#what would you call a reindeer with a glowing nose?
neonaughtager · 1 year
yooooo what the hell kinda names were they calling Rudolph?
did they call him slurs you think?
hes out in the yard with the others and theyre just like "hey faggot"
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kxttqi · 6 months
christmas sickness 。
↪︎ fluff, established relationship
↪︎ gojo satoru x f!reader
↪︎ getting sick on christmas sucks…but not with your loving boyfriend around.
↪︎ a/n: merry early christmas ! i was lowk giggling the entire time i was writing this i love gojo sm
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Weeks of anticipation for your favorite holiday had finally come to an end. Snow was softly falling outside of your window adorned with sparkling tinsel. The Christmas tree you had decorated with your boyfriend stood grandly in the corner of the room, the shiny glass ornaments reflecting the twinkling lights situated around the room. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could ruin the festive spirit. 
Right? Wrong. 
You woke up to a stuffy nose, sore throat, and a dull headache. Groaning softly, you turned to your side, hoping that the discomfort would magically disappear. But as you attempted to sit up, the ache in your body intensified, making it clear that this was no ordinary morning grogginess. Of course, the universe had chosen this particular day to unleash a relentless cold upon you. You felt a sharp pang of disappointment; all those days of excitement leading up to this moment, and now you were confined to the bed, wrapped in layers of blankets. You grabbed your phone from the table to dial Gojo’s number. He picked up almost immediately.
“Good morning, baby! I’m coming over soon, just need to pack those gingerbread cookies I baked yesterday.”
“Satoru, I’m sick,” you said hoarsely.
There was a moment’s silence, interrupted by a rather violent sneeze on your end. 
“...Screw the cookies, then. I’ll be over in five.”
He cut the call, leaving you to bury your face in your soft pillow. All the decorations seemed to lose their glow; even the elegant angel tree topper appeared to be staring mockingly at you. Five minutes felt like hours, and your spirits were drastically low by the time Gojo came bursting into your room. He looked at you, clad in your reindeer pajamas and surrounded by used tissues.
“You look terrible.”
The remark earned him an angry glare from you. Gojo giggled, throwing himself onto your bed. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he said, leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead. “You still look adorable. Come on, quit sulking. Christmas isn't cancelled just because you're feeling under the weather."
"That's easy for you to say," you pouted, blowing your nose into a tissue.
Gojo's expression softened as he rubbed your back soothingly. "What can I do?"
You looked at him doubtfully, then shook your head. There was no point asking him; even if there was something he could do, you didn't want to burden him. You weren't going to let his Christmas get ruined just because of you.
"Nothing. I'll be fine."
Your voice was faint, and the way your fingers fidgeted around the tissue only highlighted your unease. A deep sigh left you before you could stop yourself, and when Gojo didn't seem satisfied with your answer, you gave him a tired smile.
"Really. I'm fine," you insisted.
Gojo reached out and gently stroked your cheek. Your eyes lowered, too overwhelmed to face the intense blue stare which was fixed upon you.
"It's Christmas. It's not fair if I have fun and you don't," he said. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
Your gaze flitted back to his, and for a while, his eyes studied yours with a searching glint. His mouth broke into a dazzling smile, and the sight made your lips quirk upwards, even though the corners were trembling. His arms slipped around your shoulders. In an instant, you were enveloped by his warmth, and his familiar scent sent a wave of comfort washing over you. Despite everything, the mere sound of his voice had always managed to make you feel safe, and as his arm tightened around you, you nestled deeper into his embrace, resting against his chest.
"Sleep," you answered, closing your eyes. "For about twenty hours."
A loud laugh rang by your ear. You felt him shift beside you. When you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of him rummaging through a bag by the side of the bed. He pulled out a box, adorned with shimmering silver wrapping paper and a bright red bow.
"What's this?" you asked, your voice still raspy.
Gojo's smile grew wider as he handed you the gift. 
"Open it and find out."
You carefully tore away the paper, revealing a small white box underneath. Your heart fluttered with anticipation as you lifted the lid, revealing a beautifully crafted snowglobe inside. The glass orb was filled with swirling flakes of snow, creating a mesmerizing winter scene. But what caught your attention was the tiny figure in the center of the snowglobe. It was a miniature replica of Gojo, dressed in a winter jacket and his silver hair perfectly tousled. And right beside him, frozen in a moment of pure joy, was a tiny version of you. Every detail, from the intricate embroidery on your dress to the in gleam in Gojo's eyes, was painstakingly crafted.
"Satoru, this is... amazing," you breathed, your voice filled with awe.
He chuckled, his voice filled with pride. 
"I had it custom-made just for you. And for the record, this was entirely my idea."
“Does it kill you to be humble for once?” you sighed, but couldn’t help the smile making its way onto your lips.
You couldn't contain your excitement as you shook the snowglobe gently, watching the delicate flakes twirl and dance around the figures inside. 
"It's perfect," you whispered. 
And before you knew it, his lips were on yours with an intense urgency that leaves you breathless. The fiery passion in his kiss burned through you, consuming every inch of your body as if he had been waiting for this moment since he stepped foot into your room. His hands gripped your waist with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine, his lips moving against yours with a desperate need. You pushed him away softly.
“Satoru, I’m sick, you shouldn’t-”
He cut you off with another kiss, more gentle this time. 
“I couldn’t care less. Let me have this.”
Your protest died in your throat as you melted into his embrace, your hands finding their way to his hair. Despite the lingering discomfort, his touch seemed to numb all your senses, leaving you wanting nothing more than to lose yourself in him. He broke away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. His breath was warm against your skin, his fingers tracing soft patterns on your waist.
"I bet you're feeling better already," he teased, his eyes sparkling.
You rolled your eyes, but the slight blush creeping onto your cheeks betrayed your attempt at nonchalance. He chuckled, his fingers gently brushing away a stray lock of hair from your face.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
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© kxttqi — do not repost, copy, translate or steal my works without permission.
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badasmuse · 6 months
Day Four: Edging
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Bada Lee x Reader
On the fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me: fucking nothing.
18+ MDNI mstlst
you and bada decided to go shopping for christmas decorations. since it’s your second favorite holiday, (halloween being the first) she knows you want to go all out. she took you to party city, your favorite store.
“bada look at these. look at how cute these are!” you exclaim looking at the inflatable reindeer.
“it’s our last one, i would get it.” the store associate says walking past you. “if you’ll follow me,” he leads you to the display, “this is how it looks and if you click this button here, the nose glows.” he shows you and you get excited.
“i so have to get this!” you say bouncing.
the associate looks at you, “okay i’ll keep it behind the counter for you, love.” he says walking towards the counter with the inflatable.
you walk around a little longer with bada and soon you have everything you need. the associate approaches the register and waves you over. “i can take you over here, love.” he says.
you walk over, bada hot on your heels. setting the stuff down, you look over everything and gasp, “bada we don’t have a wreath! can you grab one please?”
she nods and goes to where they are and you pull your wallet out.
“hey,” the associate says, “you’re very pretty. is there a way i can get your number?”
you blink, blushing a bit. people asking for your number makes you flustered. like yeah you have a girlfriend and you can easily go ‘i have a girlfriend no.’ but something about the awkward question throws you off and you forget how to speak. luckily, your girlfriend saves you.
“she has a girlfriend. how much is everything?” bada asks putting her hand on your waist, the other one taking your wallet from you. she wasn’t gonna let you pay.
“oh. all together it’s $148.22. cash or card?” he says bitterly.
“cash.” bada smiles, pulling a few bills out of her pocket.
after paying, bada grabs all the bags and follows you to the car. she sets the stuff in the trunk and gets in the car after opening the passenger door for you.
“can’t believe you just let him ask for your number like that. like he wasn’t calling you ‘love’ the entire time.” bada mumbles into your cunt, flicking her tongue over your clit.
oh yeah- when you guys got home she brought you straight to the bedroom. she was pissed that associate was flirting with you.
“i-i didn’t-“ she cuts you off.
“then you sent me away? he kept looking at you. staring at your boobs when you would get excited about something and do that cute bounce thing you do.” she pinched your nipple before sucking on your clit.
“i’m gonna cum!” you exclaim, and all stimulation stops. you don’t feel a thing and your orgasm is ripped from you.
“fuck what the fuck bada?” you groan.
“this a punishment.” she goes back putting her mouth on you. your legs shake and you squeal.
“fuck bada please.. so good.” you figured she’d edge you again so this time you’re just not gonna tell her when you have to cum (which is in any second now.)
but girl, bada knows you. she’s insulted you think she wouldn’t know when you’re about to make a mess on her face. she pulls away just as you were about to.
“please!” you beg, tears filling your eyes.
this goes on a few more times and your tears soak the pillow you’re using to cover your face.
she then pulls away completely and puts clothes back on you. “it’s a punishment. you don’t get to cum.”
“why am i being punished when he was the one flirting with me? i didn’t do a thing!” you whine.
“i can’t punish him. not like this.” bada says laughing.
“damn bitch boy…”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @elliesblkgirlfriend @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111
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villaim · 2 years
texting: riddle rosehearts
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requested by: @astrea-archive
genre — crack, fluff
a/n — i didn’t proofread riddles ramble and i wrote this while sick 💀
notes — g/n reader, reader is ramshackle prefect (yuu), platonic??
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riddle me this — 7:00 am
where are you? you were supposed to be in study hall by now.
yuu — 7:00 am
you cannot be expecting me to make it at exactly 7:00. YOU TEXTED THAT AY THE EXACT TIME??
you’re like an alarm
riddle me this — 7:00 am
are you on your way though? i do not have the time for this.
yuu — 7:00 am
calm down rudolph i’ll be there in 10
riddle me this — 7:00 am
fine. don’t make me wait here all day, prefect.
wait, who is this rudolph?
yuu — 7:01 am
god you want to kiss me so badly rn
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riddle me this — 8:00 pm
goodnight, prefect.
yuu — 8:00 pm
do not tell me you are sleeping rn 💀
riddle me this — 8:00 pm
i do not have the time to stay here and chat. i advise that you go to bed too.
yuu — 8:01 pm
shi wrong person 😭
riddle me this — 8:01 pm
why are you out with ace and deuce?! 😡
yuu — 8:01 pm
you text like my grandma
riddle me this — 8:02 pm
i’m on my way.
yuu — 8:05 pm
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yuu — 12:49 am
yuu — 6:27 am
riddle i can see you typing pelase do not tell me you’re about to give me a 12 page essay
riddle me this — 6:30 am
first of all, asking me for homework answers is the same as lying; you are telling professor crewel that you conjured these answers on you’re own, in which you didn’t, they were given by me. this also counts as stealing because you are taking someone else’s work then claiming it as your own. if you were caught in the act of cheating, you would have to suffer the consequences in the near future. in conclusion, you should never ask someone for answers just because you were not listening to the lecture the day before.
yuu — 6:30 am
you must be out of your goddamn mind if you think i’m reading that
so am i getting them or what *seen*
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yuu — 2:56 am
you know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen comet and cupid and donner and blitzen but do you recall the most famous reindeer of all? rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names they never let poor rudolph join in any reindeer games then one foggy christmas eve santa came to say "rudolph, with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" then how the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer you'll go down in history"
riddle me this — 7:00 am
meet me in the study hall.
yuu — 7:48 am
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taglist —
@astiesgoldenberry @spadecentral @pastelmages @ventisaircurrent
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never-took-a-lesson · 6 months
In the chapel room of Chateau Forte, suddenly, Father Christmas found the ethereal bars that held him vanished into a mist of glimmering green specks.
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"Maestro Forte-"
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"No. Enough."
The room thundered and became alight with a bright glow. But Forte was not attacking the old elf. Instead, he himself shone bright with magic. And, with power enough that Father Christmas briefly placed a gloved mitt over his face to shield from the light and heat, the curse on the Maestro was shattered.
The form of the organ shrank until the figure of a pale, tired-looking man in an old court suit stood there.
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"Do not think you've defeated me."
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"I never claimed that, Maximillian."
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"I've overpowered your cruel curse and I release you of my own free will. This game does not satisfy me any longer.
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"I accept my place in this world."
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"I implore you to keep what I told you in mind, Maestro. Please be with your loved ones."
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"Hm. On that note, in fact... where is your husband?”
As if on que, a large window to one side of the chapel room flew open. A familiar flying sleigh came in. Though instead of a team of reindeer, it was the Forte family's horse, Frou-Frou, pulling the sleigh. Finally, at the reigns was Forte's husband, Nathaniel, fully dressed in as close as an approximation of Santa's outfit as his fashion sense would allow.
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"Maximillian, as you will not see reason, I have elected to take up the mantle of Father Christmas myse--
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"Oh! Oh my. Um, I... see you've let him go."
Nathaniel looked genuinely disappointed at the turn of events.
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"Oh bother! Well, I was rather looking forward to tonight!"
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"You are a good man, Nathaniel. My sleigh, if you please?"
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"I'm terribly sorry. I think I'll be keeping this. I quite like it."
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"... Heavens, Nathaniel ...
