to give him whatever he asked for, so long as it was within reason. You wanted out.
Carlos spared you a glance. “I’ve come to believe that you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want. An old manuscript, a diary actually.”
For a moment, you blanked on what exactly he meant. Then it hit you, Mr. Sunn had given Pope the diary of Denmark Tanny during your hunt for the cross. And if the cross, the gold, and this… El Dorado were all related… you had the key to where you needed to go. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rafe replied as you shook your head lightly.
“I don’t know anything about a diary,” You added, “My brother and dad are the treasure people, not me.”
Carlos looked you dead in the eye. “How else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant?”
Shrugging instantly, you stared him right back. “Look, I want to help you, but I can’t. I don’t have what you’re looking for.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that you know, because unfortunately… I don’t believe you. You and your friends couldn’t have found that cross without it.”
“He’s not my friend.” The statement was short and sharp in nature as you spat it back at him. Fuck this dude for pulling you away from your friends, and fuck Rafe for all he did to you.
The Cameron next to you clapped his hands and got to his feet without warning. “Well, this is ridiculous. Okay? I’m out. I don’t know anything about a diary, okay? So-” He moved towards the open door but was forced back the second an armed guard appeared. 
“Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron?” Carlos repeated his question when Rafe didn’t answer. “You have the cross. She and her friends had the cross at one point. So one of you has the diary. And if you really don’t know, I suggest you convince your friend here to give it to me.” 
A finger was directed towards you, pulling Rafe’s gaze with it as the two of you held each other’s attention for a moment.
“Once I have the diary, you’ll be free to leave.” When nobody made a comment in return, Carlos moved towards the door to leave. “Enjoy the grounds during your stay. I must warn you though. I’m not a man of infinite patience. You have one day. Go to the window for a little demonstration. I think you’ll enjoy it, you know?” He placed two solid pats on Rafe’s bicep before exiting the room. 
The door was forced closed a moment after, Rafe calling out in shock as the lock clicked. If you weren’t freaking the hell out before, you sure as shit were now. While Rafe attempted to wiggle the door loose, you moved over to one of the sheer curtains covering a window and moved it aside. The guards and dogs were still circling, but this time a new figure joined. Jimmy was being pulled along onto the patio.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Rafe was suddenly so close to you, your whole body going rigid in response. 
“It’s Jimmy Portis,” You kept your reply simple. No need to converse with him beyond the bare minimum. He didn’t deserve it.
Carlos showed up through the glass a moment later, sparing the time to turn and find the two of you in the window before he pulled a gun from his waistband. A sharp gasp left your mouth as you figured out where this was going next.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”
Every inch of your being was telling you to look away, not that you could see them underneath the rooftop of the patio. The loud bang came fast, an involuntary flinch wracking your body as the gunshot echoed. 
“This diary. Hey, no bullshit. Okay? Do you have it?” Rafe was inches from your face, the warmth of his breath on your cheek as you continued to stare forward. “Y/N?”
You turned to him sharply. “No.”
You hardly slept that night. The silky tank top and pants that were laid out made you so uncomfortable, not to mention the threat on your horizon if you didn’t figure out what the hell to do. Not to mention, Rafe was sleeping not even a foot away on the floor. With so much “gracious hospitality”, Carlos Singh couldn’t even be bothered to spare another bedroom.
You hoped JJ, John B, and the Pogues were at least doing better than you. Maybe they’d found a way home by now and we’re just waiting for you to escape. Even if you guys didn’t make it out of Barbados, you just wanted to be back with them.
Taking a glance at Rafe’s sleeping form, you pushed yourself off the bed to go by the window where guards had been stationed on the connecting balcony. Body moving before your consciousness, you tapped on the window to get the person’s attention. 
“I need to talk to Mr. Singh,” You tried to keep your voice somewhat quiet. The guard looked at you confused, so you repeated the statement slower.
“What are you doing?” Rafe had woken up at the noise and rushed over to you. “Shut up, shut up, shut up. What the hell are you doing?”
You turned around to glare at him. “Like I owe you an explanation for absolutely anything.” You brushed past him to the other door in the room.
“Think for a second, Y/N! What are you doing?”
Ignoring his question, you began to knock on the wooden door separating you from the rest of the house. “Hello?” When Rafe wouldn’t stop pushing, you snapped. “Don’t fucking talk to me.”
“You’re lying, about this diary. You know where it is?”
You shook your head. “No, I don’t.”
Rafe let out a groan as you moved away from him again. “Okay, listen, I wouldn’t tell me either, but he’s never gonna believe we don’t know something, alright? Listen to me! Singh killed that-”
The second his hand touched your shoulder, you whipped around and smacked him. Hard. “Don’t fucking touch me!” The two of you stood there for a moment, tensions high with the looming death threat. 
Rafe raised his hands in surrender. “Look around you. I’m the only friend you got.”
You were prepared to shut him down a second later, but the click of the door lock interrupted the opportunity. The guard from the balcony appeared in the doorway and you were quick to move toward him without a thought. Ignoring Rafe’s annoying voice from behind you, the guard escorted you out of the room and relocked the door. 
Carlos Singh didn’t look surprised at your presence when you entered the study. You stopped short of the table he was seated at. 
“I lied. I know about the diary,” You admitted, fingers clenching the fabric of your clothes. “I don’t have the original, but I can get you a copy.”
He looked you over for a moment before nodding slightly. “I’m relieved to hear you say that, you know. May I offer you something to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.”
He almost laughed at how quick your response was. “Relax, nothing’s gonna happen to you now. You’re cooperating, and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I just want to get you what you want, and then I want to leave,” Your voice was stern right back to him, refusing to show a hint of weakness. “I know where it is. But I have to go by myself. Alone.”
In the back of your head, you’re praying that the Twinkie is still alive somewhere on the OBX. Somewhere you can get a copy of the diary and maybe make a run for it.
“How would I know that you’d come back? I need some collateral.”
“Rafe’s here.” There was zero hesitation to offer him up for your sure-to-be disappearance. You didn’t give a shit what happened to him. “Keep him.
Signh laughed at your offer. “Rafe. No, I’ve heard tellings about what happened between the two of you. How did someone so young, get into so much trouble?” He rose from his chair to walk past you. You were quick to follow him.
“Look, I know where the diary is, and if you let me go, I promise you I can get it to you.”
Carlos shut down after that, his responses snippy and harsh until his phone broke the tension. He paused and rubbed his face before going to look at it. You were shocked when he looked at you and laughed. “Amazing. A text from our friend Jimmy Portis. From beyond the grave apparently. It seems Mr. Portis has captured your friends.”
The phone turned towards you to show a picture of John B and Sarah sitting next to each other with the message I got these two underneath. It was obvious they were trying to stage it out to look realistic. They had no idea what had happened. Singh called out for one of his guards.
“Get the big trucks and meet me outback.” His orders were quickly obeyed before he called on another guard. “Fenton. Get Miss Routledge.”
“Mr. Singh, Mr. Singh, please!” Panic was bubbling in your throat as the guard almost slammed into you before removing you from the study area. “You can’t hurt them, please! They’re all I have left, just leave them alone!” Your voice cracked with the strength of your yelling. The guard didn’t falter amongst your struggles and continued to push you up the stairs and back in the room without another word.
Rafe watched silently as you crawled into a ball at the foot of the bed. “What happened?” When you didn’t answer, he let out a sharp breath. “You’re gonna have to talk to me at some point. Okay?”
“Do I have to remind you of everything you’ve done?” You shot back as you looked at him. “You killed Peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you’ve put Sarah through. Everything you put me through?”
“Peterkin, I was protecting my father, okay? I did what I had to, so don’t.” He walked away from you to sit in one of the armchairs. “I’m as much a victim as she is.”
You turned to give him the nastiest look you could muster. “Kook King Rafe Cameron, a victim of what? Consequences of your own fucking actions? Daddy issues?”
You hardly listened to the so-called explanation he tried to give. It was hard to find any empathy in your body towards the person in front of you. You couldn’t care less about what Rafe thought he was owed. All you cared about was getting the hell out of here, with or without him.
“Look, I have a boat that can get us off the island, okay? But first, we gotta get out of here, and it is better if we work together.”
The sound of yelling outside had the two of you on your feet and heading to the window. Two trucks were lining up for guards to climb into, an assortment of weapons on them.
“They’re leaving?” Rafe asked. 
You took a deep breath, dread flooding your chest as you watched them drive away. “They’re going to find John B and Sarah.”
“Sucks for them,” Rafe said as if he wasn’t talking about both of your siblings being at risk. “That’s good for us though. This may be our only shot of getting out of here.”
Rafe was quick to create a plan, something that would pull the guard from your door so you could slip out. Did you like it? Not in the slightest because it was a little to close for comfort. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Y/N!”
You screamed in response, running into the wall to make it seem like Rafe had actually shoved you while he threw a glass vase to the floor. He held a finger to his lips as the guard outside called for the two of you. You continued to lay still, one leg hanging out of the bathtub, knowing your feet would be the first thing in eyesight.
“Hey, you two! What’d you do?” Silence followed the voice on the other side of the door before you could hear the lock click.
Everything moved fast from there; Rafe slammed the guard with the bathroom door and exchanged punches with him while you managed to grab the fallen gun. Rafe was quick to grab the man’s phone while you tore a curtain off the bedframe and handed it to him so he could restrain the guard.
The two of you took off, moving through the house as quietly and quickly as possible. You managed to talk him into exchanging the gun in your hands for the phone, knowing exactly what clues the Pogues would need. You snuck around to get a quick photo of the painting that Carlos had been so intent on explaining to the two of you before following Rafe out the side door.
A grain delivery was occurring just outside, a large truck pulling away just as you stepped out. Your eyes followed the road along the grass line before you were moving, calling for Rafe to follow. The two of you managed to find a gap in the bushes just as the truck hit the corner going slow enough that you could climb on. 
You weren’t prepared, however, for there to be a worker in the back. Rafe moved before you even blinked to attack the man in front of you, eventually gaining the upper hand to throw him off the vehicle into the trees. 
Your eyes were wide as you faced the eldest Cameron but you didn’t have time to question his anger when you heard a familiar noise. The sound of bells was always a comfort in your life. When you and John B were kids, it was the way your dad would tell you it was time to come inside. The pattern coming from the local church was identical to the one your dad would do. Chills raced down your spine at the noise, wondering if maybe it was John B trying to draw you in after all.
You weren’t sure how much time passed under the tarp, out of prying eyes with Rafe Cameron. You were beyond done with his presence and just wanted to jump off the truck, but thankfully you guys were able to make it to the marina where his boat was docked. 
Climbing on the large pristine boat, you swore you could hear the bells ringing again, even this far away. You stopped short of untying the bowline, suddenly against the idea of getting on a boat with just Rafe Cameron. 
“I can’t get it.” You lied easily, faking a pull on the rope. “I need some help.”
Rafe let out a loud groan, barking for you to move since he ‘had to do everything’. The second he untied the line, you shoved his chest harshly, watching as he splashed into the water below. You took off, hopping up to the cabin area to move the boat out from the dock. Rafe yelled hysterically below you yet you couldn’t help but smile once you got moving. Pulling the phone from your pocket, you typed a quick message, your heart racing in anticipation.
After docking at a different marina, you waited, foot tapping excessively, for some response that they were coming. The church bells kept continuously ringing, freaking you out even further that maybe they didn’t know where you were.
Eyes on the sidewalk, you watched anxiously for some kind of sign. It came straight towards you in a light blue button-down. You moved quickly the second you made eye contact. “JJ?”
JJ’s whole figure drooped in relief at the sight of you, unharmed. He had felt so much guilt, so much anxiety over the way you two weren’t on the best of terms before you were taken. His feet moved rapidly, body colliding with yours as he lifted you off the ground. Your legs wrapped around his waist out of habit, holding him as tightly as you could.
“Holy shit, you’re safe. I’m right here, I got you.”
You let out a sob, tears streaming down your cheeks before you kissed him heavily. Nothing was as calming as being wrapped in his embrace, feeling his hands on your arms, his lips on yours. You took a moment before separating, your feet returning to the ground before you were attacked by another set of arms.
John B was fucking terrified. The moment you got yanked out of the sand, Sarah was holding him back from going after you. Everything felt too real now, too heavy. Knowing that the second one of you disappeared could be the last time they saw you was scary. He was sick of losing, and he wasn’t about to stand by and watch it happen to you all over again.
More shaky hands piled onto you and your brother, your friends wiggling their way into a huge group hug of relief. Kiara’s hands grabbed your cheeks once everyone stepped away. “You’re not hurt, right?” You could see her eyes scanning for any sort of injury.
You shook your head, brushing tears off your face. “No, no. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you kidding me, babe?” 
You followed JJ’s gaze to the large boat you had climbed off a few moments ago. You laughed, “Oh, yeah. Rafe let me take it for a spin.”
You ignored the rapid onset of questions as your group piled onto the boat. You froze, however, at the sound of the bells tolling. Now you knew it wasn’t John B, and based on the way he was looking back at you, he was questioning them too.
“You don’t think-”
“There’s no way.”
Both of you spoke at the same time, glancing towards the hillside the church was located on. What would be the chances that your father happened to be in Barbados of all places, coincidentally when you crash-landed there?
“Yeah, so I have just a couple of questions,” JJ interrupted your sibling moment as everyone gathered around the two of you. “A Lagoon 620 with twin 150 Volvos. You understand we can go anywhere with this thing, right? Way to be discreet, by the way.”
You rolled your eyes, giving him the middle finger. 
“What did they want from you?” Sarah asked the question that the group had been pondering over for two days now. “You swear Rafe didn’t hurt you?”
You sat down on one of the couch cushions. “No, no. I’m fine, promise. I um… Singh wanted Denmark’s diary, of all things.”
Pope frowned at the revelation. “Why?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Said it leads to a treasure that’s bigger than the Merchant.”
“A bigger treasure?” JJ repeated as he sat next to you, arm naturally wrapping around you to pull in close. “Sign me up.”
A moment of processing followed before your friends decided it was time to split and started prepping to leave. JJ moved with them, going to untie the lines. You decided to follow John B and Sarah up to the top deck.
“She’s right, we really need to go,” Sarah reiterated as she tossed a line down below. 
The bells chimed again a few seconds after she finished, both you and John B looking towards the church before glancing at each other. 
“Okay, you definitely heard that, right?” Your brother turned towards his girlfriend for an answer.
“Yeah, I do now.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “That’s exactly what Dad would do to call us home. That pattern those bells.”
Sarah stopped her movements to look at the two of you. She could see the lingering sadness, the defeat that maybe he really was dead and this was a coincidental joke tugging at you. She also knew John B, and she knew where he went, you were usually close behind. 
“Okay. I get it.” The two of you snapped up to look at her. “You wanna go to the tower to go look? Go look.”
John B seemed shocked at her willingness. “You sure?”
She took another glance at you and nodded. “I’m serious. Hurry, and take this.”
“Sarah…” You walked up next to them, hesitant about leaving them again so soon.
She smiled at you. “Yes, yes. You don’t think I know the two of you? He’s gonna drive us all insane if he doesn’t look, and you’re not gonna let him go alone. So go look.”
You shared a glance with John B before darting down the stairs. JJ was on the dock, untying another line when you collided into him. 
“Whoa, hey. You okay?”
“I gotta go.” You didn’t give him a chance to react, John B already climbing off the boat behind you. “I’m going with John B. We’ll be back, okay?”
JJ looked panicked at the idea of you leaving when he just got you back. He knew better than to question you though, and if John B was going, it was enough for him. He gave you a nod, hands coming to rest on your cheeks before he kissed you softly. “I love you, okay?”
“Love you more,” You whispered back, giving him one more kiss before taking off after your brother. Not only were you two navigating a foreign area, but you needed to keep low from Singh’s men too. John B kept glancing back at you, slowing to stay with you when he could.
