#west wing oc
hoffmans-hoffman · 1 year
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Simon Bartlet
Name: Simon Cain Bartlet
Nicknames: Aces(Secret Service), Flowers(Secret Service), Single Sally(Josh Lyman), Butterfly(Abbey Bartlet)
Occupation: College student
Family: Dr. Bartlet (Grandfather), Mrs. Bartlet (Grandmother), Jonathan Bartlet(Uncle), Josiah Bartlet(Father), Abbey Bartlet(Mother), Elizabeth Bartlet Eleanor Bartlet Zoey Bartlet(younger sisters)
Relationships: a few unnamed girlfriends and boyfriends
Allergies: Meat(All)
Religion: Atheist
First appearance: Five Votes Down
Last appearance: Tomorrow
Five Votes Down
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With his father down five votes in the house to pass the Gun Control Bill, Simon makes some visits and very interesting phone calls to some people hoping to sway the votes, but Leo McGarry phones a friend in Hoynes who also takes all the credit for the bill passing.
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Simon is in the scandal sheets every couple of weeks, whether it's who he's dating, his religious choice against his father or...weirdly his veganism. He makes a visit to the senior staff and to hide from his mom. In this visit CJ has a long painful talk with him and a few hours later, he came back with a small piece of paper that says “I will try my best to stay out of the scandal sheets for the next three months - Simon Cain Bartlet„ and CJ still has it in her office.
Aces is Missing
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In a visit to Simon's college, his parents along with the senior staff have a moment of fear and worry for Simon's health. The visit started out as normal and all well and good till a rogue student starts a riot and suddenly Simon is nowhere to be seen which makes the secret service worried so they send three agents to try and find Simon. When Simon was found he had a broken nose and arm...but other than being traumatized he was okay.
Simon, CJ and Josh
(yeah I know it's not Josh and CJ's actors it just fits)
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When they lose Mrs Landingham...it affects everyone in a different way, Jed is angry, Leo and Charlie were in shock, Toby was putting in a front and Sam was sad. Simon, CJ and Josh were grieving together like siblings...Simon the strong shoulder to cry on, CJ the caring one and Josh the one crying a lot. In losing Mrs Landingham, Simon, CJ and Josh bonded with this loss but it wouldn't be their last time going through this.
Twenty Five
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Simon is moved out of his college dorm and into The Executive Residence as his youngest sister is kidnapped. Simon...Simon isn't doing well at this point in time, he's tired and angry that he has no power in this situation all he can do is watch his parents struggle along with the senior staff. When his father invokes the Twenty Fifth amendment Simon leaves the oval office and almost the white house but is stopped by Josh and CJ as Toby returns from the hospital. Simon starts a full blown argument with the Senior Staff and leaves the White House in a huff, Toby suggested to Glen Allen Walken that sending a few secret service men to go after Simon and Glen allows this.
Leo McGarry
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Simon had always been close to Leo even before his dad was president, Simon looked up to Leo and always came to Leo about his problems mostly because his dad scares him. Being at Camp David when Leo has a heart attack Simon panics and freezes as other people help Leo. This makes Simon feel it is his fault Leo dies. Mallory asks Simon to speak at Leo's funeral and at first he accepts it...but when it comes time for him to say his few words he is unable to.
A bond so strong
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This time coming to his aid is CJ and Josh, this time them being his shoulder to cry on as only a few words into his speech he says “I,I'm sorry...I can't„ and quickly remove himself from the podium as he bursts out in tears. In that moment everything sinks in for him and every tear he has suppressed over the past years comes exploding out and he tells Josh to help him out and they walk out to try and calm him down.
Gremlin Energy
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Simon is working hard on Santos campaign and it's physical and mentally killing him over it as he just wants to make everyone proud of him. As he is doing this his friends and coworkers can see the toll it's taking on him and it is Josh who ultimately tells Santos to take Simon off the campaign team. Later Simon becomes Josh's aid/Secretary after the end of the campaign.