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"This is why I love you~~"
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"Well. I suppose I'll have to call the wife and ask for her sleigh.
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"Hem, I'm afraid I've had enough shenanigans with you and your kin, Mr. Forte. I have quite a busy schedule to keep, as you can imagine, and much work to complete tonight!
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"Regardless of the circumstances, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!"
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"D-do I still get presents, Father Christmas?"
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"Hohoho! ...no."
With that, Father Christmas pressed his nose and in a flurry of snow, vanished from Chateau Forte, leaving the family of vampires behind.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 month
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So if you're one of the Many People who follow Me, you'll know that I've created my own Personal Bully Character for my own Rudolph Adaptation Project. Welp, here he is. Just as I've been doubting on what the Son of Blitzen would even look like but after sketching it out and even coloring it, so far, this is the True Concept on how I imagine my own Antagonistic Reindeer character would be.
Meet Storm, one of the Yearlings of one of the Reindeer of Santa Claus (Blitzen) as well as an Arch-Rival to Rudolph. Inspired by the Character from the 1998 Version, Arrow. Those who have seen the Famous Rankin Bass version might very unfamiliar towards the Underrated Goodtimes version (to those who haven't seen nor never watched the 90s version), specifically being very unfamiliar on who this "Arrow" is that I speak of that this Character of Mine is based on within Another (yet, Obscure) Adaptation. 
If you're "Half" the kind of Christmas Movie fan that's unaware of the Lost Media of Christmas films out there or to those who have a Lost Memory in case if any of y'all have at least seen the Goodtimes version in your own Childhoods, I'll give you guys some brief info of where my own Character draws from;
Arrow is a Cousin to Rudolph (specifically in that version where Rudolph is Blitzen's Son, Cupid, Comet, and Dasher are Rudolph's Uncles/Blitzen's Brothers as Arrow is the Son of Cupid). He basically constantly bullies his own Cousin because of his Red Nose at School just to ridicule Rudolph, but only then that it's confirmed that there's a Love Triangle between The Two Cousins over one Doe that being Zoey (not "Clarice" like in the R/B version). In addition to this Original Character's lore, at the Reindeer Games, when Rudolph's Nose glows (only to cause Arrow and the Other Reindeer to go blind and lost the game), Arrow is crowned champ & for some reason, Zoey breaks up with him after all of these years somehow (causing his own Cousin to go off on a Lost Journey where his Ex-Girlfriend had to find him).
Now while I do think that the idea of a Love Triangle for a Character within the Trope of The Ugly Duckling sounds very Interesting, the Writing behind the OG Love Triangle is such a confusing mess that I personally think it could've been done better. I don't wish to spoil every much detail of that version but given on how that Goodtimes Entertainment is a Dead Company, only to be infamously known that their own personal Adaptations are only infamously known to be "Bootlegs", I don't personality understand nor why people would randomly call a Non-Disney adaptation of a Famous Old Story a "Knock-Off" just because of the Cheap Animation that almost looks similar to your average run-of-the-mill Decade 2D Animated Film. Though, one thing that I will have to admit is how some of their adaptations can be poorly written or just left explain as the '98 does have a lot of its problems than the '64 one.
(Seriously, you need to look up on how that their Movies are so comparable to Disney's).
Granted, I KNOW for a fact that the '64 definitely didn't aged well either, but in regards, I wouldn't even want to come close as to wanting to call the '98 version "Problematic", it's just suffers from most of Goodtimes' writing and so many Interesting concepts were left out on what could've been.
Without any further, here is some brief info about my Personal Rival Character;
Storm is the Son of Blitzen and Pele, as well as The Youngest Brother of Lighting.. He is a Braggart whose shown to be Misogynistic, Arrogant, Overconfident, and Narcissistic whose shown to be within of a more "Bad Boy" type as he tends to prove willingly that he's strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh someday in order to follow and take over his own Father's hooves. He's also very envious as he shown to be very jealous of Rudolph. Deep down, outside of his Mean-Spirited Nature, he's shown to be passionate and loyal enough for his Father in order to improve himself that he can be complex when it comes to his practice towards his Flying Skills. 
He somewhat holds an Platonic Interest towards Ava as he likes to tease her just for giggles (though No Romantic Affection is shown as to why he likes her), but he desires to have her and other yearlings be on his Future Team for someday when they fly the Sleigh as The Next Generation of Santa's Reindeer to gain his Father's legacy and prove that he can actually be the lead Reindeer of his own herd.
When Rudolph came to class for the very first time, Storm recognized his Red Nose as he began to make fun of it (causing the Other Yearlings to ridicule him), making Poor Rudolph to cry. However, when Ava came and took Rudolph in her own Friend Group, Storm somewhat became jealous of Rudolph that he took one of the Yearlings off his own future team. Although He didn't seem to care about Ava's own herd anyways, since the Reindeer Bully had to look for New Yearlings for Special Teammates in order to produce a "Friend" Group of his own Herd to start a Bully Posse.
When the Day that the Reindeer Games came, Storm and his own Group rivaled against Other Yearling Teams (including Rudolph's) as The Reindeer Games only had about 5 Teams of their own Herds. But Storm and his Herd were a Match against Rudolph's, beating every level that the Naughty Reindeer Posse could just so that they could afford to win an award of their own. During the Final Showdown, when Storm was about to beat the Very Last Level of the Games, Storm instantly threw dust into Rudolph's eyes, causing his Nose to blast a huge glow (which made Storm's final award to be ruined) as everyone else was very shocked to see Rudolph's shining nose.
This huge level failure caused Storm to be angered and even more envious for he wanted to get revenge on the Reindeer for doing so on what he did to him in the Games.
On a regular basis of a day, He and his Group pretends that they've completely reformed for themselves as Storm (lyingly) apologizes to Rudolph of what he did to him of all these years of ridiculing. Believing in Storm's lie, Storm then leads Rudolph the way (along with his troops) into a long walk through the Forest away from Christmas Town. Confused about where they're at now, Storm instantly pushes Rudolph off of a small cliff as he lands on the Ground hurt which soon reveals the hidden dark truth as Storm and his Gang leave him to rot alone in the Forest.
Throughout the Story, Storm sures himself not be worried about anything if his Father were to find out the Truth about Rudolph or else, he won't get any presents for Christmas as he keeps his own Truth to be hidden while Rudolph and Ava (who are split apart by their own Groups) are still out there looking for each other.
Near the end of the Story, when everyone found out about where Rudolph was all along throughout that Crazy Snow Storm, Blitzen was extremely pissed and disappointed in his Son for not telling the truth all along that he left Rudolph out there in the Woods, when Storm tried to convinced his Father not to ground him and swear that he'll change for the better, he was then punished to be on the Naughty List as he was not allowed to get Presents this Year as Storm would then for now on have to face his own actions for his consequences after when Christmas was over.
In an early concept when creating this Character, I was originally going to name him "Spike" (to try rhythming it with "Blitzen") but then I realize that the first name itself had absolutely nothing to do with the common nature of Blitzen (but I also realize on how stupid the name was and how it was often more of a Dog's name rather than an Reindeer name), so I instantly switched it to a much and more fitting name to suit within of a Spawn of a Particular Folk Figure's Meaning behind the Name itself.
Storm (c) Me Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May
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imperialgoogie · 1 year
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'Twas the Flight Before Christmas, a Christmas story for the jet age
’Twas the flight before Christmas, and all through the plane, The folks in row nine were going insane. The cabin staff were trying to placate them with care, In hopes the air marshal soon would be there.
The passengers were passed out, drunk, in their beds, Half of them with luggage banned by the Feds; And the co-pilot and I, and the cabin girls on our laps, Had just settled down for a quick o'ernight nap.
When out in the aisle there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter. Away to the doorway I flew like a flash, And told the passengers to sit down or get a taste of the lash.
The instruments gave off a faint, flickering glow, And as I thought quietly about letting the taps flow, When, what to my bleary, bloodshot eyes should appear, But a dirty great sleigh, and nine flying reindeer.
With a short, fat guy in red driving at this late hour, I knew in a moment he hadn’t been cleared by the tower. He flew close to my ’craft, this old boy was game, And he slurred and he swore, and he called me a name.
"You ASSHOLE! You BASTARD! You SELF-RIGHTEOUS PRICK! It’s pilots like you that make me feel sick! You might be scheduled, but to the tower I’ll call! I’ll make it there first, and to hell with you all!"
I shook my co-pilot awake and told him to fly, There was no way in hell was I going to wait for this guy. So we increased our power and onward we flew, With the passengers cheering, and the cabin girls, too.
And as we surged forth, I heard on the roof The banging and crashing of each reindeer’s hoof. With the yoke in my hand, I ignored the sound, And told the cabin girls it was time to pour us a round.
As I thought of my Air Force fighter tactics rigmarole, He let out a cackle, and did a barrel roll! I switched on the seat belt sign and told everyone to pray, We had to beat this nut, in the name of TWA!
Our plane then went down - oh, the humanity! It was about that time I questioned my sanity, And as we plunged lower I heard passengers scream, And thought ‘this has to be some sort of whiskey-soaked dream.’
As we both neared the ground on this bad day at work, He quickly pulled back and flew up (what a jerk!), It all was too much for him I suppose, For he gave us the finger and thumbed at us his nose.
We had won, huzzah! - but there wasn’t a moment to lose. Saving the plane from that dive wasn’t easy with booze, But save our flight we did - why, I'm no flying dunce! And lo, the entire plane did applaud all at once.
Lights twinkled in the distance, the airport in sight, And we finally touched down on this most peculiar night, But as we taxied to the gate along the runway’s edge, I knew it was time I took up the pledge.
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[.....as told by your boy Keith!]
Ahem, ahem, ahem. Okay, so a looong time ago there was this reindeer named Rudolph, right? And as the title implies, he had this big red nose that would glow all throughout the night.
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.....And poor little Rudolph would get bullied by all the other reindeer at home because of it. They'd call him a freak and ugly to the point he just couldn't take it anymore and decided to run away from home!
So he's walking, and walking, and walking for what seems like forever until he meets good ol' Saint Kill. And- and the monstrous Santa asks him; "What seems to be the matter, little one?" And so Rudolph goes-
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"It's this nose of mine, good sir. Every reindeer in the north pole makes fun of me for it"
So Monster Santa leans in to get a good look at the nose...and you wanna know what he says?
"My boy, that's no ordinary nose! That nose can shoot Lazers!"
........and so, with the helpful encouragement of Santa he goes back home to blast all those fools that bullied him!
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After getting revenge, Rudolph formed a beautiful friendship with Santa, where the little reindeer helped the old man fly safely throughout the night....
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......By blasting anything that gets in his way!
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So! That's why when you find yourself getting bullied by someone......make whatever they're bullying you for their downfall because that's so much more satisfying!
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Anywho, this place is going to be so Santa-proof when we're done
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mushiewrites · 2 years
*beats back the sad with a stick* BACK YOU VILE EMOTION, YOU NO TOUCHIE MY MUSHIE >:(
Anyway, hc timeeee :D
Any characters with masks fully or partly covering their face have ticklish faces.
Sapnap wears a headband because the back of his head is a melt spot and if dream or george find out, that puts an end to all his chaos.
C!George's blush - you know when you blush, your face goes really hot n you can feel all of it? Well, I like to think that if George has woken from a long sleep, his blush is bright as can be, plus the overwhelming sensitivity coming in from his red lil face will tip him into a lee mood.
Also Gogy dreams a lot about being tickled if he lonely boi.
C!Dream secretly adores tickle fights, and whenever he was arguing with Punz, he just used that as an excuse to wreck Punz lmao
Blob Dream can and will blush, but he blushes light green on his cheeks n stomach cuz he a cute lil blob boi
I hope this helped. Also do you want a joke? Here's a joke for added smiles:
What do you call a reindeer without any legs?
A taxi, cause they can't walk.
(dad joke arc teehee)
rosa u beat the sad with a stick for me? 🥺 that’s so sweet ):
1. YES YES YES. I 1000% agree. Sensitive cheeks and tips of noses and chins are just S tier, especially when it’s due to them not being used to having anything touch their face except their mask!!!! and the first time they’d feel it they would yelp back in surprise, eyes wide and face pink as they realized how badly it tkled, and how much the ler looks like they’re gonna do it again at any second 😵‍💫
2. hear me out. george and dream already know about this melt spot because of one very sleepless night where sap was overly giggly and tired, and dream was playing with his hair when he discovered it. sapnap immediately melted in dreams arms when he grazed it, and after a few minutes of sleepy giggles he was out like a light. complete putty against dreams chest. sap was so out of it that he doesn’t remember that even happening. so imagine his surprise when george randomly pulls out a head scratcher and starts trying to use it on sap, causing him to flail and scream until it hits his melty spot, and suddenly he’s just a puddle of lee on the couch as george continues to make him giggle and blush 🥺
3. my little tiny honey baby ): his poor lil sensitive cheeks ): he would wake up, all groggy and sleepy-eyes and shuffle his way into the bathroom, noticing in the mirror how red his cheeks are. he embarrasses himself bc he thinks of what happened the last time he was this red (blame a certain God), and he can’t help but hide his face in his hands at the thought. this however proved to be a bad idea, as the sleeves of his shirt swept across his cheeks with a tkly feeling, making him squeak and blush even more ):
4. my little darling. I have an AU in the works about a certain God being able to visit dreams (it’s not XD!), and man oh man would he have a field day with gogs ): that lil squirmy thing would think up so many mean ideas in his head that even the lers would be shocked that he wanted to be tkled that bad
5. MY DRUNZ HEART 💕 Punz is so underrated as a lee! that boy is one of the cutest things I’ve seen, and the idea of dream just wrecking him to pieces during an argument is the cutest fuckin thing ): “you know what punz? fine. be that way.” “w-what are you talking about? wait dr-dream! dreheheam what a-are yohohou- NAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO PLEHEASE, IM SOHORRY!”