You slowed your light jog at the top of a hill, the church almost within reach? “Do you really think it’s him?”
John B paused, the two of you taking in the sound of the bells again. “I just… I have this feeling. And I need to know.”
He understood why you were hesitant. Your relationship with your dad wasn’t the greatest, especially as you got older. John B was always the favorite, which would’ve been fine if your dad hadn’t just started neglecting you in return. That’s where you clung to John B, why the two of you grew to be so protective of each other. 
The climb up the side of the mountain was rough, but you managed to do it without any slipping. You honestly didn’t know if this was something you were ready for, but you’d do it for John B. Even if your dad didn’t speak to you, it would be fine. You both deserved answers. 
The church itself was gorgeous with stained glass windows and coiled staircases. You followed your brother silently up the steps, unsure of what to expect. Every creak and groan of the building had the two of you hesitant to keep moving. 
You came through an archway before John B followed a shadow across into the other stairwell. From the glimpse you got, your heart started racing in your chest. You moved down the stairs slowly, the two of you stopping short halfway. 
There, at the bottom of the stairs, stood Big John Routledge. Alive.
Your father turned to face the two of you, taking in the sight of his two children in the glow of the sunset. “What took you so long, kids? I’ve been ringing for hours.”
John B practically ran down the rest of the stairs and straight into your father’s arms. You stood, frozen in place at the sight before you. Emotions weren’t easy to process. You were a lovely combination of anger, sadness, and joy right now, your mind turning Inside Out at the idea of your father standing here after so long. 
“My baby bird.”
The nickname sucked all the air out of your lungs as you realized your father’s eyes were on you. Your feet moved slowly, hesitant about what exactly you were signing yourself up for, but the moment your dad had you within grasp, he hugged you as tight as he could. You felt like an innocent little kid all over again, with her big brother and Dad always there to protect her. 
“Oh, kids. We have a lot to talk about, huh?”
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munson-blurbs · 8 months
Peanut Butter Cup - Nerds
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Fake dating/Bookworm!Reader/Steve Harrington
Warnings: fake dating, Harrington familial dysfunction, drunk family members
WC: 1.1k
Divider credit to @saradika
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Steve had heard it all from his parents:
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?”
“Just go out on a date, Steven.”
“You spend all damn day at that video store; you’re never gonna meet anyone that way.”
He normally shrugs it off, until his parents give him an ultimatum: get a girlfriend before the annual Harrington Family Reunion in two weeks, or don’t bother showing up at all. 
“Twenty years old, and you barely passed high school, work a dead-end job, and don’t even have a girlfriend,” his father mutters, disgust marring his features. “You’re a disappointment.”
The insult reverberates around his skull all day: disappointment, disappointment, disappointment. It’s not the first time his father has hurled the term his way, and it likely won’t be the last, but the impact continues to sting.
It’s still gnawing at him when you walk in the door, sliding a VHS copy of The Shining across the counter with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I know it’s a day late,” you apologize, already digging into your bag for change. “How much is the fee?”
Steve dismisses the notion with a wave. “Don’t worry about it,” he says, already checking the movie back into the system. “You, uh, went to Hawkins High, right?”
“Mhm,” you confirm, zipping up your purse and hitching it back up your shoulder, “class of ‘86.”
“‘85,” he chirps, clearing his throat to temper his enthusiasm. “Anyway, hope the movie was good.”
You nod and smile again; the gentle upturn of your lips has Steve melting. “It was. The book was better, though.”
And that’s when Steve finally places you: back in high school, you volunteered at the school library and, on more than one occasion, had helped him find a book for research projects. You were pretty then, and you’re even prettier now.
“I haven’t read the book,” he admits, embarrassed that he hasn’t read much of anything besides a comic book or two since graduation. 
Your jaw drops. “Well, now you have to!” You grab your car keys from your back pocket. “I’ll swing by tomorrow with my copy, if that’s cool?”
“Y-Yeah, ‘s cool,” he stutters, giving his head a soft shake to shift the hair from his hazel eyes. He watches as you walk out of the store, the sway of your hips drawing him in. 
He probably would have stared forever if Robin hadn’t cut in. “Hey, Dingus, you’re drooling.”
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You stop by Family Video the next day to drop off the book. And then a few days after that, you go there again to grab another movie. Soon enough, you’re a regular customer.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” Steve blurts out from where he’s standing next to you as you peruse the horror section. “Feel free to say no, to tell me to fuck off, and I will. I will just…fuck right off.”
“Could you pretend to be my girlfriend at my family reunion next weekend? Nothing weird,” he rushes to add, not wanting to imply any unwanted contact. “Just hand holding, arm around your shoulder…no feels will be copped, I swear.”
You pinch your eyebrows, perplexed. “Is this the trade-off for having my late fee waived?” you tease, thumbing The Exorcist and tugging it from its spot on the shelf. “Because I’ll pay it.”
Steve laughs, shaking his head. “Nah, just tired of hearing my folks complain about me not having my life together. Figured if I showed up with a smart, pretty girl on my arm, they’d shut up for a little while.”
Your face burns at the compliments, both at the words and that King Steve is the one saying them. “What’s the dress code?”
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You and Steve arrive in his Beemer, his hand already pressed to the small of your back as you walk into the restaurant. A room filled with Harringtons greet you as you enter the room, and your stomach flips as you wonder if you can pull this off.
“Showtime,” Steve murmurs in your ear, taking you around the room to meet his family. You’re suddenly self-conscious of where your black dress lands on your thighs and the cut of the neckline. Sure, Steve had approved it, but what did he know?
You note that he’s been gazing at you since he’d picked you up earlier, eyes drawn to you like a magnetic force. It’s part of the whole bit, you try and convince yourself, but something nags at you that Steve isn’t that good of an actor.
The conversations go as easily as they can; you spend the evening peppering in “facts” about your relationship that you and Steve had rehearsed over and over. Some of the details were truthful, like meeting at Family Video and bonding over horror movies. Other parts were much more embellished: relationship duration, your first date, the way Steve bragged that you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on.
It’s smooth sailing until Steve’s inebriated father stands up, clumsily clinking his knife to his wine glass. “I’d like to make a toast,” he slurs, swaying as he speaks, “to my son, Steve, and his girl! Never thought I’d see the day he’d land someone like her.”
Your eyes remain glued to the floor, waiting for the moment to be over, but if the impromptu speech wasn’t awkward enough, one of Steve’s equally drunk uncles calls out, “Give her a kiss, Stevie!”
Steve shakes his head with an uncomfortable chuckle. “Nah, we’re not really into the public–”
“Aw, c’mon!” His boisterous voice echoes throughout the restaurant. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” he chants, and soon enough, most of the family joins in.
“Shall we shut them up?” Steve mumbles, turning to you. “Y’don’t have to…”
“N-No, we can.” It’s not the most conventional first kiss, but then again, nothing about this arrangement is normal. “We can just…”
Steve’s hand is on your cheek, nose nudging against yours as your lips press together. This isn’t a simple peck; no, it’s far more involved, more intimate, than you had anticipated.
You melt into him a bit more, resting your own hand on his bicep until the kiss comes to an end. The men hoot and holler; the women exchange awws.
“Now that,” Steve’s dad guffaws, clapping a hand on his son’s back, “is the kiss of true love!”
You manage a small smile, wondering exactly what just happened. The kiss was the best of your life, and it was supposedly just for show.
Steve’s breath tickles your earlobe as he whispers, “he may be drunk, but he’s not wrong.” His cheeks are pink at the admission.
It’s certainly a conversation you’ll need to have later, but you can’t say you disagree. For now, your fingers intertwine with his, and you give them a quick squeeze. 
Maybe it’s the wine, but you swear you love him back.
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
10 Asks! Thank you! :}} 🌱
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I assume I'm not, it appears to just be a chest cold 😞
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<XD I've heard of whiteboard yeah. But I've never used it. I can just imagine people popping in just to scribble all over everyone else's work. I'll think I'll stick to solo drawing for now-
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(Post in question)
XDD Sylvester has a tendency to be rather cursed-
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I don't see why not! :}
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(Post in question)
Indeed it is! I made a post talking about his backstory but I can't access my archive atm so I'll do a quick recap-
I don't actually know anything about madness combat. Some friends of mine were really into it and made a bunch of OCs and I wanted to be cool like them 🥺 so I made my own madness OCs based on what little knowledge I had.
His name is Casey. And he lived out in the middle of nowhere Nevada with two of his best friends in this giant armored truck that they built.
At some point they were caught in a burning building disaster, some bandits stole the truck and Casey's friends died in the fire. He wandered the wasteland alone for a few years.. before eventually stumbling upon the bandits camp.
He stormed into the camp and killed everyone, unfortunately his truck was nowhere to be found. He did however find this little girl that had been captured and tied to a tree.
Him and "Stefany" then traveled together for a few years before meeting a scientist named Eric. He had gotten separated from his group and was stranded. I had this idea that the people from the wasteland hate scientists. But Eric begged for help. They made a deal that if they brought this guy back to his lab, that he would give them this valuable thing from the lab. He agreed.
Eric didn't intend to keep his side of the deal. But after a few weeks of traveling together and bonding.. when they got to the lab he stole the thing and gave it to Casey. Getting himself booted off the lab team in the process.
So now the three of them travel together. Eventually Casey gets hurt really bad and the group has to camp out for a bit. While Stef was out looking for food, she saw Casey's truck in the distance. She went and hijacked it, kicking out the two bandits that were in it.
She drove it back to the camp but the bandits followed. There was a stand off between the bandits and Casey. When suddenly..
"..Casey? Is that you?"
The two bandits were Casey's friends he thought he'd lost. There's this tearful reunion, a lot of story telling and explanations.. and now they travel together as a family :)
Oh yeah and at some point Stef gets a (probably) rabid raccoon named kitty, even though there aren't animals in madness combat..? Apparently?? Idk I had barely any world knowledge when I made these characters <XDD
But now that I'm thinking about them.. I should draw them again some time.. 🤔 anyways, thank you for the interest and for the ask! It means a lot to me :}}
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(video/link in question)
That's how I'd start probably. Then they'd build sandcastles, dig giant holes for no reason and play in the sea! :}
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests. :/ and considering my state, it's especially something I will not do upon request..
And what are you doing askin me to draw? 🤣 I've seen your work, you're quite the artist yourself! Why not draw it yourself? I know it'd come out great! :D (genuinely)
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I don't think much surprises the Mario Bros anymore. 😅 If they saw a crew of talking pirate cookies they'd just think "well this might as well be happening."
As for a bully on the ship, the crew would not tolerate any of that behavior towards Red. They'd shut that down real quick. ❌
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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Jimmy's doin fine. And I'll draw what ever I WANT when I finally get over this, thank you very much! >:T ☝️☝️thank you tho :}}
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
She's a Fire-Chapter XXVII
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
Chapter summary: Bradley surprises you…in more ways than one.
(previous chapter here, epilogue here)
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Warnings: smut 18+ MDNI, ass play, oral (m receiving), p in v,
The second half of the summer flies by, especially with the squad is deployed halfway through August. The plan was they were supposed to be back the week before Sunny and Bob’s wedding.
It was now the Thursday before and still no word from any of them. They hadn’t been allowed their phones at all so the last 4 weeks had been awful not being able to communicate in any way with Bradley.
Thankfully Bob had been granted leave and arrived a few days ago, but over half the wedding party wasn’t in Minnesota yet.
You’d flown in with Sunny a few days prior to help, but with everything done that could be, Sunny insisted you pick up your parents from the airport.
You people watch as you wait, smiling at the sweet reunions in front of you. Unexpected tears spring to your eyes as you watch an older gentleman hand his wife a bouquet of flowers and draw her into a hug. You giggle as he reaches down to cop a feel of her butt while he presses a kiss to her lips. She pulls away and smacks his chest with a blush, but smiles.
You have a feeling that’ll be you and Bradley in 40 years.
Absence had done nothing make your heart grow fonder and you realized how head over heels you really were. Not only did you want him to be there for the wedding, you miss him. You miss the way he makes you laugh, how he draws you to him in the middle of the night, the songs he sings so sweetly to Lola, and definitely the sex, but also the intimacy.
Your phone pings, a text from your mom.
Mom: We just landed. They changed the gate so we’re coming in H7 now.
Rowan: Sounds good, I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.
Laura: Can’t wait!
Rowan: Me either 😘
You smile and make your way over.
You wave as they come down the escalator, and are wrapped up in both of their arms a minute later.
“I’ve missed you guys so much!” You murmur, giving them both another squeeze before pulling away. You saw them for an extended weekend in April but that was it since Christmas.
“Missed you too hun,” your mom sniffs, voice full of tears.
“We brought someone else you’re probably missing,” your dad smiles, gently tugging your ponytail like he did when you were a kid.
Your heart stutters in your chest when you turn to see Bradley smiling.
Your own tears begin to fall as he wraps you in his arms. “When did-how did…what?” You ask, face pressed against his chest.
“We got in last night, Sunny wanted to surprise you. Flying in with your parents was just a coincidence. Caught up with them in Denver.”
“I’m so glad you’re here. When’s everyone else coming?”
“Right now,” Nat says from behind you, pulling you into a hug next. “Your dad’s hot, Row,” she whispers before releasing you.
You shake your head, laughing at her and hug Jake next, followed by the rest of the crew.
Sunny: So were you surprised?
Rowan: Yes. You’re lucky you’re getting married or I’d be mad at you. I was freaking out.
Sunny: Lolol sorry
Rowan: No you’re not. Was Bob in on this?
Sunny: I’m totally not. He was…but only because I made him.
Rowan: Naughty girl. I should tell him to spank you for it.
Sunny: Please do?
You laugh. She thought it would be a good idea to refrain from having sex for a month so their wedding night would be “special”. Bob wasn’t keen on the idea but agreed. Sunny was fine while he was deployed but has been a hot mess since he arrived a few days ago. Even more so that Bob wasn’t giving in to her.
“All set?” Bradley asks as he gets in the driver’s seat of your rental from putting his bag in the back. Your parents and everyone else were sorting out the rental cars and meeting Sunny, Bob, and their families in 45 minutes at a restaurant nearby.
You don’t say anything, instead, leaning over the console to capture his lips. It quickly turns heated as you lick into his mouth.
“Fuck, there’s probably cameras everywhere,” he pants, pulling off your lips as your hand creeps up his thigh.
“You’re probably right,” you agree. “We better go.”
He’s barely out of the parking lot before you’re palming him. “What are you—oh,” he inhales sharply as you pull his cock from his jeans.
“There’s no cameras on the road though,” you murmur against his neck as you stroke him.
Okay, there probably is but thankfully it’s dark enough now that passersby’s and cameras won’t be able to see anything.
“You don’t have to—fuckkk,” he grunts, head thumping back against the headrest as you pull him into your mouth, flicking his frenulum with your tongue. His hand reaches to grip your ponytail, guiding your head up and down. You moan and his grip tightens at the vibration he feels in his balls.
“You’re…you feel so good, baby. I-ha! I’m not gonna last,” he breathes. “Where do you want me to…?”
“Mmm,” you hum, tightening your lips and swallowing around him.
“Yeah…yeah okay, just like tha—ohhh,” he groans as he cums in your mouth. You swallow it greedily and tuck him back into his pants just as you arrive at the restaurant.
“Fuck, Row,” he chuckles breathlessly as he shifts into park. “C’mere.”
He leans over for another kiss, shivering when he tastes himself on your tongue.
A knock on the window startles you apart. “Come on lovebirds, everyone’s here,” Natasha says, laughing as she and Jake pass.
“I can’t wait to get back to the hotel and return the favor, over and over again. I’m gonna pretend I’m looking at something under the hood until this goes down,” he murmurs, looking pointedly at his groin. He’s hard again. “Don’t really wanna walk in with a hard-on.”