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iknowwhereiare · 3 months
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self insert wheel! because cringe culture is dead!
fandoms from pink to purple: warrior cats, me, horizon forbidden west, kirby, steven universe, pokemon, my little pony, wings of fire
feel free to make ur own!
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somuchwhatever · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by @somewhereapart, and I figured y'all may be sick of seeing me just post fic so here ya go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 tells me I've written for Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, General Hospital, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: OC, Lie To Me, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and The West Wing. And I honestly can't think of any others outside of just ficlets I've tossed into the wild over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Flinktober 2022 (EO, SVU/OC)
i remember skies (EO, SVU/OC)
gala (EO, SVU/OC)
bizarre love triangle (EO, SVU/OC)
Chautauqua (EO, SVU/OC)
I did not include one that was cowritten with a bunch of other people because I will always assume the kudos are for them.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As often as possible. If someone takes the time to comment, I want them to know that i care enough to acknowledge and thank them for that kindness and effort. Especially when I write mostly for a fandom where I've seen people specifically state that they will read works but NOT comment on them as some sort of punishment for whatever random/imaginary fandom sins the writer whose free content they are enjoying has committed. That's just dumb and unkind, so I make the effort to let people know their comments are appreciated, even if it takes weeks to circle back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. There are several chapters in the first flink posting that would qualify, but I'm going to go with my largest Sam/Jack (SG-1) fic, Gravity Sings. It's hard to pretend it's not angsty when you've literally killed off half the planet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Not really sure. I'm a sucker for fluffy endings, so I tend to write them quite a bit. Maybe waltz or Chautauqua?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, but I shut it down quickly. If you come up in someone's space where someone is providing you free entertainment and be rude? Don't expect a pass from me about it. The scroll bar isn't difficult to use, and neither is the back button. I use it frequently on poorly-written works or things that may be well-written but just aren't my thing. What I don't do is sling entitlement issues around demanding things be written to my satisfaction (unless you employ my beta services, in which case, you asked for it!). :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I never really did prior to the first flink experiment, and I created that experiment purely to practice writing smut. Well, I take that back. @rgrdsalxndra would be the first to remind me I'd often cockblock Elliot and Olivia by having them dream-smutting without real-life release. But I started that project with the express purpose of getting better and more comfortable with writing smut, so I'm making that the hinge point.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Because SVU and OC are different shows, I write them regularly. But if you mean out-of-universe crossovers, I've only really written one, R.E.M. (SGA, BSG, Buffy). It was based on a prompt from an LJ friend, "Elizabeth Weir, Kara Thrace, and Buffy Summers walk into a bar..."
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware. There are much better people out there to steal from. Also, I always assume if something is similar to what I've written, it's because fandom truly does become a hivemind at some point. Nothing new under the sun and all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware. If I had to guess, I'd say Gravity Sings would be the most likely candidate since SG-1 fandom is probably the most global and that fic has been around much longer than any other likely candidates.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Wrote Wet Dream with much better smut writers than myself in a group chat, and a bunch of us in SG-1 fandom way back in the day once built an SG-1 AU loosely based on The Big Bang Theory called The House That Jack Built, and I have several entries in that little universe.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How does anyone pick this??? I love them all for different reasons. I will say EO has a grip on me nobody else ever has, but then they have that 25 year slow burn that is just absolutely and sickly delicious.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Glazed and Fired (SGA) was originally the first part of a 5 Things fic that got away from me, and I had always intended to go back and finish it but eventually just put it away for good. I fully intend to finish my others (Skies, I'm looking at you).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar. Economy of language (this is also sometimes a weakness). Getting into the head of characters who are typically very closed off.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel my writing is way too mechanical. I'm also still not comfortable writing smut. I always walk around with a sense of imposter syndrome with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm literally one class shy of a degree in French, and I had to write many upper level term papers in that language, but let me assure you I have zero plans to ever write in another language. I sincerely applaud those of you who do.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Geez. It probably changes regularly, and I'm hesitant to say because my faves are never anyone else's. all i ever wanted (a rather dark Elliot-centric fic) holds a very dear spot in my heart just because of how my muse just grabbed a keyboard and churned it out. This is not a popular opinion, and hardly anyone read it, but I still love it a lot. And just because it was the first fic I wrote that was widely recc'd, I have a soft spot for Things Not Dreamed (SG-1), a Sam & Jack & Daniel fic written from Daniel's POV.