6. I sent you the lil painting I did inspired by the green blush on blob!dream! his lil chirps from the tkly likes to his tummy make him glow bright green with embarrassment ): i also hc that dream just blushes on his tummy in any form ): he’s such a lil puppy.
the joke was incredible as well, 10/10
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Bishova December Day 3: Reindeer
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose,” Kate sang along with the car radio, “and if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows.”
“All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names,” Yelena joined in. “They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.”
Shocked at hearing her girlfriend sing, Kate continued, “Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say-“
“Ho! Ho! Ho!” Yelena interrupted.
“Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?” The two of them continued together. “Then all the reindeer loved him, and they shouted out with glee, ‘Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go down in history!’”
“I didn’t know you could sing,” Kate remarked after the song had finished.
Yelena shrugged modestly. “I don’t usually sing in front of people.”
The two of them sat in silence listening to music through the tinny car speakers for a while, before Yelena broke the silence. “I feel like Rudolph sometimes.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never really fit in, but when I met you, Kate Bishop, my Santa, you made me feel like I belonged.” Her voice cracked a little bit at the end, and Kate was fairly certain she saw the stone-cold assassin wiping away a tear.
Kate rested her hand on Yelena’s shoulder. “I love you.”
Yelena smiled. “I love you too.”
Tagging: @on-the-outside @pride-potato @i-dont-know-nor-care-go-away @delphiniumblooms @cartersbishova @geeky-gay-greek
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the-grumpy-healer · 1 year
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(Lalafell for the holiday) ♪ “You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen But do you recall... The most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say (came to say) "Rudolph, with your nose so bright Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer You'll go down in history They got Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen Nothing can compare to that bright nosed reindeer in the air Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (reindeer) Had a very shiny nose (what a shiny nose) And if you ever saw it (ever saw it) You would even say it glows All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph (poor Rudolph) Join in any reindeer games Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say (Santa came to say) "Rudolph with your nose so bright Won't you come guide my sleigh tonight?" Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer You'll go down in history” ♪
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enaraism · 2 years
winter wonderland
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summary: a certain bookstore clerk helps peter come to a conclusion about winter.
a/n: bye i cant believe i finally wrote something hhfhffb Dying rn. my writing's a little Crusty so please bear with me!! and this is my first ever fic so i'd appreciate reblogs and comments! ^_^
content: bookstore!au, she/they pronouns used, fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers?? kinda?? poc!reader (it's only mentioned briefly and can cater to all poc, but white ppl can also read it), third person and no y/n used bc i cant get myself to write it that way. cliché?
word count: 1.3k
(also i added the peter parker x black!reader tag bc i think this fic caters to all poc, but let me know if i was wrong for doing that and i'll remove it, thanks!)
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»»————-   ♡︎ ————-««
peter parker had never really liked winter. sure, the snow was pretty. but that's really where the pros of winter ended and gave way to the countless amount of cons — like weaving hurriedly through the busy streets of new york with the cold, biting, wind thrashing against him, with bits of snow stuck sporadically in his dishevelled hair, and with a nose so red that he could easily be mistaken for one of those cartoon-ish reindeer — but none of that mattered. none of that could dull the fuzzy, fluttery, warmth in his chest that bubbled just from the thought of seeing her.
the bell above the door of his favourite bookstore (the only bookstore he goes to, really) chimed and welcomed him in, but not more than the smile that lit up her face when she spotted him. and suddenly he was smiling too, his lips curling up in a lopsided grin and cheeks heating up even more.
"there you are! i was beginning to wonder when my favourite customer would show up." they beamed, and leaned on the counter with both of their hands. peter found himself rendered momentarily speechless by the way her hair framed her face angelically, some strands sticking up messily due to long hours spent working on the minimum wage job that being a bookstore clerk is, and by the way their honeyed skin seemed to almost glow gold under the warm-toned lighting of the homely store, and oh shit, he's been silent for too lon—
"favourite customer?" he managed to let out breathlessly at the last second when he finally registered her words, a warm blush coating his cheeks at the thought of him taking up enough space in her heart to be her favourite customer. her favourite customer??? lord help him before he falls over.
and he thought he couldn't possibly be more affected by them than he already was, but of course he was proven wrong when he suddenly felt weak at the knees at her giggle (because he was red and wide-eyed just because they had called him their favourite customer and it was so fucking adorable she felt as though she might just combust), because holy shit --he's so whipped. he hasn't felt this way since gwen, and though normally the thought of her name would have him choking on a sob, this time he just felt giddy at the prospect of feeling that way again — at feeling love again.
"what can i say? you have quite the effect on me, parker, if i do say so myself," she winked teasingly, and he couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped his throat at the phrase she always managed to use for comical effect.
and he had the perfect reply to that, which he knew would make her laugh yet again so he could marvel at the way the corners of their eyes crinkled, but god decided he had gotten enough luck for today and sent in the devil himself (a nice enough middle-aged man who just wanted to buy his chosen books and make his merry way home) to cockblock him.
he smiled and shrugged in response to the apologetic look she sent his way before beginning to address the customer, and peter decided to walk around the library looking for, and successfully finding, the thing he came for in the first place.
the six of crows book. bingo.
he grabbed it excitedly, flicking through the pages and reading the summary at the back of the cover, not really caring about the contents of the book but wanting to know enough to not look like an absolute buffoon infront of them.
he waited for a minute or two after he heard the chime of the door bell again, announcing Satan's departure, and then casually made his way back to the counter.
"hi!" he said a little too excitedly, cringing internally at himself because god, he was such a sap.
"hi." she replied, the corners of her mouth tilting up again which made him forget all about his inner turmoil, because their lips were covered in the prettiest gloss and all he wanted to do was kiss her until all of it was smudged and he had his fair share of lipgloss on his lips, too.
he remembered suddenly from the expentant raise of her brows that he wasn't here to just stand and gape at them, and awkwardly stumbled on his words.
"oh- uh, i wanted to buy this," he set the book on the counter in between them and watched as their eyes widened.
"six of crows!" she started excitedly and he almost crooned at her reaction because even if he had expected it, it still caught him off-guard — because his imagination could never do justice to the way her eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.
"that's my favourite book—" he knew, he was guilty of using his spidey senses to overhear a conversation between her and her friend about it, that's why he chose to buy it in the first place — "dude, oh my god, it's so good. i finished it in 3 days. and like, the plot is amazing in itself but when you add an angsty, mutual pining romance to it? it's literal art."
"angsty, mutual-pining romance?" he inquired, not just because he wanted to hear her ramble on animatedly, but also because he was genuinely interested in what she had to say. how could he not? she had this way of making even the most boring of subjects seem interesting with their mannerisms.
"oh god, please don't ask me about kanej. i won't be able to stop talking." they chuckled and scrunched up their face, and peter thought he might just die from the sheer intensity of the way that pulled on his heartstrings.
"well, i am a very good listener, if i do say so myself," he echoed her previous quip, which was more of an inside joke between them now, and watched as she bursted out in a loud laugh which turned even louder when he bowed theatrically for dramatic effect.
"okay, no, for realsies, if i start talking about kanej then i'll most definitely end up giving you many spoilers and i don't want to ruin it for you," she paused, uncertainty and hesitance creeping up on her and peter was confused as to why before they continued on, "but... i can give you my number and you can text me when you're done so we can talk?"
HOLY SHIT???;);!
"orr not! sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomforta-"
"no, no! you could never make me uncomfortable! i don't think i've ever felt more comfortable around anyone else, actually. and i'd love to get your number! to talk to you — i mean. uh. about the book." he finished sheepishly, the initial burst of energy he got from knowing that she wanted to give him her number slowly dying down as he realised how much he had rambled on.
"okay," she said after trying to bite back a smile and nodding, and held out her hand expectantly. after a little fumbling around, peter got a hold of his phone and handed it to her, watching as she typed down her number and called herself from his phone (her ringtone was the cutest song?? he had to search up the lyrics after he went back home) so that she now had his number, too.
and he'd be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat when their fingers brushed together as they returned his phone to him, the touch feeling exactly like the prickling sense of electricity and more, which only intensified when he heard how fast her heart was beating (thank you, spidey senses) because my fucking god, she might like him too.
she waved him goodbye as he stepped back out into the icy january cold, the door bell chiming once again behind him, albeit cheerfully this time, almost as if it were congratulating him.
peter parker had never really liked winter, but he concluded that as long as he had her to warm him up, he might just learn to tolerate it.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
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death note x hunter x hunter
"Mm~" Hisoka slipped into the empty space beside Illumi, resting his chin on the needle-wielding assassin's shoulder. "Why so depressed, Lumi- not in the Christmas spirit?"
Illumi looked up from observing his nails, facing straight ahead with an expressionless gaze. "Not particularly."
"Mm, what a shame." Hisoka rolled his eyes upward, subtly wondering what, if anything, could shake Illumi- and then, peering northward, he caught the perfect thing to catch the stoic man off guard.
"How fun- it seems the two of us are standing under a mistletoe," Hisoka purred, pushing off of Illumi's shoulder and standing up straight. He subtly ran a sharp nail through Illumi's dark hair, twirling it around his finger before letting the strand loose and leaning back down to put his face in front of Illumi's, his lips beside Illumi's ear. "You know what that means," he drawled, his hot breath in the other man's ear-
-but before Hisoka could make a move, Illumi promptly turned his head, grabbed both of Hisoka's shoulders, and pressed the magician's lips firmly to his.
Hisoka's eyes widened.
Illumi broke the kiss after a few more seconds, then without looking at Hisoka again, began to wander off.
"Illumi-" Hisoka began, his face a mix of uncharacteristic surprise as well as a tinge of lust as his golden eyes started to darken.
"Hm?" Illumi glanced up, and turned back around to look at Hisoka one more time. "Oh, of course. Merry Christmas," he called back before finally vanishing into the distance.
Hisoka blinked and turned his gaze back up to the dangling plant above his head. Perplexed, he poked it with his clawlike nail, and watched it swing back and forth before tearing it down and holding it in his hand.
He'd thought Illumi would be the one thrown off- but it looked like the tables had been turned.
And to be honest, Hisoka didn't mind.
"Misa. It may be Christmas, but it is still a work day. Kira will not rest just because it's a holiday, you know."
"Okay, but I don't see what that has to do with you wearing a Santa hat," Misa pouted playfully, patting the fluffy white ball atop L's festive red hat. "I'm sure you can still work with this on!"
Light, a short distance behind L in his swivel chair, chuckled, hands in his pockets as he leaned on one leg. "It doesn't look half bad on you, Ryuzaki."
L humphed and turned his gaze upward to begrudgingly peer at the Santa hat on his head, strands of dark hair still poking out from beneath the hat. "Hm. You won't be quite so cheerful when you're in reindeer antlers, Light-kun."
"Wait, what?"
"Merry Christmas," Machi muttered, staring with a bored expression down at her feet as her legs dangled from the tall pile of wooden crates she sat on top of.
"Since when do we care about Christmas?" Nobunaga asked, glancing at Machi beside him. She only shrugged passively.
"Oh, is it maybe because-" Nobunaga began to straighten up.
"No, Nobunaga, I did not get you the chain user's head for Christmas." Machi clarified, exasperated, before promptly hopping down from the crate tower and walking away.
"Look how adorable you are!" Misa cooed, dancing around Light triumphantly, who did not look amused in the slightest. "I'd totally let you pull my sleigh."
"Perk up, Light-Kun. After all, you really do look adorable," L deadpanned, reaching up and tapping the fake bright glowing nose attached to Light's actual nose.
"We're investigating a mass murderer, and this is what we're doing?"
"Precisely," L replied stoically as Miss bounced around the two of them, the bell necklace she wore around her neck jingling as she did.
"Leorio? The star went out again!" Kurapika called, standing before the tall green pine tree in the living room. He had just emerged from the kitchen, having made a large pot of hot chocolate and many cookies, wearing a long red apron with a snowman on it per Gon's wishes- along with matching mitts.
In reply, there was a muffled groan from the back of the house. "Again? Sheesh, remind me to get a new one next year!"
"I'll fix it!" Gon burst from the hallway, sprinting towards the tree and preparing to throw himself in the air in order to reach the top of the Christmas tree.