You laugh and peck his lips before going inside.
He keeps true to his word once back at the hotel.
First, he throws your legs over his shoulders and devours you against the door. Then again in the shower with the detachable shower head; your legs nearly give out when he kneels behind you and tongues your other hole at the same time. He finally gives in to your pleading and pushes into you after you fall into bed, loving you slow but steady.
“I love you…” he pants against your lips as he thrusts his hips faster, finally chasing his own release, “…so much.”
He grinds his hips against yours as pumps you full and kisses you, swallowing your cries as he triggers another orgasm.
You feel boneless as Bradley cleans you up and climbs in behind you, holding you so tightly against him, like he’s afraid you’ll drift away if he doesn’t. Soon you both drift off to sleep.
The next day passes quickly with decorating, massages, and a nail appointment followed by the rehearsal and dinner after. It’s after 1 AM when Bradley nudges you awake from the car to bring you to bed.
Your alarm startles you awake a few hours later. You press a kiss to his forehead before getting in the shower.
You feel his presence from behind as you rinse the shampoo from your hair.
He gathers your clean hair and pulls it to the side so he can kiss your neck.
10 minutes later your front is pressed gassing the glass door of the shower as Bradley fucks into you with deep, steady strokes.He brings your hand to hold the shower head he directed on your clit and brings his fingers back to brush over your other hole.
“I want to take you here soon,” he pants, pressing a wet finger in. “Can I? I’ll make it so good for you, baby.”
“Yessss,” you mewl, “I’ve been using the bigger plug when I play to get ready for you.”
His hips stutter as he chokes, “Good-good girl.”
You cry out as your orgasm rushes over into you at his praise. He works you through it, pulling out when your body relaxes, giving himself a few pulls to finish on your ass.
“I wanted to finish inside you, but I figured it wouldn’t go well with your silky dress,” he pants, forehead resting on your shoulder.
“You’re probably right. Never thought of that,” you laugh breathlessly. “Thank you.”
He hums and kisses your shoulder before pumping conditioner into his hand and coating the ends of your hair the way you like.
“You’re so good to me,” you whisper, tears filling your eyes as he bends to wash your feet a few minutes later.
He smiles, pecking a kiss on your knee and rising to help you rinse. “You’re so good to me. Love you, Row.”
“Don’t you look all freshly fucked and glowy,” Sunny rolls her eyes sullenly when you walk into the venue.
You laugh. “I’m sorry?”
“Yeah yeah,” she sighs, trying not to smile as you hand her the coffee you and Natasha had picked up.
“Happy wedding day!” You smile, wrapping her in a big hug. “I’m sure Bob will make it up to you tonight,” you whisper since his sister isn’t too far away.
“He better,” she sighs, taking a drink. “Thank you. Holy shit, I’m getting married today.”
“Yep. You are. Let’s get you ready.”
Tears of laughter and tears of happiness are shed throughout the morning while getting ready. Even more flow as she steps out of the dressing room after her mom. She looks stunning in her form-fitting, dropped-sleeved ivory gown. Her hair is pinned into a loose updo with her natural curly texture.
Several photos are taken with the bridesmaids and then you’re free to relax before the ceremony begins. Your phone buzzes as you wait for the ceremony to begin and Sunny gets some individual ones taken.
Bradley: Can’t wait to see you. I already know you look gorgeous. 😍
Rowan: Right back ‘atcha handsome. See you soon. 😘
“I’ll see you at the end of the aisle. Just keep your eyes on Bobby, okay? Love you so much,” you whisper as you hug Sunny behind the doors of the ceremony hall.
“Love you more. Thank you for everything.” She murmurs back, giving you a big squeeze before releasing you.
Then it’s your cue.
You have to swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat as you lock eyes with Bradley, who’s blinking rapidly to keep his own tears from falling as you walk towards the front. You meet Bob’s nervous gaze as you walk past him, giving him a wink. He winks back and visibly relaxes.
Bob’s nieces and Steve are next and break the nervous energy as Steve keeps chasing the petals they drop. He nearly knocks the girls over as he spots Bob and runs to lie down next to him.
The doors open next and Sunny’s mom rises, which signals everyone to do the same.
Sunny is glowing and there’s not a dry eye in the place as Sunny walks to Bob with her dad.
“I now pronounce to you, Mr. And Mrs. Floyd! You may kiss your bride.”
You kindly wave their sweet pastor out of the shot as Bob does just that.
It was a short but beautiful ceremony; they chose to do the traditional vows as they wrote their own and gifted them to each other beforehand.
“I was right, you look gorgeous Row,” Bradley whispers as he escorts you out.
The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur as you pose for pictures, drink cocktails, eat dinner, and cry your way through your speech. You feel like you can finally breathe once the dance begins.
Bradley’s heart is pounding under your ear as you sway with him to a slow song. “You okay? Your heart is racing.”
“Yeah, just warm. I think I’m gonna get some air,” he replies, pressing a kiss to your forehead as the song ends.
“I’ll come with-,” you start, but are interrupted by the DJ playing Beyoncé’s Single Ladies.
“Next up is the bouquet toss. If you don’t have a ring on it, head to the dance floor.”
“Come on, Row! That’s you.” Sunny says, pulling you back out.
“Alright, alright!” You laugh, letting her place you front and center.
“Let’s help Mrs. Floyd count down. 3, 2, 1!���
Sunny fakes a throw and then turns, nodding to the DJ then locking eyes with you as she walks over.
Realization sets in as you hear Elvis start to sing ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’.
Sunny has tears in her eyes as she smiles, handing you the bouquet. “Turn around.”
You feel light-headed as she turns your shoulders and steps around to join Bob and the small group of your friends and family behind Bradley, who’s down on one knee holding a beautiful, familiar-looking ring.
Tears immediately begin to spill over.
“Rowan, I-“ he hesitates, so nervous trying to find the right words. “Will you marry-“
A deafening cheer goes up as you nod, sobbing, “Yes!” as he wraps you in a hug.
You can’t seem to stop crying as you’re bombarded with well wishes and congratulations.
Sunny pulls you aside as your dad draws Bradley in for a hug, saying something that has Bradley wiping a tear as he pulls back.
“Why don’t you and Bradley go take a breather?” Sunny murmurs as she takes you aside.
“Yeah? Okay. Are you sure you’re okay with all of this? It’s your special day…”
“It was my idea! Well, kind of. Bradley was going to take you somewhere and propose over his birthday but the deployment threw a wrench in his plans. I told him he should do it tonight since your parents were gonna be here too.”
A fresh wave of tears flow as you hug her again.
“You’re the best friend I could’ve asked for. I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go!” She grins, smacking you on the ass.
You pull Bradley to a storage closet a few doors down.
“There was so much I wanted to say to you, and I hope you’re okay with me proposing here, Sunny and Bob were excited about it, I just-“ Bradley rambles, but you cut him off with a kiss.
“Baby, it was perfect. You’re perfect,” You sigh kissing him again.
“So everyone knew?” You ask when you finally pull away.
“Yeah pretty much. I can’t believe no one spoiled it. I’d asked your dad for permission at Christmas and-“
“Wait. At Christmas? That was like 3 months after we started dating?” You interrupt.
“Yeah,” he smiles, wiping another one of your stray tears. “I already knew then that you were the one.”
He brings you to his chest as you hiccup and sways you both to the muted music coming through the door. He rubs his finger over the ring. “Do you like it? It’s my mom’s. I had it dipped in white gold since I’ve never seen you wear yellow gold.”
Your chest tightens. “Oh my God, Bradley. That’s why it looks so familiar. It’s beautiful. I would have worn it happily either way!”
“I know, but Mom would’ve wanted you to have something you like though.”
“Well I love it, and I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replies, kissing the top of your head.
The end(ish).
A/N: Don’t freak out! There’s still an epilogue coming!
Also…my inbox is open and I’ve only gotten one ask so far so if there’s anything you want me to address in the epilogues get them in now.
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empressgeekt · 7 days
I finished reading this really cool fic in a ‘what if Clay received the Brozone letter?’ AU and it kinda miffed me that they described Pop Troll village with zero defenses (there ain’t no way Branch doesn’t have anything post trolls 1&2) so I mashed the Field of Forget Me Nots AU into it and it’s a very fun take! Especially when you add Keith to the hijinks 😁
The fic is called ‘Caught in the Middle’ and other than the zero defense thing (that I am taking way too personally) it’s a seriously good read!
Oh! I have read that one it's very good. Hmm...if such events were to happen in FoF it could go a number of ways...
When entering Bergentown, JD, Bruce, Clay and Viva are apprehended by the Forest Guard (Probably Tresillo, Spoiler I'm having him and his crew join up with the guard after TWT). They arrest are merry band of Out-of-the-Loopers, holding them until after the ceremony. Viva would be trying to talk to the guards trying to tell them that they were all in danger of the bergens, and they would give no reaction other then looking at her like she's crazy. They'd bring Branch in, and he'd be pissed off after Viva started talking. "it's my job to keep trolls safe and you causing a scene wouldn't be good for anyone." "If you're supposed to keep them safe why haven't you escaped!?" Needless to say they don't get every far in terms of having and actual conversation. JD would step in trying to get back on topic. Branch would shut that down having recognized his brothers and would not want them to go poking around his new family. "Bitty B hasn't been seen the in village since before the escape. It's all to easy for a trolling to get lost in the tunnels. I'm sorry but your brother is dead." Enter Poppy, carrying a hungry Keith. The queen wants to know what's the hold up because it's time for the reception, and Keith wants some cake, during which she'd say Branch's name cue, very awkward meeting. John Dory would still initiate the hug and still get bitten by Keith. Viva still has her panic but she can't run away with all the guards, leaving both her and Poppy to stew in shock and hurt, but quickly make up. The Brother's not so much. Branch isn't gradually reintroduced to them, so he doesn't have time to get excited about a reunion it's just straight bitterness, even more so with Keith present and his own experience as a big brother himself. At some point Branch would have to pull Poppy away to explain his side of everything. The elder brother's would use this chance to introduce themselves to their, as they assume, "Nephew". Keith's having none of it. Only corrects them saying he was Branch's real brother and then ignores them. They would bring Peppy in and things get ever more awkward, and Branch lays into him. At some point, they'd explain what happened to chef and how she was burned alive for her crimes, which would lead to how Branch missed it due to being in the hospital from the knife wound she gave him. He'd take the helmet off revealing his scar (and maybe eye patch). Brozone is horrified. Keith would twist the dagger in that guilt wound by saying something like, "It was hard since we didn't have any family to help. I had to stay with Poppy, while Branch was in a coma."
Or...they'd successfully get pass the guard and manage to grab Poppy. Only this time they don't just grab Poppy, she's had been mid hug with Keith when Viva snatched her, que very protective and pissed off Branch. This man jumped in front of a powercord for Poppy and Keith, no one is taking them on his watch. He holds his Brothers and Viva at sword point, his soldiers quickly surrounding them, drawing their bows. He recognizes them, but currently he's too mad to care. Viva tries to talk to Poppy, which leads to a freak out, when Viva tries to run, Branch would hit her with a blow dart knocking her out. The next few minutes are tense, Branch tells Poppy to take Keith back to the wedding, and sends all the guards back to their posts. Bruce John and Clay would try to talk to him, but Branch cuts them off, he's not in the mood to talk, so he paces until Poppy comes back, this time with her father. Keith would run over and hug Branch, before crawling into his hair. After Branch loses it at Peppy for a moment, they eventually decide to regroup at Pop village. Viva conked out on the bed in Rhonda as they drive. In the journey, Keith would hop out of Branch's hair to only give Poppy a hug and steal some of the gummy worms she had been hiding in her puffy skirt. With a calmer atmostphere, the Brothers would get a full story on the bergens out of the couple and trolling. Branch would take off his helmet, and reveal the scarring, much to the brother's horror. Branch and Keith are very salty the whole trip.
A few events that happen later would remain the same. Like Clay burning the Funderdrawers, keith would only comment that Clay and John, "Look stupid" Fighting over underwear.
However there would still be many differences, Keith wouldn't eat anything that Bruce cooked so Branch would make dinner, and later in the night, I think that they would peek in on Branch putting Keith to bed, and it really sealing in that these two are family. Jealousy over this and hurt over how closed off Branch is would burn really bad. Espeically for Clay, "Who was this Kid anyway? just a stray that anyone could've picked up!" Clay doesn't like unknown variables and Keith is an unknown. For some reason with this kid here, he thinks that branch wouldn't help them, since he has a brother that he clearly likes better then any of them. Bruce in this context would be a little hurt but he gets it, he had a family of his own now as well. John would come around. More family the merrier.
While practicing Branch would be much more vocal about not breaking out in to an argument in front of Keith, and get them to all shut up after a first run through. John Dory would probably, say that Keith wouldn't sing with them because....technically not family...Branch, Poppy and Keith would glare at him for this. But secretly Branch would be relived not wanting Keith wrapped up in the boy band nonsense. I have a feeling that Branch and Keith would pick up on Clay's hesitance about moving earlier. Keith's very aware, and Branch had to become better at reading people sing Keith's is usually so flat in emotional display. Clay wouldn't want Branch's help at first though, to embarrassed and in denial to take help form his baby brother and the orphan he took in.
When the Putt Putts are having diffuclty believing in a bergen truce, Branch would take off his helmet showing his scar and claiming, "Even if the bergens were still a threat, we have a full militia of trolls trained to take down the largest of predators." "Bergens?" "Even Bergens...wolves, snakes, birds, take your pick. I've taken them all down." "Really?" "B*tch, I stabbed the chef for f*ck's sake! What do you think this scar is?! A fashion statement?!"
When reuniting with Floyd. Branch wouldn't go over to the bottle with the others, he'd stay by Poppy, cradling Keith because all the strangers looking at them would make the kid uncomfortable. After hearing Bruce say that he was an Uncle, Floyd would make the incorrect assumption that Keith was branch's son, and he feels bad about missing out on that. Also the fact that Branch barely interacts with him, when comparison the Puttputts ask about the militia Branch happily talks to them, hurts. it hurts bad. Little Keith hasn't look his way once. Floyd would also be confused as to why, John or Branch didn't want Keith in the song with them. Kid's family it's a family harmony.
Probably by the end of it all it would be pretty similar to the epilogue of the usually FoF. Viva and definitely a few of the puttputts would Join the guard, and Clay would as well, focusing on mor domestic safety things while Branch worried about protection from outside forces, war, predators, natural disasters etc. A nice attention to an already goo protection system.
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spotsandsocks · 9 days
Title for you:
From Here Til Never
Ok this was tricky… I’ve been thinking and I’m going with amnesia fic. I’ve never done one of those!
Also adding a bit to the title I’ll remember you from here to never
Eddie is missing presumed dead, I think he’s away from LA when it happens, maybe visiting Texas. Buck gets the news and is obviously distraught, already looking after Chris so he just stays at Eddie’s, regretting lost opportunities etc.
Meanwhile Eddie is somewhere else, random small town type place. Don’t ask me how he actually got there. He can’t remember his own name but some things keep catching his attention it make him feel things.
We can have a lightning storm that upsets him, makes him feel like he’s lost something important
Conveniently for me there’s a church in town called St Christopher’s that he just goes and sits outside
He catches the end of an interview of a red headed reporter on a talk show talking about her book… and loathing her on sight
On a checkup at the hospital a girl with crutches walks past and he starts crying
There’s a picture of Scottish highlands with a stag on the wall in the house he’s staying at he and he can’t stop looking at it.
He picks up a carved stag in a thrift store and has to buy it. Keeps it by his bed. Likewise he sees a st Christopher medal and buys it, puts in on straight away.
Finds out he can draw/paint but his art keeps ending up in shades of blue for some reason.
He gets taken hunting by the people who took him in and stops someone shooting a young stag when asked why he can’t explain it
He’s also strangely competent with the guns but can hardly bear to touch them.