tagging in a no-pressure way (and sorry for any double tags):
@morethanwords229, @whatbecomesofyou, @samwrites99, @rgrdsalxndra, @shut-upjohn, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
Chapter Summary: The filing deadline is looming, as CJ finalizes the details for her campaign - including telling her daughter that she plans to run.
Chapter 3/20: The Same Cliffs
Thank you for reading!! 💜
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President Bartlet quotes over pictures of the Illusive man because I can and nobody can stop me
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unfortunate-arrow · 7 months
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𝐇𝐏 𝐖𝐖𝐈 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐒 | 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬
Linus Sullivan, Eugene Lovell, Ralph Myers, Colm O’Shea - me Aiden Barlow, Ares Gaunt, Sydney Barlow - @gaygryffindorgal Kit Enfield, Patrick Simmons, Alexej Kavinsky - @potionboy3 Lunas Avery - @cursed-herbalist Joel Mayfair - @magicallymalted
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frank-does-stuffs · 9 months
Are you soft?
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maddyc-drawings · 2 years
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A Wild West reimagination of the main character of my book! I absolutely love Andrew in this style, and definitely want to draw the rest of the cast of Wings of Faith, too!
(reblogs much appreciated<3)
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splinteredmercies · 2 months
SPRING CLEANING ‘24 ␥ Catherine Willoughby (1/?)
fandom: the west wing
pairing: eventual josh lyman/catherine willoughby (oc)
author's note: this will eventually be a one-shot published on ao3, but for now, I'll post this scene. the following scene takes place during the '98 election cycle. at this point, bartlet and hoynes are on the ticket together. (want to imagine catherine with a face claim? kristin davis in sex and the city!)
word count: 239
Catherine resisted the urge to twiddle her thumbs. Her mother had taught her better. But Dr. Bartlet was not making anything easy.
“I do not need anyone to tell me how to dress! I know how to dress myself! Where’s Leo—?”
Catherine took her chance. She squared her shoulders and said, “Dr. Bartlet, I wasn’t hired to dress you. Quite frankly, you’re not the problem. It’s your husband.”
“My husband?”
“Governor Bartlet could speak all day about economics and theology and whether or not Notre Dame is doing well during the football season. He’s a smart man, but he cannot dress himself!”
Catherine paused to take a breath. She wondered if she would jinx the election with the words she wanted to say… She continued anyway.
“You’re doing well in the polls. The Bartlet-Hoynes ticket has a chance of winning. Your schedule isn’t going to allow you to be able to pick the Governor’s suit and tie for every event, Doctor.”
There was a begrudging acceptance in Dr. Bartlet’s eyes. The older woman assessed Catherine with a keen gaze. “You always address me as ‘Doctor,’ never ‘Mrs.’”
“You’re more than just a wife and mother, Doctor Bartlet. Pardon my French, but you’re a kickass thoracic surgeon. Anyone who calls you ‘Mrs. Bartlet’ should correct themselves.”
Dr. Bartlet stared for a moment before she said, “Catherine, you can call me Abbey. Do you go by Cate?”
Catherine smiled and laughed. “Oh, no, I’m Catherine—just Catherine.”