"No, I got it!" A split second later, Killua flew out from behind Gon, getting ready to leap into the air.
"Wait, no, Gon, Killua, you're too short- you can't-" Alarmed, Kurapika rushed toward the two to try and grab them in midair, but it was too late. Gon and Killua smashed into the tree at once with a battle cry, neither of them actually reaching the flickering star, and down came the plant, shiny ornaments flying everywhere and sharp pine needles being thrown into orbit. The frantic Kurapika barely managed to tackle Gon and Killua from the path of the toppling tree just before it smashed into the carpet with a thud.
Upon all the racket, Leorio came rushing from the back, panting wildly and surveying the mess frenetically. "Holy crap-" His darting gaze turned to his friends, a gasping Kurapika sprawled across the ground with Gon and Killua squirming underneath him.
"Ow," Gon managed shakily, before looking up and smiling awkwardly at Leorio.
Leorio could only sigh as he stared at the scattered decorations, the knocked-over gifts, the fallen pine tree, and his friends on the floor.
But when he caught a glimpse of the star, resting a few feet from the tree, it had stopped flickering- and was shining brighter than ever.
"Uh... Ryuzaki?" Aizawa questioned, staring quizzically at the detective's face.
Matsuda laughed gleefully, the tiny bell atop the red Santa hat he was wearing ringing above his head. "You look pretty, Ryuzaki," he cackled, slapping his hands on his knees, face blushing with mirth.
In front of the task force sat L, holding his knees as usual, but now he had on a full face of makeup- lips painted a gradient pale pink, complete with clear gloss, pink blush dusted across his cheeks and nose, and black eyeliner around his eyes as well as mascara brushed on his lashes. Misa had even clipped a tiny red bow to one of L's unruly black strands of hair.
Misa giggled joyfully and bent down behind L's chair to toss her arms around his neck. "I know, right? Thanks, Matsu!" she squealed.
a/n: as for light, his ass is in the back falling the fuck out😭
"Uh- mind explaining...uh, this?" Soichiro asked the detective questioningly, to which L shrugged nonchalantly.
"I failed to bring Misa-san a Christmas present after she so thoughtfully brought me a gift- so I offered to make it up to her by allowing her to give me a 'makeover,' and so... here I am."
"I can totally do everyone else in this room, too!" Misa exclaimed, straightening up and twirling back around to the front of L.
The response was a very collective "No!"
"Too late! Matsu, you're next!"
"Wow, is this super big one really for me?" Killua stared in awe at the towering gift before him, at least three times taller than the boy himself was.
"Yep! Open it, open it!" Gon encouraged excitedly, clapping his hands rapidly in front of his face. Beside the green-haired boy sat Alluka, who appeared more excited than Gon for her big brother to open his massive gift.
"Okay, baka, I'm opening it," Killua mumbled, a faint blush fading into visibility across the bridge of his nose. Standing up and dusting off his pants, he approached the wrapped present, unsheathed his sharp nails, and cut through the paper as well as the box in a single motion, the remains fluttering to the floor like ribbon around him to reveal the gift.
"Big brother, look at that!"
"Well?! Do you like it?!" Gon demanded eagerly, practically bouncing up and down on the floor with his legs crossed. Alluka clapped her hands happily, waiting to hear the answer as she held a candy cane in her smiling mouth.
Killua's eyes shone at the present before him and his lips spread into an uncharacteristically wide grin.
It was nothing other than a giant chocolate robot- the biggest piece of candy Killua had ever seen in his life. Only his spoiled brother Milluki ever got things like this- and obviously, he didn't bother sharing.
"No way!" Killua looked from the robot to Gon to the robot and back to Gon. "Where'd you get this?!"
Gon's own smile threatened to split his face. "It's a secret," he whispered gleefully, putting his finger to his lips teasingly.
Killua frowned, tapping his foot impatiently, but as he glanced back at the robot it quickly faded back into a smile. "Thanks, Gon!"
"You're welcome!"
Killua wanted to express his gratitude to Gon some other way than besides just words- but he simply couldn't get himself to move toward his friend. Damn- was he still this bad with this friendship stuff?
Luckily, all of these misgivings evaporated when Alluka stood up on her knees, waddled in between Killua and Gon, and wrapped her arms around the both of them, effectively pulling the two together into a hug.
"Merry Christmas, big brother and big brother's friend!" she exclaimed joyfully, closing her eyes in bliss.
"Merry Christmas, Alluka- and Gon," Killua replied warmly before warily but surely wrapping his arms around his sister and Gon- whose smile was brighter than the newly repaired star on the tree.
"Shall we?"
"You're on, Ryuzaki!"
Misa had to hit the deck to avoid being caught in the crossfire of L and Light's ridiculously aggressive snowball fight- Misa had brought the two outside for some Christmas snow day fun and admittedly pictures, but now here she was, nose deep in freezing cold snow so she wouldn't get her head taken off by the overly powerful throws of Light and L.
"Guys, it's- eee! It's only a snowball fight- it doesn't have to be World War 3-"
"Your boyfriend started this," L replied absently before hurling a ball of snow at Light, a distance away from him.
"Lies!" Light called as he threw a snowball as hard as he could in retaliation.
Misa groaned in exasperation and ducked down once more as a flying snowball whizzed so close to her head she could feel it graze her blonde hair.
Clearly, she was not going to see another Christmas.
"Kurapika. What the hell are we supposed to do with so many cookies?!"
Before Leorio and Kurapika laid a tremendously large pile of steaming cookies- larger than Leorio could fathom, and definitely far more than he could eat.
"Uh- yeah..?" Kurapika ventured, a little timidly. "I may have overdone it... a little."
Leorio squinted disbelievingly at the shorter blonde boy beside him, then almost accusingly at the cookies. "A little?"
Kurapika chuckled nervously and put a gloved hand behind his head. "Oops."
"What did I tell you guys?!"
L and Light sat on the side of the bed in the hotel, shivering uncontrollably with thick blankets over their bodies, including their heads. Their cheeks were equally red with frostbite and their noses were the color of Rudolph's; the two were pushed close together to conserve body heat.
"This is what happens when you turn a silly snowball fight into a death game," Misa snarked, her hands on her hips as she paced back and forth, fussing at L and Light. "Now I have to go get you idiots some hot chocolate."
"B- bring sugar cubes," L called after the storming off Misa.
The men hadn't been looking where they were stepping in the snow- and L had gone and slipped down a pile of snow. Light, pride-driven, went after the detective to confirm L's defeat- and met the same fate as he did. There had been a frozen lake below the snow pile, and the boys had gone and shattered it with their antics, falling straight into it the second they reached the bottom of the snow mound.
"S-s- still," Light shuddered, staring down at the floor, "I won. You fell into the water first."
"Y- y- you wi-wish," L stuttered in reply, quivering like crazy. "Th-th-this certainly w-won't be the last t-t- time."
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (4)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(people seem to like this for now but remember, no reblogs/comments then i’m gonna assume people lost interest. so show u enjoy this please!! <3 also someone drew fanart of Reader, check it out at the bottom! :3c)
“Come ON Wilbur! Come with me to check out the huge village I found the other week!” shouted Tommy while making sure to get in his older brother’s way as much as possible. He figured if Wilbur was focused on him and not whatever ‘super important’ shit he was busy with then he’d join him.
Wilbur meanwhile was doing everything he could to sidestep and ignore said younger brother. Now usually he’d humor the much younger boy but Wilbur was sorta busy at the moment. There’s been murmurs of unrest within the L’manburg territory lately since new faces have joined their country. 
Apparently they weren’t happy about the fact that Wilbur was a self appointed president, and likened him to a dictator because of it since no one got a say in his leadership role. Which Wilbur thought was highly unfair. He’d fought tooth and nail for his country, so they could have and enjoy all the freedoms to do as they pleased without Dream and his cronies breathing down their necks.
Everything he did he did for his country. But he didn’t want them to see him as some unsympathetic tyrant who didn’t listen to his people. He’s not Dream, he actually listens when they speak, even when they say they don’t like his self appointed role as president. So yes, Wilbur was sort of busy with more important things than goofing off and finding some random village. But instead of snapping he just sighed and said,
“Tommy, I’m working. We’re supposed to be running a country, remember?”
The aforementioned boy let out an aggravated sigh, he knows they have a duty to L’Manburg, he’s not stupid! But he also knows they need to be allowed to have some fun now and again too! Or they’ll go crazy! And Tommy was sure Wilbur would go mad if he stayed cooped up inside all the time working! So this was his way of dragging his brother out for his own good.
But Wilbur was being especially stubborn (wonder where Tommy got it…) and was refusing to budge. 
“I don’t have time right now Tommy! Ask Tubbo or Fundy to tag along. I’m sure they’d love to go vandalize a village with you,” Wilbur distractedly said as he wrote down some notes in one of his books. 
Tommy was tired of fighting Wilbur on this and decided to hell with it, he’d just take the L this time. So he scoffed and said “Whatever” in the most pissed off teen voice he could physically summon and turned away from Wilbur and stormed out of the brunet president’s house, making sure to slam the wooden door as hard as he could on his way out. 
It seemed like all Wilbur did was mope around and WORK since they’d won independence from the Dream SMP. What the hell was the point of even FIGHTING for said freedom if Wilbur wasn’t even going to enjoy it?? 
Tommy pushed those thoughts away and went to search out Tubbo, he could always count on his best friend to follow him into some mischief! Unlike SOME people. And thankfully it didn’t take the rambunctious blond long to find his friend, and with a grin he ran and jumped on the shorter boy, making him yelp in shock and nearly fall. But then Tubbo saw who it was and started laughing and shoving the taller boy away half heartedly. But after goofing around a bit Tommy remembers why he’d searched out Tubbo in the first place.
“Oi Tubbo, come with me to this weird village I found the other week. I was gonna explore it when I found it but Wilbur said there was an emergency and I had to leave before I could,” he said as they both walked along the main path.
“Yeah sure, but why was it ‘weird’? Was it one of those ones that’s built somewhere stupid like half on a cliff?” Tubbo asked with a laugh. 
The two laughed and Tommy explained that the village just looked different? Like there was no cobble! Which was ridiculous because in his opinion that was the best part of villages was all the cobble buildings. Not that he was biased or anything like an American. 
But Tubbo just laughed and said sure, they could go check it out. He didn’t have anything else important to do today anyways. Tommy gave a triumphant ‘yeah!!’ because at least he got ONE of his friends to not be a total loser and go out to have some good old fashioned fun with him. 
Tubbo told him to lead the way so they were off.
Many blocks away in your village you were getting out of your ‘shower’, which was really just a waterfall hidden by thick trees and hanging vines behind your temple home. But it was the best shower you’d ever used thanks to how the water fell over you in huge sheets. You’d honestly stay in it for hours if you didn’t hate being bored just standing there. But you did get bored, so you got out and began drying off.
Once you were dry you started getting dressed in your usual outfit, then once done you paused before reaching down to grab the newest item of your outfit..
Your mask.
After your… horn discovery the week before you’d just laid in bed all day for a couple days. Not leaving your temple for any reason, not even to shower or eat. You’d have been feeling worse if you’d actually needed food but thankfully you didn’t, so when you finally got your ass in gear and got up to bathe you only felt marginally like shit. At least you had until you went to go bathe…...
But on that first day up you’d just stared at yourself in the reflection of the water and sighed. You didn’t have the urge to cry anymore, so that was a good thing. But you also weren’t a fan of the new horns or glowing eyes you’d had since ending up here. You weren’t even sure what KIND of horns these were?? And… call you crazy but you SWEAR they were bigger than they were before your stint laying in bed..
They’d only been little nubs before, not even as big as your thumb! But now they were at least five inches long and sort of splitting at the tips? It looked weird and honestly felt even weirder what with that velvety texture covering them. You made the foolish mistake of grumbling to yourself, 
“Things couldn’t get weirder, right?”
And as if the universe heard you… you discovered a new ‘appendage’ on your body while you started to wash your body off. You’d been lost in thought, just scrubbing yourself with a soapy washcloth when you’d started reaching around to wash your back, your washcloth brushed against something protruding from the base of your spine, right above your ass. This time you didn’t start panicking, you think you were still worn out from the days previous, so instead of freaking out you just slowly craned your neck around to see if you could glimpse the...thing.
A tail. 
You blinked, shocked but also.. confused? What in the absolute fuck? Why? When?? This time there was no sobbing or breakdown, you were honestly just puzzled. Are you ever going to STOP growing animal traits or what? Under any other circumstances you might even call the tail cute. It was small, probably just smaller than your hand and about the same shape too. And the majority of the top of it was the same color as your hair, but the sides (and underside after you got curious enough to look under it) were a soft white. With how you were in water the tail looked rather unimpressive and you couldn’t identify what kind of tail it was, but if it was at all connected to the horns then maybe deer? Or caribou? Reindeer? The last two seemed more likely since those animals’ females actually grew antlers you think. 