Anyways…l time goes in then one day someone comments on his obsession with stags (which has ended up with several pictures, ornaments of stags. Except they say
“That’s a lot of Buck’s ya got there.”
Sure male deer, stag or a buck.
The word makes him feel strange. A sense of loss and longing.
That night he dreams of blue eyes and blood on a face he doesn’t recognise
The night after he dreams of a boy who should be wearing glasses but isn’t. He looks for those glasses in his dream until a hand covered with blood gives him a small red pair
Then sitting in front of the church again the name and the boy without glasses become one and he knows his son’s name.
He has a son. And after that another name; Buck. Buckley. Blue eyes and a red mark over one eye. A smile and a feeling. The man from his dreams. His name is Buck. The two names are accompanied by the most desperate urge to get back to them. Chris and Buck. He wants to go home. He has a home, a family. Chris and Buck.
Some investing and discussions… brother? No not a brother, definitely not a brother. Husband? That word makes him ache and he knows that he’s not a husband. They look but nothing.
Then another name comes back his own and after that more and more until he has a destination and he leaves to find it.
Probably finds Bobby first so not to give Buck and Chris a fright! Then reunion and we get Eddie explaining his collection of stags to Buck (brought them with him, putting them on shelf carefully Buck asks why and Eddie explains.
I wanted to be close to something that reminded me of what I’d lost, who I’d loved. I expect you know stags can be called bucks too.
Even when I didn’t know my name I knew yours, knew you, because I love you. I knew that even when I didn’t know anything else.
And what’s Buck going to do after that than hold onto the second chance he’s been given and kiss the man that came back to him
🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s what I’ve got … hope you like the idea 💡 and thanks for the ask 💜💜💜
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
The Twitter Drama AU Timeline
finally, after months, we finally have a timeline. this is not exhaustive (i tried to mainly include the super important parts, and some less important parts i thought were REALLY funny), and is probably only 75% accurate due to the non-linear nature we wrote the fic in to begin with, but it is better than nothing! updated as of chapter 10 (low hanging fruits)
12th March 2023: Tiny Diamond is born, Creek is his other dad, which is kept a secret from everyone except Guy and Creek.
November 2023: The events of Band Together, almost completely identical. Following which, Brozone get back together and start working on their reunion album. Now that Branch is in the spotlight, Barb is forced to acknowledge her ex girlfriend (one night stand) Poppy is a lot happier with a transfem butch, which sparks Barb’s descent into terfism. Val and Creek briefly see each other.
December 2023: John Dory gets his Twitter confiscated by Clay. Floyd gets his sex tape leaked (by Creek). Clay throws Viva under the bus for the first time. Clay accidentally gets Bruce accused of cheating on his wife, but they pin it on Branch, who just organised a fake breakup with Poppy because he was uncomfortable with all the smutfic. Riff leaves Barb’s band, and collabs with Creek but calls him an asshole. Velvet gets out of prison and writes a callout thread on Floyd. Floyd gets cancelled for the first time. Creek and Floyd start seeing each other in secret.
January 2024: Val publicly comes out as nonbinary and is kicked out of Barb’s band, then outs Barb as a nepo baby as revenge. JD tries to sneak back onto stantwt but is doxxed. Floyd tells Branch about his relationship with Creek; Branch is surprisingly fine with it as long as Creek is suffering, and boy does he suffer.
February 2024: A misunderstanding leads everyone to think Branch broke up with Poppy because he’s a gay man. He comes out as a lesbian but is immediately met with vitriol of both the exclusionist and transmisogynistic varieties. Barbtwt have a bone to pick with Hickory but he comes out on top. Clay throws Viva under the bus again but this time she's had enough, and releases an expose video on him and kicks him out of the pod. Viva and Floyd become BFFs.
March 2024: Dating rumours about Smidge and Poppy start, which Smidge does nothing to help. Barb accuses Smidge’s actual boyfriend of being a pedophile, and gets ratio’d. Creek and Floyd go public with their relationship.
June 2024: Guy Diamond gets into controversy after soliciting a camgirl and his family vlog channel goes on hiatus. Clay and Viva get back together, and Viva records revenge porn of him to “keep him in line”.
August 2024: Biggie gets into mild controversy that escalates into cancelation when he responds in character as Mr Dinkles. Clay and Vivas relationship becomes undeniably abusive, but they’re really good at hiding it.
September 2024: Floyd and Creek get married! Satin & Chenille have Velvet on their podcast. Guy Diamond gets cancelled after being outed as Pro-Life. 
15th December 2024: Floyd and Creek have twins, Brad and Angelina [LASTNAME]-[LASTNAME2-.
April 2025: Creek and Floyd drop all pretences of thinking they’re a healthy couple.
12th May 2025: Creek aborts his second egg. They would have been named Shiloh. Floyd is distraught and gets harassed on Twitter again for being Pro-Life.
August 2025: Creek and Floyd divorce.
September 2025: It comes to light that DJ Suki is stealing from her niece CJ.
December 2025: Creek and Floyd get back together. Val stops hiding their racism from twitter and get doxxed by KPop fans. They have to live with their mother.
January 2026: Harper starts drawing Bruce as a transphobic caricature, a skinny feminine twink.
February 2025: Viva stops taking birth control. Branch gets doxxed for the first time (by Cloud Guy). Dante starts stalking Branch.
March 2026: jdtwt find out that JD used to have a thing with Delta Dawn, and harass her a bit. The two get back in touch, and Delta tells JD that they actually had a kid together (Holly Darling). JD is thrilled about being a dad. Holly is initially apprehensive but eventually comes around. JD gives Delta Cooties (it’s okay, there’s a cure). Sky Toronto buys Twitter.Crimp gets run off the internet for uncomfortable roleplay with Tiny Diamond (pretending to be 14). Velvet gets cancelled for workplace abuse. Smidge starts queerbaiting by selling merch of referencing her and Poppy’s fake relationship.
April 2026: Tiny Diamond reveals he is not actually 14, he is physically 3 years old (but for our purposes he is functionally 9 because Trolls age weird). He loses all his OOMFs (CJ, Preiscilla, Keith (all approx 13)) and has his account suspended. Branch gets really jealous over Smidge and publicly shittalks her. He and Poppy “get back together” but set the “boundary” that any smutfic about either of them can only be Broppy (obviously not everyone follows this rule).
May 2026: Cloud Guy leaks Smidge’s miscarriage after being paid off by Barbtwt. Branch gets doxxed for the third time. Poppy demands Sky Toronto take action so he permabans Cloud Guy’s IP. Cloud Guy goes to live with his parents.
June 2026: Gust Tumbleweed is violently homophobic to Synth during an LGBT charity event, but faces no consequences because he starts flirting with his fellow straight male friends again. Poppy gets sick of Dante stalking Branch so she prepares to take matters into her own hands. Holly Darlin starts selling snake oil, from the same company that supplies for Satin & Chenille. Holly and Satin start dating.
July 2026: Satin & Chenille (both Creek’s exes) are invited to the Floyd and Creek household for dinner to ‘bury the hatchet’, where they witness blackmailable activities and force them both to come on their podcast and embarrass themselves (mostly Floyd).
August 2026: Demo falls in love with Gust after being flirted with for several months, breaks up with his current girlfriend (DJ Suki) and gets very VERY aggressively turned down by Gust. Dante sends a glitter bomb to Branch’s pod, so Poppy beats him up, but Dante calls the cops on her and she faces legal trouble. Harper starts drawing Creek as a trans man, even though Creek is a cis man, because she felt like it. It catches on. Biggie gets cancelled for something unspecified but really, really bad.
September 2026: Guy Diamond faces controversy for thinking Troll babies sleeping in beds causes Autism, which he got from Creek, who he used to date and is now interested in again. Clay starts nearing his brink wrt Viva and stays with JD for a bit. Viva finds an egg in her hair, which she soon loses (19th). Cloud Guy kills himself. Biggie overdoses while playing Overwatch. Veneer gets hit by a bus.
October 2026: Sky Toronto and Nova Swift get divorced (she leaves him for a trans Troll). Branch and Poppy get an egg, and Viva is the first they tell, so she manipulates them into thinking they’d be awful parents and she can take care of it for them. Viva uses the egg to convince Clay to come home.
31st October 2026: The egg Viva stole from Branch and Poppy hatches. Their name is Ha’Penny Hatch. Since the kid looks nothing like either “parents”, Clay figures that Viva cheated on him and finally goes grey.
November 2026: Harper deletes all her socials when her proship side account is found. Gust tricks Demo into thinking his feelings are finally returned, only to crush his heart again publicly during a subathon.
December 2026: BrozoneRonpa resurfaces. Branch accidentally says something offensive about Guy Diamond publicly, and Guy capitalises on the potential controversy, which leads to intense Guy VS Floyd beef (they are both interested in the same man (only Floyd is married to him). Nova Swift moves to Mount Rageous, leaving S&C in need of a podcast producer, and Fuzzbert is their only hope but expects a big paycheck.
January 2027: Guy Diamond reveals that Tiny Diamond is actually Creek’s son. Floyd goes to stay with Branch. Bruce finds out the real reason Clay went grey and his immediate plan is to fake Clay’s suicide and take him with him to Vacay Island. JD, Viva and Penny are the only members of Clay’s immediate family who don’t know he’s still alive. Clay’s funeral is livestreamed on Twitch. Holly Darlin’s newly rekindled relationship with her dad is halted in its infancy. 
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batbabydamian · 9 months
Batman and Robin (2023) #1 is out!! 🦇💕
Spoilers and lots of rambling below
Loved hopping in mid-mission with Bruce and Damian banter - the first issues of Damian's B&R 2009 and 2011 runs have Batman and Robin’s relationship on a rocky start, so it’s a refreshing change!
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Bruce rhyming with the pause like he’s really thinking about it LOL he's having fun!!
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"You roll your eyes just like your mother" SO CUUTE!! a nice way of relating Damian to Talia in a habit haha (would also be neat if Damian had some of his mom's physical features heehee...haha...) Also "it's just us here for a bit." Would anyone else from the batfam be staying there in the future? 🤔
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OKAY really want to delve into Damian cutting Bruce off here, since we're mostly in Bruce's POV atm.
Bruce saying that he's happy Damian chose to live with him seems to impose the idea Damian chose Bruce over Talia. From how Bruce thought Talia should "never claim Damian" i don't think that's something Damian wants to hear, especially after Damian already chose not to be on either of his parent's side!!
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Batman VS Robin (2022) #4
In the end of his Robin book, Damian says he's still figuring out who he is, so i'm wondering if he's conflicted about losing that independence of being able to carve a path of his own now that he's with Bruce again. Either way, Damian's (VERY CUTE!!) self insert AU story gives us a glimpse of his concerns about his parents and not getting to be a teenager 🥺
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Damian quoting Alfred and probably cooking something he used to make for him?? i'm crying
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Detective Comics (2016) Annual #4
We've really gone from Damian just leaving a reminder for Bruce to restock the fridge to Damian cooking breakfast for the both of them 🥺
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THIS IS MY FAV PANEL IN THIS ENTIRE ISSUE LOL fav just eating well, cheeks full of food, so cute!! and Damian sounds like he's referring to when Bruce enrolled him to the school in Metropolis lol Though Bruce's reason was also to benefit Damian, he's better communicating that this time!
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Super Sons (2017) #10
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LOVE DAMIAN'S ROBIN MOBILE!! glad he's moved on from the batmobile and just got his own - it's very much the opposite too in how it's bright, open, and bulky where the batmobile's dark and sleek!
The last part of the issue showcases Di Meo's action! i was pretty worried about it, because when i first saw his interiors for DC VS Vampires (2021) i barely understood what was happening im so sorry sir 😭 Honestly, it was still jarring but much better! HUGE shoutout to their Letterer Steve Wands, because the SFX and dialogue placement improved the flow a lot!
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Final thoughts: GORGEOUS ART, FUN WRITING, I LOVE DAMIAN!! i'm analyzing way too much but i'm just so happy to have an ongoing with Damian again (with a writer that actually! likes him!) 😭
My hopes are we get those fun stylized panels of Damian's art/comics where we get insight on his headspace similar to the shoujo panels from Robin!! Reunion of Damian and his pets!! And it's still early, but still holding out for Williamson to keep to his word on this!! 👀
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𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸
"𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯"
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彡 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 彡
✦ 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 ✦
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : you chose to be perilous at the person that you only just met.....or is it?
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : keeping it very simple as I can
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : 18+ Knight!Eddie Munson x Princess!FEM x reader, language, use of Y/N, reader and Eddie are both (21), Henry is (30+), Jason (*gags* I know- sorry), age gap, reader will draw bl00d but not (g0re), Enzo! reoccurring :)), old family friends reunion, Jason calling reader a b*tch and slight physical abuse, vi0lence, manipulation, mentions of corpses, binding reader wrists with a rope
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 : finally! some slight fluff, of course, the angst will never left lol, set in 17th century, dark fantasy, romance, action, upside down exists in this, almost revealing everything of the lost memory that Eddie had 👀
𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 : I'm so sorry for the long wait! I got sick and there's been so many life happenings but I'm back! I hope y'all staying hydrated 🥺🫶🏻
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 : wow, even just a little support on to this series, I tried to post a few parts to test it to see if the crowd will like it and honestly, omg, I'm a bit surprised and literally so grateful for the feedback that I'm receiving and YOU GUYS! the reblogs, the likes and the comments really helped a lot! 😭❣️
"Have you found her yet?"
"No, sign of her, your eminence"
"Then don't stop until you find her!" Henry points at the door, the light from the fireplace adds the flame that's going on behind his eyes
The knight bows and walks away, the receding footsteps echoes as Jason taunts him
"Jason, will you just leave me at peace"
"I think I saw a familiar face today" Jason places his foot onto the table as he leans down on his chair, your father's chair
Henry blinks as he thinks for a moment
"Who is it?"
"I didn't get the chance to ask for his name, but I think and I'm very certain that he is the boy that we took from-"
"That's right, him"
"What about him?"
He shrugs as he says "Nothing is just I can feel that he will interfere with our plan soon"
Henry hums as he bites to the apple
"He probably doesn't remember anything since you erased his memories, right?"
He stopped chewing as he glares at Jason, "I'm not proud of it and you know it"
"Don't be such a wussy, Henry, we have to make hard sacrifices to fulfill our plan for this world"
He doesn't want to talk about this, he wants you on his side
"You know, you're not like this before when we entered this kingdom, ever since she swiftly walks into your sight- you're pretending to be like what?!?-" Jason makes a mockery of batting his eyelashes at him
"Like you didn't do shit?!? You're not a bad person?!? Don't fucking wash your hands on me and make yourself a change person, Henry, you're messed up since the beginning" Jason punctuates his every point with his finger
"I didn't asked for this, Jason!" Henry now ignores the apple that he's eating earlier, he lost his appetite
"I don't want this, I-I wanted to change!-" Henry can feel himself break for wanting to feel seen
"You can't change when it's already been done, don't you get it?!? You can't fucking have her just admit!" Jason shoots back as he sighs in exasperation
"Do you think she'll forgive you- if she finds out that you what?!? Killed half of the population of her damn country?!? Jason squints his eyes on him as Henry stood up and freezes on the spot
He starts walking as he halted for a second to look at Jason
"Say all you want but I'm not gonna stop until I find her"
Jason scoffs as he muttered words to himself
"I'm just protecting him and well- fuck it- he'll be sooooo devastated when finally got his heart broke" he says as he drank his last ounce of rum
You, Eddie, Jeff and Gareth have been bonded for over a month already and it's almost like you forgotten that you're hiding for a reason
Gareth grew on you, he's not mean to you anymore but still as a dear friend to Eddie- he'll destroy you if you do anything shitty to him
But Eddie is Eddie, he is so headstrong to his belief's and whatever Gareth tries to tell him not to give in to you easily, he always fails
There's nothing that he can do about that but to cave in as well
You will not betray them all, will you?