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arrthurpendragon · 5 months
I was tagged by @techs-stitches
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line of your WIP. Then tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
He simply shrugged his shoulders before popping another Cheeto into his mouth. “Pretty sure it’s a cardinal sin to not eat perfectly good Cheetos, especially on a campaign trail.  We don’t want any smiting to happen before we get your dad elected.”
“You’re not even Catholic,” Emily scoffed in retort. 
Josh arched his brow, pointing a Cheeto at Emily.  “Didn’t realize your religion had a monopoly on caridinal sins.”
Emily folded her arms across her chest and looked at him pointedly. “Bold of you to assume I’m Catholic just because my parents are.”
“Are you?” Josh asked.
She just shrugged her shoulders. “We’re not here to discuss religion. I believe we were quibbling over what you wrongly assumed to be a dangling participle.”
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No pressure tags: @nixdragon @misshiraethsworld @darkwolf76 @missunderstoodxoxo @themaradwrites @atjsgf @xonceuponatimex @juliaswickcrs @oneirataxia-girl @darth-caillic
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hoffmans-hoffman · 1 year
Jackson actually having a plan to help:
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elliewritesworld · 7 months
Fandoms I Take Requests For (Updated)
Video Games:
- Red Dead Redemption (I have only played the second one, but I can do my research 🫡)
- Detroit: Become Human
- The Last Of Us (I & II)
- Uncharted (all games)
TV Shows:
- Peaky Blinders
- The West Wing
- The Last of Us (yes, they are separate lol)
- The Outsiders
- Harry Potter
- Most MCU movies (For sure anything from Iron Man-Endgame)
- Hunger Games
Feel free to ask me if I do a specific fandom, these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head at the moment. Also let me know if you’d like to see a list of characters I “specialize” in, if that’s the correct word for it lol. I’m open to questions ☺️
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levforfakes · 7 months
‼️this is a joshua lyman simp post‼️
based on my little ww world in my head, with an oc who is a GUY and also been dating josh since college bc they were ROOMMATES, and also homosexuals, at random times josh likes to say 'we NEED to legalize gay marriage' esp when hes in looOove and stupid politician gay things 'im gonna legalize gay marriage for you' bc hes a loverboy and also in college during the aids crisis dont tell me hes not a raging gay fiend.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 10 months
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Meet Abigail Madison Bartlet
Affectionately called Maddie so not to be confused with her mother Abbey.
She is the third of the four daughters that former New Hampshire governor Jed Bartlet and his wife Dr. Abigail Bartlet had, and the only one to love in the White House on a regular basis due to receiving chemotherapy at a local hospital.
Currently, she is married to President election Sam Seaborn and has been living back in Washington DC since he was a senator. They have adopted a total of 4 children their youngest being names Josie, named after her grandfather Josiah who had passed away a few months prior to her birth.
Maddie is going to be appearing in Once A President’s Daughter coming September 1st, 2023
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skelevenn · 8 months
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Repostober 19 - 2018
A scene from a TTRPG campaign called Perdition. Was a homebrew wild west setting using the Genesys system. My character Rem getting a magic shotgun from the literal Devil and being commanded to kill one of the other players.
Some complicated feelings, cause it was supposed to be a podcast, but... buncha dumb stuff happened. beh. Was a really good story... Wanna be proud of it, and this piece, but just. Sad. :C
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I've finally figured out how to put my asks on!!! Wooo!! Okay, besides thatt!! I'm currently writing two(?) stories in the process of Batfam x reader!! But alongside that, I'm also questioning something?
I have four DC oc's so far! And I wanted to ask if anybody would enjoy some drabbles or headcanons about them! I know, oc's aren't really- written for? But I would love for anyone to get to know my four little bastards! I'll put their names below so you can choose and see which intrigues you the most!!
-Scarlett "Scythe" Cason -Chester "The Laughing Stock" Whitlock -Justin "Loyal Lies" Whitlock -Jessica "Bloody Wings" Hart
If you do want me to write for them, please don't hesitate to send in an ask!!
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