Having to adjust to all this new shit practically every other day was giving you a headache. With a tired sigh you rubbed the area around the base of your antlers, soothed slightly by how the action dulled your headache. But you couldn’t ignore the issue at hand, so you swallowed down your unease and instead just decided since you couldn’t control these… unnatural features then.. well, you’d just cover them up or since that wasn’t possible for the horns now you’d just disguise them?
You’d been stumped for a while on how to even DO that but eventually you’d gone down to the village to feed the animals and you’d watched the armorer leave his house to get started working for the day. And you’d noticed the mask he wore pushed up on his forehead. That’s when the idea for a mask hit you. But you didn’t know how to make or even craft a mask, so you’d gone to the armorer and asked him about it. It was hard to grasp what he was saying clearly but after the months living with the villagers you’d picked up some stuff and could understand them some.
So you let him show you how to make a standard iron mask like his, though the first one he’d made hadn’t fit you in the end so he’d made a second after tweaking the size a bit so it’d fit your face right, since your face shapes weren’t the same. But you were thankful and said so after you put it on. Though the eye holes still revealed your eyes, which you didn’t like. You asked how hard it would be to put reflective lenses in them to prevent your eyes from being seen.
That question turned into the armorer calling over the cartographer, the stonemason, and the shepherd oddly enough to help him out. They were murmuring and crowding around the armorer’s workstation while you watched from the edge of the porch where you sat idly. You didn’t want to hover over them like some busybody, so you sat patiently to see what they came up with together. 
And after a while your patience was rewarded when they came over to show you the fruit of their collaboration. And it surprised you how gorgeous it was, which wasn’t fair since you had 4 skill masters working on it together for you.
The mask was actually very beautiful. 
It was a white half mask that only covered your eyes, forehead, and upper nose/cheeks but left the lower half of your face bare. And you think it was simply painted white because it felt about as heavy as iron, but the part that amazed you was how it almost looked Venetian in design. On the forehead of the mask was a golden sun, and golden floral swirls came from the corners of the mask and curled near the cheeks and sides of the sun on the forehead, making the mask look elegant and almost vintage.
But the best parts in your opinion were the glass lenses in the eye holes. They were reflective and the same colors as your banner! You don’t know how the villagers did it but the edges of the lens were a goldish orange and the color faded into a violet in the center. You worried you wouldn’t be able to see through them but when you put the mask on you realized the lens only gave things a VERY slight blue/grey tint. So slight in fact that you could fully ignore it if you wanted. 
And the second best part was some of the floral swirls actually swirled UP past the top edge of the mask and rested against your horns, giving the illusion that they were somehow part of the mask. Actually with the mask on you could almost trick yourself into thinking you were just wearing a cool looking Mardi Gras mask! 
You clapped your hands in glee and couldn’t help the excited sound you let out as you gushed and told them it was perfect! They all let out bashful happy murmurs and generally looked shyly pleased with your praise. You tried to give them each some emeralds but they refused to take them, grunting and shaking their heads each time you attempted to push the gems towards them. Eventually you gave up and resigned to accepting the mask as a gift, but you’d definitely do something nice for them later, to make up for their hard work.
You’d taken to wearing the mask at all times when not in the privacy of your temple. Which wasn’t very hard to get accustomed to. The mask was lightweight and the lenses honestly helped shield your eyes from the glare of the sun so win/win. And it also made your horns, in your opinion at least, less in your face. Which was good because they were definitely still growing. You could tell. And the split in the tip was now more pronounced, making you wonder if they were like… reindeer antlers? It would fit with the tail currently growing out the base of your spine, said tail that now looked REALLY like a fluffy little deer tail since the hair/fur on it had dried. 
One good thing was that your tail wasn’t long or huge and could actually be hidden relatively easily under a shawl you tied around your waist. So that was one less thing to worry about. Though your life would infinitely be easier if you didn’t have to deal with all this inhuman bullshit. But you supposed life wasn’t fair and expecting it to be was foolish. 
“At least I’m not part some weird animal like an aardvark or something…” you mumble to yourself, trying to view this whole thing in a ‘glass half full’ sort of way. 
You’d decided to relax and unwind from your recent discovery by just taking things easy for a while. First day since you got the mask and such you just chilled and started a small farm for yourself. You didn’t need the food but the process of building the farm and toiling the earth and then sowing the seeds was actually pretty therapeutic. The repetition of it all was pretty calming. Just you, your gardening tools, and the earth beneath your feet.
The days following were pretty much the same. You’d tend your garden first thing in the morning after your shower, then you’d go off to find something else easy to fill your time. You took up feeding the animals, making flower boxes and planters around the town to make it more colorful, potion brewing, and even fishing. Which was what you were doing right now actually.
You were sitting on the edge of the pond next to your temple, bare legs in the cool water and your back resting against the side of another grass block, an enchanted fishing rod you’d traded the town fisherman for sitting stuck in the ground next to you while you relaxed. The day was actually quite beautiful and nice. Sun streamed down over you from between the bamboo behind you, fluffy fat bees buzzed overhead as they hunted lazily for pollen, and you were close to dozing off.
“Hnn! Hnn! Hnnn!!”
At least you would have dozed off if you hadn’t heard one of the villagers sorta freaking out. You looked up and saw one of the farmers panickedly shuffling about at the top of the small hill to your left. You wondered if zombies got into the village again? But no it was sunny out, they’d be burning if they did. Illagers maybe? But how would they have gotten around the bamboo and prickly berry bushes?? Well there wasn’t anything else for you to do than do see what was wrong.
You put away your fishing rod, got up and dusted yourself off before hurrying up the hill after the villager. You trailed after them down the lantern lit path but so far didn’t see anything, but you perked up when you heard telltale sounds of one of the iron golems fighting something and taking damage. That put some urgency in your gait and soon you were running to see what was going on. You rush past the fletcher’s home and then the cartographer’s right after but nothing. Then you finally round the corner where the market is set up and see at the very end of the path next to the cleric’s church is the altercation. 
You sprint down the path, yelling for the villager’s to stay inside until you ring the town bell as you run past them. You hear the doors slam closed behind you and you manage to get to the problem right as your iron golem gives one last cry before getting poofed. You gasp sadly and then glare when you hear cheering. A blond boy that was shorter than you hopped down from a dirt block tower and scooped up the fallen iron ingots the poor iron golem dropped upon its death.
You were so pissed that you ignored the nagging feeling in the back of your focus that said this kid looked familiar. It wasn’t until he finally turned to look at you that it hit you. Holy shit this kid looked… and sounded.. like that minecraft youtuber, TommyInnit.. Like eerily so. You’re glad you’re wearing your mask so he can’t see the deer in headlights (*ba-dun-ts*) look on your face at the sight of him. And your shock didn’t fade with him speaking. If anything it reinforced the idea that this kid was weirdly reminiscent of that youtuber. 
“Holy fuck! You are a MASSIVE woman. Wait, who the fuck are you?!” he said in a loud tone of voice as he looked up at you. It made your eyebrows furrow. You were NOT that big! He was just short! You even crossed your arms and told him so, which earned a snicker from the little brown haired boy in dark green overalls next to him. The blond boy scoffed, looked fully offended, snarked back that you were about the same height as a ‘bloody fuckin’ iron golem!’ so yes you were huge.
You glared at the little TommyInnit look alike and instead of arguing about your height you started scolding both boys, which they hadn’t really.. expected? At least from the surprised looks on their faces (which still had the roundness that came from baby fat). The brunet rubbed his elbow and sort of toed the dirt under his feet while the blond crossed his arms and almost looked to be pouting from the scolding.
“My height isn’t the issue here! The issue is you two barging into my village, killing one of my iron golems, stealing the loot from it, and scaring my poor villagers!! What in the hell were you two thinking?” 
The blond tried to cut in, to defend himself but he barely got out the first syllable before you held up your hand to signal for him to silence himself as you snapped,
“I do NOT wanna hear it! You treat others this way?? Like they’re nothing, like their possessions and peace of mind don’t mean a damn thing?! Shame on you both!!” 
By the end the two boys looked properly scolded. The brunet wondered if THIS is what it felt like to get scolded by one’s mother, and if it was then he’d like to avoid it for the remainder of his life. And the blond meanwhile actually didn’t have anything to say, or more accurately he didn’t know what to say to not feel like he was in massive trouble.
You meanwhile were just annoyed at this point, so you held you hand out (causing both boys to give you wondering looks) before you demanded the iron ingots that the blond stole from your slain iron golem. He got all in a huff, saying he earned them and they were just ingots- but you slapped that train of thought down with an angry,
“EARNED?? More like STOLE! After you killed my iron golem! Now give them back! I have to use them to make a new golem to protect this village.”
The blond sputtered, face blooming red at being blatantly called out on his theft, before muttering in embarrassment and pulling the ingots out and practically tossing them at you. You caught them and returned them to your inventory before shaking your head at the two and saying they should leave if their only goal in your village was to kill and destroy property. The small brunet quickly spoke up and said,
“No wait, we didn’t come just to mess stuff up! We came cuz Tommy said he found this place last week and it wasn’t the usual village so we wanted to explore it.”
Your stomach churned at the name.. Tommy. This was getting weird again. Way too fucking weird. But you resisted clenching your teeth anxiously like you wanted, instead you raised an eyebrow they couldn’t see and shot back,
“Oh yeah? And how did that escalate into killing my iron golem?”
This time it was ‘Tommy’ who cut in and said it had been an accident! They’d apparently been looking around when Tubbo (you felt queasy now after hearing that name too…) started fighting a spider and Tommy came over to help him, but in the process he accidentally hit the iron golem, who got pissed and smacked him.
“I ran from the thing and towered up three blocks! I knew it wouldn’t let up so I had to kill it! S’not my fault the bastard was holding a grudge!!” Tommy said heatedly, arms still crossed defiantly.
You wanted to rub your temples in exasperation but couldn’t without removing your mask. And like hell you were showing these kids your weirdo inhuman eyes. Though… if they really were the characters from.. the videos you got hooked on? Honestly this whole thing was 10 times weirder than the stupid glowy eyes or even the horns or tail.. Like this has to be proof you’re really dreaming or in a coma or something. What other logical explanation could there BE? These kids aren’t real. Nothing here is. It CAN’T be. The real people behind these… minecraft characters? They’re not here. In this place.
Before you could do a kickflip off the edge of your sanity into a full on mental breakdown you took in a calming breath and pushed those thoughts away until you were alone to give it the proper attention. And maybe so you could have your panic attack in peace and quiet. But right now you had two kids causing ruckus in your village. So you just said,
“Yeah alright, fine. I’ll forgive you both THIS TIME. But don’t make a habit of causing trouble in my village. And you can look around and explore, just don’t steal anything or hurt any of my villagers or animals. Got it?”
The two boys nodded, happy to not have you giving them that Angry Adult Tone anymore. So you turned and started walking back to the middle of the village, calling for them to come on. You had to ring the village center bell to tell everyone everything was okay.
Both boys shared a glance before Tubbo smiled and started jogging after you, Tommy right behind him, both curious about you and your village.
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ ​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles​ @nikkineeky​ @artsimatsu​​
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For Daminette December - Day 25
Master List
It was a peaceful day for Tim. He was able to stay home and catch up on sleep for once before he had to go to Wayne Enterprises the next day. Currently he was enjoying a warm hot chocolate Alfred had whipped up. Dick was sitting on the couch with him, enjoying his own cup of hot chocolate. Kor’i, Mar’i, Steph, Babs, and Cass were all going Christmas shopping and Jason was who knows where. It was a rare quiet atmosphere that he couldn’t get enough of as he scrolled through funny tweets on twitter. Dick seemed to share the sentiment as for once he wasn’t trying to break it.
Unfortunately, the wonderful silence was interrupted when Jason came barreling through the door. “Have you guys seen the viral video on Youtube?” 
“No, we haven’t Jason. Why?” Dick questioned. 
“Just watch.” He responded as he pulled up a video on his phone. He set it on the coffee table in front of the two. 
Dick and Tim both looked at each other before Dick hit play. The video started playing, showing the person recording in an auditorium with a girl up on stage. She had pale skin, dark hair, and if he looked close enough blue eyes. She was wearing a red dress with a black belt, white headband, and white shoes. The look screamed Christmas. However she was gripping the microphone like her life depended on it and could be visibly seen shaking. She took a deep breath before she started to quietly sing into the microphone. 
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose.” 
Then they heard a voice near the person recording, eerily familiar to Damian’s voice, shout, “LIKE A LIGHTBULB!” 
The camera immediately turned and focused on the person and sure enough it was Damian. Many were also staring at him while the people around him were grinning like lunatics. Tim could swear he heard the camera person whisper, “Fucking simp.”
The girl on stage seemed to gain more confidence from his shout as she sang a little louder, “And if you ever saw it, you would even see it glow.” 
Damian once again shouted, “LIKE A LIGHTBULB!” 
The girl was now smiling as she sang a little louder and more clearly, “All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names.” 
It was now 2 voices that shouted, “LIKE PINOCCHIO!” Damian’s and a girl’s. 
The girl on stage took the microphone off the mic stand and walked around the stage as she continued to sing, “They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games.”