"Jeff! That's not funny!" You exclaimed as you try to chase him but he always moves away faster than you
He's teasing you about you became so enamored by Eddie at the first place
Of course, Jeff, always and he will never miss it
The way you looked at each other? He already knew
"It's the truth, right? Why would you be infuriated with me if it's the truth?"
"Because, what?"
You sighed as you lift your shoulders "It's ridiculous to even talk about this!"
He beat you again as he runs at the other corner "Why would it be ridiculous?"
You groaned "God- I'm tired, Jeff" you say it with a soft chuckle
He tug a small smile as he stands beside you
"Hey, uh- just to be clear, princess-"
"Please, stop with the formality"
He chuckles "Alright, Y/N"
"Much better"
"You're the light that he needs, you know? I mean- Eddie will never lose his faith on everything, I guarantee you that, is just that you added more to never make him give up" Jeff carefully speaks as he looked from his behind as he saw Eddie and Gareth are both walking together to catch up with you two
Your feelings are not important at the moment and now- Jeff saying this to you
Didn't helped
"Why are you saying this, Jeff?"
"You should look out for yourself too, you deserve to be happy"
It warms your heart to have a friend like him "That's nice of you to say, um- thank you" he saw the gleam in your eyes that falters slightly as he creased his brows for a bit as you spoke
"I know, but not right now since everything is heated up and I just don't want to use my feelings to stay away from the real problem"
He understands your decision and he's glad that you're aware of the obvious tension that you both Eddie had "Your father raised you, right, Y/N"
You giggled "Yeah, he did" you nod
"I picked some firewood!" Gareth speaks as he crossed your path from where you and Jeff been standing
"Yes! I'm so famished" you say as you held your stomach
"Yes, Eddie?"
"Would you care to have a walk with me?"
"I will take that offer gladly"
You both start walking together as you glanced at Jeff who is already smiling as he looks away and starts helping Gareth
You're living with them for a month and you already knew some of their traits and you can point them out clearly
You can tell Eddie is nervous
You've seen him nervous but never like this
"What is it, Eddie?" You stopped him by holding both of his shoulders
The moment he looks straight on your eyes, he can't stand still
Your eyes, my god- it's like you're from a hazy memory that he really tries to remember but he couldn't
Your touches isn't foreign to him, he trusts you with all his heart and soul, he knows that you're aren't a stranger to him
The memory that he had before? He wants it so badly
The only chilly thing that sends to his spine, it's either he knew you as a friend or an enemy
But, he just doesn't feel anything, not a single thing that he can point out that is bad to you
That's why he is so sure that you are nothing but a straightforward and most trusting person ever
He took a sharp breath "It's been a month and I feel so guilty not telling you anything"
"About what?"
"About me"
You're both sitting together at the boulder and Eddie is now carving random woods
When he is carving random woods at the ground with that furrowed look on his face
There is something, something that he should talk about
You reach his hand and looked at you with those chocolate hues on his eyes
"Eddie, you don't have to tell me anything if you're not ready"
He doesn't replied to your remark, it looked like he wants to listen, so you keep going
"Just because I'm here with you for a while, it's not my place to like that you should tell me everything right away, you know?"
He nods as he ducks his head down
"Unless, you want to talk about it?"
He takes a deep breath as looked back at you "No" he says as he shook his head
"That's okay, you don't have to stress yourself-"
"I just want you to trust me"
The look you gave him it looked like you we're saying "Have you lost your mind?!"
"Eddie, you've earned it in the first place, the day you saved me and the way you genuinely let me stay at your place, that's enough" you say to him as you hold his hand tighter for reassurance
"You don't have to prove yourself to me" you added as you smile
"Because you already proven that you're kind enough to trust"
That comment alone, eases his mind, the thought that is ruining him right now finally flushes deep elsewhere
"You two, there you are! Dinner is ready, guys" Gareth voice snapped the both of you back into reality as you both walked back at the house
"This flavor is really excellent" you say as you munch down the chicken
"Give your compliments at the chef" Jeff nudges his chin towards, Gareth
Gareth dramatically bows at you as all of you laughed to his action
"The vegetables are nicely blanched" Eddie says as he chows down a piece of broccoli onto his mouth
You watch the three men do silly things with each other as the dinner goes filled with lots of bickering and laughing
"I want all of you back in my palace"
They've never swing their heads at you that fast
"Pardon?" Jeff leans forward closer to you as you chuckled
"I said, I want all of you to live in my palace!"
"You're fucking with us, right?" Gareth swallows his mashed potato as he looked over at Eddie who is well....
He looked like his soul left his body and wouldn't budge for a minute
They all cheered as Gareth says
"Wait- The fact that I am friend's with the royal!-"
"Hey, I could be mean if I wanted to" you say with a serious tone
"You don't want her to be like that, Gareth, I've been there and it's not a very good picture" Eddie took a sip from his rum as he glanced at Jeff
"Yeah, it's a terror situation!" Jeff nods along with Eddie
You crossed your arms in front of Gareth as he furrows his brows
"You didn't liked me at first, right?" You lean forward, an intimidated Gareth gulped
He quickly goes to explain himself as his two friends start sniggering at each other
"No! I liked you- now"
"Because you found out that I was a princess?"
"What? No!-"
"You're so awful to me, there's so many ways that I could punish you for being so disrespectful to me"
"Like.... What?"
Gareth exclaims so loudly that you can swear that the roof comes off and his voice wooshes it's way out of it
You, Eddie and Jeff start laughing hardly as Gareth now very looking grumpy
"You should stop taking things very seriously" Eddie points at him as he can't stop laughing
Jeff still wheezes as he looks back at Gareth with that look
Meanwhile, you, looked so smug
"For your information, you grew on me because you didn't do anything to piss me off"
"Like what, exactly?"
"For betraying us"
You nod with a fond smile on your face
"Maybe, it's because- it didn't happen yet or I'm just delusional" Gareth mumbled more words to himself as he collects the plates
Jeff throws a piece of bread at Gareth who smoothly dodges it "Do you think people will finally accept us?" he turns his head around at Eddie as he asks a question
You tilt your head at Jeff because what?!?
Is this what Eddie is trying to tell you?
This is what Eddie doesn't want sometimes, facing the facts but it will always haunts him
"I don't know, man, I wish they'll hear us or give us a chance to speak for ourselves, maybe that day or I hope it will come sooner or later" he gave him a small smile as he stands up and goes outside for a bit
"What is that all about?" you said as you tried to at Jeff who is avoiding your gaze
Jeff opens his mouth to say something but closes it, hesitating as he looks at Gareth who is already drying his hands with a towel, he nods at him
"Eddie, doesn't like to talk about it"
"About what?"
"How he got himself ended up here" Gareth sats down across the table
You blink at them, you think your words very carefully
"What happened?"
"We don't know" Gareth sighs as he wipes the table
"What do you mean?"
"Y/N- he doesn't remember anything what happened to him, the only thing that he can remembers is that he has someone like a family member but somehow he can't pick it up to who it is and I know there's more to the story but that's all he can say for now, so, you gotta have to forgive him, if he's so defensive when it comes to this and he has always been rejected by the public, I mean- your people" Jeff explains as you processing everything
Your eyes flashes with empathy as you finally understand Eddie's guilt
"He was false allegedly accused in black magic, Y/N" Gareth speaks as he rest his arm around the chair
Why is that sounds so familiar? your mind went blank as you try to catch the memory that is coming to you
"Including the both of us, Me and Jeff, we knew that he's loyal to what he fights for, so, we helped him and here we are"
"I swear- if I find out who done this to us, I'm gonna annihilate whoever it was"
"Let's not be too hasty, Gareth"
You feel like your heart might burst any second, when you finally remembered the last important information about your life
"I-I think I knew Eddie" your eyes became glossy as you smiled a little
Jeff and Gareth whip their heads at you, the surprised expressions from their face, you can't miss it
"Who are you?" A very deep hoarse voice that's going on outside
You, Jeff and Gareth got wicked at the voice of a stranger as all of you sprint outside
"Don't! I got this" Eddie has himself pinned against the wall, the older man threatens to attack him with a dagger
"Please- drop the dagger, we can talk about this" Jeff walks slowly, proceeding with caution
"Stop this!" Gareth yelled, upset when the estranged man didn't care to look at him for once
If you don't look hard enough, you won't recognize the person
You gasp to yourself as you cupped your mouth
He follows your voice, turns his head around and there you are
You could hear him breathing heavily almost like it's unbelievable that you're standing there
"Y/N? Are you real?" He knits his brows together, he is still wearing the same uniform that your father once wore
"Yes, I am- please drop the dagger, they're my friends" you reason with him with pleading eyes
He blinks through the rage from the state he was in before as he backs away from Eddie who is gasping for air as he sats down on the ground
You checked on him to make sure if he was okay, he nods weakly as he watches the person that you claimed, you knew
He's your family's most skilled general, your father, Jim- became one of the greatest duos in history because of how they manage to do anything against war and collision
They prioritize of what the people need, they focus on the weak low points of the kingdom before putting themselves first
You didn't know all of it but you're aware of many enemies that your father Jim had because of his selfless acts
Your eyes welled in happiness as you can't help but to embrace him
"I'm sorry, it's been a while since I saw a real living person"
"It's okay"
"Enzo, are you with my father? Where is he? What happened to him?"
Jeff gave him a glass of water and a plate of dinner, he mutters a small thank you
"To all of violence in my life, Y/N- this- has got to be inhumane of it all"
You brace yourself for his outlandish words
"We fought together, we tried to escape but whatever we do, we always failed- you know- I thought I could never make it out alive" he holds back the tears on his eyes as you rest your hand on his shoulder
"The last time that I ever laid eyes on your father, he was taken by the guards forcefully"
Your friends are watching you and Enzo from afar in the firepit, warming their hands as they observe your conversation
Suddenly, you felt like you slipped off the hope that you're holding onto if your father was still alive
"And then I never saw him again, I'm so sorry, Y/N"
You sniffle as you flash him a sad smile as you stood up and move away a little
Enzo sighs wishing he could do something more or even better than this
But, no, that's the truth- he tried everything to save his dear friend
Eddie saw you standing so still, alone
He wonders if you wanted to be alone but when you turn your head sideways slightly it's like an permission that you wanted a company
When he stands beside you, you shakily wipe your tears from your face, you don't want to him to see you like this
"I don't know where my father is, Eddie" you try to lighten up the mood as you chuckled dryly
"God, I'm so rude- I didn't properly introduce him to you, he's Enzo, my father's general and a close friend"
He nods as he places his palm on your shoulder "It's alright, Y/N"
Despite, having your thoughts fogging from the heartaches that you felt from the past couple of years
Eddie, has a right to know who he is
You clear your throat and look at him directly "Eddie, please listen to me carefully"
"What is it?"
"I think I know who you are"
He places his hand over his chest and swallowed "You knew me?"
You nod aggressively "Yes-" you got cut off
"There you are you little frigid bitch!" Jason's voice startles the rest of you
Eddie wraps his arms around you as you move closer to him
Jeff, Gareth, and Enzo got themselves ready to fight as they walk towards as the castle's guards surrounded you
"Oh- fuck me! Enzo!" Jason grins at the sight of the most respected general whose face scowled directly at him
"You exiled me!" Enzo walks closer to Jason with a look that could kill him instantly but the guards stopped him from holding him off
"What- You did what?!?" Your voice raises out of anger as you eye him with shooting daggers
"We didn't need him anyways" Jason trashes the place with throwing rocks at the house
Making Eddie, Jeff and Gareth furious
"You have no right to do that, Jason"
"I think I do, I think I do have the right to have you back in the palace, young lady!" Jason almost hit to hurt you but Eddie beats him to it covering you with his figure
"Henry needs you" Jason adds, you peek over at the side as you exclaimed
"Why does he need me?!?"
"You should ask him that"
"I don't want to go back in there, you wanted to kill me!"
Enzo looked at your way with your eyes mixing with fear and blazing eyes as he became enraged of what he just heard
"You're so way out of line, Jason" Enzo grunts as he tried to let go from the grip that the guards his holding onto him now
"Why don't you just fuck off?" Eddie has reached its limit, he had enough of this man
Jason laughs in disbelief as he leans forward and you shudder under his tone
"I can execute you for lying, you piece of shit, I knew you we're hiding her!"
Eddie held you tightly behind his back as you wince at Jason's voice
"The way you deliberately disobeyed the rules, outsiders are not meant to be in your world, especially her" Jason pushes him making you stumble from the back as your eyes widened
Jeff and Gareth can't help but to start fighting the guards and making Enzo start kicking and joining the fight
The swords are clashing, the armor is clanking, the shouts from the fight rummaging in your brain
You shut your eyes as you can hear your father's voice from the lessons he taught you
"Y/N, my daughter, being a risk taker- it's about having the guts to trusting your own voice, you set your mind to face consequences and being able to handle it on your own makes you the best ruler of the kingdom"
"So, if you ever you put yourself in that situation, don't be afraid to take a step forward and prove to everyone that they're wrong and don't make anyone else cloud your judgement"
You picked up your sword and impede on Eddie and Jason's fight as you slashed your sword in the middle
Eddie has never seen you this determined and almost forgot that you're so skillful swordswoman
You defeated Jason by making him drop his sword on the ground and start aiming at him
From your action, everyone stopped at what they're doing as they watch you
"You're a making a big mistake, princess"
"I am certainly not"
"You mustn't defend the wrong person, you didn't even know who he is- still haven't remembered anything do you?" He makes a teasing look at Eddie as he furrow his eyebrows in confusion
No, it's a bad move, if you admitted that you knew Eddie, so, you didn't say anything this time
"Why do I get the feeling that you already told him?"
"Just shush your mouth and walk away, Jason"
"The only half of it, you knew, huh?" Jason smirks and it's making your head crack open to his assholeness
Jason fastly grabs his sword and goes to attack Eddie only to be stopped when you block his way
"I am warning you!"
"You gotta be shitting me! This fucking man that you're defending, he's practicing black magic didn't you even think for once that he might be the cause to all of this?!?"
Eddie clenches his fists and a flash of hurt in his eyes that this will be the end of preparing himself for a long time
That Gareth was right all along
But, still he won't drop it, he is certain that he is right about you
"You also know that's a false accusation, Jason, there's no proof"
"Right, discovering dead babies and children from his home doesn't count, huh?"
"Someone else planted them!" Eddie exclaims as he meets your eyes, he thought he'll see something else but no- your eyes didn't falter
You trust him
Jason raises his sword wanting to stab Eddie with it but instead you make him drop his sword for the second time
Making Jason alarmed by your defiance
"There's one thing you didn't know about me, Jason is that when I believe someone is truly innocent- I'll fight no matter what it takes" you paused
"I believe in justice" you say as you move backwards
When he tries to move, you aim your sword back at him
"You want me alive back there, do you?"
Jason didn't want to to nod but he did
You replaced your sword with a dagger as you show it to everyone your arm
Enzo knew what you're doing, despite, the situation being tricky, he is somewhat proud of you for standing up what is right
You did exactly what your father did before
Jeff, Gareth and Eddie almost dropping their eyeballs when you cut your arm making a fresh new wound
Eddie looked at your eyes quickly and you didn't even flinched at the horrifying thing that you just did
Your arms is now dripping in blood making the rest of the guards bow at you
"You gotta have to kill me first, before you get to Eddie"
"Woah- slow down, alright" Jason felt so fucking stupid that you won
One of the guards bind your hands with a rope as you came along with them
"Wait- No! Y/N-"
Your eyes went softer when you looked at him as if you weren't so tough back then
"I'll be fine, Eddie"
"But what about.... Henry?"