Now it was 4 voices, including Damian’s and the person recording, shouting, “LIKE MONOPOLY!” 
The girl was now smiling and moving to the beat as she skipped and twirled around the stage, “Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say.” 
It was now a much larger group of people shouting, “HO HO HO!” 
Her voice was much clearer now and she definitely had some pipes, “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
One look at Dick confirmed he also liked the girl on stage, “Then all the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee.” 
Almost the whole room was shouting now, “YIPEE!” 
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go down in history!” 
The girl proceeded to do a little curtsy and she even blew a kiss in the camera’s direction. Many people were cheering for her as she smiled and waved at the audience. The person recording was screaming pretty loudly, he was pretty sure the girl’s name was Marinette now. 
As she walked backstage, she paused for a second before seeming to make a decision. She looked over her shoulder one last time and winked in Damian’s direction. The camera zoomed in on Damian, his ears a bright red, as he stared at the ground, refusing to look anyone in the eye. 
That’s when Tim decided to look at the title of the video. It stated ‘My Best Friend Gets Damian Wayne to Sing and Blush’. He wasn’t sure if he could call what Damian was doing singing, but at the end he was definitely blushing. 
“Wait so Damian has a crush on that girl! And he’s never bothered to mention her to us!” Dick complained, upset that his little brother didn’t bring her up to him. 
“Well we know about her now so…” Jason trailed off, letting his brothers complete his thoughts. 
They then heard the front door open, signaling Damian was home from school. All the boys proceeded to run for the front door, wanting to interrogate question him on this mysterious Marinette and his obvious crush on her. 
As they rounded the corner Jason yelled, “Yo Demon Spawn! Who’s Marinette?”
They watched as Damian’s ears turned red and he bolted down the hall, ignoring their shouts for him to come back. Looks like if they weren’t going to get answers the easy way, they would get them the hard way. 
That’s when a thought occurred to Tim, he took his phone out, still running, and sent the link to Bruce, Babs, Steph, Cass, and even Kor’i. Hopefully she would show Mar’i the video and the little girl could help question him. The more people on their side the better. 
Turning the corner the boys let out a couple muttered curses after realizing they had lost the youngest one. Well, no matter, he wouldn’t be able to hide forever. Plus, he now has a lot more people he needs to respond to.
Merry Christmas everyone! And happy holidays to those who don’t celebrate it! This fic is pretty short but I hope you still enjoy it nonetheless!
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reidecorating · 3 years
Like Ivy
Request: “Being able to see you smile, being in your vicinity, just that is enough for me.” and “Uh, here, this is for, uh, you.” I’m thinking something Christmas-y with Reid - Anon
A/N: I do apologise for procrastinating on getting this out, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t terrible. Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it, my present to you is the longest fic I have ever written. I had so much fun writing it so I hope you guys enjoy reading it! Happy holidays <3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAUFem!Reader
Word Count: 7.7k
Summary: Best friends yearning & best friends pining - but make it festive. Entails Secret Santa, the classic penny behind the ear and waltzing.
Warnings: Fluff, proceed with caution :)
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The Cathedral of Santa Maria. Spencer had finally put his finger on it. The small glass dome encasing a building, with doors small enough to allow entrance to ladybugs who may practice religion, adorned unmistakable timely Italian architecture and ornamented pine trees, all dusted with flitters of snow. For the past week, Spencer had caught sight of the trinket each time he wandered past where it sat, as one of the few other decorations surrounding the name plate displaying in gold Times New Roman ‘DAVID ROSSI’, on the often unoccupied desk. So, he gathered that it must be important. Filing away his final stack of paperwork for the night, a silver paperclip glistening in the artificial light, Spencer made a mental note to ask the man about it the next morning. Standing from his usual office chair slouch, he stretched his limbs, feeling a series of clicks in his back as he regained his posture, only to bend back down in reach of his satchel. He made his way home giving tight lipped smiles of encouragement to the few agents sprinkled about the room, working over time. Haphazardly, he pushed the arrow pointing downwards with a cardigan clad elbow. As if on queue, his phone buzzed to the simultaneous ‘ding’ of the lift. 
I understand you’re nocturnal, but I hope you’ve gotten home by now! If not, text me when you do so, safely :) 
He didn’t realise he was grinning from ear to ear until an aggravated looking bureau member from a floor above, evidently itching to get home, cleared his throat to gain Spencer’s attention. “Sorry,” he grimaced. Noticing the button for the ground floor having already been lit up, Spencer stepped inside and stood as far away, as was possible in the small space, from the rankled looking man and his briefcase. A dimple appeared on his cheek as he remembered you, two years, three months and seventeen days ago - not that he was counting - offering him cherry scented hand sanitiser from a small bottle, and, only after he’d nodded, gently grasping the tips of his fingers to steady his shaking hand as you poured the gelid liquid into his palm. The act was so pure he chose against telling you that while alcohol based hand sanitisers reduce the number of microbes on hands in some situations, they don’t eliminate all types of germs - making soap and water the most effective way to go. Since then, you occupied his thoughts in the same way ivy grew along bricks of long forgotten towers. In abundance, in the most beautiful way. He turned his attention back to the tiny mobile he was holding. 
On my way right now. I have a date with microwaved leftovers at midnight, can’t miss it. Will do. 
The next time his phone buzzed was when he’d dozed off on the way home, using the concave pane of a metro window as a shoulder to lean against. He waited until his feet landed on the uneven pavement of his stop to open it. 
Tomorrow you have a date with a properly cooked meal, at mine. What is it that Hotch always says? That’s an order, not a request. 
Spencer’s heartbeat quickened as he read what you had written, his brain immediately carrying variables in an effort to slow it down by convincing himself that friends make each other feel this way. However, when he counted the rose flush on his cheeks and nose whenever you were around, the looks you shared which said more than words ever could and the way you held each other nearer than the distance between the sky and the ocean where they met at the horizon after close calls and mentally grappling cases, it didn’t quite equate to being just friends. Dwindling leaves clinging to their branches shuddered as scissors of winter wind pruned the trees scattered about. Spencer’s pale hands slid into his coat pockets, hiding from frostbite. On the short walk to his apartment, he admired the twinkling lights on either side of the streets, feeling as if he were a plane which had just landed upon a runway in the night. Candy canes, reindeer and eccentric portrayals of Santa Claus glowed amongst bushes and on porches, making Spencer wish you were there to see them too. It wasn’t rare he found himself wanting to share everything he did with you. Pretty things made him think of you. Eventually reaching the familiar building, tiredly, he followed wreaths and holly all the way to his undecorated apartment door. 
You? Cooking? I’ll bring a fire extinguisher. Home safe. Goodnight, sleep well. 
He kept his promise, despite seeing the time was nearing to one in the morning and being doubtful you were still awake. 
Hilarious :/ and I will, knowing you’re alive. Goodnight Spencer :) 
Spencer coveted for nights when he could tell you goodnight from right beside you, perhaps with his hand draped around your waist while yours tugged at his hair. He wanted to fall asleep to the scent of your skin and whatever soap you’d picked up from the store that week, not the quiet hum of his vintage fan. His microwave beeped, acting as an alarm to return down to earth from the clouds, presenting him with far less than gourmet potatoes. Realising he would take your burnt cooking over this any day, he settled for a sandwich.
“Did you know that snowglobes were invented in France. They were first introduced as ‘water globes’ at the Paris Expedition Fair in 1889, and, to no surprise, the first snow globe actually contained a tiny scaled Eiffel Tower covered in snow,” Spencer lectured, almost putting the two agents who had struggled enough to get out of bed, back to sleep. The days were slow. Annual leave for a majority of the bureau was looming nearer and files kept them busy as the jet gathered dust. “Glad to hear the French contributed something, other than their opprobrium of a language, to this world,” Emily complained, from her desk. “Well, baguettes… Croissants, parachutes… Aspirin-“ Spencer was halted by the unimpressed look on Rossi’s face, as he hovered on the edge of Spencer’s table, a bushy eyebrow raised in vexation. “What’s with all this talk of snowglobes, kid?” The older man squinted at Spencer, craning his neck towards this, the way he did to suspects behind the glass of an interrogation room. “Since you brought it up,” he smiled smugly, swivelling in his chair from one side to another. “What’s the story behind the Santa Maria sitting on your desk?”
“Yeah, the eighties have come and gone, Rossi, isn’t it a bit late for repentance?” Emily let out a sly smile, walking over to also lean against Spencer’s desk with a steaming mug in hand. “It was a gift from my grandmother, handmade, I take it out every Christmas to help get in the festive mood,” Rossi explained. “Also, that was very funny Emily but now… I can’t help but recall what Garcia told me about the time you got a little tipsy and licked peanut butter off J-” 
“No one told me it was National Congregate Around Spencer Reid’s Desk Day today.” The three agents turned their heads in unison to find who the voice belonged to, Spencer’s breath hitching at the sight of you. You stood before them, an upturned magician’s hat in hand, semi-curious as to what the ending of Rossi’s sentence would have been if it weren’t for you interrupting. “Y/N!” Emily waved, flashing a smile. “You’ve taken an interest in magic and didn’t even think to tell me,” Spencer feigned a hurt look. “Spencer, I knew magic wasn’t for me after I did the card trick you taught me, wrong . Six times,”
“It was seven. Plus, the student is never as good as the teacher,” he suppressed a smile. “Or maybe the teacher just isn’t good,” you raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s a little hostile, someone didn’t get enough sleep last night,” Spencer defended himself, putting his hands in the air. His eyes held a glimmer of mischief as if to say ‘we know something that you don’t’ when they met yours. Emily’s jaw dropped. “That… Didn’t sound suggestive at all,” Rossi pursed his lips in concern, looking back and forth between the pair of furiously blushing agents. “Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t,” you winked at Rossi. Basking in the radiance of your laughter washing over him like the sun, Spencer chuckled along. “Anyway, what’s with the hat?” Emily questioned. “This,” you shook it by its brim, “contains the remaining names for this year’s Secret Santa, courtesy of Miss Penelope Garcia. I was just ordered to present it to you all. She calls it being her ‘little elf’ - I call it unpaid manual labour - but pick a name, any name,” you encouraged. You watched as Spencer’s tongue comically poked out as he eagerly concentrated on picking a name, elbow bent at a worrying angle. “I just want to say that every time I get a gift that isn’t alcohol, I’m slightly disappointed,” Emily turned to you as it was her turn to fish for a piece of paper. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you grinned at her. You watched Rossi’s expression as his eyes skimmed the name in his hands. “Oh, and Rossi, yes, there’s a budget,” you called over your shoulder, causing them to laugh as you gave them a wave. Slinking away from the comity of the bullpen, back to Mrs Claus’ lair, you retrieved the only remaining name. You paused in the hallway to double check if you’d read the glittery scrawl correctly. Spencer Reid. It was just your luck. You were prepared to engage in hand to hand combat with Garcia, seeing her office looming ahead. “Penelope. I hate you. I love you,” you kissed her cheek, placing the top hat on her curls, “but I hate you.” She recognised the tone, beaming at the implications. “Thank me later, beautiful!” She called after you as you rushed away to get started on completing the mountains of reports you had been avoiding thus far. 
The day had come to a close, a headache making a home for itself in your head. Scanning the, now, mostly empty room, you caught sight of the back of Spencer’s uncombed head. Double checking that not enough people were around to be reprimanded by HR for misconduct, you inconspicuously made your way over to him snaking your arms around his neck and burrowing your nose in its crook. “Hi,” he chuckled, amused at the sudden affection, his unoccupied hand immediately reaching to grasp one of your wrists. Spencer had followed your strict, but coffee induced, orders earlier that morning telling him not to distract you unless, one, he was dying, or two, something was on fire, because you were determined to finish the numerous write-ups you had left until today. “Hi,” you mumbled into him. “Ready to go home?” You asked sweetly, arms still slung around him, pulling your face away to get a glimpse of his soft features. Your heart stopped for a little while, at the beauty of him. He was breathtaking. You refrained from tracing the small bump of his nose with your own, and settled for admiring the five o’clock shadow presaging a hidden jaw. The part of Spencer that craved domesticity was enchanted by your simple question, the word home resounding in his head, acting as an old film reel for projections of images of the two of you together; leaving work together, going home together. Little did he know that, as if through an unnoticed telepathy, just a few inches away, the same images occupied your own head. Coming home to an empty apartment had become tedious. You allowed yourself to give into your daydreams of returning home to Spencer - with Spencer. Spencer, with his warm eyes and words that drip like syrup from his tongue. You wanted nothing more than to revel in him filling your senses once the cologne from the day had been washed away, and hear him harp on about the history of mattresses, attempting to retain questions to ask him later in your memory bank, as you capitulate to sleep. “As a matter of fact, I finished most of what I had to do last night so I am ready to go… home,” he tested out the word, to which you had assigned a brand new connotation, feeling a flutter in his chest. You quickly rescinded your arms as you peripherally detected a flock of agents returning from what you assumed was an afternoon break. Spencer suddenly missed your body on his. Having already packed your things, feeling accomplished noticing that the pile of folders on your desk had shrunk significantly, you packed Spencer’s things to save him time, aimlessly throwing the strap of his satchel over his head for him once he had ungracefully shoved his arms into a blazer. “Hang on,” you gently pulled at his shoulders to meet your height, carefully fixing his tag and creased collar. The blush on his face, at the feel of your cold fingers brushing the nape of his neck, said everything he didn’t - save a meek, “Thank you.” You smiled at him in return. “Wait,” his eyes widened, “I need this,” he mumbled, reaching into the bottom drawer of his desk, pulling out a large black bag, decorated in gold intricacies. He didn’t explain it, but you knew that if Spencer had something to say, he would come out and say it, just all in good time. “Now are you ready?” You eyed the thing curiously, and glanced back at him. “Let’s go,” he motioned his arms in front of him, with a small nod, letting you lead the way. 
Afternoon rays of sun fought their way through clouds, battling with the winter air to warm the people mingling outside as you made your way towards the crowded station. “Penny for your thoughts?” You asked, intuitively slipping an arm through his when the sun began to disappear altogether. Your cheeks grew warm as you realised your compromising position, feeling your heart rate return to its usual pace once he relaxed into your touch. “Hm?” He turned to look at you, letting his river coloured eyes unabashedly scan your face. “You look like your mind is far away,”
“What’s on my mind is definitely not very far away,” he said, quietly. That glimmer had returned. You noticed that the crease between his brows had disappeared, indicative that whatever thoughts were rattling through his brain, were good ones. You hummed a smile, content with his contentedness. “So… Hand it over,” he extended a palm a second later. “Hand what over?” You asked, genuinely confused. “A penny,” he said as if it was obvious. You blinked up at him, unfazed by the joke, as he bit his lip provokingly. All of a sudden he stopped walking, eyes still on you. “Just… Hold on a moment,” he whispered, squinting at you as he reached a hand towards your cheek. You remained still, thinking that Spencer had finally lost his mind. “Here it is!” He exclaimed, breaking out into a smile as he retrieved a one cent coin from behind your ear. “What!? You’re kidding! That was brilliant,” you beamed at him, eyes wide in bewilderment. “For a second there I thought you had gone crazy,” you teased. “Magic does that to people,” he nodded, satisfied with how impressed you seemed. “Ah, but alas, you gave me a very ambiguous answer, so I,” you snatched the penny from his fingers, “am entitled to a refund.” Spencer shook his head with a soft smile. “You might need to use that for the bus if we miss the next train,” he informed, hurriedly examining the watch on his upturned wrist. 
No trains were missed, that day, the two of you arriving at your door in time for the six o’clock news. “Here, let me take your coat,” you offered, putting it on the small rack beside the door, placing yours adjacent to it. Spencer relished in the warmth of the place, setting his things down. “So, I’m thinking we get a proper meal in us, and then you can help me decorate this dreary place,” you instructed. He wanted to let you know that anywhere you are is far from being dreary, but something told him that was far too sappy, so he settled for a simple, “Sounds good.” He took in the familiar apartment, its walls embellished in old paintings snagged from secondhand stores and books scattered about on almost every horizontal surface, in a certain disorderliness that said, yes it’s messy, but everything has its place. “Also, I hope you know that you’re only leaving in the morning so make yourself at home.” It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the two of you; you falling asleep at his apartment out of feebleness, him at yours, and more often than not, it involved discarded games of Scrabble as the two of you settled for debating the rules instead of actually playing. Lately, he’d been craving it more and more - and so had you. Spencer would never say no to that offer, but he was taken aback. “But I didn’t pack- I don’t have-“
“Eidetic memory is slipping I see,” you giggled at his flustered state. “I told you, I kept finding toothbrushes, sweaters and socks here every time you left, so I made a drawer full of your things, since you practically live here anyway,”
“An entire drawer? I didn’t think I was missing a whole lot,” he responded, nose tinted red. “I have to water my plants quickly, before I put dinner on, but feel free to shower,” you said, still laughing quietly. “Let me help cook, first. You need someone to disassemble the smoke alarm,” he raised an eyebrow at you. One ‘KISS THE COOK’ apron and half an hour of seasoning a chicken, spilling sweet potatoes and bumping elbows later, the two of you stood back from the counter, you boasting to Spencer about how nothing had turned to ashes, and him pointing out that the oven hadn’t been turned on yet. Soon after, you put the oven on high, humming an indistinguishable carol over the shower that could be heard running from the next room. A warm, tingling feeling overcame you.
By the time you had showered, Spencer stood serving - a well timed and flawlessly cooked - chicken, wearing mitts matching the baggy flannel pyjamas keeping him warm on top of the open oven. “Smells good,” you complimented, slightly startling Spencer. He stood at the small wooden dining table, mouth agape at the sight of you. He was sure his heart was a puddle. “I like your sweater,” he praised. You glanced down slightly confused, shortly realising that your sweater, with its much too floppy sleeves, reaching a little way above your knees, was actually his. “Oh, I’ll wash it and give it back to you at some point,” you said shyly. “I was wondering where it went, but don’t worry about it, the colour looks nicer on you than it does on me,”
“Nonsense, you know that’s not true.” Soon enough, you found yourselves digging in - not before you expressed your gratitude towards food that wasn’t charred for the first time in months. You sat across from each other, your reindeer sock clad feet occasionally tapping his beneath the table. Spencer’s heart was full, marvelling at you from where he sat, wishing this could be something he could experience forever, much preferring it over a stale sandwich. You watched him intently through your eyelashes, chin resting on your interlaced hands while he taught you about how the thalidomide scandal emerging from Germany led to safer drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, the lecture prompted by an article he’d read recently. It continued into getting the dishes cleaned up, his rambling only being interrupted by your intermittent questions which incited further tangents, or requests to pass the tea towel. His voice was a ruffled silken sheet, on which you would like to lay for eternity. Admittedly, you found it difficult to focus on retaining any more information than the odd date, due to being too focused on the way his lips moved to form every word he said, hopelessly enamoured by the overly enthusiastic expressions he made to match the tone of what he was saying. Eventually, he wandered towards the living room as you stacked away the final plate, butterflies still spurring in your stomach from when his fingers brushed yours as he handed it to you.
“Spencer Reid effortlessly navigating technology, Christmas miracles really do exist, huh?” 
“Actually, I just remembered watching you choose music, instead of paying attention to the road, that one time you drove me to work,”
“I was most definitely paying attention,” you huffed out a laugh, slightly bashful at the thought of him remembering small things you do. “You hit the kerb four times! That was the day I vowed to never let you transport me anywhere,”
“I see your argument, and I raise you with the counter argument: the kerb hit me.” Sitting with his back against the couch, legs sprawled out over the rug beneath your coffee table, Spencer couldn’t hold back his laughter. After watching you disappear into the kitchen, he busied himself with reading the holiday edition of Reader’s Digest laying on the table. He recounted you telling him that you had accidentally  drunkenly subscribed to it, and never bothered to cancel the subscription, the first time you’d caught him reading an issue. You emerged a short while later, with drinks in both hands. “Bonjour monsieur, on tonight’s menu, we can either open this Merlot or, drink Capri-suns like the sophisticated adults we are. Your pick,” you said, hiding the juice pouches behind your back and noticeably waving the bottle of wine in front of you. “I have a feeling it isn’t my pick,” he let out a laugh, “so just fill a glass with enough Merlot for two,” you were on your way to get a glass before he had the chance to finish. “Your wish is my command!” You called. Spencer put down his magazine once he saw you rushing towards him with a large glass of wine in hand. “Of course you opt for Christmas Jazz over Mariah Carey,” you teased, hearing the music he’d queued floating from the withering speaker in the corner of the living room. It was the kind of music that would play in the diner of an expensive hotel, you noted. “I can change it if you’d like?” He began reaching for your phone, when you halted him by grasping his arm. “No, it’s good, I like your taste.” Spencer grinned sheepishly, taking the glass from your hand as you sat down beside him. 
Hours of conversation and decking the halls with tinsel later, with wine flushed cheeks and twinkling eyes you moved the furniture to cater for your very own dance floor. Carefully, Spencer placed a hand below your ribs, touching you like new glassware, lacing the other with yours. Your unfettered hand, replaced the weight of the world as it rested on his shoulder. You recognised the look on his face as he settled into the close proximity, it was the same look that painted yours when you admired him whilst he failed to notice. The soft glow of a lamp illuminated the man you held, making an indistinct halo of golden light appear above his unkempt hair. “I apologise for any damage caused to your feet,” you giggled, struggling to find a rhythm. “Here, follow my lead,” he looked down at your feet. “The Waltz?” Dazzled, you raised an eyebrow, a few seconds after recognising the box-like steps in unison. Spencer tried to focus on anything but your lips, glistening in the dull light, so close to his. “Mhm, I’m not exactly the most co-ordinated-”
“You don’t say?”
“That’s tough talk for someone I’ve seen fall up a flight of stairs,”
“That sounds made up, but as you were saying,” you laughed into his chest. “It’s simple because its a repeating pattern. Did you know that name of the dance comes from the German word waltzen, which means to turn, or to glide? Some say the dance itself comes from the folk music and dances of west Austria, but others debate that it’s a variation of the Volta, from the 16th century,”
“Interesting, makes sense to debate that though. I’m pretty sure volta means ‘a turning’ in Italian - although that’s mostly in reference to the turn of a new thought or idea in sonnets… I’m thinking of Shakespeare,” you chimed in. “Sonnet one-hundred and thirty being a classic example of that,”
“Of course you would know that,” you shook your head in awe, cheeks hurting from grinning too wide. The incandescence of the smile that hadn’t left his face all day was mesmerising, the honeyed expression tied together with the dimples on his cheeks and creases around his eyes. “What would you like for Christmas?” He mumbled, lifting a moment of peaceful silence. “If you pulled my name out of the hat today you’re going to have to be a lot more subtle than that,”
“Unfortunately not,” he pouted. “Don’t tell anyone I told you, but I have Rossi,” he whispered the words into your ear, neglecting that no one else was around to hear. “What do you get a man who already has everything money can buy?”
“A new wife,” you joked, causing him to scoff. He studied your visage as you pondered his earlier question, still swaying to the soft piano sounds. “Honestly Spencer, being able to see you smile, being in your vicinity, just that is enough for me,” you finally answered, tilting your head up at him. Spencer thought his knees would give way. He thought his knees would give way, and he would hit the ground with enough impact to implode through the earth’s crust. In reality, he only stumbled over his feet momentarily, regaining his composure before you noticed him slowly becoming unhinged. “If that’s the case, I wish I’d picked your name,” he managed to utter, breathlessly.
The music which continued to play was drowned out by the sound of steady breathing, you were too caught up in each other to pay attention to the world. Wordless, you looked into his eyes, his actions parallel to yours. “You look beautiful right now,” he sighed. “Of course, you always look beautiful but, you know.” You shook your head, refraining from averting your eyes from his. He wished you believed it, promising himself to never abstain from letting you know until you saw yourself the way he did. “It’s funny you say that, because I was thinking the same thing. About you of course,” you rushed out the last part, realising the potential for miscommunication. “I love seeing you happy,”
“Well, as long as you stick around, you’ll be seeing a lot of that,” he spoke lowly, on the verge of telling you about all the things he felt for you. You hadn’t realised, but you had unconsciously moved closer together. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, lighting a fire inside your lungs, as he took yours away. Spencer saw all of the signs; the signs that this was not usual for a friendship. Maybe, if it weren’t for his defeated battle with fear, and doubt, he would have told you by now that he had fallen desperately for you. Spencer knew there wasn’t a drop of insincerity behind any of the kind words you spoke into him, he understood that you were his person, but he found it difficult enough to comprehend that someone could feel this strongly for someone. So, the implausible idea that someone could feel this way about him, was one he was not even prepared to entertain. “Y/N? I, um,” he tried, wearily. You gave him a soft smile, both tired arms laced behind his neck now as his rested on your waist. He dropped his sword. Once again losing the fight against his unreasonable insecurities, changing his mind at the last second. “I need to give you something,” his demeanour changed and he vanished from your line of vision. Your heart sank, hopes of hearing him say that the love you had for him was requited, fallen. Before you got too lost in your head, he emerged from the doorway with the same black bag you’d been inquisitive of. “Uh, here, this is for, uh, you,” he tucked his lip beneath his teeth. “Spencer…” you trailed off as he handed it to you. You sat yourself on the carpet, patting the spot next to you for him to join. “I thought I should give it to you now, since I’ll be in Vegas for Christmas,” 
“Spencer, you really didn’t have to-“
“Go on, open it,” he ignored your humility. You gave him a look as you opened it - it being replaced with a look of elation as you realised what it was. In your hands, you held a scarf, long enough to hit the floor, striped in all your favourite tones. “I had to ask my mom for help with the tassels, but-“
“You took the time to make this? For me?” You exclaimed. Without thought, you draped it around his neck to tug him closer to you, throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you so much,” you lauded, refusing to let go of him. “I think it was last winter, we were walking back to our hotel in Minnesota during a case, and you insisted that the both of us use my scarf to keep us warm, because you didn’t have one,”
“Ah, I remember that, except it ended up being one of the top ten worst disasters in U.S. history due to the height difference, and we both ended up falling face-first into the snow,” you giggled, recalling the way you had used up most of the hotel’s hot water afterwards. “Exactly,” he matched your expression, “seeing as you still haven’t bought one for yourself, even though we lose eighty percent of our body heat through our head and neck, I thought I would take matters into my own hands,”
“Well, I love it. You’ll have to tell your mother I said thank you and that I’m sending my love,” you finally dropped your arms from around him, out of fear of crushing his shoulders. 