You know what he's talking about, you're supposed to get married to him but you won't let it happen, not on your watch
"I will turn it down like I always do, Eddie"
His eyes are begging for you to stay but he can't do anything right now
"Take care of yourself" you say softly as the guards nudge you to move
You turn your head at him
"Thank you"
You smile sweetly "It's the least thing that I could do to help you, goodbye for now"
For now? What does that mean?
You want to see him again? He hopes so
They all watch you walk away from the place as you entered the portal outside
"Boy, when she spills blood on you, she is serious" Enzo pats behind Eddie's back comforting him
"If they lay a finger on her, I'm gonna squeeze all of their insides to a pulp" Gareth grumbles as he looks over at Jeff who agrees with him
"What do you think they'll do to her?" Jeff is worried about your well-being, the last time he wants to see is you being scared and he doesn't like that
"I'm going to save her" Eddie as he narrows his eyes at Jason who is waving at him annoyingly
"I'm with you, I ain't going to let this place ruled by these people" Enzo says as he removes the dirt from his boots
"It's oath that we agreed upon the first meeting, we swear on our life to protect her even in the face of danger" Jeff adds as he waits for Gareth
"We've been on this mess for too long, it's time for us to fight, to the death" Gareth turns his back and starts packing Jeff and Enzo tailing at him
"Y/N, just hold on, we'll get you" Eddie speaks to himself as he looked up at the sky
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captain039 · 11 months
PART 5 Playing with fire
Alpha!Kylo Ren x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, sexual, jealousy, slow burn, eventual smut, anger issues, swearing, harassment, needle usage, drug usage, dark themes
Am I drawing what I think he’d look like after years of being supreme leader, yes, yes I am
Previous part <-
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Maker you were so dead, So dead! You just slapped him, the supreme leader. You locked your door like that would help and braced for an angry alpha barging through the door. After ten minutes thought you slowly sat down and your heart rate slowed. After an hour you thought maybe you were safe and sent a message to Leo to come to your room. The beta appeared quickly and you dragged him inside and locked the door again.
“Well then” he said chuckling nervously.
“I’m going to die” you said and he frowned.
“Why are you going die?” He asked.
“I just slapped the supreme leader!” You hissed and his face fell.
“You’re going to die” he said and you fake sobbed.
“Why the sith hells did you slap him?!” Leo hissed and you sat down.
“He said I wouldn’t be there when my grandma died! She’s getting worse” you whispered and his face saddened.
“Reasonable slap, how is she?” He asked sitting across from you.
“I don’t know, they haven’t called in a few days, my dad just messaged how are you” you sagged.
“I’m sorry” Leo said and you leant against the table.
“Maker I’m stupid! I should have never of left!” You growled annoyed.
“You did it for your family though, your grandma will be able to receive medical help!” Leo tried to comfort, but it didn’t help.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Fine I’ve got different suppressants” you said blankly.
Work went as normal, you didn’t see the supreme leader for a few days and finally heard back from your family. Your grandma was in one of the healers houses where they were, she wasn’t getting any better. Your mum and you had a one on one conversation, mostly tears, but you cleared some things. Your sister was another story, you had missed her presentation, an alpha, you guessed it. Apparently she’d been so happy.
You were walking to your office again, keeping to the side as always before you found your office. You opened the door only to frown when you saw no one till a scent hit you. The supreme leader appeared and you gulped as he gestured for you to come in. The door slid shut behind you and you thought, this is where you die.
“I have arranged a ship for you to go see your family” he said and you stared confused. You probably looked stupid with your mouth slightly open.
“What?” You said and he sighed annoyed.
“I have-“ he went to repeat, but you interrupted him.
“I know what you said, I mean why?” You said and he huffed.
“Take it or don’t, the ship leaves in three hours” he handed you a piece of paper and you frowned before he brushed past and left. You saw the time and destination, you probably needed to give it to the pilot, It had a five day departure.
You showed Leo and Brax before you began packing, you sent your family a message too. Though this was probably exile for slapping him. You didn’t care, you got to see your family. The ride there was sickening you hated flying. You arrived within the hour and nerves grew. Your ship landed and you got off, you looked around before you heard your name. You saw your parents and sister and smiled as you ran up to them. You hugged your mum tightly, your dad joining. You let them go before turning to your sister, she didn’t seem happy, but her eyes watered as you opened your arms and she hugged you. After the reunion your dad and mum showed you the new house, it was fancy, fancier than anything you’d seen in the old village. They set up a room for you, you unpacked your things before sitting down with them. You sat awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact.
“I know we talked…” your mum began sighing.
“Why though?” She said voice breaking and you tensed.
“This” you gestured to the house.
“Lana’s in school, you have medical access, access to everything really” you said.
“I felt like a failure” you admitted saddening.
“Honey” your mum said tears down her cheeks.
“I did, I couldn’t do anything for this family, my heats were getting worse, I didn’t want to tell you, medicine was too expensive I couldn’t quit my job either, but it didn’t pay enough” you explained.
“I have medical access, I have new friends, work I’m good at and can provide for you guys” you added wiping your eyes.
“How did you get here?” Your dad asked and you laughed nervously making him frown.
“I think this is exile?” You said and your mother gasped.
“No! No I-“ you sighed.
“The supreme leader and I have had some meetings, I may have or may not have slapped him?” You winced and your mum went pale.
“I’m alive! I swear! He said something horrible!” You explained, but didn’t seem to help.
“Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?” Your dad asked gulping and you nodded.
“He told me to come here for five days” you shrugged and your parents looked skeptical.
After your talk with your parents you went to your sisters room and knocked. She was playing around on a data pad when you entered.
“Hey” you said awkwardly and she sat up turning off the data pad.
“Hey” she shrugged.
“I know we haven’t talked much” you said grabbing the desk chair and sitting as her face went stern.
“It’s my fault I know” you added.
“But I did it for you” you said softly and she sighed.
“I’m thankful for what you did, you got me into school, all these things, but you left me” she scoffed and your heart clenched.
“You left without a goodbye just a note?” She said sternly eyes avoiding yours.
“I know” you said sadly.
“I shouldn’t have left the way I did and I’m sorry for that” you said and she sighed.
“I’m glad you’re ok” she said after some silence and you smiled.
“I slapped the supreme leader” you said and her mouth went open as you smiled. Her stern face cracked into a grin and you both laughed.
It was nice to have a home cooked dinner with your family, it felt like nothing had changed.
You were exhausted from everything and went to bed early. You unpacked more of your things, grabbing your suppressants before something hummed in your mind. You groaned a bit closing your eyes before opening them. A scream went to leave your lips as you saw the supreme leader. You held your hand over your mouth and wondered what in sith hells was going on.
“Enjoying your reunion?” He asked and you stared baffled.
“How? What are-?” You stuttered.
“I am the supreme leader” he stated unamused.
“I know” you muttered.
“Why’re you checking on me” you asked.
“So it is true” he said looking to the vile in your hands. You froze quickly hiding it like it’d make a difference. Your body tensed and you gulped at his stare before he hummed.
“Five days” he said and disappeared. You groaned a bit and let out a breath and glanced around the room, what the hell?
Next part ->
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Here's To The Future - Part 6: Reunion
Summary: The war’s over. That should be cause for celebration, except the wrong side won. Things begin to change quickly, and it doesn’t take long for Midnight to realize something’s not right among the clone army. She should be glad the war is over, but the threat of her losing her boys is all too real. She did swear she would do everything she could to keep them from being separated when the war ended.
She’s not going to give up on that promise. Even if it kills her.
Pairing: The Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest)
Warnings: ANGST, violence, slight injuries, ANGST, Crosshair being a dick, Hunter being an asshole, ANGST, inhibitor chips, light medical stuff, oh and ANGST
A/N: I was gonna wait to post this until tomorrow, but I got too excited and have to post it now. This is it, the big moment. The part where things really change. This is really where the canon divergence begins to take place. Is it improbable? Yeah. But the whole point of Fanfiction is to make the improbable, probable. So here. Enjoy.
Also I need to stop making Hunter such an asshole.
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“Whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t.” 
Midnight doesn’t turn around, keeping her gaze at the half buried starfighter she’d discovered. “I wasn’t thinking of anything.” 
“You’re a terrible liar.” Hunter says, coming to stand next to her. 
“No, you’re just impossible to lie to.” 
“Midnight,” He sighs, turning to face her. “It’s not worth it.” 
“Why not?” She turns on him in disbelief. “We know what it is. We know how to fix it now, and we have a place to fix it. This is the only chance we have.” 
“And how do you plan on doing it?” Hunter asks, getting visibly angry. 
“Draw him out.” Midnight says, looking back at the starfighter. “Get him here. Then get him inside and remove the chip.” 
“We can’t risk drawing half the Imperial Army here.” Hunter argues. “Not with Omega.” 
“That’s why you’ll be long gone before I get back.” Midnight says. “If it works, I know where to find you.” 
“And if it doesn’t? When Crosshair shoots you on sight, then what?” 
“He won’t.” Midnight pushes. “He could have killed me. He could have shot me in the head or in the back on Kamino, but he didn’t. He shot me in the leg. Why? Why wouldn’t he take the shot, unless he’s still in there deep down? Hunter, I have to.” 
“What about us?” He steps closer to her. “What about your promise to Omega? Do we mean so little to you?” 
Tears prick her eyes at his words. “You mean everything to me. You know that. But he does too. I won’t accept that he’s gone for good. I have to try.” 
“What you’re thinking of doing is impossible.” Hunter says. “You’re going to get yourself killed.” 
“He’s right, you know.” Tech says, walking up to them. “The chances of your plan succeeding are very low. For starters, you can’t even be sure Crosshair will be the one sent after you. Then you have to figure out how you’re going to get him inside the ship. He won’t just follow you blindly.” 
“Midnight, why can’t you just let him go?” Hunter asks. 
“How can you let him go?” She counters, shoving his shoulder. “He’s your brother. He’s part of this family too.” 
Before he can respond, their comms beep, Echo’s voice coming through. 
“Hunter, Tech, we were spotted by scrappers.”
“Wrecker’s in pursuit. He says he has it under control.” Omega says. 
“That’s not comforting.” Tech says. 
“Echo, get a visual.” Hunter says. 
“I’m on it.” 
It takes nearly all afternoon to gather the bodies of the scrappers that had been watching them. Wrecker carries in the last one, adding him to the pile of cuffed scrappers. 
“Rex warned us about the scrapper patrols on Bracca.” Echo says. “We should leave.” 
“In our present situation, we need money.” Hunter argues. “And we have a chance to make a lot of it right here.” 
“Ha! In this dump? How?” Wrecker asks. 
“Tech, what’s the potential haul inside this cruiser?” Hunter asks. 
“My scans indicate the armory and artillery bay have not been fully off-loaded. The dianoga must have kept the scrapers away.” 
“Just a few of those weapons should clear our debt with Cid.” Hunter says. 
“We’re soldiers, not arms smugglers.” Echo argues. 
“There’s no Republic for us to rely on anymore.” Hunter says. “We’re presented with an opportunity here. We have to take it.” 
“I would also add that the intel from the bridge’s central system has the potential to be worth far more than any weapon.” Tech says as Hunter puts on his helmet. 
“Not to me.” Wrecker scoffs. 
“Tech, get to the bridge.” Hunter says. “Get the power online and whatever intel you can gather.” 
“Uh, what do we do about them?” Omega asks, motioning to the scrappers. 
“We’ll grab what we need and be gone before they even wake up.” Hunter says. 
“I agree with Echo.” Midnight says. “We don’t know how long they were watching us. What if they alerted the Empire?” 
“We’ll be in and out before then.” Hunter says, a little too confidently. “Besides, I thought your plan was to draw out the Empire.” 
“Not like this.” She shoves his chest as she walks past him. “You don’t have to be a dick.” 
She makes her way back into the cruiser, silently seething as she makes her way to the munitions depot. Hunter is really starting to get on her nerves. Sure, her plan was a bit far-fetched and insane, but it doesn’t involve anyone but her. If the Empire showed up here right now, it would be disastrous. 
But, at the same time, it would be easier if Crosshair came here without having to draw him out. That would remove one step of her plan. 
Wrecker pries the door to the munitions depot open, all of them entering. Midnight shines her torch around, spotting crates stacked haphazardly around the room. She follows Echo, looking through crates of blasters, ammunition, and explosives. The lights suddenly flick on, making her squint in pain. 
“Some warning would have been nice.” She groans, rubbing her eyes. 
The comms beep, Tech’s voice coming through. “The power’s back on.” 
“Yeah, we can see that.” Wrecker says. 
Midnight rounds a stack of crates, finding Wrecker snuggling a proton torpedo. He kisses it, her arms crossing as she stares at him. “I feel like I should be insulted.” 
Tech calls Omega to the bridge, the young clone running off. Hunter and Echo approach them, Hunter pushing a holocart with a crate on it. 
“With a haul like this, Cid will owe us for a change.” Hunter says. 
“If we’d left with Rex, we wouldn’t have to owe Cid at all.” Echo counters. 
“He’s on a different path than us.” Hunter says. 
“Hunter, we’re soldiers. What other path is there?” Echo asks, pushing the cart closer to Wrecker. 
They continue looking through crates, loading up explosives and ammunition.
“Hunter, we’ve got company.” Tech’s voice comes through the comms. 
“Is it more scrappers?” Hunter asks. 
“No, it’s the Empire.” 
They all share a look. 
“Grab the rest of the munitions, then meet us at the bridge.” Hunter says before running out of the depot. 
They finish gathering the weapons, heading through the maze of hallways.
“This is a bad time to say ‘I told you so,’ huh.” Midnight says as they race to meet the others at the bridge. 
“How many troopers are we talking about?” Echo asks as Hunter, Tech and Omega meet them in the hallway. 
“Three attack shuttles worth.” Tech says. 
“We already got what we came for. Let’s get to the Marauder.” Wrecker says. 
“They’re already on board the cruiser. We need a covert way out.” Hunter says. 
“They’ll do a forward-to-aft sweep. We can alternate corridors.” Echo says. “Come on.” 
They head down a hallway, Omega taking Midnight’s hand. Midnight squeezes it gently, keeping the girl close to her as they creep through the quiet hallways. It’s too quiet, even the normal creak of metal she’d gotten used to is absent.
“Talk to me Tech.” Hunter says. 
“I’m trying to tap into the reg’s comms so we can monitor their movements.” Tech says. 
Something bangs in the distance, Hunter motioning for them to stay still as he shines his flashlight down the hallway. 
He shuts off the flashlight. “Someone’s coming.” 
They duck down a hallway, taking cover behind the crates of ammunition. The squad of regs walks right past them, not even bothering to look down the hallway. 
“I’m in.” Tech says, his datapad beginning to chatter busily from the reg’s comms. 
“All squads.” Crosshair’s voice comes through the comm. Of course he’d be here. “Push the targets towards the hangar. We’ll pin them down.” Midnight’s breath catches in her throat. It’s been so long since she’s heard his voice.
“Aren’t we headed to the hangar?” Omega asks. 
“Not anymore. We’ll cut through the artillery deck.” Hunter says. 
They head towards the deck, finding it empty. The decaying roof creaks ominously, like it might drop at any moment. 
Suddenly one of the doors opens, troopers entering. They’ve been caught. Crosshair must have expected their movements. He would be able to. He knows them well. 
“Stand down.” One of the troopers orders. It’s a female voice behind the helmet. She must be a member of the nat-born squad Tarkin had spoken of. The one Midnight was supposed to be a part of. 
Midnight, Omega, and Hunter get caught in the open, the others ducking behind the cannons. Midnight keeps Omega close, her blaster drawn and ready. The door they’d entered in opens, more troopers filing through. Midnight doesn't have to see his face to know who it is in front. She can tell just by looking at him. 
“Tapping our comms to track our movements?” Crosshair says. “So predictable.” 
“Nice to see you too, Crosshair.” Wrecker scoffs, sticking his head out from where he’s hiding behind a cannon. 
“Look at you all, scavenging like rats.” Crosshair sneers. “How pathetic.” 
“Why come after us?” Hunter asks. 
“You’re traitors.” Crosshair answers, motioning for the troops to move. They get closer, tightening their formation around them. 
“Crosshair, wake up.” Hunter says. “You’re being controlled by an inhibitor chip.” 
“He’s telling the truth.” Omega says, stepping forward. “The Kaminoans put chips in all the clones. Remember what I told you in the brig? You can’t help it.” 
Crosshair takes half a step towards Omega, Hunter putting himself in front of her. 
“Aim for the kid.” He says, the troopers lifting their weapons. 
Midnight turns her back to Crosshair, facing the troopers behind them, sticking Omega between her and Hunter. Midnight can’t believe what she’s hearing. Crosshair wouldn’t...would he? Then again, this isn’t Crosshair. It’s his chip and whatever the Empire has done to him. 
“Your issue’s with me, not her.” Hunter says defensively. 
“I suggest you drop your weapon.” Crosshair says, just as the cannon beside them goes off, knocking them to the side. 
Midnight begins firing at the troopers, taking out those in front of her in their surprise. The entire deck shakes as the cannons go off, the roof above them creaking ominously as bits of it begin falling with the force of the cannons. 
The third cannon goes off, the roof dropping. Midnight barely has time to cover herself, ducking out of the way of the falling debris. They use the distraction, running for the door. A trooper blocks their way, firing a flamethrower at them. Wrecker tosses the proton torpedo at the trooper, sending them flying back. 
“Direct hit!” He cheers, and they keep running. 
Except Midnight. 
She stops, turning to look at the rubble. Crosshair is under there somewhere. This is her moment. With them scattered and focusing on the guys, this may be her only chance. With Crosshair out of the equation, their entire chain of command will be in confusion. The guys can get out, get off the planet to safety. 
Maybe she’ll reunite with them eventually.
She turns around, skirting through the debris. She finds him easily, already on his hands and knees. She draws her blaster, pointing it at him. 
“So, you’re the only one brave enough not to run.” He coughs, staring up at her. 
“No. I’m the only one dumb enough to take a chance on you.” Her hand is trembling just a bit. She has to move fast. “I’m sorry.” 
She fires, stunning him. 
She digs the stim shot out of her pouch on her belt, injecting it into her neck. She’s glad she thought about grabbing it just in case. The drug works quickly, pumping adrenaline through her body. She bends down, dragging Crosshair up. She slings his arm around her shoulders, beginning to drag him from the artillery deck. 
He’s heavy, but she won’t give up. Not now. Not with this perfect moment. She won’t get another one.
She fires at the recovering troopers, grunting a bit as she drags the unconscious Crosshair through the halls. Tears prick her eyes as her comm beeps. It had taken them this long to realize she was missing. 
“Midnight, where are you?” Hunter’s stern voice comes through. 
“Go.” She grunts, making her way towards the med bay. “Get out of here. I’ll see you soon.” 
“She’s going after Crosshair.” Hunter growls. “Midnight, give it up and get your ass to the ship.” 
“I’m sorry, Hunter.” She says, leaning against the wall for a second, catching her breath.  “I can’t leave him.”
She shuts her comm off, adjusting her grip around Crosshair before moving forward. 
She fights her way to the med bay, the surgery pod still powered on. She barricades the door, locking them inside. She knows it’s only a matter of time until they regroup and come looking. It won’t take them long to break through once they find where she is. 
She still has to try. 
Her arms are shaking as she lifts Crosshair onto the table, tears already starting to fall. She pulls off his helmet, looking down at his face. It feels like a lifetime since she’s seen him. Many, many times she’d dreamed of him there, right in front of her. Now he is. 
She traces a finger down his cheek, his face looking so relaxed in his unconscious state. 
She can’t stand here forever, though. She needs to get moving. She doesn’t have forever. 
She shoves the emotions and her thoughts aside, letting her fingers do the work as she copies what she had seen Tech do on the console. 
It feels like a lifetime as she waits. She has no idea if this will even work. For all she knows, the Empire did something else to him, something to make him so ruthless. So...evil. She has to try, though. She’s not willing to give up on Crosshair, even when the others are. She’ll fight every last trooper left just for this chance. 
The machine finishes, the bed sliding out. Midnight rushes to his side, putting a hand on his cheek. He’s still warm, still breathing. She shakes him gently, needing him to wake up sooner rather than later. “Crosshair?” 
She grabs an injector from her belt. A bacta shot, one of their last. She injects it into his neck, her fingers shaking. The stim shot is wearing off. She can feel the energy draining. If she has to help carry him out...she’s not sure she can. 
“Crosshair, I’m so sorry.” She whispers, tears dripping onto his armor. “I should never have left you.” 
She doesn’t know if he’ll be changed when he wakes. For all she knows, this was completely useless. For all she knows, he’ll shoot her as soon as he wakes up. 
Something bangs against the door, her heart jumping into her throat. They’ve found her. They’ll shoot her on sight. She has no doubt about that. 
“Crosshair?” She says, listening to the banging at the door. It’s only a matter of time before they break in. 
At least it will have been worth it to see Crosshair one more time. 
His eyes flutter, a groan leaving his lips. She stares down at him, meeting his gaze as his eyes slit open. She cups his face, her breath shaking as she feels him again. It’s been too long. Far too long. 
“Crosshair?” She whispers, staring down into that familiar glare. His hand moves, grabbing the blaster from her belt. It happens quickly, her eyes screwing closed in anticipation. She’s failed. It was all for nothing. 
The blaster rests on her shoulder, the recoil pushing back against the joint. Two shots, the sound loud in her ear. It’s ringing a bit, her skin prickling from the proximity of the shot. 
“You should watch your back, little girl.” 
The words pull a sob from her lips, her arms blindly seeking him out. He’d said those exact words during her first mission with them, when he’d saved her from getting shot in the back by a droid. She buries her face in his neck, his arm wrapping around her. 
“We need to move.” He says, gently pushing her away. “Your stupid decision may have cost us an exit.” 
She wipes the tears, sniffling a bit. “Crosshair...I-I don’t-” 
“Save it.” He snaps, groaning as he pushes himself up from the table. “This won’t be easy.” 
“It never is.” She says, handing him his rifle. 
She slings his arm around her shoulders, glad he can at least keep his feet under him. She leads him from the med bay, stepping over the two bodies in the doorway. She can practically hear Hunter screaming at her, berating her for this, but she’d deal with that later. 
“This way.” He says, directioning her. 
They weave through the hallways, dodging troopers. They turn a corner, Midnight’s blaster drawn. They come face to face with Hunter and the others, Hunter’s blaster pointed right in her face. She takes a breath, letting out a shaky exhale as she drops her blaster to her side. 
“Crosshair.” Hunter says, staring at the trooper leaning against her. 
“I did it.” Midnight breathes, her entire body shaking. “His chip is gone.” 
“We need to keep moving.” Crosshair says, not acknowledging them at all. 
“We can’t trust him.” Hunter says. “He’ll give us away as soon as he gets the chance.” 
“He killed two of them already, Hunter.” Midnight argues. “Why can’t you believe me?” She asks, feeling tears prick her eyes once more. 
“We need to figure out how to get out of here.” Echo says, trying to draw their attention to more pressing matters. 
“They’ll be regrouping.” Crosshair says. “This may be our only chance.” 
“We can’t trust him.” Hunter says, eyes narrowing at Crosshair. 
“Hunter, it worked. His chip is gone.” Midnight says. “You have to trust me.” 
She can feel his stare through his helmet. He’s mad. He’s beyond mad. 
“I can’t.” He says, turning his back on her. 
His words hurt, far deeper than anything he could have done. Tears prick her eyes once more, his words like a knife to her chest. He may as well have stabbed her. 
“We can cut through the engine.” Tech says. “Slip out and take the long way back to the Marauder.” 
“There’s a squad guarding the ship.” Crosshair says. “They’ll be expecting you.” 
“We can deal with them when we get there.” Wrecker says. “Let’s get out of here.” 
Crosshair and Midnight take the rear as they slip through the halls, heading straight towards the engine. Hunter's words keep playing over and over in her head. She knows getting Hunter to trust Crosshair is going to be hard. She just hadn’t planned on Hunter losing his trust in her as well. 
It’s not like she doesn’t deserve it. 
They make their way through the engine, staring at the valley of debris below. There’s not an Imperial Trooper in sight, but they also have the issue of getting out of the engine. It’s way too far to jump, and they have nothing to help them get down. 
“Wait-” Hunter says, holding out a hand. “Get down!” 
They duck just as one of the attack shuttles flies over, firing at the engine. It rocks violently, throwing them all off their feet. Dirt and rust rains down around them, but it also hides them from view, giving them a moment to regroup. 
“Now what?” Wrecker asks. 
“They know where we are. It won’t take them long to regroup now.” Hunter says. “Stay low. Double back.” 
They run back into the engine, but it begins to clang, something above them whirring. 
“What is that?” Omega asks. 
“Sounds like the engine is coming back online.” Hunter says. “But that’s not possible, right?” He looks to Tech. 
“Technically it is.” He says. “I restored the ship’s main power core when I accessed the central system which means the engines can be activated.” 
They shine their torches up at the engine, the metal around them shaking as the engine begins to power on. 
“They’re cornering us.” Midnight says. 
“Of course.” Crosshair says. “We were sent with orders to terminate you.” 
“How much time do we have?” Echo asks. 
“I estimate less than two minutes.” Tech says. 
The engine ignites, the air around them being sucked up around it. The hair on the back of Midnight’s neck stands up, her skin prickling at the proximity to it. 
“What do we do?” Omega asks. 
“What about Plan 7?” Wrecker suggests. 
“Plan 7 has nothing to do with this situation whatsoever.” Echo says. 
“Well, well you think of something!” He says, adjusting his grip on the crate of explosives he’s been carrying. 
“Can we use the explosives from the armory to disable the engine?” Hunter asks, spotting the box. 
“It won’t cause a large enough reaction to affect the thermal chamber. But if we place a series of charges around this cone, we may be able to break away from the cylinder while destabilizing the core.” Tech says, shining his light around the area in front of the engine. 
“Break away? You mean fall? All the way down?” Omega asks nervously. 
“It’s that or be incinerated.” Echo says. 
“Everyone take an explosive.” Hunter says. “Tech, Omega, up top with me.” 
They all grab explosives, planting them around the cone. Wrecker lifts Midnight helping her place hers as close to the top of the cone as she can reach. They all get as close to the front of the engine as they can, the core beginning to heat up as the engine engages. 
“Everybody get down!” Wrecker says. 
They all duck, Hunter covering Omega as Wrecker detonates the charges. Despite their bracing, they’re thrown against the ground as the cylinder begins to fall, the engine dropping as the cylinder breaks free. They hang on for dear life, Hunter barely catching Omega as she falls as the cylinder tilts upright. 
They scramble for better holds as the cylinder tilts, beginning to fall over. It’s all for nothing though as the cylinder snaps, breaking off into two parts. Midnight hits a body as the cylinder rolls, not caring who it is as she holds on for dear life. 
The cylinder settles, the body she’d been clinging to beginning to move. She pulls away, dragging herself to her feet. She feels bruised, her skin sticky from sweat and the heat of the engine. It’s Hunter she’d been clinging to, him and Omega having been separated from the other four with her. 
“You alright?” Hunter asks Omega as he pulls her up, looking around at where they are. 
“Hunter, we landed on the port side. What’s your status?” Echo’s voice comes through the comms. 
“We’re by the engine, and we’ve got company.” Hunter says as two of the attack shuttles fly overhead. They barely have time to duck as the shuttles fire at them, luckily managing to miss them. “Meet back at the Marauder.” 
They take off running, not wanting to wait for the shuttles to double back. 
The trip back to the Marauder feels far shorter than it had the previous day. Perhaps that’s just the last of the adrenaline pumping through her body. She’s exhausted and at her wit’s end. The stress of the two days is beginning to get to her, but they’re not out of it yet. There’s still the squad of troopers Crosshair had warned would be waiting for them at the ship they have to worry about. 
They creep up to the edge of the ship where the Marauder’s hiding, peeking over the edge. There’s the squad alright, but they’re laying on the ground motionless. 
Midnight doesn’t like this. Not one bit. 
“What happened to them?” Omega whispers. 
Hunter holds a finger up, pushing himself up onto the platform. Omega and Midnight follow, Hunter creeping up to one of the troopers. 
“Someone’s here.” He says, kneeling in front of the trooper. “This isn’t the scrappers' handiwork.” 
“Wasn’t much work.” 
All three of them look up at the voice, Midnight’s blood running cold. There’s a lanky figure standing in the doorway of the Marauder. She knows that voice. 
“Omega, get behind me.” Hunter says, the young clone doing as he says. 
The lanky figure makes his way down the steps, a service droid following. Midnight gulps as she stares at the blue face, the red eyes. She remembers him, clear as day. It’s been many years since then, but she’ll never forget him. 
Cad Bane. 
“I’ve taken down so many clones over the years.” Bane says. “Once you figure out one, the rest are easy.” 
“You’re in for a surprise.” Hunter says. 
“I doubt that.” 
“He’s a bounty hunter.” Omega says. 
“Ain’t you smart? The kid’s got it all figured out.” Bane says. 
“You’re in trouble now.” The service-droid says. 
“Who hired you?” Hunter asks. 
“Son, that’s confidential information.” Bane says. “Now hand her over.” 
“She’s with us.” Hunter says, taking a few steps forward, motioning for Omega to get back. “She’s not going anywhere.” 
“That’s unfortunate,” Bane says, taking a couple steps forward as well. “For you.” 
Midnight’s own hand reaches slowly towards her blaster as Bane and Hunter stare each other down. Her heart is pounding in her throat. As much as she wants to hate Hunter, she knows his chances of winning this are slim. She knows she’s not going to win this either. 
“Hunter, don’t do it.” She says quietly. “You’re not going to win this.” 
It happens quickly, both of them drawing at the same time. Hunter’s shot goes wide as Bane hits him in the chest, knocking him off his feet and onto the ground. He’s still, body falling limply. Midnight can only hope his plastoid has taken most of the damage. If Hunter’s dead, then taking the risk to save Crosshair will have been for nothing. 
“Hunter!” Omega cries in horror, Midnight’s own cry getting caught in her throat. 
Midnight catches Omega before she can run for Hunter, pushing the girl behind her. Her blaster is drawn, pointing right at Bane. His own blaster is holstered, obviously not having thought about her being a threat. 
“Well, well. If it isn’t little Midnight.” Bane says, looking her over. “Getting yourself into things too big for you, just like your mother.” 
“Don’t you dare speak about her.” Midnight hisses, tightening her grip on her blaster. 
“I was there, you know. The night she died.” Bane’s hand begins to move towards his blaster again. She should take the shot. Take it now before it’s too late. “I might have been able to save her...but she was always more trouble than she was worth. I hope you’re not the same.” 
The shot hits her in the chest before she even realizes what’s happened, her body falling backwards. She’s unconscious before she even hits the ground. 
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@amyroswell, @dangraccoon, @hunnythebee, @lokigirlszendaya, @kriffingmeshla, @storm-breaker7, @burningfieldof-clover, @6oceansofmoons
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Apocalypse AU!
I started watching The Walking Dead (even though I'm so bad with scary shows) (I'm also skipping all the zombie parts tbh, I'm really just in it for Daryl) and it made me wonder how a Walking Dead/Zombie Apocalypse would affect Spider and his friends/family.
The Start
Spider was with his Dad, headed to an army base a few miles outside of some big city, where they were going to hunker down until things calmed down.
They had to cut through the city or something and got separated by a herd of zombies or something.