Once the zeroes had lined up on the twenty-four clock, Spencer sat where he usually resided on your bed, ardently admiring you as you folded away his gift. “Wait! Spencer close your eyes! Please!” You squeaked, immediately shutting the cupboard doors, realising your unwrapped present for him was hidden within. “Y/N? Is everything alright?” He asked, eyes now sealed shut. “I didn’t want you to see what I’d bought for Secret Santa,” you let out, too exhausted to form a coherent excuse. “We only got those names today - well, yesterday, now - so how did you manage to-”
“Shoot,” you cursed to yourself, knowing his unintentional profiling would lead him to the conclusion sooner or later. Spencer’s eyes slowly opened. “Okay, let’s say if, hypothetically, I had intended on giving you something for Christmas anyway, but then drawn your name today, would you, hypothetically, be able to act surprised when you receive it from me at work?”
“Hypothetically speaking, I would?” He squinted at you, stifling laughter. Your hair was slightly messy and your drowsy eyes were visible to Spencer even without his contacts in. He thought you just looked so adorable, wanting nothing more than to hold you and share your warmth. “Anyway, come to bed,” he beckoned, his voice gravelly, giving way for the day. Obliging, you shuffled towards your bed before sliding your cold feet beneath the covers. Spencer turned to face you, resting his cheek on an upturned palm. “Sorry for ruining the surprise,” you whispered, tucking the duvet under your chin, bright eyes looking through him. “You didn’t ruin anything,” he assured, treasuring the sight before him. There had been a shift in the air between the two of you. Spencer held the wine accountable, but he could sense that you felt it too, a level of intimacy that you had not quite reached during previous nights like this. “Come closer, I need to exploit your body heat while I can.” Spencer listened to your instruction, inching nearer to you, his heart rate so high he was sure you could feel it when you nuzzled your head into his chest. “Goodnight,” you felt his chest rumble. “Hang on, the night isn’t over yet,” you mumbled, “talk to me,”
“About?” He asked, amused by your grit to avoid sleep. “Anything you want,” you yawned. “You’re sleepy,” he stated, coaxing you into getting some shut eye. When you tilted your head up and continued to blink at him, he gave in. “Have you ever wondered why a lot of our most vulnerable conversations happen  at night?” You nodded in response. “Well, a study done by the University of Colorado a couple of years ago concluded that natural light from the sun actually regulates your circadian rhythm, or internal biological clock, which standardises your sleep cycle. According to their study, this sleep cycle coincides with sunrise and sunset, meaning that if you regularly expose yourself to sunlight, your body enhances its internal clock to align more closely with the natural light cycle,” 
“Based on that,” you contended, words slightly jumbled, “our circadian rhythm would vary between seasons, right? And yours would be different, since you’re a literal vampire, to say... someone who surfs down in Florida because of disparity in sun exposure?”
“Precisely,” he raised his eyebrows, “I’m impressed you’re still paying attention, you look like you’re already dreaming.” Spencer nudged your forehead gently with his own, causing you to breath out a laugh. “Alright, so how does all of that relate to being more vulnerable at night?”
“It relates in the sense that the rise and fall of the sun reflects in our physiological, as well as emotional behaviour. During the day, we’re a lot more active, and at night, we become more relaxed and receptive. Hence, since your mind is at ease, all the thoughts and emotions that might have felt jumbled up during the day become clear, making them a whole lot easier to express,”
“Mhm,” you managed, eyelids growing heavy. “Do you… have anything to say now,” you whispered drowsily, eyes now closed, “that you can’t say during the day?” Spencer couldn’t handle it anymore. He was already so fond of you but as his hand settled to rest around your waist, feeling your warmness, he believed his ribs could collapse from the way he felt inside. As you dozed off, gradually, winter became less cold in his arms and dreamscapes of his tea leaf eyes. “And, she’s asleep,” he whispered, minutes after silence, into your hair, “but to answer your question, yes,” his lips planted a chaste kiss on your forehead, “I love you.” Of course, unbeknownst to him, you weren’t asleep just yet.
A couple of days went by, and as more time went on, the less certain you became as to whether Spencer had really even said the words, wondering if the whole thing was just a fatigue driven hallucination your lovesick mind had conjured up. Waking up beside him the next morning however, tangled in a warm cocoon of cotton and limbs, had left you feeling giddy, smiling like a fool with heart shaped eyes as he attempted to feed you the waffles he’d made - which the two of you gulped down far too quickly than sanctioned, to avoid being late for work. When you didn’t succeed, and the clock had beaten you by ten minutes, you both wrestled past evocative looks from the rest of the team for the remainder of the day, JJ even singing something about the two of you ‘sitting in a tree’ . The soft, shared, smiles and light brushes of fingertips when he handed you coffee in the mornings left you wanting to concede; let him know that you would walk on burning coal for him, the more logical side of you reminding you that professing your devotion to him over an open case file consisting of a double homicide, three days before Christmas, was far from ideal. Spencer wanted the kind of love only the poets could express. This had become evident the evening you took him to a midnight screening of ‘Un homme et Une Femme’. You recalled leaning into him to translate, catching sight of his welling eyes glimmer in the dim lit theatre. Believing his love should be celebrated, you decided to withhold the unsurfaced feelings a little while longer.
Later that week, you all gathered around the BAU tree, a small framed picture of Derek decidedly hanging from one of its upper branches after Garcia had to be heavily persuaded, and eventually bribed, to not place it at the top, arguing “But he’s my star.” Spencer snuck behind you, subtly placing a hand on your back to glide through and place Rossi’s gift under the tree. “I want to let you know that I’ve been practicing my ‘surprised’ face in the mirror,” he discreetly whispered against your neck, making you roll your eyes. “Okay super sleuths, I know we’re all itching to fly away for a break, but hold your reindeer, because we are yet to kick off our annual Secret Santa,” Garcia excitedly exclaimed, shuffling in with two large sparkling bags. “I thought there was a budget?” Rossi quirked. “Yes, sir,” she looked smug, “for you.” The team shared smiles at Rossi’s perplexed look. “So, who wants to start us off?” Garcia chirped. With that, the festivities were under way. You held tight an abnormally large heat sensitive mug, which you were sure would also reveal a promiscuous image once warm - a gift from Emily, who gave herself away by insisting it would help your caffeine dependency - watching as the others tackled ribbon wrapping paper. You threw an impressed look Spencer’s way, that glint of knowing something the universe doesn’t returning to your eyes, when Rossi opened a small portrait of what looked to be a Venetian cathedral, the Santa Maria to be exact. Once the banter and excited chatter had died down, everyone turned to the recipient of the final gift, neatly labelled Spencer Reid, enveloped in brown paper and tied with deep purple ribbon. Penelope looked as if she were about to pass out. Spencer’s shifting eyes landed on JJ as she mouthed a small ‘you’re up’, causing a smile to tug at his lips when he eyed you gazing at him with the soft look he adored. Your eyes lingered on his hands as they swimmingly untied the mauve knot and tore open the paper to reveal a large leather-bound journal. He examined the old looking thing,  trailing his fingers along the convoluted golden details of the artistic interpretation of a moon calendar adorning its umber covers, partially covered by thin leather straps. His mouth was slightly agape, shaking a little at how well you knew him, clumsily catching the matching novelty pen before it slipped out of the wrapping and onto the floor. You had picked it up at a forlorn occult shop after it had caught your eye while looking out of place as it lay surrounded by large crystals. Knowing in an almost divine way that it should belong to Spencer, you had bought it. He couldn’t help but look at you briefly, communicating a silent gratitude. “This is amazing,” he ogled, “I love it.” Your heartbeat was in your throat. He was yet to find out you’d filled the first page for him.
Shouts of Merry Christmas, long hugs and season’s greetings were thrown around the room before, one by one, everyone slowly bade their goodbyes. While helping JJ clear away torn reds and greens of gift wrapping, you caught sight of Spencer, ears and cheeks scarlet, with his nose buried in his new, opened, journal.
“We are asleep until we fall in love," you looked up from Leo Tolstoy’s one thousand page book and recited to me, once. Since you walked into my life, I’ve been wide awake. You know that I’m never far away, but this is for the days you need to let out some of what you hold in, without saying it aloud. 
I love you too, Spencer.
Spencer read and re-read the words until he was sure he could recite them like the Lord’s Prayer. It was commonly Spencer who remembered small details and remembered paltry quotations, but this time, it was you. Sitting in the glow of the afternoon sun, one October, he had been reading War and Peace, and couldn’t help but share the line with you as you sat across from him, chewing through a much smaller number of pages and reading a collection of poetry. The woman he had been so captivated by, admiring from afar that day - and all others, felt the same way he did. In disbelief, he began breathing manually. Making sure he was deciphering the cursive lettering correctly, he scanned the page again. While his eyes were definitely not deceiving him, they remained glued to one word. Awake. The havoc caused in his heart by the train of thought hitting him so brutally, rivalled only Gare Montparnasse. You must’ve heard his confession nights ago. It was the only explanation for the ‘I love you, too’. You most definitely were awake. Profiling tendencies overcame him. With his basic background of graphology, he could make out that the last line had been written in fresher ink than all the others, confirming his hypothesis. For the first time in a while, his mind was quiet, the uncertainties which fought to float in, unable to make their way through as if the thee simple words you’d handed him were a barrier for them. He needed to talk to you.
Walking quickly towards the elevator, an overwhelming wave of anxiety crashed over you. You had subconsciously been avoiding Spencer for most of the evening, second-guessing whether or not you’d heard him correctly, whether he’d even meant the words in the way you’d interpreted, wondering what you would do if this friendship were to ever end. However, a more hopeful side of you contended to quiet those thoughts. He had to feel it too. There was no room in which you hadn’t shared a longing look. The feather touches, and dancing. So badly did you want to believe that he thought this too. A slender arm appeared through the closing elevator doors, tugging you back to reality, causing you to jump before quickly pushing the open button. “Spencer! You could’ve lost an arm!” You yelped. “It’s okay, I have two of them,” he huffed. He avoided your eyes for a moment, before inhaling half of the oxygen in the small lift and turning towards you. “I wanted to say thank you, for this,” he held up the book, “it’s gorgeous, and sort of… exactly what I needed - and not just the book itself but what you wrote… inside it,” he nervously looked at you. “Did you- do you mean what you wrote?” His tone of voice syringed into you a drop of hurt. “Spencer, I never want you to think that I don’t mean it,” your let out in a shaky voice, gently grasping his elbow. You visibly saw his body ease, a smitten smile replacing the lip being chewed at. His throat bobbed as he gulped before he spoke again, heartbeat in his ears. “I want you to know that I’m in love with you, Y/N. I don’t want you the way I want a best friend, I want you in a-” he sighed, clenching and unclenching his fist trying to find the words, “I want you in a way that means I want to fall asleep beside you, and wake up to you the next morning, for as long as the sun rises. I want you. I want you - no, need you, the way the tide needs the moon to rise and fall, I want you-” he swallowed, furrowing his brows at his feet, “I want you, like this.” Hazel eyes fluttering shut was the last thing you saw. Large hands lightly caressed your face, one travelling behind your ear, brushing your neck to delicately tangle in your hair. After years of wondering, you finally knew what his lips felt like on yours. His nose bumped yours lightly as you tasted his soft lips, their slight chap reminding you that winter had kissed them first. Your hands wrapped around his wrists, before one settled on his tilted jaw and another hid in his chestnut hair. He felt warm, everywhere you touched setting electricity through him. Even after you pulled apart, his arms remained on either side of your face, holding you like you were fragile. His breath fanned over your face, as you shivered, the fluttering in your stomach unsubdued. The elevator had long reached the ground floor, causing the two of you to bashfully laugh concurrently. You thought to yourself that Spencer’s crimson flush and wide grin was a sight you would lose sleep to gaze at. “All this time, I’ve been missing out on that,” you teased, watching him shyly bite his lip as he waited for you to say something else. “I’m very glad you said all of that because I’m very much in love with you, Spencer Reid, and, if you’ll let me, I want to love you, the way people love in all the books you’ve lent me,” you told him. At that, he was sure his heart was yours, fearlessly. So, making afternoon plans and debating which train to take, neither of you really caring as long as you were in the other’s company, you finally stepped out of the elevator, oblivious to the mistletoe that was hanging within it, but more than mindful of what was to come. 
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