Spider ends up getting saved by one of the Sully kids (Lo'ak went off on a solo supply run or some shit and found him?) and brought to their camp outside of the city. He introduces himself as 'Spider Socorro', so Jake and Neytiri don't realize he's Quaritch's kid (Jake and him had some military beef or something back in the day, before he left the military).
The group is probably the Sully's (Neytire, Jake, & the kids) plus Norm and Max. Maybe Kiri is their goddaughter, who's mom didn't make the first wave or something.
Reunited (And It Feels So Complicated)
The zombies are getting too close as the cities become empty of living humans to hunt. Spider tells them about the military base, maybe a few days walk if they hustle. Reluctantly, they head there.
When they arrive, Spider is the one who knocks on the door (or maybe intercom? idk) and his dad's old military buddy, Lyle, lets them in. Quaritch never arrived, they all thought he and Spider were dead.
When he hears Lyle call Spider "MJ", Jake asks what it stands for. Somewhat embarrassed (because even in the end of the world, he's still 16 and embarrassed by everything and anything) he explains that it stands for "Miles Junior" and everything just clicks.
Jake realizes they're in a base from the RDA, not the regular army or anything. He wants to leave, but a storm's coming and it's just not safe (maybe one of the kids got injured as well, so they have to wait until they're healed).
Spider is confused by Jake's reaction, having none basically nothing about his dad's time in the military beyond the story of how his parents met (and his mom's dog tags hanging around Spider's neck).
I think it'd be interesting if Lyle (or the other people there, if there is anyone) low-key (high-key) threaten Jake and Neytiri, basically saying they'll kick them out ASAP without any food/meds/etc if they tell Spider anything.
Eventually, they leave for some reason or another and Spider is once again separated from a family member (this time good ol' uncle Lyle). Something happens to the base and Spider ends up on his own for a few weeks. He plans to make his way to DC, where he can surely find someone in the government who can give him answers and/or help him find his dad.
But, surprisingly, his dad finds him. He's walking down one of the two-lane country highways and as he comes over the hill, there he is.
Cue a touching reunion. Blah, blah, blah. Maybe they had a tense relationship before everything went to shit (he wanted to be a pro skater or some shit, his dad wanted him to get a 'real job' somewhere safe). (or maybe, he wanted to enlist like his dad and they got in a fight, because no way was Quaritch going to risk losing his son, after already losing his wife 16 years prior)
Quaritch changes there direction and they head towards the coast, where they're supposed to meet up with the other members of Deja Blue and catch a ship. They're going to head to a private RDA island and wait out the end of the world.
Spider wants to get the Sully's, after seeing some sign that they're looking for him (the kids have been spray-painting Spider drawings and approximate dates, so he'd know he was going the right way). It's fine for a while, until he sees a sign going left and his dad wanted to go right.
They make camp and Spider sneaks away, leaving a note that he'll meet him at the ship as soon as he can.
Idk the rest of it, but here's this. Tbh, I'm never gonna make this into a fic or anything cause I'm terrified of zombies, but I really like TWD's plot, even if I freak myself out.
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writing-oof · 10 months
I’m a Farmer, Not a Babysitter (oops)
Day Two: Potato Farmer Technoblade! He’s certainly a dude!
I ended up with two stories I couldn’t pick from in the thirty minutes, so here they are!
Farmer Techno (tw: Wilbur is dead)
"This is about Wilbur?" Technoblade asks.
"Yes," the social worker says, "We've tried to get in contact with your father, but we couldn't reach him."
"What's wrong?"
"We do our best to keep families together, Mr. Craft," the woman says, "We wanted to see if Philza has any interest in taking custody of Fundy, as his mother has denied it."
"Who?" Techno asks, and the phone is silent for a beat too long.
"Wilbur Soot's son?"
Techno bluescreens/
"Wilbur doesn't have a son," he says, but really he wouldn't know. Wilbur wasn't exactly showing up to the family reunions. Neither was Techno, for that matter.
"He did," the woman says, and that's that.
The farm isn't really suited for a kid.
There's dangerous experiment around every corner, and the chickens have already tried to peck Fundy to death, sniffing the fox under his skin. Fundy, still the weirdest kid Techno's ever met, decided he loved them almost immediately after that, and he hasn't stopped trying to break into the coop since.
Technoblade's lucky that Ranboo was looking to take more hours around the farm, milking the cows and mucking the stables and tending the crops more in that first week than he probably ever has in his life.
Fundy isn't old enough for him to leave unsupervised, especially since he's prone to turning into a fox and squirming through the hole under the baseboards in the kitchen like a snake.
Ranboo's a godsend those first few weeks, taking up the bulk of the labor around the farm and still making time to entertain Fundy for a few hours while Techno makes dinner and tries to figure out what the hell he's supposed to do now.
He's not a dad, and he never wanted to be one. There's a reason his only contact with kids was the schoolkids who came by to milk cows twice a month.
Fundy needs so much that Techno just doesn't know how to provide. He cries, sometimes, and Techno tries to comfort him as best as he can. He makes Fundy's room the safest space in the house and fills it with everything Fundy wants, from toys he saw on their four-channel-television, to photos of the parents he'll never see again.
It gets easier as the weeks draw on and Fundy talks to him more, tells him stories about his life with Wilbur before they lost everything. Techno listens, comforts when he needs to, and does his best to make his house a home.
But, as the month draws to a close, the summer slipping by in a blur of grief and fireworks, Techno's reminded that he's going to have to get back to the farm. Ranboo has school and, even if he didn't, Techno feels awful seeing how exhausted he is at the end of the day.
The farm's a big job, especially for a high schooler.
If Ranboo were any less worried about being alone with Fundy, he'd probably ask him to babysit instead.
As it is, Techno has to scour the area for anyone who would be willing to watch a hybrid kid on the outskirts of the city.
The first person he considers, a florist named Hannah, can't be away from the city for as long as he needs.
The next spends way too long comparing Fundy to the kind of foxes she shoots in the autumn for Techno to anything but throw her out of the house.
By the time he's met his fifteenth option, Technoblade has almost given up.
He asks Ranboo, just to see, if he knows anyone who'd be willing to watch a hybrid.
The next day, Technoblade has the most intense interview of his life.
Tommy hits it off with Fundy immediately.
In the thirty minutes he spends answering questions, Fundy's already declared him his uncle twice. It's an improvement, from the last sitter he tried to bite no less than four times.
Technoblade is pretty sure that Tommy isn't human.
He doesn't know how to bring it up, but his chickens have some sort of sixth sense for these things and they guard their eggs around Tommy like he's bound to snatch them up.
Tommy slots himself into their lives like he was always there.
Techno thinks that, if he were here, Wilbur would have called Tommy his little brother.
Instead, Technoblade calls him Theseus.
Instead, Technoblade sets up the third room for when Tommy doesn't want to bother heading back into the city.
Instead, Technoblade welcomes him home.
Fundy Thievery (tw: sad boi hours)
Two hours in and Fundy has to concede that it really *is* just a farm.
There's no secret room full of Wither skulls, or a chest full of weapons and totems.
There's a few hundred full of potatoes, though. Fundy grabs a few stacks to squirrel back to his den, the crow looking at him judgmentally.
Fundy flicks it off. It chortles, a mocking laugh, and settles into his hair.
When he reaches the treeline, the bird finally fucks off back to its nest, not following him home like he'd worried it might.
Fundy comes back the next day.
He doesn't want to. He wouldn't if he could avoid it, but he knows Techno has health pots somewhere and his arm still won't bend the way he needs it to.
He'd tried to shift only once, but he's pretty sure that only made it worse, a screaming pain from his elbow to his wrist.
So, stealing from his sort-of-uncle it is.
He's just lucky the dogs don't lunge for him, and that the crows seem content to keep their silence.
At least, no one's come tearing into his den with an axe, so he figures they haven't said anything, to Philza or to Techno.
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jacksgreysays · 1 month
Hello, this is Mergen! I read your response to my comment in Ao3 and really, there is no need to apologize, considering that I am also not giving my answer soon. Since you spend more time on tumblr, I decided to respond here, and then I got sucked into your other passages for weeks. Thank you for giving this idea a chance and if you don't mind, I'll throw some more in for you.
Even if the math doesn't work for Souichi to be Shikako's son, you mentioned that you see the solution to the Konoha civil war in Shikadai becoming Hokage, but he is still young and there is no guarantee that he will become strong or respected enough for the title of Hokage to replace Naruto. He will have the support of half the clans, but this is just politics. So I will again turn to your OC Nara and propose to make Souichi Hokage, he is much older and judging by the description, have the will and motivation and intelligence, some can even get Deja View second coming Shikako.
The second idea was inspired by your fic about Shikako meeting Shinki's mother. I love Gaara and Shinki's relationship in canon, the best thing in Boruto, so I want to reunite this duo and while one is not born yet, we need to confirm Schrödinger's Gaara status. Since Shikako is the only one who has the opportunity to continue the search for Gaara without drawing attention to it, without hope ti find him alive, I wondered what could kill Gaara in the desert. After Gelel, he is the strongest being in Suna. So...
...what if he's not dead?
Back in time, when the war is over, his sister recently married Shikamaru and is about to have a child, everything is going well, Suna is strong and the world is at peace. What if Gaara wanted to sign the summoning contract after seeing how well Naruto and the others did with their summons and how effective they were? Perhaps he lost Shukaku and decided to compensate for his fighting strength by becoming a sage. So he uses reverse summoning and moves to some kind of summoning world. Then there are a dozen developments of events to suit your taste:
1. Gaara failed the test, he was eaten and his body will never be found. Dark enough for a primadonna Au to be real but if you go this route I will cry. Just saying.
2. Time flows differently in the world of Summons and for him 12 days may have passed when for others it is 12 years. He returns to meet a much older and tired Kanuro wearing a Kazekage hat.
3. Shikako finds the domen of the summon, which is located in their world, just very well hidden. Gaara either turned into stone and she will save him in her sage mode, or he meditates for a long time to become a sage and didn’t even notice the passage of time. A punch to the jaw from Shikako is part of the reunion.
This may be an unnecessary plot point, but it will clear the air for Gaara's family and friends.Feel free to use the ideas or not, anyway thanks for your attention!
Hello! I’m glad to see you over on tumblr since, like you said, I really am better at responding on tumblr than I am on ao3—but I do still very much appreciate your ao3 comment as well!
I do love your enthusiasm/affection for my silly Nara OC Souichi, I’m glad that he’s endeared himself to someone besides creator, lol. However he’s not actually THAT much older than Shikadai—or, well, I suppose in the world of shinobi he could be considered much older—I’ve mostly been vague about the timeline, but Souichi is 18 and Shikadai is probably 10ish. He’s due to graduate from the Academy soon. So eight years for a shinobi is a lot, I guess, especially so early on in their careers, but I would still consider them the same generation. Additionally, while he has the motivation and intelligence (and quirkiness) he really is “just an average Nara chuunin.” He made chuunin at 16 years old which isn’t BAD per se, but I think in terms of “Hokage potential” is pretty late in regard to making that international name for himself. Additionally, I know I haven’t explicitly said so, but Shikadai is ALSO motivated and intelligent. The way I see it, Shikadai is more similar to Shikako in her more desperate times, than Souichi is to Shikako in her fun relaxed times, and considering this is the bleak!Primadonna AU, it’s that desperate, battle-oriented Shikako that people would be looking for than an eccentric innovator.
Also, Shikadai doesn’t have the strength/power or the respect/influence NOW, as an Academy student, but that is roughly why if I were to write a “how to resolve the situation in Konoha” it would be a Shikadai-centered fic about how he gains that either through missions or over time or by interacting with other will-be-important figures his age.
As for your second idea—actually it was your initial theory about Souichi that made me bring up Shinki in this series, because the way I’ve written him, in my other DoS Shikaara future fic he is raised by Shikako while Kankurou is his clan head. And I realized, with your initial Souichi theory, that Shinki is probably the closest thing to a child that Shikako and Kankurou could feasibly/safely have in this bleak!Primadonna AU. Especially since Shinki, with his confirmable Magnet Release (as opposed to Shikadai with his probable-but-not-tested Magnet Release) would be the Kazekage heir and thus slightly alleviate some of the stress on Shikadai.
In the ficlet in which Shikako meets Areki (made up name for Shinki’s mother because I don’t know if she has one in canon but I kind of assume not considering what the source manga/anime is) Shinki is definitely already alive. It’s also earlier in the timeline than the first installment/ao3-chapter, so Shikako meets Areki when Shinki is probably about 8 (putting Shikadai at about 6?) and then basically adopts both of them and sort of mentors/helps raise Shinki so that he can safely be introduced to the world as the heir to the Kazekage when the time is right (as opposed to putting that target on the back of an untrained child before he’s ready)
But, that’s not your point: Schrödinger’s Gaara. I super agree with you that after Gelel he is the strongest being in Suna. I also agree that he’s probably not dead so much as like… transported elsewhere (or else-when if we’re getting time travel-y with it) or trapped somehow.
I had briefly though of Gelel Empire related things—like, just because the Dead Wastes are where the “heart” of Gelel’s power was, doesn’t mean they didn’t have other sealing arrays elsewhere through their vast empire. Also, considering sandstorms and since Gaara can control sand, it wouldn’t be to surprising if something was uncovered and Gaara went out to investigate it alone since, after all like you said, who could possibly be a threat to him in the desert where he is strongest? And then mumbledy mumbledy he gets transported somewhere (or some-when) and either can’t find his way back, or doesn’t realize how long it’s actually been, or is stuck. (I did, even more briefly, consider a sci-fi vibe, in the sense that Gaara discovers a Stargate or an old Jedi Temple or something like that but abandoned that since it would be bringing in a crossover and huge genre shift to something that already required a lot of implied background/worldbuilding from readers)
But the summoning realm is very good. And I’ve also previously posited that maybe the summoning realm is not necessarily just for summons. Like, perhaps it should more accurately be called the Spirit Realm, because while most of them are summonable creatures that theoretically look like animals, there could be other non-animal/non-contractable spirits there. I think I also considered writing a fic where the Shinigami and other gods kinda lived in that same alternate plane of existence? However, like you said, the summoning contract card is already so plentiful by itself that I don’t necessarily need to throw in spirits.
1) Oh noooooo, don’t eat Gaara! He’s a good lad TT_TT But that is maybe a little too dark for the bleak!Primadonna AU. Like, I know I have Shikamaru being assassinated, but the idea of Gaara being eaten by summons and never found again is just too dark for some reason? The assassination has political causes and ramifications at least D: Gaara in some boss summon’s stomach is noooooooooooo
2) Time flowing differently is almost… ooh… like, if he were to come back after 12 years and it’s just because time flowed differently. Like, obviously it’s not his fault, but I can see how frustrated Kankurou and Temari and Shikako (and maybe even Naruto?) would be with him if it’s like. THIS ALL COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF YOU HAD JUST COME BACK SOONER. There’s something to be said about those Fair Folklore and similar mythologies about a human going to another world and dancing for a night and then coming back and realizing a century had passed. Like. It’s almost more forgivable if Gaara comes back AFTER Shikadai is an adult (and possibly Hokage) and everything has resolved itself in one way or another because that’s a scale of time that almost seems like—well, there’s nothing he could have done. Versus any time before that would be frustrating. They wouldn’t be mad at him, but god it would be so frustrating.
3) I will always be so fond of Shikaara, so my heart does love the idea that Shikako—who is the only one who can/still believes enough to keep searching for Gaara—does find him trapped somehow (either turned to stone or in a seal or a sand cocoon that was meant to protect him but then backfired, etc etc) and not freeing him with True Love’s Kiss but, like, practical treatment either via Earth chakra or seals or, as you said, a punch to the jaw, lololol.
It’s the mystery of the ages, truly :)
Thanks again for your comment/asks, Mergen!
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